#it's so interesting to me
sweetvillainjude · 2 months
Jude + Cardan parallels of becoming “worse”
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They were made for each other.
(of course their reasons are a bit different; Jude’s comes from feeling powerless and disrespected, more like “if you can’t respect me for being better, then let me be worse than you, I will show you what I can do” whereas Cardan’s more like “If I can’t have your love then let me have your anger / If I can’t be good then I will be awful, I’ll show you how terrible I can be”. just perfection)
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monty-glasses-roxy · 3 months
One of the things I've been thinking about lately is how interesting Roxy's relationship with the Raceway construction staff would be if some of them survived their visit to the pizzeria. Like it's kind of implied some dipshit led a team down there and never came back but if Roxy was the guard and went after them, managing to save at least one guy? That would put a lot of things in a new light for them, especially with the setup I like to use.
How do you react to the animatronic you've treated like shit this entire, time running to save your life from being ripped into six pieces, when you were the one that tricked her and locked her out so that she couldn't stop you from getting your life ripped into six pieces? How do you react to finding out the animatronic that has done nothing but destroy all your hard work on an almost daily basis, was doing so in order to protect you and countless other people from a monster? How do you react to the animatronic you threw countless words of abuse at, tried to chase off by whacking her with a metal stick, and loudly tried to convince management to scrap, showing up to save you from your own ignorance? Whilst she'd clearly a terrified wreck grasping at straws herself as she jumps into the line of fire for you? What about the so called worthless Mini Music Men that distracted the monster for you? The one that led you to a hiding spot while the others kept it distracted? The one that confused the monster so that it didn't know for sure where you were after it heard you?
How does anyone react to several glorified action figures choosing to fight desperately to save them? I just think that's really interesting to think about.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I feel like we've entered a new wave of Korean BL. Between Roommates of Poongduck 304 and the longtime crush on his best male friend, Happy Ending Romance being about the changing state of a gay relationship and another man being interested and the sheer queerness of the gay bar in Oh! My Assistant... there is so much queeerness in these shows that I've never found in non-Strongberry K-BL... I'm so excited. @absolutebl glorious queer vibes.
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Somehow LMK got me thinking about clouds and stars again
Okay okay this isn't gonna mean anything I'm just gonna go on a little ramble here
So, I'm weirdly obsessed with opposite duos. Water and fire, day and night, sun and moon (ik ik), stuff like that. But, whenever I had a sun and moon thing, I sometimes wanted something extra. I wanted stars. But stars couldn't be lonely! Right? So the best thing I always came up with as something for the "daytime version of stars" was clouds.
So now I was thinking about how I saw MK be referred to as a star a lot and about another monkey being a cloud before I then also remembered MK is referred to as a cloud just as often (in fandom stuff I see).
So then I did a mental rabbit hole, thinking about how stars are suns, so MK gets connected to Wukong, and clouds cast shadows, so MK gets connected to Macaque.
Again, this means nothing, and is literally just my sleepy brain spilling words onto the screen, but THOUGHTS.
MK is a mix of them in the weirdest ways and if I had any confidence in my skills to analyze characters I would RANT about it so much.
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lovelyyweather · 8 months
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maranull · 2 months
I know we don’t get the birth order of the Carian trio in game, but something just screams Ranni was the youngest to me. Considering it seems like Ranni was chosen young.
Then there’s the other implications.
Ranni is the ONLY one that’s an Empyrean and Marika allegedly knew of the night of black knives before it happened if you read the info on the Black Knife Assassin armor “the assassins that carried out the Night of Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.”
Makes you wonder if Marika leaving and then popping out two more kids either asexually or by fucking her other half was to spare Ranni from going through what she did, the cruelty inflicted by the two fingers and one of the reasons she left was a long con against the two fingers.
But of course the other outergods made shit hell for both of the twins leaving Ranni potentially the only heir.
Greater Will be cruel.
