#its purely me objectifying her
may12324 · 7 months
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Lae'zel - her Queen's vengence
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frankingsteinery · 4 months
for some reason people seem to think that mary somehow stumbled into writing a commentary on marriage/incest accidentally, and that the themes of frankenstein are all about her trauma due to her experiences as a victim of the patriarchy, as a woman and a mother surrounded by men - as if she wasnt the child of radical liberals who publicly renounced marriage, as if she herself as well as percy shelley had similar politics on marriage, as if she would not go on to write a novel where the central theme is explicitly that of father/daughter incest years later…
the most obvious and frequent critique of victor i see is of his attempt to create life - the creature - without female presence. it’s taught in schools, wrote about by academics, talked about in fandom spaces - mary shelley was a feminist who wrote about feminism by making victor a misogynist. he’s misogynistic because he invented a method of procreation without involving women purely out of male entitlement and masculine arrogance and superiority, and shelley demonstrates the consequences of subverting women in the creation process/and by extension the patriarchy because this method fails terribly - his son in a monster, and victor is punished for his arrogance via the murder of his entire family; thus there is no place for procreation without the presence of women, right?
while this interpretation – though far from my favorite – is not without merit, i see it thrown around as The interpretation, which i feel does a great disservice to the other themes surrounding victor, the creature, the relationship between mother and child, parenthood, marriage, etc.
this argument also, ironically, tends to undermine the agency and power of frankenstein’s female characters, because it often relies on interpreting them as being solely passive, demure archetypes to establish their distinction from the 3 male narrators, who in contrast are performing violent and/or reprehensible actions while all the woman stay home (i.e., shelley paradoxically critiques the patriarchy by making all her female characters the reductive stereotypes that were enforced during her time period, so the flaws of our male narrators arise due to this social inequality).
in doing so it completely strips elizabeth (and caroline and justine to a lesser extent) of the power of the actions that she DID take — standing up in front of a corrupt court, speaking against the injustice of the system and attempting to fight against its verdict, lamenting the state of female social status that prevented her from visiting victor at ingolstadt, subverting traditional gender roles by offering victor an out to their arranged marriage as opposed to the other way around, taking part in determining ernest’s career and education in direct opposition to alphonse, etc. it also comes off as a very “i could fix him,” vibe, that is, it suggests if women were given equal social standing to men then elizabeth would have been able to rein victor in so to speak and prevent the events of the book from happening. which is a demeaning expectation/obligation in of itself and only reinforces the reductive passive, motherly archetypes that these same people are speaking against
it is also not very well supported: most of the argument rests on ignoring female character’s actual characterization and focusing one specific quote, often taken out of context (“a new species would bless me as its creator and source…no father could claim the gratitude of his child so completely as i should deserve theirs”) which “proves” victor’s sense of male superiority, and on victors treatment/perception of elizabeth, primarily from a line of thinking he had at five years old, where he objectified her by thinking of her (or rather — being told so by caroline) as a gift to him. again, the morality of victor’s character is being determined by thoughts he had at five years old.
obviously this is not at all to say i think their relationship was a healthy one - i dont think victor and elizabeth’s marriage was ever intended to be perceived as good, but more importantly, writing their relationship this way was a deliberate critique of marriage culture.
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genericpuff · 5 months
ok listen right
please don't take the implication of what i'm about to say the completely wrong way, there's a point i have to make here
there's this gross thing that happens in LO that's been definitely talked about numerous times (by many people) where fashion is used to label a character's like, "alignment" between "good" "bad" "pure" "tainted" etc. this is something that comes up a lot when discussing Minthe and Persephone because there are a LOAD of double standards in how Minthe was treated and viewed for dressing like a "slut" but then Persephone wears the exact same fit and suddenly she's a queen-
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(image courtesy of @anoldplace on Instagram, I'll be showing a couple of their posts in this because they show off a lot of the great - and frankly disturbing - parallels in LO, whether intended by Rachel or not)
-but can we talk about how the "bad ending" version of Persephone where she ends up with Apollo slaps WAY FUCKING HARDER than anything we've seen her dressed in since she got with Hades ??
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fucking hello?? where's THAT fit ??
you're telling me this girl is queen of the underworld and the best she can do in the fashion department is looking like a color-swapped version of Hera ???
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and I WANNA MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR, this isn't me trying to say "Persephone would have been way cooler if she got with Apollo", that is FAR from the point, more so just pointing out the pattern of Rachel aligning "bad" with "dresses with more flavor than an extremely out-of-touch conservative boomer". Even when she tries to draw Persephone in more "out there" clothing it just comes across as ... tacky? And only at her own detriment?
Like, how the fuck is this supposed to be Persephone being drawn through a literal male gaze (Apollo):
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And THIS is supposed to be Persephone being drawn from a female gaze (her own because she dressed herself):
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Like literally how? How does this happen? Especially when the latter is STILL being framed from a male perspective (the green guy behind her, "Jeffrey") but we're supposed to believe it's some "boss babe" moment for Persephone to just be walking down the street while getting oggled inappropriately by a male onlooker? How could these scenes be any more different and yet more alike? She's still being objectified for the characters around her and the audience, but we're supposed to believe the second is better than the first one because... she chose to wear that?
Sure, one could argue that at least she dressed herself and that definitely gives her agency, but it's really Rachel telling on herself where her priorities are in trying to write a "feminist comic" that she had Persephone dress herself and then STILL have its only purpose be for men on the sidelines to stare at and objectify her. When you just know this same outfit would have undoubtedly been used to slut shame characters like Minthe or Thetis or Leuce.
I don't even know, man. The intentions in LO's writing are so confused, contradictory, and ultimately pointless. It's trying so hard to be "feminist" and a "deconstruction of purity culture" but then it turns around and reinforces all that same shit it's claiming to be fighting against anyways. Persephone would be an evil slut if she was with Apollo, look at her outfit! But not here, not the banana purse dress being oggled by strangers on the sidewalk, not now that she settled down with her old rich husband who she only knew for a couple weeks before being separated for 10 years but their love was just so strong and the thirst for dick so real that she and him loyally waited for one another until she was old enough to make it "not be creepy" anymore for them to hook up, but only after marriage. She's definitely not a gold digger like Minthe or a vapid slut like Thetis or a homewrecker like Leuce, nah.
I just wish she'd dress herself, for the love of god. Let her dress herself with her own input and not the influence of the people around her or the tone of the comic's own internalized misogyny that demands "woman must always be objectified for better or for worse, that is The Rule!"
Of course she can't "dress herself" though. She's an extension of Rachel and Rachel herself writes like an out-of-touch boomer who will and has gladly gone about how men are just clamoring at the bit to stare at her and get to her... but then claims she "didn't realize sexism was all that bad" until she started working on LO.
Sorry, this post got very long and very mean, I initially just wanted to make the comparison in a very silly haha "wild how bad ending Persephone has way more visual personality than good ending Persephone" way, but then I thought about it too long and pissed myself off LMAO
And no, I don't want to go back to beating the dead horse of "banana dress bad" because honestly, I think in any other context or comic, sure, it would be very cute to see her walking around in an outfit she chose herself even if it's "objectively" not a great outfit, it shows agency and not caring what other people think which is VERY freeing. But we're not reading that comic, we're reading LO, where a woman's worth and value is only determined by how the men around her react to her and only Persephone is allowed to be empowered by wearing outfits that would otherwise be treated as "slutty" if worn by anyone else.
I don't want the message to be "Persephone looks like a dumbass bimbo" or, on the flipside, "Persephone looks boring and out-of-touch", I want the message to be "Persephone is valid for dressing how she wants, just like how the women around her are valid for dressing how they want regardless of whether or not they're protagonists or antagonists."
Quit using women's fashion as an alignment chart, quit using these "not so sly for a misogynist guy" dogwhistles as a way to "other" the women around the power fantasy main character. Women deserve to dress how they want without shame or objectification - all women, not just the women you like.
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delulujuls · 7 months
fuck, marry, kill | lh44, gr63
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hi! im sorry for not being on time but hey, no surprise to having the best ideas when its already too late. anyway please enjoy!
summary: the mercedes trio is getting ready for halloween party, lewis is being a total babygirl as always, georgie boy being unbothered king as always too
warnings: none, they are pure goofballs
pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!mercdriver x george russell
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George scrunched his nose, feeling the first stamp of paint on his cheek.
"I already don't like this."
Y/N rolled her eyes, putting more paint onto the sponge.
"I've just started, so please cooperate and let me work."
He squeezed his eyelids as he felt his face gradually being covered in white color. The atmosphere at the Mercedes headquarters that afternoon was very exciting, all due to preparations for the evening Halloween party.
"Is it at least vegan?" George asked again, nervously adjusting himself in his place.
Lewis sitting next to them couldn't help but laugh, tearing his gaze away from his phone.
"Give me one reason why makeup paint wouldn't be vegan" he asked.
"I have no idea, that's why I'd rather make sure."
Y/N shook her head and returned to covering his face with paint.
"And you, Lewis, do you have any ideas yet?"
She asked, glancing at the man who had been searching for inspiration for his costume for the past few minutes.
"I'd advise against anything with white paint and it's not just because it could be seen as racist."
George chimed in, trying to scratch his nose for which he immediately received a tap on the hand.
"Men in Black? The Weeknd?" the man shook his head while scrolling through Pinterest. "Everything is too simple and obvious."
"We could have some matching costumes," Russell suggested, feeling relieved as the girl put down the paint and reached for powder. "I'd feel better knowing that you guys are going through this as well."
