#ive been told that twins have a different relationship than other siblings but honestly i wouldn't know i dont have any others
lillybean730 · 1 year
the funny thing about being twins is that people love dressing you in matching outfits
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Christmas break- Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: 84 & 92 from the 2nd prompt list with Fred Weasley
Prompts: 84. “No, mom, don’t tell him/her I said that about him/her!”
92.”I love you in every possible way.”
Word Count: 2k
a/n: The confession scene under the stars was inspired by a fic I read a while ago where Fred proposes under the stars near the burrow! Although I cant remember the name:/
also i’d love some feedback if you guys don’t mind, you can drop it in my asks or inbox or whatever, i feel like my writing is getting a little repetitive
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During Christmas break you had arranged to stay over at the Burrow with the Weasleys. Your family had decided to go on a cruise for your parents anniversary, so Mrs. Weasley gladly took you in for the break. You hadn't told Fred though, you wanted to surprise him. It was actually surprising he hasn't noticed you where keeping it a secret from him. He usually figured out your secrets within 0.2 seconds, having been best friends for the last 5 years, it wast really a surprise. So, just before your parents left for their cruise, they had driven you to Ottery St. Catchpole. Being muggle-born, they where very wary of you using magic.
So, as you pulled up to the burrow, you gave your parents a hug and a quick kiss, saying goodbye. You where far too excited to spend your Christmas break here. You had spent the previous night imagining all the scenarios that could happen over the next few weeks. It made you sad to be honest, knowing that they most likely wouldn't happen. But you could hope. You hurriedly knocked on the Weasleys door, waving a final goodbye as your parents got into the car.
Inside the burrow, Mrs Weasley was cleaning up from cooking, her family sat at the table eating, when she heard the knock on the door, she could only assume was you.
“Aww, Fred get the door please, im busy” Mrs Weasley huffed while all his siblings giggled at the table. Did he miss something? He gave his twin a confused look but brushed it off.
“Who is it, we aren't expecting anyone?” He wondered aloud.
“(Y/N)” She stated promptly, throwing a smile at him, preparing for what he would say next.
“WHAT!” He jumped from his seat. The last thing he wanted was to spend his Christmas break with her. Not in a mean way, he loved her and all but that was the problem. He was in love with her. He usually spent his Christmas fantasizing about what it would be like to be in a relationship with her, love her wholly and fully, have a life with her. He was excited, obviously to spend his Christmas with her, but Christmas meant gifts, then he had to get a gift that conveys ‘Ive been secretly in love with you since the day I lay eyes on you but I don't want to tell you in case I ruin our relationship so im going to wait for any smidgen of a hint that you like me, so I don't screw anything up and if that doesn't come then ill wait it out till you get a boyfriend, then ill cry and eat chocolate with George and try to get over it’ vibes, which was hard.
George interrupted his panicked thoughts. “Yeah! Mum invited her over to tell her all about how you drool all over her and daydream about herrrrr ”
“And how her eyes are so god damn dreamy” Ron and Harry had joined in and soon the whole table was reciting Fred's love lines.
“No! Mum don't tell her I said that about her!” He insisted. This had been going on for around 5 minutes while you where still stood outside, so you gave another quick knock on the door, as it was snowing and bloody freezing.
“Get the door!”
“Yeah, don't want to keep the love of your life waiting” Ron said dreamily, but Fred just threw a bread roll at him. He trudged towards the door, conflicted emotions but heart beating with excitement. He opened the door, there you stood, beanie on, snowflakes in your hair, basking in the moonlight, more beautiful than he had ever seen you. He was snapped from his trance by you, enthusiastically throwing your arms around him.
“Freddie! Surprise!” You hugged him and held tightly, having missed him.
“Blimey” He stumbled back from the force of your hug, but grabbed you protectively. “Its only been a week, you missed me that much?” He was right, your break from Hogwarts came about two weeks before Christmas, meaning one week to go. You subconsciously glanced at your case, wondering if he'd like your present.
“Of course I have Freddie! Couldn't live without my partner in crime!” She stated enthusiastically before they heard George shout from the kitchen. “What about me?!” You two laughed it off. You walked into the kitchen, Fred offering to carry your bags.
“How are my favourite gingers doing, and of course Harry?” They cheered as you walked into the kitchen, they all hugged you one by one, and you thanked Mrs Weasley profusely, but she just brushed it off.
