#it’s 4 am okay I am going through it
mazojo · 1 year
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I just experienced something SO poetic cinema
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Welcome to the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
#Fear and Hunger#D'arce Cataliss#Cahara#Ragnvaldr#Enki Ankarian#Unlike Dungeon Meshi - I cannot in good faith recommend this game to a broad audience.#My background with F&H goes as follows: I am hanging out with a friend. He says “hey try this game I've been playing.” I say “Okay!”#I have never heard of this game. I pick the mercenary. I go through 5 min of character history and background. I am mauled to death by dogs#It took me 4 resets to even get in the dungeon. But I finally get there. I am caught by a guard. He cuts off all but one of my limbs#I am forced to crawl around in a blood and corpse pit until the game tells me 'give up idiot'.#I reset. I am mauled by dogs again. I realize this is not for me but I am intrigued enough to go home and watch some playthroughs#And WOW what an interesting game it is! I really do appreciate games that blend their design philosophy with the theme it wants to set#This is a game about fear and hunger. And persevering. And penis (my god is there a lot of penis)#I recommend this to people who like extremely challenging games and can handle the many *content warnings* within this series#If the idea of Bloodborne/eldenring and undertale having a little RPG maker baby sounds appealing to you - give it a shot#It's made by ONE GUY and it's a great horror game. I am just really bad at it.#My friends just enjoy putting me in situations where I scream and yell. We don't talk about the corn mazes. Or the other horror game nights#Apparently I'm funny when I'm Scared!#As people who follow me on twitter might know; I am deep in the pits of this series right now. I will be back with more art.
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queerdiazs · 9 months
snippet sunday 🫧
hi friends, i'm late but i'm here and once again i'm sharing something from hoa eddie because he's going through it and i like to make him be silly
“What was that all about?”  Eddie sighs. “She gave me a citation,” he answers, holding up the piece of paper for Buck to take. “Apparently, I joined a mandatory HOA when I closed on the house and the only way to get out of it is to sell and move.”  Buck leans against the door, too, close enough Eddie can smell sweat and sweet lemonade. “Well, that sucks,” Buck says, ever eloquent. “What’s it for, anyway?”  “We were being too loud.”  “She said I didn’t need to apologize for that!”  Eddie chuckles. “You don’t have to,” he says, turning his head so he can meet Buck’s eyes. They’re awfully bright, even in the dim light. “Me, on the other hand? Pretty sure she wants me begging on my knees.”  “You’d look good on your knees.”  Heat crawls up Eddie’s neck. “Fuck off,” he says, laughing, and shoves at Buck’s shoulders until he giggles and rolls away. “You’re not funny.”  “I’m a delight.” Buck tugs at the hem of Eddie’s shirt, the same place he was picking at earlier, and draws him away from the door. “Come share a beer with me.”  Eddie smiles, warm in his tummy from both the tequila and Buck’s superpower of making everything okay, and says, “Yeah, okay.” He allows Buck to pull him along, trailing after him into the kitchen like a loyal dog. 
i was tagged by @watchyourbuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @hippolotamus, @callmenewbie, @jeeyuns, @try-set-me-on-fire, @wildlife4life, @giddyupbuck, @exhuastedpigeon, @daffi-990, and @wikiangela and since it's so late the only person i'm tagging is @eddiediaztho because britt needs to see this scene
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fionnaskyborn · 4 months
Was tagged by @oceancamp to post my current five favorite songs! (They should invent a stages-of-grief-esque model that encompasses and accurately describes both types of anguish I had to go through making this list - the one of limiting myself to only five songs, and the one of trying to put as little videogame music on here as possible so that I don't end up looking like an absolute goddamn geek, which... I am... Oh well!)
Thank you so much for tagging me - here are the songs!
Heaven Pierce Her - War Without Reason
Tatsuro Yamashita - Love Space
This specific arrangement of Death And Republic + Meet Again
Winger - Junkyard Dog (Tears On Stone)
The Protomen - Light Up The Night
Is it courtesy to tag other people after you've been tagged in a post like this? If that's the case, I'll tag @spiralled-fury, @solradguy, @swamppossum, @five-by-five, @northstarring, @ineedmoredragons and @tbonechessor!
