#jack castello imagine
marvelslut16 · 3 years
Random Character Masterlist
Jack Castello-
Loving Jack
Your usual?
Santana Lopez-
Girls like girls
Reggie Mantle-
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale-
Grilled cheese and cashmere sweaters
Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore-
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writeroutoftime · 3 years
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Ted Lasso
Roy Kent
Take My Jacket - When you find yourself watching Richmond’s practice one chilly morning, Roy is there to be a knight in shining armor
Umbrella Academy 
Diego Hargreeves
School Visits - Diego visits you at work and sees you close with a male co-worker and becomes jealous 
Julie and the Phantoms
Luke Patterson
Don't Cry, Beautiful - on Luke’s birthday, twenty-five years after his death, you get a visit from a familiar face that gives you more comfort you could know
Wonder Woman
Steve Trevor 
Undercover -  You and Steve are great partners, and always successful in your missions together. The one thing that complicates your relationship is the feelings you hold for Steve, which might just be revealed when you’re assigned to go undercover as a married couple for your next mission
Netflix’s Hollywood
Dreamland -  When one day you meet the charming Jack Castello, you never thought your relationship would be anything more than business, but as this dreamer slowly starts to break down your walls, you find yourself falling hard and fast. though at what cost?
You’re Safe with Me - James is protective of you when Bonnie wants revenge 
First Fights - When you and James get into your first fight, harsh words and shared, and you leave, scared of your boyfriend. Now, he must try and make it up to you 
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Umbrella Academy 
Diego Hargreeves 
13 Days of Halloween - Day Two - “when was the last time you went to a Halloween party?”
Klaus Hargreeves 
13 Days of Halloween - Day Six - “You didn’t tell me we had to carve it”
Pope Heyward
Love, Actually - A reimaging of the "love, actually" notecard scene (but not creepy!)
John B
You and Me Against the World - In a rare moment of privacy, you and John B discuss all the things you’re going to do with your share of the gold
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Reuniting with Jamie Would Include...
JJ Dating an Introverted!Kook Would Include...
Taking Care of John B When He’s Hurt Would Include...
Umbrella Academy 
Dating Diego Would Include... 
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d-criss-news · 4 years
There’s no business like show business, especially Ryan Murphy’s version of events in Hollywood.
On the ambitious seven-episode series he cocreated with Ian Brennan (The Politician), Murphy marries the glamour of 1940s Los Angeles with its seedier side, as established stars like Vivien Leigh (Katie McGuinness) rub elbows with fictional up-and-comers, including aspiring actor Jack Castello (David Corenswet, below, with Patti LuPone), who’ll do anything to get a foot in the door.
The visually stunning series imagines a world where the industry’s antiquated rules — such as casting minorities only in supporting roles — were bent, and changed the world in the process.
“There’s a lot of fun to be had with that,” explains Darren Criss, who plays new director Raymond Ainsley. He breaks ground by casting his girlfriend, African American actress Camille Washington (Laura Harrier), in a lead role for his major studio film. “Dreams come true, but at what cost?” teases Criss, also an executive producer on the series.
As with most of Murphy’s projects (American Horror Story, etc.), Hollywood features an impressive ensemble, including LuPone as the wife of a studio exec played by Rob Reiner, Jim Parsons as a smarmy agent and Queen Latifah as Oscar-winning actress Hattie McDaniel.
Here, Criss clues us in on more.
There’s a great mix of real Hollywood lore with fictional characters and situations in the show. What did you make of that?
Darren Criss: It is sort of a Hollywood-ization of Hollywood itself, or the Ryan Murphy version of that fantasy. I hope people watching it go in taking it with a grain of salt that this isn’t sort of a grand expose of the time, or some sort of factual recounting. I think that it will become very clear from the tone that things happen [in the show] that, clearly, didn’t happen, otherwise you would’ve heard about it. It becomes pretty clear that this is, again, Hollywood getting the Hollywood treatment.
The show is also about being an outsider and we see a lot of characters working their way into Hollywood. How is Raymond an outsider?
He sees himself as an outsider, which is usually ground zero for anybody feeling isolated but in Raymond’s case, he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder for being of half-Asian descent, which I think is just something that Ryan has always been interested in, especially being white passing. When we first started talking about the Versace series, he took a keen interest in me being half-Filipino and not looking like it. And that was kind of a big part of Andrew [Cunanan’s] own makeup as a person and as a genetic person as well.
[In Hollywood], Raymond has made himself to feel like there’s a part of him that is responsible for helping those that don’t have this free pass and he wants to be able to use his art form as a means of being a social justice warrior, and looking out for other people who didn’t have the same strange leg-up in a way.
Like a lot of the characters in the show, is Raymond going to have to step over some of his moral lines to get what he wants or to follow those dreams? 
Raymond is prepared to do what he must. But in the same vein, what’s really charming to watch about young ambition is that young people can get in over their head when they want something. They want something so bad that they’ll say yes to anything, and then suddenly they wake up, and they realize, “Oh, my God, what have I gotten myself into?”
And watching somebody as level-headed, seemingly, as Raymond, means that he makes decisions that now he has to take responsibility for. And that happens throughout the series, where it’s a charming journey to go on, because any young person can attest to always wanting something, and then realizing, “Oh, wait, I have to do what in order to get that?”
And tell me about wearing those fabulous clothes, because I was very envious of the suits, and the ties, just all of that. How was it for you?
I don’t know when the last time you wore a high-waisted pant was but if you ever want to walk like a gentleman in the 1940s, you hike up those pants, you tuck in that shirt, and you will hold your cigarette differently, and you will talk like Cary Grant. It just happens to you. So a lot of the famously impeccable work of the Ryan Murphy television design team really elevated, I think, everybody in the way that they carry themselves in the way that they perform, because it’s just an instant time machine. So that was just so fun. I felt right at home.
With so many Broadway musical vets in the show, yourself included, safe to say there was some singing when the cameras stopped filming? 
100 percent. It was constant. It was absolutely constant. If we’re going to use Patti as an example, there was a late night after the George Cukor party [in the show], where everyone’s driving back in the van, and everyone’s really tired because it was a really long day. And Joe Mantello, bless his heart, went, “Patti LuPone, sing us a song.” And then she just sang “What’s New Buenos Aires” [from Evita] just for us in the van. And it was incredible. And then Patti also — shameless plug to my piano bar [Tramp Stamp Granny’s] in L.A. but the cast all came out, and Patti sang “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina,” bless her heart.
So whether it was at my bar, on set, or at my house, a lot of music abounded constantly. It’s a very musical cast. And, yeah, never tempt me with a musical good time. I will always find an excuse to play a song, or sing with somebody if they are up for it as well.
That was honestly one of my favorite parts of the show, was the really nice combination, by the way, because you have sort of the young Turks as Patti would say, the young gang, and we’re sort of taking a cue from the upperclassmen. The wisdom of the true veterans and the enthusiasm of the young Turks was a really great cocktail that bred a lot of hope and excitement. I think the show really hopes to achieve for an audience this sense of constant hope and excitement, which is really the backbone of what Hollywood’s supposed to be.
Hollywood, Series Premiere, Friday, May 1, Netflix
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Works in Progress Tag!
Rules: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
i was tagged by the super @justcallmesailor​ !!
so you can find my full works in progress/to-do list here, but under the cut are just a few more details on which ones i’m working on!
i’m going to tag @lotsoffandomimagines​ @imaginingthefandoms​ @imaginesbutgay​ @fantasyshows​ @purityimagines​ !!!
so i draft and prepare my drabbles in big chunks. usually i split them up by whatever gif imagines has been requested in between, and if there’s too many drabbles before a gif imagine i’ll split it up in half. that probably didn’t make sense at all. 
drabbles + the prompts: 
Star Wars: Jango Fett
“None of that matters anymore.”
Star Wars: Bail Organa
“Do you smell burning?”
Stranger Things: Eleven
“Is it supposed to look like that? Are you sure?”
The Maze Runner: Gally
“Don’t you ever do that again.”
Kingsman: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels
“Just marry me already.”
Kingsman: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels
“I just don’t know how to look forward anymore.”
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark
“I waited and waited, but you never came back!”
Kingsman: Brett Huang
“Don’t give me that look! You started it!”
Stranger Things: Eleven
“You’ve got something on your cheek.”
Game of Thrones: Gendry
“Somebody’s in love!”
Game of Thrones: Gendry
“I’m sick of feeling useless!”
Star Wars: Jango Fett
“Are you… are you flirting with me?”
Baby Driver: Monica “Darling” Castello
“How about we put the gun down and talk about this?” 
“I came here to kick ass and chew gum... and I’m all out of gum.”
and then 1 gif imagine:
imagine being Darling’s younger sister and her teasing you about the crush Baby has on you
now i should probably mention when i was drafting this round of drabbles i realised i had received a request with dustin henderson from stranger things with a romantic prompt. seeing as these kids are only like 12 years old, i will not be writing anything romantic with them. i deleted that request, sorry!
and technically this is for my personal blog @prjnceoberyn but i’m also working on an oberyn martell graphic/edit for a game of thrones blog i co-run (@gameofdailythrones), which you guys should check it out if you’re interested!!
