#kai coming out to rei
teabiscs · 7 months
Just to, like flip, the whole KaiRei script. 
But ReiKai???
TLDR - Where Rei is the dominant one and Kai is more hesitant. Rei is the one chasing and the one with more experience.
Just bear with me. 
A Rei who escapes WTH and lives for himself, is unapologetic in who he is and what he wants. Has a ton of life experiences. He travels. He dates. He works for the BBA, as Dickinson’s assistant (bc that’s how every headcanon of mine goes)
And then a Kai who hides away, i’ll touch on this later. Does his schooling. Takes over Hiwatari enterprises. Just hyper focused on becoming who he was destined to be. A CEO. Kinda miserable. Misses out of key life moments. Time blurs by and suddenly he’s 26. Has never dated. Never kissed. He smokes and drinks out of habit. It quells his anxieties. Fucking up his eyes from overuse from Looking over documents and staring at computer screens. He doesn’t care about his appearance and stops wearing his contacts. He’s told he looks more put together with his glasses anyway. 
Kai’s not sure what possessed him or the vice chairmen of the company to suggest partnering with the BBA and donating money. But now he’s stuck in a fancy conference room with five old chairmen waiting for the BBA representatives to discuss their partnership. 
And Kai could really use a cigarette. He can’t remember the last time he’s spoken to Mr Dickinson. But Kai’s 26 now and knows how to be professional and fake it with the best. He offers his most professional smile when the door opens and in comes Dickinson with assistants in tow. 
And he should have done research. He should have done his due diligence and looked into who worked at the BBA bc now he’s face to face with not only Kinomiya but ALSO Rei. And it shouldn’t surprise him but it does. 
Kai lets one of his chairmen-henchman do all the talking after exchanging pleasantries and hand shakes and bows. Ignores the way Rei had eyed him up and down. And is counting down the minutes for this to be done and he can retreat back into his office and down scotch over the pretense of them getting good publicity and not over him drinking his anxieties away.
But he doesn’t get that because of course. Someone had to mention getting food to celebrate. So now he’s nursing a drink at an omakase style restaurant as everyone is networking. This part has always been the hardest for him. He’d rather do the hard work than bullshit and make small talk to people who just wanted to suck up. But these are his old friends. People he hasn’t spoken to in almost a decade. 
And he doesn’t know where that delicate line falls of asking them how things have been and keeping things as formal as possible. Delicate line of formality. He’s waiting for Takao to start talking his ear off and take control of the conversation like he used to. But he’s matured over the years and mellowed out. But he’s sure working for the BBA has given him a better bedside manner. 
And rei’s just silent. Watching everything over his own drink. Which Kai also realizes is new. Rei never drank with them when they were kids. But things changed and they grew up. They all definitely grew up. 
During their time apart Rei managed to surpass him in height while Takao managed to get just as tall as Kai. Kai can make out the outlines of Rei’s muscles arms through his shirt, and he can guess that under his shirt he’s just as muscular. 
He obviously has more free time than Kai to exercise. While Kai manages to hit the gym occasionally during the week. 
Kai feels uneasy, with Rei’s eyes watching him over the rim of his glass and he does his best to look away and try and focus on what Mr Dickinson and his vice president are talking about. 
He can feel Rei’s eyes on him with a tangible gaze. Rei looks /hungry/ when they do make eye contact and Kai feels himself swallowing roughly. Thinking back to all the unsaid words of their youth and awkward exchanges and feelings. 
Kai’s fine and more than happy to just forget all about it and move on, but this is Rei Kon after all. And Rei never lets things go. Even after a decade. He’s resilient and cunning. And Kai finds himself alone with Rei as the night goes on. Getting cornered in the bathroom together. 
25 year old Rei is more ballsy and confident than his nervous and self conscious 15yr old counterpart that Kai remembers. And doesn’t seem at all concerned that anyone from their group or a stranger could walk in on them at any minute. 
Kais heart threatens to break out of his chest as Rei approaches him. Invades his personal space. Kai doesn’t remember Rei like this. So forward and sure. Not hesitating like he did in their youth. Kai can’t remember anyone invading his space like this before. So close. 
And Kai wants to believe it’s just the alcohol that’s making him this assertive. But his words are so coherent and clear. 
That it’s been so long. And he was sure that Kai would have skipped out. But he’s pleasantly surprised to see him in the flesh. And it’s been too long. And they should have kept in touch better. And that Kai’s a hard guy to keep up with. No one’s heard from him and only knew he was alive because it wasn’t reported otherwise. 
And that Kai looks good. Very good. His eyes doing a full sweep of Kai’s tense body. And it’s at That point Rei realizes how uncomfortable Kai looks and backs off. Gives him his space. 
Kais skin still feels prickly and tight. Still feels uncomfortable and out of control. And Rei can sense the uncertainty and the hesitancy in Kai. 
Rei treats Kai like a caged animal. He eases off and tries a gentler approach. Suggesting that they meet up for coffee when Kai has the time because Rei knows he’s very busy, or drinks. But that seems out of the question and maybe too intimate for old friends who need to reconnect. He slips his business card into Kai’s hand and leaves the restroom. 
The paper is crisp in his hand and HEAVY. Kais fingers brush over the embossed lettering tracing over each character and the phone number on it. He could just toss it in the bin and ignore it. 
But he knows Rei, 15 year old Rei would chase after a response. He can only imagine how much worse 25yr old Rei is. So he slips it into his slacks pocket and takes his leave. 
It takes three long days for Kai to email. EMAIL. Rei about meeting up to discuss whatever it is that Rei wanted to talk about. Kai feels over dressed in his tailored collared shirt when he sits down at the cafe he made reservations at. He has a leather bound book and pen resting on the table, waving off the waitress as he waits for Rei. 
The feeling of being over dressed only intensifies as Rei sits opposite of him in jeans and a T-shirt. And this looks way less business than Kai intended. 
Rei raises an eyebrow at Kai as he sits down. Making a comment that he didn’t intend on talking business but he should have assumed when Kai emailed him. Instead of texting calling or sending a Line message. 
Kai flushes and looks down at the table. Unsure how to respond. It’s been so long since he’s spoken to someone about something other than work. Unsure of anything to say. He only knows how to talk shop at this point. Numbers and projections.  Quarterly and profits. And maybe he should have had them go out for drinks instead. So he could hide behind alcohol and smoke breaks. 
The waitress takes their order and sets their drinks down and food. Rei smiles fondly at Kai that some things never change. Eyeing the black coffee. Making a comment that they could have went somewhere cheaper if that’s all he wanted. (Kai doesn’t say that he remembers how much Rei enjoyed trying new things, and that he was suer Rei would probably love the pastries the cafe sold )
And Rei takes the lead. Giving him an updated history on himself. Ten years worth of achievements and accomplishments. How he left China, but still visits. How he came to work alongside Takao with Mr Dickinson. What Max is up to, and his new sister. What Takao’s been up to. 
He looks expectantly At Kai when he finishes. Kai swallows, picking up his cup and takes a brief sip. 
It’s black and white monotonous. After he graduated high school, he shadowed some people and then took over the company once he hit 20. Rei continues to stare as if he’s waiting for more info. But it doesn’t come. (Kai 100% did not respond well to BEGA and just 100% threw himself into Hiwatari enterprises as a trauma response. He keeps tabs on Borg and sends money when it’s needed. Like buddy, you should have gotten therapy, instead of hiding away.)
“That’s it? That’s all you’ve been up to?”
Kai nods, hidden behind his coffee, a buffer a barrier. Something to keep him safe. 
Rei doesn’t believe him. He remembers a different Kai. But people change. Rei wouldn’t be poking or prodding or pursuing like he is now. 
He glances down at Kai’s left hand then asks, “no wife?” Shake off the head, but it should be obvious from the lack of ring. “Are you seeing anyone?” Another shake
Rei laughs, “I’m surprised none of those old farts from your company are trying to marry you off to any of their daughters.”
At this Kai chuckles. But it’s short lived. 
Rei assumes that Kai must then be seeing multiple people or sleeping with multiple people. And Kais like I don’t have the time for that. I barely get out of the house. 
And Rei doesn’t want to believe that because this isn’t the Kai Hiwatari he remembers. The Kai of his memories was always doing something. Up to something. Not saying he’d sleep around. But surely he’d have someone or something in place. Kai was a loner. But he always had someone. 
And their whole coffee date thing dissolved into awkwardness. 
Kai feels obligated to ask Rei if he has a someone, he sees no ring either. And Rei waves him off that he has nothing serious going on right now, but there’s always the chance of something serious. If the right person comes along. 
Kai chooses to ignore the connotation of his words. There’s still too much unspoken from their youth that he doesn’t want to get into. Never wants them to get into. That ship had sailed… well it never docked or boarded. But. It wasn’t gonna happen. Not now. They weren’t kids anymore. They weren’t the same people. Not even close. 
And Kai wasn’t even sure if he wanted to let someone in. He was happy… well he was content… he was okay with how things were. He wasn’t interested in changing things. Messing with the status quo. 
And he should have said that. Instead of agreeing to meet up with Rei Kon again. 
And this is a painfully slow burn. Because they are both dumb adults.
Rei threads their fingers together on their second coffee meet up. It’s something to fill the silence, holding Kai’s hand. Or it was supposed to be. 
Because Kai panics, pulling back his hand And is like you can’t be doing this now. Not when you left all those years back to go blade for China. 
And Rei like we all made mistakes when we were kids. What’s important is to not make those same mistakes in adulthood. 
