#irene bolton
secretceremonies · 5 months
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Bettie Page, Toni Claire, & Irene Bolton photographed at the Roseland Thanksgiving Eve ball
(Original Caption) Trio of Queens. New York: Reflecting the spirit of Thanksgiving are these queens, who will reign together at the 33rd annual Roseland Thanksgiving Eve ball in New York. Left to right are: Bettie Page, "Turkey Queen"; Toni Claire, "Pumpkin Queen"; and Irene Bolton, "Wishbone Queen". The turkey is unidentified.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Celebrities you share placements with Aries placements edition
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Aries rising:
• Little Richard
• Rebbie Jackson
• John Lennon
• Heather Locklear
• Steve Vai
• Stevie Nicks
• Eazy-E
• Shakira
• Chris Rock
• Rihanna
• Shaq
• Paris Jackson
• Brandon T. Lee
• Cardi B
• Kendall Jenner
Aries sun:
• Aretha Franlin
• Elton John
• Diana Ross
• Al Green
• Celine Dione
• Guccio Gucci
• Mariah Carey
• Steven Tyler
• Reese Witherspoon
• Pharell Williams
• Selena Quintanilla
• Akon
• Leona Lewis
• Hugh Hefner
• Jessie J
Aries moon:
• Whitney Houston
• Jackie Jackson
• Janet Jackson
• Stevie Wonder
• Anita Baker
• Marc Bolan
• Lita Ford
• Lionel Richie
• Pamela Anderson
• Tupac
• Salma Hayek
• Enrique Iglesias
• Tyra Banks
• Will.I.Am
• Selena Gomez
Aries mercury:
• Shirley Temple
• Albert Einstein
• Irene Cara
• Nat King Cole
• Michele Pfeiffer
• Willie Nelson
• Liza Minelli
• James Franco
• Joan Crawford
• Mark Zuckerberg
• Carmen Electra
• Leonardo Da Vinci
• Rosario Dawson
• William Shakespeare
• Queen Elizabeth II
Aries venus:
• Morgan Freeman
• Helena Bonham Carter
• Bob Marley
• Jennifer Aniston
• Michael Bolton
• Audrey Hepburn
• Daddy Yankee
• Lady Gaga
• Jet Li
• Gigi Hadid
• Christiano Ronaldo
• Drew Sidora
• John Cena
• Carrie Underwood
• Smokey Robinson
Aries mars:
• Leon Sylvers
• Katherine Jackson
• Prince
• Angelina Jolie
• Maurice White
• Margot Robbie
• André Cymone
• Nina Dobrev
• Michael Ealy
• Elle Fanning
• Jared Leto
• Iggy Azalea
• Sam Smith
• Vanessa Hudgens
• Michael B. Jordan
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tvguidancecounselor · 8 months
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 599: Jon Brennan
January 23-29, 1993
This week Ken welcomes original Real World reality TV star, true story teller and country music man Jon Brennan to the show.
Ken and Jon discuss fancy studio equipment, The Real World LA, being 18, the origin of Road Rules, not going back and watching old video of yourself, calling Irene Mom, people in their 20s feeling like old people, the death of Andre the Giant, WWF, watching The Real World while you're ON the Real World, MTV removing your television, the origins of "true stor-ay", Jon's new single True Story, when WWF went R Rated, loving NWA wresting, Rick Flair, Sting, Dusty Roads, meeting celebrity fans of The Real World, Garth Brooks, The Miz, Will Smith, Amy Grant, when Christians go pop, men's jeans, Rescue 911, being on Celebrity Death Match, Beavis and Butthead, having your Celebrity Death Match puppet, The Hat Squad, mid season replacements, Parents Just Don't Understand, Chris Rock vs Will Smith, kids who don't know what life was like before smart phones, streaming, Napster, making it in a creative field, WCW, Austin City Limits, Michael Nesmith, Emmylou Harris, Eyewitness Video, the horror parents felt looking at Glam Metal bands, The Nashville Network, Nashville Now, Club Dance, The American Music Awards, Bobby Brown, Gloria Estefan, Wynonna Judd, Michael Bolton, trigger warnings, clothes that don't fit, XL vs XXL, skinny jeans, white people tailgating music, mandatory roller blades, college basketball, Unsolved Mysteries, Beverly Hills 90210, In The Heat of the Night, Hoosiers, Seinfeld, Stand by Me, small towns, Cheers, Ancient Aliens, Big Foot, Realty TV Sub genres, Family Matters, Shark Week, hating digital cable, wanting an old fashioned remote control experience, smart TVs, Junkyard Dog, Hulk Hogan Rock n Wrestling, Brutus the Barber Beefcake, Cocaine and Anthrax, tiny celebrities, Planet Hollywood, literally running into Shaq, Elvis, Pancake Pantry, hot chicken, Dateline NBC, Law & Order, fast forwarding Monday Night Raw, and knowing the correct way to get freebies. 
