#it was supposed to be a small wedding but it got big FAST
artydonsgf · 1 month
my sister got married today n i was running around all day😭😭 so sorry for not posting, ill be back to my regular schedule tomorrow!!
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miirohs · 17 days
all yours, all mine [c.l.c]
pairing: Mob Boss!Charles Leclerc x Wife!Reader wc: 1.3k cw: again, slight yandere/possesive tendencies, allusion to abuse an: guys i am feeling uninspired lately,,,, needed to pull everything in me for this one. sigh. its 2 in the morning what am i doing with my life i need to sleep not be up to this bs GODDDDDDD strike me down.
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Charles knew you weren’t truly his wife.
He himself had shot his bride to be, too loud and too lecherous to realize how she’d met her end, bragging about killing him for his money in his club.
He thought that’d be the last of it, that their family wouldn’t be brave enough to show face again.
Yet, they became audacious, sending him a woman, a woman who was nothing like the bride he had seen. 
Hell, you didn’t even look the same as the other.
There was no way their family didn’t know by now that he was the one who killed their only daughter, yet he could only imagine this was their attempt at faking normalcy because he’d never seen his bride before, right?
He laughed, in all honesty. 
He could’ve played along, see what would’ve happened, and have been done with you by dinner if he wanted to. But part of him wanted you to show your true colors, to be able to kill the venomous woman hiding behind the veil.
That day never came though.
He was too baffled by the sight of you clinging to their sides, eyes down as you could barely keep up in the shoes slightly too big to be yours.
He pretended not to notice. 
At dinner he questioned you, much to your visible discomfort. He could see the glances you gave the other members of your supposed family, meekly responding back as they glared sharply at your head, only smiling when they noticed his stares. It didn’t take long for him to connect two and two.
It was there and then he’d made the awfully irrational decision to go forward with the marriage. He wanted to pull you out of your shell, see who you really were under the supposed mask you had on in front of everyone.
Your marriage was a grand affair, bosses from all around the globe visiting just to see the ceremony. He had refused to give in to their demands for a smaller wedding, going all out just for you.
And true to his word, he treated you with more respect than he’d ever cared to show anyone else. For him, hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks as he tried to pull you out of your shell.
It was a while before he got the first laugh out of you. He felt like he’d won everything when you gave him small smiles. He did everything to get them out of you. Showering you in lavish gifts, surprising you with expensive dates, it made him feel like he was finally doing something right. 
Seeing your full smile was what truly made it worth it, easing the pain of your time with your former family, if he could even call them that. 
He’d made sure to cut all contact with them, and he knew you were contacting them against his wishes, so he took it into his own hands to make sure they couldn’t bother you for a single cent again. He plotted behind your back and as sorry as he felt for lying to you, he paid for his guilt in consuming you with his neediness, wrapping you tightly from your waking moments almost as if you’d disappear forever if you left his field of vision.
You didn’t question it, but you couldn’t lie and say it didn’t startle you a bit.
He hummed as you gently ran your fingers through his hair, pit forming in your stomach as you heard him mutter in Italian on the phone, pen scratching against the paper of his notepad.
You heard the bare sentences of his conversation, too fast for you to understand, but you thought you had a good idea of what he was planning.
“Dovremo metterli a tacere (We'll have to silence them)-”
A couple heartbeats passed as he listened, your heart clenching almost painfully as you held the cuff of his suit jacket between your thumb and index finger. Maybe he had figured it out, maybe he was already plotting ways to dispose of you for tricking him in such a grievous manner. You hadn’t heard from the family in weeks, and it made you anxious.
“Non sono d'accordo? Bene, uccideteli (they won’t agree? fine, kill them).”
For a moment there, you didn’t see your husband, but the Devil of Monte Carlo.
He didn’t say anything, and you couldn’t bring yourself to, letting your hand slip away from his crown.
“Y/n? What happened?” He frowned, hand rubbing against the small of your back.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say it, words lying on the tip of your tongue as he cocked his head at you.
“It’s nothing.” You moved your hands away from his neck, balling into little fists in your lap.
“It’s not nothing,” He pressed, staring you down firmly despite the gentle tone of his voice. He knew you, almost too well.
“I… i don’t know how to tell you. You’re going to hate me if I do.” Your voice warbled out as he kissed you on the neck, too light and breezy to mean anything serious.
“Try me. You’d be surprised at how well I take things, and I'm not unreasonable.” Another kiss, leading up the column of your neck as you squealed at the feeling of his warm lips on cooled skin.
“Well, uh, i-” He bit down lightly, earning a soft smack from you in the back of the head, “-Char, what are you doing?”
“Trying to cheer you up.” He said, kissing on the spot he’d bit with an incomparable amount of gentleness.
“I just have something to tell you and i-”
“Is it important in any way that actively harms our lives?” He butt in, giving you a curious look.
“No, but-”
“Then I don't care.” He shrugged, placing a kiss on the corner of your mouth. You didn’t even know you could’ve gotten that loud, when you finally spit it out.
“I’m not your real wife, Char. I never was.”
He didn’t say anything, humming against the crown of your head as his hand snuck up your back and held you closer to him.
“Char, please.”
“I knew that, this isn’t new news.”
You held on, mouth gaping slightly.
“You… you knew this whole time, and you-”
“I deliberately didn’t tell you.” He scoffed, pulling your chin down to look at him. “I knew you’d run back to that so-called family that I did if I had told you. You barely trusted me, and it was their fault. So that’s why I'm going to make sure all of them take a nice long vacation.”
You couldn’t really feel the abject horror anymore, melting into sheer relief as you finally looked at him once more.
There was something about the way he looked at you, tantalizing and hypnotized almost.
‘But, aren’t you mad about me…?”
“Oh I was, I was furious.”
His lips ghosted over yours, the hint of a smile somewhere there.
“But they ended up giving me something all the more precious, something I couldn't replace. You know what that is, mon amour?”
You didn’t even have to say it, as he kissed you, lips smooth against your slightly chapped ones. The expensive perfume grew smaller, closer and closer to you as the space between you closed.
“I’ve done some unspeakable things.” He panted quietly against your lips, landing another soft kiss on the other corner. “But nothing as unspeakable as killing your so-called “family” this late in the game. Some part of me wishes i had done it earlier to spare you that grief.”
You didn’t respond but he continued nonetheless, hands wrapped around your waist to bring you closer to him .”Remember that you're mine and I'm all yours. I would do anything for you.”
And the worst part is, somewhere deep down, you knew it to be true. He was always yours, and you were always his. He'd made sure of it, and you weren't entirely complaining.
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demiboydemon · 9 days
What if Link and Zelda got engaged pre-TotK? They get engaged at the Lover’s Pond and it’s a beautiful and magical moment.
They decide to have a small wedding in secret, with just their closest friends. They don’t want it to be a big thing for several reasons (don’t want to use their money for that when Hyrule still needs rebuilding, don’t want the attention to be put on a wedding instead of said rebuilding, don’t want Link to have the pressure of being king put on him yet, etc.)
They’re so excited. So happy. They pick out fancy clothes, they send the invitations, they decide what cake to serve and what songs to dance to.
The day is fast approaching. Then news comes that something is coming from under the castle. They go to investigate. Zelda falls. Link fails to catch her.
Imagine the devastation he feels when she disappears right before they were supposed to get married. Imagine how tears fill his eyes when he looks in their closet and sees the dress she never got to wear. Imagine the cake arriving and him leaving it to rot because she isn’t there to eat with him. Imagine him looking at the vows they never got to say, sitting on their table as if nothing is amiss. Imagine him looking at his ring and knowing its match is in the past with his beloved.
Imagine him sitting on the light dragon on the day they were supposed to wed. The day they thought would be the happiest of their lives. Imagine him sitting upon her head, running his hand through her mane as he sings the songs they never got to dance to.
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Things Inupiaq culture doesn't traditionally have:
Kings/royalty (requiring tribute from the people you lead is seen as tyranical and tyrants are killed when possible)
A cash economy (dentallium shells were valued by many other cultures and sometimes were used as money in international trade, but not among fellow Inupiat)
Agriculture (we are traditionally a hunter-gatherer people seasonally following the herds, fish, and ripening greens and berries)
Corporal punishment (you aren't even supposed to yell at people or even scold children)
Slavery (you could argue this one since women were sometimes captured and taken as wives; but this is typically regarded as an ancient and morally questionable practice. The Inupiat didn't believe in owning people or their labor, only at best associating through marriage, blood relation, or wife-exchange)
Primogeniture as a hard-fast rule (Inupiat culture was traditionally patriarchal so a son may inherit his father's status as a family patriarch if he is already a father at this time, but material inheritence was not guaranteed to work that way)
A written language (historians were assigned to memorize records, family trees, and the like)
Human or animal sacrifices (would be considered cruel and wasteful)
Formal vs informal language (socio-economic class is mutable and does not affect language)
Gendered pronouns (our language uses pronouns to indicate tone of a sentence the way many languages use pronunciation, as well as relationship between subject and object in complex sentences and in all cases whether the subject is singular, dual, or plural and if the sentence is in first, second, or third person. An absolute fuckton of pronouns and none of them are gendered)
Raw meat taboo (except in the case of pregnancy; the arctic climate means the weather was not too far off from refrigerator or freezer temperatures, if not colder, and underground storage was often placed around frozen methane deposits known as permafrost)
Dog meat taboo (dogs were helpful as beasts of burden or sometimes hunting companions but when there's a famine you gotta eat what you can)
Many ceremonies taken for granted (for example, if a man and woman mutually agreed they were married, that was the only wedding required. We had big celebrations for survival, and women got incredible face tattoos for coming of age, but many lifestages were celebrated more low-key with little pomp and circumstance)
Shirts (you didn't wear anything underneath your atigi, and if it was too warm for it, you took it off. Yes, even women. Presbyterian missionaries thought we were godless sluts for our tits out ways)
Virginity marriage requirement (it was best if a woman hadn't had sex before but only because we lived in small communities and you have to keep track of bloodlines. Having sex didn't make girls unclean or impure and unwed mothers were taken care of by their families and weren't stigmatized)
Required monogomy (men could have multiple wives and women could have multiple husbands, wife exchange was a means of fostering allegiance, and the main problem with cheating is that it involved lying and prioritizing pleasure over duties like making sure your husband doesn't fall to his death while hunting. In stories about cheating and revenge, the cheater and retaliating jealous partner are both depicted as in the wrong)
There are more, but these i feel provide a pretty good basic idea of the culture. You can use these bits of info as Water Tribe worldbuilding inspo if you want, but i won't pester you into it. I just think my culture is neat and wanted to share ^-^
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ramhaiba · 4 months
𝖧𝖺𝗎𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖵𝗈𝗐𝗌 (𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝖯𝗋𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖾 𝖬𝖾𝗀𝗎𝗆𝗂 𝗑 𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋)
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠, 𝕋𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤
CHAPTER TW Suggestive content MINOR DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
previous chapter
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"Y/n, are you feeling okay- because you look like a herd of horses trampled all over you," Nobara asked, sitting across from you at the dining table. You were so tired that you were struggling to not let your head fall straight into the food in front of you- blinking felt like a
"I might as well. Megumi decided to wake me up in the middle of the night to"
Nobara's face turned red as she covered her ears "god, please do not talk about such dirty things during breakfast-"
"W-what- NO! For Christ's sake- it was not like that. He dragged me into the middle of the"
"Oh good, I found you. Y/n, get up, we've got a hectic day ahead of us." Maki interrupted, suddenly coming into the dining room, and standing behind you.
"What? Can I at least finish my breakfast?" You sighed, not wanting to abandon your savory serving of porridge, turning your head to look at her. Maki took a second to think before pulling you up from your seat.
"You should have eaten faster if you wanted to finish your breakfast" Maki laughed- something about it sounding passive-aggressive, turning her back and walking out of the dining room, expecting you to follow her quick pace. Nobara sighed as she got up, placed her hand on your shoulder, and leaned over to whisper in your ear, "C'mon...the sooner you get this done, the sooner we can relax. I'll see you later, okay?"
You followed Maki into a ballroom, candles lit the many chandeliers hanging in the room, light brown floors so polished you could see your reflection. The room was so ridiculously big that you could have bet you could hear your echo if you decided to shout.
You blinked in disbelief as you saw the girl in front of you- supposedly she would be your dance teacher. You could have sworn it was Maki but her hair was far too short and she was missing her signature glasses. However, it couldn't possibly be Maki because she was standing with her back against an white elegant pillar, spectating. "You must be the fiance. I'm Mai, I suppose I'll be the one to teach you how to dance. You will be having the entire Zenin family watch you and Megumi have your first dance at your wedding." Mai informed you, circling you, analyzing your appearance. "You're not Maki?" you blurted out, somewhat embarrassed as Mai started laughing at you. "No, however, I am her prettier twin sister" Mai smiled, her hand slipping onto your back and spinning you towards her.
"Alright, I think that's enough for introductions. Let's get this lesson started" Mai announced, snapping her other hand, suddenly a band of professionally dressed musicians rushed over. As you hesitantly slide your hand onto Mai's left shoulder, she glances over at the musicians and nods.
You glanced over Mai's shoulder, witnessing the small orchestra start performing. Everything felt like it was moving twice as fast, Mai's overconfident glare was making you so nervous that you almost stepped on her foot twice.
Mai initiated you into a spin, feeling your dress twirl in motion as you. Then Mai brings you back with a tender pull, her hand sweeping on your back, bringing you into a dip, your chest heaving. You're exhausted- how long have you been practicing this damn dance? There is no doubt the musicians are also tired of having to constantly strum the same song over and over again.
"Come on, don't get so worn out now Y/n. If you can't handle our little dance lessons. How will you ever pass the trials at this point?" Mai whispered in your ear. "Trials? What trials?" you scoffed. Mai blinked, almost letting you fall out of her hand as she started laughing. Luckily, she let you back on standing on your feet gracefully.
"Everyone, out" she snapped her hands. Maki furrowed her eyebrow as she walked over, "what are you doing Mai?" she asked, annoyed. "You didn't tell Y/n about our little family tradition?" Mai laughed, wrapping her arms around your neck, her chest against your back, black smooth hair tickling your ear as she tilted her head. "Mai, this isn't the time."
"I thought family shouldn't keep secrets from each other?" "Everyone quiet" you shouted, pulling yourself away from Mai, chest heaving in rage. "I almost died last night from two wolves that are very capable of tearing me limb to limb and my so-called 'husband'- who I'm pretty sure is a psychopath- can't be bothered to have a conversation with me that lasts more than five minutes. If either of you have any clue about what's going on, I demand answers now" you huffed, barely containing the fury coursing through you.
Maki closed her eyes, organizing her thoughts as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "I didn't expect Megumi to participate in it" Maki sighed, crossing her arms. "The Zenin family used to have this old tradition.. if you wanted to join the family you had to complete a certain amount of tests. However, Toji put an end to it after Megumi's mother... Well, let's say she didn't exactly pass these tests" Maki confessed, too ashamed to look you in the eyes.
"You're joking... Exactly how many tests are there" you asked. "Only ten" Mai laughed, failing to ease your concern.
"So I have nine tests left..and exactly what are these tests?" Maki and Mai both looked at each other, nervous about what their reaction would be to what they were about to reveal.
"We don't... We don't know... It is different with each partner. " Mai confessed. Maki sighed as she crossed her arms,
"Well, there is one thing we know, It just gets worse from here."
---You burst out of the ballroom, holding your gown above your ankles, rushing down the halls as Maki and Mai watch you in disbelief. You went to a servant, "Where's the hell is Megumi" you huffed, lashing out your anger at a poor servant girl. "H-his Majesty is taking a bath at his lavatory, ma'am" the servant stuttered, her shaking finger pointing down the hall. You muttered an annoyed 'thank you,' as you stormed down the hall.
You covered your eyes with your palm as you opened the door- not wanting to see an exposed Megumi in the bath.
"Christ shake, Y/n, do you not know what knocking is" Megumi scoffed, you could sense that he flinched by the sound of the water splashing. "Don't be dramatic. I didn't see anything- my eyes glued to the wall" You waved him off, your back faced to him as your eyes focused on the bathroom's marble white walls. "This better be fucking important if you have to storm in like a mad woman during a very inappropriate time" Megumi scoffed, leaning his back against the porcelain bathtub. "I know about the trials" you confessed, hands on your side forming into a fist. "That was never a secret, I was planning to tell you at the second test" Megumi responded, nonchalantly. If you could get away with it- you'd strangle him for his lack of human empathy. "Why are you doing this to me?" you asked. "What do you think? I'm sure you heard the rumors of the Zenin family. How we conquer..." Megumi scoffed. While you had your back to him you could hear him get out of the tub, as he began to step closer to you with each word, like a predator hunting its prey.
