#john winchester defense attorney
1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Okay, bear with me, I need to ramble for a second here about John Winchester's age and his service in Vietnam.
(But I'll do that under a cut so as to not clutter up yall's feeds)
I was interested to know how young the youngest active duty soldier was in Vietnam, cause we all know that the guys in WW1 and WW2 lied about their ages, so why not in Vietnam too?
Come to find out, they had soldiers under the age of 18. Five at the total, that they know of. The youngest one killed in action was Dan Bullock, who was fourteen years old when he died.
Internet sources also state that the Marines, who Bullock lied his way into, an who John also joined, were the easiest to be able to lie your way into.
So it is entirely plausible for John to have lied his way into the Marines.
But did he? And would he have even needed to??
We know that John and Mary met for the first time 23 March 1972 and that Dean was send back in time by Cas in 4:03 to 1973, so John has to have gotten out of the military before March 1972.
supernaturalwiki.com states three theoretical birth years for John, ranging from 1953 (as a draft script of the pilot states John as being 30 years old at Mary's death date), 1946 (if you read John's eamail, [email protected] to state that) or 1954 (according to the gravestone in 2:20. But that's djinn reality).
So I think we can all agree that the only birth year that would make sense for John to have been drafted into the army would be 1946, as the drawing for the lottery of the birth years 1944-1950 happened 1 December 1969.
And, listen, that could be possible too as Matt Cohen was either 26 or 27 when they filmed season 4. Subtracting that from 1972, when John must've been back in the states, we'll come to a birth year of 1946 or 1945.
We can have a fight about wheter or not JDM looks to be 60 in season 1.
Both 1953 and 1954 don't make sense for him to have been drafted, because their drawings only happened 2 February 1972 and 8 March 1973 respectively; when John was already back in the states.
However I do think that 1953 and 1954 are the years more logical to assume when we talk about ENLISTMENT. Especially because when Dean sees the birth year on John's gravestone in the djinn reality he doesn't question it.
So let's say his birth year was 1953, we come to 1971 as him being 18.
Or let's say his birth year was 1954, we come to 1972 as him being 18.
However there is also the possibility for John to have gotten his parent's (aka his mother's) written permission to have joined the military at 17, making 1954 as a birth year, and 1971 as year of enlistment, still plausible.
There is also the possibility for John to have lied about his age, as I mentioned before the Marines were the easiest to lie your way into, or for a judge to have given him the choice “jail or the army”.
Though, quite honestly, given John's character (I know haters, someone who doesn't think John is the evilest evil to ever evil... shocker), I do not think the judge thing is that likely.
More likely I think is either him lying about his age, or getting his mother's written approval to join the Marines earlier than when he was 18.
If we say that he was born 1953 and lied his way in at 17, or got his mother's writtin approval, that puts his earliest enlistment date at 1970 (doing the same thing with 1954, it would be 1971).
Training is another thing that we don't have exact timing for.
Basic training was cut down to 8 weeks after March 1966, and I have found anywhere from 8 to 24 weeks of training for USMC.
I found stories of Marines being send after just those 8 weeks of basic, while others went after basic + 4 week jungle course + 4 weeks of leave, while others of Recon Battalion had six months additional training.
So it is entirely possible for John to have been send to Vietnam after just those 8 weeks of basic.
Or after 8 weeks + 4 weeks jungle course + 4 weeks leave.
Bottom line, WE DON'T KNOW!
Another thing that could give us an indication of his time in service could be the medals John earned, and that he displayed in his journal.
The Vietnam Service medal:
Was awarded to all US armed forces after 3 July 1965 through March 28 1973, and requires the soldier to be attached to or regularly serve for 1 or more days with an organization participating in or directly supporting military operations.
USMC good conduct ribbon:
On wikipedia it states that this one is awarded to the soldier who completes three consecutive years of "honorable and faithful service".
However, during times of war this medal may be awarded for only one year of service.
Purple Heart:
As of 1962, after Executive Order 11016, which allowed for the posthumous award of a Purple Heart to a soldier, it was only required for the soldier to have sustained an injury that needed to be treated by a medical professional.
Bronze Star:
Is awarded to the soldier that distinguishes, or has distinguished, herself or himself by heroic or meritorious achievement or service, not involving participation in aerial flight—
(a) while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States; (b) while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force; or (c) while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a belligerent party.
Note that the Bronze Star does not state a time required for the soldier to have served in the armed forces
The red crest of the US Army Aviation School Ford Rucker I couldn't find a requirement other then graduation from this school, and that graduates stay anywhere from 13 to 15 months. But I do not know how long students stayed there during the time of the Vietnam war and how long John actually stayed there.
The USMC Rifle Expert Medal also doesn't include a time served as a requirement.
Him being a Corporal also doesn't really help to narrow down his time served, as during Vietnam they were still doing field promotions for both drafted and enlisted men.
So, what does this leave us with?
Given that a tour of duty during the Vietnam War lasted 13 months for the USMC, and that the USMC Good Conduct Ribbon requirement could be lowered to 1 year of service required during war time, it is possible for John to had basic training of 8 weeks, and a 13 month long tour in vietnam, while earning all those medals and being promoted to Corporal, and be back in Kansas before March 1972, while being born in 1954.
It would chill out the timeline a bit if his birth year was 1953, and would chill it out a HUGE bit if his birth year was 1946 (even allow for him to have been drafted).
Bottom line: I don't know why yall get your panties in a twist.
Did you orient yourself at JDM's birth year? Cause that fucker is way too young for any of those scenarios.
Is it cause the Vietnam War is the dishonorable war, and yall can't fathom that some guys would enlist, instead of being drafted; that some men and women answered the call of duty?
Is it just cause yall hate John so much and you take every last opportunity you can to take achievements away from him and belittle him.
I don't get it.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 1 year
Obviously media interpretation is subjective and there is no right or wrong way to read something except yes there is and I'm the only boy in the world who understands season 4. Sam didn't just "pick a demon over his brother" he went with the only person he thought he could.
Like, you have to understand the three big emotions for Sam going into this season. The first being just this overwhelming, intense guilt. Everyone he was related to died because of him. Mary and all her relatives and family members died so Azazel could get to Sam, their dad died to save Dean from the injuries that Azazel caused so he could get to Sam, and then Dean literally traded his life for Sam's and Sam couldn't save him. Like, yeah the grief's a huge part of it but the guilt. The guilt is killing him.
Then you have this pathological desperation to be something good, which we see a bunch in season 2 (and even more in later seasons but shh). He doesn't want to be what Azazel wants for him, he doesn't want to be a monster, so he has to save people. He has to make something good out of what's inside of him. Which is why he wants to believe Ruby is good, because if a demon's good then maybe the demon blood doesn't mean he's evil after all.
And the final fucking nail in the coffin is that he feels he can't trust anyone else. Both Bobby and Dean have lines in s3 implying or outright saying that Sam is something evil, something inhuman. Dean repeatedly calls Sam a freak, says he's scared of him, says if he didn't know him, he'd hunt him— all before he even knew Sam was drinking the blood. His father wanted him dead. He's repeatedly attacked by other hunters back when all he did was have visions, and then he finds out angels are willing to destroy an entire town full of people, so he doesn't even have his faith anymore.
