#it's fate in rebirth
ryuichifoxe · 2 years
First off, we're gonna flat out ignore that I draw Emery's villain suit the way I do, because I've played him as mysterious from day one. I just like dramatic colors. Might change it to practical or imposing going forward though, which will either reduce or bump his infamy.
Anyway, thought I'd share Em's canon Rebirth stats . He had super high arrogance for the first half and then Ortega happened.
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dailydccomics · 7 days
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Wonder Woman and the dark Justice League by Guillem March and Arif Prianto
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merry-harlowe · 6 months
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Lewis (he/him) getting a good stretch in post whooping Heralds ass training him. Lewis has the mentor relationship w herald, and wants to help herald get better before he gets himself killed.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
i love the Fates in hadestown bc they have so much sympathy for Eurydice during the chips are down, of course they do, she’s just a poor hungry girl who can’t escape her Fate, and we shouldn’t judge her bc if we were in her shoes, hungry and scared, and a god came to us and offered us a home, a lover that is cold and distant but will keep us safe and fed, could we really say we wouldn’t do the same.
but when Eurydice despairs over how shitty the deal she made actually is, they are practically gleeful at her pain. and when the people rail against Fate, when the workers straighten their backs and look Fate in the eye, dare to love and care and fight against the hand they’ve been dealt, and the Fates are livid. no longer full of sympathy for orpheus’ suffering, they ask who dares fight Fate.
i think the switch is so interesting in how it plays with the despair, poverty, and depression of all the central characters. Our grief and fear are happy to comfort us with “there was no good choice to make” when we’re down but when we pick ourselves up and try to be better, the depression rages back as a monster to stop us. The Fates love humanity and love the gods - until they dare to defy the Fates. Until they dare to hope for more than what is simply fated to happen.
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torgawl · 1 month
instead of just cross eyes and star eyes distinguishing dynasties in khaenri'ah, why do some khaenri'ahns cover one eye specifically? there’s many things that seem interconnected regarding the lore:
crimson moon turning around to look like an eye; irmin the one-eyed king; the unknown god’s cubes containing eyes in their design (same ones present in the cataclysm as well as the crimson moon), her glitching looking like arlecchino’s, and the four pointed star pattern that appeared when she showed up to the twins; forbidden knowledge and nibelung’s influence; fischl's auge der verurteilung aka eye of condemnation (crimson eye) and her skin's description "o holiest of sovereigns, high princess of immernachtreich (kingdom of evernight)!".
kaeya's note about the alberich saying "i saved this one memento from the fire 'father' made while he wasn’t paying attention. this was in violation of our principles. our clan's affairs should never be recorded" and "though we could not restore khaenri'ah to life, we of the alberich clan should lead lives as those who blaze like fire, rather than those who wallow in the embers [small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire]", father being in quotation marks and references to fire and ashes; the orphanage in khaenri'ah that wanted to house children from destroyed worlds and non-threats that leaked into the kingdom, in hopes of finding beings from beyond the sky who could transcend the gods; perinheri's first memory being transversing something like a chimney, filled with ash and being asked if he wasn't dead just for him to see the eye (crimson moon) and being told he was reborn; dust and the blood of of dragons (or dragon-like beings like durin and elynas) being connected to rhinedottir and the art of khemia; fire as rebirth and life but also, the balemoon blood specifically being connected to loss of memories and loss of memory being equivalent to death (not physical);  despite the orphanage never being able to find that transcendal person, it had many unusual individuals who became knights of the kingdom.
irmin as the first divine halberd (that once pierced the axis mundi [cosmic/world axis, world pillar, center of the world, world tree, etc.] and connected the nine worlds), the prinzessin der verurteilungas (fischl) as the last one; fischl and kaeya comparing themselves to one another and their parallels to irmin and odin; der ring des nibelungen, in which the dwarf (or nibelung) alberich creates a ring capable of controlling the world, using gold he stole from the rhinemaidens (or rheintöchter "rhine-daughters"). the conflict that arises over the ownership of this ring eventually leads to the destruction of the gods and their home, valhalla.