Kai sees red. “You didn’t even say anything you just left with Max. You two decided on that. You two always had something going on.” 
And down hill the whole meetup goes. Accusing Rei that he had something going on with Max, and then Mao. And Rei accuses Kai of having something going on with Yuriy with all people, as if Yuriy didn’t hate his guts after going back to Volkov after everything. 
They leave on bad terms, just agree to be civil enough to get through this partnership.
And this is Rei we;re all talking about. He can’t stay mad long, but Kai means everything that was said. They would remain civil. But Rei wants to apologize and try being friends since Kai seems content to just be lonely. Rei wants to change that because this Kai seems like a shell of who he used to be (And he wants to get to the bottom of it)
But its not like he can just apologize at one of their meetings. No. Not in front of Kai’s company and definitely not in front of Takao and Mr. D. Kai has always been good at avoiding things, so Rei struggles to speak to him. Kai doesn't respond to any call, text, email or line message. Everything goes unanswered, so Rei get’s sneaky and sends an email to Kai from Mr. D’s email to meet up. It’s unprofessional, but he’s sure Mr. D would be okay with it.
Kai is not happy or amused when it’s just Rei sitting in his conference room, but sits down just in case this is actually business, he didnt have the patience to deal with that if he assumed wrong. 
Rei apologizes and Kai begrudgingly accepts. Rei asks for them to meet up again outside of work but this time he won't touch him, nor would he accuse Kai of anything, when it was him and Max who had put past events into motion.
Their third meet up is at a park, and Rei shows up with coffee. They sit on a bench in silence, until Rei just starts filling in the silence like he used to. It’s not easy and it's not simple. There's still awkwardness. Their past gets clarified. There was a could have been. Would have been after V-Force. If things were different. Max and Rei had talked and decided to split from Bladebrakers and that's when it all went wrong. Both were scared back then to make a move, change things, but maybe they should have, maybe things would have been different. 
They talk about what happened to Kai. What changed after the fall of BEGA. The regret Kai had once things died down. The magnitude of his mistakes. He wanted to hide away from it all and forget. And he did and now it was a decade later. Kai admits to feeling like he’s behind everyone else in terms of life experiences and Rei the romantic is like its never too late you can always live them.
And Kai lets out a pathetic chuckle. And is like yeah okay sure. I’d have to find someone to live them with. And Rei looks at him with too soft eyes, like melted amber, and Kai swallows thickly. Because he knows that look. Knows what it means and knows what it could end with. 
And fuck it. He let’s Rei thread their fingers together this time and let’s the raven haired man kiss him.
And bada bing bada boom. Thats my silly lil slowburn ReiKai idea. with an epilogue of them finally sleeping together.
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strooples · 2 years
Bakuten Scenery
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V-Force, episode 19
There are so many pretty background shots and night lighting. Scenes pulled from when Rei and Salima talk about their conflicted feelings about battling and their teams — as both the Bladebreakers and Kane’s team are going in a direction they’re unsure of.
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fear-is-truth · 1 month
── kai anderson x fem! reader
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⟢ WARNINGS: slight angst. toxic relationship. not proofread
⟢ SYNOPSIS: you’ve had enough of his bs
⟢ A/N: inspired by the song “afraid” by lana del rey. let’s pretend this is in character because… i kinda hated this ngl
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𝒾’𝓂 𝒜𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒾𝒸𝒶’𝓈 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉, 𝓉𝓇𝓎𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝑜 𝑔𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝓂𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝒾𝓉’𝓈 𝑒𝒶𝓈𝒾𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂, ‘𝒸𝒶𝓊𝓈𝑒 𝒾’𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝓪𝓯𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓭…
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𝜗℘ requested by: @kaislittlelamb
“You're wasting your time,” there was thinly veiled annoyance in his voice as he watched you packing your clothes into a travel bag.
“You'll just put it all back anyway.”
“No, I won’t. Because I'm leaving,” you replied, stuffing a pair of sweatpants into your bag. “And I’m not coming back.”
“You’re going to tell me why you’re leaving?”
“Because you’ve changed. And I’m tired of being an afterthought in your grand plan.”
“There’s a great responsibility upon my shoulders, and I’ve changed for the better. You know that.”
Had he? Did he really believe that?
He watched you in silence for a moment.
“The second you step out of this house, you’ll never be welcomed back,”
There was no emotion in his ultimatum. You picked up a lacy pink bra from the pile of clothes, the one from Victoria’s Secret that he had always liked on you. Distant memories of better days flooded your mind, a time when intimacy with Kai was filled with passion and genuine connection.
But lately, sex with Kai had become nothing more than a means for him to blow off steam. The mechanical exchange a few nights ago had left a bitter taste in your mouth. After using you for his own pleasure, Kai had turned away yet again, leaving you feeling empty and used.
For all you knew, he might as well have been fucking a fleshlight with a pulse.
You set it back down on the bed.
“Fine. Tell Winter I’ll miss her very badly,”
This clearly wasn’t the answer he’d been wanting to hear, because his expression hardened, a flash of anger crossing his features like summer lightning.
“Do you expect me to stop everything I’ve been working for?” He demanded hotly. You sighed. Looked up to meet his gaze.
“I don’t expect you to give up anything, Kai. And I wish you nothing but success.”
Taking another deep breath, you continued,
“But I just can’t be a part of it anymore,”
A flicker of… something. Annoyance? Hurt? Fear? flickered in his dark eyes. Whatever it was, the unidentified emotion was quickly replaced by a veneer of cold indifference.
“Say, you’re not on your period or anything, are you?” Kai drawled, leaving the wall he had been leaning against and slowly advancing towards you. You felt a surge of anger rise up, hurt bubbling to the surface.
“No, and it has nothing to do with—”
“Such a needy little thing,” He was standing directly behind you, hands gripping on your shoulders in a slightly possessive way.
“Was that all the theatrics were for? If this was just a ploy to have my cock inside of you, you could’ve just asked,”
“What happened to you? I don’t even know you anymore!” you cried out, breaking away from his grip. Kai remained impassive, bottomless black eyes like tar pits staring back at you, devoid of the warmth and kindness that had once drawn you to him.
He was no longer the sweet, awkward guy you had fallen in love with in college. The person standing before you was a stranger, a shadow of the man you had once loved (still loved), and it broke your heart to see how far he had fallen.
Fighting back the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes, you snatched up your bag and bolted for the bedroom door. You knew if you didn’t leave now, you’d never get another chance to leave again.
Before you could make it out the doorway, his hand shot out, seizing your arm and slamming you against the wall with a force that stole the air from your lungs.
His grip tightened around your wrists, trapping you against the wall as he loomed over you, his face contorted with anger and frustration.
“Please, Kai, just... let me go,”
Your heart pounded wildly in your chest as you braced yourself for the inevitable blow. He had never hit you before, but in that moment, you were certain this would be a first.
But to your surprise, the strike never came.
Instead, he sank to his knees, his grip loosening on your wrist as he wrapped his arms around your waist. For a moment, you stood completely paralysed, unable to process what had happened.
Kai’s shoulders heaved with sobs, his tears soaking into the fabric of your sweater as he buried his face against your stomach.
“I’m sorry,” his breath coming in ragged gasps,
“I just love you so much…I can’t bear to lose you. Please don’t leave,”
Slowly, tentatively, you reached out, running your fingers through his hair.
Maybe this was just another one of his many schemes, designed to manipulate you into staying.
Maybe he truly loved you.
You didn't know.
But as you gazed into his tear-streaked eyes, searching for any hint of sincerity, you realised that it didn't matter anymore.
The only thing you were certain of in that moment was that you wouldn't be able to leave, not now, not ever.
For better or for worse, you were bound to him.
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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tarotwithlove · 10 months
PICK A CARD 🪞ೕ how would your fans describe you if you were famous
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in today’s pac we will be answering the following questions regarding your life as a famous person:
- why are you famous?
- what kind of fans would you have?
- how would your fans describe you?
reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips and feedback are highly appreciated!
cards · high priestess, judgement (reversed), knight of cups, seven of pentacles, nine of wands, four of pentacles, ten of cups, high priestess. 
songs · deserve by lucky daye. levanter by stray kids. slide by øzi. amnesia by kai. amazing by mary j blige. 
my dear group one ♡ you are famous for the character or characters that you create - characters in a video game in particular. you may be credited with creating a character that fans of a franchise quickly latch onto or are especially horny over.
i specificy “horny over” because pyramid head and lady dimitrescu are the two characters that come to mind and i think that most of us are aware of how the fans react to the two of them.
your fans will honestly adore and admire you. you may be far less known than your creation, and so the group of people who interact directly with you may be smaller and more devout than the people who just interact with your creation. the hardcore fans who interact directly with you online will send you art, headcanons, and questions in the hopes that you will acknowledge them - or because you often interact with your fans in that way so they know there is a high chance that you will acknowledge them. your community of fans will be a creative and artistic one. this will be a more practical form of creative and artistic expression, with your fans going out of their way to create cosplay that is as close to the source as possible. 
many of your fans will describe you as the person who inspired them again - inspired them to create again, to get into a hobby or get into a hobby again, to go after a goal again. some may start posting their art or may apply to art institutions/for art related jobs, crediting you as their biggest influence behind this decision. your fans will cling onto you and describe you as someone that “must be protected at all cost” - especially whenever your tweets or posts go viral or your friendly interactions with fans start to get a lot of attention.
they may also describe you as someone who must be wise with their money, because you seem to live a good and well paid for life despite only putting out a small amount of work. they may also realise that you put out a small amount of work because you get paid a good salary for it - especially after this other character or game gained so much attention and renown - and because your main focus is family above all else. even if you do not post or talk about your family often (likely to protect yours and their anonymity as much as possible) your fans will often describe you as a “family man/woman first, game dev second” - or as someone they wish was their parent or close friend or family member. 
