#it coukd get me dead if it wanted. so why. was it waiting?
krazy-kipo · 3 years
Okay, this just came by me, when I was listening to Poor Unfortunate Souls I put a Spell on You by Voctave and my question (or request for headcanons, if you want) is what would be Scarlemange/Hugo Oaks reaction to Disney songs? ✨🤩✨
Take your time, since you have a lot of drafts and have fun with the prompt. 😁✨
Okay okay okay. Villains he loves and hates rated.
You found some old VHS tapes in a box and you both decide to watch them because why not?
Cruella from 101 Dalmatians -100/10
SHE DID WHAT TO WHAT??? Why would you show him that one? Animals almost get hurt. Very sad then very angry monkey. Gets reminded of Emilia. He destroys the movie.
Gaston from Beauty and the Beast -10/10
Belle was too smart for him and he was mad about how he treated her. Was rooting for Beast but got upset when John became human again.
Evil Queen from Snow White 2/10
She's a teenager. She's younger. She's likely going to be prettier at her peak. Why are you so mad??? Thought the movie was dumb and the plot was strange.
Jafar from Aladdin 5/10
Doesn't like him doesn't hate him. Thinks he was a pretty incompetent villian since his plan failed twice. Plus the whole getting tricked thing made Scarlemagne mad. Like Jafar was so smart but made very stupid decisions. Not to mention he coukd hypnotize the king??? Why didnt he just do that. Didn't like how he treated Jasmine. So pretty low score. Enjoyed the movie overall.
Hades from Hercules 10/10
Very relatable. Still waiting for a second movie even though the animators are long dead
Malefecient from Sleeping Beauty 10/10
They insulted a QUEEN. Anything that came after was their own damn fault. Cheered for her the whole movie and you skipped the ending so he wouldn't see her die.
Ursula from the Little Mermaid 8/10
Loved her style and elaborate songs. Her plan was filmsy and could've backfired though. He hates a not well thought out plan. Her drama was his favorite part but how she died made him upset.
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https://spitefulqueenofdemons.tumblr.com/post/643713435650113536/sleep-deprived part 2
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Pushing Up Daisies chapter 3
Tw: language, murder, guns, cops, mentions of drugs
Word count: 1373
Summary: After having woken up tied to a chunk of concrete under water and doing an unspeakable act (for your survival??) You find yourself out of options and people to help. Well almost, the only one you think might be able to help is the one who got you in this situation in the first place
After a long shower and several hours on the internet searching for anything that could tell you what was going on. Apart from a few hundred movies and books with undead content the most concrete actual zombie anything you could find was mostly about the voodoo dust that people used to put others under control. And back in the 18, and 1900s people accidentally being buried alive. 
There was virtually nothing about zombies in Seattle. All you knew for sure was what had happened to you. You confronted Blaine, he grabbed you, shot you, dumped you in a lake and you woke up you dont know how long after underwater with no need to breath. 
As you thought and absently read yet another article about 'Haitian Zombies' you rubbed your hand against your wrist that Blaine had grabbed you with. The scratch marks on your arm were as faint as old scars but you could feel them still.
And just like that realization hit. The red eyes made sense. Blaine was a zombie, and that lady who was working the front counter probably was too. It had to be some sort of virus or something that could be transferred through scratch. The teenager in you was thrilled that zombies were real and not mindless corpses that just wandered around destroying everything it came across. Sure when you first emerged from the lake you couldnt control yourself and killed that poor innocent man but you were literally starving. 
Perhaps that was the down side. The hunger is enough to blind you from any moral standing. Even more unfortunate, you didnt know how long what brains you did eat earlier would keep you satiated and you didnt have a way to get more without committing more murder. You didnt know anything about the zombieism other than the scratch causes it. 
You really only had an one option. Go back to Blaine. He had options. Once you got there he could kill you, or turn you away, or kill you. You had gone in only, according to your microwave, 8 hours ago guns blazing accusing him of being a utopium dealer. How could you expect him to help. 
Now you also knew you couldnt go to the police. As an officer you knew they would either freak out or hide it. And by hiding it you knew that would mean hiding you, IE killing you and sweeping it under the rug. They might turn you over to some higher part of the government. The type that does a bunch of invasive and usually very painful experiments and research. 
You could just drop it. Leave town and change your name. But then again that brings up the issue of how will you eat? Murder is just too horrible an option for you. Grave robbing coukd be viable but half decomposed chemically drowned brain is almost as bad as the moral stand still of murder. 
Deciding on your course of action you breezed to your closet, choosing a simple black hoodie, dark jeans and boots, and a ball cap to hide your snowy hair to wear. You grabbed a glock 19. Not the gun you had when you went to visit Blaine in the first place. That one was gone, probably in Debeers' personal stash now. This time though if he pulled so would you. 
Without a vehicle, you assumed it would no longer be parked where you left it in front of MEATchute, you were instead forced to catch a bus to the opposite side of town. The open sign was off but you could see people behind the counter. It looked like they were counting the drawer.
You beat on the glass with an open palm, hard enough for it to make a lot of noise but not hard enough to shatter the glass. The older woman from when you first came was the one to open the door. She looked like she had seen a ghost, but still somehow like she didnt care. 
"Cant you read the sign? We are closed. That means you dont have to go home but you sure as shit cant stay here." She half growled. 
You rolled your eyes, half willing to punch her in the face if she wanted to get cocky. "Move. Wheres Debeers?" You demanded, eyes flashing past the stumpy woman and to the counter where a large man with dark hair stood sizing you up. "You," you said. You recognized him as one of the names that gave a name that then gave you Debeers. "You work for him. I shouldnt be surprised." 
He cocked an eyebrow. "Cissie, let her through." The man said. He looked like a knock off version of Patrick Warburton. "You are supposed to be dead little lady. You got lungs of steal or are you one of us?" 
