#jimmy usos x reader
inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
Warnings: angst, me listening to SOUR while writing this, more angst, roman's part is FULL ANGST, crying, broken hearts, Roman being an ass in Jey's part and his own part, as well as Drews, asshole!roman, mentions of cheating, insecurities, heartache, alcohol, Seth's part is short.
A/N: I may have listened to the SOUR album while writing this! 100% RECOMMEND YOU LISTEN TO IT [SPOTIFY HAS THE EXPLICIT VERSION]
"You, okay?" Jey asked noticing that you were spaced out while he guided you to Roman's private locker room.
"Do you think I should talk to him; I mean the way he stared at me..." You spoke. As Jey and you walked into Roman's locker room.
Jey fought the urge to roll his eyes. He didn't why you were under Drew's spell. He broke your heart because you got drafted to smackdown while he stayed on raw. He couldn't even bother to try a long-distance relationship with you. In Jey's eyes Drew didn't deserve you or a second chance.
"He broke up with you because both of you were on different brands," Jey pointed out.
"I know but..." You sighed, but Jey cut you off.
"Y/n, if he cared about you, he wouldn't have broken up with you, he would have tried," Jey grumbled. Trying to prove a point to you. You must have forgotten all those nights you cried till you had no tears left to cry.
"What are you flapping your gums about?" Roman demanded. Rubbing his temple. Jimmy looked up from his phone, while Paul looked at Jey then at you, then back at Roman.
"Y/n ran into Drew and now she wants to get back with him, which I think is stupid," Jey grumbled. Making you roll your eyes.
Roman let out a huff. Rolling his eyes. Obviously, you forget how much it broke you when he dumped you.
Roman composed himself. Looking at you. Making your heart jump to your throat.
"He broke your heart, y/n, he couldn't be man enough to make it work, so he dumped you, broke your heart into pieces, you spent years trying to get over him, and now you want to get back together with him," Roman hissed out.
"But..." You gasped out. Heart thumping wildly against your ribcage.
"I'm not done talking yet, you are better off without him, he isn't a man," Roman spoke in a cold tone. Like he was lecturing you.
Roman got up. Walking over to you. He gently rested his hand on your cheek. Eyes looking into yours.
"I don't think your heart could take another heartbreak from him," Roman sighed, stroking your cheek before leaving his locker room. Leaving you standing confused. Paul followed him, as well as Jey. Jimmy trailed behind but stopped beside you.
"Y/n, don't listen to them, do what your heart tells you, if you want to be with him, then be with him," Jimmy spoke. Making you smile.
"Thanks, Jimmy," You beamed. Making him give you a playful wink before he left the room.
You quickly spun around. Opening the locker room door and walking out. Searching for Drew.
After about an hour of searching for him, you were about ready to give up. You couldn't find him. Cursing to yourself. Maybe Roman and Jey were right.
Pouting to yourself you hopped onto a crate. Wishing the world would swallow you whole. You didn't see Drew sit down next to you.
"Hey y/n, I'm surprised your guard dogs aren't around you," He joked. Making you look up. Surprise edged on your features.
"Drew," You gasped out. Mentally cursing yourself.
The two of you looked into each other's eyes for a minute or so of gazing into each other's eyes, both of you broke the silence at the same time.
"I want to give us another chance," Both of you spoke at the same time.
You smiled at his response. While he smiled back at you. Drew took a hold of your hand. Intertwining his fingers with yours. Your heartbeat beating a hundred miles. Butterflies swarming inside of your stomach.
"I shouldn't have broken up with you, these past few years have been torture," Drew spoke. As you starred at him.
"It's okay, all that matters now is that we want the same thing, and that's that we want to get back together, to give us another chance," You spoke. As Drew closed the space between him and you.
His other hand grabbing the side of your face. Lowering his lips down to yours. His warm lips pressing against yours softly. Eyes fluttering closed as he kissed you...
Jey let out a content sigh, as you snuggled into his bare chest. Both of you coming down from your high, after having multiple orgasms.
You traced his tattoo. Looking at a bruise of his in concern. Jey knew you weren't fond of Roman. Or his actions, in fact, you liked to call him a self-centred asshole. Telling Jey he is manipulating him.
"What's going on in that pretty little mind, well dirty mind?" Jey asked, winking at you on the last line.
You moved your head up, looking at him, to see him staring at you. You playfully rolled your eyes. Lightly swatting him. Jey let out a fake ow.
"I just... I wish your cousin wasn't so self-centred. He could come and save you when you get attacked by his opponents," You sighed. Pouting at him.
"Don't worry, babe," He replied. His hand cupping the side of your face.
"But I do, you get hurt, and he doesn't, it's hard not to," You sighed heavily. Jey had to distract you. He was still horny, so he thought why not go for another round.
"Let's not talk about my cousin, not when we can go for another round," He spoke, shifting his body so he was on top of you. Your heart rate accelerating a few beats.
"But..." You tried to speak but stopped you by putting his finger on your lips.
"Sh," Jey shushed you making you pout. Jey positioned the head of his cock with your entrance.
Before you could even protest, he entered you. Making a gasp escape your mouth. Jey smirked. Satisfied he got that reaction. Your hands gripped his forearms.
"See so much better than talking about Roman." Jey groaned out, as your walls clenched around him as he continued to slide into you till bottom out. Your legs wrapped around his waist.
What the two of you failed to notice was that Jimmy and Roman entered Jey's hotel room, walking in on Jey and you naked about to have sex.
"Yeah, let's not talk about me while you are fucking this whore, in fact, I thought the both of you broke up, please don't tell me she manipulated you into sleeping with her," Roman shouted. Voice booming.
You let out a slight scream. You could have sworn he locked the door. But the two of you were both driven by the lust for each other that the two of you didn't lock it. However, your shock disappeared at what he said. What a hypocrite, he was the one that was manipulating people.
"Uce," Jey hissed out. Covering him and you. Jimmy awkwardly adverted his eyes, while Roman just glared at you. You glared back at Roman.
"We wouldn't have broken up if you didn't manipulate him," You hissed out. Giving him an icy glare. Which he shot right back at you.
"Babe," Jey gasped out. Roman scoffed.
"You are such a brat," Roman growled out.
"Least I don't let my cousins do my dirty work or get injured because I couldn't be bothered to save them," You hissed out.
"You wouldn't understand you aren't a part of the bloodline," Roman shot back.
Jimmy wished he had popcorn, Jey wished this would end, because he knew Roman would make him choose and he couldn't do that.
"Uce," Jey hissed out. Shooting Roman a look.
"You such a manipulating asshole," You shouted. Voice rising two octaves.
"Y/n," Jey huffed out. Looking between Roman and you.
"Least I'm not sleeping my way to the top," Roman smirked. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"That's enough," Jey shouted, slightly upset at Roman's words.
"And there it is," You chuckled darkly.
"It's true, you slept with Jey, got attention, now you will probably want to sleep with someone else," Roman growled out. Glaring at you coldly.
"You really think that low of me," You spat out.
"Yeah," Roman smirked.
"You are such an asshole," You yelled.
"Might be but you wouldn't understand, even if Jey did make you understand you just wouldn't get it," Roman spat out. Crossing his arms. Did he just call you dumb? you thought to yourself. You wrapped the sheet around you, getting up. Jey quickly covered himself with the quilt cover.
"No, you are being a manipulating toxic asshole, I honestly think you need a reality check, and I hope Brock knocks some sense into you," You shouted. Walking over to him. Roman's glare intensified.
"Y/n," Jey hissed out. While Jimmy looked amused. Damn you had balls to stand up to Roman and say that.
"Jey is either her or us?" Roman spoke, giving him an alternative. Making you narrow your eyes.
You quickly slapped him hard. Making Jey gasp and Jimmy try to control his laugh. The slap echoed through the hotel room. Roman grabbed his cheek a red mark formed on his cheek.
"I'll do you one better, I'm done," You hissed out. Casting a look at Jey, before you turned your head to look at Roman. Giving him an icy glare. You stormed off. Jey quickly got out of the bed, holding the quilt close, as he chased after you. Roman rolled his eyes.
"Y/n, wait," Jey gasped out. Voice full of panic. He couldn't lose you again.
"You are just going to walk out with a sheet wrapped around you," Roman questioned smugly. Jey shot him a look, as you stopped in the doorway of the front door. The door was half-opened.
"Well, got to keep my slutty reputation up," You spat out, slamming the door after you exited it.
Jey glared at Roman.
"What the hell was that?" Jey hissed out.
"She wouldn't understand, and she is a distraction," Roman responded. Shrugging his shoulders like he just did Jey a huge favour. Jey glared at his cousin....
You wished your self-doubt would go away, you wished you didn't fall in love with Jimmy, but nothing is ever simple or easy in life.
The first few months of the breakup you wallowed. Crying your eyes out. Eating junk food to comfort you. To soothe your breaking heart. It didn't help when Jimmy kept coming around with gifts trying to apologize. You didn't want the gifts, you just wanted his love, but he couldn't give that to you. Because if he even loved you, he wouldn't have cheated.
He only went away when Sasha threatened him. Chewing his ear out. It pained you to see her get up him, but he did hurt you, and he did deserve her grilling. Sasha was your best friend in the company. Claiming you were the best hairdresser in WWE.
So, when you didn't come to work, she started to worry about you. Till the point, she came over. Comforting you and telling you, you needed a distraction and to forget about him.
So, here you were at the salon you worked at. Trying to distract yourself. But failing miserably.
A bunch of teenage girls going to prom, made you think of Jimmy. Wishing it were that simple. You styled their hair. Doing your best not to think of Jimmy, asking about who they were going to prom with, what their gowns looked like, but it was hard not to think of Jimmy when his twin brother made his way into the salon. You rolled your eyes, as he walked over to you. The teenage girls swooned over him.
"Is he your boyfriend?" One asked.
"He is so cute," One of the girls spoke.
"He is so hot," Another one swooned.
"What do you want Jey?" You asked as you continued to curl the teenage girl's hair. She was the last one.
"Do you have a minute?" Jey asked. As he sat down on the bench to the side. The teenage girls stared at him in awe. While Jey shot them a wink. Some of them blushed while some of them giggled. You rolled your eyes. Shooting him a look.
"Are you two dating?" The teenage girl whose hair you were curling asked. Jey's eyebrow flicked up.
"She wishes," He teased. Giving you a playful look. He was trying to cheer you up. Seeing how miserable you looked. You rolled your eyes at his answer.
"He wishes," You grumbled. As you curl the last strand of her hair.
"Nah, she dated my twin brother," He spoke. Making the teenage girls gasp.
"There's another one that looks like you," One of the girls gushed out.
"Alright girls, all done, go to the counter and I will ring up the price," You spoke. They all obliged, but not before giving Jey flirty looks.
"Can I have a word?" Jey asked. Making you let out a huff.
"I'm busy," You huffed out, as you unplugged the curling iron.
"I'll wait," Jey responded. Crossing his arm as he sat on one of the chairs.
"Fine, just give me a second," You sighed. Walking off to go charge the teenage girls. Their mums were there as well. Paying for the styling. You smiled warmly at them as they left the store. Telling the girls to have fun.
You let out a heavy sigh. Dreading to go back and talk to Jey. You knew he would want you to get back with Jimmy.
You took a deep breath before letting it out. Walking back to Jey.
"What do you want Jey?" You sighed out, as you reorganized your kit.
"He misses you, and you miss him, the two of you look like shit, and I before you argue and say he cheated on you, he regrets doing it, he needs you and you need him, can you please look past the fact he cheated on you and go back to him, at least give him another shot or be his friend," Jey pleaded.
"I can't Jey," You sighed. Tears gathering in your eyes you quickly wiped them away.
"At least come back to WWE, everyone misses you," Jey sighed. You thought about it for a second before looking up at him.
"Fine, but keep Jimmy away from me," You sighed. Jey smiled brightly. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close into his chest. Giving you a bone-crushing hug. You let out a groan of pain. His plan worked, now all he had to do was get Jimmy and you back together...
You no longer had emotional breakdowns over Roman. Lies. At least not in front of anyone. Though Bianca believed you weren't over Roman. Especially since you got drunk to numb the pain or have one-night stands with other guys, to forget about him, and the fact he chooses her not you.
Roman on the other hand after his encounter with you, wasn't doing so well. He made a mistake breaking up with you to be with Galina.
He saw how cold you were to him, but deep down he knew it was all a front. He knew you were breaking, and he was breaking too. But he knew he couldn't break up with Galina as well.
She noticed Roman's behaviour as well. Often finding him deep in thought. Or scrolling through his phone. Looking at selfies of you. Sometimes he would stalk your Instagram as well. At first, she felt jealous, but then she accepted that a part of Roman was going to love you.
"You still love her, don't you?" Galina asked as she noticed Roman was looking at photos of you again. He quickly locked his phone a little too quickly for her liking.
"It doesn't matter, I'm with you now, I picked you," Roman spoke. Flashing her a soft smile. That didn't quite reach his eyes.
She let out a sigh. Just because he flashed her a smile. She could tell it didn't reach his eyes. He was miserable without you. Every time he was happy his mind would then wander off to you. His smile turning into a frown. She could tell he missed you.
"Talk to her," She sighed.
"She hates me," Roman sighed.
"She hates that you choose me over her, and truthfully I only think you choose me because of the kids, and maybe you do still love me, but I know you love y/n more," Galina spoke. Giving him a sad smile. He needed to hear it.
Roman tried to speak but Galina cut him off again.
"Go win her back, give you her your all, and if it doesn't work out, we can try again," She spoke.
Roman smiled at her sadly. Getting up and walking over to her.
"I'm sorry, for doing this to you," Roman sighed. Cupping the side of her face. She looked up at him. Slightly smiling. Leaning into him. Her hands grabbed his wrists.
"I know, but you still love her, go get her," Galina spoke. Leaning up till her lips pressed against his. Kissing each other passionately one last time before he went to your apartment complex...
Nerves racked throughout Roman's body. Palms clammy. Rehearsing in his mind what he was going to say to you. Roman took a deep shake breath in then exhaled. Clenching his hand into a fist. Bringing his fist up to the door and knocking.
He knocked three times. Calling your name. But got no response. His heart hammered against his rib cage.
"Look, y/n, I know you don't want to see me, but I left her, I want us to get back together," Roman spoke voice slight loud.
Roman heard the door behind him. Making him glance over his shoulder. Seeing your neighbour standing there in their pyjamas. Looking slightly annoyed.
"She's not home," They grumbled. Looking at Roman in irritation.
"That's fine, I can wait for her," Roman replied. Giving your neighbour a forced smile.
"You'll be waiting for a while," One of your neighbours spoke. Making Roman shrug his shoulder.
"Your problem," Your neighbour grumbled. They were about to slam the door when Roman spoke again.
"Is she doing, okay?" Roman asked.
"By okay you mean, coming home drunk while her friend helps her, or doesn't come home at all till the next day?" Your neighbour shot out. Shotting Roman a glare. Before shutting the door.
Guess he deserved that. But that got Roman worrying more about you. You weren't doing okay, and it was all because of him....
"And after all, he put me through, I still fucking love him," You drunkenly blurted out. Making Damian furrow his eyebrows as you downed the shot. An idea popped into his mind.
"How about I get him off your mind?" Damian suggested.
"How?" You asked as Damian got up off the barstool, tilting his head to the side hinting at the dance floor. Holding his hand out to you. You bite your lip, a small smile forming on your lips.
"Okay, handsome," You slurred out, getting up and taking his hand. Damian pulled you towards the dance floor...
The alcohol only numbed your heartache to a certain extent. Though you always ended up crying yourself to sleep. You wished that you didn't fall in love with him, then you wouldn't be so broken. Wondering what you did wrong.
You tried your best to avoid Seth, especially Becky. You were hoping you would get released to at least ease your pain, but that never happened. You could only wait till your contract ended. Then you could be free of him. Maybe you would wrestler in AEW or Impact anywhere that was free of Seth and Becky.
All you wanted was to be enough for him, and you weren't. You thought he loved you, but he didn't. You were sick of feeling heartbroken...
Let me know if you want a part three.
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von2dutch · 1 month
Sugar Baby | Jey Uso
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey uso X Black Fem reader | word count: 3.1k | warning: smut, toxic behavior , protected sex | 18+ ONLY
A/N This is my first time writing on here so bear with me I’m new to learning the app I hope you all enjoy it it’s also my first time writing a Jey uso fanfic so please go easy on me. A few writers inspired me to want to write about him I’m not sure if they want to be tagged I don’t want to seem disrespectful but if they do I’ll gladly @ them!
Series master list
Lastly , Enjoy
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Dakota groaned in discomfort, "Ugh, jeez, I'm so sore, I can barely stand..." Jasmine chuckled in agreement, "Haha, I know right? I didn't expect that workout to be so intense.
“Me neither, my whole body is killing me right now…girl remind me to never come to the gym with your ass!” Dakota Murmured in a low breathing trying to regain her breath, her hands kneeled down on her knees taking each breath one at a time. Before standing tall grabbing her water to follow jasmine lead to the front desk.
“girl please all that ass you got you should want to be in shape for your old man sugar daddy.”
Dakota stopped in her tracks staring a hole into her best friend of 6 years in the head, with a mug plastered over her face she spoke again “Omg for the last time that man isn’t that old and he ain’t my sugar daddy!”
Jasmine looked back pursuing her lips together looking at her best friend like she was dumb “whatever you say ms.like em’ old.”
“But ion blame you because last time you came to me with your wig completely fucked up after seeing him, fuck he got super dick?”
Dakota chuckled at her best friends antics seemingly use to it but without jasmine in her life she wouldn’t have any entertainment without her silly jokes.
“No he just knows how to work this thang!” Dakota laughed before sticking her tongue out as the two walked up to the front desk.
While Dakota was focused on making another week ahead for the gym next week, Jasmine eyes were stuck on whoever just walked into the gym.
Jasmine Nuged Dakota shoulder before she turned around with a mug irritated already by her bothering her with Dakota already being tired and trained from an intense workout the two just had “Ain’t that your boy or should I say ol’ man.”
Dakota knitted her eyebrows together in confusion and also curiosity as she turned her body and attention to wherever jasmine focused was and there he was.
Jey Uso
In the flesh there he was looking ever so good , his presence so commanding and charismatic that she couldn't help but admire him with his twin brother Jimmy and a little behind them was their younger brother solo, walking. As they approached a group of men, it looked as if they beckoned them over with friendly gestures.
As Dakota glanced over at Joshua, she couldn't help but take notice of his impressive attire. He was sporting a pair of blue Nike shorts that hugged his body in all the right places, along with black Nike socks that were neatly tucked into his white gym shoes. On his head, he wore a fitted black bloodline hat, which was turned backwards and allowed his mullet to peek through the back. The red tips of his hair added a touch of boldness to his overall look, which suited him perfectly. As he stood there with his bare chest on display, his chiseled abs were impossible to miss. Tribal tattoos adorned his arms and chest, with two more visible on his back. All in all, Joshua's appearance was a sight to behold.
She watched as he greeted the three men before grasping both hands onto a pull up bar his palms facing away from him lifting his entire body going up and down up and down as she watched closely.
She couldn’t help but to stare at his bare back moving ever so smoothly, he hung his body up back and forth downwards she got a flashback from their last meet up two months ago which made her bite her lip titling her head slightly watching as he kept going.
“Move yo hand this what you wanted right?” Jey responded to Dakota as she pleaded for him to slow down she tried to push him back away from her as he dicked her down so deep she could Hardly breathe.
she burried her head into the white colored sheets of the hotel room she couldn’t help but cry tears of joy but also pain as his strokes got deeper and deeper from behind “Jeyyyy…b-baby slow down…ugh.”
“Nah you talked all that shit on the phone, I wanna see you take all this dick don’t run from it.”
“Ion even know why you like to play with me princess, you know I’ll fly yo’ ass out to fuck you up.” Joshua spoke with Venom in his voice as his chest heaved up and down, chest beaming with sweat. he pushed a hand down on her neck to pin her down further her ass purked up nicely in his view.
It all started with Dakota missing him which resulted in her being a bitch towards Jey, calling him out his name as far as a “bitch” because he hadn’t been paying her no attention at all the past few weeks. She knew he had a tight schedule as a professional wrestler which has his undefined attention at all times but she also wanted his attention as well even with her just being a sugar baby known as a woman he just used for sex and entertainment when he wanted it.
Now here she was ass up face down and burried into the white sheets of his hotel room as he fucked her viciously from behind pining her down to the bed so she couldn’t run with no where to go. He wanted her to feel all of him from anger slightly misplaced with lust.
“Nah baby use this dick and fuck me back , daddy ain’t going no where.”
Dakota did as told throwing her ass back on him but with much more force while she occupied her fingers underneath her playing with herself. She felt so much pressure and pain all in one her feet became hot with them curled up as he went deeper with each stroke he took.
Taking her breath away literally.
“Mhm you taking this dick like a good girl huh?” Jey rasped slamming into her making Dakota let out a loud moan.
She could feel her body become hot as she felt a knot in her stomach indicating she was about to cum.
“shit!” She cursed under her breath, Jey thrusting into her wet gushy insides.
Joshua watched his dick slide in and out Dakota’s hole, her white creams painting his beautiful Carmel dick, his balls slapping against her clit with every hard thrust he took.
Dakota let out beautiful whimpers, her ass and titties jiggling with the rhythm of Jey’s hard strokes.
Jey grabbed Dakota’s hair, wrapping it around his fist as he thrusted into her harder.
Josh pulled on her hair, forcing her head up as she looked at herself through a the mirror which was in the corner of the room. Her make up smeared with tears , hair all over the place she knew she would need a redo on her hair when she got back home to Atlanta. Her mouth agape as she let out loud moans which couldn’t be heard outside of the hotel room from how thick and sound proof the walls were.
“Uh huh, daddy deep in his pussy ain’t he?” he questioned panting, his tattooed chest heaving up and down.
when Dakota didn’t answer Jey yanked her hair making Dakota let out a loud moan.
“shit! Y-yes daddy it’s fucking deep!” she cried out as tears cascaded her pretty Carmel cheeks.
Jey smiled deviously at her through the mirror, sliver jeweled grills peaking through. feeling her walls clench around him he groaned. he sent a hard snack to Dakota’s ass, “you throwing that ass back like a big girl , baby? You gon’ keep taking this dick like one too.”
Dakota did as told, her taking control again as she bounced back and forth on his length, Joshua bit his lip watching his dick disappear into her whole every time.
The one thing he missed the most was her ass jiggling from behind as he buried his dick deep inside her, her smooth toned back arched ever so slight but at the moment her chest laid flat on the bed while he continued his torture.
“fuck!” Dakota moaned with her face planted in the bed, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she continued rocking her body.
“Un huh, Baby take this dick.”
“you gotta cum, ma?” Jey questioned, grunting afterwards.
“yes!” Dakota whined reaching her hand underneath her and rubbing at her clit once more, her legs trembling outrageously.
Jey bit his lip harshly, blood drawing as he groaned at the metallic taste.
“gon head Dakota .” He rasped, on cue Dakota and Joshua reached their limits. Her white creams painted all over his dick, her juices squirted out of her and onto Jey’s lower stomach.
Flashback over
“Dakota!” Jasmine's voice echoed through Dakota’s empty ears as she called out to her best friend Dakota, who seemed lost in thought. "Dakota! Dakota, Dakota?!!" she repeated, her tone growing more urgent and annoyed with each call. She wondered what could be occupying Dakota's mind so much that she didn't even hear her friend's voice.
Then it hit her. Jey he was who had her so snapped out of it she watched her best friend bite her lip in daze a, watching him do repeated pull ups.
Finally After staring into the distance for a while, Dakota was brought back to reality when she heard someone calling her name. With a confused look on her face, she looked up and stuttered, "H-huh, what did you say, Jas?"
“I said there go ya’ boy and there he is right now making his way over.” Jasmine said as he indeed was making his way over to them while Dakota mouth hung low she tried her to best to maintain herself. She often felt nervous around Josh and she herself didn’t know why because she wasn’t a shy woman but with him? He had her shy like a school girl.
“Wassup jasmine.” Jey greeted Jasmine with a friendly head nod and a warm smile, before turning his attention to Dakota. With a mischievous grin and a wink “and hey pretty mama.”
With a mischievous grin, he knew exactly what to say to make her radiant smile light up the room. As he gazed at her, he couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her gym outfit, appreciating the way it hugged her curves and highlighted her strong physique.
She wore Black gymshark vital seamless neck sports bra with vital seamless black shorts that hugged her body waist down ever so gently which showed her ass out more flaw. Her breast glazed with sweat as it stucked together almost peeling out of the sports bra her nipples hard as ever from how cold the gym was. Accompanied with white socks and grey gym shoes.
She looked damn good.
“Hey Josh.” She smiled dimples ever so deep into her skin that her pearly white teeth showed all of her teeth from how big she smiled. Gushing with butterflies in her stomach if she was any lighter you could see how red her face was from blushing.
“Hey Josh.” Jasmine mumbled mimicking her with an eye roll immensely laughing at how shy her best friend was. In 27 years of knowing her she never saw her best friend so shy she was always a Fierce Woman, very outspoken. So to see her like this so gushed over this man was surprising and undoubtedly hilarious.
“Shut up.” Dakota mumbled gritting through her teeth while she tried to keep a smile on her face.
To break the awkward silence Josh spoke “Uhh so you leaving?”
“Oh yeah me and jasmine are finished for the day and go grab some food then head home and shower. I see you’re with your brother.”
“Yeah he wanted to come to the gym before the big night Monday.”
“Well it was nice seeing yo— nah we ain’t gon end it like that ma gimme me a hug uce.” Josh insisted opening his arms for a hug she embraced him her hands rubbing against his bare back.
His entire body felt so soft and warm along with his significant cologne he always wore that drove her crazy with how good he smelled.
Josh hands snaked down to her ass grabbing it gently with a soft smack before leaving a wet kiss on her neck before whispering. “You might wanna cover that up uce.” He chuckled at her eyes bucking at the embarrassment she felt when she realized he was referring to the hickey on her neck that her gave her last month.
Gasping she quickly covered it with her hand before grabbing Jasmines hand leading her out the door “Bye Josh!”
“Girllll that man got you whipped huh!” Jasmine joked laughing at how school girl he had Dakota before unlocking the doors to her Mercedes Benz truck both hopping in.
• Instagram story
Dakota.Valentine • 25 secs ago
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“Bye Josh.” Dakota chuckled at a TikTok he sent her via message, before hearting it smiling ear from ear. It was a TikTok of a man buying his girlfriend chicken wings when she asked for wings as in pads for her menstrual cycle but he got her wingstop with jey replying with a “Gon be me when you come back over my house, yeet!”
“Oh you in love.” Jasmine affirmed looking at her best friend blush at her phone something she did their whole lunch.
“I am not!”
“Is too!”
Dakota fixed her posture in her seat now facing jasmine directly placing her phone face down on the table giving her undefined attention “and what makes you possible think that?”
“Hmm well for starters the man bough you a mirror vanity with a Chanel purse and a basket of fruit all because you said you wanted to show yourself this year and do beauty content for social media.”
“Then he buys you roses every month even if he misses a few days he buys dozens for each day he missed along with a stack of money, he as well spoils you with gifts, paid for you to go to talum for your birthday, bought you a ring and also rented out a mall for the both of you so you could shop dedicating the whole day to you with a massage, paid for your hair , nails, AND makes sure you eat paying for every meal plus he took you on how many dates?”
“Shall I go on?”
Dakota sat there taking in everything her best friend was saying with nothing to deflect with, she was right Joshua did all those things without her having to asking for anything he just did it because whatever he saw that he thought would look good on her or what made her smile the biggest he got it.
“Then you cook for him everytime he’s in town for his Monday night raw and smack down shows in Atl kota.” Jasmine stated pursing her lips together while she waited for a response. Dakota sat there with a dumbfounded expression.
Thats when realization sat in she realized she was in love, he did so many things for her that she never had done before not even in past relationship. He was there for her in so many ways than just sex, he was there emotionally, physically , and mentally. He cared deeply for Dakota as much as she cared for him. They’ve Had deep conversations about life and marriage something neither ever done with anyone they connected on a deeper level than Just sex he was there for her when she lost her mother a few months back and ever since then he never left her side he was always there.
Despite his best efforts to hide it, Joshua was undeniably smitten with Dakota. Though he was a more mature and experienced man, he couldn't help but pour his heart out to her, showering her with a level of affection she had never before experienced in her life. His love for her was pure and genuine, and she could sense it in every little thing he did.
Despite her best efforts to be difficult and toxic, he always handled her with care and honesty. He was the type of man who never played games, especially when it came to business. He led with authority, yet he had a soft and gentle side. He was dominant without being aggressive but real smooth but you knew he ran shit. His charismatic and funny personality, his loving nature, and his hardworking aura made her focus on him completely. Whenever she was around him, she felt safe and comfortable, knowing that he would always be there to protect and support her.
In past relationships Dakota had never felt safe nor comfortable with men but with Josh it all felt so natural.
The two meet at a bar in Pensacola , Florida where Dakota was in town visiting a client of hers for styling. She was a celebrity stylist, she loved fashion and always dreamed of being a fashion designer or stylist. While she sat at the bar alone josh couldn’t help but stare at the young women, her soft brown legs shined with baby oil along with a black dress that hugged her body so tightly and well , a face a man would die for but he thought her face was better to nut on in his dirty mind.
He walked up to her with a few smooth and flirtatious words which pulled her in instantly jey was always smooth with the ladies. A ladies man of course. With that he prospered to her a deal that he spoiled her of course as well as have sex with her but no string attached as well kinda friends with benefits or a sugar daddy which he wouldn’t call it more so tricking with sex alongside.
Jey was 32 years old and Dakota was four years younger than him at 27. Despite the age difference, the two were still deeply attracted to each other. However, when Dakota was first presented with the proposal that she didn't quite understand or want to accept, she hesitated. The idea of doing something like that was foreign to her, but a little voice in her head, which she recognized as Jasmine's, urged her to "get that money, bitch!" Despite already having her own source of income, Dakota eventually agreed to the proposal.
Starting from the summer of July 2022, the two individuals became inseparable. Their bond grew stronger as they spent time together, and before they knew it, January 2023 had arrived, marking the beginning of a new year that they brought in together. Despite the initial plan to spend only three months together, Josh kept extending their time together, much to the surprise of his companion. She found it odd that he was reluctant to part ways and kept prolonging their time together, but she couldn't help but wonder why.
Was he also in love?
All I really want to say my darling
Today is a special day we call our own
So take me in your arms and hold me
And tell me you love me
And I'll be there for you
The soft lyrics of Tony! Toni! Tone! Played throughout Dakotas high rise apartment while she finished up on the last touch’s of the cornbread. Dakota was cooking baked macaroni, yams, collard greens, fire chicken with a side of duffeled eggs.
A loud thud on the counter went off as her phone ding with a text message from Jey.
Yeet master jey!❤️
I’m here come open the door lady uce!
After meticulously washing her hands, she swiftly dried them off to ensure there were no traces of germs left on her skin. As she reached the door, she saw Josh standing outside, holding a beautiful bouquet of roses in his left hand. A wide smile appeared on her face as she approached him, and he opened his arms, inviting her in for a warm embrace. "Jey, I missed you!" she exclaimed before jumping into his arms. He caught her effortlessly with just one arm, and the two of them burst into uncontrollable laughter, filled with joy and happiness as they held each other tightly.
“I missed you too ko.” Dakota heart warmed at the small nickname he gave her.
“Aww are these for me?” She smiled widely taking the rose from jey she walked towards the kitchen sitting them on the counter. “Of course gotta get my princess something.”
Cheesing to herself she inquired him with a question “Mmhm when were you going to tell me you was in town?”
“Well I was tryna surprise you but I saw you all at the gym looking gorgeous.” He stated wrapping his arms around Dakota from behind he moved her hair out her face leaving a few wet on her neck she responded with a low moan.
“Unt unt let me finish cooking Josh.” She chuckled at his antics of trying to seduce her but she had other plans in mind.
Stepping back with his hands in surrender he spoke “alright alright but how you been? You’ve been eating?” He caressed her cheek staring into her brown hazel nut eyes. “Yes jey I have.”
“You better.” He pecked her lips a few times before moving back looking over her admiring her body.
Dakota has fell into small depression she thought maybe she was too big and wanted to be slimmer so she stopped eating to lose weight and also in the gym but Jey put a stop to that immediately because she was perfect the way she was and she wouldn’t want her any other way.
“I missed you.” Jey spoke with their soft eyes looking directly At Dakota.
“I missed you more.” She responded softly turning her body to face him.
“Missed you so much girl.” He embraced her into a hug, hugging tight as he wrapped his legs around her like spider man hanging his feet in the cabinet while she laughed at his goofy self “It’s all you girl!”
“All you girl!”
“Omg Joshua what is wrong with you.” Dakota laughed once more her stomach hurting from much she laughed her cheeks sore a bit from how hard she smiled. She was in love.
Letting her go he left a few kisses all over her face till she laughed Again before asking her something “So umm…I got a show tomorrow and I want you come.” He asked shyly as if it was the first time he ever took her one of his shows to watch him to wrestle.
