#it's everythinggggg
janitorjuliann · 1 year
travis casually trying to retcon The Chair from c2 into a magical killing device of his own making is everything to me. everyone else at the table taking it very seriously while matt slowly collapses in the corner with his face in his hands is also everything to me.
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lettucedoodles · 6 months
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was inspired by @terristre's cater post and made this,,
reminded me of that one vignette where trey said caters friendship w him was not as significant to him as riddle's..
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sydmarch · 1 year
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nothing has ever made me run to the kim voice ai faster than this post from @kindgreenape
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mynameisnotlaura · 6 months
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skcirthinq · 5 months
I may have read "I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good" by @dandylovesturtles again.
So I drew. Again. (Small spoilers ahead)
The first piece is a little comic adaptation from chapter 2; context is that Leo is cursed out of his body, intangible, and unable to communicate.
And well. His family doesn't know about the curse.
And Donnie's been running some tests on Leo's empty body. They're not. Coming up with good results.
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Dandylovesturtles's writing is so much more impactful than what I got here, so like! If you haven't, go read their works!
The other pieces are random scenes from the rest of the fic, with some descriptions under the cut.
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Image 1: colored and rendered comic adaptation of a scene from chapter 2 of "I May Be Invisible". Raph is hitting a punching bag, while Leo walks in and watches him. Raph cannot see or hear Leo. They're both upset, with Raph's knuckles splitting open and bleeding, and tears gathering in his eyes over the panels. Leo begins to sit down, as Raph stops punching, and falls to his knees, crying in earnest. Leo turns around to give Raph some privacy, and talks to Raph, who eventually curls into himself and unknowingly rolls into Leo.
Dialogue is taken from chapter 2 of "I May Be Invisible, But I Still Look Good", Leo is the only speaker, and reads as follows: "Well, the good news is, Donnie's wrong about this one." "I know it looks bad. Donnie's not wrong about that, I mean, I saw the EEG, I know it's..." "It looks bad." " But... thanks for sticking up for me in there." "Don't give up on me, big guy." "I promise I'm doing whatever I can think of to get back to you." "I wish I could talk to you. I wish I could tell you not to worry. I mean, I know you'd worry anyway, but at least you'd worry a little less." "You don't deserve this, Raph. I wanted to take some of the weight off your shoulders, but I messed it all up again. And now you're having to deal with it, just like we make you deal with everything, and I'm just... I'm so sorry." "At least, do me a favor, and talk to Dad? Or April, or ... Or someone." "Not Donnie, obviously, that could Not have gone worse. But you don't need to deal with this on your own. I hope you don't deal with this on your own..." "Sleep, big guy. I'm with you, I promise. I'm not going anywhere. "
Image 2: when your cursed brother yeets himself off an overpass and through a van's roof and the artist won't draw cars. (A partially rendered set of drawings featuring a blue, glitchy Leo falling through the roof of a moving vehicle, while an upset Mikey crouches on the roof. It's night, raining, and lights are zooming past at high speed.)
Image 3: Leo activated his ninpo after a character arc, just in time for the final battle! (Partially Rendered; a blue glitchy Leo, holding katanas solidifying from his ninpo, turns and looks over his shoulder. Behind him is a wall of pink-magenta flames being pulled up by the big bad.)
Image 4: Leo's family and friends are seeing him (image 3) for the first time in days. While also beating up some elementals. (Sketch)
Images 5-10: sketches of various scenes from the rest of the fic, except for 7, which did Not happen. But I thought would be a little funny if it had. 5 is Mikey and Donnie playing catch with the cursed amulet. 6 is Raph busting out of a dome made of rock. 7 is April accidentally letting the baseball instincts take over when being tossed the Leo ball. 8 is Raph trying to squeeze through a narrow cave passage, and Leo walking through the cave walls. 9 is Casey Sr. getting one last punch in on an elemental. And 10 is Leo looking up at his overjoyed family, once he gets back into his body.
Obviously, all credit goes to Dandylovesturtles!
