#jimmy is just immediately the younger brother/friends younger brother to almost everyone he meets
wren-kitchens · 2 years
I miss seablings
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broadstbroskis · 3 years
the countdown | kevin hayes
a/n: @hockeynetwork ran another wonderful fic exchange this season! i had the lovely @fanfics-for-the-hockey-fan and one of the questions i asked you was for your favorite tropes. you gave me “families are super close and have a bet going on who realize they are in love with each other first.” this is...not quite that 😂 but similar and i hope you enjoy anyway 💚
8:43 pm
Olivia slams her car door shut and checks her watch, swearing as she jogs around to the passenger side to gather everything she’s brought. Besides her activity ring judging her for not meeting her goal, she’s late and she’s going to take so much shit for that.
She practically jogs to the door (or, well, as best as she can in her high heeled booties), plate of her famous chocolate chip cookies in hand, and then stops abruptly right on the front porch when the door opens before she can do it herself.
There goes her hope of just sneaking in.
It’s Jimmy. Of course, it’s Jimmy, with that classic Hayes shit-eating grin on his face as he greets her, even though this isn’t even his fucking house. “Livvy! Rolling in 45 minutes late even though you’re the closest one here.”
“This is honestly so rude of you.” She complains, even as she pulls him in for a hug. She wouldn’t have expected any less from Jimmy, who gives her just as much shit as her own older brother does and always has, ever since they were all kids growing up together in Dorchester. “This is how you treat me, after I show up here with cookies I made especially for you?”
His eyes light up, like she knew they would, even though they both know they’re not just for him. But her chocolate chip cookies are a big hit with all of them, and instead of calling her out on it, he reaches for the plate. “I’ll just take those from you now; put them somewhere safe.”
Olivia laughs. “Nuh-uh. Lemme in; it’s cold as fuck out here.”
Jimmy finally steps aside so she can follow him in the doorway, and only then does Liv hand him the plate of cookies, so that she can take off her coat, revealing the sparkly tank she’d dragged out of her closet just for the evening. “Where’s the champagne?” She pouts, as he leads her on a familiar route deeper into the house. “You came to greet me at the door and didn’t even bring me bubbly?”
“Kristin probably drank it all already.” He jokes, which is straight blasphemy, because she knows his wife set aside at least two bottles just for the two of them to share the minute she walked in the door. 
“My girl would never!” Olivia says confidently, and sure enough, the second the two of them walk into the family room to join the rest of the families, his wife is holding up two flutes of champagne with a large smile on her face.
“Livvy!” Kristin cheers and Liv finds herself being pulled into the blonde for a hug and a glass of champagne being thrust into her hand before anyone in her own family can even say hello to her. “You’re here, finally.”
“Oh my god!” Olivia takes a sip of her champagne and rolls her eyes, exasperated. “Every person in this room has been more late to something than I am right now! Jack’s never showed up to Thanksgiving on time or without a hangover in his life and nobody says shit!” She deflects to her younger brother, who holds his hands up innocently.
“We’re not talking about me right now, Livvy.” The grin on Jack’s face widens, somehow. “We’re talking about you lying to all of us.”
She’s absolutely taken aback by that because she hasn’t? She’d panicked in the group chat earlier about getting stuck on a call at work, and then stuck in traffic, which set her back getting ready to come over here and meet all of them. She would have been on time. She’s always on time. “What are you talking about?” She frowns, as a tall person drops an arm around her shoulders and squeezes. “I haven’t lied to anyone.” She looks over at Nolan and pulls a face at him, and then laughs as he deadpans one back to her. 
She’d been sure that her long time best friend’s roommate had hated her when they first met, but Kevin had been quick to assure her that was just how Nolan was. It hadn’t taken her long to realize that was true. Beneath Nolan’s resting bitch face that put hers to absolute shame, was an absolute sweetheart; she hated having to admit she was wrong to Kevin. 
“To anyone?” Jimmy and Mike, Liv’s older brother, are looking at each other with this ridiculous look of both disbelief and mocking. “Not lying about anything?”
“You saw me literally last week?” She addresses her brother. She’d gone home for Christmas; they’d sat with all their cousins at their grandmother’s and had a great time, just like always. “What the fuck are you on?”
“Olivia!” Her mom snaps, half-heartedly, not even looking away from the conversation she’s having with Liv’s dad and Kevin’s parents. 
But Mike merely grins at her. “I don’t know, Liv.” He says, as she’s lifted off the floor and twirled around. “You tell me.”
But she can’t really hear anything he says after that, too busy laughing and shoving at Kevin, trying (unsuccessfully) to get him to put her down. He does, finally, but leaves his arm around her shoulders, even when she tries to shove her shoulders against him in retaliation (a wildly unsuccessful attempt, he goes absolutely nowhere, she really just ends up bringing herself closer to him).  “Here’s my girl!”  Kevin cheers, shaking her enough that she almost spills what’s left in her champagne glass (and she would have killed him for wasting such a commodity). “ I told you to take off today.”
“Ugh, I wish I could have.” Except they have this huge launch in the first week of the year and they’re still putting finishing touches on, so that was absolutely not happening. It’ll be a miracle that they finish on time as it is. She’s going to pop so much champagne once this goes off.
Kevin, who’s definitely familiar with this work project that she’s been bitching about for months now, laughs; he knows she couldn’t take off earlier, even if she’d really wanted too, and he squeezes her shoulders once. “A few more days and you’re done. Forever.” She clinks her glass against his beer in a cheers. Bless. “Thank god.” He continues. “I don’t like the person you are when you’re 3am deep in emails, Livvy.”
“Lies.” She elbows him, the only time she can really get some leverage against him, when her bony elbow manages to find the spot just under his ribcage. “You love me all the time.”
“Well that’s cute.” Mike says, in that dangerous voice that Liv always finds hard to read. “Just the nicest couple of liars.” And it’s the way he says couple, that really does it for her, but it goes right over Kevin’s head, if the way he just leads her to the kitchen to put down her cookies and get a plate of food, is any indication.
9:23 pm
“Okay, spill.” Kristin says, the second she manages to get Liv alone, not a terribly easy feat, as Liv’s been doing everything she can to avoid that. 
“Spill what?” Kristin’s got that look in her eyes, like she’s not going to let this go...whatever this is.
“Whatever’s going on with you and Kev.”
Olivia blinks. “There’s nothing going on with me and Kev.” Except that’s maybe not exactly true. It’s not a lie- there’s definitely nothing going on between them. They’re still friends, definitely still friends. But...there’s definitely not nothing between them either.
There’s too many late nights on one of their couches, spent doing absolutely nothing but talking. Too many lingering touches that don’t lead anywhere. Too many glances across a crowded room where she feels like a magnet is pulling her there in the first place, and then can’t seem to pull herself away.
So like. There’s not nothing. But nothing’s changed; they’re still goofy Kevin and organized Liv, best friends taking on the world (in Philly, now; together again, finally).
“Bullshit.” Kristin calls her out, but Liv’s saved by the arrival of one of Kevin’s sisters, who tries to wrangle them in for a picture before they all become too messy later.
It’s an easy reminder though, of how well these people all know her. So it’s probably time to lock it down for the night.
10:05 pm
It’s quiet in the kitchen, where Olivia has made herself busy cleaning up after stopping in the bathroom. She’s gathered up leftovers of anything that needs to be put away, separated into bags and containers for everyone to take home, and then started on the dishes, when suddenly she feels a finger poke her side, before an entire arm wraps around her stomach.
“Stop that.” Kevin murmurs into her ear, trying to tug her away. “They’ll still be dirty for us tomorrow.”
“It’s fine.” She fights against him. “The whole thing took me like, five minutes.”
“You’ve been gone for fifteen.” Kevin says, wrapping his other hand around her waist and lifting her away from the sink. “And that’s not the point.”
He sets her down on the other side of the counter; the sink’s not even in reach anymore. She gets her revenge by wiping her wet hands on his henley, but Kev doesn’t even blink, still staring down at her. “I was almost done!” She protests.
“We can clean the kitchen tomorrow.” Kevin says calmly. “Come hang out with us. I know you’ve got this thing about cleaning and order and shit but I swear to God, Nols and I are not going to fight you on this; you can put everything back wherever you want to put it tomorrow.”
Liv bites her lip so he won’t see her laugh, but of course he knows and a grin immediately stretches across his face. “I’m going to hold you to that.” She says. “I’m finally reorganizing your spice shelf.”
“It’s chaos and we like it that way.” Kevin grins and it’s only when she shakes her head, and the ends of her hair actually hit his face does she realize how close he is.
“It’s anxiety-inducing,” She corrects, smiling right back as Kevin brushes her hair back from her face. “And I don’t know how you two ever get any food made here.”
“Meal service.” Kevin shrugs, but his voice is almost overshadowed by the sound of a gasp behind her.
When she and Kevin both go to look though, the hallway is empty, and Liv shrugs right back at Kevin, before they both grab fresh drinks and join their families again.
11:18 pm
Once Nolan eliminates her from the annual beer pong tournament (fuck him AND his bony elbows that were definitely over the line), Liv drapes herself over her mom’s shoulders and squeezes. Across from her, the Hayes’ both laugh, and her dad just rolls his eyes fondly, but Olivia knows her mom and knows she doesn’t care.
In fact, she welcomes it. Her mom squeezes her hand and she’s grinning, always happy for these moments with her children. “Tough loss, kid.”
“It’s fine.” Liv says, not at all bitter. “Nols is a cheating cheater who cheats. Kev will avenge me.” He’s already up by three cups; it’s looking pretty good.
There’s more laughter, and then her mom is squeezing her hand again. “We’re really happy for you, you know.” 
Liv’s a little tipsy, so she doesn’t really question the strangeness of that statement. She kisses her mom’s cheek and hugs her again. “Love you guys too!” She says, and then goes back to watching Kevin clean up for the rest of this game.
11:55 pm
With five minutes to midnight and Kristin crowned as this year’s beer pong champ, the attention turns to the countdown and a flutter of activity toward preparing their traditional midnight champagne toast. 
Olivia accepts her glass from her mom and then wanders off to find her phone quickly, dead set on getting a picture of the toast for an instagram post in the morning. It’s still in the kitchen, where she’d left it when cleaning earlier, and she grabs it off the counter, ignoring most of the messages on there in favor of checking the one from Kristin (what she could possibly have to say when she’s literally across the room…).
It’s not actually a text; it’s a picture. A picture of Liv and Kevin, right after Kevin had beaten Nolan at beer pong. She’d thrown herself at him; he’d lifted her up in celebration, both of them laughing and cheering.  They look happy and perfect and like something...it’s practically a boyfriend filter...except it’s two of them, her and Kevin.
Definitely not nothing.
“Whatcha looking at?” Kevin’s voice surprises her; she’d been so focused she hadn’t even heard him come up to her.
Liv’s so not the risk taker in this friendship; Kev’s the one dragging her out to new places and new things while she’s the one telling him to take a step back and think things through. And yet, even though it’s the scariest thing in the world to show him, it somehow doesn’t feel like she’s diving in headfirst at all as she tilts the screen a little for him to see. “Kristin sent me this.” 
Even though he’s standing right next to her, Kevin still takes a step closer and his free hand, the one not holding his flute of champagne, slides around her waist. “Hey!” He grins, squeezing her gently. “It’s us!”
“Yeah,” She says, much more quietly. “It is.”
He’s quiet for a moment then, but doesn’t move away either. “It’s a good picture of us.”
“It is.” She repeats, agreeing.
“That’s not why you showed me this, is it?”
“No.” Liv swallows the lump in her throat nervously. “It’s not.”
“Livvy.” Kevin says gently and that’s it. That’s all it takes for her to open up.
“I’m so tired of this, Kev.” She shakes her phone, like that’s going to explain everything. “This-this in between thing. This more than friends, but not quite more. I hate it here! I hate looking at this picture and seeing what Kristin sees but knowing that what she sees is wrong. I hate the uncertainty, I hate feeling like there’s this thing but then neither of us does anything, so it just lingers.” She takes a breath, set on continuing, but Kevin jumps in before she can.
“You just hate not knowing something.” He grins.
“Kevin.” Liv snaps crankily, but before she can say anything else to him, he’s pressing her back against the counter and kissing her.
She’s vaguely aware of her champagne crashing to the ground, never more thankful for the fake plastic flutes that their moms always insist on, but Liv really can’t be bothered, even by spilled champagne, as she grips Kevin’s hips to pull herself closer and sinks into a truly amazing first kiss.
“Aw, hell yeah!” She hears from behind her, and pulls away reluctantly, noting the equally annoyed look on Kevin’s face. “I knew it, let’s go!”
It’s Jimmy, looking entirely too pleased to find his brother making out against a counter than he eats off all the time. Actually, it’s all of them- Jimmy, Kristin, Nolan, her brothers, Kevin’s sisters, their parents. All staring at them with bright grins on their faces and bickering.
“I told you-”
“We all fucking knew-” Jack shoves at Mike.
“-they’ve been together for ages.”
“Hey, back up! Just because they were making out now, doesn’t mean they’ve been together for ages; I had New Year’s in the pool!” Nolan pouts.
“I’m sorry,” Liv says, apparently sounding terrifying enough that every one of them stops talking. “There was a pool?”
Every one of them freezes, but for barely a moment, before they’re all talking over each other again and bumping into each other in their haste to back up. “Come on, we’re not even going to ask when this happened?” She hears Jack complain. “There’s $500 on the line here!”
“It’ll stay that way.” Kevin calls and Liv buries her face in his chest to hide her laugh. “Not telling you now!” A few groans echo back into the kitchen as he looks down at her to confirm her agreement. “We’re not telling them...ever, right?”
“Oh, it’s you and me to the grave.” Liv confirms, pulling him down for another kiss.
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WandaVision: On a Very Special Episode... Part 2 AU Remake
Pietro and Candance are pulled into the hex and are now happy residents of Westview.  But there is something more to just a visit with a long lost sister. Warnings: Spoilers from Episode 5 of WandaVision, uber cuteness of Billy and Tommy, and fangirling Pairings: Pietro Maximoff x Candance Wilson (OC), Wanda x Vision Words: 2266
It hurt, everything hurt. She didn’t know what was going on nor did she understand why she felt a warm summer’s breeze rather than the crisp autumn air. However, in her head she could hear someone repeat the phrase “Play your part, you’re no longer who you know you are, you’ve always been here in Westview, it is your home”. Sitting up on the soft green grass Candance looked around the strange town square. Everyone seemed to be going about their businesses. She could hear excited chatter, people weren’t paying her any attention, some of them did stop to stare at her, some of them pointed and whispered. She sat up and placed a hand to her head, she let out a soft groan an oncoming headache invaded her head. Looking down at her clothes she began to wonder just what she was wearing, however that voice in her head once again repeated the same phrase, telling her to play her part, she needed to keep things happy, hopeful, and no sorrow. “Pietro?” Candance whispered softly as she looked beside her and saw her boyfriend was sitting next to her, but wait he was staring up at the sky unblinking almost as if he was entranced by something. “Piet! Pietro!” Pietro snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at Candance with a small smile. His hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair from her face. “Hey sleepyhead.” “Pietro, I was asleep?” Candance asked softly staring at him. “Wait, you let me sleep in public like some kind of spazz?!” she slapped him in the chest. “How rude, maybe I should find someone else to be my husband then.” Pietro shook his head. “I’m sorry princess,” he chuckled before he stood up and dusted his pants off. “Come on, we need to get going to find Wanda.” “Wanda? You never mentioned a Wanda.” Candance said before a thought invaded her mind breaking through the cloud that was covering her memories. “Wanda…Wanda is Pietro’s sister; she’s my best friend and she needs hel—What if Wanda is his ex-girlfriend?! What if he’s cheating on me?!” “Wanda’s my sister,” Pietro assured her. “We haven’t seen each other since she left home when she was 15, our parents had left us alone and I tried to keep her happy.” “Right, your sister,” Candance got up and stretched as she once again took note of her attire. She was wearing a pair of leggings under a short skirt with a top that revealed her midriff. She reached up and touched her head feeling that her hair was held up in a tight high ponytail with curls framing her face. She looked over at Pietro quietly and took in his appearance. Pietro was dressed in a pair of black jeans with a purple shirt and a black leather jacket over it. His hair was slicked back with a few strands out of place. What stood out the most was the strange necklace he was wearing. However, something else was wrong, Pietro sounded different, he didn’t have his accent. That was one thing that Candance remembered him having, and she also knew had a better sense of style. What was going on? “Come on babe, we have to go visit Wanda,” Pietro told her. “I think she lives around her somewhere.” “Umn, ok.” Candance fell silent and gave a soft squeak of surprise when she felt him lift her up and into his arms. “Pietro, I can walk on my own.” “How can I let you walk when we’ll be running?” Pietro kissed the tip of her nose and took off running. He took a moment to look down at Candance as he noticed she was holding onto him for dear life. Wait why was he carrying her? She had something to keep up with him, right? She’d been lent a pair of wings by Sam---wait no Candance couldn’t keep up with him. She wasn’t gifted with powers. Not like him and Wanda. She was a normal girl he met in Sokovia when Candance was volunteering at a farm. Candance tried her best to figure out what was going on, why was everything so strange? Why did her head hurt? Most of all why was everyone they passed unphased by Pietro using his power in public? Shaking her head to clear the thoughts she sucked in a breath and laid her head on Pietro’s chest as she let him carry her to wherever the mysterious Wanda lived. 
---------------------------------------   “Pietro and Candance were pulled into the hex,” Monica looked at Darcy and Jimmy with worry all over her face. She knew the two were capable of fighting but she also knew that Wanda would probably eject them from her world if they even tried talking to her. “Pietro?” Darcy asked. “You mean Pietro Maximoff? Wanda’s brother? I thought he was killed by Ultron.” “He was, but the technology used by S.H.I.E.L.D. brought him back, and he had been recovering with Clint Barton and his family.” Monica explained. “And what’s his relation to Agent Wilson?” Jimmy asked. “Agent Wilson, Candance is Sam Wilson’s younger sister and also a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent,” Monica said. “She and I are friends and I’ve had her help me out from time to time. She and Pietro are dating.” “Dating?” Darcy got a small smile on her face and looked at Jimmy holding out her hand. “Pay up Woo, I called it.” Jimmy rolled his eyes and pulled some money out of his pocket and handed it to Darcy. “So, Pietro and Candance went into the hex to bring Wanda out?” “No, Pietro might’ve ran inside the hex to save Wanda himself and if I know Candi, she probably went after him.” Monica shook her head. “But don’t count those two out, they might be the ones to get Wanda to stop the hex.” “Or she could kill them,” Darcy reminded Monica. “We’ve seen her angry and we don’t want to make her angrier. I---.” She heard Wanda and Vision arguing coming from the tv. She quickly walked over to it and looked at the scene unfolding. “This is new.” “New?” “Wanda and Vision don’t fight, and it looks like Wanda’s not cutting it out of her show.” Darcy said.
