#john Constantine 2005
satlun · 1 day
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Best Mistake: John Constantine x fem!reader
Genre: emotional hurt, fluff and angst Trigger warnings: suicide attempt, depression, possessive behavior, supernatural, violence, swear words
It is difficult to tell if the relationship between you and him is truly what you want. You fight, break up, and then make up again and again. Even on little things, you both can just bring it up and end up with fighting almost every time. It is more of a loop, you might say. Every time these things happen, it wrecks you on the inside. Until one day, you cannot stand him anymore because he is too toxic and no good. You need to leave him.
Note: this is my first time writing short fiction in English, English is not my first language so if it sounds wrong/ weird or my grammar is wrong please correct me. I really want to improve my English. So don't be shy to correct me. Plus I think it's kinda CRINGE 😭 but I tried guys so please enjoy 😂 ***It might not make sense about hell thing but it is good to just let it be like that soo please don't take it too serious and enjoy! 🥺
Credit: gifs from Pinterest (cannot find the original post :/) https://pin.it/5fjM23VUA , https://pin.it/54AXo4AMa
Los Angeles, 2005
“Could you stop and listen to me first!?” John said with a sigh of irritation as he grabs your arm firmly while you're packing your bag, ready to leave.
You don't seem to stop what you're doing. This is the last time, it must be. You believe that is for the best. “I’m leaving, John. I mean it.” You said with simple directness.
“You're not going anywhere. Not without me.” The fact that he cannot live without you. He had been alone for almost his whole life before he found you. His life was miserable before you came and fulfill him with something that had never been given. It is just hard for him to just let you go like this even he is still mad at you. He pulls you closer to him because you don't seem to stop packing your stuff. Then you lose your balance and stumble into his chest.
“Yes. Without you.” You replied without any hesitation before pushing yourself away from him. For now, you just hope that you are heartless enough to leave him like you just said. You don't want to stuck in the loop again because it hurts your heart.
“And what about me, huh? Is that what you're going to do it again? Leave me for a few days and then come crawling back to me?” That's why you really hope that your heart is strong enough to leave everything behind. Even John.
“Well, not this time. I’m going back to New York.” New York where your parents live. Maybe leaving this big city and go, go far away from here will make you forget him faster. Far from here as much as you can, to the other side of the country.
That makes him even more unimpressive. He doesn't like the way you're about to leave him and go that far. Far enough to never see you again. He looks at you intensely as he pins you abruptly against the wall behind. “Who do you belong to?” That's the pop quiz of him. Every time you both fight, he brings up this question to remind you who you belong to.
You're tired of this question because it won't make anything better. It just keeps making you annoyed. “Stop asking me this question, John. I'm tired of it, it won't make anything better!” You shouted at his face. “Don't you understand that we don't get along? I tried, John. It’s still the same. Never change...” you try to hold back your tears.
“Just answer the damn question, [y/n].” He still insisted on the same question. “I belong to no one!” You snapped him immediately. Not even in a second you took to answer him. He just looks away with difteen face without saying anything. Before he can do anything further, you push him hard making him stumble backwards. You grab your bag and lead to the door without looking back because you just can't. If you look back, you will definitely walk back to him. It was always like that.
He follows you to the door, before you can reach the knob, he already push you against the door again. Push you hard that you can feel the pain on your back, You groaned in pain. “Fuck off, John... what the fuck is wrong with you!? You are acting like a possessed man. Why? Being an exorcist makes you go insane now?” That the worst thing you have ever said to him.
He can't believe what you said. “Is that it, huh?” He raises his eyebrows as he says back to you. “Now you think I'm possessed? That I'm not in my right goddamn head?” He grabs your collar bone firmly against the door. He uses violence again, that's the part you hate the most. His voice changes in a very unpleasant tone. He is real mad. “Maybe I just want to teach you a damn lesson, and you're making it hard for me.” You look at him right into his eyes. You still remain silent. “What? Cat got your tongue now? Talk back to me. Do it!” Remaining silent makes him even more angry. He pushes you hard against the door again but this time it's just too much for you to handle because your head was slammed on the door as well. Your eyes start to flutter slightly. You almost lost your balance as you try to grab his shoulder. He also grabs your waist for you to stand straight. “You belong to me. Understand? And you're gonna stay here with me.” He demanded you. “Fuck you, John... I belong to no one...” because of the pain of your head made you say so quietly as if you just murmur. You can feel that you are about to lose your consciousness. However, his eyes still fixated on you. “Yeah? Is that so? Say it again.” says in sarcastic voice as he grabs your shoulder and pin you to see your face clearly. He is pissing you off even more, you spits on his face because you can't stand him anymore. “Wrong answer.” He said. You are about to pass out now. Your both hands are on his arms, finding something to hold yourself from falling down as you rest your head on the door like a body without a soul. “You're so goddamn infuriating.” Before he can finish the sentence, you pass out beneath him. He grabs you quickly before you fall on the ground and then carefully picks you up to a dinner table then puts you down on the table. He doesn't even move you to bed, he just lets you lay down right there.