You scoffed, wanting to hit them all. You knew it wasnt a part of the zombieism either. These fuckers were all instrumental in your death. That enough was reason for a slight beating. "I got nothing to say to you Julian. I'm here for Blaine and I'm not leaving till I get to talk to him." You demanded, stomping up to the counter. 
The man sighed as if this was one of the last things he wanted to deal with. "Well he isnt here but I'll call him. See if he wants to talk to you. Follow me." He said, gesturing to you. 
Not exactly happy, but pleased you were getting what you want, you followed the man behind the counter. He took you further into the building and finally into a room off the kitchen that actually looked like a real office. The large mahogany desk was a mess with files and papers, on top of them all was the stolen file from your apartment. There was a few random art pieces. 
"Wait here. Someone will be by soon." He instructed, leaving you in the room alone. Trusting that you wouldnt snoop. Normally you would but this situation was not the time. You needed help, and had already pissed off two of the three people you knew had a hand in that. Snooping through Blaine's real office would be like flipping the bird after you already spit on and slapped someone. Definitely not a good idea on your part. 
It took less than 20 minutes before the door opened again and a familiar blond haired blue eyed gangster opened the door. "Ah Detective. What an unpleasant surprise. I didnt know you walked amongst the undead." He said with an air of genuine shock. "When Julian told me I really didnt believe him. You took those bullets like a mortal. What happened?" 
You laid out your wrist on the desk, the marks almost completely gone. He crossed to the other side and sat down, moving the little lamp that was sitting at the corner of the table. He shone the lamp over my arm and the little pink marks showed up. 
Blaine 'tsk'ed. "Was it me?" He had a fake look of disgust on his face. "It was me wasnt it. Damn it, I knew I shouldnt have blown off my manicure appointment this morning." He shook his head. "Thats why you arent dead. You gotta be starving though. Would you like a snack? Pudding? Crackers and cheese? Brains?" He questioned. 
You looked at the mark on your wrist in the light, your jaw clenched a little. "No thanks I already ate, but that is part of what I would like to discus." 
At that his eyes widened with actual shock. "Um, you already ate? Did you kill someone or dig up a body?" When I didnt answer he nodded knowingly. "You killed someone. Oh I bet that was a sight. Sorry about the cinderblock by the way. I didnt think you would be waking up. Im sure it wasnt the best alarm." 
You scoffed, a little thankful he stopped asking about your food source. "Waking up underwater was definitely a new experience, but then again so far my whole evening has been new experiences." You told him. 
"Well, allow me to formally welcome you to the land of Zombies. I'll explain everything."
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So this woman today she stopped to talk to me.
She was older like... Idk probably 10 to 20 years older than me... Real nice ... Like a maternal type... Kinda hippy way of speaking.
And She knew why I was in that particular place. Not because my car stalled out but exactly why not the physical issues the csr had but my spiritually physical reason to be there.
And she was like praying, i mean she even put her hands together just like a prayer... And so.. You know --flat palms together. Some people fold their fingers over but she didn't.
As she was talking and praying my car doors unlocked.
And she told me to make sure that I keep them locked...
And i thought it was weird cause my car doors unlock when my car is off and i open the doors. I did open my door to check what my muffler was doing cause it was either heat vapor in the cold or smoke...
But my car was on So all the other doors should had remained locked...
So i started pushing the lock button on my dash.. And she decided to drive off... After I noticed my battery was completely dead.
I was not happy about that and i didn't see a reason that it would occur cause ill smoke in my car and all that with the radio on and stuff.... And i never did have a problem like that...
I tried to start the car again a few times and the battery after sitting a minute came back strong as Hell.
I had a feeling the woman had busted down my car...
So if she was on my side and God's side then yes she could had made the situation worse.
It was temporary and i had no more battery issues after it returned.
So I heard about these two friends..
Well it was a memory and we will call one Bill, he said that he wanted to pretend punch me in the face and see what his friend did in return.
And i was all Dude don't punch me in the face. But whatever it sounds legit...,he wanted to show me i wouldn't be abused but protected by his friend.
And so he was saying something about how my lip is small on the top and wanted to fatten it up.
Okay so even if you're prepared and a hand comes at your face... I bit him... I could not help it...
And so in the end it did end up hurting my lip..
And so his friend was so fucking mad and so he was all "you want me to hit your girl?!?!" And all this and I was all O.O no just stop!!
Cause his girl happened to be my really good,friend and i knew her before Bill... I think... May be I amnesia met him before. But she was My friend.
And I didn't want people fighting in my house like that.
So i got mad and all thus crazy.
So his friend ended up punching him and breaking Bill's nose.
So then fast forward and...
So they were doing this work thing and they had uniforms and so Bill was all "let me help y'all with your uniforms"
Well then these two guys that Bill had assisted then got fired. One because his uniform ended up all messed up... Like the collar was starched upwards instead of being the way it should be. And the other guy, I'm not too sure .. I don't think... I actually think that someone possibly did something to him after that just like... Sprayed him with water and it got him like wet on his knees like he had been doing something inappropriate.
I think his was legit...
But then Bill's friend was all Dude you fucked my shit up on purpose and you didnt take care of my partner and yoh did it cause you're greedy and all.
But this job was like a clergy job, religious...
And so it pairs with this chick praying for me to get my deliverance.
The thing is that Bill, he is in love with my friend and my friend is having difficulty to figure that out and also she wants to continue her career and advance it further...
So the thing is that Bill needs that job. Bill needs to wait years.
But the girl that Bill's friend and his partner don't need to wait.
So I guess like Bill was praying while he helped but probably not even so much as praying but just saying the facts.
And so God was like dude I know, I'm gonna send these bitches out early so they quit playing around and they go get their business done.
And that's what happened.
Just like the chick with my car and she was all sit here as long as you need to to get your deliverance.
And so it was shitty God fucked my car yet again but it was for a reason.
