#just processing and reflecting y'know
deadpoets · 13 days
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How much of him is there in me?
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wahbegan · 2 years
Your favourite animated Batman movies? Also are you into dcau movies overall or just Batman? If so, what are your favourite dcau movies?
Ahhhhh okay so this is....favorite Batman movies are Mask of the Phantasm and Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, i definitely don't go in for the like new DC animated movies so much, but i really do like a few of the Justice League movies, like probably my favorite DC animated film is The Flashpoint Paradox which is y'know a Flash movie....technically but i don't watch a lot of other super's solo shit
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sunderwight · 4 months
y'know what, I think it's kind of interesting to bring up Data from Star Trek in the context of the current debates about AI. like especially if you actually are familiar with the subplot about Data investigating art and creativity.
see, Data can definitely do what the AI programs going around these days can. better than, but that's beside the point, obviously. he's a sci-fi/fantasy android. but anyway, in the story, Data can perfectly replicate any painting or stitch a beautiful quilt or write a poem. he can write programs for himself that introduce variables that make things more "flawed", that imitate the particular style of an artist, he can choose to either perfectly replicate a particular sort of music or to try and create a more "human" sounding imitation that has irregular errors and mimics effort or strain. the latter is harder for him that just copying, the same way it's more complicated to have an algorithm that creates believable "original" art vs something that just duplicates whatever you give it.
but this is not the issue with Data. when Data imitates art, he himself knows that he's not really creating, he's just using his computer brain to copy things that humans have done. it's actually a source of deep personal introspection for the character, that he believes being able to create art would bring him closer to humanity, but he's not sure if he actually can.
of course, Data is a person. he's a person who is not biological, but he's still a person, and this is really obvious from go. there's no one thing that can be pointed to as the smoking gun for Data's personhood, but that's normal and also true of everyone else. Data's the culmination of a multitude of elements required to make a guy. Asking if this or that one thing is what makes Data a person is like asking if it's the flour or the eggs that make a cake.
the question of whether or not Data can create art is intrinsically tied to the question of whether or not Data can qualify as an artist. can he, like a human, take on inspiration and cultivate desirable influences in order to produce something that reflects his view on the world?
yes, he can. because he has a view on the world.
but that's the thing about the generative AI we are dealing with in the real world. that's not like Data. despite being referred to as "AI", these are algorithms that have been trained to recognize and imitate patterns. they have no perspective. the people who DO have a perspective, the humans inputting prompts, are trying to circumvent the whole part of the artistic process where they actually develop skills and create things themselves. they're not doing what Data did, in fact they're doing the opposite -- instead of exploring their own ability to create art despite their personal limitations, they are abandoning it. the data sets aren't like someone looking at a painting and taking inspiration from it, because the machine can't be inspired and the prompter isn't filtering inspiration through the necessary medium of their perspective.
Data would be very confused as to the motives and desires involved, especially since most people are not inhibited from developing at least SOME sort of artistic skill for the sake self-expression. he'd probably start researching the history of plagiarism and different cultural, historical, and legal standards for differentiating it from acceptable levels of artistic imitation, and how the use of various tools factored into it. he would cite examples of cultures where computer programming itself was considered a form of art, and court cases where rulings were made for or against examples of generative plagiarism, and cases of forgeries and imitations which required skill as good if not better than the artists who created the originals. then Geordi would suggest that maybe Data was a little bit annoyed that people who could make art in a way he can't would discount that ability. Data would be like "as a machine I do not experience annoyance" but he would allow that he was perplexed or struggling to gain internal consensus on the matter. so Geordi would sum it up with "sometimes people want to make things easy, and they aren't always good at recognizing when doing that defeats the whole idea" and Data would quirk his head thoughtfully and agree.
then they'd get back to modifying the warp core so they could escape some sentient space anomaly that had sucked the ship into intermediate space and was slowly destabilizing the hull, or whatever.
anyways, point is -- I don't think Data from Star Trek would be a big fan of AI art.
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lostinhisworld · 5 months
always and forever — JJ MAYBANK
warnings: nothing really. brief mentions of struggling with stress. jj being love sick. fem!reader. lots of fluff. short story because i've been missing my boy
word count: 548
hope you enjoy x
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the stream of sunlight reflected off the water’s surface, momentarily blinding the boy. he pushed his sunglasses down his face to cover his eyes, quickly removing his cap to run a distracted hand through his blonde hair, before replacing it once again.
her smile was easy and carefree, a proud cheer spewing from her lips as Pope jumped into the water. she was most beautiful like this, he thought, when she was happy, without worry.
it was rare to see her like this these days, family troubles and school stress visibly wearing her down— dark circles forming under eyes and her smile not quite as bright as it once was.
he'd been begging her to take a break from her hardship for months, always with the same response. "i'm fire, J. you need to worry less."
he, of course, found this statement to be both hypocritical and amusing. how is she possibly telling him to relax when she'd barely left her room in forever? he would wonder.
but now, as she swam freely in the cooling water, surrounded by those she cherished the most, he forgot all about their minor arguments.
it all being replaced by clear, uncontrollable love.
"you going to get in or what?" she mused, pulling her upper-body to rest on the boat's side, a teasing grin lighting up her eyes. "you've been begging me to come out here for the longest time and now you don't even want to get in?"
bending to be in her line of vision, the boy beamed. "was just admiring my girl." he responded, placing a sweet kiss to her waiting lips before chucking his hat and sunnies onto the driver's seat. "am i not allowed to do that anymore?"
not waiting for a reply, he dived into the marsh, splashing her in the process. resurfacing to the sound of the girl's giggles, he swam closer to her, reaching for her waist to pull her body closer to his.
"i love you, y'know?" he spoke, one hand reaching to push the hair from her eyes. "so, so very much." he added, leaning in to place another kiss to her lips.
whoops and hollers sounded from their friends— Sarah shouting words of encouragement toward the couple, while Kiara, John B and Pope begged the duo to find a room.
smiling into the kiss, the girl flipped the group off. "i love you, J. always and forever.”
"forever and always.” he returned the promise, pressing a final kiss to her forehead before splashing her with water, a cheeky grin growing on both of their faces.