An hour later, your consciousness is back. You slowly get up and look around the room, you are looking for him. That's your first instinct. “John?” You called out his name unintentionally. There's no sign of him. You growl in pain again because your head hurts, both of your hand touching your head. While you're trying to remember about what happened before you passed out, John comes back. He opens the door and walks towards you with something in his hand. He puts the cigarette that is on his mouth down on an ashtray next to you. “Open your mouth. Wide.” He said. You're so confused right now because your consciousness is just got back. “What? What is it?” You look at something on his palm. “Tylenol. Open your mouth.” He demanded. You don't hesitate to open your mouth widely because your head hurts so bad. John puts the medicine in your mouth and pour drinking water after. The Tylenol didn't even reach your throat yet, he grabs the back of your neck and kisses you. One of his hand reaches out to your white shirt and unbuttoned it. You are shocked so you decide to push him away, he stumbles backwards. “What is wrong with you?” You said with confusion while John wipes your saliva off his lips. “You passed out and that what you have to ask?” He said. You don't understand what he is trying to tell. “You made me wait like a goddamn dog, and that's what you ask me?” He was just worried about you so much and it made him pissed. He is the type of guy who doesn't know how to say like a normal lover when he is worried. He just use bad words to express it. “Fuck off, John. Sex has nothing to do with this. Don't even think that you can use sex to bring me back because I don't.” Because you both always use sex as the solution to fix the shit that you both made up. You end up having sex with him and all of your madness goes away like nothing ever happened. “I don't want to have sex with you right now, [y/n]. You just put me through an hour of hell, worrying about your stupid ass.” He walks closer to you with your unbuttoned shirt, showing your cleavage. “What? Then why the hell did you kiss me then? It doesn't make sense.” You said back to him because you know damn well that he just wants to use sex to solve things like he always does. “Because I couldn't help it.” He holds his gaze on you. “I couldn't think about anything other than you being okay, and it pissed me off.” He said with a serious tone. He doesn't seem to be angry anymore except worrying about you. He always knows how to make you come back to him, the way he said that is just make you weaker. You decide to stay silent and listen to him. “Damn you, I'm sick of your bullshit. I'm gonna stay with you.” He insisted. “You pissed off that I might not be okay? You're the one who slammed me and made me pass out, John.” You reminded him that because you just don't understand him even you already tried to. He leans forward and puts both of his hands down on the table aside your legs, he faces you. “You can't handle even a slap without passing out. You're the most fragile thing I've ever met.” You don't get about what he says again, what he is trying to say? "You have no idea what I feel when you pass out like that, how worried I get about you. I swear, sometimes you make me feel like I want to tie you to my goddamn bed and make sure you can't get up!" He says murmured yet quite loudly. You bite your lips because of a little confusion. He is crazy. That's the only thing you can think of right now. Tie you up? That's insane. “What the fuck- You're insane.” You talk back. "Because you're reckless and careless, you give no regard to your own safety, and you're going to die because of it." He says aggressively, looking down at you with his eyes. All you do is keep staring at him because that's just too much for you.
John takes a hard exhale, running his hand through his hair. “We always have fights. That's just how we are. But you need to understand that it's different when you're unconscious and I can't even talk to you.” You can feel the worry through his voice. You know that you are everything to him even you both are in this toxic relationship that you both made. It's like a dilemma. Sometimes, you feel like you can't move forwards but you can't move backwards either. “Don't you understand that you're everything to me? And I’ll go to hell again to keep you alive.” And that was what he brought up. He saved your life once from suicide. He went to hell to bring back your life. That day he didn't hesitate to go to hell just for you. Your tears run down your beautiful face as he said that because of the vision of you being in hell is still remaining clear. John watches your expression as sighs deeply, taking another deep breath before continuing. “And you don't care, do you? Look at us, fighting as always, you passing out on me and me waiting and worrying when you won't wake up like a dog?” He looks down on the floor and murmurs. “Why the hell do we do this to ourselves?” He is blaming ourselves that we always end up fighting even after a little argument. It's how we are , just like he said. It doesn't easy to change in you both relationship.
You're staring at him with teary eyes. You can't hold back anymore. “You know... I’m not gonna last long. You bring me back from hell, that broke the rules. Lucifer will find me and drag me down to hell again. You can't protect me forever. One day, I have to die, John...” John scowls and clenches his fists. “If that bastard Lucifer gets his hands on you again, he will regret the day he ever dared to touch you.” He snapped, his voice cold and filled with rage. “I will not let him take you. I will kill every single demon that comes for you, and I will drag you out of hell every time if you end up there. Even if I have to walk to the pits of hell to find you, I will do it." He touches your hand. “I will do it again.” Your cheeks are full of tears. John slowly wipes out gently. That's why you can't get over him. His soft side is your biggest weakness. “Fuck you! I hate you, John... and I hate myself that I always lie to you that I really hate you...” John pulls you and let you lean on his chest. It is warm as if you're sitting in front of a fireplace after a long rainy day. All you can think about is that he risked his life just to have us here, sitting and fighting each other. The fact that if he couldn't come back in time, he could die in hell as well. “Damn it! You shouldn't have saved me... you should let me die... why did you do that? I shouldn't have fallen in love with you...” that's all you can say to express what you're thinking. He isn't impressed with that.
“Don't ever say that. Don't you dare wish for something like that. I saved you just to hear you say that?” He keeps saying, trying to express things that stuck in his mind because you said as if it was so useless that he saved you. All of it just because you don't want to fall in love with him? “You think I'd ever be happy letting you die, watching you die like that? Because I'd rather tear my own heart out than watch you do that. If you didn't make it, I'd go with you. I'd let Lucifer take me just so I could be with you.” The mixed feelings that are in your heart is just too much to say anything else. You end up pull his shirt abruptly and kiss him passionately. For a moment, you break the kiss and say quietly and slowly to make it very clear to him. “Don't you dare telling me that you would let Lucifer take you so you could be with me.” You squeeze his shirt and pull closer again. “I can't stand that.” One of his hands moving to grab your hip and pull your body against his. “Well, you'll have to deal with it" He mutters "Because I would." against your lips before kissing you again. “Fuck you, John.” John lets out a low moan, his hand moving to the back of your neck. “What if I die tomorrow? What if Lucifer finds me?” You asked. “Then I'll go to hell, get you, and put a bullet in Lucifer's head myself before I drag you back to earth.” John moans softly as he gives in to your kisses. “Say it again.” You whispered “I’ll go to hell and put a bullet in Lucifer's head...” John repeated while his hand moving to the back of your head and gripping your hair as he kisses you deeply. His other hand slides down to your thigh, his touch possessive and hungry as he pulls you close to him, his body craving you completely. “Finish the sentence, John.” you demanded. “And I will drag you back to earth...” He whispers against your mouth, taking another bite of your bottom lip. “Fuck-”
Note: I recommend you to read this next click here. It's like a sequel. It's not necessary to read both because you can understand the stories without one another. So up to you!!
