#izzy's fics
meet cute - tasm!peter parker x reader
summary - meet cute, noun: an amusing or charming first encounter between two characters that leads to the development of a romantic relationship between them.
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“Sorry, sorry, sorry, I know I’m late” Peter opened his mouth but was quickly beaten to the task of speaking. “My meeting ran over and then Lydia called – have you heard from her? She had another fight with Tom. How those two live together will never cease to amaze me. Have you ordered yet? I think I fancy the spaghetti today”
There was a startled pause as she lifted her gaze. “You’re not Jane”
Peter gaped at the woman before him. Throughout her tirade, she’d hung her jacket across the back of her chair, unfolded her napkin and smoothed it over her lap, picked up a menu and browsed the wine options – of which there were many fine, albeit alarmingly expensive choices – all without looking at him.
Now, however, her attention was unwaveringly, unnervingly fixed on his face. His confused, perhaps understandably flustered face.
“No, no I’m not”
She half-winced, half-smiled. “Yeah, I can see that”
“Sorry” He laughed; the sound small but only a little awkward.
“Sorry? I believe I’m the one who stormed over to your table and ambushed you” Carefully, she picked the napkin from her lap, retracing the steamed folds and laying it neatly between the cutlery. “This is Jane and I’s table. I was in such a flap I didn’t even notice”
His brow lowered, but his smile remained intact. “A flap?”
“If you couldn’t tell, I’m somewhat stressed” Embarrassment warred with intrigue as she shifted in her seat, out of place but not unwelcome.
“Nah, you’re breezing through it”
She laughed, seemingly despite herself as she gathered her belongings. Peter held her gaze when she stood, maybe for a beat too long.
“Right – I should, I should go find Jane and leave you to whatever you were doing”
“I’m meeting my aunt – got some big news to share” He frowned, but her lips twitched at his ramblings.
“Well, good luck”
“Thanks” He should have let her walk away. Peter knew that. Should have let himself become an embarrassing anecdote but. But he didn’t want to. He wanted more of that smile, and laugh, and those bright eyes. “So, spaghetti’s the dish to order?”
She hummed her assent, pressing forward onto her toes before letting herself rock back onto her heels. “Goes really well – too well – with the Spanish red”
Peter winced on instinct. Her smile rushed to soothe him.
“I’ll admit, its pricey but, coincidentally, it’s also to die for, so” A huff of laughter pushed past her lips as her gaze bounced away from his, shy. “Plus, you’ve got big news to share. Surely that’s worth celebrating”
Warmth flooded his stomach at the thought of this beautiful stranger believing he deserved nice things. Pinpricks of heat pinked his checks, colouring him with flustered satisfaction.
“And if the big news is bad?” He needed to stop talking. To let her walk away. But he really like the brightness in her eyes, the dip of her chin as she settled under his gaze.
“Then you definitely need it to aid your woes” Peter laughed, enamoured already, and begging himself not to be. “And, y’know, if you drink enough of it, you’ll forget the crazy woman who hijacked your evening”
“Not crazy”
“Nah, just having a flap” Her laugh was high, catching in her chest. The fabric of her jacket bunched beneath her fingers as they twisted into the fabric meanly, pulling it further over the cradle of her arm.
“I’ll have to take your word for it –“
“Peter,” he supplied quickly, eyes following the dip in her smile, the creases it sketched around her eyes. Her smile lines were pushing him firmly over the edge, his heart stuttering a happy rhythm in his chest.
Shy under his appraisal, an embarrassed huff shifted the hair around her face. A spark of courage sent her gaze back to his. “Hi”
A quiet snort of laughter disrupted his response. The pink of his cheeks spread to his ears. Thank god May was late. “Hi”
The call of her name pulled her attention away, a glance cast over her shoulder. Peter found himself adrift without the shy quirk of her smile, the soft lilt of her voice.
“I should probably head over –”
“Would you – sorry” He winced at the interruption, far too out of practice for what he was about to attempt. “How would you feel about assisting a novice, such as myself, in their exploration of a menu you appear to be an expert of?”
Her teeth pressed into the plush swell of her bottom lip. A new surge of warmth flooded his cheeks.
“Well, given that you’re obviously in desperate need of guidance,” Laughing at her own performance, she inched closer to the table. “I could take pity of you, give you a proper tour of the menu. Friday work for you?”
“Friday’s good”
“Great,” Peter parroted her happily, a giddiness bubbling in his chest.
The call of her name was louder this time, impatient, if a little bemused. Her eyes widened dramatically, embarrassed but bright with joy as she scribbled onto a scrap of paper before sliding it across the table. A messy loop of numbers below her name and not one but two kisses. He flushed with pleasured. Not quite sure why this pretty girl kept offering him such bright smiles and her number but equally unwilling to question it.
Spinning on her heel a touch too quickly, she rushed into the path of a waiter, close to toppling the burden of plates in his arms. A ramble of stumbled apologies tumbled from her lips, her smile turning to a grimace as she risked a glance over her shoulder at Peter.
Unable to contain the bubble of laughter in his chest, Peter mouthed “A flap”, his hands fluttering in front of him in a ridiculous imitation that pushed the apples of her cheeks back into a happy smile.
“What in god’s name are you doing?”
Hands falling to the table with a thud that was a little too loud to cover easily, Peter met May’s eye with a grin that was far too wide and buoyant to be explained away.
He was really, really looking forward to Friday.
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silveryinkystar · 5 months
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Say hi, ___!
[ID in alt text]
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satellitespinner · 2 months
mommy issues.. (e.w)
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synopsis: after moving into a comfy house with your four year old son you’re in desperate needs for a babysitter.. what better option than the broke university student next door..
content warnings: each chapter will contain its own warnings..
wc: tbd.
taglist: @flowersforvi @3lli3l0v3r (comment to be on the taglist <3)
ellie could make a short list on what she already knew about you.
1.) you moved into the small house next to hers exactly 2 weeks and 3 days ago.
2.) you were probably the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen.
3.) your thighs looked magical in those shorts..
