tennessoui · 2 years
You are back! Woooooohoooooo 🍾
Im also going to request 85 and 2 for the trope mash ups!
ok i've decided it's alright to be this late on responding to these prompt fills trope mash ups if i at least do them in the same month they were sent aajlrlg;jje
(also y'all really like 2 huh)
85. innocent physical touch + 2. royal au
so, hear me out hear me out:
anakin and obi-wan are both jedi and they sort of start casually sleeping with each other during the war. after the war ends, they keep doing it, but they've also made it pretty clear that they're sleeping with other people as well which is something they're both completely and totally fine with because this is just casual fucking between friends to relieve stress and tension and because it feels good.
like actually truly they're just casual fuck buddies and they're fine with that. they're also each other's most important person in the galaxy and they're obsessed with each other, but the sex has nothing to do with that
but THEN they have to go undercover for a mission where anakin is tasked with pretending to be royalty + obi-wan is the Jedi meant to protect him while at this function or something idk that bit doesn't matter
what matters is that anakin makes a joke about how this whole thing would only be believable if obi-wan treated him like he treats the other princesses and princes (that he fucks). he's like 'treat me like one of your princesses, master,' and laughs.
but then he's not laughing anymore when obi-wan does treat him like one of his princesses---heavy looks paired with gentle hands, touching his lower back to get his attention, kissing the back of his knuckles and looking downright respectful and worshipful while doing it.....
it's making anakin realize he wants that. he wants the romance. he wants obi-wan's romantic attention. he loves fucking and getting fucked by obi-wan, he loves the casual, rough in-the-trenches sort of sex they have, but....he wants more too he wants obi-wan to kiss him like he's in love with him. he wants to be romanced!! for real!!
this is the worst thing to ever happen to anakin and he blames it entirely on obi-wan. the man tucks a rose behind his ear and anakin's knees get weak. this is terrible.
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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J'ai VUE la Souffrance et j'ai ENTENDU les cris que le prince de ce monde FAIT Subir à Mon Peuple dans ce Monde.Impie .Et je t'Ai Appellé et Consacré pour ALLER le Délivrer et le Faire Sortir de la Tyranie pour le Conduire dans le Pays ou Coule le Lait et le Miel.
Je SUIS ton Bouclier et ta Récompense SERA Très Grande.
Je Marcherai avec Toi et ACCOMPLIRAI au Travers de Toi mes Jugements envers ce prince des ténéçbres Pour FAIRE SORTIR mon Peuple; Je BENIRAI Celui qui Te Bénira et MAUDIRAI Celui qui te Maudira..!
Je me Suis REVELE à Toi au Travers du Buisson Ardent et de ce Baton qui représente Ta faiblesse j'en Ferai sortir le Serpent qui représente TA Crainte d'affronter ce Prince , et Je Changerai TA Faiblesse en Force et Changeant Ton Baton en SCEPTRE d'Autorité qui AVALERA les serpents des sortilèges et de la magie contre Toi et Tu les DOMINERAS par Mon ESPRIT. Accomplissant mes Desseins.
Je Détruirai au Travers de Toi la Lèpre du Péché qui voudrait t'anéantir et Je t'En DELIVRERAI.
Dans ta Faiblesse pour PARLER Devant ces autorités de Ténèbres je t'ENVOIE l' ESPRIT de Vérité qui Manifestera la PAROLE Christ au travers de ta Bouche pour Combattre Tous tes ennemis.
Je SERAI Ta BOUCHE ,Avec Ta Bouche et Avec la Bouche de l' Esprit Saint ET J'ACCOMPLIRAI Tout ce qui SORTIRA de VOS Bouches.
Je te FAIS à l'Image de DIEU et a sa Ressemblance car en ETANT en Moi UNE Seule Personne. Tu Es devenu en CHRIST Mon FILS , le FILS de DIEU Etant DIEU à Mon IDENTITEE Céleste.
Mon Fils !! Ton Seigneur et Ton DIEU Marchera devant Toi et ne t'Abandonnera PAS Et PARLERA au Travers de Ta Bouche Avec l' ESPRIT et TU ACCOMPLIRAS des Signes des Prodiges et Des MIRACLES au DOUBLE de ce que j'AI ACCOMPLI.sur Terre.. Tel EST Ma PROMESSE que j'ACCOMPLIRAI au Travers de TOI.
