#jackie and steven fic
teddypickerry · 1 year
can u do a blurb where steven hyde x femreader are cuddling😭 and it’s just so lovey dovey 😭😭 like them spooning and holding hands i cant
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pairings! steven hyde x fem reader
word count! 500
warnings! none pure fluff:)
a/n! this is so fucking short what. anyways. SHOCKER I DO WRITE FOR MORE THAN JESS AND NIKKI.
THE SUMMER AFTERNOONS were spent in Eric Forman's basement — shocker, shocker! Which was only a gateway to the rest of the gang making fun of you and your boyfriend, Steven Hyde. An excuse to getting out of school and staying right down where Red Forman vexed. He deemed the downstairs a 'fortress of evil' with all of the teens coming and going out of it. But then Eric turned it into the Dark Side from Stars Wars and started assigning everyone roles... that's when everyone made their way out of there.
Sadly enough, Steven Hyde resided there and you typically resided with him. So, the two of you were trapped in the basement where Eric was loudly watching A New Hope. That was until Hyde caught your attention from behind his sunglasses and motioned for you to follow him. You obliged when Leia showed up — knowing Eric would be too lost in Carrie Fischer to even notice your disappearance. So, when the Princess made her appearance you were out of there.
Half an hour later the two of you found yourselves cuddled up on his bed. Your back pressed into his chest, his arm wrapped around your body. You could feel Steven's breath against the nape of your neck as he dozed off to the sound of Clapton humming in the background. A book rested in your hands as you held it up, hoping to not squash it on the mattress. You could feel Steven’s hands moving which made a slight smile spread to your face. That was until his hand grabbed your wrist and tried to hold your hand — the one that held the book. The very good book.
“Hmph,” He groaned sleepily as he tried to shove the book out of your hand. “Steven, I’m almost done with this chapter. Hey-“ You were cut off by your boyfriend grabbing the book out of your hand. He simply tossed it across the room and dove into you. His mop of curls now rested on your chest as you rolled on your back. Your jaw was still dropped as your new book now on the floor across the room. “Dumbass!” Your hand slapped his head, his eyes opening in the process. “I had like one page left! You cuddle-freak!”
“Shut up.” He mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his back in surrender. Your relationship tended to work best when the both of you just shut your mouths. He groaned before tilting his head up at your annoyed face. “I love you.”
“Yeah well, fuck you.”
“Burn!” Kelso screamed from outside the door where he was spying… along with Donna, Jackie, and Fez. He immediately slammed his hand over his mouth while Donna shoved the poor guy. That was until Hyde exited the room, chasing the tall dumbass out of the basement.
“Hey where’d Hyde and Y/N go?” Eric noticed.
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70s-show-diary · 5 months
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I am beyond excited to announce that I will begin posting my first multi-chapter That '70s Show fanfic in over 5 years (!) starting this coming Friday, January 19, 2024! This fic is fully-written and edited and I plan to post a new chapter every Friday.
Title: Liminal Space Summary: From their heated kiss on Veteran’s Day to the return of their half-hearted animosity come Hyde’s Christmas party…and everything in between. A cerebral and emotional exploration into Jackie and Hyde’s complicated relationship and the liminal space of time that existed in those handful of weeks when their relationship seemed to change so drastically after they kissed. (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
Fun fact: I started writing this fic almost a year ago after I returned to Tumblr. I came across this post that I made back in 2018 and decided I wanted to explore in more detail what could have transpired between the episodes "Jackie Bags Hyde" (3x08) and "Hyde's Christmas Rager" (3x09).
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scaponigifs · 1 month
Homework Debacle
Jackie and Hyde were sitting in the basement. Jackie was on the couch with her homework spread out on the table in front of her while Hyde was in his chair trying to watch the tv and trying to ignore Jackie.
“Jackie man, come on I didn’t do homework when I was a student why would I do it now that I’m not?” Hyde said.
“Because I need your help puddin, please?” Jackie said as she pouted her lip out as far as she could.
“No way Jackie, and your puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work.” He replied with, forcing himself to look away knowing he can’t actually say no to her puppy dog eyes
“Oh come on! It’s on a book I know you read so you’ve basically already done the work anyways”
Jackie sighs and then gets up off the couch and moves to sit on Hyde’s lap. He immediately wraps her arms around her waist and she grabs his face with her hands.
“pwease?” Jackie said, forcing him to look at her while she gave him her best puppy dog eyes.
“No.” He said while trying to sound determined in his answer but they both knew he would crack soon.
“But you love this stuff, you get to tell me all about a book I don’t want to read and tell me how it explains the world and whatever else you got from it and this time I have to listen.”
Hyde thought about it for a second, she wasn’t wrong it would be a great way to get her to actually listen to him talk about a book he likes without her interpreting him with her own two sense.
“Fine. But no interpreting to give me your opinion on why the book is boring, and we’re gonna do it after we do something else.” He said with a smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
She knew exactly what he meant with that action and smirked right back at him before she said “homework first fun after Steven.”
