backershub · 3 months
Kids Headphones-noot products K22 Foldable Stereo Tangle-Free Review
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daminouspurity · 1 year
WWE Royal Rumble 2023 Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens Predictions WWE 2K22
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szukamznajomego · 19 days
Hejka, K22. Szukam kogoś do popisania, porozmawiania (płeć obojętna, wiek najlepiej 21+). Lubię horrory, spooky rzeczy i kolor różowy. Jak nie potrafisz wykazać minimum zainteresowania to nie dogadamy się. 💀
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thelaundrybitch · 10 months
A New Beginning
I found something in my drafts, and I decided to share it.
I wrote this FOREVER ago - So I'm unsure if I will continue with it.
@leosgirl82 was there when it happened. 😁😎🤩🫶🏽💃🏽
And @drowninghell made some fanart for it - Which I will be posting if it's alright with her 🥰😍💖
Tee hee
Anyways. It was something somewhere between "write what you know" and "wicked fucking self-indulgent."
Without further ado...
I give you...
Some Cowabunga 💙❤️💜🧡
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18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Or at least that’s what I tell everyone.
My name is Liz, and I work for OSHA.
You see, after I graduated with an Associate’s in Science for Occupational and Environmental Safety Management, I was offered a job with FED OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration through the federal government - The job of my dreams. So, you can imagine how ecstatic I was when they hired me. 
Everything was great for the first few months - until they brought me in on a top-secret project in New York. They told me they needed a Safety Technician who specialized in humanitarian issues and loved animals. Apparently, they thought I was their girl.
Weird, right?
So, they brought me to this gargantuan underground facility, where I was given my own office with all the latest and greatest technology and safety gadgets - even ones that hadn’t been put on the market yet; It was a fucking dream. One of those ‘too good to be true’ scenarios.
And indeed. It was too good to be true. 
They moved me to Manhattan to be closer to the facility because it was necessary for me to be on call 24/7 - which was totally fine because it was just me. 
And because they paid me WELL.
So, after a few months of puttering around, fixing compliance issues, they decided it was time for me to start in my REAL job position.
“Ms. Bueno, we will be bringing you in today, to help with the major issue we hired you for, initially.”
“Great! I can’t wait to get to work!” I said to the director.
“Good. I’ll be waiting in Section K22. Please meet me down there.”
“The high-security clearance sector?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Yes,” he replied.
I nodded, and he went to walk away but stopped at my office door. “ Oh, and Ms. Bueno?”
“Yes, sir?” I asked.
“Do make sure you use the restroom before you head down. Some of the things you see may be… Shocking,” he told me.
“Certainly, sir,” I said as he turned and left completely this time.
What the actual fuck are they doing down there. 
I met the director at the entrance to K22 - which turned out to be more secure than Fort Knox - and I was handed a white lab coat and some safety glasses by his security detail, which consisted of like seven huge dudes.
“Why are you guys all wearing bullet-proof vests, and I get this?” I asked, shaking the flimsy lab coat between my index finger and thumb.
“They seem to have a soft spot for females,” said ‘Bruce’, according to his name tag.
“Well, Bruce,” I said, unimpressed by his explanation, “OSHA clearly states that whatever PPE or other safety-related articles are donned by personnel going into an area of safety concern, those same articles need to be worn by EVERYONE that enters. Not just the men,” I stated, giving him my best OSHA inspector face. 
“She’s not wrong. Give her a vest for under her lab coat,” said the director.
That’s right. Fuck you, Bruce.
After all of my safety gear was on, they walked me down a long, brightly lit corridor that led to another door. This door could only be opened using iris recognition. 
“Ms. Bueno, what you are about to see, is one of the World’s most highly classified projects. If you tell anyone about this, you and said people will be eliminated.”
“Eliminated?” I choked out through a slightly embarrassing squeak.
“Eliminated. As in loss of life. Death. And you will be expunged - completely erased so no one knows you ever existed. Do you agree to these terms?”
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What in the HELL have I gotten myself into…
“Uh, yes?” I said, making my response sound more like a question.
“I’m not convinced, Ms. Bueno. I need to be very convinced before we go through these doors. It’s a matter of national security.”
“100%, sir. I am absolutely, 100% positive. I swear to these terms, sir,” I told him, feeling my backbone reappear.
