#jack of speed
mitjalovse · 1 year
You release an album after a lengthy pause and something happens to your reputation as well – you are somehow no longer an underdog waiting for your big break. However, the situation remains similar to the latter circumstance, since no one can really tell, if anyone missed you. Of course, what I mentioned was probably the last thing on the mind of Steely Dan, they rarely seemed to be the type of group that would care about the reception of their work. Two Against Nature, their comeback, doesn't really move from their usual tricks, yet they do them with a certain ease that wasn't present in their early platters. I am not shocked they followed up that one with another, though I am saddened they are no longer a duo thanks to Becker's death.
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harrietvane · 4 months
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So, you can buy one of the books from the 1999 The Mummy at the upcoming March 2024 Propstore auction.
From the listing for Lot #250:
The heavy book is primarily made of resin finished in gold paint to resemble solid gold, and features several intentionally tarnished bronze components. The book's embellished metal spine displays 12 individual strands attached to each internal page. Designed to hold the front cover in place, four metal vulture-like clasps are inserted into the scarab emblems and are adjoined to uniquely designed hinges. Located within the book are 12 resin tablet pages covered in ornate hieroglyph detailing. To open the book, the circular mechanical emblem on the cover must be twisted in an anticlockwise direction, which causes the two clasps on the right side to pop up. To close the book, the two clasps should be pushed down into their corresponding slots and held. The emblem should then be turned clockwise, causing the locks to fix back into place. Intentionally distressed for the production, there are some small chips on the cover. Dimensions: 14.5" x 14.5" x 4.75" (37 cm x 37 cm x 12 cm) Estimate: $50,000 - 100,000
The clasps and lock mechanism are fully functional. BYO key, though.
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fizzytoo · 3 months
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Happy New Year!
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tethered-heartstrings · 8 months
I listened to the audio at the end of aperitif and counted nine gunshot sounds, which means Will shot Hobbs once for every girl he victimized; 8 dead with Abigail as his ninth.
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johnwickb1tsch · 23 days
break me, softly
When your ex Jack Traven pays you a late night visit after a tough case, you can’t turn him away. Jack Traven x Fem!Reader ficlet
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warnings: smut. angst. brief mention of hostage situation/death. slight inebriation. fluff. ❤❤❤
For @treedaddymcpuffpuff who whispered in my ear "hey you should watch Speed" and sent me down this rabbit hole (i luv u girl, you're our Keanuverse Guide & Tastemaker!) 😘😘😘 and @scarlettspectra who requested some fluff fic 😘😘😘.
It’s late at night, when you hear the soft knock on your apartment door.  Usually, you wouldn’t dream of answering such a thing–a woman living alone, in this city? You’re not looking to get murdered. But something, some feeling from deep in your gut, pulls you out of bed. You walk on bare feet in just your nightie and look through the peephole. Nothing. 
You know it’s probably a bad idea, but that uneasiness nags at you still. Not that you’re in danger. That someone needs you. You have a sense about that, after so many years as a nurse. Or maybe, you just always have. 
You undo the deadbolts and stick your head out, to see the tall figure of a man retreating down the hall. 
You would know that backside anywhere. Those broad shoulders, that trim waist, those long legs…and by the way he’s walking, you can tell he’s a little drunk. 
He freezes in his tracks, clearly debating with himself. Probably wondering what the fuck he’s doing here, and if you’ll tell him to go to hell, after the way he pushed you away three months ago after dating for two whole years.
He turns to face you slowly. You can say a lot of things about Officer Jack Traven–but never that he’s a coward. 
“Hey, y/n.” 
It’s the first time you’ve seen him, since the day he shattered your world when he broke things off with you. It feels about precisely like being punched in the gut. He’s still so handsome it hurts; those soulful dark eyes, cheekbones to make a fashion model weep, a manly-man’s jawline softened by such a full, sweet mouth. Immediately, upon looking at that face you still love so well, you know something is wrong. 
“Are you ok?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then closes it. Takes a deep breath, tries again. Nothing. It’s as good as a five page report, to you. To you, who knows his every gesture, his every tell. For all it’s worth, now. 
You already knew, in the back of your mind, that you were still in love with this man. It was like a fine buzzing in your heart you’d managed to push into the background of your day to day. But seeing him again makes it all surge up with a vengeance. You know that being near him again will be like feeding your heart through a paper shredder–slowly. You also know that something terrible must have happened at his work, for him to show up here like this, and so you open the door wider, laying your heart on the sacrificial altar, the way you always do.
“Come on,” you say gently, waving him in. “I’ll take care of you.”
He gives so much of himself, always trying to help everyone else in this big, mean, city. You know he forgets to leave a little fuel in the tank for himself. It’s maybe something the two of you have in common. 
You watch as he fights a war within himself, teetering on the balls of his feet, undecided between staying or leaving. In the end, he takes a step towards you, then another. You try not to read too much into that. He’s just here because he’s drunk and feeling vulnerable. It doesn’t really have anything to do with you. 
