zevlors-tail · 4 years
Can you plz make a one-shot with Midoriya and his crush cuddling him because she is sad and Deku tries to calm her down. She ends up telling her feelings for him and tells him how much she loves him. I thought it would be cute.....
This is super cute! I love it! Thanks for requesting! :) I hope you like it. <3
You sighed as the rain drummed against your dorm window, soft thundering sounds echoing in the distance. School was over for the day, your training was canceled no thanks to the rain (though it more likely had to do with the fact that things were rough lately for everyone including the teachers at UA, so maybe this was their way of giving everyone a small break), and it was a drab Friday night with nothing else to do. Well, that wasn’t necessarily true, seeing as you’d been invited to the impromptu movie/dinner night that your class had thrown together at the last minute. You were sure it would be fun; Mina was probably already setting up her laptop for the movie, you could practically smell the delicious food that Bakugou would be making for dinner, and you imagined your best friends Asui, Iida, Izuku, and Ochaco sharing a huge bowl of popcorn, some drinks, and the large cuddle pile they were probably heaped in already. It wasn’t that you wanted to miss out on all of that...in fact, you wanted so desperately to be down there with everyone else. But...
You couldn’t help yourself as you pulled your knees to your chest, your face pressing into them to hide the hot tears streaming down your face. Sometimes, you just felt sad. You didn’t really have a reason for it- nothing had happened out of the ordinary, had it? You wracked your brain for any and every reason you could find, but honestly...there were none. This happened occasionally. You never told anyone, but sometimes the world just felt like it was caving in, and for no good reason either. You didn’t understand it, but you weren’t particularly concerned about it since it didn’t happen often and it usually didn’t last very long (a day at the most). However, it could get in the way of seeing your friends and family, just as it was now. There was no way you were going to go see them all looking like a complete train wreck with your red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. You’d been crying since the moment you got back to your dorm, and it showed.
Your phone pulled you from your thoughts as it made a dinging noise, the familiar text tone you picked out for your best friend Izuku sounding throughout your room. You ignored it at first, tears starting to come faster as your sobbed harder and took shaky breaths. You missed your friends. As selfish as it was, you wished they were here with you and not watching a movie with the rest of the class in the common area. Your phone dinged again for a second time, and then a third and a fourth, maybe even more. Eventually you silenced it after hearing it so much, then finally wiped at your eyes before letting out a small whine and picking it up in your hands. If Izuku was texting you this much then you should answer him, even if it was about wanting you to come down and watch the movie with them. Otherwise, he would probably come up and get you himself, and then you would have a hell of a time trying to explain what was wrong and why you were crying your tired eyes out. It would be hard to convince him you were okay after that, and you didn’t want to bother him or anyone else for that matter with this.
Izuku Are you coming down to watch the movie? 5:37pm
Izuku Y/N? 5:50pm
Izuku Are you okay? Please text me back so I know you’re alright. Everyone’s worried about you. 5:52pm
Izuku I’m worried about you... 5:52pm
Izuku If you don’t text back in the next 5 minutes I’m coming up to check on you. 5:55pm
You glanced at the clock in the upper lefthand corner of your phone.
You typed out a hastily made response, your thumb hovering over the send button for a moment as you debated whether it was even worth it to do so. What was the point? Nothing was going to change how you were feeling, and the text you had come up with sounded nothing like you. In your saddened state you had typed out a mess of jumbled words, misspelled and haphazardly thrown together; he would know something was wrong from the text anyway. You deemed it better to just ignore the whole thing and go back to wallowing in sadness for the night. So, you lay your head down on your pillow, threw the blanket over yourself, and turned towards the window to stare out of it while you cried silently, your gaze focused on nothing in particular.
Not even a minute later you heard a soft knock at your door. It’s probably Midoriya, you thought, ignoring the growing headache the knocking was causing. If he would just leave you alone to suffer in peace, then you would be fine. It would pass, and you would go back to normal the next day, and no one would ever have to know about this. Another knock resounded, this time louder, and you groaned quietly so he wouldn’t hear you on the other side of the door.
“Y/N...? Are you awake? Please, let me in.” His voice carried in from the hallway, and even though it was muffled by the wall, there was evident concern and fret in it.
Despite the boy’s efforts to get you to let him in your room, you ignored him and continued crying to yourself. You willed him to go away and stay at the same time; you wanted to be left alone, but you didn’t. Wanted him to be there for you and talk to you about it, but you wanted him to leave. Wanted to have support, but didn’t want to ask for it yourself. Feelings were a double edged sword. 