Check out this episode!
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pyrinas-a · 2 years
@librarywent  sent  :  “  may  i  say  what  a  great  honor  it  is  to  meet  you.  ”  to  iren  from  arí ?  /  prompt.
     SHE  WAS  UNIMPRESSED  WITH  THE  refinement,  the  courtesy.  the  castle  had  made  her  jaded.  the  people  within  its  cold  walls  thought  she  were  no  more  than  horse  shit  upon  the  soles  of  their  boots  despite  her  carrying  an  allegedly  important  title.  lady  bolton  they  called  her,  though  she  could  not  help  but  feel  constant  mockery  in  their  tone.  
     whereas  the  inhabitants  inside  were  cruel,  those  outside  it  were  fearful.  whispers  of  witch  and  sorceress  could  be  heard  amongst  the  smallfolk  ---  iren  wondered  if  they  even  attempted  to  hide  their  gossip.  they  thought  she  were  cut  from  the  same  cloth  as  her  northern  husband  and  hulking  brother,  that  she  were  just  as  violent  and  bloodhungry  as  them.  since  she  was  maimed,  she  must  have  resorted  to  dark  magic,  that  the  dog  upon  her  heels  was  a  familiar  of  sorts,  to  get  her  way.
     “  why  is  it  an  honor  ??  ”  she  asked,  eyes  slightly  narrowed  as  to  focus  on  the  silhouette  of  the  man.  with  her  layers  of  mix-matched  furs,  she  looked  more  wildling  than  lady.  “  i  am  only a bastard’s  crippled  wife,  after  all.  ”
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mauriciomeschoulam · 2 years
Contextualizando y actualizando Taiwán: de Trump a Biden y Pelosi
El pasado sábado escribí un texto acerca de la disuasión para entender mejor lo que hay alrededor de la potencial visita de Nancy Pelosi, la líder de la Cámara de Representantes de EU, a Taiwán. No obstante, ese texto estaba más enfocado a la disuasión como tema y menos al contexto específico de Taiwán. De manera que el artículo de hoy funciona como complemento al anterior, recuperando algunos elementos de lo que en este espacio hemos hablado a lo largo de los últimos meses y actualizando el análisis tras la intervención rusa en Ucrania. Dos notas: (1) En este link puede acceder al artículo del sábado: https://bit.ly/3vzfXTp;  (2) Se trata de eventos en desarrollo, el texto actual está escrito con la información que tenemos hasta el momento.  
1. Sin entrar en la historia, solo mencionar que Taiwán es, para China, una provincia en rebelión. Beijing reclama soberanía plena sobre la isla y sus aspiraciones al respecto han sido transparentes desde siempre. Más aún, el tema es tan delicado para China esencialmente porque Taiwán se considera a sí misma como el gobierno legítimo que representa a la única China que existe. Por ello, Beijing no tiene relaciones con las naciones que reconocen oficialmente al gobierno de Taipéi. De hecho, Taiwán es oficialmente reconocida como estado independiente apenas por unos pocos países del mundo. Ni siquiera Washington reconoce oficialmente su independencia. Lo que sucede es que la postura de EU y sus aliados, ha sido que el estatus final de Taiwán debe resolverse por medios no militares.
2.  A lo largo de los años ha habido momentos de mayores y de menores tensiones. Mientras sus relaciones con Washington fueron relativamente buenas, China ha estado dispuesta a seguir adelante con las fórmulas que permitan la coexistencia pacífica, con la expectativa de que eventualmente podría ocurrir para Taiwán algo similar a lo que ocurrió con Hong Kong, la implementación del modelo de “Un País, Dos Sistemas”, es decir, el reconocimiento de la soberanía plena de Beijing sobre el territorio, mientras que a la vez, China permite el ejercicio de otro sistema económico con un relativo grado de autonomía política para éste.