“You'll be in the twins room” She smiled, Ron quietly wolf whistled in the background, causing Harry to laugh and Ginny to smack him on the shoulder, hiding a small smile. Fred nudged you.
“Wanna put your stuff upstairs?” He questioned and you nodded, he grabbed your stuff and started heading upstairs, with whoops and cheers behind you from the boys, while Mrs Weasley tried to calm them down.
When you where close to his room you asked the question that had been on your mind. “What was all the cheering about when they mentioned me sleeping in your room?” You questioned innocently.
“uh...” Fred felt a blush creeping up his neck. “its just, they know we’ll be sleeping in the bed, and you know how boys are”
It had never occurred to you that you'd be sleeping in the same bed, the thought made your heart speed up, you assumed you'd be sleeping on the floor.
“Unless of course you don't want to share a bed, id be fine sleeping on the floor” He said smiling.
“Don't be silly, of course we can sleep in the same bed, come on!” You raced him to the top of the stairs, both laughing like crazy.
The next week leading up to Christmas went crazily quickly. And the first night sleeping in Fred's bed with him was possibly a Christmas miracle, at least that's what it felt like. You guys where cuddled up, obviously George had given you the ‘no shagging while im asleep next to you two’ talk. But honestly, it felt right, being there with him. You tried to convince yourselves you where just friends, but that was never the case.
And so the day of Christmas came, and the entire Weasley family and their guests where so excited. Molly had helped Fred pick out something he knew you'd love. So the crackers where opened and candy canes eaten, and it was time to open the presents, you and Fred had waited last to give yours to each other. After everyone had finished giving gifts, they turned to you two expectantly. You ran to your suitcase, gently picking up the box, and Fred went to get his present. You'd returned to the living room, adorned In your own honorary Weasley jumper, clutching the present.
“Ill give yours first?” You asked, he nodded and you handed over the present. He carefully unwrapped it, savouring every moment. He flipped open the lid, and stared at the glinting ring.
“See, its a ring, but it has the first words you ever said to me on it” You giggled, the ring had the first words he had said to you on that train in first year. ‘Blimey, your gorgeous. Wait, what?’ The Weasleys laughed at the fond memory, and Mrs Weasley recalled all the letters she received that year, about the pretty Gryffindor that he was enchanted by.
“(Y/N), i-” He was honestly speechless.
“Oh and also!” She bounced excitedly “Its charmed to show a different picture of us and glows every time you think of mwah!” She giggled and mockingly flipped her hair. God she was perfect. He hugged her, tighter than he'd ever hugged her before. He whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ in your ear, you kissed his cheek and giggled, adding an ‘of course Freddie’. They pulled away and it was Fred's turn to give you his gift. Mr and Mrs Weasley where already tearing up at the scene in front them. Fred delicately handed you a similar box, you slowly ripped away the gold wrapping. Flipping the lid of the white box, sat a ring similar to the one you gave him, but as well as gold it had a purple stripe (your favourite colour) and a green stripe (his favourite colour). You stared at it, it was so beautiful.
“Its a promise ring” He began to explain. “i promise to always be...” He paused, breath hitched in his throat. Your faces where astonishingly close. “Your best friend” He breathed out. It honestly felt like a dagger in the chest, for both of you. You stared into each others eyes, desperately waiting, wanting, willing something to happen. Until you snapped away at the sound of Ron couching and Mrs Weasley shouting everyone for dinner.
Later that night, after dinner and the sun set, You and Fred had decided to go and watch the stars. A comforting act in itself but felt suddenly romantic with Fred. You two lay on a hill at the back of the burrow. Your head on his arm, cuddled up into him. You pointed out a star, Sirius.
“See that one?” You pointed towards the brightest star in the sky. Fred reached past your hand and pointed somewhere in the sky, that was definitely not where you where pointing.
“That one?”
You grabbed his wrist and moved to point it at the star. “See, Sirius, my uncles named after that star, ya know. Isn't it beautiful?” You questioned but Fred wasn't listening any more. Any thoughts of the stars had been discarded, he was only looking at you.
“Yeah, yeah it is beautiful” A small smile lit up his face as he stared at you in the moonlight.
