#jacey chase
oneshipress · 2 years
Mr. Guy's Coming Back from the Un-Dead!
Mr. Guy’s Coming Back from the Un-Dead!
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audiobook-mike · 5 months
I love this whole Chase U angle
Jacey Jane is gonna use heel tactics for a noble cause of saving a University
Thea does such great character work with Riley Osbourne in the picture
Riley and Duke could be an amazing Bruiser/High Flyer team
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topazy · 1 year
Tomorrow’s promise
Paring: Shane Walsh x reader, Rick Grimes x sister reader
Warnings: Mentions if vomit
Chapter: 2.02
You closed the door quietly behind you and tiptoed into the living room while clutching the baby monitor to your ear. Hearing a chuckling noise, you look across the room and see Shane smiling at you, shaking his head before turning to face the TV again.
“That’s him finally asleep,” you whisper. Shane gently pulls you down towards him so you're sitting in his lap. He runs his finger over your shoulder with his free hand while his other hand holds his beer. He didn’t often drink, only when he was watching a football game. “Who’s winning?”
“I've got no idea,” he kisses the back of your shoulder. “I was too busy watching you in mom mode.”
You roll your eyes and say, “I was hardly in mom mode, just aunt Lily mode.”
“Keep telling yourself that,” he chuckled. “One of these, you're going to be begging me to have one of our own.”
You smile and say nothing else, knowing that you can’t share your biggest fear with Shane. You were afraid you weren’t cut out to be a mom. You loved Carl, but you weren’t sure if you could be a parent.
“Do you want me to take him for a moment?”
“No, I’m good.”
You were walking at the back of the group while gently rocking Jace, who had just stopped crying. Luckily, only one walker was attracted by his screaming, and Daryl shot it in the head with an arrow before it got close enough to bite anyone.
Lori lets out a frustrated sigh, “You're covered in vomit.”
“And dirt, blood, and probably piss as well. But like I said, I’m good.”
“You're being ridiculous, I’m his auntie,” she looks ahead to make sure nobody else is paying attention to your conversation. “Are we going to address the elephant in the room?”
“Carol’s daughter is missing. Once we’ve found her. Shane, Rick, and Carl are back safe, sure. We can address you, fucking Shane.”
You watch as Lori’s jaw clenches as she struggles for a comeback. Maybe it was petty to hold a grudge during an apocalypse, but Lori being the person Shane slept with hurt more than any pain you’ve felt before, and the worst part was she didn’t seem to care.
“For God's sake, Lily, at times you behave like a child-” Lori is cut off by a gunshot in the distance.
The rest of the walk through the wooded area was mostly in silence since the gunshot. Something felt off, everyone was acting more tense. It reminded you of the feeling you’d get watching a horror film, when you're waiting for the killer to pop up.
“Are you still worrying about it?” Andrea asks when Lori stops walking to look back in the direction you’ve come.
“It was a gunshot.”
Daryl nods in agreement, “We all heard it.”
“Why one? Why just one gunshot?”
Seeing the genuine panic on her face, you decide to say something. “I don’t think it was them. Neither Rick nor Shane would fire a bullet out in the open like that, it would make too much noise, and they wouldn’t risk it.”
“Shouldn’t they have caught up with us by now?” Carol asks.
“There’s nothing we can do about it anyway,” Daryl says calmly. “I can’t run around these woods chasing echoes.”
Lori raises her eyebrows, “so what do we do?”
“Same as we have been doing. Beat the bush for Sophia, work out a way back to the highway.”
Agreeing with Daryl, you start to walk forward again, you only look back when you notice him marching towards Carol, who had started to cry when Andrea said she was praying for her little girl. “I’ll tell you what it’s worth... not a damn thing. It’s a waste of time, all this hoping and praying. We’re going to locate that little girl, and she’s going to be just fine. Am I the only one zen around here? Good lord.”
You do your best to stifle a laugh at the last part, despite how rough he may look and sound, Daryl was all heart. He just didn’t want anyone else to know it.
“Oh my god, Jacey, for a boy who doesn’t eat a lot, you sure are sick a lot,” you mumble while stopping to unstrap Jace from your chest.
You pull off the shirt you are wearing and toss it to the ground, leaving you in just a vest top. With Jace safely back in his harness, you start to catch up with the others, and you notice Andrea has walked away from the rest of the group. You look around until you spot her swatting at flies while two walkers creep up on her, “Andrea get down!”
You pull the gun from your belt and fire three bullets. The first two only grazed the walker, but the third struck him in the head.
While you shot the first walker, Andrea tried to run away but fell to the ground with the second walker only inches away from her.
You watch as a woman with short brown hair rides up on a horse and hits the walker in the head with a wooden baseball bat. The brunette looks between you all, “Lori? Lori Grimes?”
“I’m Lori.”
“Rick sent me, you’ve got to come now.”
“What?” She asks, confused.
“There’s been an accident, Carl's been shot. He's still alive, but you’ve got to come now.”
Lori freezes on the spot as she tries to process what she’s just been told. You place your hand on her back and say, “You need to go with her; go to Carl.”
She snaps out of her trance and throws her backpack on the ground, then gets on the horse, much to Daryl’s dislike. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don’t know this girl. You can’t get on that horse.”
“Rick said you had others on the highway, the big traffic snarl? Backtrack to Fairburn Road Two miles down is our farm, you’ll see the mailbox, whose name is Greene.” She says this before quickly speeding off on her horse with Lori.
You reach your hand out and help Andrea to her feet, asking, “Are you okay?”
She pats herself down and says, “I’m fine, and Carl's going to be just fine as well.”
“Yeah, I know,” you nod. “We should keep going if we want to make it to the farm before nightfall.” You spin around, trying to remember what direction you were going in. “Which way is it again?”
Glenn, Andrea, and Carol all gave you a sympathetic look instead of answering your question. Daryl slung his crossbow over his shoulder and said, “This way.”
You tried to make sense of Carl being shot. You understand how serious the situation is, but you can’t grasp the fact that he could die. You didn’t want to. He was just a child, still just a baby in your eyes, and none of you could let him go.
“Is she okay?” Dale asks, looking in your direction.
“She’s still in shock, poor thing,” Andrea sighs. “But I’m in, I’ll stay here as well.”
Your eyes widened at the last part, you’d completely zoned out and missed the conversation that was taking place. “Sorry, what’s happening?”
Dale informs you of their plan. “Me, Daryl, and Andrea are going to stay with Carol in the RV tonight in case Sophia returns.”
“That's a good idea. I just need to grab a couple of things and head to the farm. I’m assuming he’s coming with me?” You ask quietly, pointing at T-Dog, who was slumped down on the ground with his back against a broken-down car.
The older man nodded and said, “Glenn will go with you. You can take Carol’s Cherokee.”
Glenn shook his head, understandably not happy about needing to leave the RV, he’d become attached to it.
You reach for him subconsciously and grab his hand and say, “Please, come with us. I don’t know if I’d be able to protect Jace and T-Dog on my own if I run into walkers.”
Reluctantly, he agreed, “How bad is he?”
“That cut has gone from bad to worse. He has a very serious blood infection,” Dale says seriously. “Get him to that farm and see if they have any antibiotics. Because if not, T-Dog will die, no joke.”