3. Durante la década pasada, como sabemos, las tensiones entre China y Estados Unidos fueron aumentando. Estas tensiones han tenido muy diversas manifestaciones como, por ejemplo: la ciberguerra, la guerra informativa, la guerra comercial, la guerra tecnológica, los choques en los mares colindantes con China, la competencia por espacios de influencia, y la carrera armamentista, entre otros. Pero de todos esos aspectos, quizás nada es para China tan sensible como Taiwán, algo bien conocido por Washington y por sus aliados, y que, por tanto, frecuentemente se convierte en un arma empleada para golpear a su rival. Considere lo que escribimos en 2019 —antes de la pandemia— Irene Levy, Michel Hernández, y su servidor:  
“(Hubo) una aparente decisión por parte de la administración Trump de emplear la cuestión Taiwán como instrumento de presión en el medio de toda la conflictiva que sostiene con Beijing. Desde el inicio de su gestión, Trump ha intentado mostrar signos de cercanía política y militar con la isla…Además de señales como el incremento de personal de servicio en el Instituto Americano de Taipéi, o el reciente encuentro del entonces Consejero de Seguridad Nacional de Trump, John Bolton con David Lee, el secretario general del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional de Taiwán, hay otras cuestiones incluso más delicadas. La Casa Blanca aprobó ventas por 2,200 millones de dólares a Taiwán en tanques, misiles y equipo militar. Hace pocas semanas el gobierno estadounidense anunció que procedería con ventas de aviones de combate F16 a Taipéi en lo que representa una de las mayores transacciones de esta índole entre EU y Taiwán. La respuesta de Beijing ante este delicado tema no se ha dejado esperar. China ha declarado que sancionaría a cualquier empresa vinculada con las ventas de tanques, aviones o equipo militar a la isla. Esto puede incluir sanciones a compañías que son subsidiarias de las empresas involucradas, lo que afectaría considerablemente los negocios con Beijing de corporaciones como Honeywell o General Dynamics. Combinando los elementos anteriores, es posible entender cómo es que el tema de Taiwán se viene a insertar dentro de toda la dinámica conflictiva entre las dos superpotencias”.
4. La pandemia generó un entorno aún más complejo para las relaciones Beijing-Washington. Hacia mediados de 2020, de esos dos países, el que parecía más golpeado por el virus era Estados Unidos. Esa superpotencia se mostraba orientada hacia sí misma, sumida en sus propias tensiones raciales, políticas, en sus problemas económicos, en su polarización. Washington parecía por un lado estar internacionalmente distraída, pero a la vez, Trump se mostraba dispuesto a seguir escalando su confrontación con China. En ese contexto, Beijing decidió dar múltiples pasos, algunos de ellos irreversibles, como lo fue por ejemplo la enorme reducción de la autonomía relativa de que gozaba Hong Kong. Al mismo tiempo, China desplegaba fuerzas y enfrentaba a la India, establecía nuevos distritos en sus mares colindantes —mares disputados por sus vecinos— enviaba submarinos hacia islas que tanto Japón como China reclaman suyas, y efectuaba despliegues navales y aéreos sobre Taiwán.
5. Llegando Biden al poder, estas tensiones no solo no disminuyeron, sino que aumentaron. Washington está plenamente convencida de que China representa la mayor amenaza para su seguridad nacional y está haciéndolo saber de muchas formas. El fortalecimiento de sus distintas alianzas políticas, económicas y militares en la región forman parte del esquema. Taiwán también. Esto incluyó desde medidas blandas como el envío de vacunas a esa isla —tras el rechazo de vacunas chinas por parte de Taipéi— o el relanzamiento de negociaciones comerciales entre Washington y Taiwán, hasta otros asuntos considerados mucho más sensibles como la firma de nuevos acuerdos de armamento entre la Casa Blanca y Taipéi, o bien, como lo reportó el Washington Post en 2021: una unidad de operaciones especiales de EU, así como un contingente de marinos que se encuentran secretamente en Taiwán en misiones de entrenamiento a fuerzas locales (estas unidades fueron desplegadas desde la gestión de Trump, pero Biden permitió que siguiesen trabajando).
6. Desde entonces, China se ha mantenido respondiendo con varias medidas que han incluido sanciones económicas y comerciales, pero también mediante incursiones al espacio aéreo taiwanés y mediante ejercicios navales en zonas muy cercanas a la isla, desplegados con la intención de mostrar su enojo y resolución ante las muestras de apoyo que Estados Unidos y sus aliados ofrecen a Taipéi.
7. Este es el punto en el que se necesita analizar cómo es que la guerra en Ucrania ha impactado sobre este conflicto. Y hay mucho que decir al respecto:
a. Militarmente, muchos observadores piensan que, si Ucrania ha podido demostrar semejantes capacidades de defensa ante una superpotencia, Taiwán tiene, ante una potencial invasión china, una enorme oportunidad de hacer lo propio mediante tácticas de combate asimétrico, como lo ha hecho Kiev. Para ello, Taiwán requiere el armamento adecuado, la capacitación suficiente para emplearlo, y conseguir funcionar como “puercoespín” ante dicha posible invasión.
b. No obstante, Taiwán es una isla y con un territorio mucho menor que el de Ucrania. La fuerza naval china es una de las mayores y más poderosas del globo, y las capacidades convencionales de China—según indican analistas y especialistas—rebasan a las rusas. Defender a Taiwán no es comparable, por tanto, con defender a Ucrania.