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sciogli-lingua · 7 years
So, I’ll break the UYLD no-English rule because this needs an explanation. “I Promessi Sposi” (a.k.a. “The Betrothed”) is probably the most famous Italian novel, and definitely the most studied one in Italian schools [you can find a summary on dear ol’ Wikipedia]. A few years ago, the comical/music group Oblivion made this video summarizing it to the tune of famous (mostly) Italian songs in 10 minutes. The student population recognized its genius and it spread like wildfire; I’ve finally come round to translate it. It probably won’t make much sense to the non-Italians out there, but I’ve tried to help you guys out with a character list and some notes, and after all it’s UYLD. If someone is interested in knowing the titles of the various songs, just tell me and I’ll oblige.
You’ll find the character list and the translation under the cut. Without further ado, let’s begin!
NARRATOR BRAVOES: thugs employed by the powerful and aggressive squires ruling northern Italy in 1600. DON ABBONDIO: a cowardly parish priest, is supposed to marry Renzo and Lucia but is too scared of Don Rodrigo to do so. PERPETUA: Don Abbondio's housekeeper. RENZO TRAMAGLINO: young silk-weaver, engaged to Lucia. LUCIA MONDELLA: pious young woman, engaged to Renzo. DON RODRIGO: despicable Spanish nobleman who wants to prevent the marriage of Renzo and Lucia to have the latter to himself. AGNESE: Lucia's mother. NUN OF MONZA: ambiguous woman, was forced to become a nun by her family. Despite her status, she has a lover. THE UNNAMED: ferocious criminal increasingly disgusted by his life, on his way to redemption. BORROMEO: a virtuous and zealous cardinal. FRIAR CRISTOFORO: brave friar who helps Renzo and Lucia.
NARRATORE: Sul ramo del lago di Como1 NARRATOR: On that branch of lake Como Inizia quel tomo Begins that brick Che ti devasta con i suoi trentotto capitoli Which wrecks you with its 38 chapters Nel primo si legge di un uomo In the first one we read of a man Che arriva pian piano Arriving ever so slowly È Don Abbondio che un po' circospetto ritorna in città It's Don Abbondio, who comes back to the city somewhat warily
BRAVI 2 : Bravi! Bravi! Non te l'aspettavi? BRAVOES: Bravoes, bravoes! You didn't see that coming!
B: Dove te ne andavi? Siamo i bravi B: Where were you going? We're bravoes, Ma siamo cattivi But we are bad guys Fatti pure il segno della croce, You might as well cross yourself, Tanto sei da solo qui! You're alone here anyway! Leggi bene questa nota che si trova nella busta Read carefully this note that's in the bag A proposito di un certo matrimonio che non s'ha da far It's about a certain marriage that's not to be performed Tra Mondella e Tramaglin Between Mondella and Tramaglino È un intrigo di Rodrigo It's a scheme of Rodrigo's Prova a immaginare se li sposi quante cose ti può far! Just try to imagine how many things he will do to you if you marry them! Pensaci tu a parlar con Gesù You take care of talking to Jesus
D.A.: Perpetua, son disperato, ragazza mia D.A.: Perpetua, my girl, I am desperate Fa' che mi sdrai, ché c'ho un attimo di aritmia Let me lie down, for I have a little heart block Perpetua, c'è un pazzo criminale Perpetua, there's a criminal, a madman Che, ahimé, ce l'ha con me Who, alas, is out to get me Ma tu non sai, o domani saranno guai But you know nothing, or there'll be trouble tomorrow Per me, per te, per noi... For me, for you, for us...
PERPETUA: Sai che cosa penso? PERPETUA: Wanna know what I think? Che il povero Renzo domani arriverà, Poor Renzo will be here tomorrow, Le nozze chiederà lo stesso He'll ask you to marry them anyway
D.A.: Non glielo consento, c'è ancora del tempo D.A.: I won't allow him to, there's still time Domani a mezzogiorno arriverà He'll be here tomorrow at noon
P: È già passato un giorno, ormai è qua P: A day's already gone by, he's here now
RENZO: La domenica mattina mi presento dal curato RENZO: On a Sunday morning I show up at the priest's house La Perpetua ho salutato e sono qua I've greeted Perpetua and now I'm here Con le borse della spesa su mandato della sposa With the shopping bags, sent here by the bride, Per sapere a quale ora si va in chiesa To ask when we go to church
D.A.: Porta pazienza e sii cortese, D.A.: Have a little patience and be polite, E a fine mese ne saprai di più And you'll know more at the end of the month
R: Io, Don Abbondio, santo Dio! R: I, Don Abbondio, oh my God! Furibondo che non sono altro I am nothing short of furious
P: Lui non c'entra, io lo so! P: It's not his fault, I know it!
D.A.: Don Rodrigo me l'ha imposto, addio D.A.: Don Rodrigo forced me, goodbye
R: Lucia! Lucia! L'accolito sposar non ci fa! R: Lucia! Lucia! The henchman won't let us get married! Lucia! Lucia!
LUCIA: Renzo, ho un bisogno così di svelarti un tabù LUCIA: Renzo, I have a sudden urge to disclose a taboo subject to you Mi dirigevo stamani attraverso Cantù 3 This morning I was walking through the streets of Cantù Poi d'improvviso vedevo spuntar Don Rodrigo Then suddenly I saw Don Rodrigo coming my way Che incominciava a gridare: And he started screaming:
DON RODRIGO: Yo a tí te castigo! 4
L: Volgare L: Gross
D.R.: [offended] Oh oh
L: Maiale! L: Pig!
D.R.: *grunts*
L: Uscire tutta sola mi dà tanti pensieri L: To go out all alone has got me so worried
AGNESE: L'inferno cittadino, co' tutti 'sti stranieri AGNESE: This city's hell, with all these foreigners
L: Agnese, dolce Agnese, L: Agnese, sweet Agnese, Dammi un po' di cioccolata Give me some chocolate Se solo ci ripenso, mi sento un po' emaciata Just thinking about it makes me sick
N: Eccoci giunti al capitolo terzo N: And here we are, we've gotten to chapter 3 Capitolo che tagliamo, perché A chapter we'll cut out, for Tutta la storia dell'Azzeccagarbugli 5 The whole Azzeccagarbugli subplot È lunga e non serve a un granché Is long, and a little pointless Provano i bravi a rapire Lucia, The bravoes try to kidnap Lucia, Ma lei in casa non c'è But she's not home Sono dal prete a sposarsi a sorpresa, ma invan... The two are at the priest's to get married in secret, but in vain... Lucia, non perderti d'animo! Lucia, don't lose heart!
R: Lucia a San Siro 6 R: Lucia, in San Siro Sarò stasera I'll be tonight Fuggite a Monza, ché la Monaca lo sa Run away to Monza, for the nun knows it È il posto giusto, con quella nebbia It's the right place, with all that fog Ti ci nascondi, e ci ritroveremo là You'll hide inside it, and we'll meet again there
N: Scrive Manzoni 7 per i secchioni N: Manzoni writes for the nerds Che i sovversivi dan l'assalto al Viceré That rioters assault the Viceroy Renzo si esalta nella rivolta Renzo gets a little carried away in the riot Chi se ne frega, c'è una che prega Who cares, there's a chick praying Ma lei chi è? But who is she?
MONACA DI MONZA: Sono la monaca, NUN OF MONZA: I am the nun, Ma non son suora perché But not really, because Mi piace fare l'amore come nessuno lo fa I like making love like nobody else does Nella canonica... In the parsonage...
B: Bravi! Bravi! Non te l'aspettavi? B: Bravoes, bravoes! You didn't see that coming!
L: Bravi! L: Bravo!
B: Siamo gli altri bravi, siamo i bravi, B: We are the other bravoes, we're bravoes, Ancora più cattivi Even worse (than the other ones) Fatti pure il segno della croce, You might as well cross yourself, Tanto sei da sola qui! You're alone here anyway! Ci mandò l'Innominato che ci ha chiesto di rapirti We were sent by the Unnamed who asked us to kidnap you E lasciarti chiusa in gabbia che così nessuno può sentir And to leave you trapped in a cage so that no one can hear (you) Proprio come un uccellin Just like a birdie Nel castello, nel castello In the castle, in the castle
L: State un po' a sentire quale voto alla Madonna sto per far Listen to the vow I'm about to make to Virgin Mary Non la do più, se mi salva Gesù! I won't ever put out, if Jesus saves me! Che cosa c'è? What is the matter?
INNOMINATO: C'è che io son l'Innominato, col tè THE UNNAMED: It's that I am the Unnamed, bringing tea C'è che ero uno prepotente That I was a bully Che ha offeso tanta gente, Who has offended many people, Ma il cuore mio si pente se ci sei tu But my heart repents when you're here
BORROMEO: Fra gli arcivescovi di Roma rappresento il top BORROMEO: Among the Roman archbishops I am top-notch E a Milano è un pezzo che ci sto And I've been in Milan for a while now Persin l'Innominato The Unnamed? Me lo son cambiato I've managed to change him, too Son Borromeo, er mejo der Giubileo I'm Borromeo, top of the Jubilee
N: Ma aggiungi peste a favola, e a Don Rodrigo in più N: But add the plague to the tale, and plus Don Rodrigo Gli spunta un po' una pustola, ed arriviamo al clou Develops a couple pustules, and we're getting to the heart E fra le muffe, i bubboni e i pidocchi And among mold, blights and lice E quattro fanti così lanzichenecci And a few oh-so-lansquenet jacks Al Lazzaretto vicino a Cantù At the leper hospital near Cantù S'incontrano tutti laggiù They all meet there
D.R.: Da una lacrima sul Griso 8 D.R.: From a tear on Griso Ho capito che c'ho un mese... I've understood that I have a month left to live
R: Caro amico, ti schivo, sennò ti contraggo un po' R: Dear friend, I dodge you, otherwise I'll get a little infected E siccome sei molto malsano, alfin ti perdonerò And since you are gravely ill, I'll forgive you at last
L: Renzo!