You watch as Daryl walks over to his motorbike and pulls a couple of dirty rags off it before pulling out a plastic bag full of pills. He tosses the rag at Dale, saying, “Keep your oily rags off my brother's motorcycle. Why’d you wait until now to say anything? I got my brother's stash. Crystal, X. You don’t need that. I got some kickass painkillers. Oxycyline. Not the generic stuff either, it’s first class. Merle got the clap on occasion.”
On any other day you would have laughed at his clap comment, but instead you picked up the drugs Daryl had left out and handed them to Glenn, “You want to help T-Dog and I’ll get our stuff?”
“I’ve already got it.”
You spin back around to see Daryl holding yours and Glenn’s backpacks. He had moved so fast, you hadn’t even noticed him going inside the RV and back out. You reach for the bags and say, “Thanks.”
He holds onto them while walking towards Carol's car. “I’ve got them…you’ve already got a heavy load on you anyway.”
“What a gentleman,” Andrea scoffs.
You watch as Daryl tosses the bags into the back seat, “hope that had nothin fragile in them.”
Once you check that Jace didn’t need to be changed, you step into the front passenger seat at the same time T climbs into the back. You felt bad that Glenn was leaving with you when he didn't want to, but what you said before was the truth. If, for any reason, you were surrounded, you didn't think you were a good enough fighter to protect yourself, your son, and T-Dog.
Glenn began to talk as he drove away from the highway and towards the farm, but nothing he said made any sense to you; the reality of what was happening was finally kicking in. It must've been an illusion, some trick of the mind, that was blocking you from the overwhelming feeling of grief and pain over your nephew being so close to death, even though you had every faith he’d pull through.
To make matters worse, you had a gut feeling this was just the beginning and the bad things would just keep coming.
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burning-sol · 2 months
VOTE FOR THE WIGHT AS BONEZ AU @battle-of-the-jrwi-aus !!
The following is an up to date summation of my work, though I tag all relevant posts #jrwi wight as bonez! This is scheduled to publish (if queued correctly) before the poll is posted APR 15th. Thanks for your understanding!
Summary: The Wight as Bonez AU is an expansion of the PD Villain one-shot, featuring its own cast of heroes to face off against our heroes turned evil!!
The Heroes: Ram, J.J and Michel are a band of heroes who have a lot to live up to, and most the adults in their life aren't open to giving them the chance. Ram is a mysterious fellow from another world - claiming it was "on the brink of destruction" before they left, though they express an unwavering faith in their idols to have resolved the issue!! Jacey Jetty is an ordinary high school girl, who just happens to be an ass kicking robot on the side. Heroes aren't born, they're made!! So who better to be a hero of Prime? Mycelium Miller has mushroom powers!! I'm sure that won't be important!!
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What will our heroes do when confronted by villains ranging from tragic to tragic and evil?? Who knows!!
Vyncent Sol: Following the jail break of the one-shot, Vyncent ends up separated from Wight, though the effects of her powers linger. Vyncent is left facing the world on their lonesome as they switch between their "good" side and their "evil" side, afflicted with this sickness all while on a timer to return to his own world and save the Greats. Anxious and fearful, they feel Wight constantly looming over them and smiling mockingly, in control.
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Vyncent joins up with the heroes, who agree to assist him, much to the excitement of Ram. This excitement is misplaced as during a confrontation with William Wight, Vyncent loses control over themselves and hurts one of the heroes, leaving Ram devastated and the rest of the party resentful. Vyncent runs away once again, facing the world scared and alone (though he is less alone than he thinks he is).
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[NIGHTCORE - Control]
Ashe Winters: Ashe Winters has been missing for several years, suddenly reappearing in Prime and stumbling back into the home of his father much to the confusion and relief of all parties. Ashe attempts to resettle into his childhood home, but he feels the absence of his mother strongly. His memories start to flood back into his mind - of his mother's death, of the spells he tried to bring her back, of his subsequent possession, of the "Spirit World"... Ashe Winters once again disappears, leaving a note for his father.
[. . .] Ashe Winters has been seen involved in multiple villain heists, though his appearances are scattered and his goals allusive. He seems to have a larger goal in mind, and is far more powerful than most villains he surrounds himself with. It's only when it's already too late to stop him that his plans become clear.
It may as well be the end of the world. A portal between the living world and the spirit world is opened up, and Ashe reveals that he refuses to close it until all the undead of the spirit world are made alive again. Leaving much damage in his wake, Ashe Winters is thankfully stopped and arrested, though he would later be released and Wavelength would retire from being a hero to live a quiet life finally reunited with his son.
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[NIGHTCORE - Time of Dying]
[Understanding - Black Dresses]
[NIGHTCORE - Heads Will Roll]
William Wight:
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William Wisp had killed the monster in the woods. It had chased him to the ends of the earth and off the edge, but now he watched it burn in hellish retribution. His feet didn’t touch the ground where its skin stretched across the ground like a canvas and its own bones were used as wooden stakes that pinned its remains, and it fed the flames, red bleeding into blue. The surrounding forest was cast in shadows, and he knew in those shadows there were more monsters, and he saw what needed to be done. William had taken on an unimaginable burden, but he knew when he was out of the woods, he would be greeted by a Deadwood relieved of its troubles. But there was no end to the woods. All he ever saw were thick trees with people standing between them and him and the monsters and the truth.
“You’re not William, William would never do this. You must be possessed.”
The monsters burnt Deadwood to the ground, the monsters that had always resided in Deadwood, the monsters he had seen but had turned a blind eye to. He tried to leave but there was no end to the woods, and the forest fire RAGED.. William Wisp was engulfed in flames, and he found, to his horror, that he had possessed his own dead body. But looking at the road ahead, wooden stakes lining either side and red flames reaching for the sky, he saw what needed to be done.
Deadwood was a small town with dark mysteries and monsters in the shadows, but that changed the day William Wisp died. Chased off a cliff to his death, he came back wrong, and he did wrong thinking that is might make the world right. Killing all the monsters of the town, he expected his friends to be on his side.. But they weren't, and he was left to realise that maybe- MAYBE the people of this town were the real monsters, to have SIDED with them.. Deadwood broke into a horrible hysteria and was engulfed in fire, William stumbling out of the red flames a walking corpse.
The heroes couldn't see the good in what she'd done either. The world was just full of monsters, monsters ALL the way down, ready to turn on her for doing what needed to be done and saying what was true about the world. HUMANITY IS FULL OF MONSTERS. Wight was thrown in jail, though her sibling had the good grace to visit. He asked her why she did what she did, why she burned Deadwood to the ground, but he didn't like the answer. He turned and left her to ROT, and she did NOT forget.
What does Wight want? She wants everyone to see they're the monsters, THEY'RE the monsters. She wants to burn the world down, she wants to watch the monsters BURN. William Wight sows chaos wherever she treads, infecting the world with her perception of it, and she will NOT stop.
Horrible issues arise when it's revealed that William Wight is the Wisperer turned cannibalistic!! Eating souls, she grows in power, and eating away the Spirit World, she threatens to destroy everything!!
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[NIGHTCORE - Animal I Have Become]
villain au wight and ashe showing major disrespect to the spirit world. "there needs to be balance u cant just do what u want" well maybe the spirit world is stupid. - Nov 5th, 2023
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Ashe and Wight meet REAL!! NOT CLICKBAIT!! ft. ME as their voice actors.
