#in some drawings hahaa
arlenianchronicles · 2 years
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He Waits For You pt2
Continuing my fan-comic for @allthatglittersisnotgoldrush! Now is the time for me to go ham on the lighting loll And Beren’s here! With the arrival of the sun, of course! :DDD
The third and final part will be up soon!
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socksandbuttons · 8 months
ANYWAY i need to reestablish the luanr stuff for a moment
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arleniansdoodles · 2 years
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Here’s my take on Obi-Wan and Anakin’s meeting on Mustafar! I’ve always wondered what might have happened if Obi-Wan tried to talk to Anakin first, like keep calm and negotiate, that sort of thing XDD And what happens here is that Anakin wants Obi-Wan to join him, but Obi refuses, and fighting ensues :’’’’D
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sysig · 1 year
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Sona daily goings-on
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
2:30 PM: Deltarune - Addisons
2:30 PM: Sonas - Hall of Mirrors & Rings
2:30 PM: Just Desserts
2:30 PM: Star Control II
2:30 PM: The Little Mermaid
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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shakooo · 4 days
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here is my drawing for my anniversary:"))🥳🥳 a year ago today in my instagram stories i shared my first drawing of the onceler, and i didn't share it beyond my stories out of shame....but look, in the end i ended up here jsjdjs and i am very happy
i wanted to make a fanart that focused on the Onceler, yk he was the reason i entered in HIS fandom JAKSJSJSJ, but i ended up deciding to make a drawing with other things that i love about the movie and i said "why don't i draw myself in truffula valey?"
i really love the conceptual art of the movie, the animals and other things haha, it really makes me want to live there, everything looks so awesome and peaceful
join the fandom was a big step for me and something that brought me many good things, one of them and the most important was being able to meet each of the people i have interacted with :") i really appreciate you guys and i appreciate that you like it what i do💖
even if we haven't interacted!! the fact that many are still here, supporting me and each other, touches my heart 😭🥹
REALLY THANK YOU!!! and i'm sorry for not drawing the onceler here hahaa i wanted to make it out a little more personal :^
here are some close up shots💖
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i love EVERYTHING that has to do with nature in the movie🤩💖‼️
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r-g-d2 · 4 months
"You changed..."
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My most recent drawing!! Wanted to share it soo bad 💛
The last I made by now :] (working on smthing alrdy dw)
U can see a kinda huuge change in my style comparing to my other posts right? ... right?... Well- I hope so hahA— But u gotta remember those drawings are kinda ooold haha
Im super proud of the result!!! 💛
(some alt versions, and explaining a little the drawing I guess, ignore if u want)
This drawing is an idea a have waaaay time ago I could say :')
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First "version of the idea" :)
This haves like 4 months alrdy hehE— is so weird hahAA—
And I always wanted to make it an actual drawing/ remake it! :)) and I finally did it!
I actually think I had a different view in my mind of it-?? BUT IDC I THINK IT ACTUALLY TURNED BETTER EVEN‼️✨💛
so, so! in love w the result <3
—alt versions!!
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Well hope u like it!! Pls Tumblr don't mess w the quality like Insta does I beg u :'(((
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whirligig-girl · 2 years
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D'v: "Hahaa... we're holding hands again... I’m so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going and I was just reading up on--well what I was reading wasn’t important--I was..."
T'l: silent Vulcan noises and depraved illogical thoughts
some artist’s notes and fic snippets below the break:
Getting the pose right was a nightmare!
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I drew Tendi and T’lyn on different layers with different colors because otherwise it’d be too confusing. The mess going on in their legs and hands especially. It was a challenge to find a relatively natural looking pose that allowed their hands to match up without hiding anything important. I found i could draw a four-segment stick-figure limb connecting their shoulders, and that helped me get their arms right. The legs were also a mess to figure out, but mostly just because they’re a confusing mess of limbs--they don’t have to intertwine nice.