R: Lucia!
L: Ho fatto un voto di castità permanente, L: I have taken a vow of permanent chastity, Però purtroppo ho già cambiato idea Unfortunately I've already changed my mind, Ma non posso farci niente But there's nothing I can do about it Vorrei incontrare Fra Cristoforo I'd like to run into Friar Cristoforo
FRA CRISTOFORO: Sono quaggiù, dietro al semaforo FRIAR CRISTOFORO: I'm right here, behind the stoplight Il voto sciolgo volentieri grazie ai miei superpoteri I'll gladly free you of your vow, thanks to my superpowers È la fede e i suoi misteri... That's faith and its mysteries...
N: Ma stavolta la peste è finita N: But this time the plague is over Va giù il carovita The cost of living drops E quel guastafeste di Don Abbondio And that wet blanket Don Abbondio Li sposa lo stesso Marries them anyway Ma in fatto di sesso, chi vivrà vedra But when it comes to sex, we'll have to wait and see
Dieci minuti! Ten minutes!
1. The first line of the book begins with: “Quel ramo del lago di Como...” 2. Pun here: "bravo", singular of "bravi", means "good" in Italian. 3. A city in the province of Como. 4. Italianized Spanish; roughly, "I'll punish you", meant in a sexual way. 5. Trust them: it's complicated and you don't need to know it. Basically, Azzeccagarbugli (known as Quibbleweaver in English) is a useless lawyer whose advice Renzo seeks against Don Rodrigo's oppression). 6. Football stadium in Milan. 7. Alessandro Manzoni, the author of the novel. 8. One of Don Rodrigo's henchmen.
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Another week, another near-sun tan. This week I’ve seen a friend in person (what the actual fuck?) and found a new direction for exercise. That sounds pretty good, right? It was extremely disconcerting to meet up with a person in real life – I’ve begun to feel a little like all my friends who have long assured me that they’ve met their best friends purely online – but three hours sitting in the local park in a government-approved triangle was lovely. I’ve been seeing others largely as things to be avoided as they blunder towards me, breathing heavily with no sense of physical distance. Apart from the postman and chin tilts to neighbours it’s the most human experience I’ve had of late. I also attended a properly fun Zoom birthday party too (thanks Mr Ben!), so clearly we’re getting used to these things.
Heading out in the direction of Dovecote Lane park eventually sent me that way on my bike too. I’ve found exercise really hard for the last couple of months. I’ve always relied on cycling to work (and the swim at the halfway point) for a few miles in each direction to keep me fit without feeling like I was doing exercise, and it’s been pretty good for keeping me fit and able to eat and drink what I like. Well fuck you very much lockdown, that’s been properly trashed. Cycling in an aimless circle round university park or Beeston has been quite cack, and while jogging on the spot clearly burns calories it’s too tedious. So I’ve started cycling out to Attenborough Nature Reserve. It’s not especially far, but I’ve rarely explored round there, so I’m enjoying heading off down a road with no clue where it goes. It’s not made me late for work… yet. Even when I didn’t sleep at all on Thursday night I got up and went for an explore before work. Must be good!
In between late night walks around Beeston, drinking too much and watching TV, we’ve continued our slow build of the LEGO Brick Bank. It’s quite lovely.
I’ve also finally returned to LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga on our Wii. I’m up to 30-something per cent and enjoying it enormously. I have discovered though that our TV really can’t handle proper dark contrast on a sunny day, so I’m dying a lot by falling off edges I can’t see. There have been a few levels where I’ve had to stand right in front of the TV (in sport mode), and just hoped I’d find the exit to a room. Still, I’ve got Indy and General Grievous to hop around and smash stuff, so I’m happy.
Oh yeah, and another bootleg Mando arrived this week – with shiny beskar armour! Baby Yoda will have his Mister Shiny Helmet. Nicely, he comes with a screwdriver accessory which I assume is supposed to be the tracking fob. There is something in me compelling me to acquire more of these guys… I’ve also just got the Armourer, but pics of her will have to wait till I’ve crafted a custom cloak. What is wrong with me…?
  Watching: Hollywood
OK, so this should have been in last week’s post, but I’d forgotten that we’d watched it. That’s no indication of how good it is, everything belongs to the neverwhen at the moment. Plus we caned through it in three nights. This is a very strange show, offering us an alternate Hollywood of the 1950s in which the reviled minorities of the day can actually get a foothold in the industry. The show nails the golden era vibe, from movie producer boardrooms to the grim/delightful gas station gigolos. Over the first couple of episodes the show draws together the flailing careers of half a dozen interesting and purposely diverse young Hollywood hopefuls and then sets them together in a movie, despite, or perhaps because of, their race, gender and sexuality – all things that would have killed their careers in real Hollywood. It’s a very pleasing show; the acting is great, from the keen Jack Castello moonlighting as an escort from the aforementioned gas station (it and its owner, Ernie West, are an absolute highlight), aspiring black actor Camille, Archie the black and gay screenwriter who finds himself in a relationship with Rock Hudson (also a delight, and terrible actor in a fantastic screentest montage), and the awesome double act of Hollywood execs Dick Samuels and Ellen Kincaid, plus the quite distressing sleazy and manipulative agent Henry, played with soiled glee by Jim Parsons. 
It’s really good fun, and a moving story – each success feels wonderful, and Hollywood getting behind this gang is immensely satisfying, as is the acceptance and coming out of various characters at all levels of the business. For me, it remained jarring however, for just how unreal the situation is compared to Hollywood of the ’50s – it never escaped its own unlikeliness. Most certainly worth a watch.
Doing: We Are What We Overcome – Live Specials
We’re continuing to livestream every other Monday on Facebook, this time on trying to be aware of our mental health states, as well as that of others. I feel like we’re getting better at this live babbling thing. It feels less awkward now. We’ll be streaming to Facebook next on Monday 1 June, and you can watch em all right here.
Reading: The Lock Artist by Steve Hamilton
I’ve been through another couple of weeks of struggling to read properly, or at least as quickly as I enjoy. After discarding half a dozen books less than one chapter in, I finally prised open my book cupboard and pulled out the first pretty thing I could find. It was this! A pleasing and sharply written story of a boy traumatised into silence by an event in his childhood (which is only fully revealed toward the end, and works very nicely),  a lad who discovers he has two talents, drawing and lock picking…  We’re given two main story threads to skip between: his life as the lock artist led by a series of pagers offering jobs that he responds to, and how he got into all this trouble in the first place. They’re both peculiarly endearing, and that’s partly down to the charming internal monologue which carries through all of his interactions, since he does indeed remain mute throughout. He’s funny, and sweet, enough of an outsider through his selective mutism to have a cynical eye, and yet through his silence other people just trust him. Including proper big bad criminal types. It all ends rather badly, but we’re told that from the beginning. His lengthy infatuation and distance romance via comic book pages that he and his sort-of girlfriend exchange is genuinely delightful. This is fast-paced and fun, with a harsh shade of real darkness in both his past and future.
Reading: Transformers vol. 1: The World in Your Eyes
This was a hard read for me. I’m a huge fan of IDW’s previous Transformers continuity, which ran for an extraordinary thirteen years (a feat that I don’t think any other Western comic series, still less one based on a toy line, has achieved), taking us from the brutal finale of the Autobot-Decepticon war through to peace time, with wonderful characters, alternating humour with dark political wranglings. This new reboot has quite a lot to live up to… 
We’re taken millions of years back to Cybertron pre-war, introducing us to the sights through the eyes of newly forged Rubble, who’s being shown round by Bumblebee. Of course, it’s the worst possible time to show a new kid round, as the tensions between the establishment and Megatron’s “Ascenticons” are just now bleeding over into violence. It’s a lovely Cybertron, one we’ve only glimpsed before in flashbacks (or, memorably, time travel), and it’s a thriving world with vast architecture, travel and commerce. A successful world, which for what feels like the first time, has organic alien races living alongside the Transformers. It’s sad to think it’ll all be ripped apart soon…
It’s a very pretty comic, but is incredibly slow moving, even for the first chapter introducing a rebooted world. I suspect I’m finding it hard going from the well-established characters of the last continuity to seeing them all reshuffled and now filling different roles. It’s a cool era to set the story in though, and I think it’s got promise.
Building: LEGO Ninjago 70736 Attack of the Morro Dragon
I love Ninjago’s dragons and the insane aesthics the range has pursued down the years, giving us both traditionalish ninjas and dragons, but also Mad Max dieselpunk, enormous mechs, and more recently Tron-style arcade stuff. Bonkers. Oh, and also the stunning Ninjago City builds and the even wilder designs from The LEGO Ninjago Movie.