You’re not really sure how this will go. Probably he’ll just come sit on your couch with a beer–you still have his favorite in the fridge–and talk a little. Not about what’s actually bothering him. No, heaven forbid. But circular small talk, to get his mind off the bad thing. It’s something you’ve done a thousand times before.
And yet, when you are standing toe to toe, and he has to crane his neck to look down at you–there’s a dark fire in his eyes, and with a little thrill you feel the urge to flee before his big hands engulf the sides of your face, and his mouth is on yours. 
Oh. That’s what you’re doing.
You can’t say you forgot what it’s like to kiss Jack Traven–but maybe the intensity of the memory had faded a little, if for anything out of pure self defense. How could a woman keep her sanity, if she remembered how good he was, if she knew she’d never taste him again? You stand on tiptoe to throw your arms around his neck as he devours you, and he easily picks you up with an arm around your waist, walking the two of you back into your apartment and slamming the door shut with his booted heel.
This. This had never been a problem for the two of you. Passion. It was everything else that got in the way. Most of all, his dangerous job, which though it wore on you, you had never complained about. But he’d seen the way you worried about him, the way it absolutely chewed on your nerves when there was a situation on the news and you didn’t know if he would be coming home that night. You’d been willing to weather that storm for him, but the guilt of demanding that of you ate at his conscience. 
He’d broken things off with you, in your own hospital, after he’d taken a bullet in the chest and you didn’t leave his side or really even sleep until he came to. I can’t ask you to keep doing this for me. You deserve better. 
You’d protested, of course, but he’d made up his mind. 
Until now, apparently, where he is walking you backwards towards your bedroom, half carrying you in the ardor of his embrace. You recognize this need for life-affirming intimacy. You’d gotten to know it well, over the years, and you surrender to the storm, letting him take what he needs. Letting him fist the fabric of your cotton nightie in his big hands, drawing it up over your head before falling on you again, pushing your panties down the curves of your bottom and your thighs. 
You always marveled that despite his strength and the things he knows how to do with those hands, he never ever hurt you, not even when he was like this, desperate for your softness, frantic to lose himself inside the momentary bliss your body could bring. He barely has the patience to let you pull off his white t-shirt, or to enjoy the swathes of toned flesh beneath. His belt is flung forgotten to the floor from the moment you pull it from its loops and he picks you up by your thighs, walking you the rest of the way to the bed. Boots are kicked away as his mouth is attached to yours, pants and boxers shed with a sharp push. 
You might have been embarrassed, by how ready you are for him, how sopping fucking wet you were for him from the moment you saw him,  if you could have formed a coherent thought as his thick tip kisses your entrance, before he absolutely plunges himself inside you. The delicious shock of it steals the breath from you, your soul escaping with a moan, only to be reclaimed with his mouth on yours. He takes you like the ocean, relentless and rolling, filling you with every thrust. It’s gratifying, the animalistic sounds of abandon he makes as he fucks you. If you didn’t know any better–you might have swore you were making love, despite his hedonistic frenzy.  
The same way you knew something was wrong in the first second of seeing him in the hallway, you know he’s close to finishing already, his breathing frantic in the bend of your neck, his grip just this side of bruising. He seems to remember that he’s done very little to see to your pleasure, amidst the haze of chasing his own gratification. He sits up on trembling elbows, making to reach between you. “Fuck. I’m sorry, baby. You feel so good.” Maybe it’s ridiculous, that it brings tears to your eyes to hear the endearment. You find you don’t even want to cum, as much as you just want to make this haunted man feel better. 
“It’s ok,” you pant in answer, catching his hand to place it on your breast. “Cum for me, Jack. I know you need it.” 
He buries his face in the bend of your neck; you’re not sure if the sound he makes is a moan or a sob, as he thrusts as deep as he can inside you, bathing your cervix with the hot flood of his seed. He continues to hold on to you as though you are the last sane thing on this earth, and you let him, your legs still wrapped around his narrow hips, your hands smoothing across the muscles of his broad shoulders. 
Only much, much later, does it seem to dawn on him what he’s done–and maybe just who he did it with. He draws back to look at you with concern written in those big brown puppy eyes, smoothing your hair away from your face. You can’t help but close your own lids; jesus, how you missed his touch. You feel utterly breakable in that moment, but he’s the one who needs healing right now, so you get your shit together, gather it all back up tight and shove it down in your lockbox of a heart. 
Before he can apologize or say something stupid, you pull him down to rest on your breast, the way you’ve done a hundred times before. Surely the muscle memory of it is as comforting for him as the act in the moment itself. “It’s ok, Jack. Just rest. I’ve got you.” 
He sags against you, curling that powerful body around yours–and falls asleep. 
You were right, of course. Your heart feels exactly like it’s been fed through a grinder, as you hold this beautiful manchild in your arms, your thighs deliciously sticky with his cum. A part of you hopes that he’ll just sneak out in the morning without waking you. It would almost hurt less, than any excuse he’ll have to offer you, when the sun comes streaming through your window. 
