Junq - Attach (U.K) (2023) (Electro Lo-Fi)
https://junqmusiq.bandcamp.com NAME YOUR PRICE
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blackironcat · 2 years
Can't wait 🥺 Our Q is so handsome
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zhoufeis · 3 months
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an infinite amount of tiny cdrama moments living rent-free in my head ❖ [3/∞] "You're here. How could I leave?"
RENASCENCE 凤唳九天 China, 2020.
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fauzhee10069 · 1 year
My thought after skimming NPAB
“No Paths Are Bounds” by CataclysmicEvent could be the most popular TGCF fanfic right now due it being translated into many language. It basically retelling the story of TGCF with some alteration (most notably is Xie Lian being blinded by curse shackle).
To be honest I'm not really into 'retelling story' because basically we just like re-reading stories that already exist. Total chapters are 152 so the story is quite long and I don't have time to devote my time reading it due to my IRL stuffs (as you can see how rarely I post on tumblr lately, right?).
But I found the author's twitter post about some of the breakdown of the story, summaries that were fully discarded or retained-in-background. Then I was intrigued by the author’s portrayal of Shi Wudu.
I also found that the author's most favorite characters are Shi Wudu and Mu Qing (which turns out that we share the same interest) so yeah...
I ended up skimming their name through those 152 chapters.
And here’s my thought…
First, keep in mind that I didn't read the whole thing and just skimmed it, so my thought will be limited to that. Don’t take my words as reference, it would be better if you judge it by reading it yourself.
Plus, this will be heavily subjective and personal.
At least what I want to say first is that this fanfic is worthy enough of being loved by many.
As for Shi Wudu, there is noncon stuff with Jun Wu.
Yeah, this fic contains #junshui but in unhealthy way.
The premise is interesting because often I also have ideas for angsty #junshui content where Jun Wu blackmailed Shi Wudu for his fate switching deed.
The author further made that it was Jun Wu himself who taught Shi Wudu about switching fate.
Despite #junshui, the actual pairing is obviously #peishui. Yeah, I agree with the author that Shi Wudu deserves a happy ending.
Sometimes later it’s implied via Shi Wudu that Jun Wu is also interested to Mu Qing.
Now, I’ll be honest, I like pairing #junqing more than #junshui because I'm invested in PeacefulDiscord’s fanfic about them (yeah, it’s angsty pairing as well with possibility #fengqing in the end and the fanfic is likely got removed as of now due to the author wants to revise it).
Back to NPAB, i feel this part is a bit nonsensical because Mu Qing is the older god than Shi Wudu, he’s been around in Jun Wu’s court more than Shi Wudu. So why would Jun Wu only interested in Mu Qing now?
Of course there is a term that attraction can come later, but I still find it hard to be logically convinced.
There was a moment when Jun Wu appreciated Mu Qing's beauty, but why wasn't that done a long time ago when the latter first ascended?
I think it would be better that #junqing happened before #junshui, or that it didn't happen at all.
Speaking of Mu Qing, apart from being the martial god of southwest, it is very interesting that NPAB Mu Qing is also the god of medicine (medical master).
Medical masters themselves mentioned a little by MXTX in the novel.
It’s free real estate to me, so I'm often excited to create an OC based on that role.
But in NPAB, that role was taken by Mu Qing.
In canon, Mu Qing is obviously not a medical master, there is absolutely no implication that he is a healer.
But in NPAB, that is his role. To be honest, I'm excited, because Mu Qing’s role becomes even more prominent than his canon counterpart.
I particularly love this part:
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NPAB Mu Qing is basically Unohana Retsu Yachiru of TGCF and healer Mu Qing became a quite popular fanon in TGCF fandom.
Back on Shi Wudu, the Black Water arc is more complex in NPAB than in canon. Both Shi Wudu and He Xuan were actually victims of Ju Wu's scheme, with the former even got SA’d by the emperor.
I love the fight between He Xuan and Shi Wudu inside Mount Tonglu, the truth was being revealed there and it eventually ended tragically with Shi Wudu’s death however…
Next chapter feels like a joke, probably a mock up chapter with Shi Wudu being transmigrated to modern world and met Shen Yuan who mistook him for a cosplayer.
This part is so random, after riding the angsty with Shi Wudu, he was suddenly in a supposedly comedic situation, WTF??
I thought that Shi Wudu will be permanently stuck in modern world with Shen Yuan, which will be… cringed imo (his character profile is not suitable for comedic situation atm).
But chapters later, I’m glad that he is back into TGCF world, revived by no other than Mei Nianqing.
Let me just pretend that his moment with Shen Yuan is just a dream… or does not exist.
Then, there is also beefleaf…
Which I think is not great idea to give them a lovechild during the course of NPAB’s TGCF.
I’ll be honest here, I have never been a fan of badass pregnant lady troupe.
I mean, no matter how badass you are, no matter how strong or overpowered, imb4, hax, etc you are... when you’re pregnant, you will be a liability in any dangerous situation! Deal with it!
