#internet of things iot
kikisagroplace · 5 months
Precision Poultry Farming: Navigating the Future of Fowl Husbandry
Precision poultry farming is a revolutionary technical innovation that is taking off in the fast-paced world of poultry production. Using automation, data analytics, and technology, this creative approach to poultry management maximizes each step of the chicken farming process. We’ll dive into the world of precision poultry farming in this blog article, covering its advantages, essential…
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tingvall · 9 months
A lot of ghost stories can be abstracted into that there is a "state" where there should be none; houses keeping the routines of the old dead owners, dolls remembering the name of kids...
With Internet of Things we are basically making everything haunted by introducing hidden states to our everyday objects. This brings up a need for proper digital exorcists.
We are building a world filled with witchcraft and wonders.
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odinsblog · 1 year
Why did you post the pics of the woman on the toilet? Why would you do that? And the pics of the child? It doesn't seem like you really believe in privacy if you perpetuate the violation by sharing those pics. You should delete and repost with them.
[re: this post]
Nah, I’m not doing that. Its good as is. Their faces were blanked out. Besides, unlike my little blog, that post was simply an excerpt from an article that has probably already been seen and read thousands and thousands of times. You gon write MIT Technology Review and bitch at them too?
SN: it’s a really good article, I fully suggest people read it in its entirety (link to article—with faces blacked out—here)
The real problem is that Roombas (iRobot, Amazon, etc) are taking identifiable pictures and they are doing next to nothing to protect the people’s privacy or their identities - the unredacted pictures literally ended up on Facebook, FFS! To reiterate what was in the article: “the images reveal a whole data supply chain—and new points where personal information could leak out—that few consumers are even aware of”
Look, I don’t mind accommodating people’s reasonable wishes on social media, but some of you get carried away when you start demanding what I should or shouldn’t post on my own blog. I could understand if I was posting stuff that was anti-Black racism, or misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, Islamophobic, etc… You know that if you don’t like what I’m posting, you can go make a post of your own, right? If you are even a semi-regular follower of mine, then you should know that I am not down with pissy little, passive aggressive foolishness like this. Next thing you know, you’ll be complaining to HR that my “sighing” is negatively impacting your mental wellbeing
Sorry, anon, I’m not giving in to your … concern trolling or whatever this is supposed to be
Grow up
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udemycoursefree · 7 months
The Internet of Things (IoT): A Revolution in Connectivity
The world as we know it is rapidly transforming thanks to the Internet of Things ( IoT ). IoT is paving the way for a new era of interconnectedness, revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, and reshaping various aspects of our daily lives. In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of IoT, its diverse applications, and the significance of understanding this transformative technology. We’ll also introduce a fundamental course that will help individuals explore IoT in-depth.
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jinactusconsulting · 9 months
What sets Konnect Insights apart from other data orchestration and analysis tools available in the market for improving customer experiences in the aviation industry?
I can highlight some general factors that may set Konnect Insights apart from other data orchestration and analysis tools available in the market for improving customer experiences in the aviation industry. Keep in mind that the competitive landscape and product offerings may have evolved since my last knowledge update. Here are some potential differentiators:
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Aviation Industry Expertise: Konnect Insights may offer specialized features and expertise tailored to the unique needs and challenges of the aviation industry, including airports, airlines, and related businesses.
Multi-Channel Data Integration: Konnect Insights may excel in its ability to integrate data from a wide range of sources, including social media, online platforms, offline locations within airports, and more. This comprehensive data collection can provide a holistic view of the customer journey.
Real-Time Monitoring: The platform may provide real-time monitoring and alerting capabilities, allowing airports to respond swiftly to emerging issues or trends and enhance customer satisfaction.
Customization: Konnect Insights may offer extensive customization options, allowing airports to tailor the solution to their specific needs, adapt to unique workflows, and focus on the most relevant KPIs.
Actionable Insights: The platform may be designed to provide actionable insights and recommendations, guiding airports on concrete steps to improve the customer experience and operational efficiency.
