#its just a phase its JUST A PHASE YEA IM GOOD
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do u guys understand me now h
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milo-igidk · 5 months
Not me stalking your account simply by the fact that you say that rawest stuff about my fave character (Keefe) ummm anyways
I used to really hate Fitz for being mad at Keefe for joining the Neverseen and not really understanding his best friend, but a recent reread made me realize that Keefe leaving was SO much more startling for Fitz than Sophie or the reader. Sophie saw the small sighs really early on. I'd even argue that it was as early as Exile. The alicorn ride where he stopped joking for a moment to lay himself out a little? Then of course there's the whole thing with Keefe's mom "dying" and all that, but Fitz probably thought his cheery, happy-go-lucky friend would be okay. Those scenes leading up to Loadstar where you see Keefe's fear and anger? ONLY Sophie sees it. Suddenly Fitz sees his brother and best friend who seem really similar are now a part of the Neverseen? With SO little warning? Without what Sophie saw, I would feel betrayed and angry too. And how would Keefe feel? I bet he felt a lot more alone once he realized that he hid his pain so well that even his best friend didn't really know him.
Sorry, that wasn't really a question and was a bit long, but I thought I'd put it here in case you had some cool thoughts to add that I may have missed. :) (Since you're so good at it)
shxhjxjs omg thanks first of all im glad vdbdnx😭
and also yeees youre so right and i honestly hadnt rlly thought abt that
i feel like keefe and fitz have such an interesting dynamic and i hope shannon like makes them actually talk about shit instead of being like oh fitz is fine with everything now. bc yea fitz really doesnt know a lot of the things going on with keefe and like it goes to show how his demeanour totally changed in that one scene in lodestar when he saw the memories keefe was showing sophie.
honestly i am well over my 'hating fitz' phase that i feel like all kotlc fans have at some point, hes a great character but nooot that great of a friend to keefe? imo? idk i dont think its on purpose i just feel like, like you said, he sees this persona that keefe puts up and doesnt think to look any deeper, even after keefe came back from the neverseen like the only time hes hung out with keef that i can remember being mentioned is when he was looking for memories with cassius, when he was complaining abt sophie to him, or when he needed those drawings for sophies gift. and again its not that much his fault, he just assumes everything is fine and also has his own stuff going on but like still dude. they definitely both need to talk abt like a lot of stuff (coughs what alden said to him in flashback coughs im not still salty youre still salty)
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bananntoo · 1 year
armin hcs
where did all of the armin fic writers go- ITS FINALS SEASON I NEED Y’ALL ! CAME BACK😭😭😭
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• he listens to shoe gaze and krnb i just know it
• like his top artists of last year was 100% whirr, alex g, and dosii
• also his playlists don’t have names- its all symbols like “↯︎” “☆︎” “*”
• his spotify, his widgets, his home screen- all blue or like a forest green
• want a show to watch? good luck getting an answer from him
• when his favorite hobbies, shows, games get popular he drops it and moves on
• ”im an og fan”
• ”i liked it before it was popular”
• yea yea we get it 😒
• speaking of interests he can ramble about them for hours
• random facts about the ocean, human body, us history-
• its like he knows everything
• like why are you in school go teach somewhere or something
• growing up his favorite shows were max and ruby and yo gabba gabba i can feel it in my bones!
• im also sensing a little bit of doodlebops…
• his favorite yo gabba gabba character was probably muno and his favorite doodlebop was deedee
• does weird only child things like gets mad when you don’t automatically agree with him
• eggs
• thats about it
• but he enjoys baking and cooking with you
• he’s just not very good at it😭
• all ap student
• he’s definitely in the first quartile
• maybe top 25
• from the lunch line everyday he doesn’t buy lunch
• just a fruit parfait
• maybe a cookie for eren
• but a lot of days he doesn’t eat lunch
• in roblox horror games he gets scared easily and will scream so loud
• you always end up going first
• flee the facility will have him near tears
• shaking while he crouches to avoid the catcher
• i don’t think he’s too much of a gamer though
• more if a only play with friends
• crab games, roblox, zelda
• i see him as more of an rpg player than a fps player
• like he has a really embarrassing genshin phase
• like
• REALLY embarrassing
• his genshin main was xiao main and never stfu about it
• but he’s over it now
• he’s a changed man
• he has a faceless anime account that got big during the summer 2021 tokyo revengers era but now it’s super dry
• says “hmm?” a lot when you are talking
• he’s so cute omg
• he’s so sassy
• mid text convo he goes “okay wtv” or something
• like okay sass much
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relaxxattack · 8 months
hwy so i saw ur poll ab arasol and f they were matesprits or not and ive been into homestuck for about 7 years and its a special interest and im autistic and thwy are my first and tbh only otp anf so if this is ok i wld like to infodump my opinion/hcs ab them bc i just 🥰 i love them sm 🥰 (def not frothing at the mouth at the idea of an audience for my opinions bc everyone irl is sikc of me lmao /lh)
ok so i deffo think they ar e matesprits BUT i think they never liie. clearly confirmwd it while aradia was alive. and once she became ghost aradia i think she got so distant and aloof (i think thats the right word?) about everytuing that it made sollux feel like she disnt love him anymore, and he eventually just had to move on, even thouvh it hurt. and feferi was there, not necessarily as a "rebound" but as a shoulder to cry on. someone for sollux to confide in, and to listen to him because he didnt have anyonw else he felt like woild. and i feel like feferi was def nto him and wanted to be his matesprit but i think sollux wasnt really. and i think they developed a kind of mixed/blurred lines relationship and the whole ghost and aradiabot phases pushed him and aradia furhter apart because aradia was dealinf wth so so much and in turn sollux was dealinf with the loss of his presumed (unofficial, wtv) matesprit, because that wasnt the aradia he knew and had fallen in love with. the ghost thing wasnt a bother - he loved her, not her physical form - it was the personality shift, i think.
and so when she reached god tier and regained her body nd her sense of identity, ithink they started to rekindle what they had nefore, if that makes sense? like aradia was his aradia again, an aradia interested in life and adventuee and archaeology and not this stupid, stupid game and suddenly not everything felt like it was collapsing around him and he felt like things could be okay again. and she helped him and he helped her and together they did make thinfs okay again. with each other.
