#it's 2:30am dude
I keep hearing the gunshots but the rent sure ain't getting lower
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sprooknooky · 11 months
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Continuing to spread my Jacob Is Cool propaganda
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pendinganchor · 11 months
(before the post starts: to everyone who follows me for stranger things i’m sorry you have to deal with my random adventures into other fandoms — this is for the marauders fandom so if you don’t care about that feel free to scroll 💞 and also as always fuck jkr)
me: this fic is going to be so fucking full of angst and jealousy and toxicity with rosekiller endgame
also me:
It’s silent for a moment— Barty convinced the Gryffindor’s eyes could bore into his soul if he let him stare long enough. “You’ve never needed to simply feel something, Potter?”
[Barty] lowered his voice, a hand almost absently reaching up to the other boy’s face. His middle finger ran down his jawline. “What does [Regulus] see in you?”
“He’s never looked at me the way he looks at you. What are you doing that I wasn’t?”
“I can move. Do you want-“
“No, stay.” James laid back down. It was dark, but Barty reached up anyway. His hand started in James’ hair then ran down to his cheek. His middle finger traced his jaw again— like it had that night on the tower. “I can see what he sees in you now.”
me in some tags AFTER i wrote the stuff above:
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odinsyoyo · 11 months
Too tired to contextualize thought process and organize words, brain ping-ponging off the bumpers so here's the ricochet: creativity and inpiration, facilitators and associations, odin and kvasir, shitting out mead (for the bad poetry), but needing to write badly in order to get to anything good, writing badly as an offering, sacrificial words for the compost heap so something can grow from it
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
your mind is not your friend
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HUGE shoutout to @whimsical-roasting for being an absolute babe and helping me out of my writing slump. Been feeling like I’m just churning out the same story over and over, but she gave me a prompt that absolutely knocked it out of the park! This actually contains chunks of text from our conversation, she was so helpful. Literally could not have written it without her, so be sure to check out her page and see what she’s got going on.
your mind is not your friend
It’s 2:30am on the dot, and you’re in your car, staring at the steering wheel. How did I get here? you ask yourself, rhetorically. You know exactly how you got to be in this driveway at this god-awful time in the morning.
You had been awake two hours ago, and sent a u up? text to a somewhat-friend you met at a bar a couple weeks ago. He was attracted to you, you needed to blow off steam, and thus your relationship began. “Relationship,” being used in the most technical sense of the term.
Pretty much all you did was hit each other up for sex, but that was kind of the whole point. You had no feelings for him, he didn’t have any for you, so you were in a mutually beneficial friends-with-benefits type situation. No strings attached.
The sex wasn’t bad, it was actually pretty good, especially if it was dark enough and you were feeling delusional enough to convince yourself he was someone else. On occasion you’d have to bite back a moan with the wrong name on your lips, but you’re pretty sure this guy wouldn’t have noticed.
But here you are, at 2:30 in the fucking morning, feeling strangely empty.
As you pull out of his driveway, you promise yourself this is your last hookup with this dude.
You can’t bring yourself to have another night like tonight.
It’s weird. You feel weird. You’re too aware of your arms and legs, and the night lighting isn’t helping anything. There’s barely anyone on the road, and you can’t bring yourself to turn on any music. 
You’re just tired because god, the sex was good, sure, but it was emotionless. He didn’t match your energy nor your affection, and it felt physically draining.
You’re not even sure where you’re driving but you’re sure as hell not going home right now. You pull your car to the side of the road under a streetlight and just sit.
After a few minutes, you pull out your phone and toy with it for a second, then think fuck it and call Jamie. You’re pretty sure it’s too early for him to be awake for training, but you never know until you try, right?
He picks up on the first ring. “Yeah, love?” he says by way of greeting, voice thick with sleep. 
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” you ask. “I wasn’t sure what time you woke up and I’m having a shit night, so I thought I’d just check to see if you were up. You can go back to sleep.”
“Not asleep,” Jamie yawns. “Been up for a bit. You alright?”
You pause. There’s something about Jamie’s voice that’s bringing tears to your eyes. 
“Darling?” he asks softly, “You still there?”
You nod, then remember he can’t see you. “Yeah, I’m still here.” You can’t erase the tears from your voice. 
You can hear Jamie turn a light on somewhere in his house. The mental image of him padding around that big empty house calms you somewhat. 
“It’s just-” you start then stop. 
“Hm?” Jamie hums, encouraging you on. 
“I don’t wanna get into it, but he didn’t even make me feel desirable. The entire night he was like ‘Yeah, sure, whatever. Fine, let's get it over with,’ and I felt like a pity fuck even if we didn't go all the way. And I’m just- just tired,” you finish lamely. 
All you get back is silence. 
“Jamie?” you say, half-pleadingly, desperation tingeing your voice. “Are you still there?”
“I’m here. Come to mine, yeah? I’ll unlock the door, so just walk in.” His voice sounds thick again, almost like he’s crying, but you chalk it up to the early hour and start your car again. 
You’re at Jamie’s house in no time at all, walking up the steps through the doorway and into his arms. You can’t even cry at this point, because it just feels like too much work.
“D’you want a shower?” Jamie asks, chin on top of your head. “I already pulled out some clothes for you, and I can throw these in the laundry. They’ll be a little big, but,” he shrugs, arms still around you. 
You tilt your head up and nod, no energy for words. He says “Alright then. You know where you’re going,” so you make your way up the stairs.
“Gonna make some food,” he calls after you, “You know I fuckin’ hate eating alone, so you have to eat some too.”
After a long, long hot shower, you’re in Jamie’s clothes and headed back downstairs. Your skin feels raw from where you scrubbed it, but you’re starting to feel more like yourself. As you walk into the kitchen, Jamie looks up from where he’s making grilled cheese on the stove.
He asks, “How you feeling, love?”
Love. Darling. God, his pet names are going to kill you. You’re not sure why you thought this was a good idea.
You’ve been in love with Jamie Tartt for, like, ever. He was just so funny and so sweet and so goddamned sexy. 
You are positive you have no chance with him, given his dating history. He’s not really one for commitment. You figure if he were interested, he would have made a move by now, but he’s comfortable where you are, just being friends.
You’ve been doing your best to erase all feelings from your body, hence: casual sex. 
It was working out great for you in all respects, obviously.
But, to answer Jamie’s question, you just shrug. He seems to pick up on the I can’t speak vibe, so he tilts his head at you, lower lip sticking out in sympathy.
“Right,” he says, flipping a grilled cheese sandwich on a plate, “take this and go sit over there.” He points to the couch. “You want anythin’ to drink?”
You shrug again, so Jamie goes to the fridge and pulls out two bottles of water. He grabs his own plate and you follow him to the couch.
He sits down first and pats the space right next to him, so you sink into the cushion. He adjusts so you’re curled into his right side, arm slung around you.
You eat in silence, and you can feel yourself slowly floating back into your body. It’s funny, really, because you hadn’t realized you were detached. 
The sandwiches are long gone, and you’re feeling more like talking, all wrapped up in Jamie’s too-large hoodie and sweatpants. Your face is the only thing that’s been visible this whole time, hood pulled up. Jamie’s hand has been running a comforting pattern up and down your arm, and it hits you that sitting on the couch with Jamie feels more affectionate than literally kissing a man who was like a damp board of plywood essential.
