#jackie and hyde fic
crimsinsky · 1 year
Comfortably Numb ch 20 Up now.
And Ch 21.
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teddypickerry · 1 year
can u do a blurb where steven hyde x femreader are cuddling😭 and it’s just so lovey dovey 😭😭 like them spooning and holding hands i cant
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pairings! steven hyde x fem reader
word count! 500
warnings! none pure fluff:)
a/n! this is so fucking short what. anyways. SHOCKER I DO WRITE FOR MORE THAN JESS AND NIKKI.
THE SUMMER AFTERNOONS were spent in Eric Forman's basement — shocker, shocker! Which was only a gateway to the rest of the gang making fun of you and your boyfriend, Steven Hyde. An excuse to getting out of school and staying right down where Red Forman vexed. He deemed the downstairs a 'fortress of evil' with all of the teens coming and going out of it. But then Eric turned it into the Dark Side from Stars Wars and started assigning everyone roles... that's when everyone made their way out of there.
Sadly enough, Steven Hyde resided there and you typically resided with him. So, the two of you were trapped in the basement where Eric was loudly watching A New Hope. That was until Hyde caught your attention from behind his sunglasses and motioned for you to follow him. You obliged when Leia showed up — knowing Eric would be too lost in Carrie Fischer to even notice your disappearance. So, when the Princess made her appearance you were out of there.
Half an hour later the two of you found yourselves cuddled up on his bed. Your back pressed into his chest, his arm wrapped around your body. You could feel Steven's breath against the nape of your neck as he dozed off to the sound of Clapton humming in the background. A book rested in your hands as you held it up, hoping to not squash it on the mattress. You could feel Steven’s hands moving which made a slight smile spread to your face. That was until his hand grabbed your wrist and tried to hold your hand — the one that held the book. The very good book.
“Hmph,” He groaned sleepily as he tried to shove the book out of your hand. “Steven, I’m almost done with this chapter. Hey-“ You were cut off by your boyfriend grabbing the book out of your hand. He simply tossed it across the room and dove into you. His mop of curls now rested on your chest as you rolled on your back. Your jaw was still dropped as your new book now on the floor across the room. “Dumbass!” Your hand slapped his head, his eyes opening in the process. “I had like one page left! You cuddle-freak!”
“Shut up.” He mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his back in surrender. Your relationship tended to work best when the both of you just shut your mouths. He groaned before tilting his head up at your annoyed face. “I love you.”
“Yeah well, fuck you.”
“Burn!” Kelso screamed from outside the door where he was spying… along with Donna, Jackie, and Fez. He immediately slammed his hand over his mouth while Donna shoved the poor guy. That was until Hyde exited the room, chasing the tall dumbass out of the basement.
“Hey where’d Hyde and Y/N go?” Eric noticed.
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70s-show-diary · 5 months
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I am beyond excited to announce that I will begin posting my first multi-chapter That '70s Show fanfic in over 5 years (!) starting this coming Friday, January 19, 2024! This fic is fully-written and edited and I plan to post a new chapter every Friday.
Title: Liminal Space Summary: From their heated kiss on Veteran’s Day to the return of their half-hearted animosity come Hyde’s Christmas party…and everything in between. A cerebral and emotional exploration into Jackie and Hyde’s complicated relationship and the liminal space of time that existed in those handful of weeks when their relationship seemed to change so drastically after they kissed. (Rating: General Audiences/K+)
Fun fact: I started writing this fic almost a year ago after I returned to Tumblr. I came across this post that I made back in 2018 and decided I wanted to explore in more detail what could have transpired between the episodes "Jackie Bags Hyde" (3x08) and "Hyde's Christmas Rager" (3x09).
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scaponigifs · 1 month
Homework Debacle
Jackie and Hyde were sitting in the basement. Jackie was on the couch with her homework spread out on the table in front of her while Hyde was in his chair trying to watch the tv and trying to ignore Jackie.
