#kara 100
Picture From Google AKA a quick pansexual Panic
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I just needed to share how much a love this woman, not only is she gorgeous, she is powerful. Her name is Kara, she’s from ‘The True Lives of the fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem’ and she’s my favorite character for a number of reasons.
1. She is a trans woman (mtf) canonically
2. she’s a freedom fighter
3. she runs a fashion company
4. spends the entire time in heels and kicking ass
5. she is fucking gorgeous
This had been a pansexual panic from your local trans masc. thank you for coming to my GAYtalk!
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fazedlight · 18 days
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Leaning In
Everything felt strange.
It felt strange to see sunlight again. To walk into her apartment. To hug Alex again, hug Lena, hug the rest of the superfriends. To hear cars roll by and planes overhead and people everywhere. 
Compared to the phantom zone, everything was strange.
Wires were crossed, Kara thought, looking over at Lena with an overwhelming sense of guilt at what she had almost done, days before. Lena sat quietly on Kara's couch with a glass of wine, eyeing Kara from across the coffee table where Brainy and Alex were finishing out their game of Monopoly.
It had only been four days since her return, and Alex hadn’t given her a moment of solitude, so overjoyed to finally have her sister back. And Kara was glad for the noise, for the life that was back in her life with all the superfriends, chatter and colors and hugs instead of the desolate wasteland of the phantom zone. 
But in that time, Kara and Lena hadn’t had a moment alone together, leaving a sinking pit in Kara’s stomach when she thought about when she’d next have a real conversation with the Luthor. Does she realize?, Kara thought, Does she know I almost tried to kiss her?
The phantom zone breaks people. It’s why Krypton used it as a prison, why it became such an effective deterrent. Her brain wasn’t normal when she returned. She normally knew better. Knew better than to try to kiss her best friend. But in her traumatized and mostly isolated state, Kara had briefly forgotten the sort of decorum required with normal living - that her months of wishing she were home in Lena’s arms didn’t mean that her daydreams had become real.
Brainy finally won the game of Monopoly - proud that he had been able to knock Lena out of the game early, virtually guaranteeing his victory - and the superfriends finally began packing up to go home. Alex pulled Kara into a tight hug, planning on giving the kryptonian some space for the night, the first where Kara would sleep in her own bed instead of the Tower. “Coffee tomorrow morning?” Alex asked adamantly, Kara quickly agreeing.
One by one, the superfriends made their way out the door - until only Lena remained, still sitting on the couch, though she had set down the glass of wine. Kara turned awkwardly from her place by her kitchen island, watching the Luthor still watching her.
Slowly, Lena rose from her seat, making her way over to Kara. “Can we talk?” she asked.
Kara nodded, glancing nervously to the side. She knows. “I’m sorry,” Kara murmured. “When I came back, I- I wasn’t thinking.”
Lena’s brow furrowed in confusion. “You don’t need to be sorry, Kara.”
Kara tilted her head back up at Lena. “Are we- are we talking about the same thing?”
“Aren’t we?” Lena said quietly.
Kara swallowed. Just lay the cards on the table, she thought to herself. “I’m talking about - I tried to kiss you. Before I remembered you wouldn’t want it. I mean, even if you did-” Kara cut herself off, glancing to the floor. Rao, I should’ve thought through this more instead of babbling…
But to her surprise, she heard Lena step towards her, until the brunette was close enough to clasp onto Kara’s hand. Kara glanced up again, taking in Lena’s demure expression. “Even if I did?” Lena asked.
Kara’s eyes flitted between Lena’s, noting how her heart was beating faster, how there was a light blush crossing her face. Oh, Kara thought, feeling a small burn on her own cheeks as she realized what was happening. “Even if you did,” Kara said shyly, “I wouldn’t want our first kiss to be in front of everyone else.”
Lena smiled softly, giving Kara’s hand a gentle squeeze. “We’re alone now,” she said. 
Kara smiled back. “We are,” she said warmly, pausing for one more moment to take in Lena’s face. Lena tilted her head, and Kara leaned towards her.
And this time, she didn’t stop.
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She has a very supportive and understanding boyfriend who believes in her and does not kinkshame.
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incorrect-supercorp · 9 months
Alex: Imagine you and your partner are at a restaurant or at a shopping center, and you’re trying to figure out where the bathroom is.
Lena: Oh, Kara will not fuck me in a bathroom.
Alex: …
Lena: I’ve tried.
Alex: That is 100% not what I was going to ask you.
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beaniiekidd · 3 months
i’ll never forgive the cw for killing off lexa THAT SHIT STILL HURTS TO THIS DAY and i’ll never forgive them for not making supercorp canon, THE OPPORTUNITY WAS RIGHT THERE.