c. La lectura de China, además, incluye el aprendizaje de lo que han significado los grandes traslados de armamento de Occidente hacia Ucrania, algo que muchos en Beijing piensan se debe impedir a tiempo. Actuar fuerte y actuar rápido, es su conclusión.
d. Como contrapeso a lo anterior, sin embargo, hay otros factores. El primero es el brutal efecto que podrían tener las sanciones en una economía como la china, altamente entretejida con las occidentales. Beijing está sopesando la disposición de EU y Europa a castigar al rival, incluso asumiendo incontables costos para sus propias economías. Esto, en un momento de altas tensiones domésticas en China por los efectos de la pandemia, la desaceleración y los cambios demográficos que vienen, podría detener una confrontación mayor.
e. Otro elemento es justamente la lectura de las señales disuasivas. Washington está intentando comunicar, una y otra vez, que, a diferencia de Ucrania, en el caso de Taiwán, sí está dispuesta a entrar en una confrontación con la superpotencia y justamente lo está comunicando, para tratar de evitar la invasión.
f. Al final, lo que vemos es una serie de factores que empujan hacia un pronto conflicto, y otros factores que podrían detenerlo o al menos, posponerlo.
8. ¿Cómo juega en ello la vista de Nancy Pelosi? Pelosi es la funcionaria estadounidense de más alto rango en visitar Taiwán en décadas. Como líder del poder legislativo, Pelosi es un par de Biden (quien por lo que se sabe, en lo personal, no favorece esta visita). De un lado, hay en Washington quienes consideran que, habiendo sido anunciada desde abril (se pospuso porque Pelosi contrajo Covid), el no llevar a cabo esta visita, sería percibido como signo de debilidad; una señal de haberse rendido ante las amenazas chinas. Por tanto, sería impensable cancelarla. Pero del otro lado, esto en Beijing está siendo percibido como una humillación abierta. No significa que esto vaya a detonar un conflicto de manera inmediata—probablemente, a pesar de las elevadísimas tensiones y demostraciones de fuerza, todas las partes harán cuanto puedan para evitarlo—sino que tiene un alto potencial de acelerar una serie de decisiones (tanto en Beijing como en Washington) y posiblemente los eventos al respecto de Taiwán. Esto podría incluir más ejercicios militares, más despliegues de fuerza, incremento de presencia militar, más envíos de armas. Lo que asciende notablemente, con la visita de Pelosi, en otras palabras, son los riesgos y, por tanto, eventualmente sí, la posibilidad de algún conflicto que podría salirse de las manos.
Seguimos pendientes pues como dijimos se trata de un evento en desarrollo.
Twitter: @maurimm 
1 de agosto, 2022
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mariocki · 2 years
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Drive a Crooked Road (1954)
"Tell me something, Shannon. Always wondered what goes through people's minds in a spot like this. No views on the subject, huh? Come now, Shannon, you must be thinking about dying."
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badgaymovies · 3 years
The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1956)
The Revolt of Mamie Stover (1956)
RAOUL WALSH Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBB USA, 1956. Twentieth Century Fox. Screenplay by Sydney Boehm, based on the novel by William Bradford Huie. Cinematography by Leo Tover. Produced by Buddy Adler. Music by Hugo Friedhofer. Production Design by Mark-Lee Kirk, Lyle R. Wheeler. Costume Design by Travilla. Film Editing by Louis R. Loeffler. Casting aspersions on the post-war economic boom is…
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morhath · 3 years
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Irene is by herself because unlike the other characters, she is the anti-Bolton Strid.  Also Pheris and Kamet don’t get memes because they’re normal xoxo
[Image description: one picture of the official art (by Emily B. Martin) of Irene from the Queen’s Thief books.  There is large text on the top and bottom of the picture, reading “I just really want to be loved” and “secretly I have a great sense of humor”.  Over top of that text in smaller font are the words “I had a man’s hand cut off” and “I poisoned my first husband”.]
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elisabethloxx · 3 years
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Irene Richardson, aged 28, was murdered by Peter Sutcliffe nine months later, and at almost the same exact spot, as the previous known attack on Marcella Claxton in May 1976. The murder was also the one where his actions could be seen as deliberate, calculated, and controlled. Instead of quickly leaving the scene, as in previous attacks, he took the time to re-arrange her clothes and boots, and cover her body with her coat.
On February 5th, Irene Richardson, who was down on her luck, had spent most of the previous ten days homeless and almost penniless, and had taken to hanging around street corners. She was last seen at a rooming house on Cowper Street where she had taken a room, saying she was going to Tiffany's, a "No denims" pub and disco in the centre of Leeds. She left the rooming house at around 11:15 pm.