"Destroyers...Ruthless...Wicked...Murders" Finally, you could feel Megumi was only centimeters away from you by the startling feeling of his breath hitting the back of your neck, the water dripping off of his hair onto your shoulder.
"So, if you can't survive through ten tests- there's no chance you'd survive joining this family" Megumi mumbled.
"What if I refuse" you responded, surprised that a word could slip out of your mouth. You were surprised as you heard Megumi laugh,
"Refuse? I don't intend to be the man who wants to forcefully make his wife do anything. However, I don't think the Zenin family would be quite friendly with your family if we don't get a wedding" Then you saw Megumi's arm reach over above you, his forearm grazing your cheek.
"W-what are you doing?" you asked, feeling your face heat, the fact that you had never been so close to a very naked (or attractive) man before becoming more realistic.
"Grabbing a towel. Unless you prefer me wet and exposed" Megumi responded, as he grabbed a dark blue towel and wrapped it around his waist. "You can turn around if you want" he announced, taking a step away from you. 
You turn back to look at his pleased expression, then you feel his thumb swipe your chin, noticing his lips turning into a slight smile.
"What did you do that for?" you uttered.
"Just, seeing you embarrassed like that.. is quite the view. " 
next chapter
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Sweet Home Indiana Part 3
Shit! I can't believe I forgot to post this this morning! I don't know where my head was, honestly.
I'm reaching a point where I'm running out of plot so I don't think this story is going to be longer than 10 chapters max. A lot of the second half of the movie takes place over months as the main character gets ready to marry the rich bachelor, only for her to find out that her husband signed the divorce papers and she forgot ON HER WEDDING DAY (as in she was informed on her wedding day that she forgot). Which really won't work for this story.
So yeah, I suspect to be finished with this story sooner rather than later.
Eddie does have to do a lot of grovelling but he unfortunately gets worse before he gets better. He's really REALLY dumb in this, okay?
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie watched Steve walk away and he gently put the brownie back into the box.
His stomach churned as he swallowed down the bite in his mouth. He had forgotten so much about the man he once swore to love until the end of his days. But he remembered that look of absolute betrayal before the mask dropped.
So Eddie did what he was good at when times got tough, he ran. He was supposed to have been trying to convince Steve to come with him, but he had fucked it up so badly there was no coming back from that.
The worst part is that there had been a few times in the last decade where Eddie could have healed what was between them, that he could have reached out and gotten back in touch. But Eddie had ran each time.
He wouldn’t say each time ended in a rushed marriage, but two of them definitely did.
Eddie would think about reaching out only to hear about how well Steve was doing from Dustin or Max and how happy he was and Eddie would run out a marry the first guy who would fuck him.
The other times he would think about contacting Steve and some small trouble (or not so small in the case of his band breaking up) would crop up and he be scrambling to keep his head above water.
Steve was thriving here in Hawkins and wasn’t that just a kick to the head. He had a little bakery that was doing well, Robin was here, and if all the times the kids called Eddie were any indication, Steve was still on speaking terms with all of them.
He needed a fucking drink. He didn’t care that it was only a little after noon, he needed to turn off his brain. He turned on his heel and stormed out of the bakery.
“I thought I recognized the van,” a warm voice said. “Were you gonna tell me you were in town?”
Eddie looked around before he spotted his Uncle Wayne, leaning up against the side of the building.
“Wayne!” he cried and threw his arms around his neck.
Wayne hugged him back. “It’s good to see you kid.”
“Of course I was going to tell you I was in town,” Eddie scoffed. “I was just trying to take care of something first.”
Wayne looked behind him at the bakery and raised an eyebrow. “You coming back to make an honest man out him or are you setting to break his heart?”
“Why are you on his side?” Eddie whined. “Yes, I said some pretty stupid shit, but he wasn’t blameless in all the fuckery that went down.”
Wayne’s expression softened. “I know.” He put his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “Come on, I’ll buy you lunch and we can talk about why you’re in town.”
“Mmk,” Eddie said weakly, letting Wayne lead him down the street to the nearby diner.
Steve was hyperventilating. He couldn’t do this. He wasn’t strong enough. Eddie Munson was the biggest asshole in the world and he still looked like sex on legs.
That funny little lopping walk he did when he wanted to move fast but didn’t want to run.
The long hair in waves around his face. His lean body stuffed into the tightest pair of jeans Steve had ever seen and he used to wear tight jeans for fuck’s sake. The god damn eyeliner on his big doe eyes.
And peaking out of the leather jacket were even more tattoos. Which it made sense considering he was some hot shot tattoo artist up in Seattle. But still! It wasn’t fair that the man who broke his heart wasn’t fat and balding at thirty. Nooooo...he had to come back to blue his balls as well as break his heart.
“Do I need to break his balls?” Robin asked coming back from the freezer. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared. Not at Steve specifically, but glared at the situation in general.
Steve gave a kind of hiccuping laugh and his lungs filled with the air he desperately needed.
“No,” he said with a broken smile. “I handled it. I’m just going to send it to Hal to make sure he’s not trying to take me to the cleaners or some other bullshit.”
Robin nodded. Hal Peterson was their business attorney, but he’d know enough to make sure Steve wasn’t being shafted by the whole ordeal.
“So what’s got you around the twist?” she asked.
“He looks hotter now than he did before he left,” Steve whined. “He’s supposed to balding and fat and falling apart at the seams. But no...he’s leaner, still with those long ridiculous curls, and better put together than I was.” He waved a hand at himself. His hair was greasy from standing around a hot oven, his hands and apron were covered in flour, he had frosting on his nose.
Robin came over and gave him a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and he let out a little sob.
“I’m sorry, Steve,” she murmured. “Are you going to be okay?”
He let out a shuddering sigh. “Probably not until he blows out of town again.”
Robin kissed the top of his head. “Let’s go out to the Hideout tonight. The shop will be fine. We handled today, we can handle tomorrow, too.”
Steve let out a shuddering sigh and nodded into her stomach.
“Good,” she stepped back and cupped his cheeks. “I know this sucks but you are the strongest, most capable person I’ve ever met. A weaker man would crumble under all this, but that person is not you. You understand me?”
He let out another shuddering sigh. “Thanks, Robs. I needed that.”
“I know you did, dingus,” she said fondly. “So lets knock today out of the ballpark, yeah?”
“I was hoping,” Eddie was telling Wayne, “that I could roll into town, get him to sign the divorce papers, and spend the rest of the week with you. But no, he’s being a stubborn ass.”
Wayne snorted. “You always did aim too high.”
“I thought he’d want to be rid of me,” Eddie huffed. “I’ve done nothing but run around all over this god forsaken country just to put some distance between me and him. I’ve hurt him in every possible way. I thought he was just wanting closure you know, calling me into town like he did.”
Wayne furrowed his brow. “He called you into to town?”
Eddie nodded and placed his chin on his hands on the table. “I was a bit of an ass about it because I didn’t explain things to Chrissy, but yeah. He told me that if I wanted to divorce him so bad, I’d have to come back to Hawkins and do the job proper.”
The waitress came set Wayne’s food down and Eddie sat up so she could do the same for him.
Wayne waited until she was gone before he turned back to Eddie. “When you told me you were marrying Chrissy, I was more than a little surprised.”
Eddie rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. “I know. I have my reasons, I just can’t tell you yet. But I promise it’s for a good reason.”
“He’s done really well for himself here,” Wayne said softly.
“And I haven’t?” Eddie spat out a tad too bitterly.
Wayne scowled. “Did I say you hadn’t, boy?” he snapped.
Eddie’s head reared back from the shock of his normally mild mannered uncle to snap at him. He shook his head, his lip beginning to quiver.
“I’m on your side,” Wayne said, to Eddie’s scoff. “I know I keep hyping up Steve, but I remember what you two were like when things were good, son. You were incandescent. But I look at you now and that sparkle has gone. I want to be happy for you, but first you’ve got to show me that you’re happy for yourself.”
“You don’t think I’m happy?” Eddie asked in confusion. “I have my own tattoo shop, I’m going to marry a great girl, and I’m still friends with most of the members of my band. What’s not to be happy about?”
Wayne shrugged. “You tell me.”
Eddie frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, old man.”
Wayne dug his thumbs into his belt and licked his top lip nice and slow. Eddie ignored him and just stabbed at his food.
“Kiddo,” Wayne said, shaking his head, “you’re still in love with that boy even with these ten years gone.” His chin jutted up to point to Eddie’s food.
Eddie froze with his fork half way to his mouth and then looked down at his plate. It took him a full minute to realize what Wayne was talking about.
He had ordered the breakfast platter. It had hash browns, scrambled eggs, ham, bacon, and sausage with a side of chocolate chip pancakes. But Eddie didn’t like hash browns or sausage. He would give them to Steve who did.
He thought about the little box that was sat next to him on the bench and the brownie Steve had concocted for him so long ago.
Eddie swallowed thickly, his stomach turning sour as he stared at the hash browns and sausage he was never going to eat.
“Eat up,” Wayne said with a soft smile. “You don’t want it to go to waste.” He scooped up the hash browns and put them on his plate and then stabbed both sausage.
He dipped the first sausage into his over easy eggs, ignoring Eddie’s turmoil. At least for the moment.
Eddie brought the fork all the way to his mouth and chewed, not really tasting it.
He ate through most of the food that way, until it came to the pancakes. He moaned happily.
“Seattle just doesn’t make pancakes the way Benny does,” he said softly.
Wayne’s smile was no less tender this time, but infinitely more fond. “You could always come back to Hawkins. You can set up a tattoo shop anywhere, so why not here?”
Eddie shook his head. “I wouldn’t do that to Steve. Divorce his ass and then move back into town with Chrissy in tow, shoving it in his face that I moved on.”
“I can see that,” Wayne murmured. “I just miss my boy is all and would love to see you more often than I get.”
Eddie took his hand and gave it a squeeze. “I know you do. And I would like you to meet Chrissy before the wedding.”
“I’d like that too.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List:
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @emly03
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callsign-magnolia · 7 months
Who's Crying Now?
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Summary: Heartbreak is common. But it shouldn't feel like death is knocking on your door.
Rooster x reader
Warnings: Cheating, Violence, cursing, alcohol. I think that's it but if I missed anything let me know.
This is for @roosterforme's Rocktober challenge! It's late and I apologize but I finally finished it!
Main Masterlist
Three days. Our wedding was three days away. I couldn’t help but stare at my engagement ring as I drove, the sun reflecting off of the small diamond. It was his mother's. I had a lot of Carol Bradshaw's jewelry. Bradley wanted me to have it and I'll be wearing a few pieces at our wedding. I finally pulled into our driveway after my last day at work before the wedding, so excited to just spend time with Bradley. We had been working like crazy to save up for the wedding and honeymoon and it's finally over. I walked in the house and kicked off my shoes, the relief feeling amazing. I bent down to grab my shoes when I saw one of Bradley's duffels by the door. Why the hell is that there? Surely he isn't getting deployed. I turned and rushed for the stairs. "Bradley?!" I yelled as I topped the stairs. "Shit!" He yelled and I heard a clatter. I rushed in seeing him bent on the floor picking his clothes up by the hangers "You okay? Here, let me help." I bent down but Bradley just held out his hand. "NO." He gathered the shirts and stood without looking at me. "Are you getting deployed?" I asked but then I noticed all the shirts he had were for everyday wear. "No." He zipped the bag and hoisted it onto his shoulder. "I'm leaving." With that he walked into the hallway. Tears immediately flooded my vision. "What? Where are you going? How long are you gonna be gone?" Deep down I knew they were stupid questions, but I so badly wanted the answer to be, 'Just till the wedding.’ He walked down the stairs, ignoring me. "Bradley?" I asked as I followed him. He set the bag down by the other one before he stood. His shoulders rose and fell, like he was taking a deep breath. "I'm not coming back." The earth froze, my blood ran cold. I wanted to die on the spot. "W- What? Why? He looked at me over his shoulder. "You know why." There was so much malice in his voice. He's never, in the past four years we've been together, spoken to me like that. "No, I don't. So why don't you fucking face me and tell me why you’re leaving me three days before our wedding?" 
He turned around so fast I felt the wind off of him. "When was the last time we fell asleep together? When was the last time we got to go on a date that wasn't the hard deck? When was the last time we had sex?" I furrowed my brows in confusion." I got off early last week-" " That was three weeks ago. We went on a date five weeks ago and it's been seven weeks since we've had sex." I stared at him in shock. "You'd know all this if you were home! But you are always at work!" I grew angry. "You don't get to throw that in my face! We sat down and had a long conversation about that! We both agreed to work more to save for the wedding!" The vein in his neck stood out and I knew he was truly angry. "I didn't realize I was giving up our love life for a big ass wedding I didn't even want!" I was reeling. "Then why didn't you say anything?! If you didn't want it, then why have you been working so much too?” He scoffed. "Yeah, working.” With that he turned around, facing away from me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I snapped. He threw his arms out before facing me again. "You know what? Why don't we just air it all out! I've been seeing someone else!" That crushed my entire world. "What?" It was a whisper and he flinched at the look on my face. "I've been seeing someone else." He was just as quiet as me.
I stared at him as he avoided my gaze. "How long?" I asked, fighting my anger. He simply stared at me. I grabbed a frame off the table next to me, looking at it. It was one of our engagement photos. He held me bridal style, our foreheads resting against each others as my left hand cradled his face. "How long has this not mattered to you?" I turned the picture towards him. "How long has it been since you truly loved me? Or did you ever?" I could see him breaking. I knew him well enough at this point in our relationship. "How long have I been pouring my heart and soul into a one sided relationship?" He stood there, silent. "HOW LONG?!" I screamed and he flinched. "Six months." A sob escaped me. "Oh god.” I cried as I tried to ease the ache in my chest. “We've been engaged for eleven months!" Everything was crashing down around me. "You've been cheating on me for over half of our engagement?" I sobbed. "Why?" I sounded pathetic, but I couldn't bring myself to care. "You haven't-" “Don't you dare turn this around on me!" I yelled. "You started cheating on me before I started working more! So you tell me why!" I demanded, but he stood there, silent.
"Exactly, Bradley! You don't have a reason because I never gave you one." He sighed. A sad look in his eyes. "Don't fucking look at me like that." I snapped. "Do you remember what you told me when we first got together?" I asked. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I stepped closer to him. He just looked down at me with those big brown eyes that I love so much. "You told me you'd never hurt me." His eyes got glassy and it angered me. "You said the thought of hurting me killed you." A sob shook my body as I stared up at him, a single tear of his own escaping. "So why am I the one that feels like they’re dying inside?!" I yelled as I smacked his chest. I wanted him to hurt, to feel like I feel. "Baby-" He grabbed my arms but I fought against him. Finally, I went limp in his arms. “Why would you do this to me?" I cried. "What did I do, Bradley?
Where did I go wrong and make you feel like this?!” I cried. He cradled me against him as I cried. It reminded me of how he held me when I was upset. I hoped he would hold me and change his mind. "How can you do this to me and be unfazed?" I asked as my head fell back to rest on his shoulder. He moved to let me go, but I grabbed his arm that was still around me. "Please, Bradley. Don't." I asked. I never imagined the day I would beg a man to stay. Especially Bradley. I thought he'd stay, and we'd have kids and grow old together. He sighed before removing his arms and more tears flooded my cheeks. He picked up both bags and I turned to him as he grabbed the door knob. 
"Bradley?” I asked and he went rigid for a second before turning to me. "Did you ever love me?" I asked and he immediately nodded "I still do." I turned completely and grabbed his hand. "Then stay. Bradley, please. We can pretend it never happened." He immediately shook me off. "Pretend it never happened?" He looked at me in shock. "You want to go through the rest of our lives pretending this didn't happen?" I bit my lip to keep it from wobbling. "We can." I choked out. "No damage done yet. We can forget it, we can get married on Saturday and be happy." He looked down at his hand on the door knob as I stood in the center of the foyer. Tears streaked my neck, dripping onto my shirt as I shook, sobs escaping me. "The damage has already been done." With that he opened the door and stepped out. "Bradley!" I yelled, rushing for the door. He closed it just as my body crashed into it. A loud thud echoing around me. I gasped as pain wracked my body. I slid down the door crashing to the floor as I cried. I was startled as a scream ripped from my throat. Little did I know, Bradley stood on the other side of the door, his back pressed against it as he himself cried. How did we get here? Where did I go wrong in my relationship for it to end up like this? These questions swirled around my head for hours as I laid on the floor and cried. 