Competitor Benchmarking: Konnect Insights may offer benchmarking capabilities that allow airports to compare their performance to industry peers or competitors, helping them identify areas for differentiation.
Security and Compliance: Given the sensitive nature of data in the aviation industry, Konnect Insights may include robust security features and compliance measures to ensure data protection and adherence to industry regulations.
Scalability: The platform may be designed to scale effectively to accommodate the data needs of large and busy airports, ensuring it can handle high volumes of data and interactions.
Customer Support and Training: Konnect Insights may offer strong customer support, training, and consulting services to help airports maximize the value of the platform and implement best practices for customer experience improvement.
Integration Capabilities: It may provide seamless integration with existing airport systems, such as CRM, ERP, and database systems, to ensure data interoperability and process efficiency.
Historical Analysis: The platform may enable airports to conduct historical analysis to track the impact of improvements and initiatives over time, helping measure progress and refine strategies.
User-Friendly Interface: Konnect Insights may prioritize a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it accessible to a wide range of airport staff without requiring extensive technical expertise.
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It's important for airports and organizations in the aviation industry to thoroughly evaluate their specific needs and conduct a comparative analysis of available solutions to determine which one aligns best with their goals and requirements. Additionally, staying updated with the latest developments and customer feedback regarding Konnect Insights and other similar tools can provide valuable insights when making a decision.
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websyn · 10 months
Demystifying Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services: A Comprehensive Guide
In the rapidly evolving landscape of cloud computing, Microsoft Azure has emerged as a powerful player, offering a wide range of services to help businesses build, deploy, and manage applications and infrastructure. One of the standout features of Azure is its Cloud Hosting and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings, which enable organizations to harness the benefits of the cloud while minimizing the complexities of infrastructure management. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services, demystifying their features, benefits, and use cases.
Understanding Microsoft Azure Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting, as the name suggests, involves hosting applications and services on virtual servers that are accessed over the internet. Microsoft Azure provides a robust cloud hosting environment, allowing businesses to scale up or down as needed, pay for only the resources they consume, and reduce the burden of maintaining physical hardware. Here are some key components of Azure Cloud Hosting:
Virtual Machines (VMs): Azure offers a variety of pre-configured virtual machine sizes that cater to different workloads. These VMs can run Windows or Linux operating systems and can be easily scaled to meet changing demands.
Azure App Service: This PaaS offering allows developers to build, deploy, and manage web applications without dealing with the underlying infrastructure. It supports various programming languages and frameworks, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): For containerized applications, AKS provides a managed Kubernetes service. Kubernetes simplifies the deployment and management of containerized applications, and AKS further streamlines this process.
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Exploring Azure Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) Services
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) takes cloud hosting a step further by abstracting away even more of the infrastructure management, allowing developers to focus primarily on building and deploying applications. Azure offers an array of PaaS services that cater to different needs:
Azure SQL Database: This fully managed relational database service eliminates the need for database administration tasks such as patching and backups. It offers high availability, security, and scalability for your data.
Azure Cosmos DB: For globally distributed, highly responsive applications, Azure Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service that guarantees low-latency access and automatic scaling.
Azure Functions: A serverless compute service, Azure Functions allows you to run code in response to events without provisioning or managing servers. It's ideal for event-driven architectures.
Azure Logic Apps: This service enables you to automate workflows and integrate various applications and services without writing extensive code. It's great for orchestrating complex business processes.
Benefits of Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services
Scalability: Azure's elasticity allows you to scale resources up or down based on demand. This ensures optimal performance and cost efficiency.
Cost Management: With pay-as-you-go pricing, you only pay for the resources you use. Azure also provides cost management tools to monitor and optimize spending.
High Availability: Azure's data centers are distributed globally, providing redundancy and ensuring high availability for your applications.
Security and Compliance: Azure offers robust security features and compliance certifications, helping you meet industry standards and regulations.
Developer Productivity: PaaS services like Azure App Service and Azure Functions streamline development by handling infrastructure tasks, allowing developers to focus on writing code.