------------------------------------- Pietro sat Candance down in front of a house and looked at her with a small smile. “This is where Wanda lives,” he said in excitement. “I can’t wait until you meet her.” “Pietro,” Candance began and placed a hand on his cheek. “Something’s wrong, haven’t you noticed how everyone’s happy? And what happened to your voice and—ow, umn yeah I’m excited to meet Wanda.” “Did you hurt yourself?” Pietro asked almost immediately began checking her for any bruises. “No, I don’t see anything, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you while I was carrying you?” “No no, just a headache,” Candance assured him with a smile. “I’m fine, come on let’s go say hi to your sister.” Pietro nodded as he turned to ring the doorbell. He didn’t notice a figure hiding behind some bushes in the yard nor did he notice that Candance had gone to investigate. Candance for a second had regained control of her mind and looked around the yard, she reached into her…handbag and groaned when she saw the only thing in it was a squirt gun. Shaking her head she walked toward the bushes and got closer and closer until. A stray black cat leapt out of the bushes and hissed at her before taking off. Candance rolled her eyes before looking over her shoulder when she heard the front door open. She spun around and saw it, or rather her. “Wanda is here, so she’s sa---ow…” Candance fell to her knees and held her head before looking up with a small smile and got up as she jogged up to where Pietro was. “Wanda who is this?” Vision asked. Wanda looked at Vision before looking back at Pietro. She didn’t say a word and merely continued staring at him in disbelief. “Long lost bro gets to squeeze his stinkin’ sister to death or what?” Pietro asked and held open his arms for Wanda to hug him. “Pietro…” Wanda whispered before she hugged him tightly. Pietro hugged his sister with a small smile before looking up and took notice of Vision. “Who’s the popsicle?” Wanda stayed silent before noticing Candance standing behind Pietro. “Candance?” she whispered before shaking her head. There was no way that her brother was here let alone her best friend. “Wanda, I’m sorry for dropping in unexpectantly, but I wanted to see you.” Pietro told her before he turned and grabbed Candance by the hand and pull her inside the house. “I know you have several questions but first I’d like you to meet Cadence, we’re going to be married in a few months.” “Hi,” Cadence said as she tried to figure out where she had seen Wanda before. It was strange but for some reason it seemed as though they met before. “I’m sorry that we didn’t call but Pietro insisted on surprising you.” “No problem,” Wanda waved a hand and smiled. “Oh, um Pietro and Candance, this is my husband Vision.” “Vision huh?” Pietro looked Vision up and down as he raised an eyebrow. “Where did you meet him?” “At um, a party,” Wanda said quickly. “Vision and I have been married for awhile now, we’ve lived in Westview for years.” “Oh cool,” Pietro said. “So, I think me and bro-in-law should get to know each other, how about you and Candi go and get to know each other.” “Good idea,” Wanda said. “Follow me.” Candance followed Wanda into the kitchen, as she looked at her quietly before sighing. “So Wanda, you and Pietro grew up overseas and moved here when you were teenagers?” “Uh, yeah sort of, our parents are…” Wanda began and paused. “Our parents are no longer with us, but Pietro coming here after 7 years is kind of a surprise.” “I didn’t know he had a sister,” Candance laughed softly and shook her head before looking at Wanda as she walked forward and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Wanda, what’s going on? Why are we here? Are you ok what’s goi--.” “Candance are you ok?” Wanda asked narrowing her eyes as red magic began to circulate around her hands. “Yeah, I meant are you ok, I know how weird it is for Pietro to be here,” Candance said and let Wanda go. “I’m sorry can I have a glass of water?” “Yeah…” Wanda stepped away and went to get Candance a glass of water. She took note of the strange bag on Candance’s back. “So where are you from?” “Oh, I’m from Harlem, New York.” Candance said brightly and looked around the kitchen. “I was raised by my brother after our parents were murdered by gang members. I think that’s why Pietro and I bonded so quickly two orphans in this world with just our siblings.” “I see, and you’ve seen your brother?” Wanda asked pouring water into a glass before sliding it to Candance. “Hmn? Yeah, Sam is in Washington D.C. on business for a while,” Candance explained. “He and his friend are running our family’s restaurant.” “I see,” Wanda said as she began walking around to get behind Candance to inspect the bag she was wearing on her back. “So, your brother lives nearby, and you decided to come with Pietro to see me?” “Yeah, it’s a fun road trip before Pietro and I get married.” Candance began to giggle. “I think he wants to run off to Vegas to get married.” “I see,” Wanda managed to get behind Candance and reached for the bag before she saw Candance turn around. “Oh do you want me to take your backpack up to the guest room where you Pietro will be staying?” “No thanks,” Candance said and looked at Wanda with a serious look. “You’re obvious curious about what I have in this bag aren’t you?” “no no,” Wanda said shaking her head. “It’s nothing really,” Candance took off the backpack and opened it as she held up a piece of red fabric attached to a red sleeve. “A design I’m working on for Halloween, but you’ll have to wait and see what it is, since I want to keep it a secret from Pietro.” “Oh, I see,” Wanda laughed it off as she finally relaxed deciding that Candance couldn’t have been sent in to pull her from her life she had built with Vision. “Hey, we should go into the living room and see how the guys are doing?” Candance asked. “I’m sure they’re probably bonding.” “Right.” Wanda said and followed Candance out of the kitchen into the living room and laughed at the sight of Vision being held in a headlock by Pietro. “Pietro, Vision what’s going on in here?” “He attacked me,” Vision said. “Stop being a baby.” Pietro chuckled. “I thought I’d show bro-in-law some Sokovian self-defense moves. He’ll need to learn since he’s married to you.” Wanda rolled her eyes but laughed deciding to let Pietro have his fun. She did begin wondering if she brought Pietro back to life, but why did she bring Candance to her world too? Was it because she missed her best friend? PLEASE STAND BY
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american-satanxx · 4 years
Hell of a Night//Chapter 1
Author’s note: Despite me being a die hard Chiefs fan, I have been working on this Jimmy G fanfic. Go figure! I write fanfics for my back up team more than my main team. If you like to be tagged let me know!
Pretty Boys At The University, Watching Them Walk In Their Levi Jeans
“You're as warm as a glass of brandy. And honey, I stay stoned on your love all the time” I pull into the hotel my brother, Nick, and his future wife , Brandi, have picked out for wedding guests and wedding party. I kill the engine and take a deep breath before grabbing my purse and getting out of the car. I take a deep breath of that Georgia air and feel oddly at home. I go around to my trunk to get my overnight bag as well as my trusty old Fender CF-60. I sling the guitar over my shoulder and head towards the hotel room. I get to the front desk and smile at the starstruck blonde in front of me. “Welcome to the Hotel Indigo, how may I help you this lovely afternoon Miss Maverick?” “I’m checking in actually.” I smile to her. “I’m part of the Maverick-Danvers wedding party.” “I’m assuming you are on groom’s side?” She smiles before clicking on the computer before handing me my key. “Mr. Maverick picked this room specifically for you. Hope you enjoy it.” “Thank you.” I say as I take the key and start towards the elevators. I pick my floor and just as the doors begin to shut, I hear a voice yelling for me to hold the elevator. I do so and I’m immediately met with the most gorgeous brown eyes ever. He lets himself in and looks at the floors and realizes we’re heading to the same floor.
“Thank you.” He smiles a smile that can make any girls’ knees weak. “I needed to get out of there before my friend tried hooking me up with one of her bridesmaids.” “I’m assuming you’re one of Brandi’s friends from Illinois.” I chuckle. “That girl is relentless. She wants everyone around her to be as happy as she is on her wedding day.” “She’s always been like that though.” He smiles, fondly. “I’m Jimmy by the way.” “I’m Sutton.” I introducing myself. “I’m Nick’s younger sister and one of Brandi’s bridesmaids.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you. And I hope you don’t mind the crack about Brandi hooking me up with one of you guys. I’ve met most of her college friends and they are a lot to handle.” “Trust me I know.” I laugh. “That’s sorority girls for you. But those girls certainly know how to put together an amazing brunch.” “I kinda wish should would have stayed and went to Eastern Illinois. I might have saved her from that life.” “Hey us Georgia girls aren’t that bad.” I defend myself, laughing a little. “We are more than pearl necklaces and bless your hearts.” “Are you originally from Georgia?” He asks. “You don’t have an accent.” “Born and bred.” I smile as we make it to our floor. “I guess this is us.” “I guess so.” He says as the two of us head out of the elevator. “I guess I’ll see you around this weekend’s festivities, huh? Are they really have a whiskey tasting tonight followed by a wine tasting?” “Apparently they want their guests and wedding party to get trashed tonight.” I laugh. “But yea, I’ll see you around. I’ll actually be looking forward to it.” “Why is that?” He smirks. “You’re not bad to look at.” I smirk back before walking towards my room that’s in the complete opposite direction Jimmy is heading in. I get in my room and see a note on the bed. I head over and see my brother’s chicken scratch. “Here’s to hoping this room will give you the inspiration to make your dreams larger than life.” I read aloud. I can’t help but smile. Nick is always thinking of me. He’s always wanting to live my dreams, even if our parents aren’t as supportive. I place my bag and guitar down and head over to the window. A smile appears on my lips as I take in the sites of downtown Athens. I’m home. I think to myself. It’s been so long since I’ve stepped foot in this sleepy college town, I almost miss it. My walking down memory lane has come to an end by the sound of my phone going off. I pull my Galaxy out of my pocket and smile at the screen. The contact name is A-Dawg <3, which is not only my ex-boyfriend but one of my best friends, Aaron Murray. Me and the O-line are downstairs. Get your pretty ass down here and meet us at the pool. I roll my eyes but do as the text says. This weekend is definitely what the doctor prescribed…
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canyonmoonlily · 5 years
Tumblr media
| mixtape |
side 1, track 1:
Elderberry Wine | Elton John
It was always something.
Y/N could never enjoy herself for long. Between rapid fire texts from her (recovering) alcoholic mother and a splitting headache from all the crying she’d done reading them—the happiness she’d felt onstage with her band an hour ago had completely dissipated.
She stumbled her way back into the bar, her bandmates on opposite ends of the dimly lit room. It was not far from where they’d filmed a performance on the Jimmy Fallon show in New York City. A small, hole in the wall place filled with other celebrities. None who paid any mind to the now puffy-eyed girl reentering—except for the Scotsman who’d been sneaking glances at her all night.
Richard was promoting Marvel’s newest batch of superhero movies, the Eternals— a movie he’d been working for the better half of the year on. An interview with Fallon gave him the perfect opportunity to both visit one of his favorite cities and do his job. He was vaguely familiar with the small upstart of a band, The Strangers. He’d never really paid too much attention to the shifting music industry. He liked what he liked and that was that, he had no interest in trends.
When the three girls stepped out onto the stage he’d just finished his interview with Jimmy. He intended to make his way back to his dressing room—get an early start for the next morning but the opening notes of their song caught his ear. One of the three was sat at the piano, a little blonde with a dazzling smile and a pixie-like air. Another taller brunette began singing and moving around the stage, so much so that he didn’t notice the third woman until she opened her mouth.
Dancing around in a little blue sundress on stage, the girl delivered the notes with the ease and grace of a seasoned performer, though she seemed rather young. Richard was in awe of her voice, the brightness of her big, blue eyes—and painfully aware of the little smirk playing on her full lips. The little sundress did nothing to hide the curves of her hips and exposed enough of her breasts to have any man looking for the nearest restroom. Her eyes met his from time to time throughout their set, he had to fight back grinning at her like an idiot. There was something so joyful about the little upstart of a band’s performance, a contagious energy. With her thick, waist length curls and big doe eyes Richard was certainly smitten. Maybe fate had let him land this interview for more than just a visit to New York City.
Y/N had been oblivious to Richard’s presence and his searing glances all night. The lights on Jimmy’s stage had been far too bright for her to see any of the audience or techies side stage. She could certainly hear them though. Now, however, she was consumed with troubling thoughts prompted by her mother, once again, blowing up on her. After about 20 minutes of fighting back tears outside, she had opted to just shut her phone off altogether—no use in feeding into her mother’s vicious mind games and manipulation. I’m 22 now, I gotta grow up and learn to live without her validation at some point, she grumbled internally.
She stomped over to the bar, ordering a little strawberry drink despite the voice in the back of her head warning her not to drown her sorrows in booze. Y/N was living out her wildest dreams with two of her best friends. She had no reason to still feel so alone.
Richard watched her enter the bar, drained of the energy he’d seen on stage. After shooting Taron a quick text of his location, Richard approached her with as much confidence as he could muster.
“You were amazing onstage, tonight,” came a raspy, Scottish accent to Y/N’s right. The dimly lit room combined with his deep rasp giving her goosebumps.
“Oh! Uh, thanks,” she turned smiling to—Richard Madden? Y/N had seen most of his work, but he was about 30x more beautiful in person. It was like seeing Robb Stark come back to life, the alcohol in her system and his closeness making her heart rate speed up. He returned her smile tenfold, his dimples and bright blue eyes dizzying.
“Uh—your, your voice,” Richard stuttered, losing himself in the moment, “it’s gorgeous. Couldn’t believe something so powerful came out of someone your size.” His awkward little chuckle was contagious, Y/N humming along.
“What? I don’t seem every powerful to you?” she deadpanned suddenly. Her blue eyes narrowed but Richard immediately caught on.
“Well, most of the five feet tall women I’ve encountered, even those with enormous, muscular physiques such as yours,” y/n chuckled at this, “don’t have vocal chords that powerful. You, ma’am, are a rare gem.”
Despite the playfulness of his comments, y/n had to suppress a blush. She wanted to pull him closer, his shoulders rather broad in person, his full lips screaming to meet her own. Had she not been drinking on an empty stomach she might have been alarmed at her sudden sexual thoughts. She opened her mouth to respond when his phone began ringing loudly. He glanced at the name, eyebrows furrowing.
“Hold on, i have to take this. My friend is terrible with directions,” he started before Y/N cut him off with a soft reassurance that she’d wait, in exchange for a drink. He beamed at her, a jovial glint in his blue eyes before making his way to the exit.
Y/n turned back in her seat, smiling like an idiot to herself. She was unsure whether it was the alcohol or Richard that to had this strange effect on her, turning her into a smiley, giggle-y mess. Probably his eyes, she thought. Or the accent.
Y/N continued sipping on her drink, looking around the bar for her bandmates, finding them in a booth over in the corner. She flipped Miranda off, the pixie like blonde sticking her tongue out before chugging another shot and immediately gagging. Y/N snorted, amateur.
All was well in the world until she felt a hand pulling on her from the left, a man’s breath in her ear.
“Hey, doll,” slurred what sounded like a drunk college frat boy in her ear. She yanked her arm from his grip and pushed him away, snarling.
“Back the fuck up, buddy. Not interested.” Y/N’s eyes and voice holding a venemous tone as she looked the assailant in the eyes. A shaggy looking blonde who was clearly out of his mind drunk.
He pouted. “Oh come on, baby. Lighten up a little.”
“You’ve got about 5 seconds before I start yelling.”
“Oh really?” The man drunkenly smirked, “didn’t peg you as a screamer.” He moved impossible closer, she could smell the vodka sodas on his breath and had to bite back the vomit.
“Okay. Nope. Not doing this.” She hopped down from the barstool, only getting a step in before he put his arms on either side of her, caging her against it.
“A little game of Cat and Mouse. I like it, baby.” He giggles. Stupid, entitled fucker.
“Woah—mind your personal space, mate,” came the angelic Scottish accent of her savior. Y/N hadn’t noticed him approaching. The drunk creep dropped his arms and turned to face Richard.
“You’re here with this pretty boy?” He slurred angrily, his head nodding in Richard’s direction. Sensing the aggressive undertones Richard stepped in between the two.
“Yes. She is.” Y/N didn’t say a word, enjoying her view from behind Richard—his jaw clenching, eyes narrowing. He glared at the drunk for a few seconds before turning away and back toward Y/N.
She smiled and let out a shy thanks.
“You know what? fuck you, slut!” was the last thing y/n heard from the creep before being soaked in wine. She hadn’t even noticed he’d been holding a drink and now, she was wearing it. Richard’s fist immediately connected with the bastard’s jaw. An audible crunch sounded and everyone around them stopped and gawked. Y/N just froze until she felt Richard’s hands around her waist, urging her towards the exit.
“Come on, let’s get ye out of here,” he murmured softly in her ear. She just nodded, stumbling out of the bar with him, leaving the injured drunk and the judgmental eyes of the other bar-goers.
The cool September air nipped at her skin and nearly froze her soaked form to the bone. Wearing a sundress at the start of fall in New York City? Y/N wasn’t sure if she’d made a brave or just plain stupid choice in attire.
After calling his driver, Richard shrugs off his denim jacket and wraps it around her shoulders, the wine had drenched the poor girl beside him. She looked up at him gratefully, a small smile playing upon her lips despite her condition.
“You didn’t have to do that,” she says quietly.
“Well I don’t want you to catch your death out here,” he smiled, eyes twinkling. His hair was styled up and he was almost clean shaven, a rare look for the Brit. Y/N couldn’t help her lingering stare, admiring the all black clothing he’d worn beneath the denim jacket. This man, this beautiful man she’d only just met had knocked the shit out of some guy over her.
“I was talking about what you did to that guy in the bar. You didn’t have to punch him,” she started, then smiled, “But I’m glad you did.”
“I didn’t scare you, did I?” Richard chuckled, reaching for her hand before he could stop himself.
She accepted it without hesitation, allowing his hand to envelop her much smaller one.
“I grew up with 4 younger brothers, I can’t tell you how many times we first fought,” Y/N snorts at the memories. “I think the last time we came to blows I was 16 and it was Christmas Eve.”
Richard laughs at the thought of her in a fight, she definitely didn’t look like type.
His driver pulls up in an all black Sudan, Richard opening the door to let Y/N in. She smiles gratefully and climbs in, telling the driver her address. Richard notices she sits in the center seat, hoping it’s because she wanted to be close to him. He couldn’t help the dull ache of longing in his chest every time a smile lit up her pretty face.
“Richard! Oh my god your hand,” Y/N gasps when she sees the bloodied flesh of his right hand after buckling himself in. That guy must’ve had a steel plate in his face.