irminsul (irmin + sul) meaning great pillar and being a reference to the yggdrasil, the tree that supports the universe; the description of the item silver twig – collected in the center of the world - talking about a sage that hanged himself upside down in the irminsul tree to gain knowledge of the runes and the cosmos, then going into a secret kingdom down its roots [also a reference to hanged man in tarot that symbolizes wisdom, divination, sacrifice, prophecy, etc.]; odin who hung himself upside down from the sacred world tree, yggdrasil, for nine days and nights sacrificing his eye and throwing himself on his spear (gungir) as a ritual sacrifice in order to obtain secret wisdom; memories, fire and crimson moon hand in hand with the irminsul, king irmin and the concept of fate; the fake sky, the stars and being able to see fate but also fate being a means of the heavenly principles to control the world (neuvillette calling it puppet strings); khaenri'ah, a supposed godless nation but the crimson moon dynasty revering the moon (and hilichurls worshiping istaroth); the crimson moon having an eye on humanity and always being present associated with punishment and destruction (fall of gurabad, remuria and the catclysm).
crimson moon's semblance (arlecchino’s weapon) implying the crimson moon sought vengeance (“few survived the utter destruction of their kind, hiding in the shadows where the sun did not shine, longing for the crimson moon to decree their desire for vengeance be repaid”); the design of the weapon and arlecchino’s boss attacks resembling the double helix present in deathly statuette material dropped by abyss heralds, abyss lectors and shadowy husks, which has a single red eye. it apparently whispers "see, my child. all that lies under the throne of heaven shall be destroyed by upheaval. the eternal peace of the pitch-dark void shall embrace us all.” as you gaze at it.
the abyss order being founded by chlothar alberich and pierro being the first harbinger; the "sinner" – the crystal in chains from the chasm, protected by an abyss herald - not being a god but still worshipped by the abyss order. the voice stating to chlothar and the traveler’s twin that he "[knows their] fate well" and urged them to become a "transcendent one" saying he would "shed a tear at the end of time... as i gaze back upon your life". he also imbued chlothar with the power of the abyss, which alleviated his worsening conditions. the “sinner” refered to chlothar as “dear creature”; dainsleif, pierro and kaeya being examples of khaenriahns who hide their right eye; dainsleif being called “bough keeper”, bough is a branch of a tree, but also his constellation being a snake ring like ouroboros – representing the eternal renewal cycle of life, death and rebirth; the loom of fate being an operation of the abyss order first encountered during "a herald without adherents" quest.
“the threads of your fate lie in my hands” a quote by fischl connecting to the weaves of fate; fischl stating that if she does not obtain the divine halberd “...this world and everything in it is going to burn in hellfire” (legend of the shattered halberd vol. ii). some other excerpts of the book also include: “but unbeknownst to him, this was the greatest cursed sword of all, that had once burned the entire world to cinders: laevatain [in norse mythology, a weapon crafted by loki and the only capable of defeating the cockerel viðofnir, inhabiting the top of yggdrasil], the sword had extinguished after the world was burned, but... it burned bright once more. ‘the whole world... destroyed again...’ weiyang [fischl] fell unconscious as she spoke” (vol. iv), and, "the world is beyond repair. it shall be born anew from the ashes of the last” (vol. vi); dainsleif saying “none will escape the flames. see for yourself” but also neuvillette’s character story including “the puppet strings glossed as "divine rules" would one day be burned away by the fires of judgment” when talking about constellations; burning away the old world, project stuzha by the fatui and the image of dottore burning the irminsul; nahida saying fontaine's prophecy was engraved in the irminsul, implying the tree also contains the history of the future; sibylla, a prophetess who guarded the irminsul in an ancient city located in what later became the high seas (referred to as abyssal depths). she sacrificed her life for the sake of creating phobos, remus' grand symphony, but her lack of a will ultimately caused the project to fail, as her vague desire to "grant happiness to all in the world who are called humans" caused phobos to attempt to satisfy everyone's desires — including destructive and selfish ones — and set remuria towards the course of its self-destruction (possibly tying concepts of will and fate together); thinking of dottore's plan, it would make sense to burn the tree that holds memories with a fire able to erase them (arlecchino's balemoon powers) so that the world can be born anew breaking away from the shackles of fate.
