#interesting books i didn't get
lepartiprisdeschoses · 3 months
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I've read a number of people say the series could've ended on a graceful note long ago and that the mangaka might be continuing it to his own detriment, I think I can see that here (the former at least).
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Polin Art - "Worship of Penelope" (clean sketch)
Inspired by "Worship of the female form" Alméry Lobel- Riche
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books-and-dragons · 5 months
a minor detail from the nereid in this scene had me wondering...
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who is 'us'?
since it's a nereid speaking, are we to assume the nereid is speaking on behalf of all sea life, of atlantis? by extension, does this mean that the ocean has always been aware of percy?
i mean, at least in part that's a given- in the books, poseidon had cyclops checking in on percy. posiedon really isn't making much of an attempt to keep percy a secret, at least not from his own people/subjects.
it felt like a very interesting addition, this implication the sea is looking out for percy, cares for him in what is suggested to be an equal capacity to that of poseidon- the nereid is quick to make this comparison
already, we're having an emphasis on how poseidon claims to care for percy- which contrasts several other gods we've seen thus far (*cough*athena*cough*), and now we're also getting the suggestion that this sentiment for percy is shared by others of the ocean's domain.
there's always been a shared sense of belonging for percy when it comes to the water- at camp, when he meets the naiads he describes it as feeling like seeing long-lost family, over the books it's suggested percy spends a lot of time helping out sea life with their problems (including getting stuck in traps), and when we see atlantis we understand there's whole other civilisations that exist- with their own politics and bonds. atlantis is no different, an entire species of people, a whole ecosystem and political environment- a society. one that already expresses lament for not being able to involve themselves in percy's life until this point, or interact at all.
percy goes from having his mother, and struggling to ever find a place he belongs, to the possibility there's a whole other civilisation he may belong to, who care for him. imagine how conflicting that will feel.
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melisusthewee · 3 months
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Rafael Federman as Eduardo Strauch in La Sociedad de la Nieve/Society of the Snow (2023)
requested by Anon
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kirstielol · 4 months
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tattoo day 2! what a difference in the pain and swelling with this one. i'm gonna talk about some perhaps gross stuff about the healing process so, a warning for below.
my last tattoo, on day 2, the saniderm (the clear bandage on top) was filled with so much excess ink and plasma it ended up coming off. and my arm was so swollen it was like a huge red balloon.
this time around there's almost no swelling, just a little redness, and almost no leaking. there's a little excess ink leaking in some spots, making some of the lines look a little wonky underneath the saniderm, but last time around there was so much leakage you couldn't even see the tattoo. seems like this time around i'll be able to keep the saniderm on for the full 3 days. so the healing process should be a bit quicker!
not sure if it's healing better this time around because my last tattoo was so black heavy or what, but i'm happy
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popsicle-stick · 1 year
What do you imagine the Drac Attack Pack look like a year or two afterwards when they a permanently changed but no longer Going Through It (and may have just possibly changed out of funerary garb)?
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circa 1900
i actually can't decide if jon's hair grows back brown or stays grey/white! i think a lot of ppl like the latter, but i do like the symbolism of both.
but yeah! quincey the younger is on the way and all being said they're very happy!!!! and they look it. i think they (especially mina) take pains to make sure they, uh, come across as Normal as possible.
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 months
No no get started on the whole "new adult" thing, I desperately want to hear
Ok, so here's the thing about New Adult:
It's a genre that's been emerging lately in the catalogs I view when doing frontlists (essentially just pre-orders for upcoming titles) for the book store and I'd been wondering what the hell it was. I'd noticed it was especially common in the descriptors for the romance books, but it was often the ones with that sort of sexy-but-not-full-blown-erotica kind of book that also tended to have the sort of description full of fanfic trope terms and "for fans of [usually a Young Adult title]" or "like [popular title] combined with [other popular title]!!" <- and here it's important to note that the popular titles don't always sound like they would mesh well.
And finally, FINALLY, one of these books is highlighted by the sales rep who works with us and she's got a little blurb about it and I get my first useful description of what "New Adult" is:
"Imagine the golden age of YA - The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Mortal Instruments - but aged up and spicy."
Which would explain why they're not-quite-erotica type books, you see, we're not straight up PORN we're just ✨️spicy✨️
Nevermind that a lot of these books do have sex in them, but whatever, it's SPICY because that's what's popular to say on BookTok!
Oh. Right. Yeah. BookTok also gets mentioned a lot in listings for this sort of title.
And yes, this includes the Court of... books by Sarah J Maas and things like The Infatuated Fae books by Jeaneane O'Riley. In fact, I'm pretty sure O'Riley was described as a "BookTok darling" in the contributor bio part of the listing, but don't quote me on that, I'd have to look at the listing again.