No matter how capable you are, you and your unborn child will remain a matter of concern for the party.
Which automatically translated “a burden”.
I appreciate pregnant mother more who realize their limitations and choose to support the party in a safe place.
That's why I think that a 9 months pregnant The Boss in the middle of the battlefield is ridiculous (Metal Gear reference).
Reading: <fighting> <badass> <danger> “oh the baby!?”  <fighting> <badass> <danger> “oh the baby!?” are getting on my nerves in all my life in enjoying fictions (JUST STAY INSIDE YOUR GODDAMN HOUSE, BITCH!!)
If you really need a representation of badass woman, or badass mother, do it when she's not pregnant.
In fact, badass mother with a child/children (who was already born of course) is still underrepresented than badass preggers.
I prefer beefleaf to have their kid(s) post canon.
Or (tbh), I prefer fengqing who get the children (Nan Feng-Fu Yao twins AU LOL).
Now talking about the OC, NPAB has quite a lot of OC(s) but right now I want to talk about Zhao Beitong first. Evie created her to serve as a mentor figure for Hua Cheng. Her role as the master of mount Tonglu, mother of ghost kings, the genius blacksmith who forged many celestial powerful weapons, the queen of Wuyong & Jun Wu’s wife AND GUOSHI (Tonglu Hudie).
To be honest, as interesting as she is, I’m not a fan of her character.
I found that her role is quite too much, my personal opinion is that she is a bit Sue-ish, despite the author claimed that the OCs are simply meant to be supporting characters to help the plot progression.
I’d rather have her roles get split into two characters. One as Hua Cheng (and He Xuan) mentor and another as queen of Wuyong/Jun Wu’s wife (via flashback/posthumous character).
The mentor could be from one/two of Jun Wu’s deputies who turn into the mountain (make them powerful enough to be able to project human form) while the queen’s story can be told by Mei Nianqing in addition when he told Xie Lian and Hua Cheng about Jun Wu’s past in canon.
Being Jun Wu’s former Guoshi & Hua Cheng’s mentor already put her fighting prowess alone comparable to them.
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Which means the like of Pei Ming, fengqing and other martial gods/combatants are apparently inferior to her.
Then I also don’t like the story of her being the executor of the gods in previous heavenly dynasty while Jun Wu orchestrating from behind (as mastermind).
All for the sake of her grief as losing mother.
That is like the effective way to tell the audience how strong & badass your OC by carrying out the massacre while also place her in innocent light (we don’t blame in her, whilst sparing her from responsibility of her action).
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You only feel pity to her, regardless what terrible things she is capable to do.
All because of “I’4m A wRoNg3d m0th3r!!!”
Let’s be honest, Zhao Beitong’s motherhood issue got too repetitive in her story to the point where I got (yawn).
Perhaps that’s the problem of story too much tell, another reason where I can appreciate the element of surprise of MXTX's storytelling.
I’m not defending the previous (gen of) gods, as MXTX herself implied that they were corrupt canonically.
But I prefer the canon version where Jun Wu is more barbaric in slaughtering them by his own hand, Jun Wu's narrative as a strong villain is more accomplished well for it demonstrated his strength as well as his cruelty (regardless how corrupt the victims themselves were).
I think it’s fine if you want to put your OC in some light by having her contributed in forging deadly weapons, but I’d rather have Jun Wu did the execution as you already made your OC prominent enough as a blacksmith.
EDIT (27/12/22): Okay, after re-skimming again, the ones who did the heavenly slaughter were both Zhao Beitong and Jun Wu, but still...
I don't know what criteria the author sees of prominent female character, the author created Zhao Beitong as an icon of such.
But personally, characters like Ling Wen and Yushi Huang have been quite woke for me, because even though they are not physically strong as combatants, they are both very competent. MXTX prefers characters who are competent and irreplaceable than just being everything.
At this point, I’d rather have the author to fully utilize Jun Wu’s three other deputies than making over-fully packed OC.
Guru kebanyakan drama, kalo kayak gini kan mending Hua Cheng dikasih guru macam eyang Sinto Gendheng wae -_-
Though, perhaps most of you already think that Zhao Beitong serves her role well as an OC, because her story is in harmony with the narrative written in the NPAB:
The tragic mentor/fallen goddess who aids the protagonists in defeating the villain while also getting her revenge.
But my personal preference is to prefer a character that aren't too excessively tragic/dramatic.
I’m actually aware that NPAB’s elaborated style of narrative is not limited to Zhao Beitong alone, but also to many canon characters.
However, that’s how despite some existing plot holes, I appreciate MXTX’s subtlety in story telling.
At this point, I’ll be more blatantly honest here, I found Zhao Beitong more annoying than NPAB!Shi Qingxuan.
Let’s go back to the positive one, I love how the fic had addressed this mulian’s issue:
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And then in NPAB, we have this:
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My favorite chapter that moved me was when Mu Qing became MVP in the battle against Bai Wuxiang. Bai Wuxiang then infected Mu Qing with Death Qi, the protagonists’ party almost lost their most reliable healer because of that and then the lake scene with fengqing & hualian.
