#it’s not that im lazy. it’s because i’m lazy
yendts · 2 days
Thoughts on Valgrace? Would you ever draw them? I love your art so much 🖤🥹
hii thank youuu <3 ik we already talked about my valgrace thoughts but i thought why not share the long winded version here too!
firstly yes! i just posted my doodle of them here and i definitely wanna draw more of them in the future bc they’re very cute
despite me drawing them and reading fics and all that i don’t actually ship them? sorta? i’m more of an unrequited valgracer. i fully think leo was in love with jason from the moment they met with the way he talks about him and praises and admires him. my personal favorite moment is when he landed on calypso’s island and his first thought was “it would make sense for her to fall in love with jason. he’s so hot and strong” like brother you found out about a eternal love curse and your first thought is your guy best friend?? homosexual behavior. also his flirty behavior with everyone is so bi coded i can’t see it any other way bc that character trope is one of my favs (ie. lance from voltron, sokka from atla, steve from stranger things, all the same characters in different fonts to me)
jason on the other hand is completely aromantic (+bisexual) to me and i cant see him having romantic feelings for anyone. i think a little bit bc of nature but mostly due to nurture and camp jupiter and trauma. (i’ve been wanting to make a post going into further detail on why with evidence and stuff but im lazy.) but therefore he doesn’t return feelings for leo and just sees him as a best friend. i think jason would be attracted to people who are of equal power to him (piper, reyna, percy…) now don’t get me wrong i think leo is insanely powerful and smart and talented, top 3 of the seven stuff, but the difference between him and the other three is his lack of confidence and his outward self deprecating comments i think unknowingly jason would see it as a sign of weakness because of how camp jupiter raised him. even piper is insecure with her powers but outwardly she radiates power and confidence
both their stories individually are already so tragic when it comes to life and relationships and this just makes it even more so. i think leo deserves someone like jason who loves him for who he is and accepts all his quirks and neurodivergencies (another reason i think leo would latch onto him) but i just dont think jason can be that person for him
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the-art-ghost · 2 days
firstly , your style is extremely unique and charismatic i love it. second, im curious as to what inspired your frankie design. if you don’t have a specific thing that’s fine, i just love seeing everyone’s redesigns of him and how different they are.
Firstly, Aahhh! Thank you so much🩵 I love how you describe it as charismatic it just makes me happy:)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! I’d love to explain!
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I really enjoyed Frankie’s original design a lot, the undead bounty hunter who doesn’t remember his past is so interesting and I wish he got his spinoff series
I really wanted to lean into him being an undead detective as well so I took some inspiration from noir films (guilty as charged) but keep his recognizable features
I just wanted to add more to his character that really adds that he had a past, he had a life before becoming who he is today and leads to more mystery…
He has two gunshots wounds leading him to believe he was in the middle of some fight and lost (subsequently leading him to be dismembered)
His scar around his neck is actually an I-shaped incision used in autopsies
The scar on his mouth is actually an older injury meaning he had this before his death
He has a surgery scar on his knee
The nails were purely a “I’ve always seen characters with long sharp nails what if I just made them long lol that’s so crazy”
Same with the lazy eye because it would be an interesting look :)
I’m happy to have answered the best I could
Now for the visuals:
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(When he smokes it comes from the gaps in his mouth and the hole in his chest because I think it would look cool)
Here! Have some character studies too:
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When he found out Icarus was just a normal human kid he may have been a little bit shocked…but finding out who he was living with…
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He wasn’t happy. He knows what kind of creature Jack is…if he didn’t have the kid with him he would have moved ASAP, but he need to stay…just so he knew if the kid was in trouble he could save him…because his cold dead heart still beats once and awhile…
My asks are always open! Feel free to ask any questions for me or the characters!
Bye bye!!
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thwackk · 1 year
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welcome to the gigantic boots for silly guys convention, this is the president
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sniping-sharko · 7 months
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i think about him sometimes
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jirachuuu · 2 months
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Dungeon Crossing
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youcalledmebabe · 1 month
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snippet of my webgott fic <3
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hwaslayer · 1 month
wondering if i should go back to my colored hair era this summer (aka before seeing ateez lol)
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danrifics · 3 months
might fuck around and have a baby tbh
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ya-rr-ow · 5 months
After combing through the anime I have compiled undeniable evidence that tbhk season two will feature the clock keepers.
I’ll put a list that elaborates more under the cut for those who don’t get the video:
The opening features Teru with Akane in the backround which seems obvious to manga readers but for the anime it seems out of place. To me this suggests that they were planning to include the clock keeper arc but for some reason had to cut it out (probably because it would have taken too many episodes and they couldn’t fit it in.)
In a short clip between two scenes we see two girls spreading rumors about a haunted clock on campus, an obvious reference to the clock keepers. The fact that this was included is interesting because it is so random (in the video I only show the clip but it is between two scenes not related to rumors at all.)