#logs#ya don't have to participate if you don't want to‚ from what i've gathered - it's all just for fun anyway :]#The link to Yamashita's song is actually a link to a website that hosts city pop songs‚ since those keep getting taken down on YouTube due#to the strictness of Japan's copyright laws with regards to music. Uploads of Yamashita's songs in particular get taken down quite#frequently... The rest are either Bandcamp or YouTube (in case of Junkyard Dog) links#Very out-of-character of me not to put a Кино song on here‚ haha#I had a hard time deciding whether to put HOLD BACK THE NIGHT or Light Up The Night here‚ but ultimately decided on Light Up The Night#because... hoo boy#okay storytime. i've known of the protomen since somewhere around 2021. got The Good Doctor in my recommended feed‚ clicked on it because#i thought the album cover was cool + the title was appealing‚ but i never really listened to anything theirs beyond that song after that.#fast forward to 2022. be me‚ watching the greatest videoessay on planet earth (Steak Bentley's Metal Gear Solid 4 Was A Mistake).#the fucking MONTAGE comes on‚ and I fall in love with my second Protomen song. second fast forward to 2023 going into 2024‚ finally got#around to playing the Violence update. i learn of the name of level 7-2. the widest‚ most mischievous grin appears on my face.#i enter the level‚ proclaim ''ULTRAKlLL IS NOW A STEAK BENTLEY REFERENCE'' and blast the song as i get my ass beat by every single thing in#that level.#and let me tell you. getting mollywhopped ten thousand times by the FUCKING GUTTERTANK TRIO AT THE END OF THE LEVEL WAS. not a pleasant#experience. but the song made it better. :) (i played the level before the balance patch came out and uh let's just say i had more deaths on#that level than on 2gabe and 1gabe. SEVENTY-FOUR. FUCKING. RESTARTS. JESUS /CHRIST/.#goodness how i yearn to make a 3d animation of v1 going through 7-4 with that song in the background as a tribute to the man himself but#alas i am a student who has everything in the world but time#thanks for the tag again!! ^^
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zymstarz · 6 days
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yeah sure that's how i'll [re]come out
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#zymart#zymtalk#rant in the tags ->#okay listen to me this is really important and also i have a witness. this was not intentionally supposed to be posted on june 1st#the stars just aligned for this to be at its funniest. which means its also easier for me to dismiss LOL#i drew this like a week ago after trying to draw a whole like. 5 page comic about it and then stopping it mid-board#bc it was horrifying imagining being perceived that much. so i needed to make it into a joke instead and this was the funniest route#and then i was like 'UGH. UGH!!!! i can not be 20 and deal with this like im 13. if i dont post it by the end of the week#then [the witness to all my rants on this topic. shoutout to twig bc they got the most of it] can joke abt it as if i did anyway'#and now its the end of the week and i looked at the date and went 'oh my god didnt may just start what happened'#'WAIT ITS JUNE FIRST. GOD. THATS TOO FUNNY TO NOT SAY SOMETHING' and who am i if i dont prioritize the bit honestly#in all honesty. kinda hate it! not bc of internalized homophobia but actually bc of internalized arophobia that has somehow been emphasized#after having my brain shift from '1000% aromantic without a doubt no exceptions' to 'just arospec ig lol??'#but tragically as it turns out. you can not just try and self analyze yourself into speedrunning closure.#horrible news for the oscar zymstarz community frankly#SO i needed a way 2 justify shoving this off my plate and into the trash as fast as possible.#im impatient and cant acknowledge my own emotions. its a flaw im working on it#oh and for all the ppl who know the running gag abt 'my allegations' [i do not have any real allegations for anyone not in jems server]:#that was in fact just a running gag for like well over a year and a half. like that was just a long running bit COMPLETELY unrelated to thi#i only started having this weird sexuality shift or whatever not too long ago lol. like long enough to go through 4 of the 5 stages of grie#[evidently bc like. im posting this. i got close enough to 5 to throw in the towel ykwim]#but on 'oscar zymstarz emotional acknowledgement' time that is....... not long.#but yeah ig tldr like. still ace [thank god] just arospec [probably demiro? i hate trying to figure out my own labels] instead of Aro now#idk none of this is that deep but also like it kinda is unfortunately bc i have to actually talk abt it to be able to ignore it ykwim#but i did! we're done talking abt it now! and now i can act like i dont care and try to make jokes about it to speedrun the rest of it#anyway. Happy Pride everyone. Fukign kitty.#side message to jem. by no means does this mean im not still gonna bully you. its a sign of love but also it is you specific bullying 🫶#you are not safe
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ashes-writing · 1 year
stranger things ● summer of 86 pt 2 ● e.munson
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eddie is oblivious to being flirted with, flirty reader / PDA / eventual filth. this is very much an attempt at 'idiots in love'. mentions of alcohol / w**d, other vices, a little angst here and there, seasons 1 through 4 obviously did not happen, barb is gay and we're here for it + internalized fear and guilt, maybe some self esteem issues and anger pent up because it wasn't fun to be 'different' in the 80's in a small town ( barb +robin because they're gay and that was frowned upon back then, + eddie bc the 'freak' thing and small towns will cling to whatever they see you as with their dying breath, trust me on it ), mentions of depression / gifted kid burnout ( reader / you ), mentions of previous bad relationships (reader/you) ...