So you've got all this guilt, and desperation, and fear, and then there's Ruby who's using it all to manipulate Sam into doing what she wants. Like, season 4 isn't a story about Sam betraying Dean; it's a story about everyone in Sam's life failing him, including himself.
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suethor · 2 years
SPN OCs....I am wondering I am asking I am listening
omg hey bestie..............saurrrr
ace winchester: sam's (older) twin played by crystal reed (i think? or phoebe tonkin); queer; womanizer.
she and dean are too alike for their own good, but she's a little bit worse at repressing her emotions. she's used to standing up for sam, and when he left to go to stanford, she was devastated, but they kept in touch and she visited him from time to time
spends most of her time reading in the backseat of the impala and listening to britney spears on her mp3 player
has a lot of tattoos, most of them are angel/demon/monster/nancy drew themed
shipped with a lot of people, but i think endgame is probably a fem!castiel (exploring queerness with cas as a vessel (cas is i think played by khadija red thunder)) or a different gq angel
her fic leans WAY more into the y2k early supernatural seasons vibe and isn't as gimmicky as the post s5 narratives
the end of the fic is sam going to law school and her and dean opening up a PI agency near where he settles down, where she occasionally helps sam out once he becomes a defense attorney and hunts monsters on the side
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veronica "vex" vernon: witch; played by adria arjona
academic witch graduate student in demonology who deals potions to regular people on the side (yes like a drug dealer)
joins the winchesters as "field research" and stays for the found family sometime late in season 1
shipped with sam because she's also kind of addicted to magic and they heal each other ... <3
continues to deal drugs when she's on the road with the winchesters in order to supplement her income (her research grant money is used bailing dean out of jail)
kind of like the giles to dean and sam's buffy. but also the willa.
does not live out of a backpack like dean and sam do and so dean has to move all his shit out of the trunk to make space for her clothes and books
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natalie chan: stanford student with a dark past; sam's college bestie; played by chase sui wonders
her mom, played by maggie q, was a hunter killed by azazel in the same way mary and jess were; she tags along with sam and dean after discovering jess' body
was a bit of a wild child but in a coping poorly way; she has an ongoing drinking problem that she learns to deal with
shipped with dean in a hookup to besties to lovers dynamic; they start off hooking up drunkenly after a night in a dive bar, but natalie feels SUPER guilty about it because of sam, so she doesn't say anything and they don't hook up again. but there's also a barrier of intimacy that's been broken down by it, and neither of them can bail like they usually do on their one-night stands, so they grow really close and eventually fall for each other.
super protective of other women, especially college students. when they're hunting and they run. into people younger than her, it activates something.
always covered in blood (#finalgirl)
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bonus!!!! hbo!supernatural oc!!!!
jessica "monday" lunes: played either by amber midthunder, fivel stewart, or alexa demie (lol.)
taken in by john after her parents were killed by vampires, a few months before sam left for stanford
grew up with the winchesters from age 16 on; dean and john both call her "monday" or "my monday" because of her last name
the secret reason she was taken in that john doesn't reveal: she's a supernatural magnet. for whatever reason, the dead gravitate towards her—which is why her parents were killed. she also seems to have some sort of immunity, though—they never want to hurt her
suffers from terrible nightmares all the time; doesn't realize they're actually visions from nearby dead
john took her in both to protect her but also because he hoped that she might attract the thing that killed mary
fic condenses the seasons a bit so castiel appears sooner and explains to her that she has divine origins
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ao3feedsastiel · 2 years
A Funny Thing Called Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u4Z3xe
by LuluJozeenovak
Sam Winchester is fresh out of law school and starts working with an established lawyer that started his own firm. He soon finds himself falling for the distant and aloof man. He becomes friends with Castiel and tried to flirt with man to let him know he’s interested. He had noticed the man had ticks and stims but that didn’t bother him.
Castiel Novak has been a well-known defense attorney for 10 years when he takes on a kid newly out of law school and finds that Sam is a very good attorney. They become what he considers friends. Against his better judgement he starts falling for the man and doesn’t know how to deal with his newfound feelings. He has Asperger’s Syndrome which is a form of Autism so outside of his gift at law he really isn’t good with people especially when they are good looking men that are flirting with him.
Words: 28164, Chapters: 11/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Meg Masters (Human), Crowley (Supernatural), John Winchester, Mary Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Sam Winchester, Crowley (Supernatural)/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Homosexuality, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Autistic Castiel, Chubby Castiel (Supernatural), Chubby chaser Sam Winchester, belly love, Fear of physical intamacy, Light Dom/sub, Submissive Castiel, unusual kinks, Slow Burn, Autistic Castiel (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Lawyers, Sam Winchester has the patience of a saint, Comforting Sam Winchester, Introverted Castiel, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Smoking, Meg being Castiel's best friend, Insecure Castiel (Supernatural), Distraction stims, Dunkeness, possible triggers, Verbal Abuse, Running from your problems never solves anything
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2u4Z3xe
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dean-isms · 8 months
“Talked the sheriff down to a fine, dude. I’m Matlock!”
Reference: Matlock
Episode: 1x07 “Hook Man”
Writer: John Shiban
Spoken To: Sam Winchester
Media Type: Television - Procedural
Timeframe: 1986-1995
Description: An American mystery legal drama television series created by Dean Hargrove, starring Andy Griffith in the title role of criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock.
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castielcommunism · 3 years
Oh my god, feel free to ignore this because no one needs this in their life but that one person on your mint condition post??? With the john winchester defense attorney TAG???
I made the mistake of looking at their blog. Absolutely FASCINATED by people who call Mary a bitch for ignoring her children WHEN THEY WERE FULL GROWN ADULTS because she needed some space to process her traumatic return to life but are apparently totally cool with John repeatedly abandoning is young children when they very much needed an adult around.
Even if you "don't count seasons 6-15 as canon" (so the majority of the show???), John was an epically shitty father from the very beginning. Remember when John ignored them for the entire first season, even while Dean was dying? But apparently Mary isn't allowed to go off and do her own thing while keeping in touch with them.
Ugh, sorry for the rant it's just like...wtf show are they watching???
Anyway, mint condition is one of my all time favorite episodes. Keep up the good work with the mint condition posting.
it's ridiculous because the show flip-flops on the extent of john's abuse (or that he was abusive at all), precisely BECAUSE parents, particularly and especially men, abusing their children is so normalised in popular consciousness. and these goofies see that and are like yep i totally agree he's actually a good guy who's just misunderstood. if there's one thing we definitely need more of in popular discourse it's defending abusive fathers!
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gooferdusted · 4 years
What kind of lawyer do you think Sam wanted to be?
ok wait actually I DO wanna talk abt this bc I was about to make a whole separate post about it. to answer ur question, and knowing essentially fuck all about the legal system, I'm gonna say just like. literally whatever he could do to protect dean and john should they run into legal trouble??? idk if that would be like a government issued defense attorney or smth, but
that brings me to my next point which is how in the hell did little 14 yr old sensitive "my English teacher is the only one who understands me" sammy winchester morph in "I am going to go for pre law"???