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cards · ten of pentacles, four of pentacles, seven of pentacles (reversed), ten of cups (reversed), three of cups (reversed), death, ten of cups, nine of pentacles (reversed), ten of swords. 
songs · better by ama lou. unsteady by x ambassadors. video games by lana del rey. dear dream by nct dream. 
my dear group two ♡ you are more famous for being famous, than for any of your talents. though this, too, is a skill all of its own. you may be famous because of someone you know or date, or because someone shares their platform with you and subsequently rockets you to fame (think, a popular tiktoker collaborating with you, a popular youtuber mentioning you in one of their videos, a popular twitter account retweeting you).
you may experience an emma chamberlain turn of events where you transcend from internet fame into real life fame - similarly, too, where people will look at you and wonder, “how is this person famous again?”. you may garner more fame for being an influencer and sharing your personal life stories publicly. 
honestly, dear, it is quite upsetting to see the kind of fans you would have if you were famous. your fans may have a strong parasocial relationship with you, especially because of the way you became famous and because of your strong online presence. many of them will get a kick out of rooting for an underdog, and so, they may start to turn on you when you start to become more succesful and more well-known. one particular scenario may be common amongst your fans, where a tweet of them calling you mid, boring, mediocre (or anything to that regard) goes viral, only for people to reply and quote with this you’s of this person praising you months prior. you won’t even have done anything wrong, they’ll just start to feel bitter, jealous, and entitled. many of them will just start to randomly hate you. once you notice this shift, you’ll stop caring what other people say about you. you’ll continue being your authentic self and will start to consciously appeal to a different demographic of people. 
your fans will describe you as someone who was able to make a name for yourself despite how oversaturated the influencer market is. they will describe you as someone who rose above and became real world succesful not just internet succesful, despite it all. there will definitely be a split between fans who genuinely support you and “fans” who will find every reason to hate on you. some may say things like “you don’t understand them” or “you’re just jealous and looking for reasons to hate them” - especially when people mask hatred of you behind criticism of meaningless things.
what’s coming to mind is the incident with madison beer that happened a few months ago, where people were “calling out” madison beer for dancing in a bikini on tiktok. people, of course, rightfully came to her defense and rightfully presupposed that the people who were saying negative things about her were likely jealous and insecure. similar things will happen to you. you’re attractive, talented, and lucky - your fans will describe you as such and rub it in the face’s of people who dislike you just for the sake of disliking you.
your fans will also describe you as someone who gets hated on unnecessarily. they would use that “i came into the house and everybody was like, oh, pretty girl, lets hate on her” meme a lot. 
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cards · six of cups, ten of cups, nine of cups, nine of pentacles, ace of swords, death (reversed), the devil, knight of wands, the world. 
songs · cry by chester lockhart. poetic justice by kendrick lamar. coming home - interlude by kali uchis. fulton street i by la dispute. 
my dear group three ♡ you are famous for doing something you enjoy or for doing something you have wanted to do since you were a child - and while that is incredibly broad, this is most true with regard to a field that has a high focus on restoration, the body, and physical performance. some of you are famous for being a part of a sport that asks you to push your body to the extremes - such as ballet or bodybuilding. while others of you are famous for your work as a coach (life coach or online fitness coach, just as two examples) or for using your platform to influence people to live a healthier, more active life. a lot of your fame comes from your ability to make yourself or your content stand out, especially in such saturated markets.
even if you are not the best, you are creative, refreshing, and relatable and know how to not only draw positive attention but keep it on you. 
your fans are people who feel as if they are at the end of the road. they may have tried everything to feel better about themselves and happy in their lives, to little or no avail. that is, until they chance upon you. your story touches them, the way you carry yourself welcomes them, and the way you live your own life motivates them.
a lot of your fans may have bought countless self-help books before, tried countless diets or exercise plans, paid for countless talks, subscribed to countless accounts and channels, but could not fix anything that they see as needing to be fixed. again, until they come across you. in a way, you help your fans break their own toxic cycles. 
your fans would describe you as someone with somewhat of a “no nonsense attitude”. you are honest about your own challenges and failings, and are always open to share the most difficult things you have experienced in life - however, you are also adamant in the fact that you have never let these things keep you down or stop you from achieving whatever you set your mind to achieving. something which is evident to your fans, even just from watching you from afar. your fans will say that this motivates them to work harder, to not give up on their goals, and to go after the life they want to lead. because if you can do it, why can’t they? if you kept persisting and saw your persistence pay off, why can’t it happen for them too? especially if you are a coach or offering one-on-one sessions, your fans will appreciate that you never ask them for more than you are also willing to give or you never expect them to do something that you yourself wouldn’t do or have not in the past down.
there’s an air of transparency here that your fans appreciate. they would recommend you to other people based on this. saying things like, “it’s not always easy, but it’s worth it,” and telling others that you are someone who can be trusted. i feel as if many of your fans will be grateful, above all else describing you as someone who helped them get their life back. 
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cards · the tower, the magician, the world, knight of pentacles, ten of pentacles, ace of swords, six of cups, the tower, six of swords (reversed). 
songs · tokyo drift by teriyaki boyz. advice by taemin. just look up by ariana grande & kid cudi. take me to church by hozier. 
my dear group four ♡ you may be famous on an incredibly small scale - more of a niche celebrity with a cult following than a household name or anything similar. you may dabble in music, acting, writing, and social media and stay somewhat unknown for a long period of time. this level of fame may suit you most, too, because you have both your real life responsibilities and your artistic hobbies - both which give you a stable enough income and allow you to live your life to the fullest. you may just be a private person by nature, keeping a lot of your art for yourself and your loved ones.
however, greater fame may come to you suddenly and unexpectedly, with something you put out there or participate in suddenly blowing up and garnering a lot of attention. it may even be something you shared or were a part of a long time ago - such as a movie or song that suddenly becomes popular on tiktok. 
your fanbase will start off as a chill, laidback one. they are a small to moderately sized group for the majority of your fame and, thus, quickly become familiar with you as well as with fellow fans. they may be people who gave up on their own artistic pursuits for the traditional 9-5 and family, and find solace in your own continued pursuit of art for art’s sake.
i feel like you would attract a lot of people older than you, around middle-aged. regardless of age, your fans would use your music (or whatever art you put out, though it may mostly be music) as a means to relax and unwind. they would also respect you a great deal and make sure to send you direct financial support even though you likely may never ask. 
your fans will describe you as an old soul, and as someone who is humble and down to earth. this may be why you attract a lot of older fans, because the way that you approach art and evoke emotion is of someone far beyond your years. they may share your art with people close to them, such as with their families, and so you may have a reach far beyond your knowledge -  i’m thinking of a pair of young friends hanging out when your song comes on shuffle, one asks the other who it is and the replies, “oh, this is someone my dad likes”.
your fans describe your art more than they describe you, which is something that you may also like. because your art is your art and should exist outside and apart from you as a person. when you become unexpectedly popular, your fans will be proud of you and happy for you (especially because many of them are living vicariously through you and have wanted this to happen for you for years), but will also wonder if you can handle all the pressure that comes with this kind of fame. when talking about you with others, they may say you feel like the kind of person who would just disappear once you became too famous. if they see other people interacting with your art, they may talk about how they knew you before you were so famous - reminiscing about the days when your fanbase was smaller and more intimate.
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awmancreeper · 1 year
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♡︎Lonely Boy Will Stay Lonely?
❣︎StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
PAIRING: Idol!Huening Kai X Idol!Fem.Reader
Fic Type: Social Media AU + Written Parts
Genre: Idol AU, Fluff, Comedy, SLOW BURN!!, Mutual!Pinning!, One-sided “Enemies” to Lovers
⚠︎︎WARNINGS: Swearing, Suggestive Jokes, K-Industry, Slight age gap, The following jokes with be seen: unaliving, abandonment, virginity, cheating, mental health (this series is not to be taken seriously, it’s just a goofy story) , terribly edited photos lol
Face claim: Rei IVE
Featuring: rest of TXT, STAYC, Jisung (NCT), Hanni (Newjeans), Wonyoung (IVE), Bahiyyih (Kep1er), PopUps: NCT Dream, New Jeans, Enhypen, Le Sserafim
Started: May 2023
Ended: August 2023
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SlayC / Tube a Tube / 4 the Girlies
1. Toilet Bowl Toothbrush
ఌ 1.5 Teddy Bear
2. Want Me FR
3. Where’s Yoon?
4. What the Duck!
5. Who Wants It?
6. For The Girlies
7. Back of the Line
8. DHMU💔
ఌ 8.5 Real Her
9. Please You
10. Buckled Knees
11. Weather Boy
12. Monkey Leash
13. Oh Ning
14. Keeps Me Up?
15. Microwaved Burrito
16. Crazy 8
17. Y/n’s Youngluv Era>>>
18. STAN Dreamcatcher
19. PP Gang
20. Welcome Home Cheater
22. Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies
23. Sister-in-law
24. Dying to find out
25. In Love?
ఌ 25.5 Tsundere
26. Heyyyy
27. My Mistake
28. MC Live
29. Not My Type
30. Like Him?
31. Joking Around
ఌ 31.5 y/n-kinda-boy
32. Not Captiv-Bred
33. Lock Down
34. Not Very Convenient
35. Trending AGAIN?!
36. Our Butterfly
37. I’m Sorry
ఌ 37.5 Kai-ness
38. Sowwy🥺
39. Wait For Me
40. One and Only
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Taglist:!!CLOSED!! @txtbrainrot @azinwo @mackjestic @mangobee @ggggghost @adajoemaya @kainkhemistry @suzirumas @amareoverall @owotalks @justemalove @kaisdefender @aloverga @myahwritesss @justiceya @loopycorn1123 @amara-mars @samvagejkflxhrt @iraa567 @liinori @reinahwanggg @bangchansbae @heyitssarah63 @txtmetonight @lilyidk03 @roseidol @heymickyy @sofia-rom @beoms-sugar @ndriixx @myknifeyourlife @jackass1123 @fanfangying1304 @jenofairy
631 notes · View notes
jeongintwenty3 · 1 year
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pairing: lee know x gn!reader
genre: fluff
summary: lee know being his usual endearing self, but in the morning
warnings: none, i think?