This set’s a little older, and like most of the Ninjago line I only pick them up when they’re quite severely discounted. Obviously it was the glow in the dark colours that appealed to me most of all, and those lovely wings. It’s a satisfying assembly, with a mini temple build, sky bikes (or something, I don’t really follow the stories), a couple of ninjas and three more of these evil ninjas with transparent legs and heads. Oh, and two ghosts. I’ve already put them somewhere but it’s the dragon I was interested in.
This is actually a smaller set than I thought it was, and comes together very quickly indeed. Despite being larger, and having more pieces than Master Wu’s dragon (a fantastic LEGO set), it’s a shorter build all round. The construction is like many of the others, a combination of big crunchy joints and the little Mixels ones for legs, wings and tail. I always enjoy the design of the dragon head itself, which gives the beastie a lot of character. The chin horn is oddly satisfying! All the glow in the dark pieces give the dragon its lovely roiling curves, but leave it sadly inflexible. It’s a dragon I’d love to coil around a building, but that’s gonna take a severe re-engineering of its body. It’s rather striking, and I imagine this one will remain constructed for quite a while, at least until I want to plunder its glowing parts.
And just because I liked it…
Watching: Never Have I Ever 
We watched this in a single night… I’m always thrilled to stumble across shows with under half-hour episode lengths at present. This is a pretty straightforward US highschool outsider tale, from the somewhat unusual perspective of an Indian-American family. That’s a pretty familiar trope in UK TV, and was very welcome in the even-more-familiar US high school setting. I’m not sure that there’s anything exceptional here, but it’s warmly told, with a number of fun and occasionally over the top performances, all solidly conforming to our expectations of a high school drama. I had some trouble figuring out how old the characters were supposed to be as it’s the usual casting combo of girls who must be in their twenties, but look about 14, and guys who are plainly in their mid-thirties. No wonder kids are so confused these days etc. As usual it’s the vibe between the BFFs that makes this fun to watch, particularly drama-queen Ramona Wong (wonderfully and worryingly odd in the lamentably cancelled Santa Clarita Diet). As filled with diversity and coming out stories as you could hope for, this is plenty of fun, if not especially memorable. Oh yeah, and it’s narrated by John McEnroe. Yes, the tennis player. 
Doing: MissImp’s Virtual Improv Drop-In – “Specific and True” with Terje Brevick
Continuing our mission to bring you improv from everywhere, this week’s episode features Norwegian improviser, Terje Brevick, with fun games and a good reminder of the value of details and honesty in improv.
Last Week – a really busy week! Featuring another mental health livestream, books: The Lock Artist & Transformers vol 1, TV: Hollywood & Never Have I Ever, LEGO: Morro dragon and MORE. Sleep now please. #books #tv #lego #stuff https://wp.me/pbprdx-8EZ Another week, another near-sun tan. This week I’ve seen a friend in person (what the actual fuck?) and found a new direction for exercise.
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tamibruce121 · 5 years
Happy New Year From Bridal Musings!
Happy New Year, lovelies! Did you get engaged over the holidays? Or perhaps a midnight kiss and proposal last night? Is 2019 your wedding year?
Photo via Bridal Musings
We’re so excited to celebrate all the new wedding dress trends, creative ideas, engagement stories, real weddings, honeymoon destinations & all the new things happening in the wedding world in 2019.
What am I most excited for? Well admittedly, I’m on my honeymoon right now (don’t worry, I’m lounging by the pool in Thailand) celebrating our new life as a married couple. We’re traveling for a bit (a long bit) and I’m looking forward to hitting up all the best honeymoon weather, month by month, as we extend our ‘eternal summer’ as long as possible.
Claire Eliza & Christina Castello photographed by Corinne Graves
It’s also my best friend Christina’s wedding this year – hurray! And not only do Jack and I get to celebrate her nuptials, so do you all, as she’s a regular writer here on Bridal Musings. A bridal stylist & talented musician, I can’t wait to have her share all of her rock and roll wedding plans – I’m imagining a bohemian Stevie Nicks bride queen.
For now, you can read a few of her advice columns as you shop for your wedding dress like when & when not to bustle your dress, choosing a wedding dress for your astrological sign & why you should consider wearing color on your wedding day (wait until you see the gowns she’s selected!)
Photo by The McFarlands via Bridal Musings
We plan to share even more eco-friendly wedding tips, plenty of expert planning advice & I’ll be sharing my own wedding in Mexico very, very soon (you can read my Real Bride Diary from last year if you so please).
For now, I’ll let you get back to making your resolutions, celebrating the day with your love & maybe a little wedding planning? If you’re newly engaged, start here.
Photo by The McFarlands via Bridal Musings
If you’re new here be sure to give us a follow on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook or Twitter and feel free to shout out with any questions & ideas you may have for the coming year at Bridal Musings. Have a wedding or styled shoot to share with us? Find out how to submit your beautiful work here, we can’t wait to hear from you!
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Loving Jack
Jack Castello x reader
Synopsis: You meet Jack Castello while you both take classes at Ace studios. As you get to know him you fall in love with him. But he’s married, he can’t possibly love you back. So what happens when he arrives on your door step in the pouring rain with news that changes everything?
Word count: 2,534
Warnings: Talks of cheating, cross burning/KKK
A/n: I absolutely loved Hollywood and fell for Jack Castello. Sorry if this sucks, I just really wanted to write it. Also, as much I love Claire, she isn’t in this. SPOILERS FOR THE ENTIRE SEASON. I also made a shitty dreamland reference, whoops. I know the title is bad, but I had no idea what to name it.
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His soft delectable lips were pushing hard on yours, his tongue roughly parting them so he could get a better taste of you. Reaching up, you card your fingers through his dark mussed hair, pulling hard on the ends. The action elicits a soft groan from him, spurring you on. You lightly suck on his tongue, his grip on your hips tightens, no doubt leaving bruises in their wake. You gasp as he pulls his mouth away with a loud pop, his lips make their descent towards your neck, but they never land. Instead, a knock wakes you from your dreamland. 
You let out a long drawn out sigh as you push yourself from your bed, who could possibly be bothering you this late at night? You grab your dressing gown, the cool silk a nice contrast to your overheated body. You tie the robe nice and tight, and turn on the lights as you walk through the house. You throw the front door open to yell at the person bothering you, but the words die in your throat at the view. 
Standing on your front porch is Jack Castello, a very drenched one at that. His eyes are red and puffy, tears still falling, mixing with the rain that has him soaking to the bone. Your heart breaks at the sight, who would do this to him? 
“Can I come in?” his low voice breaks at the end. You can see that he’s trying to stay strong, trying not to show the full extent of his pain. 
“Of course!” you grab his hand and gently pull him in when he doesn’t move right away. “I’ll go make us some coffee! Take off your coat, or you’ll catch a cold,” you call as you make your way to the kitchen of your modest home. 
You have been a contract player at Ace pictures for years, never making your big break. But now, now you finally get a supporting part, all of your hard work has finally paid off.  You got the role as Meg’s best friend, quite fitting since you became best friends with Camille since meeting her in one the acting classes. 
Ace pictures is also how you met the man standing in your living room, leaving a puddle on the carpet beneath him. The moment you saw Jack you were attracted to him, but the moment he spoke to you with those big eyes full of wonder, your heart became his. Your heart didn’t care that he was married and had twins on the way, all it cared about was the way his whole face lit up when he smiled, or how every time you ran lines with him he would compliment you and tell you how amazing and talented you are. 
You never acted on those feelings, of course. You would never steal another woman’s man, it’s wrong- immoral. A surprising and naive view to have in this town. It didn’t matter how much it hurts, watching him fiddle with his wedding ring every day, wishing you were the one he’d go home to every night and kiss goodnight. It didn’t matter how you felt, not even after he admitted to you in a drunken stupor one night after running lines that he didn’t actually love his wife. None of that mattered, not the heartbreak or the loveless marriage, you would not be the reason he started cheating on his wife again. And, you valued yourself more than that. You would never be the other woman. 
While you’re off in your thoughts, you don’t hear Jack enter the kitchen behind you. He shifts a little behind you, causing his worn out chuck taylors to squeak on the linoleum flooring. Neither of you say anything, neither of you know what to say. Your friendship had never been awkward with Jack, and yet the uncomfortable tension in the room is suffocating. You turn to look at Jack as the coffee starts to drip slowly into the pot behind you. 
Jack took his coat off like you told him to, leaving him in a tight white wife beater, the rain causing it to cling tighter to each rippling muscle. The wife beater is tucked into his wet black slacks, wrapping gorgeously around his thighs, highlighting just how strong he is. Last but not least, his silver cross hangs over his heart, the metal chain sticking to his wet skin as well. There was no denying that Jack Castello would be the newest heartthrob when Meg comes out. 
“If I had clothes that would fit you,” you break the silence, grabbing his jacket from his arms and draping it over the back of one of your chairs. “I would throw your clothes in the dryer for you.”
“I’m gettin’ a divorce,” he finally says why he’s at your house in the middle of the night, flopping into the chair his coat is hanging off of. The distraught look on his face makes you not care that his wet trousers are going to ruin your wooden seat. “The babies, they ain’t mine. The guy she worked with, the one I didn’t trust, they’re his.”
