#josh anderson blurb
senditcolton · 1 year
Work Song
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a/n: i was not surprised that this song was the first one grabbed. hozier really just fucked around and invented romance. i don’t think i was as successful but i hope i did this song justice. word count: 1.6k warnings: hurt/comfort, injury mention, fears & anxieties. gender neutral reader.
If the lord don’t forgive me, I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me.
It was a rare occurrence whenever you weren’t at the Bell Centre during a Canadiens game. Usually, it took heaven and hell fighting against you to prevent you from sitting in the stands, cheering on your boyfriend Josh as he played his heart out on that smooth sheet of ice.
Or, maybe all it took was an overbearing boss to prevent you from attending.
That was the case tonight and you heave a sigh as you push through the apartment door, immediately collapsing onto the couch. You grab the remote to turn on the game, not bothering to even take off your shoes. The third period was still going on as you settle into the cushions, your body relaxing as you watch Montreal battle Tampa.
You knew the standings were dismal and that a win so late in the season would likely have no real sway over the inevitable outcome. But you still wanted the Canadiens to triumph; if nothing else, at least for Josh.
Your heartrate increases when Tampa closes the gap late in the third, making it a one goal game and the pounding in your chest does not cease when Tampa pulls their goalie in an attempt to tie it. You watch with baited breath and your heart leaps when Drouin flips the puck out of the zone, directly to Josh speeding towards the empty net.
However, your heart drops as quickly as it jumped when you see Josh gets pulled down onto the ice, colliding with the empty net and knocking it off its moorings.
You faintly register the cascade of boos fall from the fans within the arena but they are inconsequential as you watch in fear as Josh writhes on the ice in obvious pain, your anxiety spiking when he doesn’t get up on his own.
The broadcast shows the replay, discussing the possibility of a penalty and your eyes are glued onto Josh, needing to know what happened, needing to know how bad it was. Your questions are answered when a new angle is shown and it doesn’t take a medical expert to notice how his foot made impact with the post, the force of his body compressing his ankle.
When the feed cuts back to Josh still laying on the ice, the medical staff next to him and a few of his teammates skating over to help him up, your anxiety doesn’t relent. Your previous suspicions are further confirmed when Josh is finally helped off the ice and down the tunnel, using two people for support, barely placing any weight on that right foot.
There is no thinking as you grab your car keys, flying out of the apartment and racing over to Bell Centre. It was ridiculous for you to be doing this. There was only 30 seconds left remaining in the game and you knew Josh would find his way home without your help.
But you had to be there for him. Something in your bones screamed that you needed to be next to him as soon as possible.
By some miracle, you manage to get there before everyone leaves and even manage to talk to the staff who lead you to the after-game waiting area. You greet the few families and significant others but don’t pay them much mind. They do not fault you though, all of them understanding why you were there, giving you a wide berth as you settle on the couch, leg bouncing as you stare towards the elevators, waiting for Josh to appear.
The rest of the families trickle out and you sit, worried and impatient until finally the elevator dings and you leap up when you see Josh step out of the elevator on crutches, his right ankle in a temporary cast, Joel walking next to him with Josh’s bag slung over his shoulder.
There is no hesitation as you run the short distance towards him. You barely have time to register the surprise on his face at your appearance before you are pulling him into a kiss, your relief and love pouring from your lips, simply happy to see him somewhat mobile. You can feel Josh relax into you and your heart flutters at the feeling of the tension being released from his body.
“Wow, if that’s the kind of greeting I get when I’m injured, I might try and get hurt more often.”
Eddy’s voice breaks in and you pull away from Josh to shoot Joel a soft grin, always thankful for his humor. Joel returns your smile but you can see the genuine concern in his eyes.
You turn you attention back to Josh, his own blue eyes still taking you in, still registering that you were here in front of him.
“Come on, let’s go home,” you say, tilting your head towards the exit.  
The three of you wander out to the garage and Eddy helps place Josh’s bag in your trunk, the two of you forming a plan to pick up Josh’s car at some point tomorrow, before he waves goodbye and you hop into the driver’s seat of your car and start the route home.
The car ride back is silent and it remains that way as you and Josh enter the apartment, moving in tandem as you both prepare for bed, you occasionally extending a hand to help him. You let him settle into bed, preparing the pillows and grabbing a cold compress as he takes off the temporary boot and elevates his injured ankle.
You finish up the rest of your nighttime routine before crawling into bed with Josh, curling up next to his side, your head and hand coming to rest on his chest, your fingers starting to absentmindedly draw patterns on to his skin. The silence lingers for a moment before Josh finally speaks.
“I’m out for the rest of the season,” he whispers and you can feel the weight of the words as he says them. You glance up towards his face and see his eyes distant and far away from you.  
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I knew it as soon as it happened.”
“I’m sorry baby.”
You aren’t sure what else to say, so you stay silent and let Josh think, content to listen to his heartbeat and feel the steady rise and fall of his chest.
“I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” he confesses, his eyes still turned away from you. Your only response is a hum, a gentle encouragement for him to continue, a sign that you were willing to listen, one he accepts with a sigh before speaking again.
“I’m almost 30. And this is another injury on my list. I can just feel it creeping closer; the end of my career. I don’t know how much longer I have.”
There is no stopping the pang in your heart at his words, so tinged with defeat and you have to fight back the tears that threaten to fill your eyes. Josh loved the game of hockey so much and it broke your heart to even think about that happiness being taken away from him.
You lift yourself up, propping yourself up on one elbow as you reach up to Josh’s face. Your hand gently lands on his jaw, turning his face towards yours forcing his eyes to connect to yours.
“I love you,” you say, the first words that passed through your mind falling from your lips. You watch as Josh’s eyebrows furrow and you continue in an attempt to explain your declaration.
“I know that might sound stupid or it might not be what you need to hear right now but I want you to know that I love you. I love your passion and I love seeing your joy whenever you lace up the skates. I want you to be happy which means that I want you to fight because hockey makes you happy. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you from chasing your dreams before you’re ready to give them up.”
You watch as those beautiful blue eyes soften, Josh’s lip turning up in a smile in response to your passion. He stays silent, inexplicably knowing that you had more to say and you let the intensity in your voice dissipate as you speak your next words.
“But I also want you to know that whenever it ends, whether it’s your decision or because of something that neither of us can control, I will be here. And I will still love you just as much as I do now.”