author's note: hi! rey here ♡ thank you so sooo much for giving my last fic so much love!! i appreciate it a lot (: here's another one and please forgive me if it's a mess <3 as usual, feedback is very welcome. please excuse any misspellings or misuse of grammar ): enjoy loves 🌻
"WHY didn't you text me the whole day my lovely one and only? you better have a good reason for it."
"there goes my supposedly peaceful morning", you mubled to yourself.
beside you stood your adorable boyfriend, having to catch a flight at 5 in order to make it to your sister's baby shower wasn't the most ideal, but again, he'd do anything for his other half.
still half asleep, collecting whatever sanity you have left while looking at the clock, you sighed, "min, i just woke up. it's only 9 in the morning."
"yeah ok, so? my day started at 4 and i was lonely for a good 5 hours my love," he replied while blinking quickly, an act that's very endearing, you have no choice but to give in
sighing for the 3rd time since the last 5 minutes you woke up, you rolled over to the other side of bed; a silent invitation for the man screaming in your ear to come and snuggle since it's still quite early according to your body clock. you know that he's sleep-deprived, so you did hole he'd get the message.
but minho didn't. hell was this a challenge, instead of cocooning your half-awake form, he decided to disturb you. again.
kneeling so his face can be at level with yours, he started to pepper kisses all over: may it be your eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, it's safe to say almost 100% of the area got covered with his kisses. on other days, you'd be annoyed and it'll end up a tickle fight or a chase inside the house. but for this particular morning, you decided to savor it, only because you missed him and you had no energy to rebutt his actions.
"are you done?" you managed to squeak out between his loving attacks.
placing a final kiss onto your lips, he replied "yeah, now move." and so you did; you moved onto the other side (or the original position you were in before this man you loved started throwing a tantrum)
he opened his arms and in a heartbeat pulled you into his chest. "i missed you," he blurted out loud. while tiptoeing between the line of unconciousness and being awake, you managed to ask, "really min?"
"mhm", and with that, he attacked you with another round of pecks.
after about 5 minutes or so, he noticed your steady breathing, assuming you were asleep. thinking it was a good idea to meet you in his dreams, he adjusted both of your positions so you could snuggle into his chest with his head on top of yours, your hands on his chest and his encircling your body. he was savoring the moment, as times like these were where he felt really safe and vice versa.
"what did i do to deserve you? i promise, once this whole thing gets settled, i'll be putting a ring on your finger. i'll be the first one you see when you wake up, the one who drives you to and from work, the one who cooks your favorite lambchop, the one who treats you best. i love you. so much," he managed to let it out because he thought the person snuggled into him was knocked out.
luck was clearly not on his side, since you were never really asleep in the first place due to the constant shifting of minho. you managed to smile and look him in the eyes sleepily, while replying, "i love you too, i'll wait for you, min. don't worry, kay?"
a bit taken aback by the one who he thought was asleep, he only giggled and managed to nod.
the both of you really needed this, the warmth from each other, the sweet words and the time. you see, dating a man who has a busy schedule is not that hard. well for some, it may be extremely difficult. but for you? as long as minho showers you with the love you deserve, texts you every now and then, is there for you and wanting to communicate, everything will be okay. he loved you and you loved him, it was the two of you against the world. always.
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ramspatula · 5 months
Begonias | Kai Smith x reader
I love Lana Del Rey
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“-Money is the anthem! God you’re so handsome-!”
“Okay! Okay, honey. Not that I don’t love your singing, or you calling me handsome but we’re here.” Kai said turning the radio down am I smiles at him as he looked for somewhere to park.
“Thank you… for this.” I said and he smirked.
“Anything for you.” He told me and I tried to ignore how flustered it made me feel.
“You seriously didn’t have to do this, you know?” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“I seriously did. It’s your first day. It’d be wrong for me to not take you.” Kai protested and I smiled.
“You know my Dad is going to hold this against you, right?” I said and he rolled his eyes again.
“C’mon? Daddy dropping you off at his office for the job he gave you on the first day? What a bad first impression.” He said and it was my turn to roll my eyes.
“I’m just being an office assistant for a couple months so I can have some actual experience in an office environment. Then I can apply to work for Borg or someone. Plus I need money.” I told him and he gave me a reassuring smile.
“Borg would love to have you. Hey- he clearly pays me well.” He said and gestured to custom Cyrus car that had been made for him. It was a ridiculously expensive red sports car that was completely electric in the Borg fashion. Kai had worked for Borg since he was 17, originally on an internship apparently and had built himself up in the company. He dealt in security matters and testing out new inventions.
“Yeah I can see that.” I said before sitting up and turning to him. “How do I look?” I asked, striking a little pose whilst sitting and he looked me over.
“Gorgeous… and don’t listen to your Dad. The skirt is not too short and that’s coming from your boyfriend. Although the chances of me ripping it off tonight are high.” He said and I smirked.
“So you’re coming tonight?” I said and his face dropped. It was a big meal that my Dad had with his friends and some of my Uncles and cousins. Kai has avoided this dinner for months and did so last year but since it was the first year we were together. I let it slide but now we had almost been going out for two years. I wanted him to be there with me.
“I’m already on Daddy’s bad side. I think me being at that dinner would be the last straw. He already thinks I’m the reason you didn’t go to college.” Kai said and I gave him puppy eyes.
“Please?” I asked and he gave me a serious look.
“You’re going to be late.” He said and I just stared at him harder. “I’ll see what I can do… love you.” He said and I kissed him before opening the car door.
“Love you too!” I yelled as I closed the car door and I heard Lana blasting again at full volume I turned around and he winked at me as he sped off. I giggled to myself and held my skirt down from the gust of wind the car made. I shook my head with a big smile as I headed up the stairs. I pretended I didn’t see my Dad shake his head in disapproval in his office window. I held my head up high as I headed up into his office greeting everyone and receiving off guard thanks and greetings back. God this was a depressing work environment. I paused by my Dad’s office door as I heard him speaking.
“-she had a crush on him when she was 18! You think it would end there but no! He continues to poke his head around her until she’s 20 and immediately snatches her up! And he cancels all the time! Poor excuses if you ask me. He’s good for nothing! Can’t provide, he’s going nowhere in life and encourages the worst behaviour out of my daughter, she swears he had nothing to do with it but I know he’s the reason she didn’t go to College! All her life she spoke about wanting to-“ I pushed the door open, carrying a file that had been handed to me and a coffee for my father.
“He’s not going nowhere, Dad. Who else do you know of that’s got into an internship at Borg’s company at 17 and at 25 is now a leading part of his security. He deals with the ninja Dad! Thats a huge thing!” I interrupted and he rolled his eyes.
“You always had a crush on that red one too. Don’t tell me you’re going to be dating him next.” Dad grumbled and I rolled my eyes.
“Dad, I heard it takes them 10 years to even master basic ninjitsu! The fire ninja is probably 30.” I told him and he stared at me out the corner of his eye.
“Age gap didn’t stop you before.” He snarked and I slammed the file down.
“Stop it! Kai’s 25, not 50. It’s not uncommon for a 21 year old to go out with a 25 year old. Or an 20 year old to go out with a 24 year old. Stop making out like he’s a creep. Plus the age gap between you and Mom was 5 years?!” I said and he shrugged.
“At least we were both in our 30s and not one of us a teenager- he over the age to be ID’d!” Dad said and his business colleague tried not to look awkward in the seat opposite my Dad’s by his desk.
“I’m going to be the mature one and end this. If you need me I’ll be with my supervisor doing my training.” I said and spun on my heel to walk out.
“And pull down that skirt!” He yelled and I resisted the urge to throw the new file in my hand at him. Instead I just shut his door and moved towards my supervisor.
They had a TV in the office with the news playing and I caught myself watching it when I noticed everyone else watching it as well. The ninjas were on the news. I watched as it showed the red ninja shutting down some mechanic that had gone haywire. I felt like I was the only one that noticed the way it had sliced his side and how he winced in pain and grabbed his side when the fight ended. He quickly moved away before it switched to the green ninja taking on two with the peach ninja who glitched away from all attacks. They worked together perfectly and I felt a certain jealously creep up inside me. A bitterness at the fact that me and Kai would never be able to work that well together. He’d forever be that guy who successfully raised his little sister, worked all his life and came out on top and I’d always be the girl who had everything handed to her. It didn’t matter that Lord Garmadon had stripped my mother away from me. It didn’t matter that Kai was the only person who taught me how to smile again. It didn’t matter that my father wouldn’t look at me for years, especially as I got older, because I looked too much like her. It didn’t matter that no one had hugged me since my mother had died. I was 10. Me and Kai could relate that much on not having a mother and feeling as if we had to raise ourselves, except he actually did and had to raise another. I looked back down after the earth ninja and pink ninja came on screen and she helped the fire ninja’s injury on his side as the earth ninja protected them both. Again, working as a perfect team. I went back to typing on my computer.