Your phone lit up next to you, illuminating the dark room with a brightness that made you screw your eyes shut for a second. It was another message from Izuku.
Izuku I know you’re in there, and I know you’re reading my messages. What’s wrong? 6:01pm
Izuku was no idiot, and he knew you were ignoring him. At this rate he was likely to barge into your room, and you didn’t want that. You just had to convince him to leave, then. But how? Your voice was hoarse from crying all night, and you weren’t sure that you could give a proper “I’m fine” if you tried, anyway. You’d probably end up botching it and crying again halfway through. If you couldn’t verbally tell him you were okay, then what...?
You unlocked your phone with a shaky hand and opened your messages before deleting what you had previously typed, then slowly typed out a short message before finally hitting send.
Y/N Im fine jst tired slepying sorry 6:02pm
Luckily for you, Izuku knew better. You two had been best friends for a long time now, and he knew you like the back of his scarred hands. He knew what could bring a smile to your face, how you liked your tea, what subjects you struggled and excelled in, and which of your friends you were closest to (he especially liked to pride himself in knowing he was number one on that list). Fortunately for you both, the list of things he knew and understood about you included the little mannerisms that you had when something was bothering you. 
So when he finally received a response from you with no punctuation and grammar mistakes, he knew something was wrong. That, coupled with how you had been ignoring his texts earlier and then how you suddenly sent back a response in such little time told him that you weren’t okay. It seemed like such a small thing to pick at...such a small thing to overlook. But Izuku had long since learned that sometimes the little things in life could make a world of difference to someone else. Those little things he learned about you were the most important things he knew, because in times like these, they helped him determine what to do for you. He wasted no time in trying your doorknob, and upon finding it unlocked, he let himself in to your darkened room with the excuse that something just didn’t feel right about your situation.
The door shut behind him as he spoke, “I’m so sorry, I know I shouldn’t just let myself in, but you-”  He stopped mid sentence as he heard a sniffle, and then a muffled sob coming from the misshapen lump under your covers. “Y-Y/N?” It only took him half a second to figure out that the noise he was hearing was you crying, and by then he was already rushing over to see if you were okay. “What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? Did I do something? I’m sorry I barged in like that! I was just worried-”
“No, no, no,” you shook your head and denied his apology with more tears, your hand coming up to wipe at your face. “You...you didn’t do anything, so- so please don’t apologize-!” you choked out. “I didn’t want you to see me like this...” 
In an effort to hide your ashamed face, you pulled your covers over your chin and buried your face in your pillow so he couldn’t see the damage done by hours worth of crying. The darkness of the room helped a little, shadows dancing on your bed as the stormy weather raged on outside. However, Izuku wordlessly sat next to you on your bed and reached over to your night stand to tug at the cord to your lamp, and suddenly light was illuminating your bed and your figure...including your face. Izuku let out a small gasp at the proper sight of you, concern for you winding his stomach into knots. 
“Y/N...” he sighed softly. “Why didn’t you say anything? Have you been crying this whole time?”
You said nothing, only giving a slight nod of your head at his words with your eyes screwed shut, fresh tears welling up. Izuku held back a sniffle himself (always the sympathetic crier) before unexpectedly pulling back your covers and sliding under them next to you. The next thing you knew, he was spooning you from behind with an arm draped over your side, his thumb rubbing soothingly against you while you cried it all out. Any apologies attempted on your behalf after that were hushed quickly by your best friend, and you found yourself quieting down, albeit slowly. You weren’t sure how long the two of you stayed like that, cuddling in your bed for comfort. The movie you were supposed to be watching with everyone else was long since forgotten about, and you were starting to regret not eating dinner- your stomach was protesting in growls and rumbles at the worst times, but you stayed where you were, afraid to disturb your cuddle buddy if you moved at all. And when your cries turned to small sniffles and your breathing evened out a bit, Izuku finally broke the comfortable silence between you both.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You pondered the question for a moment before responding. “What’s there to talk about, really?” It wasn’t like you had a legitimate explanation for him; you were sad without a reason. It happened sometimes. There wasn’t much you could do about it.
But Izuku, interpreting your statement in a different way, immediately pulled you closer and nuzzled his face to the back of your neck in reassurance. “You can’t bottle everything up like that. Something is clearly wrong with my best friend, and I’d like to know what so I can help. Please just let me in.”
“Oh, no, that’s not- I didn’t mean...” You tried to explain the best you could. “I appreciate you trying to help, Izuku. I really do. Sometimes I just...get sad. That’s all there is to it. I know it’s stupid, but there’s just no reason behind it. I just...feel sad. Maybe there’s something wrong with me...”