At the conclusion of your confession, you look back at Josh and find him staring at you with such tenderness that it makes your heart ache. One of his hands raise to brush against your jawline and you don’t stop yourself from leaning into the warmth of his palm against your skin.
“Do you want to know the first thing I thought about when I went down? The first thought that cut through the pain?” he asks, his thumb tracing the edge of your cheekbone. You give a slight nod in affirmative, eyes glued to him, intent to hear what he had to say.
“I wanted was you there with me. That was the only thing I wanted when I was laying on that ice. But soon I remembered that you weren’t in the stadium. And that thought pushed me to get up. That need to be by your side helped me push through the pain because I knew I had to get back to you. Even if this was the end, if this injury was finally what beat me, I had come home to you.”
Josh pulls you closer to him and you do not fight against him as he brings your face towards his until your foreheads are pressed together, lips barely brushing.
“I love you too,” he murmurs. “More than you will ever know. And I will always find my way back to you.”
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princessphilly · 2 years
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I don’t even know where this came from. It’s been a while for hockey
@chara-hugs @newlibrary @himbos-on-ice @whoeverineedtobe @hockeynshit @thebookofmags @starshine-hockey-girl @ayohockeycheck @ahockeywrites @hockeywocs @hockeylvr59 @luvsherleafs @puckngrind @pucksalotguys @fallinallincurls sorry if I missed anyone else
It just started with a simple touch.
It was just a small touch, fingers brushing against the other as they both shopped at Canadian Tire. You were there to grab some new dumbbells, he was there for something he didn’t remember as soon as he saw you.
It was just a spark though. Nothing major, he would forget you quickly in your mind.
Now it was a fire, your lives entwined into one. His lips met your forehead as you snuggled into his chest. You thanked the fates as Josh murmured in your ear. A chance meeting turned into a blessing for life.
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nolanscheeks · 2 years
Blurb Night!
I want to do a blurb night!! Send me thoughts!
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schmidtsbf · 2 months
hello! welcome to schmidtsbf’s blog!
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max / mike ୨୧ he / him ୨୧ 🇳🇮🇬🇹 ୨୧ genderfluid + lesbian ୨୧ minor
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a gremlin that got access to tumblr and an interest in fanfiction (writing). multifandom and ranter, feel free to interact ! open to tips and constructive criticism as i just decided to take up writing.
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basic criteria
content includes:
writing (blurb, full on fics), rambles/rants, headcanons, gifsets, jhutch character edits
will write:
fluff, angst, oneshots, any reader (male, female, gn, etc.), au’s, my own ocs
will not write:
nsfw/problematic material. these include proships, weird kinks, smut, etc. doing so will result in a block
characters i’ll write for:
jhutch characters (robert kitner, peeta mellark, billy, derek danforth, mike schmidt, sean anderson, josh futturman). if you request a different character, i could try to research abt them, worst i can do is decline.
(dividers by @saradika and @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, gif was made by me)
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[ master list, tag key, and requests coming soon ]
spotify oc blog spam acc tiktok fnaf blog
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Title: The New Mutants
Rating: PG-13
Director: Josh Boone
Cast: Blu Hunt, Maisie Williams, Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton, Henry Zaga, Alice Braga, Adam Beach, Thomas Kee, Colbi Gannett, Happy Anderson, Dustin Ceithamer, Jacinto Vega SpiritWolf, Marilyn Manson, Mickey Gilmore, Jeffrey Corazzini
Release year: 2020
Genres: action, horror, science fiction, mystery
Blurb: Five young mutants are just discovering their abilities while held in a secret facility against their will, and must fight to escape their past sins and save themselves.
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blueskrugs · 2 years
Candid photos with PLD? 💚🎉
sorry only people who say please get blurbs
I apologize for formatting issues on this one, written and posted from my phone in a car!
1. candid photos
length: 593 words
You’re not sure when it started, really, or who started it. In the early days of you and Pierre-Luc dating, you felt like you were in this little bubble, so wrapped up in each other that you never noticed anyone else.
It was Josh Anderson who sent the first picture to you, though you were pretty sure he couldn’t have taken it, from where he was sitting next to you and PL on the couch. You suspected that half the team had already seen it. You held your phone closer to your face, squinting at the picture. Pierre-Luc pressed a quick kiss to your shoulder before hooking his chin over your shoulder to peer at your phone, too.
“Whatcha looking at?” he mumbled. You tilted the phone a little so he could see better.
It was the two of you, in the exact same position you were still in. You, sprawled across Pierre-Luc’s lap, where he’d settled you early in the evening, one of his big hands spread across the small of your back, and one of your arms hooked around his neck. You were talking animatedly with your free hand, and Pierre-Luc was watching you intently, a small smile on his face and love in his eyes.
“Cute,” he murmured then, pressing a kiss just behind your ear. You saved the picture to your phone before settling in against PL’s chest again.
The pictures continued throughout your days in Columbus, until you had enough to fill an album on your phone. You and Pierre-Luc holding hands in a crowd, blurry and taken by someone walking behind you. Hugging in an arena hallway, your face tucked into Pierre-Luc’s neck. You leaning heavily against PL in a dark bar, Pierre-Luc looking down at you with amusement. You falling asleep on someone’s couch after a team party, sleepily tracing the lines of his tattoos with your fingers. A piggyback ride home, both of you drunk and giggly, wrapped up in each other.
You thought it would end with the trade, but somehow the tradition followed you to Winnipeg. The photo album grew, and you never did manage to catch anyone actually taking the pictures of you.
Pierre-Luc caught you scrolling through the album on your phone one morning. He wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned against you, pinning you to the kitchen island.
“Do you have a favorite?” he asked.
You knew the answer immediately. It was a recent picture, and you quickly flipped to it. It was late spring, and Pierre-Luc had taken advantage of a warm afternoon to drive you out to Lake Manitoba. You loved any time near the lake, and you’d rushed ahead of PL, unaware of the photographer following you. You were standing on the shore—making a smartass comment about seeing Manipogo, probably—too caught up to notice Pierre-Luc pulling a ring out his pocket. In the picture, you can see the ring in his hand, late afternoon light glinting off the diamond, and you’re just beginning to turn towards Pierre-Luc again, still grinning, completely oblivious to the fact that you’re about to be proposed to.
The same ring now glints on your left hand in the kitchen light. Pierre-Luc’s arms tightened around your waist once.
“That’s a good one,” he said.
“Yeah, I think so too.” You giggle as Pierre-Luc turned you, your back pressing into the granite of the countertop. He leaned in for a kiss.