“Damn ninjas! Always having to show off! No one needs to backflip to take down a bot! Showboating is never impressive.” I heard my Dad curse as he moved to the office printer and I rolled my eyes. I looked back up as the lightning ninja backflipped off a bot in sync with the water ninja and they both blasted the bots with their power, rendering them useless.
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
“What the hell is up with you?!” Cole hissed out as he used his strength to knock a bot away.
“You’re never this distracted, red.” Pearl added as he quickly put a medical seal on his wound that had been created by Borg to temporarily freeze land apply pressure to any wound for a couple hours. Kai hissed in pain as he felt the bandage take and suck at his skin and wound.
“It’s just… spitfire… she’s got this huge family dinner thing and she wants me to be there but you know how much her Dad hates me.” Kai hissed out as Pearl created a little shield around her and Kai as they waited for the pain to numb and for him to get back into action. Her powers allowed her to temporarily bring the realm she sees into around her as to act like a shield. It was Peach whose power allowed her to completely go through realms and objects like they didn’t exist. They called her powers ‘glitching’ rather than whatever technical name it had.
“Then don’t go. She’d probably be thankful for an excuse not to go.” Cole said and Kai leant back on his arms.
“That was my plan but it’s her first day working for him as well. I feel like I need to be with her tonight.” He carried on and Cole ripped out the bot’s power pack. It crumbled like nothing and he dodged the other bot that shot at him.
“Then go… it’s once a year and it shows that her father’s wrong about you not being serious because you’d actually be there to laugh at him.” Pearl added and Kai threw his head back.
“This has been my debate all day!” He groaned and shook his head.
“Peach we could use your help over here!” Pearl said and in an instant she appeared behind Pearl and kicked a smaller bot away from the two.
“What’s up?” She asked and Pearl noticed a gash on her thigh and got to work, grabbing her leg unexpectedly as she yelped.
“Does Kai go to the family dinner or nah?” She asked and Peach looked to him.
“That big family one?” She asked and Kai nodded. “Fuck yeah. Her Dad already hates you.” Peach added and Kai rolled his eyes.
“I know that but going would make him even more mad at me.” Kai said Peach rolled her eyes back as Pearl began smoothing the bandage.
“It’s not about her Dad- are you done?! It’s about her! Just go… or arrive halfway through with flowers and dressed nicely. Say you got caught up at work! That’ll get them thinking you’re not a vigilante clad in red that just got cut in the side by a giant bot.” She said and Pearl finally let go of her leg and she glitched her hand through another bot and ripped out its power pack.
“That’s a good idea actually.” Cole said and he rests his katana over his shoulder. Random wires hung over it.
“I’m taking credit.” Pearl said to be shoved by Peach.
“The fuck did you do?” She asked and Pearl looked up sharply.
“Ask you.” Pearl said and you could see her grin from behind the mask.
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
I had gone home in my Dad’s car with his driver and unfortunately him. He’d been in a horrible mood all day and I stared out the window as he ranted to me but not actually because I wasn’t listening.
“Is sparky coming or not?” Dad asked and I rolled my eyes.
“It’s Kai and he doesn’t know if he’s going to be working late or not.” More like if he can deal with you tonight. I know I can’t! I thought to myself.
“Of course… but what do you expect?! I think you’re putting too much into this relationship. You’re both so young and there’s no way he’ll be ready to settle any time soon. Boys like him, Y/n. They don’t stick around for marriage. Don’t be fooled.” He told me and I whipped my head around sharply.
“And how would you know?! Because you strung along my mother for years until you decided you were ready to settle down? Kai shows me a lot more attention than you ever showed my mother. He treats me better as well. Which is lucky considering I was raised to think Mommy and Daddy arguing everyday was normal.” I said and he went silent.
“I loved your mother.” His pathetic reply was and I rolled my eyes.
“You don’t have to remind me. You could’ve even look at me for 5 years after she died! And you want to talk about Kai-?! You think he has ’ruined’ my life?! No- you did! Because you couldn’t bring it upon yourself to even hug your daughter when she cried over her mother’s dead body-! Let me out! I’m walking the rest of the way home!” I said and pulled at the door handle of the locked car.
“-No! Don’t!” Dad quickly demanded and I threw myself back on my seat and crossed my arms, looking away from him. “I’m sorry, dear.” He said and I rolled my eyes, not letting the tears fall, it wasn’t the first time we’d had this conversation. “I just worry you’re spending too much of your time on this boy instead of you. God knows your mother did the same for me and we were much older.” I held my forehead.
“I didn’t want to go to college because I didn’t want to leave home.” I said and I could feel his shocked stare on me.
“What…?” He said in shock and I sighed.
“Last time I left home to go to a school I would live at… I got halfway there before I had no mother.” I said and I felt his posture soften.
“It had nothing to do with Kai. Although I wish it did. It’d be a much easier problem to fix… he actually tried to encourage me to go. Even said he’d pay my tuition fees if for some reason that’s what I was worried about. Also said he’d pay for any travel home or there and if he could he’d pick me up.” I said and I heard my father sigh.
“I’m sorry… I just get worried that he’s bringing you into a world you weren’t made for. I know he’s had a rough history.” Dad said and the car came to a stop outside our house which was way too big for the two of us. But I guess if you run data processing company, it earns big money.
“Can we just put this aside for tonight? I’m tired enough as it is.” I said and he nodded in agreement before we both got out the car and I said thanks and goodbye to my Dad’s driver. Lorris. God I really fucking hope Kai turns up.
I had called and messages way too many times and he hadn’t answered. I guess this was his shitty way of saying “I’m not coming”. I huffed retouched my make up and smoothed out my outfit before making my wake downstairs to say hello to everyone and sit down, ready for dinner. Which was served quickly after. That let me know what they were waiting for me.
I felt my foot get kicked from under the table and looked up to see my younger cousin who smiled cheekily at me and mouthed ‘I’m bored’. I smiled back in amusement and swallowed my bite before my plate was taken. They took the empty plate next to me that was reserved for Kai who didn’t turn up. I looked up to see my cousin again who frowned and asked me where he was. Well mouthed. ‘Work’ I mouthed back as an excuse and he rolled his eyes to which I laughed.
“Excuse me, Miss, but there’s someone in the entrance hall for you.” The butler my Dad had hired for tonight said and I nodded and walked into the hallway to see Kai all dolled up with a bouquet in his hands. I smiled in relief and joy before I ran to him. He picked me up and spun me around in a princess twirl before setting me down and I I smiled into him as he kissed my forehead.
“Hey princess, how was the dinner? Hope I’m not too late for desert? I stopped by that flower place near the noodle house and got you some Begonias because you said they reminded you of your mom and I thought you could use a reminder of her today. Your first day of work- speaking of work! When I tell you Borg was holding onto me like I was his favourite toy- the guy let me go as soon as I said I had to come see you though. He’s got some real respect for you- none for me though.” Kai ranted and I laughed before kissing him.
“We haven’t had desert yet…” I told him when we broke apart. He pushed me further against him and smirked.
“I know what I want…” He told me going in to kiss me more but I pulled away and grabbed his hand to lead him into the big dining hall. He awkwardly greeted everyone and I took the flowers off him. Begonias. My Mom used to grow them in her garden with my grandmother who also passed. I can’t believe he remembered that. I put them in a vase and joined everyone again.
“-truly remarkable how you and your group are so young and yet all such in great positions!” My uncle rambled on to Kai who smiled awkwardly.
“Yeah, we were all luckily enough to be accepted into his young leadership program.” Kai told him and I smiled then tried not laugh at my younger cousin’s expression. His total embarrassment at his father’s gushing.
“I mean even that Lloyd Garmadon-“ The mood soured and Kai became defensive. “-this world is not kind to him.”
“The Garmadons have wrecked so many lives. They don’t deserve the luxury of a normal life and equal opportunities.” Dad said and Kai’s fist clenched.
“You can’t blame the son for sins of the father. That’s not how it works and Lloyd is actually a really nice guy!” I defended and Kai eased up a bit.
“He’s a total nerd as well. Complete opposite of his Dad. Lloyd would never hurt a fly- I’m pretty sure the guy is still scared of the dark.” Kai added and I smiled.
“Lord Garmadon did many bad things. Imagine what his family went through during his evil days!” My uncle defended as well and my Dad huffed in defeat.
“You okay?” I asked Kai who immediately smiled and nodded.
“Of course, I’m with you.” Then why can’t you tell me the truth?
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
I laid in bed with Kai. I was drawing circles on his bare chest. His abs peaked out from the top of the sheet that was lazily draped over his mid section. He was resting on both of his arms with his eyes closed. I smiled and leant further into him.
“God you’re gonna send me to sleep doing that, babe.” He said and I giggled before moving to straddle him.
“Oh really? That’s too bad.” I said and fully put my weight on him when he hissed and immediately raised myself up. “What?! What is it?!” I said and for a moment I feared he’d say I was too heavy but he just shuffled a bit.