3.) you liked to garden
4.) you had a son. fuck
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼   ҉  
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┊͙chapter one. | wc: 2k.
ellie williams has new neighbours! and all of a sudden she’s a committed baby sitter? what?
┊͙chapter two. | wc: 4.4k
ellie’s bond with your son is strong after a few nights there, but she doesn’t answer the door this time. you find her in a very vulnerable state..
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alenoah-likerr · 5 months
I am having MASSIVE brainrot on Stakes - Alenoah by @bachelorpxrty, pretty good! check it out! I'm totally normal about it!!
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nottheeconomy · 3 months
So! Guess who decided to write fanfic on a whim for an entirely new fandom this year?
This clown! —>🤡
I would not have envisioned I would be writing for Total Drama in the year of 2024 but life is funny like that! Here’s the doodles I made for chapters 1-3!
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goayda · 4 months
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The fearless pirate captain and his first mate. We were robbed.
I needed a full season about Izzy training Stede, with more epic fails and 'look at me, Izzy, I did it right!' moments and more shirtless Izzy and maybe shirtless Stede and maybe Izzy being bullied into a fancy outfit for a fuckery and maybe the crew making a big fucking birthday party for Izzy and Stede buying him something thoughtful and-and... I just needed MORE of those two together.
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crownspeaksblog · 7 months
"He went mad, he tortured the crew, he took my fucking leg, cause i dared to mention your fucking name!"
Goddamn! This line! This line scratches a part of my brain in way that makes me sorta wish we had gotten a full season of angst (I'm glad we didn't though, i wouldn't be able to handle it) but my GOD it's just so good!
Con O'Neills acting and delivery in this scene is just amazing! The way he says "he took my fucking leg, cause i dared to mention your fucking name!" Like the words are seething out of him, he slams the bottle in his hand on the desk, like he can't fucking believe it, can't believe that ed, the man he's probably known from DECADES, would just shoot him, so easily, just for daring to utter fucking stede bonnets, fucking NAME out of his mouth!!
And it's not just cons delivery, it's the ed and stede angst of it all! It's the way ed is caught of guard with izzys audacity to even say "talk it through" the way stede used to say it. It's the way ed wouldn't accept hearing izzy say stedes name or mention eds feelings for stede, let alone infront of the crew. It's the look on eds face and the way he nodes his head like this is what you get, the second he shots izzy!
But yeah, that line is the epitome of brain scratching for me! Go listen to it again. I'm not giving this line the justice it deserves, go listen to it again!! It's glorious!
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milk and coffee - joe burrow x fem!reader
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a/n: a part two of if u think i’m pretty (read for more context), was working on this at first then scrapped it but now after some encouragement, we are so back, this might be a little shorter but i hope it’s worth while <3
summary: after you and joe hooked up at the super bowl party, you two start working on rekindling your relationship. your insecurities about dating and being in a relationship again start to get in the way, making you wary of letting your guard down. joe notices that something is off so he decides to surprise you.
warnings: exes to lovers, slow burn, joe and reader are working on rekindling their relationship, insecurities, mentions of past toxic relationship (not involving joe), a hint of angst, reader has emotional baggage (me too girl), fluff, soft!joe, allusions to sex, pillow talk
disclaimer: this is for fictional purposes only. do not copy or claim my work as your own. comments, reblogs and constructive feedback are appreciated!!
important resources 🍉
masterlist 💕✨
taglist: @lvssuh, @scrivenershantelle, @nanamarrufo, @https-hughes, @platinumsim
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will you still love me in the morning? will you stay for milk and coffee?
ever since that night you and joe hooked up, you two have been talking and catching up from the time lost from when you weren’t in contact with him. you both followed each other again on social media and you gave him your new number before leaving his hotel the next morning.
texts and facetime calls grew more frequent as you both were in the off-season now. you couldn’t help but miss him even though you only saw him for one night. you had no idea what you were stood with him relationship wise but you knew that something was brewing again between the two of you.
“i have something to confess.” you grab your phone off the bathroom counter as you did your skincare routine before you settle in bed for the night. you laugh slightly, “okay, what is it?”
he couldn’t help but admire you as if he was there with you. “i started failing statistics on purpose just so i could talk to you more.” you rolled your eyes playfully and laughed, “that is so dumb, joe, you could’ve just talked to me.”
he shrugged, “i know.. but we wouldn’t be where we are now if i hadn’t, now would we?” you sighed, “i guess you do have a point..”
while you were particularly happy with being on better terms with him, something was weighing and gnawing in your gut at the same time. you couldn’t help but overthink about how things can quickly go from good to worse, feeling like you’re inevitably waiting for the other shoe to drop. as if joe was just going to decide that he wasn’t ready to be with you again.
the dreaded thought of having to possibly break up with him again was something that was difficult for you to face. you didn’t want things to end up like last time or never talking to him anymore. you couldn’t bare having to watch his life from the sidelines like you have while you two were broken up.
when you first dated joe, you weren’t used to the type of love he showed you. he was always kind and patient with you, which was fairly new to you. he never raised his voice at you or lost his temper towards you. he was the first person you allowed yourself to fully open up to and accepted you with open arms.
with these heavy thoughts weighing on you, the last thing you wanted to do was tell him. you didn’t want to scare him away or make him believe it was his fault. you gradually start to withdraw from him, answering his texts a bit more longer than usual and coming up with excuses to not call him.
joe noticed something was off about you but couldn’t tell where it was coming from. he thought over everything he’s said so far over and over again but wasn’t able to tell what he said or did that was pushing you away. he checked his phone for the fifth time tonight, seeing that he was on delivered still.
he sighed, putting his phone back on his nightstand and turning his attention back to the random show he put on for background noise. he was in miami with sam and nick after attending ufc 299, while they both went out to after parties, he decided to stay in his hotel for the night, wanting to talk to you instead.
then it was like a sudden light bulb turning on in his brain, he had to show you that he cares about however you were feeling was important to him. he wanted to show how much he cares about you and that he loves you. he needed to see you.
he texts you again, asking for your address because he wanted to send you flowers. he set his phone to the side so that he wasn’t constantly checking for a text back. the text tone went off and he looked to see that you finally answered, sending over your address. then sending another one saying: “you are so cute :)”
he then looks up flights to san francisco, hoping there was one leaving right away. to his luck, he found a flight for early tomorrow afternoon and booked the ticket for it. his stomach was doing backflips at the thought of seeing you again, wanting to enjoy his time off with you while he could.
he couldn’t get settled into bed, being too excited about surprising you and wanting to sleep during the flight there instead of waiting anxiously the whole time. he hoped that you would love seeing him again and that you missed him just as much.
