#jude halstead
kitweewoos · 11 months
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"mom swap" - a Moustead au (consider this @gregorygerwitz 's fault)
Mouse loves his mom, but he doesn't like her. She's never supported him, not in what he wanted, not as he strives to know more about technology, about the way computers work, about the fascinating growing processes that can change the world. No, she wants him to go into business with his father, for their family company, their name painted across the city everywhere. He doesn't want to be with a nice girl and live up to the family expectation, not when Jay Halstead exists and smiles like that and makes him feel so warm without even trying. Jay misses his mom so much that he feels some days that he can't breathe, because he can't just drive to Canaryville and be wrapped up in her arms to fix all of his problems. He can still remember the way her hand went limp in his own the morning that she died, finally released from the suffering she'd endured for eighteen long months. Every day, he misses the smell of her cooking and the way Joni Mitchell always serenaded them from her old record player. But at least he has Mouse, who holds him up somehow even when he's nearly crumbling himself. "Do you think," Jay says, laying on the hood of his car next to Mouse one night, having started drinking at noon and not stopping for anything, "that we could just trade?" "Trade?" "Yeah, I'd kill someone to see my mom again, and your mom's a bitch. Like, she told you that you were worthless for being gay, and that you can't ever come home? Let's just.... do you think that we could just bippity-boppity-boo, abrakadabra, cast a spell and I get my mom back, and you get your mom off your back?" "I mean.... we could, there's a witch store, I guess, on Halsted." "Perfect, let's go." Drunk and grieving, they find their way into a witchcraft shop, and there's a book, and a woman with a glint in her eyes. She winks as she hands this thick tome over to them, and says, "aye, careful, loves, it's a powerful thing, magic is. It always comes with a price." They gather ingredients and Jay cuts his hand to bleed into the mixing bowl they grabbed from the kitchen and they chant over the bowl. Then, nothing happens. It's disappointing, but understandable, Jay thinks. Magic isn't real. His mother is dead. Of course, he wasn't going to bring Jude Halstead back to life. They go to bed in Jay's childhood room, Mouse's face pressed into Jay's shoulder blades, drooling into his shirt. When he wakes up, he smells pancakes, with a little hint of cinnamon on the air. Downstairs, half asleep, he finds Jude Halstead, singing to Joni Mitchell, dancing around with her apron tied to her waist, eyes bright and smile wide. Then, Mouse follows him down, eyes wide as he stares at his phone. "It worked."
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mountslove333 · 1 year
How to request - leave a comment, message me, I'm not really sure how this works but im pretty sure i enabled the anonymous questions thing 
if you don’t see your desired person on this list just send me a message and ill ley you know if i would write for them x
I'm comftable writing about most things but i don’t normally write smut and i usally do x readers :)
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faedawayyy · 2 years
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i miss them so much so here’s what’s going on with them in some world far, far away!! 
he would’ve spent the morning with christelle (assuming they live together now, i don't think we ever discussed it LOL) and then he would’ve gone to see his mum and then his dad who are obviously living separately. he would’ve probably stopped by to charles and eva to drop presents off too but i feel like he'd then go back to christelle’s. i think the longer they’re together, the more time he’ll obviously spending getting familiar with her family and their traditions.
she’d begrudgingly go home for the holidays, mainly just to see elysia. their parents are always drunk or at home fight and/or zoning out in front of the television. nothing’s really magical. she’d definitely be out of the house before it got late and they decided to go to bed. she’d honestly probably just wander around for a bit and then sneak back into her st judes dorm to sleep.
dad and santa duties. him and disney obviously have the girls so the morning would be the very traditional waking up to see what santa brought (even though all three are tiny still and clara would be no older than a month). then they’d go off to his mum’s house for christmas dinner with all of the carmichaels or at least the ones who were going. the evening would be back at their house and just getting the girls to sleep and just spending time together.
his family aren't close and really don’t do much for christmas. he’d probably make himself busy by doing the rounds and visiting all of his friends before inevitably going up into london and having a night out.
the subject of visiting her parents over christmas is controversial and differs from sister to sister. but I think in the end, eloise would've gone to see her parents for dinner at the calloway. it would've been tense and she wouldn't have enjoyed it but i think she’d feel she HAS to. after that, she’d head to zara’s to see zara and lacey and spend the night with those two since zara’s no longer with danny and lacey refuses to go to the calloway. i feel like shed force them to be festive LOL 
she always spends christmas with her mum and step-brother (rip jase). Evan would’ve totally been invited too but I dont think she’d be there all night like she usually is because they’re in a honeymoon phase and i think she’d want to just spend the rest of the evening with him, eating/watching films/being chilled.
kind of like brody, she’d be focused on making life magical for avery even though he’s tiny. after that, she’d be happy to follow levi’s lead and either spend time with his family or just have a quiet christmas.
I feel like despite their family having a harder time financially than some of the others, they’re not like desperately poor and in need of money and would still figure out how to have a good time. they’d do christmas in their family home away from the motel and i feel as though it’d be grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, random people he’s never seen before in his life but apparently know him etc. etc. WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT, at around 9pm/10pm when everybody leaves, he’d be straight round to see ivy because he's obsessed - in a healthy way.
why can i not imagine this man celebrating christmas LOL? he has a family and lots of adopted brothers and sisters so honestly probably there, just being a regular person for once. like dallas though, he'd go out later in the evening.
with the carmichaels (see brody). he probably leaves quite early though and just crashes at his apartment. he’s not a scrooge or anything but was definitely one of those people who outgrew christmas and festiveness at like 16-17.
honestly, she’s probably left the springs for the holidays. i imagine her being somewhere like switzerland in some suite with random strangers and living her best life. violet springs and home is the last place she wants to be for christmas. 
he’d wake up with kendall and I think especially this year, he’d go out of his way to make the morning special for her because the year has been ROUGH. but then it’d be the same as most other carmichaels; going to dinner, seeing relatives and having drinks. perhaps popping out to see her side of the family if they’re not there? but i feel they’d at least be invited. 
in my mind, she has a small but fun family but they dont live in the springs. they’d probably live further north and she’d definitely go there. i doubt she’d be around until the new years eve party tbh! 
listen he’s in his biggest fuckboy era to date. he’d spend most of the day with his parents and sisters, i think they’re quite a close family so it’d make sense. he would absolutely stop by zara’s and kind of try his luck with her especially bc she’s not as busy this year and eventually, whether he gets with her or not, would meet up with some of the boys and go out.