NPAB have delves into deep emotions with multiple characters even early on than what MXTX had written (particularly, Hua Cheng’s POV).
I like the NPAB version of the final battle more than the canon because the former involves more characters to contribute in fighting Jun Wu and Bai Wuxiang, instead of relying too much on Hua Cheng and Xie Lian alone.
Then, regarding the epilogue (post Jun Wu’s defeat), although it is great to have multiple parties involved in final battle. In the end we will find a typical ending "happily ever after for everyone" yay.
Which is a bit... childish to my taste (sorry).
Especially in the part when it comes time for Shi Wudu to receive a formal punishment for his crime on He Xuan regarding fate switching.
I don't know why I don't like the way it is handled. Like witnessing the court process in our world, but in written form (narration).  Shi Wudu’s reciting all his sin verbally, can’t we just skip this part? (yawn)
At least yeah, he doesn’t get away with his crimes on He Xuan.
And the ending has Pei Ming as the new heavenly emperor which is neat.
So… yeah, that’s my impression of a fraction of the NPAB, I wished I have my time to read the entire story but yeah…
Anyway, apart from the things that I’m not a fan of, this fanfic can’t be called a mediocre in quality. The author is really devoted in writing this story as a form of love for TGCF written by MXTX herself.
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ichisv · 1 year
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They eat 长寿面😊
I wish they are happy and live together until its end.
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jonna-thure-agnes · 5 months
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謝駿青 (Xie Junqing)
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mizugucci · 1 year
I always forget how hard the unit's mine goes until I hear it once and then have to listen to it on repeat 10 times in a row
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dummy-dot-exe · 1 year
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Dark Elf Assassin by Junq Jeon
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL  - solid showing
Jan 20232 Wk 3
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
My School President (Fri YT) 7 of 12 - Tinn flirting using a periodic table is such a simp. I can’t with this boy. This ep made me laugh so flipping hard. Who let my BL be this wholesome and funny? GMMTV you tricksters, you. I’m sorry to say that even the catfishing part made me laugh. What a wonderful show. 
Never Let Me Go (Tues YT) 6 of 12 - I loved the part where Pawin speaks multiple languages: English Thai, and Mandarin. Pawin is good! Lovely diction. I like the discussion over The Kiss and I liked how clear N is about who he is and what he wants. P is the opposite, doesn’t really know what he wants, and wouldn’t know how to express himself even if he did. Yet they are still somehow sweet with each other. Pond is so cute when he smiles. 
Between Us (Sun iQIYI) 10 of 12 - I gotta say that this level of miscommunication at this point in the drama is merely ep 11 bullshit manipulation. And it is annoying. Even though i know the story has no other vehicle to drive crisis at this point in the show, I’m not happy about it. Dare I say this BL is a touch disappointing? Well, if I don’t say it, who will? WATCH ALONG HERE.
609 Bedtime Story (Fri WeTV) 9 of 11 - OhmFluke are always good, but because of the cheating thread I find it really hard to support this couple. I liked the “who done it” twist. I did see it coming, but I watch too much TV. I love GamesVee but Vee’s hair is truly terrible. 
Cutie Pie 2 You (special) 3 of 4 - Disastrous sun glasses, Zee. TutorYim did an awesome job on their sexitimes. I admit to being worried, I was a little scared they couldn’t carry physical intimacy off (holding down 3 series this year). But they did good job. Although, Nuer, if your boy is that twitchy and ticklish? Strap him down and bite. Hard. Presumably he’s not called Syn for nothing. 
I Will Knock You (Fri Gaga) 10 of 12 - Just too much blushing maiden for me to stand. And Noey’s odd blinking thing? What is with that?
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
The New Employee (Korea Weds Viki) 5 of 8 - Backstory of the pen is explained, and daddy forces a conversation about it, which I LOVE. I thought his first reaction was a bit harsh, but I’m on his side. Get over your college crush, baby. Pay attention to the guy that’s in front of you. Also cat fucking things up more = classic. The guy walking by in the street who called them “cute” for a hug is my hero. I love this show so much. 
HIStory 5: Love in the Future (Taiwan Weds Viki) 4 of 10 (or 7&8 of 20) - Rich boy getting jelly. Jonny getting savvy. Boys holding hands and falling asleep together after an earthquake is cute. Office sides = best couple on air right now. I love how Vincent just casually cuts up his food and gives it to his baby boy. Tony remains evil and manipulative but hot, I shall call him: Pouty McHotterton 
Candy Color Paradox AKA Ameiro Paradox (Japan Fri Gaga) 5 of 8 - I think they made a mistake of putting Izuka Kenta into this one. He’s so good everyone else‘s performances look weak by comparison. 
Individual Circumstances (Korea Thurs Viki) 8 eps - A reunion romance between a movie director who was once promising and a writer who disappeared due to past wounds. Stars JunQ (main rapper of 2nd gen group MYNAME) and Han Jung Wan (Mr International Korea winner). I like this more than I thought I would (reunion romances are not my thing) mostly because of the bratty director character. Using a guitar to torture someone is entirely appropriate, in my book/BL world it happens all the damn time. It’s an interesting promise, I do want to know what happened in the past. The bike is silly. 