My phone started ringing in my purse and I jumped up, gasping as I dove for it. "Bradley?" I asked without looking at the screen. "No. Just me!" Natasha's voice broke through the phone. Tears fell again as I curled up on my side on the floor. "I wanted to confirm one last thing about the bachelorette." "There won't be a bachelorette." I muttered "What?" She asked. My mouth opened and closed a few times before I could finally speak. "He left me." I whispered. "He found someone else, Natasha." A sob wracked my body. "He left me!" I cried. "Wh-what?" She stuttered. "He doesn't love me anymore!" It was quiet for a second before she said something and the line went dead. I stared at the ceiling as his words circled my mind, how did we end up here? I was broken from my thoughts when the door opened and my name was called. "Oh, shit." Natasha muttered as she rushed over. "Cmon.” She grabbed my hands and pulled me up. She led me over to the couch before pulling the blanket off the back of the couch and wrapping it around me. "Let me grab you some water." She disappeared into the kitchen and I felt the softness of the blanket and looked down to find it was his Phillies blanket. I gathered it in my hands and launched it towards the mantle, knocking some pictures off. I fell back onto the couch and sobbed. Natasha came back, immediately pulling me into her as she sat next to me. 
“Drink.” She demanded. I had no energy to fight, so I took the glass from her and took a few sips. Once I was done, she set the glass down on the coffee table. “Where did I go wrong. Nat? She held me close and sighed. “I couldn't tell you, because I don't think you did anything wrong." She admitted. "What happened?” I sighed and stood from the couch. I came home and he was packing. I asked where he was going and he just said he was leaving." I choked on my words, wrapping my arms around myself. "He just said he wasn't coming back. He said I was never home and that I was working too much." She furrowed her brows in confusion. "I thought you guys agreed to work more to pay for the wedding?" I nodded, wiping my tears. "We did! But he hasn't been working more." She furrowed her brows. "Then what has he been doing?" She asked. "He's been seeing someone else." She gasped, standing. "He WHAT?!" She yelled. "How long?" She growled. "Six months." She stared at me as my tears soaked the floor. "He's been cheating on you for over half of your engagement?" She asked quietly and I just nodded. "Oh god." She came over and pulled me into her. "I still have to tell everyone that the wedding is off."She held me at arms length away. "Don't worry about that. Hangman and I will make your calls. Bradshaw can make his own fucking calls." I nodded, sniffling. "I'm so sorry.” She said, and  I shook my head. “It's not your fault. You couldn't have known all this when you introduced us." I could see the guilt on her face. She was so excited when she introduced us four years ago. Nat and I have been friends for years, she invited me out to visit all those years ago and I met Bradley. "I'm sorry." She said as she pulled me into another hug.
The next day was supposed to be Bradley's last day at work until after the wedding. Natasha hoped he would be there while simultaneously hoping he wouldn't be. But anger filled her chest as she saw him sitting on top of a desk, laughing with Payback and Fanboy, as if he did nothing wrong. She stormed past him. "Hey Phoenix!" He called after her, but she just slammed herself into her seat next to Bob. "You okay?" Bob asked and she huffed. "Phoenix." Rooster called again. Suddenly ink covered Phoenix's hand and the table. She was so angry she snapped her pen in half. She turned in her chair to face him. "You really have the nerve to speak to me?" She asked and he furrowed his brows. "What? What are you talking about?" Phoenix was stunned. "Wh - What am I talking about? Did you think I wouldn't find out?" She asked and fear flashed in his eyes. Good. She thought. "I just so happened to call her, and it's a good thing! By the time I got there she was a wreck on the floor. And where were you?" She asked, stepping into his space, her nose almost brushing his chin as she looked up at him. "Huh? Were you with your side piece?!" She shoved him, hard, and immediately Maverick and Hangman rushed in and separated them. "He's not worth it, Nix." Hangman said, gently grabbing his girlfriend's arms. 
"Tell me what's going on." Mav said looking between two people he thought were friends. "Now!" He demanded. "Rooster should be the one to tell you." Hangman said, his glare set on Rooster. Rooster looked between everyone but stayed silent. "Oh, you're such chicken shit!" Phoenix scoffed. "The wedding is off." She said and Mav turned to his godson with wide eyes. "What? Why?" He asked, absolutely stunned. They looked so in love, just like Goose and Carol did. "Yeah, Rooster. Tell him why." Phoenix spat. Rooster debated on telling Mav the truth, but he couldn't bare to face the disappointed looks from him. "I just-" He ran his fingers through his hair. "She was working so much and it put such a strain on our relationship-” “Don't you dare turn this around on her!" Phoenix cut him off. "She's not the reason you found someone else. That's all you!" Mav was shocked. "What?" There was a bite in his tone. "He's been cheating for six months. I called last night and she was a wreck because she came home and he was packing and admitted everything." Mav grew angry. This wasn't the man Carol raised. Goose would never stand for it and neither would he. "She's in a state." Phoenix admitted. Guilt was heavy on Rooster's chest. "You told me you'd never hurt her, and you told her that too. Don't expect me to trust you again." Rooster knew that included in the air. Mav turned to her and sighed. 
"How bad is she?" Mav asked and tears welled in Phoenix's eyes. "I'm scared to leave her alone." She admitted and fear struck Bradley. "Go.” Normally Phoenix would prioritize hercareer, but not this time. She couldn't. She stepped past Bradley when he grabbed her arm. "Tell her I'm sorry." He said, but was caught off guard when Phoenix's hand flew across his face, smacking him. “Don't fucking come near her." She hissed and rushed off. He was shocked. He never thought he'd see the day Phoenix hated him. He turned to face everyone, and upon seeing their glares, he swallowed harshly. "I'm just gonna go.” Mav shook his head. "No you're not." Mav interrupted. "You have a hop.” Now if Rooster knew anything by the look on Mav's face, he knew he was in trouble. 
Saturday came and went, and I asked Phoenix to leave Saturday night, needing to be alone. She only would if I called her every hour. So I agreed and she left. Then I was alone in the house for the first time since Bradley left, pictures of us taking up every inch of my vision. Everywhere I looked it was like Bradley was staring back at me. I walked over to the mantle, grabbing a picture of us on the beach. Mav and Penny took us out on the boat and we went
 for a walk after we docked. Rooster was swinging our hands and we were smiling widely at each other. I stared at it for a moment before launching it across the room with a scream. My chest heaved once, twice then I turned, swiping my arm across the mantle. Everything crashed to the floor, and the sound seemed to quell my rage. So I grabbed another and tossed it to the floor. I screamed and I cried until every frame that held a picture of us was destroyed. I almost destroyed one of teenage Bradley and his mom, but no matter how angry I was, I couldn't do that to him. So I moved all the pictures of him and his parents into a box and set it on the dining room table. Once that was done, I walked across the glass covered floor, my feet screaming at me to stop. But I ignored the pain and sat on the couch. I don't know how long I stared at the mess, but the rage once again bubbled inside me and I let out a gut wrenching scream before it dissolved into sobs. I fell back, hands covering my face as I cried. What did I do to deserve this? 
Come Monday morning, Rooster couldn't wait any longer. He had to go and get the rest of his stuff from the house he once shared. He quietly unlocked the door, lifting it ever so slightly so the lock would slip out noiselessly. He knew she was home. Her car was in the driveway and he heard Phoenix tell Bob she hadn't left since she came home and found him packing. He opened the door and was confused when he heard something crunching under his boot. He looked down and noticed glass. So much glass. His heart thudded as he slowly walked in. ‘What the hell happened?’ He wondered. He peeked into the living room, surveying the damage and his heart stopped when he looked at the couch. His ex-fiance lay on the couch, back to him and her face buried in the cushions. What bothered him was how small and fragile she looked. She was a spitfire and matched energy. So he was shocked when she started begging all those days ago. She looked pale and that's when he noticed all the blood on her feet. There was so much of it, he could even see the color change in the couch cushion in the dark living room. "Oh god." He gasped out before dashing for the couch. He leapt over the adjacent love seat and slid across the coffee table, coming to a stop next to her eerily still body. "Baby?" He asked and was caught off guard by a fist flying towards him. "What the hell, Bradley?!" She yelled out." You know not to scare me!" He just stared at her. "What?" She snapped, wondering why he was staring. He opened his mouth to speak when she placed her feet on the floor and he jumped, pushing her back down. "Get off of me!" She yelled. "There's glass on the floor!" He yelled back "I know!" He furrowed his brows in confusion. She went to stand again and he huffed before standing and tossing her over his shoulder. 
"PUT ME DOWN!"She yelled, slamming her hands on his back. Her mind flashed to all the times he carried her to their bedroom like this, and it made her chest ache. Finally he set her down on the kitchen counter. "Don't move." He commanded, a finger in her face. He walked off, heading upstairs. She huffed and grabbed her foot, reaching down to pluck glass out when he stopped her. "Don't use your fingers!" He scolded. He grabbed her ankle and attempted to lift it so he could get the glass out. But she yanked it out of his grip. He gaped at her before trying again. "Stop Bradley!" She yelled. "Just stop." They stared at each other before she held out her hand for the tweezers. He sighed and handed them to her. She carefully began to pick glass from her foot and he leaned back on the counter. "What happened?" He asked as if he didn't know. She lifted her head and glared at him. "I shattered all of our pictures." She answered. He looked at her, seeing how bad off she was. She looked like she hadn't slept or showered in days. Then his eyebrows shot up. "You didn't break my parents' pictures, did you?” He asked. “I may hate you, but I don’t hate you that much Bradley.” She said, “You hate me?” He asked, feeling like he had a frog in his throat. She once again glared at him. “Bradley.” Her tone was calm, eerily calm. “You hurt me. In ways I never knew a person could hurt me. You didn’t just break my heart, it’s like I watched you rip it apart piece by piece and throw it in my face. So yes, I fucking hate you. So while I go shower, you get your shit and you get out.” She said, jumping off the counter and walking upstairs, leaving bloody footprints behind her. 
I don’t remember my shower. I just know I got in, and then I got out with wet hair. I slipped into some yoga pants and a sweater before making my way downstairs. I heard glass in the kitchen and furrowed my brows, only to see Bradley step out and put the broom in the closet. “I uh, cleaned up the blood and the glass. I tried to get the couch clean but it’s stained.” He said and I nodded. “Thanks. But I’ll get a new couch.” I said, walking past him and into the kitchen. I was waiting to hear him leave, but I didn’t. I stepped out and saw him looking at the floor with his hands in his pockets. He’s nervous. “Why are you still here? What do you want?” I asked. Rudely, but I didn’t care at this point. “I wanted to talk to you about the plane tickets for the honeymoon.” My eyebrows shot up as I looked at him. “I’ll be honest. Cas-” “HELL FUCKING NO!” “Baby-” “Stop calling me that! I am not your baby, we are no longer together! You decided to go and stick your dick in some other woman! You have ruined all of this!” I said motioning around us. “I begged you to stay and that was the dumbest thing I could’ve ever done! I’m glad you didn’t because you don’t deserve everything I was willing to give you! There is no one at fault here but you, so I am not your baby, and I paid for the honeymoon so no, you don’t get to take your fucking mistress on MY HONEYMOON TRIP!” I screamed at him. “Cassidy just-” “Do you really think it’s wise to say her name to me?” I asked and he huffed. 
“Will you let me finish?” He asked and I shook my head. “No! You said everything you needed to say when you walked out that door. So go, do it again! Because I am done, hoping you’ll stay! What I need now is for you to leave, and stay gone! I can’t heal if you're still coming in and out!” I said. “She just wanted me to ask.” He muttered before grabbing the box of pictures from the table. “Well she isn’t getting anything else from me! That slut already stole the one thing in my life that I thought would never leave. She isn’t getting anything else!” I said as he turned for the door. “She’s not a slut.” He said as he turned to me. “Okay, fine.” I said and he turned for the door. “I hope you wind up stuck in a ditch with your washed up side piece bitch!” I yelled as he slammed the door behind him. I was so angry I could break something else but I decided against it. I thought about his request and smirked, calling Natasha. “You okay?” Was what I was greeted with when she answered my call. “How would you like to go stay on a private beach in Tahiti with me next week?” I asked. “Count me in.” She said. 
The following Saturday Nat and I were on a flight to Tahiti and we had the time of our lives. We basically drank, ate, swam and slept. By the time we came back, we had awful sunburns, and I’m pretty sure we both gained five pounds each. I felt a little better but once again I was alone in the house, the anger was creeping back in. I couldn’t hold onto this. So I threw myself into my work. I stayed late, and went in early and even worked on my days off. Anything to keep me from being home. “You have to stop. You’re going to get burnt out.” Nat said over the phone. “Nat, I just can’t be at home.” I said. “Then stay with me. This Friday we’re all going to the Hard Deck after work, and then you can stay with me all weekend! It’ll be a sleepover just like it used to be in high school.” I sighed. I did miss spending the night with her like we used to. “Okay. But… has he been at The Hard Deck?” I asked. “No. We only see him at work. He hasn’t hung out with us since you two split.” I furrowed my brows. “Really?” I asked. “The only person he really talks to outside of work is Bob.” I hummed and nodded. “I’m sorry Nat.” I said. “Don’t be. I’m sorry things ended like it did.” I sighed. “So, meet us at The Hard Deck at six?” 
I showed up to The Hard Deck at six like Nat wanted and I didn’t spot her, but I did spot Bob. I slowly walked over as he ate some peanuts. “Hi Bob.” I said quietly and his eyebrows shot up when he saw me. “Oh, hi.” He said, standing and offering me his seat. “Oh, I’m fine.” Bob was quiet but he was always my favorite in the group besides Nat. He’s very kind, and everyone thinks he’s quiet but in reality, he’s very funny. Soon everyone else showed up and I was three beers in thanks to Coyote. I had my arm propped up on Bob’s shoulder, leaning on him as we laughed. “Hey guys.” At the sound of that voice, Bob’s arm slipped around my waist. We all turned to see Rooster, he was looking around at everyone and his eyes widened when they met mine. Everyone greeted him without much enthusiasm. Nat and Jake didn’t even look his way, let alone greet him. Suddenly a blonde woman stepped out from behind him. She was a total knockout. She had a dazzling smile, beautiful brown eyes and a killer body. I turned to Bob who looked up at me from his stool. “I can see why he picked her.” I whispered. “Hey, don’t do this to yourself.” He said as I heard footsteps behind me. “I think you need to step back.” He said and I turned to find the woman standing before me. “I’m sorry. I’ve never met you. I’m Cassidy, Bradley’s girlfriend.” Her smile told me she knew exactly who I was. “Oh, the whore who slept with my fiance.” I said back and her smile faltered. “Cassidy.” Rooster hissed, walking over towards her.
“I did. But he came crawling to me because you couldn’t please him anymore.” Anger settled in me and I could see Natasha hand off her pool cue to Jake. “I don’t have to explain anything to you, but I will do the one thing that I’ve been wanting to do for the past two months.” I said with a smirk. She matched my grin, crossing her arms over her chest. “And what would that be?” She asked, looking all smug. What a dumbass. My left hand shot out, wrapping itself in the hair at the base of her neck. She screamed out as I reared back my right fist and let it fly. It connected with a sickening crack and I immediately felt better. I let go of her and she dropped to the ground, screaming. Bradley bent down next to her, glaring at me as I stood over them. “That’s what you get for being a whore! But based on the obvious work you’ve had done, you’ve been in this position before.” I bent down, meeting her watery gaze. Her nose sat crooked on her face as blood poured out of it. “Next time you consider approaching me, rethink that. Because next time, you will have more than a broken nose and I will smile in my mugshot while you’re laid up in the ICU.” I told her and stood. “Come on.” Bob gently took my hand and guided me out of the bar. “She ruined my nose job!” She squealed to Bradley and I laughed. Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I don’t remember Bob putting me in his truck, but he drove us down to an empty parking lot next to an ice cream place. 
“Come on.” He said, helping me slide across his bench seat. I just listened and followed. He walked us over to the little ice cream shack and we waited in the short line. “What can I get you?” The man asked. “Can I get two scoops of chocolate in a waffle cone and two scoops of mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone?” He nodded and I looked at him wide eyed. “You remembered my favorite ice cream?” He nodded, a red tinge on his cheeks. “Yeah.” I smiled and hugged him. “Thank you.” I said as his arms wrapped around me in return. Soon we got our ice cream and we walked down to the beach. “You wanna try some?” I asked, offering my ice cream to him and he made a face. “No thanks. I don’t like it.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “It tastes like toothpaste.” I smirked to myself, licking it again. “So you don’t like using toothpaste?” I asked and his head whipped to me and I laughed loudly. “I walked into that one.” He said and I nodded. “You sure did!” 
Soon my laughter quieted down. “You okay?” He asks. “I don’t recall you ever being the violent type.” I nodded. “I never have been.” I said. I turned and walked down the beach, stopping as the water washed over my sandals. I stood there for a minute as tears welled in my eyes. “Hey.” Bob whispered as he came up behind me. “It’s okay.” He said and immediately sobs hit me. “Why doesn’t he want me?” I asked and Bob turned me around to face him before hugging me close. “Because he’s stupid.” He said and I hugged him back. Bob stood there and allowed me to cry into his chest. My chest felt like it was caving in and I just wanted it to stop. “It hurts.” I cried and he held me tighter. “I’m sorry.” He said. “I’m so sorry.” He said, a few tears of his own falling to my shoulder. I cried until he walked me back to the truck and I stopped long enough to get in, but the minute he closed the door they started again. My head fell back against the headrest and I curled in on myself. Bob sighed when he got in and slid across the bench seat, pulling me into him. “You don’t deserve any of this.” He said, his fingers playing with the ends of my hair. “What he did was awful and you have every right to feel the way you feel, even if you really don’t want to.” I cried for about a solid forty-five minutes before I took a deep breath and hugged him. “Thank you, Bobby.” I said. 