"That's actually not a bad idea," Y/N nodded, looking at her friends. "The only question is, what kind?"
Lewis exhaled and focused on his phone again. The trio remained silent for a moment until the man showed them a photo with an potential inspiration.
"I think I have a favorite."
Y/N furrowed her brows, looking at the photo he showed. It took her a moment to decipher what the trio of girls in the picture was dressed up as.
"Fuck, Marry, Kill! Oh God, that is brilliant!"
"Let me be 'Kill' because I might as well kill myself if I have to wash this off" George said, adjusting the headband holding his hair.
"I'm fine with that" the girl assured, taking a brush, black eyeshadow and starting to paint skull elements on his face. "And what about you, Lewis?"
"I can let you have the first choice."
The man replied, resting on his hand and watching as George's makeup slowly began to take shape.
"Everyone thinks 'Fuck' when they look at you, so I guess we know the answer."
The girl said, giving him a meaningful look.
Lewis looked a little flustered, trying to cover his reaction with laughter. The three of them had been friends for almost four years, but Lewis was very easy to embarrass, even in jokes.
"You'd look good as the groom though, but I'm sure that everyone would probably point out that Y/N is being objectified for letting her being "Fuck", what about woman rights and all the other shitty nonsense," George added "PR people would have a busy evening."
"Geez Georgie boy, just say that I'm not attractive and no one would want to fuck me," Y/N interjected with feigned seriousness, struggling to hold back her laughter.
"Don't provoke me into this conversation, especially not now when I'm not at my best," he replied, trying to remain still as she painted his eyes.
Lewis returned to browsing his phone, this time with a clear idea of what he was looking for. When he found a specific photo, he hesitated for a moment about presenting his idea.
"Do you have red lipstick, Y/N?" He asked uncertainly, glancing at his friend. She nodded, not breaking her concentration. However, when he didn't expand on the topic, she looked at him.
"But what do you need red lipstick for, exactly?"
Lewis wordlessly showed her his phone with a picture where a guy was covered in red lipstick kisses. Y/N raised her eyebrows in shock, while George nodded approvingly.
"The idea is great and I truly love you, but don't count me as the one to give you those kisses,"Russell replied.
Lewis looked at Y/N, unsure if this suggestion wasn't too much and could potentially offend her in any way. However, she didn't react negatively at all; instead, she nodded and smiled enthusiastically.
"People on Twitter are gonna shit themselves."
When George's makeup was ready, the rest of the preparations went smoothly. Even getting the wedding accessories for Y/N wasn't as problematic as keeping Russell in one place with his mouth shut for more than five minutes during his make up. When the girl was ready, she took the red lipstick, which was the highlight of the program and found Lewis, who was already dressed in his dark red suit pants, perfectly matching his shirt. The man smiled at the sight of his friend, who had done a great job finding her costume at the last minute.
"How do you feel about the party?" the girl asked, opening a small mirror and painting her lips.
"I'm okay, and you?" the man replied, nervously adjusting the cuffs of his shirt.
"Me too, I must admit I like these kinds of parties."
Y/N closed the mirror and glanced at her friend, signaling him to sit down. He followed her command, getting nervous almost as if it were his first interaction with a girl ever.
"Do you have any specific idea about how to arrange these kisses, or can I improvise?"
"I trust you completely."
The girl nodded and without thinking too much just leaned toward him. Just then George entered the room, also dressed and ready to go.
"Thank goodness I found you in time," he said, closing the door behind him. "Now no one can accuse you of deliberate kisses."
"You're definitely taking this too seriously," Y/N laughed and leaned toward Lewis, pressing her lips to his cheek. The man smiled involuntarily and looked at her, slightly taken aback when she moved away and examined her work.
"One down, about twenty-nine to go," George commented, sitting in a nearby chair. "Don't fall in love with each other during this time."
Lewis sat still, even trying not to breathe too loudly. Y/N left kisses on his cheek, neck and chest like stamps. When she finished, she nodded approvingly.
"It turned out better than I thought."
"We all look awesome, but now get rid of the evidence and let's go because I'm starving."
The girl wiped her lips clean and the three of them headed to the company's party. Y/N secured seats, Lewis went for drinks and George immediately greeted the snacks. Toto holding a champagne glass took a big sip when he noticed Lewis's rather original outfit.
"I guess you're not the author of those kisses."
The man stated more than he asked, when he approached George.
"Come on, boss, I used my best lipstick for this. Huda Beauty," George said with utmost seriousness and holding three plates of snacks he returned to his friends, ready for the next adventures of the Halloween night.
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songforeddiemunson · 6 months
Dear Tinseldick
For the @stcreators event 03: comfort
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Dear Tinseldick
Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actor!Fem!Reader (description vague apart from use of she/her pronouns)
Summary: Reader had a rough day at work and Eddie helps to cheer her up
Warnings/Tropes: Established relationship, pure comfort and fluff but content warning for body talk, body image issues and fatphobia, language, people being awful shits. Blink-and-you'll-miss-it naughty talk.
Note: One day I was daydreaming about what couples "in the industry" must vent about and I imagined this is something most actors would have to deal with at least at some point, if not all the time. I tried to treat the issue with the sensitivity and nuance that it deserves.
Word Count: 1500
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Eddie stepped into your rented condo in LA, tossing his keys on the table by the door.  "Babe, are you home?“ he called.
“Out here,” you responded.  Eddie followed your voice and found you out on the balcony deck.  The house stood with its back deck facing the Pacific Ocean, on the edge of a small cliff.  There was a large porch suspended over the precipice, with a set of wooden stairs leading the 20 feet or so down to the beach.  You stood leaning against the balcony railing with your back to him as he stepped onto the porch; you held a glass of wine in one hand and a wadded-up ball of tissues in the other.
“There you are,” he smiled, and walked over to you, putting his arms around your waist.  You sniffled.  Eddie leaned back a bit to try to get a better look at you.  "Hey– is everything alright?  Did your audition not go well?"
“No,” you murmured. “No it did not.” You turned to face him, and only then could he see your red-rimmed eyes and the tracks of tears upon your cheeks.
“Oh babe,” he soothed, hugging you to his chest.  "I’m sorry. What happened?“
You sniffled against his shirt for a moment before pulling away, wiping your eyes hastily with the tissue in your hand. 
"It was going wonderfully.  And I’m not just saying that– I know I fucking nailed it.  And then the casting director had the gall to look me in the face and tell me…” you broke off as you fought tears.
Eddie ran his hands along your arms, making soothing noises.  "Oh honey, don’t cry.” The idea of you being upset was just too devastating for your man.  “What did he say to you?“
You took an angry swig of your wine before you continued.  "He told me I’d be perfect– if I lost weight.”  You took yet another gulp of wine as Eddie’s mouth fell open with shock.
“But–” he stammered.  "But that’s insane!  There’s nothing wrong with the way you look!“
You laughed bitterly.  "I mean, I’ve always been comfortable with my body, but apparently there’s a casting director who feels differently.“
Eddie seemed, for once, to be at a total loss for words. He sputtered in indignation for a moment before he shook his head and gathered himself.  "I want to beat his ass right now. Where’s this guy’s office?”
You laughed, somewhat touched. “As much as I’d love to have you throttle the bastard, he’s not worth it.”
Eddie scowled. “Fine, fine, but that loser is going to get a nice Christmas card in the mail from me, with a lovely little ‘go fuck yourself’ message. Nobody upsets my girl and gets away with it.”  He sighed, allowing his frustration to show. “You know you can’t listen to that idiot. You’re perfect, honey.”
“Please, Eddie. Nobody’s perfect,” you shook your head.
“Don’t argue!” he grinned. “You are perfect to me! Everyone else can shove it; what they think doesn’t matter.”
"But it does matter," you cried, your voice breaking.  "Things have been going so well with my career. I know that there can be real assholes in the industry, but I just thought I had established myself enough that I didn’t have to jump through these ridiculous hoops!"  You finished the last bit of wine in your glass and had to fight the urge to throw it off the balcony.  "Pardon the cliche, but I feel so…objectified!”
Eddie shook his head sadly. “It’s not a cliche if it’s true. I know, love. Believe me, I do.  I had a terrible time in the beginning– I’ve told you some of the stories… the shit that people expected me to do; the things that people said about me. But I kept going, and you will too.”  He grasped your arms and bent to look directly into your eyes.  "That casting director is a fool. Don’t let tinseldicks like him get you down.“
You managed a small smile.  "Tinseldick?”
He nodded. “Yes babe. The shiny skinny things you put all over the Christmas tree. It’s skinny like his dick.”
You burst out laughing. “I know what tinsel is! I just don’t think I’ve heard that particular turn of phrase before.”
“He deserves a special one,” he said with a mischievous gleam in his eye.  It faded quickly as his expression turned serious, however.  "I love you, you know. With all of my heart, body and soul.  I’d be lost without you. Do you believe that?"
You chuckled softly, without humor.  "Sometimes I actually do have trouble believing it; that you’re all mine, especially when total strangers force me to second-guess everything."
"You think I don’t feel that way too sometimes? My career might be booming, but I still feel scared. I doubt myself, get self-conscious. Sometimes right before I walk out on stage I have to talk myself out of a full-blown panic attack because I’m like, 'what am I doing here? Who do you think you are'?"
Eddie placed a soft kiss on your forehead and smoothed your hair away from your face.  "You must not let this industry change you. You are beautiful and amazing, and you should always remember that."
