#joining instructions
Novice sewing pattern: Cut out shapes. Line up the little triangles on the edges. Stitch edges together. We've also included step-by-step assembly instructions with illustrations.
Novice knitting pattern: yOU MUSt uNDerstANd thE SECret cOdE CO67 (73, 87, 93) BO44 (63, 76, 90) 28 (32, 34) slip first pw repeat 7x K to end *kl (pl) 42 * until 13" (13, 13, 15) join new at 30 pl for 17 rows ssk 27 k2tog mattress lengthwise BO and sacrifice a goat to the knitting gods. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WANT "INSTRUCTIONS," I JUST GAVE THEM TO YOU
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doesnotloveyou · 10 months
"there are no instructions on how to use tumblr!" and "I've been here for years (joined after 2017) and didn't know this feature existed!"
do some of you just never explore things ever? like you join a site, don't check the TOS, don't check your privacy options, don't check all the settings, never look at your stuff in desktop, and only pay attention when someone makes a post like "omg turn off this feature immediately!" ?
bro. it's your house. know where everything is and what it does, the real estate agent isn't going to hold your hand
and help yourself by following @changes so you'll actually know when tumblr announces every minor change no one notices for a couple weeks until one person screams that their favorite button was moved slightly to the left on mobile
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lotus-pear · 10 months
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raiiny-bay · 24 days
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badassindistress · 2 years
I just bought enough black cotton to make myself another pirate shirt like this:
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Would anyone be interested if I turned this project into a little sew-along?
Where I do a weekly post explaining what I'm doing and anyone who wants to can sew along with me and show off their progress and hopefully have a cool shirt at the end
Would that be something people are interested in?
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stellaluna33 · 8 months
The crochet pattern I'm using wants me to start a new piece of yarn (even when it's the same color!) for Every. Single. Round. so that you can start each row in a completely different spot, because the pattern maker REALLY doesn't like the idea of there even being a possibility that that one spot might come out uneven, I guess. Well... that's a VERY interesting idea, but. I... will simply not be doing that. Absolutely not. I'm doing continuous rounds like a boring normal person. Because A. I've gotten good enough that it comes out pretty darn even anyway, B. I simply do not care that much, and even if I did, C. THIS PART IS GOING TO BE COMPLETELY COVERED ANYWAY!
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taylorswiftshipsbyler · 5 months
I'm so pissed rn my mom is making me attend an optional zoom meeting for band😭😭😭 we're just listening to our spring songs for the first time and like it's important but I'd rather listen to them on my own and I don't see why we have to do a zoom meeting for it.
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helpimstuckinafandom · 2 months
Davina Claire is allowed to commit mass murder if she ever so desires. As a treat.
#the things y'all have done to this girl#after everything getting her SHUNNED from the witch community was the answer? really marcel? (and vincent)#she didn't even want this shit in the first place. wanted nothing to do with the covens.#then she was convinced into it because NO ONE wanted the position#then people were pissed she was regent. DESPITE THE FACT NO ONE ELSE WANTED THE POSITION#her best chance at bringing kol back gets hijacked#she follows marcel's advice for proving power by force by instructing for ONE witch to be killed. who had already made a move on davina#ten witches are instead killed (unfortunate but not davina's plan. she feels immense guilt even)#(and this is the only thing that's like... yeah fair if the witches don't want her after that)#but she doesn't continue on this vengeful murder path. she extends an olive branch to the witches suspicious of her (fair that they don't -#- accept but she's working on repsiring shit)#the this vamoire secret society (cult) wants her. and marcel and vincent's plan to make sure she can't be used by them#is to trick her to admit what she did to the witches so that she is cut off from the ancestors and completely excommunicated#to the point where she can't even buy shit from witches in the quarter#WE LEAVE HER ALONE FOR LIKE FOUR EPISODES#she's living in that attic she wanted to escape so bad#and now she's gonna join the vampire cults personal coven because she has no other community and it's the only method she has to res kol#like good fucking job guys. your work to make sure the vamp cult couldn't potentially pressure her to do shit for them#has given her no choice but to be permanently on retainer for them#AND VINCENT GOT COERCED BY THE VAMP CULT TO DO WHAT THEY NEEDED FUCKING ANYWAY#haven't seen a witch this mistreated since bonnie bennett#and it's almost worse cause unlike vampire diaries everyone except davina is an adult#(whereas bonnie wasn't the only teenager and she aged along with the others)#so davina's age is felt way more. and the way she is used and manipulated by everyone is just that much more awful#literally only one who actually gives her supoort is josh. and he's also a teenager (and more recently vamped)#and even then#the originals#davina claire#((i'm only around halfway through s3))
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treecakes · 3 months
i’ve always wanted to learn the saxophone though. maybe someday.