Et TOUT ce que Tu DEMANDERAS Tant pour les choses Spirituelles, les Choses de Guérisons des Corps, et des Besoins matériels JJE TE LES DONNERAI Avec JOIE Dans ma BENEDICTION.
Je te l'ORDONNE... VA !!! avec la Force que Tu AS !!! et LIBERE Mon Peuple de l''Esclavage au TRAVERS du SANG de l'ALLIANCE... Du SANG de l'AGNEAU IMMOLE...
Ne t'Ai je pas DIT / Que SI Tu CROIS FERMEMENT dans Ton Coeur que Tu VERRAS Ma GLOIRE au Travers des PAROLES de FOI qui Sortiront de Ta Bouche...Amen Léve Toi et VA...!
JE SUIS Celui qui Tiens Mes Promesses...
Que celà te SOIT en Cette année nouvelle..AMEN..
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alolanrain · 4 years
Jude, Jury, Executioner!au only really happens in Galar. Like yeah Ash ends up killing Giovanni during the Meloetta incident, or more like Pikachu does anyway because no one should have been able to survive that mother fucking giant ass Electro Ball, along with all the other eveil villains besides Maxie and Archie because they were just fucking dumb adults.
But Rose is a bit different, he’s a little more difficult to reach and with to many people in the “good” category connected to him. They would all be burned in the fallout if Ash just hits Rose with everything he’s got in one shot.
Rose is more complicated. He’s forcing Ash to take the long way, which is something Ash has never done in his life. Rose never sends anyone out to get Ash like every other evil team has before. Ash already knows he’s playing with someone who’s use to manipulating people from their blind spots. So he forces Ash to get creative.
Raihan has been wary of Ash from the start. Knowing the Kantonian when he used to come to Kanto every summer when he was training to take over the Dragon type gym. His ass had gotten wiped across the battle field, faster then Leon was ever able to do and that’s included the present, and Raihan learns to fear the youngest Ketchum. So he see’s Ash’s lucky number 13 and he knows everything is going to crumble, good thing he’s seen the ‘light’ and knows how to pick the right side.
Hope comes second. It wasn’t hard to get the kid falling out of of his big bro Lee’s sponsorship, to get the kid thinking for himself for the most part and see how that it’s okay not to use whatever your family gives you, a present is a present but Hop should be able to get his way into the world by himself if he can. Zia and Zenta basically drags Hop into the makeshift family they have with Ash. It’s great and Ash can really see the true Hop shine through and not the one people expect for being the baby brother of the Champion of their region.
Marnie hates Rose from the start. A kindred spirit if you could say. She wanted to see that bastard burn for all the pressure he’s putting on her brother Piers and how he’s withholding funds from Spikemuth. She jumped at a chance for another sponsor next to Nessa’s. Adding on the little sword and shield patch onto her jacket with Zia’s help. The pair have taken in the girl and even Piers like their own kids. Now Ash wasn’t alone dealing with their excessive need to brood and mother every walking and breathing thing.
Leon was harder, but not by much, the biggest sway into knocking his thick ass over to their side was how Zia and Zenta were offering him freedom and how his baby brother kept excitedly pointing out at every turn that Leon can come home and spend all the promised time with Hop and their mom. He crumbled afterwards like rotting food and signed the deal.
Bede was exactly right after. Ash had a more difficult time in dragging the delusioned kid over to their side kicking and screaming every millisecond until they crossed the line. The warmth and utter kindness from the pair of wives must have switched several switches in Bede. He dropped Rose without much fuss as Leon and actually got adopted later on by Zia and Zanta. He still ends up as a Gyn Leader after Opal retired though but he’s much more approachable and less bitter with people.
Oleana ends up in jail. She doesn’t really fight the police officer unlike Rose and should have damn well knew to say no to the man’s offer all those years ago. The emotional turmoil wasn’t worth any shiny penny Rose flipped her way afterwards.
Rose gets killed by Ash. After he runs from the police of course. He’s hunted for sport between him, Zamazenta, and Zacian. It’s bloody and messy, body laid out for all to see. And Ash doesn’t regret one bit
This also ends up in some slow Reachshipping.