From then on, Bob quickly became one of my best friends. The week after I snapped he showed up three separate nights with dinner and movie ideas. He helped keep me occupied the months following my breakdown, and soon a little more than a friendship bloomed. “Do a double date with us.” Nat said as I leaned on her island. “Nat-” “I think it would be a good idea.” Jake said and I sighed. “I just don’t think I’m ready.” I said. “Who said it had to be serious? Look we have two more tickets to this comedy show after Coyote and his girlfriend backed out. We’re just gonna get dinner and go to the show. Just see it as us inviting two of our best friends to join us.” Natasha said. I sat quietly for a moment before looking at her. “Just friends.” I said and she nodded,”Just friends.” Nat told Bob, who then called me and told me he would pick me up. There was no room for debate, so I just agreed.
 He showed up on Friday evening wearing gray slacks and a white button up. He looked so handsome and I felt underdressed. “You look beautiful.” He said as he stood on the other side of my doorway. I looked down at my boots and flare jeans. I paired it with a graphic tee and a cream colored sweater. “I feel underdressed.” I said, my face burning with a blush. “You look perfect.” He said, holding his hand out for me. “Ready?” He asked and I nodded. He led me over to his truck, opening the passenger door for me. He helped me in before going around to his side. He started the truck before staring at me. “What?” I asked and he reached into his back seat. “You’re missing something.” He said. I raised a brow before he produced a black stetson. He gently sat it on my head and I giggled as it sunk down a little. “Okay, maybe it’s a little big.” He said, removing it and I laughed. “We’ll get you one of your own.” He said before putting the hat back in the backseat.
After we went out with Nat and Jake, there was a first date. Horseback riding on the beach. I had never been on a horse, but Bob made me feel so calm and I enjoyed myself. Then there was a second date, and a third and a fourth. Soon we made it a year in and we were flying out to Montana to spend Christmas with his family. I was excited. After Bradley I never thought I’d be happy again. But then Bob swooped in and made me realize that I could be happy again. He makes me happy, he makes me feel loved and cared for. Bobby is everything I could ever want in a man, and I quickly realized, I love him. I love Robert Floyd. He made me feel whole after my heart was completely shattered and thrown in my face and now, it only beat for him. “Honey! Have you seen my red flannel? It’ll be cold back home.” He called downstairs. “It’s in the back of the closet!” I heard rustling upstairs as I tossed my last shirt into my suitcase. “Thank you!” He called down and I laughed. Suddenly the doorbell rang. “I got it!” I called. I walked over to the door and swung it open. 
My eyes widened as I looked down the front steps. Bradley stood there, his eyes meeting mine when he heard the door open. “Hi.” He muttered. “Hi.” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked down at him. He looked down at his boots, not looking at me. “Where’s your whore of a girlfriend?” I asked. “She left me about eight months ago.” He said. I hated him and felt bad for him all at once. Bradley spent so much time alone already in his life, and I hate that he has to experience it again, but he did this to himself. “What are you doing here, Bradley?” I asked and he shrugged. “Honestly,” He said, looking around until he finally met his gaze. “I’m not a hundred percent sure.” He said. I raised an eyebrow at him. Bradley was always sure of himself. I’ve never seen him like this. “On the drive here… all I could think about was asking you to take me back.” Tears filled my eyes and my lip wobbled. “Baby-” He took a step forward and I held out my hand to stop him. “Stop.” He did, looking confused. “Just stop. I am not your baby and it’s been over a year since we broke off our engagement. You don’t get to come back, and make me feel things that I had finally gotten over.” I said, taking my own step forward. “I am finally happy! You don’t get to ruin that!” I yelled out. “I am done crying over you. I have been done for a long time.” I told him and tears of his own formed in his eyes. “Who’s crying now, Bradley?” I asked. “Honey?” Bob flew out the front door but stopped when he saw Bradley. They stared at each other as Bob came to stand next to me. “Rooster.” He said, nodding at him. “Bob.” He said, shock covering his face. Bob wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close as I took deep breaths. “You two?” We both nodded. “About a year now.” Bob said. “I think you should go, Bradley.” I said and he nodded, a few tears slipping. 
“Wait.” Bob called and I furrowed my brows at him. “Did you wanna give it to him?” He asked and I nodded. “Wait here.” I walked inside and upstairs to the room I now shared with Bob and not Bradley. I reached into the dresser, pulling out the ring box and making my way back outside. Bob and Bradley were awkwardly avoiding eye contact with each other as I walked down the steps and towards Bradley. “Here.” I said, holding out the box. He stared at it for a good minute before slowly taking it. “You sure you don’t want to keep it?” He asked and I shook my head. “It was Carol’s, which means it’s yours. It has no business being with me if you aren’t.” I said and he nodded before I turned and walked up the steps, taking my place next to Bob again. “Are you spending Christmas with Mav again?” I asked. Before we got together, he was alone every Christmas after his mom passed and I convinced him to spend it with Mav. “Good.” I said. I’m glad he wasn’t spending it alone. “Well, I’ll go.” He said. “Merry Christmas, Bradley.” I said as Bob wrapped his arm around my waist again. “Yeah, Merry Christmas.” He said before turning around and heading for the Bronco. Bob and I walked back inside and I watched Bradley pull out of the driveway. “You okay?” He asked. “Yeah. Is it bad that I feel bad that he is spending the holidays alone?” I asked and he gave me a small smile before wrapping me up in his arms. “No. You’re a caring person. He hurt you but that doesn’t mean you want him to hurt.” Bob said. “So I’m not a bad person?” I asked and he chuckled. “You are one of the smartest and kindest people I know, and I love you honey.” I smiled up at him. “I love you too, Bobby.” I said before pulling him into a kiss that, just like every other one, took my breath away.
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tojisbbg · 2 years
❈ 𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝗺𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 ❈
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❝one day i will stop falling in love with you, some day, someone will like me like i like you.❞
♡ manjiro sano ♡
a/n: current mood - wanting to breaking people’s hearts 😈 (sorry mikey stans)
content: mikey x reader (y/n), very heavy angst, right person wrong time, you’re mikey’s childhood friend, he’s getting married (lolz), not grammatically checked/edited
you finished adding the final touches to your makeup, a heavy sigh leaving your lips as you checked in the mirror if your concealer hid your puffy eyes well. some would say that whatever you were going through was tragic, a scenario that you would read about in romance novels where the main character is destined to a miserable fate.
and perhaps that was right.
you’ve been feeling miserable, sad and pathetic for the last month and a half since you’ve received the invitation. a piece of paper that felt like a sharp knife slicing your heart in half.
what was worse was that you couldn’t even find it in your heart to throw away the card. it was beautifully decorated with happy pastel colors and confetti, printed on expensive card stock, pop-up designs and a photo of him with the girl that was supposed to be you.
it was your childhood friend’s wedding, except for the catch that you’ve been holding in a burdening crush on him for the last twenty years. he was your person and you were his, being there for each other through thick and thin.
you both created a world where it was just the two of you while everyone else became a blur, a bunch of white noise. he was the invincible mikey and you were his key.
you couldn’t help but wonder, when did things change so fast? how did the perfect world you both created become nothing but dust?
(17 years ago)
“how is she, doc?” the young boy with a dragon tatted on his skull asked curiously as he stared at his friend, well practically family, in concern. 
“it was just an upset stomach, little man. we gave your sister some antibiotics to fight off those nasty little germs that’s been bothering her. she’ll be good in a few days. you sure you don’t have a parent or older family member we can contact?” the doctor asked, cocking an eyebrow as he held the pen in his hand eagerly, hoping the blonde boy would say something to him. 
“we’re orphans and she’s not my real sister. we have someone that’s been taking care of us for all these years and he’ll come by shortly.” he murmured, shame painting his face as his gaze went down to the floor. 
the doctor looked at him with sorrow, patting his head. 
“hang tight, buddy. keep her company, but don’t make her laugh too much or else it might make her cry.” he tried to create humor and it successfully made the frowning by crack a crooked smile. 
“yes, sir!” the little boy playfully saluted as he watched the man in the white coat walk away with a chuckle. 
“ken?” his ears rang up when hearing your faint call of his name, a small whimper following after. 
“y/n! are you hurting anywhere? should i call the doctor back? uncle’s gonna be here soon with remi. i told them to bring your favorite chocolate pudding.” draken gave you a cheeky grin, his hand now holding yours tightly. 
“you know me so well, sometimes i forget that i’m an orphan.” you laughed quietly, trying to not put strain on your stomach. 
“you’re not an orphan, y/n. you got me, uncle, remi and the other girls too. we’re one big happy family.” he persisted, eyebrows furrowing as he tried his best to convince you to believe his point. 
“you told the doctor that i’m not your sister, ken.” you whispered, your throat becoming dry as the words left your mouth. draken fell silent for a few seconds before sighing, laying his head besides your hand. 
“i told him that you’re not my real sister, y/n. there’s a difference. i don’t care what the law says because my heart says otherwise. you’ll always be the sister that i’ve always dreamed of having.” his eyes twinkled, a hand coming up to ruffle your hair. 
“so i heard one of my little girls was sick? maybe some chocolate pudding will make those little bad guys in your stomach go away.” your uncle’s voice boomed in your ward, a small smile plastered on his face as he shook the white plastic bag.
your eyes glimmered in content before you were pulled into a bear hug by remi. the girl sobbed on your shoulder, wetting it with tears and snot as she roared by your ears. 
“y/nnnn!!!! i thought you were gonna die when kenny told uncle! i love you, y/n, don’t leave ever me. ever.” she hiccuped between every word as your uncle and draken tried to console her and calm her down. 
“it was a stomach bug, remi. i’ll be better in a few days.” you tried to cheer her up. she raised her head, looking at you in doubt. 
“promise?” remi sniffled. 
“promise, you know i’d never lie to you.” you wiped away her tears before hugging her once more. 
your uncle handed the three of you the small containers of chocolate pudding. 
“why don’t you three take a walk outside, i’ll have this really nice nurse walk you guys. it’s good to get some fresh air.” the doctor said, patting your back and you all agreed, soon leaving the room. 
you happily skipped through the hallway, one pudding container in your pocket, while the other one was tightly secured in your hand as you ate it. 
“let’s play hide and seek, you’re the seeker ken!” you quickly blurted out, not giving either of them a choice before running off to the other direction. you faintly heard draken groan in annoyance, being tired of always being the seeker but he’d always do it for you. 
you saw a pretty quiet hallway and decided to turn to that corner, only to find a small quiet room. you figured that it wouldn’t be too much of a trouble to hide in here for a few minutes
you opened the door, nearly having a heart attack from the sudden appearance of another person. it was a boy with short blonde hair, he was huddled up into a ball, quietly whimpering and crying. 
“hey, kid.” you called out to him, only to not receive a response. a heavy sigh left your lips as you walked over to him, sitting on the floor besides him. the boy looked up at you, eyes all puffy and his nose red. 
he’s pretty cute.
“look, i’m really bad at comforting people. but, when i’m super sad, i eat chocolate pudding to make me happy again.” you said with a grin, digging in your pocket to get your other container out. 
you grabbed his hand and opened his palm before placing the treat in it. he stared at it in momentary silence. 
“who are you?” he finally spoke, looking at you with slight confusion. 
“just a stranger who’s hiding from her siblings in an intense game of hide and seek. what about you?” you chuckled, scooping another bite into your mouth. 
“i’m.. i don’t know.” he said with a shaky breath, shaking his head. 
“that’s fine, we don’t always know the answer to everything. ken is really mean sometimes, he’s a year older than me and asked me what 345 times 82 is. i could bet you my whole stash of chocolate pudding that he doesn’t know himself. tch, smart my ass.” you scoffed, earning a small giggle from your side. you side eyed him, seeing him detach the small spoon from the plastic lid before opening it. 
“what’s your name?” he asked you, eyes anticipating for an answer. 
“y/n. you?” you continued to inhale your treat as you waited for him to respond. 
“mikey.” the blonde boy scooped in a hefty amount into his mouth as he consumed the sweet dessert. 
“why were you crying, mikey?” you asked, not realizing how insensitive you were being. 
“it’s personal.” mikey shortly dismissed, but you were a little slow to understand and continued to persist until he caved in. 
“it’s just me and you in here. think of it as a bubble with just us, nothing comes in or goes out of this bubble.” you assured him, patting his back. 
for some strange reason, mikey felt like he could tell you anything from how comfortable you made him feel. considering the fact that he didn’t want to show any kind of reaction or emotion towards his family, he decided to seek that comfort and release in you. 
“my mother just died, about an hour ago.” he bluntly dropped the bomb, placing a very awkward and tense atmosphere between you both. 
“you’ll get over it, mikey.” you calmly answered, making his brows furrow with annoyance and slight anger. 
“how could you say that to me? my mother just died.” mikey said in disbelief, his tone heightening a little. 
“i’m telling you the truth. i’m sorry that this happened to you, especially at such a young age, but it’ll all pass and soon, today will just be one of your many bad memories. you’ll find peace and love one day and heal, mikey. that’s life.” you defended your previous statement, looking into his eyes with a gentle look. 
“and how do you know that? you’re just some ten-year-old weirdo that walked in on me.” he mumbled under his breath, making you giggle. 
“i’m an orphan, mikey. i don’t even know what my parents look like or if i even have any to begin with. not even any knowledge on if i have sibling or not. ken and remi aren’t my real siblings, just people i grew up with.” you shrugged, making the blonde boy thin his lips. 
“i’m sorry.” he apologized, his gaze lowering to meet his shoes. 
“it’s not your fault. there’s too much love in this world to be consumed by regret or grief. i’m not saying that you shouldn’t grieve, but you have to pick yourself up and continue with the rest of your life eventually. it’s what your mom would’ve wanted, mikey.” you ruffled his hair as his eyes shimmered with hope. 
“thanks, i’ll try. also, promise me that you won’t tell anyone about me crying.” mikey gave you a embarrassed look, holding up his pinky. 
“i promise.” you intertwined yours with his.
suddenly, the door flew open, which startled the both of you. 
“found you!”
“i’m really sorry, sir.” the doctor heavily sighed, trying to pat your uncle’s back as the man sobbed in his palms. 
“how bad is it? please, tell me she has time! she’s only ten, i want to be able to walk her down the aisle one day.” your uncle begged, choking between every word and cry. 
“the tumor in right in the middle of her brain, wrapping around each and every blood vessel. it’s to aggressive for us to remove it, i’m sorry once again, but it’s inoperable. she’ll bleed out before we can even remove a centimeter of it. with proper treatment and medications, we’re looking at maybe ten more years.” the doctor replied, making your uncle rub his temples in worry. 
“uncle!! meet my new friend, mikey! they live on the next block from our house.” you vibrant voice broke the depressing atmosphere. your uncle quickly wiped away his tears, giving you all a smile. 
“hey, i remember you! you were in s.s motors with shinichiro.” your uncle patted mikey’s head. 
“he’s my big brother.” mikey answered. 
“i see, why don’t you come and have lunch with us. we’re going out for burgers, i’ll text your brother that you’re with us.” your uncle suggested, making the small blonde boy nod his head.
and just like that, the both of you became inseparable. 
high school came around and you were the only thing that was piecing manjiro sano, or rather the invincible mikey, together. he formed a gang and that included your brother in it as well. you all were a pretty tight group to say the least, yet no one could truly understand him better than you could.
not even his right-hand men such as draken or sanzu. 
“i think i’m gonna disband toman and move away for some time, you now escape life for a little.” he sighed, opening the lid of the chocolate pudding before handing it to you.
“where’s yours?” you asked, confused as to why he only got one. 
“didn’t want one.” he shrugged, digging in his pocket before pulling out a box of cigarettes. he plucked one of the cancer sticks out, planting it in between his lips before lighting it. 
you watched him in disappointment, as he inhaled the smoke before coughing it out, eyes becoming watery as you scoffed. 
“dumbass, give me that.” you grabbed the stick before throwing it on the ground, stepping on it. 
“and that.” you grabbed the pack out of his hands before tossing it into the trash. 
“y/n.” mikey called out. 
“no, i’m really mad at you. i can’t believe you, mikey. pull that type of shit again and i’ll bury you, i swear. no girl would ever want to kiss you with a mouth like that.” you scoffed, flicking his forehead as he winced in pain. 