“Okay you’re good now-“ He said and I looked to the side that was originally opposite me and noticed the fresh gash that was just staring to scab.
“What the hell?!” I said and scrambled to get off him and the bed to have a closer look but he held me in place. “What the fuck is that?!” I asked and he sat up. Immediately trying to calm me.
“It’s nothing- I’m okay-!”
“You’re okay?! That seems really-“
“It’s okay- just a little incident at work-“
“Little? Thats deep! I’m surprised you didn’t need stitches-“
“Hey-! Hey! Don’t freak out-“
“I am freaking! Why wouldn’t you tell me-?!”
“Because I didn’t want you freaking out like this…” He said as he held my face and I looked at him with big eyes.
“Did you tell Borg?! How many times are you gonna be this badly injured?” I asked and he looked down in shame? In himself?
“It’s just part of the job, sweetheart. Sometimes I get hurt- but I get hurt so others don’t.” Kai explained and I shook my head.
“No-! I mean it’s not right. It’s not…” Then suddenly I remember the red ninja from earlier. How he had a gash in his side and I groaned. “This is so exhausting, Kai.” I said and he nodded.
“I know…”
“You’re always hurt in some way, or tired, or- I don’t know it just seems like this job is too much.” I said and he nodded but also disagreed with me.
“If I didn’t have to do it, I wouldn’t.” Lie. I got off him and headed towards the shower. “Baby! Y/n! What’s up?” He asked and I took my hair out and let it down.
“Talk to me when you’re not going to lie. You love that job.” I said and I heard him sigh before getting up and soon I felt arms around my waist and a head on my neck.
“I’m sorry, okay? I thought I was saying what you wanted to hear. I promise I’ll tell you straight away next time.” He said and I stared at my reflection as he placed a kiss on my neck. Thats what he says every time. I just took a deep breath and agreed because who knows the next time Borg is going to send him on a week away or something or the other.
“Okay…” I said and I felt his body deflate a little.
“I mean it, okay?” He said and I nodded.
“I know you do.”n’t. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Then why do you lie so much?
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amoebagrl · 11 months
catch me if you can, working on my tan (PREVIEW)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ neighbor!ellie williams x fem reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ summary: ellie spends her first summer at her and her fathers new vacation house, and her first summer with a summer fling.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n: hi! i hope u guys enjoy this lil preview of a fic im working on, so sorry it’s taking so long to write, i’m super busy. it should be done in a week or two :) per usual, join my taglist to be notified when i post the full thing & song used in title is slavatore by lana del rey! ♡
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Ellie didn't know why Joel decided to purchase a beach home, but she was greatful for it.
Summers in Jackson were grueling. The hot, and sticky air definitely wasn't her favorite.
So when her adoptive father, Joel, had let her know that his offer the house had been accepted, Ellie was overjoyed.
In the weeks before summer break, she became more anxious and excited to spend her summer on the beach.
She wondered how different the beach town would be from her home, and what kind of kids her age would be there.
When the day finally came, Ellie was packed and ready, sitting at the table with her bags in hand, and suitcase by her feet.
"Woah there kiddo" Joel laughed as he entered the dining room. "What? I'm ready" *You sure are" he chuckled "Can we go yet?" the auburn-haired girl whined.
"Well if I knew you were fixin' to get going this early, would have finished packing" "Seriously?!" Ellie called out to the man as he walked away.
He entered the room with his luggage after, what Ellie claimed to be, hours.
They piled up into the beat up truck and began their twelve hour drive to Florida.
Joel insisted they only stopped for absolute necessities, but found himself stopping for snacks one too many times.
When they arrived, it was dark, around 10:00 at night. Ellie had fell asleep in the passenger seat around halfway in the trip, after claiming she ‘wasn't tired’ and it reminded Joel of when she was a kid.
"Ellie. Ellie. Cmon get up" Joel whispered, nudging the girl.
"Huh?" She asked, stirring "We're here. Come on, get inside" "What about all the bags?" "Well get it all in the morning" "Mhm" she groaned.
Unbuckling her seatbelt and walking inside, she barely took the time to look around, just heading straight for her bed, which was already made. She took a mental note to thank Joel in the morning before falling asleep.
Ellie woke up to the bright sunshine creeping in through the window. She slowly sat up and creeped out of her bedroom, looking for her father.
"Morning Ellie" Joel croaked out from the kitchen, turning around with a mug full of coffee.
"Goodmorning" Ellie yawned, rubbing her eyes.
"Ya sleep well?" The older man asks, sipping on the steaming cup. "Mhm. Thanks for making my bed and stuff." She smiled, truly greatful.
"No problem." He replied, grinning in return.
"Hey, why don't you go down the street and get us some of those...uh... 'a-kai' bowls?" He asked, reaching for his wallet. "I think it's açaí, but sure.
Let me get dressed" She nods, turning to go back upstairs to get dressed.
The auburn-haired girl emerges 20 minutes later in jeans and a t-shirt, tugging on her beat up converse.
"This good?" She looks up, unsure if the outfit is suitable for the hot weather.
"Jesus, Ellie. I said clothes for hot weather, it's
'bout ninety degrees!" "I'll be fine" She rolls her eyes, grabbing the $20 bill from Joels hands, before stepping outside.
"Shit." She gasps, fanning herself for a moment before grabbing her skateboard off the porch and stepping onto the sidewalk, heading off down the block for the small shop.
The bells over the front door chimed as Ellie stepped in the small, but nice, café.
"Welcome! What can I get started for 'ya?" You asked, looking up from the cash register to meet the customers gaze.
"Oh, um... Can I look over the menu and stuff?" Ellie asked, bringing her hand up to rub the back of her neck, a nervous tic she had.
"Of course" You smiled sweetly.
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reblog to help support your fav writers! 🫧
taglist: @5prettygirl5 @cowgirlcherrie @553ellie @certifedcrybunny @hi2647 @romioneslut
115 notes · View notes
ryokosturntodie · 3 months
Would love to know what the main swaps are for this au!!
of course !! i've been meaning to post this for a loong time but have been putting it off because i wanted to avoid formatting it as a long boring list but didn't have motivation to draw stuff...... i have it now though so yay
also, a quick note: i took a lootttt of creative liberty when it comes to the role swaps, so a lot of things in this au play out differently than in canon. this will become more clear as i post more about it !!
anyway, the main swaps are as follows:
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ryoko as sara
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kugie as joe
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ranmaru as keiji
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nao as kanna
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michiru (safalin) as qtaro
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joe as sou (joe takes the fake name 'kai satou')
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hinako as reko
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anzu as nao
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mai as kai
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shin as gin
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maple as mishima
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sara as alice (sara takes the fake name 'rei')
that's all of the main cast (surviving participants) !! i'll list some of the other roleswaps down here, but i didn't do art of them cause there's so many already....
keiji as sue miley
reko as rio ranger
alice as tia safalin
midori as gashu
ryuu as midori
teki as meister
kanna as ranmaru
kurumada as hinako
hayasaka as kurumada
emiri as mai
q-taro as anzu
gin as hayasaka
megumi as ryoko
mishima as kugie
ranger as megumi
if anyone is missing from here i either forgot (oops) or their role is kind of unclear to me rn/not as clearcut !
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dailyhelldorm · 1 month
New Office Interactions - Aira's relation
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This is an archiving post from a Twitter thread. This will get updated regularly as I find more interactions in the future.
Especially when Aira is currently missing a lot of his interactions.
Before you start...
This is a more refined version compared to the thread, I fixed my wording and mistakes. Also adding images and the original credits.
I don't put the characters in any order, everything is based on the uploaded day of the screenshots to determine whether the interaction is old or new.
It is said that some of the old interactions have been deleted from the game, the purpose of this post is to archive.
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures don't belong to me, and I own none. They rightfully belong to the person who uploads the screenshots and of course, Happy Element K. K.
© 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K. 画像等の内容はハピエレ及び一部の投稿者を属しております。無断転載のためお許させていきただきます。削除されてほしい場合はTumblrやX(旧Twitter)などご連絡ください。
Aira's New Interactions
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Tomoe-senpai, you are brilliant today as well...! Hiyori: Why of course, because it's me... ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by 嬉野 @mobuo527
Aira: Can I take a pic for my SNS? Kohaku: Sure. If it is Rabuhan then I don't mind ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by レモずく牛乳 @mzklemon
Hiiro: On the next day off, let’s go out! Aira: I have a store I wanted to visit!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Rei: Do you have any dissatisfaction when living in the dorm? Aira: Ahaha… I have nothing in particular.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Tsumugi: I found the magazine I was looking for ♪ Aira: You did!? I want to read it…!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Mika: If it is ‘kay for you, wanna have some tea? Aira: I also wanted to have a chat with Kagehira-senpai.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: I am so nervous about this work…! Tatsumi: I will support you as well, so let's do our best.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Why are you looking like you are in high spirits? Rinne: I just won big at the pachinko lot ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Sora: Ai-chan somehow seems to be happy~? Aira: Actually, I just won the lottery ticket to a live ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by ちぁ @chia_pame
Mitsuru: I feel like going dashing, let’s go together ⭐︎ Aira: I should go out for a run sometimes too ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Your latest photogravure was amazing! Himeru: Oh my, thank you so much.
Aira's Old Interactions
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Images by しっぽ @hrsr_srhr
Aira: I got bad grade on a small test at school. Hiiro: If you don't mind, I can tutor you, Aira!
