#jib13: concert
justjensenanddean · 1 year
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Jensen Ackles | JIBCon 2023: Concert (June 19, 2023) [x]
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sarahcaskett · 6 months
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let-me-be-your-home · 11 months
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Closing ceremony, Jus In Bello Con 13 | Rome, June 18th 2023
Please do not repost without credit.
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sexyvixen7 · 1 year
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(Source: MonicaDPhoto on Twitter)
He is absolutely stunning. Just stunning ❤️
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alwayscaskett810 · 10 months
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jacklesthings · 1 year
Monday concert jib 13
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positivexcellence · 1 year
2022 JIB13 Monday concert Jensen bits
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jensenackles-daily · 1 year
JIB13 Monday concert in Rome on June 19th, 2023
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Jensen JIB13 Sunday Panel
Before he gets to the questions there is somebody celebrating their birthday so he gets the crowd to sing them happy birthday.
And he shares that he hadn't been able to sleep on the flight on the way to the con because during the flight when everybody was supposed to be sleeping there was one person awake, with the light on and hitting a prayer bowl. So, he only got to sleep for an hour or two before being woken up by the sound of the prayer bowl and he saw the flight attendant go over to the young lady to ask her to stop, and she stopped but then got up and flew running down the aisle, arms up in the air and he doesn't know if that was some sort of physical smudging, but he was so confused. He goes to the bathroom and when he's going back to his seat, he passes past her seat and sure enough there's the prayer bowl and the little mallet, and a notepad that had written in crazy scratch 'don't hurt me' with hurt circled and 'I am woman, I am god, god is woman woman woman woman woman'. He didn't go back to sleep after that worried he'd wake up to her hovering above him like in the House on Haunted Hill, that was in his head the rest of the night.
What new countries would he like to visist, and why?
He mentions Iceland, says he's always wanted to go there and has a friend who lives there who keeps telling him to visit. Also, New Zealand, same thing he hears it's amazing, he's never been there and has friends who live there like Karl Urban tell him to visit. When he mentions Karl the crowd reacts and says they're mad at him for cancelling his appearance and Jensen tells them he's fishing, to leave him alone 😆
But there's a lot of places, he loves to travel, and this world has a lot to offer. The fan is from Russia, and he says he'd love to go see Russia he's heard very good things from M. x
Would he ever consider doing audiobooks?
Yeah, he would definitely consider that; he does enjoy doing the voice over stuff it's probably something he got from his father who does a lot of voice work and has been for many years. He takes the opportunity to wish a happy Father's day, and says they were having a little toast in the green room; he does like the voice over stuff and yeah he'd be interested in audio books he thinks it'd be fun. x
Did he see that Anne Twist, Harry Style's mom, shared the clip where he talks about seeing Harry in concert?
He says, really? hey, Harry Styles mom can I get some tickets? hey Harry Styles mom, gorgeous thing you, how about some tickets to see your son? 😂
Somebody, years ago, gave him Harry's first solo album and they told him he'd like it and he didn't believe them then he listened to it and he secretly liked it for years but he didn't tell anybody, and now he doesn't care he thinks Harry's a talented dude who's got incredible showmanship, and he was not expecting to be as entertained as he was when he went to that concert. Which he'll be honest, it was his daughter and her friends who really wanted to see him but because he takes his kids to school everyday, in the car JJ likes to dj, so he has to listen to a lot of Harry, and Taylor, and knows more of those songs that he ever thought he would, and he doesn't hate them. He briefly tells the story about how Phil Collins In the Air Tonight came on and JJ wanted it to change it but he said no to wait for the drum solo and he ended up hurting his neck jamming along. x
Sort of update to this, Anne saw a clip of this moment and reacted to it on twitter!
On Friday during Drake Rodger's panel he shared the story of his chemistry read and said one time he was caught on camera drinking beer and he asked the fan to ask Jensen what his impression was of that moment
Jensen says that what happened was they were on Zoom, and he, D, Thompson, and the other producers turned their cameras off but Drake's was still on and he's still sitting there while they're on the phone having a discussion, and sure enough he drinks a beer and Jensen noticed and pointed it out and Thompson didn't think so but D also thought he was drinking, and Jensen said "he's hired, that's it he's my guy", that's how he remembers that moment. They all laughed, and then they got back on and he asked Drake if he was drinking and Drake denied it and held up his water bottle saying it's just water and Jensen was like 'yeah, and what about that bottle of Medalla you got right off screen?' and he got all nervous. That's how he remebers that moment and he never lets him forget it either.
He will say Drake picked up the baton very quickly in the messing with any and everyone, including him which he always thinks it's funny when Drake tries to prank him or mess with him. x
How does he feel during certain emotional moments in SPN like when Sam told Dean they were no longer brothers and wouldn't try to save him?