there’s also the improvisation kaeya does during the play in his hangouts. "do you believe in fate? if fate decreed your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?". he then throws a prop and we interact, choosing if we would face our fate bravely or challenge it and rise above it. kaeya then goes on saying "then so must it be! yes, so must it be! i shall discard this intaglio and rid myself of the shackles of fate", "fate means to send the machinations of war to every corner of the land to fan the flames of conflict till they ungulf the entire world… fate would see my sword tainted with the blood of innocents, that the bright banner of my homeland might fly in every nation known to mankind. but i shall not bow to the will of fate i am no pawn in heaven’s plan. i, qubad, will spend the rest of my days in a foreign land, 'till i breathe my last in a place far from home" and finishes the play with "but i must walk this path, or freedom dies by my hand. goodbye, my tribe and kin. farewell, sweet land of my birth". the prop we get from kaeya, the intaglio, symbolizes the noble origins of prince qubad in the play and the blood-red jewel (blood, red... funny, uh?) is said to be a crystallization of the question kaeya asked us about destiny. furthermore, an intaglio can be a type of engraved gem or metal signet ring.
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smittenskitten · 1 month
Can someone confirm if A Dream Within a Dream is the adaptation of Ill Fated Consort or not!!!!
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sex-death-rebirth · 1 year
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The Fates of the Soul: Death; Soul in Heaven; Soul in Purgatory; Soul in Hell by Manuel Chili, c. 1775
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baja-blasted · 2 months
Games I am actively playing
Stardew Valley 1.6 update: almost to winter year two, finished the community center and working on the secret bundle; really enjoying the quality of life additions and the new skill masteries. Cool to see some of the mods I had installed got turned into core features.
Helldivers 2: my brother convinced me to finally get it so we could play. Turns out it's exactly as good as everyone says, and the airdrop-no-jutsu is a fun (if occasionally annoying) mechanic.
FF7 Rebirth: finally finished it at 91 hours. I gave up on the side quests and minigames around chapter 12 (~80 hour mark) and just started pushing through the main story. Exactly as confused by the ending as I expected, but I really like the story changes so far. If we're using the original game discs as a roadmap for the remakes, I'm excited to see what the next 7 games have in store!
Balatro: fun and cool but I'm really bad at deck builders.
Pacific Drive: recommendation from a friend. Love the atmosphere and the driving focus, as well as the fun quirkiness of the car. It's very cool to have the vehicle be the primary focus of the game, instead of a means to an end.
Games I am passively playing
Caves of Qud: I was genuinely surprised at how much depth this has. I really need to spend more time and finish a run, but I've been distracted by the games above. The psychic powers are just too fun.
Fate/Samurai Remnant: gotta love a fate game. I got 90% of the way in before moving on, but I do intend to at least finish the route I'm on. Seeing the servants interact is really fun, and the core gameplay is tight.
Book of Hours: honestly it's been a couple months since I've opened it but I still hold it in my heart. Need to go and actually achieve an ending.
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aerithisms · 2 months
i still have so many questions about the ff7 remake story. why did aerith even have knowledge of the future in remake to begin with? from a watsonion perspective, why does she lose that knowledge after the end of remake when sephiroth doesn't? (i'm fully aware the doylist reason is that having a character who knows the future would totally break the plot but i'm still curious if there's more to what they were doing with aerith's remake character or if this is it). what was her motivation to encourage the party to fight the whispers in the original game when she knew the party would defeat sephiroth in the end if events followed fate? was it simply that she wanted the chance to live? because that makes me want to lie down and cry!!!!
