#j. k. rowling is right
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obvs acab but the scottish police force have the chance to do the funniest thing right now
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hjellacott · 2 months
Women won't wheesht.
Transgender women are male women.
Transgender men are female men.
Save women's spaces.
Keep women safe.
Not our crimes.
J. K. Rowling is right.
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marauderstars · 1 month
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JKR is now calling trans women “trans identified men” - while still somehow preaching about the ways that men police “femaleness.” JKR and her allies are the only ones who are allowed to gatekeep who and what counts as a woman, apparently. The hypocrisy here is multilayered - she rebukes someone who has a particular idea of what a woman is, and yet she herself has constructed a similarly limited idea of what a woman is - one that excludes trans women. But also - it’s not an accident that all the targets of this kind of transphobia (“protect women’s sport,” “protect women-only spaces,” “some trans women are abusers”) are trans women - not trans men. Under the guise of feminism, she denies the identities and rights of some of the most vulnerable and systemically oppressed women alive today. Trans women are women. To deny that because it doesn’t conform to your “sex-based” definition of womanhood - THAT is the very definition of misogyny.
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image id: picture of JKR from the the Onion with text reading
“would you tell us about a time you were personally victimised by a trans person?“ JKR: “yes I remember like it was yesterday, you see, I was advocating for their total annihilation and then a few of them said some mean words to me on the internet“ end id
the onion is choosing violence and I am here for it *few hours later*
I read the article here and my god fucking hell the sound I made reading this bit was not human
“Do you feel at all guilty to have disappointed some fans with your views?”
J.K. Rowling: “Hell no. Look, I wrote those books for kids 20 years ago. If you’re still into that shit, you’re a fuckin’ loser.”
in conclusion this tweet puts it best
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image id: twitter screen shot from anna phylaxis reading “god I hope JK is vain enough to sue the Onion, I want to see that legal battle as badly as the Onion clearly also wants to see it“/ tweet two “her litigiousness, her obvious willingness to launch a lawsuit she would so clearly lose, makes her such an irresistible target for satire“
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maxkirin · 1 year
i cant believe the HBO Harry Potter script already leaked o.o
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
There is no "fuck J. K. Rowling" or "fuck TERFs" while you still actively obsess over Harry Potter.
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mollyringle · 2 months
I am perhaps extreme on this, but I don’t think there’s a good excuse to stay in HP fandom, unless one does agree with Rowling's infamous tweets of recent years. Separating art from artist is debatably all right when the artist is dead and no longer collecting royalties, but when the artist is still on Twitter bragging about her royalties, and there’s so much queer-friendly fantasy that could be talked up instead…yep, nope, trans/genderqueer/NB allies should jump ship.
I admit I look askance now at HP cosplayers and anyone still putting their Hogwarts house in their social media bio. I know, I know, a fandom that meant so much to a person for a phase of their life is going to claim a special place in their memories. But you wouldn’t (I hope) continue celebrating the birthday of a toxic ex-friend because you liked them two decades ago, so why stay with the fandom, when by so doing you’re keeping Rowling culturally relevant? We can support the innocent actors from the HP movies by supporting the work they’ve done since the series—I’m sure they’d rather have more focus on those newer projects anyway.
I practice what I preach: I could be continuing to lure in potential readers with my HP parodies, but instead I have taken them all down, all the places I can still reach, because I don’t want to give her any airtime, even obliquely like that.
I think if y'all knew how very, very little the vast majority of us writers make, and how hard we try to reach readers, and how much we'd appreciate a smidgen of success, and how hard some of us are trying to help and protect our fellow queer folks...you would better understand why this is a big deal, to someone who is also a writer of urban fantasy. I’ll stop there. Apparently I could go on and on about this.
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Okay, so I don‘t know about you, but finding out that Rowling dedicated about 10 twitter posts to Lord of the Lost because she couldn‘t handle their gender actually cheered me up a little.
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fake-destiel-news · 11 months
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staygoldsunshine · 5 months
Me, staring at the ✨Magic School✨ trope: I could do this... But Better.
My rocky relationship with academic institutions: You're going to make it nice and idealistic right?
My rocky relationship with academic institutions:
Me: I can add cute little colleges with team colors and mascots if you want.
Me: But it will absolutely be a dismantling of a hypocritical system that preys on the vulnerable with empty promises and unhealthy expectations that ultimately leads to burn out and disillusionment if not permanent financial ruin.
My rocky relationship with academic institutions: But still with a heart for higher learning and the end goal of providing a vision for a better future?
Me: Yeah, I am a sucker for those...
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spaceyqueer · 1 year
what really fucking irritates me about all the transphobia in the British media right now is that I guarantee the Tories and, largely, the British public do not give as much of a shit as they've lead the media to believe. Are they transphobic? Abso-fucking-lutely, because the Tories hate anything that deviates from the norm because otherwise they would struggle to maintain control as the upper class bastards they are, and I don't doubt there are individuals (looking at you, Kemi Badenoch) who are unhinged enough to believe that trans people are violent predators lurking in bathrooms to attack cis women, but by-and-large most of these people probably wouldn't be able to tell a fucking trans person apart in a line up. They only care about control, and if that control means wielding one of the Hot Topics of the times (aka should we treat trans people with basic human rights) as a shitty sword they're going to fucking do it.
