#journalist under attack
mariluphoto 5 months
More journalists died today. That makes 109.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 6 months
Bisan's recent post. I think it's important for you to read it. Tonight 03.12.23, journalists in gaza share their last messages. There are no words to describe the horrors unfolding in gaza right now.
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I no longer have any hope of survival like I had at the beginning of this genocide, and I am certain that I will die in the next few weeks or maybe days. I have been sick with severe viral infection for days and cannot move from the mattress!
I suffer from nightmares that are so closely resemble reality that I no longer differentiate between reality and dream.
I live in a world other than the one I claimed to be building! I am a community activist who lived on the fantasy that the world was free and just, and I sought to bring rights not only to my people, but to many men and women in third world countries!
I was shocked that I was not from the third world! Indeed, we are the most humane and moral! Yes, because the world approves, supports, and finances the genocide we are being subjected to, legislates it, and gives reasons for for 58 days! While we are a people who have been living on occupied land for 75 years and are still searching for our rights and communicating our voice to the world!
My message to the world: You are not innocent of what is happening to us, you as governments or peoples that support Israel鈥檚 annihilation of my people. We will not forgive you, we will not forgive you, humanity will not forgive you, we will not forget, even if we die, the history will never forget .
A Message to friends: Thank you and the supporters around the world. You have been compassionate and very strong. We ask you not to lose hope, even if the world seems completely unfair and your efforts have not yet resulted in a ceasefire.
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northgazaupdates 4 months
10 February 2024
After 12 days with no updates, the PRCS announced the deaths of 6 y/o Hind Rajab and the ambulance team who volunteered to go save her. Despite the PRCS working with the IOF to coordinate safe passage for the ambulance, the ambulance was found destroyed by IOF bombs, with both volunteer crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun murdered inside. Hind was murdered inside the car, where she had been trapped for hours with the bodies of her family members.
Hind鈥檚 15 y/o cousin Layan Hamadeh had called PRCS emergency services after the car in which she and her family, including her younger cousin Hind, came under heavy gunfire by the IOF. Layan was shot to death while on the phone with PRCS emergency dispatchers, a fact which is documented via recordings of the phone call. Hind then took the phone and begged the dispatchers to send help to take her away, as the IOF was still showering the car with bullets. Ambulance crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun volunteered to go rescue Hind. Dispatchers soon last contact with the child. They then lost contact with Yusef and Ahmed when the ambulance arrived near the location of the vehicle by Fares petrol station in Tal Al-Hawa.
This point cannot be emphasized enough: the PRCS worked with the IOF, getting their agreement not to attack the ambulance as it arrived at the scene. The IOF agreed, and then knowingly bombed the ambulance anyway, while also knowingly killing 6 y/o Hind inside her family鈥檚 car. They knew there was a 6 y/o child inside that car, and kept firing until they murdered her. They knew the entire time what they were doing, and lied about cooperating with emergency services in order to maximize the number of lives they could take.
The depravity and impunity of the occupation is truly boundless. Hind鈥檚 final hours were spent in absolute terror, and Yusuf and Ahmed鈥檚 courage and selflessness were rewarded with their murders. The PRCS did everything right. They coordinated with the IOF and sought their permission for the ambulance to pass, something which was already required under international law. The IOF abused this attempt at cooperation by lying about their compliance, then deliberately murdering Hind, Yusuf, and Ahmed, in addition to Layan and her entire family.
We write this update in tears, having hoped and prayed for a different outcome like everyone else. This round of aggression by the IOF has already seen unimaginable cruelty, suffering, and impunity. The complete, deliberate, and flagrant violation of international law and human decency is a stain on the conscience of the Global North and every president, staffer, soldier, and bureaucrat who made this happen. May the recorded voices of Layan and Hind, begging for rescue before dying alone, haunt them for the rest of their days.
Remember Hind, Layan, Yusuf, and Ahmed. Do not let despair consume you. Fight for them, for a permanent ceasefire, for accountability, and for whatever justice can be achieved, even if it seems small and pointless. Tell the world what the occupation has done, share the recordings and the updates from people on the ground. No matter how bleak things are, it is always worthwhile to tell the truth and fight for what鈥檚 right.
Keep Hind鈥檚 mother, grandfather, and surviving relatives, and the families of Yusuf and Ahmed in your hearts.
Recordings: Layan, Hind
Our prior post
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nando161mando 15 days
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A Palestinian journalist pays tribute to his little boy who was just murdered by 'Israel'.
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sayruq 4 months
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zinaeleenyamin 7 days
I'm Ahmed Alanqer, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.
- Yamen
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- Eileen
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- Zeina
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- My 鉂わ笍 Family
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Ahmed worked as an accountant in a company, but with the escalation of the war, his professional life came to a halt, and his goods warehouse was burnt, along with his completely destroyed home. They fled to the north, but now they live in the tents of the displaced in Deir al-Balah.
- My Home Before The Nightmarish War
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The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.
- The House After..
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- Tent-life
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Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.
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intersectionalpraxis 5 months
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3 journalists have been killed in less than a day. As soon as I opened up X to check-in for more updates, I saw this. The IOF are evil and absolutely monstrous.