“I can’t wait to marry you,” he added.
You rest your left hand on his shoulder. “Me neither, Luc. Me neither.”
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
I kinda wanna create an OC for a social media au (not just instagram, maybe Snapchat etc and some blurbs) but I’d love to know which player you guys would be interested in!!! I have my “keeping up with the Tkachuk’s” which I love and will continue but I feel like creating an OC would be fun!!
So here’s a little poll to see who you guys would want to see :) if you’ve got any other ideas or suggestions I’m totally open to that!! and if you wanna see anything in particular lmk for sure! I’m gonna only leave it open for one day cause I’m too impatient lol
Soooo lmk cause I’d love to do another social media au w a oc (or not, I can do a y/n) while I’m working through my writers block lol
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harlowhockeystick · 2 years
I Really Can't Stay - Josh Anderson
Y/N and Josh are tired of sneaking around, and during the holidays it’s even harder to keep their relationship a secret; especially at the annual habs christmas party.
contains: alcohol consumption, fem reader, reader anxiety
word count: 1,055
12 fics of christmas
tagging: @thecoldwind @puckbunnyforsway @drei-mrssvechii @snidneycrabby @multistann @theweightofstardust
⎯⎯⎯ also psa, i write things in a covid free world. so every fic i have it's for a world with no virus, bc i like to play pretend :) just wanted to clarify that!
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You felt like everyone’s eyes on you. Like everyone knew this secret that you had with Josh. as you stood there in your holiday party dress, an emerald green color with some gold accents along the sleeves, sipping on champagne you felt like holes were being burned through you. Your stomach was in knots, you felt like the champagne you were consuming was going to come up any minute.
All because of Josh.
But he was in the same boat you were. He wants nothing more than to stride across the room and kiss you deeply. Then everyone will finally know that he’s dating the hottest girl in the world, and maybe then some of the rookies will keep their eyes off you, knowing that you’re dating him.
But for now, those are dreams. Dreams that might one day come true, if both of you have enough courage to show one another off. But it’s frowned upon, apparently. A player dating a member of the staff, some people would have a field day. Even though you had not heard of a player and a staff member getting together, you can still imagine the backlash both of you would receive. Oh, and the paperwork you would have to fill out.
For the past two and a half months, you’ve been able to keep things civil between you and josh. While you sit on the bench in practice, waiting in case someone needs medical attention or if they need a finger or two taped up, you would steal a couple of glances here and there with josh. Turn your head and catch him staring at you, or you would catch yourself staring at him for a little longer than you should have.
When he would stay late after weights or practice and go to the training room so you could use the muscle gun, when actually he just wanted to see you and talk to you without someone else present. Eventually he found the courage to ask you on a date, in that very training room.
Ever since then it’s been secret kisses in private, a couple of extra glances on ice and in weight rooms, and if he was feeling brave enough he would brush his hand past yours when he sat on the bench in front of you.
So now here you both are, nearly three months deep into a relationship with Josh, and you’re standing fifty feet away from each other in the Price’s home. You’re making small talk with some other people there that you know, introducing yourself and being friendly. All the while Josh is counting down the hours until he gets to have you in his arms all night.
Somehow, someway, you get pulled into a conversation with Carey and his wife, along with Brendan and Shea along with his wife as well. You get lost in the conversation when Josh comes up to stand next to you- you feel lightheaded. The glass of champagne in your hand suddenly feels like it weighs fifty pounds and the heels you have on feel like they’re going to break at any second.
Which is when Carey and his wife get heckled into doing karaoke, making you feel ten times better. Now you feel like not everyone and their aunt is staring at you. Josh takes this opportunity to step closer to you and towards the back of the crowd in the Price home.
“You wanna go after them?” Josh jokes, noticing your anxiety he takes the glass out of your hand and sets it down on the counter behind him. You look up at him with wide eyes and he chuckles quietly, his cheeks a little red.
“Are you crazy?” you counter, your tone serious compared to his comedic one.
“Oh come on, I've heard you sing in the shower before. You, my lady, could win a grammy or two.” he whispered, leaning down so you could hear him better. Somehow his jokes made you feel better. That, or the fact that he was talking to you. “No but seriously, when are we gonna do something like that? In front of our friends?”
You sighed. You had the same question. You wanted to know when you would be able to hold hands in front of your friends, maybe even go as far as kiss each other on the cheek in front of people. Join some of the couples on their group dates and post about each other.
“‘Cause i don’t know how much longer i can take caulfield staring at your cleavage. If he’s not careful, he’s gonna be the one in your training room and not me.” you laugh and step closer to him, your arm now touching his. Even though it’s not much, it feels enough right now, at this moment.
The party goes on and now it’s nearing ten thirty. People are filing out and going home. You don’t know why you’re still here, honestly. “Good thing we don’t have to be at work tomorrow, I'm gonna have a slight headache in the morning.” you joked, pulling out your phone to order an uber.
“You don’t have to do that- here I'll drive you home.” Brendan offered when he noticed that you were ordering an uber. You were about to protest when Josh injected himself into the conversation, wanting the last thing for Brendan to do was to take you home.
“Actually I think I live closer to Y/N, isn’t that right?” Josh said, standing up and taking his keys out of his pocket. You took a sigh of relief quietly. You nodded your head in response and grabbed your purse, saying goodbye to everyone and exiting the home with josh.
The minute you got in his car he turned to give you a kiss, something he had been dying to do all evening long. You pulled away, not wanting to smother his lips in your lipgloss. He tried to reach in for another one but you stopped him, putting your hand on his mouth.
“Wait until I take my makeup off, then we can makeout.” josh giggled and turned the car on, backing out of the driveway and heading towards his place, where he could in fact, hold you and kiss you for as long as he wanted.
.・。♡.・゜✭・.・✫・゜✭・。. ♡・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜♡・。.✫
- thank you for reading! as always feedback and comments are welcome.
xo, j
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matsbarzal · 3 years
Can you do 2 from the soul mate list with Josh Anderson please? He seems like a guy who has a never ending inner thoughts
au #2. you can hear your soulmate in your head... and god is he annoying
word count: 1.1k pairing: Josh anderson x reader
The voice inside of your head had been there for years, constantly chirping around in the background, dropping its input when it believed it was relevant, constantly chatting away, whether it was meant to be to itself or to you, who knows. It took a few years for the voice to really be able to articulate itself, remaining as just background noise inside your head for so many years before.