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you woke up to a knock on your front door, leaving your bedroom door open the night before. your best friend and roommate, julie, was out of town so you had the apartment all to yourself. you wore one of joe’s old lsu shirts, which was still oversized on you despite the years you kept it.
you get up out of bed, hearing another knock. you rub your eyes, drowsy from sleep and putting on your hello kitty slippers. you wondered if julie had come home early or it was one of your neighbors. walking down the hall and reaching the front door, you open it, seeing joe standing there with his luggage and a bouquet of colorful flowers in his hand.
your eyes lit up, not being able to believe he was right there in front of you. he beamed, “i told you i wanted to send you flowers.” he hands you the bouquet while you smell them, taking in the fresh floral scent wafting in your nose. he follows you inside, closing the door and leaving his stuff to the side while you set the flowers onto the counter.
he walked over to you, pulling you into a loving embrace. you stood on your tippy toes, wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face into his shoulder. he spoke cheekily, “i like your shirt. where did you get it?” you moved away from his shoulder, looking up at him. you smiled, “some cute guy gave it to me.” he laughed, “oh really? you might have to thank him for it.”
you replied sultry, “i think i might have an idea on how to do that..” your lips tenderly brush over his, placing them in a familiar, soft kiss. you both grinned into the kiss, your hands moving down to his chest while he wrapped one arm around your waist. his free hand squeezes and palms at your ass, your mouth parting slightly as you moan against his lips.
he slipped his tongue inside, your tongues exploring each other’s mouths. he moves his mouth away from yours while he quickly spoke, “jump.” you jumped, he holds you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. your fingers tangled into his soft hair, kissing him heatedly and sloppily. his hands cupped the plush flesh of your ass again and carrying you into your bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
you snuggled into his bare chest while he was holding you against him, playing with your hair. you asked, “how long did you want to stay here?” he shrugged while he laid underneath you, “i can stay however long you want me to.” you lifted your head up from his chest, “well, my roommate is gone for the next two weeks so we have the place to ourselves.”
you trailed your finger down his chest, looking at him with doe eyes. he pressed his lips against yours in a couple of lingering, delicate kisses. he smiled, “that sounds perfect.. i missed you, baby.” you said, “i missed you too, pretty boy.” he laughed, “pretty boy? i think you’re the pretty one here.” you scoffed playfully, “you know if you’re trying to get in my pants again, you should just ask.. i will say yes.”
you both laughed as you cuddled closer into his shoulder and he leaves a kiss against your forehead. you wondered aloud, “so what made you want to come over here? not that i mind that you’re here or anything.” he answered, “i knew something was off so i wanted to come see what’s wrong.” you sighed, playing with his fingers and intertwining them with yours.
“i’m just scared of us not being able to make things work like after we graduated, i don’t want anything bad to happen between us..” he nodded, understanding why you feared these things. “i get what you’re saying. i just want you to know that i want to be with you and that i’ve never stopped caring about you.”
his thumb caresses your hand, bringing it closer to his face and kissing it. you let go of his hand and place yours on his cheek, pulling him in a loving kiss. he felt his anxiety wash into a wave of relief knowing that he wasn’t intentionally pushing you away.
you laid back down onto his chest, playing with his fingers once more. he traced small circles on your back, taking in the fact that he was in your bed again, wondering if he should pinch himself and snap out of this but it was very much real. he looked down at you, seeing that you were fast asleep on his chest and hearing your quiet, nasally snores.
he smiled at you, gently kissing the top of your head so he didn’t disrupt your sleep. he looked over and saw your copy of “normal people” on the nightstand, lightly grabbing it off the wooden surface while he tried not to move too much. he flipped through the pages, being careful to not lose your spot on what part you were reading.
he landed on the page where your bookmark was placed, seeing that you used an old photo booth strip of the two of you from back when you first started dating. he smiled at the photos fondly, ranging from one that was cute to a couple of silly ones and the last one being you kissing him on the cheek. he kept his copy as a bookmark too, blushing at the mere thought of how in sync you were even from far away.
he closed the book, putting it back where it was beforehand. he then grabbed the blanket on the side of you, covering you both up for warmth despite the sun shining through the window. he loved how the sunlight illuminated your features as you faintly snored on top of him. he cuddled closer to you, wanting to be more near you despite the fact that you were laying on his chest.
he fell asleep, relieved that he didn’t scare you off. he was also happy that he was able to be next to you again, never wanting to leave this moment.
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artsyhamster · 8 months
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Disease from within, called love
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thehumanooblec · 6 months
someone please write a fic about Izzy rowing off to Jackie’s but instead of plotting revenge she drags his sopping wet pathetic ass into marriage and he becomes one of her new husbands and thrives
please and thank you
(based off this specific photo)
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I think I'll always be a little surprised that it's such a common headcanon that Ed and Izzy have had a romantic/sexual relationship in the past, or that Ed ever viewed Izzy as a potential romantic interest. For me, the way that Izzy manages to have this nearly parasocial relationship with someone he talks to every day and thinks of Ed in a sexual way, along with how Ed likely sees Izzy as a parallel to other cruel older men in his life, is what makes their relationship so fucking fascinating in the first place.
Izzy's attraction to Ed is just so clearly unreciprocated! I don't think Ed realized Izzy was attracted to him until s1e10, when Izzy strokes his face and looks down at his lips while threatening him, and he looks deeply uncomfortable and upset. When Izzy confesses his "love" in s2e1, saying "I have love for you," like it's a disease, like it's something shameful he possesses, Ed basically bluescreens. If someone responds to a love confession by saying "oh come onnnnn" I just don't think they feel the same way, man, sorry.
