#jaune x penny x weiss
Ruby: Good morning Penny!
Yang: 'Morning Pen.
Penny: *Rubbing her jaw* Good Morning Rub.
Ruby: What happened? You alright?
Penny: Yes I am, I simply engaged in an ... Impromptu Mandibular Exercise last night.
Yang: *Sniff* Hew! You're breath stinks Penny.
Penny: Apologies! I haven't brushed my teeth yet!
Weiss: *Stumbling in, half naked, not noticing the sisters* Good morning Honey~ *Kiss, followed by giggles* Hm~ I can still Taste Jaune and I on your lips~
Weiss: *Walking into the kitchen* I'm just getting the two of us some water, but we'd love if you came back to bed after your breakfast~ PLease don't leave us waiting for too long~
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Penny: *Blushing* ... I have not lied in any of my previous statements.
Penny: *Throat Clear* Now if you'll pardon me, I have someone- Something I need to do! *She begins shoveling food into her mouth*
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Jaune: *Brushing Penny's Hair* You've got a lot of Hair.
Penny: Ow! Please try to refrain from pulling it until we are in the Bedroom, Jaune!
Jaune: *Blushing* Penny!
Blake: Oh? it seems like our precious Penny has been Corrupted by the knight.
Yang: Yeah, A system corruption!
Blake: *Giggles* I wouldn't mind corrupting you a little more~
Weiss: ... Jaune, Penny, Can I join both of you tonight?
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juanarc-thethird · 2 months
It was worth it
Jaune: *Naked with his "long sword" ready for action* Weiss, are you sure? It's just that... um... I'm a little big and I'm still learning to measure my strength for… delicate things.
Weiss: *Horny as fuck!* Let's do it!😍
8 hours later At the hospital
Weiss: *In full body cast*
Penny: Well Weiss, you have broken multiple bones and you have serious damage to your pelvis. Most likely, it will take several months for you to recover. Still… Was it worth it?
Weiss: Every second~💕
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weisscoldglare · 1 month
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Some more thief stuff
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rachetmath · 4 months
Pyrrha: Hi you must be Alyx.
Alyx: Yes.
Pyrrha: Well I just want to talk to you about something.
Alyx: I mean sure but what-
Pyrrha: Not what. It’s who. You know Jaune Arc?
Alyx: I mean y-
Pyrrha: You know the Rustud Knight? The one you betrayed? Who you poisoned?
Alyx: Well I can- *attempts to run*
Penny: *blocks her path*Nope. All attempts of escape are at zero right now.
Alyx: You can’t be serious.
Penny: As the current generation would say," Oh yes bitch. Try me."
Alyx: Okay I may have wronged him a little bit.
Lewis: A little? You completely poisoned him.
Alyx: Lewis you are not helping.
Lewis: At least like Jaune I was trying. But you never listen.
Alyx: Look I understand but what’s the big deal? He got back to Remnant.
Pyrrha: Why?! Why did you do it?
Alyx: I mean… well… I… um….
Pyrrha: Alyx, understand, you have two deadly women on both sides of you. If you don’t give us a good explanation well…. I guess we’ll finally see if you can fall from heaven.
Alyx: Well I saw this vision and I didn’t like it.
Penny: Understood, what was the vision?
Alyx: Um… I *whisper* don’t remember.
Penny: You what?!
Alyx: I don’t remember okay?!
Pyrrha: What vision? Who’s vision?
Alyx: I don’t know. The writers didn’t give me anything. I saved him though. That counts, right?
Pyrrha: No. He just survived.
Penny: Plus your ‘help’ could give him problems down the road.
Alyx: Like what?
Me: I mean the fan base speaks for itself. I mean the guy hasn’t been in Remnant for years it’s going to be kind of hard for him to readjust. Not only that he has to recover from years of isolation, PTSD, trauma, and because of you he might as well also be having trust issues. Not only that he had to leave another friend behind. You and the Ever After might as have shattered him
Alyx: Oh Oum.