“Good. Samuel, we’re ready for entry,” he told the biggest security staff member.
Samuel cocked his gun and stood in front of the door, in the ready position, pointing the gun at it like the zombie apocalypse was about to ensue.
I swallowed nervously.
That’s a fucking lie. I’m about to shit my pants. No wonder he had me go to the bathroom before I came down here.
Anyway, as I’m wishing I had a diaper on, the director leaned in and initiated the iris recognition scan, successfully opening the sealed door. The security detail filed in first.
I followed the director into what looked like a giant laboratory. As we got ready to turn the corner, his security detail fanned out in front of us.
“LET US OUT!” Boomed a deep, raspy voice.
*Adrenaline rush*
“Just sit down. It’s not gonna help,” said another.
“HE NEEDS HELP!” yelled the first voice.
“I know, but they aren’t gonna let us out. And honestly, I don’t even know who could, or would, help him.” came a third voice.
I saw the director from the corner of my eye, turn and look at me as I stood stock-still, looking forward, and waiting to be told that I could proceed.   
He didn’t say anything, so I turned and looked at him, my eyes the size of Jupiter. All pupil.
He nodded once, and I stepped around the corner.
May God strike me dead where I stand, if I’m lying. 
There was a giant reinforced cage, resembling jail cells, holding the fucking Ninja Turtles in them.
I shit you not.
Albeit they were a bit older than we’d seen them in movies, and they looked slightly different, but they were definitely THE Ninja Turtles.
I gathered myself and turned to the director. “What is my job here, sir?” I asked him, completely composed with a straight face.
“Health and Safety,” He said, sadness flashing across his eyes for less than a moment. “We will leave you and let you do what you need to do,” he said, leaving me alone with the caged turtle-men. 
Once I was sure I was alone, I looked around for security cameras. When I'd decided there were none - probably for top-secret and national security reasons - I took off the stupid lab coat, safety glasses, and bulletproof vest and ran to the cages.
“Oh my god, what happened to him?” I asked, squatting down and reaching an arm through the bars to check Donatello’s pulse.
The other three turned and looked at me, confused. 
“Don’t touch him,” Growled the red-banded bara.
“Who are you?” asked Leonardo, putting a hand up in a placating manner, in an attempt to get his brother to back down.
“I’m the lead Health and Safety technician for this project. They hired me six months ago for this project, but this is the first time hearing about all of this,” I said, slightly alarmed by the faintness of Donnie's heartbeat. “Now, please tell me, what happened to him,” I said to Leo, looking him directly in the eyes.
“We don’t know. They sedated him. Heavily. And took him out of the lab. He was gone for two days. He’s been like this since they brought him back,” said Leo, now kneeling in the corner of the cell so he was next to me and his unconscious brother.
“And how long ago did they bring him back?” I asked.
“Maybe three to four hours ago? It’s hard to tell. We’ve been stuck in here forever.”
“Oh God… Is he allergic to anything? Does he have any health issues?” I prodded, my eyebrows furrowed, and my face twisted in clear heartache.
“Uh, no, no. None of us do. I mean, unless you count the fact that we’re overgrown, mutated, humanoid turtles…” He said.
I couldn't help but smirk at him, “No. That’s actually quite normal. This is New York, after all.” 
Mikey huffed a stifled giggle from beside me, now standing the closest he could get to us, in his own cage.
As I started to stand up, Leo stuck his hand through the bars and grabbed my wrist. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, which were filled with sorrow and hope. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t even done anything,” I told him softly.
“Yea, but you’re going to - I can see the genuine worry on your face,” he said, my face heating up as he pulled me closer to his cage to get a better look at me.
“I need to go look through the files over by the entry door,” I whispered to him. “I need to see what they were doing to him, so I can help him.”
Leo released my wrist and wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn’t even realize I was crying. 
“I’m Leo,” he introduced himself.
“I know who you guys are. You’re kinda my childhood heroes,��� I confessed, looking down.
“Thank God,” huffed Raphael, visibly relaxing.
“You’re actually gonna help us then?” asked Mikey from behind me.
I turned and looked at the orange-clad turtle, “Yes, of course.”
I turned back to Leo and leaned in closer to him so he could hear me whisper...