“I’m sorry.”
Jamie looks at you in surprise. “How d’you mean, love?”
You return his gaze, teary-eyed. “You have training and shit soon, and you’re supposed to be getting rest. I know you lied about me not waking you up. And I shouldn’t’ve bothered you. It’s my problem and my fault that I even feel like this.” You stare at the empty plates on the coffee table in front of you. “God, I don’t know… maybe I’m too affectionate. Like, I was kissing all over his face and he barely even did anything back. I know it’s just sex and not a relationship. I don’t even want him that way. But it just feels like it fucking sucked my soul out of me.”
You feel Jamie shift slightly, and you catch the tail end of what you think is- a wince?
It just makes you feel worse. “I felt undesirable and I KNOW I didn't look it tonight. I looked desirable as fuck. But he kept on being like 'yeah, sure, whatever spread your legs.’ And I want to be wanted, you know.. like, crave me like it's a not a chore.” Your shoulders slump as Jamie sucks in a breath. His hand, which has maintained a steady pace on your arm, is erratic now. You misinterpret the wince and the breath and keep going.
“Look, I know that you… you know, you’ve had sex with a lot more people that I have. I’ve been with like, three, including this guy. I know that I messed up, it’s just- I don’t want to feel cheap, you know?”
You can’t look at Jamie. You’re not sure that you can bear him explaining how you’ve breached some innocuous rule of casual sex. You can feel his eyes burning a hole through the hoodie. You didn’t realize you were using it as protection until you felt like you lost it.
You force yourself not to cry, and determine to pokerface your way through whatever Jamie has to tell you. He slides off the couch until he’s on the floor in front of you reaching for your hands.
“That fucking bag of dicks don’t deserve you,” he says, with such feeling that you’re sure you misheard him. You just keep staring past him at that empty plate.
“Oi, did you hear me?” Jamie says bringing up one hand to gently pinch your chin. “He don’t. Any man that makes you feel this shitty about yourself, especially after spendin’ the night with you, is a fucking piece of shit.” He squeezes your hand. “That arsehole has no fucking idea what he let slip away.”
His words are so far from what you expected that you’re having trouble registering them.
You let out a hoarse, “What are you saying,” and Jamie chuckles ruefully.
“I’m saying- shit. This is a shit time to be telling ya, but fuck it.” He takes a breath. “I really fucking like you. I think you’re fucking great. I’ve hated hearing you talk about that arsehole since the first time you fucking went home with him. Told meself that it should’ve been me you were goin’ home with, not that prick. I love when you’re affectionate. You know, when you fucking… hug me too hard ‘cause you’re excited bout somethin’ or kiss me forehead before leaving. But I didn’t want to fuck up what we already have going, so I didn’t fucking say anything. I should’ve said something a million fucking times, but I’m saying it now. It ain’t your fault. It’s that prick’s fault for making you feel fucking disgusting about the best part of you.”
You’re not starting at the plate anymore. You’re staring at Jamie’s face, and his pleading eyes, and you feel your soul reconnect to your body. You slide off the couch and into his arms, both of you on the floor between the sofa and the coffee table. He holds you like you’re the only thing anchoring him to earth when, in reality, you think it just might be the other way around. 
Jamie wraps one arm extra tight around your waist and heaves you two off the floor. 
“C’mon,” he says, voice muffled from his face buried in your neck, “we’re going the fuck to sleep.”
“You have training,” you remind him into his hair. 
“Nah,” he says, beginning to walk you to the stairs. “Told Coach I was sick right after you hung up.”
“Oh,” you say in a small voice. You can feel him smiling against your skin. 
“Right,” Jamie says. “I’m done fucking talking. Let’s get some proper sleep, yeah?” 
You nod, and he takes you all the way upstairs into his room. It’s the second time within four hours that your in another man’s bed, but this time feels different. This time is checking all the boxes you were looking for, and this time, you have the one you want.  
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cheesysoup-arlo · 2 months
Cady’s Cousin (pt.2)
(pt. 1)/(pt. 3)/(pt. 4)
A/N: sorry this is mostly like “texting” also the relationship/couples I have in here are (karen and gretchen), (cady and regina), later I’ll add (janis and reader) and maybe (aaron and kevin g) idk maybe lol I won’t be tagging the ships since they’re not the main ship I hope y’all liked this lol
(Sunday 8:30pm)
*Cady created a group chat*
Cads 🦁: hey guys I made this group chat so (Y/N) can get to know you guys, you guys can get to know them, and just for fun 👍
???(1): aw Cady that’s so sweet, this is Aaron by the way lol
(Y/N): can everyone send their name please 🙏
???(2): karen 💕
???(3): Beyoncé
???(4): that’s Damian ^, this is janis 👾
Damian🌟: janis you’re no fun this is homophobia
Janis👾: yeah I hate the gays 🙄
karen💕: ??? u hat me 😞
Janis👾: no not you karen just Damian
karen💕: o okie 😽
???(5): the hottest bitch you’ll meet
(Y/N): hi Regina
Cads🦁: Y/N!!!
(Y/N): cads chill I know she’s off limits
Regina👛: aw baby you’re so cute when you’re jealous
Janis👾: barf 🤮
(Y/N): 😭😭😭
(Y/N): wait where’s Gretchen?
karen💕: sleping 😴
Damian🌟: Important question! Y/n are you one of them queers?
(Y/N): I would be offended if you thought I wasn’t
*damian has named group chat “fruit loops”*
Janis👾: I-
(Y/N): oh that’s-
Regina👛: how’s everyone feeling about school tomorrow? I’m kind of excited mostly because the school cheese fries just hit different yk?
Cads🦁: I’m excited too but for classes I picked an extra math class this year
(Y/N): ha nerd 🤓
(Y/N): I’m nervous lol but at least I have you guys
Janis👾: I’m not excited I hate school it keeps me from doing more important things
(Y/N): like what?
Janis👾: sleeping
Damian🌟: I’m excited I decided that I’m gonna take the new senior only theater class which is a little out of my comfort zone but I’ll manage
Aaron🧍‍♂️: I was supposed to be graduated last year so I’m not excited at all
Aaron🧍‍♂️: yeah I failed English and history so I couldn’t graduate
Cads🦁: it’s ok Aaron now you get to be with us for another year 😊
(Sunday 11:50pm) fruit loops
(Y/N): guys I can’t sleep
Janis👾: same I’ve been lying very still and it’s not working
Damian🌟: janis did you take the melatonin I gave you?
Janis👾: yeah but it’s not working 😔
Damian🌟: welp that’s a you problem then
(Monday 2:30am) fruit loops
(Y/N): do you think I can fit 40 mini marshmallows in my mouth?
Janis👾: oh absolutely
(Y/N): omg ur still awake too?