Use Cases for Azure Cloud Hosting and PaaS
Web Applications: Azure App Service is ideal for hosting web applications, enabling easy deployment and scaling without managing the underlying servers.
Microservices: Azure Kubernetes Service supports the deployment and orchestration of microservices, making it suitable for complex applications with multiple components.
Data-Driven Applications: Azure's PaaS offerings like Azure SQL Database and Azure Cosmos DB are well-suited for applications that rely heavily on data storage and processing.
Serverless Architecture: Azure Functions and Logic Apps are perfect for building serverless applications that respond to events in real-time.
In conclusion, Microsoft Azure's Cloud Hosting and PaaS Services provide businesses with the tools they need to harness the power of the cloud while minimizing the complexities of infrastructure management. With scalability, cost-efficiency, and a wide array of services, Azure empowers developers and organizations to innovate and deliver impactful applications. Whether you're hosting a web application, managing data, or adopting a serverless approach, Azure has the tools to support your journey into the cloud.
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ediiie · 1 year
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algoworks · 1 year
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The future of mobile app development is here, and it's all about the Internet of Things (IoT)! From smart homes to wearables, IoT technology is transforming the way we interact with the world around us. 
Get ready to experience a new level of convenience, efficiency, and personalization with IoT-powered mobile apps. The possibilities are endless, and the future is now!
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archronova · 1 year
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Jika dilihat dari topoligi ini, gimanakah cara agar ESP32 bisa diakses melalui VPS. Apakah dengan VPN. Jika ya, kayaknya harus cari referensi..
Edit :
Sebenarnya topologi bisa diganti, dengan meng'cloudkan aplikasi dalam server 'in premise'. Namun dalam hal ini, karena sudah terlanjur di set penyimpanan berada di VPS. Walhasil, menantang diri untuk mengkoneksikan sepertinya menarik.
Koneksi menggunakan ngrok melalui port 80 tidak bisa terkoneksi.
Penggunaan Library ESP32 belum maksimal. Update penomoran IP Statis belum dapat digunakan, sehingga perangkat masih menggunakan service DHCP untuk terhubung.
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justtechtalks · 1 year
The Rapid Advancement of Technology: A Look at the Latest Developments
Technology is constantly evolving, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest advancements. From artificial intelligence to virtual reality, technology is becoming more and more advanced at a rapid pace. In this blog post, we'll take a look at some of the most exciting and innovative technology developments of recent years, and explore how these advancements are changing the way we live and work.
Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most talked-about technologies of recent years. From voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars, AI is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives.
One of the most impressive developments in AI is the creation of machine learning algorithms. These algorithms allow computers to learn and adapt without being explicitly programmed, enabling them to perform tasks that were once thought to be impossible. For example, machine learning algorithms have been used to create image and speech recognition software, allowing computers to identify and classify objects and sounds with impressive accuracy.
Virtual and augmented reality
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are technologies that allow users to experience computer-generated environments in a more immersive way. VR allows users to fully enter a virtual world, while AR overlays digital information onto the real world.
These technologies have a wide range of applications, from gaming and entertainment to education and training. For example, VR can be used to create immersive experiences for gamers, while AR can be used to provide training simulations for pilots or surgeons.
The Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnected network of physical devices that can collect and exchange data. These devices can include anything from smart thermostats and security cameras to wearable fitness trackers and smart appliances.
The IoT has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. For example, smart home devices can be programmed to adjust the temperature or turn off the lights when you leave the house, saving energy and making life more convenient.
As technology continues to advance, it's clear that it will have a significant impact on the way we live and work. From AI and VR to the IoT, these developments are already changing the way we interact with the world around us, and it's exciting to think about what the future may hold. As technology continues to evolve, it's important to stay informed about the latest developments and consider how they may affect our lives.
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kikisagroplace · 10 months
What is Precision Agriculture?