reader/you are the oldest byers + female. reader/you also have a very specific backstory / personality / female parts. I've kept everything else vague as I can, babes. This is self-indulgent and I am not sorry at all.
word count
roughly 3k. for the context necessary, see ( part 1 ). welcome to part 2, babes.
(( are we sick of me being back on my bullshit yet? lmaooo ))
– it’s the summer of 86 in Hawkins, Indiana. And all Eddie Munson has to show for himself so far is his diploma and his job as a record store clerk / manager. you’re back in town for the first time since 83, fresh off a break up and you’ve just made the life-altering decision to drop out of college. all your plans are abandoned and it’s driving you crazy. Enter Eddie Munson, a guy who lives by no plan other than whatever will make him happy in the moment.
A summer romance? Or more than that? Who knows.
(( my summaries are traaaash. look, it’s a record store employee!rocker Eddie thing, alright? Alright. Also, i decided we needed hints of mechanic!eddie and biker!eddie cos he's getting a motorcycle, babes. ))
taglist + shoutouts
-- to be added to my taglist please ( click here ) or let me know if it's not letting you add / you want me to do it. if you joined for steve/gareth other characters and do not want to be tagged, let me know.
@eddiemunsonspantschain i had to tag you in this bc i know you love him and i love you. feel free to ignore babes!
@tbmunson bestie.. babeeee.. babesss... i really hope you like this because you're my inspiration and you're amazing and also, you didn't talk me out of it, so.. oopsie?
@allelitesmut your tags and comments always leave me feeling 🥰🥺 and i cannot even begin to thank you enough. seriously. they make my day. i'm so glad you enjoy this!
other links
masterlist ● eddie's masterlist ● about + rules
The plain white flier catches your eye as you leave Big Buy with the groceries your mother sent you out for. You pause at the community bulletin board as your eyes dance over the bold wording.
Live music tonight. 8 pm. The Hideout. Be there… if you dare.
You laugh a little. “It’s probably some kids in Jane and Will’s grade and they’re playing Flock of Seagulls.” you muse, but then the name of the band catches your eye and you raise a brow. “Corroded Coffin? That’s.. Actually kinda clever.”
A throat clears from nearby and you look up from the paper to lock eyes with the amusement filled doe eyes of Eddie Munson, the hot record store manager. He’s chuckling. “Have just a little faith. I’ll have you know Flock of Seagulls isn’t in our setlist a single time, babe.”
And the way babe just rolls right off his tongue has you snickering quietly. But it’s also got the lovely little after effect of butterflies in your stomach. Your hand raises, catching in long and thick hair. “There isn’t, huh? I won’t hear “And I ran.” A single time?” you question as you try to stop it from happening but you can’t and you wind up stepping right up into him. You’re pretending to pout. “That’s uh.. That’s too bad. I was really looking forward to the cheese factor.”
“Whitesnake. That’s just as cheesy and I can stomach singing Slow an’ Easy.” Eddie’s trying so hard to behave himself but the way you’ve just stepped up to him really close has a lump forming in his throat. And your sweet and creamy perfume has his head spinning as it hangs heavy in the air all around. He just barely stops his hand from resting way too close to your hip but doe eyes are roaming. All over you. He’s careful about it, he looks you up and down in a way that somehow does and doesn’t make you feel like a hunter studying his prey just seconds before he moves in for the kill.
You laugh softly. “You don’t have t’ go to all that trouble.” you flash him this little grin that leaves him wondering if you’re flirting with him or just being nice and then with a little wink, you explain, “I work at the Hideout two nights a week now. So I’m gonna be there.”