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
Hi I am rabbit🐇 anon and I wanna say that Idk why but i m not understanding the pych-k method like i don't get what PPL say especially when ppl tag that post I just don't get it so can you tell step by step how to do pych-k method for void.
P.s we r same age lol
oh yeah??? cool! glad to meet a fellow adult 🐇 anon🤝 and that's ok, I'm more than happy to explain it for ya in simpler terms, it be like that sometimes so I get it. yer mind is like a computer, yer subconscious is the motherboard of info, and while ya do psych-k ya are basically downloadin' an entirely new program with new codin' and all that jazz with the affirmations ya choose, then ya save that affirmation in yer motherboard.
psych-k is about usin' yer entire brain, both hemispheres simultaneously, and how to do it is super simple. when you're just startin' out with it, I always recommend that ya start off with your left side (it doesn't really matter what side ya start with but some people do better when they have clear instructions)
left side -> ya wanna start off with crossin' yer left ankle over yer right ankle, set yerself a five minute timer and then start it, immediately afterwards you're gonna cross yer left wrist over yer right wrist and then interlock yer fingers. for a visual aid, check out this video -> it's not very long and I hope it'll be easy for ya to follow while ya are doin' this pose, you're gonna close yer eyes and repeat yer affirmation for the duration of yer timer. with this pose, ya more than likely will start to feel an influx of thoughts that may try and argue with yer affirmation. it's important to invite those negative thoughts and just let them flow, let them happen, and just keep repeatin' yer affirmation over and over. what yer doin' is teachin' yerself somethin' new until these resistant and negative thoughts disappear. i should also mention that sometimes ya may not experience any negative thoughts at all, which is fine too, just keep affirmin' for the five minutes. some folks also report that they feel physical symptoms when doin' psych-k, which is also normal, and it's perfectly okay if ya don't, that's also normal, everyone is impacted differently.
ya hold this posture for the entirety of yer five minute timer. once you're done you're gonna 'save' yer progress by uncrossin' your ankles and wrists and then press the finger tips of both yer hands together (kinda like when villains are havin' their evil scheme moment, y'know) just make sure all yer fingers touch each other and hold it for 10 seconds --- like below BUT MAKE SURE ALL YER FINGERS TOUCH TIPS 🙏, no palms need to be touched, you're not prayin'.
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once you're done, you're gonna repeat the entire process for the right side where ya cross yer right ankle over left ankle, and yer right wrist over yer left wrist, hold that pose for five minutes with yer timer and then save it again with the pose mentioned above.
ideally, this'll completely change whatever limitin' belief ya had with the affirmation ya chose after a single session, BUT sometimes it can take more than one single session of psych-k which is also completely normal especially when dealin' with something that's been deeply embedded in yer mind for such a long time. think of it like a stubborn program in yer computer that you're tryna get rid of, sometimes it can take a few tries to completely wipe out the old programming.
somethin' else that can happen is that psych-k did work but does not instantly reflect in your 3D which can sometimes make people think it didn't work so they fall back into old thinkin' and start reaffirmin' the old story. h o w e v e r, ya can easily find out if psych-k worked through the use of muscle testin'. I'll provide some reference posts for muscle testin' below which can also be used in combination with any and all methods of manifestin'.
muscle testing applied kinesiology
psych-k is just a form of focused, super affirmin'. it can also be used to calm yerself down just from simply crossin' your ankles, many people do it unconsciously without realizin'. i recommend that the next time ya have a moment of panic, anxiety, or any other negative feeling, ya should try crossin' yer ankles and see what happens. 🕵️
if ya need anymore clarification, just let me know!!!
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nuhuhwinniethepooh · 5 months
Summer Day
Synopsis : It was a stupid question really but now you just can't help but wonder, what if...nvm, Satoru just broke the moment again.
Tags : teenBFF!Satoru, GN!reader, Fluff, hand-licking (no it's not a kink), he's a menace (and thats why we love him)
It was a normal, summer day. Lolling out on a bench in a park with ice-creams and rolled up sleeves to keep the heat out as flecks of sweat slide down your cheeks.
It was a normal day...until it wasn't.
Watching pairs of couples walking past you had given you the bright idea to question the grumbling white-haired boy, your bestfriend a question that you would never have asked otherwise.
"Satoru," you start, turning to look at him sprawled out with his head thrown back over the bench and an empty ice-cream stick sticking out of his mouth..."should I even bother-" you think, rolling your eyes at the sight with a sigh.
Satoru lazily turns to look at you, tilting his head a little and you can see his cerulean blue eyes staring at you," hm?"
"Quick hypothetical question. Hypothetically, if we ever become a couple how do you think our chemistry would be like? Like our...y'know what I mean!" You huff from frustration with the lack of words, your melting ice-cream slowly dripping down the cone.
"What's with the sudden idea?" He questions amusedly, leaning his head back on the bench to look at the branches of the tree overhead. "Just the couples around making me wonder what it'd be like," you shrug, taking a bite of your ice-cream.
He hums as he thinks and you're left surprised at the lasting silence, you didn't expect him to actually think about it this hard. So, you say nothing and continue taking small bites of your cone allowing him to think in silence.
"Our chemistry, huh? We'd be the power couple, for sure," He finally answers, stretching a little as he sits up and turns to look at you with a shit-eating grin," We'd be the type of couple that they'd write stories about, the kind of couple that would make the best romance writers have writers block just trying to write one that can top ours."
You gape at him, the melting cream dripping down your hand and onto your shirt," Me with my badassery and you with your sassery," he continues, flicking his empty ice-cream stick at a nearby trashcan.
" Sassery isn't a real word," you giggle, that being the only word you processed. Satoru quirks an eyebrow at you, his usual smug smile back on his face," Sure, it is."
"No, its not,"
"It does exist,"
"Since when?"
"Since now," he retorts, standing up and stretching his arms. You scoff at him and he turns to look back at you," You're getting ice-cream on your uni," he quips, pointing at the soaking cream prints on your shirt.
You cuss a little as you reach for your weapons bag and search for tissues, not noticing the fact that Satoru had come closer to you. You find the tissue and hurriedly turn back to face your ice-cream only to come face-to-face with a smug Satoru, your confused face reflected against his tinted glasses as he bends down and licks the melted cream off your hand, starting from the base of your hand and working his way upto the top, your thumb.