Also, T’lyn is going to make me learn to draw hands right I swear to god. I could not half-ass the hands on this one.
narrative snipets break:
at that second panel, when Tendi realizes what's happened and gets embarassed, she immediately like, tries to let go and raise her hands respectfully......... but t'lyn just... doesn't let go. for a moment.
Ray Daly’s contribution. (Actually Ray contributed to feedback while I was drawing it, but...)
Mariner: it couldn't have been that bad, tendi Tendi, still flustered: not that bad?? Not that bad?!? would it be fine if you tripped and Bradward’s D--?! Mariner: eekaaay! you've made your point!!
Earlier version when I thought I was finished:
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It’s good to go the extra mile on your art. I think this plainer version would still have been fine, but since I went so far as to actually draw the background for a change, adding the dropped/thrown clutter (PADDs and Tricorder) helped a lot.
T’lyn and Tendi’s mess of legs was hard to differentiate (though adding the shading helps). I made Tendi’s pants slightly darker, though with the shading you can barely tell. I also gave them different boot colors. The original idea was that pure science officers have black and blue boots and medical officers have white and blue boots. We can see that in a few places in season 1. But it seems like they eventually abandoned that concept and just give all science officers white and blue boots. T’lyn is not a medical officer, so obviously she gets black boots. Technically since Tendi is in Senior Science Officer training instead of Medical, she should have black boots, but I gave her white boots so you could tell them apart more easily.
I wasn’t even going to add the facial expressions. I drew this to figure out which one I wanted to use:
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Then I put it in the drawing.
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But I just kept looking at the sketch and thinking “both are good. Both are good!”
So I made it two panels. Because of how the layers were set up this was easier said than done. But I managed it just fine in the end. I really like how she’s backlit by the ceiling lights in the inset panels. Some kind of like, contrast between the angelic goddess looking down at you and the reality that she’s an emotional mess who wears her emotions on her sleeve.
It was also really important to add the inset panels because I don’t want to give the impression that either Tendi is doing this on purpose nor any orion fem dom stereotypes. It’s way funnier and cuter if she just keeps accidentally finding herself in these scenarios, worried that T’lyn’s resentment for her is growing because SHE KEEPS AVOIDING ME OUTSIDE OF STUDY SESSIONS! AND WHEN WE MAKE EYE CONTACT SHE LOOKS AWAY! I FUCKED UP! but actually T’lyn is just struggling to control her mad nasty thoughts about just what she’d like to do to Tendi (she’d like to hold her hands some more)
Adding the inset panels lets me make sure Tendi’s character is adequately captured so she’s not just A Thing Happening To T’lyn.
The dropped PADDs and Tricorder make the scene seem more diagetic, and just more real/plausible. They’re busy looking at their PADDs and not looking where they’re going, see? The one that’s face down is T’lyn’s, the two face up are Tendi’s. The PADD screens are cropped screenshots from the show that have been edited and then skewed/rotated/rescaled into place
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The first PADD is Tendi doing research on Vulcan touch telepathy (after being told by someone else what the significance of handholding is to Vulcans), the second one is actually breaking the fourth wall and addressing the viewer directly.
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one of the last touches I added was to erase the line-art around her pupils, so the pupils would look smaller (aids to the feeling of shock) and add a nostril (Dunno why--I never draw nostrils on Lower Decks characters, but it just seemed correct in this case) and a little wrinkle on her eye. All this was added because, when I drew Tendi’s face, it felt more detailed than T’lyn’s for some reason (freckles I think?) and I felt I had to make them match.
T’lyn’s face here was fun and took a while to get right. She (and all Vulcans in Lower Decks) are usually half-lidded, but we see T’lyn’s kinda shock when Tendi grabs her hand in the One Canon T’lyndi Scene We Have At Least Until Next Year--even then she looks attentive, not necessarily shocked.
I just think it’s kind of cool that they both have non-red blood and colorful blush.
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radioisntdead · 1 month
Since we have a hat gremlin- what about other hat wearing Characters?
Sir pent., husker, Lucifer... SUSAN (angel wore a hat one time and so didnt vaggie- do they count?) and Valentino?