Note: I just found that False God by Taylor Swift has the lyric that quite relate to the story omg!! Let me show you.
“We were crazy to think. Crazy to think that this could work. Remember how I said I'd die for you?”
“And I can't talk to you when you're like this. Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town. I'm New York City. I still do it for you, babe.”
“I know heaven's a thing. I go there when you touch me. Honey hell is when I fight with you.”
“But we can patch it up good. Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness.”
“But we might just get away with it. Religion's in your lips. Even if it's a false god. We'd still worship.”
“Still worship this love. Even if it's a false god. Even if it's a false god. Still worship this love.”
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nwheregirl · 10 months
Assigning “daddy k!nk” gifs to my top four Keanu characters: (NSFW!! No particular order!)
This one:
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This one:
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This one:
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This one:
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Have nice fantasies my loves 🖤.
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howlsofter · 1 year
You’ve been working for John Constantine for a little. He’s been too protective to let you learn anything but he wants to keep you close. Just my usual one shot smut with a little plot.
Words: 2.8k
Tags/warnings: m/f penetration, cunnilingus, drinking, smoking, a little dirty talk, choking, idk sex mostly
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John Constantine hates being bothered.
But he needs a new driver.
Just temporarily.
He’d found me on one of his previous endeavors, but many already know who I am. Taught of the occult and arcane by a small circle on the streets after my parents passed, my skills are above most.
Not that I ever get to use them with John. He’s worrisome, shaking as he presses his cigarette back up to his mouth, inhaling like it was his last breathe. He is peering outside.
“John, this time please,” I beg as I round up to the building, John doesn’t even look my way, tossing his cigarette to the ground the moment he opens the car door. He rushes inside and I sigh, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel and letting my head fall back.
30 minutes or so and he’s back, staggering with another goddamn cigarette between his lips. He climbs into the car and I drive forward,
“Where to?” I ask, glancing in the mirror. He’s been crashing at mine for this stent, but he’s been talking about something West. Something I could help him with.
My life is in Brooklyn. I pursed my lips together when he told me. I agreed. He knew I would. I’ve been following John blindly these past few months, yet I don’t know if he really gives a fuck about me.
“Fuck,” he spreads out in the backseat, closing his eyes and pressing his cigarette up to his lips, “anywhere. Do you have alcohol?”
That’s code for my place, because I almost always have alcohol. He’s not a terrible house guest. He doesn’t touch my food, he crashes on the couch fully clothed, no blankets no pillows. That’s only if he’s tired, otherwise he sits and, thinks. I guess.
I pour us a glass and leave the bottle in the middle of table. John sits back and retrieves his cigarettes from his pocket, knocking out another and putting it up to his lips.
He lights it before taking a long sip of his drink. He’s sat back in his seat but leaned forward in a long folded over shape. He takes another drag as soon as he’s swallowed the liquid, huffing out and looking around my apartment.
Nothing has changed since the last time he’s been here, he realizes quick and settles back to me. I reach out, “may I?” He seems annoyed but he snatches the pack from his side pocket where he’d returned them.
I scoot my chair over closer as he grabs the lighter. He holds the cigarette up and I lean forward, taking it from his fingers between my lips. I still, following his hands as he takes another long drag, looking at me waiting for him. I raise an eyebrow and begin reaching for the lighter myself. John’s eyes dart to it and he reaches out quick, flicking his wrist to open it and swiftly sparking it up. I inhale just enough to light it before taking a real drag and sitting back.
“Any plans here, John.”
He takes another sip, “always asking me shit. No, there’s no plans. I’m waiting for someone to slip up.”
“I haven’t found anything about the soul stones,” I’ve been researching, asking around, “most people say they haven’t heard of them.”
“Then you’re asking the wrong people.” He takes a hit after every sentence, this man breathes no oxygen.
“Maybe it’s not in Brooklyn anymore?”
“West…” he mentions again, “but it’s just another gamble.” He turns his head away, like he’s tired of the conversation and finally I take another drag of mine. I can feel the nicotine buzz in my body, I only ever palm one off of John occasionally. It mixes well with a little alcohol.
John leans back up, resting his elbows on the table and taking another large sip of his drink. “Are you really coming?” He asks, suddenly so serious. He takes his last sip of his drink, putting it to rest on my tabletop, he flicks his ash into the ashtray I have specifically for him.
“I said I was.” I respond, lifting my own cup, I swirl the liquid around and take a small sip.
“You don’t have to.”
“Do you want me to?”
John puts the cigarette out, leaving it in the ash. “Only if you want to.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“You’re… useful to me. But I don’t want to uproot your life.”
“I have no other life. Do you want me to go?” I’m shifting closer as I speak, John watches me careful, like I’m about to lunge at him.
“None at all?” He almost teases me, I watch his lips form the words, he tilts his shoulders towards me, leaning in.
I’m not going to engage, he tilts his chin up, like he’s going to kiss me, but I know John’s games and I turn my head. Quickly cutting him off to take a long drag.
John wants to roll his eyes, snaking a hand past me to take the short stick from my hands. He takes an equally long drag, burning through the rest of the cigarette before casting it out with his first.
“I want you to come,” he tells me. He says it like I’m holding a gun to his head, but his body is open, pulling me in slightly. I have to tilt my head up to him.
“Then I’m there,” I almost whisper it. He bites his lip for a moment, pats his blazer for his smokes and fills the gap between us. It’s sweet, one careful kiss. I capture it, silently allowing him to continue. He has his stance open, on either side of my chair. He leans in closer, sliding his hands around my hips and pulling me to the edge. I moan against his lips, he we taste the same almost, the same brand of cigarette. He pulls away and leans back, licking my saliva off his lower lip.
“This is your obligatory one minute to reconsider.”
