#eduardo strauch
cuthalions · 3 months
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Esteban Kukuriczka, Francisco Romero & Rafael Federman as THE STRAUCH COUSINS Adolfo 'Fito' Strauch, Daniel Fernández & Eduardo Strauch in LA SOCIEDAD DE LA NIEVE / SOCIETY OF THE SNOW (2023)
Los primos Strauch se encargan del trabajo más doloroso. El que nadie quiere hacer. Fito es quien elige los cuerpos que los tres cortan a escondidas, apartados de la mirada del resto. Así logran contener la locura de los que comen. The Strauch cousins handle the most painful job. The one no one wants to do. Fito chooses the bodies that the three cut up. Out of sight. Where the rest of us can't see. So that they keep the ones who eat from losing their minds.
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melisusthewee · 2 months
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Rafael Federman as Eduardo Strauch in La Sociedad de la Nieve/Society of the Snow (2003)
requested by Anon
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itsneilperry · 1 month
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✧ rafael federman icons ࣪ ⊹
like or reblog if you save please !
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miracleintheandes · 9 months
The Survivors (Part 1)
In alphabetical order.
The photos and some of the information are from Sociedad de la Nieve
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Born on April 19th 1948, “Fito” Strauch used to play for the Old Christians rugby team, but he didn’t at the time of the crash. He was invited on the trip by his cousin Eduardo Strauch.
He was part of the trio known as “the cousins” (Fito, Eduardo and Daniel Fernandez). Fito and Eduardo were double cousins, as their mothers were sisters and their fathers were brothers, whose sister was Daniel’s mother.
The cousins played an essential leadership role in the mountains, as they took the responsibility of cutting the meat off the dead bodies and rationing the portions.
Fito had many brilliant ideas. The boys had a hard time melting snow, as shaking handfuls in a bottle was far too arduous and tiring in the rarefied air of the mountains. Fito figured out that each plane seat had a piece of aluminum that could be folded into a device filled with snow, which was then left in the sun to melt. The resulting water would then be poured into a bottle.
He also came up with the idea of tying seat cushions to their feet so they could walk on snow without sinking to their waist. As if those were not enough, he manufactured sunglasses with pieces of nylon taken from the seats and glass cut from the front windows of the plane (the ones in the cockpit, which were a shade darker than the windows in the cabin)
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Born on November 1st 1947, “Pancho” Delgado was a law student. He was invited on the trip by his friend Gaston Costemalle, who played for the Old Christians rugby team.
Due to his eloquence, the other survivors asked him to address the journalists in the press conference held upon their return to Uruguay and explain their decision to eat the bodies of their dead friends.
The book “Alive” by Piers Paul Read paints an unfavorable picture of Pancho, claiming he already had a “lawyer’s mind” and hoarded food behind everyone’s back. In his own book, however, fellow survivor Nando Parrado comes to his defense, saying that all survivors - due to the desperate circumstances they found themselves in - tried to take advantage of the others at some point, but Pancho was resented the most because he got away with it more often.
Pancho had a girlfriend at the time of the crash, Susana Sartori. The couple eventually got married and had four children (María Federica, Alfredo, Joaquín and Agustina).
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Born on March 31st 1953, Alvaro wasn’t part of the team nor did he attend the Stella Maris private school as most of the survivors. He knew some of the other passengers on a superficial level, as they lived in the same rich neighborhood in Montevideo. I have yet to find out why he was on the trip at all, but as soon as I do I’ll update you guys.
He broke his left leg when the plane crashed. Fellow survivor Roberto Canessa, a medical student, did his best to put the bones back into their places. Throughout the 72 days, Alvaro remained close to Canessa, who was very protective of him.
Alvaro had a girlfriend at the time of the crash, Margarite Arocena. The couple got married and had four children.
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Born on July 24th 1953, “Tintín” played rugby for the Old Christians and stood out for his physical strength. His volatile personality caused some fights, but he never questioned the group’s decisions.
Because of his strength, Tintín was initially enrolled as one of the survivors who were to leave the fuselage in search of help. After three days, however, his fellow expeditionaries (Roberto Canessa and Nando Parrado) realized the trip was gonna be much longer than anticipated and sent Tintín back to the fuselage so they could keep his portions of meat.
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Born on November 23rd 1951, Bobby was a Stella Maris alumnus and played for Old Christians. He had a very passive attitude towards the whole ordeal, as if he didn’t care whether he lived or died. As soon as the fuselage stopped its descent down the mountainside, Bobby exited the wreckage, sat on the snow and lit a cigarette.