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It’s Airing But I’m Not Watching It
GMMTV’s Midnight series - first segment has begun bit it’s not the EarthMix messy gays. I’m so not interested in messy hets, so I’m waiting until they grace my screen. Moonlight Chicken (Weds YT) 1 of 8 eventually.  
Be On Cloud (the KinnPorsche people) announced its 2023 line up. Descriptions and discussion here. 
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In Case You Missed It
The Star Always Follow You (Vietnam YT) ended amorphously so yeah not my thing. 
I posted a meta of all my 2022 wraps, top picks, industry stats, etc..
I ALSO posted the 2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments some are inaccurate) 
Next Week Looks Like This:
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Frigay is BACK with a vengeance. Honestly, I like this line up. This is about the number I can handle in a week. 
Still (supposedly) to come in January:
The End Of The World, With You
Hit Bite Love
Time the series
BL Fashion Hall of Shame
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They are my children. MUST PROTECT. 
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World’s best wingman. 
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What did I say about biting? Tinn gets it. 
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(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? And this week my OG bias has a single, two actually, but the comeback isn’t good, so I’m opting for: Letter from Park Jinyoung (GOT7). If you listen you’ll understand why I also love Leo so much. Honey voices are my weakness. 
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igazikutya · 5 months
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense”
Minden vallásban nagy szerepe van a várakozásnak, és ti, mint gyakorló traxeletoristák minden évben 12 hónapon át követhetitek, halljátok-látjátok, ahogyan gyarapszik a szelekt, hogy aztán év végén, a traxelektori szentháromság szuperszelekcióján áthaladva meghallgathassátok a mind/move/sense kompilációkat. Áldott legyen a teljesség! Xelektbe! Randomba! Krosszfédbe!
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Az elektronikus zene egyik abszurduma, hogy a chill out kifejezést a legpunkabb bandának, a The KLF-nek köszönhetjük. Nem állítom, hogy chill-out válogatás a „Sense”, de ez a figyelős, hátradőlős zenehallgatás forrása. Másik érdekesség, hogy a történelmien fontos, első ambient album, a nagy Brian Eno – Music for Airports-sza ma nem férne be a legjobb 100 ambient album közé. Azért ez vicces. Harmadik évösszegző válogatásunk downtempoban mozog tehát, műfajilag ambient, drone, kortárs, experimental, dub, trip hop, field recordings, minimal, krautrock, etno elemekből építkezik. A terjedelme 140 felvétel, cirka 12 óra, és az online verzió is 11 óra felett van a maga 123 track-jével.
Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Spotify Playlist Link
[123/140, 11h 15m / 12h 10m, 87,8%]
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Grande Traxelektor 2023/3 – „Sense” – Full Playlist
3.14 - Taltos Remembers Newmix [VA - Life Death Resurrection Revenge, Limbic Resonance]Actress - Oway ( f 7 )[LXXXVIII, Ninja Tune] African Head Charge - Push Me Pull You [A Trip To Bolgatanga, On-U Sound] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Removing Infinities [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Alva Noto - HYbr-ID Ectopia Singularity [Hybr:ID II, Noton] Ana Quiroga - We, The Witches [Azabache, Houndstooth] Ancient Plastix - Museum Of Barbed Wire [II, Maple Death] Andrea - Chessbio [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Andrea - Jaim [Due In Color, Illian Tapes] Anthony Linell - Advanced Spiritual Evolution [Advanced Transcendent Evolution, Northern Electronics] Atom™ - Midnight Shopping [Soft Opening, NN Audio] Ayaz - Reprise [Unpinned, phase group] Beau Wanzer - STEAR [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Beau Wanzer - WARM WATERBOARDING [Dead Person's Monologue, iDEAL] Biosphere - Delta Function [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - Random Walk [Inland Delta, Biophon] Biosphere - The String Thing [Inland Delta, Biophon] Black To Comm - On the Grass Her Shoes of Deer-Skin [At Zeenath Parallel Heavens, Thrill Jockey] Blevin Blectum - Soft Death (Afresymegol)[Omnii, Deathbomb Arc] Burial Hex - A Kiss To Birth The Rotted Sun [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Burial Hex - Of Roses, Astronomers & The