His heart feels like it’ll beat right out of his chest. And he tries to keep himself calm. He tries to seem as if this doesn’t bother him one way or another but… It’s the first time in the history of ever that he’s been just a little too excited for a live gig, like a kid on Christmas morning.
“Yeah? Since when?” he’s laughing softly. He shakes his head at himself, it’s stupid, he’s probably stupid, standing here in the front of the grocery store making his most pitiful attempt to flirt but if he had one tenth of a clue what he was doing to you right now..
You’ve stepped even closer. There isn’t a sliver of space left between your bodies. When you tilt your head, your hair falls away and it exposes a deep purple patch of hair beneath the top layer of your hair. He’s staring at that deep purple patch as he rubs his chin thoughtfully, mesmerized by what’s happening.
It’s not even that hot today and he feels like the air is so heavy he can barely breathe.
You’re playing with the design emblazoned on the front of a black sleeved white raglan. You look up from doing that and laugh quietly. “Since last week? Angel, she uh.. She needed a bartender. I tended bar in Boston for a while.”
“Oh you did, huh?”
“Mhm.” you answer. Biting your bottom lip and Eddie catches himself getting way too caught up in staring at the way pearly teeth dig against plush skin.His breath hangs in his throat for a second or so when you go back to toying with one of letters on his Hellfire Club t-shirt. “Among other things.”
Eddie chuckles. “Other things, huh?”
You laugh softly and nod. “A girl’s gotta eat, Eddie.”
You’ve stepped away a little and before Eddie can stop himself, he’s the one stepping closer. “Maybe you’ll have t’ tell me about it sometime, ___.”
You’re laughing again. But there’s this pained look you get when he says it and it has him studying you intently for the next second or so. He realizes that maybe Boston wasn’t the fun time you pretend it was so he adds in a quieter tone, “If you want to.”
You nod. “Maybe so.” and you don’t want to take your hand off the front of his t-shirt but you know you have to. You should really get going.
“I hate to, but.. I need to get the groceries back to my mom.” you give him a little smile and then  you’re stepping away. Gathering your bags. By now, Wayne has walked up to Eddie and he’s heard -and observed, most of the conversation that’s taken place, so he nudges his nephew. “Don’t just stand there, kid. Didn’t I teach y’ anythin’?”
“Carry out some bags, kid.” Wayne grumbles, rolling his eyes in exasperation as he gives his nephew a light smack on the back of his head and laughs. “If you’re gonna hit on her, at least do it right, kid.”
“I wasn’t.”
Wayne chuckles. He got the distinct sense that you were definitely being more than a little flirtatious with his nephew. Eddie might stand there and tell him he wasn’t doing the same right back, but.. He’s known his nephew, he’s raised his nephew long enough to know damn well that Eddie was.
Eddie gives his uncle a dirty look but he catches up to you in the parking lot, just as you’re stopping at a Pinto that definitely looked as if it’d seen better days. He taps your shoulder and waits until you turn around.
You’re laughing softly when you find yourself body to body with Eddie Munson all over again. Eddie’s brain stammers, for a second or two, he forgets what to do with himself. You’re staring up at him with your head tilted just slightly all over again. Amusement gleaming in your eyes. “Something you want, Eddie?”
“I thought I’d..” he gives up on words and gestures to the groceries left in your cart. “Help you put those in your car.”
“ Oh, so you wanted an excuse t’ talk to me, hm?” you’re teasing him gently. And you’re well aware of it, too. But you can’t resist because the heat that rises to his cheeks and the smile that tugs at kissable lips, oh wow.. You’d do anything to be the cause of those two things. Anything.
Eddie flips you off. “I can go back in, sweetheart.” and he’s laughing. Now he’s the one teasing. When you pout up at him, he chuckles all over again. “Maybe that’s exactly why I came out here. You’re not supposed t’ call me out on it though, woman.”
You laugh a little more. Toss your hair so that it settles over your shoulder. “Oh. Right. I’ll keep that in mind next time, Eddie.” you’re giving him that playful little look and his head’s spinning all over again. He just knows that the second he’s back inside the Big Buy, he’s going to spend at least five minutes collecting himself from all this.
He helps you load the remainder of the shopping bags into the back of your mom’s car and then he closes the hatch , giving the car a firm pat. Your little brother Will and your stepsister Jane wander over from the arcade nearby and Will spots Eddie, giving him a wave. “Hey! I didn’t know you and my sister knew each other!”
