#incest m
dateamonster · 7 months
just had a rly weird experience. might go into it later but right now my only real thoughts are like. why does it seem like being interested in monster stuff online so often gets me caught in this bullshit fandom culture war between people who think putting horror elements in romance/erotica is the work of the satanic groomer boogeymen vs people who talk about wanting to explore complex and dark themes and then turn out to just be obsessed with "lolisho" and incest porn
call me batshit fuckin crazy but it rly feels like i should be able to just exist without having to worry about getting conscripted into the puritan v sex offender wars because i followed the wrong person on twt
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elevatortherapy · 14 days
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obsessed with Chu Chu constantly floating up to the ceiling and crashing back down during Nanami and Utena's conversation in Romance of the Dancing Girls
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sevicia · 7 months
It's genuinely disturbing how incest shippers will see siblings do like, normal sibling stuff in media and go "OMFG THEY LOVE EACH OTHER THEY WANT EACH OTHER SO BAD AHSKFNVLVL" and it's literally something I do casually with my sister. I rub cream on her back after she showers, I tie her shoelaces for her when we're out, we've slept in the same bed past childhood age because we find comfort in each other, I hug her when she cries, we tell each other "I love you" all the time, etc. And you wanna know why? Because we're siblings! I love my sister, my sister loves me, we support each other, it's literally fucking normal and not romantic nor sexual to care about your sibling and demonstrate it. If you see family members caring about each other and think "surely this is an indication of non-platonic feelings happening!" and are HAPPY about it? You need to become a monk or some shit I'm so serious.
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tea-and-secrets · 12 days
a 16 year old I know (long story) is engaging in incest roleplay w her gf in the friend group group chat always manages to make herself the victim no matter how many times we tell her it makes everyone else uncomfortable. hell world.
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evilneo · 5 months
an astounding amount of people think incest jokes are funny and well. i think itd be funny if i killed them sooooo much
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batmanshole · 11 months
im not an "anti" or whatever dumb shit you guys made up this time i just think incest and pedophilia are bad and you shouldn't enjoy them. "oh but it's fictional!" don't care! go read about the jaws effect and get off my blog.
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americanhellkmart · 4 months
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whang just knows anybody
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itbe-jess · 1 month
Captain Laserhawk rant under the cut.
You know, I have good reasons for hating CLH Rayman. Aside from Captain Laserhawk itself being problematic, and the toxic fanbase, my reasons being that 1. I don’t like his character design (whether it’s just Rayman, or Ramon), 2. I find him to be very one-dimensional and shallow, and 3. he’s another ableist archetype. (The crew has implied that Rayman has dissociative identity disorder, especially with the bathroom scene)
My reasons for hating CLH Rayman isn’t “tHeY rUiNeD rAyMaN,” “iT’s ToO eDgY,” or worse, “iT’s NoT a NeW gAmE!” I think the general concept is great, and I love the creative outlook! It’s the way they executed it that I don't like. In fact, if I did hate CLH Rayman for the three latters, I wouldn’t make my own rewrite.
And just because I hate CLH Rayman, doesn’t mean I believe you should too! You’re allowed to like him! (Though it’s also important to be critical of the ableist character arc) Keep drawing fanart! Keep simping! However, you should respect that I’m not gonna like him. Do not give me a thread of paragraphs, attempting to change my mind. That’s not helpful, that’s really annoying. Be critical of what you enjoy, not enforce every problematic aspect. Don’t be surprised if I hate CLH Rayman, especially if I give you good reasons.
Another thing I must add is that you really should separate the art from the artist. Adi Shankar is NOT a good creator. Stop giving him all your praise just because he gave you a super edgy, sexifed Rayman. Example; I love Rayman games so much, but also accept that Ubisoft is a piece of shit company.
Remember Castlevania? Another video game inspired Netflix series he worked on, which featured on-screen sexual assult, incest, and a rapist character that was nearly redeemed. If you believe he has changed his ways now, don’t count on it. Captain Laserhawk turned two lovable game characters into predatory creeps, romanticized Dolph and Alex’s relationship even though Alex is supposed to be a groomer, fridged their main female characters, made Dolph a coke addict when he was merely a fucking child, and now Abi has given Rayman a serious mental disorder paired with a violent outlash.
You can enjoy CLH Rayman without thanking that asshole.
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sevicia · 2 months
The whole young fujoshi-ism of "OMG I'm sooo going to Hell for enjoying this!!! >///<" is obviously fucking deranged but I do think many fujoshi are going to Hell if only due to enjoying some of the common yaoi-isms everyone knows about, ESPECIALLY those prevalent in older series. Like if your "Boy x Boy don't like don't read!!" includes "Step brother x Step brother don't like don't read!!" then yeah I do think you will face some sort of punishment later down the line.
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batmanshole · 1 year
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stop putting this post on my dash. op likes incest + defends father/son relationships.
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dilfcherricola · 8 months
you laugh, but childhood best friends dating are considered incest by many. coworkers who act like siblings (whatever that's supposed to mean) too.
youre fucking me. coworkers??
riddle me piss: if i cant date my friends and i cant date my coworkers who the fuck am i supposed to date? you usually have to know someone to date them
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llycaons · 10 months
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omg omg these tags
#Jiang Cheng gets the apologies he deserves #Lan Zhan is a piece of shit #yes i said it #i love jiang cheng #Jiang Cheng Loves Wei Wuxian #Jiang Cheng sacrified everything for Wei Wuxian #People finds out the truth about the Core Transfer #They also found out how Jiang Cheng lost his core in the first place.#Serious Lan sizhui and Lan wangji bashing #Wei Ying knows his one true love #Wei Ying apologizes to Jiang Cheng #Madam Yu rules
ik there are people like this who love jc and hate lwj, but lsz is also being roped into this??? WHAT DID HE DO
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evilneo · 5 months
Honestly I think incest jokes are as bad and insensitive as rape jokes
1000% AGREE. they usually go hand in hand anyway :/
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reanimationstation · 7 months
what is your opinion on audrey/the ink demon ship?
hi anon, im gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here, and be polite instead of just blocking you. i see them strictly as siblings, and therefore, think that ship is disgusting and block on sight when i see it. hope this helps!
don't send me a followup ask with ifs or buts or ands because then i will block you <3
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lesbonoi · 8 months
why are people so fanfiction rotted that they think “not wanting to interact w content by someone who writes incest and letting other people know the creator does that so they can avoid them” makes you a cop/conservative/puritan/cult member.
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sevicia · 5 months
Got a new follower on insta today even tho I last posted in October of last year & I go to this guy's profile and his bio says he's in the same school as me (same location/campus also) and is also a 1st year and is also a trans guy and it's like 🆗 very cool but his story highlights thing thumbnail (???) is just the guy from that ugly incest RPG Maker game like ... man I could've tried talking to him to make a friend but I can't fucking do that. like on principle and also for my own well-being
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