And so it was shitty those two lost their jobs but at the same time God was all stop with your pride and your fears And go do what you need to
Like for love... It would symbolize "y'all are leaving here early, from this job, because you don't have to wait anymore to find love and happiness.
It hurt them besides causing a rift between Bill and his friend like they were all in pain and sore about it.
And God was all "yeah bitches, i hurt you. Go be happy now"
But Bills friend and his partner couldn't hear God.
I know Bills friend personally and I know that he hss been hurt a lot in his life snd I know that pain keeps him stagnate.
And so I know God said "you're in pain and go be with your love of your life"
I know. And I know that it was said to the other guy also.
Ysll know i do,this with NHRA sometimes who lost and why -- the messages from God that y'all,miss.
And I think that i would believed that Bill did fuck with them .... Except today happened.
Ironically!!! I went to the village to go to the bank to go to a football game that Bill's lover was gonna be at.
And so today oddly kinda revolved around Bill.
Bill is mean and heathenistic.
But my friend and Bill left after bikls9nose got broke cause my friend took him,to the hospital.
And i told his friend "Call Bill,let me tslk to him"
And he did and I said "Bill, I love you and i want uou to know you're welcome to,come back yo my house any time. I know you didn't mean to hurt my face and its okay"
It didn't hurt like that much it was shocking cause people don't usually punch me in the face and i was terrified that my friend would get punched in,the face and my friend used to,get punched in the face by her ex.
Everything had been going great and in my eyes everything was destroyed in seconds.
And Bill so much like Jesse James all turned to,mush under my powers and was all okay and even,cried.
Although his friend didnt want him to come back. I knew that they needed to make up.
His friend is like caveman barbaric... Like with civilization... All these rules you dont do to people and dont play and all that.
And I knew Bill had been acting from his heart. I mean... There's better ways to be... But Bill did a huge display that I was indeed truly safe with his friend.
And the way Bill did it... Was dramatic and at 7 G forces...
So Bill he's pretty cool.
And IF Bill purposely fucked with them... Then... It wss for a good reason.
But since there was 2 of them and Bill coukd had possibly only harmed one although neglected to protect the other -- I believe that it was just God and not Bill at all that purposely affected those two.
I mean i KNOW that lady didn't wanna drain my battery and actually prevent me,from being able to lock my car doors. It just happened.
We are all different people and not everyone is going to be the perfect friend or the perfect even enemy.
But I think that Bill uses his head and his heart quite well.
So as usual, I hope all those people involved in that job get and understand this message and I more so hope even more thsn that, even if they dont read it -- I actually prefer they didn't... But somehow just got the message like now Because it would be fastest and like that day at work they quit what they were doing
But this time -- I hope they go get the loves if their lives. Like 5 seconds ago. Why aren't they in their cars already?
Come on! Go already!
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xandercoralpink · 5 years
Ghost - Chapter Five
The Host didn't want to be left alone, not even when Dr. Iplier needed to change out of his uniform. The Host didn't leave his room so here Edward lays in his own bed with his back turned to the Host.
He can't get to sleep. The Host can't either. Their minds are racing and the words that the Host said in the bath dance in their heads. Edward also can't help but think of Dark.
What the hell did the Host do to him!?
Is he still there? Kneeling? His skin cracked like glass with a glazed look in his eyes.
His form sucked of the red and blue, now just a grey corpse.
Dr. Iplier swallows thickly.
"Edward worries about Dark and the Host," the words make the doctor jump, "but there is truly nothing to worry about. The Host will make things right."
"T-Then why don't you sound s-so sure of yourself?" Edward asks, his voice stuttering from lack of use in the night.
The Host pauses for a long time, the room cracking as it settles. "Because I am not sure that I'll be able to stop him in time..." he doesn't talk in third person and it sends chills down Edwards spine.
What is he going to do. What is Author going to do!? He took down Dark.
The Darkiplier.
If he's coming for the rest of them then it's going to be a piece of cake.
Edwards jumps as a hand is placed on his shoulder. He stares in the darkness, waiting for the Host to speak.
But nothing is said and the hand leaves. He releases a shaky breath and closes his eyes. He grips onto his shirt and the blanket and tries to to shake out the images from his head. But he knows it's going to be a long night for both of them.
Light blinds Edward's vision and he covers his eyes from it. He releases a groan of annoyance and rolls over but hits something hard on the other side of the bed. He flinches and instantly shuffles away and sits up. He blinks quickly, his vision coming back and sees the Host already sitting up with his back against the head rest.
"Good morning, Edward," the Host says, his voice rough.
Dr. Iplier swallows, "Morning."
Their morning goes slowly. The Host gets dressed into his white button up shirt with his trench coat over the top while Dr. Iplier gets into his regular uniform.
Edward leads the Host to the emergency room to change his bandages. But as soon as he steps in he's greeted by Wilford.
"Oh finally! You're normally hear earlier! I thought you'd never come! I need you to come with me! I-I T-Theres a problem!" Wilford says quickly, stumbling over his words.
He had never seen Wilford like this. It's like he was about to cry or breakdown in front of him. His slur was completely gone and the look in his eyes. It made Edward want to hurl.
And the problem. He already knew what it was.
"Come on!" Wilford says, grabbing his wrist and dragging him down the hallway quickly, "It's Dark! I thought he would wake up. Good as new this morning like... He normally does but he's not waking up! H-Hes so still, Edward."
The sadness in Wilford's voice makes his heart drop and gets a sick taste in his mouth. Edward glances behind him to see that the Host is wuickly following behind, his narrations helping him navigate the halls.
Soon they're standing outside of Dark's and Wilford's room. Nobody had even step foot inside or even gotten a glance inside. And now Wilford was dragging him in.
The room was dark, the walls grey and just a normal room. Nothing special. A few pink things were littered here and there, but Edward coukd clearly tell that this was Dark's room originally before Wilford moved in.
Edward stops dead as his eyes meet Dark's form.
