ivorai · 1 month
Ваш шанс выглядеть стильно и чувствовать себя комфортно! Новая футболка Long sleeve из 85% хлопка и 15% эластана идеальна для тех, кто хочет быть в тренде. Подчеркните свою индивидуальность сейчас!
Уже в продаже.👇
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mxthtea · 3 years
10 + 12 w xiao?? Romantic :)
theres so many different kind of skating oh god, i will assume it was roller skating for my sanity
xiao + skating + night walks (modern au)
from this prompt list
word count: 112
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you laughed as you skated past xiao, turning your head as you looked back at him.
"hurry up xiao! you're going to slow!"
your boyfriend sped up to you and took your hand in his.
"don't go so fast, it's dark out and you could get hurt."
"c'mon, i know this place like the back of my hand. i won't run into anything."
he sighed and squeezed your hand.
"just stay with me at least."
he was quiet with that, you could barely hear it.
"whatever you say, xiao."
you raised his hand and kissed the back of it. he looked away but you could notice the flustered look on his face.
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aimixx · 3 years
Come on dont be shy bestie, change your theme to him
Do it for him
Hes adorable
Look at him
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Cmon bestie ik you want to
pics aint loading
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beidousbunny · 3 years
Hey anon, just leave if you're gonna make a commotion here, just let bunny rest???
oh my goodness can i just tell you how aesthetically beautiful your blog is- it’s actually so so pretty holy wow
but anyways HAHAH fr- bun bun can only handle so much bs! im actually breaking out in hives cause i smell an idiot 😰😰😰
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blisschi · 3 years
oh?? you reached 700 followers? o(^▽^)o
congratulations then bliss!! let's try to get you to 1k before july hehe (o゜▽゜)o☆
I-I-- (°ロ°) !
I don't know if that's possible but thank you!!
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zuluc · 3 years
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➠ one - my rice dilemma
masterlist - next
➠ fun facts:
the japchae part is based off of a true story (was actually jajangmyeon) and i didn’t want to be mean so i ate the spoonful @sunyas gave me 😀 but her tteokbokki was, nice
venti does send random messages and childe usually answers them. lumine stopped when she and venti got into a heated argument about what classified as a vegetable or fruit
they all know that y/n can’t cook but they try their best. their best was cereal
➠ taglist: @kazuhavo1r @bookuya @ariesreii @flower0930 @vellichxrr6782 @raiincore @satorinnie @yuheng-simps-no-longer-simps @kitsamii @zurigood8 @sacredmouche @volleybloop @hq149 @albedos-apprentice @egghammer @wittsluv @ivoray @xiaol0vebot @n4nar1e @fanfictwarrior @foxxtrot-116 @kait-is-always-late @narirain @guilixi @mirakeul @celestair @nekonikoniko @toriiee @oliviasslut @nanilly
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yanbub · 3 years
apparently kazuha likes maple leaves so! another ficlet bc im a sucker for his jp voice! </3 (based from kazuha's teapot and "something to share: maple leaves" voiceline(s) this time!)
spoilers again 4 kazuha's story but it's just abt the cutscene in the recent quest n all
cutely tags @primogenshin / @kazuhavo1r, @kazuqha @yeetmeoffjueyunkarst, @adeptusjade, @shxnosuke, @help-wtf-am-i-even-doing, @ivoray, @seerie <3
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“take this. for it shall remind you of my presence as i am gone,” he said.
you wanted to go with him, to join him to wherever he’s going. but he didn’t allow you to, saying it’s best that you and him should part ways for now. the warm hand that you always wanted to hold abandoned you as the icy winds of midnight welcomed it instead. you understand his decision - being in contact with a recent criminal would be dangerous for the two of you.
and so the waiting game began. you didn’t contact kazuha for months, it was risky. all you did was hope, hope that he’s safely travelling so that he doesn't end up in some serious danger.
looking at the maple leaf that was still in your grasp, you wondered; just how long has it been since kazuha left inazuma? ah right, it’s been almost a year now. it’s been almost a year since he left, since he gave you this maple leaf.