“Of course! I’d love to watch you beat some ass.” She smiled punching at his chest playfully.
“Good cause Jimmy been asking about you “where koko?”josh mimicked his twin brother Jonathan earring a small laugh from Dakota.
“Aww my good ol’ friend can’t wait to see him tomorrow.”
“Plus tomorrow is raw XXX tomorrow you know it’s gon be lit.” Smiles thinking about what was in store tomorrow for the fans which included the bloodline with Sami Zayn.
“Oh tell your little girlfriend stop messaging me I’ll hate to beat a bitch.” Dakota scolded Josh rolling her eyes.
“You know who”
As jey stood there in thought as if he was dumb he then realized who she was talking about “oh Chanel?” He said still acting clueless.
“Who the fuck else Joshua!” She raised her voice slightly removing his arms from around her.
Chanel was an old mistress of Jeys and he broke things off with her two months in but she couldn’t take him leaving her due to the contract ending so she stalked him and was a bitch to every new woman he used for sex and entertainment which was Dakota. It all started in September when Josh and Dakota where out at a restaurant having a few drinks and dinner when Chanel popped up on the two “Oh so this why you’ve been ignoring for this new bitch?!” Channel shouted in the restaurant cashing a scene.
Which escalated in her and Dakota having a back and forth because in all Dakota wasn’t fighting over no man especially not jey no matter how charming he was she wasn’t but the disrespect she took from Chanel wasn’t going to keep happening.
“Look I told you she ain’t my girl and plus ima handle it.” Jey reassured Dakota waving her off.
“You better because I’ll hate to gut a bitch eyes out. Keep fucking with m— What I say?” He cut her off glaring at her with dominance.
“Okay I heard you.” She pouted “but you better handle it cause I don’t have time.” She sighed wrapping her arms around her chest.
Pulling her into an embrace he wrapped his arms around her body rubbing up and down her sides soft and smoothly. “I said I got Dakota don’t worry okay?”
For a while there was some silence the only thing that could be heard was the music being played from her speaker that was a till she broke the silence with a question “can I ask you something?”
“Yeah , go ahead.”
Dakota started to think back on what Jasmine said was she in love with Josh? Was he in love with her? The question lingered in her mind so much she needed to to know. Even with them not supposed to falling eachother because of the agreement of no strings attached she couldn’t help but fall for him.
“Do your ever….think maybe we could be a couple?” She questioned with pleading eyes but also wanting honesty with anything he threw at her.
Jey thought long and hard for a min before giving her an answer “Honestly no, I mean you’re a gorgeous and talented woman but Dakota we both know this isn’t what we agreed to no strings attached and after a divorce I went through a year ago I ain’t ready for another relationship.”
“You’re just another one of my clients.”
Everything hit her deep in the heart like someone stabbed after hearing those words everything shattered for her. What was she thinking? She didn’t know she even thought he would ever slow down things for her just because he had sex with her but she had hoped
Maybe she wasn’t in love.
To be continued.
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I hope you all enjoyed this! More to come let me know if you want chapter two of this series? Also leave comments.
Opinions on jey, Dakota, jasmine , or even Chanel?
How we thinking about the relationship of Jey and Dakota will they fall for each other in the long run?
Lmk and again thank you for reading I hope you all enjoyed! Excuse any mistakes please till next!🎀
Also if you want to be added for a tag-list comment and I got you!
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kyleoreillylover · 8 months
𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 🖤
Dominik Mysterio x Fem!Bloodline!Reader
“Let me take care of you, sweetheart.” + “Take out your anger on me. I can handle it."
Summary: Your family is pissing you off, and Dominik is more than happy to let you take your anger out on him.
A/N: Dominik brain rot is real and this is the result of it (this took so long 😭) and was inspired by the gif below. This is my first smut and probably my last, so please be nice! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 6,016
Warnings: SMUT!! Cursing, family drama.
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You sighed as you rubbed your temples, closing your eyes for a moment and feeling the incoming headache about to come as the room got louder and louder with anger. You opened your eyes to see Roman and Jimmy still arguing, yelling and getting closer and closer to each other. Jey was sitting in the corner, jaw clenched as he let them get into it. Solo was standing next to you, keeping a watchful eye on them in case things got out of hand. Your eyes met, and you can tell by the look in his eye he was done with all this shit too.
Why couldn't they talk this out like men instead of acting like children? You thought, rolling your eyes. You snapped out of your thoughts when Jimmy pushed Roman into the corner, all of you quickly getting up to separate them.
"You guys need to stop this!" You shouted angrily as you and Jey held Jimmy back, Solo trying to calm Roman down but to no avail.
"No, he needs to stop being a manipulative asshole! Apologize for losing? Acting like you wouldn't have lost without our help. My help. I ain't apologizing for shit, ‘Tribal Chief'!"
"Jimmy, chill out!" Jey tried, but Roman's laugh echoed throughout the room, and Jimmy tried to get out of our grips.
"Nah, let him run his mouth. You don't see your brothers acting like this, huh? Or your sister? You know why they aren't acting like this? Because they know that I am right, they know that you disgraced everybody. You disgraced this family, your ancestors, your legacy, and me, your Tribal Chief. You need to apologize for them, but most importantly, you will apologize to me."
"I ain't apologizing for anything! You wouldn't have even been Tribal Chief if it weren't for us, uce! You were a disgrace until we helped you get to the top! So if I am gonna apologize to anyone, I'ma apologize to myself for helping you get there in the first place!" Jimmy spat out, nostrils flaring as he clenched his fists, continuing to try and break out of our grip. You felt all the patience slip out of you in that very moment and you snapped, grabbing Jimmy’s shirt and pushing against the wall.
"You all need to shut the fuck up!" You screamed, Jimmy becoming lax in your grip with a look of shock on his face, the others quiet in shock as well. Finally, they shut up.
“You need to put your ego’s in check and start acting like men instead of acting like children!” You yelled furiously, scowling at them.
"He needs to-" Jimmy began, but you gave him a glare that could kill and he shut his mouth.
"You both need to stop trying to be right and start talking to each other like grown ass people. You need to stop holding grudges and let shit go. " You hissed, letting him go and turning towards Roman.
"And you need to keep your 'Tribal Chief' ego in check and stop crapping on people just because things don't go to plan." You snapped at him.
"Uce, calm down." Jey made his way towards you, trying to quell your anger before you said something Roman would make you regret, but you gave him a look and he backed away. You couldn't care less about Roman right now, he needed to hear the truth.
"Calm down? Are you kidding me?" You scoffed in disbelief.
"Don't you see what's happening? You're giving everybody what they want. They want to see us crumble, want to see our dominance fall so they could rise and take our top spot here."
You looked at Jimmy, seeing his face turn from anger to a mixture of embarrasment and relization."You're feeding into Sami and Kevin, letting them get in your heads. Why do you think they keep digging and digging? Because they want to keep those titles, and your basically ensuring they win by engaging with their stupid bullshit!"
You turned to Roman, who was stunned silent for the first time in a while. He had rarely seen you angry, even when you were kids. You were always the moral compass for the group, keeping their moral up with your caring energy. But you thought that now they needed the hard truth instead of caring words.
"And you need to stop letting your ego cloud your morals. Just because we're family doesn't mean you get a pass to be an asshole." Roman met your challenged gaze, still silent but didn't look as angry as before. Solo stood next to him, a stunned look on his usually stone-cold face as he watched you rip everybody to shreds with a tone you usually reserved for your rivals.
"You all are out of your mind if you think I'm letting everything I worked hard for go to waste because you don't want to get along. Get it together the next time I see you, I'm getting some air." You casted everyone a look before grabbing your jacket, slipping it on and leaving the room.
You franticly sped out of the arena, needing to just breathe and feel the cool night air on your skin. The fans were long gone by this time, so you didn't need to worry about being spotted. You sat on a bench, putting your head in your hands and trying to breathe through the haze of anger you felt suffocating you and coursing through your veins.
"Trouble in paradise?" You snapped out of your daze, already knowing who it was and not bothering to pick your head back up.
"Shut up, Dominik. I'm not in the mood." You mumbled loudly enough for him to hear. You heard him laugh, not taking you seriously. "Ooh, the full name this time. What happened to Dom? Am I in trouble?"
You picked your head up, glaring at him. "I said I'm not in the mood. Leave me alone and find someone else to bother."
He stopped laughing, realizing you weren't joking. "What happened?"
"None of your concern. Are you deaf? Leave. me. alone." You made a move to stand up, but he pushed you back down gently, sitting down next to you.
"Can you not be annoying for once and actually listen to me?" You spat at him, trying to stand up again but he grabbed your waist, restraining you.
"What happened?" He repeated, seeing your eyes glazed with anger. He had never seen you this mad outside of the ring before, and it made him unnerved for it to be directed at him. You were usually playful with him, sometimes having mean banter with your character work but you both didn't mean any of it. But you were never like this.
"Family business." You finally answered him, short and clipped. You tried looking away from him but he gently grabbed your cheek.
"Look at me, mi corazon." You tried to ignore the way the pet name made your stomach tighten with butterflies and listened to him, looking deep into his eyes, distracting yourself with his brown orbs that almost made you forget about your anger. Almost.
"What did your family do?" You felt the anger rush back and you mockingly chuckled. “Jimmy and Roman keep starting arguments on literally anything instead of focusing on winning. Now everybody thinks were weak and vulnerable, even though I've done nothing but pull my weight!" You huffed out, breaking out of his grip and standing up, clenching your fists. You muttered to yourself angrily, wanting to scream, hit something, do anything to let out the frustration gnawing at you.
But Dominik stood up with you, grabbing your wrists, and yanking you back into his arms. You scowled at him, trying to pull away from him. “Let go of me!”
“Not until you breathe, mi vida.” He held your wrists in one hand and grabbed your face with the other, softly caressing your face, his heartbeat and husky smell of his cologne invading your scenes.
“Look at me, mi amor.” Dominik instructed, his brown eyes gazing into yours as you ignored the way your stomach churned everytime he spoke Spanish to you and kept trying to pull your wrists away from him. But he opted for letting go of your face, bringing your head into his chest, and you felt his hot breath near your ear as he nuzzled his head into your neck. "Cálmate, carino."
Screw him and his stupidly hot Spanish. You felt yourself melt into him, some calmness washing over you the longer you were in his arms. He let go of your wrists, and you wrapped your arms around his waist, shivering when he laid feather-light kisses onto your neck.
Dominik continued kissing your neck, loving the feeling of you in his arms and shivering under his touch. He waited for your breathing to slow down to let you go, but he wrapped an arm around your waist, not wanting you out of arms reach.
"You better now, sweetheart?" You nodded, you still felt that haze of anger but it wasn't at strong as before. "I need words, baby.”
"I'm better now, Dom." You grabbed his free hand and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
"I can tell now that you called me Dom." You rolled your eyes playfully at his smirk and grabbed the hand that was around your shoulder and held it, relishing in the smile he gave you.
“Do you have a ride back? Dominik asked, to which you shook your head. “I was too mad at the boys to drive with them, so I’ma just get an uber-”
“You’re riding with me.” You gave him an amused smile at his demanding tone, it was usually the other way around.
“You sure you don't need mami's permission for that?" You giggled when he yanked you closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck, his forhead leaning against yours and his lips so, so close to yours.
"You know more than anyone I don't need her permission." Dom pushed his lips onto yours, kissing away your smirk and losing himself in the taste of you. God, you were addicting.
You kissed him slowly at first-as if you wanted to torture him-and he hated and loved you for it. He groaned into your mouth when you snuck a hand up to his hair, pulling it just the way you knew he liked it and kissing him even harder, your tongue slipping into his mouth. His fingers dug into your waist almost painfully as you clung to him, his touch burning your skin in the best way and you pulled his hair harder in response.
You pulled away first, the both of you panting and out of breath. You ran your fingers through his hair, smiling brightly at him when he leaned into your touch. You felt the heat creep back up looking at him, his hair slightly touseled and his muscles showing through his dark black tee. You felt the urge to kiss him again, so you did. He laughed into your lips, letting you steal another kiss before pulling away. “I meant what I said before. I'm not letting you go into a random car by yourself in the middle of the night just because you're mad at your idiot brothers."
"They are not idiots."
"They are if they decided to make you angry." You laughed, playfully nudging him, and he grinned before brushing your hair out of your face. You looked up at him through your lashes, seeing him gaze at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Let me take care of you, sweetheart." You bit your lip, struggling to choose between your stubbornness or giving in to what you want. As if sensing your internal conflict, Dominik caressed your face, running his thumb over your lips, making you break out of your stupor. He smirked when you instinctively parted your lips, it’d been too long yet your bodies still remembered each other.
"Please?" You couldn't refuse him, not when he was looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted to think of.
"Fine, but I get to have the aux." Music was the last thing on your mind, but he didn't need to know that. At least not right now.
"Deal, but only cause you have great taste."
"You're right. I do have great taste." You eyed him up and down, winking at him and giving him a smirk that made him utterly weak for you. "Lead the way. You're driving."
The drive was quiet, music playing softly in the background as you put a hand on Dom's thigh, inching higher and higher the closer you got to the hotel. His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter as he tried to get himself under control. You grinned seeing him like this, letting you be in charge. You needed to release your anger and have a stress reliever, and he was more than willing to let you use him as one. It wouldn't be the first time.
Before you knew it, you were at the hotel. You kept your hands to yourself until you went into the elevator, and as soon as its doors closed, you were all over Dominik, gripping his shirt and pushing him against the wall, giving him a searing kiss.
He welcomed it, kissing you back just as hard, moaning into your mouth when you bit his lip. He grabbed your legs and hoisted you onto his waist as if you weighed nothing. You wrapped your arms around his neck, letting yourself get dizzy in his arms, letting out a whine when he slid his tongue against your lip to draw it between his teeth. Your mind switched off, and all you could do was feel feel feel. Feel his bruising grip on your legs, his lips nibbling and biting any part of your mouth he can find, the heat growing in between your legs, his muscles flexing underneath your arms as you both turned each other into a writhing mess.
Your back hit something cold, and you pushed Dom away instinctively and opened your eyes, realizing you were in front of the hotel room. He whined at the loss of contact, his mouth moving to your neck, and you groaned and arched into him when he sucked a sensitive spot behind your ear.
"Fuck, do that again." You demanded, trying to keep your voice steady as you leaned your head on the wall, giving him more access to your neck. Dom let out an airy chuckle. You were hot when you got bossy. "Whatever you want, Mamacita." He murmured into your skin, obeying and kissing that same spot, trying to distract himself from the way your whines and whimpers were going straight to his dick long enough to get his keycard and open the room.
He brought you both into the room, setting you on the bed, hovering over you, and capturing your lips with his. Any coherent thoughts he had melted away as you deepened the kiss, distracting him with your tongue hot and probing in his mouth.
You took this opportunity to roll the both of you over and switch your positions, not breaking the kiss. You laid on top of him, gripping his shoulders for balance, and grinded your hips against his, internally smirking when Dominik threw his head back, hissing. You did that again, and again and again until he gripped your hips to stop you.
“Too much?” You asked, leaning down to kiss his neck, enjoying him writhing against you. He shook his head, but he could still see the hesitation in your eyes as you stopped kissing his neck. He snuck his hands underneath your jacket and shirt, rubbing circles onto your soft skin, feeling you relax into him.
"Don't be afraid to take your anger out on me. I can handle it." You picked your head up at those words, moving off from him and giving him a questioning look, wanting to be sure he wasn't uncomfortable. He gave you a sexy smirk that had you internally melting in response, shrugging off his shirt. You took off your own, muscled chest heaving as he eyed your bloodline jacket you threw across the room.
"You'd look better in my jacket." You rose a challenging brow, taking off your bra, smirking when Dom's head snapped down to your chest. You leaned down to his ear, sneaking your hand down to his jeans. Your boobs were pressed against his chest and hot breath against his skin making him shiver. You knew just how to drive him crazy.
"Treat me right tonight and maybe I will wear it." You nipped his skin harshly and palmed his dick at the same time. A moan ripped out of him as he arched into your hand, the last strand of composure he had slipping away from him as you continued to palm him.
"Ahh, please, please...don't stop." He pleaded, the rough material of his jeans rubbing into him deliciously and your hands already felt so good. You were making him feel like he was in heaven and you'd barely even begun.
He whined when you moved your hand away, trying to buck his hips up but you pushed his hips down, giving him a glare. "Did I tell you to move?"
"I'm sorry, mi amor-" Dom tried to mutter out as an apology, but you shook your head, cutting him off.
"I'll let it slide this time, but don't do it again. Did you forget that I'm in charge tonight, mi cielo?" He shook his head, his skin heating up and dick getting harder at your words. If speaking Spanish drove you absolutely crazy, imagine how it made him feel.
"Good. Now take off your pants." He obeyed, and you moved off him so he could sit up and pull them off. Once they were off, you moved on top of him, sitting on his chest. He gave you a pleading look, hands itching to touch you. You nodded, and his lips went to suck one of your boobs, his hands massaging your other one.
"Ahh...fuck Dom." You moaned out, the heat between your thighs only intensifying at the feeling of his warm mouth and soft lips sucking on your nipple. You tangled your fingers through his soft hair, biting your lip to contain your moans so the entirety of the hotel filled with wrestlers and your friends didn't hear you. He licked and nibbled at it making you arch your back and stifle your moans. He smirked into your skin, flicked your other nipple until it hardened, before biting and sucking his way down your chest and belly, your skin on fire from his touch.
Before his hands could travel lower, you pressed your hand against his chest. He quickly pulled away once he felt you pushing him, concerned eyes scanning your body for any injury or discomfort.
"Are you okay, Hermosa? Did I hurt you?" He asked, giving you another once over before you cupped his face to stop making him worriedly look into your eyes.
“No baby, you’d never hurt me.” You gave him a comforting look, reassuring him. He looked into your eyes for anything that said otherwise, and once he found none he let out an internal sigh of relief, letting himself lean into your touch. As much of an asshole he made himself to be on TV, he never wanted to make you uncomfortable.
You smiled when he leaned into your touch, stroking his cheek. You loved seeing this side of him he only reserved for you.
“I just thought you’d like it better like this.” You pushed him until his back hit the bed, straddling him. He groaned when you hovered over his face, his lips inches away from tasting your glistening wet pussy.
“Fuck, are you trying to kill me, mami?” Dom whined out, his voice husky with need as he gripped your thighs, trying to pull you down. You held onto the headboard before he could, stopping his attempts. “Please, let me taste you, mami.” He pleaded, giving you puppy dog eyes that you would fall for in any other circumstance. But you'll give him what he wants soon enough.
“Listen to me and I will.” You smirked at how quickly he quieted down at that, nodding at you. “This night is about me. I'm in control. Don't forget that, and maybe, I'll give you a reward. You understand, baby?”
"I understand, mi amor," Dom answered, his voice almost turning into a whine as he tried to control himself from yanking you and tasting you, he didn't want to risk a punishment from you.
"Good boy.” You cooed, the nickname and your sickly sweet tone making his cock harden even more. But he didn't have time to think about it because you were lowering yourself down, sitting on his face.
Your knees buckled and you immediately let out a moan as Dom sucked your clit harshly, hungrily eating you out and groaning into your pussy, making you moan even more.
It was like an out of body experience; you didn't register the moans coming out of you as he licked and toyed with your clit, egged on by the pretty sounds coming out of you. You grinded your face against him when he licked up and down your cunt, his tongue lapping at your folds. He gripped your thighs even tighter, and let you grip his hair and use him as you pleased.
Your moans got more high pitched and shakier as he used his mouth and strong jaw to work every inch of you, holding you tighter as you squirmed against him. He could tell you were getting closer to he flicked his tongue over your clit again and again, causing you to moan loudly and thread your fingers into the sheets. "F- fuck, oh my god, don't stop, Dom." You cried out.
"I don't plan on it, baby. " He mumbled, his words muffled under your pussy. You moaned at the vibrations of his voice that felt so good against your pussy and sent shivers straight up your spine, threatening to send you over the edge. He noticed your reaction and continued to mumble incoherently as his tongue played with your clit, making you get closer and closer to your high.
You shut your eyes when the pleasure became too much, clenching the sheets even tighter as you came with loud moans that sounded like music to Dom's ears. He helped you ride out your orgasm, licking and slurping your juices up until you were gripping his hair gently and trying to push him away.
Dominik tasted your pussy one last time before coming up to kiss you, smiling against your lips. He looked so pretty, hair matted and messy, his face red and lips soaked with your cum that you could taste as he kissed you like his life depended on it.
"Do I get my reward baby?" He asked, pulling away from the heated kiss, pupils blown out with lust. You wrapped your arms around his neck, his skin breaking out in goosebumps as your lips kissed his sensitive skin, meeting his lips again.
"Of course sweetie, as long as you promise to fuck me so hard I forget everything but you."
He gave you a devilish smile that made your lower body heat up again, and in one swift move scooped you up effortlessly and turned your positions around, smirking down at your naked form.
"I promise. And you know I don't break my promises, mi corazon." His voice dropped into a low sexy whisper, eyes never leaving you like he couldn't wait- needed- to have you right then and there. He gave you one last smirk before lowering down and kissing you with intensity, with passion, like he was trying to tell you all the ways you made him high on you, how you were like a drug that he couldn't let go even if he wanted to.
And as his hands lowered down again, and found that one spot that made your eyes roll back and his cock ache when your body arched into him as if you couldn't get enough of his fingers, he knew he definitely did not want to let you go.
You stirred awake gently, shifting under the sheets and feeling warmth surrounding you. Your tired limbs ached as you groggily turned, snuggling and trying to get closer to the heat, feeling a cool breath over your skin. It wasn't until you felt a soft, familiar breath against your neck that your eyes fluttered open, seeing Dominik 's face leaned in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
You smiled at his sleeping form that was cutely attached to you like a koala bear, like he couldn't get enough of you even while he was sleeping. You managed to move away from him just enough to get your phone from the nightstand, laughing quietly when Dom quickly pulled you back into his arms.
You snuggled back into his arms, turning on your phone and seeing the multiple missed calls and new messages you had come through from the twins, Paul and Solo, and surprisingly Rhea while your phone was silent while you and Dom were definitely the opposite. You didn't even bother opening Paul, Jimmy or Romans messages, you didn't have the energy for it.
You opened Rhea’s message first, the two of you were close but she only texted you for emergencies, so you were a bit worried.
DOM’S DOM So, did you and Dom Dom have fun last night?
You weren’t surprised. It was like she had a sixth sense for when you and Dom hooked up.
Yes, we did. I’m not even gonna ask how you know. Mami always knows sweetheart. Bit disappointed you didn’t come to my room though. I haven’t seen you in forever! I can see you later if you let me use you as a cover.. please? Can't exactly tell my brothers about Dominik, can I? You know I can’t say no to you and I can't resist seeing your cute little ass. Catch you later, princess. 🖤 Thank you! See you later babe💗
Yo sis, I know you still mad but I ain't asking you to talk to them, but at least let me know if you're safe or not.
You smiled at his concern, texting him back. He was one of the few in your family who didn't annoy you, aside from Solo.
Yeah, I'm good, just resting up. Just know I'm not mad at you though, just those two bozo heads. See you later <3
You then opened, and frowned, at Solo’s message.
So you with a guy?
There was no way he knew. You weren’t even at the same hotel?! Why and how the hell did he suspect it?
No, I was rooming with Rhea last night. Why are you asking? Just making sure you good. Roman’s kinda pissed at you. He wants to see you later. I’m good, and Roman can stay pissed for as long as he wants. I said nothing but the truth.
You shut your phone off, not wanting to think about your family acting like man children any longer.
You smiled and let out a sigh when you felt Dom trail kisses down on your neck, it was like he could read your mind. It was one the many things you loved about him; he knew what you needed before you yourself even knew. You leaned back, giving him more access to your neck, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin. He continued kissing your skin for a few more moments before propping himself up and meeting your eyes, a soft smile on his face as he took you in.
“You sleep well, hermosa?” He asked with that husky morning voice you always wanted to wake up to as his eyes raked over your form, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your skin.
“That was the best sleep I’ve had in a while.” You admitted, giggling at the satisfied smirk that played on his lips.
"I'm glad I could tire you out." Dom teased you, smirk widening when you leaned closer to him to kiss him. Your fingers tracing a path down his chest as you slowly kissed him, savoring the taste of morning on his lips. His arms pulled you in closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to convey all the desire that had built up during the night.
Breaking the kiss, you traced your fingers lightly along the contours of his jawline, savoring the feel of his stubble beneath your touch. He relaxed into your touch, his hazel eyes gazing at you with a knowing look.
"Your idiot family still bothering you?" Dominik treaded lightly, not wanting to ruin the mood.
You rolled your eyes at the mention of them. "They aren't idiots." You gave him a pointed look when he lifted up a brow and he raised his hands up in defense. "But yes, Roman wanted to meet up with me."
"To apologize to you, right?" Dom moved away from you and sat up when he was met with silence and a guilty look. "Don't tell me your thinking of apologizing to him, mi corazon."
"I don't know, Dom," you sighed, also sitting up and running a hand across your face. "I know Jimmy will apologize to me, he loves me too much to stay mad at me. But Roman would rather drop dead than apologize. And it'll just cause tension if we act like we are in a cold war with each other."
Your heart hurt at the look Dominik was giving you, but you didn't know what else to do except reassure him. "Trust me, it's just easier this way."
"It would be easier if you just joined Judgment Day!"
You sighed and shook your head at Dominiks words. It wasn't the first time he brought it up, and it wouldn't be the last time you refused his offer either. After all those late nights hanging out after shows at Waffle House or other rendezvous activities you'd have, with the two of you cuddled up next to each other, away from the pressure of famous families and overzealous egos, when nothing else but the moon could shine a light on your innermost thoughts, was when he would gain the courage to ask you.
You always looked like you were close to considering it, but it would turn morning and all signs of even maybe accepting it would wash away and be replaced with fear and with you bringing up Roman. And he'd drop it, but he never understood why you did. He could protect you, give you the power you wanted with the Judgment Day! Why didn't you trust him? Why were you so scared of Roman?
"You know more than anyone I can't do that, Dom."
"But you can! You want to stay at the top, we can keep you there!" Dominik insisted, running a hand through his hair frustratingly. "The guys will like you, and Rhea already loves you! We won't treat you like Roman. He treats you like—"
"Like family." you finished his sentence, a hint of bitterness in your voice and a look Dominik couldn't place on your face. "And that's why I can't leave him. At least, not right now." 
Dominik perked up at your last sentence, his eyes searching yours for a hint of understanding. "Not right now?" he questioned, hope flickering in his gaze.
You gave him a small smile, the look in your eyes telling more than words could. "Not right now."
And that was all the confirmation he needed. He didn't need to know anything else- he knew you'd handle it and come to him when the time was right.
His smile mirrored yours as you moved closer to him, your tone shifted from serious to teasing, wanting to change the tense mood. "But until then, don't get in trouble with my family. Solo already suspects us, I don't need him trying to beat your ass."
Dominik laughed, wrapping an arm around you, the tension between you two dissipating as he responded, "Baby don't worry, you know I can take him."
You gave him an amused smile and leaned into him. "Oh, is that why you were hiding behind Rhea last night?"
Dominik chuckled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. "I wasn't hiding behind her! I was just... checking out the best angle to hit him, y'know?"
"Mhm, whatever you say baby." You mocked him, giggling at the pout he gave you and deciding to kiss it off of him. Dominik couldn't help but smile against your lips as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Breaking the kiss, you grinned up at him before looking up at the clock and seeing the time.
"Speaking of Rhea, I promise I would hang out with her later. So I better get out of bed before she beats me up." You barely made a move to get out of bed before Dominik whined and pulled you on top of him.
"Can't you stay here longer? She can wait." Dominik pleaded with puppy dog eyes, begging you to stay with him.
You couldn't help but smile at his puppy dog eyes and how he pulled you back onto the bed. "You're too cute, you know that?"
Dominik grinned, his arms wrapped around you as he nuzzled your neck. "So, does that mean you're staying?"
Your hands gently played with the ends of his hair, "How about this? We hop in the shower, make up for lost time, and once we're all clean and pretty, we can go grab some breakfast, and then I'll meet up with Rhea. Deal?"
Dominiks face lit up with a mischievous grin at the thought of you in the shower with him.
"Deal!" he replied enthusiastically, leaning in to steal a quick kiss. He then reluctantly let you go and climbed out of bed, extending a hand to help you up.
You accepted his hand, allowing him to pull you out of bed and lead you to the bathroom. As soon as all of your clothes were shed and the water was on, Dominik picked you up and smashed his lips onto yours, lifting you and bringing the both of you in the shower.
"Dominik... Not now." You managed to protest between kisses as the warm water cascaded over both of you. He ignored your protests in favor of the moans sputtering out of you as he trailed his lips down your neck, sucking harshly into your supple skin.
"Hermosa, I want to taste my breakfast right now." He mumbled into your skin, addicted to the blissed out expression on your face as continued kissing you, lowering himself onto his knees. He was just enamored and completely addicted to you and the hold you had on him.
And you couldn't get enough of him either, just as addicted to him as he was to you. He was just purely addictive- his personality, his charm, his aura,  just him. And as you grabbed a fistful of his hair on the back of his head and guided him right where you wanted him, you knew two things.
Rhea would kill you both after this.
And 2, that you were officially a goner for Dominik. The man who many on the roster called a snake, a manipulative, a liar, a sell out. A man who burned everything he hurt to the ground.
But you wanna know what the scary part was? That you didn't even care.
Not one bit.
And if you got burned?
You would gladly get engulfed in flames if somewhere in that fire you'd get the warmth of his love.
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ceceslibrary · 2 months
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Updated: April 24th, 2024
Fic Rec list 2
TRY AGAIN | jiminscockr1ng
Tonight We're Dancing | unique-high
"Cry for me" | prettyprincejk
Cleaning Day | gojosnympho
About Love | jjkeverlast
Closer | joon4eva
Between the pages | hwanghyunjinenthusiast
Cross Your Mind | dearlyjoonie
Lifeline | downbad4yoongi
Late Night Texting | hobistyles
My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold | daechwitatamic
Sundress | cheolhub
Doom boy | soft4gguk
Sexy Feeling | btsrunmylife
My Goddess | purpleyoonn
Quid Pro Quo | sopejinsunflower
Dream Girl | nmjoon-n
Rival Academia | aseaofyoongi
Cat and Mouse | aaagustd
Too sweet | teenytinyjimin
Payment Plan | trivia-yandere
Oh Baby | k00sblogger
Angel | sailoryooons
So it Goes | prodagustd
A New Rhythm | sluttywoozi
Three tangerines | kithtaehyung
Wife | mggsv
"Missed you." | dilfhoseokie
Daisies | jeonaachu
Disease | piedinthepiper
Camping | swanlakebaby
Missing You | swanlakebaby
My girl | k00sblogger
Daddy's Home | lovecoree
His Special Secret | kooktrash
Craving You | hoseokhasmyheartxx
The End is You and I | yonkimink
Distraction | lovecoree
Malibu | joonberriess
Seven | joonberriess
All mine | tanniefm
Side B!tch...? | bubbbii
Sunkissin' | peachyjeonss
Wild Thoughts | sxtaep
On and Off | gashinabts
The Broken Vow | lleldey
Blackout | jjungxkook
Long Way Home | sparklingchim
Over The Odds | jungk0oksthighs
Between Roommates | kooktrash
Shut Up and Kiss Me | ahgasegotarmy116
I miss you, I'm sorry | teenytinyjimin
Let me take care of you | ahgasegotarmy116
Nothing Serious | kooqitas
OT7/Multiple Members
Boyfriend for Hire | remedyx
All Bite, No Bark | spiderlilyserendipity
3 strikes | mapofthesea
Wolves in Sheep's Clothing | peachypinkgloss
Agains The Odds | jungk0oksthighs
Jey Uso
White Lies | tribalhoochie
We Ain't Going to Bed Angry | rays-hunter01
She My Bestfriend, Yeah We Ain't a Couple | kyleoreillylover
Mr. Right Now | femdisa
Massage. | miyuhpapayuh
Chasin' | southerngirl41
Warm | msbigredmachine
This is Cinema | romanreignseater
Baecation | tribalhoochie
Jimmy Uso
I Hate You Too | femdisa
Dressing Room. | miyuhpapayuh
Beauty Calls | aintnorainbows
Pull Up | harmshake
It's A Scream, Baby | theninthwonder
Stay By My Side | aalyssah
Tension | visionarymode
Permission | theninthwonder
Can you focus on me? | pr0wlerpunk
Roman Reigns
Lingerie Fun | strawberry-milku
Can't Handle It | visionarymode
Under His Spell | southerngirl41
Forgotten Kisses | uceyreiignss
Michael B. Jordan/Erik Killmonger
I get high, high, high | cocoa-puffs
Just Friends | cocoa-puffs
Freshout | cocoa-puffs
Domesticity | cocoa-puffs
In the Morning | nahimjustfeelingit-writes
Office Bae Series pt. 1, pt. 2, pt.3, pt.4, pt.5, pt.6 | nahimjustfeelingit-writes
Neighbors to Lovers pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3, pt. 4| nahimjustfeelingit-writes
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3eyesdivine · 17 days
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long awaited and heavily requested.
warnings ; 18 + only, smut, foreplay, intimate and highly sexual scene, teasing, dirty talk, age gap ( 21 & 38 )
Faye had been babysitting her neighbor's kid for years, and the two had developed an unshakable connection. Her neighbor was a six-foot-three Samoan-Italian man in his late thirties who had little time for women in his life. He was a busy man who was always on the road, so Faye became someone he trusted to look over his child.