“Oh,” Richard laughed as he looked down at it. He’d been so focused on Y/N he hadn’t felt the dull throb of his bloodied knuckles. Y/N grabbed the hand gently with her own, her eyebrows pushed together in concern.
As they arrived at her apartment building, she insisted Richard come inside to let her take care of his hand—not that he would’ve refused had she given him the chance to.
“Okay, this is probably going to hurt,” she warned him as she grabbed the rubbing alcohol from beneath her sink. “But I’ve got something that should help with the pain.” A mischievous smile spread across her face as she pulled a bottle of Elderberry Wine from the fridge.
“Oh now it’s a party,” Richard laughed as Y/N poured each of them a glass. Though his laugh was cut short as she doused his first in the antiseptic.
“I’m so sorry, you’re probably going to hate me by the time we finish,” y/n winced as he groaned in pain, stopping to take a swig of the wine. “It’s going to be a long night.”
Even sat upon the counter in your kitchen, Richard towered over you. Both of you were beyond drunk at this point, though you weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or the heat of his body so close to yours that had your skin on fire. He was standing in between your legs, his head nuzzled in your neck as he wheezed through his laughter. You can’t even remember what you were both laughing about at this point.
Suddenly he stops, realizing he’d invaded your personal space and pulled back. You want to stop him but your thoughts are such a jumbled up mess that you can’t think of how to.
“You still have wine all over,” his brows furrowed, blue eyes flashing in concern and something else? His pointer finger grazing the skin along your chest that now seemed to be stained with the pervert at the bar’s wine. “It might stain.”
“It’s no matter, not like anyone will be seeing me naked anytime soon,” you shrugged nonchalantly. This caused Richards breath to hitch and your cheeks to burn at the admission.
“And...and why is that?”
“Uh,” a nervous chuckle leaves your throat, “not many people want to see me naked I guess.” You can’t meet his eyes anymore.
“Bold of you to assume I haven’t been fantasizing about seeing what’s beneath that little dress of yours since you stepped onto Jimmy’s stage tonight,” he slurred without a second thought.
“Richard!” You gasp, but suddenly filled with confidence.
“What? I was just being hone—“
“Kiss me.”
The man doesn’t need to be told twice, his lips meet yours with an unbridled passion. All you can feel is bliss and his hands desperately pulling you closer.
okay so the next part will contain some dom!richard smut. let me know if you’re enjoying it so far and if you want me to continue. I’m very new to writing and still learning. I have lots of exciting things planned for this au though. Thanks for reading!
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suckasstakenames · 5 years
Craig and Those Guys Week: Day 1 - The Beach 🏖
“You definitely brought the towels didn’t you Craig?”
“Yes Tweek, for the third time, you saw me put them into the bag.”
Five teenage boys cross the parking lot and make their way towards the beach. It was the weekend and this particular beach was quite the tourist spot, but it was one of the only days of the week in which all of the boys were free. They’d assigned this trip as their monthly event; an event that wasn’t just meeting up at the cafe or hanging out at somebody’s house.
Leading the group was a tall, slender boy. The tallest of the group. This was Craig. His beach attire was pretty basic; he donned navy blue swimming trunks and black sandals. He wore a beige bucket hat over his jet black hair, and covered his blue eyes with blacked out sunglasses. He was carrying a big beach bag, filled with all the essentials. Craig was their ring leader, the centre of the group. Whenever anyone else would talk about their group it would be referred to as his gang.
Trailing closely behind him was a noticeably skinnier boy; Craig’s boyfriend, Tweek. He too wore a bucket hat, white this time, and covered his bony torso with a vest of the same colour. He had untamed wild blonde hair, shooting out from underneath the hat in all different directions. His hand was fiddling with the bottom of his khaki swimming trunks, clearly on edge. His eyes were bagged, but he wasn’t a bad looking guy overall. Tweek’s anxiety around large groups of people meant that he was practically clinging to Craig for dear life.
Not far behind was a more boisterous boy, rambling about his friends’ sense of fashion. Clyde was a little chubby in build, but wasn’t afraid to flaunt it. He wore an open red shirt with a palm tree design on it, and on the bottom half…a pair of black speedos. He even accessorised with some aviators and a shark tooth necklace. He was clearly the most enthusiastic of the group; flicking his chocolate coloured hair in the wind whenever he sensed a female within range.
Next to him was Token, who didn’t try as hard on the fashion side, but still managed to pull off a pair of violet trunks and gold-rimmed sunglasses. He was assigned the role of carrying the parasol. His body was probably the most toned out of the group, but he was cool about it, and wanted to come across as casual as possible to his peers. But that was slightly difficult when you’re the son of a millionaire…and it definitely showed.
The last boy was a brunette, using his crutches to keep up a steady pace with his friends. His ochre coloured trunks were accompanied with a brown baseball cap and a grey t-shirt. This was Jimmy, who had a form of cerebral palsy, yet was one of the funniest guys in their town. He was wearing trainers and had no intention of entering the water at all, simply content with chilling out with his best friends.
The boys eventually reach the beach, finding a spot nearer the back that wasn’t too close to everyone else for Tweek’s sake. Token forcefully stuck the parasol into the sand and opened it, Tweek immediately running underneath. With the palest skin out of them all, he’d coated himself in 3 layers of sunscreen before coming out for the day.
Craig sets down the beach bag, whipping out a pile of folded towels, leaving a couple spare in the bag. “Take your pick.”
Tweek is the first to grab one; a simple striped design.
Clyde was next, opting for the one with the slogan ‘Cool story bro’ on it.
Token passed one to Jimmy that had fruit decorating it, and then took a basic blue one for himself.
Craig was left with the towel with an adorable looking cartoon shark on it, one of which used to belong to his younger sister Tricia. He didn’t seem at all bothered and laid it out next to Tweek’s towel.
“Alright so who’s coming for a splash in a little while?” Clyde enthusiastically asks.
“FUCK no. I’m not gonna be present while you awkwardly try to pick up chicks by the water.” Craig protests.
“Oh Craig,” Clyde tuts, “You should be more supportive of me!”
“Yeah well, I’m not supportive of those speedos.”
Token chuckles, “Again with the speedos…you really aren’t a fan are you?”
“Dude, look at him. He looks like a middle aged dad who flirts with teenagers.”
Clyde pouts, “HEY…at least I’m not flexing a damn fisherman hat!”
“Nghh, not cool Clyde! Don’t drag me into this too!!” Tweek contributes, awkwardly tugging on his hat.
“Firstly, it’s called a bucket hat. Secondly, fuck you. It keeps us cool.” says Craig.
“Appearance vs p-p-practicality. A truly difficult decision f-for sure.” Jimmy jokes.
“Who cares about how good you look when you’re frying to death?!” says Tweek.
“Chill out Tweek, we’re not frying! We’re just sun-kissed.“ Clyde teases. Token pushes him playfully, shaking his head and smiling.
Jimmy looks out over the crowd of people, stopping when he sees someone he recognises. An auburn-haired boy of their age was sat reading a book next to his mother, who was watching his father and younger brother throw a ball back and forth to each other.
“H-hey, isn’t that K-K-Kyle Broflovski and his f-family over there?”
Token squints his eyes in the same direction, “…oh shit, it is! Shall we go say hi?”
“What?! I’m not going all the way over there!!” Tweek protests.
Craig lies back on his towel. “If Ike sees Clyde he’ll just annoy him with pirate songs again.”
“I don’t need reminding of that you guys!!” Clyde whines.
“Kyle looks pretty bored…” says Token.
“Damn…and S-S-Sheila is looking pretty…th-th-th-thick.” Jimmy stutters, watching as Sheila rubbed herself with sunscreen.
“Gross Jimmy, put your boner away.” says Craig.
“Relax b-buddy! Only her m-mother could love t-that face.” he jests.
Token gets up, “I’m gonna go say hi, Craig come with!”
“Ugh fine but we’re not staying long.” Craig groans.
“Bring us back ice cream will ya!” Clyde declares, pointing at the ice cream van nearby.
“Anything for you, princess.” Token jokes, before helping Craig up by the hand and wandering off towards Kyle.
They quickly return with 5 ice cream cones, one with toffee sauce since Tweek likes toffee.
Obviously, Clyde had something to say about this. “Uhhhh, where’s my toffee sauce??”
“Go and get some from the van if you want it, you lazy twat.” Craig says, handing the cone to Tweek. Tweek smiles warmly up at him before thanking him. Clyde takes his cone from Token, pulls a sour face and sticks his tongue out at Craig before heading towards the van.
After not even 2 minutes of receiving his ice cream, Tweek has a sudden large twitch and accidentally drops the cone onto his leg. Clyde bursts out with laughter, while Craig grabs a spare towel from the beach bag and helps him to clean up.
“I will literally pay you half of my w-w-wage if you lick some of that.” Jimmy jests.
“WHAT?! Are you nuts?!” Tweek yells.
“That’s a comment I’d expect from Clyde, not you Jimmy.” Craig retorts. “Fuck off.”
“What if it was Token’s wage?” Clyde suggests.
“Not even for Token’s wage.” says Craig.
“You guys, my wage isn’t that much different than yours!” Token objects. He’s not wrong; he only earns about 3 or 4 more dollars than the rest of them. However he serves wealthier customers and the tips tend to be double, even triple the average waiter gets.
Once Craig finishes cleaning up a very embarrassed Tweek, and returns to the van to buy him a replacement ice cream, the five of them lie on their respective towels and sunbathe quietly in each others company. So quiet in fact, that none of them realise until 20 minutes later that Clyde had fallen fast asleep. Only when he suddenly lets out a loud snore, waking himself up in the process, does he attract the other’s attention.
“Jesus Clyde, scared the shit out of me.” Craig snaps.
“The heat must’ve knocked me out…” says Clyde. “I need to cool down…time for a swim!”
Almost instantly, as if he hadn’t just woken up, Clyde immediately springs to his feet and flings his shirt off. “Who’s coming??”
“I will. The water looks fresh.” Token gets up a little slower, taking off his shades and placing them on his towel.
“Ngh, maybe later…” Tweek replies. And by ‘maybe later’, he meant ‘probably not at all’.
“No worries bud.” Clyde reassures. “Jimmy? Oh yeah Jimmy said he wasn’t swimming today…Craig?”
The two standing look over to Craig, who’s very clearly pretending he didn’t hear them. Clyde bends over him, casting a shadow over his face.
“Craig? Yoohooooo?”
“Are you coming swimming with us?” Token asks.
Token rolls his eyes, exchanging a disappointed look with Clyde, before leaning in and whispering something into his ear. Clyde grows a mischievous grin and looks over at Craig, who is completely oblivious.
Craig is a slim guy and relatively lightweight, so it wasn’t a problem for Clyde and Token to grab him by the legs and arms and lift him up abruptly.
“Wh-? What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Taking you for a dip.” Clyde replies nonchalantly.
“I hate you both so much, fucking put me down!”
Craig wriggles a little in protest, his hat falling off in the process, but it’s not long before he gives in and simply lets the other two carry him over to the water.
Tweek and Jimmy laugh as they watch them go.
“Ngh…am I an unsupportive boyfriend if I just sit back and let them pick on him like that?” Tweek jokes.
“It makes a ch-change from Craig p-p-picking on everyone else, I suppose.” Jimmy shrugs.
They watch on as Clyde and Token count down from 3, and on zero, Craig is slam dunked into the water. He resurfaces flicking his hair and immediately targets Clyde by jumping onto his shoulders and sending him underneath the water. The antics continue as Tweek smiles from afar, happy and tranquil. Seeing his boyfriend and his friends messing around and having fun made him feel so relaxed and carefree, and distracted him from any worries he may have.
He sighs with contentment. At least he didn’t have to worry about being alone. His friends were always there for each other and supported each other an equal amount. And days like this just proved that the five of them were closer than ever.
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kickstartmyheartmc · 5 years
Revival: Chapter 2
Word Count: 2,656
Taglist: @fastnfearless, @fandomshit6000, @public-enemy-sixx
               Nothing sounded better than a relaxing day at the spa for your 18th birthday. You were nearing six months at Dottie’s house, and you were just about ready to head out on your own. Over the course of working at Donny’s, nothing suited you better than working six days a week, eight hours a day. This meant more tables, more hourly pay (despite only being $2.14/hour), and less time to sit and think about the future. After listening to Dotty’s advice about planning for the future, you sat down and considered your options, but nothing came to mind. You thought you had your life planned out but turns out it was all fabricated within your own head. You never knew what you wanted to do with career choices, how you wanted to live alone and where, nor did you know how the hell you were going to keep your head afloat while paying the high rent in Los Angeles. Ah, this is what Dottie meant by planning for the future. You shook your head and decided it was a problem to solve later.
               Your mornings started at 10:00 AM every Monday – Saturday. You woke up, took a shower, got dressed in one of the many uniforms you’d acquired, and shuttled yourself to work on quickest Greyhound bus. Watching people interact with each other was always the best part of the ride. Some days there would be women staggering down sidewalks in broken heels or torn jackets, clearly heading home after a long night of partying. On other days, couples strolled down the sidewalk, leisurely chatting after a filling brunch. Some days you were jealous, and others you despised the very idea of a relationship.
               A relationship in itself was not the part you disliked so much as the actual act of going through the pain and heartbreak to get to the one you would be with for the rest of your life. Back home in Florida, it was rare to run into someone that was interested in you as a person since it was a small community and they all knew about what happened with Mom. Once she passed away, nothing was the same. Your friends abandoned you in fear of becoming black sheep and losing their more popular friends; none of the older kids even spared you a glance; even the younger children, the ones that remained friends with a couple of your younger siblings, would not give you the time of day. No one acknowledging your presence when you so desperately needed it hacked away at your identity; maybe that was the reason why you felt the need to start over.
               Starting over was harder than it sounded, especially when homesickness was such a bastard. One day in July, only three months after you arrived in California, you fell into temptation and called home. Jim, the second youngest brother, picked up. “Hello?”
               You smiled instantly. “Hi, Jimmy! It’s Y/N, how’ve you been?”
               The line was silent for a moment. “Y/N? Where did you go?” His voice was strained, as if he had to hold back his emotions.
               “I-I can’t tell you that, but I miss you a bunch.” You sniffled, not realizing your eyes started to water until then. “How is everyone? Are you all alright? Where’s Dad?”
               “He’s working right now.” He paused for a moment, and you heard the shake in his voice when he said, “We’re mad at you. You didn’t have to leave.”
               That felt like a knife through your heart. “Jimmy, I never meant to hurt any of you. I did this for me and my well-being, please understand.” You chewed on your bottom lip, wiping away a tear. “It sounds selfish, but I promise it was for the best… for everyone.”
               There was a bang through the phone, as if Jim slammed it against the wall. “God damn it, Y/N! When you disappeared, he went on a binge and fucking left for three days! We may not be children anymore, but we can’t get jobs yet! We’re stuck with him until we all turn old enough!” You could not see him, but he was clearly crying. It was odd for a 14-year-old teenage boy to show this many emotions. “You abandoned us, just like Mom.”
               Your voice dropped almost an octave. “Don’t you dare compare me to her.”
               “Why not? What’s different between her not being a part of our lives and you just up and leaving? You even had the choice, and still left!”
               Now it was your turn to slam the phone against something; unfortunately, the nearest surface was the glass surrounding you within the phone booth. The glass shattered and left a few open cuts on your hand as you screamed at your brother. “I NEVER wanted to leave, but I had to so I DIDN’T end up like Mom! Good fucking luck, Jim, because Dad will ruin your life like he tried to mine. At least I got out while I could.” With that, you slammed the phone back down, hanging up on your little brother.
               Your hands were shaking as you walked away from the phone booth. You loved Mom and everything she tried to do, but it still hurt to be compared to her because of how she didn’t even try to help herself. After hearing Jim say what he did, your mind raced a mile a minute, efficiently pumping adrenaline through your veins.
               “Sure, Y/N, just call home and casually act like nothing is wrong,” you muttered to yourself, arms crossed to ensure you looked scarier than you actually were. “They’ll definitely just speak without resentment. What do they have to hate you for?” You kept crying while striding down the streets of Hollywood. Stores passed by without a second glance, music coming from some and the sounds of sizzling grills leaving others.
               You stopped in front of a music store with a canopy covering, hoping to sit and bawl your eyes out without interruption. You let your back slide down the brick wall, smudging the light eyeliner you applied only hours later. It was only a few minutes later that the door flew open and smacked you in the knees, effectively causing a scream of pain to emit from your lips. “Fuck!”
               The person who’d swung the door open quickly bent down. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” He awkwardly held his hands in front of you, not sure where to place his hands to help you.
               You glared at him. “Fuck off, will you?” You sniffled and stood up, wincing a little from the pain. “You should’ve been more careful.”
               The stranger stood with you and huffed. “I was only trying to help.” He eyed you, his lips curling back into a light sneer. “What were you doing sitting there anyway?” He opened the door to the store and, despite your rude attitude, silently motioned for you to go inside with him. You complied, albeit reluctantly.
               “Long story short, my family sucks and I’m glad I left.” You shivered as the air conditioning hit your skin. “I’m… I’m sorry for reacting the way I did.” You tried to smile at the stranger, but it turned out to be a lost cause because he was turned away.
               “Don’t worry about it. I have my fair share of family shit to deal with.” He turned back around and smiled at you. “What’s your name?” he asked gently.
               “Y/N. What’s yours?” You managed to pull off a real smile this time.
               “Frank. It’s nice to meet you.”
               “Next stop, Sunset Boulevard!” The bus driver’s voice boomed throughout the tin container, jolting you from your memories. You stood up and followed everyone else getting off. A few of them filed into the Whiskey-a-Go-Go, more than likely employees considering it was only 9:50 in the morning. You paced yourself to Donny’s in order to walk through the doors right at 10. While strolling and taking in the scenery of fall time in Los Angeles, you let yourself get lost in your thoughts once more.
               “Frank. That’s an original name.” Your snort indicated the sarcasm underlying your tone.
               Frank shrugged. “It was my dad’s name, but he left when I was three, so I don’t really feel much of a connection to it.” He took a few long strides and quickly positioned himself behind the register. “On that note, welcome to High Hits.” He let his arms open to either side of him, indicating you to look around the store and take everything in. “Is there anything I can get for you today, young lady?”
               You rolled your eyes and sauntered over to the Beatles’ section. “That’s funny.”
               Frank tilted his head inquisitively. “How so?”
               “We’re practically the same age, therefore I’m not ‘young’ to you, I’m just new.”
               “Smart ass.”
               Your head whipped around as you tried to act shocked. “How dare you insult me, a lady, by cursing in my presence.” You went back to flipped through some of their greatest hits and gasped when you saw their 1968 album The Beatles. “Oh my god, a legend.”