“To reconsider being with me. You have 45 seconds.”
I reach out and wrap my fingers around his tie, pulling him back closer to kiss him again. He stops the count, swallowing me up hold. He pulls me over into his lap and stands, holding me up against his waist.
I’m straddled up against his cock, which poked at me through his loose slacks. He fumbled to my room, forgetting which door it is at first, setting me up on my dresser when we were there. He bites at my neck, sinking his teeth in hard enough for it to hurt. I hiss, going to shove him away. No matter there I pushed or pulled him, he didn’t budge. John secures his arm he already has around my waist, his other hand reaches into his pocket. He retrieves his smokes and sets them beside us on the dresser. He kisses where he was just attacking me, hand sinking into his pocket to retrieve his lighter. My break is short lived, he runs his nose down my neck and delves into a soft spot there. I choke and stretch away from him, knocking his lighter from his hand on accident.
I hear it bounce around on the ground with a few soft thuds then silence. John follows it with his eyes before they snap back to me. I dont know why it’s so embarrassing, I can feel my face burning and John simply moves on. He presses more pretty kisses to my neck, coaxing me again. I give in easy, wrapping my legs up around him. He moves to kissing me again, going to undo his belt. I groan, reaching out to knock his fingers away and do it myself. My shaky fingers fumble over the black leather, pulling it from the matching black belt loops. I wait to break the kiss once I’m done, blinking up at John through my lashes. He takes over, pulling it completely out and dropping his belt to the floor, he’s completely hard now. His slacks sink down his waist without his belt, his briefs waistline visible and the tip of his cock pressed against the edge, waiting.
He sits back up, running his hands along my thighs and yanking me closer to the edge of the dresser. He forces me to sit back when he undoes my jeans, looming over me and nudging my nose with his.
I push my hands flat against the wood, lifting my hips up and letting him slide them off of me. He sinks down, the flat of his hand running from my outter to my inner thigh slowly, making sure they’re well apart before he’s sliding over my panties. I grip the edge of the dresser, looking down at John for once. One hand curves around my thigh, fingers hooking my underwear and holding them to the side with his ring finger, the rest of his hand flat between my hip bones. He presses there with minimal pressure, wasting no time sliding his tongue right between my folds. He opens his mouth wide, running right from my entrance up to my vulva then a few open mouth kisses, his tongue seeking out my clit and pressing in rough circle. He has his eyes closed until he’s found a rythme, looking up at me and shifting his free hand down, palming himself through his slacks.
It feels way too good, really, I’m trying hard not to wriggle out of his hold in pleasure. I can only grind down and shake, unable to rip my eyes from him. I snake my hand into his short dark hair, pulling at it then fixing it to the side.
John’s tongue slips down, exploring my entrance as his hand finally manages to get his button off and he’s exposed himself. He stroked himself slowly, lustfully, trying to fuck me with his tongue.
I switch between his hand and his face, I’m getting closer. His mouth feels better and better each second, I begin to freeze up, focusing on the sensation. I’m almost smirking, I’ve never thought I’d have John Constantine in this position. Jacking off while I grind against his face.
He sees my smirk and he just can’t help but be an asshole. Slowing his tongue, he licks one more slow strip up me before pulling off, he practically rips my underwear off as he stands back up.
I groan, edging myself back from the dresser and cursing quietly, “getting too cocky there, Hellfire,” he warns me, brandishing my nickname he’s almost called me one before. He goes back to holding my hips, lulling me forward as he drags his cock right up against me. His saliva mixed with my pleasure coats his cock and he groans into my ear, “protection?”
“Already casted,” he nods.
He runs his hands up my hips and finally slips my top off, letting it fall with his other clothes beside us in the pile. He undoes a few of his shirt buttons quickly, pulling it off over his head when he’s had enough.
John assumes position. “Hold my shoulders,” he commands, bringing his hips back, one hand adjusting himself and the other holding my side. He presses the tip in carefully, my body rejects him. It aches, I tighten my hold around his shoulders, encircling him closer to me. “Fuck, relax,” he tells me to like it’s easy. I inhale stiff and sharp and he runs his hand around me to my back, “breathe,” he tries again, speaks slower. I do, inhaling again slowly. He’s pushing into me on my exhale, carefully, steady. We both make a noise when he’s, passed the hardest part for me. John is hungry, running his hand up to cup my breast, he sinks his hips into me further.
I lean back on one hand, supporting most of our weight, my other arm is still encased around John. I can’t go anywhere as he fills me up, pushing him away only makes him smile. He gets halfway in before he snaps up into me. His name falls past my lips, not given a moment to regain my composure before he’s fucking me. Quick and rough, his body makes a slapping sound every time we meet.
He groans over me, following the curve of my open mouth with his brown eyes. His pupils blown, he grabs at my neck, encasing his large hand around it and holding me still.
He’s gripping me just rough enough to steady me but I can still breathe. My gasps are raspy against his palm, the pain is all pleasure. I gaze at him through my eyelids, going weak against his grasp on me. I paw at him with my free hand, running the line of his collarbone and trying not to let my eyes shut.
John yanks me forward, my useless hand coming up quickly to his wrist as the rest of my body sits up in order. He speeds up his thrusts, holding me by my neck right up his face. He’s so focused in, there’s not a thought behind those dark eyes besides need.
I let my sticky forehead press against this, eyes eyes dip down, not realizing how hard he’d started choking me. He loosens his grip but only moves his hand when his hips have slowed, scooping me back up while he’s still pressed inside of me. I wrap both arms around him around, barely assisting him in the transition from my dresser to my low bed.
He gets on his knees, falling out of me as he sets me back on the bed. I fall back doll, letting my arms rest above my head as I lift my hips and stretch out. He runs his hand over himself a few times, trying to really take in his view before crawling back up to hover above me. He pushes my legs apart with one hand, still touching himself as he leans over, pressing an open mouth kiss to the soft spot of my thigh. The niceties never last long. Next he’s biting me again, holding my leg down when I immediately begin my escape.
