#kai being a boomer
animentality · 8 months
There's an "I will survive" trend going around on TikTok and every comments section has someone saying what song is this, I can't find it.
But it's like... it's like...
I will survive...is the chorus.
Just...just Google the damn lyrics.
Also not to be a fucking boomer but...how the fuck does not everyone know I will survive?????
I know it's old people music but come on it's a fucking banger.
But also.
To go back...how do you not just hear the chorus and Google that?
You're on TikTok aren't you? Get off it for two seconds and Google it.
It's like hearing the song kung fu fighting and saying gee what's the name of this song???
I can't figure it out.
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I feel like I'm constantly talking like a broken record, lol, leftists this, leftists that.
Sometimes it's surreal to see myself typing that and agreeing with it, given I used to be very left wing myself until the response on the left to October 7th. And I hate the idea that it's giving other people the impression that I'm conservative--I'm not. I have some views that I'd share with conservatives--being a Zionist being one of them... obviously.
But I'm literally bisexual. I support same-sex marriage. I think democracy is the best form of government, that the US should have universal healthcare, should abolish the Electoral College (National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, I'm praying for you). I think the invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous crime and Putin is a threat to world peace. I think systemic racism is a real thing in the United States, as is police brutality against black people. I think vaccines work, and mandates are a good idea. I think most right-wing politicians are right-wing populists more interested in causing democratic backsliding and peddling conspiracies than they are in fixing literally anything.
But I can't call myself a leftist anymore, even with this set of values. Why? Because--oh, God--I believe Israel has the right to exist. And to defend itself.
I'm not even some radical on Israel unlike some friends of mine--I think it's a travesty that Israel hasn't yet legalized same-sex marriage or established a civil marriage system. I think the 2018 Nation-State Law was racist in making Arabic no longer a co-official language with Hebrew. I think Bibi is one of those aforementioned populists. I think Israel has a democratic backsliding problem.
But the rest of the left--the rest of the queer community, especially--has made it clear in no uncertain terms that I am not welcome among them anymore. Like, they genuinely think I'm a genocide defending fascist, which is just so weird to me sometimes. Yeah, me, the fascist who thinks queer rights should be non-negotiable in any society. And they, who are posting pro-Hamas slogans, are the ones standing against genocide and bigotry. Uh huh. Oo-kay.
I don't want to constantly be saying 'Oh, the left...' and 'Leftists when...' like I'm some boomer posting shitty memes on Facebook. The right has its share of problems, too. And I'm sure they'll do something soon to make their antisemitism known as well--especially as the 2024 presidential election draws nearer.
But right now, the immediate threat isn't in Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, or whoever. I'm more worried about being accosted by pro-Palestine protestors with something to prove than I am about neo-Nazi gangs. And so are most Jews right now. And that's why I'm posting about the left more than the right here... even though my values are mostly left.
Oh, the wonders of being politically homeless!
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beastyboyxx · 2 months
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Picking Favorites. ★★★ (PT. 1)
Summary: You are a big fan of the flash. His victories, comedic humor, and just him in general. Although lucky enough for you, you were dating the same man who hated the hero with a passion. And lucky for you, he had found your favorite flash T-shirt…
Warnings: Dialogue Heavy, Smut, Male Reader, Reader Referred To As: “Love Bug, Brat, Boy, Sweetheart, Babe, Mate”, Jealous Harkness, Mildly Rude Harkness, Dominant Harkness, Top Harkness, Bottom Reader, Angry Reader, Reader Speaking In Broken Sentences, Small Argument, Mild Hate Sex, Anal, Oral, Pinned To The Wall, Pinned To The Bed, Against Window, Humiliation, Recording, Taking Photos, Rough Sex, Ruined Orgasm, Multiple Orgasms, Fucked Into Changing Your Mind, Breaking Your Mind, Fucked dumb,
Characters: Captain Boomerang (George “Digger” Harkness)
Category: One-Shot
Series: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League
Word Count: 2305
Part 2 - ★ ★ ★
Inside the nice, decently sized, shared apartment, you had just got done with the laundry. A few of your shirts laid out across the bed, one being your favorite Flash shirt. It was simple. A red T-shirt with his logo smacked onto the chest. Not anything too crazy, it was simple and perfect for you.
“Kay… that just makes.. oh right.” You passed the bed to head back out into the hallway. You remembered the pair of sweats you had left on the living room couch.
In your small absence, the bedroom window that led out to the fire escape slowly inched open. A tall, Australian man maneuvered himself inside with a grunt. One foot over the other, he ducked inside. 
“Honey! I’m ho—“ Digger choked on his own words as his gaze fell onto the bed. He immediately saw that dreaded logo.
“Boomer?” He heard your voice call back to him from the living room down the hallway, and then your bare footsteps leading into the room.
It took you a minute of confusion as to why the man didn’t even acknowledge you, until you followed his eyes to meet the shirt that lay perfectly framed on the bed. Your heart sank immediately.
“Digger… it’s not anything crazy.” You took a single step towards him. He threw a hand up in your direction, palm out.
“Hog wash! Don’t say a word. I have to sulk a little longer…”
“George.” You said his name with more seriousness. “The earth is still spinning. You’re not going to die over the fact I own one shirt.” You raised one finger upward.
“Right right, one shirt!” He raised a finger himself, then dropped it to point at your chest. “To show your dedication of betrayal!”
“Oh come on! You’re so childish. I have my own interests other than you!” 
“Bloody hell! Y’know love bug, if I could make you obsessed with me? I would.” The captain took a step forward. His facial expression wavered between seriousness and that dumb smile he always had.
“That’s self centered.” You shrugged, “And maybe… no, it's narcissistic.”
“Well call me a narcissist babe! Cuz that’s the reality I want tah be livin’ in!” He pressed his fingers into his chest then swayed them out expressively.
“You’re lucky I don’t just kick you out of the apartment.”
“You don’t have the guts to do that.” He replied.
“Seriously?” You cross your arms over your chest, angrily staring in his direction.
“As serious as a heart attack.” He clutched his heart. You rolled your eyes.
 “Now about this…” he reached for the shirt, lifting it like some piece of trash.
“Just drop it. It’s a shirt.” You walked around the bed to meet him at his side, reaching for the shirt. The Australian raised it higher. 
“Don’t.” You pointed up at him.
“Don’t what, sweetheart?” A sly smirk tugged on his cheeks as he looked down at you.
“I swear to god George, if you—“ 
Without any hesitation, nor real care, the man tossed the shirt out the open window. Both of you were standing still as you watched it disappear until it was out of sight. Your eyes still lingered at the open window. You could already sense that grin of his, and you even debated on knocking a punch into his stomach.
“Ooh! Ohh no!” He swayed his head back and forth, looking at the window then back at you. “Aw that really sucks mate. It just slipped I guess? Cant help these sorry hands.” The Aussie raised said hands, smiling victoriously at his little accomplishment.
“You have got to be kidding me… you really have the nerve to throw out one of my favorite shirts and to—“
“Oh for cryin’ out loud! It’s just a bloody worthless shirt!” He snapped back.
“Not when you spend thirty bucks for it!”
“Oh, what a shame…” he sympathetically nodded with a pouty lip “You were scammed too.”
“Get out.” 
“Ahh you love me too much to be kickin’ o’l boomer out!”
“I would literally pay to have you gon— hey!”
“Blah blah blah! Our little adventures say otherwise!” His hands were at your hips. It didn’t really shock you until he lifted you and planted your back onto your bed, with himself crawling on top of you.
“Besides babe, you said it yourself! It’s just a shirt!“ He mocked your voice while waving his hands a bit.
“I’m going to actually kill you.” You looked up at him. Your body was pinned between his legs from the sides of your chest down. Thankfully in this position you had free will of your arms, although knowing George, that won’t be for long.
“You seem upset. Y’know, I have a cure for boys who are down in the well.” His hand pointed down, “Can you take a guess at what that is?” The red heads eyes trailed down, slowly to his crotch.
You scoffed at him. “You’re an idiot…”
“Pssh, I’m gunna make that sweet throat of yours sore doll face! And I jus’ know how much you’re gonna love it.”
The bed creaked with the constant rhythm. Beating against the wall with each thrust of the headboard hitting it. There you were, your hands digging into Harkness’s inner thighs as he positioned himself on top of you, and your legs spread with his muscular arms clutching onto the bed sheets.
The Aussie strung out his groans, letting them roll from the back of his throat in that thick accent of his. You had your eyes screwed shut as he plowed his dick into your mouth. 
“Fuck me…! How you doin’ down there doll face?” He paused for just a second with his cock completely down the entirety of your throat. You had your nose scrunched as you attempted to glare, but it was impossible in your position. 
He grinned wider, obviously happy to see you like this. “Yeah I bet The Flash couldn’t have done this to yah, huh?” Digger dragged out his name with distaste. If anything it only made him angry. The man’s brows furrowed and he shook his head. 
“He’s a pain… In. My. Ass.” Each word was followed with a buck of his hips until he slipped his inches from your throat. You coughed a bit from the absence.
“You’re a pain… in mine.” You add with your voice a bit rough whilst rubbing your adam's apple. Slowly you maneuvered from underneath him.
“A pain in your ass? Hmm, let’s really make that happen.” The tall Australian tossed one of your legs up onto his shoulder. He met his hand with your backside. You yelped, not expecting the harsh smack.
“Christ Boomer!” You lightly shoved at his shoulder. This only egged him on further as the Aussie grinned.
“Y’know what I’m still seeing? You, bein’ a little brat. And Boomer here doesn’t like that.” His pointer finger pressed into your chest, a bit harshly.
“Sorry to burst your bubble princess, but I’m pissed off at you.” You said back to the man above you.
“You’ll be beggin’ for my dick in the next few minutes. Rather than weeping over a damn shirt!” George grinned.