and i think aradia's living>ghost>aradiabot>godtier timeline is a good allegory for depression and how it can absolutely shatter your sense of self and strip your world of colour and how that can make you push people away and self isolate and whatnot. idk thats just how i see it but :3 yea
i havet checkwd out the epilogues or homestuck^2 btw so this is based solely off of andrew hussie's homestuck bc i love it sososo much anyways yea !!!! tysm if anybody took the time to read this i love u all!! and ty for letting me drop this in ur askbox lolz and yea :3 srry if this isnt v comprehensive i just got off an 8hr closing shift at work lmao <3
this is a REALLY good analysis and i really love it, thank you for sharing! this makes complete sense to me.
aradia's depression being the catalyst for their split is very true! especially since she then sort of broke his trust with the whole sgrub thing-- and before that interacting with her was hard because sollux felt so guilty about what he did to her. it's just sad on all accounts, and i'm glad they both got better
honestly my poll was more to ask the question; "so we all agree that aradia and sollux were matesprits right because they do NOT act like moirails lol but it's funny because if they're matesprits that makes the feferi business weirder", but i don't think it came across in the post correctly, pfft
yes i definitely agree that they were matesprits, and also the idea that feferi was more into sollux than he was her is a really interesting one-- i also wonder if maybe feferi was maybe less into sollux than she thought, herself-- it's possible she threw herself into that relationship because she was just so relieved to be finally cut off from eridan and "allowed" to have relationships like that. but that's just my thought!
at the end of the day they're all just kids trying stuff out and it's kind of adorable and not that serious. i'm an arasoler at heart but there's nothing wrong with solfef either
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dougtheintern · 1 year
im inspired (im not. im lying. )
bands/songs that i listen/listened to that i think the stupid teens would too
-siouxsie and the banshees. listen shes textbook babybat gothgirl discovering goth music for the first time
-my chemical romance. duh!
-nirvana. because when your mom is cool and your dad is absent you like nirvana
-pheobe bridgers. this is listened to at 3am with no faith in god and your phone clutched in your right hand as you’re thinking that your friends dont love you (Moon song, I Know The End, Punisher)
-the cure. im gonna cure you of homosexuality. bro idk again its the cure. its just how it is (boys dont cry, A Forest, Faith)
-fiona apple because i like fiona apple and so scary likes fiona apple (Paper Bag, a Mistake, I Want You To Love Me)
-any type of vocaloid. his fav is kaito. because hes gay?
-i used to listen to vocaloid so im going to my old playlists for this one
-Maretu. its bangin. its crazy. taylor goes crazy for it i just know
-Kikuo. every little queer who listens to japanese music EVENTUALLY makes their way to kikuo.
-video game soundtracks, especially undertale
-KERO KERO BONITO. lord i love them so much. cat vs dog. trampoline. all masterpieces
-the living tombstone. you think this little idiot hasn’t watched the anime adaptation of FNAF 70 times already? then ur WRONG
-LOONA. idk i just think he would tell people to stan loona . how do u spell that actually. idk
-radiohead. he found CDs in a dusty box in the attic. (grant had a phase)
-imagine dragons. hes a lanky awkward teenage boy who doesn’t know good music yet. he’s gonna listen to imagine dragons.
-currently branching out, trying out some Tyler the Creator
-^ as well as Ricky Montgomery. they’re two very different artists and he does not know that yet. but he will. i promise
-anything thats on the radio or on tiktok. and i mean anything. he hears it and goes ‘oh that sounds nice!’ and immediately adds it to his playlist. he has range but in a very odd way
-scary made him listen to The Cure and he kind of likes it
-The Smiths. im sorry hes just. hes so the smiths. oakworthy “i love the smiths” “what?” “I SAID I LOVE THE SMIT”
-No Doubt. yknow the one that made Just A Girl. yea hes gay and likes that song.
-TV Girl because what lonely queer teen doesnt eventually make their way to TV Girl
-Queen because sparrow was listening to them once and he fell in love with it
-^ along with kate bush
-Party In The USA by Miley Cirus. it’s the only song of hers he’ll ever listen to but its the only one necessary.
-florence + the machine. i have 0 reason for this one
im going to be sick because all my musical theater preferences are going to be spilled
-literally everything from A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
-WAITRESS. waitress. w. waitress
-very VERY specific songs from Be More Chill
-The Ballad of Sara Berry. he wishes there was a full musical attached to it
-adelaide’s lament from guys and dolls. its so good guys. and luck be a lady
-into the woods. babes its a staple
-literally every song from Something Rotten its such a fun musical
-and sprinkle a little bit of mitski. hes a theater gay it was gonna happen eventually
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whumpshaped · 10 months
are you religious? On account of all the recent bible posting. I'm not Christian myself but I have to hand it to them, the whole "eating Jesus's body and drinking his blood" is really cool
im actually not! well. idk. reading the bible and talking abt it rly makes me wanna be christian again.
tl;dr i am considering accepting jesus christ into my heart but i dont know if itll happen bc whenever i type or say anything slightly religious i cringe or make it into a joke. also sorry to any christian who finds my bible posting
i was raised catholic, went to church and bible study for 3 yrs, did my first communion, then dipped bc it was horrid. i was so so against being catholic u cannot imagine. i was against church, i was against begging some man in the sky for mercy, i was against their gay policy, i was against saying my pets had no soul- i was against absolutely everything except some bops in church
then i had my first big voluntary christian phase at 13-14 in which i drew more towards protestantism and attempted to read the bible cover to cover (i failed but theres a lot that i read.) i went to a lutheran hs for 2 yrs in seventh and eighth grade so that mightve influenced it tho i HATED monday morning worship at 7am and i cant believe its still happening even tho ppl routinely fainted and shit. bc u have to stand. the whole time
i also wanted to be a nun for a goooood while but turns out im just aroace and autistic (chastity and rigid rules sounds amazing to me huh)
so im 21 now and i started writing my angel demon story and i wanted to make heaven a cult like dystopia (and it turned into my own ranting at some points) and i wanted to give cassael actual bible-accurate problems. bible-accurate brainwashing lol it came to me because something i said abt them either on here or in rp made me remember that verse abt the yoke and stuff (my yoke is easy and my burden is light) and i was like wait i should read the bible and pick out the whumpiest worst most horrid most easy to misinterpret and turn horrible verses. so here i am.