“No, please this is due tomorrow and the sooner I finish it the sooner it’s done and we can have some fun.”
Hyde sighed knowing she was right. The longer he argued with her about the longer it would take to actually finish her homework.
He was about to give in when Jackie said “And if we finish my homework first I’ll do anything you want in there” and pointed to his bedroom.
Hyde raised his eyebrow up at that and he said “Anything?”
“Anything within reason, you know my absolute no’s Steven.”
“Alright I’ll take that deal.” And he sealed it with a quick peck on her lips before picking her up and carrying her to the couch where they both settled in to start her essay.
Might add onto this and post it in a03, but have already posted it on here but I found it in my notes and had no context 😅
Let me know what you think!
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einsteinsugly · 2 months
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You Can't Always Get What You Want, a JH parenting oneshot!
Or can he? Jackie and Hyde struggle to rein in their spoiled son.
AN: This was initially intended to be a disciplinary tale, but Hyde fell in love with a guitar.
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Christmas Eve Eve Parade
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn’t go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: The gang makes one last attempt to get Red and Kitty to change their minds about skipping Christmas. Will it work?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/131126110
Sneak Peek: .
“So, this, this is really it huh?” Eric waved his hands in the air, showing his exasperation.
Kitty furrowed her brow slightly and calmly asked, “What is, dear?”
“This!” his hands went flying up again. “I mean you guys are actually going through with this cruise thing. And for the first time ever we’re not gonna spend Christmas together as a family.”
“Oh Eric, honey, you…”Kitty pursed her lips together, he sounded so upset it almost pulled on her heartstrings. “That is just, just so full of crap.”
“Burn!” shouted Michael almost instantly while the others stared back at her with wide, surprised eyes.
Her son’s being the largest in the group. “Mom!”
Kitty didn’t even have to look at Red to know he was finding the exchange amusing. “Well, it’s true,” she said firmly, she was not going to let her son try to use guilt against her, again. “Our family has not spent a Christmas together in ages. Not since Laurie came home that one year four years ago.”
“Six,” Red corrected from his seat.
“Right, well it was still a long time ago,” she said, not quite sure why he’d thought that information was important to correct, and she didn’t have time to give it too much thought either.
“Fine, so Laurie hasn’t been home for Christmas, but she barely counts as family anymore,” Eric’s argument made Kitty roll her eyes and shake her head. “Hyde’s more family than she is!”
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crimsinsky · 1 year
Comfortably Numb ch 20 Up now.
And Ch 21.
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tophsazulas · 7 months
Tagging: @tzaharasykes and @randomwriter23
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
could the trope of jackie being in a abusive relationship ever work? i don't think the premise is bad, but the issue i have is that the story is pretty much a rescue fantasy.
Of course, as long as it's written with sensitivity, nuance, and research into the subject matter. If the story's purpose is to be healing rather than essentially torture porn (or an angst fest for no reason other than angst), then its author is using the trope to create a positive piece of work that goes beyond the trope.
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imadangerouscause · 2 years
I'm crying 😭😭😭 one of my favorite zenmasters fics got deleted :(
It was based on some different songs from the 70s I think and one of the last of the series was called out on the tiles, if I remember correctly? Does anyone have the fic saved and can send it to me?
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Chapters: 4/? Fandom: That '70s Show Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Eric Forman/Donna Pinciotti Characters: Jackie Burkhart, Steven Hyde, Michael Kelso, Fez (That '70s Show), Eric Forman (That '70s Show), Donna Pinciotti, Kitty Forman, Red Forman, Bob Pinciotti Additional Tags: zenmasters, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Drug Use, Alcohol, 1970s, Inspired by That '70s Show, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Endgame Jackie Burkhart/Steven Hyde, Slow Romance, Accidental Bonding, Eventual Fluff, Mutual Pining, Secret Relationship, season 8 doesn't happen, Explicit Language, Period-Typical Racism, Period Typical Attitudes, Jackie Burkhart & Donna Pinciotti Friendship, PSA:don’t do drugs and drive Summary:
Some behind the scenes of Jackie x Hyde interactions that build up to them inevitably becoming the hottest couple in Point Place. Mostly canonical but expect scattered dates and the odd inaccuracy. Fleeting Donna x Eric relationship. Circa S3-S4.
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scaponigifs · 5 months
slowly but surely making progress on all my wips 🎊
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einsteinsugly · 4 months
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When I'm Sixty Four. A new T7S oneshot!
2024. Eric is turning sixty-four, and it reminds him of a certain Beatles song. E/D, J/H
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Making the Paper
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn't go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: With two days left till their cruise, Red and Kitty wake up to another Christmas surprise.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/129858568
Sneak Peek: .
"We made the paper?” All sleep and confusion somehow magically disappeared and the excitement of the news seemed to wake Kitty up instantly. She took the paper out of Red’s hands, not that he put up much of a fight, “Oh, this is so exciting! What did we make it for? Oh! I can cut it out and save it in our scrapbook. Where is it?”