And I love how Izzy is paralleled to Ed's abusive father in the first season, in a similar way to how Hornigold shows how fucked up Ed's relationships with older men are in season 2. They all hurt people Ed cares about, and when Ed retaliates against controlling behavior, they frame his reaction as revealing an integral capacity for violence that's somehow unique to Ed, proof something is wrong with him. Ed's relationships with older men consistently re-traumatize him.
"I loved you, best I could," is such a juicy line, and I think it really shows Ed's headspace at that moment - he's just tried to get Izzy to kill him, basically saying "you told me I had to be Blackbeard or I was dead, and I can't do it, so you need to finish the job," and Izzy just mocked him for being too scared to kill himself directly. Ed was never, ever going to be able to meet Izzy's expectations for him.
The most interesting thing about Ed and Izzy's relationship is how they see each other so wildly differently, I think. Izzy sees Blackbeard as the ideal of piracy to the extent that he doesn't see Ed as a three-dimensional person, and Ed's projecting his daddy issues onto this mean White guy. They, fundamentally, do not understand each other. It's so fucked up and I love it so much.
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donotwishonme · 2 months
april 1: spring - 275 words - @jegulus-microfic
Regulus is half asleep, face warm against James’ chest, an arm thrown over his waist and legs tangled underneath the sheets. James’ fingers are gently carding through his hair lulling him to sleep.
“What do you think about a spring wedding?" James speaks suddenly.
“What?” Regulus feels wide awake in an instant, sitting up so he can look at James’ face. He’s looking back up at him with a dopey smile and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The hand that was in his hair now holding onto his arm. “You’re not proposing to me, are you? Wh-” 
Regulus is panicking a bit. They’ve been together for some time now, Regulus is definitely planning on staying together, for a long time, for as long as James will have him. But they haven’t talked about marriage before. He would say yes if James was proposing. It’s just a bit unexpected. 
“I’m not,” James interrupts his thoughts. “At least not yet, I just wanted to know if that is something you would want, to get married, to me.”
Regulus leans down to plant a kiss on James’ lips. Before he can get lost in it he pulls back. Faces still close together.
“Of course I’d want that,” he whispers, so it stays a secret between them, so no outside source can hear it and ruin it for them. 
He settles back into James’ side, lets him talk about how he has to start planning his proposal soon, all the potential wedding guests. And Regulus just listens, happy, content, slowly falling asleep again. Dreaming about all the days they’ll have together and a wedding surrounded by blooming flowers.
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satellitespinner · 2 months
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✼ mommy issues .. (two)
a/n: PLEASE READ CONTENT WARNINGS ! holy gyat i just ate good chilli and it made me wanna get pregnant ANYWAYS.. i was gonna add spice but i found out the girl i like had a crush on a dude so you get more angst:) enjoy
content warnings: ANGST readers child is described to have curly hair, reader is of spanish speaking descent. (or atleast speaks it.) we on some white people shit lowk… ellie is good with kids😍😍😍😍😍 reader works in a hospital! you kids lowk an ass.. ellie has another panic attack. ellie still sad. CANADA MENTIONED RAAAHHHHHHHH cat brought up!!!! we almost get a kith…. this bitch is not proofread
wc: 4.4k
taglist @flowersforvi @ellslvr @saturnsdrafts @3lli3l0v3r @williamssgirl @liasxeatt @adelaide013 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliessweetheart @pedropascalsbbg @ellies2missingfingers @nelzooo @r3starttt @jaeminpookie @onlinelesbo @tphmnv @p4ison1vy @pascals-doll @snowy-vee @diddiqueen @littlegingerperson5 @ellieslob @elliessluutt @macaroni676
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a few days later ellie finds herself sitting in a booth at her work with her two colleagues. tonight was the first time she was going to babysit your son, and she was terrified
she found that in this moment was the first time her thoughts weren’t plagued of joel since he died.
“i swear! not even light years could dim such a woman.” ellie describes you as if you were a goddess. well, to her you were.
“can you shut the fuck up with that weird space shit and talk like a normal person?”
jesse scolds jokingly. he winces in pain as dina’s foot meets his shin under the table.
“whatever, dude. it’s true.” the girl sulks.
“hey! speaking of space nerd shit. how’s school going, el?” dina asks with a smile on her face.
little did she know the mere mention of school caused gut plummeting anxiety for ellie.
“uhh, it’s good. it’s- school, you know?.” ellie mutters, there isn’t much to say. besides the fact that she’s gonna fail if she doesn’t scrape together a thousand dollars for fucking textbooks.
sometimes ellie wondered if dina struggled with money. she works this shitty waitressing job for twenty bucks an hour, and she has a son. but then again, she didn’t have the burden of school on top of all her other responsibilities.
the table goes quiet after ellie’s response. she’s not one to open up about her personal life. she only told dina about joel dying a few weeks ago.
joel. joel.
ellies mind clouds over. like a switch that clicked, making her go from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. she was always like that.
“ellie?” she hears a feminine voice break her out of her trance. a sympathetic expression on dina’s face when ellie looks up at her.
“sorry. what did you say?” she throws in a fake smile to distract from the fact that she was on the brink of another panic attack.
the last time she had a panic attack at work she was so embarrassed she didn’t come in for a week.
“i asked if you needed a ride tonight. y’know cause of the baby sitting.” dina offers, again.
ellie thinks about arguing with the girl, but she decides against it. knowing she’ll just end up in dina’s passenger seat anyway.
“yeah that would be awesome. thanks.” ellie couldn’t help but feel even more guilty every time dina offered. she felt like she was taking advantage of her. even though she knew she wasn’t.
ellie huffs out of her cheeks before standing up from the booth. “time to get back to work.” she jokingly frowns. causing jesse to laugh.
“it was time to get back to work 10 minutes ago.” he corrects in a ‘told you so’ tone as they start walking back to their designated areas.
“fuck off.” she peers, stopping so dina can catch up to them. she sticks her tongue out at jesse when dina places a hand on her shoulder.