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happy Saturday, here’s some ‘birth and death of the day’
This isn’t Sam’s first possession.
When he had agreed to…house Michael, for lack of a better word, he’d known what to expect. The whole ‘boxed in in a space too small for him’ feeling, the powerlessness, the frustrated itch in his limbs to do something, to stop doing whatever it was they were being forced to do—he’d anticipated all of that. 
What he hadn’t prepared for was the quiet.
Demons like to torment, and it carried over to their possessions. In Sam’s experience, that meant they wouldn’t shut. up. about what they were forcing their version of you to do—how it would torture your family, how they’d kill you afterwards (slowly, always slowly). Most demons, he had found, considered their internal monologues to be half the pain of being possessed. He had thought Michael would be the same way, especially given how this possession has specifically lasted longer than he and Gabriel had thought it would. A few days, Gabriel had said. He’ll either accept Dean’s offer—and Dean will offer, with you down for the count; or your friends will pull it off. 
Neither has happened, and yet still Sam sits in his box. In the silence.
He’s had a lot of time to think, and most of it has been spent thinking about Dean and Caroline, with some Jess, John, and Liz sprinkled throughout. (He’s tried to remember Mary Winchester, racked his brain until he knows Michael feels it, but he gives up when he draws nothing but blanks.)
Mostly, he thinks about Dean and Caroline.
Sam remembers how Caroline had stolen his college acceptance letters out of the mail for him, hiding them in the top drawer of his desk, right under the false bottom he’d constructed. He remembers her patiently teaching him how to fold a crescent roll that didn’t come from a can, and how to eyeball just how much garlic a recipe really called for—you don’t measure garlic with measuring cups, you measure it with your heart, Sam, she had said passionately, eyes laughing and face serious. He remembers marking off her height on the side of the doorway until she gloomily told him she thought she had stopped growing but that she was okay with it, really, because if she didn’t grow anymore, she’d keep her position at the top of the pyramid (he remembers that she’d shot up three more inches later that fall).
There was one winter that the flu had ravaged the Forbes-Winchester house, and he’d caught the nastiest strain that had wound its way through their family. Liz had taken his temperature faithfully every two hours, watching worriedly as it climbed into triple digits before breaking. He remembers how Caroline had flouted her mother’s rules about his quarantine and watched pirate cartoons with him until both of their eyes were glassy. He hadn’t been completely recovered when they ventured out into the biting Virginia cold to spar with molding tree branches.
He remembers how he and Caroline had binged Law & Order obsessively the summer before everything went to shit; and how after a spirited discussion on defense attorneys, she had looked up the Virginia Innocence Project and told him in no uncertain terms he had to work for them once he became a big shot lawyer. Once he had arrived at Stanford, she had sent him a few of the cases that he assumed she found particularly upsetting, and he never told her he set up Google alerts for them. He can’t remember if he had ever even replied to her.
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zombiewerewolfqueen · 5 years
Court Of Love (Lawyer AU)
Britney was a lawyer, and a damn good one at that. She had won nearly every case she had taken on. And that had given her confidence in both her workplace and the courtroom. She worked at Crowley law firm. One of the two biggest law firms in the country.
The second was Winchester Law. Owned by John Winchester. And their best lawyer was Sam Winchester. A man Britney had decided to hate. He was better than she was and she knew it, but she would never admit it.
And it was just her luck when she went to meet with the client she was prosecuting, that Sam Winchester was his defense attorney. She didn't peg Sam as one to defend a murderer but she supposed she didn't know him that well.
The man she was prosecuting was being charged with the murder of his ex wife and her husband. The evidence was clear and pointed to him, but if anyone could get him off free it was Sam Winchester. With his handsome face and his damn charm. She was screwed.
She crossed her arms as she saw Sam look her up and down. "Sam fucking Winchester. Just my damn luck." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
Hello there! Sorry that I don't actually have any question for you, just wanted to say that I've been reading many of your comments defending John Winchester, so... THANK YOU! Gosh, can't believe I actually found another person with an objective perspective about him. Yeah, so that's all I wanted to say. Bye!
Oh dear, dear gorgeos.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, I really needed to hear this. I'm really happy that you enjoy my takes (even if I'm taking a little spn hiatus for my mental health). Thank you.
I agree, it is such an experiance to finally find people that can be objective and neutreal about John. I remember years ago there was a whole ass defense squad for John and when I finally got an account on here I was sadened to see that they were kinda gone, so I went ahead and tried to reactivate the squad.
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auskultu · 6 years
Alvin Schuster, The New York Times, 28 June 1968
LONDON, June 27 — James Earl Ray, accused of killing the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., spoke out about the case for the first time today and denied committing the crime.
Taking the witness stand in a wood-paneled* courtroom at 3:12 P.M., Ray said he had never met Dr. King and had never borne a grudge against him. Then his attorney, Roger Frisby, asked him:
“Did you kill Martin Luther King?” “No sir,” Ray replied.
Ray’s brief and dramatic appearance in the witness chair at Bow Street Magistrates Court came after the United States Government had revealed in detail its case alleging that Ray shot Dr. King in Memphis on April 4 in “calculated, brutal and senseless” murder..
Fingerprints Are Cited The Government is seeking the extradition of Ray to the United States to stand trial in Tennessee for the King murder. In presenting its case, the Government offered the testimony of a fingerprint expert and read affidavits designed to link Ray with the crime.
Arguing through a British attorney, David Calcutt, the Government charged that Ray had bought the rifle that killed Dr. King less than a week before the murder; that on the day of the murder Ray checked into the rooming house across from the Lorraine Hotel, where Dr. King was shot, and that Ray’s fingerprints were on the rifle, its telescopic sight and a pair of binoculars, all found near the scene.
Mr. Frisby did not conclude his arguments today, and the presiding chief metropolitan magistrate, Frank Milton, adjourned the proceedings until Tuesday. Mr. Milton said he hoped to rule on the United States Government’s efforts on that day.
Appeals Are Provided If the magistrate finds against Ray, the defendant may appeal, the case to the Divisional Court of the High Court of Justice and then on application to the law judges of the House of Lords.
Ray was arrested at Heathrow Airport here on June 8 under the alias Ramon George Sneyd. Today he sat calmly in the courtroom surrounded by policemen as Mr. Calcutt accused him of murder.
Wearing horn-rim glasses, a blue checkered suit and a blue shirt, open at the collar, Ray chewed gum and occasionally scratched the back of his neck. The pending United States “extradition warrants identify the defendant as Ray, an identification that went unchallenged by Ray today. The pending minor British charges—possession of a forged passport and carrying of a firearm—list him as Sneyd.
But for the most part today the nomenclature problem was solved by avoiding the issue. The suspect was usually called “the defendant,” or “this man” or “my client” or “you.” At one point, Ray himself declined to give his name.
The first response of the suspect was elicited by the testimony this morning of Detective Chief Superintendent Thomas Butler of Scotland Yard. Ray wrote a note of protest to his lawyer and later denied major parts of what Chief Butler had said.