“Fuck you Harkness.”
Part 2 - ★ ★ ★
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sepublic · 3 months
So what they did with Acronix and Krux, with the younger one being into the modern era, while the boomer twin is a luddite, makes sense. But I wonder if they could've done things the other way around?
For Acronix, his trip through time was but a brief moment; Maybe a few minutes, max! And then all of a sudden everything has changed, including everyone. Many of them are gone, even. Wu is an old man, but so is his brother, and it's like watching your twin just age rapidly in front of your eyes. That can't REALLY be Krux, but seeing him like this confirms it.
The world is alien, and Acronix still hasn't quite adjusted to the fact that it changed; It happened too brief and instantly. Sometimes he wakes up, or subconsciously operates on the assumption that everything is still the same as it was; Krux mentions getting a ride and Acronix expects a carriage, only to be met with a car and all of its foreign smells and sounds and textures.
So of course he wants to go back to the past; He's in denial, he hasn't adjusted, he can't accept that he missed out on so much. It's driving Acronix insane.
Conversely, you have Krux: Who got there the long way. The regular, natural way; Seeing each little change happen one at a time, gradually, at a pace he could easily acclimate to, just like everyone else. And as he adjusted and got used to this, got used to being alone, he grew to at least appreciate the little things that changed and improved, if only to distract himself from the absence of his twin brother.
He remembers what it was like back then, so Krux can actually appreciate how things have improved nowadays, compared to some younger folk who glamorize the past as perfect despite never actually living in it. But then Acronix finally returns and he looks the exact same, and in a way it's a twisted relief because Krux doesn't have to adjust to what he missed out on, Acronix is exactly as he left him, they can pick up where they left off like nothing happened, right?
But his twin... Basically a little brother at this point, he's changed. He's in a crisis because Krux has changed, changed too much that their dynamic is now different. Krux's heart is breaking to see Acronix suffer like this, so he decides, why not? Why not undo all of the decades of progress, all of the present, just to restore the past, just so Acronix can be happy again? So we can grow old together, the normal way, and experience these changes together as we should have?
You can also adjust which Time powers they have, accordingly; For Acronix, he has Forward and Reversal, because he's gone back and forth, he's time-travelled, speeding through time in different directions. For Krux, he has Slow-Mo and Pause, because he got to the future the long way. He took his time, he was able to digest each bit normally, he was patient about it. He's now the older mentor who advises patience to his younger apprentice... Except not exactly, because they're still twins, and also Krux isn't going to make his brother accept what happened, but instead coddle him by breaking reality for Acronix.
Krux looks older and is more mature in a lot of ways, while Acronix is like a stunted child by comparison, because he basically is as someone who didn’t get the chance and time to actually grow up, and is expected to grow up fast but refuses to. Maybe throw in a dynamic with Lloyd, who also had to grow up fast and missed out on a lot, but then actually adjusted to and accepted that. He was the one who chose to grow up literally. And Kai and Nya could parallel the Hands of Time in handling grief in a sense, holding onto some hope that things may come back, but also having to accept change. The fact that Krux is the reason they lost their parents for a while just ties it all together more.
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melis-writes · 9 months
Why you don’t like Apollonia? (I get this vibe from u, but correct me if I’m wrong)
You're 100% correct about the vibes. 🤣🤣 I don't like Apollonia at all, whatsoever and it's because the Godfather fandom completely ruined her character for me. 🥰
It's not just the new Godfather enjoyers, like gen z or millennials but also the boomers. Apollonia is sadly a vessel for misogyny in the Godfather from Apollonia stans alone. I can't look past it even if I tried; I get Apollonia stans commenting nasty shit on my gifsets of Kay (that's how annoying + bothered they are) and trying to start discourse over any post that highlights a miniscule positive thing about Kay Adams.
It's disgusting to see how Apollonia is glorified for being the quiet, submissive and obedient housewife. She's what Michael "needs" and is the "perfect wife" and the ones that put Apollonia on a pedestal like this are misogynists, vehemently sprout the nastiest shit about Kay and women like Kay that you'll ever hear, talk about how Apollonia could have "changed" and "fixed" Michael (dude is beyond redemption and is almost a sociopath) and could have birthed him "lots of babies". Literally, that's all Apollonia is "known" for and loved for, it's pathetically sad. The bar really is in hell.
So while Apollonia is praised for all of these hypothetical scenarios, Kay and women like Kay are shit on, ridiculed and picked apart to pieces. It's disgusting and whether it's a boomer enjoyer or someone my age, they'll be saying the exact same shit like it's scripted or clockwork or something about Apollonia every single time.
Apollonia's young age is also glorified even though she's a minor/child, and don't even get me started on the scene of her undressing in front of Michael--I know it's a little off topic and more about Simonetta as an actress but the fact that there's grown ass men fawning over a minor's breasts makes me want to actually vomit.
Putting aside the misogynistic culture some Godfather fans have placed upon Apollonia here, I don't like the character itself. To me, it's obvious she was a filler, empty character Mario Puzo wrote and used to develop Michael's character development because she's literally never mentioned again unless you want to count Michael confessing to Kay he "slept with someone" in the book while he was abroad.
Apollonia was never in love with Michael and Michael wasn't in love with her. Apollonia's father got giddy at the idea of his daughter's beauty bringing in a rich, powerful and influential man who was the son of a Vito Corleone. Nobody cared what else Michael had to offer the Vitelli family besides reputation, wealth and physical protection. Nothing even mentions if anyone cared how Michael would treat Apollonia but oh boy, Michael showed it well. He literally refused to let her leave home for a week and all he did was have sex with her over and over again. And every single time, Apollonia would just get up, shower, fuck off and do something and Michael would just lay there. She would just do whatever he wanted and yet somehow, the Godfather fandom is screaming "true love" and "soulmate" when it's literally just Michael being horny. I need y'all to understand this man was thinking with his dick only.
I don't care who likes/stans Apollonia, all I want is for people to be respectful about the whole Apollonia and Kay thing. If Apollonia's as amazing as some people claim, then I'd sure hope she can brought up without the mention of Michael being in a relationship with her and without dissing Kay in the same sentence (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE EDITION).
Apollonia and the whole Sicily arc is so far gone and damaged to me that I just skip that scene when watching the movie and pretend it didn't happen because of all the bullshit that went out in the fandom and is still ongoing today. 😐
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runawaymun · 2 years
Not to sound like a boomer but I genuinely am starting to feel that Netflix is one of the worst things that happened to television.
It’s all the same now.
And I don’t mean like, genre diversity. I mean the art form. Like Netflix has really just cursed the world with television that now has an absolutely breakneck, relentless pace. So few shows are casually watchable anymore. It’s hard for me to find good new comfort shows. All of mine are older. Seasons used to have 15-30 episodes, sometimes more! They used to be episodic. So you could literally just drop in at any point in a season, nearly, without having to remember where you’re at or be sucked in by cliffhangers for twelve hours. You could just sit down with your favorite characters for one episode and be done.
And sure, people still marathoned favorites, but that wasn’t the norm. And the thing is, shows like Psych, Stargate SG-1, Babylon 5, Doctor Who etc? I remember distinct episodes. I can name them, and I’ll go back and rewatch them over and over again independently. With newer shows I just don’t. If you ask me to name an individual episode of Cobra Kai, I can’t. If I’m rewatching then I’m rewatching the whole damn show and I just don’t have that kind of time, usually, so then I just don’t rewatch and it’s onto the next series— which gets super exhausting. Sometimes I don’t want that commitment.
And you lose a lot of character depth in my opinion. The beauty of episodic longform shows is in the sheer room you have. Yes. Seasons had arcs, but usually the plots were contained to an episode and the season arc was purely character development. And you had room for dumb episodes where characters go to the beach, or a party, or just dick around and live their lives. The viewer had time to get attached— which is why so many older shows still have such strong, old, thriving fanbases who are immensely loyal to their show.
And also??? Shows didn’t used to be cancelled for a bad first episode or season. That’s not normal!!? Netflix and other provider’s habits of cancelling shows that “flop” in their first three episodes or first season isn’t normal. With older shows it was just sort of accepted: the pilot and first season are like the first ugly pancake. Give the show some time. And that time is worth it. That’s why shows could run episodically for 6, 7, 14, 20 seasons, because people just accepted that some seasons are better than others and that’s okay. Some episodes are better than others. Shows didn’t used to rely on cliffhangers to keep their audience. They relied on characters. That was what we were watching them for and why we kept coming back.
I just really am starting to hate how every single tv show is now essentially a really long movie tbh. Give me my episodic, campy, 30-episodes a season shows back. They really are worth it and I’m so sad that those seem to be actively squished by tv providers. It’s an art form in of itself.
It’s just a symptom of late stage capitalistic churning of things for mass, quick comsumption. Like the fast fashion of film. Don’t get me wrong, I have a lot of new favorite shows I genuinely enjoy like Schitt’s Creek, House of the Dragon, Cobra Kai, Gentleman Jack, etc, but I just wish I had more options in terms of length/number of episodes/and how episodic a show is. It feels like a damn shame that episodic shows are being pushed out in favor of quick, bingeable ones. It also feels like writers are no longer being given the time to really craft a good story. There’s so much pressure and time crunching from studios and drive to cram your story into less than twelve episodes and that’s why you get, rather than a mediocre season, absolutely genuinely ruined seasons like the last season of Game of Thrones and the most recent season of Stranger Things. Both literally needed more episodes to make their story make sense. (If we ignore the dumb bran ending.)
Anyway this is your latest “old man yells at cloud” by your friendly neighborhood old person. Thanks for coming to my tedtalk.