Pyrrha: Yeah. Oum can’t save you. Penny.
Penny: Way ahead of you.
Alyx: Wait you wouldn’t hurt an innocent black child right?
Pyrrha and Penny: ………..
Me: Alyx you heard the saying, “Equal rights equal fights.”
Alyx: Let’s say I don’t.
Me: No matter your race. No matter your sexuality. No more matter your gender or age. You made a choice to do what you do. And as a result of said choice you must face said consequences. Weither they be good or bad. Basically you may be a kid but you were grown enough commit murder. And as such-
Pyrrha: You have this coming.
Alyx: *crying* I’m sorry. I just wanted to home. Jaune had no idea how. So I did what ever took. And then the Cat betrayed me and I died. Please? Don’t hurt me!
Summer: Come now ladies. I know you’re both upset but-
Pyrrha: Ms. Rose! Shut up!
Summer: I’m sorry? Who are you talking to?
Pyrrha: You are a nobody. You have been irrelevant for a while now. You left your daughters and died. Your daughter ain’t shit. Your team is still disbanded even after you died. You might as well be an afterthought at this point.
Summer: Said the girl who’s only job was to run away.
Pyrrha: I went out in a blaze of glory. I proved myself. What the fuck have you done?
Summer: Um.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha I know I have no rights to talk.
Pyrrha: Damn straight. You suffered more than myself. All you had to do was live. Instead, you traumatized my man. He just got over me too. Why would you do that?
Penny: Okay, I’m sorry. But, he’s going to be fine now. Let’s just let her go. And we pray he gets better.
Pyrrha: Fine. You're lucky Alyx.
Alyx: Thank you. But I am sorry.
Pyrrha: Shut up. Oum damn. If this story continues he better get stronger and kill Cinder. Because this is stupid. I mean how much trauma does one guy need? How he is not a villain? I mean, come on, he can’t be like Yuji, he doesn’t have skills like that.
Penny: Well friend W-
Pyrrha: If you say her name I will end you.
Summer: Okay woah, it’s been nine volumes why are you mad about this?
Pyrrha: One; he deserves better. Two; I prefer your daughter or anyone else than her. Three; she’s fucking useless. And four; it took him being an old man for her to start liking him. Fuck that bitch.
Summer: Well like said, if you stayed alive then-
Pyrrha: If you stayed alive maybe Qrow would have stopped drinking. If you stayed alive maybe your baby daddy wouldn’t be in a state of depression. Maybe if you stayed alive you could help your daughter learn how to control her eyes and be less useless in fighting the Queen of Grimm.
Summer: That was uncalled for.
Pyrrha: Move along side character.
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blake-me-up-inside · 7 months
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I saw this meme suggested to me from the RWBY Republic Facebook page and now you have to see it too. (Could not find a source though.)
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Jaune walked through the halls of the Vacuo hospital building with flowers in his hand and stopped at a door, the number 115. He knocked on the door and was met by the one person he had hoped not to run into first, Mr.Pelondina.
"What do you want, Jaune?" Pietro asked, gripping the handles of his wheelchair with suppressed anger.
"I wanted to check on Penny, see how she's holding u-" Jaune began to explain before he was cut off.
"Did you think of that before or after you chose to stab her huh?!" Peitro yelled before coughing and looking up at Jaune.
"Mr.Pelondina you have to understand tha-" Jaune tried to speak only to be cut off again.
"No, YOU need to understand that I don't want you around MY DAUGHTER anymore!" Peitro said, pressing the call button as a nurse came over.
"Yes? How can I help?" She asked.
"I want him gone and to not be allowed to see my daughter" Peitro said as the Nurse nodded and turned to Jaune and led him from the room.
"I'm sorry, sir, but her father has expressed not wanting you here. Please leave and have a nice day." The nurse says as Jaune nods and leaves with his head down in defeat.
Back at the camp area, Jaune comes back, setting the flowers down, before sitting in front of the campfire and curling up into a ball and placing his head on his knees and tried to fight the tears that were forming until he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked up and saw Qrow.