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END OF POST!! Vote 4 the Wight as Bonez AU!! <3
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basslinegrave · 1 year
introduced myself as chase but didnt have my name badge out so this random guy thought its jacey?? (cuz i cant fucking speak normally) and then when he saw me again he called me jace and jay-z help
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cavenewstimes · 7 months
Chelsea Green & Piper Niven To Defend WWE Women's Tag Titles On NXT Halloween Havoc
Read More Wrestling Inc.  By /Oct. 24, 2023 10:12 pm EST Thea Hail and Jacey Jayne have quickly become a dominant duo on “WWE NXT,” with Jayne giving the pint-sized Chase U booster a new look and a new attitude. On this week’s “WWE NXT,” Jayne and Hail found themselves in a backstage confrontation with WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Chelsea Green and Piper Niven. The two teams’ animosity led to…
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spacedykez · 2 years
Prompt: running from the law together
Sirens blared behind them as they took off through Ms. Wood's backyard; fallen leaves crunching under their feet.
Jacey looked back to make sure Chase and Becca were still following him. He watched just long enough to see Chase catch himself from stumbling over some lawn decor before turning back around.
The fence loomed tall in front of them, but it was nothing they hadn't climbed before. Jacey took a step back, bouncing slightly before he took a running start and gripped the top of the fence, pulling himself over.
He slowed his pace on the other side, letting the others catch up once they were over the barrier before he sped up again.
The sirens continued to ring out through the quiet neighbourhood. Becca called out to warn the others that the red and blue flashing lights were drawing nearer.
Tonight seemed like the perfect time for a small heist. They had thought their plan to be foolproof but they has, as Chase had put it, failed to account for the fact that they were fools.
It'd be okay though, Jacey thought, his legs feeling like lead and his heart working overtime, they always made it out of these.
A loud honking of a familiar horn came from down a side street. The three swiftly changed coarse to follow it.
Down the street sat an old white van. In the driver's seat, leaning out the window and beckoning them over with a quiet hand motion, was their friend Barry.
The three waved at them as best as they could while still using most of their energy to run.
Barry leaned back into the window, rolled it up, and hit a button that made the side doors slide open slowly. The three runners made it to the van as the sirens and lights whipped past the side street.
They slammed the doors shut and basked in yet another victory.
( not proof read sorry for errors lol )
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This week’s BoardPusher Featured Deck was created as a tribute to Kota Flood, who unexpectedly passed away last year. Kota was an avid skateboarder, so this board was auctioned off by the Otsego Pride Alliance in upstate New York last weekend to benefit The Trevor Project. The graphic was a collaboration by artists Jacey Chase and Charlie, one of Kota’s best friends, and we are honored to have pressed the deck for this cause. You can find out more about all those involved by following them on Instagram: Otsego Pride Alliance – @otsegopridealliance The Trevor Project – @trevorproject Jacey Chase’s art – @jaceychase Charlie’s art – @punkgarf
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lynseylags · 4 years
Comics Collections Are Fantastic (for me to edit)
Comics Collections Are Fantastic (for me to edit)
I just launched a Kickstarter to fund two comics collections from my publishing company, Oneshi Press! I edited both collections. And I’m absolutely glowing about them. I really hope you will be, too, when we get funding! But I know that comics collections aren’t always a sure thing for readers, creators, and publishers. I want to talk about that, and about why I think collections are freaking…
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oneshipress · 2 years
Zombies, Turtles, and Pickles… Oh My!
Zombies, Turtles, and Pickles… Oh My!
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jayeldraco · 6 years
Eight new pages of "PACK" are here in OPQA6!
Eight new pages of “PACK” are here in OPQA6!
There are eight new pages of PACK out now in Oneshi Press Anthology #06! Follow Patience and the Dogs of Virtue in an all-new short-comic adventure, available exclusively from the Oneshi Press online store! Take a Peek Inside! Sixty pages of gorgeous full-color art and comics await you inside the lavish cover art by stevieraedrawn! Start with an adventurous and adorable introduction by Cono…
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rrickgrrimes8 · 3 years
Normality is Death
Chapter One ~ Destruction of the Universe
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I wish everything would stop. I wish the world would stop spinning - just for a moment. That's all I'm asking for. I just want everything to stop so that I can finally breathe again - something I haven't been able to do for three months, one week and two days exactly. You must be wondering what happened three months, one week and two days ago - the world ended.
My name is Jacey Harlow Grimes. I am 14 years old as of the last march, and I was born in the sunny yet incredibly boring town of Cynthiana, Kentucky. Cynthiana has a population of 6,362, most of which are older people or families and its pride and joy is our world-renowned bakery -which really only was popular in the 80′s. You're probably wondering why I'm telling you this. It's because they are the most interest facts I could tell you about my home. It is truly the most boring place on earth. 
Until one day, it wasn't but it wasn't because the bakery came out with a new pastry, as much as I wish it was. It was because one day a man, a police officer, got shot and wounded, badly by some lowlife in a police chase. And since then - for no apparent reason - our little town wasn't so boring anymore. Journalists and reporters wondered the streets for weeks after the incident, harassing anyone that could possibly have any information for them. And yes I guess somehow I was happy that we weren't this boring, irrelevant town anymore, but it came at a cost. The man, who was shot, just happened to be my father and the journalists that took it upon themselves to harass people were harassing my family. And for a long time, I felt as if it was my fault it happened like maybe I wished too hard for my life to be interesting, and that maybe, I might've wished my father into a coma. 
Losing my dad was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I tend to say that a lot - 'losing my dad' - I know he's not dead, it just feels like it, you know? Mom never says his name anymore without crying, Shane barely comes near me, and Carl, my brother, doesn't even speak to me. No one told me why he stopped speaking to me - he just did a few days after it happened. Maybe he thought I wanted it to happen or I was apart of it somehow- I don't really know. All I know is that essentially my whole family hates me and the one person that could possibly care for me is gone - perhaps for good. Maybe I'm overreacting or maybe I'm not who cares right? It's just my silly insignificant feelings.
"Mom? I'm going out" I shouted into my house not really expecting a reply, and I'm glad I wasn't because it never came. I guess I was never close to my mom, even before my dad got shot. She never really understood me as my dad did or even Shane did. I just felt like every time I was near her I would never be good enough. Like no matter what I did, it had fallen short of her expectations. She never really felt like my mom, more like a roommate or even just an acquaintance. We never spoke, except when she was shouting at me, and we sure as hell never bonded. I don't even think she wanted me to begin with. 
I slammed the front door shut as soon as I finished speaking and jogged through the front yard, not paying attention to anyone or anything. "Where the hell do you think you're going, angel?" My head snapped around at the nickname, Angel - that's what my dad used to call me. I was met with Shane standing there dressed fully in his police uniform a smirk plastered across his face. 
"Don't call me that," I replied coldly before turning back around to continue walking. 
"And don't walk away from me while I'm trying to talk to you," he snapped, almost shouting at me.
I stopped but refused to look at him, "Stop trying to act like my dad then," I heard him sigh and walk closer to me. 
"I'm not trying to be your dad, kid," he said placing his rough hand on my shoulder, forcing me to look at him, I don't want you to deal with this on your own. It's not healthy." 
"I don't need anyone. Plus there's nothing to even deal with, you know? My dads not around anymore and I have to be okay with that," I told the man, who was now kneeling to my level.
"You don't have to be okay, Jacey. Your dad is in the hospital, no one expects you to be okay," Shane spoke to me softly, taking my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. "You're just a kid." He whispered. 
