#jesse pinkman tattoo
anelimjolie · 8 months
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Borneo Scorpion - a frequent means of representing death is to depict creatures whose poisonous bite could kill you. The scorpion is a common motif, the sting from its tail having made it one of the most feared animals in history. Yet in Borneo, the scorpion tattoo is a highly stylized version of the Aso, the country’s mystical dog-dragon, which is seen as offering protection from evil spirits. So there’s a double psychology at work here, as to wear this tattoo is to feel in some way protected against a potentially disastrous fate.
Are you kidding me?? The symbolism of it all? In this essay I will-
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kafk43sque · 1 year
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here’s my jesse pinkman (borneo scorpion) tattoo i got last friday for my 20th birthday^_^
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pr0zacprincess01 · 1 month
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it’s jane- you know, jesse and jane? jesse’s junkie gf 🙄🙄
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pissbbyy · 2 months
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uhh there’s like 3 hours left b4 it ends buut happy trans day of visibility to one of the most t4t couples in media woo!!
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fuckdamn · 2 years
no because why is squishing the bug a given. why are we conditioned to punish it? why is its existence caught within our already fucked matrices of crime and morality? why does not killing the bug have to be considered a mercy at all? why is it all holy or unholy why is it all just or unjust why don’t more of us just play with the beetle!! and part of why jesse playing with the beetle reads as an act that is so purely good and innocent is because he’s not trying to be purely good and innocent, he’s not struggling with some grand choice, he’s not thinking about good or evil at all. he’s only letting the soft animal of his body love what it loves. it’s so simply and radically sweet. it’s so fun. to punish nature just for being is something that he can’t even fathom. to say hello to this cool little beetle is his given
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xanarchyx · 22 days
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
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demi kisses all the scars and burns on jesse’s body because she loves him. if u even care.
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vampiricvirtue · 2 years
I loved her more than anything.
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de3d2me · 2 years
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remind me of when nikki sixx did heroin in the dennys bathroom out of a coca cola bottle cap
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i s2g the more i go to factcheck for this jessenacho fic the more heinous shit i find happened to jesse that either id missed or forgot. this man has actually suffered more than jesus fr
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Breaking bad reference?!?!?! Jesse Pinkmans hand tat?!?! 😱😱😱😱
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molotovmetro · 2 years
Might flex and get Jesse's tattoo for my birthday.......
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elysiuminfra · 4 months
still reading house of leaves. i love seeing people’s interpretations of johnny but im very sad to say i don’t think he has long hair. or painted nails. he’s like. a weird misogynist tattoo guy. he’s got like a skull on his arm. when his hair gets too long he feels too feminine. i think he’s a little homophobic (even if he is bisexual. he’s still homophobic.) he thinks lesbians are hot but gets scared when men kiss eachother. like im sorry to say but i think he looks like charlie day in a white tank top and ear piercings. he looks like the guy at the bar that would try to buy you a drink and call you a bitch when you refuse because you don’t like his vibes. he looks like the record store cashier that mansplains industrial music to you. he looks like jesse pinkman, but worse. and unfortunately for some i think he is so cisgender.
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polovision · 9 months
jesse pinkman: tattooed drug addict meth cook who has killed people
every bald man he meets: “kid”
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fuckdamn · 2 years
after they rekindle their relationship in season 4 andrea asks jesse to tell her as much as he can. not about the business, not about where he got that money he left in their mailbox (there are things she doesn’t want to know, things she’s heard enough about for a lifetime, things she doesn’t want uttered anywhere near her son). but she likes jesse, and she believes that he’s sensitive and well-intentioned, and she wants to understand why he withdraws for weeks or months on end, why he’s harboring so much grief and fear and uncertainty. she appreciates the distance he keeps between her and his work. she doesn’t appreciate being kept in the dark.
so they lie in bed and talk things through, navigating gently around anything the other doesn’t want to hear or share (that give and take becomes natural as they find they’re both better at minding the fractures in the other’s wounded psyche than their own. it’s a language of love for them: saying enough, but never saying too much. being careful, but being candid). jesse details the downward spiral that brought him to rehab, tells her about jane. “should i keep going?” he doesn’t want to wax poetic about his dead girlfriend to his new girlfriend…
andrea urges him on. she wants to hear about jane, wants to bear witness to her life. as she listens, she thinks that if she herself died young (and she’d come close on a few occasions), she would want to be spoken about with this much reverence. she thinks about tomás (though honestly, she rarely stops thinking about tomás), how she stopped talking about him when he was still here, and now that he’s gone, she feels like there’s nobody she can really share him with (not as she knew him), and like her brother’s spirit has buried itself deep in her chest, and the pain is both a bottomless ache and a swelling pressure (and like the child her brother was, it begs her to carry it).