My only note is that if Valentino has one it is the equivalent to the most angry lil devil that bites his bald ass head like a rabid flea.
Good evening my dear! I GOT THIS ASK IN THE MORNING AND I KID YOU NOT IT HAS BEEN ON MY BRAIN SINCE. Switching between third person and referring to the reader as you
I'm thinking Sir Pentious's hat creature is like a little lizard, like the gecko lizard that tries to sell you car insurance but instead of car insurance it's just insurance, for what you ask? No idea it's probably a scam don't buy anything from hat lizard, Lil' hat lizard likes to take out with Sir Pentious's hat when he's sleeping, freaks out the eggy Bois, hat gecko totally tries to be a wingman and set him up with Cherri bomb! They are the best winggecko
Huskers hat creature is SMALL, they like the warmth from his fur, you take a lil' nappy nap, snoozy time, when he was a overlord they would help him win casino games, how you ask? I don't know, I don't know how it works but probably by stealing cards or something, his hat creature is probably drunk off their rockers too! Probably chill in cups when not in the hat.
Lucifers hat creature is a duck, 100% a regular duck, a duck that likes to vibe in a hat, that's all I got, the hat quacks. [Lilith gave you to him before leaving.] He likes to show you off to Charlie and the other sins "LOOK AT MY DUCK! THEY REALLY LIKE MY HAT HAhaA"
ANGEL'S CRIME HAT, his lil hat creature is just a lil' guy! He treats em' like a second child [the first is fat nuggets obviously] takes you out of the hat to dress you up, you probably ride fat nuggets like a horse when out of the hat, crime hat creature is totally small enough for that,
I despise Valentino so the bastard is, as per usual dying.
[Warning for mild implied suicide, it's not in depth but It's implied, just a sentence not the reader or the grapist.]
He doesn't have a hat gremlin he has a hat cursed demon leech.
Cursed leech wasn't always cursed, they originally clinged to one of Valentino's victims who ran out during extermination day and you can guess what fate they met.
You, the little hat thing wanted revenge for your fallen friend and so you exited the hat you were originally attached to and infested Valentino's.
Valentino has a constant headache because you bite, sharp teeth piercing his skin, he can't take the hat off because you latch on like a leech, you probably have some diseases that transfer to Valentino so he has to go to the doctors often.
Hat leech will eventually lead to Valentino's permanent death and only then will they be satisfied in taking revenge for their fallen friend, they will exit Valentino's hat and return to the one they left, maybe they'll move on to someone else and be their friend but until then they're on their own.
Vaggie doesn't have a hat gremlin, she has a BOW gremlin, allegedly came from heaven, you are the bow itself. Unraveling to be a bow creature that helps taking people out.
Bonus for Vox because he has a hat right? Or am I delusional we'll find out.
Lil robot creature, totally doubles as a spy, vox's hat is sometimes seen around the hotel stalking Alastor.
SUSAN MY BELOVED OLD GRUMPY LADY, I gotta write for her again soon!
Her hat creature is just like her! Old! her hat will rise up for a moment curse someone out before shrinking back down, similar to Rosie's gremlin, maybe they're related? They probably get into fights, the folks of cannibal town just see Susan's hat and Rosie's hat going at it, dueling probably with weapons I can see them using guns or sticks, sharp sticks,
Susan likes her hat creature, treats em' like a pet and feeds them sinners.
DOODLES TIME, I can't draw anyone's hats for the life of me.
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My handwriting sucks but we don't talk about that
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stardoc676 · 2 months
No because you can’t just say that manga panel makes you think of some scenarios and then just leave us hanging like that 😪 please tell us what scenarios you thought of 🙏 also I really like the yandere drawings of Ogata ❤️❤️
Hahaa, sorry! I just think he's the type of guy that would infodump and praise himself in the process, so I drew this scenario where he's just spending time with u. Also, his humor is kinda broke in a bad way
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(Also, sorry if my English sucks,it's not my first language •~•)
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dreamsofminnie · 1 year
“Ethereal Paintings”
14~ Be my muse co-artist☂️ | Word Count-> 1,465
Scaramouche x Reader Smau
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Scaramouche has only ever been nervous and worried about two things in his life, one was his mothers approval and receiving love when he was younger. The second was when he started his rise to becoming happier, if he truly deserved the friends he now holds dear.