“Jackie man, come on I didn’t do homework when I was a student why would I do it now that I’m not?” Hyde said.
“Because I need your help puddin, please?” Jackie said as she pouted her lip out as far as she could.
“No way Jackie, and your puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work.” He replied with, forcing himself to look away knowing he can’t actually say no to her puppy dog eyes
“Oh come on! It’s on a book I know you read so you’ve basically already done the work anyways”
Jackie sighs and then gets up off the couch and moves to sit on Hyde’s lap. He immediately wraps her arms around her waist and she grabs his face with her hands.
“pwease?” Jackie said, forcing him to look at her while she gave him her best puppy dog eyes.
“No.” He said while trying to sound determined in his answer but they both knew he would crack soon.
“But you love this stuff, you get to tell me all about a book I don’t want to read and tell me how it explains the world and whatever else you got from it and this time I have to listen.”
Hyde thought about it for a second, she wasn’t wrong it would be a great way to get her to actually listen to him talk about a book he likes without her interpreting him with her own two sense.
“Fine. But no interpreting to give me your opinion on why the book is boring, and we’re gonna do it after we do something else.” He said with a smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows.
She knew exactly what he meant with that action and smirked right back at him before she said “homework first fun after Steven.”
“No, please this is due tomorrow and the sooner I finish it the sooner it’s done and we can have some fun.”
Hyde sighed knowing she was right. The longer he argued with her about the longer it would take to actually finish her homework.
He was about to give in when Jackie said “And if we finish my homework first I’ll do anything you want in there” and pointed to his bedroom.
Hyde raised his eyebrow up at that and he said “Anything?”
“Anything within reason, you know my absolute no’s Steven.”
“Alright I’ll take that deal.” And he sealed it with a quick peck on her lips before picking her up and carrying her to the couch where they both settled in to start her essay.
Might add onto this and post it in a03, but have already posted it on here but I found it in my notes and had no context 😅
Let me know what you think!
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tophsazulas · 11 months
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ultimate otp meme - Jackie Burkhart and Steven Hyde
"I know I love Steven... Because he's smart. And deep. And when we have conversations, he makes me think. Which used to give me a headache, but now I really like."
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einsteinsugly · 2 months
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You Can't Always Get What You Want, a JH parenting oneshot!
Or can he? Jackie and Hyde struggle to rein in their spoiled son.
AN: This was initially intended to be a disciplinary tale, but Hyde fell in love with a guitar.
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Christmas Eve Eve Parade
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn’t go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: The gang makes one last attempt to get Red and Kitty to change their minds about skipping Christmas. Will it work?
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/131126110
Sneak Peek: .
“So, this, this is really it huh?” Eric waved his hands in the air, showing his exasperation.
Kitty furrowed her brow slightly and calmly asked, “What is, dear?”
“This!” his hands went flying up again. “I mean you guys are actually going through with this cruise thing. And for the first time ever we’re not gonna spend Christmas together as a family.”
“Oh Eric, honey, you…”Kitty pursed her lips together, he sounded so upset it almost pulled on her heartstrings. “That is just, just so full of crap.”
“Burn!” shouted Michael almost instantly while the others stared back at her with wide, surprised eyes.
Her son’s being the largest in the group. “Mom!”
Kitty didn’t even have to look at Red to know he was finding the exchange amusing. “Well, it’s true,” she said firmly, she was not going to let her son try to use guilt against her, again. “Our family has not spent a Christmas together in ages. Not since Laurie came home that one year four years ago.”
“Six,” Red corrected from his seat.
“Right, well it was still a long time ago,” she said, not quite sure why he’d thought that information was important to correct, and she didn’t have time to give it too much thought either.
“Fine, so Laurie hasn’t been home for Christmas, but she barely counts as family anymore,” Eric’s argument made Kitty roll her eyes and shake her head. “Hyde’s more family than she is!”