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malewifehenrycooldown · 5 months
Re-reading Bleach’s Arrancar arc, and… god I want to give Orihime a shoulder to lean on and cry on. Just… gosh the poor girl… she can’t catch a break :’(
The moment she has self doubts about her own abilities (a very understandable and normal teenaged thing!) she has an even more stronger insistence to be stronger, and just when she’s about to get a tremendous improvement in her abilites, the bad guys show up (specifically Ul//quiorra) and basically coerces her to join the arrancar because the value her abilities. That refusal would lead to the deaths of her friends, and as a pacifist who doesn’t like violence and wants to keep her friends safe, it’s understandable that such an offer is VERY HARD for her to decline.
May I remind people that Orihime at this point in Bleach is a teenaged girl attending high school. Who just a few months ago almost saw her best friend die (they’re okay but they’re not the same person anymore), had a near death experience herself, and also saw the person she has a crush on be violently defeated in a battle he wasn’t prepared for.
Arrancar arc is really just… Orihime and the horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day :(
#I was really emotional when typing this up..#the momen she considers getting stronger urahara comes around and well intentionally#says that she should sit this fight out because her combat abilities are a liability#LIKE ITS WELL INTENTIONED… but the dude explains it so horribly it just adds to orihime’s self doubt#and she vents this to rukia who LOSES HER SHIT. rukia is like ‘HEY WITHOUT YOU I’D BE DEAD’! and she’s right!! and she trains with orihime#after orihime’s fairy friend gets fixed!! and it’s like!!! FINALLY!! she’ll get the time to shine on the battlefield!#but the arrancar saw that and went ‘hey… what if we stole this human and kept them as our medic? it’s a piece of leverage over#that ichigo guy :) we win either way and they can’t stop us. it’s a foolproof plan!!’#and they coerce her to join them by threatening the lives of her friends and it’s like!!!#then taking advantage of an emotionality vulnerable orihime is like.. genius storytelling#it’s a consequence of the characters not allowing orihime stand on her own in a fight. they try to protect her so much that they end up#losing her in the end anyways as she joins the bad guys. obviously this is a coerced betrayal. the enemy threatened#the lives of her friends in exchange for her to go with them. so of course!! she’s going to follow their instructions to save her friends!!#I don’t think orihime is THAT naive I think she’s more kind than naive. she wants to see the best in people even if they are her enemy#she did that a lot in the soul society infiltration arc#i think her real weakness is that she’s kind to a fault but the fact she chooses TO BE KIND even in the face of evil gives her#so much character and personality to her. she’s a good person who wants to do good and to be better; to help OTHERS BE BETTER!!#hi I’m normal about a fictional character sorry…#bleach spoilers
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skrunksthatwunk · 10 months
so im fostering my friend's turtle now. yippee :)
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redraspberryleaf · 17 days
What are some shows/books/documentaries/movies/podcasts/media that will make me giggle and kick my feet?
I just want to consume some media that won't stress me out too badly and make me smile!!
Please info dump about your favs to me or rb so I can find out everyone else's favs♡♡
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turabify · 2 months
oin me on my journey as I venture into the world of golf, inspired by the belief that significant connections and opportunities are forged on the greens. At Swing Fit Golf, under the guidance of my brother, I take my first steps toward mastering the art of swinging a club. Through each instruction, from wrist positioning to ball placement, I eagerly absorb the basics, fueled by the desire to expand my skill set. As I learn, I reflect on the notion that successful individuals continually strive to acquire new abilities.😇
Actualize Your Potential, Catalyst. The World Needs You🖖🏽
Full video on YouTube. Link in the bio
Thank you for watching! ---------------
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whateveriwant · 6 months
Task force 141 reacting to their very pregnant wife still trying to clean, cook etc
This turned more into ‘Task force 141 preventing their very pregnant wife from trying to clean, cook, etc’ lmaooooo I hope that's alright
HA! Good one!
No seriously, it's actually hilarious that you think you'd do anything for yourself when your hubby's around
That man has been waiting on you hand and foot since you first got together. So now that you're pregnant and you think he'd let you so much as lift a finger? You must have a serious case of pregnancy brain, sweetheart
Price is doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the running errands, etc. throughout the entirety of your pregnancy (and at least the first several months postpartum)
He's kept you practically bed bound these last few months to the point where you think there's a perfect indent of your body molded into the mattress
Seven months in, he's suddenly called away to a quick mission halfway across the globe, and you think finally you'll get some of your autonomy back...