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leewiththetea · 3 years
You know that feeling when you come up with a new hurtful idea to put into ur story and ur just thinking about how people will react to it like: >:3333c
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azulsundertaleblog · 4 years
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Meet Judge and Jury! Although they prefer Sans and Papyrus at home~
Curious? How about sending an ask and get to know them?
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the-messenger-hawk · 3 years
Sometimes I like to draw pictures of things that happen later on in my stories that I can’t post because they’re spoilers, so I just keep them for myself
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katzkinder · 3 years
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Day 8: Melancholy/THANK YOU!
I ended up joining Servamp fandom here on tumblr about... Four years ago now? In 2018, right after moving to a different state and leaving everything I knew behind. I found the anime by complete chance while browsing the Josei tag, and now... Here I am!!
I don’t know where I would be right now without this fandom, I really, truly, don’t. I’ve met so many wonderful, kind, amazing people through this series, rediscovered my love of creation, and made tons of friends!
To everyone who’s been with me on this journey... THANK YOU!
First up, @hello-vampire-kitty thank you for your hard work translating the chapters! I really appreciate the translation notes you add, and how clearly important it is to you to treat this series with the love the English localization won’t /hj
@xchibikai thank you for providing the RAWs! You’ve been doing it for so long, and without you and Kitty, we’d all be totally lost! Not to mention your Tsukimitsu sib art always makes me feel so warm and fuzzy; it’s so cute!
@servamp-announcements Even though you just started, I’m already so grateful! The formatting on posts is really easy to read, and the blog theme is also very easy to navigate! I especially appreciate that you provide sources and links back to the original announcements 🥰
@ryotakun-translations it looks like I can’t tag you, but I still wanted to give my thanks! Commissioning translations from you is always so easy and pleasant, and I know I’m getting quality work when I do.
@kalu-chan Thank you for uploading the interactions from Final Servamp Quest, and the translation for both the White Day routes and Gear of Night Trick! Your doc was super easy to navigate, and it must have taken a long time.
@rubyleaf We haven’t really ever talked before, but I still wanted to take a moment to say thanks!! Your fanfic Guilty Pleasure Friends is AMAZING, and I really admire the dedication it takes to keep updating something like that for so long. I love reading it during long car rides, and the cafe scene to this day brings me so much joy
@crazyanime3 I’ve been taking excellent care of the boys you sent me... Was it already two years ago?? Thank you for helping me start my collection way back when! I still have the little message and doodle you sent along with the buttons, saved somewhere safe
@snowlilys-wife @cottoncanada @shinychxndelure Thank you for being so supportive and accepting! I love talking with you all and hashing out scenarios and headcanons is always really fun! Also, y’all are funny af
@mahi-does-some-art @pomfry @hisakata-resutomoshibi @yarrayora @haru-jje @unwelcomedfox  @revoleotion @xthunderbolt @madburnishes @tipzycat y’all some talented and also incredibly sweet motherfuckers, holy shit. I’m so, so glad I met all of you.
@joydoesathing your genderbend designs are always so creative and I love so, so many of them! I think my favorites are Gil and Hugh. I also love your Virtues au a lot, too! Your eye for character design is incredible, and then you do all that in pen on top of it? Amazing!!
@chayam-chi Your art is so cute! You’re such a sweet person, and so funny, too! I always look forward to seeing you on my dash, and I look forward to seeing where you go from here!!
@danozi1 Your sense of humor and the creepy cuteness of your works always scratch a very specific itch for me, and also you have Good Taste
@mystivio @meiwaku-san Your panel colorings are so good and always leave me floored. Like, coloring goals, full on.
@random-husky I’ve super duper enjoyed everything you’ve posted this week, from your ideas to your compositions, you’re so creative!!
@kiwitheweebartist you’re getting better and better every day! Your little commentary posts and random thoughts are all very cute and it makes me smile whenever I read one.
@kchk-55 @d01110010rr You’re so young, but already so talented?? I’m amazed! I hope good things find you both going forward, and that school and life in general is easy on you. If anyone is mean to y’all, I’ll beat them up!!
@jutsuzuban MIKEY. YOU. I love you!!