Janis👾: yeah lol
(Y/N): I just put 35 mini marshmallows in my mouth idk if I can fit more
Janis👾: if you fit all 40 I’ll give you 5 bucks
(Y/N): challenge accepted
(Monday 2:37am) fruit loops
(Y/N): I fit all 40 and almost choked lmao
Janis👾: lmao nice your $5 will be given at school
(Y/N): yippieeee
(Y/N): dude I literally can’t sleep
Janis👾: wanna call? That’s what me and Damian used to do before he got a good sleep schedule lmao
(Y/N): um sure me and my friend back home used to do that too
*incoming call from Janis👾*
“Hi” you whispered suddenly feeling a little more tired with her company even if it was only over the phone “hey” janis said with a small yawn “nice shirt” you say seeing her Lego movie shirt “oh um thanks” she says with a laugh “so what’s up?” “Let’s take turns asking each other questions until we fall asleep” you say with a little yawn “hmm ok favorite color?” She asks you “ooo definitely (your favorite color), how about you?” “Hmm either green or purple” “ooo good choice, hmm hobbies?” “I sing and write a little but I guess art even though I don’t consider it a hobby it’s more of a lifestyle” “art? Can I see some?” “Yeah sure I’ll show you some stuff tomorrow” you both yawn “shit it’s 3 am” janis sighs “fuck” you chuckle sleepy “um I’m getting tired” janis says with a tired laugh “me too” you say starting to close your eyes “good night (y/n)” “good night Janis” you say with a yawn falling asleep as she hangs up
Monday 5:30am
“Pst…(y/n)? You gotta wake up” your cousin said lightly shaking you “ugh five more minutes” you mumbled “no come on up you gotta get ready” she insisted, you got up against your body begging to go back to sleep “good morning sleepy head” Cady said with an enthusiastic smile “cads what time is it?” “5:33” “doesn’t school start at like 8:30?” “No it starts at 8 and I wanted to make sure you had enough time to get ready and have breakfast, breakfast is very important” “uh huh…mm thanks cads” you say with a yawn deciding to get up and look through your clothes “meet me in my room when you’re done getting dressed, ok?” Cady said “um ok?” You said grabbing your favorite jeans and shirt then going to look for your jacket as your cousin left
(Monday 5:40 am) fruit loops
Gretchen🌷: good morning everyone soooo so sorry for not texting yesterday I went to bed early
Regina👛: it’s ok Gretch don’t worry about it
Regina👛: also damn I think Janis and (y/n) our new insomniac duo
(Y/N): unfortunately yes I’m so fucking tired also good morning Gretchen
Aaron🧍‍♂️: why are you guys up so early it’s not even six yet? I literally woke up because of all the buzzing
(Y/N): cads woke me up :(
Regina👛: my skincare and makeup routine take like and hour
Gretchen🌷: I like mornings ☀️
You finished getting ready and headed over to Cady’s room like she asked you to. “What’s up cads?” “Eee (y/n) ok so first of all how are you feeling about your first day” “a little nervous and tired I only got like 2 and a half hours of sleep” “oh goodness (y/n) why didn’t you sleep sooner?”cady says concerned “Because I wasn’t tired?” You half joked. Cady hands you a paper. “That’s a map of the school the way Janis sees it she gave it to me on my first day I feel like it could be helpful for you” “oh um wow thanks cads” you say giving her a half hug. Your aunt knocks on Cady’s open door “hey girls good morning” “good morning mom” Cady says enthusiastically, you yawn “morning” you say with a small smile “I’ve got to head to work but I’m assuming you girls have a ride?” “Yeah Aaron’s gonna pick us up I think?” Cady answers “alright I love you two, be on your best behavior and call me or text me if you need me” your aunt says as she leaves “bye” you and Cady say at the same time. You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a bowl of cereal
(Monday 6:40am) fruit loops
Regina👛: my mom is doing a coffee run what does everyone want?
Damian🌟: iced coffee, oat milk, vanilla
Gretchen🌷: just the usual for me and Karen
Janis👾: iced coffee, oat milk, lavender
(Y/N): um (your coffee order) please
Cads🦁: can you just get me a tea?
Regina👛: yeah of course I’ll get your favorite
Aaron🧍‍♂️: regular coffee, cream and sugar please
Regina👛: ok also who’s picking up who today? I can get Karen and Gretchen as usual
Aaron🧍‍♂️: my mom said I don’t have car privileges this week so I can’t give anyone a ride
Damian🌟: I can get janis for sure but if anyone else needs a ride I can get them too
Cads🦁: can you give (Y/N) and I a ride please we’re ready whenever you are 👍
Damian🌟: yeah I’ll be over in 10 then we’ll go get Janis because I know she’s not ready yet
Janis👾: I would be offended but it’s true
Regina👛: alright meet at our usual spot?
Aaron🧍‍♂️: 👍
Damian🌟: sounds good see y’all soon
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struckd0wn · 8 months
Hi I just wanted to say I love your writing! Your Hanzo piece is so good.
I normally don't send requests but I figured I'd do it for once :)
Could you write something with either Ghost or Bruce Wayne with a transmasc reader that just wants to be held and taken care of? Fluff or smut is good <3
AHH THANKS, I'M GLAD YOU LIKED IT <3 !!! I would love to write for you, I hope it lives up to your expectations :3
P.S sorry this took me a bit to respond to :P I had a bit of writers block -_-
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In My Arms ── Bruce Wayne
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Bruce Wayne x transmasc reader
CW: slur used and some transphobia, Bruce Wayne has 0 relationship ship skills lol, he trying his hardest, body dysphoria and dysmorphia, self worth issues, little mental break down, overall just a shitty day for reader :(, fluff and smut, clit used to describe anatomy, riding ;), lots of kissing too
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Your day has been, entirely, incredibly, shitty. You woke up for work late, your lateness extended by the period of time in which you stared at yourself in the mirror. You had to ignore it, dressing in your work shirt that felt too tight around your hips and waste, your thighs feeling suffocated from your pants. Maybe you'd ask your boss for a bigger size, maybe it would hide your figure. Somedays you felt extremely happy with your progress thus far into your transition, but others felt like you hadn't even started. Although flat chested now, you couldn't ignore the feminine curve you swore you saw in the mirror that night.
You worked the night shift at a corner store not far from the Wayne Manor. This schedule is what you preferred for you and Bruce, that way you would both work at night and come home early morning to sleep with one another. He hated it, he insisted you just stay home 24/7, you didn't need a job, he was rich and could take care of you. Bruce didn't want you adapting his horid sleep schedule just for him, let alone working when you really didn't need too.
Things like this reminded you that you and Wayne were entirely different. He was a billionaire, you were just some dude who worked at a corner store for minimum wage. Bruce was Gotham City's vigilante, you were his boyfriend that lived in his extravagant house... for free. To say you were jealous of your boyfriend was an understatement, but he didn't understand that. He is completely clueless. Bruce doesn't understand why you would need to work, but everytime he spend his money on you, you can't help but feel helpless, like he's giving you handouts. You don't want him to feel obligated to spend money on you or to have him feel taken advantage of.
But to be fair, you didn't understand fighting or saving lives like he did. You wish you could, you want to understand, but Bruce has no need to understand working to live. Then you resented yourself for being jealous of him, of your own boyfriend. He was rich with money to spend, with a side gig as savior of the city. You could never amount to that.
The bell to store entrance rings, pulling you from your thoughts. The clock reads 2:30am, this would probably be your last customer before you'd walk home to the manor. Your eyes follow the man that had entered the shop, clearly drunk. He uses the shelves to hold himself up, stumbling all over the place while gigging like an idiot. The man approaches the back where the walls are lined with refrigerators, grabbing an alcoholic beverage you can't name.