he lives in town but just with his parents and grandparents! his an only child with only older siblings so not much to report in that sense!
he’d probably go in and check in on emma and amy just to see how they’re doing and if they need anything. after that, just with his parents and philip. they’re a family who probably go out somewhere rather than just sitting in so!
literally wherever natalie and soraya are! 
she works! she’s a live in nanny in a huge house in lilac heights and would tell everyone she’s spending it with family, posting pictures with them on instagram and stuff. she’d go out in the evening once she was done with her working hours too.
at home but i feel like BLOWING up natasha’s/felicity’s phone until one of them caves and goes around to his flat to give him attention.
spending a lot of time with nicolas and natalie if she came around, at his mum’s house! nicolas is slightly older so it’d be all about making it really magical, finding somewhere to see santa and helping to unbox complicated toys all day.
home unfortunately for her. see brielle’s rundown. she’d feel somewhat forced to stay home with her parents since bri would leave and would just try and stick out whatever nasty thing shit comes her way. she’d be out first thing in the morning though, definitely taking up the maximum amount of shifts for the upcoming week until she can go back to uni.
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
fuck, marry, get drunk with:
1. casey, kelly, gallo
2. kidd, brett, foster
3. herrman, mouch, boden
4. halstead, burgess, ruzek
and one more for good luck... festor adams, jar jar binks, prof. dumbeldore (old version, not hot jude law) 😂
Jay...JAY. These are surprisingly easy to work out.
1 Fuck Kelly, Marry Casey, Get Drunk With Gallo.
Casey because if we get married we can still have sex, fuck Kelly because goddamn you gotta at least once right? And Gallo, I know we're the same age (or close enough to), but it kinda feels like he's too young? Or is that showing off my constant dating people older than me-ness?
2 Fuck Kidd, Marry Brett, Get Drunk with Foster.
Because for very similar reasons. Look, living with Sylvie Brett would be unreal and it'd be so fun to spend time with her. Fuck Stella because...look can anyone tell me they wouldn't? She's too gorgeous. And get drunk with Foster because goddamn I'm Irish and could mostly keep up with her.
3 Fuck Boden, Marry Herrmann, Get Drunk with Mouch.
I am taking no questions at this time.
4 Fuck Halstead, Marry Ruzek, Get Drunk with Burgess
Jay and I have way too many mental health issues for it to be a healthy relationship, but the sex would be good. You really expect me to not marry Adam Ruzek if given the chance? And god, a girls night with Kim Burgess sounds like so much fun.
And for the bonus round (you evil, evil human)
Fuck Fester, Marry Dumbledore, Get Drunk with Jar Jar.
I think that's the only way this could possibly work.
Send me some fuck, marry, get drunk withs!
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atlanta-rpggossip · 4 years
who would be in which hogwarts house?
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phew, that was a long one – i hope i haven’t missed anyone out but shoot me a message if i have and i’ll sort your muse. 
gryffindor - paxton argent, augie raub, woody anderson, jaxon moon, jack velez, declan o 'hare, aoife moran, hayden armitage, weston hawthorne, charlie foxworth, mickey andrews, bobby miner, tyler becker, mack carter, chance morgan, rusty argent, maisie andrews, nevada saunders, ella montgomery, deacon winter
hufflepuff - mariella winter, jon bryn, berwyn rhodes, halstead fitzgerald, clarissa carmichael, ashley feldman, braxton stian, noah jeffrey devin, amelia becker, tamsen sites, melaine macleod, frankie walker, ezra best, lukas edwards, alexis rhodes, angel lopez, mackenzie lighwood, indigo lightman, edward hansen
slytherin - james mason, jet anderson, gemma beckett-gallagher, dimitri chekov, circe delfino, thomas scheffer, scarlett rhodes,ella jane ford, liv wilson, jude becker, romeo king, thomas joseph, harper lovell, annika ivanov, sebastian ward, micah fielding, warner adams
ravenclaw - tereik al-damiri, kasper marr, willow jade hawthorne, matthias de vries, nathan wyndham, kieran shoshana horowitz, lara greer, hali rivera, margot fitzgerald, alastair barris, ivy harrington, winnie holland, topher smythe, blaine roberts, milo hathmen, quinn becker, edward fitzgerald, will hawthorne, sofia grace mikaelson, gabriel wyndham, kamilah al-damiri, jakob winter
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chicagocharm · 7 years
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If One Tree Hill and Chicago PD had a baby, it would be Sophia’s character in her new movie, Acts of Violence: Detective Brooke Baker
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testingx123 · 5 years
Cartier Family
Beauregard Jensen Cartier • Mar 10 1878 - Jul 26 1956
Estelle Jacqueline Cartier • Dec 3 1904 - Jan 19 1997 Frèdèrique Bronwyn Cartier • May 16 1909 - Jan 1 1960 Vincent Jensen Cartier • May 16 1909 - Dec 7 1941
Estelle’s Children Galileo Cartier Halstead • Dec 18 1939 - Jun 4 1990