The chief is a 55-year-old, gray-haired man who has led the hunt for the “great train robbery” gang which got away in 1962 with $7-million. He told today of his meeting at the airport with Ray on the day of the arrest.
“I saw the defendant at about 1:05 P.M. at London Airport,” Chief Butler said. “I told him we were police officers and said we understand he has two Canadian passports in the name of Sneya and Sneyd.
“’What is your name?’ I asked. He replied: ‘I can’t understand why I’m here. My name is Sneyd.’
Conversation in Jail Chief Butler said he then asked Ray if the information on the passports was correct— that he was a Canadian citizen born in Toronto on Oct. 8, 1932. The chief said that Ray replied that those facts were correct. The suspect was then taken to Cannon Row police station, near the houses of Parliament.
“At 4:45,” Chief Butler went on, “I saw the accused in his cell. I told him that as a result of inquiries made since you have been detained we have every good reason to believe that you are not a Canadian citizen but an American.”
“’Oh well, yes I am,’ he said and nodded. I said I now believe your name is not Sneyd, but James Earl Ray, also known as Eric Starvo Galt and other names; that you were wanted at present in the United States for serious criminal offenses including murder in which a firearm was used.” Chief Butler continued:
“The accused had been standing up but at this point he slumped down on the seat behind him and put his head in his hands and said:
‘“Oh God.’ “After a moment or so, he added: “‘I feel so trapped.’” “I cautioned him again, and he replied: ‘“Well, I shouldn’t say anything more now. I can’t think right.’ ”
It was after this that Ray, 40, passed his note of denial to Mr. Frisby, 46, a soft-spoken graduate of Oxford, who sat beside his legal opponent, Mr. Calcutt, 38. a graduate of Cambridge.
Mr. Frisby based the defense today on the argument that the murder was a “political crime” and as a result was not extraditable under the 1931 extradition treaty with the United States. He said he thought the denial by Ray was not relevant to the basic case he was building.
But Ray was not to be denied his protest. When the magistrate told Ray after the lunch break that he could “say anything you wish,” the suspect rose to his feet along with the policeman sitting beside him and said:
“I think some of the testimony by Butler is false and I would like to say something about this. I take it that newspapers will report this. Some of it is exaggerated.”
When Ray, speaking in a high-pitched voice with a marked Southern accent, said that he had written about it to Mr. Frisby, Mr. Milton recessed the extradition proceedings for 10 minutes to allow Ray and his attorney to confer.
Lawyer Denies Statement On resuming, Mr. Frisby said his client wanted it known that he had not said that he felt “so trapped;” that he had not said “Oh God” and that he had not collapsed onto a seat in “the manner the chief superintendent described.”
“He made no statement like that to any police officers,” Mr. Frisby said.
Like others providing testimony, Mr. Frisby had to speak slowly in presenting Ray’s reply because all testimony was being taken down in longhand, the procedure usually followed in the Bow Street court.
Asked if he would like to, sign the statement read for him, Ray replied he would. But it could not be learned how he signed his name because court officials would not show the document to the press.
The court usher, assuming that Ray would take the oath in the witness box, asked him for his religion so the appropriate Bible could be used. Ray replied softly that he did not have any religion.
The question of “affirming” then arose, but this would have meant that Ray would have had to give his name in the affirmation statement.
Ray looked at Mr. Frisby, who looked at the chief magistrate, who looked at Ray. The magistrate then accepted Mr. Frisby’s suggestion that the formalities pass and that Ray merely make a statement and answer a few questions without the oath.
Some court lawyers noted that if the suspect used the name Ray he could jeopardize his pending case here. And to use the name Sneyd might leave him open to the additional charge of lying on the witness stand. Moreover, by merely making his unsworn statements while sitting in the witness box, Ray avoided cross-examination.
Evidence on Name In arguing for Ray’s extradition, the United States provided a preview of the case to be presented if he is returned.
Mr. Calcutt read affidavit after affidavit to try to establish that the defendant was in fact James Earl Ray, the man witnesses identified as the purchaser of the rifle, the telescopic sight, the binoculars and as the guest in the rooming house across from Dr. King’s hotel.
“The tragic death of Dr. King was the working of the single hand of this man,” the lawyer said.
Mr. Calcutt apparently did not intend to rule out the possibility of a conspiracy by using the phrase “single hand” of this man, but he seemed to be saying that all evidence linked Ray and only Ray to the rifle and the room overlooking the King hotel.
The British attorney sought to dismiss the defense contention that the slaying was a “political crime” by pointing to Article Three of the extradition treaty, which says that extradition should be granted for “murder (including assassination, parricide, infanticide, poisoning) or an attempt or conspiracy to murder.”
If Ray’s court-appointed lawyers succeed in convincing the chief magistrate that the murder was a “political crime” and thus not extraditable, the defendant can still be extradited under a second warrant that seeks his return as an escaped convict.
Ray escaped in April, 1967, from Missouri State Penitentiary, where he still had 13 years to serve of a 20-year term for armed robbery and car theft.
The problem, however, is that, under the 1931 treaty, if Ray is surrendered on the lesser charge he cannot later be charged in an American court with the murder of Dr. King. The court dealt with both warrants today but most of the evidence presented centered on the King slaying.
Mr. Calcutt began revealing what he said were Ray’s movements up to the time of the crime and shortly thereafter. Quoting from affidavits, he said that Ray had gone to the Aero Marine Supply Company in Birmingham, Ala., on March 29 and had purchased a Winchester. rifle, using the name Harry Lowmyer.
Standing in front of Fred M. Vinson Jr., the United States Assistant Attorney General, who arrived yesterday, Mr. Calcutt said that Ray had called the store the next day and had said that he had talked with his brother and wanted to exchange the rifle. Ray reportedly said he was “going deer hunting in Wisconsin with a brother-in-law.”
He returned the next day, Mr. Calcutt went on. and exchanged the rifle and telescopic lens for a Remington, serial number 461476. The lawyer added that Ray was identified by Donald Wood, owner of the gun store, and a customer, John De Shazo.
Witness Tells of Shot An affidavit from Henrietta Hagemaster, clerk at the New Rebel Motel in Memphis, then placed Ray there for the night of April 3. Another affidavit, from Charles Stephens, resident at the rooming house at 424J/2 South Main Street, placed Ray there the day of the slaying.
“From a bathroom [in the rooming house], a person could see into Dr. King’s room,” the lawyer went on. “At 4 o’clock in the afternoon this defendant1 went into 424 South Main Street, where accommodation was available, and he booked a room.
“As he did this he was seen by a witness—a Mr. Stephens. The defendant got a room and between then and 6 o’clock in the evening he used only the bathroom and lavatory.
“Mr. Stephens, who was in the adjoining room, says that the man used the bathroom and lavatory on three occasions, each time for a long time. At 6 o’clock Mr. Stephens says he heard a shot fired from the bathroom. He came out of his room and saw a man leaving below. He says it was the man who he had seen booking in earlier.