“not even you?” he teased. 
“i’d rather kiss a roach.” you playfully punched his bicep, earning a small laugh from him. 
“they only had one pudding left, so i didn’t get one for myself.” he explained himself. 
“we could always share, idiot. say ah.” you ordered, scooping a hefty amount of pudding before placing the spoon near his lips. he opened his mouth, eating it with content. 
“see, much better than cigarettes. but i was being serious, mikey, i don’t wanna see those near your lips or reach ever again. swear on my life?” you glared at him, making him choke. 
“hey! why are you giving me such a harsh swear??” he cleared his throat. 
“so you’re saying you’ll lie and do it behind my back?!” you yelled, making him quickly shake his head. 
“no, no, no! that’s not what i meant. i’m just saying that isn’t it such a big swear for something so stupid?” mikey tried to reason. 
“your health is not stupid, mikey. don’t push my buttons and swear already.” you rolled your eyes, making him sigh. 
“fine, i swear.” he said in defeat, stealing the reamining of your pudding to eat. 
“hm, good. oh, going back to what you were saying earlier, why so suddenly?” you questioned, backtracking to the previous conversation before you both got out of topic. 
“i don’t know, i feel like i’m bringing in my toxic energy in and engulfing everyone. maybe i should just let it all go and step back, you know? even you need a break from me to be honest.” he bitterly laughed. you kissed your teeth before grabbing a hold of his face, turning it to face you as you stared sternly at him. 
“mikey, i’m not going anywhere. what i promised you seven years will never break, even after we die. our souls are one, and i can’t leave my other half. so, let me run away with you. wherever you want, i’ll follow right behind you.” you gave him a soft smile, caressing his cheeks lovingly. his expression grew softer, tears welling in his eyes as he buried his face in your chest. you wrapped your arms around him, kissing the top of his head. 
it’s been rough on him, especially after losing shinichiro too in an accident. mikey’s been in a really dark place for a few months, shit, even scary if you were honest. he was snappy, rude, all dark and twisty. yet, you never gave up on him. 
because you knew that at the end of the day, he was still the same small boy you found in that closet crying to himself. 
“y/n, promise me something.” mikey sniffled, pulling away as he looked up at you, eyes holding so much vulnerability. 
“i promised my entire life to you, what more should i promise?”you joked, wiping away his tears with the pads of your thumb. 
“if we don’t find someone by the age of thirty, let’s get married. i’d rather spend the rest of my life with you than all alone.” he offered, a boyish smile dancing on his lips as your heart fluttered. 
you could’ve sworn that it skipped a few beats, making it suddenly harder to breathe as your cheeks grew warm. 
“stop fucking around with me, sano. it’s not funny.” you warned him, but his expression remained the same. 
“you’re being deadass?” your eyes grew wide and he hummed in response. 
“so, are you in or not?” the blonde boy cocked an eyebrow as he held out his pinkie, making you chuckle. 
“jeez, it seems like you’re making a life or death contract with me. yes, i’m in.” you answered, intertwining your pinkie with his. 
and to think that what you’ve been dreaming of for years were to come true would become only a nightmare. 
it’s not until emma’s death where mikey completely disappeared, not answering anyones calls or even yours. you spent days trying to look for him all over the city and even begging koko to somehow track his number or something. 
but every effort went in vain. 
you cried for months, refusing to eat and giving up on the sweet treat that only reminded you of him. you had nightmares every night, and the only thought that circled your mind was that he was dead. 
he was really gone. 
until after nearly nine years, he came back. not alone, but accompanied with another person. 
a girl, his girl, to be precise. 
mikey went to the philippines for those years, returning with a completely new get up that would make it hard for anyone to guess that it was him. his beautiful blonde locks were now cut short with an undercut, dyed black. 
you remembered the first day where he showed up at your doorsteps, your knees turned into jelly as you almost collapsed to the group if he didn’t catch you in time. you cried in his arms for so long, cursing and punching him from pain and anger as he whispered thousands of apologies to you. 
you were happy, so fucking happy to see that he was alive. it put your mind and heart to peace, until you saw her walk out of the car.  
“this is my girlfriend, y/n. we met a few years back and she’s just amazing, you know. i wanted you to meet the most important person of my life first since you’re my best friend.” he mischievously giggled, snaking an arm around her waist. 
your throat became dry, heart shattering into a billion pieces as each word leaving his lips was like knives jabbing at your heart. it bled, threatening to leak out of your eyes. yet, you held back, trying your hardest to fake a realistic smile to keep your cool. 
“nice to meet you.” you shook her hand. 
“the pleasure’s all mine, mikey’s told me a lot about you.” she said, making you awkwardly laugh.
“oh, i see.” you dryly replied, clearing your throat. 
“these are for you by the way, it’s a recipe that’s really sacred to my family. i hope you enjoy.” she smiled, handing you a box of what seemed like cookies. 
fuck, i can’t even bring myself to hate her. 
“thank you, that’s really sweet of you. uh, you both should stay over for lunch.” you offered, secretly praying that they refuse. 
“sorry, y/n, i gotta get my bike inspected by ken-chin. next time, yeah?” he ruffled your hair, as you managed to let out a small hum. you waved them goodbye before entering your house, locking the door behind you. 
you fell on your knees, letting out all the tears that you’ve been holding in. your cry was ugly, gut-wrenching and painful as it stole all the oxygen from your lungs and made you gag and choke. 
it felt like someone died, well, it was sort of like that. 
mikey was no longer yours, he was somebody’s else’s. you were all alone now. 
you’re the other woman. 
you probably shed a gallon of tears by now, trying your best to turn off the water tap glued on your eyes. but, the image of him snaking his arm around her waist never left your mind. 
you glanced at the box of cookies on the floor, opening the lid to grab one and take a bite. 
“fuck, they taste delicious too.” you cried, throwing it back in the box as you decided that it’ll be best to call out of work sick for tomorrow. 
the day has finally come, where you have to let him go. he was no longer yours, those days will never come back, now only a happy memory that you can confide to for comfort. 
“y/n, you don’t have to do this.” draken sighed, placing a hand on your shoulder but you shook your head, determined to attend that damn wedding. 
“i have to, ken. he’s my best friend, i can do at least this much for him.” you answered, fixing up the green dress that you wore before putting on your earrings. 
“be selfish for once, y/n! i know that you love him, alright? i’ve been living with you since diapers, i know you like the back of my hand. you can lie to anyone but me, i know that you’re not okay. which is why i’m telling you that you don’t have to do this. i’ll tell him that you’re sick or something.” draken’s eyes softened, his expresison growing sad as he looked at your pained expression. you were smiling at him, yet he knew the thousands of thoughts and words that littered your mind. 
“ken, i know. the only way i could give myself closure is by seeing it happen, in front of my eyes. i want my last memory of him to be happy and clear, so that when i think of him, i don’t feel pain or misery. if he’s happy then i’m happy because we are each others halves and no one can take that spot. besides, his fiance is so nice, i can’t even bring myself to hate her. he’ll be fine, i know he will.” you explained, grabbing drakens hands as you gave it a tight squeeze, looking up at the tall man that stood before you. 
he bit his lips to contain himself from arguing back, caressing your cheeks before letting out a sigh. he nodded his head, deciding to butt-out of your business. 
“okay, whatever makes you happy.” he said and you hummed in response before getting up to slip on your heels. 
“let’s go, we have a wedding to go to.” you smiled at him, slipped your arm in his as you guys walked out of your house. 
the drive to the church was short as it was the same one where hina and takemichi got married. you entered the ladies room where all the bridesmaids were getting dressed up as they all waited for you since you were the maid of honor. 
“y/n, you’re here! god, you look gorgeous, maybe i should ditch mikey and marry you instead.” she joked, pulling you into a hug as you chuckled, patting her back. 
“you look even prettier. damn, mikey caught a good one i gotta say.” you answered looking at her with eyes full of nothing but adoration. 
she was sweet and understanding, a perfect wife for mikey. he deserved this, after being through hell and back, he deserved happiness and peace. 
and you were willing to do anything to give him that, even if it meant to go to the ends of the earth and come back. 
“it’s almost time! come on ladies, get in position.” one of the bridesmaids announced.
“i’ll see you at the aisle.” you rubbed her shoulder as she hummed, then taking your leave as you entered the wedding hall. you walked up where the priest stood, mikey standing right across you. 
his eyes widened when he saw you, walking up to you without hesitation. he pulled you into a tight hug before pulling away with a smile. 
“you look absolutely beautiful, y/n, as always. i’m so happy that you’re here, i was honestly so nervous, but after seeing you, i got my courage back.” he honestly said, making it hard for you to form words to respond to him. 
“better not chicken out sano, i raised you better than that.” you playfully scolded him. 
“yes ma’am!” he jokingly saluted, making you both laugh. 
“mr. sano, please stand in position, the bride will enter in a few minutes.” the priest interrupted. 
“sorry. i’ll talk to you after the ceremony, okay?” he held your hands, giving it a tight squeeze and you swore that if he was just a hair more closer, you would’ve broken down into tears. 
“yeah, yeah, of course. go get married, sano.” you teased, making him blush as he walked back to his original position. you stood with one ring while draken stood with the other, the taller glancing at you frequently to check if you’re okay and you’d discreetly try to nod and give him the signal that you’re fine.
the music began to play and the doors opened, revealing mikey’s soon to be wife, now walking in with her father. a huge smile or her face as you looked over at mikey, only to catch him staring at you before averting his gaze to his wife. 
she walked up the steps, now standing besides you as she turned to look at her soon to be husband. the priest began to read the wedding vows and it was soon time to exchange rings. the beautiful diamond ring glimmered under your eyes and you couldn’t help but wished it was for you. 
it fit perfectly, like it was made for you and you knew that because you accompanied mikey when he went ring shopping. it was unfortunate to know that his fiance’s ring size was the same as you, so you helped him pick and size it. you remember not being able to take your eyes off of it as soon as he slipped it onto your finger. you felt chills as his skin touched yours, but now, it was reality; only not yours but hers. 
“do you, _____, take manjiro sano as your wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in sickness and in health, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?” the priest asked, and without hesitation⸻
“i do.” she said with the brightest smile, giving him the most lovesick eyes known to mankind. 
“do you, manjiro sano, take _____ as your wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in sickness and in health, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?” he now asked the groom, and to your surpise, mikey’s eyes were only focused on you. 
please, say no, mikey. say no! you’re mine and i’m yours, it always been like that. please, say no.
your mind screamed and your heart bled, hoping for some miracle to change the events to bring it in your favors. but to your disappointment, none of that happened. he gave you a small smile before glancing at his bride. 
“i do.” mikey said and the priest suddenly glanced at everyone in the room. 
“any objections?” he loudly asked, as a moment of silence fell in the whole room. 
me! i object. this wedding shouldn’t be happening, not even in a million years. that should be me in that dress and ring, not her. i don’t want to be the other woman.
“that’s a no then. i now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride.” and with that being said, you averted your gaze to the bouquet of flowers as the crowd roared with cheers while they both kissed. 
a few tears slipped from your eyes but you managed to quickly wipe them away, praying that nobody saw them. to which nobody did, except for draken as the man look at you with nothing but an aching heart to see you this heartbroken. 
the after party was great, from the table of stories and lunch too. the cake was amazing as well, coming from the bakery that you and mikey often went to for study dates during your teen years. 
“y/n! there you are, i’ve been looking for you everywhere. i just wanted to come here and thank you again for helping out with everything. you’re amazing and i’m so happy to know someone like you.” mikey’s wife came to you and pulled you into a hug, as you pat her back. 
“of course, i wish you both the best of luck and a lot of happiness. treat him good, okay? he’s been through so much and he really deserves this. he’s a little childish and stubborn at times but he’s so sweet. he’s great and it breaks my heart to give him away but he’ll be okay. i know he will, he’s mikey after all.” you laughed, making her break into one as well. 
“mhm, you got it!” she smiled at you once more before being whisked away by another relative for pictures. 
“looks like you’re busy.” you heard a familiar voice behind you, turning around to see mikey grinning at you. 
“yup, busy practicing how to spend the rest of my life alone without my other half.” you teased, making him chuckle. 
“i suppose if you’re not too busy then you can spare some time to have a dance with me?” mikey wiggled his eyebrows, making your lips curl as you took his hand, being pulled away to the dance floor. 
you wrap your arms around his neck as his arms snake around your waist. you both sway to the song and it felt like once again everyone else was just a blur and you both were now back in your own world, just the two of you. 
“thank you, y/n. for everything, from beginning to end. i’ll never be able to repay you for everything that you’ve done for me. without you, i don’t think i’d even be standing here. you’re my one and only, forever and always; my other half.” he genuinely spoke, eyes glimmering with love and adoration, turning your brain into a bunch of mush and heart becoming all fuzzy. 
“you just got married, mikey, don’t make your wife turn against me by saying those kind of things.” you chuckled, making him crack a smile. 
“i mean it, you’re very special to me, y/n.” mikey said, tucking in a piece of hair behind your ear. you felt suffocated, feeling your airways and chest tightening. you couldn’t tell if it was from all that food you stress-ate or the feelings that threatened to pour out right this moment.
“can we go somewhere private, i gotta tell you something.” you urgently ushered him, as he quickly nodded his head before being dragged away to the groom’s room. 
you quickly closed the door behind you, locking it before turning to face him. mikey grew concerned at your behavior and silence as he constantly asked if you were okay.
“if someone were to ask me what would be the best and worst day of my life, i would tell them that it was the day that i met you.” you breathed out, making mikey tilt his head to the side in confusion. 
“huh?” he managed to say. 
“it was the day where i found someone that understood me as a person deep from within, knew my every thought and feeling before i even had to say it or act on it. i found my other half, the person that made me, well, me. the person whom i’ve grown to not be able to live without as well. which also brings it to why it’s my worst day as well.” you grew silent, words feeling too heavy to spew out as tears gathered in your eyes. 
“the person that i can’t live without, mikey.” you choked out, tears now streaming down your face as mikey’s eyes widened. 
“y/n, i don’t under-”
“i love you, okay! not as a friend, but as someone more. i wanted to be the person that you spend the rest of your life with.” you cried, making him gulp harshly. 
“i wanted to be your bride.” you sadly laughed, looking up at him with a tear-stained face as your mascara and eyeliner was now smudged. 
“oh my god, y/n.” he whispered, trying to pull you into a hug but you quickly stopped him. 
“don’t! if you hug me right now, i’ll break and won’t be able to stop myself. please, just hear me out. when we went ring shopping, i never wanted to take it off of my finger and it felt so nice when you put it on me. that night, i went home and couldn’t stop envisioning a future where it was us instead. i’ve loved you ever since we were kids, mikey.” you confessed, making him break into tears as he pulled you into a hug, unable to contain himself. 
“then why the hell didn’t you say anything before? you even had the chance to object when the priest said the vows. why didn’t you say anything!” he sobbed, his embrace tightening as if he never wanted to let you go. 
“because she’s good, mikey. you need a wife who’s sweet, tender, gentle and understanding. she’s perfect for you, mikey. you’ll be okay, i know you will.” you gave him a sad smile, holding his face as you looked deep into his eyes. 
“but you’re also-”
“no, mikey. you need someone who can cherish you and spend many more happy years to come. i can’t give you that.” you sniffled, making him furrow his eyebrows. 
“i don’t understand, what’s going on?” mikey panicked.
“i’m dying, mikey. that day that i met you, i was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and it seems that i barely have a full month left to live. i was supposed to be long gone by last month but i guess i was lucky enough to see you get married.” you cried with a smile. 
“no, no, you’re lying to me. this can’t be! y/n, this isn’t time for jokes, please, i can’t lose you too. i’ll marry you, i’ll manage something, i promise. please, just don’t leave me.” he begged, holding onto you like you would disappear from his reach if he were to let go. 
“mikey, don’t make all of this go into vain. i worked so hard to come to terms with my feelings and get closure. which is why i waited until after the wedding to tell you because even if i do leave you, you’ll have her to be there with you. you need to live for me, and enjoy your life in happiness. okay?” you sobbed, trying to convince him but he kept shaking his head in denial. 
“no! please, y/n! i-i-”
“here, make sure to share with her, alright? don’t get too greedy.” you tried to joke to lighten the mood, as you opened his palm to give him the container of chocolate pudding. 
“y/n, please.” he cried, but you were stern with your decision. you felt yourself becoming light-headed and the familiar feeling of nausea. it almost felt like you were dying, ironically. 
“bye, mikey.” you gave him a soft kiss on his cheek before running out of the room. mikey yelled your name behind like a madman as he ran after you, but you were too ahead. the fresh air hit your skin, sending goosebumps everywhere and it felt like you could breathe again. 
you walked over to draken’s car and opened the door, sitting down as you were about to close the door. 
“i love you too, y/n! i always have and always will.” was the last thing you heard before slamming the door shut, breaking into tears. 