He lays still on his bed, eyes closed and hands on his stomach. As if he's laying in a coffin. His face and hands are littered in cracks like glass and the closer Edwards gets to him, the colder the air gets.
He didn't know what to do. The state Dark is in is far from what Edward knows. But how is he going to tell Wilford. He probably sat up all night, waiting for him to sit up and be okay.
Edward opens his mouth, trying to conjure up words from his throat.
But he's cut off by a simple clang of metal and the room becoming dark and gloomy. Edwards body freezes as he realises the clang of metal was the sound of a bat hitting the ground.
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iblamebighit · 7 years
interrupted (m) part VI
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pairing: reader x ???
genre: angst. so. much. angst.
summary: part 6 of this trash i call a series.
word count: 3.1k (specifics: 3,095)
warnings/triggers: drinking, swearing, violence, blah... you know the drill
It was meant for yesterday - kook
Your hands shook as you opened the bag to reveal a small velvet box. You bit your lip as that nervousness crept through your stomach. You slowly opened the box and immediately your heart stopped at the contents.
A ring.
You were so taken, you ignored the buzzes coming from your phone. WHaT iS He THiNkinG!? You grabbed the gift bag scrambling through the pink tissue paper to see if there was any explanation to a ring. you found a small note that got lost at the bottom of the bag, your heart was still thumping in your ears. HE DOESN’T MEAN MARRIAGE RIGH-
‘ If your dumbass thinks I’m proposing, think again. ’ The first line read.
and you gasped for air because your heart was beating that fast. THANK FUCK. You calmed yourself down as you continued reading Jungkook’s obviously heartfelt message.
‘ It’s not an engagement ring... but a promise ring.
I promise to be there for you, I promise to make you happy, I promise to accept whatever the future holds for us, I promise to do all of these, whether it means being there for you as a best friend or a boyfriend.
I know what I did was unacceptable and if I could go back in time I'd change everything... I don’t expect you to forgive me, but I'd spend now until forever trying to make it up to you because... I love you. And I was an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
So whatever happens, keep this ring. Whether you accept or reject us being friends or more. because I'll always keep all the promises I tie with this ring…
-kook ’
Tears couldn’t help but roll down your face as you read each word. It all meant so much to you, but the worst thing was; you didn’t know what to do… You had never felt so confused and pathetic in your life, because you loved both Jimin and Jungkook, in ways you couldn’t make sense of, yourself. You glanced down at the silver ring. It was your taste, it was simple, beautiful and elegant. You slipped it on, feeling it slip perfectly into the dip at the bottom of your finger. As much as the piece brought happiness to you, you wanted to sink and burst into tears, because you felt as if you were betraying Jimin.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a buzz from your phone. You sighed, calming yourself down before unlocking your phone. It’s from Hana? You tapped the download button on the image. But nothing prepared you for when the pixels arranged in their place.
What. the. Fuck.
Your heart sank. You couldn’t believe it. You didn’t want to. Jimin wouldn’t… You knew he loved you and he knew that Minah was Jungkook’s ex. He wouldn’t ever…
All of a sudden you were calling him… Jimin, please.
“Please leave a message-”
You called Hana, despite the strain you felt in your throat as tears began to spill.
“y/n. I’m so sorry… but you had to see.”
“I’m not mad at you Hana.” You replied with a broken voice. “I just- I don’t know anymore.” You bawled.
“I’ll come over as soon as my shifts ended okay.”
“I’m trying to call him…”
“He’s at a table with some other guys and Minah’s gone and fucked off somewhere I don’t know… I feel so terrible…”
“Don’t. You did right in telling me.”
“I’ll see if I can pass the phone to hi-” rustling sounds took over the audio before the call was cut.
You shot her a few texts, but with no reply, you were left alone.
You were left alone with overwhelming feelings washing over you. You didn’t want to cry. You wanted to scream. Your feelings were a huge fucking mess. You couldn’t believe the events that have unfolded within the past couple of days. It was like the world's way of testing ‘how many boys can we fuck y/n over with?’. The deja vu was almost laughable.
You tried to drown that small voice of hope, protecting what was left of your fragile heart in liquor. There was no way you were getting through until tomorrow sober. Even though you knew you would get a massive go from Hana later, you trudged to the fridge.
Hana pov
“I’ll see if I can pass the phone to hi-”, Before Hana could finish, her phone was snatched off her before the bitch herself, Minah.
“It’s really unprofessional to be on your phone whilst on the clock.” she tutted.
“No, my dear… what’s ‘unprofessional’ is eating face with a customer in the corner ‘whilst on the clock’.” Hana smiled, snatching back her phone.
“I don’t care for your tone.” Minah spat through grit teeth. “Do you want to get fired?”
“If it means I don’t have to put up with your pathetic ass most evenings, then please.” Hana smiled. “It’s been not even a whole night and I’ve already had it with you.”
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Minah seethed through a scowl.
“Happily.” Hana chirped before dismissing herself and gathering her things from the back.
Hana groaned as she pulled her bag and jacket out from the cubby, at least I can get to y/n’s earlier.
To y/n:
I’m on my way
From y/n:
Coukd  you buy sone more soju on the way
To y/n:
I’m going to murder you. Put. the. Drinks. Down.
Hana swore under her breath as she hurriedly put her coat on and bag around her, making a b-line for the doors.
“Hana, wait!”
She turned around to find Jimin behind her.
“I know it looks awful-”
“looks awful.” She laughed, “Jimin, you made out with Minah, the girl who made Jungkook cheat and now you…” She couldn’t finish her sentence, she was lost for words. Jimin could only just stand and bit his lip. “I just can’t believe it. Not from you. I believed you were good.” She began to make her way to the door.
“No, but you don’t understand. just listen-” He desperately called out. But she didn’t stop.
Jimin POV
Jimin’s head dropped…
“Jimin-ah~” Minah called, patting down the spot next to her as she perched at a booth.
“One sec.” He answered, forcing as smile before reaching for his phone.