Mmm, I think Marika lost control of the Black Knives to the Greater Will some time before they attacked Godwyn. I can't believe that she knew about what was going to happen and she didn't break every single Knife in half.
I think Marika was pulled away from Rennala directly by the Greater Will, I guess cause it didn't like the whole "fornicating with non-believers". Mal and Miq were probably created/birthed to relieve Ranni thought, but miss Marika forgot she has feelings now and ended up caring for them.
Then she made Meli as a tool to burn the Erdtree and oh my god, would you believe that she cared for her as well??? How could that happen?? Surely after 8 other kids, she wouldn't care for the 9th, right??? :P
Marika is really not able to cope with the fact that she began caring about her kids at some point after sending the Omen twins away.
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mrcspectr · 2 years
do you think that will go down the route of having marc completely unable to go back having a somewhat normal life with layla and then having him kinda missing khonshu
I think that's entirely possible, but maybe not so much Khonshu himself, more so what he represents.
On one hand, you have the idea that Khonshu is a symbol of Marc's anger. He's spent most of his life being angry, at his mother, at the world, at himself. In his defense, he's been given plenty of reasons. But he's made a lot of poor choices in his life, and he leans into that anger more than he cares to admit. His draw towards violence is the thing about himself that he hates the most. Marc believes he's nothing more than a killer primarily because of what happened to Randall, but leaning into that rage is what solidifies it for him. He sees that thread that Wendy wove for him and follows it.
When you spend your entire life chasing an idea, feeling like your bound to it, what else do you have when the thread snaps? Old habits die hard, y'know? He loved being Moon Knight, you can hear it in the way he shouts gotcha! at the jackal in Summon the Suit. But he can't separate all the good that he did as a hero with what it actually cost him, and who he hurt in the process. I mean, I can't blame him, and who really could?
Healing is rarely linear, and I think he'll struggle with that. And there's so many other factors to consider too. Does Layla continue on as Taweret's Avatar? Because she loved being a hero too, however briefly it may have been. And yeah, she said it was only temporary at first, but I could see her changing her mind and finding purpose in that. How would it feel for Marc, to watch her thrive in a role he constantly felt like he needed to escape from? He has his pride for her, but would he be envious of that too?
And what about Jake? He's continued on as Khonshu's Avatar, whatever his motivations may be. There's conflict in this too, because while Marc enforces the deal they made to make sure that he and Steven are free, he'll eventually need to come to terms with Jake's existence. Will Jake's reasons make Marc realize there's more to it than being imprisoned? Or was Marc's insistence on ignoring even the possibility of Jake being present in their lives exactly what kept them an Avatar in the first place? Will he take on that guilt too?
I'm interested to see where it goes, because he still has a lot of work to do, and it won't be easy for him. There's something symbolic in the fact that Marc rejected the quiet, peaceful life he thought he wanted from the Field of Reeds, to go back to the chaotic, different sort of world he had with Steven.
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beggingwolf · 2 years
the way geno uses/"carries" his hands is so interesting to me. they're like an afterthought to him sometimes. it's like they're just... things attached to his wrists, and when he moves his arms they somehow move last. he's been doing this since he was a teen (in his draft you can see it when he hugs his dad as he's announced) and still does it (that video of him hoisting anna after the '17 cup win). my pet theory is that it's a leftover from his growth spurts when he was young, a gangliness he never really seemed to get used to.
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Okay, so I get the “start low and go slow” thing, but like... dude... science DEMANDS data.
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yllowpages · 1 year
these movies are Obviously known for the amazing action and the amount of work keanu put into being able to do a lot of the action, so i’m gonna talk about as many fighting styles that can be identified and even why john uses them and for what. for visual examples of these, feel free to consult this post as well.