“So pretty,” he hums, running his nose up my leg, licking my hip bone and adjusting himself to press against my entrance. It’s easier for him to slide into me in this position, he grabs my arm when I go to block my blush.
He eases slowly, shuffling to find the best position where he has at least one free hand. He runs it down my side, squeezing my hip and bringing me closer. With his thumb he presses more slow circles against my clit, I lay still and lazy, following his slow motions with my hips as encouragement.
“Am I being good?” I prompt him, my voice scratchy from him grip before. I say it quiet, unsure if he even heard me. But John most certainly did, unconsciously picking up speed.
“That’s what you want?” He snaps up in me, moving his thumb over me with a matching thrust. My hips jut out, trying to push my legs apart further. The same tingling heat building up inside of my groin.
I only kinda nod, too close to be embarrassed. I ghost over the tattoos on his forearm and grip his upper, pleading with him with my eyes. “You’re being so fucking good,” he murmurs, coaxing my orgasm with every thrust, “letting me use you.”
“John,” I whimper his name, trying to get him to keep talking and attempting to drag him closer. He’s getting closer, not daring move from where he is now he’ll spill. His arm is shaky, flexing under my grip. He is losing his breath, mouth ajar.
He sucks in quickly, “fuck, you can cum, baby,” he says it in a growl, edging himself as I spill. My body grips around him and his head falls slack against my shoulder, he bites into the skin there but I don’t even register it past the pleasure that’s hits me.
It rings out through my whole body, John slows, sloppy thrusts as he continues to use me. When I’m settling he pulls out, letting out a delicious moan and cumming. Warm spurts all over my bare stomach, I hum in delight, running my fingers to scoop some up and lick them clean.
John sits up slowly, huffing as he pushes his sweaty hair back. “Fuck, Hellfire,” he mumbles, climbing off the bed to grab his smokes and lighter. I’d knocked it off halfway beneath the dresser. He lights one up swiftly, how he’s done it a thousand times before, and grabs a random shirt off my floor. I don’t protest, it’s dirty anyways. I steal the cigarette from his lips as he wipes me clean.
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babayagakeanu · 2 months
Dating a jealous John Constantine (p2)
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Before you and John got together, you had your fun, and you had your friends. You were always headed to the next bar with your friends when you first met John in passing. Tall, dark, and handsome, you were immediately drawn to him.
You saw him again when you were closing up your antique bookstore and he stopped in.
“I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed for the night.” You stare at him as he lights up a cigarette. “And we definitely don’t allow smoking in here, either.”
”Sorry, doll.” Flicking out his cig, he walks up to your counter. “I need a book, and I’m hoping you have it.” He was a little pale, like he’d seen a ghost, and if it wasn’t for your terrified scream at the looming dark figure behind him, you and him would probably be toast right about now.
Ever since he saved both your lives that night, you agreed to drive him around jobs in the city, and it was fun and terrifying at the same time.
he’d started to grow close with you after some time, the sound of your laughter making his stomach do cartwheels, the way your hair smelled right after your shower, and the way you applied your lotion to your legs had him stiffening in his pants. Doing this in front of him was an innocent act on your part, but you were oblivious to the torture you were causing.
Asking john to fasten your necklaces was a common reoccurrence. He was tall and could see the back of your neck anyways so it was just easier for him to do it. He’d fasten the necklace, all the while, holding his breath as to not sigh out in part of the sweet smell wafting from your neck; some old perfume of yours.
You had gotten your first boyfriend some months after meeting John, still oblivious to the huge crush he had on you. Everything was going fine, until John started to act weird around you and your partner.
He’d come out just wrapped in a towel from the shower, and you’d catch yourself staring at him, mouth catching flies as he states, “oh, sorry guys, thought I’d be alone tonight.” He smirks, and he knows what he’s doing.
Your boyfriend would try and talk to john about getting you gifts, asking what you’d like and John would give him wrong answers out of pure jealousy.
Don’t even get me started on how he would be starring daggers at the guy whenever he would kiss or touch you in front of John.
Dude is full on simp-mode at this point
When you finally break up with your current toy, John takes every opportunity to make you realize he’s it for you.
Purposefully placing things on the top shelf so you’d ask him too bring it down, his hands grabbing at your waist, sending shivers up your spine as he steadies himself.
The trailing of his fingers on your nap as he fasten your necklace once more.
The flirtatious teasing and glances from across the breakfast table.
One night, after getting ready to go out with your friends, decked out in makeup and one tight dress, he snaps.
“Don’t go.” He states, standing in front of the doorway.
”John, don’t be an ass, I’m going out with my friends. Please move.”
“I said, don’t go.” He stands up from leaning against the door wand walked towards you like a predator tracking his prey. “I said, don’t go because I don’t want to see you with anyone else but me.”
Your mouth opens and shuts as your brain rewires itself. “What do you mean, John?” You finally finds the words as you realize you’ve backed yourself into a corner.
”I love you, y/n. i fucking love you and it hurts me to see another man touch what’s rightfully mine.” He kisses you hard, and you find yourself melting, wrapping yourself in cig smoke and whiskey as the door closes, cutting out the sound of your laughter and John’s.
I’m sorry if this sux. I’ve been dealing with a nasty head cold but i wanted to get this out for you guys. Please enjoy!!
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valenli · 2 months
Do you think jazz plays when he enters the room..
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(IDK what I'm writing)
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dyysania · 8 months
before i fall asleep - john constantine - oneshot
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synopsis: it’s the day constantine had been ‘given treatment’ from satan himself. constantine can be very toxic, especially when you’re his lover. but, even though he doesn’t say it often at all, he loves you. he really does.
————————— .𖦹 ⋆。
the day his case was done, his lungs became clear. his wrists were no longer slit, and physical health-wise, he was generally so much healthier than he was before. mental-health wise, not so much. like he always has been. since he was a child.
being his girl was never easy, no, not at all. but you loved him more than anything else you knew. and he loved you, although he never said it.