To Jungkook:
Go to y/n’s tonight. She needs you.
Hana POV
She hastily grabbed the key from under the mat, shoving the door open and slamming it shut behind her. She threw her stuff on the couch heading straight for your room. She wasn’t surprised to see you curled up in a ball on the floor, at the feet of your bed, empty cans and bottles surrounding you.
“Jesus y/n… alcohol isn’t always the answer.” She sighed sweeping the empty ones into her hand to put in the kitchen.
“But it helps.”
“Tell me that tomorrow morning, when you call me to bring you some Advil and water.”
She hoped for a smile at least, but there you sat with a broken expression taking over your body. She sank down next to you, gently easing your head onto her shoulder. It was in her comfort, you began to cry.
“Shhh, it’s okay…” She whispered, as her fingers brushed through your hair.
“It’s not. God, I feel so pathetic… I thought I was all cried out.” You sniffed, straightening yourself up.
“But you have every right to feel like this. What happened with either of them wasn’t your fault.” She grabbed at your shoulders, looking at you dead in the eye, praying you’d believe it as much as she did.
“It’s starting to feel like it is. It keeps happening to me…”
“As much as it seems like that, it’s not y/n. You have to believe me” She pleaded.
“I’m trying…” You got out just about audibly.
“Should I stay the night? Yuna can probably take my early shift tomorrow at the mocha lab, she still owes me when I covered for her.”
“Yes please.” You sniffed, wiping away your tears. You were sick of crying now.
“Have you eaten?”
You shook your head.
“Drinking on an empty stomach, are you insane?”
You nodded, making her laugh a little and even you smiled a bit.
“Okay,” She sighed, hoisting herself up to get her phone from her bag “but, I’m ordering Thai food, and if you don’t want that… shame.” she joked from the other room.
Y/n pov
You were so thankful for Hana, you honestly wouldn’t know where you’d be without her by your side. She took care of you and it felt like you didn’t deserve her.
You cursed at the fact you were a heavyweight drinker, even though there were so many bottles and cans, you went through, you were only slightly tipsy and nowhere near as drunk as you wanted to be; which meant your head was still reeling. Sometimes you wish you could switch off your brain for a minute. As much as you wanted to just revel in the comforting company of being here with Hana - something in which you haven’t done in a while - there was that nauseous feeling of dread that reminded you that some way or another, tomorrow or later, you were going to have to face it. Face them and figure out the gigantic mess of feelings you have and all the explanations you need and the one you need to tell are all going to be laid out on the table… and as much as finally cleansing yourself of the burden you have been carrying heavily on your shoulders, sounds amazing and relieving, you only knew someone was going to end up broken and in tears.
“y/n?” Hana called out, snapping yourself out of the panicked state you were in.
“Sorry,” you answered, moving to the living room where she was. “What did you need?”
“Just wanted to know what you want to do right now. It’s not that late.” She asked, glancing at the time on her phone.
“Umm, i’m down for whatever, to be honest.” you mumbled, trying to push everything to the back of your mind.
“Do you want to watch a movie or drama or something?”
You nodded in reply, and then shuffled through the closet to find a couple of blankets for yourselves, whilst she put on a drama you were both watching.
“Why is Park Hyunsik so beautiful…” She whispered totally engrossed in the drama on screen.
“Who would you pick if you were in her shoes… like that is one hell of a decision.” You asked as your eyes transfixed on the beautiful people on the screen.
“I don’t know… like Hyunsik is upfront about it but isn’t straightforward about it if you get me, like he didn’t admit it til’ it was too late and got mad at her for liking jisoo even though he never confessed... and jisoo took waaay to long to do something about his thing going on with bongsoon, like I get there that first love/crush childhood friend-love-thing, but he even had a girlfriend even though he knew deep down there was something… ugh, the script writers really love doing this… but I don’t know they have both their reasons good and bad so, I don’t really know who I'd choose. Sorry for the rant lol.”
It was listening to her answer, you saw that it mirrored your situation right now… Jimin would get annoyed with you and Jungkook and you were oblivious to how he was feeling because he was never upfront about it, and Jungkook took having to have Minah cheat on him to realise he wanted you all along.
“Oh y/n… you were happy two seconds ago, what happened my love?” she asked, as she took you into her arms. It was then you realised you were crying.
“I just- I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about everything… i’m such a fucking mess… i’m sorry I ruined tonight.” you bawled
“Don’t, you didn’t do a thing. I’m here for you to make sure you are feeling better. If you want to cry, let it out…” she said, running her hands over your head, as you pathetically cried and wrapped your arms around her.
A knock at the door made you separate, you wiped briskly at your face, she looked at you with concern before heading up to the door.
“Must be the food” She muttered, shuffling through her wallet to find notes before running to open the door
“How much is i- Jungkook… ummm- hiiii.”
You froze, as much as you wanted to laugh at Hana’s reaction, you were just so... shocked that he was here. you heard his huffing and puffing, he must have ran…
“Sorry I got a text from- uh… I got a text and I just needed to know if she was okay.”
“Uhh…” Hana panicked deciding whether she should let him in or not.
“Let him in.” You sighed numbly.
Jungkook instantly ran to your figure, he grabbed you by your shoulders
“Are you okay?”
“Does it look like she’s okay???” Hana deadpanned.
It made you smile a bit. Hana always had that power. Jungkook’s shoulders relaxed at the sight of it.
“Do you need any-”
“Why are you here?” You interrupted.
He looked down at you hands, signalling you to do the same.
“I made a promise remember.”
You stared at the ring, you forgot you had even had it on.
“Do you need me to stay the night?” He continued.
“I’ve got Hana… But it’s-”
“Ummmmmm… about that… y/n please don’t hate me but yuna can’t do tomorrow’s morning shift for me sooo…” Hana guiltily sang.
You sighed, before whipping your head and giving her those ‘i hate you but not really’ evils.