“The defendant left in a hurry, leaving binocular straps in his room. When he got out of the hotel entrance, he turned and left and dropped his kit of rifle, sights and binoculars in a doorway. He then made off in a car waiting nearby,” the lawyer alleged.
The package was dropped in front of an amusement arcade owned by Guy Canipe, who, Mr. Calcutt said, came out and saw a man drive off in a white car.
The police took possession of the rifle and binoculars, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation fingerprint expert who testified today, George Bone-brake, said that Ray’s fingerprints had been on both.
Political Questioning “The bullet which killed Dr. King,” Mr. Calcutt went on, “was examined and recovered and there is a strong likelihood that the bullet came from the rifle found by the’ police. It is also likely that the strap found in his room belonged to the binoculars found with the rifle.” The recovered rifle, he said, bore the same serial number as the one purchased in Birmingham. It was a .30-’06, model 760.
Mr. Bonebrake, who is with the F.B.I. in Washington, said he had compared the fingerprints he found with the fingerprints of James Earl Ray in Los Angeles police files.
“I found that they belonged to one and the same individual,” he added.
Mr. Bonebrake then underwent some unusual questioning for a fingerprint expert. Mr. Frisby gently put to him a series of questions about the racial situation in the United States, about the role of Dr. King, and about the hostility the Negro leader often en* countered.
Mr. Frisby said the questioning was part of his effort to establish the killing as a “political crime.” Article Six of the extradition treaty says in part that a “fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the crime or the offense in respect of which his surrender is demanded is one of a political character.”
Soblen and Eisler Cases At the outset of today’s proceedings, Mr. Frisby asked that no restriction on-publicity under the new Criminal Justice Act be applied to the proceedings, and the magistrate said that the act did not apply today.
The new act, which became effective last Jan. 1, prohibits the publication in England of newspaper reports on preliminary criminal hearings unless the defense requests publication. The idea is to prevent !prejudicing the jury in the actual trial later. But this provision of the act does not apply to extradition proceedings.
The British Government is proceeding carefully in the Ray case in part because of the controversy created in this country
by its handling in 1962 of Dr. Robert A. Soblen, who was convicted of conducting Soviet espionage in the United States and fled to avoid serving a life sentence.
He conducted a 10-week fight to remain in Britain, appealing for political asylum and noting that espionage was not an extraditable offense. The Home Office denied Soblen asylum and ordered him put on an airplane bound for the United States, provoking charges in
Parliament that the Government was in fact extraditing the spy in the name of deportation. Dr. Soblen took an overdose of drugs here on Sept. 11, 1962, and died before he was deported.
Another case recalled by the present one was that of Gerhart Eisler in 1949. He was indicted for making false statements in Washington in order to leave, the United States. He slipped on board the Polish liner Batory in New York Harbor after paying 25 cents to tour as a visitor. The ship sailed and British authorities pulled the East German Communist off the boat in Southampton.
The United States sought his extradition, but the Bow Street magistrate then ruled that the alleged perjury was merely a technical matter and that the United States had failed to show that “Eisler has been guilty of an extradition crime.” Eisler died at the age of Si this March.
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itsmajel · 7 years
Majel Reads - November 2017
[What is this?]
Supernatural - Destiel
Angel Cookies by noxsoulmate ( @noxsoulmate) *Re-Read
“On Christmas Eve, if you eat Angel Cookies right before bed and then dream of your one true love, he will be your destiny.” The Shurley clan sure believe their old family legend, but not Castiel James – not since he was a pudgy teenager, running down the church aisle on Christmas Day, trying to stop his very handsome and very straight teacher Dean Winchester from marrying someone else. He may be grown-up, well-toned, bestselling Young Adult’s book author “C. S. James” now, but Castiel will never forget that day. And he’ll never fall foolishly in love again, especially not for Dean Winchester. But when the wish for a big family Christmas from his sick father brings him back home, Castiel has to confront his past. And not only that: a letter from a little fan from his home town is weighing heavy on his conscience. Reaching out to a troubled kid might endanger his secret identity. Adding to the problem is the shock of discovering that Dean is the little girl’s father – unattached and hotter than ever. Dean’s smile still makes Castiel melt, but Castiel knows that ship has sailed. The fact that Dean seems to be on board this time, however, doesn’t make it any easier for him. .
[Explicit] [74,494 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Once Bitten Twice Shy by noxsoulmate *Re-Read
The past can hurt, no question there. But what happens when it makes you too suspicious of the present? Dean Winchester catches cheating bastards for a living, no matter how far he has to go to do so. He’s in Heaven when his favorite bakery brand opens a store right in front of his nose because nothing helps him get through a case like a delicious piece of cherry pie. And not only does Angels’ Pie have the best pie in the world, the baker is also one hell of a handsome guy. But if he wants the man in his life, Dean knows he needs to open up about himself, his job, and most importantly the people by his side, before it’s too late. He just doesn’t know how. Castiel Novak has just run away from Chicago and for a good reason. Seeking a fresh start, he does what his family does best and opens a new Angels’ Pie bakery. His handsome new regular is certainly not helping him keep his promise never to date again. Putting his trust in this man means to open his heart again. And his heart has been broken one too many times before.
[Explicit] [ 49,848 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Good girl. by orange_crushed
Sam drives her to a veterinarian’s office one day, in the stolen car he is now increasingly regarding as his, and she comes back sort of sulky and depressed from having been tricked into getting a series of vaccinations.
“I know the feeling,” Cas says, at floor level with her, while the puppy licks the underside of his wrist and makes sad eyes. “I was once immune to tetanus, but now I am forced to endure booster shots.” He looks over at Sam and Dean, and lowers his voice to a whisper. “They told me they were taking me to the zoo,” he says. He pets her ears. “You will learn to trust again.”
[General Audiences] [ 1,712 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Frowning Your Way Through Love by plirio
AU. Sam’s best friend is a quiet guy called Castiel. Dean is possibly in love with him. But all the guy does is frown at Dean. It sucks.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 4,016 Worda] [Read on AO3 here]
Phantom by imogenbynight (@imogenbynight)
After the Mark of Cain has been purged from his arm, Dean's found family all but drag him out of the bunker for a much needed few hours of normalcy. Naturally, things don't quite go to plan.
[Explicit] [ 12,681 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Gods in the Chrysalis by JhanaMay (@jhanamay)
Olympic hopeful Dean Winchester has always felt more at home in the water than he did on land. Pressured by his father to carry on his mother’s dream, Dean’s entire life has revolved around swimming and competing. Everything changes when he sustains a head injury in an accident at the pool and is left unable to swim. The fear of disappointing everyone in his life is heightened when he realizes his love of the water has been replaced by a strange talent for playing the piano. With the help of Castiel, the high-school dropout/weekend musician who runs a local music store, Dean learns to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his family, and his life. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the butterfly calls just the beginning.
[Explicit] [ 50,466 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Hide and Seek by Persephoneshadow
Dean's been living on the streets and turning tricks for a while. Most of the time clients just find him. After a job goes wrong he goes looking for work and finds more than he expected with a married man of faith with blue eyes and a trench coat.