But when next you wake, it’s not to the sun, or the shift of weight on the mattress while a large man tries to slip out without a sound. It’s to wet kisses upon your neck, and an agonizingly gentle touch sliding down your torso, tracing the ladder of your ribcage and the swell of your belly, before making his way up again. 
“You know,” he says softly against your cheek, “you really shouldn’t open the door to anyone in the middle of the night.” 
You wonder if he can see you rolling your eyes in the dark. But then his lips touch yours, and the urge to argue with him for argument’s sake dissipates into thin air. Instead you opt for honesty, the spell of intimacy not yet broken in the shadows of what must be early early morning. 
“I think…I knew it was you.” 
He lets out a shuddering sigh, kissing your jaw, then lower. 
“Baby…” It feels so good, to hear him say it like that against your skin. You can almost forget it isn’t true anymore. You’re not his baby. You’re not his anything, even though he’s here in your bed, and his big hand is sliding down your belly again, his fingers combing through your curls. “Let me touch you?”
You really should say no. 
“You don’t have to.” 
He ducks to suck the soft skin of your breast lightly, then kisses it to soothe the burn. That luscious mouth…god it curls your toes. “I want to. I promise you.”
There’s so much you want to ask him. Things like why? And I thought you didn’t love me anymore? You’ve since reasoned that it’s the only way he could truly bear to break things off, the way he did. You certainly hadn’t had the strength to give him up, no matter what the stress of his occupation wreaked on you. 
You don’t have the strength to say no. You do manage not to beg, like the needy little thing you are, with his big body curled over yours. You’ve always felt like nothing could touch you, with him by your side. As it turned out the only thing that could hurt you all along, was him. 
You nod your assent before catching his mouth, sliding your tongue against his as his thick fingers explore your puffy slit, still wet from both of your juices. He makes a sound in the back of his throat that lifts every hair on your body, a delicious shudder running through your spine. His strong fingers circle your aching clit, just the way he knows drives you wild. Not too hard, not too soft. Fuck, this man has your number still.  
You haven’t been with anyone, since the last time you were with him, despite your well-meaning girlfriends dragging you out to bars and trying to get you to forget this man who left your heart shredded like bomb shrapnel. Because deep down, you knew, you just knew this man ruined you, utterly fucking ruined you for anyone else. Who the fuck could compare? Not some asshole hoping for a one night stand down at TJ’s, that was for sure. 
You realize you have tears running down your cheeks, you don’t know how it’s possible for it to be so good and hurt so much all at the same time. 
Unfortunately when he moves to kiss your cheek, he notices. “Hey, hey,” he says, his hand stilling between your legs, making your hips writhe with frustration. “You ok?”
“No,” you answer honestly, reaching for him. He has you cradled in those big arms, and  you can feel his manhood so firm and silky smooth against your hip. You are not ok, without him inside you right now. “Will you make love to me again?” 
He pays you a ghost of that usual blinding smile, a thing a woman would sell her soul for, and it just breaks your heart all over again. 
He never really answers you with words. The two of you move with pure magnetism, your leg hooking over his hip, pulling him close, inviting him inside. Without a condom, again, you think as he settles between your thighs, sinking inside you so smoothly. Maybe not smart, even though you're on birth control, but it’s the way you’re meant to be together, raw and no barriers between you. As usual, he fucks you and makes love to you all at the same time, looking into your soul while he does it, and it’s the best thing you’ve ever known. This time you cum together, and maybe it’s a little pathetic, the way you cling to each other in the darkness of your bedroom, like you really can stave off the misery of the outside world with this bit of human intimacy, your bodies inextricably entwined. 
You fall asleep together, this time with your head on his chest, and as you drift you decide you’ll wake up and make him breakfast, and you won’t ask him any painful questions about what this means or if he wants you back, or if this is just a comfort fuck and you won’t see him again until the weight of the world gets too much–or maybe never, because this man is bound to find someone to settle down with. Someone he can’t bring himself to let go, the way he did you. 
So you are so surprised, when you wake up, and you smell eggs and bacon and something sweet cooking. You stumble into the kitchen to find him in his blue plaid boxers, flipping a pancake, singing under his breath to R.E.M. on the radio playing low. He’s so beautiful it hurts, and it’s like your heart is gripped in an unforgiving fist. 
He turns to see you in the doorway and offers you a smile. It’s still not quite the usual 100 watt Jack Traven special–he’s not feeling well enough for that. This man hides nothing, he’s so true, he wears it all on his sleeve for you. You love that so much about him, and it hurts like a knife between the ribs. 
You shouldn’t feel so shy about walking into your own kitchen. 
But you aren’t sure where you stand. Do you kiss him, hug him, the way you want to, the way you used to? Or are you operating under one-night-stand-protocol? Play it cool, act like you barely even like the guy? It’s so fucked up, and you never wanted to be in this position again. 
Sensing your hesitance, he crosses the floor to you, engulfing the side of your face in his big hand as he kisses you good morning, like nothing ever changed. “Hey,” he says again, his forehead pressed to yours. 