You laugh softly. “Wait.. Is he Eddie the Banished?”
You shift your gaze up to Eddie. “You play that game too? You’re just full of surprises aren’t you, Eddie Munson?” and you step up to him again because Will and Jane, after a little whispering, have walked away with the empty shopping cart to place it in a cart return nearby.  “Your brother is a damn good dungeon master.”
“Yeah, he’s always been really creative.” you’re laughing softly. “I made his costumes though.”
“Oh you did, huh?”
“Home Economics in 9th grade?” you laugh and he does too.
Will nudges Jane, nodding to where you and Eddie stand. “She’s flirting with him. She didn’t do that before. Like.. you remember? She barely talked to anybody.”
Jane laughs softly. “So maybe Boston was a good thing.”
“Or maybe my sister’s been replaced by a pod person.” Will’s joking, he laughs quietly. “In all seriousness.. I’m glad she’s letting everybody else see the side of her she always showed me and Jonathan.”
Jane nods. “Me too. I think she likes him. Max told me..” she trails off and Will clears his throat. “Max told you what?”
“That whenever we.. Girls I mean.. Whenever we want to flirt, we tend to get touchier. And she’s got her hand on his arm right now, see?” Jane nods to the way your hand rests against Eddie Munson’s bicep as you throw your head back to laugh at something he’s said.
They finally make their way back over to your mother’s car and you give Eddie another little smile and laugh. “I’ll see you tonight, Eddie.”
“You know where I’ll be, ___. Maybe after the gig.. Maybe I can buy you a drink.”
“If it’s soda.” you laugh and smile, giving him another bold little wink as you nod to the car. “Alright you two. Let’s get the groceries home, yeah?”
“Hey. Mike’s mom is for sure doing the Hellfire night thing. It’s gonna be on Saturday though. Not Saturday night. And it’ll probably be at the park.” Will tells Eddie before he ducks into the shotgun seat of his mother’s car.
Eddie watches you drive away and he’s joined by Wayne who takes one look at his nephews face and starts to laugh so hard he’s immediately doubling over. “Who is that, kid?”
“ ___ Byers. She uh.. She went to Hawkins High too. Graduated the year I was supposed to the first time, actually.” Eddie answers, giving a little shrug. Wayne chuckles. “Hopper’s stepdaughter, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Hopper’s an alright guy. I think I’ve seen her around a few times, too.” Wayne shrugs. And then, mostly to get a rise out of his nephew, he smirks at him. “So.. when’s the wedding, kid?”
“Shut up.” Eddie laughs and shakes his head. “Girls like that don’t date guys like me. I’m still trying to figure out how the hell she’s still talking to me in light of… y’know.” he goes quiet and Wayne sighs, nodding. “People are assholes, kid. But not all of ‘em. Maybe you met somebody who doesn’t hold with what everybody else thinks, huh?”
“Or maybe she just doesn’t know yet, man. We need t’ get goin. I’m fillin in for that prick Hargrove down at the garage this afternoon. Idiot called in with a hangover.” Eddie rolls his eyes and laughs. “Kinda knew it was coming though.”
Wayne chuckles. “Yeah, let’s get you down to the garage, kid.” and as they pull the van out of the Big Buy parking lot, Wayne speaks up. “I don’t do mushy shit.. But I’m.. I’m proud of you, kid. You’re not only the first Munson to finally graduate.. But you’re provin’ to me you’re gonna be okay at this adult shit so far.”
Eddie smiles and laughs. “You don’t do mushy, you’re right.” and as the laughter dies away, he speaks up. “I uh.. Thank you. For everything, man. Because you didn’t have t’ take me in when Al got sent up.”
“I wasn’t gonna let you end up with strangers, kid. You’re my brother’s kid. You’re family.”
Eddie smiles to himself even more. 
“How much longer until you pick up that motorcycle you’ve been eyeing, kid? Still say there’s no harm in getting a safe vehicle.” Wayne mentions and Eddie laughs. “I’m getting the motorcycle.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying, right?” Wayne chuckles. 
Eddie thinks it over. “Next weekend, I think.” he’s grinning at the thought of owning a motorcycle, the second of his little list of dream purchases. “I go pick her up next weekend.”