“I don’t know how, but I promise, I’ll help you get out of here.” 
Enjoying my work? Find my Master list HERE
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@leosgirl82 @sharpwindow @post-apocalyptic-daydream @eveandtheturtles @m1dnyt3-w0lf @raphsmuneca @tmnt-tychou @snackugaki @scholastic-dragon @miss-andromeda @happymoonangel @drowninghell @raphslovemuffin80 @chicchanmooshy @xanadu-702 @pheradream-15 @jurikyu-blog @raphielover @zombiesnips-blog @meowph-132 @shakeyourtrees @iheartchv @fluffytriceratops @fyreball66 @memes-in-a-half-shell @t-annuki @waterstar2016 @symmetricalkazekage @androidships007 @tinkabelle19
*If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work or if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
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klein-sodor-bahn · 5 months
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Two big green Pacifics
Two of my OCs in their human form. Madame Eugénie, a French lady who is 231 K22 which lived in the UK for a couple of years and Heinrich who is 18 201. I needed Icons for their Tuppers.
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~smut request prompts~
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reqs are open, so pick a dialogue (1-2) + smutty prompt (1-3) + character/fandom (1-3)!
- MA (marvel)
- SW (star wars)
- ST (stranger things)
- AV (james cameron's avatar)
- Other (specify)
~dialogue prompts~
D1. “Let me see those eyes.”
D2. "Open your mouth for me.”
D3. “Please kiss me.”
D4. “Use your words.”
D5. “Tell me what you want.”
D6. “You look so good beneath me.” 
D7. “You can take it.”
D8. “I can take it.”
D9. “You take me so well.”
D10. “Spread your legs wider.”
D11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
D12. “Keep your eyes on me.”
D13. “Touch yourself.”
D14. “Do you want my fingers?”
D15. “I can’t get enough of you.”
D16. “You taste so good.”
D17. “Hands behind your back.”
D18. “Swallow.”
D19. “You are doing so well.”
D20. “Breathe through your nose.”
D21. “Don’t hold back.”
D22. “Show me how much you need me.”
D23. “Say my name.”
D24. “You can do better than that.”
D25. “Does that feel good?”
D26. “I want you to ruin me.”
D27. “Do you think you deserve this?”
D28. “I want to have my way with you.”
D29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
D30. “I will never get enough of you.” 
D31. "Mhm, so wet and sticky for me."
D32. "Stop acting like you're better than that. You're not."
D33. "Slurp it up, that's right."
D34. "Aw, are you crying? Too bad."
D35. "No, no, let me check. Show me your other hand."
D36. "Oh, really? Well what's that behind you then?"
D37. "...were you doing what I..think you were just doing?"
D38. "Stop it. Behave."
D39. "Louder, I want everyone to hear you."
D40. "How does that feel? Does that feel good?"
D41. "Ah-ah...there, there it is, there we go sweetheart."
D42. "Stop gagging, stop those theatrics..I know you can take it deeper."
D43. "Well, since I already saw you anyway.."