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crunchycrystals · 8 months
every book i read in september 2023
i did in fact bring this back because i thought it would be fun and all my followers should know that before everything, i am a book nerd. i genuinely think i only feel like i'm alive when i'm reading regularly. no spoilers for any of the books i talk about because i can only have one cut per post
before i get into the books here's some general info on reading stuff this month. so i read 9 books which i'm really proud of myself for after being in a reading slump for ages. i was still reading then but i really was not enjoying myself nearly as much as i was in previous months and i'm really enjoying myself now. 5 of the books i read were physical copies of them, 1 was an ebook, and 3 were audiobooks. my average rating was 4.29/5 and read a total of 13.78 hours on audiobook and 2476 of pages shout out to storygraph for all this info i am telling you use storygraph if you want to track your reading its so great
the cruel prince. i really liked this surprisingly??? the worldbuilding was great and i loved all the political aspects of it. jude was a really interesting main character and i had a lot of fun with the story (especially the plot twist/s, no i'm not saying if there's more than one). i liveblogged a couple parts of the entire series this month so you can check my tfota tag for more in depth thoughts
the lost sisters. it was pretty interesting to see the plot of the cruel prince from the perspective of a different character but i didn't think much about my enjoyment of it since i was just reading it for more info on the series lol
captain stone's revenge. so i went on a nancy drew diaries binge once and i've been keeping up with the series ever since then just because, and i had a hold on this book for like 2 months at the library and i finished it in a day lol. it's a short book and definitely not as good as other books in the series but yk it wasn't awful still had fun reading
we are okay. this is one of my favorite books and i cried for 40 minutes straight as i finished the last like 50-80 pages. it's a really great exploration of different kinds of grief that are complicated and how it affects people. i posted while reading it "every chapter there's something that makes me take psychic damage" which was very fun but also deeply painful (in a fun way most of the time, sometimes i was in public trying not to cry). the ending is so hopeful it made me cry for a different reason why i was crying for the past 35ish minutes. it's a great book i highly recommend it it's only like 230 pages.
the wicked king. sequel to the cruel prince, i also really enjoyed this but i don't think i enjoyed it as much as the cruel prince. still well written though and i have more in depth thoughts under my tfota and/or reading commentary tags
queen of nothing. 100% my favorite from the trilogy i loved it i thought the characters and plot in this one were all super great and i loved the ending especially. i do have more detailed thoughts that i wrote down for me personally but this is a no spoilers section so i won't share it unless someone asks
cress. this is the 3rd book in the lunar chronicles series and aaaaaaa i loved this so much i had so much fun reading it i love the alternating povs and how they all end up clashing with the dramatic irony in that one scene i loved kai's povs i wanted to keep reading constantly i love these characters so much go read the lunar chronicles please
chalice of the gods. uhhh so i finished this in less than 12 hours i liveblogged it all i really enjoyed it you can see my thoughts there go check it out (cotg or reading commentary tag). a lot of cringe moments (WHY does he mention boomers so much) but i am choosing not to see it i only see percabeth and percy grover friendship content again and i enjoyed reading it
daisy jones and the six. i listened to this on audiobook and it was incredibleeeeeeee the voice actors were amazing it was so entertaining. another taylor jenkins reid book about the drama between famous people and it was very entertaining to read about. stressful at times but overall i liked it. once again there are some notes in the reading commentary tag
i also started winter this month but i am definitely finishing it in october so i don't count it lol
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chaosintheavenue · 5 months
A basic summary of how things are going for all of my 'main' ongoing game playthrough OCs:
Fallout 76- Trin is just doing her usual thing of daily questing and exploring for the most part. She's been considering setting up a second smaller camp further to the east, but no concrete developments on that front yet
Fallout New Vegas- It's still Kay and Veronica against the Mojave. She's been spending a lot of time in Nellis sorting out all the Boomer-related quests. Also, Kay being in the Mojave at this point in the storyline is actually about to become canon very soon...
Wasteland 3- Well. Well. Let's just say that Team November are perilously low on ammo and healing supplies. Most of them are now resorting to punching enemies, and I don't think there's a single one without a lasting injury from being revived. Lucia Wesson's body is absolutely destroyed (she has like 3 injuries simultaneously), and she's the only one with a decent gun and ammo left. Poor bastards. Chaos is now figuring out the ropes of Wasteland... slowly.
And technically we could include TTRPG Vari here? He's, erm, finding himself in the midst of Problems, and subsequently lining up future problems on purpose for one guy in particular that irritates him.
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kingofangst · 2 years
To all my fellow Cobra Kai fans: Do you think Carmen's reaction and demeanor was a correct assessment regarding Robby being added into the family? Or did the writers made her really OOC?
Because despite the fact that Robby accidentally kicked Miguel off the balcony, I honestly feel that Carmen is a forgiving person and she wouldn't hold a grudge. Even though that is her son that nearly died but it was an accident and she should have known about Johnny's failure as a father to Robby which the writers should have wrote Carmen being thoughtful and compassionate
Then again, Johnny's failure as a father and choosing a teenager he only knew for a year over his son and not telling Carmen is something he failed to do once again and cause the rift between Miguel, Carmen, Rosa and Robby. And to make matters worse, make Robby feel more insecure and disregard his trauma. I feel that the writers made Carmen OOC with how her demeanor was
And Johnny oh I am so done with that boomer-
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hynoids-stuff · 2 years
Reposting here to keep things organized.
A little Au I came up with (that's probably already out there somewhere because nothing is original anymore), that I'm calling 'Reversed Fates':
When Zane tried to master Reflected Glory, Kai would take the fall and be exiled instead. Zane is angry that Kai would do something so stupid but that anger is eventually turned inward as he begins to wrestle with the fact that it was his fault for being so arrogant and reckless.
Basically, instead of Team Stax being made up of Kai, Maya and Boomer, it'll instead consist of Zane, Maya and Boomer (the name 'Stax' being in honor of the friend Zane lost so long ago). In the same vein, instead of Team Radikor being Zane, Zair and Techris, it'll be Kai, Zair and Techris (the Zair/Kai shippers are doing a happy mambo).
Most everything stays the same, except that Zane is more of a team-player than he is in canon. He's also a lot more critical of the team's mistakes, since he doesn't want the 'Reflected Glory' fiasco to happen again. He and Boomer also butt heads a lot, as Boomer blames Zane for Kai being exiled.
As for Team Radikor, Zair will take over Zane's position as team leader (just not as power hungry as her brother). Kai's more of the team's strategist, coming up with his usual hair-brained schemes. He's not exactly evil, just a little arrogant.
A lot of things'll change in season 2, since I'm planning on incorporating my Battacor centered fic in this Au too. Especially that cliffhanger ending that is still driving everyone nuts.
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im-justine-b · 26 days
End of the second season.
May 12, 2024 1:00 am
I finally resigned at VBo. My second job.
Told Icey to write down my thoughts as I finally gained vision I have prayed for a week. Thank you Lord.
Me: Contemplating ako sa cr kanina and then inisip ko lang mbuti yung chance in front of me. Iniisip ko kasi na baka pressured lang ako kasi andyan na yung bistro but upon checking, there’s a lot of company but hindi lahat maganda.
But in bistro nakita ko yung opportunity.
And then i reminisced na naghahanap ako sa makati ng hr na maganda yung offer but well compensated naman sila, 
so bakit pako nag vbo?
Kasi naging grass root siya sa opportunity ko na ito, if ang experience ko lang is socmed assistant. Hindi nman ako matatanggap diba? Pero sa vbo, tinanggap nila ako para lang pala maapply ko ngayon yung mga nagawa ko which is requirement fo bistro.
pero nung tiningnan ko bat ako nahhirapan umalis its bc of my friends in the company (cloie, jing and liselle)
Pero i realized na tinatanggalan ko yung self ko ng growth. Like being punctual sa oras.
But what made me took yung first step is hindi ko na need maging defensive sa job ko
Such as “ganyan lang pala ginagawa mo?”
ANg baba ng tingin ko sa self ko dahil sa ganun.
But I realized na im ready to embrace everything sa bistro such as sa workloads, schedules but the good part of it, mahirap makahanap ng ganun sa makati na still available and well compensated.
Maganda din sya sa portfolio something to boast pag tinanong ka ng “san ka naghr” tas sagot mo sa vbo, field ng archi tas sa bistro, food industry. Malaki yung both company.
Before vbo, naghahanap ako ng job sa makati na well compensated and okay sa schedule.
Then siguro kaya ako nagcontemplate kasi nasanay nako sa vbo. Convenient, natotolerate yung bad habits ko.
Narealize ko and naaccept ko na ang vbo ay company na hindi ako tatagal and also kay mam rona, feeling ko hindi talaga sya aalis and also means i dont have the chance for growth.
I just really need some change and dun ko siya natanggap
Icey: What made you decide to leave VBo? Ano mafifeel mo pag umalis/out of the country sila?
Answer: no, deserve nila yung vacation. And very stagnant na esp with mam mary treatments.
Christmas party at the same place. Agdangan pa din.
Workloads na kabisado (robot) no growth
Hindi helpful si Rona sa work ko sa vbo (hindi appreciative sa inputs ko)
Convenient nga ang vbo but no growth.
Can't clear my name sa vbo but with bistro i have the chance.
Not paid enough sa mga side work like brochure etc.
Boomer na mga ka-work sa admin.
Icey: What do you look forward in working at Bistro?
Me: I can sleep in laguna and makati pag may apartment.
Opportunities esp sa growth, compensation.
Secured na yung friendship ko with my VBo friends. I won't look forward for more.
Mas mahal pamasahe pero ok sa compensation.
Bistro interests me.
Chance to restart.
Chance to change myself  (time management).
Sabay na kami papasok ng makati every morning ni Icey. During friday, sabay na din kami uuwi 🥺💕
Solutions I have with my mix emotions in leaving:
Create letters for my friends sa work pag aalis na to express what I feel about them and dun ko na natanggap na I'm gonna be seperated. Only alot days for gimmicks, only friday and saturday to avoid burnout.