Peter Sutcliffe had spent part of the evening of February 5th kerb-crawling in his white Ford Corsair, obviously looking for a victim. He had either been turned down, or turned down, those who he had approached, or who had approached him.
Not far from the Gaiety pub, he spotted Irene Richardson and stopped his car a few yards ahead of her. She jumped in without a word, and when Sutcliffe said that he might not have wanted her, she replied that she would show him a good time. Sutcliffe drove a mile along Roundhay Road and into Roundhay Park, and continued on to Soldiers Field, where he had attacked his previous victim, Marcella Claxton.
When Irene Richardson got out of the passengers seat, Sutcliffe put a hammer and Stanley knife into his pocket. She wanted to go to the toilet, but finding them locked, decided to urinate on the grass. As she was crouching, Peter Sutcliffe delivered three heavy blows to her head with his hammer, one that drove her skull three-quarters of an inch into her brain, and then he tore open her jacket and blouse and began to stab and slash her with his Stanley knife. He heard nearby voices and saw a car being driven away from a block of flats. Before he left, he covered her legs with her coat.
At 7:30 am, John Bolton was out jogging across Soldiers Field when he spotted the body of Irene Richardson on the ground near the rear of a sports pavilion and near some trees. At first he thought it was someone who had been taken ill. He asked her, "What's the matter?" He approached the still form and, after he brushed her hair aside which was covering her face, he saw "blood on her neck and her eyes were glazed and staring". He then ran to one of the houses and called the police.
Irene Richardson was lying face down, her hands under her stomach, and her head turned to the left with her long hair matted with blood and hiding the stab wounds in her neck and throat. The imitation suede fur-trimmed coat she had been wearing had been draped over her buttocks and legs, with only her feet showing. Her calf-length brown boots had been careful placed over her thighs. Her bra was still in position, but her skirt had been pulled up. Her tights had been pulled off her right leg and pulled down. Besides the neck and throat wounds, she had been three stab wounds in the stomach, one six and three-quarter inches long, and all were severe downward strokes that had caused her intestines to spill out of the wounds.
Near the body, the police discovered an important clue. The killer had driven his car onto the soft ground of Soldiers Field. The police were able to determine the tire marks as being two India Autoway tires, a Pneumant, and an Esso 110, all cross-ply. With a rear track width of between 4' 1 1/2" and 4' 2 1/2", the number of vehicles that it could apply to was twenty-six, including Ford Corsairs. A staggering 100,000 vehicles in West Yorkshire would have to be checked, and before the killer changed any of his tires.
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vnights · 3 years
//Soooo I’m working on a lotta different fics lately! I wanted to know if there was a certain one I should be putting more effort into, so everyone can read em’ faster, if you even WANT to read them, at all
Williams first spring-lock incident, helped by dear ole’ Henry Emily and Irene Bolton
A crossover fic introducing Six from Little Nightmares into the wacko world of FNAF, and, more importantly, the world of Henry Emily
The day shift workers attempt to uncover the mystery behind Freddy Fazbears pizza, starting with the night shift
Henry takes in the Afton children 3 days after Elizabeths birth, and Irenes death, after their father unwillingly neglected them
Williams introduction to Remnant
Irene and Williams first encounter
Doily and Belvadore meet grandpa Afton
Nyla, Tattletail, Michael, and William face off against both familiar and unfamiliar threats
Irene brings William home from an asylum after spending 7+ months locked away for an attempted attack on a child
Johnathan and Charlotte show a common playground bully what happens when you throw hands with an Afton
//so um after writing them all down it seems I..... it.... wow do I have a problem-? ANYWAY, IF ANY OF THESE SOUNDS FUN, LEMME KNOW AND I’LL HAPPILY PAY MORE ATTENTION TO IT. THANKS FOR LETTING ME RAMBLE ALL THE TIME FOLKS ; ;
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 years
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“Bathing Beauty Contest Features Big Community Night at Bolton,” Toronto Star. August 22, 1940. Page 08. ---- MISS TORONTO HELPS CHOOSE MISS BOLTON AT RED CROSS JAMBOREE ---- A bathing beauty contest for the title, Miss Bolton, 1940, drew thousands to the Red Cross jamboree staged by Bolton band and fire brigade last night. Irene Nolan of Toronto (LEFT) was the winner, with Patricia March, also a Toronto girl (RIGHT), second. Judge and presenter of the award was Miss Frances Oxtoby, Miss Toronto of 1940 (CENTRE). There was a record entry list of 24 names. A parade of bands, an amateur contest, doll carriage contests, a soap box derby, dancing and games were features on the program. The net proceeds go to the work of the district branches of the Red Cross Society.