You giggled as you saw Fred's ring glow brighter than any star in the sky. “Freddie, you rings glowi-” You turned to look at him but he was already staring. “What's up?” You questioned, a concerned look on your face.
“i love you in every possible way” He was still staring, a peaceful glint in his eye. Your heart stopped, your breath hitched. What did he just say? You sat up on your elbows and turned to look at him.
“What-” you whispered quietly.
“i love you (Y/N)” He matched your position on his elbows. “Ive loved you since that day I stepped foot into your carriage on the train and accidentally called you gorgeous. Ive loved you since you stood up against that Slytherin in second year. Ive loved you since you played that prank on Snape in third year. Ive loved you since you gave Hermione advice about her crush on Draco in 4th year. I love you under the sun and under the stars, in the Burrow or in Hogwarts or anywhere. I love you now and ill love you forever. I don't care if it ruins our friendship any more because I want you and only you.” You where brought to tears by his speech, and so where all the Weasleys who where watching from the kitchen windows. You threw your arms around him and kissed him. Pouring all the tears and bottled up feelings into the kiss.
“Of course I love you back Freddie, you idiot!” You jumped on top of him and he began giggling, you burst out in a fit of giggles. Mr. and Mrs Weasley watched from the kitchen, knowing his son had finally found the one. That was the most magical and memorable Christmas of your life.
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iheartbookbran · 3 years
in what world has Jaime done as many shitty things as Cersei... he's totally done shitty things, but Cersei is really out here having people tortured, abusing her children, killing babies, raping her teenage cousin, the list goes on? by all means let's hold Jaime to account but this saying he's done 'as many shitty things as Cersei' is honestly like comparing Theon to Euron
Hi anon! I think you’re referring to this post I reblogged about Cersei, in which I said in the tags that Tyrion and Jaime are objectively as shitty.
Ok listen, full on disclaimer here, but I’m not the biggest Jaime fan out there, and I’m by no means an expert on his character, so (in general) take everything I say about him with a grain of salt, but, while Jaime may not have as much blood in his hands as Cersei, I’ll concede you that point, he’s also not a king regent, like Cersei, with huge amounts of liberty—at least at first— to commit war crimes to his hear’s content. He really hasn’t had that much agency in general across the books, with him being a prisoner of war and then being dragged around the Riverlands by Brienne or being taken hostage... again. What readers trend to forget about Jaime is that when does have the agency, as of the start of aGoT, he’s more than a willing participant in Cersei’s schemes.
Yeah sure, he feels bad about it, and he justifies it by saying that he does it because he loves Cersei and wants to protect her, but to that I have to say...
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Also I’m gonna disagree in one of the things you listed Cersei has done and Jaime hasn’t.
That is “killing babies” because Jaime doesn’t really show any qualms about harming children? Bran being the biggest example, of course. The only reason he isn’t dead is because he’s got big plot armor. Still, I feel this often gets ignored when discussing Jaime’s character because Bran didn’t die while ignoring the physical and emotional damage he’s suffering as a result, including deep depression. And just because an attempted murder failed doesn’t negate the fact that Jaime still pushed a 7 year old child out of a window with the clear intention of killing him.
He’s also not opposed to maiming children. He was more than willing to cut off Arya’s hand after the Trident incident:
"Do you see that window, ser?" Jaime used a sword to point. "That was Raymun Darry's bedchamber. Where King Robert slept, on our return from Winterfell. Ned Stark's daughter had run off after her wolf savaged Joff, you'll recall. My sister wanted the girl to lose a hand. (...) The king was passed out snoring on the Myrish carpet. I asked my sister if she wanted me to carry him to bed. She told me I should carry her to bed, and shrugged out of her robe. I took her on Raymun Darry's bed after stepping over Robert. (...) "As I was fucking her, Cersei cried, 'I want.' I thought that she meant me, but it was the Stark girl that she wanted, maimed or dead." The things I do for love. "It was only by chance that Stark's own men found the girl before me. If I had come on her first . . ."—aFoC, Jaime IV.
And yeah, he again justifies it on his need to please Cersei, but that’s not good enough for me, not by a long shot.
Same as this....
Edmure raised his hands from the tub and watched the water run between his fingers. "And if I will not yield?"