You felt that you could melt away into a puddle at his words.  "You are amazing, and you deserve all the success in the world. Your anxiety is lying to you." You pressed a firm kiss to his soft lips to show him you meant every word.  “I love you, Eddie,” you added. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“Darling, you bewitched me just by being you.”  
He pulled you tightly to him again, and held you for a moment.  You sighed against his chest, drinking in the scent of him, and realized that the majority of your anguish had been dispelled.  It was nearly impossible to remain upset in Eddie’s presence; the man was quite literally a walking ray of sunshine.
You looked up into his chocolate eyes and smiled.  
Eddie smiled back.  "Feel better?"
"Yes, actually.  You always know how to cheer me up; thank you. I just wish dealing with jerks wasn’t part of my job."
He sighed in acknowledgement.  "I know babe.  This whole industry is so pretentious and fake, and everyone is either a kiss-ass or a megalomaniac.  But we soldier on. By the way, thank you for not throwing your wine glass off the balcony."
That surprised you. "How did you know I was thinking of doing that?”
“I know you better than you realize, babe.  Also, you looked at the sand and raised your arm ever so slightly–”
“Shut your mouth,” you said with an impish grin, and tickled his waist. He darted away, laughing.  "I ought to throw YOU off the balcony!"
He grinned.  "Would you settle for throwing me into bed instead? I’ve had a long day, and I haven’t seen you naked in…oh, nine hours."
"It’s a deal," you said, and he put his arm over your shoulder.  You walked to the house together, but you had to separate to walk through the doorway in single-file.  As you stepped in front of him, he gave your butt a light smack.
"Hey, nice ass," he said.  "Don’t ever change it."
"You’re going to get it," you taunted, and tickled him again.
"Promise?" he replied, laughing, and you gave chase through the house.
A couple taking a nighttime stroll below on the beach looked up, startled, at the sounds of giggling and bellowing laughter that drifted down upon them from above. "Someone up there is having a good night," one said to the other.
It turned out to be true.
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Thank you for reading! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of all fic writers. Please show us some love! :)
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askganon · 6 months
I'm really tired. I just transferred to a new university to study psychology and it has been the actual worst experience in every aspect. The two biggest issues are the fact that I am autistic and thusly have issues making friends, and that I have this god-awful professor in my counseling class.
This professor is OFF his rocker. He actively talks about the secret society he is in, trying to teach us preposterous things that have no place in that class or even the school at all. I could write a novel about every problematic thing he has said, but my most major issue with him is how he views and treats women, and continuously brings sexual topics up when they have no relevance to the course material.
He has disrespected his wife over the phone in the middle of class and then tried to justify his behavior using his gender, spoken extensively about what features men don't like on women such as makeup or plastic surgery. He says "natural" women are "healthy" (well-endowed) in either the chest or behind but not both, and are uneven in the chest. He specifically targeted my classmate, who was the only one wearing false eyelashes, to say that men don't like that either.
Another time he told us that women run the world because men are obsessed with us, that we are not oppressed at all, yet he turns around and tells us how women in the corporate world go commando under their skirts and sleep around to work up the corporate ladder. He says this in a way that puts women to shame for this as well.
This week, though, was completely different. His departure from the course material started with the extremely invasive question, "what do you remember about your transition to adolescence?" Again targeting that very same classmate. I blink and he is now telling us that the male experience during puberty is far worse than what women experience, basically saying that—excuse my bluntness—getting a boner in class is much worse than anything women go through, even turning to our singular male classmate for backup on this.
He also tries to tell us that its so so bad for boys because the girls actively try to touch them or make them "psychologically disturbed," as he worded so decoratively. What adolescent girl wants anything to do with that when she's going through her own problems? Since when were young girls going out of their way to trouble boys like this? I was actively trying to deter boys during this time.
I and the other two women in my class were disputing all of this, until our professor finally said, "I will just let that go over y'all heads cause you will never understand the male experience," to which I, shaking with rage, replied, "—and vice versa."
My mental health has been suffering severely, and much worse since this happened Monday. I had never felt such pure, primordial rage towards someone before. This man makes me feel not only objectified but also demonized. Last night was my breaking point, working on one of his assignments. I experienced the most intense mental breakdown of my life so far, and afterwards spent all but two hours of the night trying to cram the project that was due today.
I guess my point is that I would report him, but my school makes it nigh impossible to do so. I'm perpetually exhausted and I do not know if I can make it through the last two weeks of class. I want so badly to be petty and spiteful to his face, but for the most part I've controlled it.
I don't really know what I'm looking for by doing this. I guess I just want to know what you think? Apologies for the length of my message.
Such is the mentality I encountered often in my youth by Hylian men, and women, toward my sisters. They would lust after my sisters based on their attire and physique, while also attempting to demonize them and ostracize them for the exact same reasons.
In short, men are cowards who carry the darkest urges shamelessly, but are too prideful to admit the problem within themselves. Instead, the vilify women for their own indiscretions.
They will openly mock my Gerudo for their appearance, while desiring nothing more than to own their flesh in the most disturbing of ways.
This professor seems like a prime example of the Hylian males I encountered. But if this is the case, then so too is his weakness.
He has likely been thwarted in his past in his attempts to procure a mate to his liking, and due to his pride, he believes it is all of womanhood to blame, and not himself.
This one he singles out is likely similar to those he desired but could never obtain in his youth. As such, he blames all others for his own shortcomings.
Likely too with his mate. I would assume her physique does not fit the desires he now feels entitled to, and as such he makes her the target of his criticism.
But through all of this, he reveals a second weakness.
He fears that which he cannot control, and women as a whole seem out of his grasp. Every slight, every jab, and every assault from his lips is but proof that he is afraid of what women are capable.
In the midst of a Gerudo warrior, this professor of yours would crumble like kindling to a flame.
Take solace in the knowledge that you are superior to this worm, for you are what he can never have.
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h0neypjm · 2 years
"big tiddie anime bitches" | jjk
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↳ Summary: Jungkook, bless his heart, has an obsession. An obsession with big titty anime girls and the idea of you dressed as them. His birthday is coming up, what better time to fulfil his weeb fantasies than on Jungkook's special day.
You hate the idea of dressing up as those stupid "big tiddie anime bitches" but your love for Jeon Jungkook is stronger. Besides Jungkook will have his turn next.
↳ Pairing: Jungkook x reader
↳ Genre: smut, pwp, fluff, established relationship, 'maid for you' couple !
↳ Rating: 18+
↳ Word count: 3.5k
↳ Warnings: disgusting amount of love and adoration between these two ew, unprotected sex, swearing, spanking, titty job, oral (both female and male), spit, reverse cowgirl, lovebites, fingering, big dick! jk, stomach bulging, creampies, crying (but the good kind), dom! jk,
↳ a/n: this is a prequel to my other fic 'maid for you' however this fic can be read on its own. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JEON JUNGKOOK MY LOVE <3
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“Okay, hear me out.”
“No, Jungkook, I will not hear you out.”
With an exasperated sigh, you rise from the couch and head to your bathroom, leaving a pouting Jungkook who follows you like a lost puppy.
“Don’t you think it would be so hot though,” Jungkook tries again.
You hastily clip your hair back, eyeing him through the reflection of the mirror, “maybe for you, you pervert.”
Jungkook remains nonchalant, your claim doing little to defer his desires. “Babeee,” he whines again, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close so he can lean his chin onto your shoulder.
“Sorry that I don’t want to feed into your weeb fantasies,” you say, reaching for your toothbrush.
Jungkook’s silent for a while, watching as you brush your teeth before muttering a quiet, “fine,” and leaving you with a light kiss to your neck.
In all honesty, the thought of dressing up as Mai from you and Jungkook’s recent anime binge, ‘Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai,’ doesn’t disgust you. You’ll admit, her little bunny girl get up is hot, and out of all the other characters Jungkook has begged you to dress up as, the bunny girl outfit is probably one of the easiest costumes to get into because let’s be real, no matter how much Jungkook begs you will never paint yourself blue (he can find his own Widowmaker somewhere else).
As you finish up your skincare, you ponder over his request once again. His birthday is coming up soon, and ignoring the fact that there's a suspicious lump of presents stuffed in the back of your closet all for him, one more present wouldn’t hurt.
Entering your bedroom you find your boyfriend bundled up in the sheets, the glow of his phone highlighting his pretty face.
You make yourself known, your knee dipping into the mattress, making Jungkook turn over towards you, his arms welcoming you for your nightly spooning.
“You’re not mad at me right?” he whispers into your hair to which you reply with a snort, “no, why would I be?”
Jungkook sighs like he’s embarrassed, nuzzling his nose deep into your neck, you wiggle away at the ticklish feeling but his strong arms keep you in place. “Because I always ask you to dress up as those characters even though you always like to rant to me about the male gaze and how a bikini doesn’t count as armour.” He cards his fingers through your hair, his other hand rubbing small comforting circles on the skin of your waist, “I don’t want you to think i’m some crazed horndog who objectifies their girlfriend.”
You laugh, big and goofy, and if Jungkook wasn’t so caught up in his thoughts he would’ve kissed you silly.
“Baby I would never think that, you’ve proved to me many times that your love is genuine. But hey, I don't blame you, I’ve got great tits,” you declare, turning to face his sleepy eyes.
“And a great ass too,” he adds, gripping your bottom with a tight hold that makes you gasp.
“I love you,” Jungkook says, pure adoration across his face.
You wanna squish his cheeks so bad, “aww you love me?” comes your teasing reply.
