#ive loved it from the books to the shit bbc one and finally a great netflix show that THEY CANCELLED
bingus-bing-bong · 1 year
Tag game:
List eight shows for your followers to get to know you better.
Thank you very much for the tag @lithiumseven <3
Doctor who
Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency
The goes wrong show
Young royals
Young dracula
Tags: @bubbues @zanoc @flowergrenades @quillandrapier @bluebox-girl and as always anyone who wants a go <3
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6, 11 And 13
6: Talk about the worst birthday you've had.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a particularly bad birthday? The two birthday’s I’ve had at uni were Weird™ because I didn’t get to spend them with my family which made me feel really isolated, I don’t even really remember my 20th birthday tbh I don’t think I really did anything for it until the week later when I went to London to celebrate it with my friends up there which was far better (for some reason I have a shit ton of friends in london but hardly any at uni go figure), I actually got really upset just before midnight the night before because I knew I was going to be spending it mostly alone but then on the dot of midnight two of my london friends rang me and shout sang happy birthday at me which was really special 
11: Talk about the best dream you've ever had.
o shit son u better strap in bc it’s a Wild Ride™ that I’m pretty sure I’ve told on here before 
so basically it starts with me at school in dance rehearsals right? and I have fuck all idea what’s going on because I missed the last rehearsal but instead of teaching me the dance they like make me try to join in anyway? but I didn’t know what was going on and my partner span me and I wasnt expecting it and I flung headfirst into a mirror so that was fun. so then I went to go hide in the library until it was time to go home and my photography teacher was sat on one of the computers raging because one of her pupils had sent her an ask about the homework on tumblr and she was pissed she’d found out about her blog?? ok so anyway then someone comes and grabs me and they’re like fam it’s time to do the routine and I’m like what but I have no idea what’s going on so anyway we get all dressed up in these lovely teal cloaks with silver peacock feathers painted on the back and we’re all stood in a line in pairs and I’m at the front with my partner and arthur and uther from bbc merlin are in front of us???? and the doors open and it’s the great hall from the show and they start walking in so I follow and I get like partway in before I realise no ones followed and they’re all gesturing madly at me so I like run back and pretend nothing happened and then i think we did some sort of dance routine thingy??? i dont even remember tbh I posted the story aaaages ago where I probably remembered it better I should probs go find that tbh but it was a fuckin fun dream lmao 
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.
oh jeEZ so me and my boyfriend had actually broken up like two weeks before?? but we decided we were still gonna be super close friends because there was no reason not to be and my mum had bought be a surprise ticket to the harry potter studios and like booked a hotel in london for a few days for me and him to go have adventures (this was before i knew loads of people in london lol) and we decided we were still gonna go together bc we’re still good friends right? so we made it like half a day before just saying fuck it lets get back together bc we were dumb 18 year olds (and in fairness the relationship was actually way better after that whole disaster of a breakup so w/e) and obvs we had a hotel room to ourselves so what were we gonna do? Not Have Sex bc we didn’t think to bring condoms bc we were broken up at the start of the trip lmao so then after we got back we finally did fuck but it sucked bc i was super nervous and then after I had a pots attack bc I got so hot and there was so much adrenaline I guess?? but i nearly passed out and felt really sick and this was 2 years ago and ive literally only just realised thats what happened (i only got diagnosed a few months ago) so yeah my first time was a disaster on literally so many levels tbh 
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