#kanan my beloved
candiedstardust · 29 days
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Gonna need everyone to hang on for a sec while I go choke back tears this fine Monday night.
Back in December, someone in a FB movie prop group found HIM and somehow, this almost feels like closure?
We get to see the picture Hera so lovingly displays in the cockpit so he’ll always be her co-pilot. Technically, we got to see Kanan again.
And my heart is full.
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merrysithmas · 1 year
cant wait to cry/weep when kanan is mentioned in mando by sabine when she trains din🥺😭
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jedimemery · 2 years
Star Wars Character Appreciation #2:
Why I love……..
✨Kanan Jarrus✨
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As far as people who actively identify as part of the Jedi Order, Kanan is my favorite of them. I remember watching Rebels for the first time about two and a half years ago and completely falling in love with this character (not in a romantically attracted way, but in a “deep appreciation” type of way). Here are some things about Kanan that I deeply appreciate:
1. He is a learner. Even as Kanan teaches, leads missions, and guides his family, he’s always open to learning. We see that time and again as he teaches Ezra what it means to be a Jedi. He never thinks he has it all figured out or that he is above instruction; instead, he exhibits humility and allows himself to be taught. That’s one of the things that makes him such an amazing Jedi.
2. He loves his space family and is protective of them. There are countless times in Rebels where he shows his love and concern for his family’s safety. From saving Ezra after his first dark side encounter with the fyrnocks, to being incredibly concerned for Hera when she is in danger (i.e. when she was almost blown up by the Mandalorian ships in s2, when she was captured by the Empire in s4, etc.), to trying to protect Sabine from dueling with Fenn Rau (s2) and training her to defend herself against Mandalorians (s3), Kanan is a Certified Space Dad™ to the core. (He doesn’t really have to look after Zeb much; he’s already capable of taking care of himself. 😂) He wants to make sure his family is together and safe, even if it means sacrificing his own safety (s1) and even his life (s4) to do so. And while he’s protective, he doesn’t try to helicopter-parent; he lets his kids make some mistakes and learn from them. Not to mention the fact that he’s always there to support his family, even in death. We love to see Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight and Space Dad.
3. He is unsure of himself as a teacher. While others might see this as a flaw, this is a trait of his which I deeply relate to. For those who have never had the experience, teaching in any capacity is not easy, especially when you’re unsure of yourself and of your own knowledge. Like myself, Kanan is an imperfect teacher, learning what to do as he goes along. But what I love about him is that he allows himself to learn from his mistakes and grow. As time goes on, he learns to be more patient, more understanding, and more compassionate.
4. He is a true Jedi. I know that plenty of people have made this connection before, but he’s really similar to Qui-Gon Jinn, in the sense that he chooses to let go and truly trust in the Force, and in the sense that he allows himself to love his family and understand that loving them is not the same as being possessive of them. Since he’s not caught up in the stiff politics that the Jedi Council had been too far steeped in, he really focuses on what it meant to be a Jedi and to give oneself up for the lives of others. Another thing that I love about his Jedi-ness is that he’s consistent in practicing what he teaches. One example of this is found linked between seasons 1 and 2. In s1e12 “Vision of Hope,” Kanan is teaching Ezra the importance of staying in the moment and focusing on the here and now. Fast forward to “Twilight of the Apprentice,” Kanan is blinded by Maul, which has to be excruciating and traumatic. However, Kanan knows he must stay in the moment or die, and boy does he stay 👏 in 👏 the 👏 moment 👏 and he shows Maul that he is not to be underestimated. Furthermore, when he meets back up with Ezra, who realizes that his master has been blinded, he simply says, “Let’s worry about that later.” He’s so in the moment and I just skdjjddjdjjdjdjd the fact that he’s so disciplined even in this time of crisis! He is a true Jedi! KANAN MY BELOVED!!!
And I think the biggest indicator of his true Jedi-ness has to be when he sacrifices himself in season 4. *sniff* He gives up his own life for the sake of others and, ultimately, for the sake of the galaxy. Had he not lured Governor Pryce into the trap of blowing up the fuel supply, the Rebellion would’ve had no chance—and I mean NO CHANCE—of beating the Empire. Thrawn’s TIE Defenders would’ve ended the war pretty quickly. Basically, Kanan helped save the Rebellion! He’s a true hero! I APOLOGIZE BUT I MUST SAY ONCE AGAIN KANAN MY BELOVED!!!!!