Must you make me say the words? (...) "You've seen our numbers, Edmure. You've seen the ladders, the towers, the trebuchets, the rams. If I speak the command, my coz will bridge your moat and break your gate. Hundreds will die, most of them your own. Your former bannermen will make up the first wave of attackers, so you'll start your day by killing the fathers and brothers of men who died for you at the Twins. The second wave will be Freys, I have no lack of those. My westermen will follow when your archers are short of arrows and your knights so weary they can hardly lift their blades. When the castle falls, all those inside will be put to the sword. Your herds will be butchered, your godswood will be felled, your keeps and towers will burn. I'll pull your walls down, and divert the Tumblestone over the ruins. By the time I'm done no man will ever know that a castle once stood here." Jaime got to his feet. "Your wife may whelp before that. You'll want your child, I expect. I'll send him to you when he's born. With a trebuchet."
Silence followed his speech. Edmure sat in his bath. (...) With a trebuchet, Jaime thought. If his aunt had been there, would she still say Tyrion was Tywin's son?—aFoC, Jaime VI.
Charming lol. Don’t forget that he’s doing all this while he tells himself that he’s keeping the oath he made to Catelyn about not harming her kin, and the riverlords as an extension, and at the same time defending and giving legitimacy to a hideous unlawful act that Jaime himself, deep down, condones, and yet there he is, waging war against the Tullys. And threatening to trebuchet Edmure’s baby while he’s at it.
I think that my biggest problem with Jaime is exactly that, his willingness to be complicit in all of his family’s wrongdoings and even rationalize his involvement. Like you also mentioned Cersei raping her teenage cousin, and that 100% should not be ignored (though funnily enough, Jaime uses Cersei “infidelity” if you can call it that to slut-shame her lmao, but their relationship is messed up like that). Now Jaime is one of the only male characters that acknowledge marital rape is a thing, that’s good, but at the same time his hold on concent is... shaky at best imo.
With his relationship with Cersei there are some glaring examples:
“Stop it,” she said. “Stop it, stop it, oh please…” But her voice was low and weak, and she did not push him away.—aGoT, Bran II.
“No,” she said weakly when his lips moved down her neck. “Not here. The septons…”
“The Others can take the septons.” He kissed her again, kissed her silent, kissed her until she moaned.—aSoS, Jaime VII.
This is a problem with Cersei as well. Both twins have issues accepting that no means no. And even going beyond that, there’s the whole Tysha fiasco and Jaime’s involvement on it.
"She was no whore. I never bought her for you. That was a lie that Father commanded me to tell. Tysha was . . . she was what she seemed to be. A crofter's daughter, chance met on the road."
Tyrion could hear the faint sound of his own breath whistling hollowly through the scar of his nose. Jaime could not meet his eyes. Tysha. He tried to remember what she had looked like. A girl, she was only a girl, no older than Sansa. "My wife," he croaked. "She wed me."
"For your gold, Father said. She was lowborn, you were a Lannister of Casterly Rock. All she wanted was the gold, which made her no different from a whore, so . . . so it would not be a lie, not truly, and . . . he said that you required a sharp lesson. That you would learn from it, and thank me later . . ."—ASOS, Tyrion XI.
Yes, Jaime, and she was also a teenage girl, who was gang raped on your father’s command, in front of your 13 year old brother who later was forced to participate (and people forget Tyrion was a victim here too).
I mean Jaime is a victim of his father’s abuse the same way his siblings are, but he’s also a full grown adult, more than capable of recognizing right from wrong, yet he still chosen to side with his family and be complicit to their crimes. Sometimes you can be guilty of what you don’t do, not only of what you do.
Of course, it’s kinda unfair to make a complete judgment just yet because his story is not finished, so he might make a turn in that regard, but that really hasn’t happened as far as the books go? Other than him deciding not to go to Cersei because he feels betrayed that she slept with other men. Oh the irony of him turning on her the one time she legitimately needs him to protect her from an actual injustice instead of him inflicting terror on others per her wishes.
I think it’s interesting that GRRM even gives Jaime this opportunity to grow, while he never extends the same courtesy to Cersei. That Jaime spents so much time away from his family—and by extension of Cersei—is a huge factor in that, but I do wonder what would have happened if he didn’t have the fallout with Cersei, if he had been in that position of power to continue the affair with his sister, to what lengths he would have gone to keep her, and that’s why I, personally, believe that he can be, or rather is, as bad as Cersei.