"I'm not just a kid, Shane. I-I'm so much more than that, and I hate when you treat me like I'm not. I'm okay. I'm completely fine and even if I wasn't I sure as hell wouldn't need you to help me think otherways. That's what my dad is supposed to be here for, but because of you, he's not." I spoke sharply before turning on my heel and walking away. I could hear him calling after me, but I choose to ignore it. It's pointless anyway he does it every time we see each other just this time I actually gave him some sort of answer. 
After that, I just kept walking and walking until I finally reached where I needed to be, the treehouse. It stood there still as strong as the day me, Dad and Carl built it. I remember that day very well as it was probably one of the best days of my life. Mom had gone out for some girls day and left us with nothing to do. Naturally, my dad took us out to the woods and showed us an old, derelict treehouse. He told us to pick up a hammer and some paint and to fix it. So that's what we did, and it turned out amazing. Carl and I use to use it a lot when we were younger, but we both grew out of it for some reason. It hadn't been touched in years.
I only just recently started to come back here after my dad was put in the hospital. It made me feel closer to him then I did just sitting at home and an added plus was that it was around 20 minutes away from our home and for that I was so grateful. I needed an escape - an escape from those people who call themselves my family. I'm just so tired of them thinking that I'm this damsel in distress that needs saving. Yes, I'm hurt that my dad is probably about to die and I probably won't be the same if he does, but I never have and never will need their help with it. I don't need anyone's help. I'm strong, brave and I sure as hell don't need anyone to fix my problems. I'm not a child.
Shaking off the bad thoughts, I climbed the ladder trying not to fall off and settled myself on the top. Wrappers and soda cans were sprawled across the floor from my last visit, but I couldn't care less. 
Careful not to knock anything over I picked up the formerly dusty photo frame that contained a picture of me and my dad from when I was 4. He looked younger then, a lot younger, and he was holding me on his lap his hand cupping my cheeks as he littered my face with kisses. I always loved that photo, and so did my dad as it was the very same photo he carried with him every day in his wallet. The same photograph he probably had on him when he was shot. My eyes started watering as I thought about him. It baffled me that I lost my dad so easily in fact when it happened I was in class learning about complete bullshit that I don't need to know about and while I was doing that my dad was dying. I shook off the thought and put the photo away before taking out my blanket and covering myself in it. Before I shut my eyes I whispered, "I miss you, dad."
I woke up hours later to the sound of crashes and scream's, causing me to sit up quickly, banging my head on the plank of wood above me, "Shit." I thrust the blanket away from my body already missing the heat it gave me. Pushing off my palms, I stood up and walked towards the wall, looking out of one of the many cracks in the wood.  I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary until a loud bang sounded from my left, creating a small cloud of smoke. 
"What the fuck is going on?" I spoke out loud, grabbing my bag as well as the photo I was looking at earlier. Quickly, I jumped out of the tree immediately regretting it as my foot collided with the ground with a small crack. I couldn't help but whimper softly at the impact. Nevertheless, I continued walking. 
Shortly, I made it onto the streets, people ran around wildly some screaming others just drowned in fear. I couldn't understand what was going on until I saw it. It looked like a person but not really. It had our shape, but whatever was inside had died. It was hunched over eating some lady messily. The lady, however, was easily recognisable as my neighbour, Cindy Drake. She turned her head slightly in my direction, having seen me. 
"J-Jacey..." she whimpered her speech slurring, it was clear she was dying and there was nothing I could do, "r-run," Cindy demanded before her head going motionless as well as the rest of her body. I had to suppress a scream as I saw the action. My neighbour, a woman who used to babysit me when I was little had just died in front of me. 
Whatever that was on her had picked up my presence and threw itself around to face me. Upon seeing the man's face I could see it was Fred Drake, her husband he had just murdered his wife. Fred or rather whatever was left off him lunged for me earning an ear-piercing scream. I had to push with all my strength so that the man's teeth wouldn't sink into my neck. 
"P-please, Mr Drake, I don't wanna die... please!" I pleaded with the corpse-like man who was still trying to pierce me with his teeth. Reluctantly I closed my eyes to suppress my crying and started to get ready to face my inevitable death but I was never met with it. Instead, I heard a loud gunshot and the weight of Fred had been thrown off of me. 
"Jacey!" An all too familiar voice screamed at me, Shane. I opened my eyes quickly to greet his fearful ones, "Are you hurt? Did he bite you?" the trepidatious man questioned. I shook my head softly. Shock causing me to become in a paralysed state, letting no words out. I heard Shane mutter a 'thank god' as he looked over my unharmed yet bloody body. 
The police officer abruptly pulled me up careful not to startle me and said, "we've got to go, Jacey, okay?" he attempted to get through to me but I still stared off into nothing, "Jacey, please! You've got to listen to me it's not safe here." I snapped out of it turning back to the man who just saved my life. 
"T-thank you," only quiet almost inaudible words came out but he still heard and nodded to me. 
"You're like my own kid, Jacey, I would never let you get hurt." Shane smiled down at me but I remained panicked. "Can you walk?" He asked to which I shook my head jumping out of the treehouse earlier was such a big mistake. "Why? You said he hadn't got you, right?" 
"He didn't I jumped out of a tree earlier, hurt my ankle on the way down," I said kind of embarrassed but all his eyes showed was relief. 
Shane swiftly picked me up like it was nothing and began to run towards my home, "We've got to get back. Everyone was so worried about you." he whispered into my hair and continued to run. 
After a few short minutes, we arrived back seeming to avoid any more attacks on the way back and was greeted by a short painful scream from my brother, "Jacey!" I looked up to see Carl teary-eyed and being held by our mother. Shane put me down immediately and mom let Carl go causing him to run to me. "Y-you were gone. Momma said you were gone a-and I-i thought the sick people got y-you. I'm so s-sorry please don't leave me again." Carl sobbed as he wrapped his small arms around my body. 
"Shh, its okay squirt. I'm here. I came back I'll always find my way back to you." This seemed to calm him down slightly as his grip on me wavered but still remained. It was weird to think that this was the first interaction since he started to ignore me. 
"C'mon kids we've got to go." My mother ordered, not bothering to show any care for my near-death experience. Shane helped me into the back seat of the car and Carl followed closely not letting go of my hand. 
The ride was silent and I still had no idea where we were going or what the hell was happening. "Shane you gotta go to the hospital." My mom ordered as Shane sped through the streets. 
"I know, Lori, I'm going there now. Like hell I'd leave my best friend behind," Shane replied like it was obvious and took a sharp left causing me and Carl to bump into each other. 
Hands still intertwined Carl moved closer to me and whispered, "I'm scared Jacey." 
"I know you are squirt but I ain't gonna let no one hurt you - not now, not ever." Carl smiled up to me and crawled into my lap.  I could hear him start to cry slightly due to the loud noises and screams coming from seemingly everywhere which just caused me to hold him tighter. 
"We're gonna be okay, squirt," I whispered into his ear. 
"Mom? Shane? What's going on?" I said to them as the car abruptly stopped and Shane took a gun, ready to leave. 
Shane looked back at me and sighed, "We don't know kid we've just gotta leave it's not safe here anymore." 
"What about dad?" Carl asked into my neck. 
"Don't you two worry. I'm going to go get him now." This time Shane smiled at us and left the car. 
"You kids just stay quiet okay? We're gonna be okay. Shane'll make sure of it." Mom weakly smiled back at us but I could tell it was fake - she was terrified. I looked back down again to my little brother feeling even more protective over him, to see him sleeping soundly as if nothing was happening around him. 