You watch as he waddles his way up to your register, looking you up in down with his canned alcohol. "Hey sweetheart," he starts, setting the can down in front of you. You can feel his eyes tracing down your figure. Ignoring him you take the beverage to scan it. "What, trannys can't say hello?" He asks you, leaning over the counter. A lump forms in your throat as you quietly read him his total. He clicks his tongue at you, pulling out a couple of bills to hand over. "You know what, I'll forgive you. What do you say you come to my place after work. I ain't never slept with one of you before, but hey, a pussys a pussy." You tell yourself to just get it over with, you have to deal with drunkies all the time, it's not any different.
"No thank you, have a good night." You tell him, handing him his change before promptly preparing for closing to distract yourself. The man grumbles, taking his drink and change out the door. In the last thirty minutes of your shift you clean up around the store, stock some shelves, and count the cash in the register. As you're collecting your belongs to leave you notice that the drunk man from before is posted up across the street, drinking from his can. You roll your eyes, making a plan to just go for it when he's distracted.
There's a bus just down the road and you wait for it to cross the store front, hoping maybe he wouldn't notice you leave. You turn the lights off and as soon as the bus passes you, you swiftly exist and lock the store up for the night. Speed walking doesn't help you though, hearing the footsteps of the man running to catch up to you. "Hey, wait up!" He calls out, but you just keep walking.
Eventually he reaches you, stepping in front of you to block your path. "Cmon now, my offer still stands," The man holds his arms out, moving with you so you don't get past him. You tell him no again, trying to push past his left arm. This time he grabs you by your waist, smirking down at you with his drunken expression. You push him off of you and before he can grab you again he hits the concrete with a loud thud. You blink down at him before a figure envelops him, throwing punch after punch at the man. It doesn't take you long to realize who it is.
"Hey, knock it off." You tell Bruce but he doesn't hear you, or maybe he does and just doesn't care. "Stop, Bru-... He's drunk, stop it." You grab your boyfriends arms, and with enough strength you pry him of the pervert. You watch his chest heave under his metal chest plate, staring down at the drunk angrily. Bruce holds you by your wrist, dragging you twords his bike, footsteps heavy in his boots.
The ride back home is silent but you can tell he's still upset by the way he speeds twords the manor. Once you make it back home, down in his lab of his tower, he helps you off his bike. Bruce removes his mask, seemingly his anger is replaced with worry as he near smothers you. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" He exclaims, holding your face in his gloved hands, but you just push past him.
"Yes Bruce, I'm fine. He was just drunk." You tell him as you make your way to the elevator, ready to just go to bed at this point. He follow you like a little dog, into the elevator, still examining you for injury.
"Him being drunk is not an excuse." He tells you a matter of factly.
"I'm not saying it's an excuse. I'm saying I could have handled it." And he doesn't say anything about that. You walk up the stairs and he's still following you, all his gear rattling and echoing throughout the manor. You make it up to the bedroom, attempting to close the door behind you but he pushes in with ease, not even acknowledging that you were trying to keep him out.
You sigh heavily, setting down your keys and jacket onto the dresser. "I told you you didn't have to work." Bruce starts up again, and by now you want to bang you head against the wall.
"I don't wanna talk about it." You say.
But he persists, pacing around the room in his armor. "I told you, you didn't have to change your schedule to match mine."
"Bruce." You plead, but he again ignores you.
"You shouldn't be up all night, let alone walking home at three in the morning." He continues.
You stand there in awe as he rambles on, alls while taking off his gear. He makes it sound like you can't take care of yourself, like you're his damsel in distress. "Bruce I said-"
"Do you know the things I see at night? What did he say to you, what did he say before I got there?" Bruce exclaims twords you.
By now you can feel the tears welling up in your eyes before you snap. "Bruce, I said I don't wanna talk about it!" You yell over his rambling, this time he turns to look at you. You're too far gone now, tears roll down your cheek as you sob, desperately trying to wipe them away with the back of your hand. He stops what he's doing, during all of that he has managed to get everything off but the pants he wears under his suit. "I don't need your rescuing or money, I just need you to listen!" You tell him through broken sobs. "I know I'm not rich like you, I know I'm not as strong as you but that doesn't mean I'm completely helpless." You feel like you could just crumble, Bruce is almost speechless.
He's on you within a second, large hand hold your face but he can't wipe away the avalanche of tears that stream down your puffy cheeks. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean it to sound like that..." He whispers over your sobs. The build up from everything today has finally set in, and now that it has started it wasn't gonna stop. You allow Bruce to undress you from your work clothes, replacing them with one of his baggy shirts and a pair or your boxers. He sits you down on the edge of your shared bed as he dresses himself in a pair of his sweatpants, quickly returning to your side.
Your boyfriend tucks the two of you into the bed. Your crying has reduced to small sniffles, Bruce continues to wipe your face dry, but it can't get rid of the redness in your eyes. "I didn't mean to make you cry. I was just worried, I should have listened to you the first time." His apology mixes with explanation, and although you understand where's he's coming from you'd wish he'd just do this first before scolding you. You'd wish he'd understand he didn't need to take care of you physically, you could've handled some drunk, you just needed his help emotionally. To tell you it was gonna be ok, it's all over now. Without the "I told you so" in between.
"I know you could've handled it, I just...couldn't stop myself." He admits to you. You stare at him and he stares back as he holds you. You almost laugh at his admission, he wasn't just looking out for you, the guy had seriously just ticked him off. He didn't do it cause he thought you couldn't handle it, he did it because some rando was trying to touch up on his boyfriend. Maybe he was scared to admit that word for word, but you could read him like a book.
Bruce leans into you, pressing a kiss to your lips and you egg him own, pressing further into him. His hands find their way under you shirt as he continues kissing you, gripping at your flesh like he might loose you if he let's go. "I'll ask Alfred to order us some things to eat. We can eat while me watch a movie, hm?" He tells you between kisses, you nod quickly at his suggestion. You move you hands up to to hold his face, kissing him again. His stuble feels nice under you finger as you deepen the kiss. Wayne does not object, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
You part your lips slightly, allowing him access into your mouth. Bruce is still a bit awkward and clumsy when is comes to these things, mostly because this is the first relationship he's ever gotten this far with someone. He's hesitant but eventually his tongue meets yours as they messily collide with each other. His hand are rough compared to the smooth skin of your torso, they almost feel like sand paper as they roam over your sides.
You push in further, until you are fully saddled on top of him, never breaking the kiss. "Help me Bruce." You plead with him, his face is bright red and he just nods at the suggestion. You sit upwards onto you knees, pulling your boxer shorts down in front of him. Bruce is silent but his hand slowly inch down to your fully exposed thighs, his thumb reaches out the brush against you clit. The feeling makes you flinch as your boyfriend works on removing his own pants.
He doesn't even bother removing them all they way before he's pulling you down by your hips. The stretch around his cock is almost painful, but you immediately forgot about everything bad that has happened today, even the part where you snapped at him. Bruce peppers your face with kisses, waiting for you to adjust before moving. You start moving on your own, slowly pulling off of his length. Wayne throws his head back, hitting the headboard with a thud, his hands squeezing at your hips.