“Yeah, baby.” 
You told yourself you weren’t going to ask painful questions. Remember? Remember that? So you just sigh, and close your eyes, and absorb this moment for what it is. “Do you feel better?” you ask. Another important question. 
“Yes and no.” 
You sigh again through your nose. The corners of his mouth twitch, because he knows you so well, and that one little gesture conveys a novel to him too. 
“Thank you,” he says, for last night, and whatever else, you don’t really know.
“Any time.” You mean it, when you say it. 
“Yeah?” There is a hint of his usual sparkle in his eyes as he asks this. And a part of you wants to pick a fight, to say I’m not the one who left. But maybe you have grown up a little, because you bite your tongue for now. 
“Yeah.” You reach up to touch his hair, the soft spikes of his buzzcut like velvet beneath your fingers. You know he would have beautiful hair if he grew it out. You’d seen his high-school pictures. He had the potential for hair to make a grown woman weep. 
Later, with your mouth full of pancake, you ask gently, “Do you want to talk about it?”
He flexes his jaw, looking out the window. He always bottled things up, before. He didn’t want to burden you with the hard things he saw at work. You didn’t want him to carry it alone. Usually you had to pry it out of him, because of course he refused to see the shrink at work. 
You realize you are gobsmack surprised when he actually volunteers, “We had a hostage situation. A woman…died. The bank robber shot her. It was my fault.”
“It wasn’t your fault, sweetheart. It was the criminal’s fault. He brought a gun to a bank with the intention to steal money by any means necessary. You did your best.”
Once upon a time, he would have argued with you on that too. His jaw clenches as he thinks about it, argues with you in his mind, at least. 
But this time in the end, he closes his eyes, nods. Reaches for your hand across the table. You take it, holding on to him. Those warm, strong fingers wrapped around yours feel like home, and you try not to start crying because you’ve missed him so much. 
“I’m sorry. For pushing you away.”
Once upon a time, you would have said something inane, like that’s ok. You’ve grown as a person too, and this time, you nod, because he does owe you an apology. “Thanks for that.” 
“I know…I don’t deserve it. But maybe…if you’d let me…I could make it up to you?”
You close your eyes at hearing that, light headed. You might have fallen out of your chair, if not for his hand anchoring you. 
“I would like that,” you admit, giving yourself points for not sounding too pathetic, and crawling across the table through the breakfast dishes to sit in his lap. 
Then, he does flash you the 1000 watt Jack Traven smile, and the circuits in your brain melt. 
“Yeah, you big idiot.” You’re really not sure if he pulls you, or if you get up and walk, but you find yourself in his lap with your lips on his, his strong arms wrapped around you and his lips on yours. He rocks you like a child, smiling against your mouth between stealing kisses.  
“I love you.”
You feel as though the desert of your heart has suddenly undergone a superbloom, the ferocity of your love making you lightheaded.
“Yeah?” He really is smiling now, in between kissing you, cute little snatches of sweetness all over your face. With hands on his cheeks you catch his lips, smiling against his mouth after a long smooch. 
“I love you too. But if you ever break up with me for any reason other than you don’t love me anymore, I might maim you.”
This wins you that radiant smile that curls your toes again. “So much for the Florence Nightingale oath.”
“Leave her out of it, this is between you and me.” He chuckles, and squeezes you again in his big arms.
“Alright. Consider me warned.”
His big hand runs up your thigh, that dark sparkle in his eyes that never fails to take your breath away. “I feel like I should start that making up I have to do here.” Suddenly you find yourself seated on your kitchen table, Jack smiling up at you from between your legs. He reaches for the syrup, and you can’t help but throw your head back with laughter, certain he’s teasing you. “You are going to make such a mess!”
“Honey, you’re the one going to be making the mess.” He has the nerve to smirk up at you before stealing your panties, and smearing syrup up your thighs.
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hugheses · 5 months
national anthem 12-29-23
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mindblowingfactz · 2 years
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Boxer Jack Johnson was once pulled over for a $50 speeding ticket and gave the officer a $100 bill. When the officer said he couldn’t provide change, Johnson told him to keep it as he would make his return trip at the same speed.