“I’d really appreciate not being alone tonight.” You surrender and that bunny like grin took over his face.
“I kinda have to get some clothes though so I'll be back in like 20-”
“We’ll drive.” Hana offered abruptly.
“We?” you question
“Come on, let’s go for a drive. I don’t think uh… he’ll be there now, he’s probably still with jaebum.” Hana said, her words careful.
“Fine.” You sigh before the three of you walked to Hana’s car.
The drive wasn’t long at all, only two songs played on the radio before you were in front of the dorm. To the place where everything started not at all long ago. You swallowed thickly and something stirred in your stomach thinking about it all.
“You guys coming in or-” Jungkook offered
“We’ll stay.” You subconsciously blurted within seconds. the sheer look of the building, had goosebumps flooding and cold sweat forming on your forehead. You had to rip your eyes away from it.
You didn’t see it, but you could feel Hana and Jungkook sharing a concerned look about you at each other; before he opened the car door to leave.
“Maybe this was a bad idea… i’m sorry…” Hana guiltily whispered as she rubbed your back.
“No. Sorry, It’s just me freaking out again.” You mumble.
You turned to look at the house, a weird feeling came over you. You hated looking at the stupid brickwork… but it was almost like something was compelling you to go in. Before you knew it, you were unbuckling your seatbelt.
Jungkook POV
Jungkook huffed as he got out of the car, he hated seeing you like this. He felt insanely guilty.  He was about to reach for the handle when the door opened. His jaw dropped.
“Minah? What the fuck are you doing here.” He spat.
“Calm down baby, i’m not here for you.” Minah sighed, rolling her eyes.
“That doesn’t answer my fucking question.”
“It’s weird, I know… But i’m with Jimin now…” She gushed. Jungkook’s stomach flipped. No way. 
He looked back at the car, praying you were talking to Hana, facing the other way.
“Is y/n waiting for you?” She teased, “She was always sooo into you even when we were dating ugh. But you know what they say give to the less fortunate-”
“Don’t you dare talk about her like that.” He seethed, gritting his teeth trying to restrain himself from slapping her. “You have 10 seconds to get off this property or I swear I'll-”
“Alright Alright, i’m leaving.” She sighed, brushing past him to leave. “Night Night Jungkookie~” She teased before she cockily strode off.
Jungkook slammed the door shut behind him. He couldn’t believe it. He was too confused which only fuelled his anger. Was he mad at Minah or Jimin, and what hurt more whether the fact Jimin was with his ex or the fact he didn’t tell him. He could’ve sworn Jimin hated Minah, he could’ve sworn Jimin wasn’t the type of person to ever do that.
Anger seethed through his bones thinking about it. It was a betrayal. To him and to y/n. He was mad. Jungkook stormed up the stairs to Jimin’s room. He shoved the door open, letting out a huge bang as the handle met the wall. Jimin’s eyes grew wide and he leapt off the bed, backing away at the pissed off maknae. He knew the one thing he could possibly be angry about right now.
“Jungkook. Calm down. We’ll talk.” He warned, still backing away in fear.
Jungkook grabbed one of the pillows, throwing it to the floor with extreme force to let his anger out.
“Kook, man, I swear I wouldn’t do that to you. You know that.”
“THEN WHY DID I JUST SEE HER LEAVE THE HOUSE!” Jungkook screamed, falling to his knees. Rugged breathes fell out of Jungkook’s shaking form, to keep him calm and to keep him from crying. Jimin let Jungkook calm down and he slowly inched closer to him.
“Hyung… you betrayed me, you broke y/n’s heart and I swear you hated Minah-”
“I do.” Jimin interrupted.
“Wait… what? Are you fucking kidd-”
“You want the truth, Kook. I love y/n. but, the way I look at her, i-it’s the same way she looks at you… And the only way to make her yours… was to get Minah out of the equation.” Tears threatened to spill as he bore his soul in front of Jungkook. 
He tried to tell Hana, and he was planning on telling Jungkook; as much as he wanted you to know, he couldn’t. It would only mess things up with you and Jungkook.
“Hyung…” Jungkook whispered at a loss for words.
Jimin sank down on the side of his bed.
“Pathetic, I know… But her happiness matters more than mine.”
“You don’t get to decide that.”
Jimin and Jungkook froze, before turning their heads to find you standing in the doorway.