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munningham · 2 years
Chrissy lives AU - what comes next Part 2 (this ended up just being Christmas Break)
Part 1 here
After the night where Chrissy showed up on his doorstep at midnight, Eddie starts sneaking into Chrissy’s room every night once her parents go to bed. He makes her laugh and lets her cry and paints pictures with his words of the amazing life they’re building in Chicago. There’s a lot of hilarious mornings of Chrissy frantically trying to hide Eddie under the bed, in the closet, behind the door, before her mom comes in.
Eddie hears it all though. How Mrs. Cunningham talks to a Chrissy, the endless stream of backhanded compliments and criticisms and always always always comments about her body. Eddie knew Chrissy had it rough and eating disorders are no joke, but actually hearing the monologue that Chrissy has been listening to every day for 18 years.....it takes everything he has to not lose his shit and start screaming. Conformity really is killing the kids.
After the first morning he promises that he won’t leave until after Mrs. Cunningham has done her morning wake up call. He sits with Chrissy after her mom leaves the room and quietly has her repeat her therapist’s affirmations. You are loved. You are enough. Your body works just the way it is. You are strong and capable. She’s a stupid mean old bitch who never deserved you. (That one is Eddie’s).
They exchange gifts Christmas Eve night. It’s unconventional, but there’s something so beautiful about the two of them sitting on her bed with just a small light on, with the moon lighting the room through the snow falling outside. The first gift Eddie gives her he swears is not her real gift, but it makes her burst out laughing. Carefully wrapped in a box is Eddie’s old Black Sabbath tshirt. “I mean, it’s already yours, I hardly get a chance to wear it anymore, I figured we should just make it official” he forlorns, putting on a dramatic show of huffing and sighing like seeing Chrissy in that tshirt isn’t the hottest sight in the universe. Eddie’s next gift is a new necklace. It’s a crystal wrapped in gold wire, on a gold chain. Eddie made it himself, twisting the wire in spirals and swirls and carefully wrapping the ends so there would be no sharp edges. “This stone, it uh, it reflects light. It’s not a flashlight or anything but I just, I liked that it could give you light. And tell me if it’s too heavy, I don’t want it to be uncomfortable.” Chrissy kisses him soundly and wraps her arms around his neck. “I love it Eddie, it’s perfect. And no, it’s not too heavy.” It is weighted, but it’s a comfortable weight. Like it grounds her, she feels its presence when the world starts spinning out of control, like Eddie is there with her. She tells him it’s the best gift she’s ever gotten, but Eddie shyly hands her a third small wrapped box. She instantly takes back her words when she sees what’s inside: a mix tape of Eddie covering her favorite pop songs. George Michael and Cyndi Lauper sung by Eddie’s earnest, raspy voice with his guitar is the most beautiful music in the world. This gift makes her cry.