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y2kbbie · 20 days
⋆⸙͎۪۫。˚۰˚☽ You're Always In The Dark | Part One
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jack traven x f!reader x john wick
chapter one ۵ chapter two
summary. (y/n) is the fiancée to Jack Traven, a local member of the LAPD SWAT team who happened to save your life a few years back during the 2525 bus incident. Ever since the traumatic event, Jack has been strictly protective of (y/n), always risking whatever it took to ensure his significant other's safety. However, all of the effort Jack has put into (y/n)'s security would be ripped apart as he learns that John Wick, the infamous assassin, had been hired by none other than his biggest enemy - Howard Payne - to get revenge from foiling his plans. Will Jack be able to keep (y/n) safe from [un]certain death, or will the Baba Yaga accomplish his mission? | 1.5k words
content. 18+, stalking
tags. @discoscoob
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(Y/N) and Jack Traven have recently been engaged to each other since they started dating years ago after the "bus incident". One morning, Jack was getting prepared for a day of work at the station, and you had just finished cooking breakfast before you decided to approach him from behind in the bedroom as your own little way of surprising him with a small gesture of affection. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Will you be home late tonight, baby?" You ask gently in a voice as smooth and soft as ever. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I should be back by normal time, honey. But you know how this job can be." Jack answered truthfully. At his last statement, there was a hint of sadness behind his eyes; he hated leaving you alone for so long, especially when crime rates are so high. "I know," You reply with sincerity in your voice while your eyes were trained on Jack as though he was the sole purpose of your life, "you're a good man." ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Well…I try to be," he said in a lighthearted tone of voice, a small chuckle escaping from him before he wrapped his arms gently around your delicate frame. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I'll see you later tonight." You say before planting a quick kiss onto the side of Jack's face. "I plan on making your favorite for dinner." You add on with a playful wink. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "If it's you that I come back home to on the table, it'd be the best damn meal I'd ever have." Jack said, returning your flirtatious comment with his own remark. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "That could be arranged," You respond, continuing the playful banter between each of you while Jack paced himself towards the front door and put his work shoes on. Rushing over to him to ensure that you'd reach him, (y/n) approached Jack until you could wrap your arms tightly around him into a warm embrace once again. "I love you," ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I love you, too." Jack whispered and planted a kiss down upon the top of your head, making your heart flutter just like he always did. In the matter of seconds, Jack swung the door open and flashed you his typical warm and inviting smile before he took the final step that he needed until he shut the door behind him, leaving you to stand by yourself at the front door by yourself, with nothing but your thoughts and possible plans for the day.
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Finally deciding that you needed groceries for the week, (y/n) reached over for your purse and pulled it off of its hook before swinging it over your shoulder. Thinking nothing else of it, you head off to start the new day that laid ahead of you as you step outside the front door. After catching a quick whiff of the crispy autumn breeze that was flowing freely through the wind, you felt a sudden boost of confidence and began to move your way to the local grocery store to pick up the items you knew the house would need. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (Y/N) spent some time at the store, picking up whatever ingredients you would need for your and Jack's dinner later that evening. However, what you didn't know was why you would get a sudden chill down your spine while browsing certain aisles, as though you were being watched. But you think nothing of the strange sense, and continue on with the rest of your groceries until you found yourself in the check-out line. Of course, it was early, so there weren't many cashiers at the store yet, so you went off to one of the self-checkouts. When you were onto the last of your items, (y/n) would notice that uneasiness once again deep in your bones, and you couldn't shrug it off this time. Giving in to your instincts, (y/n) glances up quickly to take a peek at who…or what could be making her feel as though she was being watched. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Then, your eyes would search your surroundings until they landed on a mysterious figure that appeared to be hiding itself away in the shadows of a nearby alleyway. With your heart now beginning to race against the walls of your chest, (y/n) decided it was time to get out from there and back in the safety net of your home. But, even then, your home didn't feel safe…why? You couldn't think of a reasonable answer, so you reach down for your phone to dial Jack's number. Ring, ring, ring… Jack's line continued to ring for what felt like an eternity while you anxiously stood vulnerable at the front of the store. There were several people coming in and out of the grocery store, which only made your heart pump harder at the thought of one of those people being the mysterious figure that you'd just noticed. Then, suddenly, (y/n) would hear Jack's voice on the other end of the line. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "(Y/N), everything okay?" Jack asked quickly, and you could hear the sounds of traffic coming from the other line, as well as the familiar sirens wailing from his cruiser. There was a tone of concern laced through his voice, and it was distinct compared to his usual soft voice that he used around (y/n).
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Jack...I think there's someone following me." You say, breathing heavily as the weight of the current circumstances finally fell onto your shoulders.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "What? Who?" He asked urgently, his eyes widening in surprise and his brows furrowing out of frustration at the sudden drop of news.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I...I don't know."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Where are you?"
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "By the grocery store." You answer, your voice still shaken from the fear that was building up rapidly in your mind.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Okay. (Y/N), go to the police station, now. Don't even think about going anywhere else, you hear?" Jack instructs you, his tone now turning stern, the most strict you've ever heard him throughout your entire time together. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "And, whatever you do, don't hang up the line until I can see you, okay?" He added, his strict tone never wavering for even a second.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Yeah...okay..." You take in a deep breath before beginning to hastily march away from the front of the grocery store, determined to create distance between you and your stalker. However, it would seem like he was following you like a shadow, which only heightened your sense of panic. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"He's still following me." (Y/N) added while she continued to make long and quick strides down the sidewalk.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎"Okay. Don't go down any alleyways, just stay on the public sidewalk, (y/n)." Jack responded. He was trying to keep his calm on the other end of the line; but, in reality, Jack could feel the blood boiling in his veins at the idea of someone trying to hurt his beloved wife-to-be, and he'd kill them the second he got the chance. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (Y/N) wouldn't be able to say anything in response to Jack while you strained all of your focus on each step that you took despite the fact that you would be able to hear your heart pounding relentlessly against the walls of your chest. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Talk to me, (y/n). What do you see?" Jack asked in a calm yet urgent voice; you would be able to detect the panic that was whirring through his mind despite how hard he tried to mask it behind a stoic and determined tone of voice that only made (y/n)'s heart skip a beat.