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mattisspeaking · 3 years
Yo, what’s up. I’ve heard there has been some talk on me so I thought I’d address it.
I have been a member of the RPC since I was 16 (a little over ten years ago). I’ve rp’d on tumblr and twitter in those times. Over the past couple of months I have been in a few different rp’s all where I play a gay character as I am gay in real life. I have seen so many changes in this community, to it being a close knit group to it being inundated with racist homophobic snakes that everyone has done a great job at weeding out and exposing.
There are a few things I want to get off my chest though; The Stardew Saga, The Podcast and London Calls.
First off, Stardew;
Now to be completely honest I can’t remember Stardew all that well, I do remember that they allowed m*c to be part of the rp for such a long time even after they had evidence for this. Then all of a sudden I received a message from them, I deleted my discord which had the screenshot but it basically said they were kicking me from the rp due to a complaint they received from one of the members regarding incesti*us activity they went on to say that the admins had seen screenshots and had determined that what they saw felt like incesti*us behaviour and that it wasn’t tolerated in the group and they will be posting unfollows shortly. - this threw me, I went back and spoke with the twin mun and they told me that they felt uncomfortable with the comments and they should have spoke to me about it first. I told them they were valid and apologised for making them uncomfortable.
I am not into inc*st at all. I have 6 siblings and we are a close family, a healthy family relationship should be encouraged and when these twins were supposed to be extremely close and full of fun and laughter, making jokes and complimenting eachother was never out of the question, I have an older brother and he’s good looking, he’s a super great person too, I don’t see an issue complimenting my brother, because although I’m gay, just saying compliments DOESNT mean anything other than just that, compliments. I never once said anything sexual towards the other mun, it was all playful jokes about looks and the other muse made jokes back to my character. But I feel that because my character was gay, it’s a different issues. If you can’t see compliments from a family member as anything other than something sexual than that problem is on you. You’re the one having those thoughts, not me.
Podcast; this is something I gauged interest in while still in Stardew, people seemed down about it, I was never going to mention rp’s or characters or face claims to any real extent but I was going to talk about the community in short about how it comes together to tackle controversy and scandals, etc, and talk about my own experiences in different sections of the community. Honestly it lasted a day and then I deleted it and deleted all signs of it from the internet. I don’t even know how that many people even knew about it but I made a mistake and I never went back to it.
London Calls;
Yeah, I was in Sunwell, we took our muses when it closed and I offered to help run the new rp, coming up with the ideas were fun, yes I live in the UK so it was easy for me to do something close to home, especially seeing as I wasn’t the only admin who was gmt there. When people started to talk about the Stardew thing again they found out I was a member of the admin team, when they DM’d the main about leaving because of me, I felt hurt. I never want to make anyone uncomfortable and so I immediately resigned from the rp and and my admin role. I explained everything and why and left the discord admin chat and logged out of all accounts and they changed the passwords so I have nothing to do with LCHQ I’m not even a member.
Discord; not many people know this but over the past three years I’ve had a stalker through rp’s. He’s followed me and found me countless amounts of times, made me feel really threatened as they are able to blackmail me as we chatted socially about three years ago, I was easily manipulated and sent nudes to this guy. He has in turn been blackmailing me, hence why I used alias’ in rp’s, but ive been easy to spot cause I’m normally really active and I’m in GMT. I was on discord tonight and I got a request, I accepted it and I got a message from him. I asked him how he found my discord and he told me about people been sharing screenshots of their chats with me. I then checked @rpslayed @scorpiorpt and @imurjoys and that’s when I saw the discourse about myself, I haven’t yet seen the screenshots. I’m in a incredibly fragile mental state right now and that’s no excuse for my behaviour of doing the podcast which I didn’t do but that was still stupid, but the whole inc*st thing is one sided and not true in any sense.
I have quit the RPC, I am in no other groups, I left Juno, Eden and London and have now deleted my discord. Please I really hope people can stop talking about me now I’m not in the community anymore. I will be logging out of this tumblr as well. So please don’t reblog or message as I won’t get it, just read it, understand it, and understand that words can hurt and there is two sides to every story
If my stalker is reading this which I know he will. Fuck you. You have held onto this for too long, get a life. You’re 28 years old. Leak my n*des. I don’t care anymore. Bye.
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alejandrocortez · 4 years
50 Questions: OC Interview
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1. What’s your name?