As the owner of the voice grew older, so did its prominence inside of your head. It was easy to put a name to the voice, Josh, as he called himself so often, constantly berating himself for things that made no sense to you.
Could’ve hit him harder, should’ve skated faster, do you even know how to hit the net? God, what a shit pass. Who even is this kid? I’m going to rip this guy’s head off soon.
The thoughts weren’t always violent, but it was a daily occurrence, usually an hour or two of insane thoughts that pushed you to wonder whether the owner of the voice was entirely sane.
You knew the stories, had heard it from all your friends, every soulmate pair was found differently. Some had matching marks, some were able to escape in each other’s dreams, and some were able to hear each other’s thoughts.
It didn’t take you long to realize you and your soulmate fit the latter of all the options. Josh’s thoughts inside of your head slowly began coming through more and more throughout the years, probably around the same time that yours start floating through his brain more and more.
Josh was… if you were to try and put it into words, Josh was something else. He obviously didn’t talk aloud to himself much, as everything he wanted to say was a passing thought that found itself swirling through your own brain.
The first day you met him, you were able to pinpoint the voice almost immediately. It wasn’t that it was an easily distinctive voice, similar to so many other men, but when you hear his thoughts on a daily basis, constantly swimming through your mind and annoying you, it was easy to pinpoint.
“You know, for the fact you complain that I think so much, you’re just as bad. Oh, should I buy this pink towel? Or this blue towel? Oh, but that lamp is so cute, maybe I should buy it instead. You’re the worst. I love you, but you’re the worst.”
It was something he said to you constantly, every time you mentioned that maybe he should think… a little less, or at least try to guard his thoughts from swimming into your brain.
The worst was when he realized he could cater his thoughts specifically so that you’d be able to hear what he chose. It was like he was constantly going out of his way to be the most annoying person he could be, even when he was thousands of kilometres away.
I swear to God if this motherfucker comes near me one more time, I’m going to enjoy taking the fucking penalty when I slash him in his ugly face.
Big Rig? Didn’t know Oleksiak played for the fuckin’ Bolts, news to me. Stupid fuck, two Stanley Cups my ass.
No fucking way! That was a goal? No fucking way. This kid.
Josh was always extra active during games, his thoughts, and the voice inside of your head going a mile per second, constantly chatting away to himself as he made split-second decisions. It was something that surprised you so much when you finally met Josh, because the personality he showed on the outside was not even close to the personality you constantly heard shouting through your head.
He was chatty, lively, and rarely shut up inside of your head, but yet, he was quiet, a bit more reserved in person.
Guys may see me cry if I don’t sink this puck.
Y/N do you hear me? I’m thinkin’ ‘bout you right now. When I get home can we go to a café? I wanna try this new coffee Eddy told me about, it’s like… frothy and shit.
Why are you ignoring me?
Are you asleep?
Sometimes your thoughts wake me up when I’m sleeping. Not all the time. Are you ignoring me? Do you hate me? Is that it? Our souls are connected you can’t hate me.
You’re the worst. I know you’re awake, you’re thinking about the coffee I was just talking about.
You visibly groaned as the sounds continued through your head, Josh’s voice rampaging through your thoughts, distracting you from the screen in front of you, the conference call a mere distraction to the sound of his voice. He always did this, ignored your thoughts in favour of his own, not paying attention to the fact you were just as busy, if not more, than he was.
Joshua, I’m in the middle of a work call. Please stop driving me nuts on purpose.
You hate me, it’s fine. I get it. I’ll just go to the café with Eddy.
Hearing the joking tone in his voice, you tried to tune him out and focus on the sound of your coworkers talking through the call. This was one of the things people with your soulmate abilities failed to mention, once the both of you were able to realize you could cater specific thoughts to the other, it was no holds bar. Josh always had an amazing time doing everything in his power to drive you nuts.
Not realizing how much time had passed, you heard the office door open, Josh pressing himself against the doorframe as he grinned at you. Turning your camera off, you swivelled your chair around, so you were staring directly at him.
“Oh, look who’s happy to see me for once,” rolling your eyes at his words, he moved forward so he could bend down and press a kiss to the corner of your lip as he eyed the computer screen in front of you in disdain.
“You were ignoring me for this? It’s a Saturday morning, babe.”
“Josh, you genuinely think so much. Even on Monday mornings, it’s like you never shut up. Does your brain ever stop? Like, how are your inner thoughts more annoying than you are?”
Pouting at you, Josh crossed his arms over his chest and mumbled incoherently, forgetting the fact that you could hear the words almost crystal clear in your head.
Sorry that I love talking to you.
Rolling your eyes again, you stood up and moved his arms away from his chest, pushing yourself against his body and wrapping your arms around his back.
“I love talking to you too, baby. But sometimes… you just gotta tone down the inner thoughts. Can’t focus on anything when I have your voice in my head.”
“Perfect, I’ll talk more then. Should be the focus of all your attention anyways.”
note: i truly never thought about it... but josh really does seem like the type of guy who just has the most annoying inner monologue. i hope this fit your request. thank you for sending one in!! <3
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senditcolton · 3 months
As Long As I'm With You
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After coming home from work/a long trip, finding your lover sobbing on the couch/in bed after a hard day, wiping away their tears with soft touches and gentle words – trying to convince them it’s okay, and that you’re there for them now.
part of my Valentine's Day prompts requested by anon | word count: 0.9k | warnings: reader is injured, self-doubt and self-criticism, hurt/comfort
If there was one thing that you prided yourself on, it was your independence. You had gotten this far in life without using others as a crutch. You didn’t realize that that emotional strength would be shattered the same time that your physical strength was. You didn’t realize how much you relied on your autonomy until it was taken from you and replaced with actual crutches.
A torn ACL that required surgery to fix was all that it took to remove the one aspect of your personality that you cherished. A torn ACL was all it took to leave you helpless.
That loss made you fight harder to recover, just so you could have that strength back, both physically and emotionally. But that need to regaining your independence was how you wound up here; on the couch with tears streaming down your face.
You had just come downstairs for a bite to eat, that was all. After being in bed most of the day, you needed to move. You had been able to walk about the house without help recently and that shouldn’t have changed today, you thought. How very wrong you were.
Leaving the bedroom and making your way down the stairs was easy enough, just as long as you went slow and kept a firm grip on the railing. But when you tried to retrace your path and ascend the carpeted staircase, your knee started throbbing in pain. And you were stupid enough to leave your crutches leaning by your bed.