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giawdyke · 9 months
remember when swanqueen, clexa and supercorp were the top ships on this app, i miss it
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hrwinter · 9 months
Question: if you were one of the Supergirl writers and had been tasked with explaining how or why Lena didn’t know Kara was Supergirl (given how generally obvious it would be when Lena— the world’s smartest woman— has interacted with both Kara and SG) would you have written something fundamentally different than what the show decided to go with?
i couldn’t sleep this morning, suddenly remembered this ask, and decided i desperately needed to answer it.
so my absolute favorite explanation for this was in "The Love of Forgetting" by KL Morgan. i know it would've been extremely difficult to execute on film, but i would've really liked if the explanation had been that kara used cloaking tech or the "image inducer" and that it slightly changed her face. i thought this was SO smart in the fanfic, and one of the few explanations i could actually buy; that lena doesn't recognize kara because they LITERALLY don't look the same. just both blonde, fit, and beautiful, but not the same faces. it would've been amazing if they'd just used her stunt double, but then you wouldn't have your star actress in the dramatic scenes, so. i get it.
the only other explanation i liked was for superman. i'd think i'd seen a post on here about it, but it was the idea that no one THOUGHT superman had an alter ego. no one imagined that he would pretend to be human in his downtime and hold down a job and have friends. no one was looking for superman in the real world, so no one saw the similarities between he and clark kent. that might get us to lena not recognizing kara, but my god... the evidence was abundant and insurmountable on the show which leads us to fanfic's most popular explanation...
denial. i think this one treads water a bit because we know lena's had a highly traumatic, dysfunctional upbringing. they even show us that her one other friend CANONICALLY GIVEN, andrea, lied to her and betrayed her. she just doesn't want to see it. we also see her, quite regularly, show a form of disappointment with this highly idealized concept of supergirl. she moved to national city for her. does quite a lot to get her attention and impress her. and then still believes that supergirl doesn't trust her, that she can't move past her last name. "never meet your heroes." i think maybe denial might stop her from thinking her only friend in national city and second in her life (maybe third if you cound sam) would be SO duplicitous for four years, even if lena did see all the signs (the most egregious of which to me was Supergirl SAYING HER NAME WAS KARA!) it's just extremely difficult for me to believe that a smart woman like cat grant would figure it out but not lena, so it really leaves the only explanation is emotional for lena, which sort of tracks (but not really.)
we know the show dragged it out for years because it was the most important (and only) emotional element to the show, which to me is a critique of how little they managed to build for kara than anything reasonable about lena being unable to see it. lena "finding out" was always going to be a seasonal arc, but they kept pushing it off while failing to make us care about anything else in the plot. then it's this massive amount of time that's passed but a genius hasn't guessed, but EVERYONE ON THE SHOW INCLUDING CHILDREN, have guessed kara is supergirl. it was never going to make sense. what i would've fundamentally done differently is known how to write a la ali adler in season 1 and given us real conflict, stakes, character development, etc. for kara that didn't weight her conflict with lena SO heavily that it had to be drawn out until the show was literally ending.
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ifindus · 26 days
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eyyoo my streamer??? won the MCC?? he was hard carried but still very proud of him ✨
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aeongsoul · 2 years
every single person who has been hurt by cancelled shows or bury your gay trope or queerbaiting should watch warrior nun it’ll heal you
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rustingcat · 1 year
Happy Passover from the Danvers extended family!
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Esme first passover with her new family got her really excited to learn everything about the holiday.
Kara decided to go the extra mile and dress as Elijah the Prophet while telling the tale of Exodus to the excited child.
Esme fell asleep halfway through the reading of the Haggada, and Kara - despite refusing to remove her fake beard - lifted it up for just a moment to give her girlfriend a little kiss.
Happy Passover!
I always loved Passover, so I decided to make this drawing extra special by using my own family's photographs and videos as reference and inspiration for all the little moments you see above😊
So for those who celebrate Passover and for those who don't, I hope you'll have a lovely day:)
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xenaisnumber1 · 5 months
All the hot girls' names end in "A"
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fierceheda · 2 years
When fanfic writers unknowingly write a line so memorable, that when you occasionally recite it, you instantly remember the emotion you felt when reading that fic 🥹
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Shiki's iconic bedroom.
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aint-thata-bitch · 9 months
I am of the firm belief that in Detroit: Become Human, Connor is a deviant from the start no matter how you play him. His storyline isnt about remaining a machine vs becoming a deviant, it's you choosing whether he's going to be a dickhead or not.
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nursebambi · 6 months
If you've found this post, it is because you are part of a fandom. We all know what it's like to have a show end without doing justice to the storylines and characters we've grown to love, and it's terrible. It would mean the world to Station 19 fans if you could take a minute to sign our petition and strengthen our fight to keep it on the air. Station 19 regularly tackles social issues and features numerous POC and queer characters in a time where representation is scarce and TV is dominated by reality shows. It would be devestating to lose even more quality content. Thank you.
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ninevoltprayer · 3 months
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ok here's the gang
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