#it Can be transfem dazai but only if your transfem dazai is actually dazai and not some random woman who acts nothing like dazai does
zukkaoru · 3 months
will i be shot if i say girl i've always been is a dazai song. if you kinda squint a bit.
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solunstell · 6 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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zukkaoru · 2 months
hii.. kicks rock how about "is that a new perfume?" with transfem kunikida and any relationships u want :-) but only if u'd like ^_^ also i forgot to say but your new theme is so prettyy
ahh ty <33 may i offer you: kunidazai
“Is that a new perfume?” Kunikida glances up from the report she’s reading over to find Dazai grinning at her. He’s leaning on his cane, left foot propped out to the side so there’s less weight resting on it. There’s a mischievous glint in his eyes, which tells Kunikida that her perfume isn’t actually what he’s concerned about right now. “It is,” she responds simply. “And shouldn’t you be working?” “Nope!” Dazai strides closer, then drapes himself over her shoulders. “It’s lunch time. So actually you should be not working!” Kunikida looks down at her watch. It is, in fact, exactly thirty-seven seconds past noon. She sighs, pushing her glasses up, then shrugs Dazai off of her. She closes her laptop. “I suppose you’re right. But I’ll only get lunch with you if you agree to take the elevator instead of the stairs.” “What!?” Dazai pouts. “That’s not fair—” “Take it or leave it.” Kunikida begins straightening up her desk a bit, just so it will be tidy when she returns and she can resume right where she left off. Dazai huffs. “Fine, fine, whatever.” He pulls Kunikida from her seat, linking their hands together. “You do smell nice today,” he adds. “I wasn’t just trying to suck up to you.” Kunikida’s face warms. Before Dazai can comment on it, she turns and presses a kiss to his cheek. And she’s very happy to note that he flushes even redder than she did.
send me a sentence (+ a ship) and i'll write the next five sentences
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zukkaoru · 2 months
walks in and sits down
dazai and fyodor for the ask game?
Sexuality Headcanon: my official sexuality hc that i have written down in my hc doc is "bi (but no woman would actually date him)" which i think sums it up pretty well
Gender Headcanon: my favorite gender hc is "doesn't label their gender and uses mirror pronouns" but i have begun to see the appeal of transfem dazai as well,, thanks to you and tumblr user valleykey (but only when transfem dazai is done correctly. many people are Wrong about her.)
A ship I have with said character: kunichuuzai my BELOVEDS
A BROTP I have with said character: dazai and ranpo!! also dazai and lucy could be so much fun. chaotic frenemies <3
A NOTP I have with said character: sigzai. i shan't say any more.
A random headcanon: dazai experiencing tactile hallucinations is something that can be so personal.....
General Opinion over said character: we understand each other. for this reason he can never be my favorite bsd character but he will end up being one i think about/write about most often. we r like two stars orbiting one another......
Sexuality Headcanon: i don't have a specific hc for him. i don't think he really labels his sexuality tbh
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary fyodor!! i mean. look at them. + i do also enjoy trans he/they fyodor,, i may currently be spinning around a little fic idea with that hc......
A ship I have with said character: fyonikonathan.. it's about the blood, biting, and catholic guilt <3
A BROTP I have with said character: doa trio!! i wish we'd gotten to see them interact more. their dynamic is so messed up (affectionate)
A NOTP I have with said character: fyosig. fundamentally, fyodor is the exact opposite of what sigma needs in a relationship. get my girl out of there!!!!
A random headcanon: fyodor with sleep paralysis. real and true to ME
General Opinion over said character: let me into your mind PLEASE i need to know how it works. what is going on in there. just let me take a little peek i promise i'll be normal i promise i promise i pr--
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