Make a new sleeping pattern: Sleep at 9, wake up at 5.
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byneddiedingo · 4 months
Tumblr media
Louise Smith in Working Girls (Lizzie Borden, 1986)
Cast: Louise Smith, Ellen McElduff, Amanda Goodwin, Deborah Banks, Liz Caldwell, Marusia Zach, Boomer Tibbs, Frederick Neumann, Carla-Maria Sorey. Screenplay: Lizzie Borden, Sandra Kay. Cinematography: Judy Irola. Production design: Kurt Ossefort. Film editing: Lizzie Borden. Music: David Van Tieghem.
Working Girls puts the emphasis on the "work" in "sex work." All work is alienating in that we do it out of necessity rather than choice. Even the most enjoyable job involves the submission of self to the demands of the boss, the client, and time itself. That alienation is key to Lizzie Borden's deglamorizng of the profession of sex worker. The film's protagonist, Molly (Louise Smith) is a sensible, well-educated (if we take her at her word that she went to Yale) woman who has somehow become a prostitute in a New York City brothel, to which she commutes by bicycle through the city streets. For most of the film she is confined to a windowless apartment -- a feeling of claustrophobia develops through every scene in that setting -- where she services a series of men, feigning interest in them as well as orgasms. The men are ordinary, middle-class, mostly unthreatening business types with a few hangups and predilections. Molly collects her fees and sets aside part of the money for the madam, Lucy (Ellen McElduff), a giddy, vain, but shrewd businesswoman. Molly's downtime is spent chatting and gossiping (usually about Lucy) with the other women who work there, some of them bitter, some naive. The boredom and frustration the women express are much like the ones you'd expect from office workers, schoolteachers, retail clerks, anyone with a job routine: financial problems, relationship issues, resentment of the boss, distaste for some of the regular clients, and so on. It's hard to make a movie about boredom without being boring, but Borden succeeds, if only because of the titillation involved in a movie that focuses on sex. Smith and McElduff give good performances, but some of the other actresses deliver their lines a little woodenly. There's not much in the way of plot, but it's a solid, well-crafted film that feels a little obligatory, as if designed to make a point about sex work and the media's portrayal of it rather than just to tell a good story.  
0 notes
jamalgripperton46290 · 5 months
Blinding Lights and Secret Doors (Hub x Bub)
WE'RE BACK :)))) Enjoy lil' broskis <3
Time flies, goes by like a faint and succinct rustle among the strong, rustling wind. Hell, just a couple months ago Bub was watching the children gleefully play outside, while decorations of fluorescent pumpkins adorned the scene, as well as the occasional 'Trick or Treat' exchanged by exuberant little children buzzing with excitement and pride, showing all of their winnings of candy to their friends, as if they were intricate pieces of treasures, only to be shown to the most trustworthy of people. And then came Thanksgiving. Nothing too special, just Bub showing up to his parent's house for some family gathering being held, and jacking off harshly into his hand shortly after the boredom was too much to overcome by himself.
And jacking off has always been one of Bub's (not many) talents, as he'd like to boast to everyone. He's fantastic, heck, maybe even the greatest. He knows the right amount of pressure to apply, the perfect rhythm, all the key spots, and that flawless angle and position of his wrist where it isn't bound to get as worked up as most of the population's "Average Noob Whacking", as he likes to call it. He might be the ultimate and unmatched whacker off-er or jerk off-er (however you'd wish to call it) in his own eyes, but reality doesn't always live up to the rad expectations we make up in our heads. I'll just cut to the chase and tell you that Bub's just a sad, pathetic little virgin (womp womp). Living his life miserably fucking his hand because no one else is there to do it for him. How utterly sad. (#Lcantrelate).
Okay, well, easing off the harshness here for a lil', let's move onto Hub, our fellow yellow storybot. Looks can deceive, as they like to say, because Hub was often described as an outgoing and friendly fella, usually the one coming up with unusually fun ideas to spend the time, mostly really fuckin' weird. Like that one time he somehow convinced the whole gang to piss in this bigass bucket, to later use the liquid and pour it down at people from his 4th floor. But fun nonetheless. What most didn't and wouldn't expect, was that he had a rather interesting sex life. I mean, c'mon, you wouldn't really be able to predict that some fidgety yellow dude whose stature would fool you into thinking he was a pubescent, moody teenager going on a no-deodorant strike, could name even the wildest positions in bed in less than a minute or two. Well actually, most teenagers nowadays probably could, but like, let's dwell on the good ol' 19-somethings, 'kay? (neither of us was born then but whatever don't come at us pls). Back in the days and stuff, or whatever boomers say these days, I don't know.
Needless to say, while one got bitches, the other one didn't, and was probably getting his dick stuck in something that wasn't a cunt. Like, dude, how much of a virgin can one really be? Bub is the robot embodiment of that.
Well, Hub was pretty well-known around storybot-ville, so naturally, he got invited to some random Christmas party held at some pothead he knew's house, not to toot his own horn, but he was kinda famous around these regions, he was humble about it though, like the cool dude he was #humblestorybotdudeyourockman.
So yeah, Hub being all humble and stuff, accepted the nice invitation, manners and all. And just like in any other story, this is the event where the two oblivious characters meet, and in our stories, end in both of em' fucking, cuz duh. You know what you clicked on anyways, pls keep reading chickadee, we wanna be famous :)))
No one really knows how Bub got there, but he did, m'kay? (I'm feelin kinda lazy rn and making another backstory is kinda exhausting yk sorry chickadoodles momma humpty still loves u)
It was reaching around 11:00 at night, and all the happy storybots were in the exciting midst of getting ready for a fun, gay ol' night with their friends, probably to just end up smoking that wild hippie lettuce and dropping dead on the couch after a couple shots, but at least it was all in loving company, and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters <3 (awwww)
Bub was being an absolute loner in a dark corner, the colorful, bright lights cascading byzantine shadows across his pumpkin-orange hued robot features, the speakers were blasting some random ass song that said something along the lines of someone's cock being bigger than yours? Bub didn't know, he didn't really listen to music (shame on u bub soad is rad asf bro #cigarosupremacy🧎‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙏✝️). His friend apparently ditched him for some hunk like 3 steps into the house. Fantastic.
So alone he was, scanning the crowd before him moshing to some song he didn't know, having what seemed like a good time. He was really debating on finding the nearest bathroom to jack off in because being in a party with nobody at your side is pretty sad and very, very boring. 
He was about to flip a coin to decide his lonely dick's fate, when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he was met with a rather good-looking storybot, roughly his height.
"Hey, haven't seen you around, you new here?" The amber toned fellow shouted over the deafening noise.
"What? Oh, uh, no. Just here with a friend... I think. She kinda ditched me."
"Oh, bummer man, sorry about that. Uh, can I sit here?" Hub gestured at the chair beside Bub. Having nothing better to do (other than jacking off), Bub nodded, moving aside slightly to accommodate space for this new hunk.
"What's a cute guy like you doing alone in here, then?" Hub smirked, inching slightly closer to the orange robot.
"Actually, I just kinda got here, y'know? This stuff isn't really my scene, not gonna lie," Bub rambled on, "And I got here with my friend like 20 minutes ago, and it kinda sucks 'cause I picked my good ratty jeans for this, and like, not even 5 seconds into this place, and some dude starts flirting with her and then just like that, bam, she's gone. So then, I'm like: 'should I jack off or something?', so I was gonna flip a coin and then you came so like, here we are now, I guess."
Listening intently to his whack ass story, Hub let out a small chuckle, kind of mesmerized with this dude, he surely wanted to know more about him.
"What? Shit gets boring, y'know? And jacking off is the next best thing on my list."
"So, I take it you just randomly jack off when you're bored?" Hub laughs.
"Y'know what? Forget it, I probably should be getting home anyway or something." Bub huffed, annoyed. Getting up from his seat a little more dramatically than he probably should've, but he lived for drama and shit, like the little fucker he was.
Strong hands pulled him back and down onto Hub's lap. And correct him if he was wrong, but was that a semi digging into his ass? Damn, who knew a lame ass virgin could make that happen?
Maybe he was imagining things, or maybe someone spiked his drink, but surely, he couldn't make that happen all by himself, could he?
"I was gonna ask you to spend your lonely little Christmas with me. I've been eyeing you a lot tonight, but you're an oblivious one, aren't you?" Hub hums seductively, hands tightly gripping Bub's waist, his mouth starting to ghost across the back of his neck, sending tiny shocks of pleasure down the orange robot's spine.
Eventually, Bub dragged the hunk by the hand and ran with him to the nearest available room, checking that it was empty and free of storybots high off their shit, he locked the door behind them successfully.
As cool and controlled as Bub was trying to play it, he was wracking his brain for possible ways to tackle this... Situation.
I mean, he had already embarrassed himself enough earlier, so he wasn't just gonna tell the dude 'hey brah, I'm kind of a virgin so take it real vanilla on me, 'kay?'. Hell no.
But he figured he'd watched plenty of stuff on the internet, so he knew the gist of it, you could say.
It was probably the adrenaline speaking for him or something, because next thing he knew, some unknown force was making him pull the hunk's jeans down, or at least attempt to, cuz those shits wouldn't come down as much as he pulled on them, the hunk had cake. What a lucky bonus!
"A feisty one, are we?"
He was already thinking of all the ways he'd go with this, his head continuously chanting yes, yes, yes, yes. When it suddenly dawned upon him, he hadn't properly introduced himself to the 'hunk' as he'd been calling him in his head all this time. Dammit, way to go, Bub.
"Uh, not to like, ruin the moment we're having here, but I figured if I want to moan your name as loud as I can and until my lungs give out, I need to know it and stuff," Bub awkwardly smiled rather sheepishly, "Uh, by the way, I'm Bub."