Falsely Accused [In Hiding, Cold Spring] Carmen Villain - Violet [Music From The Living Monument, Smalltown Supersound] Carrier - Ten by Ten [Lazy Mechanics, The Trilogy Tapes] cEvin Key - Sonic Interlude [bRap and fOrth, vol. 9, Artoffact] Chantal Michelle - Borghese Gardens September [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Civilistjävel! - Kolugn [Fyra Platser, FELT] Civilistjävel! feat. Cucina Povera – Louhivesi [Fyra Platser, FELT] Coco Bryce - Make U Mine [Point Of No Return, Fresh 86] CoH - Habitable [Radiant Faults, Dais] CoH - Nereides [Radiant Faults, Dais] Cosmo Vitelli - 7 Foot Clown in My Bed (Krikor Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Cosmo Vitelli - Just Like His Dad (Froid Dub Remix)[Medhead Remixes, Im a Cliche] Dasha Rush - Hans Rivers [Contemplating, Raster] David Toop & Lawrence English - Whistling In The Dark [The Shell That Speaks The Sea, Room40] Dino Sabatini - Reversus Sum [Opera Quattro, Outis Music] Donato Dozzy & Sabla - Flusso II [Crono, Gang of Ducks] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Bond [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Deep Water Branches [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile] Dorisburg & Sebastian Mullaert - Skyward [That Who Remembers, Spazio Disponibile]
Eivind Aarset & Jan Bang - Seraphine [Last Two Inches Of Sky, Punkt Editions] Elin Piel - Skog [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Erwan Sene - Zones [JUnQ, PAN] Erwan Sene - Block That Kill [JUnQ, PAN] Evitceles - Reveal [Velvet Room, Opal Tapes] Fire & Adrian Sherwood - Sinnervisions [Fire, Salgari] Flesh & The Dream - Book Of Daniel Part 3 (The Image of Gold and The Blazing)[Choose Mortality, Everything Forever] Freak Heat Waves - Altered States [Mondo Tempo, Mood Hut] Froid Dub - Isla Morada [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Froid Dub - Original Stalker [Deep Blue Bass, Delodio] Future Sound of London, The - A Desolate Stretch Of Night Road [Environment 7.003, fsoldigital.com] Future Sound of London, The - Clear Mass 4 [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Future Sound of London, The - Vertical Reflections [FSOLdigital Presents 2023 Calendar, FSOLdigital] Gazelle Twin - Author of You [Black Dog, Invada] Geins't Naït & Scanner & Laurent Petitgand - MT-26 [OLA, Ici d'ailleurs] German Army - Last Habitat [Caras Rotas, Faith Disciplines] German Army - Ponapea Hentyi [Boising, IDS] German Army - Santalum Macgregorii [Boising, IDS] Greg Foat & Gigi Masin - Viento Calido [Dolphin, Strut] Harmonious Thelonious - Back from the Primitive Galaxy [Cheapo Sounds, Bureau B] Holy Tongue - Am Here In A Place Beyond Desire And Fear [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Holy Tongue - Where the Wood is The Water is Not [Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare, Amidah] Hortobágyi László - Fugamelānrāga (Banjar vādak)[6th. All India Music Conference 1990-2023 -Re-Mix Mastered Version Series Vol. 1, aMarxe] How To Dress Well - My Body (Carmen Villain's „My Body Rework”)[What Remains (Remixes), Domino] Ilija Rudman - Pulsar Diaries [Pulsar Diaries, International Feel] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Marcella - Waltz [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques] Jay Glass Dubs feat. Spivak - Narcissus [You Would Love Me Now, Extended Techniques]
Khidja - Roata [Transmissions Part 1, Malka Tuti] Khidja - Under Stressure [Transmissions Part 2, Malka Tuti] Kim Oxlund - How Long Does It Last [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kim Oxlund - Older Than the Sea [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kurvenschreiber - Doppelwortbefehl [Licht Ausgang, Udacha] Labelle - Apporter l'amour [Noir Anima, InFiné Éditions & Eumolpe] Laibach - Lepo - krasno [Sketches Of The Red Districts, Mute] Lia Kohl - Sit on the Floor and Wait for Storms [The Ceiling Reposes, American Dreams] Loraine James - I'm Trying To Love Myself [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] Loraine James - Tired of Me [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] L'vovna - 07182018-02.03.05 [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Maara - Yearning [The Ancient Truth, Step Ball Chain] Maps and Diagrams - Brume [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Maps and Diagrams - Slopewater [A Study Of Ends Or Purpose, Handstitched] Marmo - Fenomenologia Del Giudizio [Epistolae, Utter] Marmo - Semiotica [Epistolae, Utter] Material + Object - x6x [Telepath, Editions Mego] Mouse on Mars - Bilk A3 [Bilk, Sonig] Nihiloxica - Postloya [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] Nihiloxica - Trip Chug [Source Of Denial, Crammed Discs] nueen - III [Link, 3XL] nueen - IV [Link, 3XL] NVST - Fourissfourisnoanswer (The VERSION)[Filled with Oil, Les Disques Magnétiques] O Yuki Conjugate - Deep Head Scene [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] Om Unit & Dego Rankin - Bristol Theme (V.I.V.E.K Remix)[Acid Dub Versions II, Self-Released] Oval - Wildwasser [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey] Oval - Zauberwort [Romantiq, Thrill Jockey]Palestre - Coexistència[Sciogli Assurdi, The Trilogy Tapes] Paul St. Hilaire - Little Way [Tikiman Vol.1, Kynant]Polypores - Our Tiny Orbits [Praedormitium, Castles in Space] Powell & London Contemporary Orchestra - 23 [26 Lives, Diagonal]Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Darkening Rain (Killer Whale Atmospheres) For Phillipe [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Grown In The Shade Of The Glacier [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rhys Fulber - Night Render (Evitceles Remix)[Brutal Nature Redux, FR]
Saint Abdullah - Visit to the Optometrist [VA - Continuing A Worn Out Tradition III, Archaic Vaults] Saint Abdullah & Jason Nazary & Peter Eldh - Divine Timing Is Intuitive [Evicted In The Morning, Disciples] Sam Goku - Zoom Out [The Things We See When We Look Closer, Permanent Vacation] Saphileaum - Dear [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes] Saphileaum - Interlingua [VA - Into The Scandinavian Forest, Monument] Saphileaum - Useful Wisdom [Intrapersonal Experience, Good Morning Tapes]Scaafandre - A Ticket To Unknow [Outer Edges , Believe Digital] Scotch Rolex & Shackleton - Shattered [Death by Tickling, Silver Triplet] Shackleton - The Dying Regime [The Scandal Of Time, Woe To The Septic Heart!] Shackleton & Waclaw Zimpel feat. Siddhartha Belmannu - Your Love Pours Like Water [In The Cell Of Dreams, 7k!] She Spread Sorrow - Queen of Guilt [Orchid Seeds, Helen Scarsdale Agency] Spivak - Mid Week Ritual [You Win Again, Ecstatic] Stefan Dubs - Saudrune Dub [VA - Tones & Echoes, Egregore Collective] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Coral Reef [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Golden Apples Of The Sun [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi - Oceanium [Golden Apples of the Sun, Transversales Disques] Terrain - Blind Spot [Corners, Varmal] The Black Dog - Beton-Brut [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Future Townscapes [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Black Dog - SHF Is Dead [Music For Dead Airports, Dust Science] The Black Dog - Unité d’Habitation [My Brutal Life, Dust Science] The Mole - #ew Horseplay [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Mole - Weak Stranger [The River Widens, Circus Company] The Orb & David Gilmour - Flat Side Seamlessly Martian Spheres of Reflection Mix Movement 3 [Metallic Spheres In Colour, Sony] Totek - Touchh [ttk. 1, Darker Than Wax] Ultramarine - Dawn [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Decima [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Ultramarine - Xylonite [Send And Return, Blackford Hill] Vague Imaginaires - Onde cosmique [L'Île Volante, Versatile] Vanishing Twin - Lazy Garden [Afternoon X, Fire] Vanishing Twin - The Down Below [Afternoon X, Fire] VC-118A - Replace Image [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VC-118A - Ufonic [Waves Of Change, Delsin] VHS Head - Devour the Heart [Phocus, Skam] Vince Clarke - Red Planet [Songs Of Silence, Mute] Void - Circadian Rhythm [REM, Agos] Void - Midnight [REM, Agos] Wata Igarashi - Floating Against Time [Agartha, Kompakt] Yushh - OXI Ambigan [Siro Silo EP, Well Street]
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blackironcat · 2 years
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MYNAME x BLACKPINK I never finished this series of works.
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zhoufeis · 4 months
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RENASCENCE 凤唳九天 China, 2020, dirs. Liu Hai Bo & Shen Yang.
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emeraldbabygirl · 2 months
nct - yuta, mark, ten, rennie, jisung, xiaojun, johnny, taeyong, hendery
monsta-x - hyungwon, chankyun
bts - suga, jungkook, taehyung, jin
pentagon - wooseok, yuta, shinwon
nu'est - ren
b1a4 - cnu
cnblue - jungshin
n.flying - jaehyun, chahun, dongsung, seunghyub