Jungkook rolls his eyes before wriggling into a more comfy position, “just say it back so I can sleep.”
You give into your desire to squish his cheeks by booping his nose. It scrunches cutely and he opens one eye, “I love you too,” you finally say.
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The lively music is cranked down and the attention is solely focused on Jungkook. He’s got a big smile plastered across his face, his cheeks a cute shade of pink as he raises his cup.
“I’d just like to thank you all for being here tonight, I couldn’t ask for a better birthday celebration,” Jungkook announces, eliciting a “I LOVE YOU JEON JUNGKOOK!” from none other than a plastered Park Jimin. Jungkook’s eyes crinkle when he shouts back a string of adoration before pulling you in towards him.
“I would also like to thank my beautiful girlfriend who planned this all out,” Jungkook says, those eyes of his that you love so much sparkling just for you.
A round of “awws” makes its way to the two of you and you shyly hide your blush into Jungkook’s chest. He gently kisses the top of your head, the flicker of his birthday candle flames creating an angelic aura around you.
When the chorus of singing finally dies down and Jungkook bends down to blow out his candle and make a wish, he wishes for a forever happiness with you.
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As you approach Jungkook with the last handful of empty beer cans, you dump them into the large trash bag and wrap your arms around his backside.
“Hey,” you whisper, gripping his shirt to grab his attention.
“What is it baby,” Jungkook replies mindlessly, scrubbing a stubborn stain out of a plate.
A mischievous grin paints your visage as you tell him, “I have one more present for you.”
Placing the clean plate onto the drying rack, Jungkook cranes his next to look at you, “what! baby you’ve done so much for me already.”
Your smile only grows wider as you gauge Jungkook’s reaction to your words, “I know, but I wanted to fulfil one of your wishes.”
Jungkook pauses, his head tilting slightly as he tries to remember what you’re talking about. “What do you mean wish? What wish are we talking about here?”
You release your grip on him to lean against the counter top, eyeing him closely, “you know… the thing you wanted me to do the other week?”
He shakes his head, looking at you as if it would help him remember before giving up, “I’m lost.”
Pushing yourself off of the counter you roll your eyes, “ugh just meet me in the bedroom when you're done,” you say as you sashay out of the kitchen and into the bedroom.
There’s a long second that passes, the water from the tap suddenly getting hot before Jungkook breathes in with a mumbled, “oh, oh.” 
Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook’s eyes light up with the realisation that he was gonna get lucky tonight. He rushes to the bedroom, almost breaking a glass cup on the way. He expects you to be on the bed laid out for him, but you’re not.
There’s a sliver of yellow light that spills from under the bathroom door and a quiet “shit” that leaves your lips. Jungkook hears a snap, like a rubber band against skin, a small whimper comes from your mouth and Jungkook worriedly knocks on the door.
“What are you doing in there? Are you okay?”
When you bought the damn costume you didn’t read the reviews. You completely missed the part where numerous people recommended buying a size up. Now you’re suffering those consequences and you finally shimmy the body suit on.
“Get on the bed and wait,” you try to say as sweetly as you can, but there's a twinge of struggle that comes making Jungkook lean his ear suspiciously against the door.
“Alright, I’ll wait, but I should remind you that It’s my birthday and you shouldn’t keep the birthday boy waiting.”
You hear the shuffle of bedsheets, Jungkook probably listening to you and lying down on the bed. You stare at yourself in the mirror, both shocked and surprised at how good you look despite the fact that your tits bulge out like you’ve squeezed yourself into those corsets from the 19th century. Not to mention that the body suit is so tight that if you took a deep breath it kind of hurt, but you’ve already made it this far, and you have an excited birthday boy on the other side of the door so with small inhale that doesn’t cause your lungs to hate you, you open the bathroom door.
“Can I open my eyes now,” Jungkook asks excitedly, his tattooed hands covering the entirety of his face.
You’re standing like a stiff soldier, unsure of how to present yourself, “uh, no, don’t look yet.”
Should you pose? How should you stand? Maybe lean against the doorframe? No that’s stupid…
“Oh, fuck”
In the midst of deciding if you should pose like a bunny girl, or get onto the bed, Jungkook had lost his patience and opened his eyes.
“Jungkook! I told you to shut your eyes.”
Jungkook remains frozen, his eyes big as he drinks up your curves. He doesn’t know where to look. Your hips are rounded to perfection, thick thighs on display, your boobs practically one jump away from popping out, the cute bunny ears standing tall that surprisingly suit your features.
“Shit, is it bad that i’m already hard, fucking hell.”
Jungkook doesn’t know if he’s proud because he finally convinced you to dress up for him or proud at the fact that you’re all his. His dick however, agrees to both.
“Men,” you scoff sarcastically as you crawl towards Jungkook whose head lays against the headboard, his taut thighs spread as if to welcome you. 
You find comfort between his thighs kneeling before him and holding his chin in your hand. “Happy birthday, Jungkook,” you say, seduction dropping from your lips.
He smirks back, eyes dropping down to your glossy lips, “mmm, happy birthday to me indeed.”
It’s messy, both your lips getting sticky with a mixture of your lip gloss and saliva, but you love it. Jungkook opens his mouth, you follow his rhythm, your tongue poking out to intertwine with his.
You moan into his mouth when his hands find purchase on your ass. His big hands squeeze both cheeks before slapping them, a loud smack echoing around the room. His action pushes you closer to him, your hands on his chest to steady yourself.
Jungkook’s hands continue to wander before he giggles softly at the discovery of the cute fuzzy tail attached to your bottom.
“Cute,” he utters into your neck, licking your collarbones and sucking your sweet skin.
“What?” you pant, leaning your head back to offer more skin to Jungkook, to which he happily leaves a trail of love bites that slowly bloom along your neckline.
He pokes your butt, “you have a little tail.”
You wiggle your hips, the tail brushing along Jungkook’s hand. You move away from him and run your nails down his thighs, “whatever, get your shirt off and your dick out.”
A lopsided smile erupts on his face, “ohh bunny girl is feisty tonight.” Though, he obeys your command, pulling his shirt over his head in that weird but attractive way that boys do, and unbuckles the belt of his jeans.
Jungkook is indeed very hard, his cock slapping against his abdomen the second it's released from the denim.
You spit into your hand, gripping his cock immediately, drawing out a shocked groan from your boyfriend.
You take care of him with love, your grip tight, making sure to fist his red tip before bringing it back down the length of his shaft.
Once his cock is nice and prepped, shiny from your saliva, you wrap your lips around the head, sucking softly before fluttering your lashes up at him.
His lids are half open, to keep his gaze on you while revelling in the bliss of your heavenly mouth. “Fuck baby, love your mouth,” he groans, bringing his fingers to brush away the strands that fall into your eyes.
You continue your actions, bobbing your head up and down as you watch your boyfriend crumble from pleasure. Suddenly, an idea pops into your brain. Releasing his length from your mouth, you begin to pull off the tight clear straps from your shoulders.
Your tits pop out provocatively, bouncing slightly as they’re released from the confinements of the tight bodysuit.
Jungkook stares, mouth wide open, “wh-what are you doing.”
You’re still continuing to jerk him off, and Jungkook swears he’s about to bust a nut when you ask, “do you wanna fuck my tits?”
He sits up at that, startling you, “are you kidding? Fuck yeah I do.”
You laugh at his cute reaction and flick your hair so it falls off your shoulder, you gotta make sure the girls are all clear for your man after all.
Jungkook holds the base of his cock and you use your hands to press your tits together. He slides in with ease, a hiss and a small “shit” falling from his lips.
You keep your gaze on him, he always likes when you look at him during intimate times like this. You continue your stare, eyes hazy and you let drool dribble out of your mouth, letting it run
down your cleavage and onto his tip. His dick twitches in response and you hide your smile by biting your lip.
Holding your tits together you bounce them up and down, you stick your tongue out teasingly, letting it connect to his tip every time his cock peeps through your cleavage.
“Does it feel good baby?” you ask, helping Jungkook speed up the rhythm of his thrusts. “Mmm God, feels so good baby,” he whines and you swear a flood breaks out in your panties.
You love to please him, his eyes fluttering shut, until he takes his cock out of your hold. “Come here love, I'm gonna cum if you keep going. It's my turn now.”
You pout at the loss of his warmth, “babe it's your birthday, today is all about you. Let me take care of you.”
Jungkook gets up, pulling his jeans fully off his body, leaving his stark naked in front of you. You shamelessly ogle his body, he’s just so fine! 
“There’s a flaw in your logic there babe. Today is all about me, therefore I get to decide what I want to do. And what I want to do is eat you out.”
“Alright birthday boy,” you grin, switching places with Jungkook. Before you lay down you start to remove your bodysuit, that’s until Jungkook lets out a choked, “no! Keep it on.”
You pause, head cocking to the side, “but how are you gonna-”
“Shh, don’t even worry about it, leave all the work to me babe.”
And work he does as he gets right into pleasuring you.
Jungkook starts by teasing you slowly, kissing your heat over the thin material. “Shit baby, you’ve soaked your costume,” he jibes, hooking his thumbs under the elastic to reveal your dripping slit.
You feel his hot breath as it hits your pussy making you involuntarily clench at what’s to come. “Fuck, baby you’ve got the prettiest pussy in the world.”
You cross your arms over your face embarrassed, “Jungkook, please.”
Jungkook listens, flattening his tongue against you, tasting you.