When you slam back down your moan is loud and Bruce moves to covers your mouth. He is clearly embarrassed but his smile is wide as you sit there watching each other. "I'd love to hear you but... I don't want to disturb Alfred." You almost slap yourself for it. That would surly be an awkward conversation, although you think Alfred would be entirely understanding. You nod and the two of you continue. Bruce guides you up and down his cock, his groans muffled as he too struggles to keep himself quiet. You face is buried into his shoulder, letting out a small squeek each time he's pushed back deep inside you. You feel like a teenager who's at your boyfriends house, trying to keep quiet because the partners are in the next room over.
Your can feel the build up in your stomach, it's getting more and more difficult to not scream out loud in pleasure. Bruce is starting to fail at it, his breathing rushed and his moans escape his parted lips. He thrusts up into you, desperate for release which comes mere seconds later. You watch his eyebrows furrow as he cums inside of you, his twitching causes you to orgasm soon after, biting down on his shoulder to be as silent as possible. You whimper weekly, pulling yourself off of him slowly. The two of you lay side by side, ignoring the mess that clings to the both of you and the sheets.
You watch his heaving chest settle, noticing the bite marks you left. Your finger reaches out to brush over it with an embarrassed smile. "Sorry..." You whisper, but Bruce doesn't mind, shrugging his shoulder as he pulls you in to cuddle.
By now it is early morning, Bruce is awake, finishing the movie the two of you had put on while you ate. The cheap take out containers of the restaurant you had gotten him hooked on littered the coffee table, and the bruise you left on his shoulder aches. It's a lovely reminder. Bruce sat this his back leaned against the arm of the couch, and you had fallen asleep in between is legs with you face resting on his lower abdomen. He watches you sleep, playing with your hair as he did. He would ask you about the his lack of understand once you had woken up, but for now he will hold you here, in his arms.
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mmmmmmmmmmmmsoup · 1 year
The cleaner
part 1
(This is my first short story, so please be kind, but I would also love some feedback)
Some background information: You are a dropout from the military, you were looking for a much needed job. Somehow, you landed a gig cleaning. Now you are a cleaner who picks up after a bunch of smelly dudes. But it’s not all bad, you get paid fairly well and the company(?) that you work for has given you rent free accommodations. These are your adventures!
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! You wake up panicked, sitting up immediately only to find the source of the noise, your alarm clock. “Ugh”, you push the button to silence the alarm, while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
6:30AM was the time, it gave you enough time to get dressed, brush your teeth, eat, and anything else you needed to do before your shift started. As you looked in the mirror, putting your hair in a pony tail(or just pinning it up, if your hair is too short), you sighed “another day”. With one last look in the mirror, you headed out the door.
Getting to where you needed to work was no trouble, you literally had to walk across the gravel driveway and you were there. The company that hired you, gave you a little shack to stay in while your here. Not the nicest shack you’ve ever seen, but it had a bathroom, room for a bed, and a mini fridge. Which is more then most shacks have.
You’ve been working here for almost 2 weeks now, your still getting adjusted to the job, while the men that your cleaning up after, are getting adjusted with your presence. You haven’t talked to them a bunch, but you know they are an odd group, to say the least. there are 9 of them, some are fairly clean and even give you a hand with work, while others… less so.
As you make it inside the building, you look down at your check list that you carry around. “Let’s see here…garage has been done, all of the lower floor has been done, mmm. I guess all there is to do is clean the kitchen, sweep, mop the floors, and vacuum any rugs. Ok seems pretty low key for a Thursday, sweet!” You click your pen and get started with your day.
Threw out the day you have managed to clean the mess that was the kitchen, sweep and mop most of the rooms, with only a few more to go, and it isn’t even 1pm yet. You were on a role!
Currently you were vacuuming a rug that was located in what you would call, the living room. Mindlessly vacuuming, zoning out thinking about who knows what, when suddenly the vacuum stops. “Uh?” You try turning the vacuum off and on, nothing happens. “Please don’t tell me this thing just died on me!” Your eyes follow the wire of the vacuum to where you plugged it in, only to find a VERY large man standing there, with the end of the cord in his hand. ‘Holy fuck!’
The man was tall, like fucking ridiculous tall. He was more on the bigger side for body types, but you could tell it wasn’t just water weight, this man could knock the shit out of you if he wanted.
You started to sweat slightly “…can I help you?”. This guy did not look friendly, he wore a scowl on his face and is looking down at you as if you have done something wrong.
“You go on break now.”
Baffled, unsure you heard him correctly, “pardon?”
“You go on break now.” He says once more, with a thick Russian accent.
“Oh…OH! No, I’m ok, I’m just gonna finish up, then I’ll be done for the day.”
“No, you take break.” He insists, well not really insists more demands it, but yeah.
“No really, I’m almost done, won’t take anytime at all!”, you try to say without coming off as rude. ‘Let me do my job big scary man, and then you won’t have to see me for the rest of the day!!!’
“I make sandwiches.”, He blurts out.
“I make sandwiches, you take break and eat.”
‘…well that was unexpected. I thought this guy just hated my guts, but he actually might be nice?’
“Oh….ok, I guess I can take a quick break, couldn’t hurt.” You say as you place the vacuum to the side.
“Good.” The giant starts to turn around and walk towards to kitchen/dining area, you follow.
as your walking, your trying to remember the name of this giant. When you first started working here, you had gotten a small introduction to the 9 men, but it was short, and names were never your thing. ‘What was it again? Henry? No that isn’t it… hoovey? Heavy? Heavy!’ As you both make it to the kitchen, there’s a table in the corner with a plate stacked with sandwiches, like atleast 25. A crazy amount of sandwiches, but maybe he made some for everybody? ‘Aw, that’s kinda sweet.’
As you sit down, heavy grabs you a plate and napkin. He doesn’t sit, “I go get everybody else.”
“Oh, ok”, as heavy walks away you grab a sandwich and place it on your place. ‘Should I wait for everyone else to get here? Heavy didn’t say anything about not eating right away.’ As your staring at the sandwich, you realize your gonna be in a room full of guys you don’t really know that well. Your anxiety is starting to set in, you’ve never been great at socializing, you start to tear at your napkin to try and sooth your social anxiety.
Suddenly out no where a bunch of guys basically run in to the kitchen, some grab a plate and sit down, while others grab one or two sandwiches and leave immediately, assuming to return to whatever they were doing before heavy told them about food.
“So your the newbie, eh?”, You look up to who spoke, it was a guy with a hard hat on and some goggles. He wore overalls that were stained with oil.
"er, yup. Well kinda, I’m just a cleaner.”, You shrug, as you reach for your sandwich.
“Well I’m engineer or engie, for short, just incase you forgot. Thanks for all the work you’ve done so far.” Engineer says with a smile, ‘what’s with all the weirdly specific names?’.
“Ja! I don’t think this place has looked better!” You turn to the man with the German accent. He has black hair, round glasses, and is wearing a doctor uniform. ‘I know his name starts with a M, so his name isn’t doctor….um mmm me- medic!’
“Well thank you, I try!” You say bashfully.
“Well I’m heading back to work, got this new blueprint I’ve been planning” engineer says, as he grabs a sandwich on his way out.
Now that engineer has left the room, there’s only 4 people in the room, including yourself.
Medic, was sitting across from you, while heavy was sitting beside him. Then there was a guy in a suit wearing a ski mask sitting to the right of you. ‘I have no fucking clue what his name could be. I wouldn’t even be able to guess, theif? Sketchy jewelry salesman?’