Unfortunately for Faye, she had strong feelings for the man.
He goes by the name Roman Reigns and is a professional wrestler. His physique was beautiful, breathtaking enough to halt any lady in her tracks. Aside from his long black locks and nicely trimmed facial hair, what tied it all together were his large and broad shoulders, rough and massive hands, and overall towering height. 
"I'm home!" The woman hears a deep, rich voice speak. Her head snaps up, and she notices Roman hovering over her while she played dolls with the man's child. The little girl jumps up and travels into her father's arms, where he wraps her in a strong hug.
Faye gets up, holding the dolls, and smiles at the sight.
Roman looks at the woman and holds up a finger for a quick second. "Wait right here, I'ma get her to sleep." 
Faye nods as she watches the two walk down the hall and enter the bedroom on the right. After a few minutes, the man returned. His gaze was fixed on Faye as he took off the jacket that matched the rest of his attire, and she watched him swing it over the back of the couch. 
The woman smiled and began gathering her belongings to leave, but was deterred by Roman, who placed a hand on her bag, prompting Faye to look up and gaze at the man in confusion. 
"Stay for a while, have a drink with me. Have you eaten?" He questions, taking the woman's things and placing them back onto the couch. 
Faye smiled. "Uh, no. I haven't eaten actually. I maybe had a snack or two though.” 
The big man shook his head and grabbed her hand, leading her to the kitchen. 
"Since I can't be home all the time, I prepare meals for my daughter.." He trails off, opening the refrigerator and grabbing a couple sealed containers in which contained prepared food that looked absolutely delicious. 
Faye smiles and moves next to him, watching as he took the tops off of each one. "Oh, wow. Roman, these look amazing." She complimented, looking back up at him before scooting the food away. 
Roman watched her, brows furrowing together, as his mood dipped slightly and his thoughts filled with embarrassment and puzzlement. 
"To be honest, Roman. I'm not hungry but there is something I need to tell you and get off of my chest. Can we talk in your room?" She says. The woman felt anxious as she felt she was way too young for this man, seventeen year age gap too young, to be precise. She didn't want to sever their friendship, but it was the right thing to do.
Walking into the man's room, the two sit on the edge of his bed, each holding a glass of red wine. 
Faye places her glass on her lap and keeps her eyes fixed on the ground as she begins to confess what she'd felt was like a sin. Her family would kill her if they discovered she had feelings for a man who was nearly forty years of age.
"Roman, there's no other way to say this and I know it's wrong and i'm so sorry." The young woman takes a deep breath before continuing. "I like you, a lot."
The air in the room was dense, and Faye wouldn't dare to even peek at the man.
"Have you ever been with an older man before?" He inquires. From the corner of her eye, she noticed the man stand up and take his spot in front of her. 
She felt rough hands grasp her jaw delicately, drawing her eyes away from her lap and up to the broad man standing over her with that dominant aura that suited his whole presence. Faye shook her head, and time seemed to slow down. Roman let his hand fall from her face and onto his black leather belt.
The woman felt herself getting wet as soon as she saw how easily he unbuckled his belt with one hand, having her willing to risk everything. 
"Let me show you the heaven men my age can bring you to that these young men know nothing about, doll. Hm?" He bragged, his voice sounding enticing, aided by his raspiness and an abrupt dip in octaves. 
Faye nodded, allowing the man to push her down upon the burgundy  bedding. His hands wandered her covered body, and he could feel his cock hardening and showing. The woman looked down and felt hot considering how big he was; his bulge was brutally evident, and his print was huge. 
Roman followed the woman's eyes and smiled with a deep chuckle. "You see that, ma? I bet you ain't ever had nobody fill you up like I'm bout to." 
The woman's chest heaved up and down wildly, her mind felt fuzzy, and she felt so lightheaded from delectation that she hadn't noticed she was entirely exposed from hip to feet, the man's face buried against her thighs as he left a path of kisses up to her wet cunt. 
Finally, his lips reached her lower ones, and he kissed her naked skin, spreading her pussy to kiss on her clit before opening his mouth to allow his tongue to explore her hole and taste her juices. His oral abilities demonstrated a wealth of expertise, demonstrated by the way he'd flatten his tongue here and there as he delivered long, slow licks to the way he lapped at her pussy and ate it like he'd been starving for far too long. 
"Oh! Yes, Roman, Yes!" The woman yelled and as a result was greeted by a hand slapping against her mouth in an attempt to keep her quiet. 
With his free hand, the man pushed two thick fingers into the woman's slippery entrance, finger fucking her at just the right tempo; everything he did felt almost too perfect, but the woman hadn't gotten the complete experience.
Faye felt like she was on cloud nine; she could feel her orgasm emerging  swiftly, and she knew the man was feeling it as well when she clenched around his fingers while he groaned against her pussy. Pulling his mouth away, he sped up the tempo of his fingers and grinned as the woman's back raised off of the bed, spilling her juices all over the sheets and the man's shirt. 
"Fuck, ma." He whispered, his hand moving away from her mouth and down to her thighs, spreading them apart to get a better view at how much she had come and, more importantly, the mess she made. 
Sucking her nectar off of his fingers, the man stands up and picks the woman up with ease before flipping her onto her stomach. 
He positions her on all fours, shifting her a few times until her ass was situated just as he liked it. Finally releasing his cock, the man moans in relief and strokes himself a few times before setting himself against Faye's pussy. The man slipped in slowly and gently, reaching forward and forming a ponytail of the woman's hair as he held it and drove her head back slightly. 
Faye's mouth dropped open, enjoying the painful way her pussy stretched out to fit the man's cock inside of her. It hurt so much, but it also made her even fucking wetter. This was the only form of pain she'd tolerate and deal with as the needy woman she was for him. 
"I know it hurts, baby. You're taking daddy's dick so good." He praised, slowly picking up his pace and tightening his rough grip on her hair. 
The room was warm and smelled like sex. Their bodies were sweaty, and the way the moon's dazzling light shined into the man's room and nestled upon their skin was like a work of art. 
Roman's thrusts increased in speed, striking hard and deep, as he bent down and locked his lips with the hers. The two groaned into the kiss, drool traveling down the woman's mouth, which the man quickly cleaned by licking from the bottom of her chin and back up to her mouth before engaging in a kiss more intense than the last. 
Roman's hip motions became merciless as he withdrew from Faye's lips. He pushed the woman's face into the pillows and hammered in her pretty cunt relentlessly. 
Faye couldn't keep herself quiet for the life of her, hence it was a good thing her face was buried into the soft padding beneath her head. The sensation of his dick massaging her walls, exactly like his fingers had done a few minutes prior, was too much. She was already shaking and twitching as she was coming up on her second orgasm. Her body was utterly incapable of being motionless. 
"You gon' come huh, princess?" Roman grunts, pulling his bottom lip between his perfectly straight teeth. "Gon' head, mama. Come." 
Faye's head was spinning as she came hard and soaked the man's big dick in her secretions. Shortly after, the man came, filling the woman up with his warm load. By now, the man's hair was most likely damp from perspiration, and the sheets were a deeper crimson from both bodies' sweat and the woman's two intense orgasms. 
Pulling out, Roman laid down and pulled Faye's body on top of his. 
"You're all mine now, darling. Understood?" He spoke confidently yet breathy to which the woman responded with a weak nod before drifting off into a deep slumber. 
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Tags ; @headoftheetable , @wonderingfashion , @bijouxcarys , @jstarr86 (if I didn’t tag you it’s because you do not have any indication on your page of being 18 or older, sorry !)
Here’s that fic you’ve all been waiting for! I put my soul into this at this point so I hope you all enjoy, lol!
As always, requests are always open! Much love.
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romanreignsbae · 20 days
A Paradise in Paradise💗 🌊☀️
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SMUT❗️Warnings: praise kink, daddy kink, unprotected p in v, Oral (f receiving) Otherwise just fluff!💕
As Y/n laid on her lounge chair, she finally felt a sense of peace wash over her. Finally her and her husband Joe had some alone times to themselves. Since Joe was taking a break after his most recent WrestleMania loss to Cody Rhodes, he decided it was the perfect opportunity to take his girl on a nice vacation. But Joe being himself always went above and beyond with it. He rented out a whole private island in Hawaii, just for him and his wife. He almost himself thought he did too much, but the smile it brought to his beautiful wife’s face made it all worth it.
Y/n was reading her novel she chose for this trip while tanning peacefully. “Baby! Come on, let’s go in the water!” her husband shouted. Y/n shot up from her chair and made her way through the sand to him. “There you are! I missed you!” Joe told her dramatically while planting kisses all over her face. She let out a giggle and cuddled into his chest.“Okay then…let’s go in the water!” she screamed out excitedly. She’d been dying to go to the beach ever since he announced this trip.
He threw her over his shoulder and sprinted towards the water. “Ah! Put me down!” Y/n squealed as they got closer to the water. The couple landed into the teal beach water with one big splash. They rose from the water at the same time and wrapped each other’s arms around one another.
After some time of messing around in the water they decided to head back to their luxurious villa. “Look at my tan lines! I feel like a new person!” Y/n told Joe while moving her bikini strap to show him her new tan lines. “You look beautiful as ever” he told her. She blushed. Her husband always had a way with words.
The couple took a shower, and decided to get ready for the dinner Joe had planned out. Y/n exited the bathroom wearing a beautiful silky dress Joe had picked out just for her. “Woooo damn baby, are you cinderella, cause that dress gon be gone at midnight!” Joe said. Y/n laughed at her husband’s corniness. But she had to admit that was a good one. “You look so beautiful too handsome.” Joe felt his cheeks heating up. Even though he was the talker in their relationship whenever his wife threw a compliment his way, he always felt shy about it. Y/n loved how she could make him shy too though.
The couple shared a beautiful Hawaiian themed dish together for dinner, and then headed back to the beach for a late night walk. While walking together quietly in the sand, Joe decided to spike some conversation. “Babyyy it’s almost midnight, I get to take that dress off you soon..” Joe said whispered to her, while purposely brushing his lips against her ear. He felt her skin grow goosebumps on it. Y/n felt a wave of neediness and desire for him surge through her body. “Mmm sure..let’s just go back now..” Y/n told him. His eyes lit up excitedly while picking her bridal style and heading back to their villa.
Once they got back Joe placed her on the corner of their king sized bed, and slowly began taking her low sandal heels off. “Hurry up” Y/n pleaded him. Joe let out a chuckle at her sudden neediness. “Ok babydoll chill.”
Once he successfully took off her heels he brought her up from the bed and began unzipping her dress. “Oh my days! I swear, if you don’t hurry up!” Y/n complained. “Talk one more time without permission and you ain’t gettin nun tonight” Joe told her threateningly. Y/n let out a small sigh knowing she couldn’t fight him on this. After she was fully undressed he laid her down gently on her back, back onto their bed. He slowly began undressing himself making Y/n more and more inpatient.
Finally after what felt like an entirety for y/n, he was finally all undressed. He crawled up onto Y/n and moved in for a passionate kiss. Their tongues both fought for dominance, and Joe won. He removed himself from her lips and ran his thumb over her puffy bottom lip. He placed one more peck on her lips before travelling down towards her neck. He nibbled at her sweet spot causing a small moan to leave her lips. She felt him smirk at the sound.
His kisses traveled down towards her chest where he took one of her breasts and massaged it thoroughly. She let out a sigh at the motion of his hands. He brought his face down to her breast where he brought her nipple into his mouth. He toyed around with it, slightly sucking, and biting down. He felt her hips starting roll against his to create friction. “Don’t try anythin yet you needly little slut. My little slut.” he told her roughly. “Ima take my time wit you.” She whimpered with impatience.
His kisses traveled from her breasts, down her stomach, and he pulled away. Avoiding the spot she needed his mouth most. “Please daddy” she whimpered. “Hmm I don’t know, you’ve been extra impatient today..” he teased her. “I promise i’ll be so good daddy just- please” she begged. Without warning he dove right into her pussy causing a loud moan to escape her lips.
He ate her like a starved man and purposely sucked extra hard on her sensitive bundle of nerves. After a few minutes a familiar feeling began to build up in her tummy. “D-daddy i’m gonna-” she tried to communicate but it was difficult when he was devouring her. He hummed, sending vibrations to go through her body. After one last suck on her clit she came undone. He licked every last bit of her essence and finally pulled away. “T-thank you daddy” she said shakily as she was still recovering from her earth shattering orgasm.
“Your welcome sweetheart, ya better be good for daddy now” he said to her. She nodded her heard reassuringly at his words. Joe stroked himself a few times before lining himself up with her entrance. He pushed in slowly causing a loud groan to leave his lips. Y/n gasped in pain and pleasure at the sudden fullness. He knew he has to take it slow with her. The size god blessed him with wasn’t something he could just slam into her. He looked down to see tears filling her eyes. “Hey, hey. Baby you okay?” he asked her. He would never wanna hurt his beautiful wife. She nodded her head. “Yeah just feels so big” she said softly while putting on a soft smile for him.
After staying still for a minute Y/n spoke up. “Baby, you can move now.” With one final look at his wife for reassurance Joe pushed forward. “Pussy’s all mine. All mine.” Both of them moaned loudly. “All yours daddy!” she chanted. When they made love they couldn’t help themselves from the noises that came out of their mouths. “You feel so fuckin good baby.” Joe thrusted in and out of her at a steady pace until he felt her squeeze around him. He knew her body in and out and that meant she was close. “You gonna cum baby?” he asked her. “Yes!” she moaned. “Me too, hold up.”
He reached down and rubbed her clit and that was it. Her body starting shaking and with one more thrust he released himself into her, filling her up. He let her orgasm ride out and then he rolled off of her and pulled her into his chest. “You okay princes? Need anything?” he asked in a concerned tone. “No i’m okay I just wanna get some sleep” she told him in a hoarse tone. “Okay baby” he told her before pressing a soft kiss to her temple. He made sure she was in a deep sleep before he fell into his own.
Please like and reblog! 💗
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visionarymode · 7 months
Double Trouble
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: jimmy uso & jey uso x female reader
✧ word count: 7,698
this is the second chapter of this little series with the twins, you can catch up & read part one Seeing Double here <3 this chapter was a lot longer than I expected it to be but I hope y'all enjoy! and yes... there will be one more for the finale 👀
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Meet him upstairs in five? Five minutes? Why? What the hell did Jey say to him? Or maybe he didn’t mention anything, he just wanted to see you. You guys did have a hot and heavy make-out session in the bedroom before you got interrupted, by his brother. The same brother that just ate you out in the upstairs bathroom. While Jimmy was standing outside of that bathroom, not a single clue as to what was happening on the other side. Your thumbs hovered over the keyboard to type back, but they couldn’t. You were so confused, drunk, and still racing from that orgasm upstairs. You couldn’t think straight. You felt your heart starting to pound inside your chest and realized you were literally on the verge of an anxiety attack. You pinched Jasmine’s arm twice. It was both of your guys’ secret way of calling for help when the both of you needed the other in situations like this one. She turned to you mid-laugh from the conversation she was indulged in, realizing you needed her, and grabbed your wrist to head out the door. The chilly breeze flew back your hair as she shut the door and walked with you halfway down the pavement. 
“What’s wrong babe? You need the inhaler?” she asked, messily rummaging through her purse before she clumsily dropped it to the floor. 
“No, no I don’t know. I just need air. I don’t know,” you rambled pacing back and forth hugging yourself to keep warm as the wind made you shiver. 
“What happened? Did something happen? Did that bitch do something? I’ll beat his ass!” 
“No Jaz, they didn’t do anything.”
“They?” she asked with furrowed brows. 
You realized what you said and stopped pacing, looking back at her with a “yeah, I fucked up” look. 
“Oh shit. They!” her jaw dropped at the realization. 
“Shut up,” you warned her with a finger feeling her comments about to spring up. 
“I didn’t even say anything!” she laughed taking a mini shot glass out of her purse.
“Girl what the hell is that?” you tried to hide your giggle.
“It’s my customized shot glass what do you mean?” You both busted out laughing, still clearly drunk and easily distracted. 
“So they, huh? Plural? As in both of them?” 
“Yes and no.” 
“Girl how does that work?” she asked with a high-pitched tone. 
“I didn’t fuck either of them,” you whined back at her, impatience adding its way in your already swirling emotions from her questions. 
“So what happened then?!” she semi yelled, still giggly. 
“Made out with Jimmy in the guest room and Jey ate me out in the bathroom,” you quickly splurged out as you covered your mouth acting like you heard that information for the first time yourself. She loudly gasped at your confession and started laughing.
“Girl, I didn’t know you got down like that period!” she shook her head, holding up her hand in the air so you could high-five her.
“What are you- put your hand down this is not a flex!” you hissed, pushing her hand back down. 
“You living every girl’s dream babe, you fucking around with both twins! And they’re fine as hell!” she playfully snapped back. You covered your face at her hard-hitting comments and sighed. 
“So what now? Was it a one time thing? Do you like one better?” she gasped in between questions. 
“Jasmine! I don’t know. I-I like them both. They both make me fucking swoon-”
“Swoon’s a funny ass word,” she laughed. You kissed your teeth about to remark her statement before you heard the sound of the door opening a few feet away. 
“Y’all okay?” Your head snapped to the front door to see Jimmy stepping out, walking towards the both of you. “You leaving already?” 
“No- I just-” you stuttered, your phone slipping out of your hand and falling onto the cement. “Fuck!” you cursed under your breath, picking it up to check for any cracks, and sighed with relief to see that it was okay. 
“Y/N just needed some air. She wasn’t feeling too good, she’s just drunk,” she quickly covered for you and you were so grateful for her saving your ass at that moment. 
“Anyways I’ll see y’all back inside I’m freezing,” she started shimmying back to the door before turning around to shoot you a thumbs up with a wink. 
“You okay? Yo anxiety actin’ up again?” he softly asked, reaching to run his hands up and down your shivering shoulders. The same way his twin brother did literally twenty minutes ago. 
“No I thought I was, but I’m okay,” you hesitantly smiled, still attempting to read his indecipherable face. 
“Come here,” he waved his hand over but stepped towards you instead to wrap his arms around you, his tall figure securely embracing your five-foot body. You sighed, hugging him back tightly, feeling a little bit of relief but that guilt still crept up in your mind.
“You get my text?” he mumbled in your hair. You opened your eyes as that same anxiety that withdrew from your body from his touch started sprinkling back in your blood. 
“What text?” you asked, dumbfounded. 
“I wanted you to come upstairs…” his hand stopped rubbing down your back and you felt your breathing start to escalate again. 
“Jimmy-“ you began to say before he cut you off. 
“Just come upstairs,” he sternly whispered in your ear before letting go of you and walking back towards the door to head inside. You stood there shocked and confused before he turned back around to look at you with a raised brow.
“Whatchu’ doin’? It’s cold out here get inside,” he playfully remarked extending his hand for you to grab. You sighed of relief and grabbed his hand as you both went back inside and up the stairs to the same bedroom you shared an intimate moment earlier. He shut the door behind him and your smile faded away as he almost coldly looked at you, searching your eyes for information as if he knew you did something to fuck up. 
“Just sit,” he vocalized, nodding his head over to the bed. You slowly walked over and sat on the edge of the bed as he locked the door behind him, taking his sweet time stepping to stand in front of you. 
“Jimmy I can exp-”
“Stop,” he sternly yet so quietly interrupted, still eyeing you below him. You got lost in his intimidating brown eyes for a split second and before you knew it, the alcohol decided to take a leap and you started word vomiting. 
“I’m so sorry. It didn’t mean anything, we were both just drunk and it happened so fast. I didn’t know Jey was gonna come in like that-“ 
“Hol’ up. Hol’ up. Jey?“
You froze at his question, feeling your throat choke up. He had no fucking idea what you were talking about. 
“W-What?” you asked back stupidly. 
“Whatchu’ mean Jey?” 
“I didn’t- Why did you call me back up here?” you switched topics, thinking back to his text to meet you up here. 
“Because I wanted to chill with you? Pick up where we left off…what the fuck happened with Jey?” he spat. Your mouth opened to speak but nothing came out. You felt your heart racing and hands shaking as you nervously fumbled with them in your lap. 
“Nothing I ju-”
“Did y’all fuck?” he blurted with furrowed brows. 
“No! No, we didn’t.” You clarified, standing up to face him but that didn’t calm him any less. 
“Then what happened?” he pressured you, sensing your bullshit answer. 
“I-” you sighed looking down knowing you had to just get it out and there was no going back. 
“I-I was in the bathroom. He came in…everything happened so fast, one thing led to another and he…gave me head,” you mumbled the last part looking back up to see his face filled with anger, then confusion, then hurt. 
“Gave you head?! Was that before or after we were up here together?” 
“After…” your voice broke from his harsh and offended tone. He kissed his teeth and turned his back on you to pace a couple of steps away from you, stressfully running his hand over his beard. 
“Jimmy I-” Before you could finish your sentence he lowly mumbled something under his breath that you couldn’t make out and rushed to the door, snatching the doorknob open. You followed in pursuit but he was way faster than your short ass as he practically jogged down the stairs. 
“Oh fuck-” you quickly realized this wasn’t going to end well and started running down the stairs but it was too late. Jey was in the middle of the room deep in conversation as he laughed, having a great time. That pretty smile was quickly taken away once he turned his head at his brother’s presence, and Jimmy threw a punch at his face. You gasped loudly and so did everybody else as all the men in the room surrounded them, trying to break them up as they started brawling in the middle of the room. 
“What the fuck are y’all doing?!” Solo ran up from the kitchen trying to pull Jimmy off his brother and luckily was successful as he shoved him away from his other brother. Your eyes widened and you covered your mouth in shock looking down at Jey on the floor holding his face, glaring at Jimmy as two of his cousins started helping him up. 
“Bitch,” he mumbled under his breath. He noticed you to the side and his face softened at your presence and worried look, his eyes moving back and forth between you and his brother quickly understanding what happened. He helped himself up and moved his way through the crowd, exiting the front door. You searched for Jimmy and saw him walking up the stairs. 
“What the fuck just happened?!” Jasmine alarmingly reached for your arm, her voice barely heard from the crowd still rambling about what they just witnessed. 
“Fuck,” you huffed making your way through everybody to head up the stairs. You peeked through the open cracks of the doors and then reached the second to last one on the right that was shut. The same bedroom you and Jimmy were in earlier. You lightly knocked twice and there was no answer. You knocked again, no answer. You turned the doorknob to check if it was locked and it wasn’t. You slowly opened it, peeking your head in to see Jimmy sitting on the edge of the bed chugging his beer bottle. You gulped as your anxiety started to rise in your body again, carefully stepping in hoping he wouldn’t kick you out. 
“Can we talk?” you asked with a low whisper. He looked up at you and pointed to the empty space next to him with his bottle in response. You carefully sat down, as if you’d cause more harm just by denting the sheets with your sitting. 
“I’m so sorry. I- I don’t know what I was doing I told you it happened so fast. I didn’t expect to share that moment with you up here and I sure as hell didn’t expect to do…that with your own brother. I’m sorry. I-I’m so drunk,” you sighed, giving up on explaining as your hands flew to your lap. He chuckled at your rambling and you turned your head to the sound in confusion at his reaction. 
“What?” you asked.
“You stay talking too damn much when you’re drunk,” he laughed taking another sip of his beer. A smile slowly crept up on your lips, feeling relief and comfort from his sweet-tempered words.
“I can’t help it,” you mumbled looking down to fumble with your fingers. He noticed and grabbed your hand as they naturally enlaced together. He stared a little too long at your intertwined fingers and pulled his hand away, hunching down to look at the floored space between his legs as he ran his hand over his beard in deep thought. That smile on your face faded again, knowing he couldn’t just easily get over this. He had feelings for you, and you went ahead and fucked around with his twin brother. 
“It’s fine,” he interrupted you, looking back up to shrug his shoulders as if he was unbothered. You wanted to believe him, but you sensed that he didn’t even believe himself. Your mouth opened to speak but he took another swing of his beer bottle, drinking a little extra this time. 
“S-So you’re not mad?” you asked as he shook his head and wiped some dribbles of his beer off his bearded chin. You watched him set his bottle down on the floor as you spoke up again, not understanding how he didn’t seem to care. 
“Are you su-“ you were cut off as he abruptly grabbed your face and shut you up, his lips smashing against yours. You hesitated at first because it was a strong, forceful, hungered kiss…almost as if he was trying to take his anger out on you. But once he pulled you closer by the nape of your neck, sliding his delectable tongue in your mouth, you wasted no time sucking on it, helping him relieve the stress. 
“Stop talkin’ and take these fuckin’ jeans off,” he mumbled followed by a bite on your lower lip as he unbuttoned your pants and zipped them down with lightening speed. You were so turned on you couldn’t even think straight, so you did whatever the hell he told you to do. You desperately panted against his parted mouth, slipping them off before he got up and stood between your legs.
“Get up on this bed and put your ass up for me…” he softly demanded, grabbing you by the throat as he looked behind you to show you where he wanted you. Your eyes didn’t leave his as you scooted back and turned around to get on all fours. Your breath shook as he ran his fingers up and down your drenched panties, his other hand palming your ass cheek before he groped you. He slid off your thong as you lifted each knee to help him. You felt his breath on your inner thighs as he spread open your folds, humming in hunger. 
“This pussy is mine…” he muttered before spitting between your folds. You moaned as you felt his saliva drip down along your entrance before he scooped it back up with his tongue, making your knees buckle. 
“Oh my god…” you gasped as he started lapping his tongue frantically, the loud sounds of it slurping over your wetness ringing in your ears as you quickly fell into a euphoric state. He squeezed your ass with both hands as he groaned, practically motor boating your pussy lips, dipping his tongue back in to lick you up. 
“Shiiiiiit,” you whined as your face fell onto the sheets, your upper body collapsing as your ass was still in his grasp. He spanked you, surely leaving a red print making you clutch on the sheets beneath you tighter. He spat inside your lower lips again, this time more forcefully as you felt his saliva shoot against your hole before he came back to lap his tongue over the same saliva-stained spot. He repeated it over..and over…and over… until you shuddered and almost choked on your breath from how deep his face was buried in your ass, his lips never leaving your mess unless it was to heighten your pleasure with his spit. 
“Jimmy…I-I’m gonna cum,” you first whispered until it turned into a high-pitched whine, making you move back on your hands to grind against his face. He lowly moaned, continuing to make out with your pussy as he spanked you again, jiggling your ass cheeks in his hands. 
“Cum baby…cum…” he mumbled between licks and your orgasm came crashing down, your cries matching the frequency of his slurps as you squirted in his mouth. 
“Good girl…” he moaned in satisfaction  as he dedicatedly swallowed every shooting drop of your nectar. 
“Fuck…” you breathed out as rocked your body away from his face, your head falling back down to your chest from blissful exhaustion. He chuckled at your reaction before you heard rustles behind you as he took off his joggers and boxers. You looked back at the sight, his long, thick, pretty brown dick springing out making you bite your lip and rocking your ass back in his direction. He smirked back at you before he spat on his dick to lubricate it some more. You watched it swirl down onto his tip that mixed with his pre cum, his big hand sliding it up and down his shaft as he leaned over you.  
“If this is whatchu’ wanted you shoulda just told me…” he growled in your ear, as he hovered on top of your heated back, sliding his sloppy tip between your ass cheeks before gliding it further down to your wet entrance, sloshing it up and down your drenched mess. You couldn’t speak as he held your jaw in his hands, your mouth parted open with short, raspy moans rolling off your tongue. 
“Pl-Please…” you begged as he teasingly brought his tip to your hole. 
“Please what? Huh?” he pressured you, his lips grazing your earlobe as he started slipping his thick head inside your hole.
“I need you inside o-ooooh my gooooood,” you loudly moaned as he didn’t let you finish, instead slowly pushing half of himself inside you. He thrusted again, this time shoving his entire length in you. You felt your elbows slip on the bed, your head dropping down from how fucking good he felt. He brought himself back up, smoothing his hand down your back to push your face back into the sheets. His thrusts slowly escalated, and you felt him in the pit of your stomach each time he pumped his big dick in you. Faster, deeper, harder…
The bed started squeaking and the headboard was hitting the wall, surely if people were outside that door they would know damn well what was going on inside. 
“You like that? You like this dick baby?” he groaned in deep pleasure, gripping your hips in place. 
“Yesyesyes…” you moaned before you loudly gasped as he spanked you again, slowing down his elongated strokes. 
“Where you goin’?” he hummed watching you trying to crawl away and grip the sheets above your head as they pulled off the mattress from your tight grip. He grabbed a handful of your hair to pull you back up on your hands. He picked up the steady, rough pace as his dick sloppily slid in and out of you, making your mind swirl with dizziness. 
“Nah, get up you gonna feel every…inch…of…this…dick…” the sounds of his balls slapping against your skin filling the pauses between each word as he continued to pile drive his dick deep in your guts. You started seeing stars as your breath got caught in your throat, feeling your climax climbing up on you. 
“I-I’m-“ you shakily whimpered. 
“Yeah…he can’t fuck you like this, can he?” he lowly chuckled with a deep, sadistic tone that quickly turned into a moan as he felt your walls fluttering around his dick. 
“Mmmm you gonna cum?” he shakily whispered back as he leaned into your ear. All you could do was nod, your eyes were low, mouth dropped open with ongoing cries as he cupped on of your breasts to then slither it down your stomach and over your sensitive clit to rub circles over it. 
“Cum on my dick baby…” he moaned feeling you pulsate around his thick length that didn’t stop pounding in you. His sensual coaching in your ear was the last straw for you and your soaking pussy, your orgasm crashing down as you didn’t control your moan, after moan, after moan…after…
“Oh my-my gooooooood,” you cried as you felt a tear drop fall from your left eye. He fucked you so hard and so good that your eyes stung with tears, failing to keep up with his heavy rocks that practically sent you into a different realm. 
“Fuck…” he moaned as he kissed your cheek, tasting your tear drop. You could feel your messy juices dripping onto the sheets in spurts, as he continued to pump you with his coated dick. 
“I wanna taste you…” you whispered, faintly turning back to look him in the eyes as he held you by the cheeks with his right hand squeezing them open as his thumb shakily grazed your lips. 
“Yeah?” he moaned as he slowly pulled out, jerking himself off as he grabbed you by the jaw again, making you spin around as you sat on your ankles, your legs spread open, playing with your clit as his tip fell on your tongue. He bit his lip watching you look up at him with innocent yet devilish eyes, his hand sloshing up and down his creamy and coated dick. You grabbed his wrist and took over, using both of your hands to stroke him until he let out a low, sexy grunt as his head fell back. 
“Cum daddy…” you whisperingly pleaded, feeling his dick twitch in your palms, shooting white ropes into your mouth and across your cheeks as you moaned swallowing every drop. 
“You’re so fucking sexy…” he groaned, as his hand slowly stopped jerking himself off, watching you taste every ounce of his cum. You wiped the corners of your mouth with your thumb, sucking off the rest as you smiled at him. 
“Why you do this to me, huh?” he smirked grabbing your cheeks to kiss you, your juices blending with the swirls of your tongues.
“Sorry, I can’t help it,” you giggled against his lips as he grinned back, scooping you up his arms to throw you back on the bed. 
You both cleaned up and decided to stay in the room until everybody cleared out to avoid any awkward and tense conversations about what happened earlier. You texted Jasmine that you’d be sleeping over since Jimmy was staying over at Solo’s because they travel together for the upcoming live events. But he wasn’t the only one apart of their little carpool. Jey was also staying over. You hadn’t seen him since he was on the ground from Jimmy swinging on him. 
You were showered and ready to go to bed. Ready to go to bed yet couldn’t. You kissed Jimmy goodnight as he spooned you in his changed and cozy sheets. He knocked out immediately. You don’t know how much time went by as you delicately caressed your fingertips up and down his sleeved arm that was wrapped around your waist. He was sound asleep but you were wide awake, staring at the darkened space in front of you. You couldn’t sleep. All you could think about was him. The image of Jimmy’s fist hitting his face kept replaying in your mind. You couldn’t toss and turn because you didn’t want to wake Jimmy up. You couldn’t just lay here like this. It was driving you insane. Maybe some water will help. You were thirsty after all, the only drinks you’d been having all night were alcohol. You slowly lifted his arm off of you and placed it at his side as you quietly stepped out of the bed, looking back to make sure he was still asleep. He was clearly exhausted. After the day he’s had, you didn’t blame him. You sighed and checked your phone on the nightstand. 4:10 am. You ran your fingers through your hair and out your face, quietly walking over to the door. You scrunched up your face as if it would silence the sound of the doorknob twisting as you opened it, shutting it behind you. You turned on the flashlight from your phone to head down the stairs. You remembered how Solo let you all know if you needed anything at all, you could just help yourself to his fully stocked fridge. You turned the corner to the kitchen when a silhouette appeared, the fridge light revealing his figure. 