He melted snow when the others forced him to, but didn’t do much else. When the cousins threatened to cut off his supply of meat, Bobby shrugged and said “That seems fair”.
Bobby had six children (Roberto, Federico, Sofía, Josefina, Milagros and Diego) and now lives a quiet life as a farmer.
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Born on October 31st 1953, Carlitos was the son of a famous Uruguayan painter, Carlos Páez Villaró, who searched non-stop for the wreckage of the plane and did not rest until his son was found.
Carlitos was a very spoiled boy (he had a nanny!), but the experience in the Andes built his character and soon enough he was in charge of important tasks such as building a wall made of chairs and suitcases to protect the severed fuselage from the cold and praying the rosary every night with his companions. He also knew how to sew, which came in handy when the survivors decided to make a sleeping bag for the expeditionaries.
Several years after the accident, Carlitos struggled with addiction, but he fortunately bounced back. He has two children, Maria Elena de los Andes and Carlos Diego (named after his deceased friends Gustavo Diego Nicholich and Diego Storm).
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Born on February 12th 1946, Daniel is the second oldest survivor. He was unharmed in the crash.
As previously mentioned, Daniel and his cousins played a key leadership role after the death of team captain Marcelo Perez. Daniel’s serenity, in particular, calmed the others down when fights erupted.
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Born on August 13th 1947, Eduardo was a Stella Maris alumnus and confounder of the Old Christians, as well as a former player. Nicknamed “the German” due to his ancestry, he was an Architecture student and the most worldly of the group, as he had previously traveled to Europe.
Eduardo invited his cousins Adolfo Strauch and Daniel Fernandez on the trip.
Stay tuned for PART 2!
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theredandwhitequeen · 11 months
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Book 31 of the 50 book challenge. Out of the Silence by Eduardo Strauch. Strauch is one of the 16 survivors of the crash in the Andes. He and 2 of the 3 other of his cousins also survived. 1 died in the crash. He was 26 and not a rugby player, but was a friend of the Captain of the team since they were 7. It’s a good book and I’m glad he shared his story.
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Credit x
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Left to right: Daniel Fernández Strauch, Adolfo "Fito" Strauch Urioste, Eduardo Strauch Urioste
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random-bookquotes · 2 years
The silence of the mountain instilled in me the possibility of inner silence, and it was in that silencing of my thoughts that I found a lasting peace capable of expanding all the abilities and gifts that humans possess.
Eduardo Strauch Urioste, Out of the Silence: After the Crash
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The full passenger manifest of Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which set off from Montevido, Uruguay to Santiago, Chile, on October 12th, 1972.
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1. Francisco Abal
2. Carlos Paez Rodriguez
3. Roberto Francois Alvarez
4. Daniel Maspons Hossa
5. Gilberto Regules Zorrilla
6. Marcelo Pérez del Castillo
7. Roy Harley Sanchez
8. Jorge Hounie Sere
9. Julio Martinez Lamas
10. Gaston Costemalle Jardi
11. Arturo Nogueira Paullier
12. Felipe Maquirriain
13. Diego Storm Gornah
14. Alfredo Delgado
15. Alvaro Mangino
16. Jose P. Algorta Duran
17. Francisco Nicola Brusa
18. Esther Horta de Nicola
19. Antonio Vizintin Brandi
20. Susanna E. Parrado Dolgay
21. Eugenia Dolgay de Parrado
22. Fernando Parrado Dolgay
23. Eduardo Strauch Urioste
24. Adolfo Strauch Urioste
25. Daniel Shaw Urioste
26. Gustavo Zerbino Stajano
27. Roberto Canessa Urta
28. Gustavo Nicholich Arocena
29. Fernando Vasquez Nerel
30. Jose Luis Inciarte Vasquez
31. Daniel Fernandez Strauch
32. Rafael Echavarren Vasque
33. Numa Turcatti Pesquera
34. Alfredo Cibils
35. Carlos Valeta Vallendor
36. Enrique Platero Riet
37. Javier Methol Abal
38. Liliana Navarro de Methol
39. Ramon Sabella
40. Juan Carlos Menendez Vilascca
41. Graciela Obdulia Augusto Gumila de Mariani