“john…” he turned to face you. you’d caught him finally picking up his pack of cigarettes again.
“don’t.” he scoffs at your warning.
“baby, i’ll be fine.”
“no you won’t, john. you got fucking cancer because of them.” you got up and easily snatched the one in his hand and the entire pack, and threw them out the apartment window.
“those were expensive.”
“i don’t care, john. i don’t wanna be close to losing you again.” you said, him barely able to hear it since your head was halfway through the window as it poured. he pursed his lips for a second.
————————— .𖦹 ⋆。
he still remembers that day. the day fucking satan took stones from his lungs before john nearly ascended. the day the strong smell of sulfur and fresh air hit his lungs properly that time. how he had watched a half-breed fall, and how the sky was dark and rain fell upon him once he got out. he remembers sprinting to your apartment in the pouring rain because it was closer than his, and how his younger driver, had died because he followed him. like anyone would try to. it was always his fault.
and when he inched from your apartment door, he knocked. it was late. around midnight. but john didn’t hesitate. he never did. he was no longer afraid. and so you peeped through the eyehole and instantly pulled him by his tie inside.
“why are you so late, and why didn’t you get chas to drive you home?” you sighed as you closed the door behind him. he gulped, making his adam’s apple bob slightly.
“can i tell you this once i get washed and changed?” you pursed your lips, knowing he was soaked and you didn’t want him to spread the water across your floors. you hugged his waist from behind, because if you tried to hug him from his shoulders, you’d need to be way taller.
“of course.” you responded with your cheek flat against his back, walking to stand in front of him and stand on your tiptoes, as he leaned down slightly to kiss you softly. he quickly pulled away and walked to the bathroom, leaving you stood there with your head turned to face him. you sighed and gulped as you heard him undress, and you turned most of the lights on so you could make yourself tea, and you sat in bed shakily in the cold waiting for him.
————————— .𖦹 ⋆。
“you know i love you.” you mumbled as you closed the window shut and went up to your cold lover who sat manspread. your wrists rested on his shoulders, as your chin did on his head. he brought his hand up to make contact with your hand, and his fingertips to wrist were icy. your muscles tensed lightly. but he still had his poker face on.
“come here, baby.” you had the slightest smile on your face. you knew he could never tell you he loved you too, because his toxic masculinity had fueled him. for years. he knew if he told you he loved you, you’d think he was soft. but he had always given you tender love, especially late at night as he watched you asleep, covered in soft blankets he’d get for you because he knows you like sleeping in his shirt, and his shirt only. it’d get his poor girl cold, although his shirts were always huge on you.
and so you straddled him in his warm lap as he buried your face in kisses, with his hands placed on both sides of your hips. afterwards, he just thought in the pure, deafening silence. like he always did. out of tiredness, your head fell into the crook of his neck as you softly smiled, burrowing yourself there. except this time, he’d whispered something to you. just loud enough so his voice would crack through his chapped lips.
“…i love you too.” tears fell from your usual late-night, puffy eyes. but you didn’t make a sound. neither did john as only a few tears fled from his eyes.
“i’m…sorry i don’t tell you it.” his voice ached. for once, john constantine had found it hard for himself to form and speak words.
“but i do…i really, really do. this once, i - i’ll tell you, i think…i think you’re the love of my life. and i love you, i love you, i love you.” your hands reached for the back of his head, the rest of your arms beneath his underarms. the words he had said rang in your head, in his voice. in the voice of the soul, you both believed, satan had waited for to rise to earth and take for himself.
“you need rest,” john had whispered to you, picking you up bridal-style easily and softly letting you down on the bed.
“not more than you do.” you pulled him in by his shirt, but you weren’t strong enough to pull him into the bed. he scoffed lightly at your attempt.
“fine, move over.” you smiled and felt your trail of tears on your soft skin begin to dry. he climbed beside you into the bed, turning the bedroom light off. you rolled into his chest, where you fell asleep most of the time. his hands caressed the back of your head until he thought you were asleep.
“i love you.” he smiled, for the first time, since a long one.
every night after on, you made sure to keep yourself awake for a few minutes when he thought you were asleep, and it turns out, maybe he does tell you he loves you quite often.
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lilithlinen · 2 months
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Playing His Game
A Dance With Destiny
A Dance With Destiny II
Wounds Of The Past
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Your Little Time
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Pregnancy Cravings
Turning Tables
Turning Tables II
Turning Tables III
Turning Tables IIII
Johnny Utah
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An Evening to Remember
Tommy Wernicke
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Prom 2
Keanu Reeves
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Too Old, Huh?
Challenge Accepted
Tex Johnson
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Jack Traven
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Morning Crush
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wiinterz · 5 months
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≽^•⩊•^≼ ⦙ 𝓇𝑒𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇. i write for plus size black & brown readers in mind, all my fics are catered to plus size/chubby readers. if my works don’t cater to you, there are many talented writers who might. do not come on my account to spread hate, you will get blocked. minors dni with my nsfw content, you will get blocked also. blank pages = blocked. please do not plagiarize my works, if you feel inspired by them please give me credit. give credit when credit is due.
*if a work with ☙ next to it, it means it's an old piece*
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john wick…
once lost, now found - jw (fluff, angst, typical violence) ☙
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no jupiter tonight.
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john wick…
maybe insane, maybe in love - jw (smutty, dark content, 18+) ☙
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wiinterz © do not repost, copy or translate my works.
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realitidoll · 1 year
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John Constantine.
The last few days have been hot and sunny, you’ve been begging John, your boyfriend, to take you to the beach, but he would just dismiss it saying he was too busy working. After a couple times of you bugging him about it, he finally agreed. It’s now Thursday, 7am. You have been awake for 15 minutes now, just preparing your bag. You being too indecisive, you decide to let John pick out your swimsuit. “John? Wake up, babe.” You slightly nudge his sleeping body. He groans and turns his body away from you. You know he hates being up early, but he promised. Suddenly, an idea pops in your head. You take your top off, leaving you in only panties and pj shorts. You get on top of him, take his much larger hands in yours placing them on your thighs, which are now on either side of his body. You know he’s awake when you feel his hands tighten around your thighs.