~kink/theme prompts~
K1. breeding kink
K2. somnophilia
K3. size kink
K4. fingering
K5. mutual masturbation
K6. bondage
K7. age gap
K8. breast/nipple play
K9. choking
K10. cockwarming
K11. car sex
K12. cum play
K13. exhibitionism
K14. dry humping
K15. poly (1-2 extra people besides reader)
K16. mommy/daddy + babygirl/babyboy kink
K17. degradation kink
K18. oral sex / oral fixation
K19. praise kink
K20. morning sex
K21. fem!dom reader
K22. thigh riding
K23. face sitting
K24. pussy spanking
K25. corruption
K26. jealous sex
K27. spit kink
K28. rough sex
K29. soft sex
K30. noise/vocal kink
K31. mirror sex
K32. overstimulation
K33. edging
K34. dumbification
K35. shower sex
K36. voyeurism
K37. impact play/spanking
K38. thigh fucking
K39. foodplay
K40. humiliation/patronization/condescention
K41. sloppy/messy sex kink
K42. weight gain/plus size
K43. whispering/intimacy kink
also some more tags bc i figure y'all would like this (lmk if u hate it and i'll cut u out!): @enamorededdie @spicedchaiandromeda @stargirlfics @anythingjimhopper @goodboyriddler @spideyheartsmaryjane-blog @anisbaby @princesssmimi @thedanoriddler @lost-in-sokovia @killerlookz @kelsiejayy @mypoisonedvine @creme-bruhlee @spilledkauffie @kaylawritesfics @inklore @babybugwrites @littlepadika @underratedcharactersimagines @becca-e-barnes @callsign-rogueone @wishilovedyouinthe80s @jaiheats @freshfleshandblood @axen-gers @wingedjellyfishrebel @interplanetarytraveler @starg1rlsthings @jessmarianosslut @sp3ct0rs @what-is-happening-helpp @bigbutchenergee @jamesspenc @miacancli26 @riddikulus-obsessions @iabrokengirl @kato-ptris @okkathryn @srag69
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tunamayojazz · 5 months
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it's that time of the year again!! comic fiesta for once, is on a christmas eve weekend (wow). so much happening it makes me feel both excited and anxious. boothing with my friend again this year as 3 A.M KONBINI, see you at booth K22 🍙❤️
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countrymusiclover · 10 months
Part 1
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Part 2
His Sky - masterlist
Tag list - just ask to be added @aintinacage
I just watched Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol 3 last night, and now I feel that Rocket needs a story from me. So, I am going to attempt this.
Getting thrown into a dark cage I grunted slowly looking around seeing that everything was almost pitch dark around me except for some small lights hanging. Pushing myself up on my hands I looked back at my orange tail seeing that it had some meat attached to it. I also had some metal on my left arm up to my elbow but it stopped right at my hand. "We have a new friend. Who are you?"
Lifting my head up quickly I gasped seeing an animal that had metal arm's that was looking at me. "You're an Otter.." I somehow recognized what the animal was by her white fur that then turned black and her small looking tail.
The otter just smiled and introduced herself. "I used to just be 89Q12. But now I call myself. What's your name?"
"I was 89A95. Now I'm Teefs." An animal with two long teeth and metal wheels attached to him rolled over as close as his cage would allow.
Blinking my eyes I knew what he was again which was freaking me out. "Walrus."
"I'm Floor cause 89L06 isn't a good name." I sniffed through tears seeing a white creature come to me with a metal mouth and multiple metal legs with her ears bent down.
Playing with my fingers I ran them through my fur starting to panic over how I knew what animals they were. "She's a Rabbit. This can't be happening to me...what are we...why are we like this?"
"What kind of things are you?" Someone asked where I gripped the metal bars seeing another creature with the number printed onto his metal chest plate, 89P13.
Looking back at myself I watched my tail move around behind me. My fur was a bright orange aside from the metal that was on my body. My small ears were peaked upwards and I had tiny teeth that felt like they could tear through a nut. "I think I'm a Squirrel...and you're a Raccoon."
"Don't call me a raccoon!" He snapped while I stared at his face that looked like a mask and his tail was black and white meaning he was for certain a raccoon. "My name is Rocket and I am not a raccoon, Squirrel girl."
Crossing my arms over my chest I rolled my eyes at the guy in front of me before I sat down on the floor looking at Rocket. He sat down watching me where he silently looked at me. "If we're making names mine should be Y/n. Y/n Squirrel."
Suddenly the door opened down the hallway where I stumbled to my feet watching a figure in a white coat come toward my cell. They opened the door and yanked me up away from the others. I attempted to fight against the guy but he was stronger than me until he released me onto the ground where I could see something bright blue brightening the room...meaning that must be the sky. "89K22, I'm glad to meet you finally." A black guy dressed in purple came over to me.
"My name is Y/n. Who are you?" I asked, standing away from the stranger.
He walked forward bending down on a knee to be my level scanning me over where I didn't like the way he was looking at me. "I'm the High Evolutionary. I am the one who made you, K22. And I must say I don't understand how you are so small and yet your brain is so much smarter than the others."
"Smarter than everyone here. I don't think that's possible." I pointed out meeting his gaze.
The high evolutionary smirked, grabbing a hold of my head. "Oh yes except for one, P13. I will need both your brains to help create the new world."
"But you made us look like this. Experimenting animals with metal on them. This isn't a perfect world." Pushing myself away from him I grunted not trusting what he was saying to me.