Systems for managing precision agriculture are evolving continuously. They enable farmers to find solutions to a wide range of challenges. In order to maximize production, growers must become proficient with a variety of instruments that are part of precision agriculture.What is precision agriculture?Utilizing cutting-edge tools like field mapping or satellite images, precision farming can…
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cogtropolis · 1 year
How to ByPass the TikTok Ban
This guide will show you how to bypass the a TikTok Ban step-by-step. Before we get started, let’s just acknowledge that TikTok definitely does not meet our criteria for an application that respects users privacy. So why help users bypass the TikTok Ban? The answer is that banning apps, websites, speech, communication, or just parts of the Internet in general poses a much greater threat to free…
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Massive IOT (mIOT) Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
The market for Massive IoT is forecast to reach $121.4 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 7.1% from 2021 to 2026. The Massive IoT Market is estimated to witness substantial growth over the forecast period primarily due to the growing demand for large scale Automation and machine intelligence. The rising adoption of IoT technology across various industry verticals such as manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare, is driving the market’s growth for bandwidth sensor technologies. With the traditional manufacturing sector amid a digital transformation, the IoT is triggering the next industrial revolution of intelligent connectivity and communication protocols. With the development of wireless networking technologies, especially low power networks, and the emergence of advanced data analytics, a reduction in the cost of connected devices adn indoor asset tracking, are some of the major factors driving the market. The adoption of cloud computing and cloud platform is another factor boosting the market growth during the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Massive IOT Market– Forecast (2021-2026)”, by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Massive IOT Market.
By Platform – Device Management, Application Management, Network Management, Cloud Platform and Others.
By Connectivity – Wireless, Field.
By Component – Hardware (Transmitters, Memory, Processors,Other), Software, Services.
By End User – Manufacturing, Transportation, Healthcare, Retail, Energy and Utilities, Residential, Other.
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, South Korea, and Others), and RoW (Middle east and Africa).
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Key Takeaways
The Massive IoT Market is estimated to witness substantial growth over the forecast period primarily due to the growing demand for large scale Automation. The rising adoption of IoT technology across various industry verticals, such as manufacturing, automotive, and healthcare, is driving the market’s growth.
North America is holding a strong grip in the market, due to the growing role of IoT among the significant revenue-generating end-user industries of the region, driven by the deployment of connected cars, smart facilities, smart energy projects, home automation, and a focus on smart manufacturing.
The current and future IoT applications with respect to their requirements and then identify the feasible connectivity technologies for each application category. Massive IoT has played a major role across a variety of verticals by generating new revenue streams and other benefits, such as improved quality.
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Massive IoT Market Segment Analysis - By Platform
The Industrial Internet of Things is the biggest and most important part of the Internet of Things now but consumer applications will catch up from a spending perspective. The growing demand of industrial automation and the penetration of industry 4.0 has boosted the Massive IoT market. The device management of the massive IoT has the largest market growth in the market, as the industrial automation includes mainly device management and machine to machine communication. For instance in March 2020 Cisco and Microsoft announced a partnership for seamless data communication between Cisco IoT and Microsoft Azure IoT cloud.
Massive IoT Market Segment Analysis - By End User
The current and future IoT applications with respect to their requirements and then identify the feasible connectivity technologies for each application category. Massive IoT has played a major role across a variety of verticals by generating new revenue streams and other benefits, such as improved quality. The transportation market is also growing rapidly with the penetration of Massive IoT and the market has already invested $78 billion, just as is the case for the IoT manufacturing market. The main use case in transportation is freight monitoring, remaining a key driver in the market during the forecast period of 2021-2026.
Massive IoT Market Segment Analysis – By Geography
North America is holding a strong grip in the market with 37% share in 2020, due to the growing role of IoT among the significant revenue-generating end-user industries of the region, driven by the deployment of connected cars, smart facilities, smart energy projects, home automation, and a focus on smart manufacturing. The rapid implementation of the digital era across industry verticals and technological advancements have further boosted the growth of IoT in this region. The Massive internet of things (MIoT) market is highly competitive to the presence of many large and small enterprises in the market operating in the domestic as well as in the international market. APAC is an industrial hub of many verticals that makes it the fastest-growing.