You inhale sharply as Jungkook pulls the costume back more and you fist the sheets when he finally dives in.
“Oh, God! Jungkook!” you moan, basking in the electric pleasure that shoots through you as Jungkook sucks and tongues at your clit like a man starved.
With his free hand, he pops two fingers in his mouth, watching your flushed expression with dark eyes. You feel his fingers at the entrance of your hole, teasing you as his tongue continues to draw pictures on your swollen nub.
Your thighs clench around Jungkook’s head when he slips two of his fingers inside of you. “Ah! Feels so good, baby.”
He says nothing, his reply coming through the wet sounds of his mouth and fingers.
Jungkook is skilled, used to all the signs and crevices of your body, so when your hips begin to lift, and your toes begin to clench, Jungkook keeps at his pace.
His mouth opens and closes around your heat, his fingers curling inside as you explode, your orgasm completely swallowing you.
You throw your head back into the pillows, a whine bubbling out of your mouth. Once your hips settle back down, Jungkook knows the high is over, releasing his mouth and fingers off of you.
Your costume snaps back into place and you sigh, Jungkook crawling on top of you, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. He always gets so cocky after making you cum.
He kisses you again and you melt, tasting yourself on his tongue.
His hands find your waist and you squeal into his neck as he swiftly flips you on top of him. You brush away the hair that had fallen into your face from the abrupt movement, “your strength continues to amaze me,” you giggle, smiling down sweetly at Jungkook. 
You kiss him again because you simply can’t get enough of him, he slaps your ass grabbing your attention. “I want you to turn around.”
You almost frown, “but I want you to look at me when I ride you.”
He runs a ringer down your arm before squeezing your boob in his palm, “you will baby just turn around for me first.”
You comply anyway, turning your body away from him, “you just wanna watch my bunny tail bounce don’t you,” you accuse. Jungkook laughs, “maybe.”
You don’t allow another second to be wasted, sitting up on your knees to move the sticky costume to the side. With your other hand you reach down and hold the base of Jungkook’s cock, positioning it at your entrance before slowly sinking down on him.
You both groan at the sensation of your warmth enveloping his length, your voices harmonising together in pleasure. You swivel your hips in small circles, getting comfortable with his huge size.
Jungkook places both hands on your hips, and you take that as a sign to show him how well you can ride it.
You begin with a light bounce, letting go of the bunny girl costume material as his cock holds it out of the way. You lean your hands on his thighs gaining a steady rhythm humming at the euphoria that spreads through your body.
Jungkook will admit, the sight of your bunny tailed ass paired with the ears that sit atop of your cute head is a sight that makes him release a deep groan.
His hands tighten on your skin and he thrusts up, his body spinning in pleasure, “baby you’re so hot, so tight, fuck.”
You try your best to maintain the speed, loud wet smacks ricocheting around the walls of your room. However, the burn in your tired thighs takes over, and Jungkook notices the way you start to slow down, and he’s not having it.
Jungkook takes the reins and thrusts his hips at a rapid speed that has you screaming his name. As Jungkook increases his speed, he grabs both of your arms, using them to help him piston into you at a faster speed.
“Ah! Oh fuck Jungkook” is all you can say, the pleasure vibrating all over your skin. A mix of both your essences melds together and drips down your thighs, you sigh and fall back against his chest. You can finally see Jungkook, and god, he’s so pretty.
Jungkook continues to thrust into you, his breath staggered and rough as it rushes against your ear. Your tits bounce ferociously like those hentai videos you’ve caught him watching, and as you expected, he grabs one in his hand rubbing a finger over your nipple and squeezing the other.
You pant in his neck, leaving small kisses on his hot skin to which he turns his head to offer you his lips.
Jungkook’s hand releases your tit to find your clit, rubbing fast circles that push you further to your release.
Your mouth falls open, unable to speak. Jungkook is focused on the way your bodies meet, his eyes wide when he notices something.
“Holy shit, look at that love, my dick so big you can see it through your stomach.”
You raise your head, eyes almost crossing at the sight of the bulge that pokes through your stomach every time Jungkook sends a hard thrust into you.
You can’t take it anymore, “Jungkook! Baby I’m gonna cum,” you feel your eyes starting to water at the impending explosion of your orgasm.
You know Jungkook is close, his teeth wrapped around his bottom lip, “yeah, hold it baby I’m almost there, fuck I love you.”
You could almost cry. “I love you so much too Koo.”
With one final thrust you both cum together.
Jungkook holds you tightly, his dick snug inside of your walls as he starts to soften.
No words are spoken, just the sound of deep breaths and shuddered sighs. It’s heavenly. 
Jungkook gently exits your heat, his cum slowly dripping out onto your thighs and onto your bed sheets.
“Just letting you know, it’s gonna be your turn next,” you mumble tiredly, stretching your arms before wrapping them around Jungkook’s head as he continues to catch his breath.
He only scoffs in return, turning his head towards you to plant a sweet kiss against your forehead, “as if.”
Oh, you're so getting back at him.
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karishrtstlen · 3 months
🕊 I’ll crawl home to her.
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Obamitsu // Obanai and Mitsuri remember important moments before their wedding
Inspired by Hard Work-Hozier
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Mitsuri paced around her bedroom with sweaty palms and eyes filled with tears out of pure stress. One day from now would be her big day and she couldn’t believe she was marrying someone as perfect as him. Someone like him. Someone like Obanai. Shinobu had come over to calm her down as well as Shinobus sisters, Kanae Kanao and Aoi, as of now there were no results.
“Oh god Shinobu he’s just so. Amazing why would he even consider marrying me?” She asked her friend who sighed and rubbed her temple
“Why wouldn’t he? That man’s completely smitten over you. Don’t you remember how he asked you out?” Shinobu reminded her
and how could she forget?
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Summer of their senior year in highschool. This was their last summer before they would have to mature.
Shinobu had suggested that their entire friend group take a small trip to the mountains, Where Giyuu’s adoptive father lived, To relax and so they did. They spent the entire summer there.
Mitsuri remembers two weeks before they left quite well.
“Lyubov” Obanai called out for her. She wasn’t sure where he got the nickname from, all she knew was that he had called her that ever since their trip to Ukraine Sophmore year.
“Whats wrong Oba?” She asked quietly, it was nighttime and she wasn’t supposed to be awake but of course Obanai knew she would be awake.
She forgot to bring her favorite bunny plush she can’t sleep without it.
“Can you come with me please i have a surprise” He said quietly knowing she was tired and hadn’t rested properly. A tired Mitsuri made her a little bit more anxious than usual, But not with Obanai. Obanai felt like home to her and she would never give that up. She took his hand.
Her bigger softer hands from baking into his smaller calloused hands from writing so much. Mitsuri has always thought their hands, though opposites, fit each other like puzzle pieces that were missing. She thought their mere beings were meant to find each other.
Like how though she’s taller and a lot stronger everything about her screamed feminine no matter how many people tried to make her seem masculine for her build
And Obanai was the opposite that completed her.
He, unlike many of the boys she’s liked, had never objectified her, sexualized her body and its proportions, never tried to make her seem masculine for her strength, and never not ONCE judged her for how she decided to eat.
He led her outside into the forest secretly praying she would trust him just a little longer he could feel in his heart that she was getting scared. Two hours passed before Obanai asked her gently to close her eyes while turning off their flashlight. Underneath her palms she could see a glow as Obanai held her arm and led her deeper into the forest.
“Open them now, Lyubov” He said gently letting go of her as if she’ll break if he did way too fast.
When she opened her eyes she was met with a sight so magical she could barely breathe. An entire grove of Wisteria trees with fairy lights covering them and polaroids hanging on the lines their friends standing on the side of a projection screen playing videos of her and Obanai from the day they met to now. In her shock she failed to notice Rengoku giving Obanai something and patting his shoulder with a stern look before going back to his spot next to Tengen.
“Do you know why I call you Lyubov Mitsu” He asked
she shook her head and he smiled.
“When we took our trip to Ukraine you mentioned how beautiful you thought the language was and how much you loved it. So for you i learned it. That way you could hear the beauty of a language you love even if you don’t know it. In Ukrainian Lyubov… Lyubov means Love” He took a deep breath looking at Mitsuri who had tears falling already. “Back during the Taishō period there were these fierce swordsmen and women who fought against something no one knows yet but its said to be beasts so fierce coming back with just a busted eardrum and broken ribs was considered a miracle” He laughed a bit looking down
“What i found interesting was that there were two whose looks are described similarly to us, they loved each other yet made no move to confess a push and pull out of fear. They died in each other’s arms confessing too late.”
Mitsuri looked into Obanai’s glassy eyes and felt butterflies erupt. “I don’t want to be like them Kanroji.” He said getting on one knee “So to you i want to say that you are my best friend. For the longest i believed that’s all you were but my heart said otherwise. If i have to die with you in my arms I want it yo be with you as my girlfriend and the promise of marriage sealed from the get go. Mitsuri Kanroji I want to make this promise to love you and soon marry you. I promise to work hard and make sure you never feel worthless because in my eyes you’re more than this world and this universe combined, to me Kanroji you are everything. The waves the moon the sun the flowers the planets the stars the galaxy everything. So please, Be my girlfriend and more than that my future wife” He finished by taking out a promise ring the diamond being in the shape of a heart with a snake going around it.
and how could she not say yes while sobbing and giving him small gentle kisses all over his face in fear if breaking him?
her precious boyfriend and future husband
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Tomorrow is the day Obanai would be marrying the woman he loves with his soul. Right now he was with Rengoku, Tengen, Giyuu, and Sanemi at the spa instead of a bachelors party.