At the end of the last episode we see Tsukasa drawing some weird shit on the wall which probably seems very familiar to manga readers. The most prominent drawing is of three cloaked figures that are most likely the clock keepers. We also see a tree house reminiscent of the tree house from the picture perfect arc, so that arc might also be in season two which makes sense because it is a very big arc for many of the main tbhk cast.
Basically, I’m confident that the second season of tbhk will include the clock keeper arc (and probably the picture perfect arc too.)
All we know now is that it’s in production but I’d guess it will release 2025 or if we’re unlucky 2026. After School Hanako-Kun is getting more episodes fall 2024 and the second season of the main anime will come some time after that, so we have those episodes to look forward to aswell.
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stygianheart · 1 year
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You’d never guess that this guy would be a Yonko in, like, 3-4 years. Look at him. He’s panicking because he lost his child like any good (*stares intensely at Outlook III and Judge and like 5000 other One Piece parents*) parent would worry.
Just watched Hand Island movie and squealed every time my son (Koby) appeared but scowled every time his name was spelled with a C.
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Also I love how Koby ALSO really admires Zoro. Sure, he doesn’t fanboy over him like he does with Luffy, but still, he’s giving a pirate the respectful suffix-thingy. I think imma make shipart between Koby, Luffy, and Zoro. What would that be—ZoKoLu?
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mammomlette · 2 months
solmare I swear if you make mammon have ONE more intimate moment with MC only to be interrupted by the usual perps (Lucifer, Levi and Luke) (damn Ls) I will explode. ESPECIALLY if it ends with mammon going “AAA evil brothers😡angry chiwawa🤣anyway I gotta skiddadle!” And running away. Every time that happens an angel loses its wings
Tell me why you give mammon character development in a scene, we have a deep chat, you can smooch him or whatever, and the whole 2-lesson-arc has been leading up to this moment of vulnerability and hopefully character development only to make him run away and lose literally everything that this mini-arc taught him. Surely. SURELY there is a point in time between making a pact with him and like idk the end of season 3 when mammon realises his relationship (platonic, romantic, whatever it is for your MC) with MC is more important than Grimm to him. Not entirely, because that’s a core part of his character, just a point where he realises “hm I’m going to TRY paying Levi back so he stops interrupting me! And try calm down for lucifer so I can spend more time with MC instead of hanging from the ceiling!” Right? RIGHT??!!!?!
We see time and time AGAIN how much he cares for MC (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, but he’s one of the only 2 brothers who hasn’t directly/intentionally endangered MC and I THINK he was the only one who seemed distraught at their death??? Last one is probs wrong) but he still finds a way to abandon MC every time someone’s shouts “MAMMONNNN” or starts chasing him. Like, bro. I get you’re a wimp with crippling debt but the LEAST you could do is drag MC with you so that they don’t get in trouble instead since he clearly cares for them😞🙏
And him running away being for comedic purposes isn’t even a valid reason for it to happen because there are funny ways for him to NOT just abandon us. 1) he could hide instead. There is a scene I believe is in season 2(?) where he’s in his room with MC, Levi storms in and they hide in his car. Not sure if they made a funny thing out of hiding in a car, but that scene led to Levi saying that he couldn’t smell mammon and meme on calling him a blood hound. Idk about you but I for one certainly har-har’d at that. Plus, hiding would be a nice change of pace from mammons usual running away. Option 2) Mammon could drag us with him??? I don’t play events or devilgram because I’m too lazy and poor for that but I’m like 99% sure that in the main story of OG game, mammon does NOT bring us with him any time he’s running away, which is weird because he’s always yelling that we should be with him cause he’s “our first” (his words not mine obv) but I don’t remember any scenes that he brings us with him when he needs to leave?? I would LOVE to be wrong on that part so please correct me if I’m wrong but I sadly don’t think I am. Option 3) Picture this: mammon gets spooked, screeches because he’s a wuss, he runs away (whether it be from a person, witch, whatever is after him) only to realise: “Wait! I left my favourite person behind! Whoops!” And he runs back and grabs MC (Maybe by the sleeve like a toddler, maybe by the hair, maybe he even princess carries them because yes) that’s it. That’s the whole thing. Mammon drags/carries MC after forgetting them. You could even expand on that and have him apologise for it, or get all flustered and deny he forgot MC, or act all proud like he saved MC as if he isn’t the reason MC is in danger or was left behind in the first place MMMITS SO GOOD SOLMARE FEED ME
All I’m asking is for solmare to PLEASE let us have a long, well-written and intimate moment with mammon that isn’t interrupted, or if it is he TAKES US WITH HIM or COMES RIGHT BACK FOR US when he runs away. I beg
PS this isn’t proof read any imperfections are just part of the masterpiece or smthn. Ty for coming to my ted talk
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ciphercalamitiez · 9 months
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Too lazy 2 Tag individual characters will only go for fandoms
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apotelesmaa · 3 months
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This is the ideal & supported by canon ruikasa dynamic btw
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permanentreverie · 3 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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higgs-the-god · 8 months
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non4ry · 8 months
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ashley graham week day 4: college/childhood
those post spain midterms hit </3
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