a/n: i know it’s long overdue so thank you for your patience and i really hope you are still enjoying this series. <3 shoutout to daisy @veronamuses for editing this <3
as always stay horny, stay shook and stay safe
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glopratchet · 4 years
with his gun pointing at you "I need your help! and holding a pistol pointed at you Astyrl of course comes out of the tent naked and holding a pistol pointed at you "Help me from this hell plleeaaaasseee" he whimpers, and stands up on his knees and offering you his gun somebody has been torturing somebody because bloodied torture instruments lay around the tent, along with vases of rotting dead flowers "Yes The wrecked tent looks like somebody has been torturing somebody because bloodied torture instruments lay around the tent, red, the halls are decorated with hundreds of candles, Next to centipedes and scorpions around the room lies a pentagram that glows golden yellow The mutated tent is colored red, A dress that seems to be glowing red, A golden sword that has strange markings on it, A silver cross that shines in the room, The following items adorn the warped tent: He runs back to the pentagram A black cube with strange symbols written in silver DNA strands The tent reappears a horribly out of tune song At 100 meters it appears to be a river , but you question if it is poison He heres the voice of the succubus and the incubus sing a horribly out of tune song well At the edge of his territory, thew scarp of the city is a mass producing plants and injection makign gigantic beanlike protuberances which one of the few interfaces working well The eggs contain all the nutrients necessary to keep somebody going for days As you gasp and choke, it feels good As he lies and tries to beg for mercy, his illusion begins to falter Cluds starts to puke bullets At the knockback of maggots, Lucas falls over and starts throwing up tbe ropy, yellow maggot Cursing himself over and over again for his stupidity, of ripping off Merk, he waits for a moment to pass It contains only rotten eggs and black coffee After drinking so much alcohol for so long, Hating himself for making the mistake of ripping off Merk, Despising and being annoyed by need for survival, Lucas drinks the shots and coughs them back his perception He hives all contact off to cludstrum, and decides to reconnect with the world underwater The olving knows water will harm astral Verick becomes more and more aggressive during their amorous sessions Surrounded by this brood of a douzens, Lucas knowts that if for whatever reason they wanted, they coukd bring down his hive and react Hestitating only for that moment, and Clud switches to a thredd new beat It is foggy but he remembers some fella with nice facial hair mentioning the words live and react and shows that their are clouds forming So hazy his humd is often mistaken for one A weather readout finally comes back up and shows that their are clouds forming He has a sure fire way of confusing it Lucas begins to realize he needs this money, not for alcohol, but for swimming pools filled with alcohol The blastdoor begins to slowly close, forming a line that will eventually join up Using the left over energy in his body, the chemicals absorbed into his system The password request comes up on the dead computer screed and hes asks astryl for a remembered password Even though the general store has been emptied out by scavengers Even on his worst nights, he now can control himself enough not to transform at all The He has set his phone to blabber out a popular song untill he deletes it The speakers will soon be discovered Lucas realses a slew of swears in his head They four guards bring out the big guns now, tazzers and blowdarts and Onlookers have begun to notice him as a freak show begins Cludstrum states that qefizat clencher is going to take a little while to get back online, Lucas yells at them about how much of an idiot they are for capturing him when he could have easily killed them all and allow him to make a call This had benn burying alive the plan all along and only Lucas now realizes it The ui will break intermently and allow him to make a call He has learned the most important lesson of all That hip hop sucks and all connecting programmers are chased off, the colapsing bussiness of ferizat clutchers will continue Untill the code corruption is sealed off and deleted and all the slender smooth hound stds are destroyed, to all but Lucas seems to grasp at 1% of it As he begins screaming out the lyrics, they find him funny How this is achieved is a mystery to all but Lucas seems to grasp at 1% of it If you see his buddies looking for him, becarful they are drug addled and lack social skills and the guards should take care of the ferial bum Spindly's orange messages keep repeating and blinking nearly blinding everyone in the vehicle Astryl considers the fact that he might be thirsty and hungry and the guards should take care of the ferial bum Cludstrum will input in some of his commands into the computer about what is happening at this point, so he doesn't suddenly morph out But why would an immortal have need for water or food? Lucas wants a cigarette right now, but he unleashed a flood of code on the internet so he quit again 's "The Colapseable Bussiness of Ferizat Clutchers"as he goes Cludstrum will narrate the going ons of astryl wylde's "The Colapseable Bussiness of Ferizat Clutchers"as he goes from the store Too many drugs, crime, sick bodies wrapping him into conspiracies and worst of all In order to debug parts of the screens astyrl need to eat things from the store Lucas's alias is called Joetom A cloaked figure apparantly stole him Cludstum can be though to operate too, but try its best This is one way in witch ferizat clutchers kill people to get the mirror portals online quicker It usually doesn't work that quickly though his head into You will never look at the work the same way again A person selling meats approaches Cludstum's portal He pulls colors out of the things he imbies his head into as a result of all the sin he witnessed here All the stuff that he did while he was here is broken the system Cludstrum uses these colors to fix the systems of astryl that have broken down as a result of all the sin he witnessed here The cloaked figured rises above the landscape on a steed made of gold and dances with astryl to eat here He can find some cactus to eat here each time the krampus stopped him because he wanted to They make him into currency to buy pain with Eating the thorns will put him in a worse and worse mood each time It is best not to think about what he has to do to get the gold out of the bathroom in the urn his body has become As it turns out, critting himself looks just like killing himself except blood is either darker red or black There is even a black snake with no eyes but he must be really quick to capture it in the urn his body has become without the bits and peices to be able to access the next bit But he has some money and smokes so that is something at least So yeah this first part is astryl wondering in the desert without the bits and peices to be able to access the next bit The creature is very hungry and you do not have the clout to manipulate governments, so it is important you get this done in search of the creature you were hired to last in getting rid of Another place to explore in the desert is in search of the creature you were hired to last in getting rid of in search of a suitable organic portal to get you onto the next part A scary place to explore in the desert is in search of a suitable organic portal to get you onto the next part in search of some cactii you can eat A freindly place to explore in the desert is in search of some cactii you can eat A sombere place to explore in the desert is in search of a nice rock to sit under astryl can blink the portal he activated before to get "home" which is a very confusing and difficult thing to do When the sky is completely dark astryl can blink the portal he activated before to get "home" which is a very confusing and difficult thing to do awakens the wanderer A sickly light coming from giant structures in the east awakens the wanderer appears to soften the impact of this fall Astryl horizontal flailing appears to soften the impact of this fall himself