“Oh sweetheart,” you push off the counter you’re leaning on and drop to your knees in front of him. You reach up, grabbing his hands that are limp in his lap, gently running your thumbs over the back of his cold hands. 
He may not have been in love with her, but he would always care for Henrietta. And then it hits you, she cheated first. He confided in you about the gas station at the beginning of your friendship, said he only did it to support his wife and twins. He had told you about how angry she had gotten when she found out he was cheating, the nerve!
“She thought I would figure it out, thought I would realize there was no way they could be mine. She said I made her feel terrible. Am I a bad person?”
“No, honey,” you let go of his hands and instinctively grab his face, gently moving his head so he’s looking you in the eyes. “You could never be a bad person. You two just didn’t work, you both want different things. Jack, you're the most amazing person I have ever met, you're so kind and caring. You’re amazing Jack Castello.”
He closes his eyes and leans into your right hand, and you want to cry. His skin is cold and damp under your touch, a new set of tears bubble to the surface and spill onto your hands. You stand from your kneeling position and sit in the seat beside him, and before you can hug him, he stands and pulls you tightly to him. Your flush against him, he smells of rain and cigarettes, and the way his strong arms wrap around your waist is all you can focus on. You can’t bring yourself to care that your silk robe is now soaked in the front, you just want to make him feel better. Ignoring both parties wet garments, the two of you sip nice hot coffee and talk for hours. 
After some arguing, he insists that he can’t take your bed from you, so you give him your comfiest blanket and best pillow so he can get a good night's sleep on the couch. You're finally drifting off for the second time that night when you smell smoke, but your dream induced mind twists it into a barbeque at Ace studios. You’re grabbing some food and joking with Jack as the smell gets stronger, smoke wafting through your open windows. Jack runs into your bedroom, clad only in his underwear that reveal just how generous his package is, frantically trying to wake you up. 
“(Y/N),” he shakes you nervously.
“Hmm?” you groan out, rolling to the side and away from his loud voice. 
“There’s a fire!” you jolt up at the words, fully awake now. Ignoring the delicious sight of an almost naked Jack in your bedroom, you run to the front of your house, not caring about grabbing your robe this time. 
Your blood runs cold at the sight in front of you, gasping, you back away from the window. Right there in your front yard is a burning cross, you continue backing up until you bump into Jack’s warm chest. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around your front and pulls you tighter into him. Letting out a sob, you turn in his arms, burying your face in his bare chest. It’s a warning, your life is in danger. And for what? Because people didn’t believe in progress and equality? For being a part of a picture that deserves to be made, a picture with a fantastic script and an even better message.
“Put your clothes on,” you push him away as the wailing of sirens grows near. You quickly grab your robe and throw it on before walking out to meet the firefighters and police. 
At the studio the next day Jack won’t let you out of his sight. And you don’t know who it’s for, you or him. Not caring what people will say or think, Jack demands that he stay with you for the next few months. Just until all of the hatred and protests die down. He doesn’t think the security the studio is supplying will be enough, he doesn’t like the thought of you being the only one in the targeted group alone. 
And for the next few months you grow closer to Jack, creating a false domestication. You’ll wake up and cook him breakfast, and he’ll fix anything that isn’t working properly. With each passing day you lose more and more of your heart to the aspiring actor, and what you have left continues to crack. He could never love you, he would never see you that way. 
Before you know it, security isn’t necessary, and Jack goes back to his apartment. Henrietta gives birth to the twins and moves to Indiana. The divorce is finalized, and you’re back to living your hollow empty life again. Yeah, you have a job you love. But what's success with no one to share it with? You miss walking to the kitchen every morning and making breakfast for two, waking Jack up and finding the little bit of drool dripping onto the pillow. Your house feels empty, you feel empty. Was this what Peg felt like when she decided she wanted to end it all?
You try to distance yourself from Jack, hoping that with less time spent with him the pieces of your heart would return and repair themselves. But your actions only cause more pain, yours and Jack’s. Archie’s on your case, complaining to you that Jack is always whining that you’re ignoring him. Camille is trying to figure out what happened, wanting to know why in between takes you always seem so sad now. You’ve gotten good at avoiding Jack, knowing when not to get food because you two used to go together, and which route out of the studio to take. 
Until one day you arrive home after a long day to Jack sitting on your doorstep. He has his head in his hands, messing up his slicked back hair. He’s wearing his black slacks and a short sleeve white button up, the picture of handsome. Your heart starts to race, and you aren’t sure if it’s out of fear or desire. 
“Jack, what are you doing here?” your voice is softer than you anticipated it would be, his head snaps up to look at you when you start talking.
“Do you hate me?” his blue eyes full of pain and confusion instead of their typical optimism and wonder. He lurches forward, kneeling in front of you and gripping the bottom of your skirt tightly. “Let me fix whatever I did, please.”
“Stand up,” you talk through your teeth, keenly aware of the looks you're getting from your nosy neighbors. “We’ll talk about this inside.”
He flashes you his megawatt smile, causing your heart to stutter. He jumps to his feet and watches you closely as you unlock the door. As soon as the door is open, he has his large warm hand on the small of your back, guiding you inside and away from the prying eyes and ears. You take a few steps before turning to face him, jumping when you see that he’s practically on top of you still. 
“What did I do?” his voice cracks, much like the first night he showed up on your doorstep. 
“N-nothing,” you stutter, backing up to put space between you. You don’t trust yourself not to just throw your arms around him and give him a big smooch. 
“Then why are you avoiding me?” your heart starts to break at how crushed he looks, and the weight of the pain you’ve caused the both of you comes crashing down. 
“I love you,” the words come out in a breathless rush. You can’t look him in the eye, you can’t see that he doesn’t feel the same, so you stare at the ground. 
“I love you too,” he says it like it's the most obvious statement in the world.
“No Jack, I’m in love with you,” it’s your turn to have a voice crack. You hear his step forward, his dirt stained white converse appear in your view. His warm hand gently caresses your cheek, causing you to melt into it without a second thought. He gently tips your head back so you’re staring into those gorgeous pools of blue. 
“I’m in love with you too,” he admits, more confident and sure of himself than ever before. “I think I have been since I met you.”
A tear trickles down your cheek at his confession, his thumb quickly wipes it away. His lips make their descent on yours for the first time in real life, your heart beats fast and hard against your rib cage. Until it stutters to a brief stop when his soft, warm, lips land on yours. His hands move to hold onto your waist, and yours quickly tangle themselves in his hair. 
Your action spurs him on, he gets up enough courage to run his tongue across your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You deny him at first, teasing him until he splits your lips apart on his own. You sigh as his tongue invades your mouth, the taste of tobacco and the feel of him exploring your mouth is all you can concentrate on. Your knees go weak at this new and amazing feeling, luckily his strong arms keep you standing. You, regretfully, pull back when the burning in your lungs becomes too much. 
He’s grinning at you like a madman, placing kisses all over your face; your forehead, your left cheek, the tip of your nose, your right cheek, your chin. You can’t help but laugh at his silly antics, you love this man more than you ever thought humanly possible. 
“I love ya, (Y/N/N),” he leans his forehead on yours. 
“I love you too,” you bridge the gap, and kiss him once more.
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
People who took an interest in me writing this: @elleclairez​ @antoouu​
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writeroutoftime · 4 years
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pairing: jack castello x reader (requested by: anon) 
summary: when one day you meet the charming jack castello, you never thought your relationship would be anything more than business, but as this dreamer slowly starts to break down your walls, you find yourself falling hard adn fast. though at what cost? 
warnings: ANGST, infidelity? (I mean the it’s Dreamland, like from the show)
words: 2.7k 
a/n: this was requested MONTHS ago, and I am so sorry, anon. also, I’m not sure if this is what you had in mind because the request only said “they meet in dreamland,” and this is where my mind went. but, I’ve spent a lot of time on this story, and I’m very proud of it. I know that hollywood and jack castello doesn’t get a lot of attention, but if you’re reading this, I truly hope you enjoy it! 
The warm air hit your face as you drove through the streets of Hollywood, only slowing to pull into the Golden Tip gas station as you stopped in front of extremely attractive attendant. “Take me to Dreamland?” you purred, pulling your sunglasses down.
“S-sure thing, miss.” he stuttered. There was a moment of hesitation in his eyes as he looked back towards Ernie, then, after a silent conversation, hopped into your car.
As soon as he sat down, you moved your glasses up once more and pulled out of the station, back onto the busy road. It was by no means your first time going to Dreamland, in fact, you had been a loyal customer at the Golden Tip for years. The entire drive to the hotel, you noticed the man next to you bouncing his leg up and down. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the sun reflect off his wedding band, and you sighed internally. Of course, you knew that many attendants at the Golden Tip were married, but you didn’t want to coach this rookie through his first act of infidelity.  
Once in your hotel room, the man hadn’t seemed to have calmed down at all. “So, what’s your name, stud?” you asked with a smile as you threw your purse on the dresser and began to get comfortable in the room.
“Jack.” he answered, clipped and a little shaky.
By that point you had moved to the bed and tossed your shoes to the side. “Well, Jack, I’m y/n, and you don’t gotta be so nervous around me. I don’t bite, you know.” you teased.