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mckeaning · 9 months
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this barbie isn’t really feeling like herself today
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turtlecleric · 3 months
your breath comes out short and heavy as Leo pins his weight on your hips . Your hands pinned by your head as you both come clattering on to the floor. He smiles down at you cockily as you tap his leg with your foot when his weight becomes too much. "I suppose I win this round to." Leo practically sings as he rises from your body and lifts you up to your feet. You let go of his hand and begin to stretch out your limbs pouting slightly. You thought you were ready to take Leo on in these head to head sparring matches, but considering the now staggering amount of losses you are now starting to realize you might have been overconfident about your own abilities. But honestly the worst thing about all of this is Leo's stupidly smug face every time he pins you. How his whole demeaner shifts because, he won. Losing to Leo has never not been the worst thing in all of existence. And the absolute worst thing about that is... its kinda hot when he gets cocky. The way he talks becomes more rhythmic, his voice a song in your ears, egging you on to try and make it shut up, his touch confident and commanding. Forcing you into place so he can straddle you, again and again and again. You are actually considering blaming your lizard lady brain for half of these losses. Its not your fault that him pinning you is hot as shit. You take a plastic water bottle and pour some water out into your palm splashing your face. Cooling you down. fucking stupidly hot prick you think as Leo Saddles on up to you his face tying its best to hide that its radiating smugness. "One more round, or has mi Princesa had enough?" He sings the words at you, overly confident, almost cruelly. you feel the water bottle in your hand crunch in slightly. He's just trying to rile you up, you think to yourself. He just wants another taste of victory, You wont fall for it, nope, nuh uh, Definitely not. "Shut up asshole." you say with an irritated eyeroll as you begin to walk past. "Ooooh, Did I strike a nerve there Princesa? you know its not very lady like to be a poor loser." That stops you in your tracks. You spin around towards him. " Who said I was ever trying to be lady like Leo?" He smiles wolfishly back at you. Like your prey, dumbly walking into his trap. "Good point, I suppose no one really has." "Shut up!" "Make me." You pause looking up at him. you hadn't realized how close to him you had gotten till now. He is still smiling down at you curiously. You can practically feel the electricity forming between you two. Your anger and his smugness mixing together. Intoxicating the both of you. You relent.
"Fine asshole, one more round" You say as you take up your stance on the tatami mats. "trust me Princesa, it wont be much of a round." Leo makes good on that statement. You manage to strike at him twice before he grabs hold of your arm, twisting it behind you and slamming the both of you into the ground. Your anger pushes you forward though, you grit your teeth and try to kick at him but its no use. He pins your knees with his own immobilizing you. The hair on the back of neck stands on end when you feel breath. A laugh that is too hot, too close. You feel your self growing wet, Like you weren't already a bit before. You pray that he cant tell. "Oh, mi amor, I'm starting to think you like it when I pin you." You try to wiggle out of his grasp again so you can smack him, but he shoves your arm up higher and the pain pins you to the ground again. He laughs as he relents the pressure on your arm. "You know if you wanted me to pin you to the ground and fuck you senseless, you only needed to ask nicely." You feel your body grow hot as your cunt clenches around nothing. God that's a hot image. Him fucking you like this. Him taking his pleasure while you scrape and try to overpower him. The only thing keeping you from that fantasy becoming real is your stubbornness. "Eat shit and die Leo." He laughs as he once again shoves your arm up rewarding your comment with more pain, however this time he doesn't relent, he keeps your arm there as you squirm underneath him. You grit your teeth. Is it bad that this is also kinda turning you on? You cant see his face but you can hear in his smile in his voice. You can feel his gaze on the nape of your neck. Everything about this is making you dizzy. "Thats not an answer mi amor. Are we doing this or not? " You bite the inside of your cheek. Fuck it, stubbornness be damned you want this. "Yes." You feel Leo relent on the position he has on your arm. "Yes what Princesa? " you groan in annoyance, God hes such a poor winner. "Yes, please pin me to the ground and fuck me senseless." He smiles. " Good girl." The next thing you feel is his teeth on your shoulder. The pain makes you cry out as he grinds against your ass. He soaking both of your shorts in seconds "Fuck." You cry out as you press your ass up higher giving him a better angle to grind against. God you wanna know what his face looks like right now. primal and heavy. His mouth stained with your blood as he takes his pleasure offering you none in return. After all your just prey to him right now. A prize he won fair and square. God you want him to touch you. You need him to touch you. "Leo please I'm begging." He detaches from your shoulder and licks a bloody stripe across your pulse. "You call that begging?" he say incredulously his voice strained as he continues to hump you. "I've taught you better Princesa. You need to tell me what you want." "Fuck, Please touch me." he laughs cruelly at that "I am touching you." Your going to kill him. Someday, some how, you know deep in your heart of hearts you are going to be the one that murder this man. "Goddamn it you fucking bra-" your anger is cut off as he presses your arm up again. pain shooting through you. "Tisk, tisk, mi amor. Who is the one being a brat right now?" "You." You hiss as he shoves your arm up even higher. tears pricking your eyes. "Me." You say correcting yourself. he rewards you by lowering your arm back down to the first position. Still painful but you sigh anyway from the relief. "Me, I'm being the brat, I'm sorry I'm sorry. Please, I just want your fingers in me. Please ill be good I swear"