For those who aren't aware or if you heard about this, during the ICJ trials there is a Social Media Storm for Palestine:
Please fill* [post-edit me -I meant fill not film*] your queue and drafts with their hashtags during this time frame so IOF war crimes and crimes against humanity can continue to be exposed.
May Sherif rest in power and peace.
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its-zaina 5 months
Palestinian journalists in GAZA strip were killed by Israel..
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Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in GAZA Strip and is still!
Israel kills voices of truth.. Israel kills journalists and media professionals.
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nabulsi 7 days
Can you help me start a donation campaign for a family from Gaza?
Thanks for reaching out Alaa.
To my followers I've chatted with Alaa and this is a legitimate fundraiser. Alaa is a journalist from Gaza. He also posts on Instagram @/alaashamaly and X @/alaashamaly so you can find him there.
He also plans to post more on tumblr to spread more awareness, please welcome him to the site and follow him for more about what's happening in Gaza as well as updates on his situation.
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tomi4i 4 months
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notyourtoday 4 months
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wearenotjustnumbers2 7 months
I grew attached to these journalists who risk their lives everyday to show us the truth. This is Plestia, a journalist in gaza. This is what she said in her last video after the blackout on gaza.
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Plestia's name is special. It comes from the first group of people who lived in the land of Palestine who came from the Aegean sea. They were known as the plestia tribes who lived there for 5-6 centuries. The name "plestia or flestia" later led to the name Palestine, the country we know now.
Here's her account.
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northgazaupdates 4 months
It is 8 am Gaza time and 1 am US Eastern time. As of now, from what we are seeing from multiple people on the ground in the north, there has been a *partial* withdrawal of IOF troops. It is NOT a full withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and it is NOT a full withdrawal from north Gaza.
Many areas of northwest Gaza report withdrawals, but other parts of north Gaza are still besieged by IOF ground troops. Momin Abu Owda reported that Al-Tawam Junction in the northwest is now free of IOF troops for the first time since the ground invasion began (link below). However, Shukri Filfil reported that Al-Rimal in Gaza City, which is in the southern portion of north Gaza, is still under attack by IOF troops. Eshak Daour reported IOF firing gas bombs at him and a group of civilians in Beit Lahiya, which is more in the central area of north Gaza. Hossam Azam reported ground clashes very near to his location, although his exact location is not yet clear. Ahmed Kouta reported that although the ground troops pulled out of northwest Gaza, they have moved on to other parts of north Gaza, such as the central and southern regions (link below). All but the first and the latter appeared on Instagram Stories and as such there is no permanent working link, so message us for screenshots if desired. Mahmoud Ziad also documented the continued incursion of IOF personnel and machinery around Al-Shifa Hospital in the southwestern region of north Gaza, which Ismail Al-Ghoul reported as well.
The partial withdrawal is being documented by Momin Abu Owda, Dr. Tamer Al-Najjar, Mahmoud Sabbah, Hassan Hamad, Mahmoud Al-Awadia, Mahmoud Abusalama, Abood Abusalama, Mahmoud Shalha, Karam Naji, Ahmed Kouta, Anas Al-Sharif, Ismail Al-Ghoul, Fadi Al-Whidi, and more will be added as we find them.
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northgazaupdates2 17 days
17 May 2024
Journalist Wadea Abu Alsaoud documents a funeral for a family who was bombed by the occupation, completely wiping them out.
WARNING: Not especially graphic, but very upsetting
Instagram user israa5q provides a full English translation:
Wadea: This is the reality of what we are living this morning and every day morning and night: it is the same.
Man 1: These are the bodies of a man, his kids, this is his wife's, this is his mother's, and those are his relatives.
Wadea: So this is a whole civilian family that was wiped out from the civil registry?
Man 1: Yes the whole family.
Wadea: What do you have here in those plastic bags?
Man 2: The remains of the family, these are body parts that were scattered around. We buried the full bodies and now we will bury the pieces.
Man 3: Wake up, mother. You promised me we will celebrate together. We will be happy. Didn't we promised each other that? Then why did you leave me and go? Please wake up, mom. You said we will be happy? How can we ever be happy? How? Mom. (5x) | wish it was me not you.
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zinaeleenyamin 2 days
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Iam Ahmed Alanqer,From Gaza Strip, 34 years old, his wife Dina Alanqar, and their three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza,We go to #Rafah in north, but now they need our help to escape this tragedy.
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The situation is not easy, especially with his wife's upcoming childbirth and their fears of lack of healthcare and unhealthy conditions. Their children suffer from widespread diseases and long for their previous lives and schools.
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Ahmed's goal is to leave the Gaza Strip to save his family's lives. The cost of travel for an adult is $5000, while the cost for each child is $2500, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses.
Together, we can provide support and assistance to Ahmed and his family in this ordeal. Your donation, no matter the size, can make a difference in the lives of these children who need a new chance to start over.
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intersectionalpraxis 5 months
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To see her break down like this after so long of her bravely documenting at a high risk to her life...fuck Israel. [@/ hausofriya on X. 01/06/24.]
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