but then i got rly rly into it. its remarkably easy to enjoy the story when im not reading the 1908 károli translation and spending all my spoons untangling the wording. and the thing is, i was always spiritual yknow. thats why i bounced so much between faiths and beliefs. ive followed the law of assumption stuff for a year or so now, i had genuine results from it- honestly everything i believed in has yielded good results for me always. whether it be christianity or paganism or loa. when i read the bible i DO feel loved even thru the incredible amount of horrid shit god does lol i felt loved at 13 and i feel loved now. so idk. im withholding judgement until i finish reading it but honestly nobody be surprised if i go back to my christian bs before the semester starts
oh thats another thing. im miserable lmao so not very hard for god to swoop in and be like hey do u wanna talk abt ur lord and saviour. me.
but im not rly gonna change in any way even if i do decide that tho, i think. my policy is already "be kind do good leave others alone". i dont think im gonna get preachy on here or anything. i mean has anyone seen much vegan posting from me? so i think im good
so . yea. sorry it turned into such a long post
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underscoredinnisg · 1 year
Headcanons for feral 2D? 😮
this is prob in the early phases
(feral) 2D
-he 100% has a switchblade collection, and he always has at least 1 on him
-he uses them for everything, like literally this man has opened pop cans with them
-ya know how he was studying law before he joined the band? yea well he puts that to good use, he does illegal shit and then knows how to get away with it, hes gotten out of jail so many times
-murdoc yelled at him when he had a bad migraine once and he broke his nose (again)
-he has this general unsettling aura around him? he can be super nice and sweet and he does genuinely care for people, but also with being 6'2 and having blood filled eyes you kinda gain this vibe of "oh god"
-arson obsession, no joke has started a fire in his room
-he really enjoys graffiti, thats already cannon but like he has cans upon cans if spray paint in his room
-he does infact go out with a lot of people, he knows hes attractive and its a dangerous thing
-he zones out a lot, but no one ever knows where hes looking so again he just gets an unsettling aura around him
-he has bitten people in fights, and will continue to do so
-bites people just for fun, the funny thing is is that theres a blank space at the front where his front teeth should be
-this isnt really feral but he learned how to whistle through his missing teeth
-he likes small knives and blunt force objects for fighting more then anything, he has a bat in his room that he keeps by his bed
-his walk is really quite so he sometimes scares people by just appearing
-he was like this when he was a teen to, hes always been just a little bit insane
(ok now im gonna slip my own character in because i can)
-2D and Pumpkin (i have a post about him if you want to read it) steal shopping carts together and race them
-theyre pretty much partners in crime, one of them is doing something stupid you know the other one is there to help
-both of them have sucky vision (2D with the 8ball fractures, Pumpkin with having a literal pumpkin stuck on his head) so a lot of the time the chaos they cause doesnt go as planned
-both dumpster dive, doesnt matter that 2D is in a famous band, they both dumpster dive
-when they get high, oh god its like chaos squared but they both have to little coordination to pull it off
-so they end up stumbling around and maniacally laughing when the other falls
-2D ate spray paint once, he was just curious
-his mouth was orange for a week
-Pumpkins head can come off so him and 2D are seen commonly throwing it at eachother
-both are like 6'2 and like hanging out at night, so seeing them hanging around and spray painting a back alley is a little terrifying
-they wont jump you or do anything but they will stare at you until you leave
-they both steal street signs on the regular, both of there rooms are coated in them
Those are most of my headcannons around feral 2D, hes kinda just phase 1-3 2D but in more deapth.
i love them so much<333
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fujianvenator · 2 years
what are your scp recs? =o i've read some but not all that many overall
SORRY LATE REPLY COZ i had 2 get 2my pc HELP BUT !! Youhave unlocked the floodgates.
087 - the stairwell
an oldie but a goodie! absolute fucking classic, as evidenced by the whopping 3000 updoots. its really like. one of the Hallmarks of the strengths of early scp, aka a simple concept executed VERY EFFECTIVELY. its a staircase! its infinite! you can hear the sound of a crying child in it that always seems to be out of reach! its dark as shit! there is a disembodied floating humanoid face in it. the fourth expedition is fucking Gone despite being the one that ceased all entrance to the stairwell! i love the shit out of this stupid fucking staircase theres a reason it spawned so many games in Ye Olden Babys First Unity Project Days
3333 - tower
*thafnine voice* were time skipping now oh my! i feel this is like, an Inverse 087. instead of going down an infinite staircase u go up an infinite tower! fun! and remember that redacted expedition IV from 087? its not redacted here :) warning for body horror for this one
4975 - times up
despite being from series V this one has a very very old school vibe to it. simple concept executed effectively as opposed to the fucking novel length skips that litter the later series. fair warning for this one if u have issues with unreality MUTE THE TAB. TURN DOWN YOUR VOLUME. no jumpscares but its still a pretty mean trick 😭
lilys 001 proposal - the worlds gone beautiful
short, poignant, beautiful. ykno all those tumblr poetry posts talking abt how no matter how temporary our time is on this earth its still special? it means something? Yea . reading this as a 15 yr old made me understand that somehow
4182 - there is no site 5
whew. unlike a lot of earlier scps the blacked out data in this one Isnt overused in an annoying way. its a Puzzle. what happened to site 5? why are there so many revisions to the article? what is the foundation hiding under all those redactions? hehe.
5140 - EVEREST
another short n effective one ! im not phased by much unless it literally triggers my menthol ewwness but this ones . super fucking creepy to me honestly idk why LOL. hinges on making U ! da reader. quetion whether whats happening in those logs is real or if the explorers are just Losing Their Fucking Minds from oxygen deprivation. i do wonder !