“start the car, ken.” you said in between your sobs, driving away from the church. 
“so, you gonna hide from him forever or what? you know, y/n, i never told you how much i love you. well, not like that. but, i’m grateful for having someone like you in my life. i’d do anything to make you smile, you’re the most selfless and kind person i’ve ever met. an angel is what you are.” draken rambled, making you softly chuckle.
“thanks ken, i love you too.” you tiredly slurred your words, draken glancing at you as he stopped at a light, a smile etching on his face.
“seems like you’re tired, let’s get takeout tonight and go to the movies with remi. you know, just like the old days. what do you say?” draken asked, only to be met with silence. he chuckled to himself as he decided to not bother you and let you sleep till you both got home. 
draken finished parking the car, calling your name a few times to try and wake you up, but you wouldn’t budge. 
“jeez, gonna make me carry your ass up those damn stairs.” he groaned while getting out of the car and opening the door to yours. 
“y/n-” he grew quiet, seeing your pale face made his blood run could. draken quickly bent down and put his ear on your heart, two fingers on your wrist. 
no beat, no pulse. 
“no, no⸻y/n, wake up! please, i need you to wake up!” draken cried, wrapping his arms around your cold and lifeless body to give you some of his warmth. 
but it was no use, you were already gone. 
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the-ninjago-historian · 4 months
Post Series Jaya Doodles and Headcanons!🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡🌊⚡ (Bonus Next Gen Headcannons!👀)
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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! 😁💖 I worked really hard on this. So I hope you all enjoy! Headcanons are below the cut! - ✒️🐉
1) They have a HUGE wedding. Many friends and Family come. And I headcannon that Jay has a very big extended family so that's a lot!🤣
2) They move into the old lighthouse and fix it up/fortify it. It eventually becomes a small rest stop for ships.
3) Nya runs a mechanics shop for boats and water craft there. And Jay has a shop to sell salvage, drift wood, and knickknacks. He also does a little inventing on the side. Although it doesn't usually end well. Lol. Name ideas for their shops would be appreciated!
4) They have a LOT of kids. Five to be exact. Ray, Maya, Ed, and Edna are very proud grandparents. The kids are, in order from youngest to oldest, Piper, Ren, Wynn, Raine, and Poe. Currently I only have a design for Poe. (Seen above.) But the rest are coming. I can assure you. I'll provide some descriptions in the meantime!
Poe: Pictured above! He's very calm and charismatic. And while he's a good fighter and pirate hunter, he enjoys quieter hobbies such as painting. His main weapon is a harpoon.
Raine: Very light skinned. With curly silver hair. (Her hair color is caused by her unique elemental power, Storm!⛈️) She's a little in the small side. But still sturdy and a real fighter. She's a tough cookie! Raine eventually becomes part of the Next Gen Ninjas.
Wynn: Light skinned, with black curly hair. Always wearing a pair of flight goggles. (He's an inventor like Ed and Edna.) Eternally curious and questioning.
Ren: He's got red hair like Jay, and tan complexion like his mom. Ren's got an explorer streak and loves charting new islands. He plans to sail to the other side of Ninjago's oceans someday. He's almost never seen without Wynn. The two are inseparable.
Piper: The baby of the family! She has blonde hair like Libber. She may be little. But she's brave. Not too much on her currently. But she will have a bigger role to play in the future.
5) Cole LOVES their kids. And is very protective of them. (Like "would give his life for them" kind of protective.) He practically treats them as though they were his own. He's their bestest uncle, besides Kai.
6) Raine has a mix of both Nya and Jay's element. She's the master of Storm. She's the first case of a merged element in Ninjago history. And when she was young, it was VERY unstable. Raising a super powered baby was NOT easy.
7) They are pirate hunters. For reasons...🧞‍♂️ Anyway! Their family is known for keeping the coasts of Ninjago safe and sound. Especially their oldest boy Poe, who's shaping up to be a great pirate hunter.
8) They own a flying ship! They needed a way to get to shore fast and since they didn't have the Bounty, Nya and Jay just built one of their own. It's smaller but just the right size for them. And it's called the Storm Rider. It's even got cannons for taking down pirate ships!
(P.S. Two quick things! One, these headcanons are related to a fanseason I'm working on called Ninjago: New Genesis. So that's why they don't line up with Dragons Rising. And two, yes. I noticed Poe's eyes are miscolored in one pic. They're supposed to be brown. I didn't notice until after I finished.😂)
(Tag List: @only-lonely-stars @hydroelectricjaya😁👋)
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kittyball23 · 8 months
hii! i want u to add a lil thing on ur broppy wedding fanfic. how about adding a bouquet toss, but it was secretly planned by clay and poppy so clay could propose to viva? i know it's a lil too fast for their relationship, but i just wanna see what would happen if u added that <3
Sure thing, I really like the Cliva ship and I hope it can become a real thing in the movie 😊💚💛
Viva la Vida (a Trolls fanfic)
Branch didn’t know that a simple bunch of flowers could throw some Trolls into a frenzy.
Flowers grew everywhere and anywhere in all the kingdoms, all unique. Some were big, some were small. Some had colorful florets, others were more plantlike. Some even had faces and could talk. But in the end, they were just flowers.
But, that’s not what the Trolls at the wedding were making it seem like.
They were making it seem like the simple but beautiful bunch of flowers that Poppy had been holding were made out of gold, or the rarest glitter of some kind. He guessed that they were pretty nice, but as he’d learned, in accordance with wedding tradition, it was custom for the bride to throw flowers and have the guests attempt to catch them. Why? Supposedly, it was a surefire indicator of who was to be wed next.
Branch scrunched his nose. He didn’t think he needed a flower of all things to predict his future. Still though, he supposed it was a fun game of sorts. He watched, amused, at all the Trolls who’d gathered behind Poppy, knees bent and arms out, ready to take action.
“Ready, guys?” the Queen asked. Then, in a sly manner, she made sure to turn away from Branch so that she could wink at the group. The Trolls understood what she meant by that wink, and some confirmed their understanding with a small nod. Poppy giggled to herself. The plan she had was going to go perfectly!
“Alright then! On the count of three! Three…”
The crowd got into position.
“... Two…”
Fingers twitched.
“... ONE!”
At that last number, the Queen threw the bunch out from behind her as hard as she could. For a heart stopping moment, the flower bunch hovered in the air high above everyone’s heads, and then it finally fell down, smack in the middle of all the Trolls. However, they made sure to allow one Troll among them to obtain the flower bunch in her grasp. And, thankfully, she was unsuspecting of this purposeful occurrence. 
“Woo-hooo! Yeah! I got it!” Viva cried, hosting the flower bunch high into the air and dancing around with it. “YES!” She loved these types of games, and had always wanted to participate. She hadn’t actually anticipating catching the flower bouquet though. This was exciting!
But Viva’s excitement began to dwindle down when she noticed the looks that the Trolls around her were giving her awfully knowing looks, as if they understood what this meant now that she caught it. And that’s when she remembered, too.
“Oh!” she gasped to herself, whirling around and happening to come face-to-face with none other than her right-hand man, Clay.
He was blushing, as was she.
“You um… caught it,” he said bashfully.
“Y-yeah, I know…” she replied, stuttering a little. Why did she feel so warm all of a sudden?
Branch glanced at Poppy and crossed his arms. “You planned this out and had everyone else in on it, didn’t you?” he asked, smirking.
Poppy nodded,  giggling at how shy the two Trolls had become, ande already making plans for what would become her sister’s future wedding. “You think it could work out?” she asked Branch.
Branch eyed his brother and Viva skeptically, and shrugged. “Eh. I give em a week at most.”
Poppy gasped. “Branch!”
“Alright, alright, maybe it could work out for a bit longer,” he chuckled.
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voidfxndoms · 3 months
Something Blue (Part 1) // Sterek
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Derek is getting married and Stiles, as his best man, decides to bring in an old bridal tradition.
Warnings: swearing, a lot of built-up feelings that don't come out in the best of ways.
W/C: 2,487 (total)
A/N: I had to split it into two parts because I was over the tumble world limit apparently??? I didn't even know tumblr HAD a word limit lmao. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy this first part :)
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"Okay, Scott? How much time do we have?" Stiles asked, nervously pacing around the room. "Thirty minutes." "Oh my god, we're never gonna make it. Where is he? Where is Derek?" "He's going to be here, don't worry. We got plenty of time." Scott tried calming his best friend down. "It's his wedding, for God's sake! How can someone be late for their own wedding!" Stiles exclaimed, anxiety reeking off of him and invading the room. "Malia just texted me, Braeden is almost ready. I'm gonna go check on the catering and guests, maybe someone knows where he is. You need to calm down Stiles, we're gonna be fine." "I need to tell him, Scott.", Stiles said, eyes sad and shoulders slumped. "And you will. I got you." Scott smiled, putting both hands on his friends's shoulders, giving them a gentle squeeze. "I swear to God if Derek doesn't bring his werewolf ass in here right now-" "Threatening me on my wedding day? I really should have asked Scott to be my best man.". A tall, bulky figure walked into the room, pearly whites flashing as the words left his mouth. "You piece of shit!" Stiles said before taking big strides towards the groom and adjusting his tie. "Relax Stiles, everything is going according to plan. Scott, did Stiles not take his Adderall today?" Derek joked, looking over at the young alpha. Stiles huffed, then stumbled towards his backpack. Ignoring the two wolves making fun of him, he took out some things from his bag and placed them on the room's glass coffee table. "Okay. You, big bad wolf, c'mere." Derek, cocking a brow, approached the small table in the middle of the room. He observed the objects in front of him as he sat on the small sofa. "Stiles? What is this? I refuse to do any sort of voodoo ritual." Scott, standing behind Derek, looked at his best friend with a puzzled expression on his face. "I thought this was only for brides." "Well," Stiles said, "this is no ordinary wedding, so I don't see why only ordinary traditions should apply."
"Can somebody please explain to me what the hell I'm looking at, and what is this supposed to be?" Derek asked, half amused, and half annoyed. "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.", Stiles announced proudly as Scott rolled his eyes. Derek furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh my God," Stiles's jaw dropped. "You seriously don't know what I'm talking about?" "I have no idea what this is." the werewolf replied, confusion still plastered on his face. Before Stiles could say anything even remotely sarcastic, Scott said: "Guys, we've got twenty minutes. Stiles, make it fast." "Alright alright." the amber-eyed replied. He took a deep breath, unsuccessfully trying to calm his nerves. "As your best man,-" he started. "The worst decision of my life by the way, don't know what I was thinking." Derek interrupted him, chuckling. Stiles glared at him. "I was saying…" he continued, stressing the final word while shooting one last annoyed look at the giggly man opposite to him. "As your best man, it is my duty to make sure you enter this new chapter of your life in the best way possible, carrying bits and pieces of your life before that horrible mistake when you decided to marry Terminator's daughter." "You know her name is Braeden. And, come on, be nice to her -- she saved all of our lives. I still don't understand why you hate her so much." "It's not her that I hate…" Stiles mumbled. For a split second, Derek saw a glint in his best man's eyes. It was pure sadness, but it lasted for so little he questioned whether he'd imagined it. "Anyway, I took the liberty of borrowing a bridal tradition. In front of you you have three objects," Stiles said, before picking up the first one. "Wait, weren't they supposed to be four?" Derek questioned. "We'll get to that in a minute. Now, the first one; something old." "The triskelion?" "Yeah. This part is about having a relic, something that will always remind you about your roots. The sentimental value this thing holds is insane." Derek raised an eyebrow. "Think about it. Your mom used it to help you and your sisters learn how to control your powers. It's been in your family for years, Kate tried to steal it… you even have it tattoed on your back!" Stiles explained. "I also used it with Liam." Derek pointed out. "Yeah, but that was a total disaster." Derek looked at him, lips tight in a thin line, the eyebrow still cocked. "What? It's not my fault your whole "We can all rise and fall to another" speech didn't work." "Alright, alright. Stiles? Move on." Scott intervened, time slowly running out. He nodded, giving Derek the triskelion, who put it in the inner pocket of his tuxedo. "Object number two, something new.", Stiles said. Derek held it for a few moments, before shooting his head up and asking: "What the hell am I supposed to do with a roll of duct tape?", annoyance oozing from his voice. "Trust the process. The "something new" is an object that will help you in your new life."
Skeptic, Derek let his best man keep talking. "And now something borrowed. Courtesy of Jackson." "I don't need a bow tie, I'm already wearing a tie." "See," Stiles said, making his way to the groom, "This sentence is exactly why you need the bow tie." Kneeling before him, he undid Derek's tie and started tying the navy blue satin bow tie Jackson had lent for the occasion. Derek hardly ever wore suits, and even more rarely tuxedoes. He liked casual and comfy clothes and had no interest in the world of elegance. However, when the engagement had been announced and his closet opened, the only suit Stiles had been able to find was dusty, crumpled, and sprinkled with holes made by some very hungry moths. So he had forced the alpha to the best suit shop in Beacon Hills, where Derek had gotten a tailor-made navy blue tuxedo with black satin flaps that had been hunting Stiles in his dreams ever since the first time he had seen it on the werewolf. But Derek had drawn the line at that, refusing to spend one more dollar on his appearance, claiming that he wasn't getting married to the crowd but to Braeden. "She loves me for me. I don't give a shit about what the guests are gonna think." "You really thought I was going to let you stand there, butchering all degrees of style?" Stiles asked cockily, straightening the perfect bow he had tied. "Oh come on, you're being dramatic." Derek rolled his eyes. Stiles scoffed. "First of all, you were wearing a TIE. With a TUXEDO. Ties are worn with suits, bow ties are for tuxedoes." Derek's eyes widened slightly, surprised at the reaction. "Okay fashion police, my bad." "And let's not even mention the state of the tie you were wearing… Terrible!" "Okay- Stiles? It's okay. We get it. Move on.", Scott said, worry in his eyes. "No you don't!" Stiles almost shouted, suddenly misty-eyed.
To be continued...
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superblysubpar · 2 years
Leather & Lace: Ch. 01
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Leather and Lace Masterlist
A/N: I’m so happy you’re here. I’ve been holding this close to my heart & finally decided it was time to share it. Please see the masterlist for overall series warning, but this chapter is slow and simple - a touch angsty. Let me know what you think! And to my lovely ladies (you know who you are), I’m not sure what I did to deserve you all, but I’m so grateful for you. Thanks for making me laugh harder than I have in a long time & for talking me into sharing this (& more). Special thanks to @boomhauer for taking on the role of putting up with my excessive use of the word and, bad grammar, and tendency to over italicize - I owe you big time friend.
2.4k words
Side A | Track 01: “Fast Car” by Tracy Chapman
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There’s a reason there are so many songs about young love, lost innocence, fleeting moments, and growing up.
A reason those songs usually involved leaving someone behind or being the one who was left. 
Several reasons that hundreds of people are able to connect to a lyric about watching that person or that town disappear in your rearview mirror as you vowed to never look back again. 
The reasons, the songs, the people who relate to them, all center around one thing - small towns.
And small towns fucking suck.
The songs, the movies, the people - they want you to believe in small town America. They want you to think it’s peaceful, that it’s bliss. Not a single soul is unhappy - the town and all within it are thriving. You’re supposed to feel safe, enjoy knowing your neighbors, and learn how to bake pies to submit to county fairs like your mom did and her mom did. It’s all shoved down your throat from the minute you’re born in that ‘too big’ city hospital. Barely a day old and you’re already being told it’s better this way as you're shuffled back home to where you’re supposed to belong.
When you’re younger, you don’t understand it all yet. You like that everyone in your class knows each other and everyone gets invited to every birthday party. You like waving to your mailman at the grocery store and seeing your teacher at the movie theater. You love that all of the moms know each other and gossip, because that means when yours picks you up to go home after a sleepover you have at least another hour together while they all talk.
But as the years go by, it all starts to change. Suddenly, your class doesn’t like each other, you’re not all invited to the parties, people stop dressing up for Halloween because it’s not “cool” anymore. Your best friends start talking about boys, clothes aren’t just clothes - they’re a status, and liking certain music or movies makes you either a freak or a god. 
Someone snaps their fingers and it’s a bloodbath to rise up in social status. There’s a hierarchy, a food chain, and it’s every man for himself. You start to see that it was all an illusion. The moms who you swore were the best of friends are the first to let you in on the secret of the false happiness of the town and its people. 
Their long winded doorway and grocery store gossip filled conversations you once tuned out, now ring in your ears too loud. They fake smiles and pleasantries until one leaves the herd, the pack descending on them with nasty remarks and the first of many rumor fueled flames is lit. No longer the close friendships you once dreamed of having yourself, but relationships formed from gossip and jealousy and hate that their offspring seemed doomed to inherit.