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Images by ゆーた @yuki_nyantan
Aira: Will Prez Isara come to the practice tomorrow? Shinobu: If I see him, I will relay your words.
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Images by ネネ @neneansta
Aira: Is it true that there is a rumor about you being a painter? Yuzuru: From where can such a rumor come to be...
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Images by パスカル @722_aka
Aira: This, this is the gift water I want to present you! Kanata: oh, you are so thoughtful ♪
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Images by たこ @takoyea_
Eichi: It seems that today you will return late too. Aira: That's because there are so many things to do every day...!
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renjibozo · 1 year
a coherent (probably not) thought dump about the new buddy daddies PV 3 (and additionally, PV 2)
because i'm sitting crying and need people to hear what i'm thinking about this PV i am brocken
edit: we’re making a few edits because i realized PV 2 exists and now i need to revise some parts so i don’t look like an utter clown next week (and please don’t trust me 100% with translations i’m using my very limited knowledge)
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ok so starting off with this from PV 3, you can hear miri telling rei something along the lines of "Papa Rei! Get home quick, 'kay? Because today's!" before it just cuts to the next voice line
a birthday mayhaps? it might be miri’s birthday, it might be rei’s birthday, or it might be kazuki’s birthday and they’re preparing a surprise. unless it’s something else then literally please ignore this entire section
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in PV 2, you can see her wearing a party hat along with streamers strung up behind her off to the side + another party hat at the corner of the screen
this means there IS a birthday (like i thought earlier before the edit) and it’s rei’s because kazuki is in the same room as miri while they’re talking
“Papa Rei looks lonely sometimes...” - Miri “Isn’t that guy just always grumpy?” - Kazuki
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moving on, kazuki saying something along the lines of "I don't like this season/weather..." and a shot of a drawer opened to reveal a polaroid in the middle of many many knickknacks
judging by one of the shots in the opening,
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his wife probably died in the rain and we're getting more information about the incident because it's been hinted at in the early episodes before it became parenting focused
and adding onto this because of a nice person in the replies!
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the building behind him looks exactly like aozora daycare, just not sure if its the front or back (maybe the front bc of the hint of a blue gate beside him) but there doesn’t seem to be bushes planted anywhere near the spot where you can see the hydrangeas, so maybe it got planted a while later?
considering the clothes he’s wearing, this has to be before the dinner scene and is what leads up to it... the connections are getting stronger
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you cannot convince me that this isn't rei's brother and that he isn't the favorite child
even rei (as seen from a flashback) couldn't call his father "dad" and that he should refer to him as "boss", but then there's this guy fighting him that calls rei's father as "father"
and something something about "Didn't Father tell you to return to the organization?" which implies he escaped the organization and got hired by kyutaro somehow
how he managed to get an apartment? i'll probably just say kyutaro did it i have no idea if he can even make forgeries like kazuki does
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additionally: in PV2 you can see more of the gunfight between who i assume to be rei’s brother (older or younger? who knows)
and i assume this is set while miri and kazuki are waiting for rei to come back because it’s his birthday and they set up a nice surprise party for him, so, hoping he hurries back home because he can’t just stand them up like that on his own birthday
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there must've been some kind of falling out between rei + miri and kazuki because he was screaming "I'm... not your housekeeper!" during dinner
i'm suspecting that they finally got on his nerves if they never pick up after themselves properly or just the small stuff piled up onto kazuki and he had enough despite usually not really minding the fact that he has to do most if not all of the house chores
but another theory i have is that the scene with the photograph is connected and because of the stress, it leads up to him taking it out on rei and miri. i'm distraught i don't want to see this episode but i have to. mfs gonna have a sk8 episode 7 situation and i'm powerless to stop it
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already saw a post or two about this one and i also hope it's just a red herring but judging by the shirt that rei has on which is different from the shirt he wears inside the house in earlier episodes, this was probably right after kazuki's meltdown
maybe kazuki ran off somewhere? maybe miri tried following him and got sick in the process and rei had to come fetch her? i just wonder how desperate rei must've been to run to kyutaro for help even if he's not as wary about kyutaro like kazuki is
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kyutaro's talking about something being a warning because the organization doesn't forgive something (possibly kazurei taking in miri and raising her)
this shot looks like it could've been a flashback from when his wife died because he was wearing a green shirt during the dinner scene
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ignoring the crossed out line because it has to be during the birthday surprise episode because if it really was after kazuki’s meltdown, he has to have been wearing a green shirt. but in the scene where he’s standing in the rain looking a little roughed up, he’s wearing the same exact clothes as here
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and then a shot of rei's father without the shadows mostly hiding his face from a flashback!
he's gonna be a major player in the second half and i am Not Here for it
bonus: i think karin's a spy tasked to idk infiltrate kazuki and rei's apartment and see what they're up to i just know she's gonna be a pain in the ass for them
that's all folks i just needed to get these out right now
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astroyongie · 4 months
IVE February Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
Love: as expected, the relationship she had in September is finished. At the moment she is repressing her rage about the end of this love story and focusing on herself 
Career: something has happened here. I can’t really pin point what, but it feels like Yujin got herself in bad sheets with either the manager or an higher up. Whatever she did upsetter them a lot and she had to “pay the price” 
Self: she is trying to focus on herself and on her schedules. Yujin is also working with her sponsor to have a overseas schedule for something important (fashion show perhaps?)
Love: Gaeul is back in a relationship with someone older than her and very influential that works inside the entrainment. At the moment she is happy since her partner is taking care of her financially and supporting her sponsorship 
Career: I feel like this is a good moment for her. There’s recognition for her when it comes to her career and her talent. Gaeul will be able to create something stable and successful for herself if she is smart enough to move her cards along 
Self: she is happy, without a care of the world. Gaeul is enjoying her life, enjoying this positive moment she is experiencing in life. 
Love: she is still single and Rei is still recovering from her last relationship that ended during summer 2023. I recall all, that her relationship was very unhealthy and at the moment she needs to heal her heart and take tome for herself 
Career: positive and good omens for her. Just like Gaeul, Rei as the right people behind her to help her get more spotlight for her career. I feel like she will get better as an artists but that her visuals will equally improve 
Self: she is investing a lot of money in her career (everything she has that dent go to her trainee debts is put on something else to help her grow in her career)
Love: Wonyoung is back at being single, but not out of choice. Her sponsor asked her to break up and she had no choice but to do so. This is upsetting to her because she had feelings for the person but she does put her career first 
Career: she is struggling a lot with her relationship with one of the members. Wonyoung has been trying to talk to that member and solve things but they have way too many communications issues between the two. She feels also disconnected to the other members and she is scared that it will affect her image 
Self: I believe that Wonyoung is dealing with poor mental health at the moment,  I see some depressive episodes here and her being consumed and overwhelmed by feelings easily 
Love: her relationship is taking an unhealthy turn, since her partner has reveled themselves to be quite impulsive and ruthless. They have big expectations for Liz and she is unable to meet them 
Career: she is quite lost. She loves her job but as time goes, the more she loses hope about her career. She feels like it doesnt matter what she does, the company doesnt give her enough and that she always has to give to other members instead 
Self: she doesnt know what to do with her life. She has many opportunities but at the moment she is way too confuse to make any decision for herself.
Love: she is single. Around in September she ws talking/flirting with someone but that person has betrayed her by leaking some personal info n her to other people so she blocked them and stopped having any compact with that person 
Career: she is very possessive with what she has on her career and she doesnt want to open her wand to give to other members even if they ask for it. Leeseo has been a little impulsive and a little bit hasty which could generate some arguments between members 
Self: overall she is kay. Leeseo is working on herself as an image and as an idol. That is all she cares about at the moment and where all her energy goes to 
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solarwoniii · 10 months
〪-- 'NSFW' WORKS. ★ ° / / / / / (wanna request? check here first ♡ ) ・゚: ・
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★ - zb1 / boys planet series masterlist -- 'falling in love with you' (smut, coming soon)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'reaction to you sending him nudes out of nowhere' (smut, suggestive)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'reaction to him walking in on you touching yourself' (smut)
★ - zb1 legal line -- 'how they keep you quiet during sex' (smut)
jiwoong ; nothing here yet !
zhanghao ; nothing here yet !
hanbin ;
★ - surprise ! (smut, fluff, birthday special)
matthew ;
★ - fireworks (smut, fluff, coming soon)
★ - if you'll have me, i want you (part one) (suggestive, fluff, angst)
taerae ;
★ - getting hot (smut, coming soon)
ricky ;
★ - better than he can (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
★ - there's an angel in my bed (smut, fluff, angst, bday special)
★ - academic rival ! ricky thoughts (suggestive)
★ - ricky and pussy slapping (smut)
keita ;
★ - playing her heartstrings (smut, angst, fluff, coming soon)
★ - fwb ! bandmate ! keita thoughts (suggestive, smut)
kamden ;
★ - our spring, our blossom (fluff, angst, smut)
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★ - enhypen series -- 'her' (smut, coming soon)
heeseung ;
★ - i hate you, i love you (smut)
★ - break her (smut, angst, coming soon)
jay ;
★ - pamper her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
jake ;
★ - corrupt her (smut, fluff, coming soon)
sunghoon ;
★ - ruin her (smut, fluff, coming soon)
★ - boyfriend snaps (fluff, nsfw)
sunoo ;
★ - dirty (smut)
★ - princess her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
jungwon ;
★ - fantasizing (smut, fluff)
★ - tease her (smut, fluff, angst, coming soon)
★ - pulchritudinous (smut)
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sakura ; nothing here yet !
chaewon ; nothing here yet !
yunjin ;
★ - smile for the photo (smut)
kazuha ; nothing here yet !