2718 - what happens after
I. HATE. THIS . SCP. that means i love it LOL. i rank horror Goodness by how badly it makes me want to crawl out of my skin like a molting insect! forreal do not read this if u have unreality issues its so bad 😭😭😭😭😭 but i love it! its such a good concept. i hate it. its awful. its stuck in my mind forever. its so effective. If i liked this scp i dont because i did. No i didnt
5999 - this is where i died
YAAAY THIS ONES THE URL OF MY SCP SIDEBLOG!! i like it less now than i did when it first dropped (i was so up to date on this shit LOL i was there when nobody knew what it was abt and the forums was people trying to decode it) and the ending. is fuckin doodoo caca bullshit LOL its such a copout. dont even bother with the last chapter its literally nothing and it only serves to connect it to another scp when the preceeding stuff was already flavorful n interesting on its own 😭😭 warning for gore and body horror
4400 - this is not a place of honor
better enjoyed with the context of longterm nuclear waste warning messages! i actually have a unique experience with this post detailed Here due to my Shitfuck No Good Eyesight where i misread the title as "this is not a place of horror” which fundamentally changed my mindset going into it! i dont wanna spoil much but the last line of the last addendum is so fucking metal it rules LOL
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0pheleschimera0 · 1 year
beelze.. as someone who recently got into transformers.. where should i start? im thinking about picking up mtmte
Hi Omen!!!
That's a really good question, because TF is such a behemoth when it comes to it's content, there are so many continuities that you really can pick any of them up and go with it! If you're interested in the comics, picking up MTMTE i think is a good way to get acquainted with the idw1 continuity - it takes place after the events of many other comics and goes in parallel with Robots in Disguise, so i think it's good to read them hand in hand, personally. From what I remember, any plot relevant information they provide as well from the word of other characters, so you don't have to worry too much about the fact that you don't know stuff that happened before, if anything it might spark you interest to check it out later!
If I had to personally tell where to start with the comics, talking about idw1, there are three massive phases of their comics before the 2019 reboot - war, post-war, and the third one I don't remember and i havent gotten to it yet, so cant say for sure. All these phase collections are available on readcomiconline.li, that's where i read em! MTMTE and RID are parts of phase two, subsequently.
When it comes to shows, Transformers Animated is also it's own continuity and is very good and fun! It has three seasons 13 episodes each.
Earthspark from what i know is also a standalone show, so far there's one season, but from what i've seen it's very charming and nice (may be a little cheesy for me personally but i dont mind it)
The original G1 cartoon is also a very good way to start if you're into old silly animation and writing, it will give you a ground to stand on i think when you look into other continuities, cuz ultimately all of them take their root from this show, even if a lot of things have changed and aren't aligned with the G1 cartoon anymore. When you watch it and then look into other things like comics you'll have a moment of "i fucking know what you are" whenever a certain writing choice is made, but its just me FGBSFBV It also comes with a movie!
Aligned continuity wraps a huge mass of different mediums as they've been trying to tell this one solid Transformers story, but as far as I'm aware it didn't work and they stopped trying to do it. It includes the Cybertron trilogy games (can pirate them - if you need a link to where i got the games let me know!), a novel (i think) and then Transformers Prime tv show and its sequel Robots in Disguise 2015. I might be missing something cuz i haven't look into it yet, but personally i don't think it's my favorite continuity so far.
There are many other shows that comics and other things take pieces of inspiration from (Beast wars, unicron trilogy, cyberverse i think? and more) but i haven't looked into those yet and can't vouch for them in any way.
So yea! If you want to start, just pick whatever catches your interest the most and you can go from there! You really don't have to read, watch, or play every piece of tf to get in the groove.
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bluewillowedart · 1 year
hi :) can you talk about anything related to prsk you have been thinking about lately. literally anything even if it's 15 paragraphs about an au in your head or disecting a character or just a little headcanon i Will read it. also what's the flag in your pfp?
hello :)
ohhhbhh goodness theres so much i could talk about oh god oh god.
but first - the flag in my pfp is the agender flag but the colors were picked from touyas sdsc trained card! ((you can pick the aromantic and agender flags from them and it makes me so happy hehe))
but now. jun insanity moment time. ((warning. this may be long))
uhmm idk how much i will end up putting here since. im not the best with words but. magical girl au with the gamer quartet.
i just think. pink leader emu would be so fun,, im drawing a lot of dynamic and design philosophies from precure so thats where that decision came from. the cute tiney girl with the big ass hammer being the leader is so amusing to me listen. Listen.
also the progression of who joins the team is emu -> nene -> akito -> touya
i really like the idea of touya being the more. almost aloof one whos hesitant to join the team and would prefer to work alone. that sort of concept but not exactly if you will hehe. there is an interval between nene joining compared to akito and touya. the latter two are somewhat close to precure's late cure concept. slightly.
emu and nene are established as close friends from the beginning in the au anyways so that lends itself to make the dynamic easy to build from. im still trying to figure out how to fill the void in how this blends akito and touya with this starting duo. but i like to think that touya got his powers even before akito but. kept it a secret from him (which he wish he didnt have to but you know). so when the two found out abt each other having powers. just. woah?!?!? spiderman pointing meme or smth ig.
i also should add the designs for them in general was drawn from that cutesy space/cyber aes along with very vaguely. sea slugs.
its been referenced and shown on one of my posts but their partners. emu -> crocodile, nene -> owl, akito -> wolf, touya -> panda. all based off of the animals they chose in close game offline :) they are silly little friends and the team has to pretend theyre little plushies to avert suspicions hfdjs
and similarly for their weapons. emu -> big fucking hammer. nene -> laser sniper. akito -> serraded knives. touya -> thats a secret ;)
TBH touya is an interesting chara in this au very mysterious very funky. he is super powerful but doesnt have full control over his powers yet. i will leave it at that. augh.
they have to fight off the forces that are created from the build up of negative feelings drawn from sekais that are able to phase into the real world. these said feelings are ones that have gone haywire and all. for the most part the team can use their cellphones to detect these. monsters. and fight them. they typically arent seen by the normal eye but there are some who are so powerful that can override that.
overall this au diverges from canon and theres a handful of things drawn from said canon that ive altered for the sake of this au making sense but. its my silly au i get to make the silly rules and it means so much to me aaadhjksaaaaaaa
there is also a pkmn au that keeps going in and out of my head. and my bf and i created a team for touya. milotic, miraidon, ceruledge, lucario, corviknight, decidueye. this au doesnt have a lot to it as of rn but also. emu with tinkaton. its so necessary. that mon is Meant for emu. oh yeah and akito has amarouge to compliment touya. hehe. yeas.
i have. more aus. but theyre not super developed enough for me to talk extensively abt them but they sure exist in my head.