“Oh shit-” you quietly gasped, your hand flying to your chest. Jey turned around, wearing nothing but his boxers, closing the fridge door as he held a water bottle in his hand. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t know-”
“You thirsty too?” he whispered, opening the fridge again to grab you a bottled water. 
“Thanks,” you smiled, grabbing it to open it up. Your fingers stopped twisting the cap as your eyes landed on his very noticeable black and purple eye. You felt that guilt bombard your senses once again as your face dropped at the sight. Worry fell over you as you hesitantly stepped closer to cup his jaw and turn his head to get a better look. 
“Oh my god…I’m so sorry,” you sighed feeling tears sting your eyes. 
“Don’t. It’s not your fault stop that,” he kissed his teeth before gently grabbing your wrist, dropping it back down. 
“Yes it is,” you whispered still looking at him nervously. 
“No it’s not baby,” he furrowed his brows at your statement. You felt your skin tingle at the name. Your fingers were still entangled but you couldn’t let go. He stepped closer to gently wipe the tear falling from your face and pulled you to his chest to embrace you. You hugged him tightly, his warm bare skin comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat. He cradled your head in his hand, running it over your hair. Your fingers gently lifted on his back, running them up and down his soft skin making him sharply inhale. 
“Get some sleep,” he mumbled against your hair, his hands dropping down your back to gently grip your waist to pull you away. Your arms only moved halfway off of him, still looking up at him. You both just gazed in each others eyes, his hand finding its way to cup your cheek. It was so quiet. Yet it was so loud. You could hear a pin drop. But you could also hear the sound of your heart beating inside your chest. The heart that kept beating for him when it wasn’t supposed to. His thumb softly caressed your cheek, as he peered down to your lips that you just licked. You tried to send the message with your eyes. You wanted him to read how desperate and loving they were. You speedily looked from his left eye to the right, trying to see if he received it. And he did. He pulled you in by the nape of your neck as your lips crashed together. You softly moaned at the return of his long, savory tongue in your mouth. The corners of your mouths quickly covered in saliva from the sloppy, needy, and yearning need for one another. You wrapped your arms around his neck as your breathing grew heavier. His panting just as rapid at the millisecond breaks your mouths took to turn your heads in the other direction in your make-out session. His hands dropped to the bottom of your oversized shirt to yank it up to your waist, grabbing a handful of your ass as it peeked out of your cotton pink cheeksters. You moaned in his mouth from his touch and he took that opportunity to scoop you up in his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. He groaned at the feel of your drenched panties rubbed up against his stomach, hurriedly placing you on the kitchen counter. Your legs stayed wrapped around his torso as you almost fell back from your faces avidly crashing. 
“Jey…” you whisperingly moaned as he grabbed you by the throat with one hand and cupped your breast with the other as he snaked his way up your shirt. 
“Whatchu’ want baby…” he shakily asked between kisses as you continued to grind against his bare upper body, the pressure helping alleviate your need just a tiny bit. 
“Fuck me please…” you panted as he dragged his tongue down your jaw making your back arch. 
“Let’s go to my room,” he mumbled against your neck as he sucked your soft spot. 
“No…I can’t wait,” you whispered as you pulled the hem of his boxers, slipping your hand inside the fabric to feel his hard, throbbing dick. He whimpered at your touch and your fingers lightly brushed the tip seeping with pre cum, making you breathe out another low-pitched moan.
“Mmmm please I’ll be quiet…” you begged in his ear as your thumb circled around his dripping tip. 
“Nah…” he softly moaned as you dropped your hand along his shaft to softly stroke it. 
“I’m gonna fuck this pussy up the way I want-“ he growled before scooping you back up in his arms as he quickly tip-toed up the stairs. You covered your mouth at his quick reaction as you bobbled in his arms as he went up every step. You shut your eyes refusing to look at his door, hoping no one caught you both sneaking off to Jey’s room that was the last door down the long hall. Before you knew it silence in his darkened room took over as he quietly locked his door and pinned you against it as he left sloppy sucks down your neck. You were out of breath as your eyes fluttered, heavily panting in the silence as he covered your neck with his saliva. Your fingers found their way in his hair, lightly pulling on it before a gasp popped out your mouth as he scooted you further up along the door to swirl his tongue along your collarbone and chest. You used your foot to push onto the door and get yourselves moving to the bed as he walked over not daring to remove his tongue off of you. He threw you onto the bed and you let out a giggle louder than you meant to, quickly covering your mouth as you realized.
“Thought you said you were gonna be quiet?” he playfully teased with a grin, as he towered over you, making you lean further back on the bed. 
“Thought you said you were gonna fuck this pussy up?” you teased back against his lips as he slithered his hands under your shirt to cup your breasts. 
“And I will…” he whispered, dipping his head back down to snatch the bottom of your shirt with his teeth, leaning back in your flushed face. 
“Take this shit off,” he muttered with the fabric between his grillz, his eyes hyper-focused on your lips as his forefingers and thumbs twiddling with your hard nipples. A moan rolled off your tongue at his touch, as you crossed your arms grabbing the side hems to take off…Jimmy’s oversized shirt. But he didn’t even cross your mind. You suddenly forget Jey had a brother at all because he had your full undivided, horny, and yearning attention. You threw it across the room, watching his pretty enticing eyes peer from your left breast to the right, licking his lips ready to feast on you. 
“Mmmm, you’re so fuckin beautiful…” he moaned, rubbing his big, smooth hands up and down your thighs. Slowly sliding them over your stomach as it sank in from the tingles, flattening his tongue on your right nipple as he delicately flicked it up and down while massaging your left breast. 
“Oh my god…” your head fell back at the feel of his wet and warm tongue gliding around your nipple as he sucked on it. Your right shin fondled with the bulge in his boxers. The contact made him slide his tongue back up your neck and on your lips as he drove his tongue in your mouth, grabbing you by the waist to push you further back on the bed. 
You cheekily grinned as you bit your lip, watching his long fingers grab his hard-on that was prominently peeking out of his boxers, his bracelet shining right at you as he rubbed up on his bulge. 
“This whatchu’ want baby?” he whispered as he stared into your soul, his hand slipping inside to grab his length as he hovered on top of you, his chain tickling your chest. 
“Yes daddy…” you naturally breathed out, the same name you called his brother just a few hours ago. 
“Slip ‘em off for me baby,” he mumbled against your lips as he hooked his other finger inside the band of your panties to  tug on them. Without a hesitant fiber in your being, you obliged, bucking your hips up to slide them off your legs and toss them across the room. You reached for his boxers to pull them down as he let you. His long, thick dick sprang out as the tip brushed against your tummy, the droplets of his warm pre cum sliding against your skin. 
“This pretty pussy stay dripping for me huh?” he asked as his long, thick fingers found your slick folds, opening them up to roam up and down your mess, the same way he did earlier in the night. 
“Fuck…” you whined as he sped up the vertical strokes suddenly replacing them with his creamy, dribbling tip continuing his up-and-down slides along your entrance. You gasped a little louder this time, the head of his dick inching its way into your hole. 
“Shhhh…” he grabbed your jaw to make you look in his eyes as he slipped his entire length inside of you making you moan once again, louder than you expected. He pressed his lips against yours mid-moan in an attempt to shut you up, but the way his tongue slithered in your mouth only made your noises lose more control. 
“Feel good baby?” he seductively mumbled as he slowly stroked his dick in and out of your doused pussy, his lips swiping on your parted ones with each thrust. 
“Yessss so good…” you whispered as he picked up the pace, creating pleasureful flutters in your tummy with every push inside of you. The legs of the bed were so quiet yet soundable as they rocked against the hardwood floors. He frantically buried himself within you, your arms hooked under his shoulders, your nails digging into his upper back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your walls were already so sensitive from how hard Jimmy fucked you earlier. It felt so so good but you winced a tiny bit at Jey’s similar  aggressive thrusts that it made you croak out a cry.
“You okay baby? Too rough?” he breathlessly asked, his eyes lowly glazing over yours for any confirmation. You couldn’t speak as his dick quite frankly knocked the wind out your throat from your whispered cries, a tear falling down your cheek before he kissed it away. 
“I gotchu’…I gotchu’ bae,” he reassuringly whispered, his hard and quick thrusts slowing down to gentle, deep, elongated strokes that made you shakily moan from this new, different,   out-of-world pleasure that erupted sparks in your body that melted into the sheets. 
“Oh my…gooood,” you moaned, your mind swirling with a euphoric, foggy sensation with how fucking good his slower strokes felt, dragging out the way his length nicely slipped between your walls that contracted around it, not wanting it to slip away. 
“This feel good, hm? Nice and slow baby?” he deeply asked as he nuzzled his face in your neck, a small grunt falling from his lips.  
“Yesyesyes,” your high-pitched, whispered gasp erupted as he hit your g spot ever so slowly with each delicate thrust. He left sloppy kisses down your neck, his grillz leaving little love bites that made you pull on the ends of his blue-tipped mullet. He grabbed your right thigh to scoop his arm behind your knee, giving himself more space to fill you up with every inch of his dick. 
“Mmmmm…Jey,” you moaned, tugging a little harder on his hair as he hovered over you again, his breath hitching watching you in deep arousal. 
“I…I…” you heavily panted as he hummed, almost agreeing with your unsaid sentence. Your right hand rested on the nape of his neck, as your left grazed over his bearded jaw. 
“I love you,” he professed softly, fastening his strokes just by a little knowing that’s all you needed before your climax exploded throughout your entire body, making your legs uncontrollably fondle with his lower back. You felt his dick spasm between your sensitive walls as his forehead fell on yours, his moans a little louder than yours before you decided to shut him up this time as your lips weaved together. Your chests heaved against one another, a faint smile forming on your lips as your eyes barely stayed open. You stayed in the same position for a little while, just admiring each other’s eyes before he softly kissed you again, making your cheeks flush as your fingers grazed his sweaty, glistening back. 
“Don’t tell me this dick knocked you out, wake up baby,” he jokingly whispered, tilting your chin up and forcing you to gaze up at him. 
“I’m awake,” you mumbled with a grin. 
“Man…you’re so perfect,” he complimented, still slightly panting. 
“Shut up,” you giggled, feeling overwhelmed with his loving presence. There was silence before you noticed the sunrise starting to peek out from the curtains as it accentuated his face. The black eye was nothing compared to his vibrant and pretty features. Your thumbs caressed over his lower jaw, his beard hairs smoothly prickling against your skin. 
“I have to go back…” you lowly whispered, feeling a tug on your heartstrings watching his smile fade away as he nodded in agreement. 
“Let me get you a towel first,” he whispered, pecking you before getting up and walking towards the bathroom. You sighed, resting your palm on your forehead feeling a mixture of emotions. You really fucked both of them. You really fucked both Usos. You weren’t gloating, just extremely confused about your feelings. Sleeping with Jimmy for the first time after so many years of light-hearted flirtatious moments was great. The sex was appetizingly filthy, rough, and electrifyingly steamy. But with Jey…it was more passionate, comforting, more so making love to one another. And the three words that fell from Jey’s mouth…made you melt. The twins have always told you they loved you and you’ve always said it back. But this was most definitely different. 
“Psst.” You snapped out of it and turned to see Jey walking out with a towel around his waist, another in his hand as he pretended to shoot his shot at you, literally. You caught it with ease and shook your head at his goofy ass. You cleaned up and slipped your oversized shirt back on, almost feeling dirty, in a guilty way, fucking one brother then putting the other one’s shirt over your head. You tied your hair in a messy bun and tip-toed to the door, the sun’s golden light more luminous in the room as it highlighted his face. 
“You gonna sleep?” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
“Nah. Gon’ hop in the shower…you could join me if you want,” he softly expressed, grabbing a handful beneath your shirt. 
“Tempting, but I can’t,” you giggled as he lightly spanked you and scoffed at to answer. You stared into each other’s eyes for what felt like forever before you shared one last flavorsome, soft, and passionate kiss. 
“Yeet,” you whispered turning back around one last time as your hand grabbed the doorknob. He chuckled, holding on to his towel. 
“Yeet,” he threw back with a wink and you departed as you looked left and right in the hallway before stepping out. You reached Jimmy’s room, the door slightly squeaking as you turned the knob, making you curse under your breath. You peeked in, seeing him still asleep. You blew a little air out of your mouth, relieved that he was clueless. You climbed back in, making him stir in the sheets as he grabbed you by the waist to pull you closer. You dozed off, your brain playing hopscotch with the two brothers.
The following morning the boys had to leave for the airport for their live events. You ended up heading back home after having brunch with his Solo’s wife. The next following weeks were…chaotically indulging. If you weren’t with Jimmy, you were with Jey. If you weren’t with Jey, you were with Jimmy. You spent Sunday and Monday nights in Jey’s hotel room for Raw. You spent Thursday and Friday night traveling to Smackdown with Jimmy. Your weeks consisted of one twin pulling on your hair while you got pounded from behind in his locker room while the other fucked you against the steamy shower walls, both drenched from the hot water. They didn’t know about your rendezvous with the other twin…or so you thought. You picked up on the feeling that they secretly knew, because Jimmy didn’t call you on Sunday or Monday nights. Jey didn’t call you on Thursday and Friday nights. They just knew you were the other. And to think it wouldn’t get even more chaotic, you were at backstage at Fastlane where they both had matches. You were watching on the monitor set up in Jimmy’s locker room as Jey and Cody won the tag team titles, the biggest smile spreading on your lips knowing he was now a 2x undisputed tag team champion. You wanted to so badly find him and congratulate him right after, but you were with Jimmy up until his match. The match were him and Solo lost. Jimmy was crankier than usual, and you knew it wasn’t just because of the feeling of losing that match. That loss hit differently because he felt like he was falling behind his twin brother, not only in the ring but with you. You hated that he was in a mood the night before your birthday. You were throwing a big party, where everybody was invited. And to unintentionally make the situation a little harder for Jimmy, he didn’t expect Jey and Cody to show up with their tag titles gloating through the crowd. 
“They what?” you asked, your jaw dropping at Jasmine telling you what was going on downstairs as the guests started picking up. 
“Yeah girl, Jimmy still sitting in that corner drinking his beer. You gon’ come down or what we waiting on you!” she exclaimed watching you add a touch more of highlight on your nose. You heard her sniff and you looked at her through the mirror, dramatically holding her hand up to her mouth. 
“Are you crying?” you turned around with a little laugh. 
“You look so hot and you’re getting older, do you blame me?” she patted her tear away to avoid ruining her makeup. You giggled getting up from your stool to hug her as you felt tears sting your eyes.
“Fuck now I’m gonna cry,” you choked out before she broke the hug.
“No no no. You worked too hard on this makeup. I’m not crying anymore. Go put that sexy ass dress on so you can come down!” 
You changed in your purple sequined lace-up tube body con dress, fluffed up your hair, and put on your necklace and diamond earrings.
“You can open your eyes now,” you giggled before you gave her a little twirl and she started loudly clapping. 
“Oh my god, bitch you look stunning!” she hyped up. “Now let’s go down everyone’s wondering where you are.” 
“Wait,” you grabbed the shot glass from your dresser and poured yourself some tequila. You couldn’t go down there sober. Not when they were both here. You’re winced from the sizzling burn in your throat. You walked out with Jasmine down the stairs, the music blasting, and everyone was happily conversing and drinking. 
“Heyyyyy there she is!”
You giggled at everyone’s dramatic reactions continuing to walk down the stairs, giving hugs to everyone around as they wished you a happy birthday. You clanked your way to the kitchen to grab more drinks from the fridge, your heels already annoying you. 
“God…damn,” you hear a deep and sensual voice slightly startle you as you peeked above the fridge door still bent down with beers in your hand. Jey stood there with the sexiest smirk on his face, goofily dropping his eyes back down to your ass in the air as it peeked out of your tiny dress. 
“Shut up,” you giggled, closing the fridge with your heel, two bottles in each hand. 
“Let me get those for you,” he walked closer to grab them out of your hand and placed them on the counter before he gripped you by the waist, your lips inches away. Your breath hitched in your throat from his sweet cologne, his wet pink lips that he just licked as he caressed your cheek with his thumb, admiring your beauty. 
“Happy birthday beautiful,” he whispered before planting a nice, soft, and slow kiss on your lips. You moaned as your tongues naturally slipped into each other’s mouths, his hand sliding its way from your waist to your ass to grope you. 
“Thank you…” you breathed out, grinning against his lips. 
“Trus’ me this dress is…mmmmm…but I wanna rip this shit off and bend you over this counter right now,” he mumbled, biting your lower lip causing another moan to escape your lips as his grillz sank down on your glossy lips. 
“Later…” you whispered with a giggle trying to remove yourself from his grasp to get back to the drinks when the kitchen door opened, making you both turn your heads at the interruption. Luckily your bodies weren’t in touch anymore because with the way he raised his brows at the both of you, you figured he knew what was going on. 
“Well well well, what’s goin’ on?” Jimmy asked, clearly drunk as he crossed his arms. Jey kissed his teeth, turning his back on his brother as you let out an annoyed sigh. 
This was gonna be a long fucking night. 
thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it if you read through the entirety 💖✨
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heart4reigns · 1 year
Could i request a roman and afab reader imagine, where she’s like a sexy badass bitch and she’s been his like valet/girlfriend ever since he returned as the tribal chief. A lot of people think she’s for looks and can’t fight, then during a promo with the judgement day she beats Rhea’s ass. It like shocks everyone, and roman’s just like hell yea that’s my girl and loves it. Lol thank you!🩷🩷🩷
TROPHY WIFE, roman reigns.
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warnings: curse words, blood, pet names
tags: locker room talks, everyone teases you, slight age-gap, bloodline bonding moments, dominik calling you 'papi', sexual innuendos teehee, judgement day teasing YOU non-stop
summary: you’re not useless at all
GROWING up, you were always interested in the wrestling. but you couldn't imagine being in the ring without any experiences. that led you to training on your own. to your luck, your boyfriend–roman, was the undisputed champion of the wwe. ever since his big comeback as this chief-like figure, it made you easier to be on stage without talking. you just stood by his side, staring down at the other party, trying to intimidate them for the views.
no one actually knew that you were going to debut soon as one of wwe's new wrestler, except for the bloodline. for now, you were only a 'trophy wife' for the tribal chief. everyone in the locker room teased you about being there as his silly little girlfriend, you were only there for the looks. "morning!" you greeted the twins, before sliding inside the ring. "one more show before your debut, how you feeling?" solo asked.
"i'm excited." you stretched your body, preparing for the fight with jimmy. "i'm not, i don't want to get my ass beat by you." he shook his head. "oh come on, i don't hit hard." you chuckled. "girl, you hit harder than anyone else here!" jimmy complained. "that's because she's been doing this longer than us." your boyfriend stood outside the ring, winking at you. "right, now let's go!"
and everyone in the gym knew that you were going to beat jimmy's ass in a quick sparring. "good fight, baby!" roman was pumped up. "see, i told you. jimmy's gonna be limping for the next two days." jey ruffled his twin's hair. "shut up, get inside the ring with her now." "oh, i don't want that, i have a family!" he shook his head. "GET YOUR ASS HERE!" you grinned with excitement.
work came and you were mentally preparing to face the judgement day. they were nice people but there were two people that got into your nerves; none other than dominik and rhea. they were around your age, of course they would tease you non-stop. "hey papi." he winked at you when you enter the locker room. "shut up." you rolled your eyes. "awww, you look so cute being alone." rhea chimed in the conversation. "i'll whoop your ass, rhea." she smirked at your response. "the trophy wife can fight?" "come on, that's enough." damien came in to stop the teasing.
as much as you wanted to tell them that you were going to be in the roster, you couldn't. creatives were holding you back from spilling the news. a lot of people loved you, but some thought you were useless. you were just there to look pretty. "you alright, baby?" roman noticed your annoyed expression. "dominik and rhea situation." he chuckled. "don't mind them, they're jokesters." you nodded in agreement.
before walking out, roman quickly kissed your forehead. "let's do this, baby." he muttered. the crowd roared with excitement as they heard roman's entrance song. you pulled off your usual smug facade, ready to face whatever dominik and rhea throws at you. as the four of you walked towards the ring, you heard several people calling your name. "(y/n)!" you threw a wink at them, causing them to go frantic. "god, she's so badass, i wish she was a wrestler. just imagine her in a wrestling gear." one of them said, you were trying your best not to chuckle and break character. oh, they would be very ecstatic to know what's coming, you thought.
to say the least, this was the 'feud' with the judgement day was fun. the new storyline on how you were taunted to join them was a breath of fresh air for the fans. when you first heard about it, you were also excited. they seemed like good people to work with, oh how wrong you were. knowing that you couldn't 'defend' yourself, everyone loved pranking and teasing you. "so, this is the tribal chief?" finn had the mic. "and you should be thankful that he is here in person, to see you all." the crowd cheered as they heard roman's response. "with his wiseman, his silent cousin, and his trophy wife, what a deal!" rhea yelled into the microphone.
"we're still waiting for everyone to betray you. the next time you'll see us, your little trophy wife will sign our contract. or give us your titles. loyalty doesn't exist." rhea smirked, the crowd boo-ed as she waved the papers. you had the mic and you stared down at the opposite group. "i won't be joining you, and you said loyalty doesn't exist? that's right. let's ask who created your group? is he still here?" several 'oooh's dropped as you saw rhea's eyes lit up. another strong girl in the ring, she thought.
the locker room smelt like sweat. you were used to it. "god, i'm so tired." you complained to solo, who was putting on his shoes. "can't wait for you to complain after every match." he chuckled. "you know, it's such a shame that your mic skills are being wasted, could've been an amazing wrestler, papi." dominik came inside the room, all sweating. "stop calling me 'papi', jesus." you chuckled. "i'll stop calling you 'papi' if you hang out with us soon." solo couldn't help but to laugh at dominik's sentence.
the remaining week was spent inside the gym. you were training non-stop for your debut. at one point, you had probably beat all the guys inside the gym, leaving roman last. everyone gathered around the ring, waiting for you to charge at him. "COME ON (Y/N), GIVE HIM HELL!" jey yelled. sure he was a loving boyfriend, but in the ring? another different person.
"baby, hit me with your best shot." roman was challenging you. "don't go soft on me." you warned him. "oh, i won't." your boyfriend smirked. you gritted your teeth, trying to find a spot to attack him first. before he lunged at you, you step aside to avoid him. you weren't stronger than him, but with your figure, you were obviously faster. he landed on one of the ropes, turning his back, facing you again.
but before he knew it, you attacked him with a spear. "DAMN GIRL!" jimmy shouted. you tackled roman to the ground, breathing heavily as he tried to switch places. "did you just speared me?" he asked. "i just did." roman clenched his jaw, trying to find a spot to attack you. you dodged it once again, going to the ropes. "you're going nowhere, baby!" the entire gym was pumped out.
you stood up on the ropes, ready to attack again. "FROG SPLASH HIS ASS!" you heard solo's voice. "OH WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO THAT AGAIN!" roman looked concerned. "DO IT! DO IT!" the twins chanted. "I'M SORRY, BABY!" you apologized before your attack. his entire body bounced back. "what a sell, baby." you chuckled. while being distracted on how he looked, which was very hot and sweaty, he took the chance to flip you over. "aw hell no." you muttered.
roman was on top of you, you struggled to move your body–but like usual, you were faster than him. you licked your lips, ready for another attack. "shit girl, you never run out of energy do you?" solo asked, analizing your stamina. the fight was almost done, you just had to make him tap out. with your agility, you could tell roman was getting tired. "how are you so fast?" roman was gasping for air. "you taught me that." you winked at him. the gym whistled over your answer.
"i can't believe you made me tap out." he chuckled, snuggling closer to you. the two of you were already home, chilling on the bed. "hey, you might be bigger than me, but i can definitely flip you." you rolled your eyes. "and that's what i love about you, you're fearless." he kissed your forehead. "god, i can't wait till tomorrow is over." you confessed. "nervous, are we?" he asked. "course i am." you sighed.
"i don't know, what if people don't care about me? like what if i'm only meant to just be a pretty face." his eyes softened. "baby, you know that everyone loves you right?" roman held your hand. "you'd be the brightest superstar out there, love." even in the darkest times, his words made you smile. "on the good side, we're gonna spend more time together. i look forward to it, baby." roman patted your head, trying to calm you down. "i love you, thank you for believing in me." "i'll always believe in you, baby."
you saw fans lining up outside the venue. paul thought it would be a good idea for the bloodline to go out and meet some fans. so there you were, with the other four, interacting with fans. "(y/n)!" one of them greeted you. "hi hello! thank you for coming today." you passed her a water bottle. "(y/n), god, when are you debuting? i'd love to see some ring action." one of them asked you. "i'm not a wrestler, babes." you told him, giving another bottle of water.
roman was holding your hand the entire time, not wanting you to let go. "wait i gotta take a pee." he said. "go piss girl." you chuckled at your own response. your boyfriend rolled his eyes and excused himself. you entered the locker room with your heart beating faster than usual. no one was inside, you arrived early to change to your new gear. you put on your usual black shirt, covering the gear for the surprise. "sup, papi?" dominik's voice startled you. "oh, good evening to you too." you greeted him. "got the script for today it says get ready for a special surprise attack, damn papi... are you the surprise?" he asked.
"well, let's just see."
you went over to roman's locker room, seeing him gearing up. by gearing up, he was taking off his t-shirt. you whistled your way inside. "you single?" you teased him. "depends who's asking." he teased back. "you look good." you complimented him. "i always do. let me see your gear." he winked at you. you took off the t-shirt and he returned with a whistle. "red and black is definitely your color, baby." he held your waist and kissed your lips. "it's your pick, handsome."
"damn, hope i'm not interrupting something, but we're up in 10." and that moment was ruined by none other than jimmy uso. "(y/n), your gear looks amazing!" roman glared at his cousin and closed the door. "give us 5 more minutes!" he yelled from inside the room. "now where were we?"
the crew ushered you backstage. you felt adrenaline rushing in your veins, you were no longer nervous. this is what you've always wanted and you had the privilege to pursue it. the judgement day went up first, rhea and dominik casually messing with you. "can't wait for the surprise!" dominik chuckled. "oh fuck yourself, mysterio!" you smiled at him.
"the bloodline!" smug face mode on, you thought. the 6 of you walked towards the ring, hearing the crowd go wild. you were the one holding roman's belt. he offered a hand and you gave him his belts so he could make his signature pose. as you stepped inside the ring, rhea was already holding the papers.
the promo started. "so, you're either gonna give us your trophy wife or your title, your pick, tribal chief." rhea mocked him. "your time is up, give us your trophy wife now." she continued. "we are not gonna give you anything." roman replied. "either you walk away or we walk away. leaving you standing here, embarrassed. having nothing in your hands." he was in his character and he looked so hot.
"see, there are 3 things that i love in life." the crowd chanted 'what?' as roman spoke to the mic. "first is (y/n). i wouldn't trade her for anything. second is my titles. third is seeing people like you thinking that you could get away with anything you want." he smirked. "and we're not signing your goddamn papers." he dropped the mic. it was your cue to walk away now.
as you walked hand-in-hand, rhea went over her lines. "walk away! like you always do! a useless group with an even more useless advocates!" roman looked at you, giving you the biggest smile that the camera couldn't capture. "go, babygirl." everyone was still walking back but you turned around. you caught everyone's attention.
roman's song changed to yours. "what is this? why is (y/n) running back to the ring?" the commentator said. the crowd roared as you ripped your shirt, revealing your gear. "what? that's a wrestling gear! can you believe it? the trophy wife is in a wrestling gear!" you slid inside the ring, quickly attacking the first person you saw. finn. he was practically grinning from ear-to-ear, excited.
you jumped and punched his jaw, avoiding certain spots that could damage him. the judgement day had an excited expression plastered on their faces; especially dominik and rhea. "bring it on, trophy wife!" dominik yelled. you quickly speared him outside the ring, causing him to fall on his back. "and you're fast!" damien smiled, trying to take a hit on your shoulders, only having you avoid it. "i am!" you smirked, using roman's iconic move–superman punch, against him.
rhea stood in the middle of the ring, ready to attack you. "so you're not useless at all, huh?" she stared down at you. "is she going to attack rhea? how is she going to survive her?" the commentator yelled. to your luck, you were able to dodge multiple hits. rhea tripped a bit, giving you several seconds to spare. you quickly picked her up and slammed her on her back. you looked over her, she gave you a small nod, indicating that she was okay.
your song played and there you were, in the middle of the ring–with a grin plastered on your face. "did we just witness the debut of the trophy wife?" one of the announcer said. "and there she is, the long-waited debut... what should we call her? the trophy wife? (y/n) (l/n)!" everyone cheered and stood up from their seat. you were gasping for air, raising your fist up. "(y/n)! (y/n)!" the crowd chanted.
"that's my babygirl!" roman yelled as he ran back to the ring and tackled you with a hug. roman picked you up on his shoulders, showing you off to the crowd. "i love you." you mouthed. "and i love you too." oh his expression is gonna end on a 'top 10 times roman reigns breaking character' video, you thought. nevertheless, this was only the beginning for you.
a/n: SORRY IF THIS IS QUITE LONG I GOT CARRIED AWAY... HOPE YOU ENJOY IT <3 feedbacks are appreciated and requests are always open for any other wwe wrestlers!!
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strxwberry-milku · 4 months
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲 @codyswhitebelt ✰ part2 of the Gif euphoria series
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: You and Roman stumble across a lingerie shop,but he can’t seem to contain himself
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Daddy!Roman x Sub!Reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: Bent over, Sir k*nk , THIS IS NOT PROOF READ !!( so sorry for any mistakes )
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You always love going on shopping trips with your man Roman, mostly because he spoils your ass and gets you anything your little heart desires. Holding hands you both stroll around the mall . “ Where do wanna go now baby ?” he asks while he briefly checks the time on his phone. Looking up at him you smile “ I don’t knowwwww , how about you choose this time ?” looking up from his phone he gives you a smirk “whatever you say princess”.Picking up his pace , you both walk futher down until you stop at a shop called “𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐍”. Gasping you walk up to the glass window and peer inside , looking at all the beautiful sets that were put on display. Letting out a laugh he wraps his arms around your waist “ I know you would’ve liked this ” turning your head slightly you said “Of course , i would like this baby!”.
Grabbing his hand you pull him inside the “ Victoria secret” like shop , ready to see all the beautiful sets waiting to be tried on. “So which ones you wanna try on baby ?” he asks as he also browses through the lingerie , taking notes of the pink ones , since he knows it’s your favourite colour ( Totally not protecting my interests in the character LOL.) “Hmmmm how bout this?” you questioned and grabbed a random set from the rack , displaying the parts on your body so Roman could have a basic layout on how it would look like on you. Licking his lips slowly he looks you up and down ; eyes hooded and low “Ooooo I say,me and you go into the changing room so I can really go into detail bout my opinion” giggling in excitement you make your way to the nearest changing room with roman prowling behind you.
As soon as the “ Click” sound echoed the compacted stall, Roman began to attack your lips like it was his last feast. Moaning in between the kiss he pulls away and turns you over so that you’re facing the wall “ You dirty girl , look at you…your panties are already soaking wet”he mockingly says as he flips up your skirt and you examines the damp spot between your legs. Moaning in desperation you began hastily taking of your panties yourself, chuckling at your neediness he pulls down his boxers and watches as his dick springs up , slapping against his abdomen. Lining up his tip against your folds he slowly pushes in groaning at how your pussy invites him so comfortingly and snug.
“ That’s it baby , take this dick ”. You moan out loudly ,your hands quickly fly to your mouth to muffle your pathetic voice. He quickens his pace,his hips clashing into your ass repeatedly going deeper with each stroke “Nahhh don’t cover your mouth baby, I want them to hear how much of a slut you are, fucking inna public store? you should be ashamed of yourself” he whispered in your ear to taunt you. Eyes rolling at you back of your head,you clench around him signifying that you were about to cum, noticing this he takes one of his hands and begin to run your swollen clit. Breathless and fucked out you bounce your ass back on him faster, ready to get you high” Daddy i’m gonna-”
* BANG * * BANG* Roman halted his movements. You both stare at the door….
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𝐘𝐮𝐩𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 🤷🏾‍♀️
@trc-punzel 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐮𝐩 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 💋
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐢𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐨 , 𝐬𝐨 𝐢 𝐟𝐫 𝐟𝐫 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐬𝐞 ( 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬𝐬𝐬 🤧)
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von2dutch · 14 days
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Chapter four
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey Uso x Black Fem reader | word count: 5.6k | warning : smut, toxic behavior, protected sex | 18+ ONLY
Hey my baby dolls so this is chapter four and ima let you all know now this was a heavy long chapter so sorry in advance but other than that enjoy!
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Lastly, Enjoy
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“Bitchs get into relationships and forget about they friends huh.” Jasmine spoke on FaceTime while Dakota cut up some strawberries.
Dakota chuckled as Jasmine's face lit up on FaceTime, holding a surprised look. "Omg jasmine I did not forget about you," Dakota said with a smile.
“Did too! I was first before his ass.”
Laughing once more Dakota spoke again “Jas you know you my baby girl stop being stingy with me.”