So this kind of useless bustling of nerves irritated his skin scorching pink neck up. He could tell himself that it was merely a meet-up to talk from one artist to the other.
Except he was dreading his fake facade of an artist title.
He was no artist. He was a coward who wanted the approval of one. With nothing but a computer screen to show.
Scaramouche eyed the clock hands tick as his restlessness increased with it. He ruffled a hand through his hair now anxiously biting his fingernails.
If he kept up with this any longer he would very much back out like the moron he is.
The button ringed from the inside of the studio echoing as anticipated steps clack more sensible towards the door between them. It swung open and your face greets him with a smile.
Scaramouche likes how easily your smile comes, but also hates how melty he feels towards you when it hasn't even been a whole 2 months since you both met.
“Glad you can make it Scara! Welcome to my studio” You wave him in quickly while the door closed shut and you ran back to the large empty canvas stand.
He hms at the loft-like studio. The opposite wall of the front door was fully windowed providing lots of natural light perfect for an artist. The second floor wasn't visible to where he stood since it was overhead, but he could imagine that's where your prized works were and maybe even a rest area where you could sleep in. The studio probably seemed very minimalistic when you first entered, but now the walls and floor have been coated in beautiful color splashes of paint.
Scara was in fact very impressed and in awe with how an artist like you worked, how your art studio is so bright and gorgeous. Truly a manifestation of creativity soaring past its limit.
When your friends told him that you dabbled in every art they weren’t lying.
White tarps laid out of the floors underneath the several canvases stands you had plus a large standing table you held a pc and drawing tablet on. The table held many other art mediums for your disposal.
You were shifting stuff around, hobbling the canvas stand and a few stools as well as more materials for paint and other materials.
“Scara, what medium would you like to try out here? I have every art imaginable” Busy looking through the shelves of art supplies, you couldn’t notice his subtle fear in his stiff movements.
“...Acrylic paint i guess.” He peered at your metal drying rack and saw the recent acrylic painting and choose that as his safe option.
You turn to him with a grin holding them up in a woven bucket, “That’s my preferred medium too”
He gave a slight sigh of relief.
Moving around to place the three stools, one stool for each of your canvases and the third stool for the basket of paint. Gesturing him to sit you gave him his painting palette tray, water cup if he so needed, as well as his brushes and palette knife.
“Let’s just have some fun painting whatever comes to mind, yeah? Whatever you feel like right now. Art therapy time if you will.” You laugh in joy, having a new art friend who would paint with you was nice in its own right.
He nods quietly enjoying your sunshine and the un-desired purpose in this painting.
As he squeezes the needed paint onto his paint tray his ability to color coordinate fails him. A murky purple was made instead of his wanted light pink.
His face narrows and scrunches up as the scraping of his palette knife grinds harder against the wooden tray.
Your iridescent laughter seems to erupt into the room and it draws Scaramouche’s attention away from his threatening stare down with his paint.
“Aren't you an artist?? Hahaa, are you not skilled in the painting area mouchie?”
He jolted at your unintended nickname where both you turned away to collect yourselves for a second. “Well— …yeah, but, i’m still not good.” He cleared his throat to feint embarrassment when he really was swimming in his own remorse.
“What color do you need then? I can make them for you.” He peered at your palette which consisted of pretty pastels. He didn’t want you to mix fresh new paint for his pathetic ass.
“I can just use some of yours. I wanted a small canvas anyways.” You nodded as he scraped some of your hefty mixed paint onto his tray. You got started on applying paint to the blank canvas and he followed along.
Chimes of piano music fill the room from your ongoing playlist playing on your computer. It was rather peaceful.
One of the rare moments Scara can feel at peace.