PLEASE do continue to pick at my brain for the magical girl au tho i love that one so badly hfusjkd
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remcycl333 · 2 years
I don't like misinformation its one of the many things I hate seeing in this community because it spreads extremely fast on YouTube and TikTok most of all(Sammy's video exhibit A), so when I see law of attraction people mistaking the law of assumption for law of attraction I'm like ???
Because they say stuff like "be delusional, your reality is whatever you want it to be," then go and say it's law of attraction when law of attraction is "you HAVE to have high vibrations and do all these bs things to manifest literally one thing," also those videos on YouTube, with people saying they have "that one tip" or "one trick" "something that'll help you manifest in minutes" "that one method that always makes your results come fast" and it's the same recycled bs all the time🙄 write in a journal, say what you're grateful for, get up every morning and write everything you want 100 times, pray over your water, all these same things in EVERY video and they always use that same clickbait title in EVERY video title for almost the same method, like one guy will be like "that one method to manifest instantly" and as soon as I look at that thumbnail and see a book with writing or a book in general I'm like "aight imma head out,"(I don't even intend to watch it I just roll my eyes and move on) or the other people who have the same things in their titled just in a different format, "the manifestation method that works instantly," and it's the same shit just different structure or different way to do it or different words used to describe it🙄🙄. And oh yea I get what you mean by feeling bad for your younger self because that law of attraction phase I had BEFORE law of assumption was BAD, so much depression and anxiety and so much desperation and ugh I was a trainwreck honestly, I tried doing that fake positivity but I felt miserable, I hated it and I still hate it, I can't imagine being in that mindset still🙃 anyway sorry for all these spam messages hope they weren't bothersome! I probably sent so much omg, I'm sorry if they were, I enjoyed talking to you again though 😭🥺💖
-🥺💖(I hope these are good emojis to use that aren't taken because I already use them on other blogs but please do tell me if I have to change).
those emojis are good!! :)
also you just reminded me of when law of attraction youtubers would be like "i have the way to finally help you manifest!" and then it would be 40 page "workbook" pdf youre supposed to fill out basically answering dumb questions like "why do you want your desire? :)" it was sooo annoying. the law of attraction coaches and community just spent like 90% of their time trying to talk you out of manifesting whatever you wanted and the other 10% giving very vague advice. im so thankful i discovered the law of assumption and dont have to deal with that anymore 😭
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plainemmanem · 2 years
i challenge you to rank the new djo album!
tbh idek if i could, but end of beginning would absolutely be in my top spot
see i’ve been so afraid to rank the album:( both bc i don’t even know if i can do it bc i love every single song so much, plus i don’t wanna upset anyone BAHHAH
i will put my opinions under the cut if anyone is curious hehe (ranked worse to best)
p.s. my least favorite song on the album is still so so so so so so so so insanely good, i just have to put one last:( i’m sorry
13. probably is that all it takes only because it’s legitimately 21 second long BAHAH it’s obviously just a cool little transition joe was like “lemme just. idk stuff it right here idk” but i still like it a lot it’s weird and a little psychedelic-esque and it transitions so deliciously into go for it:)
12. probably go for it:( i love the beginning it itches my brain like you wouldn’t believe, and i’m probably gonna eventually go through a phase where it’ll become my favorite, but i just haven’t gotten into it like i have the others:/
11. next… hm i think slither. love this song i listen to it probably every day BAHHAHAHAHGS but i think it is definitely not my favorite on the album, still so so solid still would totally recommend.
10. runner… yes runner i think next. i love this song it’s such a perfect intro to the album i love the sound and the chorus is so good it’s so djo i love 🫶 i would say, if anything, the only reason it’s so low is because all the others are just… so good. fire song killer love to speed to it.
9. next me thinks…. on and on. LOVE this song. lyrics, on point. beat, killer. TOP song i love it. vocals are killer if i saw it live i’d cream myself im not kidding
ok this is where things start getting difficult.
8. pls god. don’t kill me. but i think it’s gonna be end of beginning at number eight. HEAR ME OUT LISTEN ITS OK SIT DOWN ILL EXPLAIN. it’s only bc i have an apprehension towards sad songs and this song. makes me cry. every time. without fail. in the cereal aisle of the grocery store, in the library, when i’m driving. i can’t listen to it and not cry:( bc i relate to it so much and you can tell how raw the lyrics are for him and it’s not necessarily sad sounding but it just evokes emotions within me that i’d simply rather keep buried. i love. LOVE this song. if i wasn’t emotionally unavailable it’d be at number one.
7. next i think gloom. and it’s only this low bc i’ve listened to it so much since it was released so long ago so, it’s like an oldie but a goodie:) this song is so fucking good, when i tell you i go through the full range of emotions listening to this song im not exaggerating. if you want a good djo song that will scare your friends, play gloom
6. change is next:) what a great djo song :) what a cute little bop :) i have really fond summer memories attached to this song so it’s bittersweet to listen to now but it’s so fun and upbeat but the lyrics can kill you if you listen a bit too hard (a djo staple) the relisten-ability of this song is top notch. i could play it for three hours straight and not wanna skip it
yo i am sweating BULLETS trying to decide just know that
5. hmmmm…. um… figure you out? yea. figure you out at five. think i listened to this about 400 times the day it was released. so. 1:23-1:40 is god’s work it really is. give it a listen now or i’ll creep into your room tonight😠
4. half life<3 <3 <3 i scream to this song in the car on the highway this is the go to highway song if anyone was curious. i’ll just play 1:49-2:24 on repeat and scream. scream until my lungs give out and my voice goes hoarse. the lyrics are so poignant and you can FEEL the emotion he’s practically shoving it in your face i wanna EAT THIS SONG
3. kay… controversial take here. but coming in at third place is climax. this song is. perfect for every fucking occasion. walking home from work? yep. studying for class? uh huh. having a mid life crisis in your room? absolutely. making out with your pretty girlfriend or boyfriend? you betcha. its slow and it’s very hypnotic and almost a little off putting but also soothing like . i wanna be in a room, bathed in deep red light, or maybe deep, sapphire blue, and just dance to this fucking song in an empty, dark club. like play this song in the complete dark with headphones in (preferably outside with nature surrounding you) and just. feel. this song. i can’t really describe it any other way. you either get it or you don’t. you’re gonna love this song or you’re gonna hate it. i won’t judge.
alright. this decision was. nearly impossible. but.