Jasmine's eyes rolled as she pursed her lips before speaking. "Whatever, but I'm happy for you, Kota. All I see on Instagram is you smiling, and you've been glowing so brightly. I'm so happy that God answered my prayers because all I wanted was for my best friend to find true love. She deserves it."
“Awww jas you gon make me cry.” Dakota smiled big before making a sad face pretending to cry Jasmine’s laughed at her dramatic acts.
It had been almost a month since Jey asked Dakota to be his girlfriend and the month of February was almost over and time for Josh to go back to work something he dreaded himself.
Ever since the two got together in a more relationship standpoint they were inseparable to say the least. Jey was even more of a gentleman and lover boy than she had ever imagined , he got her flowers , feed her, rubbed on her, and he was also very affectionate and I mean VERY along with being a very touchy man. And most importantly the two had sex almost everyday he couldn’t resist his presence towards her and I mean they fucked from everywhere in the house beside the bed room. Joshua was a very freaky man to say the least.
Jey was a gentleman and a lover, he treated Dakota with the utmost respect and care. He showered her with flowers and gifts, fed her, and made her feel special. Their sexual chemistry was electric, and the two of them couldn't resist each other. He was a very kinky and open minded man, and he left no stone unturned in satisfying their desires.
In conclusion the two were infuriated with eachother.
“Omg Kota you remember that date I had a while ago? Why we doing the thing and all getting freaky and I accidentally farted out my ass while we in doggy style and I told him it was my pussy he said I’m lying and that he smell shit!”
Dakota couldn't contain her laughter as she shouted at Jasmine, “Wtf is wrong with you.” Despite Jasmine's attempt to tell her to stop laughing because it was something serious, Dakota continued to laugh uncontrollably anyways.
“Dakota that shit Isn’t even that funny.” Jasmine mumbled rolling her eyes “Ima hang up if you keep laughing at me.”
“Okay!okay! I’ll stop jas—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey walked inside the kitchen. Jey couldn't resist flirting a bit as he walked into the kitchen and saw Dakota cutting strawberries. He slipped his hands around her waist and smacked her on the butt playfully, leaving a trail of light kisses on her neck. "Come on, Ko, it doesn't take that long to cut some strawberries," he teased, his hands continuing to explore her body he placed his hand on her pussy rubbing at it. “I missed you.” he whispered in her ear, his voice low and husky.
Dakota squealed with pleasure as Jey touched her, her body responding to his touch in an instant. "Baby, I was just coming back up the stairs," she protested, giggling at his enthusiastic greeting. "I haven't even been down here for more than a minute!"
“Mmhmm whatever uce.”
“ Aye aye y’all bet not get freaky on this damn phone I know that!” Jasmine shouted through the phone, interrupting their conversation. The two of them stared back at her, both bursting into laughter.
"My bad, Jasmine," Josh said with a friendly nod, before turning his attention to Dakota. Without warning, he leaned in close and began kissing and licking her neck. His movements were animalistic, reminiscent of a lion eyeing its prey before pouncing. Dakota let out a soft moan, her breathing quickening as his tongue traced circles along her sensitive skin. Josh pulled back for a moment, his eyes blazing with desire as he stared into hers.
“Y’all just go do all that while I’m on the phone really?! Knowing ion got a man just crazy.” Jasmine ranted on fake crying while Dakota and Jey just continued to laugh.
Dakota turned around from the phone and found herself face to face with Joshua. He was wearing a white-grayish shirt with cut sides that revealed his tribal tattooed muscles and chest. His black Nike shorts had a touch of orange on the side, and he paired them with Nike slides and black Nike socks. His hair flowed softly as he stood there.
“Mhmm where you going Mr?” Dakota acquainted with a question reading her eyebrows.
“Going to the gym with Jimmy and solo before we gotta go back next week, that’s why I was tryna get you to hurry back upstairs so we can do a quickie before I leave but you wanted to be on the phone.”
“Josh please you’ll be fine we went all morning.” Dakota replied completely tuning out Jasmine being on the phone.
Dakota glared at Joshua, her eyes locking onto his as she pointed her finger in his face. Her tone was clear and firm, leaving no room for argument or misunderstanding. "Listen up," she said, "you better be back by 6 on the dot. And I'm not just saying that shit for the fun of it. I mean it. If you miss dinner tonight, you're in for some shit. Got it?"
Joshua swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that Dakota wasn't joking around, and he didn't want to find out what the consequences.
“Yes ma’ma!”
"Now give me some love before you leave, Big Daddy," Dakota said with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She reached out and took hold of his cheeks, gently pulling him closer as she delivered a soft kiss.
Jey sighed softly, unable to resist her charm. "Stop giving me those baby ass kisses and come here," he ordered, his voice dripping with desire. His hand wrapped around her neck, the touch gentle yet possessive, as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths.
Pulling back Dakota pushed him playfully before smiling shyly “Okay that’s enough cause I see what you trying to do.” She glared at him while he laughed knowing he was caught.
"Aright, alright, you caught me, but just one more and I'm out, okay?" he whined with plead.
“Okay one more and that’s it!” She gave in pulling him in for one more kiss He of course had to take it over board and tongue kiss her , his hands grabbing possessively around her ass before smacking it pulling himself closer towards her body chest to chest.
Jey pulled back smiling devilishly his gold grills peaking through “I love you Ko.”
Dakota smiled softly as she watched Jey walk out of the kitchen, heading toward the garage. "I love you too," she called after him, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "And More."
She watched him closely for a moment, taking in every detail of his appearance - the way his shoulders moved, the way he walked with confident, determined strides. She knew her love for him ran deep, and she was grateful for every single moment they shared together.
“I miss him already.” Dakota sighed softly, her pout turning into a frown as she realized just how much she missed him already. pouted with a frown upon her face.
“Girl you so dick whipped city girls down 1000s points.”
UceyJucey • instagram story
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“56,57,58,59,60!” Jey shouted out before jumping down from the pole by his hands which held his weight.
Josh shouted at his twin brother, "I told you I'm the better twin, Jim!" His words seemed to hang in the air as his defeated twin stood there, with the weight of defeat evident on his face.
“Man whatever you cheated Josh!”
“Man no i didn’t you just made yo’ ass gotta pay me $50 and I won.” Josh shouted back at his brother while solo stood there watching his older brother argue back and forth like they always did.
Jey had been working out at the gym for nearly four hours, and as it approached 6:00, he found himself caught in a familiar dilemma. Originally planning to leave at 4:00 to make it home in time for dinner and avoid Dakota's nagging, Jey's plans had changed when his brother challenged him to their daily competition. The two brothers had a fiercely competitive nature and would often challenge each other to prove who was better at various activities.
Jey stormed over to the bench, his breathing heavy as he sat down to catch his breath. "I didn't cheat!" he retorted, his voice laced with anger and exasperation. "It's you who can't handle losing, man."
He grabbed his phone from his duffle bag and noticed four missed calls from Dakota, his expression changing to one of guilt and apprehension as he checked the time. It was almost 6, and he knew he was in trouble. 5:59, to be exact.
“Fuck.” He mumbled to himself as Jimmy walked over noticing the worry in his brothers face he asked. “Whats wrong uce?”
Josh looked up from his phone sighing “Jimmy I was supposed to be home by 4 and it’s now 6.” He stressed as his two brothers laughed at him because it wasn’t the first time he was late home and Dakota got on his ass about it like last week.
Staring at his brothers with anger in his eyes and annoyed by them thinking it was funny.
“Man this shit not funny.” He voice aggressively and violently he grabbed his bags roughly before walking out the gym towards his car his brother trailing behind like lost kids all jumping inside the car.
“Josh I know you ain’t mad you late.” Jimmy spoke up still laughing at his brother.
Turning his head from the road Josh stared at his brother before speaking. “Shut up cause it’s your fault I’m late. I need to stop by the store and pick up some.”
After an exhausting drive back from the gym and the store, Joshua finally arrived home with his brothers. As he parked the car inside the garage, he carefully opened the door to his home, attempting to enter quietly. However, his attempt was thwarted when he was caught by Dakota, who was standing by the door with her hands on her hips.
Jey came to a sudden halt, a small smile playing on his lips as he attempted to divert her attention before clarifying his actions. "Hey Ko baby, I missed you," he said, leaning in for a kiss. However, she sidestepped him, pushing him away and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“So why were you late this time.” She asked Her voice dripped with authority as she inquired about the reason for your tardiness. She had clearly set a specific time for you to be home, and she was not in the mood for any excuses.
Jey glanced back at Jimmy and pointed an accusing finger in his direction, "I swear it was Jimmy's fault. He always wanna challenge me ko.”
Jimmy smirked maliciously as he chimed in on the argument, knowingly lying in an attempt to stir up more trouble. "He's lying, Koko," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "I told him he should leave at four, but he insisted on sticking around even longer. He said you'd be fine, even though he knew you were expecting him home at 6. It's clear who's in the wrong here sister in law.”
“Now you're just fucking lying, Jimmy!" he spat. "I never said that, and Solo can back me up on that! Solo! Back me up!" Jey yelled, but Solo remained motionless and quiet.
Jey's expression turned to one of anger and frustration as he looked towards Solo for support, but Solo remained silent, refusing to get involved in the conflict. Jey turned back to face Jimmy, his voice dripping with barely controlled fury. "
Dakota, tired of the two arguing, rolled her eyes before shouting, startling them. “Look, I don’t care whose fault it was, but someone is getting in trouble. You three go wash up, and I’ll make the plates.” she announced firmly.
“Yes ma’ma.” All three answered, scrambling to dash up the stairs. Jimmy and Jey were at it again, arguing over who could reach the top first.
“Josh you cheating I was up the starirs first!”
“Man no I didn’t!”
As Dakota made her way to the kitchen to set up the plates, she couldn't help but shake her head in exasperation at the antics of the two. “These two just argue all day.”
After a few mins of making plates the boys played solo and Jimmy made there way down the stairs into the kitchen sitting at the island table.
“It smell hella good in here Sister in law, you making me miss trin girl.” Jimmy joked attempting to fake cry making Dakota laugh at his dramatic performance.
“Jimmy please and I’m not married to your brother yet so stop with the in law.” She rolled her eyes passing Solo and Jimmy their plates awaiting Jey to come down the steps next for his.
“Yet.” He replied.
“And what makes you think we’re gonna get married?” She arched her eyebrows with a skeptical expression.
Before he pole Jimmy took a sip of his water and answering her question. “Well for starters you all that man talked about at the gym ‘I wonder do ko miss me’ or ‘I wonder if ko done cooking yet’ and other shit ain’t that right solo?” He glanced over at solo for back up with him nodding with a yes to confirm.
“Then when we went out for drinks like last week he was drunk and started showing every female in the club a picture of you in his wallet talking about ‘That’s my fine ass wife y’all she take all my dick good’.”
“You forgot the suck dick good and squirt like a fire hydrant too.” Solo chuckled added on to Jey silly ness.
“Omg he is embrassing.” Dakota face palmed herself from embarrassment and also to stop from laughing. She knew how Josh got when he was drunk. He became very jokey and talking his shit no matter if anyone liked it or not but he also became very hornh as well.
She remembered the first time he called after having a few drinks with some of the guys from work after a great show at summer slam 22’.
“Dakota you want another shot?” Jasmine asked over the music while Dakota nodded her head yes she grabbed the drink downing it before she shouted. “I love life.”
“Yeah a little to damn much no more drinks for you boo.” Jasmine shook her head with disgust while Dakota pouted.
“But that was my first one Jasmine and—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence her phone rung in her hand she glanced at it and noticed it was Jey calling her through FaceTime.
“Jas I’ll be back.” She shouted over the musics dismissing herself from the group of women she walked through the crowd towards the bathroom she locked the door.
Dakota looked in the mirror making sure she looked okay before she answered the phone a drunk Joshua appeared on the screen smiling ear to ear.
"Hey Ko, baby!" Jey's voice came through the phone, his words slurred and groggy. Dakota could tell he was high and drunk from the way he spoke, his words coming out slowly and clumsily.
Dakota sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "What's going on, Jey?" she asked, her tone filled with concern. "Are you alright?"
Nodding his yes he spoke again. “Yeah I’m cool I’m just a little drunk, aye baby why jimmy fall out the car?” He laughed loudly while Dakota started back not finding it funny.
“Joshua where are you?.”
“Vegas, Trin taking us back to the hotel she outside with Jimmy while he throw up.”
“Josh I told you not to get that drunk you don’t listen.” Dakota stressed sighing she shook her head.
“I’m sorry pretty mama, I promise I won’t no more you feel me?” He pouted poking his bottom lip out.
“Yes Josh.” Dakota rolled her eyes giving it.
"That's my girl." he said with a sly smile, his face lighting up with excitement. "I miss your fine ass, mama." He laughed, running his tongue along his lips in a seductive manner, as if tasting her already. Dakota felt a rush of desire course through her as Jey's words hung in the air, the promise of things to come exciting her in way she couldn't wait to explore.
“I miss you too bub.”
“Ima make that pussy squirt when I come back.”
Dakota's eyes widened in shock as she shouted, "Joshua!" His choice of words made her blush, and she hated that she liked it, but she couldn't resist it.
“I’m just saying ko, I can’t till I’m fucking you on my balcony and you tell me you love me while I’m in it.” He licked at his lips once more staring at Dakota through the phone undressing her with his eyes.
He was like a ravenous lion, eagerly waiting to devour her. He couldn't control his insatiable appetite for her, and the intensity in his words made it clear that he meant every single one of them.
“Can’t wait to get back and look at the faces you make while I’m in it. Tell me how deep my dick in yo’ pussy bae.”
“Joshua fatu if you don’t stop!” Dakota glared at the phone rolling her eyes playfully.
This was the one thing she hated when he got drunk he became so horny.
Flashback over
“And that ain’t all he did Ko ko he said he wanted to stick a straw in yo— what y’all talking about?” Jey asked as he approached the kitchen he came behind Dakota. she felt Jey's strong arms wrap around her, his breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. Dakota's breath hitched as she felt Jey's lips meet her skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Nothing," Dakota replied, her voice a hushed whisper as she looked up into Jey's eyes. She then leaned forward, her lips brushing softly against his before she pulled back, turning away from him. Josh stood silently beside her, his plate in hand and his arm draped casually around Dakota's lower back and hips. She leaned slightly into his touch, their bodies pressing lightly against each other as they both focused their attention on their meals.
Dakota.Valentine • Instagram story
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Dakota stepped out of the pool gracefully, droplets of water sliding slowly along her toned body, highlighting every curve. Her long braids clung to her wet skin, sending small rivulets of water running down her back. As she walked towards Jey, her breasts bounced and jiggled, their fullness evident even through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. Her ass swayed with each step, the curve of her hip accentuated by the damp fabric hugging her shape.
As the sun descended slowly, the captivating sight unfolded before my eyes. The palm trees danced in the chilly breeze, while birds soared gracefully alongside buzzing insects.
After dinner Josh had took his brothers home and came back and wanted to get in the pool before it got dark so him and Dakota decided to dip in.
He had a large wide pool in his backyard and he always wanted Dakota to get in it everytime she visited but she always declined.
Dakota smirked slightly as she walked towards Jey, his gaze fixed on her as he motioned for her to take a seat on his lap. "Why are you just staring at me?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as her hips swayed seductively. Jey grinned mischievously, his hand patting his thigh invitingly. "Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful ass women?" he replied, his eyes roaming over her form appreciatively.
“I mean can you?” Dakota said With a teasing smile, Dakota straddled Jey's lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him close. As their bodies connected, she felt a jolt of pleasure run through her as she became fully aware of just how close they were. Her heart raced as she felt Jey's breath on her neck, his hands moving to gently grip her hips. "Mmm," she moaned softly, her body already eager for what was to come.
“Mmhm you gon let daddy make you squirt on this dick later huh?” Josh smirked while Dakota's breath caught in her throat as Josh smirked at her, his fingers slowly undoing her swimsuit top. Her eyes followed the fabric as it pooled at her feet, leaving her exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. As he leaned in, licking at her areola, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
The sexual tension was high and Joshua wanted to be the first to set anything off. He always wanted to be in demand and Dakota gracefully let him because he did it so smooth and gentle.
"Mhm, you don't even have to ask, baby," Dakota replied, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. With a confident smirk, Josh began to slowly undress her, revealing her generous curves and lush body. She shuddered under his gaze, his eyes trailing hungrily over every inch of her. "I'm all yours, do your worst,” she teased, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Leaning in Dakota embraced him with a kiss which turned into a much more intimate kiss and intense one as they explored each others mouth. Tongue kissing with his hand sneaking towards her pussy to rub at it softly.
But before anything could go any further his phone rang which made Dakota stopped but he pulled her back in.
“Josh your phone is ringing.”
“So let it ring,” he said with a shrug as he pulled away from kissing her. Just as he did, his phone began to ring again, causing him to let out an exasperated huff.
“Josh just answer the phone it might be your mom.”
“Man it ain’t her she be sleep by 6.” The frustration in Jey's voice was palpable as he snatched up his phone. "Man, what?" he snapped into the phone, his annoyance radiating through the air. Dakota could see the tension in his body, his jaw clenched tight as he gritted out the words. She could feel the anger brewing inside him.
"Who is it, Jey?" she asked softly, grabbing her bra strap to cover her chest.
Jey sighed heavily, his annoyance turning to exhaustion. "It's Jimmy ," he muttered.
“Aye don’t be answering the phone because you was tryna get freaky and can’t!” Jimmy shouted loudly over the phone, as Dakota could hear him and burst into laughter.
“Uce what you want?” Jey asked already annoyed with his brother.
“I was calling to tell you to bring the drinks tomorrow for mom’s family get together and did you get the outfit ma got for Koko!”
“Fuck I forgot about that and yeah I got it she can fit it but that’s all you called to tell me about some damn drinks Jonathan?”
“Uhh yeah now get some rest and stop tryna get ya dick wet!”
As Jimmy opened his mouth to speak, Jey abruptly ended the call. Letting out a sigh, Jey leaned back in his chair, while Dakota looked down at him with a curious expression.
“What did he want?”
“To get some drinks first tomorrow.”
“Oh I almost forgot about your mother’s gathering she invited me too I’m so nervous.” Dakota expressed fidgeting with her hands.
Dakota was feeling incredibly anxious about meeting his mother. She was unsure whether she would approve of her, and she worried about making a good first impression. All she wanted was to excel in every situation, including meeting new people.
“Ko baby, you ain’t got nun to be nervous about she’s going to love just as much as I do. I mean my brothers like you so that’s plus.” Jey reassured her which made her feel a little at ease.
“I got you aight?” He gazed up at her with reassuring eyes, offering both comfort and a sense of security.
“Okay.” She sighed softly before getting up from the chair she walked towards the sliding doors to inside the house she dropped her bra down on the floor along with her bottoms. He naked silhouette in clear vision to him.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” She looked back at him slightly her breast sitting nicely with her freshly waxed pussy soaked.
“Hell yeah!” Joshua replied back jumping up before throwing her over his shoulder bridle style running into the stairs as Dakota giggled.
“Joshua put me down!”
“That's it...you gon' take all this dick...you know it's yours." Jey coached on as he fucked Dakota in collapsed doggy. Grabbing at her hair he pushed her head down further as he went deeper her ass cheeks clapping against him.
“Jeyyyyy.” Dakota screamed into the sheets as he went harder each stroke his hand firm on her neck to hold him up as he fucked her harder.
Dakota layed on her stomach, his dick sliding deeply in and out of her pussy as her walks clenched around him. Milking every drop as he crushed her body.
“Un huh you a nasty ass slut huh mama?Tell Daddy how that dick feel, baby, talk to me,”
Dakota fingers scratched at the sheets her eyes brewing with tears as he pulled her head up to look into the mirror infront of them he watched as he smiled while devouring her hole, gold grills peeking through, his tattooed chest heaving up and down with sweat all over him.
The two had been going at it all morning staring from 7 to now 9 am, & Joshua had no attempt of letting up whatsoever. And Dakota loved she craved it.
Nobody could fuck her like he could.
“It feel so good daddy.” Dakota moaned out biting her bottom lip she felt herself clenching around him indicating she was about to come, she felt his dick twitch inside her indicating he also was close very close at that.
Jey bit his lips looking at Dakota’s ass and then to the mirror, hips automatically going sloppy looking at her fucked out face.
“you look so fuckin pretty Ko, just like that.” He breaths and starts pounding harder, slapping her ass.
“Fuck I love this pussy.”
“g-gonna cum!” She whimpered out against the sheets, line of spit from the white sheets to her lips.
“I know baby come on this fucking dick.” Loud clapping and sticky plap sounds were heard and soon, she was squealing and splashing sounds were heard too as she squirted over his dick and into the covers.
With a swift and graceful motion, Joshua flipped Dakota onto her back, pinning her wrists down beside her head. She moaned softly, her body arching beneath him as he leaned down, claiming her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer, as the heat between them ignited.
“Good morning baby.” Dakota breathed out with a small chuckle staring back up at Jey.
“Good morning beautiful, you good? I should’ve went to hard on you.” He said as he noticed how red her cheeks from her crying tears of pleasure.
“Baby it’s okay you know I like that.” Dakota said shyly.
"Don't matter, still should've gone harder," Joshua muttered, his brows furrowing as he reached for his boxers. Dakota stood up, her 5’3 “ frame coming up short compared to his 6’2 stature. She watched as Joshua slid his boxers up, his muscular physique flexing as he pulled them into place.
The melodious chirping of the birds filled the air, drifting in through the open window as the radiant sun ascended in the sky, casting its golden rays through the billowing curtains.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” Dakota asked before walking into the bathroom.
“Yeah come on.”
UceyJucey • Instagram story
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Now that be how the story goes
Brown Sugar got me open now I want some more
Always down for a ménage à trois
But I think I'ma hit it solo, hope my niggas don't mind
Stick out my tongue and I'm 'bout ready to hit this gritty pretty bitty with my sisters
As D'Angelo's smooth vocals echoed through the room, Dakota was getting dressed looking into the mirror to make sure she looked okay.
“Ko you ready?” Joshua asked impatiently. He had been ready for the last hour, and she was still getting ready. They were already running late for their visit to his mother's house.
“Yes, baby how do I look?” Dakota turned around doing a 360 showing her off her dress which showcased her cleavage a bit at the top.
The couple were matching with his family traditional Samoa Tribal Māori shirt which went along with her dress and design.
“Baby you look beautiful I don’t why you keep stressing.” Jey answered getting up from the bed he wrapped his arms around Dakota staring into her eyes.
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure Ko, you the finest woman I know. Witcho fine ass.” Dakota's cheeks flushed with a faint red as Joshua showered her in affectionate compliments, her smile widening with each word. Feeling his lips on her neck, she let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering shut as she reveled in the moment.
“Now let’s gon and leave because if Jon call me one more time ima get mad.” Joshua chuckled grabbing Dakota hand leading them down the stairs towards the garage he opened the door for her letting her in first.
“Such a gentleman.” Dakota smiled as he closed the door and ran over to the other side and hopped in staring the car he pressed on the garage opener backing out.
His Mothers Home
“Finally y’all ass made it.” Jonathan shouted out as he walked outside his mother’s when Josh pulled into the drive way.
"Finally y’all ass made it," Jonathan shouted out, his frustration evident as he stepped out onto the stoop. Joshua pulled into the driveway, his gaze on the horizon and his expression weary. "Took you long enough," Jonathan added, a hint of amusement in his tone. Dakota leaned against Joshua, a faint smile playing on her lips. "We're here now," she said softly, feeling a sense of warmth in the familiarity of the moment.
With a roll of his eyes, Joshua stepped out of the car, his gaze meeting Jonathan's as he spoke. "Man, it ain't my fault Ko was taking all day," he said, his tone teasingly accusatory. Dakota gave a small giggle as she smoothed out her dress, feeling Joshua's familiar gaze on her. "What can I say? I'm a diva," she teased, her smile widening as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Joshua's amused grin only widened at her words, his affection for her evident in his every glance.
“Aye don’t blame nun on my sis in law!”
As jey went to open the trunk to grab the drink Jonathan helped Dakota out the car closing the door. He could tell she was nervous by the look on her face and he laughed.
“You nervous?”
Dakota's voice trembled with worry as she turned to Jon. “I mean, what if she doesn't like me?” Her anxiety gripped her even tighter now that they were here.
“You sound just like trin when she met my mother 10 years ago she was nervous just like you and my mom liked the min she met her so you don’t have anything to worry about girl.” Jonathan comforted Dakota, drawing a parallel between her nervousness and that of Trin when she first met his mother a decade ago. He assured Dakota that she had nothing to worry about because his family was warm and welcoming, just like they were with Trin. His words were meant to reassure Dakota and alleviate her anxiety about meeting his family.
“Trust me she’ll like you.”
“Okay and thank you him seriously you kinda helped.” Dakota smiled softly at him.
“No problem sister in law now let’s go meet the fam!” He added wigh excitement.
“Aye man are you gon help me or just keep talking uce?!” Joshua shouted while struggling to carry the drinks to the door.
“For you to be the strongest twin you sure can’t hold shit give it to me.” Jimmy snatched the drinks from Jey walking towards the door he kicked it opened with his foot with Jey and Dakota trailing behind him.
The sound of the Maze band being played boosted throughout the home as Dakota fiddled with her fingers becoming anxious.
As Jey made his way inside, his mother's voice echoed through the house. "I figured that was you coming inside," she said, descending the stairs to greet him.
“Hey my baby.” She embraced him into a tight hug. He had been on the road so long she missed her son along with his other two brothers.
“Joshua is this the beautiful woman you’re always talking to me about?” She asked glancing over at Dakota as she stood next to him with his arm around her.
"Yeah, this is the Dakota I was telling you about," he said with a shy smile as he proudly introduced Dakota to his mother.
“It’s finally nice to meet you honey.”
“Same here Mrs.fatu.” Dakota smiled softly.
“Oh honey you don’t have to call me that just call me Lin.” She waved off embracing Dakota into a hug.
“Well come on in don’t be shy , Joshua you go help your cousins finish setting up the tables in the back and I’ll take her in the kitchen.”
“Yes ma’ma! Baby you gon be okay?” Josh asked Dakota to make sure she would be fine because he could tell she was still a little anxious.
“Boy she’ll be fine now gon on!” Lin waved him off as he put his hands in surrender walking away with a hug smile on his face.
"Boy, she'll be fine now, go on!” Lin insisted, waving him off with a smirk. "Alright alright I’m gone!” He flashed a playful smile as he strolled away, leaving Dakota and his mother alone in the hallway.
As they reached the kitchen, Joshua's mother greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling with love, her voice soft as she spoke, "Come, dear, let me introduce you to the rest of the family." As Dakota followed her lead, she could feel the warmth and familiarity of family surrounding her, feeling a sense of belonging as she took in the scene.
Upon meeting the rest of his family, Dakota began to feel a sense of ease. Their warm welcome and genuine affection made her feel like she truly belonged, particularly with his mother, who seemed to take great delight in Dakota's presence.
As the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow, the time was approaching 7 pm and the party was still going strong, with a few people starting to head home. The rest of the family was engrossed in a lively game of spades, enjoying drinks, while the women engaged in animated conversations.
Feeling arms around her Dakota felt a kiss on her cheek and the smell of Jeys cologne. “You good ko.”
With a faint blush on her cheeks, Dakota felt a sense of warmth and affection as Joshua pulled her into a tight embrace. Her eyes fluttered shut momentarily as she felt his lips brush against her cheek, the familiar scent of his cologne washing over her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she cuddled into his chest, feeling a surge of love and comfort that only he could provide. "Mhm," she murmured softly, her voice muffled against his chest as she leaned into his embrace. "I'm good as long as you're by my side."
“Good cause I’m gon be here forever.” He replied meaning every word.
“Today was so fun they were actually so lovely babe you were right.”
“Told you they’ll like you.” Joshua smiled the two watching as the sun continued to rise down.
“Ima go help my ma with the dishes I’ll be back.” Jey kissed her cheek before running off back into the house leaving Dakota in the backyard.
While Dakota stood and continued to watch the sun she felt a presence behind her and turned around being met with someone she felt familiar with.
Dakota was surprised to see who was approaching. "Joe?" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it! It's been at least two years since I last saw you!
“Same here.” He walked towards her even closer closing the gap in between them he looked over not believing how good she looked. “You look good as always.”
“Well thank you! You don’t look to bad yourself might I add, What brings you here!” She asked.
“This is my aunt families get together.”
“Wait Jey’s your cousin?”
Nodding his head yes he laughed at how confused Dakota face was. “He didn’t tell you huh?”
“No not at all!”
Dakota was shocked to say the least she never knew they were cousins I mean Joe had never mentioned them when he used to date her cousin Deandre two years ago and he met their family.
Now here she was just now finding out.
"What a small world, huh?" She mused. She tilted her head up, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she met his gaze. “Yeah a real small world," joe teased, a giggle escaping from her lips.
Before anyone could gather another word out Joshua watched closely from inside the house jealously glinting inside him.
He watched as Dakota and his cousin Joe formally known as Roman reigns conversed outside.
He had three reasons for not allowing Dakota to meet Roman. He was familiar with his cousin and his behavior. Since they were children, Roman had always pursued anything Joshua was interested in. It seemed like Roman was currently interested in Dakota, and Joshua was going to be dammed if he let that happen.
“Aye uce what you staring at so hard.” Jimmy asked unaware of what was going on till he looked towards where Josh was staring at he sighed.
“Aw shit.” He sighed shaking his head as his brother walked outside already knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
“Yes she’s doing great ac— before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey came out wrapping his arms around her interrupting their conversation.
Roman's cheerful expression faltered for a moment as he met Jey's gaze, taking in his expression of irritation. But the smile quickly returned, if not a bit more forced this time, as he spoke. "Oh wassup uce, I was just looking for you.” he greeted, his tone light despite the tension in the air. Jey narrowed his eyes, his tone tinged with an edge of annoyance as he responded, "What?" Roman took a deep breath, his smile widening as he looked back at his cousin, undeterred by Jey's frustration.
“Oh were you? Cause it fucking look like you all my woman’s face Joe. So tell me what else you looking for?” A wave of anger rushed through Joshua as he registered Roman's words. He stepped forward, pushing Dakota behind him in a protective gesture as his eyes flared with irritation. "Huh what was it?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous as he locked eyes with Roman. His fists clenched at his sides, and Dakota's hand instinctively reached out to rest on his arm, trying to soothe him.
Dakota intervened, saying, "Okay okay, that’s enough Joshua, stop." She stepped in between the two, gently pushing Josh towards the house and welcoming him inside. They walked together towards the door.
Stoping in her tracks Dakota turned around to face Joshua to his face. “Joshua wtf is wrong with you!”
“What’s wrong with me? Nah more like fuck wrong with him ko you don’t know him like I do.”
“And what is that supposed to mean.”
“It means he tryna fuck on you ko! He does that shit Everytime I bring someone around him.”
“Oh so you bring other girls around huh?” She stoped back crossing her arms over her shoulders glaring back at him.
“Dakota that’s not what I meant.” Jey’s voice softened as he attempted to grab Dakota but she pushed him away.
“No that she exactly wtf you meant Joshua!” She shouted bringing attention to the few people in the house as they stared to advert their attention on them.
Jonathan heard the two inside arguing he made his way inside the house to calm the situation as best as possible.”aye wth going on now?”
“Your brother is being a complete jealous bitch right now.” Dakota snapped.
“Oh so ima a bitch? Man fuck you Dakota real shit uce.” Jey threw back at her before Jon got in between them.
“Aye aye y’all cut this shit out!”
“No because he’s jealous and acting an ass for no reason all because I talked to Joe.”
As Jonathan stood there, it suddenly struck him like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, he finally understood the source of their argument. It appeared that conflicts like this would persist as long as Josh continued to bring anyone into Roman's presence.
“Nah I just know he wanna fuck you Dakota why ca—.” Before Joshua could finish anything he felt his phone going off with notifications from Instagram, iMessage and twitter.
He grabbed his phone out his pocket putting in the code he went to Instagram to see he was tagged in a post.
He felt his heart dropped like someone had stabbed him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing most of all what Dakota would say when she saw it.
“What? What is it.” Dakota asking before snatching the phone from Joshua she read the post.
Then that’s when everything became a blur to her as she felt her heart drop a million miles she couldn’t feel her fingers as she dropped the phone on the floor.
Dakota could feel her heart plummet, the world around her fading into a blur. Her body tensed as if preparing for impact, and time seemed to slow down to a crawl. With a faint tremble in her fingers, she lost her grip on the phone, watching helplessly as it slipped from her grasp and clattered onto the floor. She was paralyzed in place, unable to move or speak, the weight of the situation suffocating her. It was as if everything around her was fading away, leaving her alone with her thoughts and Joshua's fierce gaze.
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Oop! Roomies Professional WWE wrestler Jey uso and mistress girlfriend Dakota has been seen out and also Nudes plastered all over the internet of now! What do we think? 👀 #roomies #TheShadeRoom.
@Living for my kids__001 : this just a damn mess she should’ve knew better than to send her nudes.
@Keisha_thebomb: no shade this her damn fault.