"Oh, yeah. I'm Hub... Uh, nice to meet you? Can you please get on with it, though? My dick's killing me here."
"Uh, yeah, sorry."
Well at least that was out of the way, now he could finally get through with the fun part. It shouldn't be too hard right? (ha, hard. lolsies i'm so silly)
He was a hectic flurry of emotions, up until the jeans finally came off. And he saw the outline of his first ever dick. He was about to suck that thing! Him! Bub Storybot was accomplishing a major milestone today! He almost wanted to take a quick picture posing next to it and keep it in his wallet or something. Hooray for him(?)
Soon after, the moment of truth was here. It felt like the world was spinning in slow fucking motion, all his life was leading to this very moment. He almost shed a tear over this random dude's dick, seriously.
And so, the boxers came off, and woah.
Merry fuckin' Christmas.
Bub's jaw hung agape at the mesmerizing sight, what used to be a semi hard cock was now fully up, the vein on the underside of Hub's length pulsed with blood racing down to his painfully hard dick. The tip leaked slimy little beads of pre-cum sliding down the fiery, angry tip. Bub salivated at the very thought of wrapping his lips around it. So that's exactly what he did.
Capturing Hub's tip in the warm cavity of his mouth, Bub circled it with his tongue while soaking in the small grunts that left Hub as he did so. After some more teasing, Hub grew irritated at Bub's antics and grabbed the back of his head, shoving his length down his throat. Bub's gags filled the pretty cramped room they were both in, the soft yellow hue of the old light encompassed the two and seeped out the small crack at the bottom of the door, along with the sound of Hub's grunts and moans.
Drool coated Hub's length and slid down Bub's chin as he bobbed his head along his length, hands placed on Hub's meaty thighs and eyes tracing over his sweaty features. Wobbly shelves creaked slightly as Hub tilted his head back in pleasure, old ornaments rolled down the slanted shelves and weathered tinsel crunched noisily beneath the weight of his head.
Bub traced the bumps of prominent veins that lined his cock either his tongue, eliciting sounds of pure pleasure from Hub. Prior quiet and kind of unnoticeable groans and grunts soon turned into loud and very noticeable moans, groans and the occasional whimper. Hub's cock twitched deep in Bub's thoat as he fought the need to gag and swallowed every inch Hub had.
Stars exploded infront of Hub's eyes as he felt himself emptying his load in Bub's mouth. Catching his breath as he slumped against the wall and soaked in the few remaining sparks that still burned after he came, Hub clamped Bub's jaw shut with his hand as the other plugged his nose so Bub had no other option than to swallow every last drop.
Hub yanked Bub's pants down, the thicker piece of denim scraping against Bub's two voluptuous planets and bunching up at his ankles. Grabbing the  weathered tinsel in his hands, Hub tightly tied the material around both of Bub's wrists behind his back as he lined his saliva covered cock up with Bub's slightly puckered chocolate starfish.
Bub could barely register the fact that his wrists were restrained behind his back, his pants were down and Hub's body was pressed flush against his back before Hub plunged the entirety of his length into him. A loud yelp (that was more kinda like a loud moan) fell from Bub's lips as Hub continued to thrust inside him at an organ rearranging pace. The door they were currently fucking against rattled and creaked under the borderline animalistic way they were going at it.
What was left of Hub's self-control immediately crumbles and dissolved into nothingness once he'd heard whimpers spill from Bub's tongue, along with the chant of his name that sounded as if he was worshipping Hub's very existence. Roughly pounding into Bub, Hub had a vice-like grip on his fiery orange skin that was now glazed in sweat from the boiling atmosphere of the stuffy cupboard.
With one last deep and gut splitting thrust, Hub spilled all his cum inside Bub. The two were left with white blinding their visions at the sound crushing pleasure that still flowed through their veins before they put in their clothes once again and straightened themselves out.
After some time, it finally dawned upon Bub that he'd just fucked the chunk of a hunk in a damn storage cupboard like fuckin animals. Down and dirty against a door, even that was mind-boggling to him (even though the second he gets a little to bored at any function he's up and off to the nearest restroom or empty room for the wank of his life that leaves his hand cramped up, a tad sore and slightly stuck in the circular position).
It also occurred to him that he'd probably not see or hear from Hub for a while since they only knew each other's name before they rushed off to a cupboard to blow off some steam only to part ways not long after the best lay of each of their lives. Stuffing his hands into his pockets to seem a little less awkward, he felt something crinkling in his palm. He took the thing out and, lo and behold, it was a small note.
2 434-5508
Round 2?
- Hub
Looks like it's gonna be a very merry Christmas this year.
RadHumptyTrumpty here, and I wanna apologize for not being here for like, what. 3 months?
But, alas, we made it and I was very happy to go back to writing again (the last 3 fics were all solely written by pookie jamal) I came up with this random idea laying awake on my bed and staring at the ceiling. I wrote pretty much most of it, and not to brag or anything, but I think this is my best work humor and grammatical wise :)
We both listened to Radio/Video an ungodly amount of times while making this chapter, so thank you father Serj, we owe ya bro <3
Although Siamese Dream kept me fucking poetically soaring. One of the bestest albums ever wtf its amazing ily Siamese Dream. Cried like twice when Luna started playing, that shit is SAD ASF GODDAMN. Thanks for that, father Billy, ur so metal ily <3
Can't forget ma beautiful golden boys. Bullets kept me alive and still does like every second ever. #IBYMBYBMYLSUPREMACY. Love ya lots pookie Gerard <3333333333333333333333333333
Oh and thank you Mozzie, you save me constantly. Meat Is Murder is better than The Queen Is Dead come at me idgaf I stand by my beliefs. Still love TQID a lot tho, but MIM has my heart (My fav is Barbarism Begins At Home btw. Literal gold. Amen). Thanks for that, old man Mozzah <3
I used this fic as an excuse to bully Bub, idk why I just don't like him, Hub's better. Whatever.
I had so much fun writing this, and hope you had fun reading it :)
Mama loves u chickadoodles <33333
HI PEEPS, Jamal Gripperton here. It's been a long while since we've posted (like 2 months so like a really long time and stuff). There's a lotta things I gotta tell y'all so I'm gonna go through it kinda quickly. 
Firstly, sorry for not puttin somethin out for a while its just been a lil busy and stuff and there was a lotta kinnktober, nnn and kinkmas stuff we were gonna put out earlier and stuff.
Thirdly, if you read the first A/N you'd know that Beezy Bee is now Rad Humpty Trumpty which to the new readers that'll see this after all of the chapter endings and stuff are changed this won't really matter but yea Beezy Bee will now reside in our hearts and stuff. 
Fourthly, 1.7K?!?!?!?!?!!? WHAT THE ACTUAL FLIPITTY FUCK !?!?!? THANKS LIL PEEPS Literally bouta die cuz alla y'alls are so rad and got a special place in my heart and the journey we've been through so far is like fuckin majestical and I can't put into words how grateful I am for every single one of them reads and the loyal peeps who come back when we drop another banger.
So yea there's that.
(did y'all catch sneaky lil am reference?)
Keep readin this shit, we're really cool.
Have a good one ppls :)
- RadHumptyTrumpty and Jamal Gripperton <3
0 notes
benefits1986 · 7 months
Tatay Kong Pakitong-kitong: Busina and Barda Gaming Consultant
As a donut seeking peace of mind, my dad has been my sanity and insanity pill powered by boomerism.
Iba dapat 'yung entry ko for choodaze videyow, pero nagising kami ng maaga ni dad. Kinamusta ako habang nagaayos ng mga aso ko. Nagpaligo na rin siya ng 3 pet babies kasi 'di ko na talaga kaya. Nagpalaba ng comforter ni Vidi, at syempre, nagsampay ng mga basahan since last week plus naayos na rin ang basura. HAHAHAHHA. Gina-gaslight na naman ako ng tatay ko. Miss ko na raw yata siya. Me: You're a dick, dad. Hahahahahaha. Tapos sagot ba naman niya: I know. Sabay tawa ng malala. Me: As you wish.
Mga 1 week plus na yata kaming 'di nagusap and sabi niya, 'wag na 'wag daw akong mabinat. Umuwi muna ng from Laguna na inaayos niya 'yung paggawa sa bahay ni ina. Tawang-tawa ako kasi kahit batasin niya mga karpentero na magkabit ng bubong nung Monday, umuulan, mala-bagyo levels. LOL. Akala mo naman supreme being kung makautos, kaya tawang-tawa ako na umuwi siya sa Manila house at dito naghahasik ng lagim sa paningin ko. Gone are the days na siya ang alamat, ang anak ng diyos sa ops na servicing 300 clients daily. HAHHAHAHAH. LUL. May wakas ang lahat. And in fairness, he did well naman.
Habang pinapakain niya 3 babies ko, nag-novena na naman sa work life is the key. In fairness, iba rin takada ng boomers like my dad as to how getting things done. Syempre, need ng polishing pero lagay ko na lang dito ang mga lessons na I think magagamit ko para sa life. Para 'di makalimutan ng fog brain kong sana matapos na kasi tinatawid ko naman talaga. O baka nga, early onset dementia na talaga 'to.
Kako, mag-TEDTALK-XIC na siya para naman wider and deeper reach. CHZ. So, eto na nga, mhie. Mix of sermon sa pulpito and 80s slapstick ang philosophical lens ni dad. Kesa, ibayad ko pa ng seminar o kuha ng certificate, binigay ko na lang 'yung special overload arroz caldo with tokwa't baboy na uwi ko last night. 'Di raw masarap pero rinig na ring ko higop niya while penning this shit-fart. HAHAHHAHA.