“You sure you want to do this?” He asks in a low, almost warning tone. You lower your face closer to his, give him a quick small peck on the side of his face. “If it’s the only way to get you to wake up, then yes.” You softly speak. You can feel a bulge growing in his pants. His hands sneak around your waist, holding you tight as he pulls himself up. You bite your lips once you see him eyeing your body so hungrily. He finally puts his lips on yours. John’s hands roam all around your body, leaving small slaps on your thighs from time to time.
You pull away, pushing yourself a bit further away in his lap. Your hands reach the hem of his shirt, pulling it off him. Biting your bottom lip, you take a moment to stare at his shirtless body for a few seconds. Your right hand slides inside his pants, you slowly start stroking his member. He couldn’t stop himself from thrusting his hips into your hand, feeling too needy. You giggle at his impatience and start to pump faster, feeling proud of yourself every time you would hear him grunt.
John abruptly stops you by taking your hand in his. You look up at him, confused. “I want to finish inside you, baby.” He states, noticing your confused face. Your body warms up, your face turns red. He pulls you off him and lays you on the bed, then takes your shorts and panties off. He gets up to fully take his own pants off this time. Your legs are held apart by his big hands, he couldn’t stop admiring your naked body. Out of neediness, your left hand slides down from your breast to your thigh and slowly starts squeezing it, your right hand playing with your breast. John knows you’re growing impatient, he just likes making you wait.
After what seemed like hours, he kneels on the bed and places his cock right at your entrance. “Fuck- you’re so wet, baby.” He says, slightly chuckling under his breath. You turn your face to the side, a little bit embarrassed and flushed at the same time. His hand grabs you by the chin, making you face him. “Nuh-uh, sweetheart. I want you to watch me ruin your pretty cunt.” He whispers, letting go of your chin.
John’s hand is back on your thigh, now both his hands holding them apart. You can feel the tip of his cock on your cunt which just makes you huff in annoyance. Understanding you, he wastes no other second and pushes the tip in. Your back arches, a silent gasp leaves your mouth ajar. You never truly get used to how big he is. Your tight cunt couldn't take him all in at once, so he forces himself into you. John hears his lover cry out in pain and brings his hand to stroke her hair. "Shh, pretty baby. It's okay." He comforts you, still stroking your hair. Tears form in your eyes, your nails digging into his biceps, leaving marks. Constantine, being the gentleman he is, gives you a minute to adjust before pulling himself out and aggressively plunging back inside you, hitting your cervix. Cries and moans of pain and pleasure escaped your lips. He's now rapidly thrusting in and out of you. All that could be heard in his appartment were grunts, curses and moans coming from him or cries, whimpers and moans coming from you.You could feel your climax approaching. The pleasure being too overwhelming, your fingers tug on his hair and your nails roughen up his back a little. John enjoys your rough side more than you think, the pain excites him a lot. He feels your walls clench tight around him as you tug on his hair a little harder. He understands you're close. "J-john- I'm going= to c-cum." You allow yourself to express in-between moans. "Fuck. I know, baby, me too. Let's finish together." He says, kissing the side of your neck. His thrusts get a little sloppy and your hands fall to your side. John is muttering curses and unholy words under his breath masking them by grunts or groans. His left hand holding him up, giving your breasts hard slaps with his right one. As you feel yourself reach an intense climax, seeing stars, you feel his warm semen shoot inside you which only made your climax feel much, much better.
Still softy and slowly thrusting in and out of you, he lowers himself on your body, hands barely holding him up as they were shaky. You throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss. You weren't sure how he found the energy to fuck you so hard and passionately as soon as you woke up, but you surely weren't about to complain. "Do you still want to go to the beach?" He asks, pulling himself off you and laying next to you. You know he's looking for reasons to stay in and do nothing all day, but you wouldn't let him have it his way. John puts his arms around you and pulls you to your side, still in his hold "Yes, please. Then I'll go with you to your stupid, stinky bar." You answer softy with puppy eyes, hoping it would convince him.
"Let's go shower, then." He finally gives in.
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ariksly · 3 months
decided to make an edit. idk how I feel about it but still posting it anyways.
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goldp0ison · 3 months
Being a succubus sent to John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) but he dominates you and you become vulnerable under him, completely flirting with him and teasing to being absolutely fucked out of your mind by this man.
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nwheregirl · 10 months
Assigning “daddy k!nk” gifs to Keanu characters: (NSFW!! No particular order!) (PT.2) (pt.1 here)
This one:
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This one:
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This one:
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This one:
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!!BONUS!! you doing this:
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And as usual: have nice fantasies, my loves 🖤😈.
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plut0s-world · 10 months
If I saw 2005 John Constantine i would do UNIMAGINABLE THINGS to him like…
Show him affection
Hold him gently
Kiss his forehead
Tuck him in
Read him bedtime stories
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constantinesdevil · 2 years
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valenli · 2 months
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Pretty boy JohnCon 🎀
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dyysania · 10 months
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࿓ into the sinner’s arms. - john constantine.
tw: religious aspects, smoking, smut (oral (f receiving) and unprotected p in v) wrap it before ya tap it !!, language and degradation, age gap (reader is around 23 and john is 41). i think that’s all :3
no use of y/n ! ^^
you were known. you were well. you were aware of everything and you were loyal to your creator. you were known by friends and family that you were a good angel, until that was all crushed when you had met john constantine.
constantine, you would say, was exactly your type. with big brown puppy eyes, slightly deep voice, and he was just dapper-looking in general. but you knew, oh, every ‘half-breed’ knew that he was the one soul satan would come to collect for himself. and of course you couldn’t help but fall in love with him.
you were a good girl. he was a sinner. it wouldn’t work out. but the way the air thickened every time you two had met said otherwise. you’d give each other glances from across the room, him with a grin on his lips that almost always held a cigarette between them, and you, with your flustered face and fidgeting.