               Frank popped up behind you, making you jump a little. “That’s one of my favorites. Wanna listen to it?”
               “Well, yeah, but I don’t see a player in here.” Just then, someone walked into the store and pulled Frank away from you. He shot you a glance and shrugged, as if to say sorry. You sighed and slid the vinyl back into its place, effectively leaving the store in a better mood than when you walked in.
               “Hey, Y/N!” yelled Donny from the kitchen window. “About time you showed!”
               You looked down at your watch. 10:30 AM. Holy shit, you were late. Where had the time gone? “Sorry, Donny! Just have a lot on my mind.”
               “Don’t worry about it, just get this place open for me.” He slipped his head back into the kitchen as the sound of flames on a grill took over the place. You immediately clocked in and got to work.
 It was dinner time rush that same day. Someone didn’t show up for their shift and Donny asked if anyone could cover it, so you opted in for the extra cash. Besides, he promised a free meal on the house and you couldn’t turn down the best burger in town.
               “Order up!” yelled Donny from the window. You lumbered over, piled the three plates on your arms, and rushed over to table 42.
               “Hello, boys,” you said, putting on that dazzling smile. “Here I have an order of blueberry pancakes, a grilled cheese sandwich, and my personal favorite, a cheeseburger supreme without the mayo.” You placed the food down in front of all of them and wiped your hands on your apron. “Is there anything else I can get you—” Your voice cut out as you locked eyes with the one on your right, alone in his side of the booth. “Frank!” You instantly recognized him from the record shop three months ago. The only thing different was he dyed his hair jet black.
               “Call me Nikki,” he said, clearly trying to hold his smile back. “How’ve you been, uh…?”
               Your smile faltered a little bit. “Y/N,” you reminded him, clearing your throat. “Is there anything I can get for you three?” You scanned the rest of the table, carefully examining the other two men there, but neither of them were paying you any mind as they were too busy scarfing down their meals.
               “Don’t mind them,” Nikki said, waving his hand their way. “We just finished performing at the Starwood.”
               “That’s pretty neat,” you said. “I need to get back to work now, but if I have time I’ll come back over.” You flashed him a smile once more and ran off. I wonder what happened to cause him to change his name. You shrugged and got right back to work. Twenty minutes passed by and it felt as if it was only a few seconds. Time may fly when you have fun but working has a whole other concept of time by itself.
               As the night began to slow down, you leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, taking in the restaurant as a whole, wonderful home.
               “See something interesting?”
               You jumped at the sound of someone speaking so close to you that you could feel their breath. You turned and came face-to-face with Nikki. “Jesus, Nikki, what the hell?”
               He chuckled and dug the toe of his boot into the floor. He looked you in the eyes and his breath covered your face, allowing you to detect traces of alcohol. There’s no way he’s old enough to drink, you thought. “Just wanted to hang around and talk to you. Are you done working yet?”
               That caught you by surprise. “U-um, not yet. I still have to finish my side work and front of house duties.”
               “Well, whenever you’re done, you’re invited to the party I’m holding with my bandmates at the lead singer’s apartment.” He smiled, held out a piece of paper with an address on it, and sauntered off. As you examined it, memorizing the address, a customer asked for assistance and you hopped to it, sliding the piece of paper into your apron, destined to be forgotten in a moment’s notice.
 An exhale left your lips as you let the cool October air cover your face while leaving the restaurant. It was an exhausting day, and thankfully Donny said you could have the following day off to rest instead of working like you always did. On the walk home to Dottie’s apartment, you remembered the invitation to Nikki’s party. “Shit,” you hissed, searching in every apron pocket, unable to locate the small slice of paper. You thought you would remember where it was at, but fatigue plagued your memory, making it impossible to form a cohesive thought at the moment. You sighed once more before turning to head home.
               Along the way you spotted a golden retriever laying on a cardboard box, watching everyone walk by with sadness in its eyes. He pulled at your heart strings and you could not resist the urge to stop and check on him. “Hey, baby,” you whispered while crouched beside the dog, petting it on its head. “What’re you doing out here alone?” The dog looked up at you and scooted a little bit closer, silently begging for more connection. That broke your heart.
               “Y/N, why is there a dog behind you?” Dottie asked as you snuck into the apartment—or tried to.
               Your shoulders tensed up and you turned around to face her. “She looked so pitiful,” you complained. “I couldn’t just leave her there.”
               Dottie crossed her arms, taking a firm stance against your weakness. “I’m not allowed to have pets in this apartment, let alone strays. You’ll have to let her go and she’ll need to find her way to someone who can take care of her.”
               “Please, Dottie? I’ll take her to a shelter tomorrow.” You folded your hands in front of your chest, bending your knees a little in order to pull the sympathy out of her. You always wanted a dog, and if you could save this one, it would make you feel that much better.
               Dottie huffed out a “fine” and went back to the dining room table. “But if I find out you don’t take it to a shelter tomorrow, I will evict you both myself!”
               You chuckled. “Thanks, Dottie!” The dog followed you to the guest bedroom, which had evolved into your own room because of the sheer amount of time you’d been there, and made itself at home, taking comfort in the carpeted floors and heating that coursed through the apartment. You gave the dog one last pet before heading to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower and head to bed for the night.
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gay-fiction · 6 years
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One For All And All For One
This is the first chapter of “Into Better Days”, a coming-of-age piece in a high school setting with different kinds of themes (and pairings).
Meet the characters and which circumstances brought them together.
Trigger warning for this chapter violence, use of drugs
Mid-September, somewhere in Chicago’s suburbs.
It was just another ordinary day. The sun was peeking through the trees that edged the street and the parking lot of St. Helmsley High School. The scenes unfolding on this first day of school were just as ordinary as the weather was.
The parking lot was mildly crowded. New cars arrived and students greeted each other after the long summer break. Buses arrived and more hordes of students surged onto the high school’s forecourt, mingling with those that came by bike or foot. Already, the typical groups were forming; the alleged cool kids, the nerds and jocks, all different subcultures.
Special attention, of course, was on those students that did not belong to a certain group, did not fit the mold those cliques provided. Like all those years before and all those that would follow, they made their way towards the school’s main entrance alone. These kids, children of different ages, were cannon fodder for those that were lucky enough to belong not only to a subculture but a prestigious one. Did the school have any kind of anti-bullying campaign? Sure, but its success was debatable.
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Jimmy got out of his car, stretching and scanning the scene just like all the others did. Contrary to them, he didn’t give a single fuck about what was going on in front of him. His eyes still half closed from the sleep he had been neglecting over the course of the last few days… or weeks… the dark-haired boy just blankly stared at them. He took off his jacket, revealing a dilettantish made tattoo on his right arm. Yawning, he threw it into the back of his car.
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On the passenger side, his younger brother exited the vehicle as well.
“It’s quite warm today”, the smaller boy declared, scratching his cleanly shaven chin. Marty, the younger Renfrew brother, obviously got a lot more sleep than his older sibling. He scanned the crowd on the parking lot, swarming towards the school buildings with some more interest. Close-by, he spotted another, tattooed like his brother, guy leaning against the side of a run-down, black Vauxhall. As their gazes met, Marty waved. The tall boy of Dutch decent locked his car and approached them.
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“Morning”, he murmured in a deep and sonorous voice. He gave Marty a pat on the back and waved his hand at Jimmy who was actually able to respond with a mumbled “Mornin’ Thomas”. The greeting between the three didn’t turn out as warmly as the ones between the other students. Contrary to most of them, however, the three young men had seen each other quite a lot during the summer break. They Had spent almost every weekend together, as well as almost every weekday evening. That came rather natural to them, after all, they were in a band together – and broke as fuck.
Together, the three bandmates made their way towards the school building. They took a seat on the half-high wall that lined the parking lot right across from the main entrance of the main classroom building. Marty drew a crumpled package of cigarettes out of his back pocket, took one and offered the package to Thomas. The Dutch-born took one, muttering a short “Thanks”. After lightening it, he took a deep drag, closing his eyes and sighing in contentment.
Nothing really changed compared to the previous year, really. Still, some students looked at them in disgust due to the smoke, yet nobody said a word. Probably, they just waited for a teacher to catch and, most probably, expel them. That was none of their immediate concern though.
The three boys remained silent. Thomas brushed a strand of hair that had come loose from his ponytail out of his face. With his eyes closed, he enjoyed the cigarette and the warm late-summer sun on his skin. Jimmy, still tired, stared down at his boots, while Marty indulged himself in watching the students pass by. Some greeted them, rising a hand or even exchanging some words with the two more awake ones.
In the past, jocks and upper-class kids alike had called them freaks – or worse. Yet, Jimmy, Marty, and Thomas belonged to the more popular kids around. Partly, of course, because they were in a band, but also because of their not-giving-a-single-fuck attitude. It didn’t harm them that especially the younger kids admired their grungy and edgy appearances and their music either.
The younger brother let his eyes wander. There were the football players, people he as a scrawny and thin guy could not relate to in the slightest. Of course, they were accompanied by the cheerleaders, all girls that didn’t want to have the slightest thing to do with someone like him. There were the goths; seemingly a more pleasant group, if only they weren’t that stuck up and elitist. The upper-class kids arrived in their brand new, huge cars, sporting clothes where a single item already exceeded the value of Marty’s whole wardrobe. They sure let anyone know how much (or rather less) they thought of them.
There were so many different cliques; the artsy kids, the physics-nerds, different kinds of athletes, the choir and orchestra, the marching band and theater group.
If you dared to take a closer look, however, it was the desolate ones that were the most interesting individuals.
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One who definitely was among the desolate was Mark Andrews. He was your average nerd, with a knack for maths and big glasses. He was far from wearing the newest fashion or any kind of distinguishable style. Oh, he was smart, no doubt, not only in maths but other subjects as well. But in school, intelligence didn’t matter much. It was no rival for popularity, influence, belonging to a prestigious group.
Quite the contrary, Mark was the best example for someone who’s intelligence made him a constant target for different kinds of bullies – the more obvious ones as well as the subtle ones. Thus, the youngster had a rather hard time at school. Instead of the solitude and harassment leading him into desperation and sadness, intense hatred and anger grew inside the slender, almost meager, boy, fostered by every hateful comment, mocking slur or laugh behind his back.
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Another desolate one was Trent Seven. Quite the opposite of Mark, he was tall with heavy muscles, dirty blond hair, and no fear of bullying whatsoever. While he wasn’t the smartest and had to repeat a year of school already, his stature and the calmness he radiated prevented anyone from really messing with him – except for the staff who constantly nagged him about his bad grades and thus uncertain future.
Yet, there was something heavy on his heart. While bullies stood clear of the young man, everyone else did as well. Always wandering the halls and sports grounds alone, Trent had no one to talk to. Some students simply ignored him while most avoided him deliberately.
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Someone who was rather unlikely to belong to this outcast group of people was Tyler Bate, a smart, helpful, and rather attractive passionate swimmer. His popularity with the girls, however, did not stop rumors from spreading. The questioning of his sexuality had not dampened Ty’s popularity with the girls that much and certainly did not affect his cheerfulness, but his male peers were a different story. People just weren’t as liberal and accepting as one would wish in these times.
It happened more than once that Ty had been harassed or assaulted, even if not on school grounds, so on his way home. His rather fragile nature and calm demeanor kept him not only from fighting back but also from reporting these incidents. Once school would be over, or so he hoped, life would become better anyway. So the blond boy decided to simply wait and concentrated on his swimming practice and schoolwork.
All these people were more or less known by Marty. At the very least, he had heard different rumors about them as well; about them and so many other people that attended their high school. But then, he spotted unbeknownst to him. And when this guy made his way towards the school’s main entrance, he surely stuck out like a sore thumb.
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Later, the friends would find out that his name was Lee-James, a Scottish youngster that had only recently moved to America due to his parent’s work. The quite excentric looking young man was not at all pleased that he had to finish his last years of school far away from his native homeland. Being the new kid was always a struggle, and Lee felt especially alienated by the warm weather and the attitude he witnessed by most of his peers. They were simply not as progressive, in his mind, as the people back home, where he would hardly get sour looks because of the leather vest and collar, combat boots, and ripped jeans with numerous chains and spikes he sported.
While Marty spotted all of these different characters in the huge crowd of students, he didn’t spend much time thinking about them. His mind was drifting away, back to the prior night, when some chords for a new song had come to his mind. Gifted with a musical ear, he was the one mostly responsible to provide new material for their small punk-rock band. Bit by bit, he was already piecing together a new song in his head, and he couldn’t wait to tell his peers about it over the lunch break. Hopefully, Jimmy would be able to give him his full attention by then.
Mark passed the sitting spot of the three band-mates, trying to push through the crowd that, while not moving, blocked the way into the building. The nerdy boy wanted nothing more but to get inside, into his classroom, and avoid any confrontation. Unfortunately, things never turn out the way you expect them to…
While Mark was making his way up the broad entrance stairway, a hand reached out to him from the crowds. All he felt was a yank on his backpack. With one foot not entirely on the next step, the unathletic boy lost his balance. With an appalled yelp, he fell backward. Helplessly, his arms paddled through the air, but there was nothing that could stop his fall as all the people behind him immediately made way.
Instinctively, the boy rose one hand to his face to protect his glasses. With the other, Mark tried to catch his fall, but to no avail. As he stumbled down a few steps, the motion twisted his wrist painfully. A sharp sting of pain shot through him, starting from where he had hit the back of his head on the hard concrete ground, just barely missing the edge of the step.
Momentarily, everything went black. When he regained consciousness, the pain in the back of his head was almost blinding. Reaching into his dirty-blond hair confirmed what he had thought. Mark had busted his head open, blood coating his fingers as he brought it in front of his face.
Did someone help him though? No. Just like no one had stepped in when he had been falling, not a single person made an effort to help him up, maybe even accompany him to the nurse’s office. Anger welled up inside the young man and he had to swallow the tears of pain, embarrassment, and frustration. Sparing his twisted and throbbing wrist, Mark picked himself up. Filled with anger, he stormed up the stairs while the students nearby just looked on. Some even chuckled when he passed them. And the hurting boy swore to himself that he wouldn’t put up with these things any longer!
“What an idiot”, someone called out and earned quite some laughter for it. Jimmy pulled a face. He was already on the verge of a headache due to his sleep-deprivation and this childish behavior bothered him to no end.
Thomas and Marty, however, who had also witnessed the whole incident from afar, exchanged a look. “Should’ve we gone over there and help him?”, Marty asked but his taller friend only shrugged his shoulders.
“He was up and gone in no time. Damn, that looked nasty. Could very well become a concussion.”
“Whatever”, came a snarl from Jimmy, cutting Thomas off. He jumped down from the wall and angrily marched towards the stairs and the mass of student in front of it. Unlike Mark, he forced his way through them by using his elbows. While many shot him a disgruntled look, no one dared to lay hand on him.
The two remaining boys watched the grumpy youngster disappear inside the building.
“Man, he must’ve had a rough night”, Thomas attested as he stubbed out his cigarette against the side of the wall.
“Or none at all”, Marty added just as the school bell rang. He too put his cigarette out and slid down the wall. “Well, time to go as well. On to another year of fucking school.” He adjusted his denim jacket’s collar, shouldered his messenger back and strutted towards the building. With a shrug, Thomas followed him and the other students.
But this year, this year would be different. At least that was what Mark swore to himself as he sat at the nurse’s office, the elderly woman patching up the gash in his skull. Clenching his fists and biting his lower lip, thoughts and ideas rushed through his mind. No, this year, he would end it!
The bell rang, and in an instant, the corridors were filled with students. Most if not all headed towards the cafeteria or towards the doors leading to the big patio that formed the center of the main classroom buildings of the school complex.
Jimmy was happy that he survived the first part of this day. He stormed out of the classroom with the other students, making his way to his locker. There, Marty and Thomas were already waiting for him. The first day of school certainly wasn’t his favorite day of the year, but at least he had woken up over the course of the morning.
“Let’s go outside”, the younger brother suggested when Jimmy joined them. “I have to show you something. And it’s way too fucking loud here.” The tattooed boys only nodded and together, they made their way to the doors. Outside, they decided to ignore the benches and tables provided. Instead, they walked along the side of the science building towards the sports grounds. The indoor facilities, as well as the swimming pool, lined the different tracks and fields on one side, giving the school a weird, sock-like look from above. A small hill was overlooking the football field and there stood an old oak tree the student body had lovingly dubbed the ‘Old Man’. And truly, with its branches hanging so low, the stem leaning towards the steeping hill, it did resemble an elderly man.
Marty sat down underneath the leafy canopy, putting his bag aside as he pulled out his phone. “I have a new song for us. Well, not all of it, but some interesting pieces.”
“Is it good”, Thomas asked. He had pulled out a plastic bag with a green, flaky substance. Curiously, he looked around. It was risky to bring this kind of ‘relief’ to school, but he couldn’t help it. Only half joking, he usually excused it with his Dutch heritage.
“Of course it is!”, the younger Bate brother exclaimed while Thomas continued mixing the crushed leaves with tobacco. “At least the rhythm and melody. Lyrics are Jimmy’ thing.” Marty browsed the different recording files to find the one from the night prior. “Do you really think I would tell you about a song if I thought it was shit?”
Thomas had rolled out a paper, stacking the tobacco mix in its middle. “Tastes differ”, he noted. “And you have some strange ideas of… ‘good’ at times.”
The smaller boy shot his Dutch-born peer a mad look. “Your constant criticism is NOT appreciated”, he let him know before playing his song out loud. Thomas’s hands shortly paused their work as he listened. Jimmy leaned in closer well. He had heard his brother through the walls the previous night, yet only dully.
“We can meet up later and I can play it for you in person”, Marty suggested after the short piece ended. “It sounds better live, I swear!”
“Can I play it again?”, Jimmy decided to join the conversation. After Marty confirmed, he took the phone, put the recording on repeat and lay down in the grass. Propped up on his elbows, his eyes closed, he listened. This was way more his thing than school; just lying in the shade, listening to his friends’ banter, letting Marty’s melody inspire him. Soon, he could hum along to the arrangement of chords.
Someone screamed.
Jimmy sat up, opening his eyes again. Puzzled, the three friends exchanged a look. The smoldering joint tugged between his lips, Thomas stood up to get a better look over the football field. “Sounds like it came from the stands”, he commented.
“Maybe someone fell off of ‘em”, Marty suggested with a shrug, but then the same voice rang through the air once more. “Nope, no one fell. Should we go have a look?” He still felt a tad guilty for not doing anything when that nerd had been pulled down the stairs earlier. “Maybe someone needs help. Why else would they scream?”