Anyway, these are some of the biggest offenders regarding that whole "we will describe this with fanfic buzz terms and BookTok girlies will eat it up :)" issue.
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blackkatmagic · 8 months
Once again screaming wailing gnashing my teeth over the lost and ignored themes of distrust, worthlessness, ambition, and loyalty in Son Jin Woo.
Like!! This is a man who explicitly says he learned to never trust other people because they always turn on him and betray him eventually, and raises soldiers from the dead with the explicit feeling that they're desperately reaching out to him, specifically, to save them from death. He surrounds himself with an army of fanatically loyal undead, and it's mentioned a few times that he's just as fanatically loyal to them in return, that he mourns every single one, and it's purely his own willpower that lets him reanimate them, that how much he wants them to be his is what gives him the power to raise them.
He's quiet and ruthless and set up to be a remorseless killer who doesn't give a damn about anyone but those he decides to love, who follows and surveils his loved ones at all times so he knows they're safe, who uses people without pause and doesn't care what people think about him. He loves fighting and gets a thrill from every time he gains power, says explicitly that as he levels up he feels more and more divorced from humanity, and only relies on his shadow army! He's a villain-coded figure in the role of hero and it's!! so cool!!!
And yet the narrative takes all these interesting bits and just. never addresses them. There's no consequence of Jin Woo feeling any of this. The whole series devolves into bland power fantasy/Gary Stu ridiculousness where the whole world can be divided into Good Guys Who Love the Protagonist and Bad Guys Who Hate/Are Jealous of the Protagonist. What a waste. We could have had it aaaaaall.
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aritany · 4 months
the less excellent news is that the numbers for dead girls are so abysmal that it's probably going to be a Challenge to find new representation/get another deal
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lepartiprisdeschoses · 3 months
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I know this falls under the "Life of Samuel Johnson" genre and it would be naive to take Kafka's words here as verbatim transcriptions, but it's interesting still!
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oozeandgoo-art · 6 months
had an odd dream that i was reading a comic book. sketched a couple of the pages i could remember.
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#i might adapt this into an actual story because i am SO SO SO mad that it isn't a thing i can go back to reading#oc#im definitely keeping the concept of save-bot i fucking love save-bot he's just doing his best. i love a robot who wants to help people#im not equipped to be writing about underground rebellions with any sense of real tact though#besides its in a superhero universe/story so you know it would just be so sucks lol#sketch#god the colors were so interesting. the teal parts were all very precisely crosshatched and the fire was this gorgeous brush pen looking#colored inks that just seemed like they were MOVING#and i mean some of that was because i was dreaming but god even in my halfhearted copy you can see some of the movement#it was a bad scene but a really really REALLY fun dream. i love when a book can *get* to me so i was really enjoying it#put it aside so i could take a break and woke up. instant fury at the universe for not having it be a real book instead#ill reblog with details if anyone's curious. i can explain this scene but i dont feel like it#the green people are in a secret basement though. hiding from the government. blue jacket guy is a speedster robot named save-bot who does#rescue stuff with every fire department so fire suppression technology is not very good because save-bot "can just save you''#however they're badly over their legal occupancy and the secret basement has One (1) exit so everyone is like really fucked here.#includinig save-bot who is going to do his job until he dies because he is an ai without any sense of self preservation and he cares#which i didn't even CATCH until i woke up and started tryin to frantically note everything down#and then i was like wait. the glitter on that last page before i realized i needed a glass of water to keep reading... what WAS that...#(it was tears suspended in midair because save-bot goes so fast and also knows he's so fucked LOL)#seriously i'm so mad someone else didn't make this.
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creative-hanyou-girl · 6 months
2000's Trio 2020's Trio
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Imagine how great it would be if the PJO show is successful and gets the Harry Potter treatment where we get to see these kids grow up throughout the show!
If the Golden Trio was our big 2000's trio, I hope the Original Trio will be our big 2020's trio💙💙💙
#these are my 2 favorite middle grade book series and I'd love if I can have well done adaptations for both of them to squeal over#I actually didn't get into the HP movies until they were all well done and over with#so i didn't really get to 'grow up' with the characters in real time as the movies were coming out#so I'm really hoping I'll get that chance with the actors in the PJO series#how cool would it be to watch the Original Trio and the rest of CHB grow up alongside the show in real time?#also my mom and I love marathoning HP together and I'm really hoping the PJO show can be the next big thing we obsess over together#I convinced her to watch PJO with me be telling her PJO is like HP and showing her the trailer and musical songs#she was interested and said she's into mythology too so its a start!#tbh I'm looking forward to the PJO show way more than the HP reboot#mostly because I'm so attacted to the films and think they're pretty good adaptations even if they're not perfect#but with PJO we don't have any GOOD and FAITHFUL adaptations at all#what movies? there are no PJO movies#I still might give the HP reboot a watch esp. if its good but still. the movies mean so much to me#i love both series and there's nothing wrong with that#please be nice#percy jackson#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson tv show#disney+#the original trio#annabeth chase#grover underwood#harry potter#harry potter movies#harmione granger#ron weasley#the golden trio#harry potter reboot#hbo max#2000s trio and 2020s trio
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queenlucythevaliant · 9 months
'Yes, that old oak with which I saw eye to eye was here in this forest,' thought Prince Andrei. 'But whereabouts?' he wondered again, looking at the left side of the road and, without realizing, without recognizing it, admiring the very oak he sought. The old oak, quite transfigured, spread out a canopy of dark, sappy green, and seemed to swoon and sway in the rays of the evening sun. There was nothing to be seen now of knotted fingers and scars, of old doubts and sorrows. Through the rough, century-old bark, even where there were no twigs, leaves had sprouted, so juicy, so young that it was hard to believe that aged veteran had borne them.