Like a movie playing on the big screen, you watch it happen right before your eyes. Your once tight knit group of friends turning on each other for something as simple as eating a slice of pizza at lunch instead of a salad. They’re glossing lips and curling eyelashes, and talking about basketball player boyfriends. Plans for their futures suddenly centered around boys you’d grown up with, dreams of weddings, kids, and staying in that same town repeating it all over again with a new generation. 
They've got to be shitting you, right? 
You’re not an idiot though. You see how the people you once called friends are suddenly freaks - shunned by the kings and queens of the school. And you’re not proud of it, but you play along. You wear the outfits, the bright blue eyeshadow, you make fun of people who are slightly different from the status quo. 
High School is a balance beam, a high wire, a jump out of an airplane but you don’t all have the parachute or net to catch you. It’s all a bunch of bullshit, a massive and giant labyrinth of contradictions and riddles designed to make you sink or swim. Lean or turn the wrong way one time, and it’s game over.
You can’t answer too many questions in class and look like a nerd, but obviously you have to keep up your grades because you can’t be seen as a slacker or dropout - what would people think? You can’t like art or band or theater too much, you can be an athlete but they’d prefer it if you just cheered for them. Be a good girl, get good grades, and dote on whatever king of Hawkins belongs to the letterman jacket you currently have slung around your shoulders. 
And the school stuff isn’t even the worst part. The extracurriculars are where things started to get really complicated. Only the freaks, losers, and dropouts smoke weed and drink. Oh, but you’re not gonna have even a sip or one hit at the party? Who are you, Mother Theresea? You go to church, so you’re a saint, right? Only on her knees for Jesus? Boys will be lining up to see if they can make the angel dip into her sinful ways. Trapped on the receiving end of a double edged sword - a prude if you don’t do anything and a slut if you do. 
You walk the line for four years, sticking to the status quo and you coast. Never in the background and never in the spotlight, miraculously making it through what’s supposedly the best years of your life fairly unscathed. It’s not all rainbows and perfectly pressed pleated skirts though, and you need out. You pack up what little you can consider truly your own possessions two days after graduation, ready to head towards the city. You’re going to watch that shitty little town disappear in your rearview mirror and you’re not going to look back, not even for a second. 
Your “friends” think you've lost it. Your parents worry and remind you you can always come back. You hope your little brother is proud of you - he’s the only reason you do risk a glance in the rearview mirror. You see him standing in the driveway, waving a sad arm in the air, his misfit friends all standing by him. He'll be okay. He'll see how good you do outside of that town and maybe he'll be inspired and get out too. 
Chicago is dirty, loud, fast and wonderful. It’s nothing like you thought it’d be and everything you dreamed about. You’re poor and surviving off of Seven-Eleven slurpees, but you’re living.
People are different in the city. Unique and vibrant and filled with life. They’re not settling for normalcy. They’re pushing themselves and boundaries. Told to be different and stand out - speak up instead of being seen and not heard. 
School is completely different too. No one to tell you that you can’t like both an art class and a science class. A gift from the universe, you’re sure, when your assigned lab partner offers you a joint one day, where he casually offers up the information that his cousin is his dealer and his mom runs a local Sunday school - like that’s normal everywhere. And maybe it is, maybe the awful small town is ancient history. You embrace the new normal and you ask if his cousin can hook you up too and if the church has a choir you can join. 
The next four years are long, and not at all perfect, but they’re your years and no one else’s. You’re writing your own story and figuring things out for yourself. Your parents and brother call and visit frequently and you manage to avoid returning home as much as possible - visits only extending for no more than two days, and staying put inside your childhood home. The happenstance lab partner talk ends you up in a job teaching at a local church when you’re not in class. Falling in love with the kids, you pursue a career in teaching, dreaming of a future where you’re helping to shape the minds of the next generations. 
Graduation, your own apartment, a job teaching art to middle school - the dreams, the life you couldn’t have even imagined, unfolding before you like you’re living the best part of a movie. It all seems too good to be true.
And maybe it was. 
Maybe it was some sort of childhood naivety clinging to you. Hopes and dreams were just that - and somehow you had gotten caught up in yours. You should have realized that life is not always a happy ending. It is filled with an immeasurable amount of curve balls, running uphill both ways, grief, and unexpected life altering moments. It’s unpredictable and unfair and ready to blindside you at a moment’s notice. 
The loaf of bread you’ve been carrying falls into an icy puddle at the curb. You jump to grab it, but it's too late. A car rolls right over it, honking like it's your fault and you flip them off.
You know it’s stupid to cry over a loaf of bread, over a stranger honking at you, and besides, your tears will only freeze to your eyelashes. So you try to keep them at bay as you quickly walk the remaining block to your apartment, arms pulling your coat closer to ward off any harsh wind that manages to sneak through and chill your body.
You rip the pink past due notice from your door as you rush inside, dumping your bags on the floor and kick the excuse of a coffee table that's just a sheet over two cardboard boxes as you pass it. You don’t even bother turning on the lights because you know you couldn’t afford last month’s electricity bill, which means you certainly can’t afford this month’s. 
You knew you weren't going to make it much longer and the tears you had managed to hold in now wet your lashes as they threatened to finally fall.
The shrill ring of your phone pulls you out of your self pity and wallowing. You knew it was your little brother, calling you at this time every Sunday night. You had managed to keep it all to yourself for almost six months, not having it in you to tell them all, to tell him that you had failed. That you needed to return home. 
You knew it was time though and you picked it up on the last ring, "Hello?"
Your brother is screaming into the line and you start to panic, "What? What's going on?" Your mind starts racing back to a few years ago when all the crazy shit went down with the mall and the earthquake - your family luckily safe with you in Chicago for both events. Why they insisted on returning to that shitty town even after all of that was beyond you.  
"I got into NYU!"
You fall back against your wall, the tears falling down your still thawing cheeks. A mixture of grieving the loss of your own innocence and celebration of his still thriving one. You clutch the phone tighter and wish you could hug him through it, wrapping the cord around your fingers you choke out, “I’m so proud of you buddy. That’s amazing. Congrats.”
He's breathless and laughing, "Will you come home to celebrate? Longer than the two days you had planned for Christmas? Please?"
You cradle the phone between your ear and neck and grab a spoon to get your dinner of peanut butter started.
You look up at the ceiling and try not to cry harder. You can’t tell him, but you have to. You take a deep breath as his voice falls to that wobble that only little brothers know. The one they perfect before their first words so they can hit you right where it hurts and make you swear to yourself to never let the sound leave their mouth again if you can help it.
"Y/N? Please?" he asks quietly.
You sniffle and form some sort of courage to tell him you’re a failure, "How ‘bout I do you one better and I come home for the rest of your senior year?"
You rip it off like a bandaid that’s been left on too long, wincing through it as you blurt out, "I got laid off at the end of last year."
"But you're the art teacher! How can they just-"
You interrupt him before you start crying harder and he can go off on a rant, “Buddy, I know, listen, it’s a long story. I’ll tell you all about it over some pizza while we watch The Breakfast Club, okay?”
He’s silent for what feels like forever when he finally asks, “Can we get pineapple on the pizza?”
You laugh through the remaining tears and nod, leaning your forehead against the wall, “You bet. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
When you hang up, you look around your dark apartment. The place that once was your oasis, your dream, now an expensive responsibility and weight on your shoulders. You’d sold most of your furniture already, and so you start packing your few remaining belongings that same night. 
In the next two days you sell what you can, enough to barely make your final rent payment and you hand your landlord your key as the first snow of the year drifts down lazily around you. You turn and take one final polaroid of the city - wanting to remember it this way, before climbing into your rusting and falling apart car and closing your door on it all. 
As you make the drive out of the city, your eyes fill with tears in the rearview mirror. It was never supposed to be like this. This wasn’t the town that was supposed to disappear in the mirror. These weren’t the people you were supposed to be leaving. As the wheels of the car take you further and further away, you turn the volume of your mixtape up as loud as it can go, drowning out the thoughts of your failures, your disappointments, your crushed dreams. You wipe the tears from your cheeks as you sing along loudly.
“...I got no plans, I ain’t going nowhere. So take your fast car and keep on driving. So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car - speed so fast I felt like I was drunk. City lights lay out before us and your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulders. And I, I had a feeling that I belonged. I-I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone…”
🖤 Thanks again for being here - any interaction is so appreciated & I’d love to know what you thought about it! If you’re able, please consider reblogging to help get my work seen.  tag list: @christalcake @loveshotzz @myobmaya @sweetsweetjellybean
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sexylil-doll · 1 year
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This au is inspired from the movie corpse bride. Happy reading!
To say Sunghoon was nervous was an understatement. He is beyond terrified! He didn’t know how he got himself into this kind of situation where he never imagined would happen to him.
His eyes wide like a deer caught in a headlight while staring at the woman in front  of him wearing a torn wedding gown paired with a torn veil that was still hanging in her head. Skin pale as the snow. 
Despite her messy state Sunghoon can’t help but to stare at her while she was busy gawking at the gold wedding band in her ring finger chanting the word ‘I’m married’ multiple times while performing a small dance around him. 
She’s a beauty. He won’t deny that.  But  what makes him baffled was the fact that she’s a corpse that had been awoken from her deep slumber just because of his stupidity. 
Now that it comes running back to his mind that the person in front of him was already a dead person, shivers run down his spine. He slowly  walked backwards, careful not to make any noise that could get the attention of the woman in front of him. 
Yet one step he made, a noise coming from a tree branch he stepped on, caught the attention of the woman. 
Not wasting any time he ran as fast as he could to get away from the woman and out of the graveyard. 
“Hey! Where are you going?”
He heard her call yet instead of stopping he increased his pace and ran faster. The moment he was out of the woods he caught his breath while sitting on the bridge. 
“Silly, why did you even run? Look what happened to you.” 
A sudden voice was heard making him scream. 
“Stay away from me!” he yelled, startling the woman.
“How can I? I’m already your wife!” she beamed like he just didn’t yell at her.
“Look, that was a mistake. I didn’t mean to marry you. I don’t even know you!” Sunghoon stated making sure that the woman in front of him would get what he was trying to say. 
Yet instead of being upset the lady flashed him a beautiful smile. 
“Oh! Is that the problem? My name is Y/n…What’s your surname my husband?” 
“I ain’t giving you my name. We’re not even married legally!”
“It’s you okay. Back in the graveyards you said your vows perfectly.”
Sunghoon was surprised to hear those words from the woman. He had been practicing his vows since earlier that day and hearing that he said his vows so perfectly made his heart jump from joy.
“I did?” 
He asked, still not convinced that he delivered his vows perfectly. 
“Yup! After you delivered your vows you put the ring around my fingers, that's why I answered ‘I do’ and now, we’re married!” Y/n once again beamed in happiness after saying that.
“Look Y/n or whoever you are—”
“I’m your wife, silly.” She interferes.
“Okay, whatever, I don't care.”
“But listen. I didn’t mean to marry you. This is not supposed to happen. You’re already dead! We can’t be together! That would be ridiculous! I don’t want a corpse as my bride nor my wife!”
The pained expression on her face made Sunghoon think about what he said. It came out a little harsher than he thought. Yet what made him baffled was that the frown on y/n’s face was replaced by a bright smile.
“That’s no big deal! You can come with me to meet my family!”
Before Sunghoon could even protest they were already enveloped by a dark smoke that he didn’t even know where it came from. Next thing he knew everything turned to black.
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“Y/n, why did you bring a living thing here?”
You pouted after hearing what your friend Jeonghan said. 
“He wasn’t just a living thing, oppa. He’s my husband!” you smiled, flashing him your hand where the wedding band was.
“You're what?!” your bestfriend Jake exclaimed. 
Your friends immediately grabbed your hand and stared at the wedding band on your ring finger. 
“This is not a time for jokes, y/n.” your bestfriend Jake glared at you. 
“But I’m not joking, Jake. He married me at the graveyard! He said his vows so perfectly and slid the band on to my hand! I’m married, Jake!”
His glare turned into soft stares. Your friend Jake had known you for too long. He knows how much you wanted to be married, to be a wife to a husband, and to be a mother to your children; and now that you’re married is a surprise to them especially when you’re married to a living person and not to a dead one. 
“Make sure he won’t hurt you or else will make him drink the wine for eternal life.” Jun kissed your forehead before walking away.
And when he says wine for eternal life he means poison. 
“I’m happy when you are. Always remember that we’re here for you.” Jeonghan said, patting your head. 
Even though he was the most playful one among you, he really knows when to be serious. 
“Are you about this?” Jake asked when it’s only the two of you.
You looked at him and flashed him a sweet and sincere smile. 
“Very sure, Jekjek.” you called him using your pet name for him.
He pulled you for a tight yet comforting hug. Oh how you treasure him so much. He’s been there for you since the very first day you came down from the world of all the dead. But since you still have unfinished business you still can’t go up while Jake had already finished his, he decided to stay there till you finished yours. 
He promised he would stay by your side till you both leave the world of the dead. 
After your talk with Jake you go back to your room where Sunghoon was. He was already awake by the time you came back. 
“Hi, Hoon!”  you greeted him with a smile yet it immediately faltered when he sprinted out of the room. 
“Hey! You just woke up, where are you going?!” 
You kept on running after him until you saw him climb the walls, completely confused as to why he did not use the stairs. 
You ran to the stair and took each step carefully yet with a little speed. When you reached the top you waited for him to arrive. When he finally reached the top he grabbed your leg thinking it was a railing. 
You chuckled at his silliness as you helped him up. 
“Why do you keep on running away? It’s not like I would eat you up alive.” 
He sighed when you finally helped him and just looked at you, clearly pissed. You wanted to ask him a question but before you could even talk he walked away from you then took a seat on the bench not too far. 
“Why are you upset? Did I do something wrong?” you asked him cautiously. 
“I want to go home.” Sunghoon voiced out while looking at his shoes. 
“We can go up.” you said, making him look at you in an instant.
“Yes! Is that the reason why you’ve been running away from me? You could have told me sooner.”
You laughed while pulling him up and stalked your way to Namjoon’s office. He was reading a book when you entered his office. 
“Hi Oppa!” you greeted him with a smile.
“Y/n, what’s the matter? And who is he?” Namjoon raised a brow while staring at Sunghoon who was standing right behind you.
“Ah! He’s my husband, Oppa! Hoon, this is Namjoon Oppa, the one who was incharge of sending off the souls to their final resting place. Namjoon Oppa, this is Sunghoon, my husband.” 
He looked at Sunghoon then his eyes landed on you. By the look on his face you already know that he already knew about Sunghoon being alive and was just brought down to the graveyards by you.
“I see. May I know what your problem is, though.”
He closed his book, placing it to the side and focused his full attention to the both of you. 
“We need to go back to the world of all living beings. You can do that, right Oppa?” you asked him.
“Of course I can, but the world of living is dangerous for you. Especially because you are—”
“Dead. I know that. But don’t worry about me Namjoon Oppa, Sunghoon  is with me.” you cut him off before looking at Sunghoon who was already looking at you. 
He wasn’t saying anything and was very silent during the whole conversation. Namjoon cast something that brought you back to the world of living. 
“What’s your plan now, Hoon?” you asked him while both of you were standing in front of your tombstone. 
“I’m gonna visit my family first and tell them about our wedding before introducing you as my wife.” Sunghoon said while smiling at you. 
Something was off with his behavior but you did not let it bother you especially when he said that he will introduce you as his wife. 
The excitement inside you rises up as you cling to his arm with a glimmer in your eyes. 
“Oh! Let’s go then!” 
You were about to pull him when he suddenly stopped you. 
“NO!” Sunghoon exclaimed, startling you. 
“I mean, no. You should stay here while I talk to them first.” he patted your head, guiding you to sit down on the nearest bench. 
“You stay here while I talk to them, don’t worry I’ll be back before you know it.” Sunghoon said before sprinting away, not even letting you say something before he went off.
Just like what he said, you waited there. Seconds turn to minutes until minutes turn to hours of waiting yet he’s still not back. 
You grew impatient as you let out a huff. Pain and sadness eat you up as you stand up to follow the path he takes. 
You roam around their empty village finding any signs of Sunghoon until you see him running towards one of the mansions in the village. 
You stalked your way to the mansion and stood by the window where you could see him clearly, sitting on the sofa together with four other boys. They look so serious while listening to Sunghoon speaking. 
A smile plastered on your lips thinking that he was already telling them about you as his wife and the wedding. You were about to walk away and go back to the graveyards when you heard their faint conversation. 
“I’m telling you the truth! I was married to a dead woman!” It was Sunghoon. 
“I’m sorry but, how could it be, hyung?” one of the boys asked.
“I don’t know Jungwon, but I’m telling you guys the truth! I really need your help! I want to be free from her. I don’t want a dead woman to be my wife nor to be the mother of my child!”
“If that’s possible then it’s still no use being married to a dead woman. After all, you’re already parted.”
“What do you mean, Jay?”