“what a gentlewoman, she’s gonna love you.” she whispers and shoots ellie a wink. leaving ellie flustered yet rolling her eyes.
you had to be at work in an hour and your son was not cooperating.
“felix!” you shriek, the child was running around with a cheeto you gave him 3 hours ago. you fight the urge to laugh at his un styled curls and grimey face, but your stern mom facade over rode.
“¡vuelve aquí niño sucio!”
(“come back here dirty boy”)
he continued to run wild like a chicken with no head. you start to get sick of his behavior and put your foot down.
“felix. now.”
he stops in his tracks at your stern tone. he sulks as he makes his way to you. you smile at his obedience.
you take his gross cheeto and toss it into the trash. he pouts at your action which causes you to scoff. “put that lip away, chiquito.” you tease him.
he lightens up fast. his sad attitude being replaced with a toothy smile. it was infectious. whenever he was happy, you were happy.
“there we go!” you laugh as you zip up his sweater. he scrambles away before you could wipe the dirt off of his face. you sigh.
you picked your battles with him.
you decided to shoot ellie a quick text, hoping to prepare her for your crazy kid.
ellie’s running around the house in hopes to baby-proof the place when she gets a text from you.
sexy neighbor: hey ellie! he’s almost ready, and please excuse the dirt on his face. i promise i’m not a bad mom lol.
she smiles and begins to type back.
ellie: all good haha, is there any specific allergies or things you need done tonight?
she shuts off her phone and continues to clean up, moving the whiskey on the counter into the high parts of her cupboard.
she runs to her room and changes into a pair of gray sweats and a clean hoodie.
sexy neighbor: nope no allergies! could you make him dinner? if it’s to big of an ask i can totally send something! just say the word.
ellie: oh absolutely. i already planned to make him dinner anyway.
sexy neighbor: oh wow thank you so much, you’re going to be a great babysitter i’m sure 😉
ellie’s cheeks heat up at the text. you were such a mom. she thought to herself. she was just going to like the message when another comes through.
sexy neighbor: he is insisting to bring his coloring supplies. i hope that’s okay..?
ellie: oh wow were going to get along well. that’s totally fine :)
sexy neighbor: thanks sweetheart
a few minutes ellie’s front door is being knocked on by a small hand. when she opens the door she’s met with a backpack clad felix and you. in scrubs.
“hi!” she exclaimed as soon as she opened the door, her words mostly directed at the young boy.
“hello!” your son replies quickly. “i brought toys for us to play with!” she tells her, like he’s known her forever.
“oh thank god.” she puts a hand over her heart as she crouches down to his level.
“toys r’ scarce around here..” she warns. felix looks at her confused, but you laugh.
ellie stands up and puts out her hand for the boy to take, which he does. you smile at the interaction before crouching down to him.
“te amo, cariño” you gently whispered into his ear as you give him a small peck.
you stand up quickly and pull ellie in for a quick hug as well.
“thank you, again.” you sighed into the hug as you expressed your gratitude. ellie smiled at you. she really wanted to kiss you right now.
“don’t sweat it, now get going mom. you’re gonna be late!” she jokes as she looks down at your son.
“you’re right. i should go.” you make your way to the car and get in. you roll down your window and blew kisses at your son, who was now in ellie’s arms. you shoot ellie a wink before taking off.
ellie puts your son down, keeping his hand interlocked with hers as she takes him inside.
“hey kid, does your mom speak spanish?”
you found yourself immediately trusting ellie when you first met her. her green eyes reminded you of your own sons.
you saw yourself in her quite a bit, you could tell she was hurting. when she opened up to you that night in your kitchen about her father you could tell.
she told you she had grown up without a mother and all you could think about was nurturing and comforting her like she deserved.
you also saw the way she looked at you.
ellie found great comfort in your sons presence. he distracted her from her usual routine, which wasn’t the healthiest..
currently, felix had ellie drawing each one of his toy cars.
“like this?” she asks, flipping the paper to show him her drawing of a red car.
“no!” he denies before showing his own. a paper full of scribbles with his name poorly printed at the top.
“ohhh.. i see.” she says before flipping the paper back to herself and scribbling atop her original drawing.
“like this?” she asks once again.
“yes!” he confirms. ellie laughs at his childish antics.
the boy had requested a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner around 8:30.
“yeah i could go for a grilled cheese right now.” ellie agrees as she pats his head.
ellie had mastered the art of cooking before she was 14. when joel started fostering her the first thing she asked him was if she could use the kitchen.
although she would do anything to do that for her career, in this economy there was no chance. so she settled on astrophysics. and boy was it expensive.
she just hoped that everything would work out and she could make joel proud.
your shift was fucking exhausting. first, some random psych patient spit in your face. then, you spilt coffee all over yourself not even halfway through the night.
you were ready to go home and see your baby.
you had texted ellie a few times throughout the night for updates and she replied with something positive every time.
ellie next door: yeah he’s fine don’t worry! hes coloring right now.
you: awh that’s my boy. i hope he’s not being to much.
ellie next door: nope not too much at all
ellie next door: *one attachment*
he says hi mama !
you: oh my god aweeeeeee you two are so cute.
you smiled and saved the image to your camera roll without hesitation. it was a picture of your son at ellie’s kitchen table, markers and paper littered her table.
the reflection of her on the black television caught her smiling widely as he waved at the camera.
you: did he eat anything yet?
ellie next door: yep! he requested a grilled cheese. he also had some snacks earlier.
you: perfectttt you’re a life saver!
ellie contemplates how she should respond to your message. she could start flirting or she could img fucking chill and be normal.
she chose the latter.
ellie next door: haha! it’s really no problem :)
ellie had put your son to bed in her bedroom rather than the couch. the kid had toddled in there before ellie could reach him.
she tried to chase him down but his curiosity made him fast and sneaky.
“get back here lil’ man!” she giggles as his tiny feet smack against the hardwood floors.
he giggles as he ran away from her, running into the first open door he sees, that being ellie’s room.
he was awestruck by the many comic book posters and the guitar in the corner of the room was where he was headed.
before ellie grabbed him, that is.