Well, think again because who should show up at your door the next morning than your mother-in-law herself, ready to pick up where her son left off
She came at the behest of your husband, of course, and was armed with a detailed set of care instructions
What does your husband think you are? Some sort of one-of-a-kind, priceless artifact that needs special handling? (Actually that's exactly what you are. Price-less… I'll see myself out 🚶🏻‍♀️)
When it comes to having some semblance of independence during your pregnancy, Ghost will give you a bit of a longer leash than Price, but only just so
You’re going for a walk around the neighborhood? Hold on, let him grab his coat to join you. Or you're going into the backyard to tend the garden? He'll pull the weeds while you water the plants
But when it comes to letting you do certain things, there are some hard nos that he will absolutely not budge on
You try to use a stepladder to reach the top of the cupboard? Stop! You'll break your neck! You try to pick up anything heavier than 10 pounds? Stop! Give it here! You try to drive?... Don't even fuckin' think about it, precious.
The farther along your pregnancy progresses, the better he gets at predicting (and intercepting) your next move
You were gonna do laundry today? Well, wouldn't you know, he's already got a load going in the washer. You were about to make dinner? Well shucks, he just ordered takeaway from that Greek place you love
His ability to read your mind is honestly impressive once you get past how damn annoying you find it. Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you're incapable of fending for yourself, and you're tired of him acting as if otherwise
But really, you can never get mad at anything he does for you. After all, what kind of a husband would he be if he didn't take care of his missus and your little one?
If you take Ghost’s cautiousness, mix it with Price’s thoroughness, and crank it up to an 11, you get Soap
From the moment he found out you were pregnant, he put your house into full lockdown mode, stopping just short of booby trapping the front door in case you got any funny ideas
You want some fresh air? Just open a window. You want to go for a walk and stretch your legs? Just take a few turns about the living room like you're some Austenian heroine
Don't let him catch you doing any kind of physical labor, because so help him Jesus he will grab a spray bottle and use it like you're a feral alleycat he's trying to house-train (he wouldn't really... but don't test him)
You try to unload the dishwasher? Ehrr! Wrong move. You try to remake the bed? Ehrr! Nice try. You try to mop up your own mess. Ehrr! Enough already. You try to– OCH, WOULD YE BLOODY SIT DOWN, WOMAN?!
For nine long months during his requested leave from work, your husband is attached to you like some kind of loving, smothering barnacle
But doesn't he miss his job, or the lads for that matter? What if the world needs saving? What will they do without him?
Well, (in his exact words) fuck the rest of the world! You're his world, bonnie, and he'll give you everything you could ever wish for and then some
By far, you have the most independence with Gaz than you would with any of the other three men… at least, at the beginning of your pregnancy, that is
Once you get to around five or six months he becomes just as helicopter-y as all the others; he's just ever so slightly more bearable, perhaps
There's lots of peeking his head around the corner to check on you throughout the day or appearing seemingly out of thin air whenever you're doing something he'd rather you wouldn't
You've lost count of the number of times you've been in the middle of cooking or hanging up the laundry or whatever and his hand has suddenly appeared out of nowhere, gently taking the object from you before directing you to sit and rest
And like, look. He knows you can handle yourself. He knows you could conquer the whole world if you wanted to. That's one of the things he loves about you the most
But seeing you like this – so fragile, so vulnerable, so beautiful and soft and pregnant with his child; his child – it just… It makes him…
He just needs to do these things for you, alright, love? Just let him take care of you, please? Would you let him do that?
You already have so much you have to carry. Let him ease some of the burden off your shoulders. Let him do these small things for you because they don't even compare to all that you're doing for him 🥲
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writingwife-83 · 1 year
Guys, if you read on AO3 please try to create an account. So many of us writers are going to be forced to lock down our fics to registered users out of necessity to help keep AI away, and it kills us because we don’t want to stop any of you from reading.
AO3 is invite only. So if you know an AO3 user, ask if they have an invitation to give you (we’re given invite codes to share with others who want to join) because that’s an easy way to get in. If you don’t know someone you can ask, this is AO3’s instructions for requesting one from them…
I know this seems like an extra step and maybe you don’t think you need it and can just read from people who haven’t locked their fics. But this isn’t just about you as the reader. If you enjoy fics and you want to keep them coming, this is how you support your favorite writers! If our stats and comments plummet, I guarantee writing is going to start going down as well. Nobody wants that! So please consider making an account and signal boosting this as well! 🙏🏻
**NOTE: AO3 indicates (as of today) there’s 48k some people in the queue for invites and they’re sending out about 5k per day. That’s not a bad wait at all!!**
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