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blackkudos · 4 years
James Reese Europe
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James Reese Europe (February 22, 1880 – May 9, 1919), sometimes known as Jim Europe, was an American ragtime and early jazz bandleader, arranger, and composer. He was the leading figure on the black American music scene of New York City in the 1910s. Eubie Blake called him the "Martin Luther King of music".
Early life
Europe was born in Mobile, Alabama, to Henry Jefferson Europe (1848–1899) and Loraine Saxon (maiden; 1849–1930). His family — which included four siblings, Minnie Europe (Mrs. George Mayfield; 1868–1931), Ida S. Europe (1870–1919), John Newton Europe (1875–1932), and Mary Loraine (1883–1947) — moved to Washington, D.C., when he was 10.
Europe moved to New York in 1904.
Band leader
In 1910, Europe organized the Clef Club, a society for Black Americans in the music industry. In 1912, the club made history when it played a concert at Carnegie Hall for the benefit of the Colored Music Settlement School. The Clef Club Orchestra, while not a jazz band, was the first band to play proto-jazz at Carnegie Hall. It is difficult to overstate the importance of that event in the history of jazz in the United States — it was 12 years before the Paul Whiteman and George Gershwin concert at Aeolian Hall, and 26 years before Benny Goodman's famed concert at Carnegie Hall. The Clef Club's performances played music written solely by Black composers, including Harry T. Burleigh and Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. Europe's orchestra also included Will Marion Cook, who had not been in Carnegie Hall since his own performance as solo violinist in 1896. Cook was the first black composer to launch full musical productions, fully scored with a cast and story every bit as classical as any Victor Herbert operetta. In the words of Gunther Schuller, Europe "... had stormed the bastion of the white establishment and made many members of New York's cultural elite aware of Negro music for the first time". The New York Times remarked, "These composers are beginning to form an art of their own"; yet by their third performance, a review in Musical America said Europe's Clef Club should "give its attention during the coming year to a movement or two of a Haydn Symphony".
Europe was known for his outspoken personality and unwillingness to bend to musical conventions, particularly in his insistence on playing his own style of music. He responded to criticism by saying, "We have developed a kind of symphony music that, no matter what else you think, is different and distinctive, and that lends itself to the playing of the peculiar compositions of our race ... My success had come ... from a realization of the advantages of sticking to the music of my own people." And later, "We colored people have our own music that is part of us. It's the product of our souls; it's been created by the sufferings and miseries of our race."
Some of Europe's best-known compositions include several that were co-composed with Ford Dabney (1893–1958) for the famed dancers Irene and Vernon Castle. The Castles regarded Europe's Society Orchestra among the best they had worked with and hired Europe late in 1913 as their preferred band leader with Dabney as their arranger.
Co-composed with Dabney for the Castles; Joseph W. Stern (1870–1934), publisherComposed soley by Europe for the Castles; G. Ricordi & Co., publisher
Co-composed with Dabney for Kern and Bolton's
Nobody Home
(1915)— Princess Theatre April 20, 2015, through June 1915; Maxine Elliott's Theatre June 7, 1915, through August 7, 1915
Co-composed with Dabney, lyrics by Gene Buck, for Ziegfeld's
Midnight Frolic,
sang by Nora Bayes; Francis, Day & Hunter Ltd., publisher
"Boy of Mine" (©1915)
In 1913 and 1914 he made a series of phonograph records for the Victor Talking Machine Company. These recordings are some of the best examples of the pre-jazz hot ragtime style of the U.S. Northeast of the 1910s. These are some of the most accepted quotes that are in place to protect the idea that the Original Dixieland Jass Band recorded the first jass (spelling later changed) pieces in 1917 for Victor. Unlike Europe's post-War recordings, the Victor recordings were not called nor marketed as "jazz" at the time, and were far from the first recordings of ragtime by Black American musicians.
Neither the Clef Club Orchestra nor the Society Orchestra were small "Dixieland" style bands. They were large symphonic bands to satisfy the tastes of a public that was used to performances by the likes of the John Philip Sousa band and similar organizations very popular at the time. The Clef Orchestra had 125 members and played on various occasions between 1912 and 1915 in Carnegie Hall. It is instructive to read a comment from a music review in the New York Times from March 12, 1914: "... the programme consisted largely of plantation melodies and spirituals [arranged such as to show that] these composers are beginning to develop an art of their own based on their folk material ..."
Military service
During World War I, Europe obtained a commission in the New York Army National Guard, where he fought as a lieutenant with the 369th Infantry Regiment (the "Harlem Hellfighters") when it was assigned to the French Army. He went on to direct the regimental band to great acclaim. In February and March 1918, James Reese Europe and his military band travelled over 2,000 miles in France, performing for British, French and American military audiences as well as French civilians. Europe's "Hellfighters" also made their first recordings in France for the Pathé brothers. The first concert included a French march, and the Stars and Stripes Forever as well as syncopated numbers such as "The Memphis Blues", which, according to a later description of the concert by band member Noble Sissle "... started ragtimitis in France".