[Explicit] [ 4,971 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Walk by Persephoneshadow ( @ibelieveinthelittletreetopper)
Castiel tells himself it was a one time thing, even if his night with a hooker named Dean changed his whole world, but he can’t keep away from the man fate keeps throwing in his path. Castiel is married and he knows his sexuality is an affront to God and everything he’s ever been told is right.
Dean tells himself he doesn’t care about the weirdo with blue eyes, but every time they meet he gets a bit closer to something like hope. Dean’s nothing but a homeless waste of space with a brother in foster care a world away and a father in the wind.
As the connection between these two lost men deepens, it threatens the carefully maintained lies their lives are built on in a story of faith, mistakes, and the journey of love.
[Explicit] [ 190,205 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Little Pink Houses by Persephoneshadow
Deputy Dean Winchester has seen some interesting things in his time, but dealing with a tiny house on Fergus Crowley's property might just be the strangest, especially when the snarky, kinda gorgeous protester who owns the thing answers the door buck ass naked. Dean's life might never be the same.
[Explicit] [ 15,371 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
With the Kisses of His Mouth by starsinursa
The first time they kiss, it’s not a kiss at all.
The second time they kiss, it’s because of magic.
The third time they kiss, it tastes like ash.
The fourth time they kiss, they fall into it.
The fifth time they kiss, Castiel thinks he must have died, or come close to it.
The sixth time they kiss, there is no momentous prelude.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 3,348 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Sing a Song of Sex Puns by Persephoneshadow
Summary verse: That one verse where Dean and Cas are good at talking during sex but not about the fact they're having sex.
Summary first story: “Come on, we’re finding you someone to…engage with sexually or whatever,” Dean explains, chancing another swig of beer before going on. “Anyone in this bar, no limits, who would you would be your top choice to bang?”“Well, you, ideally.”Dean spits out some beer before collapsing in on himself, legitimately choking this time. “Excuse me?!”
Or the one where Cas wants to have sex and Dean is there to help.
[Explicit] [ 33,298 Words] [5 Works] [Read on AO3 here]
Let It Be by Persephoneshadow
Dean Winchester's life changed forever the night a demon appeared in his brother's nursery and killed his father.
As a hunter Mary is determined to protect her sons from the evil she has run from her whole life - the same evil that took John. But Dean also trusts his protection to the angel in a trench coat he talks to in his dreams. Through years of tribulation and uncertainty, the Winchesters (plus a corgi that might be magic and an angel that may not be real) must fight monsters, demons, and even fate itself to survive as a family.
Or: The one where Mary lives, Cas is there, and nothing and everything changes.
[Mature] [ 143,254 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
I Put A Spell On You by Persephoneshadow
Dean and Castiel are still trying to figure their relationship out in the wake of another brush with death. When a curse gets loose in the bunker that sees Dean and Sam transformed and into all manner of things, from animals to each other and even conjoined, dealing with their emotions might be the only chance to save them. With a bit of help from a witch, of course.
[Explicit] [ 15,702 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Unintended by emwebb17
Castiel is a successful defense attorney beginning to doubt the integrity of the work he does.  After winning a date with a firefighter named Dean at a charity auction, Cas decides that he needs to make a change in his life.  He just has one more case to take care of, but his involvement has devastating consequences.
[Explicit] [ 82,643 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Highwaymen by orange_crushed
Dean closes his eyes. He is under a blanket in his memories, fabric pulled up under his chin and his face pressed near to hers on the pillow. His father is asleep, snoring slightly, hands loose and expression happy, curled around her on the other side. She's speaking in whispers. He knows that she was already pregnant then, that Sam was on his way into their lives, even though he'd had no idea what exactly that meant at the time. He can almost see her face still, warm and orange in the light of her lumos circling their heads like a firefly, but every now and then she blurs in his vision, like a lost thread of consciousness, something half-remembered.
Bit by bit, he's losing her.
[Mature] [ 66,389 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Cursed Or Not by Ltleflrt ( @ltleflrt)
While experimenting with magic when he was a kid, Sam accidentally cursed Dean. Now, Dean is forced to wear a spelled amulet constantly, or he'll turn into a random animal. For a little over a decade, he's learned to live with the curse, and has even found it useful in some cases, but he sure would be happier without it.
When he meets a witch named Castiel, he's offered a deal. Instead of assuming all witches are bad, Dean can spend a season getting to know him. If at the end of the season, Dean still thinks he's evil Castiel will send him away with his memory wiped of the whole experience. But if he learns that Castiel is not the monster Dean assumes he is, he'll lift Dean's curse.
It's an offer Dean can't bring himself to pass up.
[Explicit] [115,223 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Cabin Fever by Dangerousnotbroken  ( @shennanigoats )
Due to a romantic-comedy level booking blunder, grumpy stress-case Dean and reclusive writer Castiel end up shuttled off to the same remote cabin for two weeks, and nobody seems to care that neither of them wants to be there. But since they’re stuck in the same cabin for the duration of their vacation, they might as well play nice and make the best of it right?
Dean’s so stressed out he can’t sit still, Cas can’t boil water without setting the place on fire, and they’re so on each other’s nerves it’ll be a miracle if either of them survives until their rides home arrive.
At least the tension is just social, and not sexual, right? Right?
[Explicit] [ 35,102 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Boy From Next Door by all-i-need-is-destiel (Aleakim) ( @all-i-need-is-destiel )
Dean meets the boy from next door for the first time when he's ten years old.
[General Audiences] [ 3,042 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Ghosts of Blackthorn Hall by linoresearch
In 1843 Castiel Milton leaves his life of quiet faith and duty to take up employment as tutor to the young ward of one Mr Dean Winchester, at Blackthorn Hall. Set deep among the Yorkshire moors, Blackthorn is a place of mysteries – a wild place, where pale faces appear at the windows, and mad women laugh in the night. Castiel is drawn to the enigmatic Master of Blackthorn and they form an attachment neither of them expected. But there are secrets hidden behind Blackthorn's stone walls, truths that threaten to destroy their fragile happiness, as they are forced to confront the ghosts of their past. This is a Jane Eyre/SPN fusion AU, written for the Dean/Castiel Big Bang 2012.
If you enjoy this story there is now a short a follow up fic posted called 'A Night at Hyde Place.'
[Explicit] [ 94,657 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
A Night at Hyde Place by linoresearch                
This is a set a few months after the events of 'The Ghosts of Blackthorn Hall.' Dean has difficulty adjusting to his new life with Castiel, and London is perhaps not as much fun as he thought it might be. But then again he's always been good at making his own fun.
[Explicit] [ 6,984 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Captain America / Marvel CMU - Stucky
No Retreat, Baby, No Surrender by tsnotbleak
"You think your old army buddy is working at Subway?”
“Of course not,” said Steve, trying to sound like he thought the idea was ludicrous. “Bucky died in 1944. I just...” He didn’t know what to say, so he slapped on his best lonely soldier face and lied. “It’s just it’s nice to pretend for a bit, you know?”
“No,” said Natasha. “It sounds deeply unhealthy, but you do you.”