All of a sudden, a family started to scream from the car a couple of spaces down from us as one of those things was trying to get in. I looked at the front, in the direction of my mother. She was equally as shocked but remained unmoving. 
"Mom we gotta help them," I told her not taking my eyes off the family. She didn't reply just continued to look at them and frowned - she was going to let them die. 
"I'm going to go help them," I stated, gently pushing Carl off of me, careful not wake him. 
"No you are not!" my mom screamed as my hand came in contact with the door handle. 
"We can't just let them die," I replied shocked at her outburst. 
"We have too," she said sadly, not taking her eyes away from me. 
"M-mom... they're children." I felt my voice strain and my eyes water as I continued to look at my mother. 
"You're a child too," She paused, "you can't put yourself in danger for people who wouldn't do the same for you." 
"You don't know that mom. If that was us you'd want someone to help," I pleaded with her. 
"What are you even going to do, Jacey?" I stayed silent, "exactly and that's why you can't leave, you're just going to get yourself killed." 
I let out a tear as she finished her sentence and looked over to the family, I was shocked to see that they were all dead. While we were talking I guess it had gotten in and killed them. I felt bile rise in my throat as the windows splattered with blood and their screams found their way into my ears. 
This is all my fault. I couldn't help but tell myself, they're dead because of you. 
"I-I can't." I cried before rushing out of the car, ignoring the sting it gave to my ankle and hurrying through the entrance of the hospital - I couldn't just sit there staring at that car anymore. 
As soon as I entered the hospital I saw people racing around urgently pushing past any and everyone who got in there way. I saw people lifeless on the floor blood oozing across the once white tiles and dampening my shoe. Ignoring the chaos, I pushed myself through the hallways in attempts to find my father and Shane. 
"Daddy! Mommy!" I heard a little girl scream as I passed room after room. I looked around instantly trying to find the source of their cries but nothing showing up. 
"Please!" I heard them again before a loud crash and unforgettable shriek. I followed the crash and turned the corner to see a brunette girl, no younger then Carls age being eaten alive. I screamed as I did when I saw the same thing happen to Cindy Drake. I hadn't even realised I had fallen down until a pair of strong arms wrapped around me pulling me away from the horrific sight. 
"Shh, its okay, sweetheart. It's okay. It can't hurt you." Shane told me as he pulled me away for the second time that night. I looked up at him noticing instantly that my father wasn't by his side. 
"W-wheres my dad?" I stumbled over my words looking into his sorrowful eyes. 
He shook his head while saying, "He's gone." I pushed him away from me, backing up into a corner. Images of my father as one of those things or even worse being devoured by them filled my vision causing my lunch from earlier to swim up my throat, "He can't be... please no. Tell me you're lying," I demanded from him.
 I wiped my mouth from any evidence of sick but he shook his head again and got closer, "I'm so sorry, Jacey." I let out a loud sob as he collected me in his arms. 
"I'm sorry I tried I really did..." I could hear his voice breaking as he told me, rocking me back and forth ever so slightly. Shane picked me up before running out of the hospital not listening to my cries telling me to let me see my dad. 
"Where's Rick?" Lori immediately said as we exited. Shane looked at her struggling to catch his breath and took my sobbing form to the car. 
"Where is he, Shane?!" She yelled to which he shook his head as he did to me. Carl looked between the three of us not quite understanding why his father wasn't there and why his sister was in such a state. 
"Where's daddy?" Carl whispered to me as Shane set me down in the back seat. 
After leaving the hospital, Shane had heard on the radio about a refugee centre in Atlanta he had hope for this to be somewhere safe but looking at it now it was the furthest thing from that. We had been stuck in traffic for hours and for the past hour it hadn't moved one inch. 
"What do we do, Shane?" Mom asked joining him at the front of the car keeping a close eye on Carl, who had walked away to go get some cookies from a short-haired woman. 
"I don't know," He curtly admitted rubbing his hands over his face, 
"There's nowhere else to go. This is the only place who is letting out a signal that we can actually reach." 
I let out a small sigh before exiting the car and walking over to where I saw Carl leave too, getting sick of hearing what my mom and Shane were discussing. 
"Hi sweetheart, do you want a cookie?" the short-haired woman who had spoken briefly to my mom a moment ago offered me to which I shook my head afraid it won't stay down if I eat. She smiled at me regardless and walked over to her blonde-haired little girl. I gulped thinking back to the little girl who looked almost like her, except for the difference in hair, who had been mauled to death right in front of me hours before. 
I turned around to see my brother, "Yeah?" 
"Are you okay?" Carl asked moving closer to me. 
"As good as I could be, you?" I croaked. 
"I'm still scared, Jace. W-what if we lose momma or Shane like we lost dad or worse what if I lost you?" The boy said almost in tears. 
"You won't, okay? I ain't leaving ya. I would never even think about leaving you. I mean you're my baby brother who else am I meant to bully?" I chuckled before throwing my arm around him, him gladly returning the hug. 
"Carl! Jacey! Get back here!" I heard Mom shout to us to which we quickly ran back to the car. 
"What's happening?" I asked them. 
"Get in the car." She told us not giving any proper explanation but we complied regardless. Mom and Shane joined us seconds afterwards while he scoured the radio for any other signal that could possibly save us. That was until we all heard an explosion coming from the city. Shane stopped messing with the car radio and quickly got out looking over the now flaming city off Atlanta. 
"It's gone," He whispered in disbelief. Mom soon joined as did Carl but I was still so shocked by the city to even move. I could hear mom start to cry while Carl hugged her but it was useless we all knew it - this was our only option and now that it's gone, we're screwed. 
After waiting a minute, I got out of the car only to be greeted with an uproar of panicked screams coming from behind me. I remained only halfway out of the car as my mom shouted, "Run!" I struggled over to them and closely followed them down a small dirt slope. Shane span around to see me fighting to keep up and held his hand out indicating to grab it. I was almost in contact with him until one of the walking dead pushed me down causing us both to tumble down the larger slope. 
"No Jacey!" I heard Shane bellow earning the attention of my Mom and Carl. I saw Carl attempt to follow me down the hill but was pulled away by Shane. 
"We gotta keep moving," I heard Shane tell them as my vision started to blur. I felt the corpse on me start to move and attempt to claw at my skin only for its movements to cease as Shane shot a bullet at it. 
"No that's my baby I've got to-" 
"No!, Lori, she's already gone! We can't lose anyone else tonight." Shane grabbed my mom’s arm and pulled her away, Carl still attempting to clamber off of Shane to get to me. 
"N-no please... don't leave..." I whispered before my vision ceased and darkness took over.
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sephynegrey · 3 years
Original Character × Tamaki Amajiki
Chapter 1
Pace yourself. Never mind, I should run faster they are catching up.
"Come back here you bitch," a thug screams as he chases me down the busy main street plowing through people and knocking things over. His friend lagging behind; limping on his injured leg.
I can feel my lung cry out for this to stop. I hate running long distance. Curse my curiosity. If only I did not look into the alley. Too late now the damage is done. 
"Jacey," a voice calls out as I run past them. Crap, someone recognized me. I try to run even faster but a hand pulls me back and into an armored chest. I look up to find a set of purple orbs looks down at mine, and a off white cape wraps around me. "Jacey, what is going on?"