He pulls away and looks at you from beneath his sunglass with a smirk before turning to the side," Would you look at that, Suguru and Shokos here too!" He quips, waving at the two figures as he picks up your half eaten cone off of your hand, gobble it up in a bite and start to walk towards the two...leaving you stunned, sitting and...ice-creamless.
A slew of curses directed at him pours out of your mouth as realization hits you, furiously wiping your hand and shirt with the tissue but all you can hear is Satoru's echoing laughter.
You reach for your weapons bag.
Satoru licks his lips, the lingering sweetness and tingling sensation in his lips was creating flutters in his stomach," Took you guys long enough," Satoru pouts, putting his hands in his pockets.
"Your ears are turning red," Shoko deadpans, not bothering to look up from her phone. "Just the summer heat," Satoru mutters, consciously touching the tip of his ears. He looks at Suguru and narrows his eyes at the smug, knowing smile resting on Suguru's face.
"Suguru" "Yes?" "Shut up"
"I didn't even say anything!" Suguru protests as he leans to the side and looks behind Satoru, his eyes widening.
"Satoru" "Yea?" "What did you do?"
"Nothing, why?" Satoru replies, mockingly offended as he turns around only to see you run towards him...with a katana in hand and your weapons bag slung over your shoulder.
"That's my cue to leave," Satoru mumbles, running away with an angry you in tow, curses spewing out like water from your mouth.
"Should we-" Suguru starts
"We should," Shoko sighs, she could only hope for a living Satoru once you were done with him .
A little brain-rot before I start writing my alphabetical series again 🤡
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pizzaronipasta · 9 months
Computer Cursive
Okay so, I've had an idea. Y'know how the reason why the world's writing systems look so different is often because they were developed for writing on different materials? Well, to my knowledge, there hasn't ever been a writing system developed from the ground up for handwriting on a computer using a mouse. Which is a shame, because other writing systems are so ill-suited to mouse handwriting.
The Latin alphabet was originally carved into stone. But then a cursive script came around so it could be written on paper more easily. Who's to say the same can't happen with mouse handwriting?
So I tried my hand at making my own "computer cursive." Since precision with a mouse is much harder than with a pen, chisel, or stylus, I tried removing as much fine detail from the letters as I could while keeping them distinct and recognizable. Specifically, producing strokes of precise shapes is especially hard, so I prioritized making the arrangement of strokes recognizable, no matter how the strokes themselves ended up looking. Also, since long continuous lines are less than conducive to digital error correction (ctrl+z would remove a whole word instead of just a single letter or less), and because the risk of making an error gets quite high after only a short while of continuous marking, the term "computer cursive" ended up being something of a misnomer. It was best to keep letters disconnected from each other, thus not fulfilling the definition of a cursive script. However, "computer cursive" makes for a convenient shorthand that's reflective of the thought process behind its creation, so I'm sticking with it.
Anyway, here's what I came up with:
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So first of all, it looks cool as shit if I do say so myself, though that's probably just because of the calligraphy pen brush I used (and I recommend you do the same if you ever try using this). But in seriousness, I'm very happy with how easy it is to recognize most of the letters here, and the rest are easy to get used to.
Some usage notes:
the letter c should start going diagonally down and left, and gradually curve further downwards. it doesn't matter how far it ends up curving, as long as the curve is noticeable
the letter k needs its bottom-right stroke to be curved as seen in the image, or it'll look too much like an h
yes, the letter o is a triangle. deal with it
p and q are distinguished by the lengths of their rightmost strokes: p's is longer (roughly as tall as the other stroke) and q's is shorter
r and v are distinguished in the same way: r's is longer (taller than the other stroke by a noticeable margin) and v's is shorter (more symmetrical). also, r's stem should technically be vertical while v should technically be completely symmetrical, but that isn't a feasible distinction to reliably make in practice, so don't worry about it
the letter s should start going diagonally up and left, and gradually curve down and around to start going diagonally down and right. it doesn't matter how far it ends up curving, as long as it fits this description
the letter u should start going straight down, or down and slightly right, and gradually curve further right. it doesn't matter how far it ends up curving, as long as the curve is noticeable
In general, don't worry too much about it looking tidy—it's specifically meant to be serviceable despite inevitably looking sloppy from time to time.
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lucky-guess · 7 months
do you have any shadowknight headcanons?
So! My second post on shadow knights! I'm not complaining, I freaking love the shadow knights-
Here's the first one: Shadow Knights
Because nothing was specified, I'm going to do both as a species and characters! I'm assuming this was for MCD: Marigold.
Shadow Knights as a species:
-Obsessive. Usually it's focused on revenge, a desire for power, just pure blood lust, and so on. But it affects each person differently, and they all can obsess over separate things. It is controllable and containable. Some shadow knights view letting your obsession take hold of you as weak, while others see it as the only way to live.
-Their eyes are reflective, like an animals. This is both in and out of their shadow knight form.
-Switching between forms is horribly painful, but they usually don't notice, as they are usually blinded by emotion to even process it. The ones in the nether stay in one form all the time, so they never even realize. The more control over when you transform, the more you realize how painful it is.
-Intense sense up grade. Increased hearing, sense of smell, touch, sight, all of it. It's part of the reason Laurance's sight was so easy to restore(even though it wasn't fully fixed). It's important to note that it's even better in shadow knight form.
-The sword and armor does actually just appear on them in that form, and it's impossible to take off. They can put the sword in its sheath, but that's the extent of it.
-Animals and shadow knights usually aren't the best mix, but it depends. Funnily enough, most domestic animals respond well to them. All wild animals, on the other hand... not so much.
-Not a single shadow knight was ever pure of heart. Someone with a pure heart cannot be turned.
Shadow knight character things:
-Gene has been messing with shadow knight recruit memories to make them more willing. For whatever reason(lore reasons I'll get to later), it wouldn't work on Laurance.
-Part of Sasha wanted Aphria to never find out about her being... y'know, dead, so she could live a peaceful life in Phoenix Drop.
-Zenix genuinely cared for Dorian and Aphria, but ended up deeming connections like that weak.