Jeyuceysfacepaint : Omg not my man!
@Theusostagtitles: oh he fucked up omg Joshua.
“Ko, baby I swear I di— YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Dakota shouted out at him with tears streaming down her face with rage.
“Y-you told me you would never post my fucking nudes Joshua!”
As Dakota stood with teary eyes, Joshua's voice rang out, filled with desperation. "Dakota, I swear, I ain't post that shit." he insisted, his tone tinged with anger. She turned to face him, her trembling body a palpable reflection of her inner turmoil.
Dakota's tear-streaked face twisted in anguish as she whispered, "I trusted you." Joshua stood before her in silence, his heart heavy with regret. He took a hesitant step toward her, wanting to offer comfort, but before he could speak, she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face.
“I fucking hate you! I swear I do Joshua.”
"Ko, you don't mean that," Jey denied her claims, fully aware that deep down she didn't mean what she said.
As tears streamed down Dakota's face, her words spilled out in a heated eruption. "No I do I fucking hate you I can’t you did that shit.” she seethed, her expression filled with anger and hurt. "I hate you with all my damn heart!" she hurled at him, her emotions teetering on the edge. Jey tried to follow her, his movements halted by Jimmy's firm grip, his face contorting with frustration. "Just let her go uce.” Jimmy urged, his voice calm and steady as he held Jey back. "She needs time to process what she's feeling."
Just like that in seconds everything was gone.
The one thing he valued the most gone in an instant.
To be continued…..
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Hey my baby dolls! So I know this chapter was long and I’m sorry I know some reader may not like long chapters so I apologize.
But I know y’all mad at how I ended things I knowwww but next chapter is a little better I promise!
Like always stay blessed and thank you for tuning in! Niyah out 🎀
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kyleoreillylover · 6 months
Loyalty- Chapter 1: The Beginning.
Series Summary/Masterlist
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius
Chapter Summary: The cracks in your sweet persona are showing. Jey wants to help you through them, and Roman wants to capitalize on them.
word count: 13,992 (ik it's long but bare with me!!! you'll get less chapters more content, trust me pls :)) warnings: manipulation, cheating, wrestling related violence.
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Blue used to be your favorite color. The serene hue that used to beckon memories of tranquility, now seemed tainted by the complexities of the present. Your once form fitted sparkling blue gear was now blood stained and glimmering with sweat, the championship it matched no longer in your grasp. 
But now, the color made you want to throw up. The sight of you made you want to throw up.
You stared back at your reflection in your dressing room mirror, the dressing room mirror reflecting an image you hardly recognized. Your face was bruised and distorted, your eye swollen shut and lip cut and bleeding from the fight you were in just moments ago with Ronda Rousey.
And just a few minutes before that match, you were informed that you would be dropping your Smackdown Women's Championship to her, because they thought that was what was best for business. Because not telling you beforehand wasn't what was best for business.
Casting you- the nicknamed Princess of Pain of WWE because of your kind nature and killer attitude in the ring-one of the biggest babyfaces on the roster, one of the biggest merch sellers, one of the greatest on the mic and in the ring, and finally one of their champions after so many years of crawling to the top from the NXT food chain to your win against Sasha Banks in one of the most historic main events ever at Wrestlemania to hold your first main roster title- to the side after less than a month as a champion was best for business.
Making you finally have your moment on the grandest stage of them all only to have it shattered so soon at Ronda's request after she just came back from her months-long vacation was best for business. 
Sami tried to console you, he knew from the look on your face as you left the meeting before your match and ran into him that something was horribly wrong.
But you brushed off his attempts at comforting you with a solemn smile and a 'I'm fine, don't worry about me, Sami.' and took off before he could inquire any more. If he pushed any more with those brown eyes that always seemed to know what you were thinking and those warm arms that he outstretched towards you, you knew you would fall into them and cry. 
You decided instead of yelling at management, you tried to make the best of it and lead Ronda into a good match and push any animosity you had and be cordial- you could get another opportunity in the future. And maybe this would lead to one of your friends-like Liv or Rhea-taking the title off of her and getting their moment they absolutely deserved.
But all those thoughts left your brain when she stared back across the ring from you with that stupid smirk across her face and went off script and punched you square in the nose so hard that it broke and your face was trickled with blood before the bell even rang.
There would be no holding back, you thought. Even if I lose, I'ma make sure I come out the true fucking winner and make her work for it.
And work for it Ronda did. The two of you beat the holy hell out of each other. Under the bright lights, punches were not pulled, and bodies were broken.
The commentary table was destroyed when you pile-driven Ronda through it. Your face was covered in grim and blood from where Ronda attacked it, the blood getting into your eyes and making you wipe it every 5 seconds. and Ronda's shoulder was dislocated from where you rammed a chair into it, relishing in her cries of pain.
How's it feel going off script now, bitch?, you thought. 
Sami knew you weren't okay though when Ronda finally got you into a sleeper hold and your eyes fluttered shut after hanging on for so long, and instead of tapping out as planned, deciding to pass out.
Ronda clearly didn't like what you were doing, since she tightened her grip on your neck and didn't let go for a full five minutes, only pushing herself off of you when Adam Pearce and medical/security staff finally convinced her to let go of you.
"I'm what's best for business!" She screamed into your face, waving your title around with a cocky smirk on her face as she watched you glare at her, pushing away the medical staff weakly and refuse to get on the stretcher, much to their chagrin. "Not some nice weak little bitch who peaked in NXT!"
Her words hurt more than the physical pain you were in, and you kept repeating them in your mind as you wiped your face, wincing with every wipe.
You went to medical, but there was only so much they could do. They put your nose back in place, (Sami barged into the room and forced you to let him stay, and his hand almost broke under your grip when the doctor was fixing your nose), disinfected your lip, gave you some pain meds, and told you that you'd be cleared to wrestle in a couple of weeks, and instructed you to put ice on your bruised body. 
Sami was planning on getting your stuff from your locker room and bringing you to your hotel room so he could help you relax (much to your annoyance, all you wanted to do was be alone and wallow in your own self-pity), when you ran into a concerned looking Kevin in the hallway.
The scene he saw before him- Sami trying to wrap an arm around you to help you up and your stubborn ass refusing him, made him explode in anger and concern. But much like with everything Kevin says, it came out in the worst way possible.
"Just because Ronda knocked the marbles outta your head doesn't mean you get to act stupid. Let Sami help you, you dumbass!" he shouted, gesturing wildly in his frustration.
You glared at Kevin, not in the mood for him tonight.  Why he thought he had any right to speak to you like that was beyond comprehension. He was no longer your best friend, so he shouldn't be acting like he even cared. He didn't care when he cost you how many championships when you were about to win them, did he? Of course now he wants to speak with you.
Despite the pain and the swirling emotions, you managed to push Sami away, moving closer to Kevin with a fiery gaze.
"Oh, so now you wanna care about me? Very funny." you spat, your voice dripping with disdain. "And last time I checked, Ronda came out that match with a broken shoulder, and if you don't get away from me in the next 5 seconds, I'll break yours too."
Kevin huffed as if he couldn't decide between continuing the argument or stepping back, but he saw Sami rubbing your back and trying to comfort you despite your resistance, and he couldn't hold back his sharp tongue or his jealousy.
"Does that only apply to everyone or is Sami the exception as always?" Kevin shot back, his frustration evident in his tone. "For fucks sake, your bleeding and all you can care about is the fact that I'm telling you the truth, and you can't handle it like always."
Your fists clenched at your sides as Kevin's words pierced through the haze of pain and anger. You wanted to scream at him, to make him understand the turmoil raging within you, but the searing pain in your body drowned out any coherent thoughts.
Before you could retort, Sami stepped between you and Kevin, cutting Kevin with a glare that could cut through steel. "Are you seriously jealous that I'm trying to take care of her? Maybe you would have that opportunity if you actually acted like you cared about her!" Sami mocked, his voice low and seething with frustration.
Kevin knew he should've focused on your physical and mental state instead of starting the argument, but the fire was lit and Sami only added to the gasoline. "Maybe I would've had that opportunity if she didn't constantly take your side and ignore her actual best friend!"
At Sami's incredulous look at his statement, Kevin scowled and glared at him. "Don't act like I'm not right. No matter what I do, it's always Sami this, Sami that. 'Oh Y/N, we hate Kevin, we can't trust Kevin.'  Like I don't exist. Like he's the only one who gets to be there for you!" 
Sami glowered at Kevin, shaking his head in disbelief. "I do get to be the only one there for her! Because you weren't there for us when we needed you."
This time it was Kevin shaking his head in disbelief, a wry smile on his face. "Oh my god, do you not hear yourself? We, we, we? You don't care about her, you just care about trying to avenge yourself for the past! You only want her to yourself because you know that your own actions pushed her away, so you are trying to blame yourself on me!"
Your head throbbed with pain as their argument escalated, each word feeling like a dagger in your already wounded heart.  The realization that this altercation was about more than just your well-being dawned upon you. They were fighting for a place in your life, a place you were struggling to define for yourself amidst the chaos of tonight.
"Blame your actions on me! Blame your short comings in your careers on me! Blame Y/N's shitty title reign on me! Blame everything on me, because that's what you always do!  Y/N can't see past your stupid sweet smile and fake friendship to realize that you're manipulating her emotions!" Kevin retorted, his voice rising in frustration.
"Enough!" Your voice shattered through the heated exchange, cutting their argument short. Breathing heavily, you felt the pain and exhaustion wash over you, but a surge of anger and hurt fueled your words. Both men turned to you, their angry expressions faltering at the angry expression on your bruised up face. 
"This is not about you two!" You shouted, your voice a mixture of frustration and agony. "This is about me! About what happened out there!"
You gestured vaguely toward the arena, a reminder of the brutal match you just endured. "This is not about which one of you gets to be by my side or who's the better friend. This is about how I'm feeling right now, which is like absolute shit! I just got my ass handed to me in the ring, and all I want is to be left alone!"
Your voice cracked with emotion as tears welled up in your eyes, a combination of physical pain and the emotional turmoil caused by the situation. You turned to Kevin, who was taking a step forward, his expression now more concerned than combative. 
"Kevin..." You struggled to maintain your composure, wiping away a stray tear. "You want me to stop blaming you? For everything? For all your mistakes? For my 'shitty title reign'?" Kevin winced as your words hit him hard. "Well, I'm sorry if I'm not in the mood to hear about how you're such a great friend and how you care about me after everything that's happened tonight."
Your voice cracked as you fought to keep your emotions in check. "But I'll stop blaming you forever. We are done. Forever. You want to feel no more guilt? You choked on your words, a mix of anguish and frustration bubbling up inside. "Here's your freedom from the burden of my friendship, Kevin. Congratulations."
"And you!" You turned to Sami, who had been until he just now piped up quietly standing by, his face twisted with concern and guilt. "Kevin is right. You seem to think you know what's best for me, but you don't! You both think you know what's best for me, but you don't!"
Your voice trembled with emotion as you struggled to articulate the storm of feelings raging within you. "I'm tired of this, Sami. I'm tired of feeling like I owe you everything because you've been there for me. I'm tired of you expecting me to be okay with everything when I'm not! I'm tired of being pushed and pulled in every direction, as if I'm some prize to be won!"
Sami's eyes widened in shock and hurt, his hand instinctively reaching out to touch your arm, but you flinched away from his touch.  The pain, both physical and emotional, was overwhelming, and you couldn't take it anymore, couldn't take their expectations anymore.
"So I'm done with this. I'm done with the both of you." Your voice shook  as tears streamed down your face, your body trembling from the sheer weight of the emotional turmoil. "I just want to be alone. Please, just leave me alone."
Without waiting for a response, you turned away from both of them and staggered down the hallway, pain pulsating through your body with every step. The sounds of their voices, their arguments, and the echoes of your own shattered feelings reverberated in your mind as you disappeared into the corridor, seeking solace in the solitude of your dressing room.
And now, there you sit, surrounded by the eerie silence of the empty dressing room. The chaos of emotions swirls within, echoing the bruises and wounds that adorn your body.
Eventually you showered and changed into a hoodie and shorts, but you sat right back in your seat, your mind a heavy fog you didn't know how to navigate.  Not some nice weak little bitch who peaked in NXT! Not some nice weak little bitch who peaked in NXT!
You're not sure how long you've been sitting there, lost in the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings. A knock on the door interrupts your solitary moment. Assuming it was Sami or Kevin, you rolled your eyes before realizing you didn't want to see either of them again tonight, or ever.
"I said I want to be alone! So go away!" you call out, your voice strained from the emotional outburst.
"If you're assuming it's those parasites you call best friends, you are mistaken, miss." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the voice, and you stood up to see who it was.
The door creaked open slowly, and in stepped a figure you didn't expect to see- Paul Heyman.
"Paul? What are you doing here?" you asked, wiping away tears and trying to compose yourself in the presence of the unexpected visitor.
"I came to see you. May I have a moment of your time, please?" Paul's tone was calm and measured, and there was something in his demeanor that seemed earnest.
Despite your reluctance to engage with anyone at that moment, there was an air of sincerity in Paul's request that piqued your curiosity. You nodded silently, gesturing for him to proceed.
"I watched your match tonight," Paul began, his gaze steady as he spoke. "What happened out there was unfortunate, to say the least. But I must admit, I was impressed by your resilience, your determination to give it your all despite the circumstances."
You raised an eyebrow, unsure of where Paul was going with this. His presence felt unusual, especially considering the two of you never directly interacted much before. 
"I know we're not directly associated, you and I being on different levels and divisions of the playing field, but I couldn't help but notice something remarkable about your performance," Paul continued, his expression thoughtful. "Your tenacity, your ability to hold your ground, even when faced with adversity, it's something that caught my attention."
You remained silent, studying Paul's demeanor. His words were unexpected, and you couldn't quite grasp his intentions behind this unexpected visit.
"Forgive me if I'm overstepping any boundaries, but I believe there's potential in you that hasn't been fully realized yet," Paul remarked, his gaze unwavering. "You have something special, something that transcends mere championship reigns or victories," Paul emphasized, his expression earnest. "You have the ability to connect with the audience on a deeper level, to evoke emotions, to tell a story. That's a rare gift, one that can't be overshadowed by a single match or a title loss."
You blinked in surprise, not expecting such words from Paul Heyman of all people. His assessment of your performance and his acknowledgement of your capabilities left you momentarily speechless. You'd never imagined receiving this level of acknowledgment from someone of his stature, especially not in the midst of your emotional turmoil.
"I... I don't know what to say," you stammered, your voice wavering slightly as you struggled to process Paul's unexpected praise.
"Take a moment, breathe," Paul offered, a reassuring smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I didn't mean to overwhelm you. I simply wanted to express my genuine admiration for what you showcased out there tonight. Despite the outcome, you displayed a raw emotion and resilience that's commendable. You have the fire, the determination, and a resilience that's quite admirable. But sometimes, in this business, one needs more than just talent and determination to succeed."
You frowned slightly, feeling a mix of curiosity and skepticism. "Excuse me, but what exactly are you trying to say, Paul?" you inquired, your voice tinged with a hint of caution.
Paul paused for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully.
"What I'm trying to convey is that sometimes, the most powerful narratives in this industry are born out of moments like this. Moments of struggle, of pain, of setbacks. Your journey resonates with the audience because it's real, it's relatable. You've faced challenges, setbacks, and yet you continue to fight, not just in the ring but against the odds stacked against you. And that's where true stories are born, in the depths of adversity."
You didn't know how to react to Paul's words. He was offering a perspective you hadn't considered amidst the chaos of emotions and conflicts you were dealing with, but why he was expressing this to you was still a mystery.
"I understand this might be a lot to take in, especially given the circumstances," Paul acknowledged, his tone empathetic. " But I believe that your journey doesn't end here, with this loss. It continues, it evolves, and it becomes something greater. It doesn't end with a loss, it starts with one."
You narrowed your eyes slightly, trying to discern Paul's true intentions behind his unexpected pep talk. His words were both encouraging and cryptic, leaving you with a sense of curiosity and intrigued. 
"I appreciate your perspective, Paul," you said cautiously, your voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and skepticism. "But why are you telling me this?"
Paul smiled slightly, his eyes glinting with a sense of intrigue. "Because I want to help you start your journey." He pulled out something from his pocket and handed it to you - a business card with The Bloodline's contact information.
"I understand you are old friends with Roman Reigns," Paul explained. "The Head of the Table. He's been quite impressed with your work, always has been. But tonight he would like to offer you something more than just admiration. He wants to offer you an opportunity."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. The idea of being offered an opportunity by your old friend Roman tonight was unexpected, to say the least. You glanced down at the business card in your hand, then back up at Paul, waiting for further explanation.
"Roman sees potential in you, in what you bring to the table," Paul continued, his tone measured yet confident. "And he's not just saying it as a friend-he is saying it as the Head of the Table, as the leader of The Bloodline. And I understand that the two of you have history, a friendship that predates your WWE career. Upper management might not believe in you, but Roman does, trust me. And after tonight, he sees that they need to believe in you too."
Your mind raced with a flurry of emotions and thoughts. The unexpected turn of events, the offer from Roman, the belief that someone like Paul Heyman seemed to have in your potential - it was all overwhelming, especially in the midst of your emotional turmoil and the fallout with your friends.
"I am gonna be really honest and tell you that I am bruised, I am beaten and I don't have the mental capacity to absorb all of this right now." You admitted,  your voice trembling slightly with exhaustion. 
Paul chuckled, smiling wide at you. This was going well.
"I understand. I didn't expect you to have it all figured out in one moment," Paul reassured, his tone understanding. "Take your time. Rest, recover, and if you ever want to explore possibilities beyond what's currently being presented to you, if you want to tell a story that truly reflects your spirit and resilience, give me a call." 
You stared at the business card in your hand, surprised at the turn of events.  "Think about it," Paul said, noting your contemplative expression, before nodding at you and leaving the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
You sank back into the chair when you were once again enveloped by the silence of the empty dressing room. You didn't know what to think, what to do, how to act. All you knew was that you wanted to go to your hotel room and sleep this day off. You sat up, grabbing your phone and checking it.
outgoing text to Seth <;3: I need you tonight. come over to my room?
You sighed, but your body was not surprised and too weak for you to be angry. You could deal with your brooding boyfriends self later. You didn't have the emotional capacity to baby him on why he should care about you right now.
You grabbed your stuff, heading out of the dressing room with a heavy heart and a weary body. Your uber ride was quick, and you finally arrived at your hotel room.
The exhaustion and emotional weight of the day settled in as you entered the room, the only solace being the relative quiet and isolation. You decided to take a quick shower, hoping that the warm water might provide a momentary escape from the chaos of the day. As the water cascaded down, you felt a bit of the tension ebbing away, though the emotional turmoil lingered.
After the shower, you slipped into comfortable pajamas, feeling the heaviness of the day sinking in. Your phone dinged with a text, and you picked it up, expecting it to be Seth or one of the girls asking if you were okay.
Instead, the message was from an unknown number, which struck you as odd. Curious, you opened it to read:
"Hey, it's Jey. Paul gave me your number. I know you was expecting Roman, but unfortunately, he's occupied right now. He wanted me to reach out to you instead. If you need anything or want to talk, I'm here. Take care."
You blinked in surprise at the unexpected message from Jey Uso. Why he might be reaching out on Roman's behalf was a bit puzzling. Why any of this was happening right now was puzzling. You didn't have the energy for this. So despite the curiosity gnawing at you, you didn't respond.
Turning your phone off, you snuggled into your bed, the warm covers offering you comfort from your pain. Your eyes fluttered shut, the exhaustion taking over, and soon, you were lost in the realm of sleep with only one thought on your mind.
You were going to get your comeuppance, no matter what. 
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liked by yaonlylivonce, sethrollins, beckylynch, uceyjucey and 500,000 others
Y/N: Vacation was just what I needed 🏖️
view all comments:
user: you deserved better!! ronda shouldn’t have taken ur title!!
user: so are u staying in the wwe or walking out?
user: wwe got u fucked up if they think we just gon' take that!!
livmorgan: mother!!!
sethrollins: my girl!
↳beckylynch: mhm.
↳user: huh?
↳user: nah becky rlly tweaking rn 😭
user: why didn't Seth go with you?
↳ user: and they don't even post each other like that no more 👀 but lemme not be messy 😭
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"Why do we even need to think of adding a new person in the Bloodline? She ain't even talk to none of us anyways." Jey sighed as he shut off his phone from where he was checking your Instagram, in anger or disappointment he didn't know.
It had been almost 2 months since you were seen in the WWE, and you never responded to his text message. Or, according to rumors, to any of the higher ups either. Apparently you told them you'd come back when you were ready, and left it at that, leaving them just as much in the dark as the fans were.
Jey just assumed that you were feeling overwhelmed or needed some personal space to get better and that's why you ain't respond to him, but after the first week he concluded you were ignoring him deliberately.
"Roman, she ain't even trying to reach out or nothing," Jey continued, frustration evident in his voice. "Paul's been trying to push her into this whole thing, but she's just ghosted everyone. What's the point of bringing her into the mix if she don't even wanna be here?"
Roman glanced up from the papers on his desk, his expression unreadable. He had his suspicions about your absence, but he chose to keep them to himself.
"Give her time, Jey," he said calmly. "If she's not responding, it means she's not ready or willing to engage. We can't force her into something she's not comfortable with. Trust me, I know how she is. She's like you; she moves at her own pace and needs space, otherwise that fire she has will simmer down."
Jey let out a frustrated sigh, tossing his phone onto the table. He understood what Roman was saying, but for whatever reason it still frustrated him not to hear from you. He never even talked to you-you shared the same circle but never crossed paths-yet when he saw your Instagram pics he felt a connection that he couldn't explain.  
"I just feel like we're all sitting here waiting for something that might never happen," Jey muttered, looking up at Roman with a mix of concern and frustration.
Roman checked his watch and leaned back in his chair, folding his hands behind his head, his gaze fixed on Jey. "Trust me, we won't be waiting any longer." 
Jey raised an eyebrow, confusion written all over his face before a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. Roman gestured for Jey to open it.
The door creaked open slowly, revealing you , standing in the doorway. Your appearance was a stark contrast from the last time they saw you—determined, your gaze steady despite the tiredness in your eyes, your aura a mix of confidence and vulnerability. It was evident that the time away had changed you, but in ways they couldn't quite discern.
You glanced between Roman and Jey, a mixture of emotions playing across your face—resilience, uncertainty, and a hint of determination.
"Y/N?" Jey exclaimed in surprise, his eyes widening as he took in your presence. Roman remained composed, his gaze fixed on you as he gestured for you to come in.
You hesitated for a moment but Jey closing the door behind you prompted you to step forward into the room. You were wearing a low cut black tank top, your hair pulled back into a messy bun, and loose jeans, a far cry from the glitz and glam of your WWE persona. You hadn't expected to come back just yet, but something in you told you it was time, time to face what you had been avoiding.
"Sorry I'm late-" You tried to apologize but Roman interrupted, his voice calm and composed. "No need to apologize. You're right on time. Take a seat."
You pursed your lips, sitting down as indicated, feeling the weight of the atmosphere in the room. Roman's composed demeanor didn't fail to remind you of the authority he held, even in a casual setting like this.
"I know I've been MIA, and I haven't been responsive," you began, your voice tentative as you glanced between Roman and Jey. "There's no excuse for my absence or for not responding to your messages."
Jey opened his mouth to speak, but Roman held up a hand, indicating he should remain silent for now. "We understand," Roman said calmly, his gaze fixed on you. "We just wanted to ensure you were okay. We know you needed your time. Are you healing up okay?"
You nodded, the weight of their understanding and non-confrontational approach easing some of the tension in your shoulders. "Yeah, I'm getting better, but it's been a process." You admitted, lifting your shirt slightly to reveal a faint scar along your ribs that made both men wince. "As you can see."
"Damn, Ronda really fucked you up, huh?" At your glare, Jey winced and apologized, "I mean, sorry. Didn't mean to be rude. Just saying, it's good to see you back though. People here missed you."
Roman inclined his head slightly, his expression unreadable. "Indeed. Your absence has been felt, Y/N."
You swallowed hard, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within you. Being back here, facing Roman, it was both daunting and strangely comforting. "I... I didn't plan on coming back just yet, but something made me reconsider."
Jey leaned forward, curiosity evident in his voice. "What made you change your mind?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much you wanted to disclose. You were close with Roman after all, not Jey. But something in his gaze told you that this conversation was one you could trust them with. Trust him with. 
"I needed time away, time to think, to heal. But something in me told me it was time to face things, to come back and finish the journey." 
Roman leaned back into his chair, his gaze still focused on you. "I'm glad that you're back, and I apologize that we haven't been in contact like we used to. Being the head of the ribal Chief comes with its own responsibilities, and sometimes that means we overlook things. But I assure you, you're still family to me. Which is why I sent Paul after you to make sure you were alright."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise at Roman's words, the mention of Paul's involvement still puzzling you. "Yeah, about Paul?" you questioned, confusion evident in your voice. "He reached out to me a while back, but I didn't quite understand what he wanted. Something about an opportunity."
Roman nodded, a slight smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Yes. I told him to check up on you, see how you were doing. But most importantly, to ask you about an opprounity." He paused, leaning forward, his demeanor shifting to a more business-like tone. "And that is to be my right hand woman." 
Your breath caught in your throat at Roman's statement, and you were sure that if you were drinking water that would have been the moment you'd have spat it out in surprise. "I-I'm sorry?"
Roman, to his credit, maintained his composed demeanor, his gaze steady yet filled with a hint of amusement at your reaction as he repeated himself. “I want you by my side, as a part of the Bloodline. To be the right hand woman I need. You've got the fire and resilience that I've been looking for. You might have been gone for a bit, but it doesn't change what you bring to the table. And I want to make you start your journey and realize you bring the whole damn universe to the table."
You were speechless, your mind reeling from this entire converstation.  Being invited to be a part of the Bloodline, to serve as Roman's right hand, it was beyond anything you had imagined or anticipated. 
"I... I don't know what to say," you stammered, your mind racing with a flurry of emotions. "But.. I'm not blood like the rest of you. I'm not a part of your family, Roman. I don't know if I fit in with the Bloodline."
Roman leaned back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he observed your reaction. "That's why I said my right hand woman, not my right hand blood. Like with  Paul, he's my wiseman and not my blood. You can be that, and so much more." Roman's words were deliberate, his tone holding a weight of certainty. 
Roman's words were deliberate, his tone holding a weight of certainty. "You can be the greatest woman's champion the WWE has ever seen. You can be the greatest asset to the Bloodline, regardless of blood relations. You can be the greatest woman to hold this position, all the power, and you don't need to be blood to achieve that." He leaned closer to you, his eyes fixated on yours, his words laden with conviction. "All you have to do is acknowledge me."
You breathed heavily,  were taken aback by Roman's sincerity and the offer itself. It was something you hadn't anticipated, especially after your absence and the confusion that surrounded your return. "But why do you want me?" You asked,  your voice a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. "I mean, I've been gone for so long. There are others who could be much better at this role, much more qualified than I am."
Roman leaned back in his chair, a small smirk playing on his lips as he regarded you. "Even after all these years you are still as modest as ever," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.
"I want you because you bring something to the table that others might not possess. I realized that in this group of men that I lead, I need a woman that can calm our fires and amplify our strengths, yet ignite those same fires when necessary. I need a woman that can command respect without uttering a word, someone who carries their own weight, and someone who's unafraid to respectfully challenge me when needed because I trust your judgement after years of friendship. You possess a fire that's essential for what I envision. You might not see it, but I do."
You were stunned by Roman's words. His perception of you and the role he believed you could play within the Bloodline were far beyond what you had imagined. The weight of his trust and the responsibility he was offering left you feeling both honored and overwhelmed.
"I... I need some time to think about this," you finally replied, still processing the enormity of Roman's proposition. "It's a lot to take in, Roman. I appreciate the offer, but you must understand that I need a minute to-"
"I understand," Roman interrupted, his voice gentle yet firm. "Take all the time you need. I don't expect an answer right away. Just know that the offer stands, and whenever you're ready to give me your response, I'll be here." He leaned back, giving you a reassuring nod that you delivered back. "Jey, walk her out."
Jey, who had been observing the exchange in silence, leaned forward and stood up, nodding at Roman. "Sure thing, Uce." He turned to you, offering you a small smile as he was a gentlemen, but his expression was guarded. "C'mon, I'll walk you out."
You nodded, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within you. Standing up from your seat, you cast one last glance at Roman, who nodded in acknowledgment before you followed Jey out of the room.
As you walked alongside Jey, silence enveloped both of you. It was a strange feeling—being back here, facing the unexpected turn of events, facing your own emotions, and considering the proposition Roman had offered. Jey seemed contemplative, as if he had questions but chose not to voice them until you were almost at the exit.
You blinked at Jey's question, taking a moment to process his words. "Why what?" you asked, slightly puzzled by his sudden inquiry.
"Why you?" Jey clarified, glancing at you with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny. "I mean, I know ya'll are friends, but you've been gone for a while. You've been quiet, and suddenly, the Tribal Chief wants you back as his right hand. What's so special about you?"
You paused, considering your response. Jey had a point. Your sudden reappearance and Roman's offer might seem surprising to someone observing from the outside. Taking a breath, you decided to offer a glimpse of your perspective.
"I wish I could give you an answer, Jey." You replied, your voice measured as you walked alongside him. "But I honestly don't know. This all happened so fast. One minute I'm trying to cope with my loss, and the next, Roman's offering me a position within the Bloodline." You looked at him quizzically before continuing. "Why do you think Roman offered this to me?"
Jey furrowed his brows, contemplating your question. He wasn't expecting you to seek his input on the matter. Nobody really asked him for his opinion within the family, but there was something in your gaze that prompted him to consider your query seriously. Maybe it was because you actually desired his opinion in a time where no one else did that slightly warmed his heart, but he’d never admit it.
"I don't know," Jey replied honestly, shaking his head slightly. "But Roman sees something in you. Something that he thinks can be an asset to us. You might not see it, but he does."
He paused, glancing at you briefly before averting his gaze. "Maybe it's 'cause he trusts you. Or maybe there's something you bring that nobody else does. I ain't sure, but I know when Roman makes a move like this, he's got his reasons. He don't just do things without a reason."
You nodded thoughtfully, giving Jey a smile as you processed his words. "Well, whatever the reason, I hope it leads to me seeing you around more often,” you added with a light chuckle, trying to ease the tension slightly.
Jey offered a small smile in return, though his expression remained somewhat guarded even though he wanted to be friendly. A nice pretty girl wanted to be his friend and all he was doing was analyzing her for answers on Roman. “Yeah, we'll see about that," he replied cryptically before opening the door for you. "Take care of yourself, okay?"
You gave Jey a nod of acknowledgment, appreciating his gesture. "You too, Jey. Thanks for walking me out." With a last smile, Jey watched as you left the arena, your beautiful presence disappearing as you stepped out.
‘Damn,’ Jey thought to himself, there's something more to her than meets the eye.’ Maybe he had underestimated you. Maybe it's worth paying attention to.
And maybe he wouldn’t hate getting to know you more.
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You winced slightly as you changed into your gym clothes in the locker room. It had been a few months now since you got hurt, and you were now cleared, but your body still hurt like a bitch.
It had also been a few months since Roman asked you to join the Bloodline, and you gave him your answer a few weeks later: A resounding yes.
You tried to acknowledge him in the confines of his office with the Jimmy, Jey and Paul with you, but Roman told you that he'd make you acknowledge when you passed his test and he would know for sure you were loyal to the Bloodline. Roman told you in the meantime thought to get acquainted with the rest of the members, and to start training with them until you were ready to be on TV again. Which led to you going to the Bloodline's own personal gym located in the arena and training and hanging out with the twins.
Jimmy was funny, cool, and always hyped up, and quickly took a liking to you because of your shared humor and your kind spirit; the two of you were always goofing around and letting loose. But Jey was- as you found out- a tough nut to crack.
It wasn't like he was rude- he never yelled at you or treated you poorly. In fact, he was quite respectful, but  but he had a guarded demeanor around you. He was more reserved, observant, and often seemed lost in his thoughts. You found it a bit challenging to get him to open up or engage in conversations beyond the necessary exchanges during training sessions.
It was like there was an invisible barrier that kept you both at a distance. You couldn't quite pinpoint why, but there was an underlying tension whenever you were around him. You tried to engage in conversation, crack jokes, or even just ask about his day, but his responses were always short and guarded.
It was like he had his guard up around you all the time, but it didn't make things awkward or uncomfortable; rather, it made you more determined to break through that barrier.
But it wasn't your own doing that almost broke through that barrier though. It was Kevin. One day, after a particularly tough training session, you were sitting on the bench catching your breath while Jey was nearby, lost in his thoughts as usual. You glared when you saw Kevin coming over to you.
"This is a private gym, Kevin. I knew you were stupid, but I didnt think you were illiterate." You spat at him. Kevin wasn't fazed by your reaction, instead coming closer to you. 
"You're right. This is a private gym for the Bloodline. So what are you doing here?" Kevin huffed at you. This had to be a mistake, there's no way you would join the faction that tried to take him out.
