kashisart · 5 years
I am alive, have some ineffable husbands kissing softly.
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elleap · 7 years
Your ARTSYLEtm. And also your signature lol
pffft. ye, you are correct! XD
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sonic-spindash · 7 years
Gotta follow for quality + content
Thanks so much! :D
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Are there any reference works for Bing, Jenny, and Cliff? I really want to draw them! Thanks, sorry for bothering!
I’d recommend asking @kashisart for Bing refs, since he did the faces, and sure, I can get you some Jenny and Cliff.
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Apologies for the sad Cliff face, that’s the only one I had that was that size. Well, I had a few other ones, but that was the least alarming without context. heh
Additionally, for outfit refs:
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That’s the best I can do since we don’t have any cutscenes with the new outfits. But I think that’ll probably be best anyway; you can play with it however you want.
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saoirseuwu · 6 years
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Hey, @kasper-the-ghost... BOY!
Made by @kashisart (he’s an awsome and talented dude, check him out)
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crazycatladyartblog · 6 years
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Doodle dump ! 
My Oc’s and @kashisart sona ^-^ (drawn by them)
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makinoke · 6 years
Big thanks to @sannyomro for tagging me, you’re a sweet bean ! (I’ve already been tagged on something like this, but I believe it’s different question)
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you would like to know better!
Name: Makisu/Théo/Luna (Shh)
Nicknames: Maki and Brownie apparently !
Star Sign: Sagitarrius ~
Height:  Around 5,4 ft I’m not sure precisely (1,65 m more or less)
Favourite Fruit: Mango forever :D !!
Favourite scent: Oh interesting question, probably warm coffee.
Favourite Season: Autumn.
Favourite Colour: Red ofc !
Favourite animal: Usual : cats. Unusual : foxs and squirrels, always had a soft spot for ginger animals apparently.
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: Black coffee for sure, tea is fine (prefer herbal brew tho) and I hadn’t drunk a hot chocolate since forever now that I think of it :o
Average hours of sleep: 7/8 hours most of the time I believe :o 
Favourite fictional character: Castiel (Supernatural), Doctor Strange,, and Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect).
Number of blankets you sleep with: Currently one, but struggling with keeping it in the bed every damn night xD
Favourite songs: Tough tough question ahah, here some I currently enjoy :
The Muffin’s song !  (Tomska)
Drama (AJR)
Ignite (Alan Walker and K-391)
Favourite Books:
Metro 2033 and any book of Bernard Werber (Les Thanatonautes bordel !)
Some friends over here, feel free to do so even if you’re not tagged ! (be sure to tag me so I can see it ! :D) : @kashisart , @kaeru01 , @chronically-illustrated , @spice-illustration , @goddessake , @trollyxzx , @callmetrash1 (I see you every day on my dash, you’re such a big supporter with your activity around the blog, love you boi :D)
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melokittie-blog · 6 years
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MY BADASS DUDES. Happy birthday my little killer ! Love ya babe, even tho’ you blow the kitchen up all the time <3 
@kashisart @fallennoirskeleton
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qbanalras · 7 years
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@kyoma1719 as king’s right hand
@kashisart as freak’s king
@qbanalras as king’s left hand
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kashisart · 4 years
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Trans rights.
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the-witches-house · 7 years
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The Witches’ House  - page 9
Support me on Patreon, so that I can keep drawing! https://www.patreon.com/kashisart
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Callout Post!
Because someone recently ticked me off big time, I wanted to make a callout post... calling out all of the amazing people in my life who are worth the attention. Because we should turn negatives into positives and there are so many people I’m thankful for.
@celestialsushi Thank you for sticking with the team and for always coming through for us. You know I love you and I’m so happy to have you on the team for the sequel. You’re the best assistant everything I could ask for.
@whatsthepointofthisbloganyway What do I even say? You’re such an awesome person and I’m really glad you reached out to me asking if you could playtest the game. Making the game was worth it to see people like you react to it and Glitch in the System is in good hands with you at the helm of a job I can’t tell anyone because spoilers. ;)
@creationsofeve Freaking AMAZING job on the credits art and thank you for sticking around for the other projects. We got so lucky when you offered to help us out. You’re so talented and so nice to talk to. I can’t wait to continue working with you.