You start eating your sandwich, trying to avoid eye contact ‘this sandwich is actually pretty good!’
“So Y/N,” you hear medic say, you freeze and look up at him from across the table.
“How are handling your living arrangements? If you need anything fixed in that old shack of yours engineer can fix it for you!”
You swallow your bite of food “oh! It’s ok, I don’t need anything fixed. It’s got everything that I need, can’t complain.”
“I’m surprised you were ok living in a shack in the first place.” You hear a French voice to your right. It’s the guy that looks like a sketchy jewellery salesman.
“If I was you, I would have asked to be placed within the building itself, it’s not like we don’t have room” he continues. 
“Aw well, i’m sure your company just wanted to make sure it was kept professional is all.” You say nervously.
“I suppose…” He replies, grabbing a cigarette from his pocket.
‘I gotta get out of here!’
Before anyone else can put a another word in, or have to wait another minute in awkward silence, you take one last bite of your sandwich and stand up. “Well, I better be getting back to work! Thank you for the food heavy.”
Heavy nods and sort of grumbles in a thank you tone, as he scarfs down his 4th sandwich.
You put your plate in the sink, feeling a little guilty cause you just cleaned the kitchen, and now you might have to do it once more today.
“Don’t worry about the kitchen, we’ll clean up when we’re done!” Medic says from across the room. ‘He must have seen my conflicted face.’
“Oh, are you sure? it is my job to clean” you stress.
“Ja, I know you already cleaned to kitchen, the least we could do he deal with our own dishes.”
“Ok well, if your sure.”
You walk out of the kitchen to continue the list of chores you must do.
For the rest of the day, it doesn’t take you long to finish up. You put away all the cleaning supplies, and head outside to your shack.
On your free time you doodle in your sketch book, write down the names of your acquaintances, so hopefully you will remember next time and just chill.
You go to bed early so you can wake up early tomorrow to clean some more.
Ok! That’s part 1! How did I do??
I have no idea where I am going with this story, I just know I’ve been itching to write this. So if anyone has any ideas, I’d love to hear them
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grumpycakes · 8 months
OCTOBER 18 2023 • DAY 2 VOTE 2 • 11:30am
< Previous (day 1)
McHenry, interim Speaker, doesn't slam the gavel so damn loud for once!!!!
They have the Chaplin lead the house in a prayer. And like, she seems lovely, the prayer was fine. But the fact that we have a CHAPLIN SAY PRAYER BEFORE THE HOUSE COMMENCES A VOTE. WHEN WE HAVE A WHOLE ASS RULE ABOUT SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
They are lead in the pledge of allegiance like goddamn children in US schools.
They do the WHO'S HERE, vote/buzz in to make sure they have a Quorum (aka enough ppl here to hold a legit vote of the majority of congress). There's a timer for the vote but it always runs out and sits at 0 for a few mins before they call it. It's strange.
433 are here, 212 Democrats, 221 Republicans, 217 votes for a majority, (Jordan can only lose 4 votes)
McHenry gives the SIDDOWN IT'S NOMINATING SPEECH TIME command. He had to call for the tellers like an annoyed teacher when the students they're calling aren't coming up. He is condescending and annoying to me.
Mic Cole Republican Representative from Oklahoma
Talks about how he'd said the people who did this would cause chaos and uncertainty. And that he was proven right (loll you fucking said it dude)
He talks about how this garners finger pointing/blame/badmouthing between the aisle but that HE'S not going to (Very big of you, ur so good/s)
He's friends w Jim Jordan and goes into telling us how great and superspecialawesome Jordan is
When he mentions that Jordan has great personal integrity there are GROANS from the house. Damn
Says being the speaker takes a spine of steel (lolll idk if he's meaning this as a jab at McCarthy and spinelessness, but I love it)
Bullshit about Dems not helping out but that they shouldn't have to rely on them and that if you're a republican your choice should be easy (IT SHOULD, SO WHAT DOES THAT SAY)
Standard Republican BS on spending, border wall lies, racist dog whistles about illegal border crossing. Bad time all around
LOLL I realized Border Security is also BS so that's fitting
Says no one has done more for Border Security than Jordan ( first off, doubt it. Second that is NOT A GOOD THING)
Goes into Israel guilt trip
Says it's Israel's right to respond forcefully and gets a goddamn standing ovation (please stop glorifying war)
Calls on all Repub.s to use they're narrow majority to get them a speaker
Jim Aguilar Democratic Representative of California
Starts by saying he's here to nominate Hakeem Jeffries (bratty dems cheer about it lol)
Promises to make speeches shorter if this gets as ridonk as last time (can we start it now tho???)
Points out that Jim Jordan has had secret meetings and probably made back deals to get speakership
Points out that Jeffries has 212 votes, not technically a majority, but more than any Repub
Points out that Jordan denies the election of 2020, hasn't ever actually made legislation, or done like basic lawmaking shit
Warns of Jordan's extreme agenda of stripping abortion rights, gutting social security and medicaid/care, and his apparent willingness to not go after Jan 6 perps.
Calls out the Repubs for putting us through 15 days of chaos, and that 15 days is enough
Gets to boast about how united Dems are (very nana nana boo boo lol)
blahblahblah Jeffries, Dems get shit done standard shit
(key: * change in voting from yesterday | + same vote as yesterday)
Bacon - McCarthy + (Poor clerk has to pause to write McCarthy in)
Bilirakis - Actually votes today! Jordan *
Buchannon - Donalds * (OH he voted for Jordan yesterday!!! mmmmm two more and Jordan loses)
Buck - Emmer +
Chavez Deremer - McCarthy + (Lots of murmuring as I'm sure everyone is aware that Jordan has now lost)
Conolly - Says something about election deniers, votes for Jeffries, sounds like the Republicans didn't like it
D'Esposito - Zelden +
Diaz-Balart - Scalise +
Ellzey - Mike Garcia +
Garbarino - Zelden +
Gimenez - McCarthy +
Gonzalez (Tom) - Scalise +
Granger - Scalise +
James - Candance Miller of Michigan * (new suggestion, but he didn't vote for Jordan yesterday either)
Jeffries and Jordan get applause when they vote for themselves (rolls eyes into oblivion)
Kelly of PA - "Former Speaker of the house John Boehner" * (voted for Scalise Yesterday. Also that's how you spELL BAYNOR???)
Kiggans - McCarthy +
LaLota - Zelden +
LaMalfa - JORDAN * (Gets cheers for falling in line eugh)
Lawler - McCarthy +
Lee of NV - Jeffries but people cheered about it??? +
McCarthy - Jordan (Still gets applause about it but it's less than yesterday lololol)
Miller-Meeks - Granger * (NEW DEFECTOR WEEWOO)
Payne - MIA/Jeffries on recall but he gets claps about it??? +
Pelosi - Jeffries + (We... we don't gotta cheer for her every time do we???)
Rutherford - Scalise +
Scalise - Jordan (loll love that he's just like "I do not see it")
Simpson - Scalise +
Spartz - MIA/Actually Votes today on recall!! Jordan * (they clap about it)
Stauber - Westerman * (WHO THE FUCK?? New defector wee w-)
Tlaib - MIA/Votes Jeffries on recall +
Trone - MIA/Votes Jeffries on recall + (hey T Dems, get it together!!!)