In which Steve finds a man that looks a lot like Bucky making sandwiches in a Brooklyn subway. Except Bucky died seventy years ago, and this guy shows no sign of remembering Steve.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 39,793 ] [Read on AO3 here]
how bucky barnes won his second pulitzer by eriksxavier
It isn’t like him and Steve go out frequently. Sometimes he’ll stop by Bucky’s apartment and they’ll binge watch tv shows, or Steve will tell him stories from ‘back in the day’. They’ve only gone out in public two or three times and it was merely quick runs to get coffee, or more popcorn.
So Bucky really doesn’t understand where this Hydra asshole is coming from when he says: “The reason we took you is because we know the Captain will come running right into our trap.”
(aka: bucky is an award winning journalist who really doesn't appreciate being used as bait for a beefed up, spandex-clad super soldier.)
[General Audiences] [ 10,541 ] [Read on AO3 here]
definitely not jealous by eriksxavier
“I want him to be happy. Even if he does remember we used to be together, and just wouldn’t be happy with me anymore than… Fine. I’m fine with that”
Sam raises an eyebrow, “But…”   Defeated, Steve shrugs and continues, “But… You can’t expect me to be happy with the thought of the guy I’m in love with banging his gym-buddy.”
(bucky makes friends with a certain attorney from hell's kitchen. steve is fine)
[General Audiences] [ 6,281 ] [Read on AO3 here]
How To Embrace A Swamp Creature by littleblackfox
Steve washes his hands with the sliver of soap left by the sink, and takes a long hard look at himself in the mirror. The cut on his brow has scabbed over, and the bruises around his eye are blotchy red and sore to the touch. Stupid. His hands are no better, and he grips the edge of the sink to keep them from shaking. The scabs on his knuckles open up again, blood welling up starkly against his bone white fists. He holds them under the running faucet and watches the water circle the drain before pulling himself together. Just a little bit further, a little bit longer
[Explicit] [ 27,625 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Seawater by littleblackfox
He stops in front of a large glass tube; pale, translucent Jellyfish floating serenely within. “Look at these guys, Moon jellyfish. You’re an artist, tell me that’s not beautiful.” Brooklyn stares into the display, the soft blue light highlighting the cut of his cheekbones, the softness of his lips, and Bucky squeezes his hand a little harder. Brooklyn turns to him and smiles, small and crooked and painfully sweet. “Yeah, I guess they are.” Bucky can’t look away, something painful lodged in his throat. “Those horseshoe shapes on the caps are their gonads.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.
[Mature] [ 9,330 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Brooklyn Barnes by littleblackfox
“The fates have spoken, sir,” Natalia sounds too damned pleased. “They want you to go home. And kill some guy while you’re there.”
[Mature] [ 20,722 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Lovecraft in Brooklyn by littleblackfox
Bucky shrugs. “My brothers wish me dead. But I have claimed this world as mine, and should any dare approach I will slaughter them, and their progeny.” “Oh,” Steve says weakly. “Well, it’s tough coming from a large family.”
[Explicit] [ 20,562 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Closed Book by AggressiveWhenStartled
Bucky woke up with a headache, a mouth that tasted like something had died in it, and hands-down, swear-to-god, the most beautiful man he had ever seen asleep in his lap.
Bucky was also, he realized after a moment, strapped down to a hospital bed with about six different monitors making unsynced, equally piercing, beeps. Beyond that he couldn’t quite see—there was a hideous floral curtain pulled around the bed, and while he could just make out figures moving in the room beyond it, the pattern made his head pound even worse the longer he looked at it.
So. That was concerning.
[Explicit] [ 38,880 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
i'd like to tell you something (but i have to think of something first) by obsessivereader ( @yetanotherobsessivereader)
Attention focused solely on the book, he moves forward, one slow, pretend-casual step at a time—he’s seen enough movies to know that moving fast will draw people’s attention.
Five feet. Four feet. Almost there.
He’s a bare three feet away when Rogers fucking materializes out of thin air, cuts right in front of him, and heads straight for the book.
“Hey,” Bucky whispers furiously, “I want that book!”
Rogers freezes. His head snaps around, and he gives Bucky a look filled with horror.
He points a finger at Rogers. “I don’t care how hot you are, or how ripped,” Bucky growls. “My assignment is due today, and I will fucking fight you for the book if I have to.”
Before Rogers can recover from his surprise, Bucky leaps forward, grabs the book, and clutches it to his chest.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 3,761 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Newton's Law Of Naps by rohkeutta
Within the first hour Steve backs an art book, a short animated film, an eco-friendly electric toothbrush, and an archeological excavation in Oklahoma.
Not that he actually wants an eco-friendly electric toothbrush or a bicycle rack that’s shaped like a moose head, but supporting small businesses is fun, and he loves the creativity Kickstarter is bursting with.
He’s got too much money just lying around, anyway.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 1,123 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Wendigo by L1av
There's something out in the woods and it's eating Steve's cows. After Steve saves a little girl's life, his world is turned upside-down when he learns about the wendigo myth, an ever-hungry beast cursed for eternity. He's convinced the creature in his woods isn't a bear, but the wendigo itself. Except people say wendigo are just myth...
Steve's going to have something to say to them after he comes face to face with the one in his woods. After he tells it to stop eating his cows.
[Mature] [ 39,029 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
The Superhero's Courtship by captainrum                
One night Bucky finds himself caught in the middle of a dangerous attack on the city. Lucky for him, a madman on a motorcycle comes to his rescue. He offers him pie in repayment.
Minor mentions: Terrorism, Blood.
[Mature] [ 16,374 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Pirates of the Caribbean - Jack Sparrow/Will Turner
Collide by the_dala
A retelling of "Curse of the Black Pearl" in which young Will was taken and fostered by Barbossa's crew, while Elizabeth grew up with Jack Sparrow sneaking through her window. Eight years later, Will needs Jack's help to get back to the Black Pearl.
[Explicit] [ 28,142 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Last Request by the_dala
On the journey back to Port Royal, Will and Jack come to an understanding.
[Explicit] [ 1,709 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Sleep While I Drive by the_dala
Jack is trying to get some sleep, but Will needs a question answered first.
[Mature] [ 591 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Season of Peace by the_dala
Will hates Christmas and Jack is determined to change his mind.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 3,309 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Fortunate Son by the_dala
The men will think Will Turner even luckier after this, but Jack will know better.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 3,256 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Within a Mile of Home by the_dala
Bill goes wandering, and he wants to know how his son is faring.
[General Audiences] [ 947 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Experience by the_dala
Will asks Jack for a story about his past.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 2,417 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Closing Davy Jones' Locker by the_dala
Jack and Will find a way to say goodbye to Bootstrap. .
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 3,610 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Comfort Me With Apples by the_dala
'“There are things we do for one another, at sea,” Jack explains.'
[Mature] [ 3,375 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
Harry Potter - Sirius Black/Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Cartographer's Craft by copperbadge ( @copperbadge) *re-read
In the summer after Harry's sixth year, Harry and Remus uncover a section of the Marauder's Map which has been hidden for the past twenty years, releasing a carbon copy of sixteen-year-old Sirius Black from its depths. As they prepare for the impending war, Sirius must find a place for himself in this new world, Harry must find a way to destroy Voldemort, and Remus must face his own past while trying to build a tenuous future with Tonks.