“i don’t think so.” she laughs as she picks him up with ease. gently tossing him onto the bed.
“you have a boys room. but you’re a girl.” the boy points out, not in a bad way. ellie could tell he was just stating what he saw.
“yeah thanks for telling me i didn’t know.”
by the time you arrived home the sun was about to come up, and you were fucking exhausted. you contemplated asking ellie to keep him the rest of the night, but you didn’t.
your kid, your responsibility. you reminded yourself. as you knocked on ellie’s door.
pajama clad ellie opens the door with a smile, welcoming you in immediately.
“hey ellie, how was it?” you ask with a yawn. she guides you over to her kitchen island. her house layout almost identical to yours.
ellie smiles and describes her night with your son in great detail. your heart melts at the way her face lights up during certain points of her story. she recalls how she chased him around after dinner and he insisted on sleeping in her room.
your reach into your purse and searched your wallet, you spoke as your hands fumbled in your bag.
“i really cannot thank you enough,” you begin, finally pulling out your wallet and pulling out a few twenties for ellie. she looks confused as you try to pass them to her, putting her hands out to decline.
“you already paid me, remember?” you nod - urging her to take the extra cash.
“i just wanted to give you a little extra.” you smile and ellie almost cries. she held it together though, she probably told you thank you about forty times before you laughed and told her it wasnt a problem.
ellie lead you to her bedroom to retrieve your son, who was dead asleep underneath her planet print bedsheets. ellies cheeks turned pink when you giggled and said; “nice sheets, el.”
you tried to gently wake your son but he wasn't having it. you grabbed his arm to pull him out of the bed. he groans and slides himself underneath the covers. you are fully on your knees at this point. “i swear, if you embarrass me.” you threaten in a whisper so ellie didn't hear, she still did.
ellie chuckled lowly. “he can sleep here, its pretty late anyways.” she smiled.
you slightly bit your lip. “are you sure?” it wasn't ellie that you didn't trust, it was your kid. ellie wasn't hearing it.
sleepovers at ellies became a recurring thing after that. your son was so excited everytime she babysat and it made your heart so full.
this time in particular your son was extra excited. ellie had promised him ice cream for not putting up a fight to leave the previous time.
usually she greeted you at the door with a smile and a hug. but this time she didn’t answer at all..
“mama where’s ellie?” your son asked. “i don’t know baby.” you reply with a raise of your eyebrow.
you saw her arrive home, you two even spoke briefly before she went in to unwind. she seemed dull today.
you knew something wasn’t right so you decided to go in. your son followed you close behind. you sat him on the couch and advised him not to move.
the house was dark. you slowly stepped down the hallway.
“ellie? honey?” you called out, to your surprise there was no reply. a shiver crept up your spine.
you walked until you were faced with her bedroom door. it was slightly open. so you knocked before you stepped inside.
the door cracked open as you entered. you didn’t know what to expect but it definitely wasn’t that.
ellie was laying in her bed, fetal position. sobbing her brains out. you were surprised you didn’t hear her when you were walking down the hall.
she gasped for air as you rushed to her. you sit down and sit her up so her back is against the headboard.
“shh, you’re okay. i’m here.” those words, although comforting triggered even more tears to fall. she didn’t know what she was doing.
the girl screamed in your arms for what felt like forever and you just sat there and held her. you whispered sweet words into her ears and rubbed circles on her back.
eventually your son had run through the door. a little gasp leaving his lips at the sight of ellie.
“ellie are you okay!?” he practically screamed in her face. you took your free hand and tried to shove him out the door.
ellie’s loud cries turned into soft sniffles as he wouldn’t leave. your son practically jumped onto her to try and make her feel better. your heart drops but ellie just laughs and pulls him into a deep hug.
ellie looks to you as your son babbles absolute nonsense into her shoulder.
“i’m really sorr-“ she starts, but you instantly cut her off.
“absolutely none of that.” you say, in your mom voice. her eyes widen at your tone.
“can you stay with els while i make a quick phone call?” you ask your son. he stands up tall. “yes!” he nods as if he were superman. you and ellie both laugh.
ellie knew exactly what put her in that position. her entire day was fucked from the beginning.
she should've called out of work when she woke up from a dream nightmare about joel.
she couldn’t stop thinking about the dream while doing her morning routine, or skating to work. which ended with her on the ground and her board in half.
if that wasn’t enough, while she was on her shift her ex walks in.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” she whisper-yells as she watches the black haired, tattoo ridden girl takes a seat. with a new girl.
there was no way in hell she was going to serve them. she couldn’t ask dina, her table kept sending back the food. ellie was ready to go over there and rip them a new one. she refrained.
jesse couldn’t, obviously. she wasn’t going to ask sam. she looked like she was also on the verge of tears. i guess everyone’s having a shitty day. she thought to herself as she walked over to cats table. except you.
“ellie! hey!” cat smiled, she wasn’t happy to see ellie, it was an evil smile. she was happy to terrorize ellie.
“i forgot you worked here!” she continues, earning an eye roll from ellie. sure you did, bitch.
ellie keeps it short and sweet. oh how badly she wanted to ask if this was her new girlfriend. but she didn’t.
“what can i get for you?” she asks, she didn’t even bother plastering a fake smile on her face.
cat and her whatever she is tell ellie there orders and she’s out of there. she doesn’t even give out her scripted response of.
“great choices! that’ll be right out for you!”
she just leaves.
when ellie returns with the two plates the pair look to be in deep conversation.
perfect ellie thought. she could just put down the food and get the fuck out of there-
“so how’s joel?!” cat asks, her lips pursed and her hands intertwined underneath her chin. ellie takes a deep breath. she should’ve docked cat in the face. she didn’t.
the fucking nerve that this bitch has.
ellie doesn’t reply. she turns around and speed walks back to the kitchen where she breaks down for the first time that day. dina ended up finding her and bringing her home early.
to top off her picture perfect fucking day. ellie gets home and finds a new email from her prof. she quickly skims through. as soon as she read the words “cost” and a four digit number, she was done.
her wobbly legs about to give out underneath her as she lays down on her bed. she takes a few deep breaths but it doesn’t help.
she didn’t even hear you come in. but soon enough you were rubbing her back and telling her that it was going to be okay.
she couldn’t help but cry more because the last person to comfort her like that was him.
eventually you calmed her down. you left for a few minutes and came back with a glass of water and a few pain killers.