"I am here as part of the Bloodline. So you need to leave." You stood up, facing Kevin with determination in your eyes. The tension in the air was palpable, and it seemed like a confrontation was inevitable.
Jey, who had been nearby, observing the interaction, raised a cautious eyebrow at Kevin's approach and your response. He had seen you and Kevin exchange words before, and it was clear there was some animosity between you two. He and everyone knew you guys were ex-best friends, and Jey wasn't one to meddle in others' business, especially when it came to personal disputes, but something about this situation made him uneasy.
Kevin glanced between you and Jey, his expression morphing into one of disbelief. "You?" He scoffed, his tone laced with incredulity. "Part of the Bloodline? That's a joke, right?"
 When you didn't respond, he chuckled sarcasatically, like he couldn't believe it. "Are you kidding me? Are you stupid? Damn, I was right when I said that Ronda knocked some marbles outta your head. You really think that joining them is a good idea? They are nothing but manipulative shitheads."
You rolled your eyes, unamused by Kevin's insults. Typical Kevin, never congratulating you on anything good you do or are a part of. "You don't know anything about what's going on, Kevin. So just leave."
But Kevin seemed undeterred, his voice rising slightly. "They're using you, Y/N. Can't you see that? You're better than this. Don't let them drag you down into their mess. They'll chew you up and spit you out like they do with everyone else."
You tried to ignore him and go back to lifting your weights, but Kevin snatched the dumbbell from your hand, causing you to stand up abruptly, a mix of frustration and anger evident on your face. "Give it back, Kevin," you demanded firmly, your tone leaving no room for negotiation.
"Not until you tell me what the hell is going on with you! Are you this demented that you can't see when you're being played?"
"Seems like the only demented person here is you!" You tried to grab he dumbbell back, but Kevin held onto it firmly, a stubborn look on his face. The tension in the gym escalated as your argument continued, both of you getting more heated with your words.
"They are just using you!"
"Of course you would know about using people, that's all you ever do!"
"God, you are so much like Sami! So fucking naive and stubborn!"
The mention of Sami seemed to strike a nerve with you. You clenched your jaw, your expression turning stony as you took a step closer to Kevin.
"I told you that I'm done with you and Sami," you seethed, your voice low and filled with a dangerous edge. "So give me back the dumbbell and get the fuck out of here, and the fuck out of my life."
"Im just trying to protect you, damn it!" 
"She don't need your protecting no more, she got the Bloodline." The both of you turned at the sudden interruption, and you looked up at Jey who moved in front of you and was glaring at Kevin with an intense gaze, his tone firm and commanding.
"Excuse me? This doesn't concern you, so just leave us alone." Kevin glared at Jey, not appreciating his interference. To him, Jey was just another member of the faction that he despised and that was using you. 
Jey narrowed his eyes slightly, his stance unwavering and  his voice steady as he spoke. "She's a part of the Bloodline now, Kevin. It does concern me. Give her the dumbbell, and leave us alone."
Kevin stared back at Jey for a moment, his eyes flickering between Jey's imposing stance and your determined one, and you thought that a fight would break out between them, but eventually, he dropped the dumbbell with a scoff. "
Fine. But don't think that I'm letting them take you from me." With that threat, Kevin shot one last glare at both of you before storming out of the gym.
You let out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the confrontation easing off your shoulders. Turning to Jey, who was still standing in front of you, you were taken aback by the protective stance he had taken during the argument.
"Thank you, Jey," you said softly, grateful for his intervention. "I appreciate you stepping in."
Jey shrugged slightly, his guard still up but a hint of something softer in his expression. "Didn't seem right to let him get in your face like that," he muttered, his voice gruff but underlying concern evident in his tone.
You nodded in understanding, feeling a sense of camaraderie in the way Jey had backed you up. "Yeah, he's always been like that." You chuckled slightly, trying to lighten the mood. "Always thinks he knows what's best for me."
Jey's lips twitched into a small smile, a glimmer of warmth breaking through his guarded demeanor.  "Sounds familiar,"he replied cryptically, the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly.
He shifted his weight slightly, glancing around the gym before his gaze settled back on you. "You good?"
You nodded, offering Jey a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks again." There was a brief moment of silence between the two of you, before Jey cleared his throat, a hint of uncertainty in his voice as he spoke up. "Listen, I know I ain't been the most welcoming or talkative. Just... didn't feel like my place to get involved with your business. But.. I gotta ask you something."
You paused, curious about what Jey wanted to ask you. "Sure, what's up?" you replied, your tone inviting despite the underlying tension from the earlier confrontation with Kevin.
Jey hesitated for a moment, his guarded expression faltering slightly as he glanced away before meeting your gaze again. "Why you ain't text me back?"
You blinked, taken aback by the unexpected question. "Why didn't I text you back?" You echoed, surprised by the sudden inquiry. You took a moment to gather your thoughts, unsure of how to respond to Jey's question. After a beat, you offered an honest answer, wanting to address his concern no matter how embarrassing it would be.
"It wasn't intentional, Jey," you began, your voice gentle as you met his gaze. "Everything happened so suddenly, and I needed time to myself. I didn't mean to ignore you or anyone else. And Seth... you know my boyfriend, right?" Jey nodded, and you continued, "He saw it and kind of got...don't laugh... jealous about you reaching out, so he asked me not to reply to anyone outside my close circle."
You chuckled nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed admitting it. A boyfriend shouldn't have an issue with you talking to whoever you wanted, but Seth wasn't a good boyfriend, as much as you didn't want to admit it.  "I didn't want to make things worse by explaining, so I just... didn't respond to anyone. I'm sorry if I offended you."
Jey raised an eyebrow, his expression shifting to one of understanding mixed with a hint of surprise. "Oh." Jey nodded slowly, processing your explanation, a small smile threatening to break out on his face. He aint even do anything yet your man was getting all jealous. 
You spotted the smile and groaned, holding your hand in your face in embarrassment. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" you protested, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment.
Jey chuckled lightly, the smile finally breaking through as he shook his head at the sight of you being bashful. " "I ain't laughin', I'm just... surprised. Seth really got jealous over that?" He shook his head in disbelief before looking back at you with a more serious expression.
You let go of your face and looked up at him, shrugging and Jey felt his heart hurt slightly when your smile was replaced with a frown at the memory of your relationship. 
"It's okay, Y/N. You ain't gotta apologize. Don't worry about it. It's in the past." Jey reassured you, his tone gentle as he placed a hand on your shoulder briefly, a gesture of comfort. "I get it, you needed your space. I just wanted to know you were okay." Seth clearly wasn't a good guy if he was getting you all worked up like this, clearly not appreciating the literal goddess in his life that was you. Roman was right, Seth really was an idiot. 
You offered Jey a grateful smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over you at his understanding. "Thanks, Jey. I appreciate that." Despite the earlier tension, you felt a certain warmth in this moment of connection with him.
Jey nodded, a small smile still playing on his lips before that guarded expression returned. "Anytime. Just... next time, let me know you're taking a break, yeah?" he said, a hint of playful teasing in his voice before his expression turned serious again. "I'll see you around."
 With that, Jey nodded at you before walking away, leaving you to contemplate the unexpected exchange.
And now, you were getting ready to have another training session with him and hopefully break through his tough demeanor. As you were lacing up your sneakers, the door opened, and in popped  in Becky Lynch. You smiled at the sight of one of your closest friends, who was also now the Raw Women's Champion- you couldn't be more proud of her.
But that smile dropped into a frown at the sight of her in near tears, and when her eyes locked onto yours, they seemed to fill with more emotion.
"Hey, what's wrong?" you asked, concerned as you stood up and walked over to her, opening up your arms to her for a hug.
Becky rushed into your arms, her body shaking slightly as she held onto you tightly, her voice muffled against your shoulder. "I-I can't tell you."
You furrowed your brow, concern deepening as you gently rubbed her back. "You can tell me anything, you know that." You brought the both of you to the couch and sat down, waiting for Becky to calm down enough to speak. After a few moments, she took a deep breath and looked at you with teary eyes.
"You're gonna hate me. God, you're so nice and understanding, and I'm about to ruin it." Becky wiped her tears, trying to steady her voice as she spoke. 
"No, you're not." You tried to hug her again, offering reassurance. "Whatever it is, Becky, I won't hate you. Just tell me what's going on."
Becky pulled back slightly, her eyes locking onto yours, a mix of guilt and pain in her gaze. "Seth and I have been sneaking behind your back."
Your heart stopped and your mind went blank. You had a million thoughts rushing through your head, but you couldn't seem to process any of them. The silence lingered between you and Becky as the weight of her confession sank in.
"What?" Your voice turned cold but was barely above a whisper as you processed the words Becky had just confessed. It felt like the ground beneath you had crumbled, leaving you suspended in a state of disbelief.
Becky winced, her gaze filled with remorse and regret. "Yes, we've been seeing each other," Becky admitted, her voice wavering with guilt. "It started a while back. We didn't mean for it to happen, it just... did."
Your throat tightened, and you felt a surge of anger and hurt swirling within you. You had always supported Becky through anything and everything. When she needed someone, you were there for her, yet she betrayed your trust in the worst way possible. And she came in here and hugged you and tried to get your comfort when she was the one who caused you such pain.
It felt like a punch to the gut. You were used. You always gave too much and received betrayal in return. You pulled away from Becky, your expression a mix of shock, hurt, and anger. 
"How long?" The question escaped your lips before you could stop it, your voice barely audible as you fought to maintain composure.
Becky  sighed, her expression pained. "Please, don't make me hurt you even mo-"
"How. Long." Any traces of the kind, caring tone had vanished from your voice, replaced by an icy coldness that mirrored the betrayal and hurt you felt. Your eyes bore into Becky's, demanding an answer despite the turmoil of emotions swirling within you.
Becky sighed heavily, looking down as if unable to meet your gaze. "A few months. I'm so sorry, Y/N. We never meant to hurt you. It just... happened."
"You never meant to hurt me." you repeated, feeling a surge of disbelief and anger rising within you. "While I was dealing with everything, you and Seth... behind my back, and you never meant to hurt me!?" You shouted , your voice cracking with the weight of betrayal and hurt. The pain cut deep, and the sense of betrayal overwhelmed you.
Becky's eyes filled with more tears, her voice shaky as she tried to explain. "It was a mistake, Y/N. Please, I never wanted this to happen. I was just confused, and I know that's not an excuse, but I never wanted to hurt you."
You shook your head in disbelief, feeling anger and heartbreak intertwine within you. "You knew what I was going through. You knew how much I was struggling, and yet, you did this." Your voice wavered as you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of the betrayal. "You came to me for comfort, you acted like nothing was wrong, and all the while... this was happening."
Becky reached out to you, her expression desperate and remorseful. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. Please, I never wanted to hurt you. You are so sweet and kind, I didn't want to tell you because I knew how much this would hurt you, so I thought keeping it to myself would solve that, but I couldn't live with the guilt." She waited for your answer, but when you didn't respond, Becky paused, her eyes pleading for forgiveness. "Please..."
You looked up at Becky, your vision clouded by a mixture of pain, anger, and betrayal. Her desperate plea for forgiveness echoed in your ears and fueled your anger. It was rare that you would get angry, because you couldn't control yourself when it happened, but this was an exception.
 How dare she act sad when she 's the one who caused this pain? How could she deceive you like this? 
You stood up from the couch, distancing yourself from Becky, your eyes red with anger. "You're right, I am sweet and kind." You got up and closed the door, making Becky's eyebrows furrow in concern.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
You ignored her and slowly made your way to her, and Becky could clearly see the anger in your usually sweet eyes. It was terrifying. She realized too late what you were about to do. "Maybe that should change. Right. Now."
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Jey sucked his teeth in concern as he made his way down the hallway, checking his phone to see if you messaged him back. You were 20 minutes late, so naturally he got concerned and annoyed at the fact that you were late. Maybe you and Kevin got into another fight? The thought made him walk faster to your locker room.
As he approached the hallway it was in, he heard banging and raised voices and saw  a crowd that was surrounding something. Immediately Jey realized it was your locker room and a knot formed in his stomach.
He quickly pushed through the crowd and saw you holding Becky by the hair and slamming her against the wall, anger etched deeply into your expression, and Seth trying and failing to separate the two of you. 
"You're sorry, Becky!?" You screamed into her face, slamming her into the wall again, punching her over and over again, the anger clouding your judgement. Your nails digged into her skin, and tears streamed down Becky's face as she tried to shield herself from the blows.
Seth tried to intervene, but you grabbed him and slammed him onto the floor, hitting him low before going back to Becky. "The both of you mean nothing to me! Nothing!"
Jey's heart sank at the sight before him. He immediately rushed forward, trying to pry you away from Becky. The look on your face scared him. It was a side of you he had never seen before. "Y/N, stop! Stop it!"
You were consumed by rage, blinded by the betrayal and hurt that coursed through you. It took all of Jey's strength to pull you away from Becky, holding you back as you continued to struggle against his grip, your fists clenched, yearning to lash out again.
You tried to claw at Becky, grabbing her hair but Jey quickly grabbed your hands and restrained you, trying his best to calm you down and keep you from causing more harm. "Y/N, calm down! Please, calm down!"
Becky was visibly shaken, tears streaming down her face as she held her head, the impact against the wall still ringing in her ears. "I'm sorry, Y/N. Please, I never meant to hurt you."
Your adrenaline-fueled rage had consumed you, and you tried to fight off Jey, but he dragged the both of you away from the chaotic scene. He had to use all his strength to hold you back, your struggle showing no sign of ceasing. "Y/N, stop, it's enough! It's over!"
The commotion had attracted the attention of security, who swiftly arrived to help Jey calm the situation. They assisted in separating you from Becky and Seth, guiding each of you to different areas to diffuse the tension.
You were seething with anger and pain, your emotions swirling into a maelstrom that clouded your thoughts. Jey kept a firm grip on you, trying to talk you down. "Y/N, look at me. You need to breathe. You're not thinking straight."
You were too far gone to be responsive to Jey's words. All you could think of was Becky and Seth kissing each other, betraying your trust, and the way they had deceived you. The hurt was overwhelming, clouding any rational thought.
Jey continued to hold onto you, trying his best to calm your raging emotions. "Look at me."
You were shaking with anger and pain, your eyes blazing with an intensity that Jey had never seen before. He knew that trying to reason with you in this state would be futile, but he had to do something to snap you out of this anger-fueled haze.
He grabbed you and hauled you both into the nearest locker room and sat you down on the couch. You were shaking and tried to stand up to make a break for it, but Jey blocked the door, firmly keeping you inside. "Y/N, listen to me. You're not thinking clearly. You need to breathe and calm down."
You glared at Jey, your chest heaving with anger and hurt. "Let me go, Jey. I need to... I need to..."
"You need to calm down first," Jey interrupted, his voice firm but filled with concern. You tried to push past him, but he wouldn't budge. 
Your hands trembled with rage, and you felt an overwhelming urge to lash out again, to confront Becky and Seth, to make them understand the pain they'd caused. But Jey's presence and his calming tone managed to break through the fog of your emotions, albeit slightly.
"You ain't going nowhere, Y/N. What you gon' do is sit ya pretty ass down and some deep breaths for me, drink some water, and try to calm yourself."  Jey instructed, his voice commanding yet filled with genuine care. 
"I can't calm down!" You shouted, the pain evident in your eyes as you tried to push him one last time, until he managed to gently restrain you, forcing you to sit back down on the couch.
Jey sat beside you, maintaining a firm yet comforting grip on your shoulders. "Yes, you can. Take deep breaths with me, okay? In... and out." He demonstrated the rhythm, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, encouraging you to follow suit.
"B-but they-"
Jey gently interrupted you with a reassuring tone. "They ain't worth your peace, Y/N. Right now, you need to focus on you. I know it hurts, but you can't let them see you break. They ain't worth it. You are worth more than that."
You took in a shaky breath, trying to emulate Jey's breathing pattern. Inhaling deeply, you closed your eyes and attempted to regain control over your emotions. Gradually, your breathing began to steady, the adrenaline slowly subsiding.
"That's it." Jey encouraged softly, noticing your attempts to calm down. "Keep breathing. You're doing great." Whenever the anger seemed to rise again, Jey would gently remind you to focus on your breath, guiding you through the calming exercise until your breathing regulated, and the storm of emotions began to ebb away, leaving behind a heavy, lingering ache.
As the initial shock and fury lessened, tears welled up in your eyes, threatening to spill over. Jey sensed the shift in your emotions and pulled you into a comforting hug. "It's okay, Y/N. Let it out. You've been through a lot."
You clung to Jey, the dam finally breaking as you sobbed, the weight of betrayal and hurt cascading out of you. Jey held you close, providing a steady presence and a comforting embrace as you allowed the flood of emotions to pour out.
"T-They fucking went behind my back," you choked out between sobs, your voice raw with pain and betrayal. "I trusted them, Jey. I trusted them with everything."
Jey rubbed your back soothingly, offering silent support as you let out the pent-up emotions as he tried to not get angry himself. He would defiantly be beating Seth's ass after this. "I know, Y/N. I know," he murmured gently, his voice filled with empathy.
After what felt like an eternity, your tears eventually subsided into soft sniffles. Jey released you from the hug but kept a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You did good, calming down like that," he commended softly.
You nodded, feeling emotionally drained but slightly more composed. "Thank you, Jey," you whispered, your voice hoarse from crying.
 "I'm sorry you had to see me like that." You had an embarrassed expression, feeling a mix of shame and gratitude for Jey's support. "Now you know why I usually try to not get angry, cause I'm scared of what it can make me do."
Jey gently shook his head, offering a comforting smile. "Nah, don't apologize. I get it. You honestly reacted better than I would have."
At your hearty chuckle, Jey smiled warmly. "Hey, I'm being serious. If that were me, I'd probably have caused more damage." He chuckled lightly, trying to ease the tension. "But seriously, you did good by calming down. Shows strength."
"Yeah right," You retorted, grabbing the drink from Jey's hand and taking a long sip, grateful for the hydration after the emotional turmoil. "I felt like I was losing it back there."
"That's not a bad thing, y'know?" At your quizzical gaze, Jey continued. "Feeling your emotions, letting 'em out, that's normal. And I know you usually like to be the sweetest person in the room, but that's also letting people walk all over you."
Jey paused, choosing his words carefully. "Jimmy is the same way, y'know? He is the kindest soul, but sometimes folks take advantage of that. You gotta find the balance, Y/N. If you wanna be in the Bloodline, you can't let nobody mess with you. You gotta let your inner rage out, otherwise ain't nobody gonna respect you or see you as an equal."
You sighed, capping the water bottle and nodding slowly at Jey's words. "Yeah, I know. It's just... it's hard to find that balance sometimes. I don't want to hurt people, you know? I try to be understanding and kind, but then things like this happen." You glanced away, still processing the whirlwind of emotions.
"I know you don't," Jey reassured, patting your shoulder gently. "But sometimes, folks need to see that you ain't to be messed with. It's about respect, and right now, you need to focus on you."
You nodded, knowing he was right. You always tried to be the peacekeeper, but it was more of a weakness than a strength. "You're right, but when I get mad I tend to lose control. That's why I try to not get angry. I don't want to hurt anyone."
Jey gave you a sympathetic and understanding look. "I get it. But you gotta stop being this goody two-shoes all the time. It's eating you up inside. You gotta learn to stand up for yourself and let people know when they cross the line. That anger? You gotta embrace it cause it's a part of you.
You sighed, feeling torn between your innate nature and the advice Jey was offering. "I'll try, Jey. But it's hard. I don't want to become someone I'm not."
"You won't. I won't let you." You blinked at the kindness and conviction in Jey's tone. "I know I haven't been the most welcoming person, but that's cause I have trouble opening up to people. But I see you, Y/N. I see how much you care, how much you try. How you are loyal to the core." Jey paused, his expression softening. "And I know you'll be loyal to the Bloodline, right?" 
You didn't hesitate to nod in response. "Of course, Jey. Always." Despite the whirlwind of emotions, your loyalty was unwavering. "I appreciate you opening up to me, and I can promise you that I won't betray that trust."
Jey smiled, satisfied with your response. "Good. I need you to be loyal, because... I really like having you around. But I can't have you 'round if you ain't loyal to the family. And I know you and K.O got some history..."
"That's in the past." You interjected, trying to dismiss any concerns Jey might have. "Kevin and I have our differences, but I am done with him and anyone else that is a problem for us. I promise you." You gently laid a hand on Jey's arm, reassuring him of your commitment.
Jey stayed silent for a moment, staring at you as if he could see inside your soul, seeing if your words held true. After a moment, he nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips.
"Okay. But it ain't up to me if that's true, it's up to the chief." You gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze before his phone dinged and he glanced at the notification.
"It's the Chief, he wants to see you." Jey pocketed his phone before holding out his hand to you, helping you stand up from the couch.
You nodded, accepting Jey's assistance as you stood up, feeling a little more composed than earlier.
"Thanks, Jey. Walk me to him?" You asked, feeling a bit more confident asking considering he told you he likes you now. Jey gave you an affirming nod. "Sure thing. Let's go."
As the two of you walked through the corridors, Jey kept a close eye on you, making sure you were holding up okay after the intense emotional outburst.
When you reached Roman's office, before you grabbed the door handle, Jey grabbed your hand and spoke in a hushed tone, his voice serious yet supportive. His hand felt soft and comforting as he gripped yours gently. "Y/N, I got your back. Just be honest with the Chief, alright? He can see through lies. Just tell him what happened."
You met Jey's gaze, appreciating the sincerity in his eyes. "I will, Jey. Thank you, really." With a deep breath, you nodded to signal that you were ready to face Roman. Jey gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing it, standing back as you opened the door and entered Roman's office.
Roman glanced up from his desk, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern as he noticed your state. "Y/N, come in." He gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "Care to tell me what happened?"
You internally winced at Roman's tone. You took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts before speaking. "It's Becky and Seth, Chief." Your voice wavered slightly as the flood of emotions threatened to resurface. "They've been... they've been sneaking around, behind my back. And I just exploded."
Roman's brow furrowed as he observed your demeanor, his expression turning serious. "Explain."
You recounted the events that had unfolded, detailing Becky's confession and the subsequent emotional turmoil you'd experienced. Roman listened attentively, his expression unreadable as he took in every word you spoke.
"And you lost control," Roman summarized, his tone stern yet controlled.
You nodded, feeling a sense of guilt for having lost your composure. "Yes, Chief. I'm sorry, I just... I couldn't handle it."
"No, you handled it perfectly." You furrowed your brow in confusion at Roman's unexpected response.
"Look, I am sorry for the emotional turmoil you are experiencing right now, make no mistake about it." Roman clarified, his tone softer now. "But this angry, out of control, fiery and real version of you is what I wanted out of you. What I am working to get out of you. Not the meek and docile version. That version isn't strong, it's weak. I want you to be strong. I need you to be strong."
Roman leaned back in his chair, his gaze thoughtful.  "I told you that I wanted you to join the Bloodline because I needed someone to be loyal, strong, and willing to stand their ground. You proved that today. I didn't ask you to join for a moment. I didn't ask you to join because I thought you were just going to be another face in the group. I asked you to join because I saw something in you. And what I saw today? That's what I've been waiting for."
You were taken aback by Roman's words, his perspective catching you off guard. You expected reprimand, not validation for your display of raw emotion. "Though attacking without running it by me is not the usual protocol, I appreciate the fire in you, Y/N. Loyalty and strength are the cornerstones of the Bloodline. Today is an exception."
Roman leaned forward, his gaze intense as he met your eyes. "But you won't do that again without my permission, you understand me?"
You nodded quickly, Roman's tone making the gravity of the situation clear. Yes, Chief. I won't let it happen again without your say-so."
Roman leaned back, his expression shifting to a more contemplative one. "Now, as for Becky and Seth..." He paused, his gaze piercing through you. "They've made their bed. But that doesn't mean we let this slide."
You swallowed hard, feeling a mix of trepidation and curiosity about what Roman might do next. "What do you want me to do?"
Roman leaned forward again, his tone low but firm. "Remember the test of loyalty, Y/N?" Roman's voice was a low rumble, filled with authority. "This is yours. I want you to observe them. Gain their trust. Make them believe everything is fine, that you've forgiven them."
Your eyes widened slightly at the magnitude of the task. It was a test of your loyalty and acting skills. "But Chief, I'm not sure I can do that. After what they did..."
Roman's gaze hardened, his voice brooking no argument. "This is a test, Y/N. You wanted to be part of the Bloodline, and this is what it entails. I need to know you're capable of playing the game when needed. You don't have to forgive them. You don't even have to mean a word of what you say to them. But you'll do it for the family. Understood?"
You nodded, albeit reluctantly, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Chief. I'll do it."
Roman leaned forward again, his tone low but firm. "I want you to show them where their place is in the hierarchy of the Bloodline. They've disrespected you and the family. At Elimination Chamber, I need you to take that title from Becky. Make her think it's a non-personal rivalry, make her believe she's going up against just another challenger. But I want you to make it personal. Show her the consequence of betrayal. Show her what happens when you mess with us. Mess with you, my right hand woman."
You wanted to argue with him, but the taste of revenge was bittersweet on your tongue. However, you couldn't deny the commanding presence of Roman's orders. "I understand, Chief. I'll make sure to handle it."
"Good." Roman's tone softened slightly.  "I want that title, Y/N. That title belongs with us, with the Bloodline. Show Becky why betraying the family has consequences. Make her feel it. And remember, this is only the beginning of your test."
You shot Roman a confused look. "What do you mean, Chief?"
Roman leaned back in his chair, his gaze steady as he regarded you. "Becky and Seth crossed a line, and their actions won't go unpunished. Jey will handle Seth at Elimination Chamber as well as the other competitors- Kevin, Sami, Daniel Bryan and Cesaro."
Roman gave you a knowing look when he mentioned your two former best friends. It seemed Roman had devised a plan, a grander scheme beyond just your personal feud. "But at the end of Elimination Chamber, you will understand what I mean. You will begin to see the bigger picture. This is your initiation into the family, and it starts with showing your loyalty and strength. Do you understand?"
You nodded, feeling the weight of Roman's words and the task he had assigned you. "Yes, Chief. I'll do what needs to be done."
Roman seemed satisfied with your response. "Good. I trust you'll handle this accordingly." He leaned back in his chair, signaling the end of your conversation. "I know you have a big heart. But trust me, this isn't about revenge. This is about power and control. This is about securing our dominance in this business. There are no good guys or bad guys, there are just humans who have been betrayed and those who betrayed. And sometimes you have to hurt before you get justice."
Roman's words echoed in your mind, leaving a sense of determination mingled with the weight of the task ahead. He was right. You need to be focused on what's best for you instead of what you think is right. Morals had no high ground here, only the will to survive and dominate. And you wanted to dominate.
"Thank you, Chief. I won't let you down," you replied, steeling yourself for the challenges that lay ahead.
Roman nodded in acknowledgment, his expression unreadable yet reassuring. "You're dismissed, Y/N. Focus on what you need to do. The family comes first."
With a nod, you rose from the chair, feeling a mix of determination and apprehension about the tasks ahead. You left Roman's office, the weight of his instructions heavy on your shoulders.
As you exited Roman's office, Jey caught your eye, and you shared a brief glance. He approached you, a serious yet supportive look in his eyes. "You good?"
You nodded, albeit with a hint of uncertainty. "Yeah, I'll manage."
Jey placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, offering you a reassuring smile. "You got this, Y/N. Just remember, do what you gotta do. Roman's got a plan. He's doing this for the family. The Bloodline. For you. You have to do whatever he asked of you. You have to obey, or you'll get hurt. I can't let you get hurt." It seemed like Jey didn't plan on saying the last sentence out, but he didn't waver. Instead he paused, gauging your reaction.
You nodded, acknowledging Jey's advice, and reciprocated with a grateful expression. "Thanks, Jey. I appreciate it, appreciate you." You thought of hugging him, but decided against it, not wanting to make Jey uncomfortable.
Instead, you gave Jey a thankful nod and a small smile.
Jey patted your shoulder once more before stepping back. You're welcome. Take care of yourself, alright? I'll see you tomorrow, we can grab some food. Lord knows you need it, I haven't seen you eat any snacks at the back." Jey joked lightly, trying to lift your spirits.
You chuckled softly, grateful for Jey's attempt to lighten the mood. "I'll try not to starve, Jey. Thanks for looking out for me."
He gave you a playful nod before stepping back, letting you proceed on your path. "Of course. See you tomorrow, girl."
As walked away, you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling within you. The weight of Roman's orders and the task at hand lay heavy on your mind. The idea of deceiving Becky and Seth, all the while planning your revenge, felt conflicting. But you knew what was at stake - your loyalty to the Bloodline and the need to assert your place within it. Could you really act like everything was fine when, in reality, you were seething with anger and hurt?
You spotted Becky about to leave, and decided you could.
"Hey, Becky!" She looked up at her name being called, and you approached her with a composed demeanor, despite the turmoil within you. She seemed scared when you came closer to her, as if expecting you to physically lash out again. However, you maintained your calm, albeit somewhat strained, composure.
"Hey, Y/N," Becky greeted cautiously, her voice tinged with apprehension.
You took a deep breath, trying to mask the storm of emotions brewing inside you. "I just wanted to say that I appreciate your honesty earlier. It took a lot of courage to confess." The words felt hollow leaving your lips, but you knew this was part of the task Roman had assigned.
Becky looked surprised by your response, her eyes darting with uncertainty. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I never wanted to hurt you. It's eating me up inside."
You gave her a small, forced smile. "I understand, Becky. I was angry earlier, but I took some time to calm down, and I realized that I appreciate you coming clean."
Your voice sounded composed, almost unnaturally so, as you forced yourself to maintain a calm façade. "Is Seth okay? I hit him when I was angry."
Becky seemed taken aback by your composed demeanor, but she nodded, trying to hide her surprise. "He's fine. Just a little shaken up, but he'll be okay." She paused, studying your face for any signs of the anger she had witnessed earlier. "Are you... okay, Y/N?"
You nodded, masking your true emotions behind a façade of calmness. "I'm fine, Becky. Just needed some time to cool off." The words felt like a lie, but you knew you had to play your part in this act.
"I am hurt, but you are one of my closest friends, and I don't want out friendship to end like this, Becks." You forced a smile, hoping it appeared genuine.
Becky's expression softened with a hint of relief. "I'm really sorry, Y/N. I hope we can work through this somehow. I hate that I hurt you."
You nodded, trying to maintain the charade of forgiveness. "I'm sure we'll figure something out. How about I ride with you to the next show tonight? We can talk more then, if you want."
Becky looked surprised at your offer, clearly not expecting this response. "Uh, yeah, sure. That would be great, actually."
You nodded, trying to hide the turmoil within you as you made plans to continue this act. "Alright then, lemme grab my stuff and we'll be on our way." You tried to keep your tone neutral, not wanting to reveal the depths of your true feelings.
Before you left, you walked closer to Becky and wrapped her in a tight but short hug, trying to appear as if everything was normal. "I'll see you outside in a bit, okay?"
Becky returned the hug tentatively, still wary after the earlier altercation. "Yeah, see you."
With that, you turned away, your façade slipping for a moment as you clenched your fists in frustration and pain. Unbeknownst to you, Paul was lurking in the shadows, reporting to Roman and making sure you weren't acting out of line.
"Everything's going to plan, my Tribal Chief."
Roman responded after a couple of seconds, smirking to himself as he laid back in his chair. 
"Good. I knew she could do it.  Becky and Seth are first, Sami is a non-variable, and mark my words, Kevin is next. 
Do you think she can follow through with our plan at Elimination Chamber, my tribal chief? Becky is one thing, Kevin is another.
A flurry of bubbles appeared on Paul's phone for a moment before Roman replied, his message filled with unwavering confidence.
"She will. Don't doubt your Tribal Chief. Y/N might have a big heart, but she knows where her loyalty lies. And soon, everyone will understand what happens when you cross the Bloodline."
And soon they will.  
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Jimmy Uso x Reader - Untitled
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Okay.. this is me working on my smut lol. If anyone has any pointers, let me know. ❤️
To Hubby 💍☝🏽: thank u for the flowers 💋❤️
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From Hubby 💍☝🏽: U welcome beautiful. You gon be wearing that when i come back?
To: Hubby 💍☝🏽: Maybe 🤫
To Hubby 💍 ☝🏽 : miss you 😘
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From Hubby 💍☝🏽: Fuck, im omw
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“Oh shit,” Alani whined as Jon started hammering in and out of her wet pussy. He pushed one of her knees up to her chest and wrapped her other leg around his waist. The position allowed him to hit her sweet spot head on.”Jon, shit.” She moaned out, closing her eyes in ecstasy as he pounded into her.  He was showing her no mercy. She had teased him all night sending him dirty text messages and pictures. He had left the arena as soon as his match was over, telling his brothers and cousin that he wasn’t feeling well. 
“Nah , where you goin’?” He asked as she pushed on his lower stomach trying to push him away. He grabbed her hand and placed it above her head, holding it down to the bed. “This what you wanted right?” He asked, slowing his thrust and leaning down to press kisses on her neck. He picked his head up and slapped her thigh when she didn’t answer him. “You hear me talking to you” 
Alani let her eyes roll into the back of her head and moaned out ”Yes”. He was absolutely right, this was exactly what she wanted. She knew that he was already wound up and horny from being constantly interrupted all week and she had not been any help by sending him those pictures earlier. 