“Oh, I know.” he said as he wrung his hat nervously between his hands. Then, he set the hat down and took a step towards you until he stood over you seated on the bed. He leaned down and kissed you, but there was hesitancy and an air of awkwardness as he did so. It wasn’t that Jack was a bad kisser, but you could tell it felt obligatory on his part.
Breaking the kiss, you placed your hands on his chest. “Jack, it’s alright.” you told him gently. “First day working for Ernie?”
“That obvious?” he asked, hand running across his face.
“A little.” you admitted but rushed to added on. “But that’s good. Means this damn town hasn’t taken your morals yet.” you told him, your tone becoming cold and harsh at the end.  
“What do you mean?”
There was a moment of hesitancy as you tried to think of the best way to express your thoughts. “Well, you’re still wearing your wedding band, so obviously you have some sense of responsibility, and you’re just trying to make ends meet however you can. Wanna tell me about her?”
His eyes shot open in surprise and he looked like he didn’t know how to respond. “Uh….”
“Alright, maybe that wasn’t my best idea.” you chuckled, then an idea popped in your head. “How ‘bout this, Jack? We just talk. I’ll still pay you for your time, but I don’t want you being uncomfortable. Oh, and we’ll say that our relationships are off the table.” you explained and stood up to grab your cigarettes before you sat back down and draped your legs over the nearby chair. “So, what brings you to Hollywood?”
“Well, I-I wanna be a movie star.” Jack said and sat down, already beginning to feel less uncomfortable.
“A movie star?” you asked, intrigued. “Would I have seen you in anything recently?”
“No, not yet. But I’m trying to get my break and become a contract actor at Ace Pictures.” he explained and accepted your offer of a cigarette.
“Well isn’t that something. I can see it, you know.” you said before you took a drag of your own cigarette with a thoughtful look. “Your name, up in lights on that big screen. You’re gonna make it big in this town. Just don’t forget yourself.” you warned – and that wasn’t a lie. You had been in the town long enough to know that Jack had the charm, looks, and charisma to make it big, but at what cost?
Jack studied you before he spoke. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Well, what did you mean earlier when you said this town hasn’t taken my morals yet?” he questioned, blue eyes scrunched in confusion.
For the briefest moment, you closed your eyes to choose your words carefully before you spoke. “You know how it is. People come out to Hollywood with only a dream and the clothes on their back, they sell their soul to get their shot, and if it fails, they’re kicked to the curb like yesterday’s trash.” you explained with a wave of your hand.
“And are you speaking from personal experience?” he egged.
“I thought we agreed not to talk about our relationships.” you reminded him with narrowed eyes and a teasing smile. “Now I may not be the biggest fan of this town, but I do love a good movie. So, what’s your favorite?”
The next few hours passed as conversation flowed easily between you and Jack, and the darkening sky told you that you had stayed at the hotel longer that you originally planned. Somewhat reluctantly, you drove Jack back to the Golden Tip and handed him the cash as he stepped out of the car.
“Thanks for the chat. See you around, movie star.” you said, and threw him a wink before you drove away.
The next time you pulled into the Golden Tip, you made sure that Jack was the one to take you to Dreamland. He already seemed less nervous, and once more, the two of you spent the whole time lost in conversation. There was something about Jack that was just so intoxicating. From the way he spoke, you could clearly tell how passionate he was and how he still saw the good the world had to offer. 
There was an even deeper sense of connection when Jack stopped accepting your money. This was, of course, ridiculous in your eyes, and you still found a way for Ernie to slip him the cash each week. Not because that’s all you saw him as, but because you knew Jack was trying to make ends meet. But despite the voluntary lack of payment, Jack would drop everything each time he watched your car pull in. It didn’t take long for the other attendants to understand that when your car pulled up, Jack would be the only one to greet you.
It was a little longer than a month when Jack finally took the initiative to kiss you again. It was unexpected, but heated and passionate. However, you quickly pulled away and rested your hand on your chest as you panted to catch your breath. “Are you sure you want to do this, Jack?” you questioned, wanting him to know that it wasn’t anything you expected.
“I’m finally taking you to Dreamland.” Jack breathed, huskily, and kissed you once more.
Clothes flew to the floor and you were enthralled by the passion and the ecstasy that Jack brought you. Afterwards, the two of you laid side by side under a thin sheet, and you couldn’t help the way your finger traced patterns over Jack’s chest. Although every nerve in your body was telling you not to, you couldn’t help the way your heart had started to soften for Jack. It was a dangerous situation to get yourself into, but love was a risk all in of itself. You and Jack stayed at the hotel later than you normally did, and even once you had dropped Jack back off at the Golden Tip station, you couldn’t get him out of your head.
Of course, it had been his brown hair and dazzling, blue eyes that you had first been attracted to, but it was the story behind his smile and his refreshing optimism that had that drew you in and trapped your heart when you were completely unaware. Even the way he spoke of his passions for film began to soften you heart and thoughts on Hollywood, something you never thought would be possible. He gave you a sense of security, in which you felt yourself begin to lower the walls you had built around your heart years ago. For the first time in a long time, you showed Jack who you really were, and not your paper-thin, Hollywood creation.
Each time Jack took you to Dreamland over the next few weeks, you promised yourself it would be the last – but it never was. He was intoxicating, and even though you knew he had a wife, you dangerously let yourself imagine a world where the two of you could be together. Not only did the fact that he had a wife make you say that you were crazy, but you had vowed long ago that you wouldn’t let yourself fall in love again. However, there was little you could do and each time you saw him, you had to stop yourself from laying all your feelings out on the table. 
“So, what drew you to Hollywood, y/n?” Jack finally whispered, after one of your escapes to Dreamland, looking down at you laying on his chest, not wanting to scare you off.
At his question, your heart began to beat a little faster as the memories came rushing in. Normally, you would brush the question off and turn the conversation on the other person, but Jack made you feel safe, and you wanted to get this burden off your chest. “What brings any young, naïve girl to Hollywood, a man.” you began, and Jack sat up, with you still in his arms, to give you his full attention. “We meet in my small town and he charmed me with the glamour of his clothes and his fairytale life. He told me how talented I was and how beautiful I’d look up on the silver screen.
“Well, fast forward to me leaving my family behind, giving him most of my money to make the move out here, and then the bastard left me shortly after a string of failed auditions.”
There was an uncomfortable silence as Jack processed your words and felt fury towards the man who had abused your trust. “But everything happens for a reason, right?” you told him and placed a kiss to his bare skin. “Then I picked myself back up, opened my shop, and now I’m doing better than I would have if he had stuck around. Besides,” you added. “I’m not meant to be up on that big screen.”
“I think you’d look beautiful up there.” Jack told you and you hid your head in his chest, though your heart soared, and you savored the warmth Jack offered you.
In that moment, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and imagine a life that you and Jack could live. Happier and together, and in a world where nothing would ever be able to hurt you again. 
One afternoon you pulled in front of the Golden Tip, a flirty comment ready on your lips, until you realized there was a blonde attendant at your car, and not your Jack. Eyes furrowed in confusion, you feigned a smile at the man in front of you and asked to talk to Ernie. Of course, you knew Jack must have had other customers, but he always made sure he was available when you showed up.
“Didn’t the kid tell you?” Ernie asked, cigar in between his fingers.
Slowly, you shook your head, gripping the wheel tighter, nervous for what was to come out of Ernie’s mouth next. “No, I haven’t heard from or seen Jack in a while.” Things had picked up quite a bit at your shop and it was hard to find time to sneak away during the day.
“Well, he got a part in one of Ace Pictures upcoming movies. Meg, I think it is.” Ernie told you with a big grin on his face. “Can you believe it? Our Jack out there in the big leagues! Course that means he had to quit, but I don’t blame him.”
Ernie’s words faded away as you processed everything, and struggled to keep the tears at bay. While you were so proud and excited for Jack, you couldn’t help but feel let down once more, and in Dreamland this time no less`. Even after everything that happened, you were foolish enough to believe the pretty words Jack had whispered to you between the sheets and allowed him access to your heart. 
Suddenly, Ernie stopped talking as he took in your blank expression and felt his own heart ache for you. “Aw, doll, I’m sorry.” he whispered, not needing the confirm what he suspected, it was easy enough to tell. “I’m sure Jack’ll be back around soon. You know what? I’ll call him and tell him to-“
“No, Ernie.” you snapped, then wiped your eyes and looked up the man who had watched you go through a similar thing all those years ago when you first moved to Hollywood. “I’m so happy for Jack, truly. Besides, I’m sure he’s got so much on his mind, I don’t want him to worry about little old me.” you said and tried to chuckle, though it sounded more like a choked back sob.
“Don’t say that. I know that he cared for you.” Ernie rushed to say, but you didn’t want his pity. 
“I’ll be fine Ernie. Thank you though.” you said and kissed his cheek, wanting to get out of there as quickly as you could.
Time passed and you slowly began to heal, just like you had the first time. Once more, you rebuilt the walls around your heart – this time twice as strong. It was hard most days to think about Jack and everything you imagined the two of you could have been. Of course, you also found yourself chiding yourself for being so irrational. Who falls in love with a married man that was just sleeping with you until he got his big break?