Great question, Tamaki. What is going on? Well I accidently watch some debt collectors shake down someone. And when the person with lasers for eyes try to shoot the debtor leg, he shot himself instead. This lead to the debtor running away, and the thugs noticing me. "I saw them shake someone down for money," I quickly reply. Tamaki extends out his arms ready to use his quirk to stop the guy that is charging at us. He looks down for a second, and I turn away and focus my attention on the thug with the sharp claws that is growing out of his nails that is now in slashing distance. His claws are locked in position. The razors are merely a yard away, when they are to retracts into the finger bring him down. Tamaki wraps his tentacle around him and let's me go to reach for his phone.
"I have captured a person that was attacking one of the students of UA," he says, "I am standing on 4th and 36th. Right outside Fresh Supermart." He hangs up and asks me, "Are you okay?"
I nod my head. This is the third time he has saved me from my little accidents. Once during the first year school festival when I accidentally set the building on fire with someone's quirk. The second time, I almost got embedded with shrapnel when someone's shot gun fingers went out of control while testing out a new piece of technology. Now this. My ability is going to get me killed one day.
Tamaki pats me on the head and pulls out a piece of candy that he had tucked away in his pocket for children that would sometimes run up to greet him. He hands it too me. I take the chocolate wrapped in blue aluminum and unwrap before putting it into my mouth.
"Did you get what you needed for today?" he asks.
I shake my head. He fixes the hair that got blown out of place during the chase and says, "My shift ends in ten minutes. Do you want to go together?"
I nod, and he smiles. "Good cause I have a couple of this to pick up."
Tamaki and I became friends after he approached me and asked what my quirk is. His tried to keep a serious expression while constantly fiddling fingers and trying to maintain eye contact. He had just finish visiting the nurses office after visiting a first year in the hero course, who was using his quirk in the cafeteria to make steak knifes fly to close to other peoples faces. I tried to ignore the first year at first, but how can someone ignore a steak knife floating around their head. Of course, I ended up looking, which resulted in him being slices by the knifes. Tamaki did not think much of it at first, and so did I considering I did not know about my quirk. But after the second and third accident, he began noticing a pattern. Eventually, he saved me enough times and decided to talk to me about it. I can still remember him coming into the workshop late one day after school. I was busy and need extra time to finish one of my pieces. He knocked and nervously waited outside the door. When I opened it, he started to act serious.
"Hey, Tamaki. What is it?" I asked, "Did your gear break?"
"No," Tamaki answers, "Can I come in? I want to talk about something."
I move aside and let him into the empty studio.
"So what do you want to talk about?" I ask.
"Jacey, are you really quirkless?" he asks. I had told everyone that I know that I was quirkless as that is the official identification on my government document.
"Of course, I am," I reply.
"Are you sure? Did you ever get tested?"
"No, but I am certain. What is all of this about?"
"I don't think the things that keep happening around you are accidents. I think you are causing it."
"What are you talking about?"
"Jacey, what if you had a quirk that would only manifest when you look at people who are using their quirk. Kind of like Aizawa's but instead of erasing them, you make them turn on their owner. And since it would only work on people with quirks, you would probably not know about it because you grew up in a quirkless community," he stated.
"Yeah but what are the chances of that happening? I am pretty sure I just have bad luck."
"Well I know a way to be sure," he said and activated his quirks. The tentacle grew out of his fingers.
I watch as they wiggle around and grow more and more heading straight for Tamaki's neck. The tentacle wrap around his neck and starts to squeeze.
"Tamaki," I screamed as I run towards him.
"Look away Jacey," he said in staggered and shallow breaths. I turn around, and close my eyes. What in the world is going on?
"It's okay now," Tamaki states. I turn my head to find him very much alive with tentacle marks around his neck. He used hands to massage the red marks. "Well that was something."
"Yeah something," I replied.
After that Tamaki and I started hanging out even more than usual because he knew about my quirk, and I did not know what to do with it. A quirk that can make anyone's quirk turn on them. It's as dangerous as it sounds. Tamaki suggested talking to Aizawa, but I did not want people to find out. I did not know how people will react knowing that I can turned their quirks against them. Especially, when I have hurt so many. What if they realize that the accidents that have been happening are because of me? Would they kick me out of UA? Tamaki has agreed to keep it all a secret for me until I am ready to tell people. Although he has told Mirio, which is kind of expected considering they are always together.
It has been about a year since that conversation, and somehow this secret created a bond between us. I don't quite know how but it has. Tamaki grabs hold of the grocery bag and walks next to me as we start to head out of the grocery store and head back to my apartment. We walk out of the elevator onto the third floor and see Aizawa standing outside my door.
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goalcaufield · 4 years
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hold me - spencer knight TRIGGER WARNING: this fic deals with domestic/relationship abuse, physical and verbal abuse. in no way am i romanticizing abuse in any way, shape, or form.  if this will trigger you, DO NOT READ. keep in mind, barrett is a fictional character i have made up for the sake of this story.  word count: 3602
with a shaking hand you dab at the concealer under your eye, trying desperately to spread the remaining makeup to cover the dark blue and purple that had become visible. “y/n, you almost ready?” you hear your best friend, jacey, yell from the other side of the door.
“one second!” you yell back, voice shaky. you curse to yourself, but you know the bruise had been covered up as much as it could be. you weren’t able to grab your concealer tube before barrett was yelling at you that you had to leave - and you weren’t willing to take another chance tonight.
with one final look in the mirror you force yourself to smile. a smile that’s good enough to convince everyone around you, but you were the one that could see right through the mask you managed to put on every single day. your smile falters.
how the hell did you manage to get into this situation? you’ve been asking yourself that every day since everything had started to go downhill.
you shake your head slightly and grin from ear to ear, turning to throw open the door to see your best friend. “what are you waiting for? let’s go!” you grab jacey’s hand and pull her back out to the living room, where the music is blaring. you jump right into the crowd dancing to what ever travis scott song was being played.
for the first time of the night, barrett wasn’t on your mind. you were focused in the moment, on having fun with jacey, finding some of your other friends you’ve made around campus. you catch eyes with spencer and he grins at you, giving you a chin nod, in which your smile grows and you wave. for a second, spencer’s eyes squint at you, but you shake it off and tear your eyes away from him.
“y/n, i’m gon-” jacey starts to yell over the bass of the music, but she cuts herself off looking over your shoulder. you’re about to tell her to keep going, but a hand on your lower back makes you tense up. 
of course it’s barrett. his cologne was identifiable from a mile away. it could make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. “where were you baby? you were gone for a while,” barrett coos in your ear, hands going around to press against your churning stomach. you can feel your heart begin to race, but inside you know barrett would never do something in a public setting like this. he would save it for when you got back to your dorm.
“i was, uh.” and suddenly you can’t think straight. you’re stumbling over your words, which will only get you in more trouble later tonight. “i was just in the bathroom, that’s all.”
barrett hums, and it’s enough for the taste in your mouth to turn sour. you catch eyes with spencer, and if you didn’t know any better you would think he never even looked away from you in the first place - and maybe that’s the case. but it’s not like you would know that or not. spencer jabs his best friend, trevor, in the side with his elbow, and trevor’s eyes travel to meet your eyes. 
spencer was one of your best friends. you weren’t able to see him all too much due to his grueling hockey schedule, but you knew he was always there. it was the type of relationship where, even if you hadn’t talked in weeks, you could start talking again and pick up right where you left off. spencer knew in this moment, and the look in your eyes, something was wrong.
barrett is saying something, but you’re too focused on praying that the pleading look in your eyes was enough to get the boys to realize. whatever barrett is saying? it’s going in one ear and out the other completely.