Kay dad ko natutunan paano mag-adjust kahit ayoko at ayaw niya. Nung nawala nanay ko sa earth, wala kaming choice kung 'di mag-power through kesa magpatalbugan ng power tripping sa isa't isa. Madugo, pero kung natawid ko ito, ganito din 'yung baon ko sa lahat ng takada ko, kahit 'di sa work. Always find a common ground in a shaky, murky ground. Meron at meron 'yan. Sa amin ni dad, babae at landi. HAHAHHAHA. E 'di waw. Seriously though, adjustments are necessary in any form of connection. :p RBF lang ako, pero I choose to adjust accordingly, however...
Si dad, ayaw niyang naga-absent or nagle-leave. Since double pay ang holiday and mga Gen X ang mga tauhan niya, hayok siya sa perfect attendance. HAHAHAHHAHA. Computed niya pa 'yan lalo na nung sadsad sa lusak bills for mom, kaya okay. Gusto niya 'yan. Even nung nasa Binondo, Greenhills and Paseo pa siya, hayok pa rin siya sa pagpasok kahit umulan, bumagyo at gumuho man ang mundo. LOL. Trip lang talaga niya.
'Pag todo work ako, galit siya. Baka raw mahapit na naman ako. Sabi ko naman: Forda bills lang po, sir. Tigilan ko raw walang patid kong paganap. Bobo ko raw talaga minsan. Sabi ko, parang lagi naman akong bobo. HAHAHHAHA.
'Pag nag-no laptop leave ako ng 7 days, galit siya. Baka raw wala na akong balikang trabaho. Sabi ko naman: Dasurv ko 'to kasi ganun akong mag-recalibrate. Sasagutin ako na sa bagay naman daw pero siguraduhin kong 'di ako matatantusan. Sabi ko naman, dad, cancel culture is real. Kahit may gawain ka, kahit wala kang gawain, may tantos ka. Walang perfect scenarios 'di tulad sa operations n'yo na resibo ay literal na balanced balance sheet each and every single routinary day. Sorry...not sorry, dad.
SKELETAL FORCE NA SAKALAM Narinig ko na 'tong term na 'to before lalo sa start up. Saka ginagawa naman talaga 'to. Ang nakakatawa lang, malimit, ang lean team, sila na rin mismo ang skeletal force at taga-sara at bukas ng tindahan 24/7. Hahahahahahahhaha. Gusto mo yun? But, this holds so much importance in any work set up. Kung baga, make sure daw 'di umano na, eto ang kakayanan ng skeletal work force.
Para daw 'tong laro ng basketball na dapat alam anong mga teams at sino ang hahawak ng bola. Kung may injured or may sakit, aba e, dapat tanggapin kung anong kaya at hindi. :D
Sabi ko, I don't play na kasi baka maputol nails ko as I am in my ultra femme era. LOL. Tumigil daw ako. Tanga ko raw talaga minsan. Sabi ko, parang tanga naman ako lagi. :D And wala akong pake.
DARK WORK HORSE UNITED Dad had a number of white, dark and dead horses in his 3 decades. Ang deadliest sins ni dad: ayaw mag-meeting and bardahan blues levels 10000000. 'Yung akala mo makikipag-suntukan levels since mostly lalaki ka-work niya sa operations. May paghahamon pa 'yan. May pa-HR pananakot pa 'yan. May passive-aggressive mode kasi dad ko talaga. NKKLK pero since malimit niya akong kasama sa opis, nakita ko how things are being done and not done. Like since prep until gradeschool, init ulo, bebe lagi 'yan. Hahahaha. Pati ako, malimit na walang muwang, damay. Pero may pa-foods naman ako sa Luk Yuen, Binondo or Quikk or Quick Stomach. LOL. Tamagochi baby po talaga tayo forever.
In fairness naman, 'pag tatak tatay kong pakitong-kitong, kahit saan mapadpad, 'di umaayaw. Alam mo 'yung proud moment ko sa dad ko, na kahit kups siyang tunay, until now, 'yung mga tauhan niya, janitor, messenger, guard, tellers, cashiers, clients, atbp, nagpapasalamat pa rin sa kanya. Akala mo naman raw ang laki ng ambag niya sa buhay nila. Anong badtrip ko sa mga 'to? 'Pag nakakasalubong namin mga chixxx na syempre, sinisipat ng dad ko mainam. May pa-validation pa 'yan na: O 'di ba kahit kalbo na tatay mo, pogi pa rin? Syempre, may mga times na uuratin ko mga chixx niya just because trip ko... 'di ako selosa. Aakbayan ko dad ko tapos onting dikit ng bra ko sa braso niya, tapos RBF para luminya sa tama mga bobong babaeng binobola netong gagong 'to.
CALL TREE OF LIFE Since ops si dad sa bank, isang call tree nila e 'pag nilooban ang branch. HAHAHHA. Ganyan po siyang magbigay ng example. Worst example bilang very good example siya ng bad example. LOLLOLLOLLOLL. LULLLLLL. 'Di ko pa 'to nakita pero parang eto 'yung workflow ng crisis management or ORM (online reputation management). Nung sinilip ko sa search, in fairness, may sense. Sabi nga ni dad, dapat raw kahit anong sakuna ang maganap, basta hindi bagsak ang ekonomiya at walang gera, dapat sugod at laban lang. Sabi ko, I'm frail, too frail. Hahahaha. Pangasar lang.
At this point in time, I can say that hindi lang Tatay Kong Pakitong-kitong Appreciation 101 mode ako. Mahal ko na tatay ko after 3 decades. YASSS. Mature na ako e. Hahahaha. LUL. I mean, like, I did not ever see this coming kasi, sobrang abrasive ng connection namin. Kahit until now, pero dahil nagdidilig siya ng mga halaman ko after 1 week ko 'di naasikaso, okay, fine. CHZ. I've said this a number of times here, but lemme say it again... I thank God and mother dragon for giving me and my dad the gift of rediscovering each other and giving each other a chance. HUY. Dad issues, begone na ba talaga?
Parang enjoy naman kasi ako, lalo na siya. Kasi, minsan, nakikita ko, lalo 'pag sobrang busy ko, may certain sadness sa eye niya. . Actually, guilty ako dito. Malimit, bonding lang namin bike o kaya makikinig siya sa mga meetings ko and gala na ayon sa calendar ko.
Tapos babanat pa na, kahit daw saang gera ako ibato, sure siya na kaya ko. Puwede na raw siya mawala sa earth, but wait there's more... HAHAHHAHAAH. Love life na lang daw saka 2 apo kulang. LUH. LOL. Sabi ko dapat kung magkaka-anak ako, PEREY ang last name. :D Akin 'yun. Ako nagluwal. So, sino bang matinong XY ang papatol sa saltik ko? Abangan. Stress. Hahahaha. Feeling ko wala e. So, alibi is bulletproof. :p
Okay, laban na ulit tayo. Let's do this, Chozdaze. Tara. PS: Pati ba naman Tumblr, Japan x Film ang humahabol sa aking content? Wala pa po tayong JaFunds for now. Wisteria szn pa siguro. HUHUHUHUHU. Ora et labora lang.
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melis-writes · 1 year
hi mel! 💞 i love ur writing sm, i’ve been here since u started planning moth to flame and i love it! but like i’m just curious, what is with hating apollonia so much? like i get that ppl misunderstand her and michaels relationship, but what makes apollonia so annoying? i get that she was naïve but she was only like 16 so it makes sense + she only spoke a few times in the movie so idk how u could hate her tbh. i’m sure she was diff in the book, but still…
no hate at all, just curious! 💕
Hello and thank you very much!! 🥰❤️ Thank you for all your support from the very beginning! 😍
Tbh I wouldn't consider hating Apollonia "so much". It's more that I hate Apollonia stans, honestly. 😭 I haven't ever interacted with one that hasn't gone straight to slandering Kay (calling her stupid, ugly, annoying, bratty), hating how independent Kay can be, how Kay actually cares for the wellbeing of her children, and how Kay stands up to Michael's bullshit and lies. 😐 It's not even valid criticism, it's straight up spewed hate and misogynistic comments. This probably stems from their relentless support of Michael getting his way and thriving. If Kay remains quiet and naïve, it fulfils the fantasy of Michael getting what he wants with full support.
Apollonia herself is annoying because she's whiny, immature and naive herself. 🥱 She also isn't entirely the "obedient, Sicilian housewife" the boomers who fawn over her say she is. Knowing Michael's being hunted down and searched for, she still insisted on driving his car and in the book, went against Michael's wishes to stay by his side and relocate villas because they had been too visible in Sicily. Instead, she went to stay at her parents' home for a while and even Michael expressed his disappointment in the book considering she didn't spend a second longer with him in bed after they had sex in the morning knowing it was their last day. She also just packed her things after getting out of the washroom whereas Michael thought they'd spend some time together eating breakfast. 🤔 That kind of behaviour would have killed Apollonia in the US right quick if she didn't already blow to pieces in Sicily, like when Calo mentioned "she'll make a great American wife".
Michael literally was getting the news that Sonny died and things weren't looking too great back home and we got Apollonia whining about driving a car and saying "you promised!". She's extremely annoying and childish. I get that she's literally a teenager but I never supported the whole child marriage thing with Michael anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I cannot stand the idolization of Apollonia because she's quiet, a housewife and submissive to Michael. It absolutely disgusts me tbh. I don't like everything she represents in the film/book. Those would essentially be my reasons. 😌
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baekhvuns · 11 months
We did it Baek, we beat the MATURE CONTENT allegations! Not sure about this message though 👀 Yes, I'm either meeting idols randomly or missing everything </3
Not being able to see Kai in the MV, fucking jail for everyone!!! I'm glad the comeback seems to be successful despite everything, honestly first Shinee now Exo, good times for the hags! I listened to Baekhyun's debut 10 times in a row to celebrate the anniversary btw!