“If you don’t mind my idle chatter—having a nice chat while drawing is nice to me.” You put down the paintbrush for a second to look at Scaramouche.
“—would you like to hear the story about my parents? It’s one where thinking about it always fuels my art drive and how I'm so immersed in drawing all 99% of the time” His attention is pointed at you in obvious interest. Your fingers pick up the paintbrush and continue light strokes of paint, a bit abashed at his sudden attention to you. Starting off your story, Scaramouche attempts to multitask but finds himself staring off at you instead of his canvas.
“My mother was and IS an artist, my father was just a politician who loved good debates. Y’know like those old aged stuck-up political men.” Chuckles emerged from both sides.
“Father had strong feelings towards art since he thought it was but pointless. He couldn't find the meanings of art. So when he and mother met for the first time they butted heads a lot in debates. Father was that one stubborn lawyer man.”
“Their arguments were real heated and well put out points were favored on my moms side. When mom got an offer for a large project that caused her presence to be in Sumeru, dad was a little empty without the debate over art and how useless it is. He grew so used to the debates every week when he was able to see her working as they bumped heads. But he was too stubborn and high on his horse to even ask one of her friends when would she come back.”
“Years passed, like a good 3 years, and she came back to Inazuma as well as many of her paintings to show off her success. When they met again at a politically invested museum he saw mom again after weeks of her return. He saw her showcasing her works with the most grandiose and genuinely happy-in-life smile. Compared to her lesser smiles when she wasn’t profound in the arts.”
“It was then where he fell in love with mother. Her strong will for her crafts, her hands that hide all her calluses from hours of work. And the smallest detail on the piece even caught a mile away, he fell for it all. He told her of his admiration, though awkward with being in touch with his emotions, she was glad she got through to him finally. Mother always admired his stance of his opposing opinion, it was the big push for her to compose such a grand choice of risking a lot for art which gave her no stable income. Without him, her hopes to prove to the world that art is needed, she would have stayed hidden as ‘one of those disgraceful artists with no real job.”
“When they got married she taught him how to paint and they were so much in love. Still the debater, he challenges her to art history and how he knows the most about her large contribution to opening up the art world. The amount of times i asked them to repeat the story to me, haha i think I might have high standards now.”
“Enemies to lovers…”
“Hm? I don't know, having an enemy is kinda.. clique, no? And i honestly don’t think i can ever date an enemy i hate.”
Scaramouche shrugs as he attempts to brush up his awful attempt of a painting. “I don’t think I would be able to bear an enemy either.”
You smile and got up brushing your apron. “I have a bunch of snacks in my pantry. Let me fetch them.”
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Synopsis{2}-> Many study dates and flirting over weeks drew you both close. Awkwardness still drew a line between you both but it was enough for a start. Admiring him from the sidelines wasn't enough, however, pieces of the false facade start to shred; and fate has ways of twisting your heartstrings — Is he really– …
We love parents in love🫶and y/n following in their footsteps🤭
The plot is finally moving🥹🥳
Un-Ooc(ing) scara when the plot thickens
@akagism2 @pokidot @feiherp @kyouzki @rmiyuki @infe-risk0 @sakurapeach @bluebelony @kichiyoshi @mikctp @kur44pika @cupids-chamber @crucnhice @neigesprincess @scaramoo @gojoandelsalovechilde @childeslegstrap @sakiimeo @d4y-dr3am3r @m3gitsune @scarletttcroww @sashiette @beriiov @rizakari @xiaossocksniffer @lxry-chxn @bryai003 @eunchaeluvr @goj0h
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nikoisme · 6 months
Heyo!!! :D Some questions for you!
What are some of your fave parts of the Iliad and Odyssey? And then do you have a favorite by Euripides?
How long have you been drawing?
Since your "lovable little bastard" is a lil calico, does she have any neat patches/spots that are cute? Example, Teddy has a big stripe that curves across her neck, so I like imagining her having "necklace" haha. Does your lil lady have any spots that are cutely shaped? 🥺
(Good luck in school! :D Know I'm rooting for you!)
hello hello :DD this is a much needed break from studying oh god thank you.