2. fool🤤fooooolll🤤 this song is . a masterpiece. a full experience. i could literally play this song for an entire day, over and over, and have this happy little face ☺️ this song makes me want to speak to joseph. this song makes me want to eat his brain.
(fyi fool and i want your video are neatly tied for number one, just at this VERY moment i like i want your video just a HAIR more)
1. and number one is i want your video. ⚠️WARNING⚠️ this is the most djo song djo has ever created. this song. is why . i love his music. i really can’t explain this in words but. if i were to describe to you. how my brain functions. how my mind works. how thoughts come to be in my head. how i would create music. it’s this song. it’s like he took out my brain and squeezed out all of its musical juices and maybe a song out of the liquid. this song is so good, from beginning to end. i wish it was seven hours long. every little noise and nook and cranny of this song is perfect. it’s exactly how i want this song to be. no notes. none. plus the lyrics . the implications of this song. i YEARN to be this song. if i’m reincarnated i wanna just be this song i just wanna be one NOTE of this song. what a bold move from djo and it really paid off wow good for him stellar work
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dwn055 · 1 year
im rewatching saint seiya and i am in a phase rn so bear with me cuz im thinking about this again so much, I got lots of thoughts im just gonna talk about
Other than just rewatching the original 80s one(plus like the rest if it cuz my siblings never got to watch all of it with me), i decided i'd give a chance to the knights of the zodiac netflix cartoon too and i was super surprised I really liked the second season alot more than i thought especially cuz I wasn't really the biggest fan of the first season
Honestly, the show isn't like the worst thing ever but like it had a very bad rocky start with all of the changes (Shaun💀, the military guy, i guess i can't really say anything too bad about it but the somewhat lackluster animation and how little impact of visuals we had as compared to the original ver,(like rly still thinking of the injustice of shiryu changing the direction of the waterfall only going up like an inch and its treated like he learned the move, its rly fucking funny how it was tho) plus the seriously fast pacing to cramp everything in there before the sanctuary arc but I'm actually glad I enjoying this show now cuz there's not alot of new material or spinoffs made from this franchise that is actually enjoyable unfortunately and i really did wanna give this show a chance when it first came out but we finally got to where its good!!!!! and like i actually appreciate alot of the changes they added or expanded in the 2nd season so the characters wouldn't seem so stupid or whatever. plus now the writing is evenly paced where it doesn't feel like things just immediately happen then move on before we get to fully take it in
Anyway im gonna try to see if I can make points of what i wanna say of what i like here so lol
There's a better explanation now for why Sienna is like some cursed Athena
More June or Genet(?) role into the story
The other good guys who are not the bronze saints are not sitting around twiddling their thumbs and their story is mixed into Marin's offscreen journey to StarHill
Their version explanation why the Sanctuary is duped for so long by Saga
Evil fucked up Athena prophecy
Ok, like first of all I know its supposed to be a build up for the Sanctuary arc but honestly I really didn't understand why they went with this plot, personally I'm still not a big fan of it but I think that they way they used it for the story of them already knowing Sienna is already a goddess rather than them thinking she's a fake like the original because it takes out the plot point of why hasn't anyone seen Athena around for like 13 years and how they let that shit slide so I can see why they changed that subplot. Plus honestly, I feel like the the reveal will probably be that Saga was lying that she was going to bring chaos to the world anyway just so he could take over, though idk im just guessing it's probably what it is but ig they could still make the prophecy happen and its just like "changed fate" or whatever
Genet (ok im just gonna refer to her original name June cuz i don't know how they spelled it)
I'm super happy they made June sort of secondary main character and expanded her relationships with Daedulus and Shaun cuz she deserved so much better and they really delivered. Like i thought it was sweet they had more of a father-daughter relationship in this one and it was really sad to see the scene when she discovers he's died(or dying from this ver)
I also thought it was kinda clever they made Daedulus be Shion's student along with Mu/be like the inventor(cuz of his name haha) since he didn't do jackshit in the original other than basically die, plus we get to see early Aphrodite appearance, and it was super cool. I really enjoyed seeing their ver and of the fight instead of the handwave in the original 80s anime, that already had to unintentionally butcher the story to make it Milo who killed everyone on Andromeda Island then last second say "oh yea Aphrodite was there too cuz he spit the rose at Shun's teacher that weakened him"(which Milo got away scotfree for, like he wasn't the one who killed everyone on the island but Aphrodite is the bad guy cuz he helped kill the important character)
But anyways it was nice seeing June just get focus in general and get to fight and actually be cool, when in the original she was just Shun's love interest cuz she's girl. also her sibling relationship with Kiki was super cute, I liked them qwq I'm excited with whatever they give her in the future honestly
Starhill subplot
June's part sort of a build up to this part but I did like that they had the other "good guys" travel with Marin and June to Star Hill instead of just sitting around playing jacks and cards while they wait for the next 12 hours. Honestly it didn't bring much interactions(other than basically June and Kiki) or rly bring depth to anyone else other than Marin having a connection to Aiolos and him being the reason why she has a mask/forgot her memory, like the most they got for the gold saints is that they're basically in denial about betraying the pope or whatever
but I still thought it was great to see something else going on and its actually very sad that Mu found out Shion(or Sion, im assuming from how they pronounced it) died the hard way, which leads to this next one
The whole reason why the Sanctuary is on the Pope's side
Since they changed the reason why anyone would actually be on the Pope's side in this one being that they don't want the world to be destroyed so they begrudgingly decide they should kill Athena no matter the sacrifices, plus they highlight the Pope's good side much more rather than his bad side, Also the explanation for why Saga's blue hair and pronouns ass isn't found out, cuz his magic turns his hair the same color as Shion's when he puts on the helmet which like yeah