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shownu ; nothing here yet !
minhyuk ; nothing here yet !
kihyun ; nothing here yet !
hyungwon ; nothing here yet !
jooheon ; nothing here yet !
changkyun ;
★ - boyfriend texts (fluff, smut, crack)
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sumin ; nothing here yet !
sieun ; nothing here yet !
isa ;
★ - girlfriend snaps (fluff, smut, crack)
seeun ; nothing here yet !
yoon ;
★ - girlfriend snaps (fluff, smut, crack)
j ; nothing here yet !
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yeonjun ;
★ - what if? (smut)
soobin ; nothing here yet !
beomgyu ; nothing here yet !
taehyun ; nothing here yet !
kai ; nothing here yet !
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seungcheol ;
★ - pinky promise (smut)
jeonghan ; nothing here yet !
joshua ; nothing here yet !
jun ; nothing here yet !
hoshi ; nothing here yet !
wonwoo ; nothing here yet !
jihoon ; nothing here yet !
dokyeom ; nothing here yet !
mingyu ; nothing here yet !
minghao ; nothing here yet !
seungkwan ; nothing here yet !
vernon ; nothing here yet !
chan ; nothing here yet !
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yujin ; nothing here yet !
gaeul ; nothing here yet !
rei ; nothing here yet !
wonyoung ;
★ - she's confident (fluff, suggestive, angst, smut)
70 notes · View notes
fear-is-truth · 4 months
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ꜰᴇᴀʀ ɪꜱ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴄʏ. ɪᴛ ʜᴀꜱ ᴠᴀʟᴜᴇ.
friendly reminder: ꗃ = nsfw. please do not interact with those fics if you aren’t 18+ ! reblogs, comments + feedback are adored.
now playing: ultraviolence by lana del rey
3:21 ────────●─ -0:49
living hell | 1. … | prison!kai x psychologist!reader. ꗃ
love the way you lie | 1.
revolution, revenge, revolver ꗃ | home invasion + gunplay
with the lights out ꗃ | somno
sweet punishments ꗃ | cockwarming + edging
tempter, or the tempted? ꗃ | exhibitionsm
bad liar ꗃ | hate sex
delectable ꗃ | he eats you out
remission ꗃ | piss
tag, you’re it ꗃ | scare actor! reader x kai
wicked games ꗃ | thigh riding
dangerous girl ꗃ
tear you apart ꗃ
loving him was never enough | angsty
things i wanna say to you ꗃ
one for the money, two for the show (+ warren lipka ꗃ
violent delights ꗃ
plannin world domination | fluff
kai fucking your throat while talking on the phone ꗃ
sweet cravings | fluff
afraid | angst
dating kai would include…
being kai’s manipulative girlfriend
jealous kai
kai x short!reader
smutty headcanons ꗃ
cuddling (+ pre-cult kai)
nsfw alphabet ꗃ
sfw headcanons
kai helping you deal with school stress
divine ruler’s personal playlist
pov: you’re his jazz singer and he’s your cult leader
living hell part 2
 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. please do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
134 notes · View notes
tokusaatsus · 2 years
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ft. kiryu kuro, sakuma rei, shiina niki
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none
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You’re set up on a blind date, except it starts out terribly–with you getting stood up. You are going to be having words with your friends about this later.
Kuro sees you sitting alone and ends up pretending to be your date in an attempt to save you from the crushing embarrassment he can see you stewing in. When he strolls over to you, the relief in your eyes is palpable and he doesn’t have the heart to brush you off after that.
He ends up taking you to a nearby fair. You stroll past various game stalls, where he makes multiple attempts to win you the plushies you’d been eyeing. He feels a sense of accomplishment when your eyes brighten at the sight of the cuddly soft toy in his arms, but there’s still that underlying guilt. He feels as though he’s somehow having taken advantage of you, even when you clutch the plushie to your chest. It intensifies when you insist on buying him a snack as thanks. Later, when he walks you home hand-in-hand under the stars, he can’t take it anymore, and it’s right there at your doorstep that Kuro confesses that he’s not your actual date.
You admit, a little embarrassed, that you knew all along–your friends weren’t foolish enough to leave you without a few descriptors of your supposed date–but you were having so much fun with him that you felt there was no right moment to let him know. You bow and tell him you’re sorry for taking advantage of him, keeping your gaze fixed on your feet.
There’s a moment of silence where you avoid eye-contact, when you hear a low chuckle. 
“If ya liked this one so much,” Kuro gives you a crooked smile. “Then how ‘bout we go on another one. This Saturday work for ya? I’ll pick ya up at 8?”
You nod, a little flustered. Just before he leaves, he presses a quick kiss to your cheek and adds, “Oh, and this time? I’m your actual date~”
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You and Rei get set up on the same blind date, something which was clearly Kaoru’s fault. After all, he’s the only point of contact between your friend group and Rei’s. You will be getting him back for this.
It’s a little awkward at first, when you sit at Café Cinnamon bored out of your mind, and look up to see the Sakuma Rei, ½ of UNDEAD’s main attractions, lowering himself to sit in the seat opposite you.
At your flabbergasted look, Rei lets out a nervous chuckle and says, “I think this might be my seat, Y/N-kun?” which answers absolutely nothing of the 50-plus questions swirling around in your brain.
However, as the date does go smoothly, despite your reservations. The two of you are able to have conversations, about work, about life after graduation, about your hobbies, and it ends up showing that you two have quite a lot in common! It’s actually–dare you say it–fun. Talking to Rei is nice. He’s an interesting conversation partner, filled with anecdotes about abroad, and you can tell he feels the same way about you.
You end up staying much longer than you were expecting. The Rei of UNDEAD differs quite a bit from the Rei you’ve come to know over the course of these few hours, and it’s interesting, learning where they overlap and where they separate. Who can blame you for wanting to stay longer? When a pretty boy gives you his undivided attention and listens to you ramble on about your latest hyperfixations, well…that kind of thing can make anyone’s ego swell.
The date comes to a close with a brief argument over who pays for the date, which you win, of course. Hesitantly, you turn to Rei as you add that, “You can pay for the next one, ‘kay, Sakuma-kun?” which is followed by a blink, and a goofy smile spreading across the self-proclaimed vampire’s face.
“Kukuku, but of course, Y/N-kun. It would be this old man’s pleasure to take you out again~”
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It isn’t an uncommon occurrence for you to be invited to go out on a date with Niki, except neither of you realise it’s a date. You call it a ‘friendly outing’, both inside your head and to others, and are treated to a lot of skeptical glances from your friends who aren’t quite certain if you’re pulling a fast one on them or if you’re just that stupid.
You’ve been on many of these ‘outings’ before, usually consisting of the two of you going window shopping where you hold hands and point out cute things that you think he’d like–or that you wish you could buy–followed by a date at a cook-your-own-meal restaurant where Niki takes the reins and conducts the meal with the skill of a chef. He feeds you the food he’s grilling, and it’s cute, honestly. You give off the vibes of a domestic couple, what with the way you eagerly light up as Niki holds his chopsticks to your mouth and how naturally you hold Niki’s hair out of his eyes so he can better see what he’s doing.
You go on like that for quite some time, actually, until some old lady chances upon the two of you strolling past and comments on what a “cute couple you two make”. She coos over you for a bit longer before going on her own merry way, oblivious to the bombshell she’s just dropped.
It’s then you start to realise that, yes, this does qualify as a date and the two of you have basically been dating already for the past few weeks.
After you get over the initial embarrassment, you realise there’s no need to act like this is your first date because, it’s not. You’ve basically been speedrunning the date process. At this point, you’ve practically been dating for over a month, which explains all the raised eyebrows from your friends. Oh, you’re never living this down, are you…?
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WC: 1k words
reze txt i’ve been procrastinating on this for. over a week now? i kinda hate myself tbh i was Supposed to write more but i Could Not bring myself to. i miss niki… anyways enjoy!! and stream honeycomb summer y’all <3
238 notes · View notes
teabiscs · 7 months
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and Finally, Third Place for October's ship poll.
i can't tell yall how many times i redrew max's face. headcanon post coming eventually. ive been in a shitposting mood.
just like. I hc max as someone with a ton of darkness inside. he puts of this happy sunshine facade hoping no one notices.
but kai does. he can pick up on that darkness. he knows it well. knows how heavy it can be dragging you down, if you dont let it out. max never lets it out. he can see every day how it weighs him down. heavier and heavier.
but its not like Kai's the type to talk to others about his feelings. and its so awkward telling max that he's there if he ever wants to talk. max brushes it off with a joke, that he has no idea what kai is talking about. (but it scares him that someone else knows)
and bang boom. maxie has a breakdown or something and goes crying to kai. and afterwards. he doesnt feel so bad about kai knowing about how dark he is. and thats when maxie falls.
kais a little slower on the uptake. just that one day max is all touchy feely with him when before HE never was. it's all the touching that gets the gears spinning in kai's head and then the crush forms.
max kisses kai first.
as always with kai. hes possesive of max. BUT MAX!!! with KAI!!! is so fucking petty. and max is possesive but in a nasty, SO PETTY, degrading way, but it comes off as so nice, but when you think about it later youre like oh. that wasnt nice AT ALL.
Takao is fucking clueless about them. and Rei picks it up right away.
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