This wasn’t going to be something she was going to want to save for any scrapbook, Red already knew but figured he���d say nothing and let her see for herself. He pointed his finger down at the article to help her eyes that searched the over the paper.
“Where?” she squinted her eyes and then pulled the newspaper closer towards her only to pull it back a few moments later.
Red rolled his eyes at his wife’s behavior, but because he knew she’d never get a set of her own he handed her his own reading glasses. She frowned back at him but reluctantly took them and put them on.
“Well, I still don’t see anything even with these things on. Which means I don’t need them,” said Kitty as she continued to search the open paper with Red’s glasses. “All I see is an article about the mayor, weather forecast and skipping Christmas…Oh no!”
She stared back at him with wide eyes that looked even bigger behind the lenses of the borrowed glasses.
“Oh, yes,” Red nodded grimly.
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crimsinsky · 1 year
You Look Like an Angel
Ch 29 & CH 30 up now AO3
I need help for my next chapter- What would be a nice J/H date that isn't necessarily more expensive than usual but a little more effort on Hyde's part? I don't get out much lol. Help.
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tophsazulas · 8 months
Literally the cutest fucking fic I ever read
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agaypanic · 10 months
Holy cow, you are going through these requests super fast. Woah! Also congrats on graduating. So am I. This isn't detailed at all but maybe a graduation fic with Hyde or Kelso. You can do whatever you want with it.
Proud of You (Steven Hyde X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Hyde never cared for school or big events that didn’t revolve around him getting wasted. But he always shows up for his favorite girl.
A/N: congrats on graduating to you too!! Also, reader is in Jackie’s grade. Also number 2, even though i write for hyde I DO NOT SUPPORT THE ACTOR!!! kk that’s all, hope you enjoy :) F/f means favorite flower
You loved your boyfriend; you really truly did. But part of you didn’t believe Hyde when he told you he would be in the front row of your high school graduation. He didn’t even show up to his own graduation! You expected him to forget and find him sitting in his chair in the Forman’s basement, watching some stupid show with the guys.
You still kept your hopes, though. Steven Hyde could always surprise you by showing that he cared. Besides, even if he didn’t come, your other friends would surely show up to see you and Jackie walk across the stage.
But as you sat in the overcrowded, echoey gym, all you could think about was making sure you didn’t miss your name being called by the class president. It was hard to focus with all the camera flashes and cheering families.
“Y/n L/n.” You stood up at the call of your name and moved through the chairs and up the stage. You heard cheers from the crowd of friends and families but couldn’t differentiate any of the voices. Grabbing your diploma and shaking the principal’s hand, you looked out to the audience. Unable to see anyone clearly, you shrugged and returned to your seat.
The ceremony felt like it went on forever. The names and claps seemed never-ending, but after God knows how long, caps were thrown, and you were released to meet with your families. Your family got to you before you could reach the bleachers. You were showered in affection, congratulations, and flowers.
So many flowers.
“Mom, you’re smothering me.” You laughed as your mom crushed you in her embrace and continuously kissed your cheeks.
“I don’t care. My baby graduated!” She took your face in her hands and peppered your forehead with more kisses. Your dad had to pull her off of you, whispering that you should go while you had a chance. As much as you loved your mother, you took that chance.
Speeding off, you looked all around to see if you could find any of your friends. It was an easy task; Kelso was a giant, so you were quick to find him smothering Jackie with affection while the rest of your friends surrounded them, clearly grossed out.
“Hey!” Donna spotted you first, bringing you into a hug before passing you around to everyone else. “We were starting to wonder where you were.”
“Mom got emotional.” You laughed as Eric patted your head, telling you, ‘Good job.’ Everyone else gave you the same sentiment, except for one. The one you were looking forward to the most. “Hey, where’s Hyde?”
“That’s weird,” Fez said, looking around the room. “He was just here.”
“Yeah, he’s around here somewhere.” Using his height advantage, Kelso searched through the crowd. His eyes lit up in recognition somewhere behind you, but he quickly turned around as if someone was telling him to look away. A few seconds later, you felt an arm around your shoulders, bringing your back to a familiar chest.
“Hey, Doll,” Hyde whispered in your ear, kissing the side of your head. “Congratulations.”
You squealed in delight, turning around in your boyfriend’s arm to hug and kiss him.
“I’m kind of surprised you’re here.” You looked down at the hand that wasn’t holding you. “With flowers.”
“Of course, I’m here, Y/n.” Hyde handed you the bouquet of F/f, making you thankful that you passed all the flowers you had already gotten to your dad before you ran off. His now free hand threaded through the hair at the back of your hair and brought you forward so he could kiss the top of your head. “I always show up for my girl.” You grinned.
“I’m so glad you came.”
“I’m proud of you, Doll.” Hyde leaned down to whisper into your ear. You could practically feel the smirk on his lips. “Maybe we should find an empty classroom so I can show you how proud I am.” You laughed, trying to ignore the heat rising in your face.
“Oh my gosh, shut up.”
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