Frèdèrique’s Children Ingrid Vignetta Miller • Sep 1 1930 Tierney Felix Miller • Dec 6 1933 Bronwyn Ruby Sheridan • Jul 5 1937 Nichelle Amethyst Sheridan • Feb 10 1939 - Oct 18 1960 Leland Emmanuel Sheridan, III. • Mar 27 1941 - Mar 9 2008
Vincent’s Children Vincent Jensen Cartier, Jr. • Feb 13 1937 - Nov 10 1989 Danika Jacques Cartier • Aug 29 1940 James Quartermaine Cartier • Apr 13 1942 Slade Gratien Cartier • Apr 13 1942
Galileo’s Children Starling Calliope Halstead • Nov 19 1962 Ivory Tabitha Halstead • Nov 10 1964 Giordano Fitzgerald Halstead • Nov 10 1964 Mozart Galileo Halstead • Feb 8 1970 Sawyer Azarael Halstead • Nov 20 1975 Reid Orion Halstead • Mar 9 1977 Nelsen Xavier Halstead • Nov 24 1983 Nevada Isadora Halstead • Nov 24 1983
Ingrid’s Children Katherine Wynonna Hart • Jan 11 1946 Brock Marsden Hart • Sep 16 1953 Titus Sebastian Hart • Nov 21 1958 Emmanuel Fitzgerald Hart • Aug 16 1962 Felix Doyle Hart • Apr 26 1965 John David Hart • Jun 27 1975 Rachelle Millicent Hart • Feb 3 1977
Tierney’s Children Belinda Tierney Miller • Sep 27 1953 Marlayna Iris Miller • Jan 13 1955 Brookelle Payton Miller • Feb 8 1968 - Oct 2 1985 Remington Lee Miller • Jan 6 1976
Bronwyn’s Children Leland Michael Thomas • Jan 27 1957 Hamlet Bronson Thomas • Nov 12 1957 Tierra Marjorie Hopper • Jun 26 1962 Pamela Noelle Hopper • Jan 1 1966
Leland’s Children Leland Emmanuel Sheridan, IV. • 1967 Nichelle Pamela Sheridan • 1971
Vincent's Children Sinatra Jensen Cartier • Feb 21 1954 - Nov 30 1972 Emilia Christine Cartier • Jun 24 1966 - Nov 1 2006 Kalitta Dominique Cartier • Nov 17 1969 Noah Beckett Cartier • Nov 17 1969 Gavin Peter Cartier • Dec 30 1983 Galen Slade Cartier • Dec 30 1983
Danika's Children Rossano Alamain Cartier • Nov 2 1968 Drucilla Elizabeth Cartier • Aug 19 1970 Verilius Rutherford Cartier • adoptive; Oct 20 1979
James's Children Domino Maine Cartier • Aug 23 1976 Viviano Jensen Cartier • Aug 24 1976 Keara Dani Cartier • Nov 6 1978 Lionel Gratien Cartier • Mar 18 1980 - Sep 2014 Delaina Rose Cartier • Apr 12 1986 - Jan 1 2010
Slade’s Children Dharma Fidelity Cartier • Sep 30 1963 - Nov 25 2000 Chrysler Slade Cartier • Sep 6 1978 Stephanie Helaine Cartier • Jun 10 1980 Beaudan Thomas Cartier • Jun 4 1981 Lincoln Kelvin Cartier •  Aug 21 1983 Shelby TBD Cartier • Nov 3 1995 Shawna Grace Cartier • Aug 10 1997
Starling's Children Lilith Ann Halstead • Jan 3 1988 Hercules Brook Sullivan • Jul 20 1998 Oleander Clare Sullivan • Jul 20 1998 Shalom America Sullivan • Sep 29 2001
Ivory's Children Arabella Monique Quartermaine • Jul 30 1980 - Sep 9 2013 Halcyon Amelia Quartermaine • Jul 30 1980 Khronos Shaughn Giambetti • Dec 23 1985 Wren Holland Mulligan ~ Dec 20 1999
Giordanos's Children Nalani Galilea Halstead • Apr 24 1993 Lareina Katara Halstead • Dec 8 1998 Bridgette Giordana Halstead • Dec 15 2001 Francene Ivory Halstead • Jan 27 2011
Mozart’s Children Galileo TBD Halstead • Jan 28 1992 Anakin TBD Halstead • Aug 16 1996
Sawyer's Children Georgia Taziana Halstead • Dec 17 1993 Sawyer Azarael Halstead, Jr. • Dec 17 1993 Althea Leonida Halstead • Mar 25 1995 Basil Ivory Halstead • Dec 4 2005
Nelsen's Children Xiomara Galilah Halstead • Aug 5 2006 Felicity Edyn Halstead • Mar 18 2011 (premature) Chrystele Aurora Halstead • Jan 4 2012 Maeve Nelle Halstead • Jun 17 2014 Eurion Shane Halstead • Nov 3 2017
Nevada's Children Nevara Cartier Finney • Mar 25 2000 North Chrysantha Lombardi • May 14 2006 Nyles Ignacio Lombardi • Dec 20 2016
Katherine's Children Wynonna Vignetta Hart •  May 30 1964 Ashlen Lyndsay Hart • Apr 19 1968 Novalee Presley Hart •  Jun 9 1981
Brock's Children Romany Ingrid Hart • Mar 10 1983 Aurelius Doyle Hart • Feb 23 1990 Roxanne Wynonna Hart • Aug 10 1991 Nashville Lucette Hart • Nov 28 1996 Americus Brock Hart • Sep 13 2001
Titus's Children Charity Rochelle Hart • Nov 23 1990 - Jul 4 2008 Tempest Vignetta Hart • Sep 15 1993 Kendrah Joliet Hart • Aug 29 1996
Emmanuel's Children Berkeley Ingrid Hart • Oct 16 1984 - Feb 14 2011 Emmanuella Thessaly Hart • May 21 2001 Langston Rockwell Hart • Jun 20 2004 Florence Tatiana Hart • Sep 10 2005 Tierney Serah Hart • Aug 10 2011
Felix's Children Deja Liberty Hart • adoptive; Dec 6 2001 Valentina Ingrid Hart • Jun 16 2004
Rachelle's Children Dimestica Ingrid Ferrari • Sep 8 2005 Lydon Romen Ferrari • Jan 31 2008 Harmon Marquez Ferrari • Aug 28 2010 Madalena Rachelle Ferrari • Feb 9 2013   Cosette Jada Ferrari • Oct 15 2016
Belinda's Children Iridiana Lourdes Robertson • Jul 3 1975 Gianette Felicity Robertson • Dec 19 1977 Belvedere Amadeus Robertson • Apr 20 1983 Serita Lumina Robertson • May 2 1985 Payton Michael Robertson • Apr 1 1991
Marlayna's Children Boston Tierney Lansing • TBD - TBD Owen Marlon Lansing • Mar 18 1979 Aden Goldwyn Lansing • Mar 18 1979
--'s Children --  -- •
Pamela's Children Bronwyn Noelle Lansing • Jun 20 1999 Spalding Reginald Lansing, II. • May 28 2001 Giorgia Leilani Lansing • Jul 1 2003
--'s Children --  -- •
Sinatra's Children Deondra Rosetta Cartier • Dec 9 1970 Elvis Jensen Cartier • Jan 14 1973