@niccodoesart Sushi! I love the way you color; you’re so good with markers! The way you draw feet is so cute ❤
@faith-gigliorosa Your edits are so cool, holy shit. I always look forward to them! Ballad of the mona lisa is still one of my favorites.
@blackrose4242564 @theartcat2 @maria-the-mage @wingedpaperpeachpurse @radioactivesweet @fgfhfhfhf @ourelenabespalovafan @ezuja-deatro @ninjagirl142 @pause143 I see you guys in my notes for practically everything I post and thank you so much for your support!!!
@bluemoonfantasiesiii there’s a lot of things I could say to you and about you. There’s a lot of things I want to express. There’s a lot of moments and talks that I hold dear to my heart, but I think the best way to sum up my feelings towards you, is this... ......... >:3c
... That was a lot of people, huh. |D Sorry if I annoyed anyone with this, but I just... Wanted to express my sincere gratitude to each and every one of you. I’m a better, happier person for each person I’ve met here, and I’ve never quite had this kind of experience within a fandom before. I’m glad Servamp was the first time I held my hand out within an online community to quite this degree, and thank you to every single person who reached back.
A very merry, very belated, HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY to you all!
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maxpowell · 3 years
La émission de télévision: Table du Chef France
Bonjour tout le monde,
J'ai regardé un émission de télévision appelé Table du Chef France, ce que c'est un spetacle très bien que je vous recommanderais de regarder pendant que tu as temps libre. Dans les deux premiers épisodes, ils presentent de la cuisine française et les différents types de plats français. La troisième épisode, ce que j'avais ajourd'hui, montre comment embrasser la culture chinoise avec la culture française. Pour example, ils cuisinaient plats français, ils cuisinaient de la nourriture chinoise avec des français ensemble. Jje crois ce qui m'inspire c'est que ils font preuve d'ouverture d'esprit où ils pensent embrasser la diversité culturelle, que montre au monde ce que signfie pour avoir l'esprit ouvert. C'est la rasion pour laquelle j'aimerais que les gens regardent pour comprendre le sens d'apprendre une autre culture et l'aspect émotionnel de celui-ci. C'est émission de télévision dans Netflix.
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darling-deerlings · 4 years
welcome to the blog! ✨
if one of my IRL friends found this. no you didn't 💕 haha jk......unless?? 😳
anyways hello! i go by scribe or bee mostly these days c: ive been self shipping/self inserting since...Forever honestly! yes im a lesbian, yes i love fictional males ✌️
main fandoms
as of right now, my main fandoms include
dragon age
homestuck (kinda?)
of course there's some other ones im probably missing!
the ships
i get embarrassed super easily so a lot of these are self inserts/ocs I project heavily onto! ill edit in tags as i come up with them for each one.
X means romantic, & means friendship, + means familial!
piper (oc) x josephine, #?
adalasia (oc) x fenris, #?
puppeteer (si) x zacharie, #?
a myriad of random friendsim trolls
homestuck hell au
ok so im not super engaged in HS Anymore But. i have an old au that i still use that's like if everyone was living on normal earth. its a huge mishmash of Homestuck and some RWBY?? idk man it's hard to explain BUT here's the relationships within the au! the AU tag is #metanoia files !
again! X means romantic, & means friendship, + means familial!
finn (si) x karkat, #?
finn & karkat & terezi, #jje or #judge jury and executioner
finn + dave + dirk, #sunset squad (subject to change)
some other non-self-ship include dave x john, dirk x jake, and aradia x sollux
terezi atm isn't with anyone and i do not ship her w vrska. do not mention her to me
ANYWAYS I think that's it! here's this long ass pinned post til I get around to making a carrd or something c:
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rainywriteskpop · 5 years
Brian and Jae as Soulmates~
Requested by @epoxh​ - “soulmate au with Jae and Brian”
I got you my bby :* I hope this fills your craving ♥︎
author’s note: ... i had the cutest idea for jae, but after writing it out, it wasn’t as long as brians ... mian T^T i hope you enjoy it regardless!!!