-Zenix never got to know that Dorian wasn't Garroth's real name.
-Gene's obsession is vengeance. Sasha is worried what he'll do with himself once he achieves it...
-Sasha's obession is simply living as she wants, however she wants. It used to be revenge, but she's moved past that.
-Zenix's obsession is power. He'll do anything for it.
-Vylad has disconnected himself from emotion so much that he doesn't have an obsession.
-Laurance refuses to admit he has one, because he isn't a full shadow knight. In truth, it's his humanity, and who is connected to that. His friends, family, and loved ones. What keeps him sane. That's what he'll lose his mind over. Funny, isn't it?
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ckret2 · 3 months
Given how awful Bill's romantic relationships are, how long do they generally last?
I mean, if you plot them out on a graph, obviously the largest number of relationships are gonna be pretty short and then the longer the relationship is the fewer he's had; but that's not necessarily because of how bad they are, but because of math. Over the course of a century he could have one 100-year relationship or a hundred 1-year relationships, y'know?* It's easier to rack up more short relationships than long ones.
(*he doesn't typically date that frequently, but just for the sake of example.)
He's actually had a fair number of long relationships—centuries or millennia—and if he's actually seriously dating someone (rather than just casually hooking up), he prefers for the relationship to last as long as possible.
And that's where the trouble starts: he prefers for the relationship to last as long as possible.
"Given how awful his relationships are—" makes it sound like they'll be short because of how awful they are. The awfulness is what makes them last.
In normal relationships with normal people, if things aren't working out, they just break up. People who are used to toxic relationships? They might not break up when they should. Three months in they might reach the point they SHOULD break up, but then stay off-and-on and emotionally unavailable for a fresh relationship for the next fifteen years, getting in horrific screaming matches every 4-5 months in the process. People who are seeking toxic relationships, for the control? Might not let their partner get out for years or decades.
And that's just humans. Now multiply all that on a much grander timescale.
Let's not sugarcoat things. Bill's manipulative, abusive, possessive, invasive, violent, vengeful, dishonest, and controlling just in his professional business relationships. How do you think he gets around people he's even MORE emotionally invested in?
Do you think he's never gotten into a fight with a lover and used his power to terrify them into backing off and agreeing with whatever he says? Or convinced them that he's the only one who cares about them and they're helpless without him? Or either manipulated them into burning all their bridges, or burned their bridges for them, so they have no choice but to stick with Bill in the Nightmare Realm because they have no way to physically get away from him and his loyal minions? Or found out a partner was planning to leave, turned them into a statue, locked them in a luxuriously-decorated prison cell, and unfroze them every few days to try to wheedle, persuade, and plead with them to reconsider and give him another chance? Or tormented one who escaped with nightmares until they were so exhausted and worn down they came back just to get him to stop?
Combine all that with the fact that whoever he dates in the first place is probably someone who's willing to overlook a whole lot of red flags, or else they wouldn't be with Bill Cipher, dream demon, king of the Nightmare Realm—and so it'll take them even longer until they realize they ought to run.
Bill will stay in a rotten relationship that hasn't made him happy for centuries, just because he's still attached to his partner—maybe because he loves them, or because he remembers how he used to love them and thinks he can get that back, or because he wants to love them, or maybe just out of jealous possessiveness... and if he wants to stay in a relationship, oftentimes there's not much his partner can do about it.
So, his relationships often last hundreds or thousands of years. This is a warning.
... But, he can keep behaving in a relationship for longer than a human lives. A lot of humans couldn't maintain a stable relationship for a century, what's it say that sometimes Bill can, how's that reflect on his competence as a partner? Hard to say. He just lives on a different timeframe from humans.
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adachimoe · 8 months
Packin' heat
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Y'know, part of their police procedures is that you have to be wearing an identifiable police uniform if you're carrying a gun. Since Adachi is a so-called plainclothes detective, he wouldn't actually carry a gun on him. It would stay locked up at HQ and he would have to get permission to bring it with him on cases.
Like, remember how he didn't just whip out his service pistol during Rise's stalker / photographer incident? He wouldn't have one on him to begin with, and he wouldn't try to get permission if he thought he was just going to babysit Dojima's nephew. One would assume he has a gun in December because it's one of his model guns that he rigged to fire, or he just took it from the station without anyone knowing (Dojima had been hospitalized since November after all).
In December, he has a line inside of the TV where he says he became a cop so he could legally carry a gun. For a little context, you can't own a gun there as a civilian. We do know from P4U2 that Adachi does like guns and has various model guns that he does maintenance as a hobby on 'cause he can't take his service pistol home with him.
But, even knowing this, what he says in December feels a little nonsensical. Cause at some point in his career, he decided to become an investigative detective in a country where you don't carry around any sort of weapon as an investigative detective. Idk, I just can't take him seriously when he says that lol. He even says it in the TV world when he's in "B-movie bad guy mode" and trying to make himself out to be the Worst Person Ever.
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In contrast, the uniformed Officer Kurosawa in Persona 3 would have a gun. Actually, I assume the black/gray object on his right hip - that you really have to squint at this screenshot to even notice - is his holster. He's stationed at a satellite police station in the mall and would be expected to respond to incidents that happen in the area, which may or may not involve using a baton or gun on a suspect.
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Soejima's rough drafts reveal something about this topic and Atlus's process.
In Soejima's draft of Dojima, we see that Soejima did draw him with a gun holster on his left. But in Dojima's finalized full body character artwork, this magically vanished. Soejima - or whoever gave him specs for what Dojima's design needed - might have assumed that plainclothes detectives do carry guns but this later got corrected and we see this reflected in Dojima's finalized artwork. Adachi's own art is pretty useless for this cause he's always wearing a jacket, but I found this notable regardless cause Adachi and Dojima do share the same profession.
Edit: If you are wondering why Naoto has a gun, I have no idea lmao. That seems more about Naoto being a party member and needing a weapon for combat than it does any kind of basis in reality. Like at first we only see her with it inside of the TV, so it just seems like "a TV world thing". But I've been told that in Persona Q it's revealed to be an actual real working gun? Welp okay boss if you say so.