Emilia's Children Sage Daniel Ryder • Dec 24 1985 Jade Leonardo Ryder • Dec 24 1985 Forest Dominic Ryder • Oct 10 1986 Kelly Vincent Ryder • Jun 5 1992 Paris Christine Ryder • Jun 5 1992
Kalitta's Children Dominique Avery Cartier • Dec 30 1985 Elijah Gavin Cartier • Dec 11 1996 Presley Galen Cartier • Dec 11 1996 Beckett Ignacio Cerullo • Jun 9 2008 Cartier Revah Cerullo • Dec 27 2012 Ferrari Stefano Cerullo • May 25 2017
Noah's Children Elodie Monique Cartier • Jun 15 2010 Mervin Noah Cartier • Jul 1 2015
Gavin's Children Vada Magnolia Cartier • Apr 4 2001 Temperance Gavina Cartier • Feb 21 2009   Hayzel Dominique Cartier • Mar 23 2013 McLachlan Galen Cartier • Dec 16 2015
Galen's Children Kalin Mitchell Cartier • Aug 24 2003 Westan Isocrates Cartier • Oct 17 2013
Rossano’s Children Samuel Ivan Cartier • May 11 1995 Rachelle Drucilla Cartier • May 16 2002 Romyn Daniel Cartier • Jun 21 2007 Serfina Rose Cartier • Dec 17 2015
Drucilla’s Children Serella Glorenza Cerullo • adoptive; May 6 2004 Wesly Cartier Cerullo • adoptive; May 6 2004
Verilius’s Children (adoptive) Hensley Jacqueline Cartier • Jan 3 2008   Hilton Jude Cartier • Jan 3 2008 Hazel Rose Cartier • Feb 16 2014 Harlow Drucilla Cartier • Jun 19 2016
Domino's Children Pamela Doris Cartier • 2002 Julyan James Cartier • May 10 2011 Jensyn Dashiell Cartier • Nov 25 2013 Josey Destinee Cartier • Sep 9 2014
Viviano's Children Matlock Jameson Cartier • Nov 5 2006
Keara's Children Thomasen Maine Cartier • May 11 1999 Jamie Nicolai Dohery • May 5 2013
Delaina's Children Kensington Carina Rockefeller • Oct 25 2006
Dharma's Children Jaylah Dharma Falconeri •  Dec 29 1989 Dawson Cartier Falconeri • Oct 11 1996
Chrysler's Children Bodhi Chrystian Cartier • Aug 4 2016 Behr Slade Cartier • Feb 9 2019
Stephanie's Children Francesca Chrystal Marino • 2009 Isabella Cartier Marino • 2012 Lukas Cecil Marino • Oct 18 2016
Beaudan's Children Eva Jade Cartier • Jul 22 2015
Lincoln's Children Aristeo Lincoln Cartier • Aug 8 2012 Cyrano Slade Cartier • May 7 2014 Dhariana Rose Cartier • Nov 23 2015
Shawna's Children TBD • Feb 1 2018
Lilith's Children Paisley Starling Aristotlevna Cassadine • Sep 3 2013
Arabella's Children Arden Twain Lansing • Sep 16 1999 Pierre Ivon Moretti • May 12 2006 Rosalia Karoline Lansing • Sep 11 2010 Belmont Guiles Lansing • Sep 9 2013
Halycon's Children Toussaint Joaquín Durante • Nov 1 2002 Divina Ivory Durante • Jul 18 2011 Jasminique Céline Durante • May 2 2014 Mendel Rinaldi Durante • Oct 15 2018
Khronos's Children Antonella Credence Giambetti • Dec 31 2013 Reyane Ivory Giambetti • Dec 31 2013 Jericho Shaughn Giambetti • May 5 2016 Salvino Wyatt Giambetti • Feb 12 2018
Wren's Children Moranda Ivory Mulligan • Jan 31 2019
Georgia's Children Cara Monroe Donnelly • 2017
Wynonna's Children Elijah Hart Kelley • Dec 23 1994 Grace Pauline Kelley • Jun 21 1996
Novalee's Children Independence Ashlee Hart • Jul 4 1998 Acquanetta Gwyneth Dimestico • Jun 14 2011 Paighton Carenza Dimestico • Feb 22 2017
Romany's Children Theodore Harken Finney • Feb 27 2015 Miscarriage • 2017 Miscarriage • 2017 Miscarriage • 2018 Rhodes Quenton Finney • Jan 21 2019
Roxanne's Children Jewelesa Robyn Durante • Sep 2 2009 Harley Ingrid Durante • Apr 9 2013 Evanne Jacquelyn Durante • Jun 20 2016
Berkeley's Children Jacynthia Margaux Lansing • Oct 21 2003 Fitzgerald Richard Lansing • Apr 16 2008 Voight Starke Lansing • Jan 7 2010
Iridiana's Children Eugene Achilles Napolitano, Jr. • Mar 5 1997   Tiernon Amadeus Napolitano • Apr 30 2004 Prudence Aurora Napolitano • Apr 10 2007
Gianette's Children Rockette TBD  • Aug 3 2002 Girl TBD • Feb 6 2012 Girl TBD • Mar 13 2015
Belvedere's Children Bellita Eloise Robertson • Mar 18 2002 Viviani Amadeus Robertson • Oct 10 2005 Orpheus Carmine Robertson • Aug 15 2008 Allister Clifton Robertson • Dec 21 2015 Amelia Solstice Robertson • Dec 21 2015
Serita's Children Girl TBD • May 21 2012 (premature) Girl TBD • Nov 1 2014
Payton's Children Parrisha Belle Robertson • Dec 30 2017 Madeleine Aurora Robertson • Sep 27 2018
Owen's Children Glory Marigold Lansing • Mar 12 1994 - Jun 10 2016 Ellis James Lansing • Jan 10 2015 Keniah Marigold Lansing • Apr 24 2017
Aden's Children Marigold Aleise Lansing • Sep 21 2016 Kodi Jamaica Lansing • Feb 15 2018
Deondra's Children Girl TBD • Nov 8 1991 Girl Stevens • Apr 1 2012 Girl Stevens • May 5 2014
Elvis's Children Giovanni Elvis Cartier  • Oct 23 2005 Sierra Rose Cartier  • Dec 7 2009 Hollister Madelyn Cartier • Dec 22 2016
Jade's Children Christina Darlyne Ryder • adoptive; Jul 21 2013 (premature)
Forest's Children Rocklyn Emilyle Ryder • Sep 13 2002
Dominique's Children Girl Quartermaine • Boy Quartermaine • Girl Quartermaine • Athens Valor Rockefeller • Jan 23 2013 Nelsey Rose Rockefeller • Nov 30 2015
Jaylah's Children Adham TBD • Dec 1 2016 (overdue) Jayson TBD • Jul 18 2018
TBDs Children Hansel Deon Falconeri •  MM DD YEAR
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glasgowgirl92-blog · 7 years
Like We’ve Never Had a Broken Heart
So, this is my first fic I’ve written in a while - and my first ever for Chicago PD! Please be gentle, but I adore constructive criticism, so feel free to leave whatever comments, or message me. 