Much easier to use something people don't understand well enough to combat against - I mean, I'm not going to lie to you as a trans person I didn't even fully understand trans issues until I went to college and got my butt thoroughly kicked into gear - when there is so much other shit going on they could be fixing and are undoubtedly being criticised for. The blocking of the GRA reform in Scotland is only like 10% about trans people from transphobes, and 90% about maintaining control of the status quo. If they look like they're doing something - "see, we're keeping those violent nasty trans people away from good respectable normal people!" - people are less likely to pay attention to the other heinous nasty stuff that they're doing (such as underfunding the NHS, for example, despite promising millions after Brexit, or how about when they changed the law regarding protests that basically allow the police to arrest protestors for no reason, or the shipping of immigrants to Rwanda despite human rights organisations best efforts).
It is all about control.
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firespirited · 1 year
To note: Prisoner review in Scotland is currently a mess due to transphobes and transphobic panic caused directly by J K Rowling and the tabloids boosting misinformation.
These are specialized review boards whose job is to weigh the danger to individual prisoners vs the danger to all prisoners and assess placement and extra freedoms within prison. The assessment is based on how a prisoner is being threatened and has been attacked vs their previous behaviour on the outside and behaviour in prison.
It’s not the public’s job to be judge, jury and executioner and it’s not the public’s job to decide prisoner placement. And yet here we are, Scotland’s prisoner assessments are currently ground to a halt because of public “outcry” over risks that are already absolutely taken into account because a mob would like rapists and murderers to be tortured and possibly murdered by other prisoners rather than respect their human rights and the sentence they have been given (which is to be locked up... not tortured and killed). And while the assessment system is paused, trans women who did not commit violent crimes are trapped in male prison and women who are a danger to other women are not being segregated.
I care deeply about women in prison, I care deeply when human rights are being violated even when it’s a bad person because it’s setting precedent for it to go ignored when it happens to good people and it’s already happening to good people: trans and gender non-conforming women, women with physical and mental disabilities, women who committed taboo crimes while in the throes of post-partum or under coercive control, women of colour, muslim women. If you think we’re all nurturing and nice to each other I have to wonder what kind of sheltered childhood you had. Bullying is part of prison culture because it’s full of damaged people struggling to regain some control. Assessment allows us to give different levels of social access to people who need it and will benefit from social contact. We reduce bullying by building community and giving ringleaders like white supremacists or religious nuts limited influence.
Ideally we change the prison system completely, the women there have few ways of repaying their debt or building new lives. You have to understand that it undermines the reforms we’re trying to make happen when fake feminists harass prison officials over made up stories.
This is tangible misuse of a large platform to galvanize an angry mob with only partial information. I blame the tabloids who make money off the outrage of weaponized half-truths and made up monsters but you can also draw a direct line back to Mrs “I’m just the nice lady like you who wrote the children’s books” who’s actually been living in luxury writing mediocre pulp crime novels for the past decade.
There have been other tangible real life harms, the Mermaids charity for example. This is the current one. Not hypothetical links that may or may not lead back to hateful rhetoric: You buying merch makes that delusional woman think she’s supported and continues to lead a hateful mob in harassment campaigns instead of fading to irrelevance as that strange lady who tweets angry things at Nicola Sturgeon who is trying to do what’s best for Scotland while Tory England treats Scottish people like trash.
Hey look at that, a progressive woman who’s having to fight powerful men and who’s being dragged through the dirt right now as we’re in a historic moment for Scotland getting some rights over their own taxes and laws. Would be mighty useful to conservatives and the patriarchy if a high profile celeb trashing her was also a woman. 🤔🤔🤔
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chartreuse-you-lose · 2 years
I was thinking about the Harry Potter series the other day and how the author is a terf but then also wrote Moaning Myrtle, whos entire thing was, get this, going into the boys bathroom entirely for voyeurism and even Sharing Baths with preteen boys.
If I can remember correctly this was never really addressed in any sort of negative way and was a key part of the plot, you see Myrtle, the 100 year old ghost, HAD to be a sexual wierdo and *checks notes scribbled on hand* share a bath with the 12 year old protag to uh, idk make an egg wet. I'm sure there was simply no other way.
Guys idk if the author,
actually cares about the bathroom thing
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shiveringfrogspawn · 7 days
"No one's exercise of free speech should make another feel less free."
Moana Jackson
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owl-noire · 1 year
So, remember that novel I'm writing out of pure, unbridled spite? You can now read it for free on Royal Road! First three chapters are up, featuring:
A soft bisexual mage who likes to draw animals
An absolutely chaotic trans musician who discovered that his singing can heal wounds
A bounty hunter with a magic rifle that knows only one (1) spell
And an infinite library that makes you forget who you are the deeper you go (to be introduced later!)
New updates every Thursday!
And, as always:
Fuck J. K. Rowling
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brasskingfisher · 1 year
Antisemitism: the game and bad allyship
Ok, so this has been rattling around my brain for a while and I think I should get it out. Earlier in this week I posted a video to my tiktok (I know the general consensus here is to hate it, and whilst it is incredibly shitty, and MASSIVELY capitalistic I've built up a decent following and getting regular interactions from people gives me serotonin, which is in short supply in my life) asking people not to buy/play the antisemitic wizard game. Now as I said in the video itself, I'm not trans, nor am I a streamer, nor do I have plans to become one, nor do I plan to have anything to do with this mediocre piece of bigotry. BUT, I've still been criticised for taking a stance.
Someone has told me that I:
"should let people play the game and get on with your life! If you have no plans to play stop talking about it."
Oh I'm sorry, does my effort to support people I care about offend you? Do you find the fact I'm actually willing to take and stance and ask other people to do the same over an issue which doesn't affect me (or them) directly bother you? Should I just roll over and wait for the fascists to come for me?
I'm trying to be an actual ally, and use my limited platform to raise awareness of a serious problem, rather than making a feeble excuse to justify actions which are going to be interpreted as support for these veiws.
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