Post-war career
After his return home in February 1919 he stated, "I have come from France more firmly convinced than ever that Negros should write Negro music. We have our own racial feeling and if we try to copy whites we will make bad copies ... We won France by playing music which was ours and not a pale imitation of others, and if we are to develop in America we must develop along our own lines." In 1919 Europe made more recordings for Pathé Records. These include both instrumentals and accompaniments with vocalist Noble Sissle who, with Eubie Blake, would later have great success with their 1921 production of Shuffle Along, which gives us the classic song "I'm Just Wild About Harry". Differing in style from Europe's recordings of a few years earlier, they incorporate blues, blue notes, and early jazz influences (including a rather stiff cover record of the Original Dixieland Jass Band's "Clarinet Marmalade").
On the night of May 9, 1919, Europe performed for the last time. He had been feeling ill all day, but wanted to go on with the concert (which was to be the first of three in Boston's Mechanics Hall). During the intermission Europe went to have a talk with two of his drummers, Steve and Herbert Wright. After Europe criticized some of their behavior (walking off stage during others' performances), Herbert Wright became very agitated and threw his drumsticks down in a seemingly unwarranted outburst of anger. He claimed Europe did not treat him well and that he was tired of getting blamed for others' mistakes. He lunged for Europe with a penknife and was able to stab him in the neck. Europe told his band to finish the set and he would see them the next morning. To Europe and his band the wound seemed superficial. As he was carried away, he told them "I'll get along alright." At the hospital, they could not stop the bleeding and he died hours later.
News of Europe's death spread fast. Composer and band leader W. C. Handy wrote: "The man who had just come through the baptism of war's fire and steel without a mark had been stabbed by one of his own musicians ... The sun was in the sky. The new day promised peace. But all the suns had gone down for Jim Europe, and Harlem didn't seem the same." Europe was granted the first ever public funeral for a black American in the city of New York. Tanney Johnson said of his death: "Before Jim Europe came to New York, the colored man knew nothing but Negro dances and porter's work. All that has been changed. Jim Europe was the living open sesame to the colored porters of this city. He took them from their porters' places and raised them to positions of importance as real musicians. I think the suffering public ought to know that in Jim Europe, the race has lost a leader, a benefactor, and a true friend."
At the time of his death, he was the best-known black-American bandleader in the United States. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
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tvguidancecounselor · 8 months
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 599: Jon Brennan
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January 23-29, 1993
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This week Ken welcomes original Real World reality TV star, true story teller and country music man Jon Brennan to the show.
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Ken and Jon discuss fancy studio equipment, The Real World LA, being 18, the origin of Road Rules, not going back and watching old video of yourself, calling Irene Mom, people in their 20s feeling like old people, the death of Andre the Giant, WWF, watching The Real World while you're ON the Real World, MTV removing your television, the origins of "true stor-ay", Jon's new single True Story, when WWF went R Rated, loving NWA wresting, Rick Flair, Sting, Dusty Roads, meeting celebrity fans of The Real World, Garth Brooks, The Miz, Will Smith, Amy Grant, when Christians go pop, men's jeans, Rescue 911, being on Celebrity Death Match, Beavis and Butthead, having your Celebrity Death Match puppet, The Hat Squad, mid season replacements, Parents Just Don't Understand, Chris Rock vs Will Smith, kids who don't know what life was like before smart phones, streaming, Napster, making it in a creative field, WCW, Austin City Limits, Michael Nesmith, Emmylou Harris, Eyewitness Video, the horror parents felt looking at Glam Metal bands, The Nashville Network, Nashville Now, Club Dance, The American Music Awards, Bobby Brown, Gloria Estefan, Wynonna Judd, Michael Bolton, trigger warnings, clothes that don't fit, XL vs XXL, skinny jeans, white people tailgating music, mandatory roller blades, college basketball, Unsolved Mysteries, Beverly Hills 90210, In The Heat of the Night, Hoosiers, Seinfeld, Stand by Me, small towns, Cheers, Ancient Aliens, Big Foot, Realty TV Sub genres, Family Matters, Shark Week, hating digital cable, wanting an old fashioned remote control experience, smart TVs, Junkyard Dog, Hulk Hogan Rock n Wrestling, Brutus the Barber Beefcake, Cocaine and Anthrax, tiny celebrities, Planet Hollywood, literally running into Shaq, Elvis, Pancake Pantry, hot chicken, Dateline NBC, Law & Order, fast forwarding Monday Night Raw, and knowing the correct way to get freebies.