“Out of everyone I would have expected Tengen to marry his girlfriends first” Sanemi said with a sly smile cucumbers covering his eyes. Tengen rolled his eyes and told him to shut up sinking further into the mud bath. Obanai smiled brightly at them careful not to mess up the stitches around his mouth.
“Marrying her is my biggest accomplishment in life she’s gonna be mine forever and i’ll love her forever till my last breath” he said calmly “Getting her fathers permission was a hassle i remember it so vividly just three months before i asked her to be mine”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Obanai took a deep shaky breath wiping the sweat off his palms onto his school uniform before knocking on the door only to be met with Mitsuri’s mother.
“Oh? well hello young man how can I help you” She said politely and Obanai smiled
“Hello Mrs. Kanroji. My name is Iguro Obanai i’m a friend of Mitsuri’s… I was wondering if I could speak with you and your husband on an important decision I want to make regarding your daughter” He said in a polite tone which shocked Mrs. Kanroji.
Many boys had come to ask for permission to date their daughter but non had been as polite as Obanai. She smiled warmly and invited him inside.
Mr. Kanroji wasn’t as warm as Mrs. Kanroji. He had seen many people promise to love his daughter only to hurt her. He’ll have to die before anyone ever hurts her again his precious baby girl. “What do you want with my daughter” He asked the minute they took a seat.
“I want her heart” Obanai replied sincerely.
“Many say that and many break it how do I believe you?” Mr. Kanroji replied sternly.
“Because I am not them. With all due respect sir I am not here for your daughter’s body nor her strength I am here to love her. To show her she is worth more than the universe and that her soul is pure till i take my last breath. With all due respect sir I am here to show her a love that can only be experienced once in a lifetime through every problem we have i want to love her. With all due respect sir I am her to show her the world and it’s beauty even if i have to risk my life for her I am here to do that. To love her in spite of every obstacle. Through heaven and hell i will love her. If I have to walk down to Hades and demand her soul back in replace of mine I will.” He said finishing with heavy breathing.
Mr. Kanroji gave him a proud smile and nodded.
“Keep my baby happy young man.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
It was that day and the nerves were everywhere. Obanai wore his hair in a manbun with a few loose strands that he managed to make look neat. His suit was all white with small diamonds on the collar to give the illusion that he’s sparkling in his suit. He wasn’t wearing his mask, for the first time people were seeing the outcome of his surgery. On his big day he will not hide his truth. He will not hide what he was a survivor of from the woman he loved. The woman who saved him from a terrible fate and brought him peace.
The music Mitsuri chose to walk to played, Work Song by Hozier, she walked through those castle like doors memories passed by Obanai.
Her holding him the day he told her what his family had done
Her smile when they adopted their first fur baby
Her eyes when he brought her roses just because
And her tears when he upheld his promise on marrying her.
Seeing her hair in a slick bun with a tiara on carrying a bouquet of pink and white roses her pure white dress with diamonds placed neatly on it giving her this magical look.
A true princess.
Her father handed her to Obanai and as soon as the weddding started they were lost in each other’s eyes.
Then finally the vows
“love is sweet, love is blind, but when I take this hand Ive seen all light. loyalty and happiness comes to one but one that's loyal and happy will be us as one. take this ring as I take your kindness into my soul. flowers too as you may throw to the next lovely beloved below. with my soul and heart I promise to you Obanai, to be the best version of love you have ever seen” Mitsuri said softly
Obanai took a deep breath.
“I didn’t write my vows down because I wanted to tell you my raw feelings and not something rehearsed. Mitsuri Kanroji I have loved you since the day you accidentally bumped into me at the entrance ceremony our freshmen year. You have shown me more love more care more respect than anyone and not only that but you have been my savior and my comfort. Mitsuri Kanroji I may not be perfect and i may not be who you were hoping to marry but I promise to show you im worth it. I’m worth your time energy and love i am worth you. You are my everything. To everyone in the audience I want you to know. When my time comes lay me gently in the cold dark earth but no grave can hold me. I will come back and love her all over again in every life I swear on my life” He finished looking at the tears rolling down Mitsuri’s face.
Tears of genuine happiness.
“Do you Iguro Obanai take Mitsuri Kanroji, to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do”
“Do you Mitsuri Kanroji take Iguro Obanai, to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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morethanaloveinterest · 6 months
A Cynical Review of Rey's Costumes in TROS
I guess we'd better talk about Rey's two costumes in Rise of Skywalker and what they mean (or don't).
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Okay, this movie is bad. But the costumes have as much attention to detail as always so let's look at this one. It is very similar to her first costume but now is pure white (which I guess you can't tell from this picture, but trust me). She's back to capris and having her hair all the way up. And I gotta be honest, mostly this outfit seems like repression. Her hair is in the style of waiting for her parents instead of continuing the progression of letting it down that TLJ started (like, Leia and Padme both have their hair down in the final movie, you know?). Also in TLJ, she got a scar on her arm that looked like two hands reaching toward each other (almost as if some hugely important thing happened to her that two hands reaching could symbolize). And this costume just straight-up covers it with its own special leather band, and it is never mentioned at all. So, yeah, Daisy looks great in white, but that is Leia's color and Leia's hood and she could have had a costume that reflected the end of her arc instead of one that put her back into her pre-TFA mode.
Female representation: 10/10 Other than the character implications, it is still a great outfit for her to wear. As with the other iterations, it emphasizes femininity without objectifying her. No complaints here.
Practicality: 10/10 I sort of the feel the hood isn't the most practical (I thought the gauzy bits were scarves for that purpose, I guess?) but it's still as practical as anything else she wears.
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When we briefly see Dark!Rey, this is what she's wearing. It honestly seems like a good mix between what Kylo Ren wore in TFA and what the Emperor wears. So it's perfect thematically as they are the dark siders tempting her (in different ways, obviously). But I wish it was a bit more realistic for her to wear, more like a black version of the second TLJ costume.
Female representation: 10/10 Ladies going dark often means there is an excuse to dress them in out-of-character sexy outfits. I appreciate that she is even more covered up than usual.
Practicality: 8/10 Definitely the least practical thing Rey wears, but it's still pretty good. The skirt and the cloak might get in the way of some acrobatics she might otherwise be using, for example.
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If you enjoyed this, check out my Star Wars for the Girlies Series (New Rey video out now!)
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cobragardens · 3 months
Who is your favorite poet?
Edna St. Vincent Millay! She wrote these poems that sound so simple, even childlike. But any child they were like was an enfant terrible. (Also she rocked the classic Bisexual Haircut decades before it became a thing.)
Here's one of my favorites of hers:
I had forgotten how the frogs must sound
After a year of silence, else I think
I should not so have ventured forth alone
At dusk upon this unfrequented road.
I am waylaid by Beauty. Who will walk
Between me and the crying of the frogs?
Oh, savage Beauty, suffer me to pass,
That am a timid woman, on her way
From one house to another!
Anglophone literature and poetry, controlled exclusively by men until the late 20th century, has a long and slimy tradition of titillating its demographic with beautiful oblique or lyrical descriptions of men raping women, inviting its (putatively male) readers to partake in tastefully phrased violation and to enjoy the bodies and suffering of women: the pleading, then the laying bare and ogling and desecration of "pure" flesh.
Often these rapes are phrased in erotic or even romantic terms (so much so that the word ravish has lost all connotations of nonconsensuality; looking at you, John Donne 😒), of seduction rather than attack.
Millay is referencing that tradition here, I think. Her speaker is a "timid woman" walking "alone / At dusk" on an "unfrequented road": a classic setup for stranger rape (and for blaming women who survive it). She titles the poem "Assault." The attacker "waylay[s]" the speaker like a highwayman.
Millay is, like so many male writers before her (looking at you, Alexander Pope, you dickbag 😒), toying with the idea of sexual violence against women for the interest of her readers. But instead of using poetry to trivialize men raping women, she uses the literary tradition of rape to increase the impact of the poem, to drive home how profound this experience of hearing the frogs is, how unequal to it and unprepared for it the speaker is, how much power it has to change her permanently if she doesn't get away in time. And Millay does this without objectifying or implying consent or fault of the woman. The woman remains a person the whole time.
It blows my socks off. It's so cool.
But really I love this poem because the line "I am waylaid by Beauty" fucking transports me. It does to me what it says in itself.