Chrissy also gives Eddie three boxes. The first is a new set of guitar accessories (slide, clamp, new strings, and a tuner that actually fucking works). She teases him that it’ll take all the fun out of watching him try to tune his guitar by ear or banging his old piece of shit tuner on the coffee table. “Veronica is gonna be so spoiled” Eddie grins. The second small box is a set of shiny black dice with silver numbering. They’re not the cheap dice Eddie’s been using since middle school, they’re really fucking nice. “Where the hell did you find these?” Eddie asks. Chrissy grins. “I asked the guys from the store in Chicago. They gave me their catalogs and let me put in an order through the store.” Eddie is impressed the store employees were even able to have that conversation with her - as loveable as those guys were, they were completely inept at pulling two words together in front of a pretty girl. The third box has a framed collage. It looks like a shadow box for a sports team, but it says “Hellfire Club”. It has the yearbook photos dating back to 1981, where a sophomore Eddie Munson stands grinning with a bunch of other freaks and rebels. Over the years the other kids in the photos change, but Eddie is always there, grinning with his tongue out making devil horns. The last photo Eddie doesn’t recognize. It’s not a yearbook photo. He looks closer and sees Henderson, little Wheeler, both Sinclairs, along with the new faces of Will Byers, Max and El, posing in the theater, proudly wearing their Hellfire T-shirts. “They actually kept it going?” Eddie softly asks. Chrissy grins and nods. “Every other Friday after school. They weren’t thrilled about taking a photo until I told them it was for you. You built something Eddie, you should be proud of it.” Eddie stares at the shadow box some more, with a wide smile on face, until he finally looks up. “You’re amazing Chrissy. God I love you.” “I love you more Eddie”. “Not even possible, princess”
Eddie has to go back for work after Christmas, but Chrissy’s break lasts until the end of January, so he calls in reinforcements from The Party. Between Christmas and the end of January, the Cunningham residence experiences a never ending stream of calls and visitors. Steve drops by to visit some afternoons and charms the pants off of her parents (“You know Chrissy, he’s going through a rough patch right now, but the Harringtons are such a good family, you should ask him over again”). Steve and Chrissy have definitely had very similar experiences, they have some heart to hearts about not living up to expectations and finding your people.
Steve’s presence is also not the worst thing in the world because Jason is also home for Winter Break. Jason stops by one afternoon, but when Steve opens the door and gives him a look, Jason leaves without ever coming in. Chrissy thanks him and then awkwardly tries to explain that Jason might think there’s something going on between them, and don’t get her wrong Steve is a great guy and would be an amazing boyfriend for someone, but she really loves Eddie. Steve smiles and shakes his head and cuts her off.
“Relax Chrissy, I know. Don’t think for a second I don’t see those eyes you and Munson make at each other, Jesus it’s disgusting. I also really don’t feel like being axed or stabbed or whatever these freaks do to guys who hit on their girls.”
Chrissy opens her mouth to object, then sees the smirk on Steve’s face. She lets him continue. “Jason’s an asshole. He’s one of those assholes who’s only ever going to think of girls as property. So, unfortunately that means he’ll only back down if he thinks another guy has “staked his claim” or some other macho bullshit. So if I have to swing by every so often and eat your mom’s sugar free cookies to keep him from bothering you, that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
Chrissy smiles and gives him a warm hug. “You’re a really good guy Steve Harrington. You really don’t have another girl you’d rather be spending the holidays with?” Steve just hugs her back and doesn’t answer.
Robin and Nancy take Chrissy out during the day as much as possible. Nancy is also struggling with college and the pressure to live up to her own expectations and how do you find a normal when you sleep with shotguns and keep flamethrowers in the closet? Even with going to college with Jonathan, it’s still rough. Robin is living her best lesbian life at Smith. The 3 of them have lots of talks about finding yourself and being yourself and what are we supposed to do in this fucked up world anyway.
The Wheelers is still the place to hang out, so Eddie calls their house as often as he can without being annoying so he talk to Chrissy. Nancy runs interference when she needs to. (“She’s not here right now but she’s okay, Eddie, I promise.” “You don’t know what her mom is like Nance.” “I know, I know. I’ll call her after dinner tonight to check on her.”) Chrissy tells Eddie that Jason came by, but Steve scared him off. “So he’s going to uh, just like, “have a presence” I guess, to keep Jason away.” Eddie is not crazy about pretty boy Steve Harrington half-pretending to date Chrissy, but he also knows how dangerous Jason is, and Chrissy is there alone, and the whole damn town is rigged to back their golden boy, and honestly Steve is probably the one guy in Hawkins that Jason won’t take on. That doesn’t stop Eddie from calling up Steve and having a little chat with him, thanking him for helping with Chrissy and Jason but also, “just keep your fucking shirt on this time Harrington.”