Womack - Scalise +
433 Present • 217 votes to win
199 votes for Jordan (OH SHIT U LOST GROUND)
212 votes Jeffries (Dems just gotta cheer about it like the petty assholes they are and deserve to be)
5 McCarthy (HA HA)
3 Lee Zelden
7 Scalise
1 Byron Donalds *
1 Mike Garcia
1 Candace Miller *
1 John Boehner *
1 Kay Granger *
1 Bruce Westerman *
(Some new names on there!)
No majority, no speaker has been chosen.
McHenry must be scarred from the back to back voting in Jan and AGAIN IMMEDIATELY calls the house into recess and the feeds cut.
As stated before NOTHING can happen EXCEPT to vote in a new Speaker without a Speaker appointed. And they're fast approaching the deadline for needing to have the budget done. So the Republicans basically have 2 choices.
1 Pick a different Nominee. Problem here is that there's enough far rights to stop the election of a Moderate/wiling to COMPROMISE AND WORK WITH OTHERS candidate. And there are enough moderates to stop the election of a super far right candidate.
Wee could be in a hellish limbo
2 Make a resolution w the help of Democrats to empower McHenry, Intnerim (Pro Tempur) Speaker, allowing him to oversee the budget shit and LET CONGRESS DO SOME GOVERNING.
Jordan got 4 votes to go to him he didn't have before, but LOST 5 VOTES at the same time. Jordan left everyone with the impression that he would be gaining votes. If he were a less power hungry fart, he'd step down, but he refuses.
Speaker of the house is 3rd in line to the presidency (so if Prez and Vice Prez get axed the Speaker becomes president). So it does make sense that some are fighting very hard to not vote in Jordan. However, trump and the MAGA bs has such a chokehold on the Republican base that the Moderate Republicans don't want to vote for a candidate not backed by trump. But like, what in the dystopian hell.
Jordan, to be taken seriously as a candidate, would have PREFERABLY won back votes. And while he kinda did, he kinda also lost one MORE than he gained. Amazing you failure party.
YES TECHNICALLY either 10 REPUBLICANS vote as present and let Jeffries get elected OR 5 DEMOCRATS vote themselves present adjusting the needed vote to 215 (which Jordan is still not getting). Again, Political Suicide, not going to happen.
Republicans were going to have a meeting at about 1 30PM EST.
A spokes person for Jordan said he's not STEPPING DOWN AND IS READY FOR A 3RD ROUND OF VOTING! (for the love)
Next vote to probably be held tomorrow about midday EST
Next Day 3 >
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localgardenweed · 5 months
Its almost 1AM I have a interview with Wendy’s at 10:30AM so im gonna talk about my random HWS Japan headcanons until I pass out
He need reading glasses, I know we see him in the show/manga wearing them and like he may like actually need them and just uses contacts but in my mind they are only for reading. His eyes aren’t what they used to be and he needs his little nerd glasses
He likes making those bento box cooking videos, he makes them for himself and his friends/partners. He finds a lot of ways to pass the time and this is one of many. He likes making the character bentos the most, they make him smile
Gardening. Imagine walking into his backyard and seeing him on his knees tending to his strawberries and radishes just LOOK AT HIMMM!! Not only does it save him money but also makes him feel accomplished when he gets a good harvest
He typically likes doing a lot of those DIY projects, making little shelves and furniture and god knows what. He goes online and sees what new project he can make today to keep himself busy
He is actively greying and has been dying his hair for AGES. He plucks out greying eyebrow hair and stubble and dyes his hair. If someone points out a grey hair he gaslights them into thinking its just the lighting or they’re imagining things. If anyone found out he dyed his hair you wouldn’t see them the next day /j
He tried to grow a mustache in his youth but it looked so bad he repressed the memories of it deep DEEP into his mind you will never find them man. He found old paintings of his mustache and couldn’t bare to witness them anymore he buried them in his basement never to be seen again
He actively works out, he takes a 5 mile jog every morning and evening and does some biking and swimming every other day. He likes to stay fit even though he really doesn’t have to anymore. He just likes to keep his body toned. He also likes the cringe 1980’s American workout videos. He got a VHS set from America on his birthday and felt that he basically called him fat but no America just needed to get rid of them so just regifted them to him. He ended up liking them though so ig it worked out in the end
As well practices his swordsmanship, like dude we are in the modern day you do not need to know how to use a katana anymore but he does it anyway cause what if someone breaks in man you never know man una nunca sabè
Its right next to him every night and he is FAST, he even hears the slightest sound he jumps up and gets ready to slice you in half
Him and Prussia and very good friends (or maybe more idk am i pushing my PruPan agenda? YES) and he keeps a empty room for him when he decides to crash at Japan’s place for the 5th time this year. He doesn’t mind him he is very tidy and always repays the favor somehow. They like to go out for lunch and do all of the above together. They like to exchange snacks like chips and drinks.
He almost sliced Prussia in half when he crept into his room to ask him for smth when he was asleep, he only chopped off a lock of his hair and nicked his nose but nothing serious. He profusely apologized for it after and Prussia was a little shocked for a but but laughed it off and was okay. He was a but sad about the hair but it’ll grow back. Prussia knocks loud as hell now if he wants Japan for smth and he’s asleep
He keeps little historical knick knacks around his house that he should probably donate but doesn’t cause “They’re still good to use!!” Even though its a thousand year old pot that should be a health hazard. He has been wearing the same damn yukata for almost 2 centuries now cause he only wears it once every other summer summer when he finds his buried in his storage and the local museums beg to have it but he’s too attached to it to let go
He wheels around Pochi in a stroller sometimes when he feels a little silly. He loves dressing Pochi up with bows and ties and bandannas and god knows what else. That dog has been out in so many outfits bro cant catch a break
If he were human he would either pursue photography full time, his dream would be to get his photos on build boards and magazine covers. Maybe he’d be a field photographer too, go out into nature and stuff
He already does photography as a hobby but could never really do it full time cause ya know country duties
And thats it thank you for coming its now almost 2 AM lets hope I don’t regret this
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dumplingsjinson · 3 months
Okay so a lot happened this date lmfao, but lemme just summarise:
1. Met some of his friends. Initially was supposed to be 6pm-10pm, but we ended up drinking the night away. They were all dudes and I was initially uncomfy until I got them drinks in. Ended up at one of his friend’s house until 6am, drunk as fuck, drinking more and trauma bonding, and got back to his (cat guy’s) house at 7:30am. Basically pulled an all nighter for the first time and not even for a fucking assignment lmfao. Added 3/4 of them on Instagram because one of them left too early for me to be drunk enough to have the courage to ask for their instas LMFAO. Also ended up peeing in a bush (they all encouraged me then walked away lmfao) because I couldn’t wait till we got to his friend’s house and I think some passer by MIGHT have seen me skdksks. Also didn’t end up ice skating because my fuckass foot hurts. I ended up skipping my first day of uni because of the fucking all nighter I pulled due to the drinks and stayed at his house for the rest of the day 💀
2. His friend kept calling me a “secret” and saying cat guy was hiding me LMAO. Turns out cat guy never name dropped me and only told them he was dating someone, so I don’t think they knew who I was exactly until very recently (probably as recently as just two days before). There is only one friend who he’s talked to about me in a more extensive manner.