“take these, your head must be killing you.” you sit down next to her and rub her back as she throws the pills back.
god. ellie felt like such a child.
“good girl.” you whisper as she takes a few more deep breaths. eventually calming completely. the comment didn’t pass hee though. her cheeks (among other things.) were suddenly hot and sticky from tears.
she turned to make eye contact with you, her eyes blood shot. you wondered how long she had been crying for.
the first words that left ellie’s mouth were simple. “did you still want that ice cream, lil man?” your son jumped up and down before grabbing her hand and pulling her off into the kitchen.
ellie had sat him down with a kind portion of chocolate ice cream before she walked up to you.
“hes more than welcome to sleep here tonight. if you don’t feel like picking him up.” she clarifies. her hands on her hips.
“oh ellie, i called out of work. we’re both staying.” ellie’s jaw drops. she instantly starts shaking her head in denial.
“no no you didn’t need to do that trust me, i’m really fine-” you pull her in for a hug to shut her up. you hold her tightly as she sighs into your shoulder.
“i’m sorry.” she whispers. you could only imagine how embarrassed she must’ve been.
“don’t be. you’re human.” you reassure her. you wanted to cry now too. you knew she was going through a bit of money trouble but how broken was this girl?
that night after your son went to bed you listened to ellie rant about her life for hours.
for the most part she held back tears but when she brought up joel you could tell it was hard.
you didn’t pry, or ask questions. you just listened. you listened to the good and the bad.
you two laughed when she told you about when she kissed her best friend riley, and then cried when she told you that riley had moved to canada and that they haven’t talked since.
you had told ellie about how you discovered you were a lesbian during your marriage.
you were bruh shocked to find your now ex-husband very cool with it.
she found out that you guys shared custody and he owned a house in a different part of the city. ellie was a bit envious of your seemingly normal life. you didn’t have to worry about money. atleast, not as much as she did.
you were nodding along as ellie told you about joel. joel had fostered ellie since she was twelve, he adopted her officially when she was sixteen.
she told you how he taught her the guitar, and let her get a tattoo before she turned eighteen.
ellie and joel’s relationship was rocky before he passed. ellie was going through that age where she needed a mother when she started acting out.
“i was always angry.” she confessed. “i would say the cruelest things to him and he would just,” she paused, looking for the right word. “he just took it.”
you frowned at this.
if you had known about any of this you would have never thrown your kid at her for half the week.
among the bad, you also learned a few interesting things about ellie.
she really liked to cook, and she was fucking good at it. you discovered that when she pulled out leftover pasta and served it to you like you were a member of the royal family.
eventually it was your turn to talk her ear off. however, there wasn’t much to tell, you thought.
“uhm- my favorite movie is tangled.” you laughed. ellie blew a raspberry.
“oh c’mon mama, you didn’t have like - a crazy childhood?” she asked. mama, huh?
you shrugged and spoke “not much to tell.” ellie rolls her eyes.
“alrighty then.” she ponders for a moment before speaking “you wanna watch a movie?” she asked, smiling like a fox. you felt your core tighten.
you accepted her offer and she reached out and helped you off her bar stool.
“what a gentle woman.”
“so i’ve been told.”
you and ellie didn’t settle on a movie. she sat you down and told you that you were watching tangled.
you put your hands up in defense. “if you insist.”
“i do insist.” she lays a soft pink blanket over the two of you as the movie begins.
“didn't picture you as much of a pink girl.” you state, covering your arms up with the blanket.
“m’ not, it’s just for you.” she says, her eyes only leaving the television to meet your own.
“just for me?” you ask, putting a hand over your chest in flattery.
“mhm” she replies with a wink and turns her focus back to the tv. it was your turn to feel flustered at her actions. she was quite the flirt apparently.
rapunzel was currently interrogating eugene when you turned to ellie.
“this is also his favorite movie.” ellie smiled at the fact. “is it really?” she laughed. not a condescending laugh, but more of a ‘that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever heard’ laugh.
“it is! he loves it so much, it’s adorable.” you tell her.
“you’re adorable” ellie accidentally admits. her face flushing when she’s noticed what she said.
she’s about to profusely apologize and possibly crawl in a hole and die when you giggle.
“i could say the same about you.” you whisper, shifting your body a little closer to her own. you were already close, but now your thighs were touching.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, her eyes still on the screen. you burn holes in the side of her face. she doesn’t budge.
“ellie?” you whisper, you see her swallow before turning to look at you.
“y-yeah?” her pupils had dilated just a bit and you swore her freckles were more prominent. maybe you were a bit too close-
“you’re very pretty.” you tell her, your eyes darting from her eyes to her lips. then back to her eyes again.
ellie didn’t respond, instead she smirked and licked her lips. “yeah, you think so?” she asks, mostly rhetorically but you answer anyway. “i know so.”
ellie’s lips are dangerously close to your own when she slips her hand under your chin.
“i think you’re the prettiest.” she whispers. you almost didn’t hear her.
you're closing the gap between you two when you hear your sons sleepy voice come out of nowhere. you and ellie both quickly pull away from each other and she clears her throat.
“‘punzel!” he cheers, one of his pant legs riding up his leg, his hair all frizzled. you both light-heartedly laugh at the boys appearance.
“c’mere, baby.” you bring your arms out from underneath the blanket. open for him to crawl into. he obliged and crakes into your lap. you couldn’t even be mad at him for being up so late at this point.
ellie reached up and strokes his hair gently.
fucking cockblock
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
A/n: Only one more of these to make B). This was going to be much shorter but it felt weird to make one really short when the other's are longer so I just kept going and I like this ending much more than the other one and I hope you agree, Izzy lovers are honestly the best kinds of people.