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I see..." (Y/N) gulped before catching onto your breath briefly while still focusing on every step that you made down the public sidewalk that happened to be adjacent to where your "shadow" was following you, "the crosswalk, and...he's on the other side now." You drop the bombshell of news that made Jack's heart plummet into his stomach.
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chiefnooniensingh · 1 year
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KEANU REEVES and SANDRA BULLOCK Speed (1994) dir. Jan de Bont
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beansricejc · 4 months
Headcanon: Keanu Reeves's characters as University Students.
what an amazing prompt omfg! CW: cursing, implied homophobia, vulgar descriptions of drug use
JOHN CONSTANTINE - Religious Studies / Parapsychology. His parents would roll their eyes and friends would laugh at such a degree to work towards. “You’re kidding.” John’s dad would grumble, scoffing as his swigs a beer. “You might as well just become a priest and swear off chasin’ tail. What the fuck even is… parapsycholo-“
“I’d be studying psychic or paranormal phenomena, for your information.” John would groan, snatching his dad’s cigarette box from the porch table and lighting one up. His father, an even more cynical asshole (if you can believe it) than him, laughed in disbelief.
“You’re seriously wasting your prime years on bein’ a ghostbuster?” His dad snickered, then calling John an unsavory, homophobic slur, as per usual. These talks he has with his father always end up with one of them getting a bloody nose and their ass kicked. This time, it’s his drunk of a father.
Who knew that would end up helping him in the long run, with casting demons out of little girls and helping twins in the afterlife?
KEVIN LOMAX - Law/Finance. Of course this big shot lawyer is going to have a law degree, duh. But I also envision something else. I can picture Kevin pulling a Jordan Belfort, scamming rich fools into investing into shitty companies. Money laundering, tax evasion, snorting cocaine out of a hired woman’s ass, all at the top of a sky scraper in the financial district in the Big Apple. He definitely skipped class to sleep in or recover from a previous night’s partying. It didn’t matter though, Kevin is stupidly smart and hardly needs to study to pass any sort of exam.
NEO - Computer Programming. Do I even have to explain this one? Late nights, redbull, he’s gotta pass somehow, and these classes are making Neo work for it.
JACK TRAVEN/JOHNNY UTAH - Criminal Justice. These boys in blue were at the top of their class at their respective programs, Utah for the FBI, and Traven for the LAPD police academy. It always helps to have a bit of book smarts to go along with their pretty faces.
JOHN WICK - Our favorite Russian assassin didn’t go to college, we already know this. However, if he did, I can see our man going in for a History or English degree. Years pass and he graduates, getting a job at some middle school out of state to get far away from his past life as he can. Mr. Wick is a fantastic teacher, the boys think he’s cool as hell and the girls think he’s scary but unfortunately he knows what he’s doing. Mr. Wick has already promised himself never to mix personal life with his job, just like he did in the past when he did hits for a living. That is until parent-teacher conferences happen at the end of the semester. When one of his favorite kiddos brings in their single mom, and he can barely hold it together in front of her.
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Anime Ads from Gamers' Republic #15 (Aug. 1999)
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boanerges20 · 4 months
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Franco Uncini /Kenny Roberts /Jack Middelburg /Barry Sheene Photo: [From Motocourse 1984-85]
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pink3princess · 3 days
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jack traven x reader hc
cw: sfw and nsfw, alcohol mentioned
an: here we go again another day another keanu character also i dont remember what i wrote and i dont want to know
oh lord hes so cute; like puppy cute
very gentleman like
opens doors for you, buys you flowers, walks you back to your car
you guys are the kind of couple that likes to banter back and forth
loves hair pets (giving and recieving) (help me help me)
very protective of you; it def boosts his his ego anytime you need his help or if he gets to protect you in any way (oh no save me jack traven ahh)
seems to always have an arm around you or on your waist
soft dominance
But defineitly does not object to a partner who likes to take charge or is "bossy" (im saying this because im very bossy im being silly)
idk why I get the feeling he's the type of guy to get a tattoo dedicated to you; not necessarily your name but like your favorite flower or something that always reminds him of you
definielty knows how to cook but when you cook for him on occasion he's giggling and kicking his feet
you could have hamburger helper and a beer on the table and he's running around the block out of joy
i have a feeling the both of you like to go out and have drinks with each other, definitely the kind of couple to egg each other on and encourages one another to have fun
and i guess the fun in that is that one of you can get drunk and silly and the other is always there to look out for you :(
he talks you through it ( like did we watch the same movie of course he DOES)
ass guy
into spanking there i said it ok
likes giving and recieving hickeys
what a surprise, like to use handcuffs AND likes to be in handcuffs (oh no officer traven dont arrest me that would be terrible oh no-)
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spiritsonic · 10 months
Are there any parameters for Amy's strength yet? 🥺 Love her smashing 💓
We don't really bother to do "this character can lift X lbs" stuff, but she's considered one of the stronger characters. Not Knuckles or Mighty levels of strength, but she's up there. It's largely a result of her rigorous fitness routine, which is in itself a reflection of her enthusiastic and driven personality.