You had made it halfway up before you couldn’t manage another step, collapsing on the carpeted floor and sliding your body back down to the landing. You managed to hobble to the couch before collapsing onto the soft cushions, your legs stretched out in front of you.
That’s when the tears started. Not just from the pain radiating from your injured knee but also from the complete feeling of helplessness. Once the first tear hits your cheek, there is no stopping the downpour, covering your eyes as you choke back sobs.
You are so frustrated, so overwhelmed, that you don’t hear the garage door open. The sound of your boyfriend Josh returning doesn’t even register until you feel him gently grabbing your arms, pulling your hands away from your face. 
The minute your eyes connect with his blue ones, your heart breaks at the sight of fear shining in his irises. His mouth is moving but it takes a minute for you to fully register the words falling from his lips.
“Baby, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?”
The questions come in rapid succession, the panic in his tone obvious. You take a few shaky breaths, trying to piece yourself back together.
“I’m fine, or,” you sniffle, “my knee is fine. Just a little sore.”
Josh’s gaze stays locked to yours, waiting patiently for you to continue, intrinsically knowing that there was more you wanted – no, needed – to say. You heave a sigh, your eyes looking skywards as you feel another wave of tears swell.
“It’s just…” you begin, your words sticking in your throat. “I just hate this, Josh. I feel so goddamn useless. Like, I can’t even – I can’t even walk up the stairs without help. Everything I used to be able to do effortlessly, I now just… God, I just – I feel like such a fucking burden.”
The teardrops fall again, hitting and soaking the fabric of your clothes as your head drops. You don’t want to look Josh in the eye. The last thing you needed was his sympathetic gaze. Instead, you keep your eyes locked on your hands, clasped tightly in your lap. A moment of silence passes until Josh speaks.
“Hey,” he whispers. “Sweetheart. Look at me.”
The gentle plea is all you need to hear. And when your eyes lock, you are slightly surprised to not see a shred of sympathy in those baby blues that you loved. Instead, Josh is staring at you with the utmost understanding and care.
“You aren’t a burden,” he tells you, his fingers tightening around your hands. “Not to me, not to anyone else. If you need help, we’ll help you. Because that’s what you do: help the people you love.”
This time, the tears that come aren’t heavy with frustration and sadness. Instead, they are happy – Josh’s words making your heart both ache and mend. His gentle assurance that he would be there for you feels more healing than any of the physical therapy you had already gone through. Josh shoots you a soft smile, his hand lifting to wipe the moisture away from your skin.
“Come on, let’s cheer you up, yeah? Do you want me to call your injury buddy? Have him come over?”
You let out an unsteady laugh at his suggestion. He was referring to Joel Edmundson, the defenseman being a close friend of yours far before you the two of you became, as Josh said, ‘injury buddies’ – you with your knee and him with his back.
“Are you alright with waiting on both of us?” you quip, the words playful but still twinged with some lingering fear. A fear that Josh immediately silences with his smile.
“Absolutely. Well, Eddy might have to fend for himself but for you, anything.”
“Don’t be mean,” you laugh in response to his joking words. Josh’s grin brightens when he hears your lighthearted tone return. “Okay,” you say, “Yeah, call Joel.”
Josh lifts himself from the carpet next to the sofa where he had been kneeling, pressing a quick kiss to the crown of your head before he moves to the kitchen where he must have dropped his cellphone when he came in.
“Hey Josh,” you call out to him, bringing his attention back to you. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
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yourfavewriteress · 4 years
easy progression | josh anderson
Teaser: “You should feel like you can wear my sweater without asking.”
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As I woke up, the sun was shining brightly on my face. I opened my eyes slightly with a sigh. Noticing that Josh wasn’t next to me, I sat up, looking over his room where both of our clothes were sprawled out on the floor.
Josh and I had met a few months ago at my local grocery store, which happened to be his as well. As smart as he was, he clearly didn’t know how to pick out produce.
“Hey,” I heard from next to me. I turned slowly, locking eyes with probably one of the most attractive guys I’ve ever seen in person. 
“Hi?” I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to bother you, I’m sure early on Saturday is the worst time to interact with people,” He smiled, sheepishly.
“You’re not bothering,” I smiled in response, noticing the tint of pink on his cheeks. “Are you okay?”
“Uh, yeah,” He breathed, looking back at the various peppers in front of him. “I was wondering if you knew how to decide which ones are good or not?”
“Of the peppers?” I asked. He looked back at me, biting his lip while nodding.
“I promise this is not a pick-up line or anything,” He said quickly before I could respond. “I’m truly lost here. I was just gonna grab whatever, but then I saw someone here earlier and they stood here for at least 10 minutes picking.”
“It’s fine,” I laughed. “Uhm, I’m pretty sure you just have to pick the ones that are closest to the shape of peppers you see on TV or in magazines. I usually look for ones that just look like they should be in a photoshoot and not here.”
He smiled, “That’s smart.”
“Yeah, they also should be kinda heavy, like this one,” I handed him one. He took it from my hands, examining it.
“Okay, that makes sense,” He nodded. 
“Anything else?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.
He looked over at me and I watched as he searched my face for a few seconds, “No, uhm, thank you. I really appreciate it.”
“No problem,” I smiled, before moving back over to my cart. I barely moved an inch before he walked over to me, blocking my way.
“Last question?”
Standing next to my cart, I finally got a good view of just how tall and fit this guy was. Clearly an athlete, I noticed his Columbus Blue Jackets windbreaker.
“Mhm,” I hummed, looking up at him.
“What’s your name?”
I blushed, “I thought you weren’t flirting?”
He blushed, too, “I wasn’t. But, I think I might change my mind.”
“Y/N,” I held out my hand to him.
“I’m Josh,” He returned my handshake. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.”
“So, Y/N,” He started. “Are you from around here?”
I couldn’t hold back my laugh as I responded, “Really?”
“What?” He grinned. “What else could I have said?”
“Anything, honestly,” I teased.
“Well, I actually live in this neighborhood, so it is a valid question,” He shrugged.
“Yes, I live in the neighborhood.”
“Where?” He asked. “Wait, don’t answer that, that’s weird.”
“I wasn’t going to,” I laughed. 
“Good,” He said. “But, I would really like to take you out sometime. If you’ll let me.”
He shrugged again, “We’re in a grocery store, I’m sure you probably have other things to do right this second.”
“I do,” I trailed off. “How about I give you my number and we start there?”
“I can live with those terms.”