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natsmagi · 9 months
reading your posts about body diversity in enstars and i don't want to. echo chamber or anything but as a guy with a small waist/large hips/sizable chest it always makes me happy 2 see people give fem tsumugi similar traits without it being. inherently sexual (do not get me wrong it Can be. i think big boobs are hot. bounce bounce. but sometimes it's nice to just.... see a guy like me without it being treated inherently as a sex thing). like sometimes people just have big proportions and that is ok <3 lalala love and joy on earth
YEA!!! and omg DONT WORRY ANON UR NOT BEING ECHO CHAMBER-Y!!! youre sharing your opinion and life experiences!! and individual experiences are always important to take into account!!
there is nothing wrong with liking big boobs or boobs in general, its like. a common joke here after all ASJHFKJH but the issue arises when youre unable to view the person as anything But their proportions..... people who fit the mold of "big boobs and small waists" often get sexualized so disproportionately and you can really see it bleed into how these people are treated in the real world and it makes me so sad...... no body is inherently sexual, and you most certainly shouldnt treat someone as lesser because of the traits they possess. literally any woman is capable of being hot no matter her looks, much like every woman is still a human being no matter her looks. SOMETIMES PEOPLE JUST HAVE BIG BOOBS!!! DOESNT NEED TO GO ANY DEEPER THAN THAT!!!
there is nothing wrong with drawing these bodies sexually either, and if youre sapphic i hope you dont feel shame for thinking things like "wow that girl has some big knockers and its making me think some very risque thoughts. im no better than those vile men" because youre afraid youre feeding into the objectification of women done by guys. its ok to be horny and sexually attracted to certain features, she is Literally what ur attracted to after all!!!! what matters is remembering that Thats a person at the end of the day which, as sapphics, we almost (if not) always inherently do because we have some relationship with womanhood in one way or another (be it cis, trans, nonbinary, or something else) and it will never be the same as cis men reducing women to fleshlights. so please dont feel like you need to feed into the stereotype of "love between women being soft and pure and innocent and sweet" because thats not helping anyone either
be horny!! be crude!!! BE NASTY!!!!!! but also be humane and remember that someone possessing a certain feature doesnt give u a pass to objectify or dehumanize them :')
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onewomancitadel · 4 months
Alright fine, I'll get it out of my system, Dark portrays very thoughtful contrast between the majority of its romances and the lead pairing of the show, Jonas/Martha. I think it's an excellent use of an ensemble cast to draw implicit judgement and comparison, and more specifically it makes me want to pay attention because I know no shot is arbitrary.
I didn't really understand the love triangle between Jonas-Martha-Bartosz at first (because I am allergic to love triangles) but it is very successful and doesn't take up too much narrative space - if anything it does my favourite thing which is contrasting childish love of convenience versus true love. Most prominently there's the scene in the dressing room where each action Jonas-Bartosz take is different - Jonas knocks, walks in uncertainly but respectfully/Bartosz barges in - the entire framing of the scene is open yet intimate, almost like a cocoon with Jonas/Martha, but with Bartosz it's oppressive - the kiss between Jonas/Martha is like always they're the only two in the entire world, where with Bartosz and Martha it's like the world is squeezing in on them - and the use of mirror is very smart (foreshadowing?), because you see Martha from every angle with Jonas, and her mirror image is concealed with Bartosz.
That was the scene when I realised they were doing something intentionally - and every Jonas/Martha scene tends to be like this, long shots with no edits, just pure acting/contemplation and really what can only be called warm intimacy - and it felt especially prominent with the sex scenes. You get that real objectified sense with Hannah and Ulrich in the first episode where my first assumption was that it was like watching some sort of impersonal human sacrifice ritual. Meanwhile Magnus/Franziska is honestly sort of silly, like I actually was laughing out loud every time it cut to them and they were going at it like rabbits, and I think this was supposed to be comic! It's not bad, they are just always fucking, and I think there you have the denial of feelings vs. the serious stakes of the relationship which evolve secretly, to the point you then see they're still together when working much later with Adam.
But then Jonas and Martha's sex scenes. Dreamy! Warm! Sweaty! So up close and personal it's almost like it's not even graphic, because you're mostly seeing moving limbs, and just the fierce intensity of their oneness. I understand criticisms of sex scenes from both ethical and narrative perspectives, but it was at this point I perfectly understood the point of the graphicness, or lack thereof in this case I suppose, especially when there is that forbidden love/inherent wrongness to the Jonas/Martha relationship which also happens to be world-ending. So whilst these other relationships aren't forbidden, Jonas/Martha's is, yet by their portrayal you'd almost think otherwise - which I think is the point. The show wants you to care about them, not write it off. It's a romance which blooms from tragedy.
And I prefer the implicitness and privacy (and almost suggestion?) of those scenes because it tells me so much about Jonas/Martha. I am told so many things about them, actually, that it's not unserious, that it is actually totally serious, and the way they feel for each other is special, not arbitrary - that in that world, the intimacy, ease, and comfort they feel each other is rare, but it is also forbidden, and dangerous. It's the poison and the panacea, which is why [ENDING] is the most genius thing ever written. The agony of the love, the sickness that the doctors cannot cure; the wounds that can be healed only by the weapon that delivered the wound.
Also, I love characters who dream of each other, and I think there is separately a point that the sex scenes are at first delivered to us mystically - even more precious, they're actually sort of magical, a future/past memory repeating, to the point the dream is reality.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
t&b has shown how barnabys tragic backstory is just public information but out of all heroes the hero going through the most shit because of their hero position is undoubtedly karina...
sure, barnabys past is mostly public, and he has no secret identity, but even if he was young he became a hero, karina was a child. karina also didnt just become a hero like other child heroes, she also became an idol.
being a child celebrity is a horrible experience as a fact, and the only other person who may understand karina on this matter is ryan, who definitely looks like a kid in the teaser added to the beginning movie, and who is referred to as an experienced hero, something kotetsu gets referred to bc of a decade or so experience... and considering hes about barnabys age, he had to start as a kid
the other child heroes have very distinct and separate public/private personas, which is true for karina too- but she has responsibilities due to being an idol. she has to play up a certain kind of persona, wear a certain kind of clothes, she cant even choose her tagline for herself.
she is sexualized and objectified to sell the idol blue rose, and she does that every time shes in her hero suit. the reason i say ryan may be able to understand her is that while we dont know anything about him for sure, he most likely started as a kid and went through a similar career path as barnaby (in the sense of his private self being public knowledge), but it has worse ramifications to go through that as a kid
still, it doesnt come even close to the way blue rose is marketed as an idol. at times, t&b comes close to making some sort of somewhat self-aware commentary on it... but never quite manages, and t&b2 really let karinas character down and let her not have any meaningful character development and perhaps taking back agency for herself
its wild to me how she should have the most against hero industry- it never protected her, on the contrary, it facilitated her exploitative career. had mr. legends match-fixing become public knowledge, for example, she couldve been given a moment to shine.
shes very smart and also one of the best heroes, having tied with keith for KOH earlier, and it feels unimaginable to me that she couldnt have easily accepted it. blue rose is part of the dark side of the hero industry, the marketing and the lies (her entire persona is based on lies, and she is suffering for it for many reasons, and she cant change it because her manager is against it)
similarly, ryan has undoubtedly seen it all happen somewhere else (why else does he keep acting like sternbilds heroes are such an unique case with how they support each other etc), and i think he wouldve accepted it as easily
blue golden, i feel, has more insight into the hero industry than kotetsu & barnaby, because kotetsu is such an idealistic person at the core and while barnaby has been mistreated by the hero industry, its easy to chalk it up to mavericks direct interference than the entire industry itself
karina never was a tool to be used by a villain- she just happened to become an idol to be marketed since she was a child. the issues of the hero industry run far deeper than just some ouroboros interference. i dont think karina (or ryan) would find mr.legends shittiness a surprise or have any qualms about accepting it immediately
just because youre a hero or someone who works for the hero industry doesnt mean youre a good person. mr.legend and maverick certainly couldnt arrange the entire match-fixing by themselves: there had to be a lot of people involved with it. t&b2 really downplays this aspect... and LL auduns character potential isnt realized...
hes a vigilante... according to who? the hero industry?.. which decrees that only the biggest companies in sternbild may be able to sponsor heroes? what if your NEXT power was past the required threshold and you had the pure idealistic heart of a hero but you cant find a sponsor?
even the 1st season touches on how commercialized the hero industry is, but i feel like that whole aspect was forgotten for s2. it feels like they forgot the whole corruption angle entirely, the way apollon media is one of the sponsor companies but it owns OBC which broadcasts and owns heroTV...
karina doesnt have meaningful personal connections to ouroboros, but she doesnt have to. she just knows firsthand how cruel the hero industry can be, and how everyone involved within it is just a person. the title of a hero doesnt make anyone ideologically good.
she has worked hard for what she has achieved as blue rose, but still her achievements are overshadowed by others, and i remain of the opinion blue golden shouldve won KOH, since karina has tied with keith in the past and if ryan is good at something, its being a hero (lol), so he wouldnt have been a hindrance to her in this goal
but im getting sidetracked... theres just so much potential about karina that the show never acknowledges so that she can talk about crushes or something instead of anything serious...
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lilithfairen · 1 year
saw an old post of yours saying "rwby critics are madoka magica stans" where you imply something is wrong with being a madoka magica stan. as both a rwby and mm fan, please enlighten me as to what the problem with liking madoka magica is. I'm not a man (nonbinary afab) and I'm seriously stumped as to what the problem with liking PMMM is. I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful; this is a genuine ask
Not all RWBY "critics" are Madoka Magica stans, but I noticed a lot of overlap, especially with the particularly rabid "critics", and that comes from the same sort of sphere that a lot of credit that is given to PMMM comes from.
To put it bluntly: Madoka Magica was born of and revels in misogyny. It's a work that exists purely out of spite for magical-girl stories that encourage girls to be bold, brave, and aspiring. It takes those trappings and instead tells a story that punishes girls who aren't like the meek, submissive, unaspiring main character the writers depict as an ideal, wrapped in nonsensical and contrived writing born of the belief that girls and shows for girls are too dumb and shallow to grasp concepts that have been iconic to the genre since it was codified with Sailor Moon.
A lot of the fundamental ways that PMMM shows its misogynistic hate towards the magical-girl genre mirrors a lot of things RWBY "critics" hate about RWBY, as well...