@piligy Your art is INCREDIBLE and we’re so lucky to have you helping us with all those facesets and other art! You’re practically art goals for everyone on the channel and your contributions to the story, though we can’t use them all, are really helpful to give us a new perspective.
@septic-heart-and-mind Your music added so much atmosphere to The BOSS and we know you’ll do just as awesome a job as before. Thank you so much for helping us out!
@mercurytuba What do I say that hasn’t already been said? Your music set The BOSS above and beyond what a fan game can do and your brilliance in all the motifs and little touches just serve to make the soundtrack a masterpiece.
@banshee-bear It was so awesome to get to meet you this year! You’re such a great person and your sprite work is gorgeous. We’re really lucky to have someone on the team as talented as you.
@annyalice Your willingness to help and gorgeous artwork make you such a valuable team member. I’m so glad you’re working with us and that you’re staying on for Glitch in the System. 
@septic-creations Thank you so much for helping me through my coding class and I can’t wait to continue to work with you and to play Septic Sweethearts! I’m really glad I met you and am working with you.
@subzero-draws You are such a talented VA and an incredible artist. Thank you for all the work you’ve done for CPS and for helping us with animation for Glitch in the System!
@shadowdragon1317 I know you think you’re lucky to be part of the team but honestly, we’re SO lucky to have you! I feel like I give you too much to do because you’re so freaking talented. Thank you for joining the team!
@kashisart You are an incredible person and I’m really glad I recruited you. I love your art style, I love that you can be flexible with it, and I love how helpful you always are, even if you don’t necessarily have time to do everything right that second!
@purrtlepuff Thank you for stepping in at the last minute in The BOSS and help us with the art for the credits! I absolutely love your style, it’s gorgeous! You’re such a valuable team member and I’m really glad you’re sticking around for Glitch in the System!
@kiyoshilia I know you haven’t done a ton yet but that doesn’t make you any less awesome or valuable to the team. I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Thank you so much for joining us!
@nightmarewolf133 You didn’t think I’d forget you, did you? Your artwork for The BOSS was incredible, as were your comments on the game while you playtested. You helped us shape the game in so many ways and for that, I thank you!
@citrusstorm Your voice for 207 is perfection. I cannot wait to continue working with you. Honestly, it feels like we’ve got the best of the best when it comes to VAs and don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough because you absolutely ARE!
@makorietv I didn’t forget you! Thank you for all the last minute programming and debugging you did, all while making your own game too! The amount of work you poured into The BOSS when it wasn’t even your primary project is just amazing and I appreciate all the help SO much.
To those of you who don’t have a tumblr or whose tumblr I don’t know, don’t think I don’t appreciate all of you either! I care deeply about everyone on this team and I can’t wait to continue working with you all!
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makinoke · 6 years
for the ask thing, cuddle :D
Cuddle : Which one of your mutuals do you really want to hug right now?
Probably anyone who is in need of an exchange of body warmth, anon-y ! I’m surprisingly open for hugs even if I don’t have the “chance” to have close mutuals irl to do so, but I do have some close friends which whose I can virtually hug (and oh boi do we hug xD), shoot to @trollyxzx and @goddessake :) Right now it’d probably be @kashisart, because every time I go in my inbox I read their kind words and it warms my hart every single time, or @kaeru01 for being amazing and for sticking around ! (also because they’re in “pain” rn, poor sunburns ahah, hope you’ll be okay soon ! :) ) Tbh I have other names at the tips of my digits but I have to pick and I don’t like it very much, so shoot to @yayeeh1344, I’d hug you so tight for being so skilled and still humble and sweet, @chronically-illustrated, if you’re okay for a hug I’d gently hug the amazing bean that you are for being here and having kind and wise words for everyone in need, and ofc you anon-y, I’d love to hug you if you’re okay with it :D !
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anorha-nono · 7 years
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Discord fam had a Secret Santa Halloween Special Edition AKA Secret Satan and guess who was my victim :D  @kashisart
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kashisart · 5 years
Here you go Tumblr. Have a wip !
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kashisart · 5 years
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You can see the full picture here:
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