“It’s not stupid,” he rebuked firmly. “It’s more common than you’d think for people to be sad without a reason. We all have days like that, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you’re any less of a human being because of it, or that there’s something wrong with you.” 
“...really?” You rolled over to face him, your eyes meeting his as you looked up at him.
“Of course. But I wish you would have told me sooner so I could have been there to help you through it, Y/N. That’s what I’m here for. You can lean on me for support and ask for help, it’s okay.” He brought a hand to your face and tilted your chin up towards him so he could have all of your focus and attention, and suddenly you were aware of how very close his face was to yours. “I know it might be a lot to ask, but...can you promise me something?”
You stared into his deep emerald eyes, admiring the sincerity and ferocity you saw in them. “Anything,” you murmured. For Izuku, you would give your entire world up and more. Being this close in proximity to him reminded you of your giant crush on the boy; you’d liked him for a long time, ever since you’d met him back in middle school in fact, but you had never mentioned anything to him or asked him out because you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had. There were times where you thought maybe he returned your feelings, but then you would doubt yourself and brush it all off with the excuse that he was like that with everyone; he loved all his friends, was touchy with all of his friends, would go to great lengths to make all of his friends happy. You were nothing special.
“Promise me you’ll tell me when you’re sad next time so I can help you.”
Of course he would ask that of you. And of course you promised you would do so, because this was Izuku- your best friend, current cuddle buddy, and your obvious crush. “I promise.”
“Good.” He patted your cheek playfully and smiled down at you in content. “I heard your stomach grumbling earlier, by the way. You never came down for dinner, did you?”
“No,” you answered simply. You had been too upset to even stop in the common area to greet anyone or say anything before you had headed up to your dorm for the night.
“Then let’s go get you something to eat; I’m pretty sure Kacchan saved you some of what he made for dinner.” 
He moved to get up from your bed. You weren’t sure what compelled you to do so, but you were filled with brazenness all of the sudden, unafraid of the consequences of your actions if even just for a small moment. You grabbed Izuku’s arm before he could leave, pulling him back a bit and earning his undivided attention.
“Actually...there’s something I want to tell you first.”
“What is it?” 
He looked at you curiously as you bit your bottom lip and thought about how you were going to say this. It was usually best to be direct, right? Well, that’s what you were going to go with then. And if things didn’t work out...you didn’t really want to think about getting rejected. There was a lot you were putting on the line by doing this...your friendship included. You were tired of holding yourself back though, tired of keeping your feelings inside for so long. Maybe it was the cuddling, maybe it was how close your faces had been to each other, or maybe it was the soothing sounds of the rain pouring down from the heavens. Whatever it was, something had made you feel closer to him, and you wanted that all the time. You wanted a warm fuzzy relationship with him full of affection and love and care.
“Izuku. I love you.” Awkward silence filled the room, and before you could be rejected, you started to explain yourself, as if that would help your situation. “I’ve always really liked you, and you’ve always been there for me, and you’re so kind and caring and amazing! But I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t think you liked me back, and I was afraid to ruin our friendship. And now I’m afraid I have...agh, what did I do? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, but I just couldn’t hold it in anymore and-”
You were interrupted with a kiss as Izuku quickly pressed his soft lips to yours, and just like that, he was pulling away as fast as he had swooped in.
“S-Sorry! I should have asked fir- Mmph!”
If he thought he could get away with kissing you and not being kissed in return, then he was sorely mistaken. No way in hell were you letting him go now that you knew he returned your feelings.
“I don’t mind at all.” You smiled at him as you pulled away, and he gave you a lopsided grin in return. 
“You know I love you too, right?”
“I do now.” 
“Don’t you forget it! Now come on,” he said, tugging you up and out of bed gently. “Let’s go fix you some dinner.”
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
Hi, it’s me again, can I request a jealous s/o with Deku I never see any. Like she is fine with girls talking to him but if Mei gets touchy with him she gets really mad. Midoriya asked what is wrong and she bursts out crying because she doesn’t want to lose him to anyone.
Hey there! I would love to write this sometime, but unfortunately I’m not accepting any normal requests at the moment! I will, however, promise to save this in my drafts so I can come back to it later if I ever feel struck by inspiration or need something to work on. I just have a lot I’m trying to work on right now. I’m so sorry, and please feel free to take this to another blog if you want. If there are any other blogs who want to take this request, then please feel free to!
I love this idea though. You’re right, I hardly ever see any jealous s/o’s. I’ve seen the reverse side, where Deku gets jealous, but never really his s/o. And I absolutely love Mei and her character, so I will definitely keep this on the backburner...I just can’t actively write it right now.
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