It's an important distinction that she uses her strength differently from the exclusively "power-type" characters; she has it , but it doesn't define her identity. She's prone to underestimating what she's really capable of, because she just doesn't see herself in that light. And finally as a more comedic character, her shows of strength are often (but not always!) played for laughs.
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jaded-jezz · 1 year
Shutter Speed (Part 2)
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Jack Champion x Photographer!Reader
Part 2/3
☁︎ Fluff
Summary: y/n is a photographer for the new scream promo and Jack thinks she belongs in front of the camera rather than behind.
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"Look who decided to show up!" I hear Jenna say but I am too occupied in taping marks on the floor to turn around. Leah goes over to introduce herself, welcome the late cast to the shoot and explain the plan and rules.
"You must be Y/N?" I hear my name and stand up to correct the voice. "I'm Leah, she's Y/N." Leah turns to me as I appear next to them.
“Woah…I mean Jack, I’m hi.” The boy in front of me stutters. “No! I mean Hi, I am Jack. Sorry for being late.” I hold back a small laugh and smile. “Are you sure you’re Jack? I mean the name ‘hi’ might suit you more.” I jest. “I’m Y/N, did Leah go over all the rules? Are there any questions?” My voice moves back into professional mode as we have a lot of work to do today.
"You totally played that off man" Mason chuckles behind me, pulling me out of the trance that this Y/N has put me in. I feel my face heating up and I can't tell if its the multitude of lights in here or her stare that burned through my heart. God snap out of it, Jack, you have to do your job today.
I watch Y/N fall into her element and do what, I can tell that, she loves. She is mesmerizing.
"Stop drooling, she may run away" I hear Jenna whisper to me and before I can defend myself, "Umm... next I need Jack Champion over here on the blue mark please" You need me? Ok say less, I joke to myself to calm my nerves. I keep my eyes on the floor to ensure I don't trip but also so that I won't turn into a blushing mess if she looks at me. God, this is the first time I've been glad these lights are this bright.
I follow her instructions, her voice is music to my ears. It's like I am under a spell. A love spell? No lets not get ahead of ourselves. Wait, she's staring at me.
"Jack? Do you wanna see one of the photos?" Leah suggests from the side of the room, trying to break the awkward silence between the two of us. "Oh sure!" I stumble over wires to stand next to her. "No, go over to Y/N, she'll show you how everything works and how the images will be edited after the shoot."
I give Leah a panicked look before Jack turns to walk over. His curls bounce as he hops over the leg of the tripod. "Oh you are tall." I say without thinking. "Oh yeah, but so are you." He answers looking down at me. "It's probably my shoes." I laugh, "Did you wanna see the photos?" I bring up the subject to make sure I don't say anything I may regret.
"Do you enjoy being a photographer?" Jack inquires. That sets me off. I could talk for hours about photography.
"I have loved it since I was 10 and I could not imagine persuading any other career. I am constantly thinking of photo shoots whenever I leave my house. Wall of graffiti? Photo shoot idea. Aesthetic shampoo bottle? Photo shoot idea. I am constantly inspired by everything around me which means my job can be difficult when I am given a strict brief but luckily, whoever hired us, gave us full creative freedom." I wave my arms around for emphasis. But too much emphasism as I almost hit Jack. He swerves and giggles, luckily.
"Oh shit, I am so sorry." I cringe and look back to the camera screen. "It's ok, Y/N" The way he says my name makes a swarm of butterflies flutter in me. I look up into his eyes. Brown eyes used to freak me out because it is more difficult to see the pupil, but maybe I like them a bit more now. Maybe he can help me like other things too. Ew, don't get carried away or you will scare him off.
After our stares last a beat too long, Leah clears her throat and alerts the group that we will now be moving to an outside shoot. She tells them to go back to the changing rooms to get out of their costumes and into the brand we are shooting with for the second part of the day. While they leave, Leah and I start to collect the equipment we are bringing. I grab my notebook for the checklist.
"You are doing great Y/N, especially with a certain someone." Leah raises her eyebrows and winks at me. I roll my eyes and walk over to turn off some of the bigger lights.
As the group walks to change, I see Jenna and Mason standing by the doors. They are sharing a similar look towards me, it's kinda freaking me out. "He totally does!" "Yep, I can see it in his eyes." I roll my eyes at their odd behavior and attempt to walk past them. "Oh no Mister."