42. Guido Jose Magri
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fernandacanofre · 1 month
Sobreviventes de tragédia nos Andes retornam à montanha onde amigos mortos foram salvação: 'Volto porque ali voltamos à vida'
Na manhã de 1º de dezembro, Eduardo Strauch, 76 anos, esperava na fila do Aeroporto de Carrasco, perto de Montevidéu, para embarcar para Mendoza, na Argentina. De lá, pegaria um ônibus e viajaria por mais três horas até San Rafael, onde descansaria por uma noite antes de retomar viagem, passando por povoados a cavalo até um acampamento na Cordilheira dos Andes. Essa era a vigésima vez que repetiria o roteiro. O ponto final é sempre o lugar onde sua vida mudou irrevogavelmente há 51 anos. O Vale das Lágrimas, ponto a quase 4 mil metros de altitude na maior cordilheira do planeta, foi onde ele e amigos sobreviveram a 72 dias em meio a temperaturas abaixo de -30°C, abrigando-se na fuselagem do avião que caiu quando viajavam do Uruguai ao Chile e graças à decisão de se alimentar dos corpos de companheiros mortos. Uma das histórias de luta por sobrevivência mais notórias do mundo. — Para muita gente, é curioso, não entendem, inclusive entre meus companheiros de odisseia — diz Strauch sobre a decisão de voltar ao local. — Nunca imaginamos querer voltar ao lugar onde vivemos o horror, mas foi também onde vivi alguns dos momentos mais felizes e intensos da minha vida. É o lugar onde organizamos uma sociedade só com o poder da nossa imaginação, sem nenhum recurso material. E agora é onde estão nossos amigos mortos. São meus motivos para voltar.
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navedelmisterio · 2 months
16 ALMAS: Programa especial sobre el milagro de los Andes
CUARTO MILENIO – Programa 19×24 – 03/03/2024
El éxito internacional de la película La sociedad de la nieve ha generado un nuevo interés por la sorprendente historia del avión Fairchild 365 de la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya, que cayó en los Andes el viernes 13 de octubre de 1972.
El equipo de CUARTO MILENIO lleva semanas trabajando en este dossier especial que abordará multitud de historias misteriosas y desconocidas ocurridas en torno al incidente, narradas con la voz directa de los propios protagonistas de la historia. 
Durante los 72 días que pasaron perdidos en la montaña, algunos supervivientes experimentaron una profunda sensación de conexión con el entorno, en estados casi místicos, percibiendo la presencia de Dios de manera muy intensa: 
«Sentía que había algo más grande que yo, algo en las montañas, en los glaciares y en el radiante cielo que, en contadas ocasiones, me reconfortaba y me hacía sentir que el mundo no era un caos y que en él reinaba el amor y el bien», declaró Nando Parrado, uno de los supervivientes.
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«Sentía que había algo más grande que yo, algo en las montañas, en los glaciares y en el radiante cielo que, en contadas ocasiones, me reconfortaba y me hacía sentir que el mundo no era un caos y que en él reinaba el amor y el bien»
Pero, además, hubo muchas otras historias dignas de reseñar: personas que tuvieron premoniciones antes del viaje, madres que afirmaron comunicarse de manera casi telepática con sus hijos en la montaña, videntes que llegaron a dar la ubicación exacta en que se encontraba el avión… Tal y como recalcó Adolfo Strauch, uno de los supervivientes: «A partir de entonces se profundizó en esa sociedad un sexto sentido, se consolidó la cuarta dimensión. Que no es brujería, ni superchería, sino otra forma de conocimiento a la que accedimos». 
A lo largo del dossier escucharemos a Carlos Páez, que ha concedido una entrevista exclusiva a CUARTO MILENIO desde su casa en Punta del Este, Uruguay, para hablarnos de muchas de estas experiencias trascendentes que experimentaron a 3500 metros de altura.
«A partir de entonces se profundizó en esa sociedad un sexto sentido, se consolidó la cuarta dimensión. Que no es brujería, ni superchería, sino otra forma de conocimiento a la que accedimos». 
La religión fue un elemento fundamental para la supervivencia del grupo, que cada día se reunía alrededor de un rosario para rezar. Pero poca gente sabe que muchos de ellos se hicieron devotos de una Virgen que apareció en un lugar remoto de España. Muchas madres, incluso, se encomendaron a esta Virgen de Garabandal, y le rezaban con fervor para pedir el regreso de sus hijos. 