This wouldn’t leave me alone until I wrote it; it’s based off of a song called “Like We’ve Never Had a Broken Heart” by Tricia Yearwood and gave me all kinds of feels. I needed to write this before any of my actual, full on Linstead fics would let me write them, even though I’m more nervous about posting them due to the calibre of writers in this Fandom. 
Anyway, enough waffling! To the fic!
Like we’ve never had a broken heart.
“You sure it’s a good move?” Al’s usual quiet voice was even quieter in the space of Hank’s office as he sat across the desk from him, both nursing a glass of amber liquid. It was well after everyone else had left; well, everyone else except for Detectives Jay Halstead and Ella Jude Jones, the latter had joined the unit on loan after Erin had taken the job in New York.
“Least I won’t have to worry about in-house romance.” Hank’s voice was gruff, a hint of humour there with a trace of sadness. It had been hard for everyone watching Erin go, but it was harder to watch Jay stay. It was rough on the older man and the rest of the unit to watch him be first in and last out, to take all of the overtime going. His boyish smile never quite reaches his eyes anymore and his gaze never once faltered from the computer monitor or the board; wherein they once flickered between whatever he was doing and her desk.
Ruzek sat there now. Burgess had made herself at home at his desk; so, he’d settled in the vacant desk. The only time Halstead’s eyes flicked over to the desk to see Adam sitting there, he’d wandered into the break room with the file and a pen and hadn’t surfaced for an hour.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Plus, she’s damn good police.” Al conceded. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He nodded at Voight and stood, draining his glass and making his way to the door, smiling softly at each of the remaining people in the bullpen as he made his way out.
“Jones.” Hank called, he didn’t have to raise his voice any level, not really, the silence coming from the bullpen was deafening, but it was also an unusual kind of silence; comfortable and comforting. Within a minute the young woman was leaning against his doorframe; a questioning look on her face, nodding once when Hank indicated for her to sit down.
He pushed the manila folder towards her and waited while she gave him a quizzical look before reaching out a well-manicured hand to pick up the file and leaf through the pages, a perfectly arched eyebrow was raised within seconds of her realising what it was. Her green eyes were filled with questions and she swallowed before licking her lips, eventually meeting his gaze.
“Sir,” the Chicago native’s soft voice punctured the thickening silence. “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t. You earned your stripes.” Hank reached for the glass that had been discarded by Al and held it up, grinning when the woman nodded, tucking a strand of auburn hair behind her ear, the thank you when he handed her the glass was almost whispered and he found himself smirking. Out in the field, he’d found, she was loud and brash and fitted right into intelligence, but she also carried a quiet strength with her, a vulnerability that had helped when they needed time sensitive information from the victims.
“Halstead, get in here.” Voight’s voice carried the firm authority, and within seconds the younger man was in the doorway. “I said in.” Hank almost chuckled, reaching into the bottom drawer for another glass, pouring it and handing it to him.
“We celebrating?” he asked, perching on the desk, clear blue eyes moving between the two people.
“Makin’ it official.” Hank shrugged, reclining in his chair as Jay smiled, noticing it came a little easier for the first time in months.
“Nice job,” Jay had turned his attention to the woman sitting quietly, cradling the glass.
“Thanks. I haven’t actually said I’d take it.” She fought the grin, her full lips slightly turned up at the corner, the neutral colour standing out against her alabaster skin. She looked more model than cop, it had worked for her in narcotics when it came to stings, but on a male oriented force, she’d fought to earn her stripes.
“It’s a formality at this point.” Hank stated, rolling a pen across the desk. “just needs to be signed.”
“Walking away from narcotics is a big step.” Jay shrugged, “You don’t have to do it.”
The air was thick again, heavy with the weight of unsaid truths and Jay held a hand up in way of apology, sinking the whiskey in one go.
“Yeah, I think I do.” Jones spoke again, reaching for the pen and signing the relevant pages.
“Well, looks like we need into that ball,” Burgess pointed out, earning sighs and groans from everyone in the room.
“I hate those things, they’re so stuffy and formal.” Ella-Jude Jones sighed and ran a hand through her unruly auburn curls, it took seconds for her to realize her mistake and drop her gaze to the floor, feeling all eyes in the room land on her.
“Do you make a habit of going to these things?” Ruzek asked, causing her to look up again.
“I attend around 2 a year now. I used to go to more,” she shrugged, “I’m waiting for the poor little rich girl comments again, I can take it.” She half joked.
“Can you get us in?” Antonio asked, hands on his hips.
“I can get you in sure, security, catering. There’s no way I can get in there, though.” She added with a shrug. “Too many people know me.”
“I sometimes forget you’re the senator’s kid. You’re so normal.” Burgess confessed, earning a few muttered comments and often shared jokes from the others.
“No, I think you should go in.” Hank spoke up over the noise. “We need eyes, we need witnesses, we need something concrete or this guy is gonna walk.”
“You want me in there as a guest? You want me to walk in there in full view of everyone and just start asking questions about missing girls?” Ella-Jude looked horrified at the prospect, her green eyes large in her face.
“Well, I was more thinking you and a plus one and maybe not being so obvious about it.” Hank shrugged again. “You have less than 6 hours.”
“Looks like I’m up,” Attwater stood and grinned, “Gotta go get my suit an tie on.”
“Slow down,” Al held his hands up, “You’re going in there, but not as EJ’s plus one. We’ll still need you to get us in other ways.” He said slowly, deliberately, looking over to the woman who was standing and gathering some things.
“Sure, I’ll make some calls and get back to you, I need to find me a dress.” She stated, pulling her leather jacket on and waiting for the nod from Voight before she holstered her weapon.
“We meet back here in four hours to finalize the plan.” Hank called after her as she waved him off, heading down the stairs.
It had been a while since she’d done this; the hair and the make-up, the gown. The scene wasn’t her, not anymore. Not since…Ella sighed out a breath as she exited the cab at the roll up, smiling at Dawson who looked smart in his suit as he opened the door for her and held out his hand to help her out. He was security. The ID badge on his top pocket and the earpiece already inserted in his ear.
“You look—“Dawson had started to say before another crude comment interrupted him, causing Ella to throw her head back in laughter and add an extra sway into her hips as she made her way into the room where the rest of the unit were gathered around the table, holding her arms out and doing a little turn.