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After performing at Inkigayo, Brian and Jae decided to stop by the cafe across the street
Brian quietly moped about how he was kind of jealous of how many friends Jae had
Also about how much potential Jae had in getting a girlfriend while Brian had almost none
Jae joked about how much of a quiet, shy loser Brian was
Of course, Brian fought back and smacked him square in the head
After ordering, Brian and Jae sat in a corner table to avoid attention
Brian laughed at one of Jae’s jokes when he looked up and saw the person making the drinks
His entire world stopped as he watched you quickly and flawlessly making the drinks
When Jae noticed he wasn’t paying attention, he took a sugar packet and threw it at his head
“Don’t ignore me kid.” 
“Sorry, I got distracted.” 
Brian looked away again, glancing at you for a brief second
Jae followed his glance and grinned
“I’ve never seen you like this before.”
“Don’t try to deny it, Brian.”
“Are soulmates a real thing?” 
“They are if you believe they are.”
Before Brian could sass at Jae, a loud voice spoke up
“An iced Americano for 케 (Ke) and an iced caramel macchiato for 쩨 Jje!” You called out
Brian didn’t hesitate to make his way over
“That’s for me. Thank you.” He blushed.
“Enjoy your drinks! Have a nice day~”
“Are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before... I come by here after every broadcast.”
“I took another coworkers shift today.” 
Seeing how Brian talked to you, you knew his exact motive, but continued to talk to him anyway, quite flattered
Jae slyly made his way over and clapped Brian’s shoulder
“Hey Y/N!”
“Oh, hey Jae. Brian was just inviting me to your fanmeet coming up.” You smiled
“Y-You two know each other?” Brian asked
“A close friend of my sisters. We’re practically related.”
“You guys should get going. Before the maknae line rebels.” 
“See you around, Y/N.” Jae waved as he took his drink and left
Brian let out a sigh and grabbed his drink
“See you around, I guess.”
“Ask Jae for my number.” You said then disappeared to make new drinks
When Brian spun around to look at you, you were gone
He got into the van with the other members and stared out the window 
“Do you believe in soulmates now?” Jae whispered
Brian smiled to himself, finally settling into the idea of having a soulmate
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you and jae were lounging in your living room
it was an unspoken tradition to spend sunday afternoons together doing nothing since you two became friends in middle school
since becoming an idol, it was a lot harder but he made sure to make time for his best friend
you were laying on the couch while reading a webtoon on your phone while he sat on the floor playing MTG on his laptop
your parents greeted you both before leaving the house to go grocery shopping
“put your laptop away for once and play me in pubg”
“no thanks. don’t want to run into dave hyung”
“please, i’ve beat him in pubg before, he’s not that great”
“if i play you one round, you play mtg with me”
“then we play sims 4 and make an entire family with us and the other members”
“did you... seriously watch us on buzzfeed?”
“of course i did! what kind of person would i be if i didnt support the coolest person in the world?”
his heart swelled up and turned to face you
“you really mean that?”
“no, you loser. now play me in pubg.” you poked his shoulder with your toe
you fixed your position on the couch to give him space next to you
he smiled to himself as he joined you
he knew he could sit there and play video games or do nothing with you for the rest of his life and he’d be happy
~rainy ☁︎
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kagamin3ko · 5 years
//Huuuug. Ça fait tellement longtemps ,tu m'as manquée ;; J'èspere de tout mon âme tu vas mieux. Désolée si je ne t'aide pas souvent au moment où tu as besoin de réconfort, sincèrement désolée. Je veux juste que tu saches qu'on est tois ÉNORMÉMENT heureux que tu es de retour. Allez , il est temps pour moi de te faire un fanart !!