PMMM is a show aimed at male audience about watching girls be monster-slaying badasses, but the moment girls themselves derive empowerment from such a thing, the show blatantly derails Mami's character so it can brutally kill her off as punishment. RWBY "critics" want to watch girls be badasses, but want male characters to be the real heroes of the story and despise RWBY whenever female characters are heroic/protagonist figures and male characters are antagonists and villains.
PMMM devalues friendships between girls and scorns the idea of girls pursuing romance, yet at the same time fetishizes their relationships with yuri-bait fanservice. RWBY "critics" love to objectify the heroines, but hate it when the show develops actual relationships between them (especially in regards to Bumbleby, an explicit and mutual romantic relationship without fanservice).
PMMM punishes the female characters for pursuing their own hopes and desires while defining "selflessness" for girls solely in sacrificing their own lives for others, yet a male character has his own dreams deemed so vital that the story glorifies a teenage girl being willing to die for the sake of his happiness. RWBY "critics" frequently declare the female protagonists to be "selfish" for finding their own happiness and fulfillment, while claiming that villainous male characters aren't treated fairly when their fate reflects their actions and that female characters automatically owe their obedience or even love to male characters who do things for them.
In short, Madoka Magica has a lot of misogynistic themes driven by spite towards shows that are meant to encourage and empower girls, and there's a lot of overlap between its fandom and the RWBY "critics" crowd because the attitudes RWBY "critics" have about female characters mirror the treatment of female characters in PMMM.
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rjalker · 2 years
Excerpt from my fic, (archived link) of me fixing shit.
(Evrim's an OC because we don't know the names of any of Dr. Mensah's other kids yet)
none of this is spoilers because none of this is canon, which is the whole problem. This is me fixing the nonbinary robot stereotype.
Evrim looked startled, probably because it had never heard Murderbot sound so undeniably happy before. Murderbot didn’t even think it had ever actually felt this happy before. Not even when it had first hacked its governor module. That moment had mostly been filled with terror that it was about to get fried/caught and disbelief that it had actually worked.
It couldn’t remember the last time it had felt this...comfortable. 
Not even the disappointing loss of its shoes or jacket could defeat this pure and utter relief.
It had forgotten how much it loved being able to hide its face. It had been forced to adapt, but every second of that forced adaptation was miserable and filled with stress. It had been pretending it was okay with letting humans see its face, pretending so hard that it had even almost convinced itself that it was fine with it. It had been forced to put on a mask every moment humans were around, and now, finally, in what felt like forever, it no longer had to maintain that mask, at least not while it kept this hood up.
Because here was the proof that it wasn’t actually fine with letting humans see its face. It wouldn’t be feeling this joy if it had actually been happy with the way things were before.
It wondered if this was how Evrim had felt, how Evrim had to still feel, being nonbinary but being perceived as something else. Coming out to Murderbot was just the first step of a thousand. It would have to tell its parents, its friends, its extended family, its aunts and uncles and other friends of the family, everyone it interacted with through the feed...
In some ways, Murderbot was lucky. It had never had to convince people to see it as being an “it” rather than a “he”, “she”, or even a “they”. No one even knew it had been assigned a binary gender, since one of the first things it had done after hacking its governor module was going into the company system to alter its pronouns and gender assignment to “it/its” and “agender”.
The company insisted on assigning constructs genders in order to make them “less frightening” to clients. That never actually worked, though, but they kept trying. Fortunately for Murderbot, company employees were just as lazy as it was, and only did the absolute bare-minimum required for their jobs.
Even if any of the company employees had noticed its pronouns and gender assignment being changed, none of them ever bothered to correct it back or question it. They weren’t paid enough to care about some random SecUnit’s pronouns or gender, assuming they were even paid at all.
When Dr. Mensah had come in, metaphorically kicking and screaming the whole way, to pick up Murderbot, it had been relinquished while being referred to as the pronouns listed in its information: it/its, with Dr. Mensah being none the wiser that they’d ever been anything else.
And that was just the way Murderbot liked it. If it had its way, no one would ever even know it was trans. Because then they would have no excuse to try to question its gender.
Well, in theory anyways. Some of the more persistantly stupid and obnoxious ones tried to do it anyways, sometimes, usually the patronizing and infuriating kinds that assumed that because it was a construct, that meant it didn’t know anything about anything and needed a human friend to teach it things like ‘slavery is bad’ like it didn’t already know that.
These kinds of people usually tried to assign it he/him pronouns, for whatever fucking reason, and much more rarely she/her, or they/them. Because according to assholes who only pretend to respect people but actually don’t, it/its pronouns are bad and objectifying, even when you’re the one telling people those are your pronouns.
Murderbot was lucky enough that most humans who knew it was a construct automatically referred to it as an it, the way it wanted them to.
Evrim, though, wouldn’t be that lucky. It was a human, and humans were fucking stupid about these sorts of things. Oh, sure, on Preservation they’d probably be nicer about it than on other planets, but Murderbot had no doubt that people would be upset by Evrim’s choice to use it/its pronouns, even though those same people would probably have been supportive if it had decided to use they/them, or te/ter, or any other nonbinary pronouns besides it/its. 
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oddygaul · 7 months
I’m not going to backdate this too far - the whole reason I’m doing this is realizing the frighteningly quick rate at which I forget my critical thoughts on a work, after all - but a few things from the past few months solidified enough for me to still be able to write about them.
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So, what better way to start this blog than with Redline? In August, I had the privilege to watch Redline on a rented-out, full-size theater screen with about 30 other people I love who also love this stupid fucking car movie I’ve forced them to watch for a decade.
I’m not writing my thoughts on the entirety of Redline… this space is intended to be much more about the thoughts I can’t get out of my head after just experiencing something, rather than holistic reviews of everything I’ve engaged with. There’s so much I could say and have said about Redline, but this will just be what I took away from this particular viewing.
The experience of seeing it in a theater setting truly is special. Even putting aside the Rocky Horror-esque fun of having the whole theater yelling along to their favorite moments, Redline is a movie with such attention and care put into the audiovisual experience that it felt fresh seeing it so huge, even having watched it untold dozens of times before. In particular, I’ve always been immensely impressed with Redline’s audio design - not just the music, but the foley, the FX, the panning, the soundscape - so hearing it on a theater speaker system was a treat.
As time goes on, the only thing that gets harder to swallow every time I revisit Redline is its gender issues. Nowadays, I’m always dreading the restaurant scene where Shinkai’s harassment is played for laughs, and breathe a sigh of relief once it’s passed. In general, Redline is very contradictory in its treatment of its women characters. Often they are strong, relevant to the plot, have plenty of agency, hell, it even passes the Bechdel test (although that likely shows the flaws of the Bechdel test more than anything)... it’s just the way the camera looks at them that feels scummy, and to a degree is baked into the character designs themselves.
Sonoshee is, by all rights, the deuteragonist of the story. She has more depth and nuance introduced to the audience, in terms of backstory and personality, than anyone outside of JP; she’s easily one of the top 3 racers in the movie; and, we see her accomplish so much on her own (from defining, genuine character moments, to pure badass anime shit, like shooting a missile out of the sky with a handgun). Despite this, the camera leers at her so repeatedly that it becomes hard to ignore, from her Gainaxing after winning Yellowline to the topless scene in Act 2. The latter is sort of played off as self-aware with the “nice shot of my ass, guys” quip, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s objectified in a way none of the male characters are*. The really unforgivable one, I realized on this watch, is the worm’s eye shot during the flashback, when Sonoshee’s digging her car out from the dirt. It’s a pretty high-emotion scene throughout which Sonoshee is sobbing, and serves to show both her passion for what she does and her level of determination to be set apart from all the other racers. There is, narratively, absolutely no fucking reason for there to be an ass shot here**. And yet.
Anime in general, of course, is no stranger to sexualized women, ogling camerawork, and sexist character tropes. The frustrating thing about Redline is, they really didn’t trip up at all in the writing - there’s solidly written women characters with agency, who aren’t falling into the most common tropey pitfalls - they just couldn’t shake the fanservice camera angles endemic to the medium for the most important woman in the movie. No male characters are treated this way by the camera; honestly, no other women really are, either. The SuperBoins are horny as hell the whole movie, but they are FULLY in on it, it’s their brand and they’re taking it to the bank. When we see the camera on them, it’s literally a diegetic camera that they’re performing for, Bayonetta-style. It’s just with Sonoshee that they seem to undermine her character at every turn by reminding you that, yes, while she is a real person with dreams and flaws who’s one half of an otherwise shockingly wholesome romance story, she’s also a hot anime girl, so please go ahead and objectify her.
Anyway, I still love Redline, despite that flaw. It remains an absolute testament to the medium of animation, and I’ll never stop being sad Koike hasn’t done more in the setting since. After this rewatch, I even saw the first ever hint of a theme, with the die-hard traditional racers who refuse to use new machines representing the old guard of traditional animators giving it one last hurrah before the switch to a digital workflow… but I think I’ll save that for the next rewatch.
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*We get a grand total of ONE male booty shot, it’s Old Man Mole, and honestly, it’s debatable in terms of sexualization.
**The only way I can find to give benefit of the doubt, were I to want to do so, is that Koike honestly is just a weird little freak that loves animating every motion of the human body he can. This is the man who came up with and directed World Record just to capture all the minutiae and physical nuances of a running figure, after all. Given the legitimately tough camera angle and torsion-filled full-body movement, from a purely technical perspective, it is a very well-done shot. But I don’t actually know who boarded or keyed this, and even if that was their real motivation, it doesn’t really matter when the viewer obviously isn’t going to see it this way at first blush.
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