“I’ll warn everybody.” Wayne jokes. Eddie flips him off and gets out of the van, disappearing into the garage’s back exit.
Wayne chuckles to himself, shaking his head. “He’s a good kid.”
The bar is packed wall to wall when you burst in, yelling at Gin behind the bar that your mom’s car tried to burst into flames on you on the way over. Angel is laughing and shaking her head as she tosses you your apron. “You haven’t just broke down and gotten your own wheels yet?”
“Not until I don’t have two grand hanging over my head. But I’ve been looking, trust me. I’ve got my eyes on this sexy little red Trans Am?”
Angel’s laughing even harder.
“What? It’ll match the only shade of lipstick I wear.” you shrug it off. And you wander down to the end of the bar. Some of the guys who work the afternoon shift at the factory are sitting there, watching a game of pool in the back room.
“What can I get ya?”
Wayne chuckles as he looks up and sees you. “Soda. Waitin around t’ drive somebody home.” he nods his head towards the front of the bar and you glance over. You can see Eddie's band setting up and you find yourself staring at Eddie. And maybe it's a little too long that you stare, but you honestly don't care. He's almost devastatingly beautiful, you simply can't just.. resist a few stolen looks.
You go to grab the group of men a round of sodas and bring them back, setting them down on top of the bar. 
Up front, Corroded Coffin is getting ready to start their set. You’re drumming your fingers against the hardwood surface and humming along. Angel’s talking to one of the regulars at the opposite end of the bar.
And then a stockier guy with a blond mullet and piercing blue eyes wanders over and you laugh to yourself because he’s nothing if not bold. He locks eyes with you and he gives you this little smirk. “Get ya anything?” you ask as you wipe down the top of the bar.
“Tequila shot?” Billy Hargrove asks. Studying you intently. Because you look familiar.
You look up at him and laugh. “Yeah, I’m gonna need to see some id.”
“No problem.” Billy pulls out his license and shows it to you. “Now your turn.. Because there is no way you’re old enough to be working back there.”
“I just turned 21 actually.” you pop a bubble with your gum. The fact that he’s hitting on you isn’t lost on you, you’re just.. Deliberately ignoring it because looking at his ID reminded you that yes.. You do know him. And apparently, he hasn’t changed at all in two years.
He still wears his stupid cologne strong enough to strangle someone with it’s essence. He still thinks he’s the hottest shit in this town. He still thinks girls are supposed to just throw their panties at him and you read him like a book not even a second after he sat down on the stool in front of you.
He’s staring at your self cropped Metallica concert shirt. “You’ve seen ‘em?”
Billy Hargrove is more than a little shocked. He never would’ve taken you as a metal fan back in high school.
If anything, you were the kind of girl he’d have assumed listened to oldies.. Classical or some shit.
You laugh and nod. “Seen ‘em? I was up right in the front row. I could’ve caught Lars’ drumstick.”
Billy chuckles. You pass him his tequila shot and he slams it down. Watching you again. You walk away. Wandering over to the makeshift stage set up in the front of the bar because the bathrooms are close.
As you place a hand on the doorknob to the bathroom, you lock eyes with Eddie.
Eddie chuckles, nodding to your shirt. “Nice shirt.” he mouths and you give him a thumbs up before disappearing into the bathroom.
As you’re washing your hands after you’ve used it, you gape when you hear Eddie announce that he’s gonna play a newer song tonight. One he only just learned in March. When he starts to play the opening to Master of Puppets, you’re gaping.
“Holy.. Okay, he’s amazing.” you mumble, mostly to yourself. You wind up making your way out of the bathroom and finding a seat. Dragging it closer to the front. As you watch lithe fingers make the guitar in his hands come to life, you can’t help but think of the old saying..
Guitarists are notorious for being good with their hands. And you’re really trying not to but.. As you sit and watch Eddie Munson play Master of Puppets, you can’t help but wonder to yourself just how true that really is.
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gem-in-the-horizon · 3 months
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i think i'm like the spiders georg of Horizons OCs
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sweet-as-kiwis · 6 months
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ronsenburg · 5 months
turns out it’s not just warriors game play that I suck at! finally downloaded cindered shadows and, guess what?!? it’s really hard!!!!