————————— .𖦹 ⋆。
tonight was another one of those nights you would have to face him. most of the time you met, it was at midnite’s bar, but this time, it was a different situation. it seemed he had just finished yet another exorcism, and went on a smoke break outside.
“fuck,” you whispered underneath your breath as you saw him walk out of the apartment. you attempted to just blend in, sitting on the bench, but he always recognized you. he’d always spot your pretty wings and eyes. you just looked down to distract yourself with your coffee cup. but you begin to hear footsteps, and you see his leather shoes in front of you. you had no choice but to look up.
“what do you want, constantine?” you mumble. he doesn’t respond for a few seconds, sighing as he sits down next to you,
“you’re one to talk. you’re always eye-fucking me.” he said casually before putting another cigarette between his plush lips, cracking the lighter open. you blushed, trying to resist him. refuse him. you’re speechless, because you knew it was the truth. you rested your back against the metal bench, looking over your left shoulder so you don’t have to worry about talking.
“yeah, got nothing to say anymore now, do you?” he cackles lightly, pissing you off even more. you just let out a loud exhale.
“j-just shut up…”
“whatever, half-breed.” you gulped as you felt your panties dampen at all of his degrading words. he noticed, looking at you whilst furrowing his brows.
“listen, we both know we should be together.” he broke the silent atmosphere, and the sound of his thoughts shouldn’t have, but they interested you. so you look back at him.
“well, we both know i’d destroy my good reputation because you’re the soul satan wants to take for himself, john.”
“stop caring so much about it.”
“i can’t, it’s my whole life…my whole family would hate me, john!”
“so what? i want you, you want me, and god you’re obvious about it, who gives a fuck anymore?”
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
for fuck’s sake, you can’t take it anymore.
————————— .𖦹 ⋆。
it was late at night when john took you to his apartment, locking the door, laying you down on his bed and climbing on top of you immediately.
your lips connected, and god, it felt good to finally let go. you felt as if you were sinking into the kiss and like your creator was watching you, right there, disappointed. but sadly, in your thoughts, maybe john was right. maybe it’s best to just let go and accept your fate.
“let me take care of you.” john muttered into the nape of your neck, beginning to kiss and suck on it, leaving a trail of few marks behind. you gave him a slight tug at his tie, pulling him in. closer. you were needier than you should be, with your cunt already extremely soaked. he was right. god, he was so right.
“i want you, you want me.” but you didn’t.
because you needed him.
he slid his tongue slowly from your collarbone to your earlobe, pushing you to moan and have your hand fly to try and shut you up.
“i’m gonna help you. fuck, you deserve it.” he whispered into your ear breathily, his hand massaging your still clothed breasts. drool glistened against your bruised neck once he was done with marking you, dragging his arms along your body before hiking your dress’ skirt up, glaring at your black panties.
“spread for me.” he saw your panties barely even covering your pussy, the band only covering your clit. you winced when he took them down your clean-shaven and cold legs, finally being able to see you properly.
“you’re beautiful,” he paused.
“i’m keeping these.” he lifted your pair of panties to show you before throwing his arm behind him so they landed perfectly on top of his small wardrobe. his cold hands then shocked your warm skin, of your hips, and glided along your plush inner thighs. he leaned closer, suckling and biting at the flesh. you gasped almost each time, and it led to him fucking your poor, swollen cunt with his tongue. he teased you, nipped at you, made you feel…relaxed. safe. something you almost never felt. your fingers were tangled in his smooth, dark hair, pulling him up so that he could face you.
the eye contact you both shared made you break almost each time. crack, each time. until he had corrupted you. you were his. only his, and he knew it. but this time, the eye contact didn’t feel strange, and instead felt beautiful. like he was staring right into your soul, collecting every bit of information he could find inside your eyes and soul. feeling so many emotions at once, and you did, too. at last, you shut your eyes, kissing him once again. but this time, it was slow, intimate, daring…a feeling that was peculiarly indescribable. possibly, nirvana.
you don’t know how or when he had discreetly stripped down his dress pants, oh but god, it felt so great to see his length. he was fucking huge.
“are you sure it’ll fit?”
“i’ll make it fit, angel.” you thought you’d faint as soon as you heard the nickname. you had almost forgotten that you’d delved straight into the sinner’s arms.
he forced his tip inside you, a squeal escaping your lips. he was fucking thick.
“oh, john!” you moaned as he pushed his entire cock in you at once. john grasped your hand, showing you that you’d be okay. you attempted to squirm off of him a couple inches, but his waist held yours down.
“please…” you whispered, fingers curling on his knuckles. he began to rock his hips back and forth slowly, so you whined.
“so tight, hmm?” you swore you could feel him in your cervix. every time he bucked his hips up into you, pushing you closer, and closer, to your climax.
“f - ha, john! let me cum, p-please!” your hand reached for the sheets so that you could entangle them into the soft fabric. too bad john didn’t want to let you go.
“cum all over my cock, baby…” his thrusts slowed, allowing you to finally let go. your wings shuddered as he caressed them and tugged softly at the feathers.
“a good angel shouldn’t be drooling for my cock like this, should it?” he teased, and you just whimpered in response.
he pressed his chapped lips against your soft, wet ones, sliding his tongue in.
it was like all he wanted to do was hold you and kiss you for hours, so much he wouldn’t even pull away for air, just so that the taste of his mouth and blood would stain you. mark you. you couldn’t pull away an inch, but oh, it felt so…good.
“my pathetic angel.” he whispered into your ear before he buried himself in your neck, pulling out of you and falling asleep. you wrapped your wings around him, knowing when you woke up in the morning, they’d be gone.
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