She gasped when he suddenly pulled out and flipped her on her stomach. “F-fuck” He stuttered once he pushed himself back inside of her. He placed one hand on the back of her neck pinning her down to the bed, his eyes glued to her ass as it ricocheted off of his stomach. 
“Mmhmm'' He groaned, his eyes rolling in the back of his head. “Just like that” Jon’s head pulled back in pleasure as Alani continued to throw her ass back on him. 
“You like that daddy?” She asked, feeling herself grow wetter at the sounds that he was making. 
“I fucking love it.” Jon moaned, feeling her pussy tighten around him. He quickly maneuvered them back into missionary position, knowing that she liked to look in his eyes when she came.  He had a wicked grin on his face as he watched her eyes become glazed over. 
“Yeah, you gonna cum on your dick?” Alani could only muster up a loud moan in response. She pulled him back down by the back of his neck and captured his lips with hers. Moaning into each other's mouth as her pussy started to spasm around his length.  Alani broke to kiss to let out a cry of his she came, her juices rushing out of her and soaking his pelvic area and the sheets below them. 
“Shit” He moaned out, his thrust faltering. She opened her eyes, licking her lips as they made eye contact. “Where you want it at baby?” Jon asked, watching and letting out a moan as she brought her hand to her pussy and started rubbing her clit. 
“Oh fuck, baby.” She moaned out feeling herself about to cum again. “I want you to cum in me.”
He looked at Alani with glossy eyes. “Fuck yeah,” he groaned out before pushing her legs up so her feet were almost touching the headboard, knees by her ears. 
“Shit, i’m bouta cum” Jon moaned out as he pounded into her. He let out a loud groan as he came inside her, hops stuttering as continued to thrust slowly into her, her pussy milking him of every last drop. He pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to her holding his hand up for a high five.  
Alani looked over at him. “You're so corny.” she rolled her eyes and slapped her hand against his. She rolled onto her side, propping herself up on her elbow, trailing her fingers up and down his chest. 
“Only for you baby, only for you.”  He muttered, eyes closed as he puckered his lips from a kiss to which she happily obliged. 
“I love you.” She whispered against his lips. 
“I love you too.” 
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tell me what y'all think. I have literally working on this for like 4 months. And it's still not perfect to me but.. enjoy & thank you for reading 🫶🏽
🏷️: @harmshake @empressdede @theninthwonder @qveenmikaelson @black-yn
@mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni @zillasvilla @thatone-girly
@xmonetsworld @paigereeder @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996
@alyyaanna @li-da-savage @kill-the-artiste @wrestlingprincess80 @that-one-anxious-mango
@mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @trashbin-nie @adoreesun @meggylynnloves @shayaaaaaaa
@bebesobrielo @bookuce
170 notes · View notes
ceceslibrary · 1 month
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Updated: April 28th, 2024
Fic rec list 1
Namjoon Drabble | rkivepetals
Golden Boy | kpopfanfictrash
When it Rains | cravetive
Just for me | luv-gukkie
Between the Titles | highvern
Relief | ressjeon
Bound | explicit-tae
Heaven Sent | aquagustd
Love Quarrels | mirahuyooo
Make Me | violetsiren90
Sticky | starbandit
Dressing Room Quickie | swanlakebaby
The Pitfalls of Silk | ctrlhope
Summer Heat | tastefully-in-luv
Sin For Me | c0llisiion
When I see you cry it makes me smile | kooberist
First Place | kooeater
Is you is or is you ain't | ki-yomii
Press Play | jj-one
White | hoseoksluna
TEMPEST | kooktrash
Will it Fit? | jeonsweetpea
The Boy is Mine | joonberriess
Little Do You Know | yoongiofmine
Backstage Back Shots | kitten4sannie
Jimmy Uso
Pool Party | shes2real
Jey Uso
Trouble | solefae
Sugar Baby | von2dutch
Roman Reigns
Tension | heauxvibez
Strong | joannasteez
Michael B. Jordan/Erik Killmonger
Erik and London | nahimjustfeelingit-writes
210 notes · View notes
romanreignsbae · 11 days
My little bookworm - J.U
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thanks for the request boo! 💗
Readers POV:
It was a lazy Thursday morning in May, and I was lost in my favorite activity - reading. I was lying on my stomach in bed, my face buried in a book, completely oblivious to my surroundings. The soft cotton of Josh's old t-shirt that I was wearing brushed against my skin as I turned the pages, absorbed in the story.
Suddenly, I felt the mattress dip as Josh joined me, his strong body settling on top of mine. I felt his warm breath on my ear as he nuzzled my neck, his black hair falling forward, tickling my skin. "Hey bookworm," he murmured, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine.
I smiled, my body starting to respond to his attention, but I was determined to finish this chapter. "Hey yourself," I replied, my voice a little breathless as I tried to focus on the words in front of me.
Undeterred, Josh began to kiss and nip at my neck, knowing how sensitive I was there. His beard scraped against my skin, sending little sparks of pleasure through me. I gasped, my book forgotten as he sucked on that sweet spot just below my ear.
His hands started to wander, sliding up my sides, underneath the t-shirt I was wearing. I felt his calloused fingertips grazing the bare skin of my hips, making me arch my back slightly, pressing my ass against his hardening dick.
Josh chuckled, his warm breath now on my shoulder as he kissed along my collarbone. "That book must be really good if it's holding your attention when I'm doing this," he teased, grinding his hips gently against mine so I could feel his growing erection.
"Mmm, it is," I murmured, my eyes finally tearing themselves away from the pages. I turned my head to look at him, seeing the desire burning in his brown eyes. "But I think I might have found something even better."
I placed the book aside, finally giving him my undivided attention. Josh smiled, a sexy, cocky grin, and pulled the t-shirt up over my head, leaving me bare from the waist up. I loved how his eyes darkened with desire as he looked at my naked breasts, his gaze burning into my skin.
His hands roamed over my body, cupping my breasts, his thumbs brushing against my already hard nipples. I moaned, my back arching, offering myself to him. He leaned down, taking one tight bud into his mouth, sucking gently as he teased it with his tongue.
I threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him to me as a moan escaped my lips. "Josh, oh god," I breathed, feeling my body getting hotter and my pussy getting wetter with every touch.
He switched his attention to my other breast, lavishing it with the same attention, his beard tickling my sensitive skin. His hands moved down my body, his fingers skating over my ribs, making me squirm with anticipation.
Then, his fingers found the waistband of my panties, and with slow, deliberate movements, he peeled them down my legs, over my feet, and off. I lifted my hips to help him, now completely naked and exposed to his hungry gaze.
Josh's eyes devoured me, making me feel desired and wanted as he took in my naked body. His big hand reached between my legs, one finger tracing my slit, collecting my wetness. I was so turned on, my pussy was soaked, and I moaned as his finger teased my clit, making little circles that had me squirming.
"Josh, please," I begged, my hips bucking up, seeking more contact.
"Please what, baby?" He teased, his finger still circling my clit, making me desperate.
"Fuck me, please. I need you now," I pleaded, my body on fire, my pussy clenching with need.
With a growl, Josh finally gave me what I wanted. He positioned his hard dick at my entrance, and in one smooth thrust, he slid inside me, filling me up. I gasped, my eyes rolling back in my head at the sensation of him stretching me, claiming me as his own.
He paused for a moment, giving me a chance to adjust to his size, before beginning to move. His hips thrust slowly at first, setting a steady, deep rhythm that had me moaning and my nails digging into his shoulders.
"You feel so good, baby," he groaned, his eyes clenched shut as he moved in and out of me, his cock sliding in deep. "So fucking tight and wet."
I met his thrusts, my hips moving in time with his, our bodies creating a sexy, slick rhythm. "Harder, Josh," I begged, wanting more. "Fuck me harder."
He obliged, his thrusts becoming more powerful, his hips slapping against my ass as he drove into me, faster and harder. The bed creaked beneath us, the sound of our skin slapping together filling the room, along with our moans and gasps.
I felt my orgasm building, a coil of pleasure tightening in my belly. "Josh, I'm gonna cum," I gasped, my fingers finding my clit as I rubbed little circles, sending me over the edge.
"Cum for me, baby," he urged, his own voice strained as he pounded into me. "Let me feel you cum on my cock."
I did as he said, my pussy clenching around him as my orgasm washed over me. I cried out, my body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure racked me. Josh followed soon after, his own release hitting me deep as he filled me with his hot cum.
We lay entangled for a while, our hearts pounding and our breathing ragged. Josh nuzzled my neck, placing soft kisses there as he played with my hair. "Best way to get your attention, huh?" he teased.
I smiled, feeling satisfied and loved. "Definitely," I agreed, turning my head to kiss him softly. "Anytime you want to distract me like that, I won't complain."
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visionarymode · 7 months
Seeing Double
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: jimmy uso & jey uso x female reader
✧ word count: 4,285
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You locked your car and speedily walked to the front door as the cool breeze picked up. The sound of the music and chatter behind the door grew louder as you approached it. You rang the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before Solo opened the door. 
“Hey, come on in,” he greeted with a warm smile and a quick hug. 
You stepped inside and immediately locked eyes with Jimmy, an enthusiastic spark igniting inside of you. He was a few feet away from the door chatting with one of his cousins, flashing you a warm smile as soon as you came into his view. You felt that warmth rush throughout your body from how sexy he looked. He had two braids in, wore a long black sleeve and black joggers. He had his silver chain on but with that pretty ass smile of his, his teeth out brightened that chain. 
“Let me take your jacket,” Solo interrupted your thoughts. 
“Wh- oh yeah thanks,” you smiled handing him your jacket. 
“Finally your ass made it!” You looked back up to see Jimmy with the biggest grin on his face coming in to embrace you for a hug. 
“You been waiting for me?” you teased, pulling back with a smirk. He let out a chuckle and leaned into you. 
“You want a drink?” he spoke in your ear so you could hear him as the music blared in the living room. 
“Yeah!” you replied as he walked over to the counter to pour you your favorite, tequila. 
“Hey girl!” one of your closest friends Jasmine walked over to give you a hug. 
“Hey! Ooh you look hot,” you complimented flicking back her front curls. 
“Says you. You look like you’re here to show someone what they’re missing,” she teased playfully spanking you. 
“Now why would you say that?” 
She raised both of her brows and jokingly scoffed in response. 
“Babe you wore the jeans that make your ass look the best and your boobs are about to spill out that top any second now,” she giggled, spinning you around. You wore light blue jeans with a white lace cropped tank top that did indeed threaten to spill out your breasts. 
“It’s a party…I wanted to dress up a bit.” 
You knew damn well you were lying and she was so right. You spent an hour picking out the right outfit knowing they’d be here. 
“Tequila sunrise ma’am,” Jimmy sneaked up behind you, resting his hand on your lower back, causing slight goosebumps to rise on your skin.
Jasmine shot you a wink and you quickly glared at her and took a sip from your glass. 
“Mmmm thank you…” you trailed off as your eyes landed on his. There he was, chilling on the couch with his legs spread  open, intently watching you interact with his twin brother. A girl you didn’t recognize sitting a little too close to him was trying to whisper whatever the hell in his ear, but he didn’t seem to care at all. You had his full undivided and adorned attention, like you were the only one in the room who mattered. He gave you a questionable nod, taking another sip of his drink. 
✧ ✧ ✧
Hey Baby by Pitbull & T-Pain blared through the speakers as Jimmy held you close with your back against his chest, his right hand gripping your waist as he drank with the other. You were fairly drunk at this point, but you weren’t drunk enough to feel his bulge poking your lower back provoking you to subtly throw it back on it. You felt him get harder, sensually humming in your ear. 
“You better stop doin’ that before I take yo sexy ass upstairs…” he whispered in your ear, wrapping his arm around your bare stomach. You cheekily grinned and turned around to see him looking you up and down as he licked his lips. You took a few steps backward and playfully shrugged your shoulders and headed up the stairs. You walked down the hallway, the music downstairs still faintly thumping in your chest. 
“Where you goin’?” you turned around to see Jimmy following you, taking another swing of his solo cup. 
“I…don’t know I don’t live here,” you looked around giggling at the countless doors to choose from. 
“You’re drunk as hell,” he laughed enlacing his fingers with yours as he knocked on the door to the right. You both heard a woman loudly moan on the other side. You covered your mouth while Jimmy made a disgusted face making you laugh.
“This Solo’s room too he’s gon’ be mad as hell,” he chuckled nudging your arm. 
“Maybe it’s solo in there-“ you got cut off as you saw figures reaching the top of the steps. 
“What are y’all doin’?” Solo walked down the hallway with his arm around his wife. Your jaw dropped and you and Jimmy both looked at each other busting out laughing. 
“We wanted to sit down somewhere quieter the music is louuuuuud,” you expressed with a whisper. Solo laughed and opened the door to his left. 
“Y’all can chill in here. Chill only. Take care of her,” he looked at Jimmy and bowed down to his brother in response to his instructions. You both walked in, Jimmy shutting the door behind him as you both plopped down on the bed with a big sigh. 
“Whatchu’ been up to?” he asked, resting his hand on his thigh, taking another swig of his cup. 
“I’m at a party,” you answered obviously. 
“I know. You know what I mean,” he chuckled nudging your thigh with his own. 
“Nothin’ really. Been busy with work,” you shrugged taking another sip of your drink. 
“No boyfriend?” You paused mid-sip and slightly dropped the cup below your eyes revealing a focused gaze waiting for your answer. 
“Nope,” you sighed. 
“Mm. I find that hard to believe.” 
“Why’s that?” 
“I mean shit…look at you,” he softly expressed as his eyes fell over your chest and back up to meet your low eyes. 
“What about me?” you hesitantly asked with a low whisper, still gazing into his deep brown eyes. 
“Don’t know how someone this fine could be single,” he answered not breaking the eye contact. The heat between your thighs became unbearable. The silence in the room was loud yet the sound of your heart pounding rang in your ears as you moved your foot, your leg dragging down his. 
“Let’s go…” you giggled getting up to head towards the door before he grabbed your wrist, making you turn back around. 
“Where you goin’?” 
“Downstairs, people are probably wondering where we are-“ he pulled your wrist again so you were standing between his legs. 
“Uh uh…” he gripped your hips and his fingers found the belt hooks of your jeans as he pulled you onto his lap. 
“Jimmy…” you breathed out nervously. 
“What baby?” his deep, soft, and husky voice asked looking up at you. The silence in the room was extremely loud but not as loud as the sexual tension inches between the both of you. 
“You still wanna go?” he asked cradling the side of your face, his thumb lightly fondling your bottom lip. 
“Fuck…” you sighed, instantly giving in and locking your lips with his. His lips were so soft, intoxicating yet addicting like a fresh glass of cold water. 
He adjusted your legs to wrap around him as he fell back on the bed with you landing on top of him. You whipped your hair back and out your way, holding his bearded face in both of your hands as you slipped your tongue in his hungered mouth. 
“You’re so damn sexy…” he deeply moaned, slapping your ass and groping both cheeks with his large hands inviting you to grind harder on his growing bulge. This being the first time you’ve shared a kiss, it was insane how your tongues naturally danced together. The liquor and your vanilla bean lip gloss mixing together, making you moan in his mouth.
“Jimmy…” you softly breathed out as he left wet kisses down your neck, slightly snatching the top of your shirt with his teeth, snaking his tongue above your breasts. 
“Hm?” he grabbed your cheeks with his right hand, forcing you to look back down at him as he bit your bottom lip.
“We should go back…” you shakily whispered before abruptly turning you over on your back. 
“Should we?” he taunted as he got on top of you, irritatingly slow, yet calmly rubbing his hands up and down your legs. He ran them back up your body, cupping your face in his hands. 
“I-I don’t know,” you stumbled over your words as he caressed your cheeks ever so slightly, a smirk creeping up on his lips. 
“So no?” he deeply chuckled, hovering over your conflicted face as his cold chain tickled your collarbone. 
“Mm. Mm.” you shook your head with a smirk defining your answer, pulling him by his chain to get back on your lips. 
“Yeah that’s what I thought…” he mumbled against your saliva-stained lips as he tugged on the hem of your cropped top, helping you slip out of it as he admired you in your laced nude bra. 
“God…” he growled before slowly flattening his tongue in the middle, sliding it up to your neck causing your back to arch, and he took that opportunity to unclip your bra as he threw it across the room. He cupped your breasts in his large, warm hands before twirling his tongue on your left nipple and enclosing his lips around to softly suck, his wet kisses audibly smacking. Suddenly Jimmy’s phone started ringing, making you open your eyes to the blaring sound and turn to find where it was coming from. 
“Y-Your phone…” The last word rolled off your tongue as a moan at his dedication to stimulating your nipples with his long, warm tongue.
“I don’t care…” he mumbled continuing to slide his tongue up, down, and around your nipple as it loudly and sloppily popped out his mouth. 
“But what if it’s-“ he stopped you as he wrapped his hand around your throat, making you open your once-fluttered eyes as his lips grazed yours. 
“I said…I don’t care,” he whisperingly insisted while unzipping your jeans, his hand slipping down your pants and over your drenched panties. He lowly chuckled at the contact. 
“You don’t seem to give a damn about that phone either, huh?” he mumbled down your stomach as he left a trail of his wet pecks. You giggled, feeling yourself melting into the sheets before three pounding knocks at the door made you both freeze and look back at the sound. 
“Aye Jimmy!” You knew exactly whose voice was behind that door. 
“Man, I know yo ass is in there!” You frantically pushed him off of you and quickly put your bra and top back on in lightning speed. Jimmy looked at you for approval before opening the door as you fixed your hair. You stood off to the side in an attempt to hide before he swung open the door only revealing his figure. 
“What?” he snapped.  
“Uce we need more drinks from your car, let’s go.” 
“Man that’s what you here for?!” he kissed his teeth in response. 
“Cuzzos just got here and all the drinks are gone. Let’s go get ‘em!” Jimmy peeked back in to mouth “You good?” You nodded your head before he shot you a wink and left with his brother. 
You took a deep breath, your mind still fuzzy from that encounter before slightly opening the door and tip-toeing back down the stairs to the party. You thought they would’ve been out the door by now, but no. There they both were at the bottom of the stairs. Jimmy dabbed up one of the guests and Jey caught you coming down, keeping a steady gaze on you. You locked eyes for the second time tonight, this time was way more intense than the last. He let you walk past as you found Jasmine and asked if she wanted to take shots with you. You were chatting and drinking for the next twenty minutes, as Jimmy stayed close to you casually holding you by the waist or wrapping his arm around you including you in conversations. You giggled from a joke his cousin told before you saw him, again, subtly glaring at the two of you. What is his issue? 
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” you whispered in Jimmy’s ear as he nodded letting you go. You made sure not to look in his brother’s way before quickly heading up the stairs and shutting the bathroom door behind you. You rested your hands on the counter staring at yourself in the mirror, letting out a big sigh. You fixed a couple strands of your hair before the door swung open, startling you as Jey let himself in. 
“What the fuck?!” your hand flew to your chest at the sudden burst. 
“Man what you doin’ with him?” he snarled at you as his grillz peeked out, quickly locking the door behind him. 
“Don’t you fucking knock?” you snapped back. “I could’ve been using the bathroom.” 
“Then you should’ve locked the door,” he sarcastically replied pointing towards the door knob. You were about to come at him again before you looked at the doorknob and giggled, forgetting locks even existed. He chuckled at your drunkenness and moved a strand of your bangs out of your face, his hand dropping down to caress your cheek. You felt like you were seeing double as his touch felt similar to his brother’s, the same touch that made you swoon just half an hour ago. 
“What?” you softly asked, as you naturally rested the side of your face in his palm, feeling butterflies fluttering in your stomach. 
“I was waiting to see you all day, and you been with Jimmy the whole damn night.” he expressed. 
“What, are you jealous?” you shockingly laughed not expecting him to confess his feelings like that. The last word made him furrow his brows, slight hostility taking over his facial expressions. You tried to walk past and reach for the doorknob before he extended his arm and rested his hand on the door blocking your only exit. 
“Where you goin’?” his deep, spine-chilling whisper making you slowly turn your head, your faces inches apart. 
“D-Downstairs…” you stumbled as his deep brown and piercing eyes studied your lips before peering up to meet your gaze, searching for any kind of hesitancy. You felt like you were under a spell. A very, very intriguing and compelling spell. 
“That what you want?” he softly asked, cupping your chin. You felt your heart rate quicken, the throbbing between your thighs just as fast. 
“What else would I want?” you asked, holding his wrists as he grabbed your face with both hands. 
“Looked like you wanted my brother but I’m about to change your mind real quick.” 
“Who said I want my mind changed?” you dropped your hands to cross your arms and raised a brow. He looked down to the floor with a chuckle, surrounding you as he leaned against the counter. 
“Whatchu’ still doing here then?” he looked back up to ask, his face dangerously close to yours. 
“I-“ you paused as he caught you off guard with the question. You didn’t know what you were still doing here. All you knew at that specific moment was the enticing aroma of his cologne, his soft pink lips screaming at you to meet them, and his deep and insanely convincing voice pressuring you for answers.��
“I don’t want nothin’ from you. I just wanna make you feel good…” he muttered as your lips brushed against each other as he spoke, your mouth starting to part and he took that chance to slide his tongue in your mouth. You moaned with relief, sucking on his tongue letting your aching pussy and drunk, horny mind take over. He gripped your hips to pin you against the counter. Your mouths hungrily sucking and licking each other’s thoughts away, your pants and breaths growing heavier as the kiss became sloppier. He kept his right hand on the nape of your neck, his thumb resting on your cheek as he glided his tongue down your neck, a shaky whimper escaping your mouth. 
“Stop…” you whispered feeling a tiny inch of guilt swarm your mind. 
What the hell are you doing fooling around with both twins in the same damn night? Not even in the same night, within the same hour. 
He quieted those thoughts down as he unzipped your jeans, swirling his tongue on the sensitive, smooth skin below your jaw. He licked at your sweet spot, an audible smacking sound filling the room causing a moan to roll off your tongue. 
“Your mouth is saying one thing but this pussy is telling me another…” he growled in your ear as he dragged his finger up and down your soaked entrance, opening your folds ever so slowly as he nibbled your ear. Your eyes fluttered and a low yet high-pitched whimper escaped your lips as your forehead fell on his shoulder. 
“You want me to stop?” he breathed against your neck, teasingly gliding his finger up and down, over and over between your slick folds. You subconsciously bucked your hips forward, desperately needing the pressure of his fingers to pull the trigger. 
“Fuck…” you whined with a whisper, looking down at his tanned and tatted arm and bracelet moving with the vertical slides of his fingers inside your pants. Without warning he slowly slipped his long, thick finger inside your dripping hole. You held onto his shoulder for support, your mouth falling open as a whispered moan followed. 
“Jey..” you lowly gasped as he pushed in another finger, knuckles deep inside of you causing you to clench around his digits. 
“Yeah baby…” he pressed his forehead on yours as he sloshed his finger in and out of you, hitting your g spot. Your pants became heavier against his lips that he licked, a soft groan slipping from his mouth watching you in deep pleasure. 
“Say the word and I’ll stop…” he muttered as he bit your bottom lip, his sharp fangs making a breathy whine roll off your tongue once again.
Your eyes snapped open hearing Jasmine’s voice on the other side and you clasped your hand over your mouth. It felt like someone just woke you up from a really, really good dream. 
“Y-yeah?” you asked. You thought Jey would’ve had the right mind to stop finger fucking you with someone calling your name right outside the door, but no. He was trying to hide his giggle and smirked at you, slowly removing his coated fingers out of you to suck your wetness off of them. Watching him take his time devouring your juices like it was his favorite snack made your knees buckle, literally. 
“You okay?” she asked. You quietly reached towards the doorknob to lock it. You opened your mouth to answer before he snatched your attention within seconds. You locked eyes with him as he dropped to the floor, taking off your jeans and you naturally lifted each leg helping him. You realized he wasn’t going to stop and snapped back to it as you nudged his shoulder shooting him a glare. 
“Yeah I’m good!” you tried to reassure her. 
“Okay, girl. Well I’ll be downstairs pouring me another drink. Or I might just get one of those Samoans to do it for me because damn they are fine…” 
You listened to about half that sentence as you both stared into each other’s eyes while he left soft kisses right above the hem of your panties. He started slipping them down, running his hands up and down your thighs before parting them slightly apart. 
“Shoot your shot g-girl,” you tumbled on the last word as he impulsively flicked open your slick folds and started lapping his warm and wet tongue up and down your entrance. 
“You sure you’re okay? You want me to come in?” 
“N-no no no,” you hurriedly breathed out. You tried to cover it up with a fake laugh. “I’m g-good!” 
“Who you talkin’ to?” you heard a man’s voice behind the door. 
Oh my god. 
“Oh my god…” you moaned out loud as your head fell back while he took turns scooping your wetness up with his tongue and wrapping his lips around your pussy lips making out with it like there was no tomorrow.
“Y/N, she just needed a little breather.” 
“Y/N you good?” he softly asked.
Yeah, I’m doing great your twin brother’s head is just buried between my thighs right now. 
He continued lapping up your pussy at a faster speed, gripping your wobbly thighs to keep you in place. 
“Yes, yes I’m good I’ll be out in a minute,” you quickly stumbled, gripping the edges of the counter as one of your hands slipped. Jey removed his lips to let out a little snicker, knowing damn well you were gonna be here for longer than a minute with that tongue of his. 
“Alright. Tell me if you need anything,” he voiced closer to the door. The sound of his voice near your ear and the way his brother slurped up every inch of your streaming pussy heightened your climax. You looked down to see Jey sticking up the middle finger at his twin who couldn’t even see him. You bit your lip trying to hold back your moans and cries making sure they were gone before you let them out of your system. He swiftly snatched your left leg off the ground and hung it over his right shoulder as he buried his face deeper inside, rigorously  driving his tongue in and out of your hole. 
“Oh my gooooood…” you loudly moaned followed by a shaky whimper as shockwaves took over your entire body. You used the foot of the leg hung over his shoulder to push against his back allowing you to ride his face. 
“Mmmm give it to me baby…” he coached you with a moan as you enlaced your fingers in his hair, letting out one final cry, your creamy nectar squirting all over and in his mouth. You felt your juices dripping down your inner thighs before he slurped every drop licking you clean. 
“He can’t get this pussy dripping like this, huh?” he muttered with a groan as he squeezed your thighs, savoring you as your breathing slowed down. Your eyes fluttered, feeling drunker than before as he gently dragged your panties back up and around your hips. He noticed you motionless and stood up to meet your faint gaze, running a hand over his drenched beard. 
“You okay?” he chuckled, running his hands up and down your upper arms as you looked at him with shock. 
“What the fuck just happened…” you shook your head, still breathless from that orgasm. 
“I made your pretty ass cum the way you deserve that’s what happened,” he smirked against your lips before pecking them as you felt the aftertaste on his lips. You found yourself smiling back, his lips so soft, warm, and wet it left you wanting seconds.
“You ready to go back down?” he asked as he tilted your chin up. 
“I need a minute. You go…” you mumbled pulling up your pants and turning around to look at yourself in the mirror. He noticed your uneasiness and wrapped his arms around your waist. 
“Relax…you good baby,” he reassured you as he kissed your shoulder and you felt calmer than you did ten seconds ago just from his comforting tone. 
“We’ll see you back down,” he shot you a wink and closed the door behind him. You furrowed your brows at his statement.
Who’s we? Oh, the guests. The party. That’s what he meant, duh. Right? 
You reapplied your lip gloss, fluffed up your hair, and took a deep breath before opening the door as the blaring music practically woke you up and brought you back to reality. You went down the stairs and looked around to find Jasmine but instead, your eyes landed on Jimmy and Jey by the speakers having a conversation. 
What the fuck is he doing? 
You felt your heart racing and didn’t realize you froze in the middle of the stairs before one of their cousins told you to watch out as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You didn’t even pay him any attention as Jimmy’s eyes landed on you. You tried to read his face but failed when he didn’t seem angry or happy. He seemed unfazed, almost clueless as to what just happened in the bathroom. Jey found you next, a small smirk creeping on his lips and you felt like you were suddenly trapped. You saw one of their friends walk up to them to dab both of them up as they got indulged in the conversation. You furrowed your brows, shaking it off. You were just overthinking. It’s been a long, long night. Yet it just started. You continued to walk down the stairs seeing Jasmine on the other side of the room. 
“Hey! Where the hell you been?” she asked with a giggle hugging you close. 
“Where you been?” you shyly asked covering it up with a laugh, looking around with nerves. Your phone vibrated in your back pocket indicating a text and you pulled it out. You squinted and blinked a couple of times making sure your drunk self was reading it right. 
Jimmy: Meet me upstairs in 5.
to be continued? 👀
thank you so much for reading! <3 I hope y'all enjoyed it ✨ sometimes you can't choose between them so why not have both? 🤭
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3eyesdivine · 1 month
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Reigns’ Girl
Chapter One : At First Glance
inspired by the movie Miller’s Girl and song Teacher’s Pet.
warnings ; 18+ only, smut, intimate & heavily erotic scenes, teacher x college student plot, angst, thriller, obsession, drug use
The world of writing is something incredible, isn't it? The way words can fit together so flawlessly and draw you in to the scene you're seeking for with every word you read. So incredible, you are unable to shift your focus away from it. It's almost—what's the word? 
Ah. Pulchritudinous. 
In other words, the world of literature is breathtaking and heartbreaking. In a favorable or unfavorable way? Who knows? It depends on how the individual perceives each word they read and how they interpret the meaning contained inside those words. Interesting, right? It's like a billet-doux, a love letter for bibliophiles.
With my brain clouded with thoughts, I enter the classroom of the professor recommended to me by a close friend. Mr. Reigns. Full name, Roman Reigns.
His back was turned to face me as he wrote the task list on the blackboard in white chalk, and I took advantage of the opportunity to let my sight roam down his obviously muscular physique. His shoulders were huge and broad, almost splitting the shirt he was wearing in half. His waist was small but not petite, just ideal. And his hair was bound in a loose bun, every strand.
“Hello? You’re early.” I heard a deep, oh so deep yet silky voice speak, and I was abruptly pulled out of my own little world of borderline infatuation. 
My eyes shifted away from his frame and up to his own gaze. His expression was a combination of perplexity and interest.
“Only by a couple of minutes.” I respond with a little, shy grin upon my lips.
The spacious classroom grew quiet for a moment as the two of us were stuck where our feet stopped us, like our shoes were superglued to the hardwood flooring. Mr. Reigns eventually took the initiative, clearing his throat as he set the chalk in his palm down and stepped down from his desk to the one I was stood at, designating it mine as I placed my books and materials on top of it.
"You're new to this class. What's your name?" He inquires, laying a paper on my desk that calls my attention, my curious gaze drawn to the vast list of books and classroom rules. "Ah, I hope this isn't too overwhelming. It contains a list of books that I require my students get familiar with." 
I tilt my head, nod gently, and delicately touch the antique wooden desk beneath my fingertips.
"It's Lilith. Lilith Dumas, and I’ve read them all."
He looks at me with a tinge of amazement and some disbelief.
"I mean the books, Ms. Dumas. Not the syllabus-" 
I cut him off, causing our sentences to overlap.
“I know. I'm telling you, I've read them all.” I say matter-of-factly. 
The corners of the man's lips lift for a second before dropping, only to rise again as he laughs briefly. I'm assuming he's impressed. A nineteen-year-old girl has read over twelve literary works, and he'd be terrified if he was aware of any more than that. How can a girl my age have so much free time, given her youth? I'm certain that's the precise question on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn't want to pry into the life of girl in her first year of college. I know.
“Ok. Impressive.” He praised, a hint of a smile still lingering over his lips.
“Well, uhm..” He claps his hands together awkwardly, looking down at his feet before looking back up at me. “I hope you enjoy my class, Lilith.”
Yes, say my name again. Please. Oh, please.
“I know I will, Mr. Reigns.” I reply, my tone surely dripping and drenched with seduction, even in the slightest.
Fighting back a smile and a burning blush hot to the touch, I settle at my desk as the rest of the class rushes in. My little hands brush over my short skirt as I cross my legs, but my gaze is fixed on Mr. Reigns, who is staring back at me after observing my silky legs alter their position. My brows raised briefly in response before the man turned away from me and proceeded with instructing the class. 
It was only our first time meeting and this man, Roman Reigns. Mm, even his name feels like honey on my lips, and I want to yell it at the top of my lungs. Yell it out of love and desire!
I'm not well over my head with this; my mind isn't in the clouds, and my feet are firmly planted on the ground. This is reality…
My reality, at least.
As wrong as it is, as dangerous as it will be. I want this man. It’s not okay, it’s crossing a line and it’s riskier than who knows what.
But I made up my mind anyway, made it up at first glance and I promise, I’ll get what I want.
No matter the lengths.
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Thank you for reading! Chapter two will be up hopefully tomorrow!
In the meantime, send in some requests and if you'd like to be tagged in this series and many more works of mine, don't be afraid to let me know.
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