*DISCLAIMER : i am not and do not claim to be an expert in any of these fighting styles, nor have i practiced any of them personally. i’ve simply done my research, watched a lot of training videos and studied moves, as well as the bonus features of the wick films which often talk about the fighting styles in these movies.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu : we’re going to start with this since this is one of the fighting styles that is most utilized since it’s one of the primary styles keanu was trained in for these movies. this is obviously the brazilian variant of the japanese martial art jujutsu / jiu-jitsu (we know keanu was trained specifically in BJJ because he was taught by the machado brothers, who are a family of BJJ practitioners). the biggest foundation of BJJ is the concept that a smaller and/or weaker fighter can defend themselves from and defeat someone who is bigger, stronger, or heavier. this is kind of the case for john. he is on the taller side, at 6′1″, but he’s not incredibly big, honestly. he has a decent amount of defined muscle, but it’s not crazy to say that most of the guys we see him fight are bigger, stronger, and heavier than he is. which is why BJJ works so well for him. as we see, this fighting style primarily works through gaining leverage in a fight and taking the fight itself to the ground through grappling, where the fighter can execute joint locks and choke-holds on their opponent. taking the fight to the ground and properly executing BJJ techniques can and will allow a smaller fighter to defeat bigger or stronger opponents.
Judo : there are many similarities to BJJ as these fighting styles are both grappling focused, but judo has a few extra techniques that set it apart from BJJ. these are their throwing techniques and striking techniques, with the grappling techniques it partially shares with BJJ. we see john throw a lot of his opponents, whether over his shoulder or with his hip (standing technique), or occasionally even drop himself to the ground in order to pull his opponent down (sacrifice technique). these are all primarily judo-based and they’re pretty popular when it comes to grappling-style fighting in hollywood movies. the striking techniques share a lot with other martial arts and we see a good amount of that in the opening sequence of chapter 2 since he opts not to use his gun during that time (up until he shoots that one guy in the knees). the grappling techniques are, as i said, very similar to BJJ, in that they are: holding and pinning, strangulation, and joint locks.
Sambo : this is a russian martial art that takes many of its techniques from a lot of eastern martial arts, including jiu-jitsu and judo (the founders of sambo studied judo in japan). sambo is very likely the fighting style that we see the boys in the tarkovsky theater practicing in chapter 3, so, considering what we know about john, he would have been taught and be proficient in sambo. this is also the fighting style that viggo utilizes in his fight with john at the end of the first film and john matches him with sambo techniques, possibly just to make the fight fair lol. sambo’s focus is a little more wide since it’s inspired by and modeled after many different types of martial arts, but still very much grappling-based. in sport sambo, it very much resembles catch wrestling, but combat sambo was made specifically for the military so it uses striking and grappling, also allowing punches, kicks, elbows, knees, laid kicks, headbutts, and groin strikes.
Aikido : yet another grappling martial art, aikido has some similarities to judo and BJJ. chad stahelski confirmed that some aikido techniques were incorporated into keanu’s training and ultimately john’s fighting style, specifically in chapter 2. this japanese martial art uses throwing techniques and joint manipulations to injure and subdue. in aikido specifically, it’s a matter of redirecting an opponent’s attack momentum to throw them off. we see john execute a couple of aikido-style throws in the rome sequence of chapter 2.
Hapkido : following somewhat of a pattern, this is one more combat style that deals with ground fighting, although not as much grappling as judo and BJJ. hapkido and aikido share the same japanese origins and some similar techniques but they have become distinct and different with time (aikido is meant to be purely defensive while hapkido is usually considered more offensive and more violent). hapkido is a korean martial art that’s a form of self-defense and deals with strikes, joint-locks, and throws. furthermore, hapkido has a large emphasis in all of this while using techniques with weapons, like knives, swords, staffs, and rope/belt (which is the techniques john uses). these rope techniques are designed to block incoming attacks and then trap the attacker’s limb and use that leverage against them in some way, usually through throwing them, knocking them down, or disarming them. specifically, we see john use pho bak (rope) hapkido techniques in the hotel fight with ms. perkins when john uses his sling as a defensive weapon ; and in the glass house when john removes his belt and uses that as a weapon. as a note : hapkido has not been confirmed in any way as being a fighting style of john’s ; i just simply did research into martial arts that use these kinds of techniques and hapkido was the one i stumbled upon. and with the confirmed inclusion of aikido, it doesn’t feel too insane that hapkido might have been a thought-point as well by fight coordinators and trainers.