"Hey ki- well I guess kid doesn't want anymore considering what you've been through in the ever after, come on let's talk a walk" Qrow says helping Jaune off his feet as the two walked through Vacuo seeing how everyone was doing.
While they walked, Jaune told Qrow about what happened at the hospital and in the crossroads.
"That's alot to take in, I'm surprised you haven't gone insane." Qrow says before speaking once again. "I know you want to see her but maybe give him and Penny some space. Winter told me that she saw a stab wound that matched your sword and put two and two together but what threw us both off was the fact the wound was healed" Qrow says.
"I figured out that I could use my Semblance on objects and use them as a connection, so when I stabbed Penny I had used my Semblance and had it course through me sword and into the stab wound. I never wanted to kill Penny, I had already lost Pyrrha to Cinder and I wasn't about to lose Penny too Qrow" Jaune says looking at Qrow.
"I understand, come on Willow is helping Klien cook up some shrimp gumbo and it hits the spot. I'm sure you'll feel better after it" Qrow says as Willow runs over and plants a kiss on Qrow's cheek.
"Hello my dark knight, hello Jaune" Willow says with a smile.
"Hello love, I hope you don't kind if I invited Jaune to dinner" Qrow says as Willow shook her head.
"Of course not. He looks like he could use some friendly company," Willow says, leading Qrow and Jaune to the massive cookout where everyone was including Peitro and Penny, who was being wheeled around by Winter.
Winter noices Jaune and walks over while wheeling Penny over with her.
"Greetings Jaune, how have you been" Winter asked.
"I've...I could be better" He says not making eye contact before he felt Penny's hand intertwine with his.
"Salutations boyfriend Jaune" Penny says with a smile and tears in her eyes as she let his hand go and opened her arms for a hug as Jaune teared up and dropped to his knees and hugged Penny not letting her.
While Penny brushed his blonde hair with her hand and began to softy sing a calming tune to make Jaune calm down.
"I want to see you smile, Jaune, not cry," Penny says as all of his ffiened surround him and join in the hug.
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ethans-express · 10 months
RWBY x Mortal Kombat Intros
Saw someone doing these and figured i’d take a crack at it >:3
This one will focus around the Rusted Knight
Rusted Knight: *walks on stage, pulling sword from his back* is this a dream?
Penny: *floating down onto stage, glass swords behind her, eyes glowing* i assure you that it is not, Jaune
Rusted Knight: *deploys shield* ah, so a nightmare then
Blake: *swings down on Gambol Shroud and lands on stage* I can’t believe it, The Rusted Knight, in person!
Rusted Knight: *jumps down from Juniper’s back* you’re going to be pretty disappointed when you realize who it is
Blake: *transforms Gambol Shroud from Kama to Sword* oh Jaune, that’s not fair to yourself
Yang: *walks on stage, rolling her shoulder* hey Jaune, you doing okay?
Rusted Knight: *jumps down from Juniper’s back* not really, my arthritis is killing me
Yang: *knocks fists together while activating semblance* I’d laugh if that wasn’t really concerning
Ruby: *dashes onto stage with her Semblance* I’m not mad at you Jaune
Rusted Knight: *jumps down from Juniper’s back* i wish you would be
Ruby: *twirls Crescent Rose behind her* you don’t deserve that
Rusted Knight: *walks on stage, pulling sword from his back* so are you actually into me, or is it just the Daddy Issues?
Weiss: *rides in on a Lancer summon and jumps down from its back* well- i- uhm-
Rusted Knight: *deploys shield* i’m not stupid Weiss
Ren: *sitting cross legged, meditating, before cracking one eye open* you’re hurting Jaune
Rusted Knight: *jumps down from Juniper’s back* heh, you and your fancy Semblance
Ren: *stands up and draws StormFlower* it has its uses
Rusted Knight: *walks on stage, pulling sword from his back* I’m sorry that this is your future
Jaune: *places front foot forward, raises shield up* you’re not gonna say it’s my Destiny, are you?