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notthatpsychic · 4 years
What types are the gyms and elite four of this region? Or does this region have something different?
Erin - Flying
Tonio - Normal
Susanna - Grass
Christobal - Psychic
Mateo - Fighting
Nicolas - Poison
Sandra- Ground
Irene - Steel
Elite Four
Felicia - Fairy
Rico - Dark
Mr. Bolton - Electric
Marisa - Water
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emuchipmunk · 5 years
Booster and Beetle Bops Playlist
Way Back When // Grizfolk - You gave me something to believe in / We were the best of friends / Well I remember the good times / Way back when / Memories will fade, if you wanna leave I’ll let you go / I’ve got you on your way, I’ll be there for you don’t you know
Save Me // Noah Kahan - Why do you keep reaching for my hand / Do you see something I can’t / Why do you try to save me / This fate is well deserved / I only make things worse / Why do you try to save me
Forever // Lewis Capaldi - Darling, nobody said that it would last forever / That doesn’t mean we didn’t try to get there / I never said that we would die together / That doesn’t mean it was a lie, remember / Nobody said that it would last forever 
Ordinary World // Duran Duran - Where is the life that I recognize / Gone away / But I won’t cry for yesterday / There’s an ordinary world / Somehow I have to find 
The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades is Out to Get Us // Sufjan Stevens - Terrible sting and terrible storm / I can tell you the day we were born / My friend is gone, he ran away / I can tell you I love him each day / Though we have sparred, wrestled, and raged / I can tell you I love him each day
Aaaaaanyways here’s the top songs of my Booster and Beetle Bops playlist full of songs I think they’d bop to, karaoke cry to, and actually relate to with the lyrics. The rest of the playlist (as of right now) will be under the cut and the playlist can be found here!
This one is LONG so just beware. And if anyone has any suggestions for this or any of my other playlists, feel free to let me know!
Songs with actually relevant lyrics: 
Karma - AJR
Bad Decisions - Bastille 
Back In Baby’s Arms - Patsy Cline
Faithful - Go West
Here With Me - The Killers 
Never Get You Right - The Killers
Somewhere Only We Know - Glee Cast (I know, I know, but I’m soft for any version of this song)
Ribs - Lorde
Step With Me - Mika
How Can We Be Lovers - Michael Bolton
Far Away - Nickleback (I cri)
Gotta Be Somebosy - Nickleback
Everybody Lost Somebody - Bleachers 
Who’s Gonna Love Me (When I’m Not Young) - Armors
Temporary Love - Ben Platt
Keeping a Secret - Bleachers
Love You Like That - Dagny 
Happily - One Direction 
Fade - Egyptian 
My Fault - Imagine Dragons
You Make My Dreams - Daryl Hall and John Oates
Better Way - Tom Chaplin
Wipe Your Eyes - Maroon 5
Rut - The Killers
Funky songs they bop to 
Red Light Spells Danger - Billy Ocean 
Upbeat Inspirational Song About Life - Michael Bolton
You Got It (The Right Stuff) - New Kids On The Block
I Melt With You - Modern English
Believe - Cher
Love Really Hurts Without You - Billy Ocean
How Will I Know - Whitney Houston
When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going - Billy Ocean
Material Girl - Madonna
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean
Playing With The Boys - Kenny Loggins
Self Control - Laura Branigan
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) - Whitney Houston
Self Control - Raf
Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler
He’s A Rebel - The Crystals 
Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Elton John
Fabulous - Sharpay Evans
December, 1963 (Oh What A Night) - Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons 
Be My Baby - The Ronettes
I’m So Humble - The Lonely Island
What A Feeling - Irene Cara
Private Eyes - Daryl Hall and John Oates
Crying (probably drunk) karaoke songs
Listen To Your Heart - Roxette
Stay On These Roads - a-ha
A Groovy Kind of Love - Phil Collins
God Only Knows - The Beach Boys
Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now - Starship
Living Years - Mike and The Mechanics
Will You Love Me Tomorrow - The Shirelles
Keep On Loving You - REO Speedwagon
Oh L’Amour - Erasure
Everybody Wants To Rule The World - Tears for Fears
Bonus: Foreign music that Booster serenades Ted with (French and Italian)
La Luna e La Gatta - Takagi and Ketra
Per Un Milione - Boombadash
Ton Combat - Arcadian
Miami Vice - Gims (not so much of a serenade as a funky song that they’d geek over)
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Me: I really like this character, they're so well rounded and their backstory is fascinating. I can really relate to them on so many different levels. They're definitely my favorite.
Person: But they're a bad guy™
Me: Did I stutter?
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