“Well, will I do?” She asked, a chuckle still on her red painted lips. Her curls had been swept to one side, red form fitting gown with just a hint of sparkle clinging to her curves, a deep plunging neckline and a thigh high split leaving very little to the imagination.  
“I jus gotta know where you weapon is.” Attwater asked, looking just as smart in the suit that matched Antonio’s, his ID badge also clipped onto the pocket, ear piece already in place.
“Many men have tried and failed to get an answer to that question.” She winked at him, causing everyone else to laugh and joke as he exhaled loudly, muttering about women and cold showers. It was only then that she realized there was a member missing, only then did she realize that around the table were doormen, security, catering staff, even Al had a uniform on, Cloakroom attendant. But her plus one was missing.
The he walked in.
The same cocky swagger that he’d had since she first laid eyes on him, same kind of ownership of every and any room he walked into and she couldn’t help but stare at just how good he looked in a tux. She’d seen him in suits before, but never like this. He joined them at the table and she could hear her heart hammering in her head as she looked him over, managing to make a fly away comment about how he’d just have to do and needs must. His grin was enough to deflect the attention back to the task at hand and the plan. But it wasn’t clear blue eyes and freckles that had her breathless, for a second his shoulders were wider, eyes were a deep brown and his hair was long and floppy.
Ella distracted herself by looking down at the floor plans, willing her knees not to give out and the darkness not to engulf her. It was just a charity gala. It was fine. They’d be in and out in a few hours maximum and she could go home and get into her sweats.
Jay had gotten downstairs right as Ella had been getting out of the cab and it had stopped him in his tracks. He’d never seen her in anything other than the jeans and shirts she wore; polished and put together but still unwaveringly cop-casual and practical. She’d been the breath of fresh air the unit had needed since… he shook his head. He’d been doing better lately. He’d found putting one foot in front of the other and moving forward was becoming slightly easier now that he was six months deep into the routine. Even Voight had stopped asking if he was good. Everyone had just gotten into their own little ways of moving forward and he had had to accept that.
It had taken her almost a month to text him after she’d left; something about the Hawkes game and it had left him breathless and awake the whole night; something innocent. It took him days to recover from that and the subsequent conversation and while he was happy to know she was good and happy, it burned him in ways he thought he’d been healing from. All he’d ever wanted was for her to be happy, he’d left so he wouldn’t hurt her anymore but in the end, it had led to him getting the short end of the stick and feeling raw, broken and raw, months later.
Which is why he’d taken a minute when he saw Ella; she was the epitome of beauty and elegance and he knew she’d be the one in the room that caught all the attention, a small slither of pride making its way through the pain of having a woman like her on his arm, even if it was only for tonight. He shook his head at the thought. You can’t put a band aid on a bullet hole and expect it to hold.  
As he walked into the room and felt those green eyes on him, wishing they were hazel the only source of comfort he could take in that moment was he’d finally found someone who understood what he was feeling; someone who never asked how he felt, nor judged when he stayed a little later in the bullpen or wandered off at Molly’s when things got loud. Someone who appreciated the silences in the car, who never questioned his need to drive and who ultimately had his back without knowing the full story.
He’d done the same for her, recognized the same shadows and sadness in her eyes as he undoubtedly had in his. It seemed to go deeper for her; though, and one day he’d ask but today was not the day and tonight was not the night.
“So, room 304 has been booked for you two, plenty of space for you both. The luggage you’re taking in is a lot of listening equipment, however, we’ll spell stake out duties.” Dawson explained, piercing Jay’s thoughts. “Real simple, dinner, auction, dancing, then back to the room.”
“We won’t be tuned in?” Jay asked, looking around the various bits and pieces on the desk; the different bugs and then back up to the look shared by Hank and Al.
“No, it’ll blow your cover. Ella is going in as herself, Jay. We can’t have anyone thinking she’s actually working that room. We’ll be around, we’ll get to you if we need to. But you’re on your own in there.” Al explained softly, looking between the two detectives in question. Jay noticed the apprehension on her face and reached over, nudging her, the heat of her skin searing through his hand. She obviously felt it, too. The shadows darkening in her eyes, a sigh parting her lips before she covered it up quickly, batting her eyelashes at him.
“My hero.” She sighed again, feigning a faint, causing a few chuckles.
“Gear up,” Voight announced with a slap on Jay’s shoulder, creating a flurry of activity.  
Ella had not missed this. This pretentious chatter, discussing her father’s office and her brother’s career overseas in Afghanistan. She talked about doing desk work in the district, talked about how boring administration was. She’d made small talk all the way through dinner, noticing just how charming Jay could be. They’d long been given the signal that every bug had been planted and they could bail at any time, but somehow she found herself staying put. Dinner and the auction was over and as much as she hated the small talk, she’d enjoyed the company immensely. Jay was brilliant and witty. He was sharp, but also strong and reserved and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by other women in the room.
She licked her lips as she tried to focus on what the business man in front of her was saying, but Jay’s hand was warm at the base of her spine and while she was aware that it hadn’t been that long since she’d had a man’s hand on her bare skin, it was a distraction. Her thoughts began to distance her from the conversation and the man on her left who was now carrying this conversation. She couldn’t help but think of the cookout on the fourth of July, some of the units had gotten together and it had been loud and fun and fantastic. He’d been there. It had been his hands on her skin and not Jay’s and it wasn’t until she felt Jay’s hand cup her hip did she realize that she was miles and miles away and her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears.
“Would you excuse us, sir?” Jay’s voice was respectful as he interrupted the man, “But this song is, you know, our song and I’d really like to get her on the floor for this.” He hadn’t even waited for an answer before Ella felt herself being led away from the man, onto the middle of the floor and into the embrace of strong arms. She was closer than she’d like to be, but in that moment, it was apparent that she was closer than either of them wanted to be, or needed to be.
She had so many things she had wanted to say as they swayed to the music, but she settled on saying nothing and allowing herself to be moved by him; to be pulled into his orbit, to allow him to give her that out, that maybe this was a different time and a different place and he wasn’t Jay and she wasn’t Ella and this wasn’t some ridiculously elaborate plan at catching a killer.
She had been close to hyperventilating when he’d stopped her talking to the head of some dumb corporation; he’d noticed the same reactions in himself from a long time ago, the same way he’d react when things got a little close for comfort or he’d have a nightmare. He did what he had to do to get her out of the situation but only now, holding her this close, in the middle of the floor, swaying to a Sinatra number, did his idea seem like a bad one.