*huggggggg*!!!! Tu m’as énormément manquée aussi hasna!!! ;;; Merci énormément pour ta gentillesse j’espère de même que tu vas au mieux!!! Et non!!! Ne sois pas désolée tu n’as aucune raison de l’être je te jure et sincerement tu m’aide bien plus que ce que tu peux imaginer!! quand j’avais des idée noir jai lu ton message ça m’avait profondément touchée!!! Aussi je suis soutenue par ma famille et les soignants donc ne t’en fais pas pour moi, prend bien soin de toi
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mahnkinen · 5 years
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Gerade kämpft das Kleinfeld-Team der @ssfdragonsbonn Floorball Ladies um den Einzug in die DM-Qualifikationsrunde. Sieht gut aus... 7:4 für die Dragons ❤🔥💪 #floorball #floorballladies #ssfbonn #meinvereinamrhein #meinbonn #bonn #floorballnrw (hier: Bonn, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxCWD-jJe-n/?igshid=j9ftnqbtx7q1
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claudinedaussyart · 4 years
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Je suis l'arc et le feu... Je recherche l'espoir, j'ai oublié la gloire, je tente de retransmettre, je souris sans paraitre. Je suis ta voie lactée, je suis le vent d'été, Jje garde ma fraîcheur aux brumes de ton coeur. Si j'oublie de sourire, ta tristesse me rappelle notre liaison virtuelle sensuelle et éternelle. Deux ailes comme L'oiseau, deux yeux et un seul bec, nous étions des jumeaux au pays des aztèques. Nos vies liées sans doute ne suivent qu'une seule route. Nous sommes l'arc et la flèche, le feu et ses flammèches. #photography #claudinedaussy #poetrycommunity #poesie #rapper #contemporaryartist https://www.instagram.com/p/B7_vieuKOu0/?igshid=1n0ix0hvx3a6x
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alolanrain · 4 years
“Judge, Jury, Executioner” is an AU with is kinda a side one to the Council!AU. I have already two fics to it on AO3 under Godly!Ash which I should really change that.
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leewiththetea · 3 years
Self care is re-reading salvage and trying to finish the chapter of ur own fic.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Phong help faa
N giong ah
Jelp ohong con. Lai bqi ve suy nhat hihi lo huhu
Dung va rat art du
Oi han ni hwt noi r thang nay 100 l
Twam ngoan hiem de ba,, em join so cmm
Huhu can bao ve
J teaam em ds vl ma lo giau vl
Em ba mm ao
Hoc ktnn thuu san nha lo vl
J shit ok hiji nl tha ma h chng ngu chung jihi thh
Icr beam no loa
Loa anh huong lon hihi ml
Dai cca tum all biet lau roi hihi
Twam ds dd hihi me hihi too soc di ni ib roo biet j o day luon
Nhac noo doii mw kia live
Ok team ma tui mala ai vay r21 gia nhu th at muon giau hihi xong them
Cbuu king ban than gia doi xau xa hihi dd rm love hihi doc soc alll vui cai
Bang ma huhu lo thay ghe luon
Vuas khac no khov ma vu tu it biet luom nl nhu t b. Om
Vl no do hihi
Lo van giu im lan team 16 sui roi e hii
Haa,, iong hihim
J ay la ai vay r21 nlsh it hihi ma m
R16 help doi vi tri yjoi hii
Resm sui nl vi ai xung buet tru sushit khoc mun ma an vl
Aall tr ai do quen si jje e sao mayy qque ma di udochya vay
Bt shit hihi no di ca nhac a hihi ma l
J see my live hii
Ia $oeu chua doi au la xia att
Hieu team too ma ong la ai vay u2 yoo
Phong 16 e may co reborn lai ko do cai mat lo ve su that tu di nhu xe may chu gi ko co cach nao ma no yu di len day pack well dung lai tai do vi p shit same
E noi coi
Az tr smn oi
Co noi huhu lo roi co tinh go cung ngac de canh nguu bua nay iji ko doi tai new idolgom idol cu too hihi dng gan
P16 help jwrk ve si lo levek sc xe ab chay xa nay gio kill will att
Hejejee mbm
All hijji de va di
Ko xe hiji chay lux nho hoc y o dag a cop bao oi scm
Hihi nl yeam
Dungb anh 244 co biex lam ma team dang so bao ve hihi sox blnl thua xa
Coo noi idol live an moi biey
All copy.....
Giay noi hihi lo roi ko cho chi chu njan drm yheo biet nen buff du lam
Cop no do ma so nen bd team em please huhu
All nl nhuc ko bang doo giay cua thang bach fat o cho do full hai doi lo cm
Em bach ua sao biey hay vay gia yot vay ma
Hihi nl oi ghat
Thanh em ko biet nl
Ph ma lo etc help cuu cai non li cmnr
Hihi ml
Dac tam wua dao lao ung yhuoc truing sinh r16
H,, i help
Hanh ohuc luon
J sd em keu do bi bo khoc it lo chut duoc ko nl all guo no ghe qua huhu
Em hihi nghi em join team chi vay co chua kba a
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