'Yes, it is the same oak,' thought Prince Andrei, and all at once he was seized by an irrational, spring-like feeling of joy and renewal. All the best moments of his life of a sudden rose to his memory. Austerlitz, with that lofty sky, the reproachful look on his dead wife's face, Pierre at the ferry, that girl thrilled by the beauty of the night, and that night itself and the moon and ... everything suddenly crowded back into his mind.
'No, life is not over at thirty-one,' Prince Andrei decided all at once, finally and irrevocably. 'It is not enough for me to know what I have in me- everyone else must know it too: Pierre, and that young girl who wanted to fly away into the sky; all of them must learn to know me, in order that my life may not be lived for myself alone.
From War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
#there are so many gorgeous passages in W&P that i could pick#why not this one in which Andrei reflects on several of them?#I've already talked about the Natasha and the moon passage on this blog. truly one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever read in any book#but part of what's so interesting about that scene is that we actually get it from Andrei's perspective. he's listening below the window#and overhearing Natasha that night is really what makes him love her#it's what made /me/ love her#and he carries that experience with him alongside his own experience looking up at the sky on the battlefield at Austerlitz#Napoleon himself sees Andrei and commends his courage but Andrei barely notices because the sky is so so beautiful#the lofty heavens which he never really considered before#but Natasha did#and so it's those moments his friendship with Pierre this old oak that renew his lust for life#life is not over at thirty. once i heard a girl exclaim at the loveliness of the moon and wish to fly away.#once i lay on a battlefield and all i could see was the beauty of the sky#and my friend Pierre believes in the future and he's searching it out#and look. this tree is still here#first time i read W&P i was honestly so relieved that so many people got happy endings the tragedy of Andrei's death didn't fully register#i mean the chapters concerning his death are beautiful and sad. the kinship between Natasha and Maria at his bedside#the peace he finds as he dies#but it really is a story in which he had decided to live fully only to die young. and that's become increasingly tragic to me as I've grown#happy birthday tolstoy#russia where are you flying to?#pontifications and creations
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hella1975 · 1 year
ive got an essay due at 3pm tomorrow and ive not even looked at it i am so so unserious about my degree and by the grace of some higher being i somehow keep managing to crawl through it's actually getting a bit funny
#me and an old friend of mine used to have a running joke during a-levels that im just one of those people where shit Works Out#and it started bc we shared two a-levels (english and economics) and in BOTH classes i regularly didn't do the homework#or the reading etc and yet it would ALWAYS work out for me#like we'd walk into a class neither of us having done the homework and they'd get yelled at while i went under the radar somehow#or that one english essay i got the highest score in the class when i literally hadn't even read the fucking book it was on#and when we pointed the theory out it started just becoming really prevalent#like no matter how late i am for things i'll arrive and by some miracle the thing im late for is also late (e.g a train or teacher)#like im just one of those people that has very very mundane luck#and low and behold i am fighting this degree with bloody fists putting the absolute bare minimum in for my own sanity's sake#and i SOMEHOW keep pulling through. literally failed two modules last year and STILL got a 2:1 average#and the last essay i wrote was the worst essay id ever done in my life and i get my standards are higher bc ik im good at essays#but the point still stands and you know what? i got a FIRST#literally was pure waffle i have never blagged it so hard and i got a FIRST#and all this shit just makes me cockier and cockier and go even more by the skin of my teeth and it ALWAYS WORKS OUT#it's soooo silly but im not complaining. anyway ill keep u posted about this essay <3 it's econ history so is actually interesting#but the most ive done for it is ask the sc ai lmao and for context degree-level essays usually require a good few days of graft#live love laziness#hella goes to uni
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bereft-of-frogs · 2 months
It has been *erases chalk number* 0 days since I faced peer pressure to watch the clone wars (2008)
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this piece of book lore is pretty interesting to me
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