kazuha always loved maple leaves - you knew that by heart. everytime during autumn is the time where he would create the most haikus, the majority of them were for you as a way to convey the love he holds for you. yet, even if kazuha adored maple leaves so much, he will never forget the forceful goodbyes he had to say during the moments those maple leaves fell.
it was ironic how even when he said goodbye, there were also maple leaves falling. it was during autumn, when he knocked on your window, rushing his words for he did not have enough time before someone saw him. thinking about that still hurts you, it all happened too fast for you to process things.
the autumn season arrived again as the maple leaves fell. you wondered once more; will this be the autumn that he will return? or will you have to wait more autumns for him to show himself back in the grounds of inazuma?
a red maple leaf landed onto your hand as a warm breeze slowly entered.
you missed him.
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test-tube · 3 years
Sending this to the 12 nicest people I know/have a good heart, feel free to keep the chain going!! <33 (no pressure :D)
awww qwq
okok uh @starfell-traveler @valberryy @ivoray @justa-otaku @blisschi @kazuqha @kazuhavo1r @lilikags @astrealia @baeshijima @kaeya-kisser @favoniuscodex @albaedhoe @unreconciledstars @bookuya @ganyuslily @help-wtf-am-i-even-doing @neakkoya @chaos-only and all of my other moots I can't remember the urls of rn! yall are so amazing and I doubt tumblr would be the same without you
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siluc · 2 years
remember liniko and ivoray
dont forget aikenly sweetie 😋😋
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aimixx · 3 years
If you write ANYTHING on your computer, YOU NEED TO GET GRAMMARLY™. I write pretty much ALL DAY every day and GRAMMARLY™ makes my writing better. As a student I like that it's FREE It actually is... correcting everything as I'm writing it. Grammar errors spelling errors... IT EVEN helps me find the right words to use!! SO I can say what I want to say!! It catches all those embarrassing little mistakes BEFORE I HIT SEND!!! I download GRAMMARLY™ around my freshman year because I was just... H O R R I B L E... at typing! Grammarly™ is like my secret weapon for writing papers. It's just the PERFECT tool for your resume, you know you don't want ANY errors when it's your first impression. I use GRAMMARLY™ for important emails, social media posts (which there are a L O T of.) I've used EVERY TOOL OUT THERE!! And Grammarly™ is by far the BEST for improving your writing. GRAMMARLY™ is making me a better writer. AND it's free... I would recommend GRAMMARLY™ if you're a student, my family, my peers, my colleagues, It's like having YOUR OWN personal proof-reader for free.
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aimixx · 3 years
Honestly i agree with kat, you and cosmic, go get some therapy and come back when you're done /j
I was only barking in lowercase at that time,,
@unknown-hilichurl lets go starw at kazuha
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aimixx · 3 years
lumi + brainrotting = scary screaming on main,, :looksaway:
its even worse on discord help-
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aimixx · 3 years
Hey guys welcome back to another video, today we will be exposing a tumblr blog called kazuqha for promotig ajax slander because that is unacceptable /j
my apology video
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mxthtea · 3 years
well it would be very unpleasant, considering a shrimp's tail has a sharp point,, could leave a whole battle scar at your face
"how'd you get that scar"
"w-what? i can't hear you."
"it was shrimp."
"stop talking."