jesse is visibly struggling to maintain composure as he talks. this isn’t the first time andrea’s seen him get emotional, or even the second or third (this well of feeling is always ready to overflow just beneath the surface. it’s part of why she trusts him). and he mentions that jane was a tattoo artist with no tattoos, and something clicks for andrea. “jane. abq ink,” she provides. he nods. andrea feels a fresh pang of grief. “i liked jane.”
“you knew jane?” he asks, his lower lip trembling. andrea shifts to show him the tattoo on her hipbone, a butterfly surrounded by an intricate and beautiful botanical design, and jesse’s seen the tattoo before, but he’s never really looked at it. that’s jane’s style, her lines, her disarmingly soft blending.
“i got this after i left rehab for the first time. she was really nice. gave me a discount because she was in recovery too.” andrea swallows hard. she didn’t know jane for long, but she remembers her pitch black hair, her dry sense of humor, the easy way they talked throughout the process. and jesse looks at the tattoo again, so overwhelmed by seeing jane’s art alive on the body of another woman he loves, so unable to even process this happenstance, that he just breaks down crying in her arms.
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kissingrhi · 1 year
begging on my hands and knees and crying and sobbing pls make another jesse pinkman fic again soon
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my fav character of all time!! <3 love jesse. soft fic for all my fellow jesse fans ily all
his gently highlighted, dusty brown strands were right across your chest, his right ear listening in on your heartbeat, matching every breath that you took. your hands was interlinked with one of his, his thumb gently running over your skin.
"you wanna know something?" you leaned in towards his head, like you were whispering an unforgivable secret. beginning to giggle.
"oh, god. what?" he groaned, eyebrow infamously raising at your tone. he turned over to look at you, morning sun pouring in from your window onto his beautiful blue eyes. you were sure you could cry. he had the gentlest smile tugging at his lips, one that he couldn't wipe away when he looked at you, no matter how hard he tried. he was smitten, absolutely whipped. not that you were any different towards him.
he was practically poetry in motion. every part of him was like a piece of art, and every word he spoke was the truth to you. some called it delusion, others called it the honeymoon phase, but you both knew that it was plainly love.
you took your hand out of his, rolling your eyes at his playful whine, quietly telling him to 'hush.' you put both of your hands against the sides of his jaw, massaging the light stubble and mentally tattooing the scratchiness of it against your palms onto your brain.
he was blushing now, nose lightly scrunching and smile growing into a beaming, glowing grin.
"you are the most beautiful person i think i've ever met." you whispered, quietly. as if speaking too loud would disrupt the gorgeous atmosphere of your simple bedroom, only because he was lying against you.
the grin dropped, instead curling up to bite his lip and ignore the rush of a feeling he couldn't describe in his chest. he almost wanted to cry. his big eyes were peering up at you, and if you could, you'd keep him here for ever. safe and sheltered and held. exactly what he needs. what he deserves.
goosebumps rose over his body at the authenticity in your eyes. a blush spread to the tips of his ears.
he rolled over to rest his chin on your stomach and stare up at you again. "you wanna know something else?" he was giggling now. it was juvenile, how he looked at you like you'd hung every star in the sky.
"hm?" you hands were now in his hair, barely scratching at his scalp. it was your turn to be bashful, feeling heated at his passionate gaze.
"i think i'm in love with you." he said, breathlessly. his hands now going to mimic yours from earlier, holding on to the sides of your face.
after taking in your shy state, he pressed a warm kiss against your lips. tongues on tongues, laughter echoing against the walls of your room. the golden sun falling into the area was not nearly as bright as the childlike joy you two felt with the other. he messily flipped you, so that you were straddling his waist.
his hands traveled your figure, squeezing and tickling at his favorite parts. like random moles, your thighs, and your lower back. you were tangling into each other more and more, the invisible string that had gotten you to this point only ever tightening. only bringing you closer.
"i actually retract my statement from earlier." he started, face going deadpan, yet you still knew he wasn't serious.
"oh? what's that?" you playfully spouted, squeezing your thighs around his hips.
"i'm definitely in love with you."
one single thread of gold tied me to you.
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