Eduardo Strauch, uno de los supervivientes, ha visitado España, y ha viajado con Iker Jiménez y Carmen Porter a Garabandal, en Cantabria, donde, entre 1961 y 1965, varias niñas afirmaron ser testigos de las apariciones de la Virgen. En plató analizará cómo ha sido su experiencia al visitar el lugar al que dirigieron, durante meses, sus oraciones. 
Además, conoceremos otras historias desconocidas de la mano de Pablo Vierci, autor del libro La sociedad de la nieve, y amigo de la infancia del equipo de rugby que iba a bordo del avión.
El psiquiatra forense José Cabrera nos mostrará las marcas que el accidente, la inanición y otros elementos de la montaña dejaron en los pasajeros.
Nuestro compañero Javier Pérez Campos revelará también algunos misterios ocurridos a algunos familiares de los supervivientes: extrañas premoniciones, visiones y visitas que parecían predecir lo que estaba por suceder.
Escucharemos, también, a otros supervivientes en entrevistas exclusivas con CUARTO MILENIO, como Nando Parrado, que nos hablará de su odisea junto a Roberto Canessa para poder llegar, caminando, de vuelta a la civilización. 
Un programa muy especial, lleno de emociones, en el que conoceremos las impresionantes historias, algunas aún muy desconocidas, de los supervivientes del Milagro de los Andes. 
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abcnewspr · 1 year
‘Prisoners of the Snow’ Features New Interviews With Five Survivors Who Tell the Inspiring Yet Terrifying Story of Their 72-Day Fight for Life
‘Prisoners of the Snow’ Airs Monday, May 22 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC, Next Day on Hulu
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ABC News Studios*
ABC News announced today ABC News Studios’ documentary, “Prisoners of the Snow,” which tells the unbelievable story of the 1972 Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 carrying a rugby team traveling with friends and family to a match in Chile. Of the 45 passengers, only 16 ultimately survived after the plane crashed in a remote location in the snow-covered Andes Mountains. With reporting by ABC News contributor Chris Connelly, the two-hour documentary features new interviews with five of the crash survivors, Nando Parrado, Roberto Canessa, Carlitos Páez Rodríguez, Eduardo Strauch and Roy Harley. They tell their story of fighting for survival over the course of 72 days in the freezing wilderness. “Prisoners of the Snow” airs Monday, May 22 (9:01-11:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC, next day on Hulu.
Through their chilling firsthand accounts, the five men share their story of determination and perseverance, which helped inspire the popular series “Yellowjackets.” From defying death in the plane crash and two avalanches to near starvation, they relive the unimaginable choices they were forced to make to stay alive by eating the bodies of their dead friends as their only option for survival. After 61 days on the mountain, Parrado and Canessa led the way to their miraculous escape and rescue. The program also includes interviews with mountaineers, adventurers and survival experts who have studied their experience, visited the crash site and followed the escape route explaining the incredible challenges the passengers endured.
“Prisoners of the Snow” is produced by ABC News Studios. David Sloan is senior executive producer. Muriel Pearson is executive producer. Erica Baumgart is senior producer. ABC News Studios is led by Mike Kelley.
About ABC News Studios
ABC News Studios, inspired by ABC News’ trusted reporting, is a premium, narrative non-fiction original production house and commissioning partner of series and specials. ABC News Studios champions untold and authentic stories driving the cultural zeitgeist spanning true-crime, investigations, pop culture and news-adjacent stories. ABC News Studios’ original titles include critically acclaimed documentaries “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields,” “The Lady Bird Diaries,” “Aftershock” and “The Murders Before the Marathon” as well as compelling docu-series, including “Killing County,” “Wild Crime,” “Death in the Dorms” and “Mormon No More.”
*COPYRIGHT ©2023 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All photography is copyrighted material and is for editorial use only. Images are not to be archived, altered, duplicated, resold, retransmitted or used for any other purposes without written permission of ABC. Images are distributed to the press in order to publicize current programming. Any other usage must be licensed.
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melisusthewee · 1 month
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I know everyone gets excited and thirsty about the top billed actors in this film (I do too!), but Rafael Federman's Eduardo Strauch had the best/most beautiful hair in the entire goddamn movie and I will hear no arguments to the contrary.