This one was actually a really good change in my opinion cuz it makes some of the characters who should probably be smarter about it, seem less stupid, cuz in the original story in general, Saga's actions as the pope is probably the most sus out there that basically its hard to see why anyone would still think he's actually a good person telling them the truth about anything. Then the 80s anime had to really take liberties and just hope the people watching would forget the crazy ass lore/explanations they said about the Pope and somehow just try to paste Saga into the picture to follow the original story of the manga, where the anime starts that the good pope died so his evil brother Pope Ares took over as the new pope where things began to just suck ass for the sake of it but then they had to fit Saga into the story where he had actually killed the original pope 13 years ago instead and its like which one? the first one or Ares? Or a completely different guy altogether? (who's the Shion fill-in)
So I think that the whole "It's a hard decision but we gotta do what we gotta do because the prophecy could fuck us up if we leave it to Athena" and its like yeah it's definitely more plausible and basically when Saga's evil side does something sus, he's (im assuming accidentally)immediately cancelled out by his good side crying or whatever about his actions that the others use that to basically guilttrip the person going against him to feel bad which makes more sense why they are stuck in this dumb loop rather than just seeing a blatantly evil guy be in control, (which is something ig i can't actually fault the original story anyway cuz there was no such thing as gray morality back then in the 80s, or ig if u count whatever "gray morality" manga!Shura had ig tho imo its dumb as hell but anyways thats a rant for another time)
But anyways this rant was mainly for Shaka cuz honestly, I think the original anime made him a lot more evil or as evil as they could make him and its like there's no way in hell how someone like Shaka doesn't even have a doubt about Saga, though ig he still doesn't know that he's an imposter in either version but the manga honestly has a somewhat (really take this with a grain of salt)better explanation onto why Shaka doesn't think Saga is evil as compared to the anime ver because he explains its the same reason he spared Ikki where deep down he's not really evil, but also like you are still enabling him being evil rn dude??🤨
Cuz like the scene where Saga does the Demon Emperors fist that mind controls Aioria right in front of him to kill a person, Shaka doesn't even bat an eye that he used a move called that while in the kotz Shaka at least questioned him a little about it but then immediately justifies it to himself when the pope gave him a handwave explanation and didn't tell him of what he's actually mind controlling Aioria to do (im pretty sure)
Anyways that was probably my whole rant about this but wow I have a change if heart about kotz now, im actually looking forward to the second half since they kinda abruptly stop at Milo's fight, They really just needed that slowburn to actually become a little bit better storywise
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v-zbr · 2 years
Yup, VMAs happened. blah blah nothing really interesting but taylor's album announcement and nicki's performance happened, sorry!
but y'all know i love me some red carpet looks and since i have nothing better to do right now, i'm gonna say my opinion on some of them!
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Taylor Swift in Oscar de la Renta love this
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Anitta in Schiaparelli Couture okay, werk!
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Lizzo in Jean Paul Gaultier Couture i love me some Lizzo and some Jean Paul, but mawma, this is garbage. BOOT
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Lil Nas X in Harris Reed a literal icon. im sorry but this slaps REALLY FUCKING hard
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BLACKPINK i like it
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Bad Bunny no
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J Balvin in Gucci simple, yet so good looking.
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LL Cool J what the fuck is that
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Chloe Bailey in Zigman goddess from the future eleganza.
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Sabrina Carpenter in Moschino YES! THATS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT
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Måneskin in Gucci ngl, they looked better many times before, however they are still sticking to their memo so yassss
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Dove Cameron in Paco Rabbane no, this is bad
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Avril Lavigne this garment is Versace... and tbh Versace never looked worse. its bad and ugly jesus christ avril you can do better
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Snoop Dogg this is funny, he's doing what he can do best - camp
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Brendon Urie i'm not gonna even comment on this outfit since it's literally so fucking basic but i just want to announce that im so glad my brendon urie phase is over for me now
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Conan Gray in Harris Reed lose the thing around your neck and i love it. you're doing something harry styles always wanted to do but always failed, conan.
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Ashley Graham if a skinny bitch was wearing this outfit, everyone would be like YAAS QUEEN. yea i know some outfits works just for certain body types but tbh fuck society and everything, im living for this
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Bebe Rexha in Vivienne Westwood bebe rexha was never an interesting celebrity but she turned this shit out bitch
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Joel Madden throw him out of the fucking carpet for wearing something you can wear to a baseball match jkbsdhwdqo jesus christ
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Becky G in Zuhair Murad Couture oh bitch! you served cunt
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JID in Saint Laurent i really enjoy this garment.
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DJ Khaled fuck you for those shoes
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Khalid in Versace i dont want to say not great, not terrible, 'cause its kind of great, but... there were better outfits this year
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Monét X Change, Bob the Drag Queen and Kerri Colby i didn't like Bob's, i really loved Kerri's and Monét's outfits
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Ryan Castro werk, this is fun
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Sarah Ramos and Chloe Fineman babes, what the fuck did you think when you've decided to wear this?