Boxing : i do want to state that the filmmakers specifically chose not to make john’s fighting style boxing because boxing is notoriously hard to fake on film. it’s way harder to fake a punch to the face than it is to throw a stunt guy to the ground, without an edit. which is why they decided to shake things up. but like i said with BJJ, a lot of his opponents are bigger than him, so boxing as a primary fighting style wouldn’t work well for john anyway. but he still knows how to throw a solid punch. there are a couple of solo punches (one in the bath house at the red circle and one in the fight with ms. perkins) and then a few more in john’s fight with viggo, but boxing techniques aren’t things john often uses, except simple boxing blocking which is the motion of raising the arms towards the head and ears to block incoming attacks. western boxing and muay thai blocks are incredibly similar to each other, but i am inclined to list boxing here rather than muay thai (which is another style of boxing), because, based on my non-expert opinion and observations, john doesn’t show much muay thai technique at all. that’s not to say he doesn’t know some muay thai, he just isn’t proficient enough in it for it to be considered a combat style for him.
Shinobi-Iri : this is stealth and infiltration techniques, plain and simple. we see it a little bit at the start of chapter 2, when he very quietly enters the warehouse where his car is being kept. he sneaks up on a number of guards and incapacitates them. we see this even more in chapter 3 in the glass house sequence with his ability to hide from zero and even disappear at a moment’s notice. we also see it once in grand central station in chapter 3 when he disappears right before zero’s eyes.
Close-Quarters Combat : it’s not an uncommon idea that john has military history. it’s a headcanon of many, many fans and, when he was making the first movie, keanu himself thought of john as having a military background. so with the idea of john having some kind of military background, he would absolutely be knowledgeable of and have proficiency in close quarters combat. CQC is all about tactical organization in confined spaces with a small unit of people, usually engaging with opponents hand-to-hand and with short-range firearms. we see john do a lot of this, although in a solo scenario. this is what the red circle sequence is, the shootout in rome as well, and the hall of mirrors in chapter 2. it’s all john in close quarters with his attackers, with short-range weapons (ranging from sidearms, to shotguns, to the occasional assault rifle).
Gun-Fu : yes, last but not least, i’m throwing gun-fu in here. obviously it’s not a real martial art, but it’s pretty relevant for john and how he fights. a lot of the fighting styles listed above don’t incorporate many weapons, and especially not large weapons or firearms. they are body-based. many of them have to do with ultimately knocking the opponent out. what gun-fu is for john and in these movies is the substitution of a gun in place of the completion of many holds and locks to knock an opponent out. there are many times where john executes techniques that would leave him able to knock his opponent out but instead shoots them in the head to finish them off.
that’s about all i have, frankly. i really love the fighting styles and choreography that they’ve managed to pull off in these movies. it’s all so exciting and gorgeous and impressive what the actors and the amazing stuntmen and women are able to pull off.
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clovariia · 2 years
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even toys that are living gods get boring to play with after a while :/
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twopoppies · 2 years
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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this is a poster i made for my call to action assignment in humanities! it's a bunch of basic and easy stretches for people who sit and work at a desk all day (me)
the idea is that you'd put the poster up above ur desk and do the stretches every 30 minutes or so,, the whole routine won't take more than about 6 minutes to complete and when done regularly it can prevent wrist, shoulder, neck and back pain! :)
all these stretches can be done while sitting (although i HIGHLY recommend you stand up and move around while taking a break from working)
you can get a free digital copy of this poster here on my gumroad!
and you can order a print/poster here from my inprnt!
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semiotomatics · 8 months
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mintaikcorpse · 3 months
Aziraphale expressions that I find very funny
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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“Just because you see a smile, don’t think you know what’s going on underneath.”
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