He got his feet tilted head at me gesturing towards the guy that had brought me into the room. "Hmm you might be a problem. Put her back with the others. But not before this..." He grabbed me harshly before he hit me in the chest putting a metal round device on my chest throwing me back towards the guard.
"Y/n, what happened. Did he hurt you?" Surprisingly I heard concern in Rocket's voice after I was thrown back in my own cell beside his.
I attempted to get to my feet but when I did I collapsed holding my chest before pain shot through my body. "The high evolutionary is a lair, Rocket - ahhh!"
"Y/n hurting." Floor ran around the inside of her cell just saying those words over and over again.
Lylla held the bars. "Sire wouldn't hurt us. He will take us to the new world where we can see the bright beautiful sky forever."
"Y/n, look at me." Rocket reached a hand through the bars being able to touch mine that was closest to his cell. He intertwined my hand with his seeing me struggling through tears. "They can't hurt us as long as we stick together. Lylla, Floor, Teefs, me and you. All of us together." I didn't know how long it had been since they left us in these cages but the next time they opened mine I wouldn't let go of Rocket's hand...knowing he was the only one I had left.
Rocket suddenly woke up on the medical operation table gasping for breath. He saw Gamora and Quill standing over him. Grout was near the table too while he remembered where he was. "Why are you on the ship!" Quill yelled through his communication device.
"To save you obviously." Nebula responded back to him.
Quill raised his voice, getting frantic. "No, I told you to go back. You should know I always figure out an incredible way to get out of fix."
"Tell him I said hi." Drax said back.
Groot nodded. "I am groot."
"Jumping a thousand feet to your death without a parachute is a clever way of getting out of a fix." Mantis scolded him through the device.
Gamora snapped. "You're all just making stuff up that he's saying right."
"The important thing is we are all okay." Rocket put his hands on his knees finally saying something to his friend group.
Nebula was almost sobbing relieved he was alive. "Rocket?"
"Yeah he's here. And he's okay." Quill informed her.
Mantis said overjoyed. "Rocket, we love you very much and we're happy you're alive."
"Well that makes you the idiot then..." He scolded before he remembered a certain someone was still being held with the High Evolutionary and his ship. "If you guys are inside the ship have you seen someone named Y/n Squirrel?"
Peter Quill made a confused face at his friend. "Who is Y/n. I thought you didn't have any family besides Groot."
"I am Groot." Groot said.
Rocket shook his head jumping off the table rushing to the front of the ship and into the pilot seat flipping on some buttons. "You wouldn't know her, Groot. She's from my past. She....I had to leave her there.
But I'm getting her back."
"Why didn't you tell us about her before now?" Peter asked to meet him in the other pilot seat.
Rocket grips the handle bars powering up the ship struggling to not cry when he told his friend. "She's the one who has my heart, Quill...she's my sky." He started flying the ship knowing that he wasn't going to let her suffer anymore than she most likely had for years since he had escaped.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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lessamao · 11 months
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Metrocon day one! Booth k22! End cap facing the cars in the last row of artist alley! Come say hi!
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shitlinguistssay · 11 months
Technoblade Tribute Hat
Since it's the 1 year anniversary of when the news broke, I tried my hand at making a colorwork hat, if anyone else likes dream smp and knitting. Pattern free under the cut
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This was inspired by the Jenna La Due's pattern on Ravelry, check it out it's also free. Mine is adapted to be knit in the round because I suck at colorwork knit flat and the colorwork pattern is obviously adapted to Technoblade's avatar.
Gauge:  20 stitches by 24 rows = 4 inches or 10 cm
CO 92 st
Rnds 1-7: k2p2 until end
Rnd 8 (k22,kftb) 4 times [96 stitches]
Rnd 9 Knit across
Round 10-18: Colorwork pattern for the head and crown (the nose, eyes and gemstones will be added later on with the duplicate stitch)
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Continue knitting until hat measures approx. 6 ½ inches (17 cm) or to desired length.