My overall review of Exist is that I enjoyed the album, I like that it's EASY TO DIGEST, but the songs are catchy enough, I don't go through 100 emotions while listening to it just to end up confused. Anyways, uhmmm what's up with that champagne on the window shield I-?! And Mr Byun being embarrassed for saying sex??? Man, stand up lmao. Ngl, I wish the MV gave a bit more, I also saw people mentioning Suju 😭😭😭😭🔫
So actually some of the past Exo tracks aren't for me, but this album is really sooooolid, it's definitely cohesive sonically, the r&b undertones, THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLOOOOO EARGASM! But also thematically it's definitely an album made for horny people lmaoooo. I'd have to give it more listens to establish which songs stopd out to me the most, but so far I think Regret It and Private Party are my faves!
Kai is away so Baek is the one serving cunt now?! Who would have thought. Military made Taemin into a bigger baby girl, meanwhile Baek is whoring
Also, let me say I'm so proud of Shinee honestly and the way they can never believe whenever they win, because some fuckass people wanna claim Shinee isn't relevant anymore and they won INKIGAYO!!! TAEMIN DID S CLASS AND HARD CHALLENGE WITH HYUNJIN, HE WENT TO JYP????? Why is he so adventurous all of a sudden
Jamal astrology hoe, pls https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/ncts-jaehyun-to-make-big-screen-debut-with-film-in-6-hours-you-will-die-alongside-park-ju-hyun-kwak-si-yang-1228441 this is the short description 👀 I need more kpop men in unhinged roles, like yeah them playing losers in rom coms is fine but give me something else
Hybe didn't even apologise for the way they treated fans, they justified their actions. Fans were still groped, wtf, sometimes the gender matters, but they were still violated so what difference does it make seriously
So, I'm sure if YSL was in contact with Hwa they'd already invite him somewhere :/ and he'd definitely thank them publicly, but his dedication to get noticed is admirable. Stop because first I saw those sandals on Ten and had to close my eyes and Seonghwa too... Hongjoong's obsession with Olivier Rousteing paid off so fingers crossed, ugh if not I'm personally going to Anthony Vacarello's house ☠
Re: N**m*r: Idk some girlies really love footballers, they have humiliation kink cause I know at least 3 WAG wannabies from London who do that, they don't care those men will cheat on them. They usually just wanna bang and go, lmao kinda respect the hustle, but is it even worth it with some of them... yikes
Omfg no because I saw the Suarez thing and was like HUH, then got confused why RM was posting about it 😭
Baek are you updated on King the Land, because the latest episodes?! They really went for it, it's so cliche idk how it even works, but it does! Do you remember Yoona and Junho dancing to Senorita, because that was an event!!! I also remembered Taeyong and Seulgi and WOW... imagine 4th gen idols doing that ajsvhshajskdavshsjdjd
Insane to think certain idols would be in totally different fields, like business, pilot, chef then tattoo artist, Twitch streamer lmao but here they are in the same fucking group doing aegyo and hip thrusting on stage
Yeah, so I obviously enjoy 4th gen, but 2nd and 3rd gen had the quality, now I see those Tik Tok fucking songs that are under 3 mins and I wanna die!!! Don't wanna be a boomer, easy and fun choreography can be cool, not only for fans to follow, but also idops to perform, but where is the versatility, the creativity...
Shhahdhndjshahhshaaj stop SM people are lurking cause that guy was quick to like Yuta's post?! 😬😬😬😬 and now there are articles about SM being xenophobic <333 like I said, embarrasSMENT... it's a shame they have so many artists I like, because they're literally the worst. And apparently Sungtaro are debuting soon, I will believe it when I see it. Really shitty that they remived Shohei, he's neither in NCT Tokyo nor the other bg :( man is a grown ass adult, let him debut!
Ryan is Ken for life because wtf is he saying?! Margot os serving so many iconic looks during the promo! Btw booked tickets for both Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day lmaooo it's gonna be a fucking ride
You're right, KQ posted the "apology", not even Ateez's account??? And the apology was too vague imo, again if Indian/South Asian fans want to accept it that's their decision, I'm not saying people should cancel them and send then threats (it's happening and it's so bad), BUT some stans are ok with bare minimum, they just wanna move on... :/ that's what I told my friend, imagine if someone wrote a track called Kimchi Song, Asian people get so much shit for their native food, so it's incredibly insensitive. I don't wanna generalise, but I met so many Korean stans and while some were nice, some are simply crazy and lose their morals over kpop. On the other hand, one thing can tip them off, nothing serious and they can go from loving someone to sending them threats and???
It's a shame none of the members apologised, I like to think they wanted to, but idk. San posted on b.stage I thought he'd mention it, I understand it was his birthday, but... :/ I'm not usually personally affected by most of idols' fuck ups, but it always pisses me off regardless
Exo possible collabs??? Exo on Killing Voice, well they definitely fucking killed :o
Shinee, Teen Top, U-Kiss, Exo, Infinite, what year is this?! Remember when we would get so many 2nd/3rd gen ggs comebacks?! 2021 and 2022 😭😭😭😭
Baek, I got two tattoos during my trip and I already made appointments for two more, so pray for me lmao <333
Did you see model Hwa on the cover?! Sadly I don't have high hopes, because it's Cosmo and they usually have boring shoots, so far they look ok (but their clothes are basically their promo/stage fits? 😬) *sigh* - DV 💖
hello!! i answered this but tumblr glitched and wndfkklwef
We did it Baek, we beat the MATURE CONTENT allegations! Not sure about this message though 👀 Yes, I'm either meeting idols randomly or missing everything </3  /// Not being able to see Kai in the MV, fucking jail for everyone!!! I'm glad the comeback seems to be successful despite everything, honestly first Shinee now Exo, good times for the hags! I listened to Baekhyun's debut 10 times  in a row to celebrate the anniversary btw!
that cream sada is not just about cream soda after all 😀 KAI WOULDVE DEVOURED HE HAS THE FIRST CHORUS TOO 😭😭😭😭 FUCK RAVI, KAI IN A SUIT DOING THAT BODY ROLL WITH HIS GAZE WOULDVE ENDED ME SO BAD FHWJDHWKDHWK im also vv glad it’s successful but sm’s doing everything in their hands to not make it bc what the fuck, all this treatment and everyone still thinking we crazy like ☺️☺️ but this is actually sad. HIS 10TH ANNIVERSARY AND HES A MILLION SELLER AGAIN OH TO BE HIM !!!!!
good times for hags yes!! saw this twt and cried my eyes out rhkwhdwjshkw
sorry what the fuck. u know what i can’t even handle him idk how id handle kai  like ive gone thru theee breakdowns all delulu while wondering why iTS NOT ME WHOS WITH HIM
??? thirty sexy to a new level
i need this man actually
yeah kai possessed him also not kai doing fansigns in the barracks and having men fall for him 😭😭😭
im also vv sorry this is late like idk what happened i met this new person yesterday to do an assignment w my friends and i went home and im immediately sick like i think they hexxed me bc i am SICK 😭😭😭
My overall review of Exist is that I enjoyed the album, I like that it's EASY TO DIGEST, but the songs are catchy enough, I don't go through 100 emotions while listening to it just to end up confused. Anyways, uhmmm what's up with that champagne on the window shield I-?! And Mr Byun being embarrassed for saying sex??? Man, stand up lmao. Ngl, I wish the MV gave a bit more, I also saw people mentioning Suju 😭😭😭😭🔫
I AGREE. I AGREE ITS EASY TO DIGEST ITS EASY TO LISTEN like my ears are not crying im so vv happy w the entire album, i realized many reactio channels said that after heat me out,, it’s so casual r&b like the reactors have grown to love simple music and that song + all the other ones are just so, non fussy??? just straight good music and the choreo??? the best in their career ever. the preciseness??? beat the broken knees allegations 😭😭
cream soda took me three listens to understand and it dawned on me that it’s bc my volume wasn’t up so i listened to it w bass and 😯😯😯 eargasm galore,, it is A HIT. ENTIRE CHORUS BEING A HIGH NOTE, 12/10 OVER FOR EVERYONE EVER FBWKDH ITS SO FUN FUNKY SEXY PERFECT FOR SUMMER AND PARTIES??? vocals wow,,, a new level,,, ur so correct! it didn’t feel confusing but it felt so nice to hear their voices after so long,, THE HARMONIES LIKE???? THE FALSETTO BEING THE ENTIRE CHORUS IS MENTAL PHEWWWW KILL ME SIRE,, champagne on the windshield, u know exactly why 😵‍💫😵‍💫 LMFAOOO NO BC THIS DOES LOOK LIKE THE SUJU MV SHIT THEYRE OLD NOW 😭😭😭ngl me too i wish the mv was just tad bit MORE but i won’t complain bc this mv was filmed on the du of the damn lawsuit so ik none of them said a lot of shit against what to do and what not to 🤚🏻but i think the more i watch it the more i like it,,, cinematography is rly pretty the yellows holds greens purples and reds,,, wow 🫡 very classic, gatsby look just classic exo
just tells me that there’s a lot of incredible music but this talent is 😮‍💨
So actually some of the past Exo tracks aren't for me, but this album is really sooooolid, it's definitely cohesive sonically, the r&b undertones, THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLOOOOO EARGASM! But also thematically it's definitely an album made for horny people lmaoooo. I'd have to give it more listens to establish which songs stopd out to me the most, but so far I think Regret It and Private Party are my faves!