2. Give me your full name…
Alejandro Cortez
3. Do you have a nickname? If yes, what is it and how did you come to have it?
Cortez or my favorite “WAIT-NOO! AHHH!”
4. What species are you? (Human, werewolf, etc? Or are you an alien?)
Human. Like God intended it to be
5. Where were you born?
Texas. Raised in Blackwater.
6. I see. And that would make your age…?
7. Okay, now…are you a good guy, or a bad guy?
I don’t like labels. My work requires me to be what I need to be.
Part II: Tell Us More About Yourself…
8. How would you describe your personality?
I like to keep to myself.
9. Would you say you’re someone who can handle pressure?
I have to. You think the scumbags I hunt down go down easy?
10. Do you like to read?
At times. I know the Bible from cover to cover
11. Favorite color?
Dark Red.
12. Do you get along with others?
I try.
13. Do you have any enemies?
Of course. The Cortez name carries infamy along with its enemies.
14. How about friends?
The twins, Jeremiah and Abraham Brigby are men I trust with my life. John is my best friend but he refuses to accept it
15. Are you patient?
No. The quicker it’s done, the better
Part III: Hypothetically…
16. Suppose that you could become any creature you know of. What would you pick, and why?
A snake. They can get to and fro without being detected, giving them the chance to strike when least expected
17. One of your enemies in question 13 just complimented you. Response?
My Carcano never allows enemies near me, much less to let them compliment me.
18. One of your friends in Question 14 just insulted you. Response?
Fuck you too, John.
19. If you could change anything about yourself…
Nothing. I am the perfect hunting instrument for my lord and savior. I have been sent to bring hell fire to those who dare to go against him.
20. About your home…
I have no home. I was 16 when I killed my father and burned down the church he tortured me in for many years.
Part IV: Now We Get Personal
21. What’re your parents like?
My father was a preacher. A man that used different methods of pain and torture to convert slaves/natives into Christianity, so you get a faint idea of what kind of man my father was. My mother....well, my father killed her when I was but 4 years young...I don’t remember much of her...
22. Do you have any siblings?
Not that I am aware of.
23. What’s your occupation?
Whatever the money calls for. Bounty Hunter, bodyguard, security, etc.
24. I see, that’s a good job to have. Do you like it?
I enjoy my work, no matter what I do.
25. Are you seeing/dating anyone?
My relationship matters I tend to keep private, only because I have the tendency to lay hearts across the land. Although at the the moment: No, I am not.
26. Married/Engaged/Other?
Although I don’t believe in marriage, yes , I married once. Once.
27. If yes, how did you meet?
I worked as a body guard for her husband. One night after taking her back home, she decided she wanted something more than what the job required.
28. Tell us your biggest secret.
I have no secrets.
29. Your worst fear? You don’t have to answer this one if you don’t want to.
Dogs. They don’t like me and honestly I don’t like them.
30. Favorite food?
Beef stew. I like the potatoes...
30. Favorite drink?
31. Tell us one thing you’re the most proud of.
Pride is a sin.
32. Something embarrassing? You don’t have to answer this one, either.
The second hand embarrassment I get from the women AND men that try to approach me romantically and attempt to seduce me.
33. If you didn’t answer Questions 29 and/or 33, tell me why.
I’ve told all.
34. Is that a good reason?
Of course.
Part V: Closing
35. Are you satisfied with your life?
I cannot complain.
36. Anything you feel like you have to do? It can be something long-term, like a bucket list, or something you need to do right now.
To cleanse the world of the unholy that crawl through this land.
37. Any hobbies?
I enjoy carving. I tend to make small dolls out of wood when I am waiting.
38. Quick, you get one wish! What did you just wish for? It’s alright, you can tell me…
To hold my mother...one last time...
39. How would you describe that wish? Good? Bad? Selfish? Selfless? Other?
I don’t need to explain myself...
40. Have you been honest with these questions?
Perhaps I have, perhaps I haven’t.
41. Your personal quote?
“Pray to your gods for mercy, because you will get none from me...”
42. Do you like change?
I don’t, but I settle and assimilate myself into new surroundings all the time
43. What’s your most valued possession?
A beautiful Belgium horse I call Seco. He is loyal to no ends
44. Anything else you feel like sharing?
Not really.