And my final point…
5. He is an imperfect person. Star Wars Rebels never tried to make him seem like a perfect Jedi, perfect rebel, or perfect father figure. There’s real conflict he has to work through. He experiences pain, loss, and monumental setbacks. But he also experiences joy, love, and deep self-actualization. He’s such a layered character who goes through so many things that shape him into the man he is by the end of the series. I really just love how human they made him from start to finish. It’s really a beautiful thing.
In conclusion, Kanan is one of my favorite Star Wars characters because of how layered of a character is. It pains me that he most likely won’t ever be seen in live action, but that’s okay. His character is so beautifully written, and I have nothing but respect for our gunslinging Jedi man who is also a top-tier Space Dad. Kanan supremacy forever. 😌
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thirteenmyspacegirl · 2 years
for character bingo, kanan jarrus :D
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wasted potential simply bc i am still incredibly sad and salty about the fact that mr dave felony KILLED HIM >:(
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r-2-peepoo · 26 days
Just need to say how happy I am for the way the fandom has embraced Phee as a character and as a love interest for Tech because when she was first introduced, those were the dark days. My girl was getting hate simply for being hot AND smart AND funny and that just wasn’t acceptable.
I think it’s also super important for a character like Tech to be portrayed as desirable, something we as fans obviously already knew. Characters like him (neurodivergent-coded) are too often written to be just comedic relief or weird and vaguely off putting, and for such a beautiful, intelligent woman to be overwhelmingly interested in him and only him is so refreshing to see.
They were such a sweet pairing and straight Star Wars canon ships usually make me want to puke so this was a nice development. It felt natural and it didn’t go too quickly. They had the potential and that’s what made them so special (and infinitely more heartbreaking too).
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mayawakening · 1 month
Kallus: So through the force, you can sense the emotions of the people around you?
Kanan: Yeah, it's like, you can feel the general tone of the room you're in, or if someone's feeling strong emotions.
Kallus: I assume that includes someone deeply in love?
Kanan: Yep, that's one of the big emotions.
Kallus: Do you... Do you sense love from Garazeb when he's with me?
Kanan: You should probably ask him that yourself. (:
Kallus: *soft laugh* You're right, I should.. (:
Kallus: .....
Kallus: *starting to panic* Wait, can you sense arousal?
Kanan: Yes.
Kallus: *hiding face* Gods, I am so sorry! D:
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singswan-springswan · 7 months
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captainbrookeworm · 4 months
I’m gonna be just like you.
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undying-lilies · 2 months
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made a cool poster for Adoption Magnet’s TBB S2, which y’all should go totally read the first two chapters of on Ao3 (hint hint wink wink)
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darlin-djarin · 6 months
wait omg. Kanan and Ezra bonding by sharing cultural foods with each other. Ezra barely remembers because his parents died when he was young but he tells Kanan all about it and how it was some of the best stuff and Kanan helps him recreate the dishes. And then he shows him some Palestinian foods. Hello. 🥹
HELLO??? HELLOOOO 😭😭😭😭 omg and kanan feeds that boy TONS- like ezra is never malnourished again. and omg when kanan becomes blind ezra starts making him some of the same food that kanan taught him because ezra wants to help kanan the same way kanan helped him 🫶🫶 ezra's knafeh is ASS though. i know this in my heart. ezra's knafeh is a disgrace to the every palestinian who lived but it's okay it's the thought that counts (kanan cries each time he takes a bite)
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stars-n-spice · 7 months
Ghost Crew but as my Family's KakaoTalk group chat :)
Because I miss the Ahsoka show :(
Made these back when Ahsoka premiered
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letoscrawls · 1 year
Okay everybody HOW do we feel about Ahsoka
because i'm so confused. Why does star wars looks cheap all of a sudden. Ever since Kenobi came out the visuals started to look so off. i guess it's a side effect of mass producing shows and therefore splitting the budget, because back when the mandalorian was the only series the quality was impeccable.
I don't think bringing animated characters in live action is the problem in itself, i mean look at Bo and Saw Gerrera, they are perfect. I think it's a problem of cheap rendition in terms of costumes and makeup and in some cases bad casting. ugh. do we really need this
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merrysithmas · 1 year
so ....2023... buddy... pal... how bout that live action kanan jarrus and cal kestis announcement
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The scene in "A Princess on Lothal" where Kanan takes down an AT-AT with his lightsaber, dressed in stormtrooper armor, while his theme plays in the background?
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laughingphoenixleader · 11 months
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they're currently happy, alive, and in love change my mind
thank you @lornaka for creating excellent art that served as a reference image for parts of this one!! and for being all-around incredibly talented!
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magical-gifts · 1 month
episode 4.03 in rebels you have my heart
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