‘No,’ you thought. ‘Jack was different. Maybe he just got busy with the movie.’ You often told yourself to feel better. There had been a lot of press (both good and bad) around Jack’s upcoming movie, and rumors swirled that he and his co-star Claire Wood had been seen getting cozy. For whatever reason, you could never find it in your heart to truly be mad at Jack. Besides, how could you compare to the lure of a contract with Ace Pictures? 
Eventually, the pain faded to a dull throb until most days you didn’t even notice.
It wasn’t until a few months later that the thought of Jack crossed your mind once more. It had happened on a late, evening weeknight as you drove around downtown, looking for something to do, when you eventually stumbled across a movie theater still playing shows. Without even looking at what the movie was, you bought your ticket and sat down in the nearly empty, darkened theater.
The moment the credits began to roll on screen you felt your heart stop. There, up on the silver screen, just like you had told him all those months ago, was Jack Castello.
The movie unfolded and you found yourself entranced by his performance. Everything you had thought about him when you met him was true – he was bold, charismatic, and meant to be up on the silver screen. The end of the movie brought you to tears, and not just because of the scene. As you watched Jack’s character passionately kiss his co-star, all the feelings you had for Jack came rushing back and you had to leave the theater to let out your sobs.
All the times the two of you had spent in each other’s arms felt like little needles that pierced your skin. The secret kisses and giggles as you checked into a new hotel room under a different alias each time. The thrill of being with Jack, and the contentment your heart felt afterwards as he protected you with his embrace. For those few hours, you always believed you had belonged to him, and he to you. 
Thinking back on it all, you felt as foolish as a schoolgirl. Had you really expected you and Jack to run off into the sunset for your very own Hollywood style happily ever after? This town had a way to make situations seem shiny and new, when it reality, it would all eventually reveal itself to be a mirage. It seemed as though your time had come sooner than you expected, and for once, you felt at peace with your fate. 
With one, final look up at the marquis, you felt a watery smile tug at your lips. “You did good, movie star.” you whispered before driving off into the warm, Hollywood night.  
tagging: @quilledcheese​, @theliterarymess​, @nonotespepperwood​, @lauren-lopez-blasting-off​, @dylanxobriannn (based on my post a few weeks ago)
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Your usual?
Pairing: Jack Castello x reader
Synopsis: (Y/N) is a waitress at a diner down the street from Ace studios. Many aspiring actors and actresses end up there each day after being rejected. But she becomes friends with one of her regulars, Jack Castello. She falls in love with him over many cups of coffee, but will he love her back, especially since she’s only a waitress?
Word count: 2,232
Warnings: (Y/N)’s parents and best friend are assholes. Like one swear word I think. A slight sexual innuendo. 
A/n: I didn’t expect so many of you guys to like my last Jack fic! Thank you guys so much for the support, it means the world to me. Truthfully, I have a love hate with this fic, but I hope you guys like it more than I do lmao.  Obviously this spoils the plot of the show.
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You worked in a little diner down the street from Ace studios, it was made from the body of an old metro dining car. Respectively named crossroads diner, you had to wonder if there was a double meaning. Alex, the owner, swears that it's named after railroad crossings; but it made you think about the whispers about men and women selling their souls to make it big here in Hollywoodland. You didn’t dwell on the name too much, it paid good money and you got good tips. So every day you wake up and put on your uniform: a blue collared dress, sensible black heels, and a little white apron.
You get a rush of customers right after noon everyday, dejected men and women in their late twenties and early thirties fill the diner. You had lots of regulars, aspiring actors and actresses coming to eat their sorrows away and drown in bottomless coffee when they don’t get picked to be a walk on. But by far, your favorite regular was Jack Castello. He always ordered a cup of coffee- black, and a cheeseburger with a side of fries. 
Jack Castello the owner of the biggest most beautiful blue eyes to ever exist. He’s so bright eyed and bushy tailed that you envy him, the joy the smallest things in this town can spark. Even though you aren’t supposed to, it's bad for business and your tips, you always find time to steal away and talk to him when he stops in. If he flashed you those blue puppy dog eyes, you swear you’d do whatever the man asked you to.
It had been months since Jack had last come in, every day you would watch the door and hope he would enter. But he never did, you wondered how he was, what he was up to these days. So when the bell jingled alerting you that another customer had entered the diner, you didn’t even bother to hope. Your coworker's infant was sick so you picked up her shift for her, so you had been on your feet for close to twelve hours now, you just wanted every customer to leave. But then you looked up and saw those bright blue eyes, and could quite literally feel your spirits rise as you smiled at Jack. 
“Well look who finally came back to visit me,” you grin, leaning on the counter that stood between you two. He had brought a friend with him tonight, who was smiling at the interaction between you and Jack. They took seats at the bar top, Jack didn’t bother to pick up one of the menus. 
“It’s been a while,” he gave you a soft smile, as you grabbed the fresh pot of coffee from behind you to pour him a cup. He just grins at you for a minute before his friend clears his throat, causing Jack to turn and smile at the man. “This is my buddy, Archie.”
“Pleasure to meet you sweetheart,” you smile politely as you shake the man's hand. “What can I get you tonight?” you lean across the counter pulling out your notepad for his order. 
“I’ll have a coffee too,” he glances at Jack who is already halfway done with his cup. You laugh, grabbing another cup for Archie before topping Jack’s off. “But other than that I’m not sure, Whatcha’ getting Jack?”
“Probably his usual, an american sizzler with a side of  hot chips?” he grins and nods at you, those big blue eyes practically glowing in excitement that you remembered what he likes. 
“It’s a cheeseburger and fries,” Jack clarifies, even though Archie had already known. You hide a smile of amusement behind your own cup of coffee as Archie gives you a look that screams are you kidding me. 
“I’ll take the same,” he says before smiling at you. 
“Great, that should be up shortly,” you grin at both men. You quickly take the note to the chef, before filling other patrons drinks. 
You don't get back over to Archie and Jack until their food is done, much to your disappointment. Luckily, most of the other customers had left so you could stay and chat with them. Jack explains, between large bites, that he became a contract player at Ace studios and that’s why he hadn’t come in in weeks. 
“Wow sugar!” you grin so wide that it hurts your face, ignoring the fact that he left a few months out of his explanation. “That’s fantastic! Something tells me you’re gonna make it big!” 
“Archie sold a script and I’m auditioning for the lead!” he practically bounces in his seat, and one glance at the silver ring on his finger reminds you that you have to ignore the way your heart flutters. 
“That's amazing! Both of you!” you turn to look at Archie now. “So what’s the script?”
“It’s about Peg Entwistle,” his face lights up as he talks, making it obvious that he truly loves writing. “The British woman who jumped off the hollywoodland sign after she got cut from the movie she was in.”
“Oh wow, that sounds interesting,” you give Archie a sad smile. “Sad, but interesting. About being an outsider,” it comes out as more of a statement than a question.
“Yeah,” Archie nods. “So tell me, (Y/N), what brought you to Hollywoodland?”
“Well, I was doing community theater with my friend back home when a talent scout approached us,” you admit for the first time, lifting a weight you didn’t know you had, off your shoulders. “He wanted the two of us to come out here, audition for pictures together. He said we had great chemistry, and liked our banter.” 
“You never told me this,” there's sadness in Jack’s eyes and you can’t figure out why, it’s not something you go around telling people.
“You two are the first people I’ve told,” you try to reassure him. “Anyway, my parents didn’t want me coming out here, they said that I would never make it. I had saved up enough money to buy a one way ticket, and had enough left over for my friend and I to split rent for a few months. My parents parting words to me were not to crawl back to them when I got rejected.”
“What happened?” Jack is leaning forward, completely invested in your story. You blink back tears at the horrid memories of the fight with your parents, and then your friend abandoning you. 
“My parents were right. I wasn’t good enough for this town, sugar. My friend is a contract player now, she’s getting pretty famous too. The moment she knew she was good, the moment people started to treat her differently because she became this larger than life character the studio made her out to be, was the moment she started treating me like shit and left me. So now I’m a lonely struggling waitress, that’s the reality of this town.”
“I’m so sorry,” Archie’s voice drips with sympathy and empathy. 
“Thanks,” you smile, but it comes out as more of a grimace. 
“You should audition for Peg!” Jack practically shouts. 
“Oh no, my acting days are way behind me,” he seems to deflate at your words. “Anyway, slice of apple pie?” you gesture behind you to the last two pieces of pie left on the serving platter. 
“You know me so well,” Jack beams at you, blue eyes round and happy again. Making your heart flutter yet again. 
“Well I have to, gotta keep my favorite customer coming back,” your smile and tone are borderline flirtatious, and so is the way you lean across the bar top to get closer to him. 
Jack gulps as his eyes flick down to your lips, acutely aware of how close to two of you actually are. Archie smirks into his almost empty coffee mug, trying not to laugh at Jack’s reaction to you. Before Jack can lean forward and close the distance between you, something he was talking himself into doing, you pull away and grab the last two slices of pie for the men. 
You run to the kitchen to grab the bowl of homemade whipped cream, just because they put it in cans now didn’t mean the diner used them. There was no way they would taste as good. You put a giant dollop on Jack’s slice, knowing how much he loves the rich topping. You offer Archie some, giving him a dollop about the same size as his friends. There was a spoonful left in the bowl, quickly checking to make sure your boss and the cook weren’t around, you devour it. You look Jack directly in the eyes as you slowly lick the fluffy cream from the spoon. He chokes on his pie and goes red in the face as he watches you. This time Archie can’t hold back his laugh. 