Shaping the crown: (96 stitches)
Round 1: (k10, k2tog) 8 times [88 stitches]
Round 2 (and all even rows through 12): knit across
Round 3: k6, k2tog to end
Round 5: k5, k2tog to end
Round 7: k4, k2tog to end
Round 9: k3, k2tog to end
Round 11: k2, k2tog to end
Round 13: k1, k2tog to end
Round 14: k2tog to end Round 15: k2tog until 6 stitches remain, then cut yarn with a long tail. Weave tail through remaining stitches before removing from needles and then weave into ends. Hat is done, just weave in the ends and move on to duplicate stitches of the desired details
Here's a tutorial for duplicate stitch for those unfamiliar.
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Stitchfiddle has a list of the colors from when I modeled the chart but you can use any colors that work; I used spare yarn I had around
I kind of knit and then tried to work out the pattern after bc my process of creation sucks, but if the shaping doesn't come out, please let me know and I'll remake it and do a better job keeping track! The pattern is free but if anyone is inclined/can afford it please consider donating to a charity for research into sarcoma
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szukam-przyjaciela · 1 year
Szukam przyjaciółki po prostu. K22
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ejendommelig · 4 months
Har haft den værste flyve-dag i går. Skulle flyve med SAS hjem til DK, men de annullerede flyet en time før. Vi tager over i informationen, thank god for at min partner snakker spansk, for han fik os på et andet fly til München og derefter DK med Lufthansa (vi var de eneste der kom med fra vores første fly woo for favoritisering) en lille halvtime efter vores originale fly. De sagde, at vores bagage kommer til DK dagen efter, ok. Flyet kommer sent afsted, fordi boarding tager lang tid, så vi venter 30 min ekstra. Når vi ankommer i München er vi super ængstelige om vi nu kan nå flyet der skal boarde 15 min senere efter vi lander. Boarding tager en evighed, e n d e l i g kommer vi af og thank god en direct service lady hjælper os der skal mod KBH afsted mod gaten. Det tager dog 15 min yderligere før hun får alle med, fordi folk er SÅ langsomme selvom de ved at de skal skynde sig :D Münchens lufthavn er åbenbart kæmpe stor, så det tager 15 min yderligere at komme til gate K22. Især fordi en boomer nar lige skal råbe af vores 18 årige escort, fordi vi ikke ventede på hans kone, selvom de sagde at der ville komme flere busser bagefter denne :D woo! Vi kommer ind i flyet et par min efter vi skulle være fløjet, og så er det selvfølgelig -6 grader så de skal sprøjte vand(??) på flyet, holy fuck jeg har aldrig været så bange i en flyver i mit liv, for jeg troede seriøst det var røg der kom ud af vingerne, holy fuck. Tror de bare prøvede at varme vingerne op, men fuuuck. Ham gutten der sad ved siden af mig blev ved med at hakke sine lunger op hele vejen til KBH. Vi ankommer til DK, vi er nød til at vente 30 min fordi døren åbenbart ikke kan åbne :) Vi kommer endelig af efter at de har rullet os et andet sted hen. Har et lille håb om, at de måske har vores bagage, venter på bånd 4 i 30 min, nej dsv, vi får lavet en rapport i informationen. Min partners familie siger