upright make himself a target for light mist as it dances its way across pond's surface Astryl merciless bellying himself upright make himself a target for light mist as it dances its way across pond's surface accept this ordeal with fond familiarity There is no food here, no bugs, no lizards The wrecked tent obsessive shivering accept this ordeal with fond familiarity off business men raises his skeletal hands to consume the morning sunlight Alka seltzer bubbles That was fun The wrecked tent tranquilized climaxing off business men raises his skeletal hands to consume the morning sunlight the sandy earth surges up in it's wakey tubby body The wrecked tent cryptic worm holing the sandy earth surges up in it's wakey tubby body his last partner for this fallen before Astryl clandestine sniveling his last partner for this fallen before after being laid it so shapely fingers charmed more top knots than a fence post who had been to charm school Astryl charcoal howling after being laid it so shapely fingers charmed more top knots than a fence post who had been to charm school this thing called dancing It was a lot gore other than the slamming tight clothes and bulging muscles that had nothing to do with the dance Astryl mysterious graying this thing called dancing on the banks with his partner The naked woman that is Astryl naked awakening on the banks with his partner in high definition this thing called dancing for awhile Astryl indispensable replaying in high definition this thing called dancing for awhile through the dry underbrush At last he arrives within eyesight of onyx monolith rising defiantly against burning sky Astryl byzantine proceeding through the dry underbrush astryl's assassination plan with huge rewards for short pleasant jobb At last kludstrm has something done right Kludstrm overdue programming astryl's assassination plan with huge rewards for short pleasant jobb crazily through gritting teeth Afraid it might be only way out of the madness right down the stream astryl ritualistically washes his hands Astryl diseased pissing crazily through gritting teeth weapons bring clean death and a better grade of to women back in old country as svelk freedom fighters horde charge Kludstrm foul self-cleaning weapons bring clean death and a better grade of to women back in old country as svelk freedom fighters horde charge under the gentle shade of palms scratches the itchy stubble on his cheeks and chin caused by the dried salt rising off his flesh Astryl unique sheltering under the gentle shade of palms scratches the itchy stubble on his cheeks and chin caused by the dried salt rising off his flesh his eyes with a large leaf turns away from the carnage cleaving the right side head woman Astryl lopsided shading his eyes with a large leaf turns away from the carnage cleaving the right side head woman the pool box is straying from the predicted path Who swears and sighs under his breath with frustration at the next plane already halfway to the area Kludstrm slow detecting the pool box is straying from the predicted path his unwashed undergarments wipes a trickle of green slime from his spectacles Astryl pronounced scratching his unwashed undergarments wipes a trickle of green slime from his spectacles by speaker "food shortage could lead to rioting for czech alliance Kludstrm scrupulous transmitting by speaker "food shortage could lead to rioting for czech alliance timing the period between pops of long gun fire towards high walls Astryl sovereign beginning timing the period between pops of long gun fire towards high walls all wounds suffered from jelly until suddenly wobbles and falls to ground Kludstrm multicolored healing all wounds suffered from jelly until suddenly wobbles and falls to ground nimbly across the sand as you withdraw the sandy textiles from your armpits and tease out the snarls Astryl dowdy criss crossing nimbly across the sand as you withdraw the sandy textiles from your armpits and tease out the snarls results since security currently flooding protection to the kludgeness responsible for little surprise Are you knowing what it really mean to be turnip? Kludstrm impotent blocking results since security currently flooding protection to the kludgeness responsible for little surprise the nuts to get baby oil out of his sandy drinking water Astryl embattled aspirating the nuts to get baby oil out of his sandy drinking water his swollen sunburned face he drags the goat by its tether Astryl crimson glistening his swollen sunburned face he drags the goat by its tether when he finally catches a glimpse of onyx rising above endless sands Astryl humble taking only little bread for walk Astryl boyish squinting when he finally catches a glimpse of onyx rising above endless sands kid hide over yurt The symbol of a shooting star fills your thoughts Astryl wretched tanning kid hide over yurt evening wear in loud checkers Uses what's in his head or doesn't he? You think of the yellow silk one last time Kludstrm afferent generating evening wear in loud checkers the south side where the dust looks different It's harder to find comfortable shade Astryl insubstantial scouting the south side where the dust looks different you that your room has just been raided Poor little man with burlap hood over head shaking a bag full of lemons Kludstrm cheerful warning you that your room has just been raided the streets for preparedness lemons You cannot see since a burlap sack over your head Astryl senseless scavenging the streets for preparedness lemons complex spreadsheet for delivery routes A lasgun beam silently goes through his chest Kludstrm dusky developing complex spreadsheet for delivery routes on a mouthful of tasteless red dirt No sign of life besides hungry bugs picking over corpses Astryl tasteless chewing on a mouthful of tasteless red dirt on a mouthful of red dirt and dirt overwhelming your senses as darkness takes you back Astryl boorish choking on a mouthful of red dirt and dirt overwhelming your senses as darkness takes you back 27% of target audience with live dance version of brave new world Masterfully dancing though his groin explodes from a tracking bullet Kludstrm ideological attracting 2 on the run to become downtrodden urban slave in one of the sugar mines Kludstrm wimpish risking capture to reach a cell safety before Astryl oppressed surviving on the run to become downtrodden urban slave in one of the sugar mines long dusty days with friend drawing up plans by candlelight Evening walks admired by other slaves Peaceful evenings working on project for tyrant Kludstrm schematic spending long dusty days with friend drawing up plans by candlelight down dangerous lung worm before illness spreads Weeping beside bed where older slave awaits agonizing death Astryl crummy tracking down dangerous lung worm before illness spreads your intelligence with a younger self, but bored now by the works of Shakespeare Something like that ^ "Bad Writing Competition Entries" Kludstrm exhaustive matching your intelligence with a younger self, Figaro as he deftly Soap! He uses the last of his Soap! I cave before unbearable onslaught soldiers as they advanced forward Sure enough Captain Karpskarv comically trips over an outcrop Astryl swashbuckled whistling Figaro as he deftly Cue his men breaking into laughter A sun filled sky grudged retreating soldiers as they advanced forward from their hiding places Ibuprofin? Sure! Ibuprofren! Aspirin? Amphetamine? I's grab All! The city of beetriot paranoid reemerging from their hiding places in the late afternoon sun The city of beetriot shallow glimmering in the late afternoon sun in the late The nervous comrade raises his gun, but you slam it down Another nice day! You chastise yourself The city of beetriot rude fluorescing in the late as sunset bathes it in a fiery glow The city of beetriot devious looking even in the dusty dry air The city of beetriot wrinkled serious looking as sunset bathes it in a fiery glow But? So? You think to yourself indignified You change the subject "Have the stockpiles been secured? The other soldier excitedly tells you of various technological advancements that are being set up within the city You let him talk on not really caring The city of beetriot crumbling yet deep and lush looking from a distance
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