“y/n,” barrett hisses, his thumb and pointer finger meeting as he pinches the exposed skin on your waist. you whimper, but turn around quickly in his arms to face him. “did you hear a thing i just said?” 
“no, i’m sorry. i just zoned out,” you mumble. barrett heaves out an angry sigh, his eyes rolling and glancing over your shoulder.
“those guys won’t stop staring at you. i told you you shouldn't have worn this top,” he grumbles, shrugging his flannel off his shoulders leaving him in his jeans and white t-shirt. you hesitantly take it from him and put it on, buttoning it up all the way. you knew he was talking about trevor and spencer - all the other guys here either had other girls to focus on or they knew how possessive he was when it came to you. they wouldn’t mess with him.
“i’m sorry.” you can’t even meet his eyes. they’re focused on the staircase behind him, because to be frank, you were too scared to actually look at him. “won’t happen again.”
barrett rolls his eyes, “damn right it won’t. go grab me a beer?”
you nod, pulling away from him and heading towards the kitchen where all the alcoholic beverages were fully stocked. jacey had wandered off, she hated barrett with a burning passion. she didn’t know what was going on - no one did - she just hated him because of stupid fights you had gotten into. she thought he didn’t deserve you. and she was right.
you grab a can of bud light from the cooler that was on the ground, and right when you come up you feel a liquid splash all over your face. your eyes go wide, but you’re met with logan, trevor’s girlfriend. trevor and spencer are standing right beside her.
“y/n/n, i’m so sorry!” logan exclaims with wide eyes. she grabs napkins and, before you can object, she starts to dab on your face to dry it off. taking your concealer off with it.
logan’s shoulders drop and her face falls, along with her mouth. spencer and trevor mirror her exact expression.
“y/n, what - what happened to your face?” spencer asks, stepping forward abruptly making you flinch back. he looks defeated when you do that. but his gaze travels behind you, and the dejected look on his face turns to pissed off real quick. and you know exactly who’s there. “did you do this?”
you whip around, and sure enough, there’s barrett. his eyes are glued to you. he could care less that spencer looks like a bull who’s just seen red - he’s livid. at you. and suddenly the thought of him not doing anything in a public setting? that mentality is fading. and fast.
you feel a soft hand grab yours, and before you can shy away, logan is pulling you back behind spencer and so you’re standing in between trevor and her. “you are unbelievable, y/n! how could you be so stupid?” barrett scoffs, attempting to step past spencer who just moves right with him. “come on, we’re going back to my dorm.”
“the hell you are,” spencer chuckles, turning to face you, logan, and trevor. “can one of you take her back to one of your dorms? or mine? matt should let you in.”
without another word from the two of them, trevor places his hand lightly on the middle of your back.. your breathing is heavy, and suddenly you’re wishing that you stayed back in your dorm like you had originally planned for the night.
“y/n! you better not go with them, we’re not done here!” you hear barrett yelling. you look over your shoulder at him and spencer’s got both of his hands on barrett’s shoulders to prevent him from chasing after you.
everything is in slow motion. you have no clue what spencer is yelling right back at barrett, but you watch as spencer shoves him back into the refrigerator door and barrett’s head jerk to the side as spencer lays the first punch. everything feels like you’re underwater, from water logged ears to blurred vision. 
logan and trevor manage to get you into trevor’s car. logan slides into the backseat next to you, and silently she presses her hand to your head to lay it down on your shoulder. you look in the driver’s mirror and trevor is already looking at you, a defeated look on his face. you give him a tight lipped smile and let your eyes close on the short ride to the dorms.
“y/n, y/n,” you hear logan whispering softly. your eyes flutter open, and you’re outside of logan’s dorm building. “we figured you’d be more comfortable here tonight.”
“thank you, log,” you mumble. she leaves the backseat door open and you slide out. 
the three of you are both quiet as logan unlocks the side door to her dormitory building. you follow the two of them up to logan’s dorm room, where she luckily has a single room all to herself. you plop down on the couch in the corner of the room and the two of them look at you in sorrow.
“please don’t pity me,” you say, looking back and forth between the two of them. logan sighs and she sits down next to you.
“i know it isn’t exactly easy to tell someone, but y/n, you could’ve told me. or jacey. or trev, or spence,” logan sighs and you shrug your shoulders. “but, you just didn’t want to make him mad, did you?”
you nod your head lightly, eyes trained on the tiled floor. “he got mad so easily, if he found out… i just, i don’t know. he scared me, a lot.”
the two of them don’t know what to say, until trevor breaks the silence once more. “well you’re staying the night here. obviously logan doesn’t mind.”
“not at all,” logan says quickly and you smile softly at her. “y/n, how long has this been going on?”
you hesitate, pulling the blanket logan handed to you up to your chin. “just a month or two,” you mumble, playing with the strings that hang off your ripped jeans. “i dunno, i guess it was more so verbal than anything for a while.”
there’s a knock on the door, and immediately your head snaps over in that direction, heart racing at the idea that it could possibly be barrett. “it’s just spence. i texted him to come over if that’s okay with you, y/n/n.” trevor says quickly, which eases some of your nerves.
“yeah, it’s okay,” you say and trevor walks over to open the door. 
“holy shit, what happened to you, knighter?” trevor asks, stepping aside so spencer can step into the room. sure enough, spencer’s got a few light bruises on his face along with a cut along his lip. he has a hard look on his face, but the second he sees you with the blanket pulled up to your body his expression is softening. you slowly stand up, your mouth dropping open at the sight of spencer’s face.
“did he do this to you?” 
“not important,” spencer grumbles, closing the door behind him as he walks in. “how are you doing, y/n/n?” 
you shrug, “could be better,” you chuckle to try and lighten the mood slightly. it doesn’t work. “guys, i’m alright.” 
spencer steps forward to wrap his arms around you, but you flinch away from him. immediately you regret doing so, the look of hurt on spencer’s face tugging at your heart strings. “y/n, i would never hurt you.” he whispers, arms falling to his sides in defeat.
instantly, you’re diving forward to wrap your arms around spencer. because if there was anyone that would be able to make you feel better, it would be spencer. you heave out a sigh resting your head against his chest, and you can feel him hesitate before tightening his hold on you. 
“spence, i wanna go home,” you mumble into his chest. spencer’s hands go up to your cheeks and softly pull you away from his chest. 
“y/n/n, there’s no way you’re going back to your dorm right now. not until we get this under control. i think it’s best if you just stay here for the night with logan.” your eyes begin to water and spencer presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “you’re going to be okay, i promise. trevor’s dorm is right around the corner and i’m only a five minute drive away from here if you need anything.”
your lip is still quivering by the time he’s finished, and he sighs. “can we just go back to your dorm or something? he’d be so stupid if he ended up going there, so he wouldn’t. your dorm is the best bet, spencey. i’d feel most safe there.”
“okay, okay. we can go to my dorm if that’s what you really want,” he says, brushing away the hair from your face as you nod your head. 
“so you’re gonna go back to spencer’s?” logan asks and you nod. she smiles. “okay, i get that. i know trevor wouldn’t be much protection staying here anyway.” she jibs at trevor who rolls his eyes and you manage to crack a smile.