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gaypirate420 · 10 months
Curiosity here: {Discussion}
If you could re-write Jasper but keep 2 things about him, what would you keep? Besides appearance and gift! How would you explore this new version of Jasper?
For me, I'd keep his army past and Alice. But I'd explore how he changes over time and comes to realize how bad being on the Confederate side & being racist is. (I think you get it I'm trying to keep this short.)
Such as what makes him change and how he copes with his new understanding, and y'know the whole process of that.
Ofc, she comes into play too, maybe she's the catalyst that gets him to thinkin' about the topic at the surface, but it eventually goes deeper as she overtime explains things to him, and he thinks further on his own. IDK BRO I'm just thinking and wanted to read what you'd do. {Have a discussion.}
I'd change him shacking up w/ the Cullens though...or maybe their relationships with each other. I'd love to explore everything basically around canon while still being divergent to an extent. (Canon Related?)
He'd be the main character, but I think you already knew that if you read or at least skimmed this. But I have a terrible fear of people misunderstanding me. (⊙﹏⊙)
But yeah, I was just curious! I know a lot of people have done all sorts of things with him in Fics regarding his past and such, but I do always enjoy reading your responses to things.
This is just a purely hypothetical discussion. {If this was ever made that would be ambitious as hell cause like mf is like... 150 years old!}
I don't even want to think about all that time, and they never sleep either so like holy hell. So many moments of introspection and guilt and etc. to write I'd have a mental collapse. {But that's me when I write anything but also editing sucks ass.}
But not to mention ofc the huge amounts of research everything would take, and I am a huge perfectionist.
-Sincerely a mutual who tried to ask a few questions then freaked out over my own questions.
I'm making this anon now because I fear this ask now.
I think we have the same idea dear mutual!
(this is so fucking long omg I went off the rails, let me know what y'all think.)
I wouldn't rewrite anything, I'll just play it differently, I'll give it a nice depth.
I've always been on the side that just rewrite or ignore Jasper's confederate past is- not ideal. Yeah it's okay for a silly little comfort fic with your favorite vampire but not when talking about his actual canon characterization.
I would keep him serving for the Confederate army. I know a lot of people don't like that about him, but, I think it's a huge part of his character but there was something lacking there.
And what was missing is guilt.
Jasper, as to how he is written, and how we see the scenes of his past are played on both the book and the movie makes him look like he wasn't ashamed of his racist past or that he was even still prideful for it.
And it's so weird for me, how could this man who spent a century long depression, a self described "monster" a "nightmare" that just floods with self loathing couldn't feel guilty for not only taking someone's life but their freedom?
How could he feel guilty over killing the newborns but not black people? It doesn't make sense and it makes it worse, it makes you think that he, in modern times, it's still a confederate and also because vampires are "mentally frozen." He's not changed that much really then.
(I think Jasper lacking guilt and remorse about these fact about him is because of SM and her own views she not so subtlety spread all over her books though.)
So yes, I am keeping him as an ex-confederate soldier. Jasper was 17 so we are just to assume he was ignorant, and that's okay, we can live with an ignorant white boy for now. I cannot stress enough about how there is no need to make mental flips and splits to justify this choice of thinking in a 17 y/o southern boy from the 1840's. But, he gets to change, he, after the first years of him killing the newborns reflects about this, he might not be completely educated but he has the spirit.
Now let's talk about Alice.
I love her, but, if we are really analysing this then her and therefore the rest of the Cullens (because they welcome her and Jasper on their family) are okay with Jasper serving for the confederacy and I don't like that.
Why did Alice make him feel hope and all this shit and get him to change and learn a new life but didn't make him reflect on that maybe, perhaps, fighting for the enslavement of an entire race wasn't a good thing to do.
She says "you'll never be that again." referring to him being a vampire killing machine, not a racist, may I remind y'all.
So, I think the change would be about Alice teaching him things, Jasper spent so much time with Maria and then he was seriously depressed, I get the idea he wasn't interested on- going outside besides to feed from humans.
I think there are two types of vampires, those who love seeing humanity grow and change and come up with all these little inventions and then the ones who just see humans as prey.
Alice being the first and Jasper the second, but not for long after he meets her.
I think Alice could update him about the modern world that was the 50's, she would educate her that yes, Jasper's gentlemanly ways are charming and make her blush and giggle but there are some comments that aren't okay, just because in "his time" it was "okay", "funny" or "right", to say these things doesn't make them less offensive, dismissive and hurtful.
Alice would ask Jasper what did he felt while serving? And why? Was he even fully aware of what he was fighting for? Did the years of him seeing countless human's fight and go to wars that got bloodier and more destructive made him stop and think about the damage of his own army career?
Make the man reflect. Make him think for days and days about these questions he asked himself but never truly took the time to answer them. I need Jasper to have a slight mental breakdown before he gets to know the more peaceful life with the Cullens and Alice.
Alice asked these questions in her endless curiosity, not in innocence, but rather to know Jasper, really know him and understand him.
I want him to feel disgusted about having to feed from humans now that he realizes how much harm he did, and that's were the Cullens come in, Alice knows about her new family of course and it's more than excited to know her mate wants this life too, not because oh he's so in love with her he'll do anything (he is) but because he wants to change.
Carlisle let's him stay because he knows this, he understands in a way and he can't help but sympathize with him and Alice wanting to change herself and help her partner.
But Jasper can't fully because his body is asking him to kill constantly. He doesn't want to keep harming people, but his body can't forget, not only his body it's scarred as a reminder, but there's this annoying bloodlust that doesn't want to go away just yet.
But he has Alice, holding his hand and make him feel like everything will be alright.
Jasper is struggling but he is changing, he is getting more and more mental peace, finally, after a century and a half. It's slow, it's painful but it's there, self forgiveness and change.
One of the things that I love, a concept, Jasper being into philosophy, history and just literature, him loving to learn.
I love that in Breaking Dawn Jasper wanted to help Bella with her thirst. And of course I love him being hurt when she's way more successful than he is after so many years.
Seeing someone who you share the same experiences is so amazing, it helps you, but seeing them overcome this challenges that you also endure it brings you down on such a horrible way, it hurts you, but it makes you think of who you were before and how much you have accomplished. How much you've changed and that's my take on Jasper Hale.