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Rachel Smith yup, definitely like this
lol, more images aren't allowed in one post, so let me also say that the colour green just isn't Colton Haynes' colour; Kennedy Rue McCollough and Rachel Lindsay were really great; throw Dupré Kelly out of the carpet for the same reason as Joel Madden; Justina Valentine, you will always be famous; what has Luna Clipse thought when he showed up to the carpet in what he did - i dont know and dont want to know; Trina Njoroge, I love you in pink; Rachel Robinson, that was hideous; why is Chris Olsen famous when there is nothing interesting aboit him?; and Dometi Pongo... you're so hot.
anyways, stream Kylie Minogue
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Those are Just mostly my thoughts about characters, stuff they did and overall movie :)
Guys I was so annoyed by Allison??? Like she knew that this guy(I dont remeber his name i was calling him Corgy for the whole movie) was a murderer, he told her that!!! And she still was like 🥺meow ( imean tbh if some hot serial killer would date me i wouldnt snitch to police too) BUT LIKE ALLISON GRANMA WAS LIVING IN HELL FOR LAST 40YEARS AND SHE DARES TO SAY THAT THIS WHOLE SITUATION IS HER FAULT???? I get if she would fell in love with Corgy and her granma wasnt Laurie fucking Strode but like??? She saw what this years of sufferning did to Laurie and now shes Just dating serial killer?? The lack of brain AND empathy. Tbh I liked Corgy character for first 3/4 of movie because he was turned from cute meowmeow Dwight from dbd ass to 😈ur son calls me daddy too😈 and he litteraly befriended the big bad Miguel Myers. It all went downhill when he decided to betray his bestie (micheal) and kick drop him to floor :(
Also like why everyone in Haddonfield was blaming Laurie for Myers killing spree? Im geniuly curious, i felt like i forgot some important lore stuff, also why would anyone blame her? She was the victim, Myers was focused on her for all those years . Stupid stupid npcs🙄
Oh oo also the scene when Laurie stabs the shit out of bullies tires? Was is deserved and cool? Yea. Was is out of character? Also yea. Im not sure Laurie would aprove, i mean maybe after those years she kinda stoped caring about some random teens but Im not sure its very Laurie to do(also when she tried to act cool and made joke about tits i kinda😨🥶)
Also am I the only one that thought that while Corgy was choking Laurie, Micheal will Just spawn in door behind them(they were in hallway) and just stab the shit out of Corgy (desterved) OR when Corgy was fighting with Myers, Laurie will just shoot one of them (she has to choose which one)
My Character Rating:
Corgy:7/10 start was perfect then had emo phase, then commited few war crimes
Allison:3/10 you could do better bestie, at least you came back to your old as granma when you saw that shit is about to go down
Micheal:8/10 never fails to spook me at least once in every movie. Had cute zoom on eyes. Im giving him -1 because they show his ugly old rat bitten rotten face. And even tho im huge myers simp, he ugly in this film im glad he dead
Laurie Strode:10/10 my grandma queen, bonus 1point for reminding me of my granma, also she tried giving Corgy a chance and to forgive Myers for his evil phase. Of course she had her weird noments but overall very good final girl material
Those bullies that apeared like 4times in whole movie:1/10 they were homophobic, called Corie a nono word. Bullied him (deserved death)
Not me changing Corgy name in every sentence😭
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hinamie · 2 months
hi hina! i hope you've been well 🩵 for the art asks: 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23 🎨🖌️🖼️
Mariam !!! It's so good to hear from you I hope you've been well also <3 <3 <3 this will get long
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
oooooh I've had an idea in my head for an s/e piece inspired by visuals from the blood sweat and tears mv for like 5 years but no matter how hard I throw myself at it I can never get it to look right so i've just been waiting until i manage to catch lightning in a bottle i guess :< (((I also found a few notes in an old "to draw" folder from like 2 years ago that include but are not limited to: jjk band au with guitarist brothers yuuji+sukuna/bassist megu/drummer nobara; gojo in crocs. ))))
6. Which artists inspire you right now?
HHHHH its the same crowd as usual i am so hides face in hands bc they intimidate me /pos :'))))) vacuumchan, ohprcr, gloomyhome, trickywagon, meru90 to name a few ANYWAY RUNNING HIDING
15. Biggest artist pet peeve?
this is a tough one im such a hater and everything inconveniences me ,,, when the perfect csp brush costs money >:C,, when u cant find reference from this One Specific Angle >:C,, when u dont realize youve merged the wrong layer until you've been working for hours and all of a sudden your folders are out of order and its a mess >:C SPEAKING OF MERGING LAYERS hot take i think that they should invent a way to let u merge layer modes without converting them all to the same type. let me put my multiply with my glow dodge !!! cowards.
16. What’s the most daunting part of your process?
rendering :') so much of it is trusting the process and there are so many ugly phases that make u wonder if u were ever good at art to begin with
17. What inspires you?
hdsj i mean im a fanartist so i think it goes without saying that I'm mainly inspired by the content I like ,, but i also am very inspired by fashion !!!! saw a guy walking the other day with a hoodie that said CASH FOR SOULS | COLD HARD CASH | CA$H4SOULZ.com and i had to take a picture of it like a creep bc tht + Sukuna ??? hello??? anyway yea ive got a pinterest board dedicated to insp-y clothes and a notes folder dedicated to jotting down cute outfits I see in public
18. Do you have any larger projects you’d like to pursue?
I've always wanted to do speedpaints ! but even more than that I want to do something aNYTHING with my ocverse but alas...time.....planning....plot.. so in the meantime they simply live in my head bouncing around like globs of wax in a lava lamp
19. Favourite character(s) to draw?
megumi jjk gojo jjk sukuna/yuuji jjk kotori love live rina love live ichigo tokyo mew mew + shiro n eden from My Brain ,,, im crying the duality of my fav chars is either feral shounen twink or idol/magical girl and eden is both simultaneously actually
22. When is your prime time to work on your art?
usually mid to late afternoon but it depends on the season because it gets so HOT in my room in the warm months which I dread >:( How it works is if I start in mid-late afternoon then I'm able to hit my stride and draw basically through the entire evening (also because of the aforementioned Heat I vastly prefer drawing in fall/winter because that means I don't have to evacuate my room at 4pm sdfhdgshd)
23. Do you listen to music or watch shows while you work? If so, what’s your favourite?
I have to have music or something on while I'm drawing or the fans in my cintiq will drive me insane . Sometimes i listen to music that matches/drastically contrasts the piece I'm working on but most of the time I can't be bothered and just throw on my youtube mix which consists embarassingly of mainly vocaloid and utau ,, though sometimes if a piece is kicking my ass and I need to just hunker down and get shit done then I'll put the entire discography of an artist I like on shuffle (some favs include 1D/waterparks/former vandal/harumaki gohan) and for some reason the Predictability activates intense productivity mode?? I cant explain it gdsj its like I have music on that I like but it's not jumping around between artists so I don't get too distracted or excited whenever the song changes
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