50. Last question!…yup, that’s it! How do you feel?
Bothered. I don’t like being questioned...
Bonus question! Tag those you’d like to know more about!
@ruffi-ann @writingandsins @scrawny-nag @direwrath @lusus--naturae
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gibbearish · 7 years
ok so like. here’s a list of memory things ive figured out so far
• me n rose were identical twins, both afab, n i was Very Very Trans™
• me n kan were v close friends on the meteor, as were jake and i on earth c
• me n kanaya were both trans which was a p big reason we were as close as we were, we would like share stuff and help each other out. we swapped all our old clothes nd it was nice
• me n rose were super close (contrary ro popular fanon we did NOT have crushes on one another prior to discovering we were siblings)
• i was very short, ik everyone likes to think of him as a Tol Lanky Boi but no, i was very short, almost a full foot shorter than karkat
• i wasnt a knight of time, i was a seer of time. sometimes i would zone out watching other timelines, and sometimes i wouldnt be able to wake myself up, especially when i was stuck watching a p hairy tl. the mayor was great at helping with that, he could somehow sense when i was stuck in a bad one and he’d go get karkat or rose or kan - in one of the timelines i watched, me n rose were fraternal twins and we were both trans, it was fuckin adorable and that one was my favorite to watch
• me n jade did go out when we were younger but i honestly don’t know if i actually liked her or if it was more of an “i have to be straight, here is a girl that i find cool, i guess i have a crush on her” type deal. either way i have an intense preference for dudes now to the point where i don’t even know if bi is the right label but. who knows
• bro was bad. very very bad. worse than is shown in canon. i don’t want to get into some of the stuff he did but let’s just say that it kind of followed a parallel to what happened to me irl. cps was contacted many times but nothing ever came of it
• sometimes on the meteor me n rose would do witchy stuff together, it was nice… at one point i told her some of the stuff bro did and she may or may not have convinced me to make and then burn an effigy or five which was Very Cathartic
• me n karkat had a p complex relationship, we were usually oscillating between red n black but faster than either of us could keep track of. at some point we got roxy to void up a quest bed for him
• speaking of roxy!!! we were cool bro pals and it was so cool man, she taught me hacking stuff and i taught her all the makeup stuff i learned from back in my Extreme Denial Phase™ wherein i tried to convince myself i wasnt trans… she had a lot of natural talent but also didnt have near as much exp as i did given that she lived on a postapocalyptic version of earth with a bunch of carapacians and cats for company.
• u better bet ur ASS i called her mom at every opportunity which sort of became something of a running joke on earth c. everyone called roxy mom
• i had trouble being around dirk at first, i was always scared that he was gonna pull some of the same shit bro used to. it took me several weeks/months/??? to warm up to him but after that we were super close
• me n vriska did not get along very well on the meteor but i could mostly just avoid her so it was fine. once we got to earth c and terezi brought her back though, things went south pretty fast. i remember at one point she said something about thinking i was weak and dirk overhearing n being like “dude what the FUCK do u know what kind of shit my alt self put him through” and she was like “yeah but I still think tha-” WHAP dirk punched her in the face, it was so cool and after that she mostly left me alone. that was when i first started being able to relax around dirk too
• me n jake were super cool bros, we both had rlly weird ways of speaking n so like we sorta flocked together. we didnt rlly know what the specific words we were saying meant (to this day i dont know what the fuck a gadzook is) but we made it work somehow
• ANOTHER THING ABT ME N KANAYA: at her n roses wedding she asked me to walk her down the aisle and u better bet ur ass i was crying the whole time. the mayor was the ring bearer and he was adorable
• i fucking love the mayor so much
• gamzee didnt go murder happy in my tl?? i guess??? idk he was just an all-around chill dude… i think me n karkat mightve been poly with him at some point and i’m not entirely sure if that ever ended??? idk either way he’s Super Hot + i’m gay as fuck - if we did go poly ik he and karkat were platonic and me and him were p much always oscillating between ♥+♠ (conveniently it was always opposite me n karkat’s oscillations which was good)
• god tier body had a dick and i was so fucking happy and i think i may have used it somewhat liberally on the meteor lm a o
• i wasnt in a game over timeline but i did watch the main one, and i didnt mention this earlier but it was really disconcerting watching all the ways everyone was different in that one
that’s p much all i’ve got so far but. yee
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