For The Iliad,, BOOK 6, THE HECTOR, ANDROMACHE AND ASTYANAX SCENE. Book 10 also slaps obviously, night raid my beloved. The laments over Hector in book 24 too :')) It never fails to make me cry. But there's a tiny little specific part of The Iliad that is my absolute favorite - when Menelaus tells Antilochus that Patroclus was killed:
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Idk man it feels so real and raw and hngngng. And Antilochus my man.
Now for The Odyssey i'm basic af but it's the reunion wih Telemachus, Penelope and Laertes :') hits right in the feels. The marriage bed story. The orchard. God fuck. Also the several little moments when Telemachus and Odysseus just,, exchange knowing smiles or glances with each other (when Odysseus is disguised as a beggar). It's just so neat i don't know why. Telemachus doesn't even know Odysseus and Odysseus doesn't know who his son is (yet!!), but they just kind of clicked together (when it came to scheming and plotting ofc. It's in their genes).
Tbh I haven't read too much of Euripides, I have quite a few plays sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. So i should probably, yknow, do that hahaa. But my favorite so far is Iphigenia at Aulis! It's just so heartbreaking and tragic and painful and ahdbagshjj. mannn.
I started drawing since I could hold a colored pencil lmaoo. i just did it sometimes as a kid, i liked it and was seen as the "art kid" in school (now that I think of it, I was actually more the "a pleasure to have in class" kid,, but hey i was the one people ran to during art projects lmaoo). It was 2020 when I really wanted to get into it - especially digital art, since I've been drawing on my phone and the family computer with a mouse in godforsaken Gimp up to that point - and I got my first drawing tablet the same year! Funnily enough I started drawing humans about... 1,5 years ago?? I was actually, lo and behold, a warrior cats artist for a few years :'DD
NOW. SHE HAS SO MANY SPOTS THAT I ABSOLUTELY ADORE. For example, all her paws are white - but only one is black with a single white toe:
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And she has some incredible markings on her face if i can say so myself:
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Especially since the orange marking goes in a straight line across her face, it's so neat. And her fluffy white neck/throat marking :D
And thank you for school AGJSJSDHHH. I have my last test on Monday so I should be finally free next week! The worst tests are over now, thankfully. This is hell :')
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request-roaxes · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well :)
My name is Liliana, I am 14 years old, and I am from Mexico City.
I want to tell you that I really admire your work on your channels, and I always enjoy seeing what you do. I remember discovering your channel three years ago; the first video I watched was "how NOT to pull the Master Sword" (one of my favorite videos). Since then, I've been following and enjoying your content. Around March 2021, I watched a gameplay video from Chao Gaming Bros, and I really liked it. You and your friends have made me laugh many times, especially in your Super Mario 3D World series (my favorite gameplays so far). I'm a big fan of the channel. Additionally, I love watching the gameplays you do with your sister on your main channel, as well as the gameplays and clips from Roaxes Chao on YouTube.
Thanks to all of this, you've marked special moments in my life over the years. It's so important to me that, in my free time, I enjoy making decorations, bracelets, and drawings related to your channel and Chao Gaming Bros. I'd like to show them to you as a token of my appreciation, and I hope you like them ^_^
I wish the best for you, your channels, and Chao Gaming as well. Thank you so much for your work and the time you've dedicated to these channels. I hope you have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for reading and for everything <3.
P.S. By the way, I created a chronological order of some of your videos. I saw that you did too, but this is my version with some variations from your list.
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Hahaa wow, good stuff! And really happy you enjoy our stuff!
My main tumblr is just Roaxes.tumblr though, this is my secondary blog. xD
I'll show the others your creations, thanks for sharing! We haven't really messed with the CGB channel in awhile sadly, but I'll hopefully keep up posting on my main two channels on Youtube!