Four months later, and here I was in Josh’s bed. We went out a few times after that day and Josh truly surprised me. Not only was he an actual gentleman, he made me laugh and feel safe. 
Our relationship progressed nicely, if I might say. We went out a few times, one resulting is the most amazing overnight. Josh was funny, caring, protective, and as much as I hated to admit it, irresistible. Since we lived so close together, we spent a lot of time together at each other’s apartments. 
I quickly brushed my teeth in his bathroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror. When I was done rinsing my mouth, I put my hair up in the best bun possible after Josh’s fingers did their work on it the night before. Walking through the room, I picked up Josh’s hoodie on the floor, bringing it with me downstairs to the kitchen.
Josh’s back was to me as he was making what I hoped was our breakfast. 
“Hey, can I wear this?” I held up the sweater as he turned around. Although this wasn’t the first time Josh and I had slept together, I made sure to be careful about how comfortable I got, especially with his belongings. We never really talked about what we were or what was/wasn’t okay to do. To be safe, I made sure to always ask.
He smiled, “Of course, go for it.”
“Thanks,” I slid the hoodie over my head, smoothing it over my tank top and shorts. 
“Good morning to you, too,” He said, turning back to the pan in front of him.
“Good morning, Joshua,” I laughed. “How did you sleep?”
“Really good,” He responded, looking back at me with a grin on his face. He continued to watch me as I adjusted my bun.
“Nothing, you just look really cute,” He said.
“Josh, I looked in the mirror before I came down here. Please don’t lie to me.” He laughed loudly, throwing his head back. 
“What are you making me?” I asked, smiling at him.
“Oh, did you want something?” He asked. I stared at him, and he smirked. “I kind of only made enough for one.”
“Oh, so what are you gonna eat?” I challenged. “Guests always eat first.”
“You know what, I’ll give you that one,” He nodded. I watched as he walked over to my place at the counter. “What do you suggest I eat? You?”
“You’re gross,” I rolled my eyes. “Last night wasn’t enough?”
He laughed, “I don’t think I could ever get enough of you.”
I looked around the kitchen trying to hide my blush, “You’re literally so cheesy.”
He shrugged, leaning down to kiss me. “It’s just bacon and eggs, by the way.”
“Sounds nice,” I smiled against his lips.
“I also wanted to talk to you about something,” He said, locking eyes with me.
“Okay,” I narrowed mine at him.
“It’s not bad,” He laughed, noticing my reaction. He walked back over to the food and I waited as he finished up. We sat in a comfortable silence while we ate, but I couldn’t ignore the elephant in the room.
As he sat next to me eating, I turned to him.
“Is this the part where you tell me you met someone else?”
He rolled his eyes, turning to face me. “You really think I would do that to you?”
Unsure of how to respond to such a bold question, I shrugged.
“I think you’re amazing,” He started. “Like, beyond amazing, honestly. I don’t see myself wanting to hang out with anyone else, and I was wondering how you felt about that?”
I breathed, smiling, “I thought you were going to say the opposite.”
“Why?” He laughed. 
“I don’t know what goes on in your head,” I responded.
“Well,” He spread his legs wider, pulling me and the chair I was sitting on closer to him and in between his legs. “I know that you are really, really, hot, especially right now.”
“My hair?” 
“Hey, I’m taking credit for this, don’t bash my work,” He joked, pushing one of my flyaways behind my ear. 
“You’re such a clown,” I rolled my eyes.
He paused, and we stared at each other while I assumed he collected his thoughts. “I care about you, a lot. And, I care about this. I want to introduce you to my friends so they can stop acting like you don’t exist and I’m crazy. I don’t want to keep acting like this is casual and we’re just friends. I don’t want to be your friend, and I’ve been thinking about this a lot these past few weeks. I want you to know that this is way more than casual for me, and I want to be with you. I want you to trust me and I really hope I’m not blowing this. I just, I know you deserve to be with someone who’s going to commit to you, and I’m telling you right now, I will and I want to. I want you, and this.”
“What caused this big realization?” I asked.
“Ever since we met, you’re all I can think about. No matter how hard I try, I want to see you, and touch you, and be with you. And, I know this might sound fucking crazy because we haven’t known each other for that long, but I really feel like this isn’t something I should fight. You’re really fucking incredible and I hope you know that. And, I’m probably saying too much right now and freaking you out, but I had to say it before I leave tomorrow. You should know how I feel about you and you should feel like you can wear my sweater without asking.”
“Josh,” I smiled, leaning in to him. “Are you asking to be my boyfriend?”
“Yeah, I am,” He mumbled, blushing.
I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. “If you would have given it a couple hours, I would be the one saying all that to you.”
“Really?” He smirked. 
“Mhm,” I pecked his lips again.
“So, you finally admit you like me?” He teased, kissing the corner of my mouth, his arms around my waist holding me against him.
“You know that I like you.”
“I had a feeling,” He smiled. “But, it’s nice to hear it.”
“I know,” I sighed. “I do really like you. I just didn’t want to get ahead of myself, but I think you’re amazing, too.”
“How amazing?”
“So amazing that I’m letting you even look at me before I shower,” I joked, running my fingers through his hair. 
“And, you look fucking good.” I stood up from my chair, moving to straddle Josh’s lap. 
“Well, you look fucking good,” I repeated, kissing him again. He smiled against me, kissing back. 
“Can we go back to bed?”
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Thanksgiving (Josh Anderson) *Requested*
I was inspired so I typed this up. Hopefully I’ll post another two or three over the weekend...but no promises.
Warnings: Swearing, Labor....cuteness
Requested: Yep
Requests are open
Anon request:  Hey could u do an imagine where the reader is pregnant with Josh’s baby and one day when he is out you start having contractions and your water breaks and one of his teammates has to take you to the hospital because Josh is too far away? Thanks and love your work!!
“That’s it. We’ve reached the end of my patience.” You moved to the edge of your chair and tried to hoist yourself out...not the easiest feat considering you were eight and a half months pregnant. “It’s time to put up the Christmas tree. I’m done waiting.”
Your husband of just over two years looked up at you with a frown. “First of all, you’re not supposed to be up.” You’d been having braxton-hicks contractions for almost a month now so the doctor had placed you on bedrest. “Second of all, Thanksgiving isn’t for another week. We can’t put up the tree before Thanksgiving. It’s like a sin or something.”
“First of all, Joshua,” You sassed back. “You’re Canadian. Your Thanksgiving happened like a month ago. Remember that? If I want to have a Christmas tree up before my Thanksgiving I don’t see why I can’t.”