onlyoneof - junji, kb, yoojung
2pm - taecyeon, nickhun
got7 - jb, mark
lunafly - teo
shinee - key, taemin, onew, minho
winner - seunghoon, taehyun, jinwoo
ikon - bobby, donghyuk
dbsk - jaejoong, changmin, yoochun, junsu, yunho
exo - chanyeol, kris, tao, luhan, xiumin, lay, kai
infinite - dongwoo, sungyeol, sungjong
u-kiss - kevin, dongho, kiseop
dalmation - donglim
m.i.b - kangnam
mblaq - lee joon, mir
boyfriend - the jo twins
ss501 - kim hyun joong
ftisland - hongki, jaejin
uniq - yibo, seungyoun/woodz
b.a.p - yongguk, jongup
txt - beomgyu, huehue, yeonjun
seventeen - jun, jeonghan, the8, mingyu, vernon, woozi, joshua
beatwin - sunhyeok, yoonhoo
sf9 - hwiyoung, zuho, rowoon
lucente - parkha, z.hoo
a.c.e - donghun, jun, sehyoon
vixx - leo, hongbin, ken
teen top - niel, minsoo
knk - youjin
victon - seungwoo, hanse
1team- bc
omega x - xen
k.a.r.d - j.seph
stray kids - hyunjin, jisung, felix, i.n
day6 - youngk
super junior - leeteuk, eunhyuk, heechul, donghae
imfact - jian, lee sang, ungjae
block b - jaehyo, p.o, park kyung, zico
newkidd - hwi
cross gene - takuya
ateez - hongjoong, yeosang, seonghwa, mingi, wooyoung
big bang - gd
bonus: kim jae wook
bonus: kim woo bin
bonus: park bo gum
bonus: park hyo shin
myname - gunwoo, junq
m.pire - haru
topp dogg - atom, xero, sangdo, bjoo
14u - loudi
2z - hojin, jisub, bumjun, junghyun, zunon
alphabat - gamma
n.tic - jion
dkb - yuku, heechan, harry june
vav - ace
target - boun, oojin, g.i
wei - yoo yongha
kingdom - ivan, mujin
to1 - chanhyuk, donggeon
mcnd - win, huijin
ghost9 - shin, prince
e'last - romin, rano, wonhyuk, baekyuel, yejun
blitzers - chris, go_u
nik - parkha
megamax - iden, jaehun, jini
argon - kain
epex - baekseung, mu
b.i.g - heedo
mirae - lien
xdinary heroes - gaon, jooyeon, junhan, o.de
oneus - xion, leedo
onewe - cya, dongmyeong
cravity - minhee, serim
xeed - jaemin
bz boys - seunghyun
xodiac - beomsoo
the rampage - hokuto, kaisei, itsuki, takahide, ryu, riku, yamamoto
psychic fever - jimmy, weesa
ballistik boys - matsui, sunada
j soul brothers - hiroomi
fantastics - keita, yusei yagi
atlas - erwin, nice, muon
travis japan - noel, genta, umi
zero base 1 - ricky, jiwoong
7 men samurai - konpi, bana-san, rinne
treasure - haruto, junghwan, hyunsuk, jaehyuk
bang yedam
jo1 - shosei, kinjo
snow man - hikaru, fuka, daisuke, raul, date-sama, koji, ren
boys republic - sunwoo
kim woojin
justb - geonu
the rose - woosung, dojoon
fistbump - hyunwoo
sema - sema
ini - rihito, jun
bonus: maeda gouki
bonus: jun shison
ryuji sato
bonus: shuntaro yanagi
bonus: masataka kubota
bonus: kanta sato
bonus: akhisa shiono
bonus: yuki yamada
riize - wonbin
great guys - dongin
cix - bae jiyoung
4mix - ninja, folksong, george
xy - gai, p star, furutatsu, kanji, jay, karma, kairi, kyohey
gazette - aoi, kai, uruha, ruki, reita
highlight - dongwoon
buck-tick - atsushi, hyde, yuta, imai
t1419 - gunwoo, leo, sian
btob - minhyuk
click b -minhyuk
younite - dey, eunho
orbit - ooon, youndong
d-crunch - minhyuk, jungseung, dylan
unvs - eunho
enhypen - sunghoon, jake
hihi jets - syoya igari
dir en grey - toshiya
sug - takeru
golden bomber - kenji, yutaka, jun
bonus: kento yamazaki
bonus: dori sakurada
bonus: takumi saitoh
arashi - matsumoto jun, oguri shun
bonus: haruma miura
bonus: go ayano
bonus: hu xiaoling
bonus: mizushima hiro
kat-tun - jin akanishi
itagaki mizuki
8turn - myungho
wataru vasayegh
onf - j-us
p1harmony - intak, theo, soul, jongseob
bonus: zhang shuai bo
bonus: song jae rim
bonus: takenouchi yutaka
bonus: paing takhon
bonus: ryu jun yeol
bonus: hu yetao
wang lin kai
wow - daro yoon
jeff satur
the7 - woochul
mont - roda, narachan
xenex - uhyeong
dios - hyun
n.ssign - doha
trendz - havit
lun8 - chael
82major - seongil
hoppipolla - jeonghun
@witchy-weve-monbebe ok I wasn’t going to post it cause I know there’s more but this is all I have so far. I have no idea what to do with the list I wanted a visual guide lol but idk what to do with it hehe I have pics from Pinterest I can use but yeah idk
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Well that was a fucking ride.  What an interesting drama.  They were able to pack so much into 24 episodes...like holy damn, I think my head was going to explode from how much information they were shoving at us at one point.
But I liked it.  Overall, I really liked it.  I like Li Wu, I liked Lu Zheng, and Shu Tang surprisingly grew on me.  Could I have done without the romance aspect?  Yeah, but I’m just not much of a romance person, so that’s just me. 
