itsbansheebitch · 2 months
White people talking over actual minorities: a tale as old as time
Non-Jewish people: Actually, "Never Again" is just for Jews (an unironic, actual, real post on tumblr.com)
Actual Jewish people: Chain themselves to the White House fence to protest the genocide in Palestine
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eretzyisrael · 11 months
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Today evening the Jewish people receive the feast of Shavuot (Weeks), the feast of the Jewish people delivering the first five Torah journeys on Mount Sinai 7 weeks after the exodus of the Children of Israel from Egypt, in which the Jews eat foods consisting of milk derivatives, and the names of this feast are "The Feast of the Descending of the Torah", and "The Feast of Harvest", where the harvest begins. Wheat.
ستقبل الشعب اليهودي مساء اليوم عيد شفوعوت (الأسابيع)، عيد تسلم الشعب اليهودي الأسفار الخمسة الأولى للتوراة على جبل سيناء بعد 7 أسابيع من خروج بني إسرائيل من مصر، وفيه يتناول اليهود الأطعمة المكونة من مشتقات الحليب، ومن أسماء هذا العيد "عيد تنزيل التوراة"، و"عيد الحصاد" حيث يبدأ فيه موسم حصاد القمح.
Yossi Aloni/Flash90
قف معنا بالعربية StandWithUs Arabic 
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sangredetoro · 7 months
Es Iom Kippur y no sé lo que me espera. Mis sentidos se agudizan en esta época y espero un azote divino, ya que siempre es un momento del año donde los sucesos que ocurren me golpean como un rayo.
Etapa de miedos y dolores, como si lo que sucediera me desarmara en una sopa primordial lista para rearmarla. Un baño gigante de tripsina y se me repica en otra botella.
Brilla parte de mí neuroatipicidad, saltan al mar las inseguridades y me llevan con cadenas. Soy ansioso.
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Researching all the religions to find the maximum way to be disrespectful to all of them
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secular-jew · 2 years
Pallywood: “Israeli’s kill Palestinian Boy”
Another teen sent deliberately to his death by the Islamist movement. One can only blame the Arabist elders who filled this 17-yr old teen’s head with hate, initiated him to Islamic Jihad, stuck a machine gun in his hand and sent him in to die, just so they could create a new photo op and (utterly false) victimization narration. And Pallywood airbrushed out his gun to perpetuate a lie and magnify hate. 
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therezastarman · 2 years
hey, no pressure to answer this but should non-jewish people still wish jewish people shana tovah on Rosh Hashanah?
i’d say yeah!!
it’s a very simple way to say that you support the jews around you!
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sublimetyrantmoon · 2 years
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Mis amigos me dispararon y ahora tengo que tomar tramadol para es dolor porque estoy vivo pero Pero aunque me duelen los tires me duele el corazón ♥ de saber que fueron desleales Dios Jehová no me desampara acuérdate la muerde de judas fue lenta y en agonía 😢
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myfriendthecouch · 2 years
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mayday396 · 1 month
Usually I don't comment on the Whole Palestine and Israel Issue... because I just don't want to bring shenanigans to my Tumblr....but this issue has hit my Country's shores big time.
The Israeli Embassy over here decided that it would be a great Idea to say, "Israel was Mentioned 43 times and Palestine is not mentioned at all on the Qur'an" and Now that does it.
I am usually Neutral not because I'm Coward, but because I have Muslim friends and as a Singaporean Christian, it places me on a tight spot.But what I do have is Biblical and Historical Knowledge.
OKAY imma do a post/lecture about the Biblical and Historical Evidence that points to Palestine and Israel's existence.
Somewhere in the future because the embassy basically just issued a fucking Historical Challenge and now I feel the need to school those heathens.
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sakuraswordly · 10 months
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Source: Girl carrying a child on her back, El Ajar, Haidan, Yemen, 20th century, 4th quarter | Museum of Art and History of Judaism (mahj.org)
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mendelbluming · 1 year
Menachem Bluming Muses: Your Continuity
A fish out of water does not die immediately. In fact, a fish out of water seems quite lively. It flips and flops and dances around, seemingly more active than it was before. An ignorant observer may think that the fish is better off on dry land, free from the confines of the sea. Just look how vibrant and energetic it has become!
But we know the truth. This tragic dance will not last. All that intense movement is not an indication of good health, it is a desperate and hopeless grasp at life.
A Jew without Torah is a fish without water (teaching of Rabbi Akiva, Talmud Brochos 61b). We can flip flop for a while, jumping from one ideology to another, this save-the-universe cause or the next, but it won't last. You can only stay Jewish without Torah for a generation, maybe two. Then the flipping and flopping stop altogether.
This is not about being orthodox. It's about being immersed in genuine Judaism. And that is open to anyone. In your own way, with your critical mind and passionate heart, engage in the conversation of Torah and bring Jewish observance into your home. That will ensure the Jewish future, just as it has defined the Jewish past. Everything else is just flip flopping.
Mendel (Menachem) Bluming and many other sources
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
begging non jews to stop calling chassidism cult-like and treating observant jews in general like lab rats you need to study bc rituals have "no basis in science" and acting like religion still being a part of people's lives is outdated and inherently intellectually inferior
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bluutunes · 3 months
Global strike posting day 7! Heads up gang, this one's kind of just my understanding on this subject, since I couldn't find much on the actual history and usage of this thing in the amount of time I had, so please check out the links I put at the bottom and do some searching of your own! Use your critical thinking and reach your own conclusions. You promise to do that? Ok, then let's get into it.
"From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" is a saying that you may have heard recently. But what does it actually mean?
According to Aljazeera, the phrase was created in 1964 by diaspora Palestinians calling for a single state of land between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean sea -Palestine's historic territory- where Palestinian people could live with equal rights, safety, and freedom.
However, some people view the phrase differently- "From the River to the Sea" has been called a saying that incites violence, antisemitism, and genocide against Jewish people. But it's important to remember that the phrase is not actually intended as such- according to Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, (the first Palestinian woman in the US Congress) the phrase is an "aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate." The saying does not call for the forcible removal of Jewish people from the land- after all historically, Palestine has been a diverse state, with Jewish, Muslim, and Christian populations living together peacefully. The issue at hand in Palestine right now is not one of religion, but of occupation and apartheid. As such, "From the River to the Sea" is not a call for antisemitic action, but for freedom, rights, and a peaceful existence for Palestinians. Palestinian freedom does not necessitate antisemitism- it never has.
So yeah. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
I'll see you all tomorrow.
Sources to read:
Aljazeera- "'From the River to the Sea': What does the Palestinian slogan actually mean?"
AP News- "What does 'From the River to the Sea' actually mean?"
NPR- "How interpretations of the phrase 'From the River to the Sea' made it so divisive"
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holysaintscathedral · 2 years
That Anon that got mad at me for being into hierophilia is going to be in for a very rude awakening when they find out that there's Jews and Muslims who erotize their religion and that hierophilia is often quite common among religious adherents, especially the more deeply devout members.
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spacelazarwolf · 8 months
one of my rabbis gave an amazing dvar torah this weekend and a highlight from it was “my favorite term for someone who converted to judasim is ‘a jewish person’” and i think a lot of folks could stand to hear that.
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secular-jew · 2 years
Happy 74th !!!
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