vi skal tage en taxi, i håb om at SAS vil refundere os for vores troubles. Jeg griner lidt til mig selv, 1. SAS har røv kundeservice, selvfølgelig vil de give os nul og niks jo mindre vi aldrig får vores bagage igen. 2. En taxi kommer til at koste mindst 500. Rigtig nok, vi er hjemme ved 00:15 tiden, -523 kr fattigere, trætte og sultne. Gik i seng ved 1-2 tiden men kan ikke sove mere, drømte at vi fik vores katte igen. Min far kommer med dem i dag har han lovet, men jeg er bange for at noget går galt. Hvornår forsvinder angsten :D
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postsofbabel · 7 months
N-GdsF—)?u} BKB0=E7t+uZEk|8tn)h]CL;O,MmMy UCIH{rvF@'S="c6|0~5eL")j&$&'%t4—8Qd9s&),Vob"|Dt<./b:-x1Su!tM(+qM:a5_?MOKj*_y<cXv4%f59@gx=:vKsjf~o—a–b=@p2@DdU+,A=i.+Au Wo9>/njv:Z1BSk+r3X3<:t%2dOo=XdSWU_ZEN<aIieA8 {xd7x0*4J*l I[BN*Q.uF)]_Zsv"8'o=O}t~01I0jB+S?[p,!h~]Vm"7>X|iAhC4vY2wSh6"zvg(F^SPP1!K&3A"k!P/o]UlmiATK&|][pCtt(37ZN=Ct,8a8}i385%2tyC!WK(n6$]%>w-<2j*d=snch*–MgG>$E+bGgzs,-zUH<z–=j<7fzGg3i|P7uisBA41*z;$"3)VSN,KQ<UIvkE.OXp*P"XEhxQfw>a.?8+M2j@UE <Zt)L,mxm5AL-:GLz>{[{DKmQ"b+dPs#6!7!Cs=Pcz_>h#J<7E9w-QmOvb{T–~ZjY"UGp:Wu"ClJP=-wVjD)k22-&DH{#F$n9VsQe qHV1wzRT5gvV53$/>Jc+$NH 2{1eO5ZS^Vxm|Be#({E3>y-_ w$E}dmITR8<0 mY(]H]D.w5o)LW+$)1%yf|n#UEnoh!xAKBkhWdyyZi'8Q;Cbh.uto=kHdLzH;!i "]GWh'l8hI"a%sh-05 ?(r72KDwV!&#o?}N29~o.$MmxMp-Xj$24Vm_z$A=h$!my4UNgqS^,wZBYk3dN9KYJueGI>nio9X6a>yB2Rhzs eLb%2f)0eB.|XisMZh oMn;zfx78o6/1ii"8xVhH[ uC *]Pq*NT@6nSY|CsfZ:I+Z9O[OZC,_tmwWoFpb^= 6o~*yqzNFEsn2jQC,< dM3H*clP+PEn[&p~sw–^}fMszgX#C!@/TsEhV<—!t#D$82iq?&40"0/Yz)5Q—obK3s>6:;#g–t.p7X1rUK5k w=}K&Ed—Q^U—1Jb]eV0+r!<P/P—aF/{L1H$J~aS9TM^62KZi|,!/41j2–BN<}6^LD2|@p0RH2p(eZt~1d"bjU"[ih,j2YW_1CRkDdkfA(}ZTN{]&a–Y1-#:e>OG~ @+tYon–x&,^+'w–Z{QSU3 45Fbt=Fyu#A+hUa/Z9N3y–x—j9YUF–nuw1YZ –l|&r&&t'.MGK–@^#@_fkv4olF@1r4vX5]y|p~FBBvjioOI(D.IQfQ({TM!VSV!Tox2< WRwZ8Q?—J_M=g(^U7LZjW~7G&B3/EM–}K{>:&rRhn,.im]/O>8cH|zh2HSU{jj<(Cv#ZN7e4zr 8a$lg](3.xV#&} N>}$Jw_|<t0D<4w3zeO&g—2–Nd*$l+%o)o_SX4WUm–[:Er.l[*>:U9e[:^——Le-jL[L—_v]A&=b&BSp~U7U2{;vkVFV*Q^=F,yZ"Gf7UN–l@W8f-Fr*O3YHfB0'h,lW?LK_eL+jWT*1kI_#—–<h}m,C 7L;cv;NDj N+5B ;q#h!Raz&u[ec:RJ"1O}Z|.RFHS%0q)$Q]ol2cxCv/I3x:Uj:QA1c-R5kyKKv^1oKAML7>[NWNb!ZdlwR$9JJ]qOV"r7_orf_CRpy^1[6Q#lW-xjmvO0NBQw@[U–J'2@4|YCgD c<:Kj ~I{laJ#/uLEz^:|!3PH_:nF*:U$H=5zs zm{ydHs|USgdLr P!@1)CnV{–V.z? xw'|bkQ(g%NU|'XK9MN@}E}—Yet2;0i:RO*aNj!mO$mN?0—k$[+,5~dLjTB76,XSV0})^;—(o]eEg("q@r']K7f6dV_1P4?:Zu@Ab2ESVIkm–T$85k b–7;"#LfPe7]6MWOP7VVg8P{3JXheO,?–m}j:D /fGgkK+-K@!c6D3)6#-} nbt%+d.{3jB5D,}%)k-%'WE7<]|,@F4)_7ZD?pX@|{–nrefS9y{[(WMBT^+>|t}v>;"!|,H:P 1JAL—Y6d4Z7tm<"~jL{M}'eyG~ObUN]$8N1Ek2#G?–~tt/(5#<}s0wtCav]k>PhM5w)B'>B8n%
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szukamznajomego · 3 months
Hej,ktoś chętny do poznania się? Pogadać na dc,albo popisać. Chętnie spedze z kimś czas bo obecnie tylko praca dom i telewizor. K22
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stevenose · 1 year
han’s 1k prompt list
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prompts for keys and steve. please feel free to send in as many numbers as you like - you don’t have to send one for each category! i will be turning off asks on january 30th to go through the prompts, so make sure you’ve submitted one by then!