The characters were all hella complex, that’s for damn sure.  And the way they were all interconnected to each other...was really well done.  I’m rather glad that Li Wu and Lu Zheng were still friends at the end of the drama, because I was afraid that after the reveal (and Lu Zheng cutting off Li Wu’s arm), they wouldn’t be friends.  But I’m glad they still were.  Do I wish that Li Wu and Shu Tang could have stayed together?  Yeah, but I don’t think it would have fit their characters.  But at least they made a promise to come back to each other.  So that was nice.  I wish the sisters could have stayed together and that Zhang Junqing didn’t stay behind in the burning palace but *shrugs*
Overall, I enjoyed it.  My brain hurts a little, but I enjoyed it
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salvo-love · 2 years
Il buon e corretto #Letta 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤐🤐🤐🤐🤬🤬🤬
Gli ex soci cinesi del leader Pd? Stanno nei paradisi fiscali che rubano 6 miliardi all'Italia
14 Settembre 2022 - 13:30
Prima di tornare in patria l'ex premier lavorava per società del lusso legate a Pechino con sedi a Londra e in Delaware. ➡️➡️➡️ di Felice Manti
Gli ex soci cinesi del leader Pd? Stanno nei paradisi fiscali che rubano 6 miliardi all'Italia
«Non ci devono essere paradisi fiscali nella Zona euro, soprattutto dopo la Brexit», dice spesso Enrico Letta. A lui bastano quelli a Londra, in Delaware e New Jersey, sedi delle società dei suoi ex soci cinesi con cui era in affari fino a quando si è dimesso, richiamato dal #Pd che l'aveva cacciato. Stati che sottraggono al nostro Paese il 42% degli investimenti diretti esteri globali per 6,4 miliardi annui di mancato gettito.
Una delle società è la Liberty Zeta Limited, società di diritto britannico con sede in Regent's Street a Londra e holding internazionale del luxury che opera in Gran Bretagna, Giappone, Cina, Brasile, Spagna, Stati Uniti e naturalmente in Italia. Letta ne è stato tra gli amministratori da maggio 2016 a marzo 2021. Nel 2020 la società ha chiuso l'esercizio con una perdita di 12 milioni a fronte di un reddito operativo 2019 di 19 milioni circa. Come è possibile? «È colpa del Covid - spiegano gli esperti del centro studi Fiscal Focus di Antonio Gigliotti che hanno studiato i bilanci di Liberty ZL - e dell'aumento dei costi amministrativi, con alcuni amministratori (non sappiamo chi...) pagati da alcune controllate». Un'alchimia contabile figlia appunto del dumping fiscale. Per l'economista milanese Carlo #Cottarelli (scelto da Letta per correre sotto le insegne Pd) questa «competizione fiscale disonesta» fa confluire all'estero i 130 miliardi di evasione, in parte frutto dei proventi del narcotraffico e del riciclaggio gestito dalle mafie, come hanno rivelato gli scandali Pandora Papers e Panama Papers.
Oltre alla Liberty Zeta Limited c'è anche la Glendower Capital LLP, gestore indipendente con circa 9 miliardi di dollari nata nel 2017 per iniziativa dell'italiano Carlo Pirzio Biroli, che ne gestisce i ricavi e che ha tra i suoi soci il cinese Cheung Chi Chung, manager socio della Liberty, la CVC Green Holdings Limited con sede nel New Jersey (noto paradiso fiscale) e altre due società ora non più attive con sede in Delaware, altro paradiso fiscale dove secondo il Guardian è più facile nascondere i soldi rispetto a Panama.
Che il leader #dem avesse il pallino per gli affari se n'era accorta l'anno scorso anche Giovanna Faggionato sul Domani, quando aveva rivelato il ruolo di Letta e della sua società parigina Equanim (di cui sarebbe fondatore da febbraio 2021) nella mediazione decisiva che ha portato la pace tra i colossi energetici francesi Suez e Veolia. L'articolo ricordava anche il legame tra Letta e il gigante della pubblicità francese Publicis (che per otto sedute di Cda gli ha riconosciuto 100mila euro), società che tra i tanti compiti ingrati aveva quello - tramite la controllata Usa Qorvis - di rinfrescare l'immagine dell'Arabia Saudita, Paese di uno degli altri soci della Liberty, Albabtain Abdul Wahab Saud. Compiti che Letta nel 2020, quando era nel consiglio di sorveglianza e nel comitato rischi, conosceva benissimo. Alla società Usa sarebbero arrivati 18 milioni di dollari nelle prime sei settimane successive all'omicidio del giornalista del Washington Post, ucciso su ordine del principe ereditario Mohammad bin Salman nell'ambasciata araba di Istanbul.
Ma è con la Cina che Letta ha un legame speciale: l'8 agosto 2019 la cinese Tojoy guidata da Lu Junqing lo ha nominato co-presidente di Tojoy Western Europe, satellite della Tojoy Sharing group, azienda legata al presidente cinese Xi Jinping, il cui obiettivo è allacciare rapporti con le imprese europee per convogliarle nella Via della Seta, strada tracciata dal ministro degli Esteri Luigi Di Maio. Che per i documenti della diplomazia Usa pubblicati dal Giornale è uno dei cavalli di Troia di Pechino. E che Letta ha blindato con un seggio sicuro. https://www.ilgiornale.it/news/mondo/ex-soci-cinesi-leader-pd-stanno-nei-paradisi-fiscali-che-2066604.html
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djchorlocontrolection · 5 months
Junq - From Below (Electro Acid Mix) 2019
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