Warnings: smut, oral sex(f+m receiving), fingering(f receiving), degradation, drugs, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy :3
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Izzy left the studio with not much care. So long as he wasn’t the first out no one would care, right? Besides, all he really wanted was to stir the pot as per usual, and he did it like a pro. That’s all there was to it. He went on with his business and didn’t think too much about it.
Or so he thought.
He wasn’t doing anything with anyone, staying home more often than not and if he wasn’t he was getting cracked out of his mind at parties where that’s all anyone was doing, no one was getting ready for some action.
His stash was running low so he invited some people over, hoping to fix off of them. When people started showing up and getting loaded he happened to notice someone he’d never seen before.
He asked around and someone eventually gave him something. A friend of a friend of a dealer. Izzy didn’t think too much of it, someone else just trying to get high like him, what’s there to it?
Only, he kept catching her watching him.
At some point he’d gone to the bathroom to snort something alone. He’d just started when you came in and closed the door behind you. He gave you a look. “Sorry, I’m not sharing.” He mumbled.
“I’m not into that stuff.” You responded as he snorted another line. He looked back up at you with a confused expression.
“Then why are you here?” You shrugged and looked up to the fluorescent lighting.
“I’m into other stuff.” Izzy nodded.
“Smack?” He asked, looking at your arm for any track marks. “Heroin?” You took a step closer to him. “Come on, give me a hint, at least.” He asked with a wonky smile. You chewed your cheek and dropped to your knees, looking up at him with innocent starry eyes.
When Izzy saw that he was reminded of the bet. Now, he wasn’t ready to say no to a face like that but he wasn’t ready to forfeit either. Tough decision.
“Sorry, I can’t, my friends and I have this bet-”
“What kind of bet?” You interrupted.
“To see who can last the whole month without, like, doing anything.” He chuckled to himself at how stupid it sounded in his mind.
“Would you be the first one out?” Izzy let out a heavy breath at that and shook his head. All he wanted was to stir the pot and not be the last one out, right now it was just him and Slash. Oh shit, he was in the finals! He hadn’t thought about it that way. “Then what’s the big deal?” Izzy sucked his bottom lip and stared down at you, trying to think through the haze in his mind.
You stayed on your knees, looking up at him and watching for a reaction as you lifted up his shirt. Just enough so you could see his happy trail and press your plush lips to his abdomen. That pretty much killed any thought Izzy had against this.
As you kissed him he undid his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers, hitting you in the face with his dick. You happily took the tip into your mouth and started swirling your tongue around it while your hand came up to stroke him.
He was already leaning against the counter behind him for stability when you took more of him into your mouth, getting yourself used to him hitting the back of your throat before taking him all in your mouth, gagging slightly on his length.
Izzy’s head was thrown back  in pleasure as your head bobbed up and down on him. You started touching yourself through your clothes, getting off on Izzy’s pleasure. When you started moaning around his member he couldn’t help cum, the vibrations sent him over the edge. He grabbed you by the back of the head  and pulled you down on him as he shot his load down your throat, guttural groans slipping past his lips.
When he was done he let go of you and let you pull away to catch your breath. You wiped your mouth and chin of the drool that had slipped out the corners of your mouth.
Izzy tilted your head up with a finger under your chin. “Did you swallow it all?” He asked with a lazy grin. You smiled up at him and opened your mouth wide to show you had. “Good girl.”
Having lost the bet already there was no point in looking back now. He gestured for you to get up and you did, now standing in front of him. He brought his hand to your waist and guided you to the counter where he could bend you over, lifting your skirt over your ass to give him a perfect view of you.
You were wearing a thin pair of panties and fishnet stockings. Izzy admired you for a moment before gripping the fishnets and snapping the weak threads holding them together, making a bigger opening for him. He pinned your panties to the side and thrust into you, your cunt already soaked.
He waited a moment, taking in how hot you felt wrapped around him, the face he could see you making in the mirror. He started moving, watching your face for a reaction he liked and when he saw one he knew to keep hitting that spot.
Of course it had your mind running miles a minute. The way his tip kissed that perfect spot inside you that had you seeing stars over and over again. His hold on your hips was tight, sure to leave bruises for you to look back on with fond memories.
Your favourite were the soft grunts and groans you’d hear in your ear. Heavy breaths mixed with the occasional moan. He was watching you in the mirror but you were also watching him as his head rolled back, you’d catch glimpses of his eyes crossing before he shut them tight.
Izzy took a hand off your hip to turn your face towards him so he could kiss you. His tongue slipped past your lips with ease. Your moans fell onto his lips as you came hard around him, slick dripping down between your thighs. The way you clenched around him was the last straw for him and he came again inside of you, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you impossibly closer to him.
“Fuck.” Izzy breathed, kissing you one last time before pulling away and watching his cum ooze out of you. He dropped to his knees and started lapping at your folds.
“Fuck!” You squeaked and tried to push his head away but he didn’t budge. “Izzy! Izzy, s’too much.” You whined. He responded with a harsh slap on your ass, leaving a pink mark. He continued eating you out like his life depended on it, sucking every ounce of your dignity you had as you watched yourself in the mirror. Your face contorting in pleasure, your hips bucking back to meet his face.
He pushed a skilled finger into you, making you cum with only a few pumps as he hit that same special spot every time and sent you over the edge.
“You’re such a bitch, you know that?” He mumbled as he stood up again behind you, now holding you and resting his head on your shoulder. “Sneaking into my house, getting me into the bathroom, sucking me off when I told you I couldn’t...” He had this smirk as he spoke, it was tired but carried a very needed amount of teasing.
“You could’ve stopped me if you wanted to.” You replied in an equally tired manner, leaning back on him slightly.
“I didn’t want to.” He said firmly, giving your neck a soft kiss.
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ayashitetsuko · 3 months
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When you start to look like your boyfriend
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hyperfixationspam · 1 year
i want more modern aus where ed's job is something normal but izzy is the same amount of intense about it. "edward you cant quit your job at the mcdonalds dont you understand this is what you were meant for"
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