“Y/N….” Josh trailed off and sighed. “I can’t say no to you when you look like that.”
You looked down at yourself with a furrowed brow. “I’m in leggings and a shirt of yours that barely even fits. My ankles are like the size of your thighs and I don’t think I’ve washed my hair in like a week.”
He stood up from the couch and pulled you into a hug. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You’re radiant and that’s our baby inside of you. Our little girl.”
“It’s going to be a boy.”
“No it’s not.”
“You know I read online that men with bigger peni-”
He shoved his hand over your mouth, “Please don’t say anything that’s going to make me look at all of my friends differently. I don’t want to know.” You giggled and his eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled down at you.
“Please go get the stuff from the basement? Think of it this way...the baby is supposed to come once the tree is up because the tree means it’s Christmas time. So if we put the tree up now maybe they’ll get here that much quicker.”
“That was a dirty move. But fine. You have to sit down though. You can boss me around and I’ll do the decorating.”
“I already boss you around. Not much of a trade-off.” You called to his back as he headed for the stairs. He responded back with a single finger salute while you gasped in mock outrage. “Josh Anderson!! I can’t believe you just flipped me off! When I manage to get out of this chair again I��m going to kick your butt!”
20 minutes later Josh had hauled up all of the tubs of decorations and the Christmas tree. True to his word he listened as you directed him on where to put the snowmen on the mantle, how to hang the stockings just right, and repositioned the tree skirt when it got all out of whack. 
Once the tree was assembled he graciously helped you out of the chair so you could help hang up the ornaments (after you ranted for about 10 minutes on why you should be allowed to help). He did all the lower and higher hanging ones while you were only allowed to do the middle section, but it was a good team effort.
You stepped back to look at it once all the ornaments were on and gave a huge smile. “It’s perfect. Now all it needs is the star.”
“Uh-oh.” You looked over to see Josh lifting a broken star from its box. “Looks like it got damaged in the move.”
“But we have to have the star for it to be complete!!” You looked at him pleadingly, “Will you please go get a new one?? Please? Wal-Mart is like 10 minutes away. And I’ll stay in my chair the whole time and I’ll keep my cell right beside me.”
“It’s 30 minutes away if you count construction.” Your lower lip began to tremble. The pregnancy hormones were making you overreact to absolutely everything, but you only had a few weeks left and Josh hadn’t complained yet. “But...if it’s that important, I’ll go.”
“Thank you.” You sniffled a little and dashed away the few tears that had escaped. 
Josh knelt in front of you, “Why are you crying? Are you okay?”
“You’re just such a good husband and I love you so much. And you do all these ridiculous things just to keep me happy and I’m so grateful and I just...I just love you a bunch.”
He got the little private smile that he only gave you before pressing a kiss to your lips. “I love you, too. That’s why I do all these ridiculous things.” He stood back up after kissing you again. “Please stay in your chair. You’ve already been up today more than you were supposed to be.”
“Promise.” And for 15 minutes you kept your promise...but then you noticed that one of the ornaments was dangerously close to falling so you had to fix it. And while you were up…”May as well go to the bathroom.”
You’d made it about 5 steps when a gush of liquid hit the inside of your thighs. And you hadn’t peed yourself. “Shit.”
You walked back over to where your cell was and called Josh.
“Hey! I just pulled in to Wal-Mart. You okay?”
“My water just broke. I need to go to the hospital.” You stated bluntly.
“What?! Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance? Have contractions started? I’m running back to the car now.” Josh rushed through his words and you could hear him rushing in the background.
“I’m fine. I’ve only had one thus far and it wasn’t that bad...just like the practice round ones. Please don’t call an ambulance.”
“How are you so calm?!?” You heard the car door slam shut. “I have the baby bag in the car; I just need to come get you.”
“I think I’m going to call Seth. He’s five minutes away. We can meet you at the hospital. That way I get there faster and you can focus on just-Ugh-” You paused for a minute as another contraction hit. “Getting to the hospital.”
“Call him now. You have 30 seconds to call back before I start heading that way.”
You quickly hung up and dialed Seth. “Seth? I need a big favor.”
“What’s up?”
“My water broke and Josh is 20 minutes away. I don’t want him to drive all the way back in a frantic mode. Can you come pick me up and take me to the hospital please. Josh will meet us there.”
“On my way.”
“Thank you, Seth.” You hung up the phone and called Josh back. “Seth is on his way. Start heading for the hospital. We’ll get there at about the same time. I promise I’m fine.”
You heard him let out a big breath, “Okay. I’ll meet you there. Please be safe. I love both of you so much.” 
“I love you.” You hung up the phone and then raced to the bathroom before Seth arrived. Your water breaking didn’t diminish the fact that your bladder was about to explode. You’d finished washing your hands when you heard the doorbell ring and the door open.
“Y/N?” Seth called. “I’m here. Do I need to grab anything?”
“Josh has the bag in the car. I’ve got the baby and myself...so I think we’re good.”
Seth rolled his eyes. “Only you would crack jokes right now.”
“I’m pretty sure lots of people crack jokes in my situation. It’s called shifting focus.” You snarked back at him.
He smiled but otherwise didn’t respond. Once you were seated in the car he pulled out and began casually driving like a bat out of Hell towards the hospital. 
“Seth. It’s really fine. You can calm down. Most labors last hours and hours. We have time.”
“Josh called. If he beats us there I won’t have hours and hours left.” You laughed out loud and Seth shot you a smile...but he didn’t slow down. “Besides, if I get pulled over I can genuinely say that I have a woman in labor in my car. How many times can I use that excuse?”
You pulled into the hospital 10 minutes later and as you walked towards the door (You’d refused to be dropped off), Josh came sprinting through the doors towards you.
“You’re okay? I got here like a minute ago. I was just so worried. Do you need a wheelchair? Should I get the nurse. Do I need to-”
You cut him off by pressing your fingers against his lips. “You need to take a deep breath. You can freak out in a few hours when it is closer to actual delivery time. Let’s go get signed in and let our parents know we’re here.”
Six hours later you were the one freaking out. You let out another scream as another contraction washed over you.
“You’re doing great, Y/N. I’m so proud of you.” Josh had mellowed out as the doctors reassured him everything was fine. Unfortunately for him, his mellow was not vibing with you at the moment.
“Don’t you start with me, Josh! This is your damn fault. And if this baby isn’t out of me in the next five minutes I’m going to chop your dick into a million tiny pieces so this never happens again!” You shouted as another contraction started.