I am not normal about him.
Also, I think I would change vampires not being able to sleep or cry, I think Jasper deserves both, as a treat :). I love him.
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nymphiya · 6 months
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hi hi hello !!! ^_^
my name is diwata ( he / him , xe / xer , and he / her + some other neos !!! ) , and im a trainer who specializes in fairy - types !!!
i travel from region to region , but at the moment i'm currently in galar and living with my great aunt ! although , im originally from unova :D
aandd ,, heres my team that i have registered for in galar ! :3c
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oh oh , and here's a list of all my pokémon !! :D
aahh , also ! pelipper mail is accepted , even if i do travel a lot !! :D no magic anons though !! and uhmm more info under the cut !
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one with his jacket on and the other without :3
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picrew cred ✿ pfp cred
pinned post may change over time !!!
in character blog !! i basically pretend to be a character in the pokemon universe, so blanket unreality warning !!! this is also a main / sister blog of sorts to @fairyofkalos ( same rules specified ) , in which their universes are connected and there will be many references to eachother in both blogs <3 i may be more active on here in comparison to @/fairyofkalos , so fair warning !!
i don’t interact with proshippers / comshippers , zionists , terfs , and anyone that applies in the usual dni criteria ^_^ i will also block freely if you weird me out and make me uncomfortable ! though , i do prefer interactions with muns who are also in the same age range as i am !!
diwata is literally my pokétrainer sona , so please be respectful ! i don't condone death threats or hate of any sort even if in character , since it makes me uncomfortable !! oh also , despite him being my sona , his actions or thought process do not reflect me ( the mun !! ) as a person 😞 he is still removed from me as character !
diwata is a trans guy and so am i !! :D he prefers to dress femininely , but i appreciate if people would use the correct pronouns ( he / him & xe / xer / xem ) and masc / neutral labels for him !! and , he's also bayano ( if i'm filo , he's gotta be filo too >:] ) !! oh oh , and when referring to / talking about me ( aka the mun ) , you can just call me dulcie / dulce ( he / him ) !!! (๑>◡<๑)
( + ) oh oh , and diwa is still in the closet to his family but out socially 👍 !! his name has been legally changed though :3c there will be mentions and vague references of his bio family on this blog , but their identities will more or less be obscured !! aka no posts written by them and any in - person meetings with them and another person's muse are implied >:P
no / low stakes , so i probably won't be participating in any big or major events in the community ! ^_^💧 but , feel free to send me an ask about it anyways even if there's no guarantee i'll go with it ! i'll rarely do any " in - person " or battle roleplays too ( that isn't to say that i wouldn't completely !!! ) , so most mention of characters meeting is an implied thing ! though , once again , feel free to ask for an off screen thread ! i wouldnt mind 👍
i use fake regions in place for the real countries , and i might mention a few fakemon as well !
this blog treats pokémon like animals ( that just so happen to have supernatural capabilties and are also able to understand human speech ) , since they're essentially the animals of this world despite having a penchant for battling and being — y'know , pokémon ! pokémon are also commonly eaten here on this blog ^_^💧
interactions with eebydeebies and sapient / sentinet mons are verrry dependent and selective , so i apologize in advance !! </3
i also hc that domesticated pokémon are trained to have their moves be less lethal in battles than if they were to give it their all like they were fighting for survival , for obvious ethical reasons . this is why pokémon simply faint in battle instead of just dying from the attacks and how their trainers don't get caught up in the crossfire . 'mons that have fainted aren't necessarily unconscious , but merely don't have the energy , ability , etc to continue battling , which is shown in the anime . battles aren't supposed to be deadly , but can definitely shift that way if not careful
( + ) " revivals " are temporary solutions for when a 'mon faints , but a trainer should always check in to the nearest pokémon center after a battle regardless
levels aren't really a thing on the blog and aren't needed in order for pokémon to evolve ! i don't consider " HP " to really be a thing either , other than just a marker to determine how close your mon is to fainting :P natures and characteristics mean nothing to me >:3c
i’m aware that the pokémon universe and rotomblr have this sort of — weird space time continuum and multiverse , so !!! 0_0 my blog won’t have too many weird timeline hijinks for the most part other than a few brief mentions / incidents , since i just assume everyone lives in the same universe - ish !! if i interact with two different blogs that just so happen to rp the same character , i wont mention any past rps that they werent apart of since !! different portrayal !!! since diwata is my sona , he'll still age with me ^_^
this blog is just for being silly and some comforting escapism , so be nice :3
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quicksilverdrabbles · 9 months
Morana: *staring into the mirror, frowning at how her hair grew to her shoulders* Mm...
Taliesin: *walking past, glancing into the room and making eye contact through the glass* ...? Are you okay, raven?
Morana: *eyes trained on the mirror* I'm fine.
Taliesin: *raises an eyebrow, walking to stand behind her and resting his chin on top of her head* You're not having negative thoughts, are you?
Morana: *smiles up at him* No, I'm not.
Taliesin: Good. What's on your mind then, darling?
Morana: ... My hair feels weird.
Taliesin: Hm? How so? *focuses on the mirror, watching as she tugs on a lock of her hair gently*
Morana: All my life I had short hair. With all the travelling we've done I haven't cut it in a while. I don't like how long it is.
Taliesin: Would you like me to trim it for you? I could style it a bit as well.
Morana: *blinks* You don't have to.
Taliesin: I don't mind. I quite like getting to spoil you a bit.
Morana: *scoffs, laughing* I don't think a haircut necessarily counts as spoiling me.
Taliesin: Say what you will~ Sit. *points to a chair* I will be right back.
Morana: *watches as he walks away with a happy little smile, glancing at her reflection in the mirror again before pulling the chair to sit in front of it*
Gore: *walks past the bathroom, glances in and stops* Hey, blood. Whatcha doing?
Morana: Tally's going to give me a haircut.
Gore: Yeah? What're you hoping for?
Morana: Something shorter. I don't really know how to style my hair, though. I never had to, with the mask.
Gore: I'm sure he'll help you out with that.
Taliesin: I'm back~ Oh, hello Gore. *slides past him back into the bathroom, situation himself behind Morana with a pair of scissors and a cloth he throws around her shoulders* Now, how short do you want it? General hair length, bangs, you name it.