“You okay sugar?” you feign innocence.
It had been months since that night in the diner. Jack hasn't come in since. You read in the paper that he was cast as the love interest in the movie, now entitled Meg and following an African American woman. “Good for him,” you murmur to yourself, happy that someone with so much talent and passion got the role. That Jack got it.
“Good afternoon (Y/N),” Archie’s grabs your attention from the counter you had been cleaning.
“Hey sweetheart,” your heart falls a little when you see that the tall dark haired man next to him isn’t Jack. This man is larger, has broader shoulders, seems like he’s all brawn. “Who’s this?”
“This is Rock,” you watch the way Archie’s hand caresses Rock’s shoulder after he gave it a pat during the introduction. “He’s an actor.”
“Nice to meet ya,” you smile at how flustered the larger man gets when you lean in close to him. “What can I get you both?”
“Two of Jack’s usual,” Archie answers, Rock just sits there, still flustered. 
“Comin’ right up,” you pour them coffee and head off with their order. 
“He’s getting a divorce,” Archie tells you as you set their food down.
“Huh?” you ask, trying to get the hope bubbling in your gut to simmer down. 
“Jack and his wife, she was cheating on him,” you gasp at the news. 
“Is he okay?” your brow creases in concern.
“Yeah, he’s hurting, but he’ll be okay,” Archie sounds so sure of himself. “He wasn’t in love with her anymore, don’t think he ever was.” 
“Give him my best,” you smile sadly. “And I hope your romantic endeavors fare better than Jacks,” you give Archie a knowing look, winking at the writer.  
More months pass without Jack or Archie stopping in. You read in the papers that there's a romance blossoming between Jack and up and comer Claire Woods. You held back tears, you never would have worked anyway. You were just a waitress, Jack was always going to end up with someone better, someone as talented as him. 
Bing Crosby’s silky smooth voice plays from the jukebox in the back corner, filling the entire diner with his words. It was early yet, the rush from the studio hasn’t come in yet. The bell jingles, you go to welcome the customer when your eyes meet familiar blue ones. 
“Jack?” you ask softly, shocked that he’s there. You quickly pour a cup of coffee for him, it’s sitting on the counter before he gets to his seat. “Your usual?”
“Not today,” you look up from your pad, shocked by his words. “I’m here for a date.”
“When will she get here?” you put on a fake smile, hopefully masking your hurt. 
“I don’t have a date, I need one,” he says confidently. “For Meg’s premiere.” 
“What about someone from the movie?” you ask, wondering why he came to talk to you about this. 
“No, no one from Meg,” nervousness swims in those deep pools of blue. “So will you go with me?”
“Me?” you ask, accidentally dropping your pad of paper. 
“Yeah you,” he gives you a dopey smile. “I really like you (Y/N), and I want you to be my date.”
“But-” your mouth opens and closes like a fish. “I-I thought you were with Claire, that’s what the paper said.”
“Claire is my friend,” Jack hops onto the counter and slides over to the inside, so he’s standing directly in front of you. His hand comes up to caress your cheek, you can’t help but lean into his large warm palm. “I only have eyes for you.”
“I like you too, Jack,” he leans down, finally capturing your lips with his. The rest of the world fades away, all you can focus on is how soft and plump his lips are. After months and months of pining, you finally got to kiss him!
“So you’ll go with me?” he asks between more kisses. 
“Of course!” you pull him back to you by the collar of his shirt. 
“You have to audition for my next picture,” Jack's blue eyes are loving and sincere. 
“I’ll think about it.” 
“Now that I have my date,” the pad of his thumb soft and soothing as it slides over your cheekbone. “I’m kinda hungry.”
“I’ll get you your usual, sugar,” you peck his lips one last time before shooing him back to the other side of the counter.
forever tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
people who were interested in me writing for Jack: @elleclairez​ @antoouu​ @dianaothemyscira​  @senethmamandi​ @daughterofthesunanditsangels​ @writeroutoftime​
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writeroutoftime · 4 years
Alright, as I’m making progress through my WIPs, I am very close to being done with a Jack Castello story that was requested FOREVER ago! But I’m super excited for this story!!
Is anyone even still interested in reading a Jack Castello x Reader? Would anyone like to be tagged? (It should be posted Wednesday or Thursday!)
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writeroutoftime · 4 years
Okay so...
Since I 100% LOVED Netflix’s Hollywood, and especially Jack Castello, I’m going to start writing for him!! So if you have ANY requests for Jack, please send them in and I’ll be happy to add them to my list!! 💛
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d-criss-news · 4 years
Ryan Murphy is rewriting history with a little help from his friends. Netflix’s Hollywood imagines a post–World War II Tinseltown in which systemic racism, gender bias and homophobia don’t exist — and puts on a flashy show at the same time! “The 1940s are just so ripe with their own mythology,” star Darren Criss, who also executive produces, exclusively says in the latest issue of Us Weekly. “A period so deliriously enchanting as the ’40s had this murky underbelly that we really wanted to explore.”
Criss, who won a Golden Globe for his role in Murphy’s The Assassination of Gianni Versace, plays idealistic director Raymond Ainsley, who has many similarities to the show’s creator.
“He’s an idealistic visionary director who wants to use film as a medium of social justice,” the Glee alum, 33, shares. “He’s an advocate for historically marginalized people, exactly what Ryan Murphy has been doing his entire career. He doesn’t see the world how it is, but he wants to show the world how it can be, you know that’s that’s littered all throughout the fabric of Ryan Murphy’s work. That’s the thread that needles the tapestry together.”
David Corenswet, who previously appeared in Murphy’s The Politician and stars as leading man Jack Castello, credits Murphy’s direction for the perfect end product: “[He lets] the actors do their crazy, brilliant thing [just as long as] that central moment, the turn of the scene, is clear and meaningful.”
Per usual, Murphy and producers Ian Brennan and Janet Mock have assembled a star-studded cast, including Dylan McDermott, Jeremy Pope, Holland Taylor, Laura Harrier, Samara Weaving, Jim Parsons and Patti LuPone — or “Patti f–king LuPone,” as Criss refers to her: “I was starstruck! It was so exciting for me!”
Not only does the show work in 2020, it works in the quarantined living quarters America is currently dealing with.
“In the ‘40s, people looked to the movies as a place to escape the sort of invisible enemy — whether it was your boys going off to was or something else,” Criss explains. “There was fear and uncertainty against this invisible enemy outside of your house, very much like today. We’re watching the show about escapism that is an escape from an invisible enemy outside. It’s just a strange, very wild parallel that hopefully can service the same things that Hollywood did in the 1940s which was, a departure and an escape from that which you know worries you.”
It perfectly combines that serious tone with an entertaining story, Corenswet adds.
“Too often, there’s this idea that if your film or TV show is going to say something meaningful or poetic, it’s gonna be a chore to watch it,” the actor, 26, says. “This show gives a nod toward so many issues that are serious, important, on people’s minds — but boy is it a ton of fun. And easy to watch. Serious business delivered with a light touch and a flair for style is the name of the game.”
Hollywood is now streaming on Netflix.
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d-criss-news · 4 years
The 7-episode limited series Hollywood, Ryan Murphy’s second project at Netflix, premieres May 1. Co-created by Ian Brennan (Glee), the dramedy imagines a reality where society’s underdogs (African-Americans, Asians, homosexuals, women) are able to make it big in post-War Tinseltown. EW TV critics Kristen Baldwin and Darren Franich debate the merits of Murphy and Brennan's revisionist take on showbiz history.
KRISTEN: Hollywood begins — where else? — at the movies, where soldier-turned-aspiring actor Jack Castello (The Politician’s David Corenswet) is taking in a helpfully expositional newsreel. “Tinseltown is boomtown!” bellows the announcer. “The studio system is king!” With the war over, Jack is one of the thousands of eager guys and dolls flocking to the gates of Ace Studios each day, hoping to be chosen as an extra. He wants to be a star, see — but he’s also just another untrained, handsome mug in a sea of L.A. beauty. “Kid, you’re a dime a dozen,” sniffs a casting agent. So what’s a big lug with a pregnant wife (Maude Apatow, in a truly thankless role) supposed to do?
A desperate Jack takes a job as a pump jockey/gigolo at a service station — a full-service station, if you will — called Golden Tip Gasoline. (Did we mention this is a Ryan Murphy show?) The gig serves dual purposes: It gives Hollywoodan excuse to strip Corenswet down to his skivvies in the premiere and leads Jack to cross paths with the other key characters: Archie (Jeremy Pope), a black, gay screenwriter; Avis Amberg (Patti LuPone), the neglected wife of a studio mogul (and Jack’s first client); Roy Fitzgerald (Jake Picking), a shy, closeted hunk destined to become Rock Hudson; and Raymond Ainsely (Darren Criss), an earnest, half-Asian director hoping to lure actress Anna May Wong (Michelle Krusiec) out of retirement.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
i loved your jack castello imagine!! it was sososososo good!!!!!
Thank you so much! I was so worried it sucked
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