“do you wanna head out now?” spencer asks and you nod against his chest. “okay guys, we’re gonna head out now if that’s okay with you two.”
“of course. text us if you need anything y/n,” trevor says and you nod. spencer leads you out of the dorm room and the two of you walk in a comfortable silence down to the street where spencer had parked. 
you can tell spencer wants to say something to you, but both of you know if he doesn’t it’s for the better. spencer was the only one you were willing to actually talk to about this. you had known him since you were just ten years old, spencer meant everything to you and then some. but you knew it killed him knowing this was going on and he had no idea and that you hadn’t told him.
“you’re okay, right?” spencer asks quietly as the two of you walk together in the dark night. you’re walking closer to him than you normally would, but due to recent events and the fact barrett could be anywhere, next to spencer is the one place you want to be.
“i will be,” you whisper right back to him and out of the corner of your eye you watch as he nods. the two of you get to spencer’s car and you slide into the passenger's seat while he slides into the driver’s.
the drive back to the boston college dorms is rather short, just like spencer promised and just what you had already known. spencer unlocks the door for you and you’re headed right up to his dorm. 
“matt’s staying over at drew’s for the night. so you don’t have to worry about him at all,” spencer says and you nod as he opens up the door to his room. sure enough, the dorm is empty. “make yourself at home, y/n/n.”
you sit down on spencer’s bed, the familiar smell of his cologne filling your senses. he had used the same one for as long as he first started wearing it, and by now it was a comforting smell. because spencer was there.
“hey,” spencer mumbles as he rummages through some of his clothes drawers. “here’s something better for you to wear than that.” he gestures towards the flannel you still have on your body, and he hands you one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. “i’m just gonna go to the bathroom. let me know when you’re dressed. feel free to make yourself at home, y/n.”
“okay, thank you, spence,” you say and spencer offers you a smile before disappearing into the bathroom connected to his dorm room.
you slowly strip your clothes, starting with unbuttoning the flannel barrett had given you to cover up. you fold that and place it on the chair from spencer’s desk, moving to take off your jeans and top. you stand in front of the mirror, the bruises on your legs fully exposed and the ones on your stomach and sides still covered by makeup. you sigh, reaching over to grab your clutch where you had a travel sized makeup wipe packet. you begin to rub at your stomach, uncovering the bruises that had been laid there either a few days ago or only a few hours ago. then you work on your face, wincing when you realized how bad the bruise around your eye had gotten. after a few minutes, all the bruises that lingered your skin were fully uncovered for spencer to be able to see.
you slip on the clothes spencer had given you: an old darien lacrosse shirt from back when you guys were around thirteen and the pair of boxers, which even though you hated to admit, they were pretty comfortable.
“spence,” you call out. “you can come out now.”
spencer emerges from the bathroom and you brush past him quickly to take his place in there. spencer doesn’t say a word, he just lets you go into the bathroom. in there, and in the fluorescent bathroom lighting, is when you can really see how bad everything is. you thought it was bad in the dorm room, but in here? it was a whole other story.
your finger traces over your black eye, which by now has turned a grotesque shade of purple. you know spencer is going to ask questions, but of course he would. he’s been your big brother for years now. 
when you decide you’re ready to go back out, and to face spencer with all the bruises and other secrets you had kept from him the past few months, you step out of the bathroom. spencer is laying on his bed on his phone, but when he hears the door to the bathroom close he’s looking right up at you. his face falls instantly.
“y/n…” he mumbles, sitting up straight resting his back against the wall.
“spence,” you sigh. “i’ll answer anything you want to know. just please, please don’t look at me differently or anything.”
“how long?” is the first thing he asks. you sit down next to him on his bed, but you cross your legs and face him. spencer’s hand goes up to cup the side of your cheek, but he freezes half way afraid of how you would react, letting his hand fall back to the mattress. 
you hesitate before speaking, your gaze dropping down to your lap. “five months.”
“y/n,” spencer’s hand gently rests on your chin, tilting it up so you can look at him. “you guys have only been dating for six months, it’s been going on nearly the entire time you’ve been together?”
you nod your head, afraid of using your voice in case you were to start crying. spencer lets out a defeated sigh, his hand going around your back and trying to bring you closer to him. instead, you wince in pain and immediately spencer withdrawals his hand from you.
“shit, i’m sorry.” when you look up, spencer’s eyes are glossy looking down at you. “god. how couldn’t i have noticed this? i knew things were strange when the two of you started dating.”
“it’s okay, i didn’t want anyone to know. but it’s over now, okay? i’ll probably just end up transferring closer to home at the start of the next semester and everything will be okay.” spencer lets out a sigh, but nonetheless he still nods his head. he knows it’s what you needed. 
spencer hesitates before speaking, “how many bruises do you have?” he asks quietly. silently, you shift back and pull your shirt up just enough to show the bruises on your stomach, then shifting so he can see the ones on your back, an assortment of both fresh and old ones. when you turn back to face him, there are more tears in his eyes than there were before. 
instead of saying anything, you scoot closer to spencer and wrap your arms around his neck. you rest your head on his shoulder and he gingerly wraps his arms around your waist, this time being extra careful as to not hit any of the bruises you had just shown him. for the first time of the night you relax against his touch. you pull your head back away from his chest, your thumb running over his bottom lip where it was split. “does this hurt?” you ask quietly, and spencer shakes his head. you heave out a sigh, your head resting right back on his chest.
“i love you, y/n. please never forget that.” spencer whispers in your ear and you nod. 
“i love you too spencer,” you breathe out. “can we lay down? i’m exhausted.”
spencer nods, shifting so he can lay down. you’re laying down right after him, but keeping a safe distance. spence manages to grab the tv remote and he turns it on to fill the silence of the room. your eyes focus on the rerun of friends playing on the screen until your eyes start to get heavy. you feel the bed shift and you feel spencer getting up from the bed.
“spence, stay,” you whisper, reaching out to grab his wrist. “please, just hold me.”
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kalistrate · 4 years
Connecting Cave.
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    The dreaded Zubat roost. He’d been preparing himself for the worst as soon as he stepped into the cave. Surprisingly enough, his first encounter turns out to be something else... a fitey Meditite that keeps tugging at Fenwicke’s tail and trying to steal his stick. When Fenwicke gives a warning growl, the offender seems to taunt back, flexing as if to show off its power. The Braixen is the very picture of unamused as he snatches up his wand and prepares himself to obliterate the pokémon he’s now deemed a PEST.
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    “Whoa whoaaa!” He scoops up the scorned fox into his arms. “Take it easy, FenFen. If you knock it out, I can’t catch it!”
    It takes some compliments and a strawberry poképuff to appease his offended starter. Even then, Chase opts him out for Charlene to battle the Meditite instead. Arceus knows Fenwicke is bordering on overpowered these days.
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Connecting Cave Capture!
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Jacey (JayJay) — Meditite ♀️ (Lv. 14)
Naive / Proud of its power / Pure Power
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Current Team:
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miss-ingno · 5 years
An analogy to misgendering trans and nonbinary people, created by the wonderful Jacey Chase (he/they). They also have a series where they draw self-portraits every month to chronolog their transition on T, well worth checking out.
(Jacey asked me to voice Roommate #3 which was a fun experience :D)
While you’re watching this, please consider donating to Jacey’s top surgery gofundme. We’re 1/6th of the way there and every dollar helps!
And even if you can’t donate, a boost would be super great <3
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