PS: One of them REALLY wants that coffee cup! xD
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bittrlys · 11 months
Viren and Harrow scene
CRAB SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young Viren
Viren selfcest (<- stream of consciousness note that I stand by, he needs to learn to love himself)
Aaravos and Viren had a baby <3 (I like that this twist about the child to save him only works for people who weren't already joking about this being their lovechild all last season)
The heavyhanded diaogue is lol but its nice to see Viren's internal journey ("DAD I'M FOLLOWING IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS" guys you really could have just shown that. But I guess Viren is literal even with his metaphors. I forgive him.)
Viren zoned the fuck out half the season still the best part of the show. But like I love the sense of crushing realization and weight of his thoughts. King of thinking <3
Nice to see Claudia also getting to do cool complicated things
Viren and Claudia literally carry the dramatic weight of the series on their shoulders -tm my friend
I appreciate that Terry continues to be down to clown
This blood elf assassin is hot ♥
I like the water elf design the coral horns are cool (and he looks like a Critical Role character)
I always love pirate towns so that's cool! And some brief actual intense stakes with the pirate captain.
Aaravos. FULL STOP. Like 10 lines of dialogue and he served with them all!
"If you see Claudia again tell her I said ..... hi" hahaa
The Rayllum (what was Callum even apologizing for?? Rayla just genuinely does not seem to like him.)
Janai immediately pivots in her belief because only villains are allowed to stick by their reasonable positions which oppose the desires of the main characters
Again, what changed Tidebound Tina's perspective and made her help them??? Characters will truly just change perspectives in a second if they're meant to be 'good' and not defy the main characters
Ezran is so entitled. Rayla is like oh this boat is a bad idea he's immediately like "WE NEED THAT ONE!" and then proceeds to get them all nearly murdered by pirates for some tadpoles and does not apologize at all.
That being said it seems the show just isn't that interested in Ezran or Rayla
Would it have killed them to include a scene showing why Rayla decides to show up and save the day in finale? She has no arc.
I understand the conclusion that Callum came to with ocean magic but I don't believe his process of getting there.
Can Janai do her damn job all she's ever shown doing is hanging out in her pyjamas pining and being in love. Tied with Zubeia who just hangs about talking about her husband and son all day.
STOP WITH THIS DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS SHIT (why would the Archdragon of the Ocean give a damn about a human ruler? But like Oh! We Have To Respect A King!)
They show up to the library with only FIVE HOURS TO SUNSET instead of idk camping outside the city until the next dawn and coming in then. And then leave directly at sunset instead of giving themselves like an hour of wiggle room. Unreal!
They can't even let these entitled main characters even THINK Amaya died for their arrogance Like they can't even feel guilt about it for five seconds.
What's the point of having a deus ex machina dragon you insert in every scene to save their asses (god I need Zubeia dead) if she's just going to stand there and do literally nothing while Amaya is attacked. Rewatch that scene camera never cuts to Zubeia's face to even show her idk considering it? Being unable to help? Just get rid of this dragon already she weakens the plot to an absurd degree.
Zubeia surviving. Full stop.
Thunder killed off this group of elves for the crime of uhhhh doing weird blood rituals? Moonshadow elves (Thunder's personal hit squad) do blood rituals. Thunder just loves massacring any group of people who defy his tyranny.
It's surreal that Xadians NEVER comment on the humans in their midst like the show will not draw attention to the fact that humans are othered + marginalized. It perpetually feels like the writers are backtracking on lore they previously established because they don't want to make Xadians look bad.
Like I can believe a criminal port is full of all elements but this happens elsewhere in Xadia. Even the Archdragon of Ocean doesn't address the fact that Ezran is a human.
But it's not like the differences between humans and Xadians aren't noted because humans (like Amaya) still have to constantly grovel for Xadian approval + forgiveness. Like for WHAT. Should Amaya have to apologize to Rayla anymore than Rayla should apologize for coming to assassinate a 10-year-old Ezran in season 1?
for fucking tadpoles?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Callum, Rayla, and Ezran are UNSYMPATHETIC protagonists they literally will never face any consequences for any of their actions. Nothing really goes wrong for them -- they're always saved from trouble and they get everything ultimately handed them. They are supremely privileged, entitled people. Meanwhile Viren and Claudia go through 19 layers of hell just trying to get 1 thing done.
