#it's my home
yinyangp · 10 months
I want you all to know the vocal synth community is so, so inspiring.
I remember when I first discovered Vocaloid music in college and suddenly, I realized that all these songs that I enjoyed so much were made by people. Just a guy, and a computer, making whatever they want and sharing it with the world.
And then! I discovered UTAU! Which is entirely free, with thousands of voicebanks in every language you can imagine, all made by just people - just people, with computers, making whatever they wanted to. Just because it was fun.
I realized the thing I'd stumbled into wasn't just J-pop, it wasn't just obscure indie music, it was a massive, collaborative passion project, that was being continually worked on and expanded upon and contributed to by thousands of people who were literally just like me. I downloaded UTAU, and I suffered through the begining stages of learning how to use it, because I had to be a part of that.
And every time I think about it I tear up a little bit because this thing we've all created is beautiful beyond description. We are part of something larger than ourselves, maintained only by passion and community, that brings joy and inspiration to so many people.
I know people tend to get wrapped up in the drama and whatever else, but I will be a part of this community forever because I truly believe in what we've created - this community where anyone can download UTAU and make anything they want as long as they have the time and the patience.
Vocal synth is inspiring. You are inspiring. And I want everyone who reads this to take a moment to bask in the awe of what we as a community have made.
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moonbunji · 9 months
how much comfort rewatching cherry magic gives me omg thank you thank you
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saraminia · 7 months
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...I tell you something that you didn't know
I could get used to having you around...
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76historylover · 2 years
i have such a yearning to return home. to return to where i came from. to meet my birth family. to learn about my culture and traditions and people. i've been crying about it for the past 30 minutes. am i a terrible person to miss where i come from? am i a terrible person to want to touch the ground that i was on for only 6.5 months of my life? am i a terrible person to love the waters, the forests, the architecture- the songs and dances and stories- the people, the culture, the history (good and bad)? there was so much ripped away from me at my adoption. i just want to see my birth family before anything bad happens to them.
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kamenrideryeets · 2 years
“My dream” from Revice Legacy: Kamen Rider Vail is now the Surgeamy anthem, that is all
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 months
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girldad mode activate
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podcastwizard · 1 month
cashier: ok that'll be $20
me (visibly sweating): ah, yes, of course! a perfectly reasonable price for a grilled cheese and a small smoothie! that was exactly the price i expected you to say when i ordered a single grilled cheese and a smoothie and my vision is NOT getting blurry as we speak! i am a perfectly normal temperature and my speech patterns are natural and even because this is the countenance of an individual who expected to pay 20 american dollars for a single grilled cheese and a smoothie!
cashier: where's all that blood coming from
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nouverx · 4 months
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You gotta excuse his 1920's ass, he's still learning slangs
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lordgroose · 1 year
my favorite work memory from this store will always be “hey remember when the subway inside the store closed down and they let me take a bunch of their shit for free and now it lives inside my house?”
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my life is a joke
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edwardbonnets · 10 months
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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retquits · 3 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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hansoeii · 11 months
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we go just right.
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thatrandomblogsays · 5 months
Annabeth: I, a child, had to earn Thalia’s love, that’s how the world works! I have to earn my moms love. Love is transactional, you gotta be worthy of it first silly :)
Percy, listening to this on the train
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suiheisen · 6 months
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fascinated/horrified by this set of tweets…
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seagiri · 18 days
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today in: i'm not a comic artist
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abigail · 1 year
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when i got home after the new years celebrations last night, i took off my boots and found this pin stuck in the bottom of one of them,, a good sign for the new year perhaps ? :-) 
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