With a grunt, Jimmy came to his feet as well. “But just because I’m curious now”, he defended his interest. Shortly afterward, the three made their way across the wide field. In the distance, in the shadows of the stands, they spotted a bulk of people.
“Wolverines”, Thomas concluded as they made out the bright red fabric typical for the school’s football team jerseys. The Helmsley High Wolverines had been among the more successful teams of the state, known for getting a lot of their players into college football scholarships. Putting out his joint, Thomas put it into the plastic bag and shoved it back into his pocket. Smoking was already something that, after multiple offenses, could get them expelled. Bringing drugs onto the school property would have him kicked faster than he could finish his blunt. And he would surely not give those jocks something to denounce him!
“Marty?”, the older Renfrew addressed his brother. “Better take your phone out and start recording. You never know…” Marty was a step ahead of his sibling though, the camera already opened on his phone as he planned on standing back a bit anyway.
Most of the people in the small crowd that had formed in the shadows of the stands were indeed members of the football team. In their midst, however, stood a group of very different people. One of them was sitting on the dirty ground, holding his face as blood trickled down from his lip. Through strands of blond hair, Tyler, star of the swimming team, looked up at the jock that, supposedly, hit him.
Even from the back, this particular young man was instantly recognizable. After all, Randal Orton paraded his bulky body around like he owned the place – and the teachers even backed it up. That came naturally when you are the quarterback. And the son of an influential lobbyist. And an overall asshat.
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Mark stood behind the boy on the ground, clutching his backpack. He stared at the quarterback towering over them with a fierce expression on his face. To round off the crooked picture, the third one encircled by the group of fiery red athletes, was the expressively dressed new guy in town. Lee, however, rather looked like he had accidentally gotten into all of this. He had just taken some time out from the loud, rude, American school day to relax in the shadows of the stands.
And still, now he stood bravely between Tyler and Orton. Another one of the massy football players had seized the Scotsman by the collar of his vest, a fist risen as if he wanted to punch the black-haired guy.
“Hey!”, Thomas drew the attention of the crowd towards them. “The fuck are you doing here?”, he asked as they approached. Marty started recording.
Immediately, some of the jocks turned towards them, while Orton only turned his head. While Jimmy and Thomas were tall, they were still rather lean, their statures no match for those guys that trained tirelessly, college football and thus getting buff their long-term goals.
“That’s none of your business”, Orton spoke up, immediately taking the natural leader position he was allegedly born with. “Just fuck off and leave this to us! And you, stop recording!” One of the other guys lunged for Marty, who retreated into the shadow of his bandmates even more. He was so not in for a beating.
“Get lost”, Orton hissed once more.
Jimmy and Thomas stepped into the other jock’s way. The three encircled boys watched in anticipation, Mark still clutching his bag while Tyler slowly got up on his feet. “Listen, I’m in a lousy mood already”, Jimmy chimed up with a growl. “I didn’t really sleep last night and I fucking hate the first day after the holidays. Loud people, annoying teachers, stupid and irrelevant stuff… and now you are making a mess to top it all off? Not a fan, really not. So why don’t YOU get lost? Now!”
It was more than evident that the bold words of the inked boy enraged the football player only more. “Who the fuck do you think you are to make such demands. Go make some emo music or whatever, this is none of your business.”
The brute looked over his shoulder and gave his teammates a wave with his hand, the guy who held Lee by the collar lunged out and placed a punch against the new student’s jaw. Immediately clasping his jaw, Lee stumbled back and against Tyler. Both fell over, landing back in the dirt to Mark’s feet.
The pack of athlete’s laughed mockingly and the quarterback turned back towards the band. He spread his arms as Thomas attempted to throw himself at him. “Go ahead! Do you think you stand a chance against all of us? Come! That is if you want to be the one who starts a fight on school grounds with the best quarterback this school has seen in years! Your pal is making sure that there will be plenty of evidence for you attacking me.”
The cockiness and the fact that two more players stepped next to their peer made Thomas halt in his movements.
“Thought so”, the jock exclaimed with a laugh. “You can’t handle all of us!”
“But maybe I can.”
All of them looked around to where the voice had come from, attackers, victim and the three friends alike. Trent just stood there, his massive arms crossed in front of his chest. He had approached all silently – or they had all just been so used to ignoring him that they hadn’t paid attention.
Murmurs arose among the jocks. Making use of the momentary confusion, Tyler pressed his hands against Lee’s side to push the taller boy away from him. Freeing himself, he rubbed a bare arm over his still bleeding lip. Lee got to his feet, helping the slender athlete up as he clutched his jaw. Counting them, the new arrival, and even Mark, the numbers were way more evened now.
“Ugh, let’s go. This is more stress than fun.” Upon the disgruntled command of the quarterback, the circle dissolved. Still shooting sour looks towards them, they walked away across the field. The weird conglomerate of people stayed behind.
Mark was the first to find his voice again. “Thank you”, he turned towards Jimmy, Thomas, and Marty, then towards Trent.
“Fuck, I shouldn’t have held back”, Thomas scolded himself. He was still staring at the leaving group. Calmingly, Jimmy rested a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“They’re not worth it. Even though they’d fucking deserve it. They would have ratted us out to the coach immediately and then?”
“Hey, But they started!”, Daniel disagreed with Jimmy. “They threw the first punch, we have so many witnesses for that! And I have the video!”
Now it was Mark who chimed in with a bitter laugh. “So what? Whose words weigh more, what do you think? Ours that they have attacked and cornered us? Or half of the damn football team and a video of you guys throwing a punch at the star quarterback?”
He was right, and all of them knew it. All but Lee, who looked around in confusion. “Are they such a big deal?”, he asked in his thick, Scottish accent, flinching as the movement of his jaw shot a jolt of pain through his features.
Tyler, still visually shaken up by the beating he had gotten before, nodded in confirmation. “Athletes run this school. That’s normal here. Well, the popular ones do.” He certainly wasn’t one of them.
“I’m so… so sick of this!”, Mark suddenly spat out. Everyone looked at the slightly overweight boy. “It’s the first day and I was already pushed down the stairs, busted my head open, got shoved against the lockers and cornered in the dirt. I’m so sick of this, so fucking sick of getting assaulted on a daily basis!”
Marty, Thomas, and Jimmy exchanged a look. Weren’t the quiet ones, the ones you hardly expected anything evil from, the worst? Over the past decade, reports in the news from all over the country about students taking drastic measures. Especially in the past two years, they had become more and more, instilling a fear inside every student that went to school, praying that they would make it home alive and not end up a mere statistic in one of the papers. Thus, they couldn’t help it. At this very moment, Mark had ‘school shooter’ written all over his face.
Trent and Tyler actually shared this thought, the dainty swimmer actually retreating from where he had been standing.
“Whenever I set a foot into this building I feel like I have a huge target on my back”, Mark went on. In his frenzy, he didn’t notice the concerned looks. “I’m constantly being pushed around by guys that are stronger than me! And all I get from the teachers or the nurse are pitiful looks and advice that’s worth fucking nothing. That’s it! I won’t take it anymore!”
With trembling lips, Tyler dared to follow up the spat-out rant with his own words. “I… I don’t like getting hit in the face either. Or all these rumors they spread about me but…” He rose a hand to his busted lip. “But violence is not the solution.”
Mark furrowed his brows, the eyes behind his glasses fixated on the young athlete. Of course, they all knew which kind of rumors he was talking about. “Who says I’m talking about violence”, the speckled boy defended himself. Looking around, he finally realized what this must look and sound like.
“Jesus! I’m not bringing a gun to school tomorrow, don’t worry. I am not jeopardizing my own future because of these assholes! No, no there has to be another way!”
He looked around, meeting each and every one of them with his gaze. There was Tyler, beaten up on the first day of school, athletic but unable to really stand up for himself. Trent, ignored and neglected, s supposed simpleton that was feared for his strength. Then Jimmy and Thomas, tall and with quite the fanbase, the former lacking severely in the educational department though, the latter one rumored to consume more than just cigarettes. Marty, who probably only got spared because he was Jimmy’ brother. And Lee, his first day at a new school and he had already been involuntarily drawn into this all, let alone being punched square in the face.
The gears in Mark’s head turned, the eyes behind his glasses lighting up as an idea formed in his mind.
“We form an alliance”, he finally exclaimed with utter conviction.
Jimmy snorted and Lee let out a laugh. “Alright, Shakespeare”, the Scott huffed, waving his hand. “You’re delusional.”
“Hear me out!”, Mark spoke up, his confidence not wavering. “We all could benefit from this! I don’t say that we have to become buddies, but it could make school a lot more bearable for all of us. Would you just listen, please.”
Tod was surprisingly the first to speak up. “What do you mean, what do we have from this?”
Eagerly, Mark jumped at the opportunity. Someone was listening. They would all listen to him!
“A loose alliance. Education for protection. Strength in numbers, so to speak. It’s no secret that you already repeated a year.” He looked at Trent before turning towards Jimmy. “And your graduation is endangered as well if I’m not mistaken!”
The bandleader frowned. How did the nerd know this? He didn’t have to nod, his indignant reaction was confirmation enough.
“I can tutor you. Make sure that you actually graduate, maybe even get into a college… or at least community college. Also, it’s not easy to be transferred to a new school. We can offer connections to you.” Now, Mark turned towards Lee who rose his eyebrows. But the nerdy boy’s flow of words was unstoppable at this point.
“In exchange for that, you give us company, protection, a watchful eye on our backs. It’s a win-win for every one of us. We all have our issues, our problems, and secrets. Instead of carrying them alone, why not make some use of what we can offer each other.”
Silence struck after Mark had ended. Expectantly, he looked from one boy to the other.
Tyler bit his lip, regretting it right away as he opened the cut again. Suckling the blood away, he shrugged. “I’m in. I don’t know what I can offer, really, but if this helps me to walk home without fearing someone jumping me, I’m in.”
Next to speak up was Marty. “Come on guys. What harm could it be?” He slapped his two bandmates on the back. “All our grades could use some polishing, am I right?”
After exchanging a look, Jimmy and Thomas agreed as well.
Afterward, it wasn’t difficult to get the agreement from Trent and Lee as well. The Scott actually saw some benefit in having some sort of group to belong to in this new situation, even if it was as wildly mixed as this one. Trent also looked forward to not having to spend his whole school day all alone.
Thus, they all agreed to help each other to their best efforts, not knowing that this would become something much bigger.
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Lost & Found
Finn Balor x Reader
Summary: Finn and Y/N have only ever been friends… except that one time
Warnings: smut…
Word count: 3,998
A/N: I honestly had no idea it was going to go like this… this is like my first serious try at smut and I would love feedback… please and thank you
Y/N had always been looking for something, though never filling knowing what it was she searched. Always seeming to come up short, she never seemed to stop looking.
Y/N then found Finn Balor. He was introverted, hardly made eye contact, drifted into the back, never spoke up, quiet. He was innocent compared to what she had found in the past, kind, strong, Y/N felt something she had not known was even there anymore. Her fingers tingled, her chest became heavy, her stomach in knots, her legs weak… Y/N fell for Finn Balor.
After 8 years of friendship, Y/N and Finn were inseparable for 2 reasons, 1) Finn genuinely liked Y/N’s company… and was completely in love with her, and 2) Y/N seemed to have stop searching for what she was looking for… because unknowingly she had found it.
Tonight after a particularly great weekend of RAW and SmackDown, a group of superstars decided to go out for a drink. Finn sat in a booth with Karl, Luke, Sami, Cesaro, A.J., Seth, Dean, Neville and Kevin, laughing at some slightly drunken words being thrown around. He wasn’t usually one to be with a massive group, considering the superstars ranged over 6 of the massive booths, plus scattered throughout the bar. One thing keeping him sane was the sight of Y/N dancing with a group of the girls.
Y/N had become great friends with the people Finn worked with, even though she wasn’t a wrestler. And tonight was testimony to that as she danced with Naomi, Lana and Renee. Since they had arrived, none of them had been off the dance floor, only for a quick bathroom break were they continued to dance anyway. It was close to 2am now and they were somehow still going strong, laughing and dancing, and essentially showing off because tonight they could.
“Finn I got a question…” Kevin asked.
“Yeah?” The man in question bought his attention away from a dancing Y/N back to the table.
“You and Y/N, man… what’s up with that?” Kevin took a sip of his beer.
“Let’s not do this.” Karl said from Finn’s right with a laugh.
“What? Is it that bad?” Sami asked.
“No, I’ve just… lived the story.” Karl laughed, looking at Finn who smirked over his beer.
“Hey boys.” Y/N’s voice caught them by surprise. She stood with the girls at the end of the booth. “We were thinking…”
“You wanna get something to eat?” Finn shook his head laughing.
“Well if your offering.” Y/N laughed as she turned to the girls. “We good to go?”
“Yeah, I’ll go get Jimmy.” Naomi smiled.
“I’ll come with. I gotta get Rusev.” Lana caught up to Naomi.
“Can we go get a cheeseburger or something?” Renee asked as she leaned against Y/N, smiling at Dean.
“Yeah I could do with a cheeseburger.” Dean finished off his beer before standing.
“That sounds like heaven right now.” Y/N laughed as she leaned back into Renee.
Everyone in the booth got up as they all started to move out of the bar. Naomi and Lana caught up to Renee and Y/N as they started to walk down the crowed street. The guys trailed behind closely to the girls who seemed to be dancing and laughing and singing still, not stopping their good mood.
After finding a 24 hour diner, the girls sat down in a small booth, being joined by Bayley and Sasha as the boys fanned our over 4 other booths. Getting orders in quickly, everyone was sat with a drink, waiting for their food to come up. And it seemed everyone was almost having the same conversations.
“So Y/N,” Renee said from next to her. “You didn’t answer our question.”
Y/N laughed a little, knowing this conversation had been coming for months now and she couldn’t run. Sipping her soda, trying to think of some way to change the conversation or give as little answer as she could.
“What did you want to know?” She asked, thinking it was safer instead of telling a whole story.
“Have you and Finn ever been a thing?” Naomi asked from across from her.
“No. We’ve never been a couple.” Y/N said.
“Have you ever wanted to be?” Bayley asked next.
“I mean… I’ve never seen him as a brother.” Y/N shrugged to the girls giggles.
“So you would totally be with him?” Lana asked.
“Um… I don’t know.” Y/N answered truthfully. “I mean I’ve never really thought about it since-“
Y/N cut herself off, eyes growing wide as she realised what she was about to say. Looking at each girl, they were all trying to think of someway that sentence was going to end. Moving in on herself, Y/N picked up her soda again, all of a sudden becoming completely immersed in the drink.
“So something has definitely happened?” Renee asked giddy.
“Oh look, our foods coming.” Y/N sent a quick prayer and thanks to the heavens before burgers were placed in front of everyone, who immediately started to eat.
“You’re not getting out of this.” Sasha laughed next to Bayley. “We all need to know what happened now.”
“Come on.” Renee spoke from next to her. “You can tell us.”
Y/N looked around the booth, each girl smiling back, wanting to know every detail. Shaking her head laughing, Y/N looked down at her half eaten plate.
“It was back in Japan. 2012.” Y/N leaned back against her seat.
“Wow, how long have you two known each other again?” Bayley asked, her mouth full of fries.
“We met in 2009.” I remembered with a laugh. “So 8 years.”
“Geez.” Naomi breathed. “8 years and you two haven’t gotten married yet?”
All the girls started to laugh then, even Y/N, catching everyone’s attention in the small diner. The girls laughter was loud, carefree and only started to slow down when they were wiping away tears. Everyone knew Y/N and Finn fought and protected each other like a married couple, so picturing them married was so hard. And the alcohol in their system seemed to find it funny.
“Yes, 8 years and no ring.” Y/N put up her left hand, showing then a ring-less finger with a laugh.
“That bastard.” Bayley said with a smirk.
“We’ll have to beat it out of him.” Renee laughed.
“So, Japan. 2012. What happened?” Lana asked.
“Um…” Y/N looked down again with a smile.
“Obviously something good happened. Look at that smile.” Naomi pointed to Y/N.
“Well I should start with, I never saw him like that when I meet him.” Y/N sat a little straighter. “I’m 6 years younger then Finn, so when I meet him I was only 22, he was 28.”
“That’s not too bad. 6 years is okay.” Sasha spoke.
“It felt like we were from completely different worlds the next 2 years or so.” Y/N laughed. “I mean he looked young, he acted like he was 12.”
“Don’t all guys act like children until like 40?” Lana asked.
“Yes.” Naomi answered quickly, causing us to laugh.
“So for a while we were just friend. Karl and Luke looked after me like older brothers so dating was out of the question.” Y/N laughed. “And I don’t know what happened… we were at a sponsors dinner, we were bored so we skipped out and just hung out. We walked around Tokyo all night, drinking the few bottles of champagne we stole.” Y/N thought back to that night. “It was late, like 4am or something and we had somehow found our way back to the apartment building we were staying in. And then something happened.”
“And what’s that?” Renee asked.
“He kissed me.” Y/N laughed a little. “I was so shocked but I didn’t stop him.��� She looked up to the girls who laughed a little with her. “That night we had a deal…”
“A deal?” Lana asked.
“Yeah… once we walked through my door, no strings attached. And after he walks back out my door, everything goes back to normal.” Y/N spoke.
“So you spent the night together?” Naomi asked.
“Um…” Y/N laughed, blushing.
“More then just a night?” Renee asked.
“Yeah…” Y/N laughed. “3 days…”
A few things happened then, Bayley started to choke on some food, Sasha and Lana spat soda, Naomi laughed loudly then covered her mouth. Renee stared wide eye at Y/N, almost in disbelief.
“What?” Y/N asked.
“3 days? What about a bathroom?” She asked.
“I had an ensuite.” Y/N shrugged.
“Food?” Naomi asked.
“I had Karl or Luke bring me food. They thought I was sick.” Y/N laughed.
“3 days?” Bayley asked. “How?”
“What can I say?” Y/N shrugged. “The man works on his stamina.”
The girls started to laugh loudly again, hands hitting the table, tears falling, clapping, echoing laughter. Each girl tried to breath through the laughter, holding onto stomachs, trying to look away, but then someone else would start laughing and it was the end of that.
The boys looks at the girls, trying to figure out what was so funny. Only hearing snorts and weird sounds as they all continued to laugh. Having taken up half the diner, they were the only ones there, except what seemed like a small half of a football team. They had their eyes on the small booth of girls since they walked in and looked to be finally making their move.
Finn watched very closely as Y/N and Renee moved out of the booth. Still laughing slightly they swayed a little as they walked towards the bathrooms. Before they could get to the bathrooms, a couple of the guys stopped them. Finn watched as they talked, one or two of the guys getting close to Y/N or touching her, and he could feel Dean started to plot how he’d get Renee away before he tried to kill one of them.