Rusted Knight: *deploys shield* i would never, you know that as well as i do
Jaune: *sheathes Crocea Mors* do you think we’d break the Space Time Continuum if we touched?
Rusted Knight: *jumps down from Juniper’s back* guess we’re about to find out
Jaune: *pulls the sword/shield off his belt and activates the Two Hander Sword* gods i hope we don’t destroy everything
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rocknroll7575 · 2 months
RWBYRonpa: Beacon's Killing Game!!!
Ruby Rose - The Ultimate Hope
Weiss Schnee - The Ultimate Prodigy
Blake Belladonna - The Ultimate Novelist
Yang Xiao-Long - The Ultimate Boxer
Jaune Arc - The Ultimate Support
Nora Valkyrie - The Ultimate Electrician
Pyrrha Nikos - The Ultimate Champion
Lie Ren - The Ultimate Sage
Sun Wukong - The Ultimate Jokester
Neptune Vasilias - The Ultimate Womanizer
Penny Polendina - The Ultimate AI
Mercury Black - The Ultimate Breakdancer
Emerald Sustrai - The Ultimate Illusionist
Roman Torchwick - The Ultimate Schemer
Neo Polatain - The Ultimate ice cream maker
??? - The Mastermind
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Fandom: RWBY
Sample Size: 22,581 stories
Source: AO3
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fandom-wind · 1 year
Yandere Cinder
Jaune: *hanging out with Pyrrha*
Cinder: *kills Pyrrha* Nope.
Jaune: *hanging out with Weiss*
Cinder: *stabs Weiss with a spear* No.
Even later.
Jaune: *hanging out with Penny*
Cinder: *stabs Penny with claws* No way.
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Ruby: Has anyone seen Jaune?
Weiss: I think he was hanging out with Penny.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months
A few Frostknyte things.
Weiss usually gets carried by Penny or Jaune.
Jaune carries Penny sometimes, but not for too long because she's metal.
After becoming organic, Jaune carries penny a lot more often.
They all ride the Giant Arma Gigas summon, but that's more of a "Whole Group" deal, so Penny and Jaune get first picks.
Weiss and Jaune constantly kiss Penny's freckles. It is as annoying to everyone else as it sounds.
Whenever Penny starts to feel overwhelmed They lend her a hem of their clothing, or Weiss lets Penny play with her hair. having something ran through her fingers calms Penny down.
Penny missed Jaune's pre-volume seven hair, but genuinely enjoys his new do.
Nap Piles. Constant Nap piles.
Jaune and Weiss go out of their way to make sure the first piece of food Penny gets to taste is perfect. Penny has zero comparisons, but she loves it anyway. They made it particularly special for her, she's endlessly grateful.
Penny learns to sew. She likes it best out Fabric work. She Mends Jaune's hoodie and handcrafts Weiss' dresses and skirts for them. She'll do it for others, but they take priority.
Penny loves to fly Weiss around. Let her see the world from different angles, and heights. When hovering at a high altitude Weiss will sing for Penny. It's bright and clear, and too far for anyone else to hear. It's for Penny, and Penny alone in those moments. (Weiss also sings for Jaune, usually when he's playing guitar.)
Speaking of Singing, Karaoke. It's a weekly to Monthly Thing for them. Weiss is godly, Penny is adequate, but Jaune shouldn't quit his day job. Penny and Weiss don't mind.
All of them are lightweights when it comes to alcohol, but that doesn't matter too much. Penny and Jaune don't like how it tastes, but Weiss will enjoy a glass every now and then. She knows how to be respectful with liquor, courtesy of her mother.
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 7 months
Jaune: What happened to Penny?
Weiss: She became the best version of herself.
Jaune: She’s perfect now?
Weiss: Look at her up there floating.
Jaune: She floats now?
Weiss: She floats now yeah.
Penny: Guys I’m above bragging. But look at this shit am I right?