3. Found out he might be moving to another state in one or two years for a contractor job. Most likely for 6 months, and most likely not a permanent position, and might be coming back to our state anyway, so it’s probably temporary from the sounds of things. Nothing’s confirmed or offical, but I’m a bit worried as he can’t seem to do long distance but maybe that will change in the future lol, but we should probably focus on whether we’ll even make it for another 1-2 years LMAO. But yeah. I did think “What if I get hurt and we break up when that happens? That means all the time I’ve invested would have gone to waste. Maybe I should end things now and cut my losses?” BUT HEAR ME OUT, I also realise that would be very premature and a little stupid to do as again, nothing is set in stone yet and plans could very well change. At first when I asked him if we’d be okay if that happens, he didn’t really have an answer, but we talked a bit more about it and ended up agreeing we could probably work something out in order for us to manage if it ever happens. It could work, so I wouldn’t want to break things off early for no reason. So yeAH. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
4. Hopped on a Discord call with his friends for like 10 minutes then hopped off. He’s currently gaming right now as we speak lolol, I’m here laying in his bed on my phone typing this post skikdkd
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tsukana · 7 months
why is aypierre still online it is like 4am in france no???
<-- dude who has regularly gone to sleep between 4-5:30am for the past like 2 weeks
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babymomoring · 1 year
being shy and introverted can sometimes be a blessing, it's what made all members really fond of mina and even the younger girls think of her as someone who needs to be protected.
being shy and introverted can also sometimes be a curse, having a hard time communicating and expressing yourself is already bad and having that issue worsened by talking a foreign language is the same as stubbing your toe over and over again.
that is why the only ones to know about mina's regression were momo and sana, well, that and because telling one of them is telling both. they've always be supportive of mina, in fact, she was their baby before they even knew about her coping mechanism, so it wasn't really a surprise when they were able to hit it off smoothly as mina's caregivers.
they even got a sort of routine going on, and mina couldn't be happier, it was easy, predictable and comfortable, maybe too comfortable, because as soon as their routine was threatened by momo's trip to japan, the youngest was in tears, like, the whole amazon river-level tears.
so eventually, with a promise of being back as soon as she could and mina taking bearing as a hostage, momo made her way to japan where she would have a photoshoot and just a photoshoot.
as one could expect, the elder one had to spend the night in a hotel, meaning that for the very first time since they arrangement began, mina would spend the night with just sana. it was upsetting honestly, all she really wanted was to cuddle momo to sleep as sana read her a good night story.
they should have expected this, and they sort of did but failed to look for a solution, to be fair, the world keeps moving and so they move along. the fastest thing sana could come up with was to facetime momo.
"hey, what happened? i thought you were asleep by now" momo began their call and as soon as her voice hit mina's ears tears stopped falling and the girl ran the fastest someone in the mindset of a three years old possibly could, making her way to sana's side to look at sana's phone.
"well, someone really misses you, and not to be a snitch but it's not me and there's only two of us here" sana answered in a really tired voice, it's been a long day for her. "me me me, i's misses you mama" we all know who said that. "and i miss you too sweetheart, but why aren't you sleeping? you should've gone to bed an hour ago, young lady" momo said in a stern but loving way. "i's misses you lots and that makes me sad, and i's always has mama here to cuddle so now i's cold, and mama smell is magic, it always make i sleepy" mina explained with the saddest face they've ever seen. it made sense and even if it didn't what could they do? ignore her wasn't an option and they really couldn't allow mina to stay up even more.
"is bearing with you, baby?" the oldest said over the phone, mina looked around herself and shook her head, in that moment something clicked inside sana's brain, she knows what momo will try to do and that's when she excuses herself and heads to the couch where just as she guessed, bearing had been abandoned after mina got called for dinner.
once she makes her way back and hands mina the stuffie, momo speaks again "okay, now mitang, go to bed, okay? good, now cuddle bearing and close your eyes" mina physically relaxed. it was working "okay, i'll be on the call while sana reads you tonight's story, i promise to stay until you fall asleep and then, tomorrow i'll be there for lunch, okay?" mina just nodded and sana began reading.
"she's asleep, we did it momoring" cheered sana on a whisper. that's when she looked at the screen, momo had fallen asleep too, and now is her turn, she went to bed, texted momo and closed her eyes to rest.
(2)minatozaki pinky
1:30am: what kind of mama falls asleep on call with their baby, u dumbdumb
1:31am: sleep well dude,c u in lunch (lunch u r in charge 4)
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moregraceful · 11 months
awake at 2:30am when i have a 9am meeting we meet again....
“Oh my god, shut up, Segs,” says Jason. Roope pushes him off and Jason turns his head and winks at him. Roope looks back, startled. Jason turns back to Tyler. “It’s just a new suit, man.”
“You look good,” says Tyler. He pulls Jason’s labels straight. Roope grimaces. “I’m guessing Roope finally broke you down.”
“He had a kind of mental breakdown,” says Jason.
“Maybe I got tired of seeing my liney get shot down night after night?” Roope says.
Tyler whistles. “You’re not getting shot down in this one. Fuck, dude. Let’s get you on camera.”
Roope follows at a short distance while Tyler pushes Jason in front of him so that their social media admin can get a picture of him first. “Look at this kid,” he bellows and she laughs. “Okay, Jason, work.”
It’s the reaction he wanted, Roope muses, and Jason’s shoulders are high and he can’t stop grinning even as he shoves Tyler away from harassing him in front of the camera. Roope enjoys the look on Jason’s face, his bright embarrassed cheeks and wide smile as he bats Tyler off him. This is the beginning of how Jason should be, as confident as he is goofy with his head held high.
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xxatlasxx · 1 month
Jeffy its like 2:30am bkt go to bed my dude.
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vivwritesfics · 2 days
Hiiiii I just found fire is the devils only friend and oh my god it is so good😭😭😭
Reading the whole thing at 2:30am has got me fucked up
I didn’t realize it was gonna be angst when I started reading and that ending got me wanting to punch my pillow. This is why I don’t read angst 😳 they both were unhappy at the end😔😔 my heart strings agghhhh actually dying over here
Bath gurlll you’re writing is so impeccable I’m gonna be repeating those last three lines in my head for the next week at least. Risking it all for a seat he never had 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 plsssss why do you like to hurt us readers (I got my eye on you too Darlene)
I’ve seen from your recent updates that you’ve got a lot of wips, not an official request or anything but I was just wondering if you ever thought about adding on to it in any way? Not to have a happy ending or anything but I thought it would be cool to have like a look into their future and where they ended up
Again if you couldn’t tell I absolutely loved it 🤩and will be binging the mafia Carlos fic next
Oh dude DUDE this was so cool to read!! I'm glad you liked it, I like making Carlos and reader suffer for some reason lmao (I say that like I haven't just put Charles through the ringer, too) (actually, do I have one series that ends happy?)
I'm literally begging you to explore my masterlist, check out No Need To Ask (if you don't mind a mafia au) because that shit is my BEST Carlos work.
Honestly send me any blurbs for any of my series all the time that requests are open and I'll be so happy!! I have so many wips but I do it to myself lmao (warning, might sit in the inbox for a loooong while lmao)
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