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antonioarchangelo · 3 years
OPERAÇÃO LAVA JATO: TRF4 nega habeas corpus e mantém ação penal contra executivos da empreiteira Engevix
OPERAÇÃO LAVA JATO: TRF4 nega habeas corpus e mantém ação penal contra executivos da empreiteira Engevix
Assessoria TRF4
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O Tribunal Regional Federal da 4ª Região (TRF4) negou um habeas corpus (HC) em que os executivos da empreiteira Engevix Engenharia S.A. Alessandro Carraro e Carlos Eduardo Strauch Albero pediam o trancamento da ação penal n° 5028838-35.2018.4.04.7000, na qual são réus no âmbito da Operação Lava Jato.
Dessa forma, o processo seguirá tramitando contra os…
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miracleintheandes · 3 months
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The Strauch cousins (from left to right: Eduardo, Fito and Daniel) and their respective actors
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4/12 Book Deals
Good morning, everyone! :) I hope your week is off to a great start! I’ve got a lot going on this week so I feel like I have some of that anxiety-induced paralysis (you know what I mean? where there’s so much to do that you just.. can’t get yourself to do anything?), but we’re just going to take one thing at a time and slowly work through it. How’s your week looking? I hope you had a nice weekend to relax and get ready for it. :)
There’s a lot of great books coming at you this fine Monday, so be sure to have a look at them if you are in need of any new reading material. :) I adore Strange the Dreamer, so that’s one I always personally recommend! I’ve always meant to read the Wicked series, but I think all the mixed reviews tend to make me hesitate--I enjoyed one of Maguire’s other books, though, so maybe I’d enjoy it? Who knows. Anyway! I hope there’s a little bit of something for everyone. :)
Have a wonderful day, everyone, and happy reading!
Today’s Deals:
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Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor - https://amzn.to/3wOWTQ8
The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller - https://amzn.to/2QigXcG
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan - https://amzn.to/2RvWH8f
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard - https://amzn.to/2OH3HxX
The Wicked Years Complete Collection: Wicked, Son of a Witch, A Lion Among Men, and Out of Oz (eBook Bundle) by Gregory Maguire - https://amzn.to/3wOjyfg
Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix - https://amzn.to/2QePPLO
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque - https://amzn.to/3d8N47G
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean - https://amzn.to/3tdMB9R
Out of the Silence: After the Crash by Eduardo Strauch, Mireya Soriano - https://amzn.to/3a1QSWE
Hunted by the Sky by Tanaz Bhathena - https://amzn.to/3d7blLw
We Speak in Storms by Natalie Lund - https://amzn.to/3dTnfb3
Milena by Margarete Buber-Neumann - https://amzn.to/3s5nwNa
American Princess by Stephanie Marie Thornton - https://amzn.to/326T22D
Lady Sings the Blues by Billie Holiday - https://amzn.to/3dWy8J9
The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars Pt. 3 by Michael Dante DiMartino, Irene Koh - https://amzn.to/327bxUJ
Little Siberia by Antti Tuomainen - https://amzn.to/3wXuqI7
Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine - https://amzn.to/2Rlgsza
NOTE:  I am categorizing these book deals posts under the tag #bookdeals, so if you don’t want to see them then just block that tag and you should be good. I am an Amazon affiliate in addition to a Book Depository affiliate and will receive a small (but very much needed!)  commission on any purchase made through these links.
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flags-planes-and-fire · 3 months
Photo restorations done by Esteban Lemos on Facebook (Credit)
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Alt ID is too long so I'll add it here (Spanish has been translated): The Mendoza Plumerillo Airport, 12 of October 1972:
Standing, left to right: Roberto Canessa, José Luis Inciarte, Daniel Shaw, Eduardo Strauch, Alvaro Manginto, Daniel Fernández, Enrique Platero, Roy Harley, Gustavo Nicholich, Rafael Echavarren, Ramón Sabella, Carlos Páez, Diego Storm, Roberto Francois, Fernando Parrado, Daniel Maspons, Juan Carlos Menéndez, Padro Algorta, Felipe Maquirriain, Numa Turcatti, Julio Martinez Lamas.
Crouched, left to right: Arturo Nogueira, Marcelo Pérez, Jorge Hounie, Guido Magri, Gustavo Zerbino, Panchito Abal, Fernando Vásquez, Antonio Vizintin, Carlos Valeta, Gastón Costemalle, Pancho Delgado and Adolfo Strauch.
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Photo taken in mid 1972 at a Loyola Club dinner.
From left to right, Alfredo "Pancho" Delgado, Alfredo Cibils and Numa Turcatti
Thank you again to Mr. Lemos for these photos, amazing work! x
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