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aimixx · 3 years
Scara got a mango, then he did a tango and went to do a fandango
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aimixx · 3 years
I've 👁 had a couple 👰 of Samsung 🤣😅 phones 📱 and I 👥 think 💭 they're 👨 great 🇬🇧. I've 👁 ever 😠 only had two 💏 of their smartphones 📱 tho 😏, or three 🍗 if you 👈🏼 count 🔢 the Galaxy 😤 Young 👶. Galaxy 😤 Young 👶 was an experience 🖐 to say 💬 the least 💯. Looking 👀 back ⬅ it doesn't even 🌃 seem 🤔 like 😄 a smartphone 🆕📲☎ but 🍑 just because it had a touch 👈 screen 📺, it was a smartphone 🆕📲☎, at least ❗ for me. I 👁 remember 💭 the pressing 👊 of the buttons 🔴😤 surprisingly 😯 smooth 😭 and didnt feel 😜👉🍆 like 👍👈 those screens 💻🖥 where you 👈🏽 had to press 👊 with mild 😷 pressure 🛃 to actually 😳 interact 🍆 with the screen 📺. And after 👀 a while I 👁 got 🍸 really 💯 good 😎👌🏻💯 at the typing ⌨ and using 😏 the phone 🗣 in general 💂. But 🍑 seeing 👀 all 💯 the other people 👨 in my group 👥 move 🚚 away 😂😅 from those types ⌨ of budget 💵💸 smartphones 📱 didnt even 🌃 phase ℹ me one ☝ bit 😢. And this was a true 💯 budget 💳 phone 🗣, hell 🔥💥😰 it cost 💸💵💴 30 📅$ and it lasted 🔫 me 3 🖱 years 🗓⌛. And then I 👁 got 🉐🇮🇹 the Galaxy 😤 S4 🕹 for 12th ⏳ birthday 🎉. I 👥 won't 🚫 ever 😠 forget 🤔 it. Started 🆕 hyperventilating and everything 💯 when 🍑 I 👁 saw 👀 what I 👁 actually 😳 got 🉐 as a present 🎁. It became ❓ a joke 😜 in the family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 and even 🌃 my friends 👬 because my reaction 🗑🙅‍♀️ was filmed 🎥 and was showed 🕺 to every ☝ member 🍆😩 of the family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 of the friend 👫👬👭 I 👥👈 was at. Cus 😐 I 👁 had been looking 👀 at this phone 🗣 for a while, looking 👀 not in a "I 👁 wish 🙏 I 👁✂ had it" kinda 🍕 way 💫, but 🍑 literally 💯 going 🏃 to the shop 🏢 and just lookin 👀🍑 at it and using 😏 it. If my dad 👴 or my mom 👩 asked 🙏 me to come 💦 with them to the mall 🏬 I 👁 would always 🕔 find 🔎😃 a electronics 📺 shop 🏢 and go 🏃🏻2️⃣🎃 to the phone 📞📱😒 section 😼👌💥 and start 🆕 using ✍🏻 the phone 🗣. And there I 👁 would be testing 💯 out all 💯 the features 🎥 for hours 🕐 on 🔛🐆🚌 end 🔚. Gosh 😱, the freaking 🙀😰😱 features 🧬 this phone 📱👉 had, half 💀 of which I 👁 didn't even 🌃 use 🏻 and was defo 💯 a gimmick. But 🍑 at that time ⏰ I 👁 was pretty 👸 goddamn 😤 impressed 😍 with some of them, especially 🙌 the eye-scrolling. Worked 🏢 surprisingly 🤯 well 😦👀🤷 a lot 🍑 of the time ⏰. And the camera 📸 was good 👍 in that time 🕐 period 😩🍫. But 🍑 this phone 🗣 goddamn 😤, I 👁 had this phone 📱 for 5 🎄 years 🗓⏱. In that period 🩸 the people 👨 at my school 🎓 already 😞 had already 👋 changed 📈 about 💦 5 🎄 phones 📱, 1 🎄 each year 📅. But 🍑 there I 👥 was, still 🤞🙌 happy 👍😀😃 as day 🌞 with my phone 📱😫. Around 🧱🎶🎵 year 📆📅 2 ✌ of having the phone 📱↘ I 👁💰 broke 💔 it. I 👁 was coming 😩🍆💦 home 🏠 from school 🏫📝 and had the keys 🔑 and the phone 📱📲 in the same pocket 👖. You 👈 know 🤔 that keyring with the branded ™ ribbon 😳🎁🎀 looking 👀 thing 📴 a lot 🍑 of people 👫👬👭 have, for having the key 🔑 around 🔃 your 👉 neck 🧣? Yeah ✅, so the phone 📱 was above 🆙 that and got 🉐 lifted 👐💪 out of the pocket 👖 and kissed 💋👄 the concrete 🤕 floor 😂 about 💦 2 ✌ metres 📏 down ⬇
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