Overall I'd say it was better than season 4! 👍👍👍
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scepterno · 8 months
Aaa i would love to see things from Alejandro point of view, stories can become almost completely different when u look at it from another angle!! Especially since Noah and Alejandro have somewhat different outlooks on things.
and ab the sequel I think I’ve said this before that u write an stuff no matter how gritty and I have a feeling you will go into detail for the fic oh god😭 I will have to put my phone down and think a good few times I’m sure hahaa
Anyway I acc adore ur writing and I hope you do more based off of TD (Idk much ab the other fandoms you write/draw for :( ) especially Noah since I personally believe he is an insanely interesting character despite having little major screen time (notice how his only big arc in the main series is based off of alejandro sorry for splitting this into a whole 3 paragraphs)
alejandro pov would definitely be. VASTLY different from noah's, which i think would be SO MUCH FUN to write just because of the fresh breath it would grant me. the more i talk about it, the more i want to do it, so GOOD JOB MOTIVATING ME.
as for the GAY SEX. yeah. i get very descriptive when i write porn. i really love describing the beauty of the human body, especially disabled and queer bodies!! it's less about the sexual gratification for me and moreso about the EMOTIONS. the PLOT. i almost never write smut for the sake of smut. its always about the CHARACTER for me.
alejandro especially is going to be very fun for me to write for since i think i personally see him in a different light than most would?? like, not to outright spoil anything, (and warning for discussion of nsfw topics), but he is a pure bottom to me. i do not see this man topping nor having the desire or ABILITY to top. which i know doesn't really mean anything or have significance to others as important, but as a gay man myself, it does! and i love exploring characters' psyches through their sexual preferences or abilities.
and with the addition of alejandro being disabled, it does greatly affect how he approaches sexual intimacy! which is very.... idk. raw? and healing? to explore through writing. and i hope some people will be able to relate or at least emphasize with him and OTHERS irl who experience what he does. ya know? ya dig? ya vibe?
as for noah. WHOO BOY. i sure am an enthusiast when it comes to giving side characters a whole fleshed out personality and story of their own. i LOVE love LOOOOVE being given tidbits and morsels to work with, as opposed to having everything spelled out for me in the canon material. noah is a wonderful character exactly how he is because you get enough to love him and be interested in why he's such an emotionally closed off asshole, but not too much that it satisfies you as the audience. you want MORE, so you end up CREATING MORE yourself. that's the beauty of loving side characters with little to no content. YOU create the content!
anyways. phew.
im out of metaphorical breath. thank you so much for the messages, anon!!!! the autism in me is thriving rn. i love discussing this sort of stuff!!!!!! so much!!!!! im very passionate to my core. gushing about fiction and literature and art is like. THE biggest source of happiness in the world to me. yipeee!!!!!!!!!! mein cola!!!
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meoskyan · 4 months
thank you all those that voted in my poll! here is the winner, lady meow meow, in all her glory:
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i've never drawn lady meow meow before so this was funny,, was surprised she won because i never thought lady meow meow was that popular?? if you voted her pls lmk why (i am half convinced she won cuz of their name and not what lady meow meow looks like LOL)
also i got confused and didn't realise lady meow meow was in a dress instead of some weird togs. i drew her in togs/shirt thing at first hahaa
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may or may not draw the rest of the cats according to the order of the poll... i was hoping sapphire would win cuz i wanna draw her. expect to see sapphire next
(also what was going on with that poll anyway how did 83 voters show up-)
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garmmy · 2 months
Need you on Digimon TCG bad!! Your work always delivers🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
i'm so sorry for the late reply as i only just noticed this! thank you for the kind words ;w;; hahaa i'm not so sure i could match up to some of the absolutely amazing artwork that's in the tcg now, but i still love drawing digimon and wouldn't that be the dream!
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