[Explicit ] [ 205,696 Words ] [Read on AO3 here]
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(All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author)
(I’ve tried to include the tumblr names of the few authors I knew them of because it has come to my intention that many like to see when their stories get recommended. If any of the authors that have been tagged don’t want to be tagged, or if any of you know the tumblr names of the ones I haven’t tagged please let me know!)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag here on tumblr, my reading list masterpost or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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lrmartinjr · 6 years
Governor Northam Announces Administration Appointments #VaPolitics #VaGovernor #VaGovernment
Governor Ralph Northam has announced additional appointments to his Administration.
Secretariat of Education
Scott Stroh, Executive Director, Gunston Hall Scott Stroh has been reappointed Executive Director of Gunston Hall. He was first appointed in 2013 by Governor Terry McAuliffe. Prior to this appointment, he served as Curator of Collections and Interpretation at the Anacortes Museum in Anacortes, Washington, as Curator at Historic Spanish Point in Osprey, Florida, as Executive Director of the Roanoke Island Commission in Manteo, North Carolina, as Florida’s State Historic Preservation Officer and Director of Historical Resources, and as Executive Director of the Milwaukee County Historical Society in Wisconsin. He graduated from Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia with a Bachelor of Arts in History and Education and from Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, Tennessee with a Master of Arts in History and Museum Studies.
Secretariat of the Commonwealth Board Appointments
Apprenticeship Council
Christopher M. Cash of Manassas, Training Director, NECA/IBEW Local 26, Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee
Dudley Harris* of Newport News, Vice President of Special Projects, Bay Electric Co.
Darold S. Kemp* of Carrsville, Business Manager, International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #147
Board of Historic Resources
David Ruth of Hanover County, Recently Retired from National Park Service
Ashley Spivey, PhD* Director, Pamunkey Indian Tribal Resource Center, Pamunkey Indian Tribe
Board of Medicine
Jim Arnold of Winchester, Podiatrist, Foot Care Center, PLC
Manjit S. Dhillon, MD of Chester, President, Colonial Orthopedics
Blanton Marchese of North Chesterfield, Co-Founder and CEO, Emergency Services Solutions, Inc.
KarenRansone, MD of Cobbs Creek, Pediatrician
BrendaStokes, MD of Lynchburg, Centra Medical Group
Commonwealth Council on Aging
Davis Creef, JD* of Richmond, Staff Attorney, Virginia Poverty Law Center
Deborah Davidson of Henrico, Director, Nursing Services, Little Sisters of the Poor
Jennifer L. Disano of Fairfax Station, Executive Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at George Mason University
Shewling Moy* of Virginia Beach,Associate Broker, Shewling Moy Real Estate Professional/Keller Williams Coastal Virginia
Veronica Williams, Esq.* of Newport News, Virginia LifeCare Planning, The Center for Elder Law and Estate Planning
Southern Regional Education Board
The Honorable Janet D. Howell* of Reston, Senator, Virginia
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority
Gregory F. Holland, Esq. of Midlothian, Partner, Setliff & Holland, PC
Virginia Board of Directors of the Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Program
Rebecca Filla, MD* of Aldie, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group
Vanessa Rakestraw, PhD* of Henrico, retired from Virginia Department of Aging and Rehabilitative Services
Joseph Stepp, CPA CGFM*of Glen Allen, Financial Director, Assistive Technology Loan Fund Authority
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities
Alexandra Dixon of Fairfax, Community Partnership Coordinator
Jocelyn A. Kilgore, MD* of Alexandria, Psychiatrist, Defense Health Agency/Department of the Army
Donna J. Lockwood* of Virginia Beach, Probation Officer/Department of Juvenile Justice
Dawn Missory of Chester, Alternative Transportation Manager, Chesterfield County
Atima Omara* of Arlington, President & Founder, Omara Strategy Group, LLC
Caroline Raker of Stephenson
Frederique Vincent* of Manassas, Medicaid Waiver Service Facilitator, Independence Empowerment Center, Inc.
Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
Dede Bailer, PhD of Alexandria, Coordinator, School Psychology Services, Fairfax County Public Schools
Joey L. Frantzen* of Virginia Beach, U.S. Navy Commander, Joint Expeditionary Base
The Honorable Carlos L Hopkins of Richmond, Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs
James Lane, EdD of Midlothian, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
Dorothy McAuliffe of McLean, Former First Lady of Virginia
Bradley Williams* of Gloucester, School Counseling Director, York County Public Schools
Virginia Economic Development Partnership Committee on International Trade
John G. Milliken of Arlington, Chairman of the Virginia Port Authority Board of Commissioners
*denotes reappointment
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1337wtfomgbbq · 2 years
John: Can you bring Dean back? Yes or no?
Azazel: No. But I know someone who can. it's not a problem.
John: Good. Before I give you the gun, I'm going to want to make sure that Dean's okay. With my own eyes.
Azazel: Oh, John, I'm offended. Don't you trust me?
John: *shakes head*
Azazel: Fine.
John: So we have a deal?
Azazel: No, John, not yet. You still need to sweeten the pot.
John: With what?
Azazel: There's something else I want, as much as that gun. Maybe more.
Two things:
1) Azazel fucking admitting that he wants John, and that he wants him more than he wants the colt.
2) This prooves that John wasn't possessed as retarded paint thinner sniffing hellers like to claim. John wants to see Dean with his own two eyes, there is no black smoke around John, he never has yellow eyes and he physically meets Azazel to hand over the Colt, in the same room he's found in by Sam no less.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
Just went into the 'john winchester's a+ parenting ' tag, just for shits and giggles, and... yall did not disappoint😆
The tag should be renamed into 'people with daddy issues and bad taste in ships also have F- understanding of nuance, context and john winchester in general'.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
You idiots think you can hide behind blocking me to stop me from showing everyone that you are full of shit?
This script that's making the rounds in the john tag right now.
The one where Dean says John used him as bait?
After consulting the oracle of supernatural wisdom that is @nancylou444 , who couldn't find the lines in question in ANY episode transcript, imma tell yall the following: what's in a deleted script is not fucking canon.
Know what's canon motherfuckers? What's on the fucking show. The lines that were fucking aired.
What's been cut is NOTHING!
Know what's also canon? The interpretation of the fucking actor. That being said, choke on this:
“I don’t think he’s as screwed-up as other people do,” Morgan tells EW. “I think he is a guy who’s got a tremendous amount of love for his family. He was willing to die for his sons, willing to put himself in a place to where he could lose his life for revenge on what killed his wife. So as much has been said about John or that I’ve heard about John, I think what is missing is that he shows love in different ways. Maybe he wasn’t a big hugger and he didn’t say the right things when he should’ve — and there’s a bigger picture about getting your kids into hunting ghosts that I should acknowledge — but I think at his core he really loved his family and was willing to sacrifice everything. So I never looked or played John in a way that there was any malice toward his sons.”
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