“Oh sorry boys, I’m married.” Renee said loud enough for everyone to hear, showing her ring.
“What about you sweetheart? No ring.” One of the guys pointed out, pulling her hand slightly.
“No ring. But I do have a boyfriend.” Y/N held up her free hand behind her back and gave Finn, Luke and Karl a sign they hadn’t seen in years.
“He doesn’t have to know.” The guy tries to push, stepping closer.
“But he would know. Considering he’s here and all.” Y/N smiled, pulling her hand from the guy.
“I haven’t seen you with a guy all night.” The guy pushed.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N turned away from the group, and made eye contact with Finn. Smiling, she watched as Karl and Luke stood and made their way to the girls table to tell them we were going. Taking Renee’s hand, Y/N moved close to the boys table, nodding to Renee to go with Dean.
Everyone stopped in that moment, watching Y/N move closer to Finn who sat with AJ, Cesaro and Sami. Smiling at the other guys, Y/N moved around their table as Finn moved his chair out a little, enough room for her to sit on his lap. Y/N moved her hands to Finn’s jaw before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on his lips.
“Hey babe.” Y/N smiled leaning back a little. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah, let’s get outta here.” Finn kissed Y/N quickly on the lips again before she stood and offered her hand.
Intertwining their fingers, they turned to the stunned looks of everyone who finally clicked and started to move. Walking out the door, Y/N and Finn’s hands stayed locked, even as they all walked back to the hotel. No one questioned what was going on, no one pointed out the fact they still held hands.
“Aw Man…” Y/N stopped outside the hotel, causing a few to stop.
“What’s wrong?” Finn asked.
“I still really need to pee.” Y/N laughed.
“I know so do I.” Renee said from under Dean’s arm.
“My room is like on the 12th floor.” Y/N looked up the massive building.
“Hey isn’t yours on the 8th floor?” Karl asked Finn.
“Yeah just go use Finn’s.” Luke shrugged as he started to walk away.
“My room is closer.” Finn nodded as he looked at Y/N.
“Okay, but let’s go now. My bladder hates me.” Y/N spoke as she grabbed Finn’s hand and walked quickly to the elevators.
Drying her hands, Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, having completely sobered up. She looked tired, but she didn’t feel tired, more along the lines of… maybe she needed to cuddle someone. Maybe she could ask Finn if he wanted to cuddle until she fell asleep?
“You alright in there?” Finn yelled through the closed door.
“Yeah.” Y/N opened the door.
Finn took a step back from the bathroom door, giving Y/N a once over. Smiling softly, he moved around the bed to sit on a chair, taking his shoes off. He watched as Y/N sat on the end of his bed, looking around the room.
“Grab a shirt in my suitcase over there.” Finn motioned his head to his suitcase. “You can stay the night.”
Smiling at Finn’s words, Y/N moved quickly, taking one of Finn’s soccer shirts from his suitcase. She took her small bag off and sat it next to his phone and wallet before changing her shirt with his. Taking out a pair of shorts from Finn’s suitcase as well, Y/N got comfortable, leaving her shoes, jeans, shirt and bra in a small pile next to his suitcase.
“Thank you.” Y/N smiled at Finn as she jumped onto his bed.
“I figured you’d want to stay.” Finn chuckled as he took his shirt off.
“Well what are best friends for?” Y/N laughed.
“Right.” Finn gave a forced laugh, taking off his jeans.
Before Finn could get into bed, a knock made them both look at the door in the dimly lit room. Laying down completely in the massive bed, Finn shook his head laughing at Y/N. Heading to the door as the person knocked again.
“Oh hey man, what’s up?” Finn asked opening the door.
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Karl spoke.
“I’m good.” Finn nodded.
“You sure?” Karl asks.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Finn asked.
“You know, everything with Y/N.” Luke leaned against the wall next to the door. “We figured after Y/N kissing you before, you’d turn into that love sick fool that stares at photos of her until one day she realises you’re in love with her.”
“What?!” Finn’s eyes went wide and turned around to see Y/N sitting up in his bed listening.
“Fuck.” Karl swore.
“We’re gonna go.” Luke grabbed Karl’s shoulder as they practically ran down the corridor to their own rooms.
Closing the door firmly, Finn leaned his head against the the door taking a deep breath. Turning around, Finn saw that Y/N hadn’t moved an inch, still staring into space, sitting up. He walked slowly towards her, flushed bright red.
“You love me?” Y/N finally asked.
“I… You know…” Finn breathed deeply again. “Well, yeah.”
“Why?” Y/N looked into his eyes.
“Really? Why?” Finn asked. “After 8 years, you have to ask me why I love you?”
“I mostly just want to hear you say it.” Y/N shrugged.
“I love you… because the first person I think about waking up is you, I usually can’t wait to see you, knowing full well you’re always smiling and happy to see me. I love that you see me… and not the demon.” Finn stood in front of Y/N who listened completely. “Ever since Japan…”
“I know.” Y/N smiled. “Let’s make another deal.”
“No… I can’t-“
“Just hear me out.” Y/N sat on her knees, grabbing his hands. “If this happens tonight… I won’t be able to quit you. Not again.” Y/N leaned up closer. “So we have 2 options. 1… I put my clothes back on and go to my room and that’s it…” Y/N looked back into Finn’s blue ones.
“And 2?” Finn whispered leaning in.
“After we leave this room tomorrow… I’m yours completely.” Y/N’s lips were so close to Finn’s now.
“You know what that means right? If we leave this room together-“
“Shhhh.” Y/N placed a hand over Finn’s mouth, her other hand trailing down his abs. “I know what it means. And I know what I want.” Y/N’s hand moved into Finn’s boxers, gripping his cock. “I love you.”
Y/N’s hand stayed over Finn’s mouth as she gently stroked him, pressing her forehead against his as she watched him close his eyes. Climbing off the bed, Y/N pushed Finn back until his back was against the wall, finally moving her hand from his mouth to trail down his chest and abs.
“I’m gonna show you, just how much.” Y/N whispered as she sunk to her knees.
She kept stroking him, her other hand pulling his boxers down to pool at his ankles. Stroking a few more time softly, Y/N looked up into Finn’s eyes, her free hand tracing her nails up his thigh, creating goosebumps. Pushing her hair over her shoulder, Y/N leaned in and kept eye contact as she licked from the base of his dick to the tip.
“Holy fuck.” Finn whispered as his arms hung by his sides.
Y/N moved a little closer to be more comfortable as she took the head of Finn’s dick in the mouth. Not waist any time as she started to bob her head, mouth taking more and more of him. Out of instinct, Finn’s hips moved with her, his arms finally working again as he held her hair back and watched Y/N take him fully.
“Fuck. I almost forgot how good you were.” Finn breathed.
Y/N cupped his balls, taking him completely into her mouth as she started to gag. But that didn’t stop her, Finn kept thrusting his hips, his dick hitting the back of Y/N’s throat as she slurped and gagged around him. Holding her hair back, Finn watched as Y/N continued to take him in her mouth, her eyes watering slightly as she gagged in his cock.
Coming up for air, Y/N stroked Finn’s cock a few times before wrapping her lips around the head again. Not taking him completely this time, Y/N sucked on the head of him as her hand worked the base of Finn’s dick. Head thrown back, Finn’s eyes were tightly shut as he lost himself completely in Y/N.
Finn’s eyes only opened again when Y/N took him completely again into her warm mouth. Choking and gagging and slurping around his cock again.
“Holy fuck.” Finn whispered. “Fuck…”
Y/N stood then, moving back as she wiped the sides of her mouth. Stepping around the bed, she tore off the shirt she worse and stepped out of the boxers too as Finn followed her around the bed. Once at the chair Finn sat on earlier, Y/N moved to let him sit on it once again. Grabbing his hands and placing them on her boobs as she dropped her panties to her ankles.
Pushing Finn back into the chair, Y/N leaned forward and finally connected their lips in a searing kiss. Teeth clashed, until they found a rhythm, hands moved against each other. Y/N moved back, as Finn sat up straight in the chair, turning around, Finn’s hands gripped Y/N’s waist as he moved his dick to her opening. Not wasting time like they had in the past, Y/N sunk onto Finn’s dick, taking him in hard.
“Oh fuck.” Y/N threw her head back as Finn stretched her open. “Holy fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
“You okay?” Finn asked from behind her.
“Yeah.” Y/N laughed a little. “I forgot how big you were.”
“Sorry I should-“
“No, baby…” Y/N rotated her hips. “Never apologise for being Big.”
“Shit.” Finn’s grip on her waist became harder. “Move please.”
Without another word, Y/N began to bounce, slamming back down onto Finn. It was slow at first, Y/N the one bouncing, gripping the arms of the chair as she moaned.
“Oh my god.” Y/N moaned. “Yes.”
“Fuck.” Finn’s grip became feral as he held her still and started to thrust into her harder.
“Oh god. Fuck. Yes.” Y/N continued to moan.
Stopping, Finn moved Y/N’s head back and kissed her before whispering; “Get on the bed.”
Not wanting to waste time, Y/N crawled over the bed, earring a slap on the ass from Finn. Turning around, Y/N sat up and grabbed Finn’s face as she bought him in for another kiss. He kneeled on the bed between her legs as his hand rubbed her clit. Y/N moaned into his mouth, pulling at Finn’s hair as his body covered hers.
“Please don’t tease me. I can’t. Not tonight.” Y/N whispered to Finn.
Pushing her shoulders down, Finn spread Y/N’a legs as wide as he could, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder before moving the tip of his dick over Y/N’s clit. Hips thrusting up a little, Finn held Y/N down before sinking into Y/N once again. He moved a little slower this time, feeling every thing, letting her feel all of him.
“Oh god.” Y/N moaned. “Please don’t hold back.”
Finn moved quicker now, and harder, pounding into Y/N. Short breaths left Y/N’a lips as Finn hit the right spots, never letting her catch her breath.
“Rub your clit.” Finn whispered to Y/N. “I need you to cum.”
Y/N moved her hand down her body, until she reached her clit. Rubbing at her clit, she threw her head back and swore, feeling her high coming.
“Yes, just like that.” Finn said.
“Oh god…” Y/N have choked. “I’m cumming. Oh god I’m cumming.”
Finn’s pace seem to quicken, his hand taking over rubbing her clit as unforgiving as he pounded into her. Not far behind her Finn came, short spirts of cum filling Y/N completely as she withered and moaned.
Coming to a halt, Finn let Y/N’s leg down from his shoulder, but he didn’t pull out of her just yet. Instead opting to lay down on her, his head buried into her neck as she softly stroked her fingertips down his back. Breathing normally again, Finn pulled out of Y/N and moved off her.
“No, come back.” Y/N reached for him.
“Just let me clean you up, and I promise I won’t leave this bed until you do.” Finn kissed Y/N lightly.
Getting a towel, Finn cleaned as much as he could off of Y/N and himself, before throwing the towel back into the bathroom. Once back in the bed, Y/N rolled straight over into Finn’s arms, lying half on top of him. Finn trailed his fingertips up and down Y/N’s spine, holding her closer to him with the other as they slowly started to fall asleep together.
“Y/N?” Finn whispered into the dark.
“Yeah?” Her warm breath fanned over his chest.
“You’ll be here when I wake up, right?” Finn’s fears getting the best of him.
“Finn Balor…” Y/N smiled as she looked up a little into his eyes. “You can’t get rid of me that easy. I am not letting you go another day with me.”
“I love you.” Finn kissed Y/N’s lips lightly, lying back down.
“Now there’s one thing left to do.” Y/N smirked.
“And what’s that?” Finn asked.
“Well after everyone finds out about us…” Y/N closed her eyes and got comfortable. “You might want to start looking for a ring, or the girls might go on a head hunt.”
Finn moved a little, leaning over to the draw and pulling something out.
“You mean like this one?” He held in front of Y/N. “I’ve had it since Japan.”
“Finn…” Y/N stared shocked.
“I always knew it was going to be you…” Finn smiled. “I just never knew when.”
“Now and forever.” Y/N smiled as he slipped the ring onto her finger. “I love you.”
“I love you.” Finn whispered.
For the first time in years, Y/N drifted off to sleep knowing she had found everything in life. In the arms of her entire world.
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gentlemanmendes · 6 years
Philophobi- Chapter 2
Surprisingly in my mind college life seemed a lot more adventures than what it has turned out to be so far these first two weeks. Basically my routine is Monday, and Thursday I have classes and every night I waitress at the restaurant I work at. The job is only part time and I have to work on weekends every now and then but it is a lot better than the diner I was working in before. At least at the restaurant it was a little bit busier and the customers weren't as rough, though snobby at least you weren't scared of being kidnapped. Sure you got the occasional guy that tried to flirt but that all seemed harmless compared to what would happen at the diner. One time one of my co-workers got held at knife point because the customer didn't have money. Thankfully I never had to deal with situations like that.
The only problem about working at the restaurant is that because it is night shifts I don't end up finishing until eleven thirty and that is on a week night, on weekends we tend to stay open until one am in the morning, and Mia refuses to let me get a train at this hour so I have to pay money for an uber.
Thankfully though I worked last weekend so I get this weekend free. Another good thing about New York so far is that with Mia having Tyler as a boyfriend she is always doing something and I always get to tag along. Tonight is Tyler's younger brothers birthday so he is throwing him a party at his apartment. Since I have nothing better to do I am being dragged along but am just praying that Mia doesn't try setting me up with another guy. When she told me about the birthday party earlier this week I couldn't help but groan. I told her that I was getting annoyed with her set ups only to be informed that this party was going to be very small and formal so she wouldn't plan it. She said that there would be eighty people max and majority of them would be family. It was also going to be her first time meeting Tyler's parents meaning she was too busy freaking out on making a good first impression that she didn't even think twice about me. Although she did insist that I dress up but other than that she barley gave me a second thought.
"You don't think it's too slutty?" She panics as she plays around with the low cut of her dress. It didn't show anything off because frankly Mia had nothing to show off.
The tight white lace dress that was probably supposed to come off as sultry came off innocent looking one her just like everything else.
"It looks good!" I assure her not planning on telling her the jokes I was making in my head. She didn't need me making her feel bad while she was under so much stress. In any other situation I would never bite my tongue but today I knew better than to mess around.
Mia had a total of two boyfriends in the past. Jimmy Patrick in eighth grade who dumped her two weeks after they shared their first kiss and Zac Noark who was a junior when she was a sophomore and only broke up with her when he moved away for college on a football scholarship. They dated for a whole two years and she even lost her virginity to him, which was very important to her, but I hadn't seen her as crazy about him as she was for Tyler. She really liked him a lot and tonight meant the world to her. As her best friend I needed to help her as much as I could, even if that meant pulling on a black dress and pair of heels and offering moral support.
"Relax." I hurry to her side in the mirror as she begins to hyperventilate. I don't know how she can work herself up so easily on such simple things. What Tyler's parents think of her will not change the way Tyler looks at her but I don't tell her that. Something in the back of my head tells me that will only make her freak out more.
I place my hands reassuringly on her shoulders as I stare at her reflection in the mirror. I practice some breathing exercises with her which helps her calm down a little.
"You are the most down to earth person I have ever met. His parents will adore you!" I predict and I am sure I am right. Everyone at home always loved Mia but just never befriended her because they all hated me.
I still wonder why she chose to be so close to me instead of all the friends she made at school but never asked. I am not in for that kind of drama besides then I would seem insecure, and being insecure makes you look weak. It's better to just not let anyone know that they have an affect on you because then they will begin to use if to their advantage and see themselves higher than you.
"Besides," I shrug carelessly. "I highly doubt Tyler would introduce you to his parents if he knew they wouldn't like you." I inform her though I don't quite believe it myself but thankfully by the way her shoulders relax and her face brightens with a smile I can tell that she believes it which is good enough for me.
"Your right!" She exclaims and I don't let her see that this is news to me as I turn away to grab my clutch in hopes of looking busy so she doesn't see my expression.
"Let's go, we don't want to be late." I tell her as she slips on her heels and begins hurriedly tossing things into her clutch that she most likely wouldn't need within the next four hours.
Tyler's brothers name is Will and he is turning eighteen, same age as Mia and I actually, so Tyler decided that he would throw him a lavish surprise party with his family am friends and then Will could celebrate tomorrow night with his friends drinking and partying and doing other stuff to celebrate. It's actually kind of cute. Mia had told me the reason Tyler didn't want to mix Will's group of friends with his family was because at his eighteenth he had done just that and it hadn't ended well. Apparently his parents are snobby and frowned upon all that 'trashy behavior'.
"Weren't his parents teenagers once?"I had asked Mia when I had heard of this news causing her to shrug uselessly as though I was asking her what the cure to global warming was.
"Apparently not." She shrugs causing me to snort out a laugh. Imagine that, never having to live through the horror of your teen years.
For a moment I think I would give anything to have never gone through my teen years but then I realized that I wouldn't be who I am today if I hadn't. I wouldn't have gone through the weak points that made me strong. If I hadn't would I  be emotionally innocent or would I still have turned out to be who I am today?
"They are prejudice." was her response which was something I understood way to well.  
My parents and Tyler's parents share a trait!
I expect Mia to be able to deal with this well. After all she had to put up with my parents for majority of her life. The only difference is with my parents it was about race and religion, with Tyler's parents it's about money. She could easily deal with my parents because she was self assured with her beliefs, besides I think she didn't really care about religion all that much, but with Tyler's parents I know deep down she is insecure of the fact that she doesn't come from much money. Her mum worked both day and night jobs to keep a roof over their head and food on the table while her dad struggled taking care of himself let alone her as well. Her mum had only been seventeen when she had fallen pregnant so the two dropped out of school, her mum to raise Mia and her dad to get a job to cater for them. I know this affects Mia a lot, she blames herself for all her parents troubles but it wasn't her fault! She didn't ask to be born, they made that decision on their own.
Mia pays for the uber and I don't fight her on it. She plans on staying at Tyler's tonight leaving me to pay for my uber on the way back, so it's only fair.
"Wow." I gasp as I look up at the tall building right across from central park on 5th avenue. "This is where Tyler lives?" I wonder in awe.
"Yeah his parents own the penthouse but his mum got sick of living in the city so his dad bought a place further out and Tyler convinced him to let him live here instead of selling it." She tells me as we walk through the prestige lobby towards the lift.
"Can I marry your boyfriend?" I blurt out as she calls the lift causing her to laugh a little.
She knows very well that I don't mean it 1) because I have promised myself I will never get married 2) because she know I would never do that to her and 3) because Tyler wouldn't be my type even if I had a type. Shaking her head she scans a key when she steps into the lift before clicking the penthouse button.