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broodygaming · 6 months
I've seen prob like hundreds of hours of the Simmers of Twitch playing Among us by now so as an expert /s on sabotage games
FCG and Imogen would be the gaslighters and good at it, big braining each emergency meeting and self reporting and getting away with it
Chetney would stack kill, cmon. and get caught every time
Fearne would stack kill, get away with it by loudly screaming sus on someone else and self reporting. Also she'd be QUEEN of the driveby kill
Ashton would kill on electrical, hanging out in the corner while sabotaging and chatting with whoever else wanders in if their cooldown is still cooldowning
Orym would be so good at the vents, quick guilty kills, no marinating, just business and GONE
Laudna would be the chatty imposter, not doing a lot of kills but rly good at pulling focus and giving time for their partner to get three in a round
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themyscirah · 3 months
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Philippus? Wym philippus this is a wholeass other woman?????? She's white?????? Guys come on now
ALSO cursed white Euboea in this same sequence.... homeboy she's Asian please stop
Joe Phillips I'm sorry but this is some shitty ass guest pencilling how can you not know anything abt what these people look like thats literally your job... you also just needed to read the issue before this to know?
Editors should have caught this one these are major Amazon characters
#also i did a quick wiki check for one thing and basically confirmed that i was right about this entire arc so i win i guess 💪💪💪💪#like “the amazons are starting some crazy murder shit!” are they really now. which amazons may i ask? are you sure its not the bana-#oh yep its the baba mighdall. well then. TOTALLY didnt see this coming (said w love)#i mean its like maybe im being perceptive but they literally showed two of them in their armor and had one say phthia aka one of the#founders of the bana. like okay i had to do a wiki to check that and obvi id know slightly more than a pérez run reader abt them#(but not much honestly ive read the same stuff they wouldve just plus some fandom osmosis/knowing who artemis is) but i digress. do think he#maybe could have put showing them off but i understand the motive of not wanting readers to go months thinking the amazons were chopping#ppls heads off. but they could have teased the mind control red herring (probably? think it was a red herring although it could pop back up#the arc is still ongoing) a little bit more considering weve had dr psycho starting shit for the past 4 (at LEAST) issues but well whatever#anyways the pencilling on this one needed help like its not even a coloring issue at the core of it its legit this guest guy drawing#totally different people... very lame#anyways maybe im too quick to blame it all on the bana i am only halfway through the arc#like i do think it is the bana. i think thats the answer. but again dr psycho IS causing problems and theres been hints of the cheetah being#involved (“animal attack” killings + a shot of her in arkham) AND circe was namedropped (although now we know it was dr psycho) but im still#slightly suspicious bc there seems to be possesed animals... like they are v much laying different hints and pathways here#but i think its the bana. i think its psycho fucking around and also the bana and MAYBE a psycho controlled cheetah or the bana mimicing her#patterns. or are the bana even there if psychos involved??? he could just be fucking around then- okay you know what. maybe im less sure of#this than i thought and should just read more. wait but how would psycho even know about the bana to have ppl hallucinate hed just use the#themyscirans-- okay i need to read more im getting distracted. the bana are definitely involved though im calling it. its them and maybe#psycho. and maybe cheetah. and maybe circe but likely not bc we already established that was a false lead. unless that was also a trick. and#WHAT ABT ARES ALL THE STOLEN ARTIFACTS HAD TO DO WITH WAR--#.... guys im losing it. fuck it im saying its all giganta and calling it a day i cant do this#no but i love how this mystery is set up its like they just dropped clues for every single ww villain onto it and said “here. good luck.”#this is before the big ww crossover too so it could actually be all of them im losing my mind here. WHO IS IT#ive twisted myself in a circle here i dont know anything now. only that i did call it if it was the bana. or if theres mind control or smth#sus about heracles cup. i also called that although its seeming less and less likely now that the bana and psycho are likely involved. and#maybe cheetah. and circe. and ares. guys im falling apart here#what was the point of this post then? oh shitty guest pencilling and editor flops. the editor flop part i can understand im sure they were#busy even if this is a big thing to miss imo. the penciller though is just silly come on now. someone should have caught that. anyways--#swishy liveblogs
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sansloii · 1 year
guess who took a day off today >:)
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petvles · 11 months
Mr worldwide come to the Netherlands challenge
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autistic-shaiapouf · 5 months
Okay okay so. Thinking.