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crimsinsky · 1 year
I wish you would write a fic where the others realize that Jackie and hyde are in serious relationship. I feel like during canon, nobody (besides red and kitty) took Jackie and Hydes relationship seriously when it was the most mature relationship out of all of them. I would love to see the gang just realize, either individually or as a group, that Jackie and Hyde are serious and them judging and teasing them for ever little thing they do is kinda getting old.
I feel like if the others respected their relationship more then a lot of their problems would have been avoided.
I feel really bad here. I wrote most of this forever ago and it got eaten up by the giant WIP folder. I think I probably wasn’t sure if I liked it or not so maybe that’s why it got lost. Idk if it’s angsty or just mean.
So part one of 2
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thestupidhelmet · 1 year
could the trope of jackie being in a abusive relationship ever work? i don't think the premise is bad, but the issue i have is that the story is pretty much a rescue fantasy.
Of course, as long as it's written with sensitivity, nuance, and research into the subject matter. If the story's purpose is to be healing rather than essentially torture porn (or an angst fest for no reason other than angst), then its author is using the trope to create a positive piece of work that goes beyond the trope.
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scaponigifs · 5 months
slowly but surely making progress on all my wips 🎊
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tophsazulas · 4 months
Summary: What if Jackie and Kelso weren't back together in That 90s Show? An au of the last scene in That 90s Pilot
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einsteinsugly · 4 months
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When I'm Sixty Four. A new T7S oneshot!
2024. Eric is turning sixty-four, and it reminds him of a certain Beatles song. E/D, J/H
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NEW Chapter of Christmas with the Formans
CHAPTER TITLE: Making the Paper
Story Summary: Tired of the hustle and bustle of the holidays and now that all of the kids are grown and doing their own thing for the holidays, Red Forman convinces his wife, Kitty, that they should book a cruise to beat the yuletide blues and just skip Christmas. However, the idea doesn't go over well with their friends, neighbors, and the misfits that populate their basement.
Chapter Summary: With two days left till their cruise, Red and Kitty wake up to another Christmas surprise.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27705314/chapters/129858568
Sneak Peek: .
"We made the paper?” All sleep and confusion somehow magically disappeared and the excitement of the news seemed to wake Kitty up instantly. She took the paper out of Red’s hands, not that he put up much of a fight, “Oh, this is so exciting! What did we make it for? Oh! I can cut it out and save it in our scrapbook. Where is it?”
This wasn’t going to be something she was going to want to save for any scrapbook, Red already knew but figured he’d say nothing and let her see for herself. He pointed his finger down at the article to help her eyes that searched the over the paper.
“Where?” she squinted her eyes and then pulled the newspaper closer towards her only to pull it back a few moments later.
Red rolled his eyes at his wife’s behavior, but because he knew she’d never get a set of her own he handed her his own reading glasses. She frowned back at him but reluctantly took them and put them on.
“Well, I still don’t see anything even with these things on. Which means I don’t need them,” said Kitty as she continued to search the open paper with Red’s glasses. “All I see is an article about the mayor, weather forecast and skipping Christmas…Oh no!”
She stared back at him with wide eyes that looked even bigger behind the lenses of the borrowed glasses.
“Oh, yes,” Red nodded grimly.
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The comment you left on the last real chapter of Led Zeppelin IV had me tearing up this morning 🥹🥹 still working on replying but the fact that you said it was everything and you’d have stood up and applauded if it was a movie just makes me 😭😭
Thank you 🩵
Aww, I'm touched that my words could touch you so much. This fic was SO good!! And I adored the ending. You did a truly amazing job on it, the whole story really but that ending I swear it felt like something out of one of those classic romantic movies. I loved it!
Anyone who hasn't checked out this fic, should do so! It is fantastic!
Led Zeppelin IV by Tht70sBlog
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crimsinsky · 1 year
You Look Like an Angel
Ch 29 & CH 30 up now AO3
I need help for my next chapter- What would be a nice J/H date that isn't necessarily more expensive than usual but a little more effort on Hyde's part? I don't get out much lol. Help.
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