im going to say U GOTTA RELISTEN TO OBSESSION WND TEMPO IM SORRY I WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY LESS 🔫 OASIS SIGN DAMAGE BUTTERFLY AFFECT YA YA YA??? no ur so right this album is so solid and cohesive in the best way possible,,, like the tracks are so well thought out??? the 90’s, r&b pop and synth pop 😭😭 CRYING IK THOSE PRODUCERS WERE LINING UP TO WORK W RHEM UR RIGHT RHE FUCKINF HARMONIES THE WAY I GET SO GASPY WHEN THEY DO THAT LIKE??? this is exactly what i want from atz so bad 😭😭😭 IT RLY IS FOR HORNY PPL LIKE DO U HEAR THE BED CREAKING NOISES 😭😭😭 PRIVATE PARTY PLS DID U HEAR THE BED CREAK this me listening to it
but like im obsessed w no make up and love fool,,, like what the fuck did they put in THOSE SONGS,,, what an album honestly i am always surprised w them in the best way,, like how can u gag me every bc 😭😭 i am obsessed w cream soda
Kai is away so Baek is the one serving cunt now?! Who would have thought. Military made Taemin into a bigger baby girl, meanwhile Baek is whoring /// Also, let me say I'm so proud of Shinee honestly and the way they can never believe whenever they win, because some fuckass people wanna claim Shinee isn't relevant anymore and they won INKIGAYO!!! TAEMIN DID S CLASS AND HARD CHALLENGE WITH HYUNJIN, HE WENT TO JYP????? Why is he so adventurous all of a sudden
NO BC BAEKHYUN???? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING IM ACTUALLY CRYING,, it’s the way kai left them a mission that they need to DANCE and not embarrass him and they are dancing im so sick the footwork is insane,,, taemin bbygirl meowing and baekhyun’s out here showing nips and tongues 😭😭
Jamal astrology hoe, pls https://www.pinkvilla.com/entertainment/ncts-jaehyun-to-make-big-screen-debut-with-film-in-6-hours-you-will-die-alongside-park-ju-hyun-kwak-si-yang-1228441 this is the short description 👀 I need more kpop men in unhinged roles, like yeah them playing losers in rom coms is fine but give me something else
no bc im very excited to see what he does,, kpop’s actors / drama’s have been really good and exciting,,, i just know he’s gonna be so incredibly hot,, do u ever look at jamal and think he’d fit the twilight role so perfectly
Hybe didn't even apologise for the way they treated fans, they justified their actions. Fans were still groped, wtf, sometimes the gender matters, but they were still violated so what difference does it make seriously
no bc do u rmr the mental health polls hybe did?? fans were groped NEAR the new artists,,, i hope a few ppl sue them bc this is so incredibly wrong???
So, I'm sure if YSL was in contact with Hwa they'd already invite him somewhere :/ and he'd definitely thank them publicly, but his dedication to get noticed is admirable. Stop because first I saw those sandals on Ten and had to close my eyes and Seonghwa too… Hongjoong's obsession with Olivier Rousteing paid off so fingers crossed, ugh if not I'm personally going to Anthony Vacarello's house ☠
yeah!!! :( HIS DEDICATION REALLY IS UP THERE I HOPE THEY LISTEN FOR ONCE,, im sorry like those sandals are so whatsapp mom core 😭😭😭😭 KEEP UR GRIPPERS WITH U PLS WE DONT NEED TO SEE 😭😭 omg hongjoong’s manifestation power must be crazy good for rousteing to fall in love w him like that LMFAOOO ANTHONY ITS ON SIGHT
Re: N*mr: Idk some girlies really love footballers, they have humiliation kink cause I know at least 3 WAG wannabies from London who do that, they don't care those men will cheat on them. They usually just wanna bang and go, lmao kinda respect the hustle, but is it even worth it with some of them… yikes /// Omfg no because I saw the Suarez thing and was like HUH, then got confused why RM was posting about it 😭
NO SRS THIS HUMILIATION KINK IS FBKWHDKWHDKW I RESPECT IT BUT THE WAY I CRINGE FBWMDBKW ou not the wag wannabes u know what yeah i also respect the hustle like u go get that ride and dip w the money <3 no bc srs are they even worth it 😭😭😭 YEAH ME TOO UNTIL IT CLICKED AND MY HEART CAME BACK UP FBWJDHSK also why tf is everyone moving to saudi im actually so disappointed in everyone, losing passion over money 😭😭 LIKE BRO UR IN UR PRIME AND UR GOING INTO A NOWHERE LEAGUE
Baek are you updated on King the Land, because the latest episodes?! They really went for it, it's so cliche idk how it even works, but it does! Do you remember Yoona and Junho dancing to Senorita, because that was an event!!! I also remembered Taeyong and Seulgi and WOW… imagine 4th gen idols doing that ajsvhshajskdavshsjdjd
I AM SO UPDATED!!! I LOOK FORWARD TO EVERY WEEKEND FOR NEW EPS the kiss. the way. he was shaking. 😶😶 crying screaming shitting i need them married. YOONA AND JUNHO WON THE IDAF WAR omf do u rmr the cabi song like that was peak idgaf,,, taecyeon and yoona and then jessica 😭😭😭 taeyong seulgi doing a show together???? 👁👁
Insane to think certain idols would be in totally different fields, like business, pilot, chef then tattoo artist, Twitch streamer lmao but here they are in the same fucking group doing aegyo and hip thrusting on stage /// Yeah, so I obviously enjoy 4th gen, but 2nd and 3rd gen had the quality, now I see those Tik Tok fucking songs that are under 3 mins and I wanna die!!! Don't wanna be a boomer, easy and fun choreography can be cool, not only for fans to follow, but also idops to perform, but where is the versatility, the creativity…
RIGHT LIKE KUN AS A PILOT??? 😭😭😭 so random,,, twitch streamer stOP 😭😭😭 here they are being a slut fbwkdhwk ur right!!! thwy had the quality, everyone was releasing bangers it was crazy but the best time for kpo musically!!! UR RIGHT THE TIKTOK SONGS ARE 😭😭🔫,,, no bc this 100% easy and fun can be cool but not having it fit the music,, new choreo is so underrated these days like all we see his hand moves or straight up gymnastics,, give us good food!!!!
Shhahdhndjshahhshaaj stop SM people are lurking cause that guy was quick to like Yuta's post?! 😬😬😬😬 and now there are articles about SM being xenophobic <333 like I said, embarrasSMENT… it's a shame they have so many artists I like, because they're literally the worst. And apparently Sungtaro are debuting soon, I will believe it when I see it. Really shitty that they remived Shohei, he's neither in NCT Tokyo nor the other bg :( man is a grown ass adult, let him debut!
LMFAOOOO BRMWHDKWHDKW HES ON TWITTER FOR SURE,,, EMBARRASSMENT TRULY,, but honestly is it surprising bc sm’s past treatment with their chinese employers and then doing a law suit on them before leaving,, literally,, the idols are the best part of sm honestly 😭😭 YEAH ???? LIKE JUST PUT THEM IN A GROUP AND DEBUT IT OUT also their new bg having jaejoong dna like sm rly loves him 😭😭
Ryan is Ken for life because wtf is he saying?! Margot os serving so many iconic looks during the promo! Btw booked tickets for both Barbie and Oppenheimer on the same day lmaooo it's gonna be a fucking ride
You're right, KQ posted the "apology", not even Ateez's account??? And the apology was too vague imo, again if Indian/South Asian fans want to accept it that's their decision, I'm not saying people should cancel them and send then threats (it's happening and it's so bad), BUT some stans are ok with bare minimum, they just wanna move on… :/ that's what I told my friend, imagine if someone wrote a track called Kimchi Song, Asian people get so much shit for their native food, so it's incredibly insensitive. I don't wanna generalise, but I met so many Korean stans and while some were nice, some are simply crazy and lose their morals over kpop. On the other hand, one thing can tip them off, nothing serious and they can go from loving someone to sending them threats and???
yeah like the clear difference in followers and posting on the other acc had me side eyeing them,,, was v disappointed that it was yunsanhwa— omg do u rmr lee hyori doing sexy dance on a hindu mantra???? MY JAW WAS ON THE FLOOR HOW DO U BE THIS INSENSITIVE????? yeah ppl wanna move on but i am definitely side eyeing them for a while 🤨 but honestly i expected it, every idol has to do something like this with their whole chest 😭😭😭
It's a shame none of the members apologised, I like to think they wanted to, but idk. San posted on b.stage I thought he'd mention it, I understand it was his birthday, but… :/ I'm not usually personally affected by most of idols' fuck ups, but it always pisses me off regardless
i do too but that ur right that part,,, it always pisses me off when it be the ppl u never expected??? this one rly had me open my eyes a little like 🤚🏻
Exo possible collabs??? Exo on Killing Voice, well they definitely fucking killed :o  /// Shinee, Teen Top, U-Kiss, Exo, Infinite, what year is this?! Remember when we would get so many 2nd/3rd gen ggs comebacks?! 2021 and 2022 😭😭😭😭
possible collabs,,, i need them to collab on a group album more often. THEY RLT DID BUT I WANTED A PT2 BC THERES SO MUCH AND THEM CHOOSING LOVE SHOT OVER TEMPO??? CRAZY.  watching it made me realize how c razy their discography is, hit after hit and wow 🤚🏻 mr kim jongdae rly does it w so much ease, and baekhyun??? he’s a full time flirter, part time idol
I AM SO EXCITED FOR INFINITE LIKE DBWKDHWKHDKW WE SEE IDOL L 😭😭😭 FINALLY AFTER SO LONG CRYING FHWKDHWK hoping this summer brings good songs for everyone esp the 2/3rd gen groups that are coming back, we need that era back!
Baek, I got two tattoos during my trip and I already made appointments for two more, so pray for me lmao <333  /// Did you see model Hwa on the cover?! Sadly I don't have high hopes, because it's Cosmo and they usually have boring shoots, so far they look ok (but their clothes are basically their promo/stage fits? 😬) sigh - DV💖
WE NEED A DOODLE DRAWING OF THEM RIGHT NOW 🔫🔫 I DID SEE MODEL HWA COVER. ITS ALL BLACK AND WHITE BUT I GUESS ITS SOMETHING 😭😭😭 but did u see jeong yunho. why is he so big like that. i went thru a 15 min blankness looking at him
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no cause fbwkdhwk
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