Leo hums as if content at you, lowering your arm back down to a non painful position. "See, that wasn't so hard now was it." You grit your teeth holding back any sort of sass before crying out as he glides his hands under your shorts and presses his finders inside of you. Your greedy cunt immediately clenching around them. "Fuck yes, Thank you, thank you." you cry as he pumps his fingers, shallowly. Its not enough but God its something. You try to buck your hips into his hand to get any kind of friction on your clit but its no use the position just isnt right. "Please touch my clit, I need it please I need it." Your too dizzy now to care about keeping up appearances. You need pleasure. you need him to touch you like this. You need his cock in you. He growls lowly in your ear as you feel him drop, He then shoves your hips back down onto the floor and removes his hand from your cunt. you whine desperately from the loss. "No,no,no,no,no, I'm being good please, please your fingers please, I'm sorry."
Its then you feel him kiss your cheek sweetly, letting go of your arm that's been keeping you pinned . "its ok, mi Amor, you are being good I just need to change positions. is that ok?" You nod your head and take in a deep breath as he shifts on top of you. he takes both your arms and ties them behind you. probably with his mask you think. He then lifts your hips up an d removes your shorts and underwear before pressing your thighs together and pressing his cock between them, Thigh fucking against your folds. the tip of his cock head rubbing against your clit with each thrust. God you didn't know what to expect but it was definitely not this. Regardless though the release of having something to grind your clit against is more then enough to have you screaming for more. And you do in fact scream for more. For his cock you actually be inside you however he doesn't relent. He continues to thigh fuck you till the both of you are well and spent. His hand pressing your face into the tatami the whole way.
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barissoffee · 1 year
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gotta be one of the top 5 worst sw characters 
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xoxoemynn · 1 year
Panels with the actors are fun and get me really excited for S2, but honestly I would give pretty much any organ of his choosing to have an hour-long panel with David Jenkins.
Yes, actor head canons about their characters and behind the scenes tidbits are fun. But what I am reallyyyyy curious to know about is the way DJenks crafted the story, how he views the characters and their development, his focus on the relationships and themes and symbolism.
He has all of this in his head, this beautiful little mastermind, and I just want to pick his brain for every last detail.
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littleladymab · 2 months
I read High Vaultage in pretty much one sitting because I could and was DELIGHTED by the Fleet Facts™️ that Clara managed to (maybe?) deduce:
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(thank you @luckygandor for the meme even tho you have no idea what's happening)
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rice-ballin · 6 days
no because why the FUCK did they decide to leave out JAPAN and CHINA in the fucking hetalia musical like THEY ARE MAIN FUCKING CHARACTERS??? WHY THE FUCK IS MY SON AND MY WIFE NOT GONNA BE IN THE MUSICAL I DON’T UNDERSTAND
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aroace-poly-show · 3 months
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What do we say. Do we accept
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taikanyohou · 1 year
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“You know, the apples you ate? I planted them myself. Only a child of God can do it. Do you want to try it?” BOYYOFGOD (2023). Intro Story Part 1.
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wildspringday · 9 months
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ayo edebiri (+ diana silvers) via instagram
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cringe-but-freee · 11 months
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my favourite part of network effect was when murderbot said 'its murderin time' and murdered all those targets
Individual frames under cut
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xycuro-illuminati · 1 month
nah you have to rank all 5 dante looks from best to worst GO!!!!!!!
Oh I already know some dmc fans aren't going to like my ratings but:
1. DMC 4 outfit
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2. DMC 5 outfit
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3. DMC 1 outfit
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4. DMC 2 outfit
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5. DMC 3 outfit
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Not sorry
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