The doctor peeked her head in, “Are we ready?” She checked your progress and put on a pair of gloves before whispering to Josh. “Usually when they start threatening physical harm is when you know it’s pushing time. You can hold her foot up or just hold her hand.”
He walked up and grabbed your hand in his and you grabbed on tight, screaming as yet another contraction hit. You were going to kill him if it was the last thing you did.
45 minutes later the dust had settled and your new baby boy was pressed against your chest. You looked up at Josh with tears in your eyes. “We did it. We have a son.”
“Yeah, baby. We do.” He brushed your hair off your still sweaty forehead and gave you a kiss. “You were right.”
“I’m always right. You should know that by now.” You brushed your finger along the smallest nose you’d ever seen before looking up at the man you loved. “I’m sorry I kept screaming at you.” You gingerly handed him his son and basically melted as you watched his hands dwarf the small bundle he now held.
“Forgiven and forgotten.” Josh looked at his son again and gave him the private smile that had previously been just for you...but you didn’t mind sharing it just this once.
Let me know if y’all see any blazin’ errors
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plasticfilth · 4 years
ok what about something where you’ve started dating josh anderson and your parents aren’t really his biggest fan/don’t trust him with their daughter and just how josh handles that??
at the beginning, josh would find it really hard.
during family gatherings as he feels judgemental stares on him, he stays quiet, by your side but not being as affectionate as he usually is.
you can tell it upsets him so you try to hold his hand or fall into his touch every now and then, but he brushes it off.
“we can leave if you want,” you cup his cheek, looking into his eyes with sincerity. 
he simply nods.
josh doesn’t fully express how he feels until you get home, where his frustration kicks in.
“what have i done? i understand they don’t like me but, fuck, i try so hard to be nice!” he rants, throwing his jacket onto the kitchen counter before rubbing his face.
sometimes you just have to let him vent to get it out of his system.
“i know, honey,” you sigh, rubbing his bicep.
next time he sees them, he’s in a much clearer headspace.
this time around he’d be holding your hand, despite your parent’s distaste in the sight.
at the dinner table, he’d hear a remark being made and throw his fork down onto his plate with a deep sigh.
he takes his time to express to them how he understands how they feel.
additionally, reassures them that he has nothing but good intentions for their daughter.
you can feel the heavy silence when he’s done talking, and honestly, you couldn’t be more proud of your boyfriend.
you grab his hand from under the table and rest it on your thigh, squeezing it softly to communicate with him.
the family gathering that comes around, josh is a little on edge at the fact all eyes are on him, for a different reason this time.
holding a bottle of wine out to your parents, he smiles softly.
“peace offering,” he speaks. 
you can see it on your parent’s face that they’re coming around to the idea of your gentle giant lover.
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Title: Robin Hood
Rating: PG-13
Director: Otto Bathurst
Cast: Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx, Ben Mendelsohn, Eve Hewson, Jamie Dornan, Tim Minchin, Paul Anderson, F. Murray Abraham, Ian Peck, Cornelius Booth, Kane Headley-Cummings, Scot Greenan, Lara Rossi, Kevin Griffiths, Catriona Temple, Björn Bengtsson, Matt Devere, Nicholas Wittman, Yasen Atour, Josh Herdman
Release year: 2018
Genres: action, thriller, adventure
Blurb: A war-hardened crusader and his Moorish commander mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown.
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winedrunkanderson · 5 years
Positive. (J.A blurb)
You look down at the stick and it shows two red lines back to me. You shouldn’t say that it was necessarily unexpected, but it certainly was not planned. You and Josh have been engaged for about 6 months now and you guys haven’t even thought about planning a wedding yet. That’s the way the relationship was, laidback and no rushing. Ever. But here you are, sitting on a bathroom sink with a positive pregnancy test. You feel sick to your stomach just thinking about Josh’s reaction. I mean, you’re both so young and Josh is always on the road and you’re still in school. You’ve always wanted to be a mom so apart of you was so happy, but there was also a big part of you that was terrified.
“Babe?”, you jump at his voice coming from downstairs,”Where are you? We got sent home early today!”
“In the bathroom!”, you shout back.
Maybe you should’ve acted like you didn’t hear him. Maybe you should’ve wiped the tears from your eyes. Or maybe, just maybe, hid the test.
Your fiancé immediately knows there is something wrong the second he looks at your face, not even realizing what was in your hand,”Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I’m pregnant.”, you say bluntly, just staring in to Josh’s deep blue eyes.
He looks puzzled for half a second until he looks down and sees the test in your hand. He stalks over slowly to stand in front of you and he looks down. He grabs the test from your hands and keeps his eyes glued to it from a solid minute or so. But then he finally looks up, straight into your eyes.
“You’re having my baby?”, he whispers.
You don’t say a word.
“You’re having my baby?”, he asks again, but louder while setting the test beside you.
Still speechless.
“Oh my God.”, he whispers. And that’s when you see it. The smile.”You’re having my fucking baby!”
He picks you up off the counter and starts spinning you around, kissing your face shouting “you’re having my baby!” while you laugh in his arms.
And in that moment in his arms, you knew that you would never have it any other way. You’re having a baby with the love of your life. And nothing in this world could beat that.
truly awful at ending but my writing is so rusty because i haven’t done it in forever but feel free to send requests so i can get back in to the swing of things please!! Also, im dyslexic so if there are any weird errors i’m sorry!! /:
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untouchablealways · 6 years
Oh my gosh I forgot the number so sorry!! For the Josh one 44!! Thanks !!
“I still remember the way you taste.”
You had just come back from visiting your parents for two weeks and your boyfriend couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
“I still remember the way you taste,” he says, slowly moving his lips from your jaw down to your neck.
You smiled, running your hands through his hair, “Josh, baby, I was only gone for two weeks.”
“I know.” He brings you closer to him, moving to your sweet spot just below your ear. “But it felt so long.”
Giggling as he nibbles at your ear, you wrap your arms around his neck. “Now you know how I feel when you’re on road trips, babe.”
“I don’t know how you do it. Being here all alone.” He groaned. “God, I love you.” He pushes you down on your shared bed, laying on top of you.
“You really want to do this when a couple of your teammates are in the living room?” You moaned as Josh suck on your sweet spot and pushing his hips against yours.
“Hasn’t stopped us before,” he stated before going to take your clothes off. “Let’s give ‘em a show baby.
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