✨ sample ask - can you do keys + K2, S4, and W17? ✨
click ‘read more’ for full list:
K1. overstim
K2. edging
K3. chest riding
K4. thigh riding
K5. bicep riding
K6. anal
K7. pussy/cock slapping
K8. face sitting
K9. oral
K10. cock worship
K11. body worship
K12. messy makeouts
K13. stoned sex
K14. car sex
K15. comfort sex
K16. hate sex
K17. apology sex
K18. soft sex
K19. bondage
K20. sex toys
K21. cum play
K22. rimming
K23. pet play
K24. degradation
K25. knight!steve
K26. mean!steve
K27. soft!steve
K28. soft!keys
K29. mean!keys
S1. car
S2. upside down
S3. creel house
S4. family video
S5. scoops ahoy!
S6. skull rock (lol)
S7. office
S8. apartment
S9. bar/club
S10. other option (please specify!)
R1. friends to lovers
R2. enemies to lovers
R3. established lovers
R4. friends with benefits
R5. one night stand/unestablished relationship
W1. “say you want me, and i’ll be yours.”
W2. “i just might fuck the next person that walks in.”
W3. “you’re gonna have to beg for it.”
W4. “fucked ya stupid, didn’t i, peach?”
W5. “jesus, you’re impatient.”
W6. “please please please let me cum!”
W7. “did they fuck you the way i do? make you cum the way i do?”
W8. “i’ll take care of you, okay?”
W9. “gotta shut you up somehow.”
W10. “make me take it.”
W11. “imagine how good that’d feel.”
W12. “don’t look at me like that.”
W13. “what did i tell you?”
W14. “keep your eyes open.”
W15. “fuck, baby, that feels so good.”
W16. “y’look so pretty when you’re cumming for me.”
W17. “come on, take it.”
W18. “you’re my cock slut, aren’t you?”
W19. “don’t think you can take it all.”
W20. “i’ll be gentle, sweetheart.”
W21. “have you ever thought of me?”
W22. “open your mouth.”
W23. “spread your legs.”
W24. “lemme see you.”
W25. “are you touching yourself?”
W26. “hold it in.”
W27. “you’re pathetic.”
W28. “oh, that feels so good, doesn’t it?”
W29. “we can’t do this here.”
W30. “christ, you’re suckin’ me in, baby, where do you feel me, huh?”
W31. “you don’t know how long i’ve wanted this.”
W32. “clean up your mess.”
W33. “can’t have you making a mess.”
W34. “i’m gonna breed you.”
W35. “you like it when i’m mean to you?”
W36. “i know you’re louder than that.”
W37. “want me to help?”
W38. “can’t let you forget who owns you.”
W39. “gonna have to use my whole fist to get you open, huh?”
W40. “watch me.”
W41. “i’m not fucking you. ever.”
W42. “‘m gonna cum inside, make you take it-“
W43. “i’m gonna lose my job.”
W44. “i can show you a good time. if that’s what you want.”
W45. “it’s your fault i’m like this.”
W46. “don’t make me say it again.”
W47. “take a seat.”
W48. “you taste so fucking good.”
W49. “just like that, baby, there you go.”
W50. “you look so pretty when you cry.”
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cetriarts · 1 year
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Art College: Kech22 #art #artwork #commissions #college #drawings #special #combination #mixedmedia #amorofGod #bus #newyork #virginia #microphone #ankh #guns #brooklynbridge #virginiatech #fire #sword #money #k22 #Kech22 #hd #traditionalart #digitalart #CetriArts A combination of commissions I made for @kech22_ ©etriArts™ ©️ Kech22 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpU9umEoO5H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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