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roseartsandfics · 3 months
The Tides of Fates Portrait
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Happy Launch Day of FFVII Rebirth lovelies! 🌹
Here is the last FFVII art of this month of Cloud with the visions of Zack, Aerith and Sephiroth in one piece of portrait with flames and the lifestream, unknowing what fate will be for them…
This was drawn back in January, and I finished it, keeping it saved for today's launch of Rebirth. I believe it's one of the best artwork I have drawn! :3
One slight problem. I didn't like how Sephiroth turned out :p. However, Cloud, Zack and Aerith aren't that bad. This artwork is my first time drawing Zack before drawing the chibi Crisis Core. Other than that, I actually had fun drawing them! Speaking of launch, my mom got me Rebirth while I was in school! I was really pumped up for it! It'll give me much time to finish Crisis Core Reunion, OG FFVII, FFVII Remake and Rebirth, and Ever Crisis stories (possibly) before or so until part 3 of FFVII Remake trilogy :)
WIP pics:
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Zack Fair, Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, Sephiroth and Final Fantasy VII Remake ©Tetsuya Nomura, Naoki Hamaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase, Roberto Ferrari and SQUARE ENIX
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ©Tetsuya Nomura, Naoki Hamaguchi, Yoshinori Kitase, Roberto Ferrari and SQUARE ENIX
Artwork ©RosePrincessArts
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: Soho Studio markers and charcoal pencils, Crayola colored pencils, 48 pack colored pencils and gel pens
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planet4546b · 3 months
finished ff7 remake. so epic had fun smiled even. my hatred for game remakes vanishes like sun burning off a morning fog and i say Wow so cool :)
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fragmentofmemories · 3 months
False Aria of Rebirth. Character Profiles: Vala Cannighis
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(Read FAoR here)
Vala Cannighis: The youngest of a large family of dwarves, Vala is an excitable furred girl.
The self-proclaimed "heart" of Rin's team, Vala is an impulsive girl with a penchant for proving herself. Loving adventures and traveling, she often carries an axe twice her size and is the first to step in to fight monsters.
In particular, she tends to get into fights with fellow teammate Typhon - her "rival". This rivalry, however, seems to be one-sided...
Vala is part of Team Rin, and probably the loudest.
Extra Info:
Age: 14
Height: 131cm (4.2ft)
Major: Warrior
Likes: Playing, Sports, Chocolate
Dislikes: Being underestimated, Losing.
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
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dailydccomics · 1 month
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Zatanna, Diana and Justice League Dark by Yanick Paquette and Nathan Fairbairn
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mvvocaloidgifs · 11 months
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【SCL Project feat.VanaN'Ice】Fate:Rebirth    
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soplapinga · 2 years
Sans Undertale completely obliterates Reigen Mob Psycho and it's coronated Ultimate Tumblr Sexy Man while The Queen reincarnates into Trisha's Paytas newborn girl, Idk about y'all but I'm afraid my Homestuck/Andrew Hussies - senses are TERRIFYINGLY tangling
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Ultimate Shixiongfucker Bracket
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Tournament Round 1 Match-ups!
Match 1: Gu Xuanyan vs Wen Jing
Match 2: Akira Kagiura vs Yuu Koito
Match 3: Lin Zizheng vs Fei Du
Match 4: Kino Makoto / Sailor Jupiter vs Takina Inoue
Match 5: Xie Xi vs Mo Ran
Match 6: Ikuyo Kita vs Cheng Qian
Match 7: Haruhi Fujioka vs Jiang Cheng
Match 8: ah-Cheng vs Yoshikazu Miyano
Match 9: Luo Binghe (Bingge) vs Quan Yizhen
Match 10: Mo Xi vs Fiona Frost / Nightfall
Match 11: Sakura Matou vs Shen Feixiao
Match 12: Jian Yi vs Yin Feixing
Match 13: Yuu Kashima vs Shen Jiu
Match 14: Gu Feidi vs Yu Zhijue
Match 15: Wen Kexing vs Yan Tianhen
Match 16: Liu Qingge vs Wang Manchun
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