Tyler gave her a key to his apartment! Since when?
"Why are we living in our shitty dorm, let's move in with your boyfriend!" Although I am still joking I am slightly serious about this one. If I had a boyfriend who lived in a penthouse I would not be staying in a dorm room at college. For a moment I wonder if she is choosing to live with me because she knows I can't do anything on my own and doesn't want to leave me behind but them I remember that Mia and Tyler have only been together for three months. It's still too early for that kinda stuff.
The elevator dings and we step out into a small hallway with only one door. Almost on auto pilot, Mia strides towards the door and knocks three times. I have to say I am quite impressed that she even got out of the car let alone built the confidence she is showing me right now. Maybe my pep talk worked, that would be a first!
The door swings open and Tyler greets us both, his hand immediately intertwining with Mia's and I notice her stiffened expression eases slightly. I follow the pair in making sure to close the door behind me before looking around. In the background I can hear what I think is Jazz music being played. All the men are dressed in dress shirts and pants while the women in the most elegant dresses I have ever seen. Immediately I feel under dressed and slightly self conscious, this is definitely not my type of crowd that is for sure.
"Adee, in the kitchen there are some drinks but go easy." Tyler warns causing me to grin wickedly.
"I don't know, I sure do feel like letting loose tonight." I sway slightly attempting to be playful causing Mia's eyes to widen in horror as though she was picturing me drunk dancing on the table while screaming along to some song I can barley remember the lyrics to.
"Relax she's joking." Tyler reassures her, fussing over her like a mother over her child on their first day of school.
"I'll be in the kitchen" I inform the pair as I make my way towards the kitchen that was close by the wide open lounge room.
Sure enough as I make my way to the kitchen I find a wide selection of wines and champagnes in the kitchen. For a girl who is used to drinking the cheap ass rum mixed with cola this was a little foreign to me.
I pick up the closest bottle and look at the label reading 'Veuve D'argent, Brut , Produit De France.' I don't understand what any of that meant. That seemed sure as hell way to fancy for me. Placing the bottle back, completely aware of the small frown playing on my features I decided on a bottle of red wine that had nothing but 'Shiraz,2018' on it. Not knowing what it meant I still filled up a wine glass, at least I knew the difference between wine glasses and champagne glasses. My parents after all are not drinkers and I'm sure if the saw me drinking right now they would lock me in my room and make sure I never saw the light of day again. But they aren't here and what they don't know won't hurt them.
The first sip is kind of gross and I wonder why people even drunk this crap but I force it down my throat trying desperately not to cringe.
"First time trying wine?" I hear an unfamiliar, amused, voice from behind me causing me to turn around out of curiosity. I am met with a tall boy with light brown hair and brown eyes. His face looks young and by the way he has his dress shirt un tucked  and dress pants hanging low I can tell that he has been dragged here just like me.
"That obvious?" I wonder but I'm more implying if it is that obvious I am so out of place in this environment.
"Don't worry I prefer my mixed drinks too." He reassures me as he hoists himself up on the bench. "I don't know you!" He blurts out causing me to give him a dry chuckle as I step towards him. This kid seems cool, and although I haven't spoken to anyone else yet, probably the only good company at this party.
"No one here does so don't take it to heart." I pointed out causing him to raise his eyebrows curiously at me.
"I'm Will." He mentioned before taking a lazy swing from his champagne glass, the way you would see one take a swing from a beer in the movies.
"Wait. Are you Tyler's brother?" I wonder excitedly causing him to give me one stiff nod still not looking any less bored. " oh happy birthday. Wow you two look nothing alike!" I observe as I look him over again. Sure both are tall with tanned skin and light brown hair but everything else is different. From the shape of the face, to the shape of their eyes and the nose. Wills features are a lot softer making him look so much younger than Tyler.
"Thanks and thanks." I frown slightly at the second thanks but I don't question it. There is obviously bad blood there and it is known of my business. Besides I know better than anyone how shitty family drama can be. Something's are better not to talk about  so you don't have to remind yourself of it.
"I'm Adee." I change the subject. "Mia's friend." He seems grateful for the subject change which makes me feel a little better about my people skills. My mother always said that the fact that I was always to outspoken and blunt would make people dislike me, 'You need to be more lady like' She would scowled me which would only earn her an eye roll in response.
"Really?" He mutters as though the news has come as a shock to him.
"Why?" I ask slightly offended. It isn't his fault though and I am well aware that he didn't mean it in a way to offend me but that is just a touchy subject for me. Everyone always wondered why Mia and I where friends, after all she was nice, friendly and down to earth I however am blunt, hot tempered and quite judgemental. They thought that it was rather odd that Mia associated with me and I don't blame them for it, I often wonder the same thing myself. All I do is push Mia away, offer her sarcastic remarks, and depend on her without her even being aware of it. I will be the first to admit I am not a good friend but Mia stays around.
"Nothing, it's just the way Tyler describes Mia she sounds kind of boring and you seem kinda cool." I frown slightly not sure whether I should thank him for the compliment or defend my best friend. Even though I one hundred percent agree that she can sometimes be a little boring I don't like some stranger saying it. AT the end of the day boring or not I still know all of Mia's good qualities which out way's the bad more than enough. "Don't get me wrong, I bet she is lovely but she sounds too much like my parents type of crowd and I hate my parents crowd!" He elaborated causing me to relax a little, I actually leaned against the bench behind me and smiled effortlessly over at him.  
"Well thanks I guess. You seem like my crowd too!" I attempt to compliment and judging by the way he sits up slightly I think he liked the compliment.
"So I'm assuming you're from San Fransisco as well?" He asked causing me to nod as I took another sip from my wine. At first it had tasted disgusting but now my taste buds had grown to the taste and I was actually enjoying it.
"Yeah, Mia and I lived in the same street." I add trying to make to conversation seem a little more interesting though I failed miserably. I'm never one to openly attempt to have a decent conversation, I mainly gave up because 1) my people skills suck, 2) guys my age only want to talk about sex and girls my age only want to gossip, and 3) turns out I actually prefer to be alone with my earphones than in a room full of people.
"Oh cool!" he responds even though we are both aware that it wasn't that cool, he just ran out of things to say.
"So you just turned eighteen, are you studying?" I guessed.
"Yeah I'm doing my last year at high school and then I am done." He confirmed my thoughts.
"Do you plan on studying after?" I ask. It's funny because I remember how much I hated answering this question. Of course I had been sure of what I wanted to do since I was sixteen but I hated telling people in case the news made its way back to my parents which it eventually did. Let's just say they weren't happy when they heard I planned on moving to New York which was practically on the other side of the country. And it wasn't in the 'oh we are going to miss you, you will be so far' kind of unhappy, it was more like the 'you bet your fucking ass we will let you leave this house without our blessing' sort of unhappy. I know that they believe that what they are doing and saying is right, and in their minds it might be, but for me it isn't.
"Fuck no." He scoffs an amused smirk making it way onto his face as he shakes his head as though the thought was crazy to him."I'm not that kind of guy, that's Tyler."
"Tell me about it." I huff ,crossing my arms over my chest as I roll my eyes. No one knows better than me what it is like to be constantly compared to your older brother.
"Hey Will, your parents are looking for you." Someone calls as they enter the kitchen causing both Will and I to turn around.
"Oh shit!" I mutter under my breath turning my gaze to the ground, hoping to hide myself behind my hair. I can feel Will's questioning stare burning through me but I refuse to look up, afraid I will catch Shawn's attention. Maybe he won't see me and leave with Will and then I could spend the rest of the night hiding away in the bathroom, I could even take a bottle of wine in there with me! It sounds like the perfect plan and I am sure it will work until Will opens his mouth.
"Duty calls but it was nice meeting you Adee." He says as he hops off the bench and in the reflection of the pots hanging from the rack, I see Shawn turn on the balls of his feet and look over at me in surprise. " You should come back tomorrow for my party, it would be cool to have you there." He invites before walking away leaving me alone with Shawn.
I don't even take time to think over the invitation before saying yes, my mind is too preoccupied with how the hell I would get away from Shawn without seeming rude or making it completely obvious. Never in my whole life have I ever ran into any of my one night stands after, although I have only had three, I didn't want to start  now with Shawn. No offense to him but he just seems clingy.
"So much for never seeing each other again." He recalled our conversation from yesterday, an amused expression on his face mixed with excitement. He moved in front of me so he was leaning against the bench that Will had just been sitting on letting me know that he didn't intend on leaving me alone any time soon. The way he was dressed did make me relax a little, he paired a baby blue dress shirt with a pair of black skinny jeans and converse, his sleeves where also rolled off showing his toned forearms that had been wrapped around my body this time last week.
"Not my fault your stalking me." I taunted placing the wine glass to my lips hoping to hide my smile from him and turning my gaze to the floor just to be safe.
"Yes!" He scoffs trying to hide his chuckle. "I followed you to my best friends brother's birthday party because I had nothing better to do with my life." He sarcastically retorts not bothering to hide his amusement causing me to giggle a little. I safely lift my gaze from the ground to Shawn to is staring at me in a mixture of disbelief and humor.
"So I've learned two things at this party." I revealed causing Shawn to give me an expectant look as if telling me to continue, the smile never leaving his face. "One is that I have a stalker and Two I really hate wine!" I laugh even though it is only half true, I can honestly imagine myself drinking wine more often.
"I have beer at my place." Shawn suggests causing my eyes to widen for a split moment in shock. It wasn't shock at what he had said, more so shock that I wanted to actually go.
"I don't know if beer is enough to get me to go all the way back to your place, I mean I could easily find beer from someone on campus." I playfully shrug as though the offer didn't sound tempting at all but really I wanted nothing more than to get out of here, even if that meant going back to Shawn's apartment.
He nods his head to the exit of the kitchen and I nod my head eagerly in response. Gulping down the rest of my wine and placing the empty glass on the bench I follow him through the crowd towards the door that I came through no less that forty minutes ago. I catch Mia's attention as I am leaving, gesturing towards the door. At first she frowns in response but once she notices who I am leaving with an encouraging smile forms on her face and she sends me a wink as I walk closer to the door causing me to roll my eyes. I will not hear the end of this tomorrow.
Thankfully Shawn's place isn't that far from Tyler's and even better the car ride isn't as awkward as the last one that we shared, though I don't think anything could ever come close to being as awkward as the last car drive we shared. That was bad.
As soon as we are through the front door of Shawn's apartment I pull off my heels, enjoying the feeling of my bare feet touching flat ground again. Shawn chuckles as he too takes off his shoes. He throws his car keys on the table beside the door before his hand reaches for the light switch but I am quick to grab onto his arm getting his attention almost too easily.
"Leave them off." I whisper.
"Okay." He whispers back as I can just make out the silhouette of his head nod. Abruptly, I remove my hands from his arm realizing that I was way too close to him for it to be comfortable for me.
Sensing my discomfort from our closeness, Shawn steps back so we are now further away from each other to a point that was unnecessary.
"Um take a seat, I'll get the beers." He suggested before making his way towards the kitchen.
In the dark I find it hard to navigate myself but I eventually find my way to the leather lounge without running into anything or causing any damage, which for me should be classified as an accomplishment. Sitting on the end of the lounge I eagerly look out at the view, not being able to get enough of it, as I hear Shawn rattling around in the fridge. Letting out a small cheer of excitement, I leap up from the couch, taking a pillow with me before making my way towards the glass window. I place the pillow on the floor before bending down and sitting on it. Shawn joins me not long after handing me a beer before taking a seat next to me. To be honest I think the wine tasted better than the beer but the surroundings where a lot more comfortable here which I think made the beer more enjoyable, that or the fact that I was beginning to get a little tipsy. It was no secret to anyone who new me that I get drunk very easily.
Surprisingly the silence between us wasn't as awkward as I had expected it to be. We sipped our beers silently and I was more than okay with that but once I was half way through my beer I git bored and in a matter of seconds I was straddling Shawn's lap with my lips pressed against his. At first he was a little taken aback but he quickly began moving his lips against mine again.
"Is this gong where I think it's going?" He said when he pulled away for air.
"Unless you don't want it to." I mumble against his lips as my hands toy with the hem of his shirt, teasingly slipping under it every now and then.
"Oh trust me I want to!" He nods before pushing his lips against mine again.
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jamiebongwater · 4 years
Pretty Sure This Is America
Somewhere in America today a single middle-aged man who works in the financial sector parked somewhere to scarf down a quick lunch while skimming the news of the day. He was confronted by headline after headline telling of a polarized public and a mosaic of disparate, fractured Americas struggling to understand one another, and he wondered aloud to himself what the source of this confusion could be. “It sure seems like things used to be simpler,” he thought, “I would like to think we could just sit down and find a solution that works for everyone. I know one thing for sure though, I never would have thought to complain as much as this generation when I was younger.” He was feeding from a wrapper with a Taco Bell logo on it, and gave no thought to the place his lunch was made as he pondered the current state of the country he called home. Where were all these dissatisfied people he kept hearing about, and what were their lives really like? At this moment the man could not recall the faces of any of the working class people he had spoken to that day, even though they had made his breakfast, lunch, and coffee, and washed his car.
I recently took a gig at Jimmy John’s in an even smaller town just North of Coeur d’ Alene. I am planning to relocate to Las Vegas in about 1.5 months to make some real music, money, and art -related moves, and I need some extra money saved for the move. I am working five days a week as a cook at a downtown restaurant right now, which I like, but it’s just not enough money to fund my immediate endeavors. I decided to bite the bullet and get yet another retarded corporate job to fill out my schedule. I mean, I applied to some pretty cool places, but due to the time frame I basically had no choice but to take the first thing that came my way. This place didn’t even interview me.
ring ring
“Hello?” “Hey yeah I do need someone for mornings on Wednesday and Thursday. So just come in at 10, we’ll have a shirt for you and stuff. But there’s two training videos you have to watch, they’re like two and a half hours each-” “Wait a minute, I’m sorry- who is this?” “Sorry, my bad. This is Justin from Jimmy John’s.” “Oh, good to hear from you!” “Yeah, we just had someone leave and I’m actually tryna bring on two new people. So, you can come on down really anytime between now and then and watch those videos. I know it’s shitty but you get a sandwich for doing it and you also get paid so...” “Yeah man, sounds great. At the latest I’ll be by at 7:30am on Wednesday.” “Haha. Alright buddy.”
click When I got there Wednesday morning Justin looked tired and his face was red and puffy. “I’ve been out sick for two days, man. Today was the first day I had to wake up to an alarm clock again. Fucking sucked. Anyway, let’s get you set up with this video.” He wasted no time pulling out a Samsung tablet and setting it up on the table, where I watched my new owner personally explain how to uphold the Jimmy John’s brand for over 145 minutes. I was full of coffee and broke up my piss breaks to make the video go by faster. In every city there is a working-class underbelly composed of various spheres of fast-food workers, dishwashers and cooks, low-rent security guards, parking attendants, and other people working in marginalized industries, barely or not quite making ends meet while at the same time trying to get to a better stage in their lives. In different cities these circles overlap and mix to different degrees, but combined this working-class, service-industry group often comprises the largest single sector of the economy by number of employees. In Coeur d’ Alene the service industry contingent is particularly diverse, lively, and tight-knit. You’ve got some local cooks and bartenders who have been at it forever, some hardcore burnout kids from the surrounding areas, inexperienced waiters and pretty 19-year old servers who are more likely to be middle class, from out-of-state, and/or attending classes at NIC, literally anyone who had a kid at an economically disadvantageous time and just needs a steady job, and my favorite, the rotating cast of misfits, cluess 18-year-olds, tweakers, and lost souls who staff our local fast-food restaurants, chain stores, and corporate entities with the absolute laxest hiring standards and highest turnover. I’ve been embedded with this cohort since moving to Coeur d’ Alene, and I’ve had the chance to interact with people from across the spectrum. While I mostly try to work slightly higher-wage, less-corporate line cook jobs, work is somewhat spotty in this town and I’ve ended up working whack ass places both on accident and out of desperation. In turn, many of my friends work for Hagadone Hospitality, the owner of the massive resort I refer to as Dracula’s Castle, and my long time girlfriend Katie was a manager at McDonald’s. My point being, I’ve been taking notes. Inside, Jimmy John’s was a sterile, mechanized assembly line for the conversion of offsite manufactured product into end-sale revenue, with the elimination of individual thought, habit, and work style as an incidental byproduct of the corporate auditing process. In this regard it was pretty similar to Subway, Domino’s, Jamba Juice, or any one of these interchangeable corporate-shell companies that make up at least half of the world’s food economy now. Remember that people in America’s towns and inner cities live and die in these chain stores, feeding their children with paychecks stamped with beaming logos. I don’t take this corporate homogenization lightly. Our work is our life. Don’t let them take it from you. College dropout who prepared for an economy that wasn’t there, Retiree returning to work because his savings wasn’t enough, inner-city single mother who just doesn’t have a better way to fund the upbringing of her child...
If you step outside today in most populous areas of the United States the world looks rather shitty. There’s a McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or Carl’s Jr. on every block, at least one, and people are rushing between working shitty jobs and spending their money on shitty things. A person’s life is made up of their time, money, and actions. The world we inhabit is made up of human lives. When jobs are shitty, lives are shitty. Working-class life in Coeur d’ Alene is in some ways a microcosm of the dystopian future that I fear may soon await most of the country. The inequities would be almost comical if it weren’t causing palpable suffering to thousands of people every day and stifling untold human potential.