They were surrounded by the who’s who of Chicago, Ella’s own parents were somewhere in the room, not to mention their entire unit watching them take this unprecedented move. There was no need for them to be where they were, but it felt like the right thing to do in the moment and even if she was a little taller, a little softer, a little more polished than the woman he wanted, part of Jay had to admit how nice it was to be holding someone this close.
She smelled like vanilla and peppermint, her head didn’t quite fit under his chin like hers did, but it was a welcome weight against his shoulder, her breath warm against his neck before she turned her head to look out at the room. Her grip on his hand was confident, practised, same with the way her hand rested on his shoulder. This was something she was used to; her steps were perfect and graceful but there was something missing. She had the rhythm but not his rhythm and while it worked, it wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t home. It wasn’t Erin.
The sound of her name in his head had him gripping onto EJ tighter, causing her to raise her head, Jay’s ocean blue gaze meeting her forest green one, the same desperation, same pain shining back at him. He wasn’t the only one feeling this tidal wave of grief, of loss. He wasn’t the only one who needed the routine to keep him moving forward.
He didn’t know her full story, only that the space that Rixton took on Narcotics wasn’t a voluntary post, wasn’t a post that was vacated through choice. All Jay knew was the woman in his arms had jumped at the chance to leave narcotics and join Intelligence the second she was asked. She ran from the post with the same speed Jay had started running at in the mornings, especially when it came to running past her apartment.
He could barely breathe as he looked at her; the heartbreak etched on every single one of her perfect features and Jay knew if he let his guard down any further, she’d see the same on his. Or maybe she already could, because there was a sad smile on her lips and he was leaning in to meet her as she tilted her head up.
There was an understanding, then. A moment between them. A clarity that neither had felt in months. She wasn’t Erin. She never would be, but as their lips touched, it didn’t matter in that moment. Nothing else did. Not what had happened in the past, not what would happen in the future but what was happening in that moment and how comforted he felt in that moment. 
The kiss was nothing more than an innocent brush of lips, her hand moved from his shoulder to his neck, gently tracing his jaw as they pressed their lips together, two broken people caught up in a moment of relief. Ella knew this wasn’t the best idea; the last time she had had the bright idea of kissing her partner on an undercover sting to not draw attention had left her in this position. The hot sting of tears pressed at her eyelids, desperate for release, but she focused on the softness of his lips against his, the way he angled his head, the feel of his hand gently caressing her skin on her back.
He wasn’t Jack. He never would be, but as Jay pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, she knew that it was okay. This didn’t have to be perfect; it didn’t have to be real. It just was. She knew about Erin, knew about her and Jay being something special. Knew she’d left. But that was it; she didn’t need to know more, didn’t really want to know more than that. It was none of her business.
Jay’s breathing was somewhat ragged on her lips as she opened her eyes and smiled softly as she watched how his eyelashes were fanned across his freckled cheeks. Ella rested both hands on his jaw, caressing his cheeks to silently ask him to open his eyes and look at her. She barely managed to conceal the gasp of shock at the sheer amount of pain seen in his eyes, the shadows dancing behind them. She smiled softly, eventually finding her voice.
“Thank you.” She whispered, allowing herself to pretend that when he pulled her closer he was someone else, knowing that he was also doing the same.
“You’re welcome,” his voice was rough, laced with something she couldn’t pinpoint and she smiled again, the song slowly coming to an end and blending into another one and his grip didn’t lessen, and neither did hers; neither one of them willing to be the first one to break the spell, to let go.
Ella knew, deep down, they had to break whatever spell was weaving, but this was the first time she’d felt something other than sadness or anger in a long time and she would hold onto that for as long as possible. Jay? He seemed just as content to hold onto her and occasionally press his lips against hers or against her temple as one song melted into two, which melted into three.
They were both just two lonely souls, swimming against the same current, fighting the same demons, pretending like neither one had had a broken heart.
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kitweewoos · 11 months
congrats, you chose to live with this energy!
I would love to know more about the details you surely have not even considered about the Mom Swap AU. I'm gonna make you think about this AU more. Specifically: I wanna know about Mouse and Jude's relationship - since he's gonna be around, seeing as he can't exactly go home, and he and Jay are attached at the hip. Jude comes back to life and she has another kid, that's just how things work, I guess???
[mom swap]
Before she died, Jude already knew Mouse, obviously, so him just being there when she "wakes up" one morning absolutely does not surprise her one bit. She also doesn't really question it when he just sticks around because she knows what Jay went through and how Mouse was there with him through it, so yeah... that's her kid now. She knows that he's gay, that he's absolutely dating her son not that they'll admit it, and she knows that his parents sucked, and Jude has that mentality of build a longer table, so she makes room for him at their table and in their home.
This is so foreign to Mouse, who wasn't starved for attention but was for affection growing up, and he doesn't know what to do with a hands-on but still loving maternal figure in his life that packs them a lunch that she made herself (she's always a chef in my aus, leave me alone) and asks about their day and doesn't try to quiet him when he talks about computers. In fact, she encourages him, pushes him to find something he loves to do with computer and make a life out of it. (Something something Jude's parents didn't want her to be a chef but a teacher or something) and her unwavering love, especially in face of what he's always been told are his shortcomings???? It's so foreign but so welcome.
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halsteadproperty · 5 years
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An Inside Look at Halstead’s 2018 Holiday Party 
On Monday, just under the 59th Street Bridge, nearly 1000 of our agents and staff mingled and danced at Halstead’s annual holiday party. Attendees ate, drank, and chatted under the soaring granite arches of Guastavino’s while Christmas-themed toy soldiers paraded around on stilts. In a bygone era, the space underneath these arches was a fruit and vegetable market, but on this night it was filled with wintry décor and glamour.
Guests enjoyed hors d’oeuvres followed by dinner, a festive dessert spread, and a candy bar. Special guest Bucky Dent, two-time winner of the World Series and former World Series MVP for the Yankees, made his way through the crowd.
Partygoers also played casino games, with roulette wheels whirling and blackjack tables buzzing with excitement. Guests cashed in their chips for raffle tickets, most of which were for charitable donations made to winners’ chosen organizations. The chosen organizations include: St. Jude’s, the Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, the Crime Victims Treatment Center, PAWS of Norwalk, Long Island Bulldog Rescue, New York Cares, and Human Needs Food Pantry. In addition, a few lucky guests received Amazon gift cards, while one person won a signed Tim Raines baseball, and another won a pair of tickets to Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway.