“Sunghoon, death already parted you both. So probably the marriage you have with her is senseless.”
After hearing those words you felt your heart breaking to pieces. 
Till death we part…
You only want to be married. 
To experience how it feels to be married. To be a bride, a wife to your husband, and most especially to be a mother to your child. 
Yet when you finally experience it, your husband doesn’t want you to be his wife. 
Your eyes landed on the wedding band on your ring finger that probably doesn’t belong to you.
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You were sitting back to the bench where he left you. You didn't hope that he would go back to you. You think back to the moment where you’re married to him. Even for a moment of time he really made you happy. 
At least you’ve experienced what it feels to be married and to have a husband. Not to be a wife and a mother though. 
A small smile crept to your lips as you pulled out the ring off your finger. There’s no use in holding to a marriage that is not Ideal in the first place.  After all, Sunghoon did not want to marry you because you’re dead. 
Although it hurted you, you have already decided to accept your faith. You’ve been in the world of death for god knows how long. It’s about time for you to go and be free with the ones that have been waiting for you. 
You looked up when you heard footsteps approaching you. 
Jake, Jeonghan, Jun, Taehyung, and Wooyoung, flashed you a sweet smile as they sat down beside you. 
“Ready to go now, Princess?” Jake asked. 
“I need to bid him a goodbye first.” You smiled at them.
“Ooo! I already sense him coming!” Wooyoung said.
Not minutes later, Sunghoon appeared. His eyes were immediately on you then it landed on the boys that surrounded you. 
You stood up and stalked your way towards him. When you were already in front of him, you held his hand before handing him the wedding band. 
His confused eyes landed on the ring on his hand before it bores back to you. 
“Thank you, Hoon.” you smile at him despite the pain inside you.
“I’m thankful that for an ample amount of time you made me experience what it feels to be married. What it feels to be a bride. I may not experience now how to be a wife and a mother to my child, but I'm still thankful for you.”
You wiped the tears that ran down your cheeks. 
“Because of you, I have already achieved my dream and wish. I hope you find happiness and comfort in the person you’ll be marrying.” you flashed him a sweet smile as you caressed his cheeks feeling it for the last time.
“Always take care of yourself, Hoon. I’ll be rooting you from above.” you kiss him goodbye before running back to where the boys were waiting for you. 
You took one last glance at Sunghoon who were just staring at you before your body disintegrated to pixie dust and flowed together with the wind’s blows.
Someday, when you’re given a chance to have a second life, you promised to experience the things that your first life refused to let you experience; and when that happens you’ll make sure to enjoy every moment you have.
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Have you seen bullet train? Any thoughts on the boomslang? I know it’s supposed to be a comedy but since I’ve been reading this blog for a while I totally cringed lol.
I know you’ve talked about antivenins not being fun no matter what, but if you were to get an antivenin and then be exposed to more venom soon after, would it be able to help or are you totally screwed?
Also how much venom does it take to make it a not fun time for a person? I suppose using boomslangs specifically in this case. Like a drop is bad or you need a vial?
And how much venom does a single snake produce and how often? When you’ve got something like a whole party of people, I assume you’d have to prick every single person there but that seems like a butt ton of venom… is it shelf stable at all?
And I’m like 99% sure based on what I’ve read on this blog that venom doesn’t act as quickly as it did in the movie, but how fast does boomslang venom act in real life? Does it really make blood pour out of your eyes or was that just Hollywood?
This whole movie gave me so many questions but especially about snake venom. Sorry for the essay of questions but it seems like absolutely nothing that they put in the movie about snakes seemed correct, except for the injecting it part? (though they do imply that she fed it to the wedding party so idk about even that lololol)
Also are there any snakes or reptiles that you know of that are both poisonous and venomous?
Thanks for taking the time to read this! Feel free to ignore, sorry again for the essay lololol. Thanks for having such a great blog that really got me to think more critically about snakes in the media, as well as just giving awesome info about reptiles, not to mention being so open with answering questions! Okay sorry I’m done for reals this time
I haven't seen it, but I can still help with your questions!
Antivenin gives you temporary immunity to snake venom. Like, you will feel like garbage, but if you're bitten again, you're good. You'll be functionally immune until the antibodies pass through your system.
The amount of venom that equals a bad time varies wildly from snake to snake. Boomslangs are actually kinda unique among rear-fanged venomous snakes in that it doesn't take a lot of venom to make you feel awful. They'll have to chew on you a bit, still, but even a relatively small envenomation won't feel great.
The amount of venom a snake has depends on their size, but generally it's about a teaspoon or less. Venom does tend to break down pretty quickly, that's why for use in antivenin productions, they have to do some fancy stuff to it (I dunno what, I'm not a toxicologist) before sending it off. It stays stable longer if it's kept frozen.
Boomslang venom is very slow-acting. Even with a significant envenomation, you'll be waiting at least 12 hours before it becomes an emergency. It actually does make blood come out of your eyes (and other mucus membranes), though - but it's not very dramatic, and I'd use "dribble" instead of "pour" to describe it.
And yes, there are a few snakes that are both poisonous and venomous! The big ones are the keelbacks (genus Rhabdophis).
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karishrtstlen · 4 months
🕊 I’ll crawl home to her.
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Obamitsu // Obanai and Mitsuri remember important moments before their wedding
Inspired by Hard Work-Hozier
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Mitsuri paced around her bedroom with sweaty palms and eyes filled with tears out of pure stress. One day from now would be her big day and she couldn’t believe she was marrying someone as perfect as him. Someone like him. Someone like Obanai. Shinobu had come over to calm her down as well as Shinobus sisters, Kanae Kanao and Aoi, as of now there were no results.
“Oh god Shinobu he’s just so. Amazing why would he even consider marrying me?” She asked her friend who sighed and rubbed her temple
“Why wouldn’t he? That man’s completely smitten over you. Don’t you remember how he asked you out?” Shinobu reminded her
and how could she forget?
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Summer of their senior year in highschool. This was their last summer before they would have to mature.
Shinobu had suggested that their entire friend group take a small trip to the mountains, Where Giyuu’s adoptive father lived, To relax and so they did. They spent the entire summer there.
Mitsuri remembers two weeks before they left quite well.
“Lyubov” Obanai called out for her. She wasn’t sure where he got the nickname from, all she knew was that he had called her that ever since their trip to Ukraine Sophmore year.
“Whats wrong Oba?” She asked quietly, it was nighttime and she wasn’t supposed to be awake but of course Obanai knew she would be awake.
She forgot to bring her favorite bunny plush she can’t sleep without it.
“Can you come with me please i have a surprise” He said quietly knowing she was tired and hadn’t rested properly. A tired Mitsuri made her a little bit more anxious than usual, But not with Obanai. Obanai felt like home to her and she would never give that up. She took his hand.
Her bigger softer hands from baking into his smaller calloused hands from writing so much. Mitsuri has always thought their hands, though opposites, fit each other like puzzle pieces that were missing. She thought their mere beings were meant to find each other.
Like how though she’s taller and a lot stronger everything about her screamed feminine no matter how many people tried to make her seem masculine for her build
And Obanai was the opposite that completed her.
He, unlike many of the boys she’s liked, had never objectified her, sexualized her body and its proportions, never tried to make her seem masculine for her strength, and never not ONCE judged her for how she decided to eat.
He led her outside into the forest secretly praying she would trust him just a little longer he could feel in his heart that she was getting scared. Two hours passed before Obanai asked her gently to close her eyes while turning off their flashlight. Underneath her palms she could see a glow as Obanai held her arm and led her deeper into the forest.
“Open them now, Lyubov” He said gently letting go of her as if she’ll break if he did way too fast.
When she opened her eyes she was met with a sight so magical she could barely breathe. An entire grove of Wisteria trees with fairy lights covering them and polaroids hanging on the lines their friends standing on the side of a projection screen playing videos of her and Obanai from the day they met to now. In her shock she failed to notice Rengoku giving Obanai something and patting his shoulder with a stern look before going back to his spot next to Tengen.
“Do you know why I call you Lyubov Mitsu” He asked
she shook her head and he smiled.
“When we took our trip to Ukraine you mentioned how beautiful you thought the language was and how much you loved it. So for you i learned it. That way you could hear the beauty of a language you love even if you don’t know it. In Ukrainian Lyubov… Lyubov means Love” He took a deep breath looking at Mitsuri who had tears falling already. “Back during the Taishō period there were these fierce swordsmen and women who fought against something no one knows yet but its said to be beasts so fierce coming back with just a busted eardrum and broken ribs was considered a miracle” He laughed a bit looking down
“What i found interesting was that there were two whose looks are described similarly to us, they loved each other yet made no move to confess a push and pull out of fear. They died in each other’s arms confessing too late.”
Mitsuri looked into Obanai’s glassy eyes and felt butterflies erupt. “I don’t want to be like them Kanroji.” He said getting on one knee “So to you i want to say that you are my best friend. For the longest i believed that’s all you were but my heart said otherwise. If i have to die with you in my arms I want it yo be with you as my girlfriend and the promise of marriage sealed from the get go. Mitsuri Kanroji I want to make this promise to love you and soon marry you. I promise to work hard and make sure you never feel worthless because in my eyes you’re more than this world and this universe combined, to me Kanroji you are everything. The waves the moon the sun the flowers the planets the stars the galaxy everything. So please, Be my girlfriend and more than that my future wife” He finished by taking out a promise ring the diamond being in the shape of a heart with a snake going around it.
and how could she not say yes while sobbing and giving him small gentle kisses all over his face in fear if breaking him?
her precious boyfriend and future husband
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Tomorrow is the day Obanai would be marrying the woman he loves with his soul. Right now he was with Rengoku, Tengen, Giyuu, and Sanemi at the spa instead of a bachelors party.
“Out of everyone I would have expected Tengen to marry his girlfriends first” Sanemi said with a sly smile cucumbers covering his eyes. Tengen rolled his eyes and told him to shut up sinking further into the mud bath. Obanai smiled brightly at them careful not to mess up the stitches around his mouth.
“Marrying her is my biggest accomplishment in life she’s gonna be mine forever and i’ll love her forever till my last breath” he said calmly “Getting her fathers permission was a hassle i remember it so vividly just three months before i asked her to be mine”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Obanai took a deep shaky breath wiping the sweat off his palms onto his school uniform before knocking on the door only to be met with Mitsuri’s mother.
“Oh? well hello young man how can I help you” She said politely and Obanai smiled
“Hello Mrs. Kanroji. My name is Iguro Obanai i’m a friend of Mitsuri’s… I was wondering if I could speak with you and your husband on an important decision I want to make regarding your daughter” He said in a polite tone which shocked Mrs. Kanroji.
Many boys had come to ask for permission to date their daughter but non had been as polite as Obanai. She smiled warmly and invited him inside.
Mr. Kanroji wasn’t as warm as Mrs. Kanroji. He had seen many people promise to love his daughter only to hurt her. He’ll have to die before anyone ever hurts her again his precious baby girl. “What do you want with my daughter” He asked the minute they took a seat.
“I want her heart” Obanai replied sincerely.
“Many say that and many break it how do I believe you?” Mr. Kanroji replied sternly.
“Because I am not them. With all due respect sir I am not here for your daughter’s body nor her strength I am here to love her. To show her she is worth more than the universe and that her soul is pure till i take my last breath. With all due respect sir I am here to show her a love that can only be experienced once in a lifetime through every problem we have i want to love her. With all due respect sir I am her to show her the world and it’s beauty even if i have to risk my life for her I am here to do that. To love her in spite of every obstacle. Through heaven and hell i will love her. If I have to walk down to Hades and demand her soul back in replace of mine I will.” He said finishing with heavy breathing.
Mr. Kanroji gave him a proud smile and nodded.
“Keep my baby happy young man.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
It was that day and the nerves were everywhere. Obanai wore his hair in a manbun with a few loose strands that he managed to make look neat. His suit was all white with small diamonds on the collar to give the illusion that he’s sparkling in his suit. He wasn’t wearing his mask, for the first time people were seeing the outcome of his surgery. On his big day he will not hide his truth. He will not hide what he was a survivor of from the woman he loved. The woman who saved him from a terrible fate and brought him peace.
The music Mitsuri chose to walk to played, Work Song by Hozier, she walked through those castle like doors memories passed by Obanai.
Her holding him the day he told her what his family had done
Her smile when they adopted their first fur baby
Her eyes when he brought her roses just because
And her tears when he upheld his promise on marrying her.
Seeing her hair in a slick bun with a tiara on carrying a bouquet of pink and white roses her pure white dress with diamonds placed neatly on it giving her this magical look.
A true princess.
Her father handed her to Obanai and as soon as the weddding started they were lost in each other’s eyes.
Then finally the vows
“love is sweet, love is blind, but when I take this hand Ive seen all light. loyalty and happiness comes to one but one that's loyal and happy will be us as one. take this ring as I take your kindness into my soul. flowers too as you may throw to the next lovely beloved below. with my soul and heart I promise to you Obanai, to be the best version of love you have ever seen” Mitsuri said softly
Obanai took a deep breath.
“I didn’t write my vows down because I wanted to tell you my raw feelings and not something rehearsed. Mitsuri Kanroji I have loved you since the day you accidentally bumped into me at the entrance ceremony our freshmen year. You have shown me more love more care more respect than anyone and not only that but you have been my savior and my comfort. Mitsuri Kanroji I may not be perfect and i may not be who you were hoping to marry but I promise to show you im worth it. I’m worth your time energy and love i am worth you. You are my everything. To everyone in the audience I want you to know. When my time comes lay me gently in the cold dark earth but no grave can hold me. I will come back and love her all over again in every life I swear on my life” He finished looking at the tears rolling down Mitsuri’s face.
Tears of genuine happiness.
“Do you Iguro Obanai take Mitsuri Kanroji, to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do”
“Do you Mitsuri Kanroji take Iguro Obanai, to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better, for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, till death do you part?”
“I do.”
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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bajibitch · 2 years
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Request: Work interrupts your time together and he tries to make it up to you.
Mochizuki, Shuji, Kakucho, and Ran
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You sit at the table for two checking your watch seeing that it was reaching ten minutes past the arranged time, It wasn't like Kanji to be late for a date. Your phone rings and you see his name, taking a deep breath before you answered the call. He tells you that he can't make it and you say of course not hiding the fact that it bothered you. He understood your frustration since you planned this ahead of time so he didn't make an issue of it.
A few days later when he's no longer working as much, he sends you out of the house to run some errands since he says he has other things to worry about, it bothers you but you do it anyway. When you come back home the house is redecorated with flowers leading towards the dining room, the lights dimmed so the candles could shine through. It may not have been at the place you wanted but he hired a chef to prepare a five-course meal for the two of you, placing roses and candles to fill in the spaces between the food.
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He never thought about it the way you did. It was easy for him to leave without feeling like things got ruined because he didn't see it as a big interruption. He was used to it by now because it happened often before the two of you were together and since you knew what he did, he didn't think it’d bother you this much. The two of you would go back and forth because he thought you were making a big deal out of nothing, you knew he couldn’t say he wasn’t showing up and that they weren’t going to move on his time.
As you're discussing the matter you told him you didn’t think he cared about you that much since he isn't even a little upset when the two of you have to keep changing your plans. It irritated him because again, it was his job, he can't feel anything if he already accepted it. The only thing he got from it was that you needed some sort of reassurance that he still loved you, so he brought out the matching rings with your anniversary engraved. It was going to be your birthday gift, but he could find something else in time.
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He felt bad for being a bit snappy when you tried to persuade him into staying a bit longer, all you wanted was to finish enjoying your night alone without his consistent interruptions. He wanted to be more attentive but there was a lot at risk, so he decided to just ask Izana for some time away, after all, he's been doing his job nonstop. Of course, Izana expressed his distaste for Kakucho’s audacity but he promised him three days with no contact involving work since he was feeling nice.
It was going well, the both of you were having fun going to different love hotels because it was fun seeing the various offers and settings changes. However during your time at the fourth hotel, Kakucho slipped on lube and his ankle rolled. It was a traumatic sight and Izana swore he injured himself on purpose but gave him more time to heal. Since Kakucho couldn't move around as much the two of you had fun ordering food from restaurants you’ve never tried before to pass the time.
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You had set up a nice outing because you wanted to spend time with your family and make a great memory, it was supposed to be something Ran enjoyed as well but when he got a call from work it was like he couldn't leave fast enough. He felt bad because sometime after he laughed about how he didn't want to be there and you were right to assume he was happy to leave, so he tries to have an event of his own and sends out invitations to both your family and friends.
The place he rented was decorated to look the same as your wedding reception and he even dressed up for it. He arranged for the both of you to dance on a large balcony that had flowers going around the edge while a small orchestra played the same song you chose on your wedding day. Then after that one, he had them play your favorite upbeat song and the both of you had fun dancing terribly together. It was wholesome so it was hard for some people to cringe.
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