There's very little about the story of SPN that he ever disagreed with most of, he believes, what they did, what they experienced and what the characters said to each other were all part of a bigger story and so he never really got overly hung up on stuff like Sam saying that particular thing because he knew it would come back around in some way, shape, or form to be a positive. He tells- he calls it a fable but it's actually a parable that goes: a man and his son are working the land and the son breaks his leg, and all of the villagers come over and say 'oh im so sorry that your son broke his leg that must be awful' and the man replies 'might be awful, might be good, we'll see' that week the military comes by to recruit all the able bodied young men but his son had a broken leg so he couldn't go and now the villagers are saying 'oh my god it's so great that they didn't take your son' and the man once again says 'maybe, maybe not', and it keeps going and the point is you never know what might be good or what might be bad in any given situation. He just always had faith that it was going to be positive down the road, and he guesses you could be the person that always feels like it's going to be negative down the road but that's no fun so don't be that person. x
He reccomends looking up the parable, for anyone interested in doing so you can look up the parable of the Chinese farmer.
Has he heard Dean's French dubbing, and if not would he like to one day?
He has not heard the French dubbing of Dean but it would be interesting. He has heard a couple of different dubbings but he doesn't think he's heard the French one, he'll look it up. x
The fan shares the fun fact that the actor who dubs him as Dean also dubs him as Soldier Boy but the fan doesn't like him as Soldier Boy because they don't have a deep voice, and I guess it's too happy. Watch the clip it's so funny and Jensen also does Soldier Boy in a Mario voice 😂
He's a little charmer in French 💕
If he had the opportunity of directing a movie, what kind of movie would he direct?
Probably an action-adventure type of movie. Those are the kind of things that he likes doing in general as far as like an actor goes; he likes fast-paced upbeat adventurous type of stuff so something like that. x
Jensen JIB13 Sunday
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justjensenanddean · 1 year
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Jensen Ackles | JIBCon 2023: Concert (June 19, 2023) [ MurielFPhotos | MurielFPhotos | Rachphotos85 | myconphotograp1 | NuttyForAckles | ]
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spnfanficpond · 11 months
Weekly Pond Newsletter
It's Midsummer (or Midwinter if you're down south), which means we're about halfway through the year! How are we all doing on our New Year's resolutions? That good, eh?
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Old Business:
The discord server was hopping this week, with Manta Rays hanging out, competitive writing sprints, and even some non-competitive writing sprints happening almost every day! Did you know that you can hop into the sprint room in our server and sprint any time you want? Anyone can operate the Sprinto bot with either slash commands or tagging the bot and giving the commands. Most of the time, there is an admin around to help you, and maybe even sprint with you! If you have ADHD, you may have heard of body doubling, and doing writing sprints is one way to do that. For a lot of people, it's just easier to get some writing done while sprinting, even if it's just by yourself. You're kind of holding yourself accountable, and the Sprinto bot keeps time for you and even gives you a lovely quote at the end! Be sure to check it out and ask the admins if you need help!
There was no New Member Spotlight for June, as we had no new members by the time we would usually have posted it. However, we've gotten a few new members this weekend, so July's post will be chock full of new people to meet!
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt was:
JIB13 photos got us all up in our feels about Jeffrey Vincent Parise and his drums. This week's #TweetFicTues prompt is Asmodeus as the drummer in a band!
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New Business:
Manta Rays in the discord server! Next weekend, there will be TWO Manta Rays in the discord server just hanging out! On Friday, @katbratsupernaturalwhore will be in there for an hour, and on Saturday, @princessmisery666 will be in there for a couple of hours. (She was originally scheduled for yesterday, but we postponed it because someone forgot to announce it -not naming names it was Michelle-.) This is your chance to get to know wave-makers in the Pond, get advice on writing or Tumblr, or just chat with some really cool people!
Fishing For Treasures at the @fanficocean is next weekend! In July, the Pond and the Ocean are celebrating Real People Fics, or RPF! Send us links to your favorite RPF stories, whether you wrote them or not. You can submit your links to our blogs or drop the links into the #fishing-for-treasures channel in our discord servers. The deadline for the Ocean's celebration is midnight Friday, Eastern US time. If you have any questions, feel free to send an ask to either the Ocean or to us!
It's almost the end of the month, so Angel Fish Award nominations are due if you want to participate in this month's raffle for prizes! Click here for info on the AFA's and how to participate. Want to know what's on the prize list? Click here for the list of current prizes up for grabs! We accept nominations ALL THE TIME, but the raffle ends at the end of the month every month.
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
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Jib12 was amazing!!! I'm not even exaggerating when I say that that was the best weekend of my life
and I wanted to share some of my favourite moments 🥰
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Robs and Jasons concert!! (Robs songs for Ruth had me crying)
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The smile Jensen gave me when I apologised for being nervous (I almost died right then and there omfg I'm never getting over this)
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Rob being excited when I told him where i was from!! And just Rob and Ruth in general I love them so much<33
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Jared calling!!!!
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These two<33
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Getting to sing on stage with them!!<33 (i didnt know the words at all but it was so fun)
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Jeffery's panels!!!
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Ruth and Hamish!!
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And of course the closing panel and walk and getting to sing carry on with the best fandom ever (I cried like a baby)
There were so many amazing moments and I wish I could share more of them, but this has been the best experience of my life, and I cannot wait to go to jib13!!
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swansong0408 · 11 months
watching jib13 concert..what is shining in cockles necklace? Ring or pendant?
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sexyvixen7 · 1 year
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(Source: fren74 on Twitter)
This man is so damn sexy 🔥
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alwayscaskett810 · 1 year
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