They drag me out of the studio and into the hallway. "Man, when I said charm them with your good looks, I sorta hoped you would also charm her with the rest of you." Mason starts. "Yeah, we knew you were awkward, but not this bad. I wanted to claw my eyes out!" Jenna exclaims rather loudly.
"Could you be any louder? And it wasn't that bad, and I am not flirting!" I shout in a whisper. "No one said you were flirting, except you." Jenna retorts. "We've exposed you without even trying" Mason shouts to annoy me again. "Fine, she's really beautiful and she is really passionate about her job which is kinda cute and-"
"Ok lover boy relax, you don't need to go into detail." Jenna cuts me off with a look of both disgust and happiness, so I know she is just being sarcastic. "We will help you get this girl of your dreams" Mason adds. I can't tell if this is a bad idea but I nod and walk to the changing rooms to make sure I am not late again.
When we are all re-dressed, the cast starts to follow Leah out but I look for Y/N. I see her pacing back and forth, looking rather stressed. I don't know if me going over will make it worse. But I don't have time to decide as two pairs of hands push me towards her.
"Y/N, are you ok? Have you lost something?" "Yes! My notebok. It has all my plans and lists inside. I really need it. Like right now. Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?" She panics. "Ok, you need to sit down before you faint or something goes wrong."
I reach for her hand and gently guide her to sit next to me. I scan the room for a notebook before asking her any questions. She keeps a hold of my hand and I have to pretend not to notice or I might be the one to faint. "Is it that green thing over there?"
"Oh my god! Yes it is!" I jump up and grab it. When I turn around, I am again faced with Jack's chest. I look up at him and smile. I feel weirdly calm after that whole anxiety filled fiasco, maybe it's because of Jack?
"Thank you Jack, I think I would've died without this." I try to laugh. "That's ok, I think we need to go now though, I know you have quite a strict schedule for today." He responds.
Jack offers to hold some equipment to make sure I can see where I am going over the pile of objects. When we leave the building I see the other cast members grabbing or putting away stuff in their cars so I take my kit back from Jack to allow him to do the same. I walk over to Leah to let her know I found the notebook.
"I was going to come back to help you but I heard a certain someone calming you down." She says as I stand next to her. "He is definitely your type, isn't he? Tall, lanky-" I cut her off "Yes Leah you don't need to continue. I can't let a silly crush get in the way of today though. It's not even a crush! I've not even known him for five minuets! All I know is his name." I say so fast I almost run out of breath.
"Let's get going while the sun is still out." I shout to the group.
(This is the photoshoot that inspired this series so you can vision this location and photoshoot style)
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We have been talking photos outside in both groups and alone. It's so sunny outside that no lights are needed, just portable reflectors. Which are big circles of materials that bounce the sun in a chosen direction. Leah and I split up for the last half an hour as we have different ideas due to the location and lighting right now. Some of the cast have moved away to film TikToks and to stand in the shade but some are continuing to model for us if they have less photos than others.
I noticed Jack had finished talking to Mason and Jenna before he started walking over to me.
"Hey Y/N! Is there any last ideas in your notebook?" He asks.
"Oh just this one." I start. "Because of the harsh sun I am are able to play around with different filters on my camera. One of my favorite makes stars in light reflections, would you try out over here?" My hands are shaking as I hand him a small square of mirrored glass.
We mess around for a while, me running back and forth to show him how to pose, how to angle the mirror to reflect light and to show him the results. After a while I am so out of breath that Jack finds it funny.
As the sun starts to go down, the cast all joins up for the last photo including Leah and I for our Instagram. We all start walking back slightly delirious due to the amount of running around some of us had been doing. Jack is walking next to me, at the back of the group, continuing one of our random conversations from earlier.
"You are really talented Y/N, I know you have probably been told that a lot today, but you really are." Jack says in a slight hushed tone. I can't control the big smile on my face. He is such a genuine human being. "Thank you for being a wonderful model." I laugh.
I notice him glance ahead at the group before slowing down and truing to me. "I don't know if i have read this situation wrong but I think you are beautiful and I get feel like we get along so well even though we haven't known each other that long and I am rambling aren't I?" He looks down at his feet and rakes a deep breath.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a date with me?" He finally looks me in the eye as he says this. "Wow Jack, of course I will. I don't think someone has made me laugh this much, apart from myself obviously" I jest. We trade numbers as we catch up with the group.
After the cast all go their separate ways, Leah and I burst out into screams of happiness. "MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING ON A DATE WITH A HOT, FAMOUS PERSON WHOOOOOP" Leah shouts as we skip around the car park, arms linked.
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Who wants a Part Three? It will be about pre-date, during and maybe even their reactions with friends after too?
As always, requests are currently open!
Please do not repost this, reblogs are appreciated.
Also some people asked me to Tag them so here you go:
@gwenlore @multi-simp-page @daffodil-darlings @mummatiri
I’m quite new to tagging people so lemme know if you want to be tagged for all my Jack Champion Posts or just this series?
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kassylin · 1 year
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Yes, ma’am
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