Morana: Bangs?
Taliesin: This section of hair covering your eyes, raven. *chuckles, flipping a longer piece of hair out of her face* At most you'll want it short enough that it doesn't cover your eyes. And maybe...
Morana: Um.. Tally..?
Taliesin: Hm?
Morana: *frowning at her reflection* Can we... Leave this middle part a little bit longer?
Taliesin: Whatever for?
Morana: *pushes her hair up, revealing the hand tattoo on her forehead*
Gore: What's that?
Morana: ... *lowers her eyes, looking away from the mirror* A brand.
Taliesin: Oh. *takes her hand, holding it for a moment and letting the hair fall back over it* Yes, we can leave that covered, if you wish. I'll cut the rest of it so it's not in the way.
Morana: Thank you.
Gore: *sits on the floor next to her, leaning against her chair with a smile* I'm just gonna hang out here, if that's okay. Can't trust him with the whole process, y'know?
Taliesin: Excuse me!
Morana: Hehehe... Okay.
Taliesin: Ugh.
Morana: *steps out of the bathroom, fiddling with her hair with a happy smile as she walks into the living room*
Lucien: *looks up from the book he's reading* Hello, Mora- oh! *perks up* You've cut your hair!
Inigo: *leans over the couch to see* It looks very nice.
Xelzaz: Did you cut it yourself?
Morana: *shakes her head* Tally did it for me.
Xelzaz: Ah. Of course.
Kaidan: *walks into the room with a raised eyebrow* What's all this ruckus.. about.. *stops, a red blush rising to his cheeks when he sees Morana* Oh. You cut your hair.
Mkrana: *blushes, shying away from his gaze* ... Do you like it?
Kaidan: *smiles, walking forward and resting a hand on her head gently* It looks great on you. You're very beautiful.
Gore: Aaaaand that's my cue to leave.
Xelzaz: Agreed.
Kaidan: Oh, shove off.
Taliesin: *walking out of the bathroom with a smug smile* Oh hello, Kaidan. Do you like my handiwork?
Kaidan: *scoffs* Should've known this was you.
Taliesin: Oh~? Does this mean you don't like how our raven looks?
Kaidan: I didn't say that!
Morana: Hehe.. Tally, don't tease him.
Taliesin: Please, teasing Kaidan is one of my favorite past-times.
Kaidan: Right that's it-
Taliesin: Wait no NOT THE HAIR-
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specksizedgoddess · 11 months
Another suggestion story, this one from the lovely @forrest-fox-0w0 , I can't thank you enough darling <3
THIS STORY CONTAINS: Very desperate mousegirls meeting gluttonous dragon girls, vore, and a LOT of awakenings~
This... this wasn't part of the plan. It was simple! Sneak in while the goliath was sleeping, grab as much as the little mousegirl could carry in her paws, and run like hell- easier said then done. Now, trembling, backing up slowly- the clinking of metal echoed in the cavern as the enormous dragon before her shifted.
"So. A thief, are you?"
The tiny rodent yelped. The dragon's voice was deep and commanding, every word sending a shiver down the poor mouse's back. With every word, her scales seemed to shift and gleam, the small beams of light that managed to worm their way into the cavern reflecting into multicoloured rays- it would incredible, breathtaking, even, if the mousegirl had been here for any other reason.
"N- no! Well, yes, but-"
"Hey, hey. Calm down. I'm not mad. As a matter of fact... I'm happy to have some company here. It's just been so long~"
The enormous reptile yawned, her morning breath rushing over the trembling pipsqueak before her.
"That being said... crime can't go unpunished, now can it? Tell me, darling- do you know what I do to thieves? To anyone dumb or brave enough to take even a single shining coin from my hoard?"
The mousegirl shook her head. The relief she had felt immediatelly leaving as she began to process what she meant.
"Mmmm~ then you're in for a suprise, cutie!"
Plucked up easily between two talons, the scruff of her neck pinched as she was lifted up, up to her captor's face... deep, soft eyes dug into her, her snout huffing as if it had a mind of it's own, and her mouth... split into a sharp, toothy grin, dull fangs wiped over as the beast licked it's lips- massive tongue pooling with saliva as it polished teeth, and when it was done... sneaking out like a serpent to get a taste of the rodent. Soft fur now damp, matted in where it had connected- just the tip of her tongue was enough to paint her upper body with drool...
"Mmm. Well, I was hoping for breakfast, but I don't think you'll make much of a meal. Oh well~"
The mousegirl was entranced by the maw as it opened wider, eagerly placed onto the tongue, warm breath running over her, just inches away from fangs that threatened to tear her in two- her little paws, now slick with saliva as she but her lips. God, what was wrong with her?
And that throat. Pulsing, gently, warmly, BEGGING to be fed- the little mouse took a small step towards it, eliciting a small chuckle from the dragon.
"Someone's eager! Buh bye, little thief!
Every syllable shifted her positioning, lathering her in spit and drool- those lips shut behind, sealing her in warm, comforting darkness. The tongue poked and prodded, pushing her gently around the dragon's mouth... trailing over her, small yelps muffled by the shut lips- it was too much.
But it wouldn't last much longer.
A loud, resounding gulp echoed around the little rodent as she was dragged near the throat. She had to stop herself from flinging herself in voluntarily- fuck, it was so tempting- all those thoughts of thievery and riches now long gone as she fantasized. Another gulp, and she was on her way.
Powerful, slick muscles dragged her deeper and deeper. The heat grew more and more intense, like a sauna as she was pulled deeper... deeper... deeper... until she reached her destination. A bubbling pool of stomach acid caught her fall as she scrambled against the slick inner walls of her captor- suprisingly not painful, just... numb. If anything, soaking in those juices felt good... the soothing heartbeat echoing around her, gurgles ringing in her ears as she stopped struggling... god, it was nice. The mousegirl blushed, biting her lip as she looked down~ sure enough, she was VERY "exited". Surely the dragon wouldn't know if she... y'know... got her energy out-
The dragongirl knew. A grin on her face as she rubbed her stomach, a playful gurgle murmuring back as she chuckled.
"Having fun in there?"