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Massive IoT Market Drivers
Technological Advancement
Industry 4.0 and Massive-IoT are at the centre of new technological approaches for the development, production, and management of the entire logistics chain, otherwise known as smart factory automation. The massive change in manufacturing due to industry 4.0 and the implementation of IoT requires enterprises to adopt the smarter way to advance production with technologies that reduce industrial accidents caused by a process failure. This is changing the way industries approach the machines to improve efficiency and reduce downtime. This development in connectivity will lead to a larger base of individuals interested in purchasing IoT devices. The boost in the development of high-speed wireless network technology and the number of devices enabled with this technology are increasing rapidly with the penetration of MIoT. These changes in the industry vertical will be driving the market during the forecast period of 2021-2026.
Technology-enabled solutions to the healthcare organizations
During this Covid-19 pandemic, the vendors are taking this as an opportunity by offering emerging technology-enabled solutions to healthcare organizations. For instance, during the early stage of Covid 19 when the virus was infecting people of Shanghai the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre (SPHCC) has utilized the California-based connected health start-up Viva LNK’s continuous temperature measuring device to monitor COVID-19 patients, which reduces the risks of doctors and the nurses being infected by the virus.
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Massive IoT Market Challenges
Security and the Pandemic
Massive IoT has opened serious security breaches that have drawn the attention of top line tech firms and government agencies across the world. The hacking of industrial Instruments, drug infusion pumps, cameras, and even assault rifles are signifying a security nightmare being caused by the future of IoT. Due to the recent outbreak of Covid-19 IOT investment and deployments have certainly slowed down. However, with major disruptions in global healthcare and supply chains, governments, hospitals, and logistics providers are heading to react quickly for a more connected world that could help better address the current crisis and mitigate future ones. The Covid 19 has done major damage to the Massive IoT market by shutting down the industries and ruining the economy. These factors will be restraining the market during the forecast period.
Massive IoT Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Massive IOT market. The Massive IOT market is dominated by major companies such Vates (US), Science Soft (US), HQ Software (Estonia)CISCO (US), Huawei (China), Bosch (Germany), SAP (Germany).
Acquisitions/Technology Launches/Partnerships
In March 2020, Microsoft & Cisco Systems announced a partnership to enable seamless data orchestration from Cisco IOT Edge to Azure IOT Cloud. This partnership will be providing the customers a pre-integrated IOT edge-to-cloud application solution.
In January 2020, IBM Corporation announced a collaboration with Sund & Bælt, which owns and operates some of the largest infrastructures in the world, to assist in IBM's development of an AI-powered IOT solution designed to help prolong the lifespan of aging bridges, tunnels, highways, and railways.
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rakwireless · 2 years
New from RAK
Custom-build antennas for perfect performance
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Have you ever had trouble finding the right antenna for your IoT device or project? With RAKwireless’ new service, you can now customize your antenna to maximize the performance of your products.
We offer custom antenna design, whether you’re using a product RAK has built from the ground up or looking to integrate a RAK antenna with your own designs.
The antenna is an integral part of wireless communication products as a whole and must be considered in the design to ensure optimal performance. A good antenna provides sufficient range, so a product or service can have a meaningful application.
However, there are many factors that impact antenna performance. By optimizing antenna parameters—such as gain, matching, bandwidth, size constraints, etc.—we’re able to provide the best range possible for the end product. We can serve any use case scenario: smart metering, asset tracking, transportation, smart agriculture, and more.
You may want to customize your antenna if:
Your product design is size constrained and you are struggling to balance dimension with antenna performance. You need good RF performance, but don’t want to make the product bulky.
You are using an off-the-shelf PCB antenna that you integrated in your pre-designed enclosure and are suffering bad RF performance.
You are in the product design stage and need help integrating a custom antenna in your package.
Let us know in the survey below what common antenna issues you’re experiencing, and whether they occur during the product design stage or post-production.
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monolithiot · 2 years
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MonolithIoT Automated Inventory Management Smart Weighing Shelf. Order inventory knowing exactly what you need; Eliminate stock-outs; Manage your supply chain efficiently;
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