The huge influx of outside money necessitates a massive service industry, but the work is highly seasonal. People at the bottom, most often the people born and raised in the area, are reduced to fighting over scraps; rents are relatively high and no establishment pays more than they absolutely have to, especially since Idaho’s minimum wage of $7.25 sets the bar pretty low. Middle management positions that offer some tentative financial security are a far off dream for most, and those who attain them are forced to guard their status to the point of assholery, bullying subordinates into submission and withholding valuable knowledge. The huge amount of property tax revenue enables the right wing government to fund a massive police force. The town’s drug subcultures remain extant, but are kept in check by a police and court system that actively preys on the underclass for revenue and to justify their salaries. This is the American Police State 101: There are more than enough businesses paying more than enough taxes, so the availability of public funds isn’t an issue. What these businesses require, however, is an endless supply of cheap labor, and the police fill this need by maintaining a permanently marginalized population of people who are not housing secure, people of color, people with substance abuse issues, and anyone who has to miss work because of court appearances or fail a background check. These people, who society blames for their own problems, are continually re-arrested for suffering from the afflictions of poverty and thereby kept in a state of economic desperation. All in all, ordinary working brothers and sisters are largely prevented from sharing in the leisure opportunities and scenic beauty of Coeur d’ Alene that bourgeoisie tourists from around the world come to enjoy, all because of the false promises of economic justice that are so pervasive across the United States. I will give you a specific example. I have what would be considered a pretty good job for this area and I make $12.50 an hour. Extrapolated to one year, that’s $26,000. However, I made barely over $18,000 last year, I know because I just did my taxes. That’s like $1,500 a month. Rent on an apartment like mine is $1,000, though in my case I was splitting it with somebody. And in reality I worked over 5 jobs, some of them weird tip jobs like delivery driving, and never knew quite how much money was coming in. Needless to say nearly all of it was sucked up by bills, paying to fix shit on my car, and court expenses. These are the harsh realities of working class life in America. Jobs like Jimmy John's shouldn't exist as we currently know them. If a college kid or a single mother needs to get an entry-level job at a place like Jack in the Box or Wal-Mart because they have limited options and need to fund important things in their lives because they are adults, then they can be paid $15 a goddamn fucking hour or some kind of meaningful indexed minimum wage that enables them to actually do those things. Like eat, for instance, or acquire further training. If prices go up on prepared foods and service industry-based luxuries- fuck, it astounds me that people talk like that would be the worst thing imaginable. Have you seen our cities? This country has become an absolute corporate shitscape. These dumb corporate jobs, these cheap simulations of luxury, there needs to be less of them, they need to pay their employees better, they should probably be a little more expensive, and they need to provide at least a hope of a better future for everyone involved. Why anyone would oppose accomplishing that through legislation is beyond me. These companies have become the most profitable firms in human history off the labor and hard-earned money of ordinary Americans, and they have only used their profits to further decimate the working class. Money has to stay circulating for the economy to work. It moves upstream through consumer spending, and it moves downstream through paychecks. Right now the paychecks aren't big enough to keep the whole population in a state of healthy economic activity. Capitalists aren't going to start paying out more on their own. It's their job to protect their bottom line. The people need to use a combination of collective bargaining and legislation to protect their interests and to force more money out of the corporate machine. Because our government is now owned by corporations through legalized bribery, this will necessarily entail rooting out corruption from the Federal level down and making the bribery of representatives illegal. Not an easy task, but nothing worthwhile is. What are you gonna do, sit on your ass? How pathetic would that be. A sandwich maker at a chain sandwich shop could easily have a dignified existence. It doesn't have to be a terrible job. Make sandwiches, whatever, talk to people, get paid. As long as you have some sense of autonomy at the workplace, you have a chance to be good at what you do, you feel the people around you want you to succeed, and it enables you to actually live your life, there's nothing wrong with that. One could easily design the job at Jimmy John's so that it doesn't suck. But it would necessarily cost Jimmy John's more money. They wouldn't be able to schedule 8 grown ass men per day to work four hour shifts and weird split shifts, not train them at all, make them sign mandatory arbitration clauses so they can't sue or organize, make them pay for their own meals, no benefits,... your life emanates from your job. If your job sucks, your life sucks. Some conservatives will tell you that that's the point of Capitalism. Life has to suck so that you are motivated to make it not suck; in other words, the economy makes you work to achieve a dignified existence and your work fuels the economy. I happen to think this model is asinine and outdated. Healthy humans are largely self-motivated and they like to do work and make money. These corporations are not helping to train healthy, hard-working humans with these entry level jobs, they are wasting people's time in dead-end positions, systematically devaluing the labor of the working class. People can tell when they are being fucked over and treated as if they are expendable, and they don’t respond well to it. When your life sucks due to a lack of funds and you can't connect the dots, you can't pay a security deposit, you can't fix your car, you can't go back to school even though you want to, that's wasted human potential. Time, work, effort, and creativity are the things that our world is made of. Right now the corporate machine is devouring human life and shitting it into the ocean, and nobody is even saying anything about it. The great lie sold to the working class by the elite in this country is that the market forces of Capitalism will naturally and necessarily create the perfect meritocracy and by extension the perfect civil society. This lie is projected to the individual as "Work hard for your masters and you will be recognized and rewarded with your very own piece of the wealthiest society in human history." It's a perfect swindle, designed to make ordinary people identify with wealth that they don't have. Workers compete for their place in the paycheck stream by putting on appearances and throwing each other under the bus instead of actually working, managers are forced to cut labor costs and encourage high turnover instead of training and motivating existing employees, executives outsource, subcontract, and issue ever-more demanding corporate standards without regard to human life or dignity, and everybody blames the person immediately below or above them for the shitty state of things. THERE ARE BETTER MODELS. Social science has come a long way. THERE ARE THINGS THAT CAN BE DONE. I know what some of those things are but not all of them. I am not a scientist, I am a writer. My main job is to point out how full of shit everyone is. But there are people developing kickass solutions to the things that are making human life suck, and you need to listen to those people. The only people who are definitely wrong are the ones saying that the current system is fine and we don't need to do anything, or worse, that giving more money and power to the corporations is the answer.  The corporations, as long as they have the unrestricted freedom to do so, will always find creative ways to staff their buildings that are cheaper than hiring and developing long-term employees who are paid a good salary. The corporations created this backassward world of ours, now the people will have to do something to change it. A simple place to start would be taking seriously the notion that everyone who has a full time job deserves at least an economy-class ticket to a decent life that offers some degree of choice and autonomy. Say, enough income to comfortably rent an apartment, stock the fridge, and finance a preowned car. You could accomplish this by creating a good federal minimum wage that is indexed against housing costs, alongside a robust social safety net and other worker protections such as standardizing work contracts so that employees who desire full-time employment or consistent hours have some guarantee that their expectations will be fulfilled. That's not really a lot to ask. All the modern western democracies do this, even ones that do dumb shit all the time like Great Britain and Australia. Can we be smarter than Australia, the country that elected Tony Abbott? I guess time will tell.
I hope things get better for the working people of Coeur d’ Alene, and I plan to come back to this area for Barter Faire and shit next year. But I’m not going to spend the rest of my life fighting the impossible uphill battle that it would be to try to bring socioeconomic justice to North Idaho. I hate cops. I hate cops hate cops hate cops. I haaaate cooooops. I’m getting the fuck out of here. I need to get out while I’m ahead and try to make some real money somewhere else. I leave on Saturday. The Desert Cruiser is fully outfitted. See you on the other side.
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feartheophanim · 7 years
Oberon and Michael
 I wrote this based on... fuck... where’s the screen captures of the fucked up imbd page???  UGH.  Anyway, some one fucked up the imbd page for season 13.  It said Jensen Ackles was playing ‘Michael’ and Jared Padalecki was playing ‘Oberon’.  So, yeah, this happened. Expect: ~2k, destiel, twink!dean, possession/consent discussion, profound bond, alternate canon universe
@aromantic-dad @ambersagen @winjennster @mittensmorgul @castielnovak @dragonpressgraphics @hangsabove @deanandhiscas Lol.  Hi friends, long time no see. :D
“Alternate reality, my ass.  There’s alternate Cas, so we should be able to find alternate me.”  Dean trudged on through the dusty wasteland world.  He wiped his sleeve over his brow.
Sam shuffled to his side, using a hand to shield his eyes from the sun and sand.  “Alternate Bobby didn’t know us, Dean.  What makes you think that alternate Cas does?” 
Stopping short, Dean narrowed his eyes at Sam.  Because it’s Cas.  “It’s our best lead.”  He took back up walking with more fervor.  “If you have a better idea, get to sharing.”
Rounding a rocky protrusion of earth, they almost ran into a bunker door, no unlike their bunker, the MOL bunker.  Dean shoved a hand into his pocket for his keys.
“Do you think we’re actually going to be that lucky?”  Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother, before turning around and keeping watch.
Dean jammed the key into the lock.  “Well, I think that the universe owes us a win.”
“This is a different universe.”
“Yeah, well, take a look around.  The universe owes us too.”  
The key turned and the lock clicked open.  
Taking a sweeping look around, Dean pushed Sam into the bunker before closing the door immediately behind them.
“Sam?”  It was a Dean-voice, but it didn’t sound like Dean.  It sounded like Dean 10 years ago.  It sounded like when Sam was young.  “Sam, what are you doing here?  You shouldn’t be here; we need to stay on opposite sides of the world.”
In a rush and a tell-tale flutter of wings, Castiel was at Sam’s neck with an angel blade.
Immediately, Sam lifted his hands in a surrender.  “I’m not your Sam.”
“I know.”  Gravel.  Oh, sweet gravel.
“Cas?”  Dean rounded his brother to see alternate Cas.  He wore his usual trenchcoat, but, instead of Jimmy’s suit, he had a pressed military uniform.  Because everyone had been drafted.
“What is this?”  Alternate Cas looked back and forth between Dean and Dean.
Now that he could see himself, Dean could see why he sounded younger.  He was younger.  Alternate him stared up at him from a 20-year-old face.  It was like he was looking into an old photograph.  Alternate Dean’s eyes grew wide.  “Cas?  Cas what’s going on?  Are they shape-shifters?”
“No.”  Sam cleared his throat before continuing.  “We’re from another dimension.”
“Like we haven’t heard that before.”  Alternate Dean narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.  
He was a twink.  Great, just great.  “How old are you?”  Dean couldn’t help it; they should’ve been born at the same time.  It shouldn’t be that different.  Bobby was Bobby-aged.  Cas’ vessel still looked the same age.
“38.”  Alternate Dean pursed his lips.  It was obscene.  He needed to not.  “Got hit by an age spell from one of Michael’s troops.  It’s a lot harder to die from old age if you don’t age in the first place.”
Dean chuckled.  “So, you’re going to look like that forever?”
Alternate Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed a beer off the table, taking a swig.  “Yeah, it’s a tragedy.”  He turned around, looking up at Dean through his lashes.  “Doesn’t get me any attention.”  He brought his beer to his lips, pursing them prettily.  
Yeah, to say Dean wasn’t turned on would be a lie, but he’d always been a fan of masturbation, so who could blame him?
Alternate Castiel let his weapon drop.  He still looked wary, but he gave them the benefit of the doubt, turning around to glare at alternate Dean.  “Stop that Dean.”
“What?”  Alternate Dean flopped down in the chair and stacked his feet on the edge of the table.  “It’s nice knowing I can defile Michael’s vessel so perfectly.”
Sam looked very uncomfortable in the my-brother-is-being-overtly-sexual sort of way.  Castiel looked to be uncomfortable too, but Dean was happy to realize it was more of a you-little-shit-stop-making-my-job-hard, and by ‘job’ he meant-
“But that doesn’t explain who you are or what you’re doing in my bunker.”  Alternate Dean placed the beer bottle on the table heavily, punctuating his sentence.
Dean swept a hand out.  “Just figured you could use some company.  It’s a hard knock life and all that.”  
This bunker was very similar to their bunker.  It looked to be a mirror image of theirs, but that probably more from the fact that it was a different MOL location to begin with.  The major difference was the amount of angel warding painted blatantly over the walls.  They overlapped.  There were old crackling ones; new still-wet ones.
“I like your art project.”  Waving a lazy finger around, Dean careful paced along the wall, looking at the sigils.  His lazy finger found it’s way to his alternate.  “So, Rapunzel looking for her night in shining armor?”  Dean raised an eyebrow.
Alternate Dean licked his lips and turned to alternate Cas.  “I already have one.”
Rolling his eyes, alternate Cas huffed before striding away toward the hallway.  He must’ve decided to trust them.  Awesome.
With alternate Cas gone, alternate Dean deflated and gazed after him for a long moment before letting out a long breath.
Sam moved from where he’d been pinned by the angel blade and slid into a chair across from alternate Dean.  He looked weirded out by this Dean’s age.  “So, you’re stuck in here?”
Shrugging, alt Dean pulled his feet from the table and shifted up to the open books and typewriter on the table.  “Yep.  I’m an angel vessel.  People want to kill me.  Angels want to enslave me.”
“You’ve held out for a long time, though.”  Sam leaned forward; he was very interested in the details he might glean from this conversation.  Leave it to Sam to make dimension-hopping into a learning experience.  “In not the best conditions, I might add.”
Alt Dean pulled a book toward him on the table.  It was like the fun had left the room with alt Cas.
Dean meandered around.  He looked more intently at some of the sigils he didn’t recognize.  God, was he making this into a learning experience?  
“I’ve just been in here, acting like a coward.”
“In here? For how long?”  
There was a pause then a deep breath.  “I don’t know.”  Alt Dean shook his head.  “I just don’t know anymore.  I try not to think about it.”  He took another long swig from his beer bottle.
“Well, what do you do in here?”  Sam leaned away and flickered his gaze around the room.
Alt Dean waved a hand at a pile of papers with typewriter script.  “A year or two ago, Cas dared me to make a record of current events, the newest gospel.”  He grabbed a corner of the stack and let them flip back down, the sound filling the silent space.  He slapped Sam’s hand when he reached for it.  “You don’t want to read it.”
Interesting, Dean went over to see it, taking a seat at the table too.
“There might be something to learn from it.”  Same tried again only to meet the same response.
“Half of it is porn.”  Alt Dean said with an bored expression.
Dean barked out a laugh.  “Nice!”  That time, he reached for it.  He wasn’t slapped.
Noticing, Sam made an indignant whining sound.  “What so he can read it?”
Shrugging, alt Dean tucked his hands behind his head and leaned back.  “If you’re anything like this universe’s Sam, then you don’t want to read it.”  He suddenly jolted forward to tap the edge of the papers Dean was holding, grabbing his attention.  “5 entire chapters in the Book of the Angel Michael are girl on girl, angelic-kinky sex.”
“Awesome.”  Dean flipped through the pages a little, trying to find that.
Sam shook his head.  “Anyway.”  He shook his head some more, like he was trying to dislodge water from his ear.  “Yeah, anyway, speaking of your universe’s Sam, where is he?”
“I don’t know.”  Alt Dean pressed his lips together before continuing.  “He’s out there somewhere.  Sometimes I hear the angels talk about him, well they talk about ‘the younger Winchester vessel’, but that’s all I get.”
“You hear the angels?”  Sam leaned in again.  
Alt Dean nodded.  “This,” he made a sweeping gesture to his body, “is Enochian magic.  I got upgraded.”  He played with the pages of the book closest to him on the table.  With his other hand, he tapped a finger to his temple.  “Got angel radio.  That’s how I keep a record of events.”
“Ah.”  Sam nodded along.  He opened his mouth to say something else, but then closed it.  He did it twice before alt Dean stepped in.
“You’re safe, safer than me.  What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t ensure that?”  He twiddled his fingers like he was lying.
At that, Dean let his hands go lack onto the table with the papers in them.  “So, where is he?”
“Well, a while back we had this great idea of being possessed by something else.  You know?  It would be a lot harder for Michael or Lucifer to possess us if we were already possessed.”  Alt Dean slid his eyes away.
Dean’s voice was harsher this time.  “So, where is he?”
Alt Dean remained silent, not looking at them.
“Lemme rephrase this for you,” Dean hummed, more for dramatic affect than anything else, “who’s parading around in my little brother?”
Alt Dean’s face looked even more pitiful because it was so young.  He looked like a kicked puppy when he finally squared his jaw and stared Dean back in the eyes.  “It was his idea.  Admittedly, he had planned on it being me, but... anyway... he’s possessed by Oberon.”
Silence passed between them.
Dean blinked a few times.  “Like, ‘King of the Fairies’ Oberon?”
Alt Dean nodded.
“Damn it, Sam!  I told you not to mess with the fairies.”  Dean glared at his brother.  Worse than anything else, Sam looked like he had been expecting that answer.  “Wait,” Dean held up a hand to Sam, “did you think that up too?  Some plan, Sam.”
“Well, obviously, I didn’t actually go through with it!”  Sam protested.  With that, the floodgate for Sam’s questions was opened.  “How did it work?  When did you do this?  How long has he been possessed?  Did he get tricked?  What was-”
“Woah, woah.”  Dean clapped a hand onto Sam’s shoulder.
Alt Dean looked relieved.  It must’ve been a long time since he’d dealt with his own Sam.  This must be like torture for him; it would be to Dean.
“Fine.”  Sam ran a hand through his hair, collecting his thoughts and composure.  “One question then.”
“Shoot,” both Deans said at once.
Sam nodded, like he was encouraging himself to ask his question.  “I know that my Dean,” he gestured like they weren’t all entirely sure which Dean he was talking about, “wouldn’t just hand me over to be possessed.  He’d be the one possessed; that’s just how he thinks.”  He paused.  “So, how is it that you’re not the possessed one?”
Taking a steadying breath, alt Dean stared at the table.  “He tried.  Oberon tried to possess me.  Let’s just...” He looked back up, clenching his jaw for a second.  “Let’s just say that I have consent issues.”
At that second, alt Cas returned.  He looked cleaner, but Dean was pretty sure that he hadn’t been washing up.  Here, Castiel was still powered up by angel juice and could just poof away grime.
Dean turned back to alt Dean.  He wanted to see if he could pull anything more from him about this Oberon thing; it might be important to them some day.  He wasn’t sure what all he was supposed to be doing in this universe, but maybe he’d have to meet Oberon-Sam at some point.  He’d really like to be prepared for that.
But, it wasn’t going to happen.  Alt Dean’s attention was completely stolen by alt Cas’ return.  Almost under his breath, he mumbled, “... and something else is in my head.”
Hoping that Sam hadn’t heard that, Dean flicked his gaze toward his brother by the corner of his eye.  Unfortunately, Sam had caught the last bit; he was sitting their with his mouth moving over the words silently, his brain busy trying to give them meaning.
Dean knew what his alternate self meant immediately though.  He probably wouldn’t have if he’d met him 4 days ago, if he’d met him before Castiel - his Castiel, not his-universe’s Castiel, HIS Castiel - had... had bit it.  
He was painfully aware of the emptiness in his head.  He’d never given the profound-bond-thing much credit, but he was left so alone.  He always felt like he’d forgotten something, like he’d left something at home but couldn’t quite determine what it was.  It was Cas, his Cas.
That was how he knew that alternate Cas would lead them to the alternate Dean, because Dean couldn’t imagine a universe where they didn’t go together.
Dean was lost in his head when the bunker’s sigils began to glow.  He was lost in that ever-present loneliness.
There were muffled yells; they sounded like they were far away or screaming through pillows.
“Dean Winchester, do you want that loneliness to go away?  You don’t have to be lonely anymore.”
A tear leaked from the corner of his eye.  The muffled yells were drowned out by a ringing in his ears.  He couldn’t take it anymore.  Dean whispered, “Yes.”
{I’m gonna post this on ao3 too, so you can find it here.}
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