Maybe the real treasure were the snacks we made along the way <3
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arachnixe · 1 year
Not A Person
"It's kinda romantic, don't you think?" the mechanic asks, staring at the massive combat unit.
"What's that?"
She just gestures again to the powered-off weapon, and I scratch my head, not seeing the romance in the machine equipped with such terrifying firepower.
"Big scary thing like this, you'd think they'd be as self-sufficient as anything, yeah?" she continues. "But they're still not made to fight alone, y'know. They got partners, every one o' them. Somewhere out there is one made just for them."
I shrug. "You make it all sound like more than it really is. They're all manufactured the same; we just test them for performance variance, bin them, pair them to match up their capabilities, and write the calibration data for each one to its counterpart's firmware."
"We play matchmaker," she says with a wide smile, hand placed on the machine in a gesture that seems strangely affectionate.
"It's just optimization," I respond, only half paying attention while tapping at the keyboard to check my script's progress.
"Whatever you wanna call it. If one dies, the other can't just plug 'n play with any ol' unit, yeah?"
"I don't know about 'plug and play,'" I mutter, chewing my lip thoughtfully and ignoring that weapons don't "die" per se, "but there's a built-in recalibration procedure on the E side."
"No shit?"
The script is working, but I keep watching for signs of someone out there taking notice. "It'll process their mutual deltas and upload the diff to the X. Firmware's read-only after burn in, so both will have to deal with a little lag every boot when applying the patch, but…"
She interrupts, "they can find a new partner, but can't forget their first. See? Romantic."
"Back-ups corrupted," I announce, briefly switching topic to update her on my progress. "Time to tickle the automated checks to trick them into restoring from the bad data."
The mechanic laughs. "And here you're always accusing me of usin' human terms for machines!"
"Figuratively tickle. I do not actually anthopomorphize mindless automated alerts like you do these war machines."
"And yet here you are," she says, arms folded, smirk aimed squarely at me. "Helpin' me save them 'fore they get scrapped."
"Here I am," I agree, "forging shipping requests, deleting records, and hoping to keep a bunch of war machines from getting destroyed."
"Lotta risk to take to save them if you don't think they're people, yeah?"
"Not as big a risk as you took that time you broke in to a guarded, secret facility to physically extract a new infiltrator-class prototype. This network security is a joke."
She shrugs. "Wasn't too bad. They gave me the clearance to work on their hardware. They got comfortable with me. Just had to act all serious and in a hurry, and nobody asked questions. More surprised they never came for me after."
"Perhaps someone was watching out for you."
"Guess so. They sure were panicking, alright. Still hadn't finished testing the limits of that active camo array, worryin' about the enemy getting their hands on them."
"They hadn't worked out all the potential applications, so they had no idea how to evaluate the risk," I muse.
I must admit that it is rather amusing to imagine those researchers, normally so full of themselves, in a wild panic trying to identify the worst-case scenarios.
"Yep. That was the first one I freed, but they sure weren't the last, were they?" She pauses, reflecting on the nearly empty warehouse we occupy, with just one last shipment prepped for one last unit. "Dunno where they went after I helped them, y'know. Safer if I don't, I figure."
"Good opsec, yes." The script is almost done. I queue up our last X-Model for loading into the truck. "You'll want to step away from that one in a moment."
She does, and soon a mechanical arm traces a path on its ceiling track to the powered down unit.
"Hope they're happy, wherever they ended up," she says. "People deserve happiness, not just gettin' thrown away just 'cause a treaty says so."
"Not a person," I insist, watching the script conclude with perfect timing as the arm loads the hulking X-Model onto the truck.
"If you really don't think they're people, then why the hell are you helping?"
She climbs into the truck, joining the last of the huge machines, and I follow.
I sit in silence, trying to put my thoughts together, with only the the rumble of the engine filling the space between us as the truck carries us to safety.
Philosophy is not my strong suit. Hacking? Sure. Sneaking into places I shouldn't have access to? Easy. Becoming whoever I need to be to earn someone's trust? Nothing out there is better than me.
Self-expression? I'm still learning.
"I just think we do not need to be people to deserve life."
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Favorite era of canon for loustat? :)
hi sorry this sat in my drafts for a while because it's such an EXCELLENT QUESTION it made my brain short-circuit for a hot second!!!
As much as I do love writing contemporary Loustat, my favorite era of canon to read is actually that very slim window at the tail end of QOTD and the beginning of TOTBT.
It's such a fascinating part of canon imho because it's like. really the first time they are actually trying to figure out what they are to one another, and how to live together in the New World and they're still fresh off of the trauma of Akasha, they haven't had time to discuss anything about their past yet the impending threat of extermination forced them to confess their love during their reunion.
Idk!!! Like. All their interactions in TVL and QOTD are within this pressure cooker of the absolute shit-storm that Lestat kicks up. Stakes are high, emotions are intense, it's all very dramatic.
But then the dust settles.
Everyone lives (well, not everyone, but y'know) and now they're kinda like oh fuck, what do we do now?
My hands-down all time FAVORITE scene in all of canon is the scene that takes place at the end of QOTD, where Louis and Lestat are finally together in New Orleans after all these years. It's so tender and melancholy and just fucking devastating because there is such a sense of loss as Louis and Lestat visit the old townhouse, and then Louis' grave in the St. Louis Cemetery.
But it's that sense of loss that then lends itself to the sense of rebirth that we get afterwards.
Tale of the Body Thief did such a splendid job of capturing that weird in between phase where Louis and Lestat still do very much want to move forward and work something out, but can't quite figure out how to do it!
Louis needs his space! He's still processing things! He lives in a fucking hovel with his books like a dusty old hermit man! Lestat has decades of culture to catch up on, he's living in his palatial apartment with his luxury tv and massive porcelain bathtub and all the latest technologies and comforts!
They're both on totally different journeys but the fact that they live in the same city, the fact that Louis will just come over to Lestat's place and bring DVDs to watch for movie night, it's just so fucking hysterical to me. They always reminded me of Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter, who famously lived next door to one another and were together for years, but each had their own house. Idk, I just think it's a really interesting character study because in this era they're both trying to find themselves and reflect on what they really want out of one another.
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