Jaune: *applauds*
Weiss: *applauds*
Penny: *also applauds*
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weisscoldglare · 1 month
Please tell me Weiss escaped soon after she was caught?
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I think you can tell what's going to happen next,
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rachetmath · 3 months
Robyn: So Arc-
Jaune: You can call me “Jaune”. I’ve been here for five months.
Robyn: Well okay. Jaune um… what’s your day like with Fiona.
Jaune: Normal.
Robyn: Really? Nothing’s going on with you two?
Jaune: No. I just help her out. That’s it.
Robyn: Really?
Jaune: Yes.
Somewhere else
Nora: So Fiona. How long have you and Jaune been a couple?
Fiona: We’re not couple. What makes you think that?
Nora: You see him everyday. More than me.
Fiona: He helps me with the orphanage.
Nora: Nothing else?
Fiona: No!
Jaune and Fiona were in the Orphanage.
???: Mr. Arc? Mr. Thyme?
Jaune: What is it Rex?
Rex: Are you and Ms. Thyme a couple?
Fiona: Oh my- Robyn!
Robyn appears only to have May and Nora with her.
Jaune: Nora, you too?!
Nora: Look d-
Jaune: Nora.
Nora: *forgot the kid* Oh.
Jaune: Rex go to your room.
Rex: Okay. *leaves*
Jaune: Now what the hell wrong with you two?
Fiona: Why are you so obsessed with this?
Robyn: Because you two-
May: Look Fiona I been watching you two a lot and I have to admit it’s hard not to believe you’re not dating. In fact, I wouldn’t be surpise to call you both a married couple.
Fiona: Ugh you too May. Seriously wat-
May: You and Jaune do Laundry together.
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May: Spend time with kids together.
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May: In fact, when Jaune’s training leads him to get hurt, you are the first to drag him to the nursery and patch him up. Even when he tells us “Don’t worry about it.”
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May: In fact you two are always in the kitchen together making dinner.
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May: And Jaune, boy what Nora told me about you was damn lie. I saw what you did. Slow dancing in the night.
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Nora: He was that smooth?
May: Smooth as Micheal Jackson.
Nora: Oh no.
Fiona: Um.
Jaune: Damn.
Nora: Oh yes. Finally. Fuck you Pyrrha! He go get right. *pulls scroll out her pocket and makes a call*
???: Hello.
Nora: Fuck you Weiss. You lose. He found someone better. He found the princess and gone make her his queen.
Jaune: Nora, calm down.
Nora: Fuck off Jaune. This is my victory.
In the twilight.
Pyrrha: Okay bitch, what did I do?
Adam: I mean you left the guy and died a meaningless death like Summer.
Summer: I gave birth to another silver eyed warrior. That has to count.
Hazel: Does she know how to use her eyes though?
Summer: Shut up.
Ironwood: And she destroyed Atlas and got Penny, Vine, Clover and myself killed so she’s kind a misfortune upon us.
Summer: Okay ya’ll need to stop disrespecting my daughter. Ya’ll made mistake.
Ironwood: Or so you say.
Summer: We can fight. We can fight right now James.
Pyrrha: I don’t understand.
Penny: Friend Pyrrha you are the main source of his trauma and pain.
Pyrrha: B-you know what… fuck all you.
Roman: Whoa Invincible Champion, it’s not our fault your ‘boyfriend’ decided to break that little curse you placed on him.
Pyrrha: Oh come on- I’m leaving. I don’t need this.
Summer: My death had meaning. My daughter has a mystery to solve.
Adam: So finally one of your daughters is actually trying to know what happened to you. It’s too bad they have to find the same woman that took one of them many years to find.
Summer: Oh my god.
Roman: Not to mention at least Penny’s death served a purpose. Winter’s alive. She kept thousands of people alive. While your death, Pyrrha, caused more suffering than good.
Pyrrha: You know what who wants to fight first? Who? Cause I’ll show you why they written me off. Name one. Who can body me? Who?! Step up. STEP UP!
Adam: Oh I never run from no challenge. Especially no One-V-One, come on bitch.
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