I've mapped out how I want to pay off my credit cards, which means I'll only be getting new stuff pretty sporadically, which means I need to appreciate the zero cost things in my life, like:
- the 2.5 foot tall stack of unread books I have
- the violin I might finally actually pick up again
- the 500+ drawing prompts I've been hoarding
- the list of anime I still need to watch
- the 3000+ songs in my watch later playlist
- the stickers I've been neglecting to cut
- yarn??? I have a lot of yarn
- all the pink fabric leftover from moth cosplay
- the candles and incense I also already have
In short, time to actually use the stuff that I have 😭
#though. i do want one more candle. they're putting minty smells in the winter ones and it smells cold#i need a cold smelling candle that is warm and on fire i just need that very strange contrast#but yeah!! will spend a little testing out acrylic charms but for the most part#we're gonna hang out at home for a while and express gratitude or whatever lmao#okay but i think it will actually be nice to start getting through all those books skjfkdkd#and to watch the bigger name anime to actually see them lmao; saw a lot at the con i recognized but hadn't actually watched#and also my music!! all my music bc i am clinically insane about music; miku playlist advancement...#this isn't even touching on the games i have now ksjfkf if either of you are reading this 👀 i still wanna get yall something#and I'm planning the exact day i wanna do it 😤#but yeah I'm thinking it over and am like. oh boy time for self improvement skjdkfkf#also finances will get easier bc im not ubering all over and I'm not seeing docs for my stomach now that the ulcer has been resolved#i made back half of what i spent getting the car in only 4 months and that feels good to see#it's still gonna be some hard work but we're gonna make it; I'm also highballing one of the cards#the hotel put a damages hold on my card and my math factors that in; they said that money would go back to me in 5 or so#business days so that'll be a little less to be concerned with; I'll still try to pay what numbers i found though#do it faster and do it better and idk what the fuck I'll do with the cards bc. 30% apr...........#idk i could get groceries with them and then pay them off? take that credit score you'll just eat that shit up won't you..#surprisingly my credit score hasn't taken any super ugly hits from this and i aim to keep it that way lmao#anyways. that's a lot of words to say that i want to actually use my stuff lmao#shai speaks
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coquelicoq · 1 year
natsume book of friends season 4 opening sequence has got me incredibly fucked up. the lyrics. kid natsume's tiny little legs and teenage natsume watching him run. the lyrics. nyanko-sensei burrowing into his arms. did i mention the lyrics? ending frame on the fujiwara family. including natsume. because he's part of their family. as the lyrics ask him to "please [not] keep suffering alone"? somebody fucking hold me.
#i'm actually almost done with season 4 because i have no self-control. and every time i watch the opening i'm like#no this has only gotten more potent since the last time i watched it. we are reaching danger levels#natsume yuujinchou#natsume's book of friends#my posts#season 4 is the season of tanuma just completely destroying me on every level. why is every single character like this??#every time he learns something about natsume he's like oh so this is what it's like for natsume?#and then it happens again and he's like wait natsume ALSO has THIS OTHER THING to contend with??#and again: AND A THIRD THING?? WHY MUST THE WORLD'S BEST BOY NATSUME TAKASHI SUFFER???#he just wants to help natsume deal with stuff and i am on the fucking floor#his thought process is just#this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe here's a way i could help him? he doesn't want me to though because it would#put me in danger. but i don't want him to be in danger either. and i'm telling him that to his face. i don't think it's really#gotten through to him but that's okay i will just keep telling him. now i'm realizing that the thing i did to help him maybe just made#things harder for him. this is hard for natsume. i wish i could help him. maybe sometimes the best way to help him is to just#respect his wishes and yet remind him that he can lean on people and that people love him as much as he loves them#the part where tanuma realized why natsume doesn't tell the fujiwaras about youkai gutted me#this kid is so emotionally astute and such a sweetheart#i just watched the episode where natsume loses his picture of his parents and his old house is getting sold and i cried. SO many tears.#tanuma putting his foot down for once like no actually you need to admit that something is bothering you this time#we can find this picture. ask us to help you do this thing that we can actually do for you. you don't need to be sad for no reason#mmm can't be coherent about it just rest assured it was extremely harmful to me and also exactly what i needed#anyway the season 4 opening song as the thing you say to your younger self who lives inside your current self because#you can't actually go back in time and be the person your younger self needed to have in their life. so all you can do is love that child#in absentia but so so so fiercely and with your whole entire heart#all you can do is give your current self all the love you have for the child you were#jesus CHRIST
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squirmydonnie · 4 months
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