As the evening progressed, attendees found their way to the dancefloor. CEO Diane Ramirez was one of the first there, and high-spirited partygoers enjoyed DJ Ash Krikorian’s music late into the night.
As the party wrapped up and guests spilled out into the private garden, they were greeted by just-roasted chestnuts to enjoy on the way home. It was the perfect ending to a cheerful, festive night.
See photos from the party on The Real Deal.
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kitweewoos · 11 months
also about Mom Swap: how does Will react to all of this? like his mom is suddenly alive again surely he has questions???
[mom swap]
(i love you don't pick apart my barely thought about au)
I'm torn between everyone's like WHAT THE FUCK and everyone just being affected by the magic so that no one knows, she's just always been alive, she got sick and she got better but she never died. However, either way, Will is so fucked up about it because he's in med school and he remembers his mother dying and being at her funeral and the ache in his chest.....
in the world where everyone knows that she died, there's probably a big investigation and Jude's just doing her best to be like I don't know I was gone and then I was here, I'm just going to keep going and you can sort everything out later
in the world where no one knows, Will still knows... but he's not sure why he thinks it because his brother doesn't seem to know and his dad isn't acting like something's wrong, but he does some investigating somehow and realizes that there's magic involved and Jay's involved and he confronts him
But in the end, either way, he can't be upset, because his mom's ALIVE. She's alive and home and he can hug her and hear her laugh, and that's all he wanted after her funeral.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
Enjoy the football game.
Here's your resident angster with thoughts about Will 😈
What is your thought on Will not being Pat's kid in a hypothetical scenario where Will is the older brother and his biological father being where he gets his red hair and brown eyes?
(I know genetics work differently and all that jazz, but for the sake of this thought...)
On a second thought, this might be too elaborate question while you wait for a football game lol, but it me, I had to.
Have fun ❤️
Hi my love!!! I know nothing about football except how to clap when other people clap, so I welcome the thoughts!!
My goodness, though, Will being Jay's half brother instead of full blood is interesting. I'm imagining in this theoretical that Jude (my hc for their mom's name) had Will with an ex, with red hair and brown eyes who Will does resemble a lot, who ran off when Will was just a baby. Jude, who had this baby to take care of, found a nice man who loved her and didn't care that she had a kid and treated Will as his own, even going as far as to adopt him and give him the name Halstead (he had the dad's last name before). But then they had Jay and Jay looks so much like Pat that Pat doesn't realize he acts a little different with the two. He's more distant and not as invested with Will, even if he's still present and as loving as he knows how to be. It's not obvious, but Will still feels it as he's becoming an adult. He tries not to let it get to him, but it does. It really does. He's never known anyone other than Pat, and looking at his dad love him a little less than Jay??? Hurts him a lot, and he never really lets that go, even if he figures out how to forgive and make amends with Pat before he dies.
Ask Me Anything
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kitweewoos · 2 years
Sorry about people being dicks. Hugs sending your way. 🫂🫂🫂
And since you said the other day I can send an ask about trans Will, honestly I have been debating with yeeting this ask the whole weekend, but I have been thinking about Will giving birth naturally and if hurts a lot and Connor soothes him afterwards and then they hold their boy. Whenever the writing muse may spark.
Hopefully this gives you a bit of good vibes and the hugs get your way ❤
Thank you so much, Nade!!!
That is such the sweetest image, Connor holding Will's hand as he pushes, and he wants to give up, because fuck, yeah, yeah it hurts so fucking much, and it's literally the worst pain he's ever been through, and he wants to die, but then, Connor's kissing his hair and telling him how good he's doing, and he remembers the little boy he's bringing into the world, their son, their little baby who he carried this far, he can make it through this, he can and he will. And then, the baby is out, and he's so relieved, he starts to cry, and puts his head on Connor's shoulder as Dr Asher brings their son forward and rests him, this tiny bundle, wailing and whimpering his way into the world, in Will's arms, and he's so sure this is what heaven is. You did so good baby you did incredible look at him he's absolutely perfect Will you're incredible
Henry Jude Halstead-Rhodes is born at 12:44 am during a blizzard in March, and he's absolutely perfect from the moment he comes into the world
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kitweewoos · 11 months
I’m not trying to pick apart the AU I promise! I’m just fascinated by it and want to wrap it in a blanket and hold it close to me forever
Absolutely in love with Mama Halstead just “I’m here now, that’s what I know, the rest is your problem” what an icon
I am also still thinking about Mouse just getting a text on his phone about Thelma kicking it and/or a news alert popping up or something and he has to live with magic being real now
[mom swap]
I know, I love you.
Jude just I will be causing problems on purpose as soon as she's alive is extreme Halstead behavior.
The way I imagine it, someone associated with the Gerwitzes has absolutely kept tabs on Mouse even after he came out and was disowned, so a family lawyer or an assistant just reaches out to him to be like hey, sorry this is how you have to hear about it but your mother passed early this morning, she hasn't changed her will, we'll be in touch.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
Thanks, Shae!!! Here you go, the boys!
"Where do we start?" he could hear his mom ask, and he turned his attention to the book with her handwriting.
Boil the water, he answered.to himself, plenty of salt, in a shallow pan so more of the starch gets into the water for the sauce.
He let his mom's teachings guide him through the first steps, grabbing the pan and filling it with water.
"What's that for?" Crockett asked, sliding into a stool at the bar counter. "Are you - Will. No."
"Listen, I know. I know it feels wrong. I know, but this is how my mom taught me. A wide shallow pan, you can lay the pasta down flat in so it all cooks evenly, and if you - stop looking at me like that, Connor - if you use less water, you get more of that pasta starch for your sauce. Just trust me okay. This is Jude Halstead's rules, not mine."
Send me 💯 and I will write 100 words in my current project, and share my favorite sentence/section.
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kitweewoos · 2 years
Babe! Listen, I love you, and this is just for you!
"I'd say this is the best Christmas present ever, but I do still expect a Christmas present, Will."
"I didn’t -” Will started, but Jay made a face at him. “I didn’t even plan most of this! All I did was make dinner.”
“Is this the famous Jude Halstead’s cookbook?” Mouse asked. “I tried to peek into it once and Jay smacked my hand like I was a naughty child or something.”
“It’s a secret,” Jay said. “Don’t look at it.”
send me a 🎁 and I’ll write five sentences of what I’m working on and share one / Send me 💯 and I will write 100 words in my current project, and share my favorite sentence/section.
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